The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 27, 1898, Image 2

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    II f
t'ulillalifd ewry KveitliiK. KiceptHiimlfy,M
4 HOII t .lAuMVMTiir,'? I'AK Ckntkk,
Tin- !. ' ' - .11! . i ul on n Ami tins
aiirroint.i ; (tri t ' a week, jmy
nlil olhe currier, liy until $1.00 a ycnr.or 25
cent n month, payuWln In mlv.wice. (lvrtlte
nientq charged according to npee nml position.
The pultllnheM reserve the rlRlit to change tin
portion of iulvertlement wliunowr tho pub
''tfttloi of new dt'itiftiuU tt. Tlx Huht In
rwerved to iJrlftuy mUcrttMiiiout, w Iictlicr
paid for or not, .iat tho publNlitTH nmy ileetn
Viproper. AilvertlnlnR raten iniulo known
upon application.
Kntcrevl nt the pot.niee at Hhenaiuloali, I'm., a
ttecoiitl clu4 mall matter.
'All the News That's" Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
SATl'ltDAY, Aflll ST iiT. 1MW.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
A JfTICU'ATl Nil tile fni't Hint tile
m'iikou whh ulioitt to vlor-e. Admiral
Dewey ovidtMitly uoiHiliuk'il to fatten
lifs batting a venire by taking tlio
llnal umiio of tlio Horlus.
I'kkdictiox.s that were uiiulo that
our pension list hud readied high
water mark, do not seem to be verified
liy the statement issued .lulyUO. The
pension roll at that date contained
IWU.Tll names, n net increase of 17,701)
over tho previous year.
TllK prospects for the passage of
the Niearaguan Canal bill at tho
winter session of Congress aro grow
ing bright. It is the prevailing
opinion now that the bill will get
through, and the feeling is growing
pretty strong since we aro branching
out by acquiring colonies that the
United States will have to construct
this canal for tho benefit of com
merce, and as a naval necessity in the
event of another war with a foreign
With tho beginning of the coming
month there should open up a season
of considerable activity in anthracite
coal trade circles, and for the next
ninety days there should bo more coal
disposed of than in any similar
period for tills year. It is said that
there is u possibility of the tonnage
for the balance of tlio year being
Ihwd at 1,000,000 tons a month, and
tho belief is that it can all be placed
and at good prices. Let ns hope this
will bo realized.
TllK Merchants' Association of 2ow
York has sent to President McKinley
a letter saying : "By your calmness,
your patience amid most exciting and
exacting circumstances, your strong
apparent determination to do fully
and well everything which would
help the cause of this country, you
have been an inspiration not only to
the troops in the Held and the men on
the ships, but to tho citizens who
have remained at home watching
your course daily." The tribute is
well earned and expressed with dis
crimination. Ax exchange tolls us that another
morning newspaper, Republican in
publics, will shortly be established at
Pottbville, and will "devote consider
able space to literature, liiography
and the unwritten history of the
Htate." Now all this saorilice of time
and money is unnecessary, for the
reason that the JUnoi's'1 Journal Wis
the bill. Tho "literary" end of our
contemporary has shown himself to
bo eipial to any emergency, and has
edilled cultured I'ottsvillo with
"biographies" of its favorite candi
dates in a polished manner, and as
for "unwritten history" the lion.
Dave Helming has embellished tho
pages of tho Journal from tiiuo to
time with "liluo Mountain" stories
sufficient to satisfy oven the average
historian. Then why substitute tho
Journal with a doubtful commodity?
Besides, our contemporary has other
important missions to perform.
Tiikhk may be agreat deal of truth
in tlio allogutiou that it took political
pull to get certain regiments into ser
vice, but among those that got there
homo havo a better record than our
Pennsylvania boys. Those of our
Keystone statu soldiers that havo
seen service havedistinguisheil them
selves for bravery and heroism.
Troops from other states sent to tho
front were not so fortunate. One
regiment from .New York was charged
with being, panic stricken at Santi
ago in Gen. Kent's report. A Massa
chusetts coinniMid distinguished it
self In Porto. Kioo by having Its Held
officers called before a court-martial
for incompetency ; a Michigan rogi
inent failed in the performance of an
assigned duty, and a favored brigade
frouN tho samo stato was ordered
homo without seeing iniich service or
attaining glory. Comparf this with
the splendid record of Col. Hillings'
10th Pennsylvania In Porto Itico, and
of Col. Hawkins' 10th in the Philip
pines before Manila.
Terrlblo Effects of Typhoid Fever
Scrofula Trouble.
"Alter a severe atttck of typhoid fover
I was taken with a terrlblo scrofula
trouble. I had largo sores on my limbs,
from which I suffered terribly. All
treatment' seemed to make mo worse. I
read what Hood's Baruaparllla had dono
for others and beean taking it. Tho sores
began to heal and I continued with Hood's
initll cured.1' Mibs Aixik Skipkekt, 730
West Philadelphia St., York, Penn.
Hood's Pills aro ems buy, easy to take.
.Schuylkill Hoys Marching l'roin Thorough
Turn, Vii., In Mlililtelmvn, Pu.
A short hut Interesting letter which gives
thp renriar a fnlnt ides of soldier lll'o wliilo
011 tlio inarch wn received by V. (l! Dusto
to day. It was scut out from Tliorouchfare.
V., on August 2ttli, liy J. Howell Hughes.
formerly of town, and who is a member of
Co. K, Otb Pa. Vol.
it reads thin; 'Tour weeks to day wo left
Tails Church, Va., on what we thought was a
pmctho march. Hut instead wo were
continually kept inuvliliig for three weeks,
enduring nil kinds of wiatlier liitorinlngUil
with many liaidihins. On soinu occasions wo
weio compelled In wade thmugli streams
Willi tho water up to our necks, and sleeping
and marching In mud ami rain. l!oliles this
wo wore without food fur a period of four
nays at a time.
"Hut lumber will bo witiilled and in older
to keep the lutior man in goml humor we re
sorled to rohhcry,matiy of the fanners along
the lino of march hcinit the victims We
passed through a ureal many towns but had
nu uiouev with which to purchase ueeessaiies
of Hie. Our pay day was on the 2nd Inst,
but the 'lone green' was nut forthconliiijt tin
til tho 18th lust."
Tho writer, who Isu barber, says he is (loins
a good business, especially when tho "boys"
hao nfonoy. They certainly keep It in
circulation. lie concludes his letter by
statin;; that their loin; anil tedious niaicli
would end yestetday, the 21'tli in-,t., when
they expected to arrive at Mlddletown.
1'ivslilciit JleKinley was expected to be at
JliiMIctuwn to-day to icvicw tho Lumps.
Cuiup Moado is the ccntio of all interest just
uow, and visitors uro flocking theio from all
parts of the state. To morrow a great lush
is expected, and it Is likely that u large num
ber of lelatives and fiiiuds of tho boys in
camp from Schuylkill county will visit them
to-morrow. The 1. .t It. lf.iilwiiy will run
u special excursion from I'ottsvillo, leaving
that place at S:10 a. in., the faro bolug $3.13'
round trip.
Truth wears well, l'coido have learned
that DeWlit's Little llarly Uiscrs aio reliable
nitle pills lor legulaltng the howels. curing
constipation and sick headache. They don't
gripo. II. nageniiiicli.
American tobacco Company's AtliertlKiug
Goes to XuMspuper.
Tlio American Tobacco Co. is a vast com
mercial concern, and its recent appropriation
of $730,000, to be spent in newspapers in tlio
advertising of one of its brands "Rattle
Ax" l'lug Tobacco is win tliy of mnio than
passing comment. To expend this amount of
money judiciously is a problem. Its solu
tion is tlieiefoio instructive to every mer
chant and producer who has need of pub
licity for his business welfMe. Tho detail
necessary to the handling of this volume of
business demanded tho experience and
equipment of an advertising agency of tlio
first class. The Ci. 11. Hauleiiheek Adver
tising Agency of New York city was there
fore selected, and estimates wero piepared to
cover tho entire country for such mediums
as were thought to bo desirable to bring
quick and sine returns.
In this connection it is certainly p.iidor.ablo
i'or us to call attention to the fact that the
llKIt.u.n was included In the list.
Thore is a point to bo made just hero, and
It is that if tho "foreign" advertiser, bavin
practically unlimited means ami exercising a
judgment horn or years of experience, d
cides upon a given medium, it is becauso of
tho excellence of that particular medium,
for tho field that it covers.
Local advertisers will do well to vi-llcct on
this point. It is pregnant with meaniUL' to
every one of them.
Tho American Tobacco Co. has taken the
dull season, which was niado duller by the
timid who feared tho war as a factor in busi
ness, and it has given a colossal order as an
indication that, if times arc dull, tho thing
to do is to make them brighter, and tho right
way to make them brighter is through
judicious advertising.
Newspaper advertising is the best way to
make good timos if you have anything really
good to oiler, and tho way to use newspaper
advertising is with generous spaco anil propor
It wrr 1. T. liarnum who said : If yon
only havo $10 capital to begin your business,
and want to make money, be sure to spend
$5 in advertising in the newspapers." A
feature of this stupendous "order" has been
tho perfection of this manipulation, duo to
the arrangements made by I bo (1. 11. Iluulen
beek Agency.
Scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas and other
distressing eruptive diseases yield quickly
and permanently to the cleansing, purifying
power of llurdouk lllood Hitters.
Sondlty Specials.
Services in the Trinity ltcformed church
o-niurrow at 1(1:00 a. in., and (1:30 p. m.
Sunday school at l:!t0 p. m. liuv. Itobert
O'lioyle pastor.
lieL'Ular services will bo held In tho United
KvaiiBclical church, North Jardin street, to
morrow at lu u. m. ana p. in. .-siiimay
school at 1.30 p. in. Itev. I. J- Kelts, pastor.
K. I.. C 12. on Monday evening. I'raycr,
praiso and testimony nicotinics every Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even
inj;s. Jr. K. L. C. 12. every Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock.
Primitive Methodist church, James Moore,
pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and (1:30
p. in. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Class meet
ing on Wednesday evening. Oeneral prayer
meeting on Thursday evening. Everybody
Services in All Saints' Protostant
church on West Oak stieet to-moriiW.
Holy Kucharist at 8 a. m. Morning prayer at
10:30. Sunday school at 2 p. m. livening
prayer at 7 p. m. Tho rector will olliciato.
First liantlst church, corner of West and
Oak streets, Itov. I). 1. 12vans pastor. Services
at 10a. m. and dp. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m.
I'raycr meeting Monday eveniiies. louug
l'eonle'a meeting Wednesday evenings.
Class meeting Thursday ovenings.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner Oak
and Wlilto streets. Hev. J. T. Swindells
Iiastor. General class meeting at D a. in., led
ly John Senior. Sermon at 10:30 a, m.
Sunday school at 2 p. n., Dr. J.S. Oillen,
Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. si. Seats
Iree. isverynouy welcome.
Calvary Ilaptlst church, South Jardlu
street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. in.
and 0:30 p. in, Itev. It. It. Alblns, pastor,
Ribbath bchool at a p. m Deacon
John Itunii. Siiiicrlntendeiit. II. Y. P, U,
Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday
evening, general prayer meeting at 7:j0.
Everybody welcome,
Services in tlio Presbyterian church to
morrow at 10:31) a. in. and 0:30 p. in. Sabbath
w bool at 2 p. in. Jr. O. E. and Sr. C. 12.
Tuesday evening at 0:30 and 7:30 o'clock.
Prayer and bong ucrvico on Thursday even
ing at 7:3(1. Strangers always welcome. II.
W. Kohler, iatur.
St. John's Lutheran church. West Cherry
stieet. liev. John (Iiiihler, pastor Pleach
ing, 10 a. m. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. in. ;
preaching 0:3U p. in.
St. Michael's (Ireek Cutholle church, West
IVntro street, liev. Cornelius Juirisiu, pas.
tor, Mutational bcrvira D u. -in. High mass
10 a. ui.
Church of tho Holv Family. (Gorman It,
C.) North Chestnut street. Itov. A, T. Sclnit
tlehofor, pastor. First mass 8 a. ni sccoud
mass 10 a. m .
St. Caslmir's Polish It, C. church. North
Jardlu street. Itev. J. A. Ixnarkiewlcz,
pastor First mass 8 a, m., high mass 10 a.
m., vespers and benediction 4 p. in.
Church of tho Annunciation, 218 West
Chorrv street. Itov. If. F. O'llolllv.- pastor:
Itev James Kane, asoistaut pastor. First
mass, 7 a. m., second iiiawi, a u. in., jiiguiuass,
10 a. in. heuedU'llou. 7 n. m.
Kehcleth Israel Congregation, corner of
Oak and WubI streets, Jtev. Henry Mll
plk, pastor. Saturday services, ti to 10 a. m.,
und 3 to S p. ui, Sunday sm vlc-cB to lo a. lu.
and every weekday morning frum 7 luSu. w.
You mi tell just as well as it physician
whether: your kidneys aro diseased or health v.
The WByto do Ii to take n bottle, or glass tum
bler, and Illl It with nrino. II there is a
sediment a powder-llko substance at tho
bottom after standing a day nnd night, there
is something wrong with tho kidneys, An
other sine sign of disease Is a desire to urinate
often, and still another sign is pain in the
hack, If urine stains linen, there is no doubt
that the kidneys ale atl'ected.
Any and all diseases of tho kidneys, liver,
bladder and of the urinary passages and con
stipation of the howels ate cuied by Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Keinedy. There
is no question about its being the best and
surest medicilioln the Win Id for such troubles.
It quickly lelieves and clues inability to hold
n 1 1 in-, and people, young or old, who take it
are not compelled to get up a number of
times dining tho night. I'or putting an end
to that scalding pain cxpeiieueed in passing
urine, nothing Is So good in Dr. David Ken
nod's Favorite Itemedy. It corrects the bad
ell'ects of whiskey and beer ; is pleasant to
the taste, and does not scein to bo niediclio
at all. Diseases of tho kidneys and bladder
often reqiiliethe use of Instruments to push
back tho sandy matter so the urine can be
voided. In such cases Favorite liciurdy
should bo taken without further delay or the
disease may prove fatal. It is sold for one
dollar a bottle at all ding stoics. It is well
win Ih many times its price.
Samples Free.
If you wish to test Dr. David Kennedy's
Fuxoritc Itemedy before buying it, send your
full post olllco address to the Dr. David Ken
nedy Corporation, Itondout, N. Y., and
mention this paper. We will then mall you
a saniplo bottle free, as well as circulars giv
ing full directions for its tiso. Every readei
of the 1 1 i;ha 1.1 can depend upon tho genuine
i icss of this liberal oiler, and all stilfercrs
fiom kidney troubles should take advantage
of it at onco.
Tho Condemned Mm ilm-ci' Wax Itendy
l'oc tlm March to the (fallow.,
Norfolk, Vn., Aug. 27. John Ander
sen, who was to huve been lmneed yes
terday for the minder of Mate Saun
deis, of the schooner Olive Pecker, on
the high seas In 1837, has been granted
another lease of life by Judge WaddlU,
of tho United States district court. P.
J. Morris and Hugh G. Miller, attor
neys of this city, without tho knowl
edge of Andersen, on Thursday up
plied for a writ of habeas oorpus with
the obfect of staying the execution.
Morris wns originally Andersen's at
torney, but District Judge Hughes re
fused to appoint him because ho repre
sented some of the men accused with
Andersen. Tho contention was that
Judge Hughes erred in not allowing
Andersen to select his own counsel.
Judge Wnddlll denied the application,
but granted on appeal to the supremo
court, tn be heard Oct. 12. Andersen
was In his cell with his spiritual ad
visors, ready to march to the gallows,
when some one shouted from the win
dow that the judge had granted a stay.
Andersen broke down, and expressed
i egrets that the end would be delayed.
He was taken to court In a carriage,
and when the preliminaries had been
gone through with returned to his cell.
A Clever Trick
It certainly looks liko it, but thero is really
no trick about it. Anybody can try it who
has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or
nervous troubles. Wo mean ho can cure
himself right away by taking Electric Hit
ters. This medicine tones up the whole
system, acts as a stimulant to tho liver and
kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic.
It cures constipation, headache, fainting
spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
puiely vegetable, a nilld laxative, and re
stores tho system tn its natural vigor. Try
Electric Hitters and bo convinced that they
arc a miraclo worker. Every bottle guaran
teed. Only 50c. a bottlo at A. Waslcy's drug
A SpniiNh I'lnlnr.
London, Auc. 27. The Madrid cor
respondent of The Dally Mall says tho
ollleers and soldiers who have returned
from Santiago de Cuba bitterly accuse
the Americans of unfulflliing promises
made at the time of tho capitulation or
Santiago. The Americans, they say.
forced the Spanish troops to encamp on
a spot where hundreds of corpses of
tho Spanish defenders of El Caney
were buried. The rains almost un
earthed the bodies, the stench from
which produced an epidemic. The
Americans, the Spaniards assort, kept
the latter without food, and tho officers
leceived only canned sardines. Most of
them returned seriously 111 from the
effects of prolonged hunger. Several die
For Cnnstination take lvarl's Clover Hoot
tlm .rrnnt. lllnn.l Pnriflor Pnrnu TTfiful.
ache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the Face,
. , .1. 1 .1 .. I .., ct.l 1.
ami uiaKcs ino iiuuu cteurus a ucu. ooiu uy
P. D. Kirlln aud a guarantee
noixi in l'orto Itleo,
Ponce, Porto lllco, Aug. 27. A delugs
from the mountains yesterday flooded
the rivers, and the bridge between tho
town and port was destroyed. This
prevented General Miles from attend
nig a reception given In his honor by
Torto means at tho leading club last
night, and will probably cause much
Inconvenience In the transportation of
(.loops who aro returning home. Sev
eral companies wero washed out.
X.nwton'f. Sanitary Jtopnrt.
Washington, Aug. 27. General Law
ton, who succeeded to Shatter's com.
mand at Santiago, when the latter left
for home, kends the following sanitary
report for Aug. 20: Total sick, 577; total
fever, 403; total new cases, 15; total re
turned to duty, b; deaths, 7.
You Invito disappointment when you ey
periment. DaWitt s I.lttlo Early ltisors are
lilaasant. easv. thorough little nllls. They
euro constipation and sick headache just as
suro as you take them. C, II. llagcnbiich.
JInd Ills Son-ln-Law Tarred, Fonthcr
ed and Drlvon Out of Town.
C'urrollton, Ills., Aus. 37. Dr. L. C.
Davis came to this city about two years
ago as the lepresentutlve of an Indlan
npolls sanitarium. JIo became ao
rmalntod with Miss Maud Hensler, tho
daughter f John Hensler, a well
known wngon mnker of this city. After
keeping the girl's company for n, time
the couple disappeared, uml on return
ing reported that they were inarre?.
They took up their residence n Alton,
where n child was burn, Mr. Hensler,
discovering that they hnd not been
married, went to Alton and ind Davlif
arrested, and compelled him to inarry
his daughter.
Since then, Hensler claims, Davis
had been extorting money from Ilensel
by threatening to take his life, Hensler
had Davis arrested, but (in Davis' sign
ing un agreement to leave Uiu city
Jlentder declined to prosecuto, and
Davis was relasil. Instead of leav
ing he returned to the Honslor resi
dence nnd Henslor hart him again ar
retted. Shortly nfter midnight a mot), sup
posed to have been led by friends of
Hensler, burke Into the Jail und took
Davis out. The prisoner wan tnken to
jlunslor's shop, where Hensler and atu
other (Kirty beat him with whips and
tarred and feathered him. Duvls' llfo
was spared . on the promlsu that he
would leave the city.
A blessing alike to youug and old : Dr.
Fowler's Extract 'of Wild Strawberry. No
turo's sjioclllo for dysentery, diarrhoea and
llo lias Novel' Objected to female
NurniM I'm' tlio Soldiers.
New York, Aug. 27. The following
letter from Surgeon (Icnorat Oeorgo M.
Sternberg wns received yesterday by
Stephen K. Unrton, nf the lied Cross:
"Your letter of Aug. 22 enclosing a
letter from Itev. Alexander Kent, has
been rcferied to me. 1 shall refer It to
the chief surgeon at Jacksonville. The
closing paragraph of Mr. Kent's letter,
to which you call special attention, Is
ub follows:
"'Iteports this morning reveal a
startling mortality among the typhoids
13 In the last 4 hours In the second
division alone. Most of these, In my
Judgment, are due to want of proper
nursing. In the first place, the number
of nurses Is lusutllctent and their hours
are too long. In the second place most
of them are not skilled nurses: they
are having their llrst experience In tlio
care of typhoids. Hft'ort hus been mnde
to remedy this, but the only way It can
be remedied Is one contrary to the view
ot the surgeon general, and one, there
fore, which his subordinates do not
feel at liberty to take. The lied Cross
hus on several occasions offered to fur
nish skilled nurses at Its own expense,
but has mot uniformly with the reply
'we are abundantly supplied with such
nurses now.' Since that reply was made
to Mr. Cobb, however, the surgeon In
chief has dispatched a gentleman to
Now York to secure 1G0 nurses, but the
opposition to femnlo nurses continues,
nnd, us no adequate supply of trained
male nurses can be found, our boys
must continue to die for want ot In
telligent, skillful nursing.'
"Mr. Kent is laboring under a mis
apprehension with regard to my views.
I have nevor objected In sending train
ed fernnle nurses to our general hos
pitals, or to field hospitals In which ty
phoid fever cases are treated. We
have now In tho Fervlce more than GOO
trained female nurses."
To Camp nt AnnNton, Ala.
Chattanooga, Tenn.. Aug. 27. It Is
announced that If will be practically
Impossible to maintain the Third army
corps at Huntsvllle, where It has been
ordered to proceed from Chlcknmaugn.
The Indications are that the corps will
be sent In Its entirety to Annlston,
Ala., a place said to be admirably
odnpted for camping n large body of
troops. The olliclals here have agreed
upon the change In plans nnd only
await Indorsement from the war de
partmint. The lcasou for the change
is scarcltv of water at Huntsvllle.
The stn foment published In a number
of papers to the effect that COO men
have died at Camp Thomas since lis
establishment Is erroneous. The num
ber Is little more than BOO.
"I had a running, itching sore on my leg
Suffered tortures. Doan's Ointment tuok
away tho burning and itching instantly and
quickly etl'ected permanent euro." C, W.
I.enhart, Howling Green, O.
Steamer explosion, IVirty-tlirooXimt.
Sau Francisco, Aug. 27. News hns
been leceived hero of the loss of tho
stern wheeler Stleken Chief. A letter
from Juneau, dated Aug. 10, says that
the disaster was doubtless caused by
an explosion, and that the new and
passengers, numbering 43 persons, were
undoubtedly lost. Tho Dora saved a
dog which was floating on a piece of
wreckage. That It was an explosion
that caused the loss Is Inferred by the
Dora's crew from tho fact that most
of the wreckage was broken Into small
bits. The wreck was found on Aug. 0.
Accident to u Noted Mui'o.
Cortland, N. Y., Aug. 27. Marion
Mills, the celebrated guldeless pacing
mare, stumbled and fell on the track of
the Cortland County Agricultural so
ciety here yesterday, and Is believed to
have concussion of the brain. She wns
unnble to move after falling, and It is
believed she will not recover. Ten
thousand rople were present to see
In v e .hlliiti. n
TI;e sympathetic tenderness of a lov
ing husband is everything to an expec
tant mother, especially during b,er fust
ordeal. George Layton, Esq., a promi.
pent druggist of Dayton, O., gives the
following case :
A customer of mine, whose wife has used
four bottles of "Mother's Friend" before con
finement, cays, after seeing the effects of the
rcrnedy,'thQt if she bsd to go through the ordeul
atraln. and there were but four bottles no the
market, and the cost was $10Q per bottle, sh,:
" Mother's Friend " is a scientifically
compounded liniment which affords cer
tain relief In the various ailments pre
ceding childbirth, and assures nroner
elasticity to the cords and muscles in
volved in the filial ordeal.
"Mother's I'riend" is Bold by dnur
Kists, at' expressed on receipt of one
Valuablo book "Before Baby U
JJorn," mailed free on application.
THE t'ltAfJflgl.p REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, da.
ub'jiiU Lo la Every Home ami Litrary.
ti written t.y Kiulit J I on William Kwurt (HtMKtmi,
Kx-l'litimtr ut iirnut )'rut n u.-l )ri)l-ui1, I iii'Ur.
Kntf.. 1V. A II, Hmi'M I 'ii t ii i ('diii kh. 0 for J i Jl'tll
UttV HUmtiHl l H riii i., it. IK, ' liifiiuu J llfiwiyna
heintiMry.t'hicatfo HI. Km- 'i 'rUi w. fc'itnm. 0. t .
K.U.H , Dunn uf Cuuterlmo, ( utiiurliury I'-uu.. Hvv
Klmer II. ('mn, IM).,TufU titiei .Sni. 'irviilt. M.
Knr. i-Vfauk W Ominiitilurt, Ii l, Armour litutilo
Otiiciu". (It , ll t, , it, ' V ivniwuM, J).l,ftlitr!f
Ikiiki Prt)l jicriitti I iinKi, JsHuivH, i u: . I'V 1. S
ftlncArttmt. I) f , Utlvary J ft ('tut flnm-fi, how .ul
City, N. V, K(v. Miirlin HumincrUfi, fi.ti.. Malt,
rttiwt lre It.u.tM Clkuicli, lwifton, Me t iU rr&nl
M, JlrMol. i.l),'iit MitUtflint Kfcuii.l Imrrh
KvDipn, III.. v W. T. Moore, 1 !..!.. '"llie (U.n
(Un doMt.(.,.miultli, London, Unit 11 v. Jt'.tnnl
Kvmilt II uiu, III), fjouth (!ontriiutlomt,
iUw-l.-ii, ?.l ' , l.vv Jrwt., ',,'uf !Vt t, Jl 1) , WlM'i
tlolltttrc, Uii'Suu nil, Dim . Xy. (V-,,r ((hud UiPLnn.
lm iv i'nfvor4t), 11 in In, tvriHtky i Iwn1. '
4JIAw WilitMi, D.l)., tluivurttity of ChloiHU, Chi
-fl, 111.. Uov BauiuwJ Uuit. HO, Trinity CuIIm
llCrifiMf,'' Uuv.,I.Xloim(UlmHl,I.j .Ut.j.lV,
HVriiJ tuiriilt. H piiaU ii fi;!!-ib illu
lion, pit rAgtt, doth, tit". Wf lou,.t,
infeJe.r, , ,.. .....
1uil ra-
.. 1 1 uuehtiuu loourli. .tin
p!Hr Li,ur. mwh.i. uli ',! .1. i.My. fun a&ffii pint
I'tir ' ll. nf lih lir.i 1 ( . .,, ' l.y I juukuiil hrs lv
(4.1I..11 i.uurii, ... 1 . un... lIl'NItY t). HHKI'Mlh.
I'UUil.i bu4 U Aluuruu tillvt,CfllSo,Ilhuul.
Death Sometime,
. I . ! . .
j puioi-'in: Miny ui
M fact is told by an ex
" Confederate soldier
of one dark nlclit
on the skirmish line
cltirinfT the war. When on the instant that
his musket was aimed to kill a Union pick
et the latter, suddenly Inspired with a
sense of his own defenceless condition,
liepan to sine; those beautiful wolds: " Cov
er niv dofi tueless head with the shadow
of thy winu." The Confederate withheld
his hand. lie could not fire. The picket's
life was i-acd.
Death sometimes hpares the one who
seems marked to be his victim. Let no
our despair, even in the darkest hour,
Many a man who seemed picked out for
death by consumption has found respite
and Hnfety thromih the ue of that wonder
ful " Ooiden Medical Discovery," which
Dr. K. V. Pierce, of IliifTilo, N. Y., invented
thirty years aRo, and which, has brought
new life and hop-- to almost countless
thousands of men and women.
ICvcry day hrintrs a multitude of letters
to Dr. I'ieice, telling gratefully what his
medieiuis and his advice have done to
restore health and happiness to homes
where hitherto sickness and misery had
reigned supreme.
A jreiitlcmaii llvltip; In Stlllwn'T, Washington
Co'.mtv. Minnesota, Mr. C. J. McN.mcy, writes:
" In the siirlnir of 1SM4, I was taken 111 with
consumption, nrul a ur tryinir everything I
could hear or iml doaoritijr nil summer my
physician mi1 I hnd consumption, and that my
loft luntt wns ueaily kohl, and that I could live
hut n hnrl time About twelve bottles of Dr.
Pierce's cVoUlcn Medical Discover)' brought mc
out nil rljlit, and 1 cured mvselfor two more
nttneks 01 th-' snmc trouble. "Iain satisfied that
the '(".olden Mtdiml Discovery' will cure con
sumption If taken in time I consider It the
best medicine in the world for the discuses for
which it is recommended "
LAST Or THE SEASON. Ten-liny lXeurslon to Atlimtlii
('II y. c , lit i'iiiisyHiiiihi Itallroiiil.
Keptenilier 1 is tho dato of t)o last low-rato
ten-day excursion fiom llrie, Troy, Hello
finite, Willintnsnoit, Jtoeanaiiiia, Sunbury,
.Slicnaiidoali, Dauphin, and principal Inter
mediate stations (including stations 011
branch roads), to Atlantic City, Gipo May,
Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea,
Wildwooil, or Holly lieiieh, via Pennsylvania
Kxciiihi'ihi tickets, Kood to leturn by rcs
ular tialns within ten days, will ho sold at
ruto of f IO.dO from IJrie, fc 00 from Will
iaiosport, and proportionately low rates from
other points. Tickets to Atlantic City will
also bo sold via the Delaware Kivcr liridgo
lionte, the only all-rail line, at tea cents
more than the rule via Market street wharf,
For information in lcganl to rates and
tlino of tiains consult hand bills, or apply
to agents, or K, S. llarmr. Division Ticket
Aftcnt, Vitll:uniort, Pa.
Statu ok O1410, Citv ok Toi.iaio, I
Lie-As County. fHS
h'u.VNK' .1. Ciinsuv makes onth that ho Is tho
senior partner nf tho firm of F.J. Cur.NUV t Co.,
iKiinjr business in tho City of Toledo, County
mid stato uforewahl, nnd tiiat said flnn will pay
the sum of O.Vi: lUl.NDUICI) DOI.I.AltSfor each
and ever ease of Catarrh that cannot bo filled
bv the uso of IIai.i.'h CvrAhitu Citkk.
I ' , I A. W. (II.HASON,
hiiai. y
I . I Notary Public
Hull's Catarrh Cure ts taken Internally anile 'ts
directly 011 tho blood und mucous surfaces f
the system. Send for testimonials free.
!'. .1. (JH UNJJV & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by DniLrirlstH. T-'ic.
STlio Ituloi-M or I'ranoo nnd itUKSla Kx
ulinuiro Co I'd I a I Greotlnus.
Paris, Aug. 27. President Paure and
Emperor Nicholas exchanced tole
Erams yesterday In honor of tho llrst
nnnlversaiy of M. Faure's visit to Rus
sia. The president's telegram to the
czar was In part as ollows:
"Tho declarations which were ex
chaiiKed beneath the shadows of our
flags In tho roadstead of Cronstadt aro
memories so dear to us that I cannot
let this nnnlversary pass without as
suring your majesty again of my very
keen gratitude for tho reception your
majesty gave tho president of tho re
public. Our sentiments have undergono
no change. I am today, as I was then,
a faithful Interpreter of the French
people In renewing to your majesty an
expression of the ardent wish we enter
tain for your happiness, for that of tho
imperial family and for tho grandeur
of Itussla."
Emperor Nicholas replied:
"The empress and myself aro deeply
touched by the sentiments you have
been so good ns to express on the oc
casion of the nnnlversary of our visit
on board the Pothuau, Wo like to re
vert rn our thoughts to thoso hlstorlo
moments, the remembrance of which
will never fade. It gives me peculiar
pleasure to be able to renew at this
time an exirresslon of tho unchanging
and' unerasing good wishes wo enter,
tain for you. Monsieur Lo President,
and for France, our friend."
Ami Flowers, tlio Hand ot Auim-ica, Cali
fornia, Via the true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Itoiitc," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshine, whero snow storms, blizzards or
high allituilos aie unknown, Pullman first
and second class palaco and toil 1 1st sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without chango, Quick time, low
rates, and all tlio comforts of modern railway
improvements guar.iutced to all who pur
chase tickets via tlio Missouri Pacific railway
system, For rates right from your home,
literature, and full Information, drnpaposta)
card, J. P. McGinn, T. P. Agent, nil) Italt
road avenue, Klmira, N. V or 3111 Broad
way, Now York.
a-i-tf y. K. iiovt. o. k p. At.
Leaving Uruail Street str.tloii, Philadelphia,
at 0:A5 p. 111. daily, the "rioutliirnstorn
Limited," carrying a dining car and tlio
most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep.
lug cais, icachos Jllrminghiin the following
night at 10:10 and arrives at Memphis the
next morning at 7:10. Through sleeping cars
for Ashuvillo, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tainvi, Atlanta, MibIu and New Orleans aro
also atlaplied to thjs train. Pullman reser
vations can ho made in advance and all in
foimatloii obtained by communicating with
John M. Ileal, District Passenger Agent, &i
Cliosliuit stieet, IMilla jclphla,
One Minuto Cough Cure Btirprlsog people by
its riuick riii'iw and clilldren may takult In
large nuaniiiuw wiiiiuub iuu luuBbuaiiKur. 41
hat won for itsulf tlio best lepiitntiou of any
preparation used to-day for colds, cioup,
tickling in the throat or obstinate roughs. C.
II. llageiilitich.
At tl.s Hdtlolial Capital Greeted be Cheer
ing Crowds From the Depot
to Ills Hotel.
Wi "hlngton, Allff. 27. Hear Admiral
TVIm eld S. Pi hley reached Washington
nt 4:10 o'clock yesterday nf ternoon over
the Pennsylvania railroad. He was
quickly noticed ut most ot the statlonB
lonfr the line, and throughout the trip
he was greeted with cheering crowds.
Whc.i the train pulled Into the depot
Tiere he found a compact mass of
spectatots which filled tho depot nnd
ovorllnwcd out Into the train shed. The
admiral and Mrs. Schley, when they
nppeiaeJ, wero greeted with cheers and
nhouis of "Hurrah for Schley."
EV"rybody Joined In the shouting and
the depot ntnehes crowded about the
ndmlral und Insisted on a handshake.
At the gates the crowd Increased, nnd
nmld deafening cheers, the admiral and
his wife, the former with hat orf, pass
ed through two solid lines of people, A
lieutenant and squud of police with dif
ficulty clei.rul a passage way to a cab
which wnn hi waiting, They were driv
en dlrectl" tn the Shorelmm Hotel.
There were groups of cheerers nil tho
wny.nnd 11 ealvaleade of bicyclists form
ed a voluntary escort,
The admiral stayed only a few min
utes nt the hotel nnd then drove over
to tho navy department, where he re
ported to Acting Secretary Allen. The
latter accoinnanled him over to the
"White House, leaching there at 4.50.
The president gave him a most cordial
reception. The president thanked the
admiral for his billllant services In the
battle of July 3d, and took occasion to
say that It was that battle which
brought about the surrender of San
tiago. Although considerably better, Ad
miral Schley is not yet well, and said
last night ho expected to leave hero
today to visit relatives In Maryland,
which probably wlU consume several
days, after which ho will go to Con
necticut to remain until about time
to start for Porto Itleo. Some ship
other than the Brooklyn ho said,
Would be selected for this purpose, as
tho flasshlp was about to undergo
needed repairs.
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo.
Tho best Balvo In the world for cuts,
bruises, soics, ulcers, salt rheum, fover sores,
totter, chapped handB, chilhlaius, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and poslthvly cjics piloa,
or ao pay required. It ts guaranteed to givo
porfect satisfaction or tuony refunded. Pried
2fl ran Is per box. For salo by A, Wasley .
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Rnyint Bun. Hard Coal No Smoke
Trains leave Shcnandonh as (ollows;
Kor New York v)a Philadelphia, week ilay,
7 110 9 M a. ui., 12 27, ft 10 hih! G u7 p. in.
For New York via Maiich Chtnui, wook ilayn,
7 30 a. in., 12 27 and U 10 v. in.
For Kvaillng and 1'hllidi Iplila, week diiys,
7 30, 9 a.m., 12 27, 3 10 and u 07 i. m
For l'ottctvllle, week dav-H, 7 30, UM a. iu.
12 27, 8 10, 6 07 and T 21 p. in.
For Tamaqua and Mahunoy City, week day
7 30, 9 51 n. in., 12 27. 3 10 and 0 07 V. m.
For WUllauiHport, Sunhiirv and I.tMvNt-urn
week days. 11!I0,aui.. 12 27, 7 r m
For Malmiiox 'Mane, wu,iKdan. i .'111, i) M, II 30
a. in., 12 27, 1U, 0 07, 7 j, 9 65 p. lu.
For Anlilaml nnd Shaniokln, wenl: ihiyn, 730,
1130 a. m., 12 27, 310,(107, 724 n..tJ f 55 p. m.
For llaltlmore. Washington and tho Wi-st via
Tenntiial, I'litfudtlpliia, (1. A It. If K) at 320,
i do, ii iu h. uiM a iv ami 7.-T p. i. MiuioayM,
3 20,7 00,112 a.m., 4ft and 7 27 p. in. Addi
tional tralni from Twenty-fourth and CI ('hU
nut htrt eta station, week dnyn, 10;i0a. iu. 12 20.
12 It S IU p.m. Hundays, 1 3o, B23 p. ui.
Leave New York via 1'Utladulphla, week
days, 12 15. 4 30. 8 00, U 30 a. in., und 1 45. i 30
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Maueh Chunk, week
day, 4 30. 9 lu a. m., 1 30 p. tu.
Leave riiltadclphla, Ueadlnc Tfrntliml. ueek
dayb, 3 40, ri 30 10 21 a. in. and I 30, -t 0 p. in.
Leave itPtttiiiiK, weeK uaya, 7W, iUlW, u, m.
12 15, 4 17, 6 00 p. ui.
Leau l'ottavllle. weekdays, 71', 7 40 4. in
12 30 4 10, 6 10 and 0 o0 p. m.
Icavo TanuMjua, week days, 8 30, 1123 a. in,,
1 49,5 5ft, 7 20 p.m.
Leave Alnhanoy City, week days. UOI. 1147
a. in., 2 22, 5 12, 6 21, 7 44 p. in
leave Aiananoy 1'ianu, weeK uaya, ouu, a u-i.
1025, 1159 a. m 241, 632, 41 77lpln.
Leave WUllaiuport, weok days, 7 42, It 00 a
oi., 12 31 and 4 00 p. m.
Leave Phlladelplila Chestnut street watf und
South street whaif for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 3 00, 900, 10 15 a. m., (1 30
Saturdays only), 1 00, 3 00, 3 40 00 minute tralnj,
4 00 05 mliiutu train, 4 30, 5 00 G3 minuto
train), 540, 700 p.m. Accommodation, 015
a. m., 5 00, 030 p. iu $1.00 excursion train 700
am. Sundays Express, 730, H 00, 8 30, 9 00,
10 00 a ru, 4 45 p in. Accommodation, G 15 a Ut,
4 45 p. m. 91.00 excursion truiu, 7 a tn
Ueturnlng leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, (Gl Mondays only)
TC0, 7 45 G5 initiuto train, 8 20 OH ininutu
train, 9 00, 1015, 1100 a m,, 30, 4 30, A 80, 7 30,
93J p. m. Accommodation, 4 25, 7 50 a. in.
4 05 p. m, 81.00 excursion train (from Mh-dhslppl
nve. only) 0(0 p. m. Hundaytt Express, 330,
4 00,5 00,0 00,0 30,7 00,7 30. HOf9 30p m, Ac
cominodatlou, 715 a. ui., 5 OA p. lu. 81 00
excursion train (from foot of Mississippi uve.
only), 0 10 p m.
For Capo May nnd Sea Isle City, ft 4.5 a.m.,
2 80,4 15 pm, Additional for Capo May 113
p.m. Sundays (81 00 excursion 7 00) 915 am.
For Ocean City, 8 3U,8 45 a in, 2 30, 4 45 p nu
(81.00 rxeursion Thursday only) 700 u ui. Sun
days, 8 15, 9 15 u m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading ltailway ticket agen
or address
I. A. Swkioaku, F.nsoN J. YVkkkh.
ClenM Sunt., Oen'l Pass'r Agt.
HeudiiiK Terminal, Vhlladelphfa.
We Bottle
Private family ortlera will receive
prompt attention. T.eave them
at the oflice, we will do
the rest.
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
WUoIesalo and Retail.
SO West Contra Street.
La Grippe,
followed by Heart Dlscato, Cured by
VS- '''1t5I-TS of Wintered, lown.
. , , p'-ip ;.m! mnnufacturor of
. iilt-'.Ufotj- Vlilfllctreo Coupling,
M.It'f Ti ;. -Mllo'i HoartOuro. "Twoynars
.i'.kiici .in. 1 1: of l.adrlpiio left mo with a
t.iu!: lieurt. I liail run down In flcsli to
mim! 'ntMiillionr. I could not Mcup lying
uti'.'u f r siiitilliui'lni; spells; frequent sharp
Curling pun.s and pulpllattnu caused a con fear of sudden death, nothing could
induco mo to remain away froin homo over
-Iglit. liy local physician prcscrlhod Dr.
"Jllcs Heart Cuto and In a few days I was
alls to sleep well and tho, pains gradually
lejucnJ, nml finally ceased. I reduced tho
tho dn.CiS, h.'ivlnit gained fifteen pounds, and
am now feeling bettor lu overy way than I
huvu for voaia."
Dr. Miles' ltemcdlcj KjwSp rsr.
aro sold by Ml druksN
guaranteu, fllat bottlo I
benefits or money re
funded. Hook on dis
eases of tlio heart and I
.MoeHh -vs
nerves freo. Address,
Dlt. MILKS MEDICAL OO.. Elkhart, Ind.
M. 11UUKK.
Oflice Kiiii tiullilln, of Main on
Centre Htrvrtti, Slit'liiitKloah.
it .
Bhcnaiidonli, Vn.
Iclc Bur C5, Mahnuo)-Oily, la.
JfavliiK ntudloil under eonio ot lhn bcl
niHUtcrs In IAjiuIoii and 1'fttls, will glvo leusoua
on tliu vliillii,iimndillu, guitar und vocal culture.
Terme reanonable. Address lu eara ( HIioiihu.
the Jeweler UheuaudoaU.
JULV 1, 1898.
Trains will leave Hhenandoah alter kite &tio.e
aatufor Wlgun, Uilbertoli, KrauLville, Jlai
Water, Mt. Clulr, l'oltavillo. lIuinburK,' lteuu,..,
I'oltotowu, l'lioenlxvllle. Noirmtuwu u.a I'l.i..
u.elihlii (ilrKl Direct station) ut 0 05 uuu b 15
a. iu.f 2 ULi, u Id p to. on weelc iluys. hundaB,
H IS u. ui., -i -JA p. in.
Tralua leave fruekvllle for SlieuandoaU 1 1
7 Si), il 4S a. in. and 5 10, I'M p. u.. tiunday,
11 01 a. lii. and & 4(1 p. lu.
Leave t'oltsvtlle lor Hlienundoali (via Kract.
vllle, 7 10, 1120 a. in., 61W, 7 10 p. lu. rjunday
IU fU u. lu., 5 20 p. lu.
luivu X'lillaUelpMu, (lirouil atreet station), lui
tlhn,inUoan ul 35u. ui., 4 10 p. in. week days,
Sundays leave at (i 60 uud U 23 n. lu.
Leave Uroad atreet tjtatlou, X'lilladelpbla,
Hxpreoa, week-days, 8 20,4 0a, 4 60 6 0i,5 15,0 60,
7aa,2u, 9 60, 10 21 (Dlulug Cur), iimu, u.,
12UIIIOOU, i-iOi ILIlulled 1 1X1 aud 4 22 p. la.
llinlliK Uaia), 1 10, 2 00 (IIIuiuk lur) ti 2U, ami.
1 ITJ. ftlNI. frri. t llllilo.r I'll.) 7 1,1 1 M, Ml..
ill): Curl, IUUU i. ui., 12U1, lilglil.' .Mu,, ua)n,
Ji', 4Uo, 4 00. 6 0j, 613 8 20, O&B, 10 21, (l)lullig
uu.;, .. . ... .A IM, IW ll.lllllll uuri . o
Illl, it.. I'n.l. .1.1 II 4..1II...I. ht , I..
620,6ou, (Dlulug Cur) am, 7UJ.7&U, liliuliiK ,
CurJ luuup. ui., 1201 night.
r.xpretw lor liuoiou witnout eiiauge, 11 ooa u.,
week-duys, und 7 00 p. ui., dully.
Culsklll express, U'urlor Cur), 20 n m week "
Kor llaltliuore aud WaslitnKtuu, 3 SO, 7 20, H'M,
10 2U, 11 1, a. iu., 12 0U, 12111 iDUIuii Curj, 1 12
IDining CarJ, J 12, 4 41, (S2i Contain
olonal l.liulled, Lliilnt; CarJ, b 17. 065 11)1 ii
Int CurJ, 7al IDliiliit- Car u. in., and 12 15
night week Uuya. hunduys, J bu, 7 20, U 12, 11 2J,
a. ui., 12 UK, 1 12, Dining CarJ 4 41, 52U Con
greumonul Limited, Dining CurJ, nil Dining
Curj, 7111 iDinlngCarJ p. ui, anu 12 05uigiit.
l'or llaltliuore, ueeuuiuodutlou, U 12 u ul, 2 OJ
aud 4 Ul p ui week days, 6 Oa aud 11 10 p iu dally.
Leave llroad street station via Dotawure rive
bridge lixprcsn, 5u0, u 40 0 uilnutisl u in,
2 lis nl iniuiitesj, 1 UU bo iniuutesj, 7u p. in.
tiuniiuys, auo, U20 no iniuutesj, u in, 2;w b2
iniuutesj, 7 Ui p iu.
l.ituve .Murkel btreet Wurf Kxpresa, S 00, 8 an,
looo 175 iniuutesj, u iu. UUU Suliinliiyo onyj, 2 UU
175 iiiiiiiitesj, a uu I70iiiiuutesj,auu ItO iniiaiU ul,
4 00 05 iniullUs, IU 175 miipitesj, QUO i'o
llliuulvs, 5W) Ui inliiufesj p in. Muuduys, Suu,
730, uu 75 iiiluuteaj, 83U, 'J0O 175 lulnulesj,
0 50 170 iniuutesj a III, und 4 U0 75 uiillllUnJ p 111,
Sf.UU eieuraion truln, 7 Uu u 111 dally.
I'ut CupeMuy, Auglasua, WlldwooU and Holt)
lleucUl'.x press, 0U0 u In, 2 80, 4 03, 5 00 p lu
weekduya. suudus. 82Utt lu. Cape Muy only,
1 aup in Suturdns. Uxeurslou, 7 uu u iu dully,
for Weu iale City, ueerji city, Avulou aud
Btoue Harbor Knpreai,, mo u, ui., 2 30, 4 20,
COUu. in. weekdays. Sundays, 8 60 u. ui. 1.x
eurspiu 7 CO c in dally,
I'or Muuiera Point ISxprcas, 503, 8 20, 10 00
a. ui., 1 00 Saturdays only, a uu, 4 uu, 6 uu, & ao
p. Ul. week days., Sundays, 6 00, 0 00. II uo. 'J 00
a. In. nnd t ay p, m, .
J. ll.iUuicumoN, J, u, Wouu,
Oeu'l Alauauor, Gen l'tua'u'r Agl
,1urees$or of the " UnabrMatd."
The Uuo Groat Stnmliirtl Authority,
n, iiiiu-m nun. ii. .i, iiri-wfr,
JiulUxj V. r), Huiirt-mu Uutitt.
of tlio It. s. (lov't I'rlnllnir
ytiiic, iw n. niijirniue
Court, alt tlio huie Nu-,
i,i rine i onna, ami or neitr
ly llll 111!) HchoolbouH.
by Sute Hiixierlntenilonta (
of School!, rollt- preal-,
daiiU.rtnilntherLihir'atora )
niuioii wiuiout iillluoer.
liouftfboM, ami lit
her, at-holur, ni-
niAii, mm B.'n-
'i It easy to find the word wanted.
It Is cuy to utcertain the pronunclafon
It lieu.y to trace the growth of a word.
It Is cusy to learn what a word means.
T i Kvtr York Tribune S.ivsj
I In 1 1 l-st fitltlijii conies from the vivm mIMi a
"iii.Ii''Hi that liui.ll.-a tho most thoroHirhiiii-,
iiltiii'l yixiirr:ipliii-ul aiiKrvLton. 'it'
i Ik i lill, tu.i. Hilda thUUMOrk tn WlildlHU
.uu'.iii uaiiuio it-nr. .tini a. law.
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laTSiierlmeu pages Bent on application lo
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