The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 01, 1898, Image 1

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UK 4
Ct cults liunnets became of its tnrwn
large circulation and renders rich
To reach Ike fublic through a pro
gressive, dtgmfita, influential journal
results In its advertisers.
id use the HERALD columns.
mmma mtmw.
In order to clean out the balance of our stock
as quickly as possible.
Carriages that were $20 00, now - 3; 17 OO
" 18 00, ' - 15 OO
" 17 00, - 14- OO
.. 15 00, " - 13 OO
12 00, - 10 OO
10 00, " .3 OO
.. o 00, - 7 OO
6 00, - " BO
If you want a choice come at once as we think they will be all
gone in a few days at these prices.
J. P. Williams & Son,
FOR "t .&
MM -
Cor. Lloyd mid White Sis.,
For fall trade now open,
luniuccn prices on
Summer Dress Goods.
I I rZ3CZ3
Ladies' - and -
As we have only a few more leftand always believe in
opening our season with a clean, fresh, up to date stock, we
will sell these regardless of cost and at prices Shenandoah
never before heard of. So avail
before they an; all gone.
!9 S. Main St.
One Boy's Wheel, $10.00.
One" Gent's Wheel, "Shirk," $15.00
second-hand, but tires and wheels are In good condition.
We Still have a few first-grade bicycles that we will sell so cheap that
it will pay you to buy just tor a spin on the good fall roads. The best
two months ol the season are before us.
Swalm's Hardware Store.
For Good
Daisy or Moss Rose Flour
Sold fcy
Geo. W. Keiter.
Whole Wheat- Graham Flour
Old Time Pure Rye Flour'
Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour
13 S. Main Street,
flaln Street,
Special Values in
TUST a f
J Waist?
UST a few Ladies' Shirt
from Si. 00 to 35 and 50 cents
They must be sold.
C'Cin Dry Goods and
Carpet Stoie,
Children's - Hats.
yourself of this opportunity
Door F"rom Rost Office
White Bread
Best Grauulated Com Mea
lij-llilll Soldier No Stationed lit, 1 tils Mull'.
Dunn Eorlng, Aug. 31. By tlio time this
lettnr reaches j'dii wo will have reached Camp
Mcane. at .Mlilllletnwn, ra, Wo hoarded llie
ars today and hoteaflor iino leglmont each
iiy will depait from liero until t lie lust odd
lms departed.
1 lie weutlior lias changed considerably liore
c last two avertings, it being itiite cool. It
minded 0110 of the scenes of Jit. Uretna
see the boys around the tiros early in tlio
oriitug mid in tho evening trying to keep
warm. II the weather continues as it has
hoen oil stoves will bo In order.
Deatli has again visited our regiment.
rivutu I.owinillcr, of Company I, died on
10 SiSth Inst., of typhoid fevor. This mkos
total 01 four deaths since our roglinont was
rdered out, and wo haven't seen any fight-
Corporal Hopkins, who is sick at tlio divi-
on hospital, is improving nicely, much to
the gratiilcatiou of his comrades in arms.
K I wood Jacoby, tlio elllcient and obliging
clork at (1111'b in .Shenandoah, paid us a visit
on the L'Sth Inst. Whilo hero ho called at
le hospital to see Corporal Hopkins. Tlio
ioys weie delighted to see I.lwood. He is
tlio only pel son from Shenandoah wo have
seen since wo aio encamped here. We will
o all right for visitors hereafter, when we
reach Middletown.
(.lifton Bowers, of town, a member of
Comp iny E. was on guard duty yesterday,
Private 1-oul. Olhsou spends a great deal of
is time writing letters sinco ho leturned
rom his furlough.
Private 1 roulmun pays a weekly visit to
the lath Regiment to see Prlvuto Delcanip.of
Company U.
Iho following members of our company
avo been sent to the Medico-Chirurgical
hospital at Philadelphia : Sergeant Abrams,
Corporal Klehelderlor, Privates Long. Hig
gins. Dressier and MeAiidrew, Thoy will re
ceivn tieatnient.
The following nienibcis are at the division
hospital here : Sergeant llrowu, Corporal
Hopkins, Privates Nicholas and Eaiigan
They are all doing well. w. .1. .1.
School Opens
With a full liuoof school suppliesat Oirvin's,
South Slain street. ll-l-tf
Tno "UnnlcleH" I'lculc.
The llescuu Hook & ladder Company,
which in efficiency will comparo favorably
witn any volunteer company in tlio state,
will liold their annual picnic at High Point
park on Monday next. A number of attrac
tions havo been arranged, among them a
test by the chemical engine, which will Like
place in tho evening at (1:30 o'clock. Grand
rniy bean soup will bo served in ISenl.
Boachcr's inimitable stvle. Tlioro should
and no doubt will be a largo attendamo at
the picnic. 1 ho company Is in need of
financial assistance, and have taken this
means to all'ord the public an opportunity to
show tlieir appreciation of tho fire laddies.1
Hie latter are over prompt in responding to
an alarm, and it is now the people's chance
to respond.
Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. 0,-car Bet
teridge was saddened this morning by the
death or tlieir eldest daughter. Mary M,
who departed tills life after an illness of
four months of long sutleriug. Deceased
was IS years 10 mouths of age, and possossed
an unusually bright disposition. Her ac
quaintances number many, who will bo
grieved to learn of her death. It Is a sad
blow to tho parents who havo tho deepest
sympathy of tlio community iu tlieir
benavemont. Tho date of tlio funeral has
not beon definitely decided upon, hut due
notice will bo given iu our columns.
For Sale.
A valuable proporty, dwelling house and
stable, in desirable location. Tor further
particulars apply to Mrs. Joseph Ountor, 233
West Centre street. 0-l-3t
Show In Town To-morrow.
Welsh Bros, ten-cent show, one of the best
on the road, will appear horo to-morrow to
remain two days. Tho show gave a series of
exhibitions at Hazleton this week and ox
cellent satisfaction was derived by all who
attended. All who embraco tho opportunity
ot witnessing to-morrow's performance will
not regret having done so but will bo anxious
to see tho remaining exhibitions.
lttckert's Cute,
Vogetahlo soup, frco, to-night.
Fish cakes
to-morrow morning.
Practicing Medicine.
Dr. A. C. Morgan, sou of.Hou. John W.
Morgan, of East Oak street, has decided to
practice medicine iu Philadelphia, and for
that purpose has opened au office at 3015
Diamond btreet, that city. His many friends
heru join tho Hkiiald in wishing blm a
lucrative practice.
Only One More All-Itull Sunday F-xcursluu
To Atlautio City via Pennsylvania railroad
Sunday noxt, September 4. Through special
train leaves Shenandoah at 1:23 a. m. Hound
trip rate fS.UO. Iteturniug, leave Atlantic
City 0;00 p. in.
The Hope llroke.
The rope of the boro hole slope at the
Shenandoah City colliery broke yesterday
afternoon, while two loaded cars wore being
hoisted. Tho cars kept tho track to the
bottom, striking several cars and knocking
them oil' the track. No one was injured.
Chamber 6cts,
F. J. Port.
0 pieces, from $2.50 up, at
Ileullh Notes.
Willie Samkiiwicz, aged 31 years, and re
siding at 231 West Lloyd street, has been re
ported to the Health authorities as sutleriug
from scarlatina.
Telegraph I-luo Cable.
All of tho telegraph wires running into
tlio local telegraph office aro being enclosed
iu an iron cable. Tho cable reaches from au
elevated point on tho polo lu front of tho
office to the entrance'. Iu It aro conccalod
live (11 He rout circuits, or a total of ten wires.
Tlio linemen completed tho Job tb-day,
- I'hoenlx Anniversary.
At eight o'clock this morning tho Lithu
anian baud and u largo number of the mem
bers of tho Phoenix Fire Company and tlieir
friends loft town ou the Reading road to
spend tlio day at Lakeside. Tho event is
generally celebrated ou the day of tho an
niversary of the company, but ou account of
tho necessary arrangements being incom
plete, it was postponed twice. Tho excur
sionists numbeied about 500,
Utile Wanderer Found.
Two minors residing lu Maliaiioy City,
while returning homo last night discovered a
little wandeior three years old in tho bush
aboutamllo and a half from Harry's, and
turned tho child over to Charles King, tho
Mahauoy City saloonkeeper, letter u man
by the name of Cuuiuiiugs, of Jackson's,
called and claimed tho child, baying its
name was JMyhl Cuwuilugs,
Result of an Investigation
by General Boynton.
Ohickamauga Park Hospitals Well
Provided For.
Each Patient Has Abundant Room, Woven
Wire and Hair Mattresses and Abundant
Bed Clothing The Nurses Attentive and
Kindly and the Food Well Cooked Only
Fever Patients Were Denied Harmful
Food General Boynton Believes the Al
leged Interviews With Chaplains, Regi
mental Surgeons and Others To Be False.
His Reply to New York's Surgeon General.
Washington, Sept.'!. Secretary Alger
yestcrduy received Uie report of Gen
eral II. V. Uoynlcm upon the state of
affairs In the hospitals at Camp
Thomas. The leport Is dated Aug. 2D.
Says General Boynton:
"Believing the death list of this camp
to afford an excellent standard by
which to measure Its conditions as to
health and hospital service, a full re
port was obtained ot all deaths In the
camp and lu its hospitals since Its es
llshnient in tho middle of April last.
The result shows a total death list of
198 up to the 22d of this month, when
the breaking up of this camp began.
Between these dates, including regulars
and volunteers, fully 75,00 troops have
been In camp In Chlokaltmauga Park.
The record of burials in the National
cemetery at Chattanooga shows a total
of 120 volunteers and 2 regulars. Of the
latter one of these was killed by falling
from a railway train."
The report takes up In detail first tho
two permanent hospitals, Ixdtcr and
Sternberg, and Btntes with tho greatest
minuteness tho exact accomodation af
forded by each. The first is at Crawfish
Springs, under cbnrgc of Mnjor Carter,
nnd was conyertod from a large sum
mer resort hotel Into a hospital, re
ceiving the worst typhoid cases from
the camp. Kach patient has abundant
room, woven wire and hair mattresses,
and abundnnt bed clothing, The ven
tilation is perfect, plumbing entirely
new and bathing facilities ample. The
number of attendants, when all are
well, Is entirely satisfactory, and at
tendants rne on the vay to take the
places of those who ure broken down.
Major Carter has secured a herd of
cows and lias arrangements for pas
turing them without expense to tho
government. lie has sufficient money
from the hospital fund to buy what
ever Is wanted In the way of milk, Ice
and other delicacies. Thi'ie has been at
this hospital full supplies of Ice, milk,
commissary stores' and delicacies such
as the stele ought to have, and the
funds have enabled him to buy nil that
has been needed In the way of canned
and potted goods, soups, clam Juice,
sago, malted milk, eggs, koumiss, Jel
lies, preserves, relishes, ginger, oil, ap
pollnarls, champagne and claret. The
entire hospital Is furnished with dis
tilled water and the ice used Is made
from distilled water. Tho sewerage of
the hospital Is excellent.
Taking up the Sternberg hospital, In
charge of Major Glffcn. General Boyn
ton shows that It Is one of the most
complete field hospitals over seen, ac
cording to veterans of the late war. Al
the tents are closely floored, and they
are separate. At present only four men
are In any tent, and in addition to the
tents there are nine large board pa
vilions. Every tent nnd pavilion has
woven wire mattresseB, Iron bedsteads
and hair mattresses. There are- es
pedal diet cooks, five cold storage
rooms for delicacies, separate refriger
ators for each row of tents, nnd every
proper measure of sanitation Is ob
served with respect to the sinks.
The First division hospital, In charge
of Major Drake, Is floored with planed
lumber and It Is as clean as Is possible,
being scrubbed with carbolic acid and
treated with blcholrlde of mercury
evpry other day. All tho patients are on
cots and never havo been on tho ground
for any length of time. None of tho 60
cents allowance per man for delicacies
has been used, as It was not needed.
The next hospital Inspected was the
Third division hospital, Third corps. In
charge of Major Thoinus Clark. Here
the attendants were found sufficient,
though In the earlier days there were
not enough surgeons or attendants.
The grounds were In excellent condi
tion, the tents clean, most of the tents
floored nnd nil floored between the cots
and In tho aisles. For a time the hos
pital wns a week behind In obtaining
Its medical supplies, but this was be
fore the government hud collected Its
medical stores In great quantities.
Taking up the last of the flold hos
pltals, that of the Third corps, Socoml
division, under Major Smith, the re
port states that the G3 tents are at
present not all occupied, though, dur
ing the epidemic of measles, they were
Leaving the details about the hospit
als tho report proceeds to treat the
whole subject generally as follows:
"In two of the hospitals opportunities
occurred for discovery of what un
doubtedly originated many of the sen
sational stories which have beon print
ed over the country to tho effect that
patients lu tho hospitals lacked suf
ficient food, and In many cases had been
on the verge or starvation. In the
wards where the convalescent typhoid
fever patients weie found many of the
men were constantly asking for food
and were ns a matter of course con
stantly denied everything except the
lighter forms of food, which can alone
be safely ndmlnlsteied to recovering
typhoid patients. This refusal ot food
throughout tho hospitals, by which care
alone, as is perfectly understood, can
the lives of typhoid convalescents be
saved, has been distorted Into the cry
which has been spread throughout the
country that patients were being
(Continued on Third Page.)
iii ny I vn n In w Itopiililluiiii Chairman
nnd tho Kx-1'ostintiHtur Oouornl.
Philadelphia,. Sept. 1. Chairman El
lin, of the Republican state committee,
In a statement Issued Inst night an
swers, aa the head of the state organi
zation, the attneks on the party leaders
made by ex-Postmaster General John
Wanamnker and other members of the
Business Men's League.
Mr. Klleln says the organization has
endeavored to settle all differences In
the party inside the party lines, and
therefore has refrained heretofore from
making public reply to tho attacks
made upon It. Now, however, when tho
utterances of Mr. Wanamaker can only
be Interpreted to mean that ho has
placed himself outside the Republican
ranks, Mr. Elkln feels that the efforts
to distrust and, destroy the party In
the state should he checked. He makes
a general denial of Mr. Wnnamaker's
charges of extravagance In tho admin
istration of the people's affairs, nnd
flatly denies the assertion that the peo
ple aro burdened by tuxatlon. Itefer
Ing to charges of corporate Influence
In politics, Mr. Elkln declares that
under Republican laws the corporations
are mnde tn hear nearly all the bur
dens of luxation, the state revenue be
ing raised mainly iy taxation of cor
porations, cnlluteral and direct Inheri
tance, license fees. etc.
Heal estate, says Mr. Elkln, lias not
paid state tuxes since 1SC0. Although
Mr. Waimiimker himself transacts a
business of fiom $12,000,000 to $15,000,000
a year, he pays to the state government
only $1,000 mutually. Furthermore, Mr.
Elkln says, 60 of the 67 counties In the
state receive more for their Institutions,
school purposes, etc., than Is received
by the state from these counties.
In loference to Mr. Wanamaker's al
legation of favoritism In the loaning of
state funds to certain banks Mr. Elkln
says that In the last quarter of a cen
tury the state has not lost one cent
through default or dishonesty of the
state officials. Mr. Elkln Intimates that
the ex-postmaster general's fault find
ing with the party dates from his de
feat for governor In the recent conven
tion. v Social Ciiithrrilig.
Mis3 Ununa Moyor lendored a sociable to a
number of her young friends at the homo of
her parents on West Coal street, last evening
Instrumental and vocal music was a pleasant
feature nnd a luncheon was served. The
following were present : Pearl Stauller,
I'mma Moyer, Holla Loeb, Jennie Hagonbucb,
Mauda Marshal, Kdua and l'loreuco N'eis-
wonder, Millie Noiswender. Delia Moyer;
James Blown, Benjamin licaebcr. Harvey
inlander, William Heckniau,' William Eisen
hower, Adrian Knelly, Harry Moyer.
A number of friends of Miss Emily h.
Jones, assembled at tlio homo of bcr parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Jones, comer Coal
and Chestnut streets, last evening, and
tendered that young lady a party In Lmior of
her 21st birthday. Games wore iiiilulgcun
and refreshments served in abundance. TliV
following woro proseut: Misses Edith Morgan,
Helon Price, Lizzie and Uwonnio ISccso,
I.lzloand Mary Edwards, Mary and Jennie
Junes, Maggie Huberts, Hannah llrockcr, of
Shenandoah', Phoebe Miles, Mahauoy City;
Maigaiet Mellaril, Maggio Chalmers, Wm.
I'eiiu, Messrs. Harry lieese, John Warner,
Albert Miller, Benjamin Jones, Thomas and
William Williams, John Budd, Oliver Capper, waul Williams, Mark Edwards, Shenan
doah; Wi.liam Milos, Mahauoy City; John
and Charles Hughes, Wm.Penn; Thomas B.
Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hughes, Mrs.
I.uko Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Jones,
Miss Emily L. Jones.
Kemlrlck House- Free Lunch.
Bice soup will bo sorved, free, to all pa
trons to-night.
Dulauey llelrascil.
William Dolanoy, supposed to bo one of
the gang of fivo trumps who committed rob
berios at Oirardvillo, was released from the
lockup last night. He had been arrested by
Special Officer Crcary on suspicion. An of.
Iner from Uirardvillo was lu town last even
ing and vibited the suspect. Ho was closoly
iiiCbtioiicd as to hi; whereabouts at tlio timo
of tlio robberies, but tho ovideuco given by
IJolauoy was not hiillicieut proof to prohot uto
him. lie was ordoied to leavo the town im
mediately. Tho KexciiH I'lvliiv.
The lieseuo Hook & Uidder Cu. will hold
inuir annual pieuio ai nigh rolut park oil
Monday next. In the evening the chemical
engine will bo tested, and other attractions
will mark tho occasion. Give tho "boys"
encouragement by your presence. 8-31-It
Cutting Down l-'evs.
County Controller Snyder is always watch-
ful of tho people's mouoy, and has proved
himself tho right man in tho right place.
It is loarucd that the Controller is cuttine
nowii mo ices oi justices ol the Peace iu
dismissed cases, as ho believes tliev have
heretofore been exorbitant and contrary to
I.iiHt Sunday Diciirsloii ol the .Stunon
To Atlantic City via Pennsylvania railroad,
the only all-rail route, Sunday, Septembor 4.
Special train leaves Shenandoah at 4:2.1 a. m.
Round trip rate f2 00. No change of cars.
No transfer through Philadelphia.
Kuriled New llonui-s.
Professor William N. Ehrhart, superinten
dent of tlio Mahauoy City schools, and for
merly of this town, who stood au examina
tion in philosophy last mouth at Taylor
University, Upland, Indiana, passed with
high honors, and had conferred upon him
tlio degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
loino and see our chlnawaro, cup and
saucor, s cents, at r . J. Portz. tf
Inspecting the Collieries.
William Warron Delano, Jr., of New York
holding u proprietary intorest in tho Mill
Crcok Coal Company, is tho guest of Supt,
Jones, at Mahauoy City, and to-day In
spected the colliories at Buck Mountain and
Now Boston. Mr. Delauo is the sou of the
man uuur wuom mo town ot Delano was
Absolutely Puro
Advantaces In Municipal Ownership
Over Private Control.
The Borough of Shenandoah Holds the Key
to the Water Question and Will Con
tinue to Supply IU Residents
With Pare and Whole
some Water.
Tho question of tlio advisability of muni
cipalities owning water works Is a pertinent
one just at this particular time, when the
question of increasing tlio present supply of
the town has beon so tborouglily discussed
by tlio peoplo of Shenandoah during tho past
twoortlireo weeks.
Whatever may como out of tlio pa-sent
agitation, thorn will bo no lease or sale of the
borough water works. Such a proposition
would prove ono of two things, cither gross
incapacity upon the part of those having iu
charge tlio administration of tho plant, or
tlio result of well laid plans to put the
peoplo at tho mercy of a corporation. The
borough hulds the key to the water situation
iu Shenandoah, and tho people will be slow
to relinquish their rights in this connection.
Allentown owns Its own water plant, and
claims to clear $12,000 annually, besides af
folding low rates to consumors. The plant
is to be improved by purchasing a stream
with a How of 12,000,000 gallons daily, four
miles from the city, and which it is claimed
will cost tho city v150,000 to place it in con
tributing order.
Tlio Manual of American Water Works.
compiled by M. N. Baker, one of tho editors
of Euginoerinc Nows. and tlm
authority of tho United States on all matter?
elating to water works, contains a tabl
showing the dill'erenco In rates under tho
two systems of ownership iu all parts of the
united suites and Canada. This tabic, com
piled from original reports received by the
editor of The Manual, may lo accepted as
conclusive in regard to the question of com-
,aiiiiiYu laws, ino cmorence (In average
raies per iamny.Dy groups of States) between
piiDiic ami private ownership is as follows :
Per Vnt.
New Knulaiid ..
South Atlantic
Mouth Central ...
North entral. .
Northwestern .
Hoiittiiw htern ..
6 SI. 12
31 mi
:i2 xi
$ .I2
W !U
44. ti
:n M
For the whole United States,, the average
of family rentals iu cities having public
woiks is $21.55; in those having private
works. $30.82 a difference of tu.27 per
ivfamilv..qr is re cent, in favor of public
As between private and public management
ot watei work it may bo admitted that
private management is the moro economical.
Jiut private owners get the boueilt of
economics; tho consumers of water do not.
Once established, water plants do not require
a numerous or costly superintendence. Tho
ract that tboio is no necessity foi a large
number of employes stands in itself as a
strong additional argument in favor of muni
cipal control.
Ceiitriillu's Stimuli,
The Contralia public schools have not beon
opened for the new term, and up to the pres
ent time no dato for their opening has been
decided upon. Tho School Board is still
leadlocked over the princlpalsliip, aud there
will bo no meeting of the Board until
Wednesday evening next. At thit timo it is
believed tho priucipalship will bo disposed of
finally one way or tho other, and then tho
dato for tho opening of tho schools will be
annouueed. The peoplo of Contralia are in
dignant because of the delay, and if the
question is not finally settled at tho next
mooting of the Board, a petition will be pre
sented to court praying for the romoval of
tho present members of tho Board.
Umbrellas re-covered
whilo you wait at
Forgery Alleged.
John T. Lenaban, building and loan asso
ciation agent, formerly of Ashland and well
known here, was arrested in South Bethlo
hem and brought to Mahanoy City yesterday
ou a chargo of forgery, prelcrrod by Patrick
F. Clark, of tho latter town. The allegation
made by Mr. Clark is that Mr. Leuahau will
fully and fraudulent committed forgery by
signing tho naino of Mrs. Bridget Clark to a
mortgage. The accused waived a bearing and
outored f2,000.
Diphtheria, sore throat, croup. Instant re
lief, permanent euro. Dr. Thomas' Electric
Oil. At any drug stole.
Left for the Seashore.
Mrs. David I.ovlno, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
O'Neill, Misses Anna and Maggio Deugler,
and Messrs. G. II. Krick, I,. A. Bamborgor,
Auber Bobbins aud Patrick McNcilos were
among those who accompanied the Pennsyl
vania railroad excursion to Atlantic City to
Kemoved In the Hospital.
Thomus Matthews, of West Mayberry alley,
who was injured at Indian Kid go colliery,
tho particulars of which appeared iu these
columns last evening, was removed to the
Miners' hospital last evening. His right arm
was amputated at the shoulder socket.
At (ilrln-
i-riday and Satuiday. lluttermilk snap, 3
bars fur 5c; good cu pi and saucers, i!c each;
large dinner plates, 3c each; largo bowls,
lu each; glass fruit saucers, lie each Wo
aro headquarters for jelly tumblers, fuilt jars
and llowur crocks at tho lowest pi ices. At
Oirvin's, 8 South Main street. 0-1-St
Soldiers ltetiirn to Camp.
Two mombors of Co. F, 8th Rcgt., of
Uirardvillo, John I.ostldo aud John Podd,
were passengers on the outgoing 8:111 Penn
sylvania train this morning. Tlieir dustlua-
tion was Middletown, Pa., where they are
now encamped. Both soldiers had boon
home ou a lurlough.
Tu Cure h Cold hi line )uy
i ake laxative lliomu (Jiiliiino Tablets. All
druggists refund tho inoncv If it falls to cure.
25c. The genuine has h. B. Q. on each
tablet. tf
Clean Up Your l'renilsos.
Tho use of disinfectants at this season of
the year cannot be too btrongly rocommeudedf
.i smau uumy in mis lino may prevent much
sickness, anxiety aud suspense. People
should soo that their promises are kept cloau
and free from unpleaiunt odors. The free
use of lime Is especially recommended.
Another Schuylkill Soldier Demi.
William H. Brownmlllcr. sou of J. Nicholas
Brownmiller, of Pottsvlllc. died at Porto
Itlco and was buriod atGuayauia on August
23. It Is believed he was a victim of typhoid
fever. His parents received the nows of their
son's death yesterday, hut no particulars.
Ho was a lucmlier of Compauy M, 4th Peuua.
Uegt., nnd was only 18 years old.
Klrnl Fire! vlrel
Insure your property from loss lu the
oldest and strongest cash companlos: Phila.
underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America aud Fire Association, Hartford
Flro Ina. Co., American Fire Insurance Co.,
West Chester Flro lus. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Wir-MAMs,
123 S. Jardin St., Hheuaudoah.
Tailoring !
This is another new branch
we have added to our busi
ness. We are prepared to
make you suits in the latest
and newest creations for the
fall and winter season of '98
and '99. Our prices alone are
a drawing card, as well as our
styles and makes. Our novel
ties are not to be duplicated
elsewhere. Call and see us
once, and you will call again.
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Date Hat Store nd Shenandoah's
Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store.
For dozen window
shades. All our better
ones liave been reduced
also. Shades made to
fit any window, and
especially store windows. Call for
bargains in new carpets at
We Want
A Man
A man, intelligent, well
informed, hard-workiug-man,
one who knows a
good thing when he sees
it, and who can appreciate
good value, and then
We Want His
Wife, Too.
She must be a lovei of the
beautiful. We want them
to come to our store and
look over our goods we
don't ask them to buy
and then go tell theit
neighbors what they think
of it.
10O Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
... Is the Beginning of Baldness.
Wostphal'o fluxlliatop
Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp.
DITTO'S briber snor
Ferguson House Block.
Our counters are loaded with
good values and the prices are sure
to make them go off quickly. You
can spend your money to better
advantage here than anywhere else.
Call and see the prices and
stock of
2B South Main Street.