The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 31, 1898, Image 2

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Published every Evening, Except Sunday, at
8 South Jauoik Hibhet, Nriu Ckstbk.
The Herald ts 'li-Uined InSlien.uidnah Amltlio to .in for six i cuN a week, pay
able viie carriers, lly niall!J.00n year, or 2
cent a month, payable In advance. dvcrttse
merits charged according to space ami position.
The publishers reserve the right to change the
position of advertisements whenever the puln
UcntUi'i ol new demands It. The right Ik
reserved to wjetany advertisement, whether
paid lor or not, the publishers inny deem
.ipropcr. AdvcilNIng niteii niadu known
Upon appltiatloil.
Entered at the pimtoMco at Shenandoah, I'n., ft"
eeoiul clu-i mall matter.
'All the Hews ThatYFit lo Print."
Evening Herald
WI'DSP-SIUY. Al (il ST 31. 1SDS.
JUR COUNTRY : Hrst, Last and Forever.
TlIK propos-eil reservoir, like
lluuquo's yliost, will not ilown. Hvmi
the formality of a "wnko" will not
euuse its interment.
TlIK Lyoii-Dimn contest court is
lipid n doint; biisines.s ut tlie old stiind,
whilo thf taxpayers piiy tho fiddler.
And still the end is not in siht.
That udvertisiii; is profitable, is
daily demonstrated by those who use
the llKltM.l) columns. We have the
reader.s wlio lmve tlie ljioney to buy.
Sen A'roit (Ji ay threatens to inati
tute libel against some of tliose news
papers that have been saying unkind
thing about him, notably the New
York Voice.
Think what the public will have to
endure when the promoters of tbo
new dam begin, if they ever reach
that stage, writing their reminiscences
of this now momentous question.
A Texas farmer killed himself be
cause his crop was so big he had no
place to store it. Mark down one in
stance in which suicide was a hi'ii. on
the evo of prosperous times.
Wuatkvkie is the status of the
Spaniards in the Philippines, one
thing is certain, and that is the con
vincing demonstration of Spanish
nntltness to rule over dependent na
tions. Tine foreigners are giving the mine
owners of the Ha.leton region con
siderable trouble, and there is said to
he a movement inaugurated having
for its aim the removal of many of
these obstreperous foreigners from
those mines.
It is reported from Tottsville that,
private defectives will be employed
at the Republican county convention
for the purpose of arresting those
who nil'er as well uh those who receive
bribes. What a harvest these detec
tives would have reaped had they
been on hand at the Democratic con
vention. Wk are in receipt of a paper known
as "The New York Voice," profess
edly a journal published in the in
terest of temperance, but in reality a
most intemperate publication. It is
apparently interested in tho contest
now being made by Dr. Swallow, and
tho paper is sent broadcast through
out the state. According to an article
published in this paper, there is no
crime that Senator (Juay is not guilty
of, going so far as to charge him
with murder. Tho writer is both
cowardly and untruthful, and the
senior Senator should lose no time in
arraying tho Voice scribbler before
the bars of justice and there , make
him prove his assertions or stand the
OUR esteemed and valuable con
temporary, the Miners1 Journal, is
working under orders with a persist
ency that would be commendable
were the cause for which it labors
more just to the Kepublicau party of
Schuylkill. N'ot satisfied with foster
ing upon the party a Congressional
candidate in whom the people have
little reliance, and whom nine-tenths
of the party voters will acknowledge
is not "tho man of the hour;" who
threw to the winds his past convic
tions on the financial question for
the sake of office, in the convention
of 189(1, and-at the fjrst opportunity
in Congress ddclared hiuis'elf indirect
opposition to tho financial platform'
of the Republican party; in view of
all this, tlie Journal, from the tone of
its editorial of yesterday, has re
ceived further orders to "put the
knife" to one of tho most popular
candidates that will appear before
the convention, Hon, H. II. Koch,
who will add dignity to the ticket,
where the Journal's "favorite candi
date" will not. There 1h no other in
ference to betaken from tho Journal's
article commenting upon the dinner
at Dooner's, and it is not necessary
to read between tho lines to discern
the "milk hi the cocoanut." Judge
Kooh will be renominated, tlo Jour
nal and Its Congressional boss to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Are much In tittle always
ready, efllclnt, satlsfue
tory , prevent o cold or f e er
cur ftll Uvvr 111, sick fiend
ftche, Jaundice, cunntlpatloii, t-tc I'n -e i centi.
'Xtiv oulr filU tn Uko null lluud't tr.j).jrlll.
a Hand !"
i9 the cry of women whose housework Is
beyond their physical powers. Such
women need to know that all clcauiug is
made easy by
Washing Powder
It's ns good as an extra pnir of hands in
the household. It saves time ami worry.
Largest package greatest economy.
Till! N. K. I'AIItll.VNK CO.IU'ANY,
Chicago. Ht Lout. Now York.
Norton. l'hllndelphlu.
To lieiii'uiinl.e the National (iiuiril
Under National Control.
Cfpveloiul, Aim. Major Webb C
Ilnyes, son of the late 1'ieslilent Iluym,
who Is said to In1 the only volunteer
ollleer that sereil In both the Cuban
and I'm tn Mean campaigns, and who Is
accompanying President McKlnley on
his present trip, has proposed a plan to
the chief executive looking toward the
reorganization of the national guard
under military law.
The plan provides that the president
shall appoint an adjutant general for
each state, that as many bodies of mil
itary shall bo raised In each state as
circumstances requite, nnd thnt all of
ficers of such in i 1 1 1 1 ii shall he nominated
by the governors of the various states.
They would the be under the direct
control of the national military, nnd
much difficulty expeiieneed when the
guard was culled Into service for the
Spanish war would be obviated. Major
Hayes said lie disliked to discuss the
matter now, for the plan was still In an
embryotlc state, and lie did not like to
go on record until some of the details
are worked out.
Major Hayes, when asked what he
thought of tlie charges of starvation In
tlie regiments at the front, said:
"Look at me; do I looked starved? I
lived on the same rutions ns tlie sol
diers, and have grown fleshy on thnt
fare. The government purchased boun
tifully of all needed supplies. There was
some mismanagement, It Is impossible
to deny, but Investigation will show it
a case of cooks and homesickness' that
crippled the army and packed the hos
pitals." Truth wears well, l'eoplo have learned
that DeWitt's Little Early fiisers are reliable
little pills for reKiiliithiK the bowels, curing
constipation anil sick headache. They ilun't
gripe. C. H. Hasenbtich.
fVorkcil liy "I.oslin;" l.ovo T.ottora
anil I'nwn ChockH.
Cleveland.Aug. 31. Julius W.Beeman,
a young married man, and a brother
of Dr. S. S. Beeman, tho wealthy chew
ing gum manufacturer, was arrested
yesterday. On Sunday Chief of To
lice Connor received from the chief of
police of Uuffalo several letters picked
up In the streets of Buffalo. All were
alike, and were written In a wonian'9
hand. Each was addressed to "Dear
Dd" and was signed "Pearl." The let
ter was very tender, as though the two
were very dear to eacli other, and ex
pressed sorrow that she was not able
to meet him In Buffalo and was com
pelled to go to Wheeling, W. Va. Being
out of money while In Cleveland,
"Pearl" wrote, she had been compelled
to imwn her solitaire diamond ring.
She had asked for only $16.50 on It,
whereas she "mlcht easily have ob
tained $75." "IVuil" begged forgive
ness and enclosed the pawn ticket, nnd
requested "Dear Ned" to redeem the
ring. Tho pawn check was of the reg
ulation kind, und had ostensibly been
given by "Julius W. Beeman, pawn
broker, Beekman block, Cleveland, O."
The Cleveland police located Beeman
at once In the Beekman block, and
upon inquiry learned that he represent
ed himself to be tho agent of a medi
cal company. Ho was receiving a great
many letters fiom Buffalo. Beeman re
fused to honor the pav,i check present
ed by a detective, declaring that he did
not run a pawn shop, nnd that some
on? must have played a joke on him,
However, he was arrested, tho police
brllf-vlns that lie was confining his
operations to the mall. A number of
the "Dear Ed" letters and pawn checks
made out for "Pearl's" ring wero found
In his waste paper basket. How, many
tetters from Buffalo containing the
pawn checks and remittances of $1C.M
that Beeman received the police de
cline to state, even If they know. It Is
presumed that a considerable number
of the letters wore dropped on the
streets of Buffalo.
Samoa Mny Ho lllvlilcd Hotwoon Un
do sunn, KmuIiiiuI anil fiiii-inaiiy.
Washington, Aug. 31. The state de-
partment lias not yet been officially ad
vised of the reported death of King
Mnlletoa of Samoa, and In all likeli
hood must remain In ofllclal Ignorance
of tho event for some time to come,
owing to the slow means of communi
cation at the disposal of tho depart
ment. It Is the generaf Impression here
that the death of the King will result
In the overthrow of the present form of
government of tho Islands, maintained
ns ft Is by tho Joint action of the United
States, Great Britain and Germany. Of-
flclal reports to the state department
show that this government Is the most
expensive and unsatisfactory of any In
the world, having regard to me popu
lation of tlie Sainoan group. In the
capital city, Apia, there is maintained
a triparto municipal government at
vast proportionate expense, while the
reports show that 32 rate payers are
obliged to bear tho entire cost. For
porno years back the existing arrange
ment for the government of the ha
moan group has been .satisfactory to
nono of the three governments, yet It
has been continued for the reason that
nothing better could be suggested that
would be acceptable to the three na
tions. Now there aro Indications that
at least one of the parties Is coming
around to what was a favorite plan of
settlement of tho Btate department,
namely, a distribution of the present
triparto government nnd an absolute
division of the Islands of the group be
tween tho United States, Groat Brit
ain and Germany.
Aliened Ailiirohy 111 Slaulla.
London, Aug. 31. A dispatch to tin
Pally Telegraph from Manila says:
"Alt the outskirts of Manila are in a
state of complete anarchy. Insurgenti
are hunting nnd pillaging the Span
iards, while the natives generally are
sacking villages, robbing vehicles and
stealing horses."
ltiitn l'crwimlly-Coiidiii'tcil Tour via
I'eiilnjlvillilil ltullroiill.
The lecent triumphs ol our arms by sea anil
land revives tho inteiest in that greatest of
nil American battlefields, Gettysburg. In
order that the residents of New York, Phil
adelphia, and neighboring cities may visit
this great battlefield hi tho most satisfactoiy
manner, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged fur a tlueo-day personally-
conducted tour on Saturday, Septenihor S.
Leave New York S 30 n. Ill S 13 tl)
" Trenton JU..H " Jl SO
" Philadelphia 12.20 . Ill !l 00
1'ioportionato rates from othei points.
If.ite Includes transportation in each di
rection, dinner Philadelphia going anil le
turniiig to is-.eiiKeis from Now York and
Trenton, one and three-fourths days' hotel
accommodations, ami carnage drive over tlie
eutiio battlefield under tho diaection of Capt.
James T. Long, the celebrated guide,
...Ml .1 II. I. ..111.. ... ,1 I..n..l
mil uuauiinu mo name hi. mu iiiuiuiinii,.
points of the field. A tourist agent and
chaperon will accompany tho paity. A Pull
man parlor ear will bo run through from
Philadelphia to (icttyshuig and return.
For Itineraries, tickets, and full Information
upply to nearest ticket agent; Tourist
Agents, 1100 ISruadway, New York, and 7SU
lfroad street, Newark, N. J. ; or addicts (leo.
W. Uoyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Ai liolleeti il by l)eiifliie;s In Philadel
phia mid lliilttiuoro.
Philadelphia, Aug. 30. Flour slow; winter
Huperllne, l.lTiai 40; Pennsylvania roller, clear,
fa.'.'.Vd'J.IO; city mills, extra, $2.75(Sa. Hyo flour
sold Inn inall way at $'i.80 per barrel for chotco
Pcnmylvaiita. Win at quiet, but Hrm; No. 2 red,
bpot, August nnd sVptemlx'r, liXn'Oc. Corn
quiet, but Hrm; No. 3 mixed, August and Sep
tember at itiat; Je.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade,
BOc. Oats steady; No.'J white, clipped, now, 29c.J
do., old, yjali1 jc, Hay i.teady; choice timothy,
$10.50 oil fur large bales Ileuf qnlot; beef
hams, Siii'JJ.i'iO. Pork easy; mess, J0.2."a
0 75. Lard firmer: western steamed, $5.50.
Hutter steady; western creamery, UHnlSHo.!
do. factory, Uiltc ; Klglns, 18)ie.; imitation
creamery, l:ialtk:.; New York dairy, 13al7c;
do. creamery, U'-alSc; fancy Pennsylvania
prints jobbing at gua23c.; do., wholesale, 10c,
Cheese dull; larpt, white, 7c.; mmill whlto,
74(1180,; lare eolored, 7je.; small colored,
8c ; light skims, i.u!)o.; part skims, 5i0c;
full skims, 2c2,'ie. Kzm steady; Now York
nnd Pennsylvania, KialUJue.; western fresh, 10c.
Potatoes steady : Jerseys, $1.23al.7o; Long Isl
and, fl .!17H1.75; sweets, Jerseys, $2.1UJ.ja2.50;
southern, $1 U3al.50. Uabbano steady; Long
Island, ( 'ottonseed oil easy; primo bum
mer yellow, SJiCMo.; oil slimmer yellow, 2-'a
2i'.; prime winter yellow, '7a-8o.
Ilaltlmoro, Aug. 30. Hour dull and unchang
ed. Wheat dull; spot and month, 70ia705o.:
September, DtruOUV. ; October, C9a00;gc; De
cember, r7n07Ho.; steamer No. 2 rod, OtaOtc;
southern wheat byKample,05a71c,:do. on grade,
Cda70;ae. Corn firmer; spot and month, 84ia
310.; September, 34' a31c: October, 3 ia
U4c: steamer mixed, KJJaSlo.j southern
White, 33;i35e ; do. yellow, 31ia35c. Oats
easier; No. - white, western, -7Jc; No. 2
mixed, lilJvaoo. ltyellrmer; No. " nearby, 47c:
No. 2 western, 49c. Hay steady; No. 1 timo
thy, ?10.50all.
l.tvu stock Markets.
New York, Aug. 20. lleoves weak, cnblofirm;
live cattle, llal'.'e.; refrigerator beef, 8Ma8Jic
per pound. Calves steady; veals, $5aS; grass
ors and butturmilks, $4a4 50; common west
erns, $3 75 Sheep steady ; good to cholco
lambs lOo higher: other grades steady; four
and a half cars unsold; sheep, $3at 50; lambs,
1 50.i0 i". Hogs steady at 4 25a4 00; common
westerns, $4
East Liberty, Pa., Aug. 80. Cattle lower;
extra, $5.25a5.40; prime, $5,10a5.20; common,
$3.50 a 3.8.1. Hogs steady: primus and good
Yorkers, $!.'0a4.1t0; heavy hogs und common to
fair Yorkers, J4,05a4 15; grnssers, stuublers and
jiigs, us to quality, $3.70al; skips und common
pigs, $3a3.0. Sheep steady; choice, 4.G0a4.G5;
common,; choice spring lambs, $5,00a
5.80; common to good, $4a5.50; veal calves, $7a
Ponce Commissioners to Ho Nnmcil
by the Cabinet Today.
Madrid, Aug. 31. Sonor Sagasta had
a long conference hist night with Lieu
tenant General Correa, minister of war,
on the subject of measures to assist the
Spanish olllclnls In the Philippines,
whose situation Is precarious. It was
decided to entrust to officers of the
colonial army tlie registration of lands
and similar duties.
The cabinet council today, says Senor
Sagasta, will deal with the nomina
tion of the peace commissioners; and,
ns far as possible, commissioners will
be appointed who are conversant with
International law, financial matters and
colonial questions, especially regarding
the Philippines. In fact, this last point
will largely determine tho choice of tho
General Wcyler, presiding Inst even
ing over the Weyler club convention,
alluded to the "disasters Spain has suf
fered and must retrieve." He complained
that the press censorship would "pre
vont tho fixing of tho responsibility,
which politicians are trying to throw
on the army and navy." lie promised
that he would speak plainly and place
himself forthwith "at the head of tho
people In their struggle, for tho salva
tion of the country."
Pralso I'or Auihiinswlni' liny.
London, Aug. 31. The National He
view, referring to the recall of tho
United States ambassador, Colonel
John Hay, to become socretary of state,
says ft considers Colonel Hay to lie the
best ambassador accredited here In re
cent years, adding: "He has spoken
well and not too often, ho has ab
stained from being more British thnn
the British, lie has refrained from ful
some llattory, nor has ho Indulged In
post prandial gush, but he has missed
no fair opportunity of promoting
friendly Anglo-Ameilcan iclatlons anil
lias been emphatically the right man
at tho psychological moment,"
eunoonoi- Mime, M Sailors lirownoil.
Copenhagen, Aug, 31. The British
cruler Cleopatra, belonging to the
training squadron, has arrived hero
with the crew of tho Norwegian
sohooner Lovellg, which she reports
having sunk In collision near Haven
Island. The Cleopatra put 18 blue Jack
ets on board the schooner In nn effort
to save that vessel, but she foundered
so suddenly that six of tho blue Jack
ets wen drowned.
111'. Senu Sii.vm tlie (limp Hhotilil Ho
Speedily Almuiloneit.
New York, Aug. 31. Dr. Sena thinks
thnt within a month every parson suf
fering from typhoid fever brought Into
Camp Wlkoff, at Montnuk Point, will
lmve recovered or have died, and that
by the time tlie conditions begin to look
ns If lliey had Improved there will
conio the period of greatest danger. The
precautions tnken hit almost useless,
afoot-ding to Dr. Senn. If one case of
typhoid, or even a doren, were treated,
then tlie precautions would be of use,
but It would tequlre an ocean of dis
infectants and sterllners to kill all the
germs that get Into the ground at tho
hospital heie. livery day, and ninny
times each day, disinfectants ate
sprinkled nbout tho enmp, hut there are
comparatively little dlslnfcctnnts In
propottlon to the amount of poison.
Dr. Senn says that the condition of
the troops who went to I'orto Itlco wits
bad and that he expected Just whnt hus
happened there and says the outbreak
of typhoid was to be expected. The
Chlckiimauga camp had the advantage
of starting with all well men, and he
says this one started out with tlie dis
advantage of having the men sick, and
many of the sick soldiers are suffering
from the most contagious diseases.
According to Dr. Senn, the men who
went from Chlcknmauga and the other
camps to Porto lllco were nlreaily In
the first stages of typhoid fever before
their departuie for the West Indies. Ho
says the genus had begun to propa
gate in their system. If the men could
have gone home and received home
comforts they would have escaped, but
exposed to the hnrdships of a campaign
they easily succumbed. Dr. Senn thinks
the best thing to do Is to hurry the
troops away from Montauk and reduce
the camp Just as rapidly as possible,
lie thinks the regulars should get back
to barracks as soon as possible, and
thero remain under the care of their
regimental surgeons, who could direct
their couise of conduct and their diet.
Then, he Is of the opinion they would
soon be on the road to recovery.
Dr. Brown, who Is the executive
head of the general hospital, differs
with Dr. Senn and says there Is little
or no danger; that the precautions
are ample and that at the worst. It
would take months for the conditions
which Dr. Senn foretells to prevail.
Yellow Taundlce Cured.
Suffering humanity should be supplied with
every means possible for its relief. It is with
pleasure we publish the following. "This is
to ccilify that I was a terrible sufferer from
Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and
was treated by sonic ol the best physicians in
our city and all to no avail. Dr. Hell, our
druggist, recommended Lleclric lhttcrs ; and
after taking two bottles, I was cntiiely cured.
1 now take great pleasure in recommending
them to any person sullcnng Iron Hits terrible
malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A,
llogarty, Lexington, Ky."
Sold uy A. wasley Dmggist.
(iold l'riini tiui Klondike.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 31. Tho Bteamer
Itoanoke arrived heio yesterday from
St. Michael, Alaska, with 459 passengers
and gold dust that a conservative estl
mato places at $1,500,000. Tho bulk of It
was the property of the Canadian Bank
of Commerce und the North American
Trading and Transportation compnny
A majority of the passengers were men
who went to Dawson in last year's rush
They have no gold, but lots of experi
ence. The fortunate passengers num
bered about 75. Of these probably 25
had over $10,000 each. The amounts held
by the remnlnlng 50 rango from $100 to
A Jiidno's Doulilu Crime.
London Depot, Ky., Aug. 31. Ad
vices wero received here yesterday
from Annevllle, Juckson county, 20
miles from this place, to the effect that
Judge Levin Johnson, of the Jackson
court, had murdered his wife and then
committed suicide. Judge Johnson had
driven his wife from home by brutal
treatment, forcing her to seek refuge
In her mother's home. While under tho
Influence of liquor Johnson armed him
self with a Winchester, went to his
wife's abode and shot her through the
neck. He then blew the top of his head
off with tho weapon.
Cruel Knife!
It Is nhsolutoly useless to oxpoet n
Blirgicnl operation to euro cancer, or
any other blood dlseaso. Tho cruelty
of such treatment is illustrated in tho
alanninK number of deuths which ro
suit from It. Tho diseaso is in tho
blood, and lienco can not bo cut out
Nino times out of ten tho surgeon's
Kiuio ouiy nasieus uenin
My son had a most malfgnant Cancer, foi
winch tho doctors said an operation was the
uuiyuope. inoojicr.
ntlon was a sevcro
one. us It was neces
sary to cut down to
tho jawbone unit
Borape It. Ileforo a
great while the Can
cer returned, and be
gan to grow rapidly.
Wo gave htm many
remedies without rn.
lief, and llnally
unon tho advice of i
friend, decided in
try H. S, S. (Swift's
..... ...1.1.,
the second bottlo ho iv..Yi
began to Improve. After twenty bottles had
bceu token, tho Cancer disappeared entirely,
and fm was cured. Tho euro was a permanent
one, for Jio Is now seventeen years old, und has
never uuu u bign oi mo urciiinui tusease lo re
turn, J.n. .MUltrmclI,
270 Snodgruss Ht., Dallas, Texas
Absolutely tho only hopo lor Cancel
is Swift's Spccifie,
as it is tho only remedy which goes
to tho very bottom of tho blood anil
forces out ovary of tho dlseaso.
B, 8. 8. is (iiuiruntoed purely vegetable,
uuu euiiiuius jjo puiaau, mercury,
other iiifiinral.
Looks on Ouncor will bo mulled free
to any address by tho Swift Sncoillo
uu, miunui, uu.
Mra. Ilosa Grutm Wrltos to Mrs.
Flnkjmm About it. Bho StiyB:
riRAit Mhs. 1'lNKitAMi I talto pleas
ure In writing- you u few lines. to in
form you of tho good your Vcgctnblo
Compound has done mo, I cannot
thtiiilt you enough for whnt your medi
cine has done for mo; It has, indeed,
helped me wotulerlulfy.
l or years 1 wan trou
bled wltli nu
ovarian tumor,
worse, un
til at hist I
was compelled
to consult with
a pliyhieinu.
lie said
bo done for
mo but to go under an opcrntion
In spcultlug with a friend of mine
about it, she recommended Lydia 11.
PlnUham's Vegetable Compound, bay
ing she know it would euro me. I then
sent for your medicine, nnd after talc
ing three bottles of it, the tumor dis
appeared. Ohl you do not know how
much good your medicine has done
me. I shall recommend it to all suffer
ing women. Mrs. Rosa Oaum, 720
Wall St., Los Angeles, Cal,
The great and unvarying success of
Lydia 11. Pinlthnm's Vegetable Com
pound in relieving every derangement
of tho female organs, demonstrates
it to bo tho modern safeguard of wo
man's happiness nnd bodily strength.
.More than a million women have been
benefited by it.
Every wornnn who needs advico
about her health is invited to write to
Mrs. Pinltham. at Lynn, Mass.
or-i!!i! Ten-Day r,cur!oii to Atlnutto
(Ml), Ac, ihi I Vni.syhanla lhillroiul.
September 1 is flic ditto of the last low-rato
Icn ilay excursion from Krie, Troy, llclle.
fonte, Willlainsport, liocanaqua, Stnibury,
Shenandoah, Dauphin, and firiuciiial inter-
rdiafo stations (Including stations on
aiich roads), to Atlantic Citv. (hno Muv.
Ocean City, Sea Islo City, Avalon, Anglcsea,
Wildwooil. or Holly l'cacli. via Pennsylvania
Lxciirsion tickets, good to return by reg
lar tiains within ten days, will bo sold at
iiln of 5.1(1.110 from Prie. S5.00 from Will-
iamsporl, anil piopoilionatcly low rates from
other points. Tickets to Atlantic City will
also be sold via f lie Delaware ltiver liriilgo
lioiitc, the only all-rail line, at ten cents
ioio than tho rale via Market street wharf.
Fur information in regard to rates and
time of trains consult hand hills, or apply
j agents, or L. S. Harrar, Division Ticket
gent, Williamspoit, Pa.
Flowers, tho Uautl of America, Cali
fornia. Via the trno pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Itonfo," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or
hili altitudes aro unknown, Pullman first
and second class palaco and tourist sleeping
ears to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Novail.t, without change Quick time, low
rates, and all tho comfoitsof modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chaso tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For lutes right from your home,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. P. McCanu, T. P. Agent, nil) Hall
road avenue, Khnii-.i, N, Y., or 391 Broad
way, Now York.
3-1-tf W. E. Ifovt. Q. E P. Aut.
You Invito disappointment when you ox.
pcrimeut. lluWitt'h Littlo Early Risers aro
pleasant, easy, thorough littlo pills. They
euro constipation and sick headache just as
sure as you lake them. V. II. Jlagcnliticli
Leaving llioail Street station, Philadelphia,
at (l:.r5 p. in. daily, tho "Southwestern
Limited," carryina a dining car and tho
most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep
lug cais, reaches lliruiinghau tlie following
night at 111:10 and arrives at Memphis tlie
noxt uioriiiugat 7:11). Through sleeping cars
for Ashevlllc, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tampa, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aro
also attached to this train. Pullman reser
vatlous can be niaile in advance and all in
formation obtained liy commtmicatiug with
John M. Ileal, Distiict Passenger Agent, 83
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
HrATi: or Ohio, Citv oi' Toi.cno, 1
I'uaxk J. ('UKsr.Y makes o.ith that ho Is tho
Hcnlor luirtner of tho firm of P.J. ClIKNKV & Co.
doing busiiiibs liitho City of Toledo, County
nnu Htnto aloi-CHaul, anil Hint Haiti linn will pay
themimof ONH JIlINllltHll DOI.LAltH for each
anil every ease of (Catarrh that eiinuot bo cured
ny rne use oi iiai.i. h i-atauiiii i:ohk.
) A. W. (IL1CASON,
1 skai.
(, ! Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Internally audi 'ts
ilireetly on tho hloud and mucous surfaces f
the svsleui. Huml for testimonials free.
P. J. CHUN 15V & CO., Toledo, O
Isold uy nruirgisis. 7,'k1.
GIvim the liiNiii'ueutrt 1'urmls.slon to
Send an Auciil to Paris.
Manila, Aug. 31, The United States
transport China left here yesterday,
having on board Major General Merrltt
and his stnff. The general Is bound for
Paris, where he will take part In the
Spanlsli-Ametlcnn ience conference.
Major General Otis Is acting governor
of Manila. Generals Greene nnd Bab
cock, with their staffs, are bound for
Washington. General Whlttler succeeds
General Greene as liitendente.
General Wesley Merrltt's last ofllclal
act before leaving wus to sign a per
mission for the Insurgents to send an
emissary to represent them at tlie pro
(ceilings of the Paris peace commission.
General AbuIiiMiIo has sent nn agent
to Hong Kong to Inform Flllpe Agon
clllo, tlie Insurgent leader, of his up
polntiiient for this duty,
A btiihboru cough or tickling hi the throat
yields to Ouo Minute Cough Cure. Harmless
In oll'eet, tenches thu rlfjht spot, reliable and
Just what is wanted. It acts nt once, C, If.
The South mill Its Advantages.
Tho Southern Hallway has Issued for free
distribution, a sixteen pago Journal des
criptive of Virginia, North and South Caro
lina, Tennessee, (loorgla, Alabama and
Mississippi. Persona seeking now locations,
or capitalists doslrlug to make safoaad profit
able Investments will find the information
contained thcieln both valuable and inter
esllug. Copies will ho mailed free upon ap
plication to John M, Hcall, District Passen
ger Aseut, to Chestnut street. Philadelphia,
china Peaks UUssia.
Would Pforoc Hi-IUhIi liitltitmcu, Ilut
Must Yloltt to Power.
l'ekln, Aug. 31, A high member of
tho tsung 11 ynmen (Chinese foreign
office), who Is a British sympathizer,
complained In tho course of a recent In
terview, that arcat Britain's assur
ances of support ngalnst ltusslnn ag
gression was belated.
"Why," usked this functionary,
"withhold such a declaration until llus
sla had secured Port Arthur and
France obtained considerable cessions
In the south. The disintegration of the
empire has begun, and today the ne
cessity for strong action Is less urgent
than when Ilussln first obtained a foot
hold." Ho admitted that China had broken
her promises to Knglnnd, but this, lie
argued, was because Hussion pressure
was too strong to bo resisted. Ho com
plained of "British Ignorance of Rus
sia's line of action," and asked "why
does not lOngland approach Ilussla di
rectly with a declaration that ltussla's
Intel ference In China will bo regarded
as a casus belli? It Is useless to pun
ish helpless China and to participate
In the disintegration of the empire.
The tsung II ynmen prefers that Brit
ish Influence should be paramount, but
It Is tillable to do anything unless Kng
Innd helps, with sword In hand."
Cent in I American Contoiloi'iitloii. 5
Managuu, Nicaragua, Aug. 31. The
convention assembled nt Manngun to
form a constitution for a confederacy
to consist of the states of Salvador,
Honduras and Nicaragua has agreed
upon 42 of the 149 articles. It has been
agreed that tho name of the confed
eracy shall bo tlie "United States of
Central America.." The decisions ar
rived at declare that there shall be no
death penalty enforced by any statt,
and that no state shall cede any of Its
territory. They bridle the liberty of tlie
press and of public declarations of
opinions adverse to the government.
The work will not be completed until
about Nov. 1.
Bucklon's Arnica Salve,
Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlienm, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nnd
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or ao pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo
porfect satisfaction or nionv rofuuded. Priro
85 conts per box. For sale br A. Wasloy.
(junrtoriiiu-.toi' Killed liy Nokcooh.
Altoona, Pa., Aug. 31. Soldiers pass
ing through Altoona tell a strange
story regarding the death of Quarter
master George B. Franks, of Company
G, Twelfth New York regiment. The
regiment Is encamped at Chattanooga.
Because of the death of three hospital
patients after drinking milk sold by
negroes living in the neighborhood, tho
quartermaster of Company G would
not allow the negroes to sell anything
to his company. Friday night n gang of
negroes caught Franks outside of tho
camp grounds and after beating him
nearly to death, threw him under a
passing railroad train. Since then the
guards have been ordered to shoot any
negro who attempts to pass the camp
im.... ..,. -oil m. lV-AVItt's Witch llnzol
Salvo tho great pllo cure, don't accept any
thing else. Don't he talked into iicnepting a
substitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. C.
II. llagenhucli.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke
IK EFFECT JULY 1st. 1808.
Trains leave Hhenamloitli as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
7 30'jr.l n. in., 12 'J7, 3 10 and 0 07 p. ,,i.
For New York via Jllftiicli uimnic, wcolc nays,
7 30 a. ni 12 27 and 8 10 !. ni.
For ll-cndlng and Phllaililphla, week dayn,
7 30. 0 S a.m.. 12 27, 8 10 and o 07 p. m.
For l'ottsvlllc, weet unv'B, 7ao, JM a. in.,
12 27, 8 10, 0 07 and T 25 p. in.
For Tanmnua and Mahanov Citv. week duvH
7 30, 9 61 a. m., 12 27, 8 10 and 6 07 p. in.
ror wiiunmBport, rJunbury and Iewlstjiirg,
week days. 1180 a.m., 12 27, 7 25 p. m
For Mahano Plane, weekdays, 7 30, 9 M, 11 30
a. m 12 27, 8 10, 0 07, 7 25, 9 55 p. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 730,
11 80 n. m 12 27, 3 10, 0 07, 7 25 and 9 55 p. ro.
For Baltimore, Washington and tho West via
II. AO. IS. It., through trains lea"! Hendlng
Terminal, Philadelphia, (p. & i. jj j nt 8 20,
755,11 20 a. ra., 3 10 and 7.27 p. u.. Sundays,
8 20,7 00,1120 a.m., 3 48 and 7 27p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth anil Cheat
nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. in. 12 20.
12 15 8 40 p.m. Bundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 CO, 11 SO a. m., and 1 45, 4 80,
9 00 .m.
Leavo New York vlo Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80. 9 10 a. m., 1 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 3 40, S 80, 10 21 a. ru. and 1 SU, i CO p. m.
l.eave Heading, week days, 7 00, 10 OS, a, m.
12 15, t 17, 6 00 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 7 10, 7 40 a. m,
13 80 4 10. 0 10 and 0 50 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 SO, 1123 a, in.,
1 49, 5 60, 7 20 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 9 05, 11 47
a.m., 2 22,612,0 21, 7 44 p.m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, G30, 9 25.
1UI, 11DJ a. m 2 41, B32, 0 41, 7 07, pill.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a.
iu., i oi uuu 4 w p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war! and
South street wlunf for Atlantic Citv.
Weekdays Eipress, 8 00, 9 00, 10 45 a. m., (1 30
Saturdays only), 2 00, 300, 3 10 tMiiilnutotralii,
4 00 105 minute train), 430, 500 fiil mlnuto
train f. 510. 7 00 o. ni. Accommodation. 0 15
it. m., 5 00, S SO p. ra S1.00 excursion train 7 00
am. nuiionyH express, y ao, olio, sao, uoo,
10 00 a m, 4 45 pm. Accommodation, 0 15 a tu,
4 45 p. in. tl.00 excursion train, 7 u ill.
Iteturnlng leavo Atlantic City depot, ccraer
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekifuvs KxnreBH. (G 45 Momlava onlv)
TOO, 7 45 103 minute train, S20 105 mlnuto
train, 9 00, 1015, 11 00 a m., 8 80, 4 30, S 80, 7 30,
930 p. m. Accommodation, 4 25, 7 50 a. m.
4 05 p. in. 81.00 excursion train ( from M Unheal ppi
live, only) 0C0 p. m. Sundaya Express, 330,
4 00.5 00.0 00.030.7 00.7 30. 8 00. 9 30 U. 111. Ao
commodatlon, 715 a. m., 5 05 if. ra, 91 00
excursion train (from root oi MlsHlsslppl avo,
only), 0 10 p m.
, .- . ! . . ,!,... I U I 1 .'.I . . . .3 1.. M
rurkuiu.iiuf iiu.i rc ibid t'l.J-, o u u. in.,
2 30, I 15 pin. Additional for Capo Slay 4 15
p. m. aunuays ibi uu excursion ? uo 1 uiaam.
For Ocean City, 8 30,8 45 a in, 2 30, 4 45 pm.
Ci.ou excursion i nursuay ouiyj 7 uu u ra. Bun
days, 8 15, 9 15 a w.
t'arlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
i-niiaueipuiu aim iieauing uauway iickci ugell
or address
I A U.u...i, . .... T 11'.....,..
(len'l Kept., (len'l 1'oss'r Agi.,
iieauiui; lerwuiai, i nuaueipiua.
Should be In Every Home and Library.
M People's lie Histon
la written by Itltdit Hon. William Kwart Gladstone,
Ks'l'remier of (Heat Jtrltlan unl Ireland, lUiester,
.nci Kev, A. if. tiftice, gueen'i College, uiforu. f.pff.
Hey. Haruucl Jvea (WtUfl. 1. !.. Chlcayo TlitHifoKlcttl
heniiuurv, Chicago. 1 II. i Kev. FrederloW, Tumir, 1.1.(
r.u.n., uean oi uiim
Klnier li,Uapn, IM).,'lulUlIJeuu,Hnnuirftlle.JU
Itev. Trunk V. OuhbuuIu, Armour Iiuttlute,
(Jhlratro, lit. Iter. (lorua F. 1'entecont, 1).1.( Mary It.
Iiono 1'rofctnterUn Church, London, Kiiim Iter. It. 8.
MaoArltmr, ll.IK, Oalvury HaitUt Church, New York
(Hty, N. Y.i Kev. MarUn Huuimerball, J).t Main
Htrent 1 ruo liiiiitUt Church, LewUton, Me.i Kev. i rank
IIohIou. Mua. Iter. Joaepri Acar wet, 1.1., Vyetlarun
ll'nn.1 ll.u.
T 1 . r . J..a n'..,.,tllH. llftHtAlt. MnRa.
. -2.,... 1' Iu IWai. ITnu.
Vonuil'niIIOV.--lll2 liuiwa, 67 full-iioBB llluntr.
jlon.nlU odcua, cloth, ftiS, hsll lei.ut, t5.0Uj full
'St'iilltf'ltilTIOS.-lO pane.. 2f0 full-re illuttr..
tloin. tilrle A-llt edem, lull levant, one voiuiim,
flSllh Hlylo Il-two foluDie,full levant, tutted, IJU 00 j
In U PAHl8,uuartotlro,reTlaw niitl6ii too.cli.tll
iuier coverp. wiwud, trimtniia ullvlitlr, flAUearli ran.
For nut. at all book.toro. unu tibonkaellflr. ror
furll'.r Intormillon, write IIKNItV ' O. HIIKI'AIIU,
I'ulili.ker.iUsua tli Mouro. hliol,, lllluol.
At Four Score.
Dr. MHos Nervino Restores Hoalth.
NOLE nZEKIEI, OI1EAR, assessor anil
tax collector, llovcrly, Mass., nlio lias
passed tho SOtli llfo ratio stono, says:
"Dr. Miles' Itestoratlvo Ncrvlno lias ilotio a
great ileal of Rood. I suffered for years from
sleeplessness and nervous heart troubto.
Would feci weary and used up In tlio morn
ing, liad no nmbftlonund my work Bccmed a'
burden. A frlond recommended Dr. Miles'
Nervine, and I purchased a bottlo under
protest as I had tried so many remedies un
successfully, I thought it no uso. Itut S ,r
gavo mo restful ulcen, a good nppotllo aui! w -V
restored mo to onorgolic health. It Is a
grand good mcdlctno, and I will gladly wrlto
anyono Inquiring, full partlcularsof mysal-
tsfactory experience, 1
Dr. Miles' Kcmcdlcs f
aro sold by all drug
gists under a posltlvo
guarantee, first bottlo
n IVllloo :
.... . . '
benefits or money re
; Restores
funded. Bool; on ills-
, Health
eases of tho heart nnd
nerves free. Address, i
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, lud.
Ofllee Kcaii litilldlni;. corLer ol Main an
Centre streets, Mhenaiidoah.
Shenandoah, I'n.
Lock Box 05, Mahanoy City, la.
Ilavlne studied under somo of lliu be:
masters In London and Paris, will clvo Icbmoih,
on tho violin. mandolin, iriiltaraml vocal eiiltto-M. 'M
Terms reasonable. Address tu caro ol Htrouuu. '
Hie jeweler nlienatiuoali. I
JULV 1, 1898.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter tna iloi u
dut.i for WIkiiii, (lllherton, KraeUvlllo, U.rk
ivaicr, ni. i;iair, 1'oiuvllle. Jiaiuuiiri;, lleaulUK,
l'ottntowu. l'lioenlxvllle. KorrUtoivii ai.d I'lln-
adeljihla' (Itnid Htrect Btatlon) at 0 05 and 8 15
a. ra,,U03, 0 in p. ru, on week dayn. Suudayu,
8 15 a. in., 4 25 p. m.
Trains leave Krackvlllo for Shenandoah it
7 30, 11 10 a. m. and 5 40, 7 30 p. m. Sunday,
iuiu, in. aim o iu p. in.
I.cave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah f via Krack
vlllo) 7 10, 11 U0 a. iu., 5'J), 7 10 p. in. Suuday
iua. a. m., a m p. in.
Iave PhlladelpMa. (llroatl street statlonl. foi
Sheituudouh at 8 85 a. ui., i 10 p. ra. week ilaysi
nunuays leavo at o ou uuu 9 'ja u. ra.
Leave liroad Streot Station, Philadelphia,
Express. week-days. 8 20. 4 Co. 4 50 5 05.5 15.0 50.
7 33,8 20, 9 60, 10 21 (Dllilnn Car), 11 00 u. Ill,
12 00 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 and t2i p. v.
DlntliU Cars), 1 40, 2 80 (DlnlllK Car) 8 20, 8 .VI.
4 02,5U0, 5 50 (l)llillig Car), UUU, 7 02,7 50 (llln
int'Ciir), 10 Uu p. in., 13 01, night. Siliiiluyn,
ay.', 405, 150,5 05, 5 15 8 20,9 50,10 21, (II'ui1ims
Car). 1185 a. m.. 12 35. 105 lUluluu Curl zai.
(UlniliK Car), 4U0 (Limited 1 22) (l)lllllin Cat JM
5 20,5 50, (Dllllnc Car) 8 35, 7 02,7 00, ID' W
uo, tp-
e, 1100a It j
Curl 10 00 p. ra.. 12 01 nlelit.
r,xpreMH ior nosiou wnuoui cuange,
week-days, and 7 50 p. ra.. dally.
Cutskill expreus, (Parlor Cur), 8 20 a m week
1'or Ilaltlmoro and Washingtou, 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
1020, 1I2J,u. iu., 1203, 1231 (Dll.iug Car), 1 12
ltlluing CarJ, 3 12, 411, (5 25 Coilurv
slouul I.linlnii, Dining Cur, 0 17. 055 llllu
Ing CarJ, 7 31 lUluIng Car p. ra., and 12 05
night week days. Sundays, J 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23,
u. in., 1209, 1 12, Dining CarJ 4 11, 1 5 20 Con
gresalonal Limited, Dining CarJ, b55 Dining
Cur, 731 DluliiKCar p. w. and 12 05 night.
Kor Itultluiore, uceoiniuodutiou, 9 12 u in, 2 01
und 4 01 p in weuk duys,5 08undll lUp in dally,
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rive i
l.-i. i. ..... r.ivi ,i in iu., ...i.. ....... i .. ...
"uftv J ftv-D-, WW, .v iom 11,11, i,,i-n ,,,,
238 ls2lllillllti J, 100 t0 nunutesj, 7 0.1 p. '!!.
Hiiuduys, 5U), 9 20 80 mlnutesj, u in, 2 3S s2
III,,,,,, Bj, , W l 111.
Leuve .Market Street Wurf Express, 5 00, 8 80,
1 0 00 73 mlnutesj, am, (luu Saturdays ony), 200
73 uumitcJ,3 0u 75 minutes, 3 30 U) uiiuiiteMl,
4 00 lltf miiiliti'Ml. J!lll I7A niliiiiti.ul. alio I7H
Sl.ou exciirniuii train, 7 OUu m Uuily.
t ForCupeMuy, Anglesca, WilUwoodand llollj
lleuch hxpreau, 9U0 u in, 2 30, 4 03, 5 00 p in
weekdays. Suiidas, 8 20u in. CapeMuy only,
uu , ,,, fiuitiruayii. r.xeurbion, . uu u ill liauy.
For Seu lule City, Oiwwi Clly, Avalon und
Stone Harbor Express, till i. ra.. 2 30. 4 20.
.. .... .-WO, F ,U (. HI., wJ
0 00 p. ra. week days. Sundays, 8 50 a. w.
vuibihii j iaj u in ,iniijr.
For Sowers Point Express, 5 ft), 8 30, 10 0
a. ui., , w oaiuiiiuy. only, uuu, i uu, D uu,
,1 1.1 UAuU .ln..u U (....., .1.1 (I... 1. 1
a. u. and 1 80 p. m,
J, ll.;llUTcm.i80.v, J, It, Wooo,
Uou'l Manager. Ueu'l l'ass'g'r Agt
Successor of tho "Unabridged"
The Ono Great Standard Authority,
Ha tUh lion. IK J. l!rew?r,
Jus tic) U, H. huiimuu Court.
of tlio V, S. ( Jov't 1'rlnlliKr
Olltce, tbA V. K. Hui.rtiino (
ni cine Courts, andol near
ly nil tlie Hchoolbooki.
Y Stato fluirlntendenta (
of Nchoola, roll4K I'n 1- (
Ui(U,ani1otherl,iiinitor ;
iuutoit without uiuiiut;rt
In tlie lioiiirlioM, hixI Ut
the (far her, ur liolur, imi-
fesklotml muu. til ul uelf- J
It Is easy to find the word wanted.
It Is eusy to uicertuln the pronuncloron.
It Is easy to trace the growth ol a word.
It Is easy to learn what a word nieuns.
Tlio Now l'orlr Trhntin Hiivii ,
'I ha 1 ilc.t eilllloii cnmi'S from the nri'M m Illi a i
, iiiii,-iiii4 niiib iiiiiHi. ino nio.t iiinruiiylieni ,
' Hi liiilille, Iiki, mull till, a work to wlili-h UuJ
J ' llut.lllllv UM.ful lo nri.r..AnrllM. IrtM. -il.
1 fJ..O C. M HUM AM CO., Publishers,
nriririciioiii, jiiuvs., i.n.t.