EVENING HERALD KSTAIIMSIIKO 1K70. t'ublUliml every KvenliiK, Kicepl Bunday, at South .Takiuv Stii"i r. Npaii Cksthic. TIi.' Hi' ' . ' i ' indoali and Ihc ' s.uioo t t nti i is a week, pay aid. o the curriers. Ily luuu W.00 a year, or 2 rent a month, payable In advance. dvertUe nicnt charged according to spuee and position. The publisher reserve the right to change tlie position of advertisements whenever tho pub l'tatliri il news demands II. The right Is leserved lo wjr1any advertisement, whether paid lor or not, ut the publishers may deem '.lproper. Advertising ratuM made known upon application. Kntercd at the postoulco al Hheiiandouh, Pa. as second class mall matter. TKI.Kl'llO.NK CONNECTION 'All the News Thai's" Fit to Print." ' Evening Herald KltllUY. Allil'ST 2(1, 1SIIS. I OUR COUNIkY : Hrst, Last and Porever. YoTKItS Hlloulll IllllUt' llotl! nf tin? fact tlmt St'iitciiilicr lilli n nil "til a ro tliu Inst iluys for retfibtriition. Oiiaiii.man Hull, of the water ooiu iiiittev, ih one of the )ott turret is in the borough, jn.-t at tliir- pin t ioulur time. Tmkhk are some Uoiincilnieii who were not silent on the question of res-ervoir when it came up in Council, lint they are now. Talk about prosperity, why hay is so plentiful this year in some parts of (.!onneeticitt that it is offered for sale at one dollar per ton. Till! Democrats of Ohio have de clared once more ill favor of 1(1 to 1. Truly the Democrats present a putoh ipiilt party this year. In no two states do their platforms agree. Two mouths ugo the Congressman from this district gave it out that alnj. Kinney would not he unpointed before si.teen mouths hence. As a prophet the aforesaid representative is a failure. Thkatiucal companies in Mexico must play everything they advertise or pay a line. If a similar rule was enforced in Shenandoah the "barn stormers" that infest this place every season would seek pastures new. Hvkn though peace is at hand, the war taxes will continue to run for some time. Hut when an American licks a stamp lie is reminded that it represents a series of splendid vic tories and some valuable new terri tory. Tine fossiliferous department of oil esteemed contemporary, 1 1 je . M jiierw' Journal, has been MjrrPil into life, and, like the immortal Sairy Gamp, m'rTi "Vis 'opes that It lie snouts loud enough for Hruiiim, he will return to the oillc.o of postmaster of Pottsvillo when the new building is tlnished. 1'llK re election of State President A. ,T. Colburn, of Scranton, by the P. O. S. of A. State Camp, demon titrates that his competitor, Major It. AV .1. Heed, of Philadelphia, must continue working in the lower ranks. The latter lias been defeated for the third time for the State presidency. Tllk goyoriunuut must retain in the service for tit least sevoral months, probably a year, one huurired thou sand or inoro of the volunteers to protect our interests in our newly acquired territory. The indications are that the Schuylkill county boys, ut least those who are members of the High th regiment, will bo retained for garrison duty in Cuba. AVk can imagine the feelings of Oustiivus Schrinck, the local states man of the county seat, while read ing Kditor Colo's eulogies of the "favorite Congressman" and "boomer of hard coal." Oustiivus, dear reader is an applicant for the post-ofllce at Pottsville, mid our wily Congressman is playing "the dear charmer" with both the editor and the legislator. TllK appointment of Major Finney us Assistant Treasurer lit Philadel phia, winds up the list of places in Philadelphia held by appointees of tirovor Cleveland, witli the exception of District Attorney nnd United States Marshal. The appointment of Pinjiey is a popular one, und lie will prove to be one of the most ellleiuut Assistant Treasurers ever sentto that city. UnfortiinaJtely there is hut little patronage connected with' the olllce, us most of the places lire di rectly under civil, tjtirvicu regulations, und consequently the doughty Major can do little or nothing for the workers. However, n little thing like tlmt is not bothering our friend Finney, us he is liable to change the rules to place u friend,. llestore fiJI,trfiHvlap taltHa ot the bowel;, do pot Irri tale or intiuac, .Hut K'Vii PIUS n tuo uuh'bui .iii'fiivi, ur KMilani la1 txirtw't ruiiUHIom Try tln-ln, ruiU. I'rut.uru.l I.i I I II I , .. , , t WRIGHT" For all Bilious and Kxvous Pisiitti. Thejr punfjr the IIlood Und give IUalthv bcUco to the entire system. Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE. CONSTIPATION nnd P'MPLES, HocM'i s PILLS "UULU DUST." n'8-t about the house. They cotnc ensily and !g3 M they stick, too unless you get rid of them withPpS" makes all cleaning easy. y J.-&V Till! M. K. K.VIUIIAN1C COMPANY, if Z-'e '.jJiFk Chlcan. M. Lotiis. N iv York. rL w PENNSYLVANIA'SSICK SOLDIERS. Another Hii-pltul Ti-iiIn IYoin l'ciin sylvimlii Leaves I Vrnnlnllrni. Fernnridinu. Kin . Auk. 20. The Phil adelphia Imspllul train, which lias traveled neuily n thuiisiind miles for the purpose of hurrying to Philadel phia the sick soldlcis of the Third Pennsylvania rcRliuoiit, pulled Into Fornnndinn a few minutes before 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, almost live hours behind schedule time. Loss than an hour later the fever allllcted I'eniisylvniihins were being placed aboard the hospital train and ninde ns comfortable as possible. The Third reslment boys were not piesent to see their sick comrades placed on the train. This regiment had received orders to proceed to Huntsvllle. Ala., and go Into camp. The train currying the Third reached I3akersvllle, six mlhs above this place, about the same time the hospital train nrilved. The boys nave three hearty cheers for the Philadelphia city coun cil, and cheered again and ntruin for the three hospitals which are represented by trained nurses and physicians on the train, it was an Inspiring sight to see the ruddy sons of old Penti raise their hats as the hospital train started away, and one which will long be re inembeied by the councllmanlc com mittee and others on the train. Nearly all the sick men are suffering from malnila, there being but a few serious cases of typhoid fever on the train. None of the patients weie In a tent. "When the Third regiment left Fernandliiu yesterday morning they rented a house and placl'd the sick in comfortable quarters. There were three men left behind, their condition being so serious that It was fiecmcfl ad visable to leave them here. It was nearly C.30 when the last patient was placed on the train. After taking some ice and other supplies on board, the train, at 6 o'clock, started on Its Jour ney northward. A PLEA FOR FOOD. The N'eoil For ItoIIor In Cuba I Ex tremely Ui'Kont. Now York, Aug. 2C G. W. Hyatt. the Hed Cross agent at Key West, who was a prominent lluvunn merchant, hns been engaged In sending small re lief expeditions to various points on the Cu.han -coast. Itolatlve to this work ljtt-Writes to Stephen H. Uarton ns fol lows: "I am happy to Inform you that the last two expeditions of food I sent to Cuba, one to Cardenas and one to the coaHt above Sagua la Grande, arrived safely nnd were delivered tn thn hnn nry women and children, to their great delight. A part of that sent to the sJiores near Cardenas was carried on men's backs neaily to Matanzas and distributed to the hungry. My men do ing this work have returned here and are begging for more food. Mntanzas, Havana and Plnar del Hlo provinces aie suffering horribly. Notwithstand ing you havo so much work to do In the dltferent volunteer camps In thn United States, I most sincerely hope that the Cuban lellef committee will not forget that there are many thous nnds In Cuba who are starving. If It meets your approval I propose to send a small amount of provisions (Hay two or three tons) to Havana by the Mas cotte or other conveyance, to be im mediately distributed. "Work In Cuba can bo carried on with perfect safety. I am only too anxious to try It. and with the least possible delay. I nm surrounded con stantly by persons begging for relief for their families In Cuba. Can any thing be done to aid some of the most worthy Cuban families to return to UnvanaV Some have property there, and can go and live in their own houses: others have friends nnd rela tives, but none has a cent with which to get to Havana, and they are now living on the charity distributed by the Hed Cross." Truth wears well. People havo learned that DoWitt'a Little Karl)' Itisers are reliable little pills for regulating tho bowels, curing constipation and sick lieadaclio. They don't grille. C. JI. llaacnbuch. Army Iloe-es Itiuinlni; wild, San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 2C Tho First Texas regiment Is hard at work today, and will likely be kept in the saddle all this week hunting S00 of their horses which stampeded early yesterday morning while being drlyen through from Fort Sam Houston to the target range for pasture. Several ac cidents and runaways were caused as the frightened animals dashed through the streets, over fences and even through open houses, and people fled for their lives in all directions. Nobo;iy was seriously hurt, though sevural hacks and carriages, truck wugons, etq., were badly trampled. lumulcii'M Annexation .Movement. Kingston. Jamnlea. Ane. 2G Tho American annexation movement com- menceir on .Moniiay in Muncnester is t-ntilillv Mill i. II il I 111- unit flliilliii- I'liimrnt acceptance as the only visible alterna tive to ruin, irie nromoiers oi mo movement am pushing it vigorously, being desirous of strengthening the hands of Jamaica's renresentatlve nt the Barbados confoiencc, thus encour- uglng Intercuhmlul co-operntlon. Tho sole obstacle encountered Is the color question. Ifnoln Siuii'm clilui'M) Wards. Washington, Aug. 20. The pension olllce yesterday granted n pension to Ah Cum, u Chinese subject and n'nw of Pascal Mai tin, a sailor uf the United States navy, to whom she wns married In Shanghai In lShb. Three children were, born to the couple. The .widow will receive (8 per month and the chil dren i a mouth ouch. Almost evory other country furnishes one or liioro pensioners for Uncle Sam, but .until yesterday China was without a repre sentative. You Invite disappointment when you ox pertinent. DuWltt's Little Hurly Hlsers are pleasant, easy, thorough little nills. They cute constl nation and kick lioadaeliii Just as sure us you unto inetu. 1.11. Jlugcnhui'li. "OOU) DUST," THE PRODUCE MARKETS. Ah Kelleeleil by Dealings in Philadel phia and llaltlmoi'o, Philadelphia, Aug. 2r,.-Flour In light demand; winter supcrllne. J2.ir,'u2.40; Penn sylvania roller, clear, $3.25ifj3.40; city mills, extra, $2.76SiH. Rye Hour quint and steady nt ?2.S0 per barrel for choice Pennsyl vania. Wheat dull; No. 2 red, spot and August, C9!i(fiGDHa; do. September, G9f COW. Cum aulot; No. 2 mixed, August and .September, 3rS3ltc.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, SGffflMr. Oats cjulet; No. 2 white clipped, new. 29,,;c. ; do., old, K2tff) 32Hc. Hay steady; choice timothy. JIO.DO'J 11 for large bales. Ileef ciulet; beef hams, t?irl 22.60. Pork steady; family. U2.W&U. l.ard steady; western steamed. $5.40. iiut ter steady; western creamery, lH45fl9c. : do. factory, lliRllc. ; niglns. 10c; Imitation creamery, 13filGc.; New Yolk dairy, 13fj 17c; do. creamery, ltVfe'idBc; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing nt 19tf 22c. ; do. wholesale, lie. Cheese dull; largo white, 'Uc; small white, 7TMi8c; light skims, CViifiCic; part skims, IHi5i; full Bklms, 2'i.'2c 1'ks steady. New York and Pennsylvania, lDfiMHc ; western fresh, 15c Potatoes steady; Jerseys, tl.73; Long Island, Jl..Wi2; sweets. P!?3.25; southern. fl.505i2.Kl. Tallow steady; city, Ri; country, 3'(i3c Cabbage steady; Long Island, $2fiJ. Haltlinore. Aug. 25. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull and lower; spot, r.9V4!(?4c; month. GOVi'CDMc.i September, CSiCSTe. ; December. HHi asked; steamer No. 2 red. 6l5iGIVbC. ; southern wheat by sample, C0i70',c; do. on grade, C54j70c. Corn easy; spot nnd month, 3lfi.'!H(,c; September, 334i&3lc. ; steamer mixed, S3 (n33',Kc; southern while com, 33-1)330.; do. yellow, .HU'e. oats dull and easy; No. 2 white, western, 2S'ii2S12c: No. 2 mixed 8., 2Biri25',ic. Hye easier; No. 2 nearby, 40c; No. 2 western. Sc. Hay dull nnd lower; No. 1 timothy, $105111. Huttcr steady; fancy creamery, 191'J'Ac. Livestock Mnrkotw. New York, Aug. 23. Ueees steady; cable slow nnd weak; live cattle, SJflj lO'sC ; refrigerator beef, 7c. per pound. Calves slow; prime stock steady; all sold; veals, $5.50f7S; grasseis and buttermilks, $3.k0fi4.50. Sheep and lambs very dull; sheep barely steady; lambs 25c lower; 15 cars unsold; sheep, $35J4.73; lambs, $1.750. East Liberty. Pa.. Aug.. 23. Cattle steady: extra. $5..W'rt fT.50; prime. $3.25105.33; common, $3.'uii IJff: Hogs steady; best me diums, $l.2.Vf1.30; best Yorkers, $1,205( 1.23: coirps&n'to fair Yorkers, $1.0514.13; pigs, g'J.GOTil; roughs, $2.30it3.73. Sheep steady; choice, $4.C'Wi I.C0; onunon, $3.23'i3.7S; choice spring lambs. $5CU'!i5.S0; common to gced, $I5j5.50; veal calves, J75J7.50. Give the Children a Drink called Graln-O. It is a delicious appotlzlng, nourishing food drink to tako the place of colleo. Sold by nil grocora and liked by all who liavo used it because- when properly prepared it tastes liko tho finest collce but is free from all its injurious properties. Grain OiuMq digestion nnd etrougtlieni tho nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, nnd children, as well as adults, can drink it with great boucllt. Cobts about I as much as collco. 15 and 25c. THE COMING YACHT RACE. Tho Shamrock's ltoprosctitotl vo M eota Now York'H Yachting MutiuntoH. New Yolk, Aug. 20. In the olllce of J. I'ierpont Morgan, commodore of tho New York Yucht clpb, Hon. Charles Ttussell, representing Sir Thomas Lip ton and the Hoyal Ulster Yacht club, yesterday met the committee of tho lirst named club formally. Sir. Russell, who left the meeting af ter a half an hour's talk, declined to say anything, on the gi' und that It would be improper for him to reveal what took place at the meeting. He said he was well pleased nt the man ner in which he was received and lis tened to by the committee. After tho departure of Mr. Hussell the committee remained in session for over half an hour, after which Secre tary Oddlo said: "Mr. Ilussell expressed himself quito freely witli reference to what 1b ex pected by the Itoyal Ulster Yacht club, lie Is perfectly satisfied with tho way In which things are proceeding, and Is willing to leave everything in our hands." The mater of a clear course, Mr. Od dle said, was merely touched upon, and no mention whatever had been made of the Dunraven happenings Jn connection with the last International contest for the America's cup. Prompt action will be taken when the formal challenge ar rives next week. r'allloi'iiln's Republican T'lokot. Sacramento, Cal Aug. 20. Tho Re publican state convention adjourned yesterday after an exceedingly peace ful session. The nominations for stato and congressional offices made liy tho convention are ns follows: For gov ernor, Henry T. Gage; lieutenant gov ernor, Jacob F. Ncff; secretary of state, Charles F. Curry; controller, 13. II. Col. gun; treasurer, Truman Ueevea; attor ney general, Tlery L. Ford; clerk of tho supremo court, George W. Root: Jus tlcos of the supreme court, W. C, Van Fleet and D. II. McFnrland; surveyor general, M. J. Wright; superintendent of public Instruction, Thomas J. Kirk; railroad commissioners, K. II. Edson and N. n. Ulackstor; congross, first dis trict, John A. Ilarhnm; second, Frank Ryan; third, Victor Metcnlfe; sixth, Itussel A. Waters; seventh, J. C. Ncu- ham. I'roliahl.v Filial Wi'ostllinr .Mutch. Atlantic City, Aug. 20, While wrest ling yesterday at tho Inlet I'ark for the championship belt turned over to Richard IC. Fox by Krnst Roeher, tho "Terrible Qreek," Horkalldes, and tho "Strong Jnp." Tnkuzawa, became In volved In such a heated struggle that the formor was rendered unconscious by the fearful pressure exerted by tho Japaneso wrestler. The latter weighed but 119 pounds, being 20 pounds lighter than his opponent, When tho match was'stopped the Gieek was black in tha face, and wus In spasms. He lies In a precarious condition, and his death Is expected. Hv-AmlmsKiiilirt- Hayni'U'H IIIiiosh, lledham, Stawi.. Aug. 20. Thomas F. Ilnynrd, former ambassador to Knland, who Is ill at th home of his daughter. Mrs. Samuel D. Wurren, at Knrlstoln, Is worsu today, owing to thu hot wuuthor. THE ARBITRATORS. Ko News Will lie HI von Out by tho ('imiulssloiioi'H. Quebec, Aug. 20. Tho arbitration conference adjourned yesterday after noon until 11 o'clock next Monday morning. After that thpy will meet probnhl) each day until Sept. 2. when an adjournment will be taken until Sept. 20. The commissioners decline to give out nnythlng concerning the details of yesterday's work, but Intimate that a number of subjects were discussed. Tho full scope of the work was not can vassed, nnr was It determined Just how much the commission will ho able to accomplish In the way of a general adjustment of the questions under con sideration It Is imdeistood, however, that before the conference adjourns next week the commissioners will be able to Judge very accurately what the final outcome of their deliberations will be. Nothing is said as to whether the commission will meet heio liter the recess or at Washington or some other place. An effort Is being made to have the meet ings continue ut Ottawa, hut this mnt ter will piobnbly not 1m? decided until the meeting on Sept. 2. In the mean time, between this date and Monday, each commission will work separately upon various questions. The Joint meetings are held behind closed doors In the parliament build ings, and no one but the commissioners and the secretaiies tire permitted to be present. No delegations have ap peared during the past two days Tor hearings. In fact, the commissioners do not expect to be called upon to grant many more healings. The Delaware on the ltnnipago. Stroiidsburg. I'n Aug. 2C The Dela ware river lose between nine and ten feet nt the Delaware water gap yester day, doing great damage. The riso was due to a cloudburst above Port Jervls, N. Y., where the liver rose 18 feet In less than un hour. The force was terrlllc at the gap. The biidge from the depot to 7e island was wnshed away. Tho steamer KIttany, which has carried thousands of sum mer guests about tho liver, was forced fiom Its moorings nnd curried down the stream. The steamer Is almost a total wieck. The vessel was found bottom upwards. A great portion of the steamboat landing was also wash ed away. The loss of the gap boat men and others Is puittcularly distress ing, ns It comes at a time when they were having their heavy summer busi ness. A Clever Trick It certainly looks liko it, but tlicro is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who lias lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. Wo menu ho am cure himself riabt nwiiy by taking Klectric Hit ters. This medicine tones up the whole system, Sets as a stimulant to the liver und kidneys, Is a blood purifier and nervo tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fainting spells, slceplessuess and melancholy, It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and ic stniei the system to its natural visor. Try Klcctric Hitters and be convinced that they aie a miracle worker, livery bottle guaran teed. Only 50c. a bottle at A. Wasley's drug stole. Pood Por the Cuban'-. Tampa, Flu., Aug. 26. In accordance with the determination of tho admin istration, the Comal sailed from Tain pa to Havana yesterday with 1,000,000 rations for distribution to the starv ing people of Cuba. These rations will be distributed by Lieutenant A. A. D. Niskern, under the direction of Captain Lotus Nlles of the artillery, In con formity wllh the oidors of the presi dent und secretnry of wur. Supplies will bo furnished to other provinces In the Island under the direction of of ficers of tho army as emergency may demand. To llo Mustered Out. Washington, Aug. 20. liy Oct. 1 the Seventy-first New York regiment and Second Massachusetts regiment, now at Montauk Point, will have been muster ed out of the United Stutes service. Orders were sent last night to Genernl Wheeler, In command of the troops nt Camp WlkofT, to grant to the olllcers of tho two regiments leaves of absence nnd furloughs to the men, each for 30 days, at the end of which time the regiments are to report at their state camps to be mustered out. Another llo-pllal Train. Philadelphia, Aug. 20. The fourth hospital train to leave this city for southern camps, and the second Penn sylvania state hospital train, left at 9:15 o'clock last night for Chlekamauga. The purpose of this train, In Governor Hustlng's own words, "Is to make a clean sweep of all sick Pennsylvania roldlers and as many from other states as can be accommodated." The camp at Chlekamauga will be reached tomor row forenoon. Stops will be made after this at Knoxville, Tenn., and Lexing ton, ICy. Tho trip will consume about five or six days. The hospital train which left here Wednesday night un der the auspices of the Medleo-Chlr-urglcal hospital, for Camp Alger, ar-ris-ed home usuln last night with 94 sick soldiers on board. Copp Splotches. Thcro is only cno curo for Contagious Blood 1'pIboii thn dispose which haa completely bnlllcd tho dootora. Thuy nvo totnlly uiiublo to euro it, nnd direct their oilorts toward bottling tho poison up in tho blood and concealing it from view. 8. S. S. cures tho dUouso posi tively nnd permanently by forcing out every traco or tho taint, I was aflllcted with a te'rrlhls hlood dlseasi. which was in spots ut first, but afterwards snrcaa an over my douv. Theso soon broko out Into Soros, and It Is easy to imagine tho suffering I endured, lluforo 1 be, came convinced that the doo tors could do no good, I had spent a hundred uoiinrs, wnieii was really thrown away. I then tried various patent medicines, but they did not reach tho dUcaso, When I had finished my first bottle ot M. 8, S, I was greatly Improved and was delighted with me result. 1 no largo run gpioionos on in chest began to grow paler nnd smaller, on beforo long disappeared entirely, I icgulued my lost weight, lieeamu stronger, and my ap. pctlto greatly Improved. I was soon entirely well, and ray skin as clear ns a nleeo ot glass. II, h. Mvuns, 1U0 MulbcrrV St., Newark, N.J, Don't destroy nil possible chance of a euro by tultiufT tho doctor's treatment oi mercury niiti potnsii, j ieso ininoniis ciuiBo tho lmir to full out, und will wreck the pntiro system. for DIJ! .TheJDiUUU is l'uitui.v vnar.TAiiLn, nnd in tho only blood remedy giiurunteed to contain no potash, niorcury, or other minora). Hooks on tho disease nnd its treat mont mailed free by Swift SpeciilcOom pany, Atlanta, Georgia. " A Ten Pound Hoy." Many women cur to have 111. .1 rl.ntnJ 1, ' jprccious gift of mothctliood be cause or some .weakened con Idlllnn nf Hie pecial oigati- i s m which maUts mother- liertrl l,rt-.U,1n! but in the great ...i,o,. ,,r ' 3 ... J u . . w. iSi , i(U chks sucu a fl 1 i V difficulty is not . V bv nnv means Incurable. In thousands of iiiFtances Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, by restoring the natural, healthy condition of the oigans ditlnctly feminine has been the mentis of conferiing upon childless women the one inestimable bles-lng. A Ceorjrli elergvtiiaii, Rev O. II. Akrldne, or relhnm. Mitc hell to.. Co.. hi a letter written to Dr Pierce, unys. "We had btcn married si years wllli .al olTprhig. when my wife .oni menccd UikiiiR Dr Tierce's l'nvpiltc Prescrip tion. I then wrote to yuu for advice, nnd you 1 InstntrtlniK were to give 'Golden Medical Ills overy nlttrtmtely with the favorite Prescrip tion Tldi we diil. The result Is restoration of iv wife to good health and a tea pound boy. In ionor of the world-famed Dr. Pierce, 1 hne nuneil him Pierce. ' I'nvorlte Prescription ' Is certainly the medicine for Invalid women." The vast experience and skill which Dr. Pierce has acquired during his thirty years' practice as chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sutgical Institute, of ntiffalo. N.Y., has made his name known and his medicines recognized as standard remedies in every civilized country on the globe. His great thousand-page illustrated book, the "People's Common Sense Med ical Adviser" has had the greatest sale of nny medical work in nnv language. A free edition has been published and a paper bound copy will be sent to any family ab solutely without charge except the mere cost of mailing which is 21 one-cent stamps. Send thec with your address to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, lluflalo, N Y., or if preferred send3t stamps for a heavier cloth-hound copy. A man or woman who neglects constipa tion suffers from slow poisoning. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa tion. One little " relict" is u gentle laxa tive, and two a mild cathattic. All uiedi tine dealers. LAST OF THE SEASON. I.ou-Ualo Ti'ii-thty tXcurslim to Atlantic Hly, Ac., ia i'i'iii,h)lvanla Uailroiid. September 1 is the dato of the last low-rato ten-day exclusion from Krie, Troy, Hello fonto, Williamspoit, Mocaiiaqtia, Sunbiiry, Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal inter mediate stations (including stations on branch roads), to Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avaloii, Anglesea, Wildwood, or Holly beach, via Pennsylvania Railroad. Excursion tickets, good to return by res alar tiains within ten days, will be sold at rate of $10.00 from Krie, f5.0il from William-port, and proportionately low rates from other points. Tickets to Atlantic City will also be sold via the Delaware Itlver llrldgo Koiite, the only nil-mil lino, at ten cents more than the rate la Market street wharf, Philadelphia. Tor information in regard to lates and tiino of trains consult hand bills, or apply lo agents, oi r,. S. Ilarrar, Division Ticket Agent, Villl:iniport, l'a. Statu of Ohio, Ci rv op Toi.i-.no, I l.reAH County. J FltASK .1. C'UKSUY makes onth that he Is the senior partner of tho llrm of K J. Cuusr.Y .v. Co., doing husliii'HS In tho City of Toledo, County and state ufnrcsnid. nnd tlmt suld llrni will pay the sum nt ONi:ilUNM)ltr,l)IK)I.LAItS for eneli nnd every ease of Cttarrh that cannot he eured by the use. ( r HAM. s l.'ATAllRII t'tlllK. A. V. (1LHASON, Xotnrv 1'uhllc. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken lnlcrnullv niiili ts ilireetly on tho blooil nnd mucous surfaces )f tho system. Send for testimonials free. l' .1. I'HUNUY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by llrilggists. 75c. Three Head I'Vnin Poisoned Ico Cream Mlddletown, N. Y., Aug. 28. Ice cream prepared with lemon extract purchased from n traveling salesman a few days ago has caused the death of three persons, and a score of others are sick, and more fatalities are expected. The dead are: Mrs. Herman Mlchaelos, C13 Ninth avenue, New York; Mrs. William Seder, of Mount Vernon, N. Y.; Robeit Jones, a farmer living near Greenfield, Ulster county. The dead nnd living victims were summer guesta at Arthur Jones' cottage, at Green field. A laWlug aliko to young and old: Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Na ture's specific for dysentery, diarrhooa and summer complaint. TO THE LAND 01' SUNSHINE And Flowers, the Hand of Ammlca, Cali fornia. Via the true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain Itnuto," which traverses a resion of perpetual sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or IiIkIi altitudes are unknown, Pullman first and second class palaco and tourist sleeping cars lo points in Missnui I, Arkansas, Texas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without ehango. Quick time, low rates, und all tho comforts of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway system. Eor rates right from your homo, literature, and full information, dropapostal card, J. P. McGinn, T. P. Agent. M0 Kail road aveiino, Eliuini, N. Y., or 301 Broad way, Nuw York. :i-l-tf W. E. Hovt, O. E P. Agt. Stop 'flint Cough I Tako warning. It may lead to Consumption, A "5c bottle of Sliiloh's Curo may have your life. Sold liy 1'. 1). Kirhn and a guarantee. TO BIRMINGHAM AND MEMPHIS. I'.NSUKIWSSRP SEIIVICK OFFKItKP HV TUP SQUrUKKN BAII.WAY. Leaving Ilroad Street str.tloii.Phlladelpliia, at (1:53 p. m. daily, tho "Southwestern Limited, " carrying a dining car and tho most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep ing cars, reaches Illrmlnghan tho following night nt 10:10 and arrives at Memphis tho noxt inorningat 7:10. Through sleeping cars for Abhovlllo, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, Atlanta, Mnbllo and New Orleans aro also attached to this train, Pullman reser vations can lie made In udviiuco and all in formation obtained by communicating with John M. Ileal, District Passenger Agent, 83 Chestnut sticct, Philadelphia. Ono Minute Cough Curo surprises people liy its quick cures ami children may tako it in large ipiantlticb without tho least danger. It has won for itself the best reputation of any preparation used to-day for colds, cioup, tickling in the throat or olbtinnto cuuglis. C, II, llngciiburli. Tho Noiilli mill Its Ailtiiiitages. Tho Southern Itailivay has Issued for frco distribution, a sixteen page Journal des criptive of Virginia, North and South Caro lina, Tenni'ssoo, Gporgia, Alalmnia and Mississippi, Persons seeking new locations, or citpitaiUts desiring lo iiiako safe and pioflt alilo Investments will find tho Information contained therein both valuable and inter cstlug. Copies will bo mulled free upon ap plication to John M. lioall, District Passen ger Agent, 1US Chestnut ill eel. Philadelphia, Pa. A stubborn cough or tickling In tho throat yields to duo Mliiuto Cough Curo. lUriulosi lu cll'cct, toiiclnsi the right spot, reliable and just what Is wanted. It acts ut once. 0', II, llugeiibiich. TUG PRDS'OnNT'S VACATION. It V .11 Include n lli'lor" Vtlt to tho Pi'i ops ut t'linip Mrndo. W. hlngton. Aug. 20. I'lLslib nt Mc Kinl ) Is to have an outing. This wilt bo fie first vacation the president has take i since war threatened. It will he of v 1 short duration, occupying In all, ac ording to piesent plans, less than a fortnight. Ho will leave here at (' o'clock tomorrow .moinlng on a spec al train of Pullman cars. Mrs. McKlnley IH be with him, nnd they will have a small pnrty of friends ns guet-ts. The president's wish Is to have I s little display and publicity of his i lovcnieiits as possible, he desiring n quiet trip, unhnmpered by ceremon ies. ecordlngly, his plans as made up do n.it Include a general review of the troops nt Camp Meade. TIi train, enroute to Somerset, will rnnk.' a short stop at Mlddletown, Pn wheic the president hns planned to stop nbout half an hour, or Just long enough to look over the camp, but not to stay long enough to war rnnt any general or long exercises. This Is duo to his personal inclination to onilt all ceremony. Ho wlU next pro ceed to his brother's home, to romaln over Sunday. Ueyond that point his plans are not llually settled. He has promised lo make a visit to Camp Wlkoff, nt Montuuk Point, L. I when the condition of the troops wilt per thern to march In review, nnd It Is pos sible, though not probable, that he may go thero next week. Ho has a special desire to see the heroes of Santiago, and will endeavor to reach Morj'.auk nt as early a date as their physical condition wn rants. Tho Corbet t -McCoy right. HufTalo, Aug. 20. It has been defi nitely decided that the Corbett-Mc-Coy battle will take place at Checkto waga on Oct. 1. McCoy left Ruffalo for Saratoga yesterday, where he will resume training at once. Tho Olympic Athletic club has decided to transfer tho Erne and LavingO right to the Hawthorne club, and It will come off at Checktowaga on Sept. 12. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo In tho world for cats, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlicara, fovor sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skm eruptions, and positively cures piles, or jo pay required. It ia uuaiuutood lo grvo porfoct satisfaction or mony refundod. Price 25 cents por box. For sale by A . Waslor. Philadelphia 8t Reading Railway Rn-jints Burn ITatd Coal No Smoke IN KKKKOT JULY 1st. 18D8. Trnins leave Shenandoah ns follows : For New York via Philadelphia week davi-. 7 30 0 51 a. in., 12 '.7, 8 10 and 6 07 p. la. lfor new lorx via Aiaucn lamtLk. woe-K clays, 7 80 n. in., 12 'i7 and 8 10 p. in. For lccAdlng and Philadelphia, wcok dayB, 7 30, S SI a.m.. VI 27, 3 10 and 0 07 . i.i For rottsvllle, week unys, 7 30, DM a. m., 12 27, 3 10, 0 07 nnd T 25 p. m. For Tuimuiua and Mnhunoy City, week ilays 730,9 51 a. m., 12 27, 8 10 and 007 . in. For Wlliiamsport, ehuibury ami I.ewtsMirg, week days, 11 80 a. m.. 12 27, 7 2S. i. in For Malinuo Plane, weekdays, 7 30, 9 51, 11 SO u. 111., 12 27, 8 10, 6 07. 7 25, il OS p. 111. For Ashland nnd Shaiuokin, week dur, 7 30, 1130 n. m 12 27, 3 10,6 07, 7 29 nnd J 55 p. in. For Baltimore, Washington nnd tho Wist via II. AO. It. It., through trnins Uo" ItenelliK Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. K. II K.) ut 3 20, 7 55, 11 20 n. in., 8 10 anil 7.27 p. u.. Sundays, 3 20, 7 00, 11 S a. in., 8 40 mid 7 27 p. oi Addb tionnl trains from Twenty-fourth mid Chest nut streets station, week days, 10 KO a. in. 1220. 12 It x 10 ii m. Hu adays, 1 85, s 23 v. in. TKAINH FOK BHENANDOAII. Leave Now York via Philadelphia, week days, 12 15, 4 80, S 00, II 30 n. in., and 1 11, 4 80 9 00 p.m. Lcnve New York via Mauch Clitinlr, week days, I 30. 9 10 a. ni 1 30 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, Ucadlnfi Terminal, v,eek days. 3 10, K8G 10 21 n. in. and 1 30, 4 CO p.m. Leave lCeu'ling, week days, 7 01, JOOrt, n, m. 12 15, 4 17, OCX) p. in. Leave Pottsvillo, week days, 7 1', 7 10 a. to 1280 4 10. 0 10 and 0 50 p. ill. Leave Tnninriua, week days, K 30, 11 2J a. in., 1 49, 5 60, 7 20 p. m. Leave Alnhnnoy City, week days, 90.1, 1147 a.m., 2 22, 5 12, 0 21,7 41 p. Ill Leave Mahunoy Plane, week days, G30, 92-1. 10 25, 11 59 n. in., 2 41, 5 32, 0 41 7 57, p 111. Leave Wlliiamsport, week duyu, 7 12, U U1 n oi., 12 31 and 4 00 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wurf and South street wharf for Atlantio City. Weekdays Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 4.1 a. in., ( 1 80 Saturdays only), 2 00,3 00,3 40 00 minute tridnj, 4 00 IC.1 minute, train, 4 30, 5 00 fO.1 minute train, 5 40, 7 00 p. m. Acuointnotfatlon, 0 15 a. m., 5 00, 6 30 p. in 81.00 excursion train 700 am. Sundays Kxpress, 7 80, 8 on, 8 8.0, 9.00. 10 00 a w, i 43 p in. Accommodation, 0 15 a in, 1 45 p. m. $1.00 excursion train, 7 am, Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Weekifaya Kxpress, (6 45 Mondays only! TC0, 743 105 minute train, 820 CI lnlmito train, 9 00, 1015, 1101) a m 8 80, 4 30, 5 ISO, 7 30, 930 p. m. Accommodation, 4 23, 750. a. m. 4 03 p. in. 81.00 excursion train (from Mississippi avc. only) 0(0 p. m. Hundays Express, 3 30, 4 00,5 00, 0 00, 0 30,700,7 30. 8 00, 9 30 p. m. Au eommodntlon, 715 a. m., 5 03 p. m. $100 excursion train (from foot of Mississippi ave. only), C 10 p m. For Capo May nnd Sen Isle City, 8 43 n. m., 2 30,.145pm. Additional for Cape May 1 15 p. m. Sundays (il 00 excursion 7 00 ) 9 13 n in. For Ocean City, 8 30,8 45 a m, 2 80, 4 45 p m. (H1.00 excursion Thursday only) 7 00 a in. Sun duys, 8 13, 9 13 a m t'arlnr Cars on 'all express trains. Xor further Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Heading Itallwuy ticket agon or address I. A. Sweioabd, IEdson J. Wfkks. (lon'l Hupt., Cien'l Pass'r Agt., Heading Terminal, Philadelphia. We Bottle BEER, WEISS BEER, ALE, PORTER Private family orders will receive prompt attention. Ieave them at the office, we will tlo the rest. COLUMBIA BREWING COM PAIMY, DRINK- CI.KARY'S KXTRA MNK QUAIJTV -GINGER ALB, - Superior Sarsaparilla... and Orange Champagne. rnim.-cnmr-store, o llIIALF.It IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SO West Centre Straotu Her Health Restored III; mtsciy of sleeplessness can only be realized by those who havo experi enced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, neuralgia and that miserable feeling ot unrest, can suroly bo cured by Dr. Miles' Itcstoratlvo Ncrvino. So certain Is Dr. Miles of this fact that all druggists aro authorized lo refund prlco paid for tho first bottlo tried, providing It docs not be nc lit. Mrs. Henry Ilruns, w Ifo of tho well known blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says: ''I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous ness, hcadacho and Irregular menstruation: suffering untold misery for years. I used various advertised remedies for feinalo com plaints bosldes being under tho caro of local physicians, without help. I noticed In Dr. Mllos' ndvortts.cmont tho testimonial of a lady cured of ailments similar to mine, and I shall never ccaso to thank that lady. Her testimonial Induced mo to uso Dr. Miles' Nervlno anil Kcrvo and Liver Pills, which restored mo to health, I cannot say enough for Dr.MllesT.cmcdlea." Dr. Miles' Itomcdics aro sold by nil drug gists under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis eases ot tho heart and nerves free. Address, 8? Ur, MHOS' -Nervine 3 Rostoroo 'Uil.t&S DlC. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, lud PROFESSIONAL CARDS JJ M. HUHKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. fllce F.iran hnlldlhir. corner of- Main an Centre streets, Shenandoah. f II. l'OMHKOY, t) , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hhenandoah, Pa. pltOF, JOHN .TONUS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 05, Mahauoy City, Pa. Having studied under soino nl tho hot masters lu London and Paris, will kIvo lessons "w , imi,ii.i.nH,iiin. kmi.ui uuu veil culture. Terms reasonable Address In care ol Ktrouso, ine joweiur oiienauuoau. P ennsylvania RAILROAD. HCHUYKILL DIVIHION. July 1, 1858. Trains will leave Hhcnandoali altor Ine auo date for WlKisa", tlllliertoii, hruukvllle, Ukik Water, Ml. Clair, PolUivillu. llaiiilniiK, Kui..i.., Pottstowil, I'hoeutxvlllu. Norllstowu u.dPmi atelphla (llrirfui street station I al 6 03 uuu 8 15 a. in., a 02, ti ig p. ui, on vveek days, hundays, S 15 u. in., 1 25 p. in. Truilis luuvu Kmekville for HIiriii.iii1i.mI. . t 7UG, Jl4nu. lu. and 5 4G, V 86 p, u. Hutlday, Leavu i'ollsvllio lor Mhenandoah (via Fruck vlllo, 710, 1120 a. in., 6S0, 7 10 p. lu. Monday 10 US u. iu 5 a) p. lu. lasavu 1'hlladelplxa, (Ilroad street station), lot rJhHliidoali at B3j . ui., 4 lb p. m. week days. Hu inlays leave at U 60 and 'J 23 a. in. Leavo Hruad btreut btallou, Philadelphia, FOK N15W YOHK. Kipress.week-days, SO, 1 Co, i ao 5 oa,G 15,6 SO. 7uj,:x, uao, luai (Dluiui: Uar), iiouu. ui, 12UUIIOOO, (Limited 1 UU uud i'lt u. u. lIluiiiK Cars), 1 to, 2 UO ILMulug I ar) U 20, a 00, 1 U2,auu, 6O0 (lliliiliK Cur), 6 0U, 7 02, 7 .'U (llln Ilik'Car), luOu p. lu., 12 01, ulyht. Muuuata, J2C, 4Ul, 4 00, b Mi, A 1,1 b 20, 9 QU, 10 21, (lli,lnK Cur), llao u. iu., 12 SS, 103 (Uinlnj; Curl 2bu (UtnlliK Cur), 4U0 (Liinlted4 22)llJluln' Cur), 4 20,3 66, (DiiiIiib Our) 6 S3, 7 02,7 00, tUiniliK CurJ iuoup. m., 12 01 uiKht. Express lor ltoston without ehangu, 11 uuu la., week-Uuys, and 7 60 p. lu., dally. Cutsklll express, (Parlor Cur), 8 20 a 111 week days. WA811INCITON AND Till! SOUTH. For llttltimore and Washington, 3 30, 7 2J, 8 82, 1U20, 11 23, u. ui., IIW, 12 al U'lulllK Cur), 1 12 IDiuiiiK CurJ, ai2, 441, pj'Ji CooKriM slouul i.llnllvU, Dlolliu Car, 6 17. 633 illlll Iol' CarJ, 7 Jl (DlntUK CurJ p. in., und 12 01 Illglll week days. Huuduys, J 30, 7 20, 9 12, 11 211, u. iu., 1209, 112, Dlnlni: Car 4 41, 1520 Con gressional Limited, UliiiuK CurJ, oto IDInliin CurJ, 7ai IDiiiliiKCurJ p. m. uuu 12 03 ululit. For Itultiuiore, accommodation, 9 12 u 111, 2 02 and 1 01 p ui week duys, 3 08 and 11 16 p iu daily. FOU ATLANTIO CITY. Leave Ilroad street station via Delaware rive bridge Kxpiess, 5 o0, 9 40 IbO minutes) u 111, 2U8 ts2liilliiitesj, 4 UU bo luiuutesj, lu p, ui. bnnduys.SOU, 9 20 bO minutes, u in, W p2 luiuutesj, 7 OA p 111. Luuvo Alurket rJtreet Warf Express, 5 00, 8 ISO, 10 09 73 uilnutesj.u m. (100 Saturdays ouy), 2iu 173 iiiiuiiUsJ, aou 73mluute8j,aao 00 uiiuutt'sj, 4 09 ( mlmitcsj, 4 30 173 iniutllea, a Uo W niiuutes, 530 hi luiuutesj p lu. Muuuuys, Au), 7 30, 8 00 ITS mluutesj, 8 30, 9 00 173 minutes, 9 SO 170 minutesj a 111, und 4 SO (73 nilnnlesj p m, Sl.co excursion irulu, 7 uuu m daily. For CupeMuy, AiikIcswi, Wildwood and Hollj lleuch l',x press, 9 00 u 111, 2 30, 4 03, 5 00 p lu weekdays. Buildups. 8 2U a 111, CupuMuy only, 1WJ p mButuidas. Itxeurslou, 7 uo u lu dally. l'or Sou lids City, Oeuau Oily, Avalou und stone llurbor Express, 9 10 a. m., 2 30, 4 29, 5 00 p. in. week duys. Hundays, 8 SO u. ui. Ux. ciirslou 7 CO u 111 dully. For riuiuers I'ulm UxpreM, 5 0(1, 8 30, I0OJ a. ui., 1 ou Hatiirdaya only, 3uo, loo, 3ou, 330 p. m. week days. Sundays, 6 00, a U0, 9 00, 9 Su u. iu, mid t U0 p. in. I. U.iUUTcmtisot(, J. It Wood, tlen'l alanuKor. Ueu I Puss'g'r Agl 'OOHMWKKKKIOOOOOOO Webster's Iiiternatioiial Didtionary TUo Ono Great Standard Authority ni "unvt 11. ii, linger, JiisUtu V, H, Hiir('ine Court. Htumliircl Olllce, Uie t?. S. Huiwmt) i i"uu. mi mo nuin nn Piemo Cuuru.aniiur neur ly ullllioHcliOOlUxjki. M'arattly CtHiununcled by 8Uta fiuwrlntfimlents ( of HctiooU, C(i1Jpk I'rt-il. (U'iit,aiutotlirKiltH'utuu ) tj .ii.,uiiiiiUmi jjtiiu-uiui uluiOBt wltltuut iiumlwn( luvaliiultle In IliA !.,iiibi.Ii(,1,1 nml fn uie u'iuner, cnoiar, ini (iBsfoiml matt. aut bvlt- $ TI iq UGST FOR PliACTICAL USE. It Is easy to (hid the word wanted. , It Is rusy to uicertnln the pronunclar'ott It Is easy tu trace the grow til of a word. It Is easy to learn what a word means. t Tl v.. ,1. l'n.l. v,it ruuwiiAii, II11; 1 iti,t I'llltltui rnines from tiie press villi a ( niileb-UMMtliU liniillcs Urn liinat lIioiuHulieili. , ' ') diiii;llyiiirriuililial su'rlLui. 11,0' l ie iiiiiilli', lis,, nnds lids 11 ork in which II Is j f ' ailTTIIB I1EST. i VSpedmen pagei sent on application to . . ,C- C. .if I'll It TAUT CO., lllbUHlwrs, minaeiieltl, Muss., U.S.A. Kinoooooo 00000 00-00000 o-o-oc