I IA Slicnnndonh Sntlslled Willi (lie Work Done mid Mnny nrc Express ing Appreciation, What Is mprc satisfactory to anyone tlinn the knowledge of work well done nnd the appreciation of those we do it for. We have a most natural pride of the success ucliicvcd In Shenandoah, and the public tiilrmnccs of the people. So many citizens have frankly acknowledged the benefits obtained, nnd do not hesitate to express them that others may profit. Our Representative lias multigated some of the cases that have come to our notice, and found the statements coircct in every particular, Mrs. W. S. Liiideiimtith, lives at 332 Maybcrry alley, nnd by her kind permission wc publish what jtie says. "I used Doan's Kidney Pills which 1 pro cured from Kirliu's Pharmacy, and I had not taken many before I was so much better that I found it unnecessary to continue with the treatment. 1 had pain in my back, giddiness when I stooped and nn ncute lameness across my kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills certainly proved most satisfactory. Myjiead has pained J me less since taking them although I did not 1 befere know that it was my kidneys that caused ? - my headaches. This remedy also regulated the kidney secretions and relieved ine of much annoyance. I can recommend Doan's f Kidney Pills as being a most effective pre paration to cure disordered kidneys." Doan's Ointment for salo by all dealers. Prleo BO cents. Stalled by Fostcr-Mlllmrn Co., Htillulo, N. Y solo agents for tho U. S. Iteniemlicr tho liamo Doan's and take no substitute. Wear ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS. Perfect Pitting. FOR SALE. BY LEADINO DEALERS. You can blame yourself if you do n't get real good coffee to drink. Ordinary coilea is made dc liciniw !v ridding SULLKlS. ic .pit. a package for Seclic's. K tittle of this kadiui zture to' "cheap coffee ellciou.s (.avesc tpens Pilsner Beer. Nttcds no recommendation. Put up in bottles for family use and delivered at your home. Lauer's Pilsner Draught Beer Is drank by the majority of beer drinkers. They are good authority on which is best. Christ. :hmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA. FOU BTATK HHNATOIt. SOtli District, D. IYI. GRAHAM, Of Maiianov Citv. Hnlijeet to Itepiilillcnn rules. pOlt IHUHtJTOIt OK TIIK POOlt, S. G. MIDDLETON, OP Ull.UKItTOK. Huliji'ct tn Kepulillcnii rules. JOIt COUNTV CONTltOM.EIt, CHARLES A. SNYDER, Of l'olTMVII.I.B. Hulijeit to Itrpnlillvait rules. JjiOIt COUNTY SUltVKYOIt, MARK D. BOWMAN, Of- Maiianov Citv. Huujtct to Kepultllcaii rnln. pOlt Itl'.l'ltlWUNTATIYl!, DR. H. G. REITZEL, Op Maiianov Citv, Subject tn Itt'piililleau rules. "JjUlltCOllONKIt, DR. W. N. STEIN, Of SllltNANllOlI, Suldeet to Uopiiullcau rules. BtfflAggSY RILLS! inlF! . Antl f'JHt . tCl 4c. FOU-xiolUg S 8f I It H'ovlunky's Jdrng', store, Kr Utinlre street.. (m n mrs. mm peril Tho Alleged Murderess- to Bo Brought to Dolawaro. STRONG EVIDENCE AOAINST HER. Attni'iioy (lonmol Wlilto Doelnrosi "Wo llnvo tho Mui'doi'OHi, mid Wo Jlnvo KvlcUiiicoTlmt No Dof'ouso Can Slinttor." Dover, Del., Autr. 20. Attorney Gen eral White last night sent to San Fran cisco requisition papers for Mrs. Hot Itlri, who is under uriest there charged with the poisoning of Mrs. Denne and Mib. Dunning by menus of candy sent through the ninll. The nllldavlt to se cure the papers wns sworn to by cx- Congri'ssiimn I'enulngton, the father of the two poisoned women, nnd the papers charge Mrs. liotkln with mur der In the llrst. degree. Hofnre leaving here for Georgetown last night Attorney denefal White said: "We havo the murderess, and we have evidence that no defense can shatter'. Tho only thins we fear is Mrs. Dotkln's self destruction." Mr. White ndded thnt the handwrit ing on the wrapper of tho candy pack age nnd that In tho anonymous letters sent to Mrs. Dunning has been posi tively Identltled by Mr. Dunning as similar to tho handwriting of Mrs. Bot- kln. The trial will probably be called In October. It Is stated here that Detective Wltsll and a wamah police matron will go west to bilng Mrs. Uotkln here. The California witnesses will not be sum moned to Delaware until the trial Is called, but their uffadlvlts will be taken at San Francisco. Tho Cnlll'iii'iiln AVItnfo. San Franclfco, Aug. 20. Nothing new developed In the liotkln case yesterday. '1 he accused womun spent a fairly good night In the city prison, and has firm ly refused to be Interviewed. Tho post otllco authoiitles are anxiously await ing the appearance of a letter address ed to Mrs. Uotkln, supposedly from Delaware. A clerk In the local post otllce believes he can Identify the box which contained the candy when It ar rived here on Sunday. Tho clerk says that he received a box answering the description of the candy box from a woman with an English accent about three weeks nco, and that It was mailed as first class matter. He will be taken before Mrs. liotkln. The Stockton man who says he sold a box of bonbons to a woman answering Mrs. liotkln's description several weeks ago will be brought to this city to face Mrs. Botkln. Scrofula, salt rhcuin, oryslpolas and other distressing eruptlvo diseases yiold quickly and permanently to tho cleansing, purifying power of Burdock Blood Hitters. I'orto Itloo'H l'ostal AocomhIUo. Washington, Aug. 28. Postmaster General Fnlory Smith will dispatch a commission to Porto Ulco shortly to examine into the postal necessities there and make recommendations for the establishment of a complete ser vice. This order has not been formally approved by the postmaster general, but a number of persons recommended for appointment on the commission without doubt will be chosen. Major J. E. Stuart Is to be chief of the com mission. He hns for many years been In the service of the department In the Chicago division, and was offered tho position of postal agent rrt Santiago after the death of Mr. Eben Brewer, but being connected with an Illinois regiment pieferred to stay with the army. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Porto Itlon Troops Onloroit Homo. Washington, Aug. 20. Orders have been Issued directing General Miles to send home from Porto Rico alt troops not actually needed for service there. No point has been designated as yet for their disembarkation In tho United Stutes, but an examination of soveral sites Is In piogress. It Is desired to se cure a healthful camp and at the same time one where disembarkation can take place at once, without any delay such as ocenrrred at MontauK. When von rail tor DoWltt's Witch Hiuol Sul llu, i.ntnt. ntln I'M HI. don't ilCCCIlt 11UY- tliiinrrlso Don't lie tiIKeu lino ue.upuug a substitute, fur piles, lor sores, lor- uurns. i II. UllgOUtlllCII. Drownnd Wlilln rnrdiiier u t'l'oeic. Lancaster. Pa.. Auc. 2C mIrh Mnr. garet BIcley. need 18 vm. wno drowned in the Conowlngo creek In Fulton township, this county, yester day. A bridge had been carried away by the high water, and Miss Hnrrlnv and her brother were fording- the creek In a carriage. The horse became frightened In midstream, upset the ve hicle and the young woman was drowned. A Great Surprise Isin store for nil who nso Kemp's llalsam for the Throat and I.ungs, Would you be- ieve that it is sold on its merits and any druggist is authorized by the proprietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute or chronic roughs. All druggists sell Kemp's llalsam. I'rice 25 and 50c. Unltni...' Suspension IteVntisliloroa, Washington, Aug. 20. The Nutlonal League board of. directors has recon sidered Its suspension of HiJuies, the Baltimore baseball player. The line against the New York club still stands. What Dr. A. U. Ktuter Kuys, Hukfalo, N. Y. flouts: From my per sonal knowledge, gained in observing the ellect of your Shiloli'g Curo In eases of ad vanced Consumption. I am prepared to say it Is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to' my attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold liy P. I). Kirlln, nnd u guarantee. Admiral Soliluy tn Washington. Washington, Aug. 20. Hear Admiral W, S. Schley 111 lived here last night accompanied by his wlfo and son-in- law, It, S. Wortley. The admiral ap parently had completely recovered from his recent Indisposition. Mrs. Schley said today that the admiral will re turn to Saugutuck with her to 'spend the coming Sunduy. "I had a ruuuliig, Itching sore on my lee Suffered tortures. Doan's Ointment took away the burning nnd Itching instantly and quickly ell'eclcd permanent cure." O, W, Lonliart, Howling Ureeu, O. JF Pemember the name 1 when you buy again. Jp niim.mi:i: OUTINCS. KKSONALLY-CONPUCTED TOUR VIA PENN SYLVANIA RAILItOAI). Tho Pennsylvania Itailroad Company an nounces tho following personally-'ionductcd tours for tho summer and early autumn of 180S: To Yellowstone Park and the Tram- Mississippi Exposition 011 a special train of Pullman sleeping, compartment, observation, and dining cars, allowing eight days in Wonderland" and two days at Omaha, Sep tember 1. Kate, ?235 from New York, Phil adelphia, Baltimore, and Washington; ?2:J0 from Pittsburg. To Kiagant Falls, excursion tickets good to return within ten days will bo sold on July 21, August 4 and 18. September t, 15 and 211, at rate of $10 from Philadelphia, ISaltimorc, and Washington. These tickets includo transportation only, and will permit of stop over within limit at llullalo, ltochcstcr, and Watkins on the return trip. Two ton-day tours to Gettysburg, I.uray Caverns, Natural Ilridgo, Virginia Hot Springs, Richmond, and Washington, Sep tember 28 and October 10. Rate, $03 from New York, JOll from Philadelphia. Pro portionate rates from other points. For Itineraries nnd further Information ap ply to ticket agents, or address Cleo. W. Iloyd, Assistant (Icuoral Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. to cr,uANsn Tin: systi;m l'U'ectually yet gently, when costive or bil ious, to permanently ovcrcomo habitual constipation, to awaken tho kidneys and livor to a healthy activity, without Irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fovers, uso Syrup of Figs, made by the California rig Syrup Co. NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT OF O. A. K. ItEDUCllIl 1UTK8 TO CINCINNATI, O., VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. For tho thirty-second National Encamp ment of G. A. K., to bo held at Cincinnati, O., September 5 to 10, 1803, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell oxcurelon tickets at ruto of single faro for tho round trip. Thcso tickets will bo sold on September B, t, and 5, and will bo good to leave Cincinnati returning not earlier thiu September (I nor later than September 13, oxeept that by de positing ticket with Joint Agentat Cincinnati on September 5, 0, 7, 8, or 0, and on payment of twenty-five cents, return limit may bo ex tended so that passengers may remain at Cincinnati until Octobers. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites. burns, skin diseases and especially piles there Is one reliable remedy. DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo. When you call for DoWltt's don't accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not lie disappointed with DoWltt's witch llazol Salve. C. II. ilugenbuch. BRJHEELMMixihSf. Side Entrance on Groen St., PHILADELPHIA, FA, CURE GUARANTEED. Vounc, old, Blnirleermarrlrd tinier con templiitlng marriage, Ifynu sru a victim of mnnn omnM .- -?? Private Diseases !!SM frnvmlnrl find hod v. anrl unfit VOU for tllO dutlen of life, call or wrtiu and lo tmvtul. Hours: liaiiy, 1 v I, 11111 mm., iimv. bciiu iucib. m mam pa fur llookc with wore t n tl mn I ul Kxpuilnit Quuoki and FuLo Iutl(ute ATON'S TANSY PILLS A TtiKn. tiitk iVDiifK WOMAN'S RELIEF. Alwiytpromtit in J rrlUbla. Avovf Jmtat(oJ, OH I'lTU'! lUHir 1'lLLlAnd lit M MIOKKTI. At ilruir torn, orient direct (ukltd). prlct. II. CiTuir bro. Co. Botttoi.MM. Oorbook. 4. Kor oale at Ktrlln'i drug atoreand 8hn-idoa urup mnr EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No. 13 North Jardln St. g . K M THE PHILADELPHIA TinES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. During 1808 THETIMKS will not onlv maintain the, high standard of cxccllcneo it reached tliu pant year, but will steadfastly endeavor to excel Its own 1,,'st record, and will not nwerve from Its et purpose to mako THE TIMES THE FAV0KITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER 0E THIS COUNTRY AND THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISlfED ALL THE NEWS OF ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME No Journal in more eitcnalvcly circulated or lint u wliler circle of readers In Pennsylvania than THE PHILADELPHIA TinES WHY? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Conies Sent Free Send for one TED M O DAILY. 83.00 per annum: 25 cents per month; tlelivered by carrtera for 6 centii per week. SUNDAY KDITION, 82 Iiir;c, lmmNome imirca22l coliiiunji, eleifnutly illuHtratetl, beautifully printed In Color. 824)0 per nnuuui ; o eeiuii per copy, uaiiy nnu tin day, 85.(10 ier auiiuiii ; AO cents per raontli. Adclresn all lettem to THE TIMES. puii.iiiHr.rmi ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND en THERE IS NO KIND OF PAIN nn l " ACHE. INTPnMAl nn ryrroum THAT PAIN. KILLER WILL NOT RE- I LIEVE. , LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND 6UD , STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE DEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS & SON. PEHFEOT 0 1 DO NOT DESPAIR! ll Not NuRVr I.oi.uer! Tho uybuno uiuhttions or itiu can u rcetlorL'd tu xou Th vt'r? .MurstcasL'sof Nt'rvoim UeblH rty u-i' ulifdiitfly 'Mirt'il ty pKurr.cro ta in.irrN. (Jlvo prompt relict lu tiibiuiinla uilliic mentorjr uiitl thowuitu nndtiriilimf vi tulpowtTb, Incur mt by indUm'lloiuorexrc'hvt'i or early yenrs linpurt viyoi and ixnoiiev to ivtrv fuiictlun, IlracouDtho BThtotu. (Jtvc bo bloom to tlio chueWb and luolm to tbu eye ot youtip oro.'d. Ouo box rciu "Y Avltiil tMiercy; C ltoiua ut tf'J.AO u coiu-r 1 pk't uuaruu tcod euro or inoney re t uud'f jlfw vod Can bo curried In vest jvot kia hold xUlt oT erywlieroor mulled In plain wmj inrin t rccolptof prleo tyTiifii'ti.'UMUU'ruuu. cuxtou mug. uuicagu.nu rornaleln KlienaiuloAli liy Bhenanduau Drug Hioro anil Urulilor llrua. 'v tiers nr f'il i injtiii!n,yrrtiu3 1 isfr .Hid urttlttrr lidlliu i,f wWi Tmujt 'nil I'tunrroyiil lllln . uh I' hitmen! i!iiiyRiilrtnl tmttwr to all cithers Jt.rl'. Uji In ilio iiSrtu. a No L Wrilculan.tcu Ui.i -9IK.lUsU li.Mtuil.UsM ill DOWN BY Fishing Schoonor Out in Two by tho Norgd SIXTEEN OF THE OREW PERISHED Tho Cnptnlu of tlio ThliiKvntla l.lno Htrumui' Orrtorc'd tliu Vussol Alloml I lilt Full .Spuud to I'rovoilt H Itoputl tlon or tliu I. ii lltirnounu Dlsnitur. New York, Aug. 20. The Thlngvalla Line stcnmshlp Norge, whleli arrived here yestunJny, reports that she sunk the French llshlnK schooner Lu Co quette, of llayonno, France, on Sat urday last, on the Grand Uanks. Tho captain and eight seamen were saved Sixteen went down with the unfortu nate vessel. Those saved from La Co quette am Captuln Louis Bene, Henri Itueltan, Victor Cherelle, Jose Lac quec, Jos Defcver, Leon Outln, Samuel Broqtiel, Jean Ilaptlste Lemennnt and Kuuene Qulllette. Tho captain nnd the cruw saved wore taken to tho French consul's olllce. Captain C. 11. Knudson, of the Norge, after landing, said: "While coining along the banks we met with a denso fog, and I had been continuously on the bridge for 22 hours. Between 3 and S.30 o'clock Suturday afternoon, when the Btcamshlp was going at half speed, and when the fog was not so thick, I suddenly heard the siren of the schooner dead ahead. 1 saw at a glance that a collision wns unavoida ble. The Norge must run into the schooner or sutler the fate of La Bourgogne by being run Into by the Bchooner. As the Norgo had a large number of passengers on board I pre ferred to take the chance. 1 ordered the Norge to go at full speed. We ran Into the bow of the schooner and tore a hole three feet wide. As the sea was choppy and as the Norge rose nnd fell with the swell the hole In the schoon er was made larger. "Three men of tho schooner clamber ed up on the Norge by means of tho anchor chains. There were six or sev en, men floundering around In the wa ter. Our second oillcer, Nicholson, lowered the boat and picked up tho men, nine in all. Tho other 1G men could be seen struggling In the choppy sea. The suction caused bv the set tling of the schooner drew them under. They could not be saved. The accident was unavoidable." At the oiliee of the French consul the following names of the lost were given: Lemenant, Ganeu, Allaln, Lepron, Mon slnct, Graffet, Curntin, Halmgont, Les- cot, Hlorquet, Gerard, Guenara, De Crolx, Mlnguerl, Haurel and Bonpere. All were flsheimen. The report of Captain Bene to the French consul states that when the collision occurred there was a heavy tog prevailing. The men were all on deck fishing. Suddenly the Norge ap peared coming toward them, head on for their side. It was Impossible to do anything to get out of the way. The Norge, which was going at a speed of from eight to ten miles an hour, hit La Coquette In the side. Her aftermast fell toward tho wheel. There were 10 men In that part of the vessel, and the rigging, sails and masts pinned them down so that It was Inevitable death for them as the vessel began to sink. The wheel was smashed by the falling must, and control of La Coquette was lost. The Norge cut La Coquette clean In half. The steamer backed as quickly as possible and her crew lowered boats and went to the rescue of the men In the water. It was Impossible to save the 10 men who perished. La Coquette sank at once. Millions Given Away. It is certainly cnitlfyim; to the public to know of one concern in tlio land who are not afmiil to bo cenorous to tlio needy and suffer ing. Tlio proprietors ot Dr. King s JNew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great mcdicino : and have tlio satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, lironchitls, Hoarseness and ail diseases ot tho Throat. Chest and Lungs aro surely cured by it. Call on A. Wasley, Druggist, and get a trial bottle freo. Regular sizo 50c. and Jl. I.very bottlo guaranteed, or prico rotunacd. I.nlliyi'tto .'Motiiiineiit Coiuiiilsslon. Chicago, Auk. 20. Melville E. Stone has accepted the position on the La fayette monument commission tendered to him by Ferdinand W. Peck, commis sioner general from the United States to the Paris exposition. This fills tho commission. It Is composed of Will lam It. Day, secretary of state; 'Will iam B. Allison, Iowa; Dr. Everett Hale, of Massachusetts; Dr. W. T. Harris, United States commissioner of educa tion, Washington; John W. McKay, president Commercial Cnble company, New York; Frank Thompson, president Pennsylvania Railroad company; C. A. Collier, mayor of Alexandria; Alex ander II. Itevell, Chicago, and Melville E. Stone, general manager of the As soelated Press, Chlca'so. Moro tlmn twenty million freo samples of DoWltt's Witch JliiKol halve niivo uecn dis tributed by tliu niauiifucturors. Wlmt better proof of their confluence lu 1U merits do you want? si cures piles, uurns, scams, norrs, in tlio shortest space of time. C. II. llaucnbiicli, DcIuwnrii'M ltoiMilillcuii .Nun'illKic. Dover, Del., Auff. 26. At the reu lar ltepubllean state conventiuii yes terday the following candidates on the state ticket were nominated'. For uuii Kiessman, John Henry Hoffrleker, nf Smyra; for state treasurer. Dr. I... Hets ler nail, of Faulklimd; for state audi tor, John A. I.Iiiro, of Lnntr Neck. The nominations wero of tho "dark horse" order excepting Mr. Lingo. The ticket wan received with favor by the Unionists, as Dr. Hoffrleker wns their candidate for irovenmr at the last elec tion, and harmony may lie the result In the llepulilU'iin rnnks. liodily pain lnseslts terrorif you've u botlk uf Dr. Tliom.1!. Kdectiio Oil in tlio liouse Instant relief in cjimm of bums, cuts, spivuna, uei Ulents of nuy sort. Di'IU'ui'id, I'm. kI( ,7 -ulillcr . WnHliliiKton, Auir. 20. Actlni? Scck taiy .Melkeljolin, of tile war (li-snut-liu'lit, yeHterday sent an order by who to every military hospital In the coun try eulIliiK tho attention of the sur Bi'iuis. In diniKo to the order of Auk. 10, lili b allowed the expenditure of CO r. nts per du per mini for the purchase ut deliiacles fur the sick soldiers. He directed that thii. nii.nuiit nnd us much more as won inuwuj' for the comfort of the sick be cxpi ndeil lu maklnir tho troops comfortalile, an. I in uetti-iir for them such tliltitrs us ininht be neces sary In tho matter of food. Mr. Melkel jolin did this when he received Infor mation from the hospital ut Fort Myi-r that not u cent of this fund had been expended. For Constlp.itlou take Karl's Clover lioot Tea, the great Wood Turiller. Cures Head ache, Xervousuoss, Eruptions on tlio Face, and makes tlio head clearas a boll. Sold by r. l). Kirllu nml n gu.imtitee. SCRATCHED CONSTANTLY Baby Badly Afflicted with Eczoma. Medical Treatment Useless. Cured by Cuticura. My nlcco's little b.iby boy had Kciema nil ocr Ins face, bo that ho needed continuous Matching, and ho firrulrheil tlio HoreS con stantly. .Moriilngt,lilHf,'ice,li.ui(Iaand clothes would bo stained with blood. 81:0 never co iM talio lilm out, his faro wai so full of sores. Slio hail medical treatment, and tried crcrtlilng slio heard of. Slio commenced mlng tho Ci'TirniA Ukukuik. Tlio tores Ufllitaf.tcentul hetms cntirelymret!,aud now his faco Is smooth and rosy. Mm. L. J. iU lOT New Scotland, Is". V. SrilhT Cl'H.TRBATHRIVTroR KlEMT HiBT Ht'MOR, trn tw or Hair. Wtrm IwthB with conn i h h.iAr, I.illowM liy tr.ntl. .nnlntinit, Willi neURA, J'ureal of ciiio)Menu,anctjrr.t..t ot ikin care. M.I IlirnnrTioutth mrltt. I'nTTtR I).C. Conr., irti l'rop.., iloatoa. How lo Care Kverf l!liy ilutnor, fre. aim: voir iioimu south? THE SOUTHBKN KAII.WAY r.KACHIM A I.I. I'llOM 1N11NT POINTS. Don't start South without consulting John M. Hoall, District Passcimcr Agent, Southorn Railway, IKS Chostiuit street, Philadelphia If you cannot call in person, write to him. DoWltt's Witch llazol Salve has the largest salo of any salvo In tlio world. This fact and its merit lias led dishonest people to at tempt to counterfeit It. Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for Do Witt's Witch Hazlo Salve, the gleat pile cure. C. II. Hageubueh. HUMPHREYS' VETERIHARY SPECIFICS 500 PAGE BOOK MAILED FREE. CONTENTS : Part I. Diseases of Horses. Part II. - Diseases of Cattle. Part III. Diseases or Sheep. Part IV. Diseases of Hogs. Part V. Diseases of Dogs. Part VI. Diseases of Poultry. Sumo book in bolter binding GO eta. Umi'UHMS'DIEIl. (I)., r.HII!lin& Jiibn Ht.,Aw Tort NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in usa over AO years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial, or 5 vials andlame vial powder, for 5 Polil by Drugttlm, or sent iOf.tpn14 on rccl(t ol prtct. Hl'Jll'lluns' EMI. (il.,or. "llllon. i JobDSI... Nfwlork nillions of Dollars Go up in smoke ovory year. Take n risks hut got your houses, stock, fa nituro, etc., insured in flrst-elass r llablo companios as roprosontod by HAVFH FAIFST insurance Aperi uavijj ritual, 120 Pputll jBrdfnf,, AUo LffiCndAocidnnil OompJinle WHEN iN DOUBT, TRY STRONG AGAIN ! . ... , , , . $ur pfrfect, and impart a healthy vigor to the whole belnp. All drains and Iossm arc checked ftrtnanentty. Unlets twtlent i if 7 i ; n ' 1 .whuihum wiitu vruruo wicnumo insamiy, uonsumnuonor JJcuta. Mailed seated. I'nce f i per box; 6 boxci.wlth Iron-clid legal cuarantee to cure or refundjh For Sale at KIRLIN'S Dru "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH in 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,-Ay (' nro V5'Cc'v! PM V lut "uriu'ij rrogtu-is. Tim well in- (UYV I V VA fnrmetl nnd tlirlty IIoiia-wlff wll'- iSJWSRAINB0W LINIMENT rffcbpli the house, as a stanu&At rwinsdy fc? 9 r 'fhMm BprJ.ne, Braises, Crampe, Rv Jjk S i ! ' tr-T-JWMli wi a ' tnd wiils. f; .,Lau VfflCS mjjP fries -3 rti. . 'j 40 C. M, (it I' j. .BSi e -.mi s h. t uterm w, , vi. a POK BALr BVI-S'TW.a-cJKc. I 3iiriniiiiiituu..ii(iiiuiis-ruiliiuLu-iiv,;rwcKw WEHAVENOABENTS TSBT but hare 10M direct tamer for 2i yetr k9 frlcei, iftTiQfr aefcier i pronii, woere igr f lamination, ETvrjthiof warranted. HSitrlesof Vehicle!, M BtyU$ ot lfaroeM. TonllnrrUi. 136 to t70. Surrtri. l5Utoll25. cei. rhftetonf, Tratt. ttei, Bprinltoacl Pt,V. 8arry Htratn. Frist, lt.00. lvagoni. Df oa lor Jarf Catatocat of all nr kiKHART VXUUIA.GC ktili UAUMKtttt MfU, It W 1 w will enter the cominR yeir prepared to give to the reading public that which lu nude it famous tor d the liast quarter ol a century contributions irom the pens ot the great llterarv men nd women ol the i world, illustrated by leading artists, A brief glance over its prospectus announces such readina as " OUR rituJtcTs tint Mriiiini'ii rmi, Bi Win. Ul'Jfl TUKt'tB rmuiv Mitmu mi tiik ruino B) UTKrilKX B0X3AL I'AWI-IU TIIK i t -1 RODEN'S CORNER TUG by Hbnry Sbton Mkrhimak, author of "Hie Sowers." Striking novelties In short fiction will be contributed by such authors as W 1) Howell's, Klcliard Harding Davis, Urander Matthews, 1'rederic Keiiuny tun, Kuth McEuery Stuart, and others. Them will bo a seiies of articles oil HIE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE EUROPE, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ART AND THE DRAMA ARMIES AND NAVIES STUDIES IN AMERICAN SOCIETY AMERICAN CHARACTER SKETCHES rotlaetjr" to all luttcriltn in (tie UnittJ Slulis, CjiuuIj, amt Mtxito. Sub, $4 a tear. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Pub'i.N.Y. City. Send lor tree prospectus 4 u, ii, o, Williams w. D. llowells Onu WUn C Crn. l.iw Wallace II, S, Williams W. D. tvavaaiitavavavaa WM. SCHMICKER, JR., Agent for Shenandoah nnd Vicinity --For BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer 'THE STYLISH PATTERN." Ar tistic Fashionable. Original. Perfect- i . i 1 1 r-i -i n ) -f rr l ining nics m.j unu iuvuu,o, . None turner. None rjctter at ar.y price. 0 Some tellable mcrchanf.'sclb them In V nearly every city or town. Ask for them, or they can be had by mail from In cither New York or Chicago. Stamps taken. 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PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0r Store, Shenandoah, Pa. 1 1 1 1 1 c i ; i 1 1 1 1 in: ut h.iuiiiiiiiiK 1'iogMstivo nnd kwjt Iniorniou .-s to tb eon' t nhol bid ttis ouip iny Cirri - Wacon- and 5111k , rr w(tt cortatna. Hr.pt, itlaa. ahadt. apron tod fiodira, 1. A f 4 a it iU tvi I'M CO. W. B. VIU.TT, iMti KLMUA11T. LIO. I'KOSI'UCT F (liaatlUHl, ini'llllTlMK or 1 HTIIKUS cil w' Ut iroKriiixaTv.v c. roav f THE UtM IJU'MT UK Itl'll rillllC U0S11K Jt NOVEL OP THE YEAR llowells Owcu WLIi X A IS X V Sf X. at -a