" i mi hi. Shennndonli Endorsement Is Wlmt Counts With the Shenandoah Public. You can't fool the public MI the time. They will find you out in lime. l'.vcry time a man is fooled Another skeptic is made. Many the remedy that makei the skeptic. It fails to keep its promises. Doan's Kidney I'ilU bring renewed faith. They cure the skeptic. l'leniy of proof of this at home. Slicnuuloah proof for Shenandoah people. Our cilireni say they cm. ImvU iclic, Ctue urinary disorders. Cure sick kidneys. Kxpcriencc hat taught them this is so. Conviction for every suflcrei In the testimony of friciuli anil neighbors. Read this : Mr. J. J. Kelly, of 56 South Main street, merchant, reading about the rematkabte suc cess of Doan's Kidney l'ills pronued them from Kii Mil's l'h umacy and the following is what he says of his expeiiente: "I am an endorser of Doan's Kidney l'ilk. I was afllicled with pains in my back which were both annoying and inconvenient when attend ing to my business, and if on my feet any length of time there was a dull steady aching across my loins. 1 had n feeling of langor, a lack of eneigy and listlessness which unfitted me for work. I saw statements made by people who had been cured by using Doan's Kid'iey l'ills, and I got them and after tak ing the treatment I am enthusiastic in prais ing that valuable preparation as others are. 1 would not be without them for they are positive in their effects, and cause no dis agreeable sensation when taking them." Doan's Ointment for sale by all dealer. Prico 50 cents. Stalled by 1'ostor.JIilburn Co.. Ilutl'Mo, N. Y solo ngents for tlm U. S. Iioinenibcr tho namo Doan's mill tuko no substitute. Wear Royal Worcester Corsets. FOR SALE BY LEADING! DEALERS, If we can sell you one ac. package ofl wns mimixture we'll ba satisfied. You'll buy more for it will touch the spot. Grocers have SEELIO'S. Lauer'sJ&. Pilsner Beer. Needs no recommendation. Put' up in bottles for family use and delivered at your home. Lauer's Pilsner Draught Beei Is drank by the majority of beer drinkers. They are good authority on which is best. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA. FOU HTA.TH HK.NATOIt, UOtli District, D. M. GRAHAM, . Ok Maiianov Citv. Hiibjefttn Kepiihllcnu nil ox. poit niuitirroit ok tiik pooit, S. G. MIDDLETON, Ok Clu.nKiiiox, Biil.Ji'i't to Itftiuhlluuii rules. pOK COUNTY CONTItOI.t.lCIt, CHARLES A. SNYDER, OK I'OTTiVIIXE. Subject to Jteimbllcaii rules. I1 .tOU COUNTY fiUUVlCYOIt, MARK D. BOWMAN, Ok Maiianov Oitv. Hu ,J.ct to Heiiublt.an ruls. pOH IIHI'IIIMHNTATIVH, DR. H. G. REITZEL, Ok Maiianov Citv, Subject to Kepiihllcnu rules. 7U)I1 COUONKIt, DR. W. N. STEIN, Ok Hiiknanihiau. Subject to Republican rule. OlHi ftShft Al1 B Jhf Vl'tKCl 4a. rHH"W0MAM 3 Sf I -TIWoWtltH'.'' "' vll ! tli'tatc fn. Pmiia( Vox at Jl'ovlmWy'i '-drug; itor, E iRB who R r has added to ordinary eolfee knows u grand drink that1 ' 1 j will fileusc her husband. I Ottilia trees. . "1AII0IKK1 Warmly'Wolcome tho International Arbitration Commissioni THE ORGANIZATION PERFECTED. Lord IIorclill, or lllinlnml. Will Act iih I'oriiiiiiiont I'icmIiIoii t of the Joint ('oiiiimImsIoii I'riitiM'llnl Spot'Cillos at tlio 1'iilillc Iloccptlou, Quebec, Aur. 2b The Ice Is broken; the somewhat Held Hrltlshformalltlesof preliminary organization nre paid; the commissioners huvo become ncqualnted, and the body of International arbitra tors are now ready for the hard work before them. The ceremonies of organization took place In tho parliament buildings yester day, and while tbey were character ized by a considerable decree of dig nity, tlio utmost degree of friendliness Was manifest In every word and move ment, and an ntnlcable adjustment of all questions Is predicted by both the American and British commissioners, At noon the commissioners met In private session In the legislative as sembly, tho upper house of tho Que bec parliament, nil of the commlsslon eis except Congressman Dlngley and Sir James Winter being present. After tho formal exchange of cre dentials Senator Fairbanks, ns chair man of the American delegation, nam ed Lord Mqrsehell, qf England, as permanent president of the Joint com mission, Three secretaries were then chosen, Chnndler P, Anderson, repre senting the Americans; W. C. Cart wright for Great Britain and Henry Bournssa, M. P.. repiesentlng the Ca nadians. A committee of four com missioners was appointed to formulate a plan of procedure, and will report at the next meeting of the commission ers at 11 a. m. tomorrow. After this work of organization was finished the commissioners proceeded to the legislative council chamber, where a public reception was tendered to them by Mayor S. N. Parent nnd the city council of Quebec. A small party of thp best citizens of Quebec and a number of American and Canadian Indies occupied the first row of seats In the gallery. Everything wai done with the greatest degree of for mal precision. The commissioners tiled Into the chamber In .advance of the visiting citizens and stood about a long table during the addresses. Lord Herschell stood at the head of the British commissioners, on the cast side of the table, and Senator Fairbanks at the head of the American commis sioners, on the west side. When the commissioners had taken their places Mayor Parent, standing at the foot of the table, addressed them. His words weie delivered first In French and then In English. He said In part: "The honorable members of the In ternational commission of Quebec: The citizens of Quebec, through their mayor and council, are happy to wel come you most cordially on this mem orable day, which marks the opening of the Important work which has been confided to your care. They highly ap preciate the honor conferred upon their city by tho choice which has been made of Quebec to be the seat of the Inter national conference, which has been entrusted with a mission of peace which will be one of the lasting events of this eventful age. We feel honored and proud to be called on to extend our unbounded hospitality to a gather ing composed of most eminent men who voice . the wishes and aspirations of two powerful nations, bound by the ties of blood and of aHlllatlon, and at the present moment drawn one towards the other by powerful Interests. We cannot refrain from thinking. that this rock of Quebec, so often battered by the storm of war, Is the very place over which should hover 'the angel of peace." Senator Fairbanks replied ns follows: "Your worship, the American com missioners, In whose behalf I have the honor to speak, are deeply sensible to the high tribute of an address from the venerable and historical city of Quebec, and we take pleasure In ex pressing to you our gratitude therefor. This spot Is full of historic memories, The soil has been enriched by English, American and French blood; It has been made gloilous by the deeds of heroes, deeds which are our common heiitugc. Tho stories of Montcalm, Wolfe and Montgomery will endure when that noble shaft dedicated In commemoration of Wolfe and Mont calm has faded from memory. Let us hope that this goodly city shall know no future strife save the wholesome and enervating contests which are the rich fruit of peace. It Is a cause of Immeasurable gratl flcatlon to um nnd to our countrymen that the narrow traditional prejudices which so long divided us have dlsup peared. Itcccnt events, whll'h sharply enlisted the attention of the world. have served to emphasize our kinship nnd to Increase the bonds of affection which should exist between the two English speaking nations. We In. dulge the hope that the Joint high, com mission which you have honored with your cordial welcome may by Its de liberations still further promote that feeling of amity and good will which we desire should over continue be tween the kingdom of Great Britain and the republic of the United States." Lord Herschell followed Senator Fairbanks, and expressed tho hope that the conference about to com mence "may result In establishing re lattons completely satisfactory and of the fullest amity between neighboring reoples, relations which cannot but Inure to the benefit of both countries." Congressman Dlngley arrived soon after the formal reception. Scrofula, salt rlieiiin, erysipelas ami oilier illstrosslni! eruptive diseases yield quickly and permanently to tlio cleansing, purlfyliiR power of lluriloek Wood llittera. Uoliiwnro'H I'iiInoIiIiiu Myntory. San Francisco, Aue. 21. Chief of Po lice Lees hns made no arrest as yet In the DunnlnR poisoning ense, though he Is In communication with the Dela ware authorities anil may make soma move at any moment. Chief Lees In timates that he has some very Import ant Information hearlUK Upon the case, but will not make public the details. Mrs. Ada Kotkln was arrested last nlKht for supposed connection with the sending of the poisoned candy to Mrs. Dunninc. No churce has yet been formally placed ugutnst Mrs. Hot kin. CASTORIA Por Infants and Children. The Kind Yoif Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE AUK ASSKUTINC. IN TIIK COURTS OUR 1UGIIT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND TITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and docs now bear on every the fac-simile sirnature ofCu wrapper. This is the original "CASTO Rl A" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought r on the and has the signature of wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March 24, lSDS J? j Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. 7Mt CCNTAUH COMPANY. TT MURRAY BTRKCT. N1W YORK CITY. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE Villi hmrrx. the Ilund of America. Call loritht. Vlii the tine pathway, "The Iron Mountain Route," which traverses a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or hilih altitudes are unknown, l'ullinaii lirst and second class palace nnd tourist sleeping ears to points hi Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Ohl and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah anil Novaila, without change, Quick time, low rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway system. For rates right from your home, Htcnitiire, and full information, drop a postal card, J. 1. MtCanu, T. V. Agent. 519 Rail road avenue, Elinira, N. Y., or 301 Broad way, New York. 3-1-tf W. E. Hovt. G. E P. Agt. Stop That Cough ! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A 2."c bottle of Slilloh's Giro may save your life. Pold by I'. 1). Klrlin and a guarantee. Tho South mill Its AtUmitiict'H, The Southern Railway has issued for freo distribution, a sixteen page journal des criptive of Virginia, North ami South Caro lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Persons seeking now locations. or capitalists desiring to make safe and profit able investments will find tho information contained therein both valuablo and inter cstiug. Copies will bo mailed free upon ap plication to John 51. Iicall, District Passen ger Agent. S28 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Pa. One Minuto Cough Cure surprises peoplo by its quick cures and children may take it in largo quantities without tho least danger. It has won for itself tho best reputation of any preparation used to-day for colds, croup, tickling in the throat or obstinate coughs. C. U. llagenbuch. Ask your grocer for tho "Boyal Patent dour, and take no other brand. It is tho best tlonr made. GREATEST DOCTOR LIVING. Mr. Liwrence Jtlley s-iys under oath! I iiiflciett lour voir- with a bad case of V vnrlcoct'U In uMltlnti loall the misery it nti imubitj or early excess l itf tind I wilt In tec fcJ wrelelietl Male. l.lfu was i 'Si "7 1,1 ' ' uHngthe above tin utu irniiDiD or euriy excesses and bltod lecu id me moss us not worth llv- tHiif thn nlmvM tlmol nnanltarf all kinds rtloctirft aiiii specialists, and was treated at live dlflyrent h.e ftuh in .NewYork City and my utlerltiff was mad worse. It was wtill at the laii hospital that I overheard a a mve nation between two iirofettsnrs, durlnar which they seemed to praise Philadelphia, Ph.. saying he was the greatest doctor Uvintc fur treutlnv blood poison. Well, after that I quietly stnnped all treatment at that hospital and went to I'hlludelphta to commit Or. TbeeL I went under lih tnattnent and from the first week I began to notice an Improvement, and from then on I steadily grew better unlit I was cured perma nently twelve monthsarter. Now, sufferlnir people, you will Ravo innch money If you to to Dr. Theel nrst and be cured honestly and scientifically. Bend five 2c slampH for book "Truth," and you will be convince thst be is the right physician teeon selllnall Nervou. I'rlvute and HpeclAl I)U eaep. Ilrfifiit'M iUe&3eand Diabetes ilelllius cured under n Ktiurantee Brlnsr your urine when you t-Jt II. Treatment by innll. Hours, U-J; Kvim, un, li-IO. Strictest enrcr guaranteed. No name published without consent. THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE Should be la Every Home and Library. '3 ) written br lllaht Hon, Wllllnm F.wart nia.ltone. Hi. Premier of (Ireut llrltlan ami lrehuut. l!liHtur, Kn.i Hev, A. II. Hajco, yueen's (lolleKo. Oifon, Khb.i Hev. tiumuel Ivta Curt)rt, D. II.. OlileftKO 'iheoloHlcul hemlnarr, Chicago II). i Hev. FretWieW Furrur, D.D., Kat-H lleali ut Canterbury, Canterbury. ! im.i Itef . Kliner it.Capen, IML.TufU Col!etre,homLrville,Mi!..i Key, Frank W, (luliHaulUH, 1). ll., Armour Jntilute, Olilcneo. III.) )tev. (leorna P. J'enteiokt, D.D., Mar) In. none l rti.uyierian i;nurtu, ixinuun, tuki i. ... n. MacArthur, 1 1 . Calvary llai'tiut Churi-h. New York City. N. V.i Kev. Martjn Hunimerhell, ll.l).. Main htreet Free llantlnt Church, l.ev.Uton,Me.,llov. Frank M. IJrUUil, 11.11 . Firt Melho.ll.t 1'iiiM'm.al Churcl., Kvanlon,lll.i Hev. W. T. Slooro, l.l..ll..'"tlii Clirin tlan Cuniinonuenlth," Lotuloii, l:ni,M Hov. rdwari l.verett Hale, ll.lt.. rtouill conpreuaiinuai i.uumi, llnn.nn M.ui 1 tuv. .In u.i.1, Ai.ar llet. 1 1. 1).. eileyail Colleqe. ItlclnnonJ. Hnn.i Hev. Oapar lteuo tlrespry, lliill! tlutveralty, iMpilv, llennanyi Hev. Win. Cleaver Wllklnum. !.! , untvemltr of Clilcayo, Cht raiio. HI.) Hev. Hnniuel Hart, l(.l). 1 .rlnltir ttol le. llnrllonl, Hev. J,JlonrotlIIon,l).ll.8t..!ohn'. 0o4 Pre. Oliiiri li,Iximlon,l:tiL-i llev, Oeomt U lxirln..r. i,rti.. 1'he '101111110, llo-ton. Mix. rtll'ILAIl t III I l(H. l; pauea. M full i nt'e lllu.lra tlona. itllc eilrei, cloth, tilt), hall .lovant, 5 (ull "oT'llllli I iilTI0.-l.;ftl i.ose. SCO full-rncn lllutr tlmn. Ktylo A gilt e.li!e, full levanl, 011a volume r 13.(11. Ktyln lltp vniuineri. tun juvuut, luueu, iajwi 11 IHPA11TH.iiu.iHi lrc, review qucllon lauo. li.nln paper cover, eaweil, trluuueil fcllchtly, l.meacu )att For aalo at all hookkton. nti.l hy houkeeller. I'm further Inlnrmatlon, write 1IKNHY O. HHKl'AHll Pnhltaher. 212 uuj 21 1 Monroe Btleet. Glitcaia, J Ml not AWN'S TANSY PILLS A TtiiD. Ticiivui.r WOMAN'S RELIEF. Alw.vmrnmi.t.nu t.lUhl.. Jm.1 liuiHtutm. Oil CAtuM'. Tam.t I'illi ,nj iirmicjiitl. Atdruir itnrt. fir lent illrrcl IkciUJ). Iiricf. II, Citoh sria Co., Bottos, Mtik Our book, te. For sitle IKlrlln'ldrifBtornd8henodo aruK eioie 1 owuprg never fuu dc tut) lure (after ftllln. with Tamr fid IVunyroyal 1'iHi tnil ntlivr lit t.lnUiKnl. Uuu;iitiJ upciwr to ftll Ulirt illuiUvti I jr THE PHILADELPHIA TlflES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. Purine lS'JS Till! TIMKS will not only maintain tho high standard of excellence It reached the pat year, hut will steadfastly endenvor to excel Its own bent record, nnd v.111 not swerve from Its let purpose to ninko THE TIMES THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF THIS COUNTRY ANI THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED PIUNTISO ALL THE NEWS oi ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME No journal Ih more extrnwU t'ly elreiilatetl or lias n w (tier citele of renders In l'tunn) Ivnnla tlian THE PHILADELPHIA TinES WHY? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one TERMS DAIIY, $3.00 per annum ; 25 cents permonlli; uenvereu oy carriers for 6 cents tier week. SUNDAY ICDITION. 32 large, nanusoiue panes coiumnn, eiegantiy Illustrated, ucuutmilly printed In colon, 820 per annum ; 5 cents per copy. Dully nnd Hun day, .VIM per minimi ; DO cents per month. Address all letters to THE TIMES. rmiJinKLPiiu. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND THERE IS NO KIND OF PAIN OR I " ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN-KILLER WILL NOT RE. I LIEVE. , LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE DOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS & SON. MME PERFECT MEN ! DO HOT DESPAIR I DuXut HuQVr Loituci'! Tlit luysuiul luiiblltons ul life cud lie rontoii'd tti yuii. Thu ver) unikt cakes of crvuut. Ilcblll. tv arc nltsolulcly cured by 11,11 r l.l. 11 . lii.i. n, lllvn tiruinnt relief tu Insomnia. fullllill tncinory anrl ttu mfcte una uruiii lit VI luf ijnur.. incur. rtt by InilUcretloiisorexcciikct tif curly years liuiiurt vlitot ami iHjloncy tu every lulictltin. nraraut, iliu svbleru. Ulve s tilouni tu the chMks ntiil liihtrn to tlif! wne- nvcs of TOUUtf orola. uiiomio luix retiewiti lvitai encriiy! teed ctiruor luunuy rutiuul. 1 j ged. Cin be carried In ve.t pocket bold ailt7 o" eryvihcrcot uiulled IniiUtln wru)erun receiptor pneo lyTlli; I'llltn-L-lu co. caiiou mat. umcutfu.iu. I'or tala In Hlicitandoali by Hltetiaiidoab Uruj rioro nnti uriuuer iiroa. EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No. 13 North Jardln St. s Of tho Groat Futurity Stakos at Sheopshoad Bay( ALL TIIE FAV0EITE3 DEFEATED. Illtrli llFicrpn Cninu In Soconrt mill Mr. Clny Third Tlio OiUIh AmitiiHt tlm Wlimor Wii l'orty to Olio A I. tints Doluy lit tlio l'OHt. Now York, Aug. 21. Fifteen thousand people saw Martlmafi, at the long odds of 40 to 1, win the crsat Futurity stnkes at Sheepshend Hay yesterday, lllfjli Dofiiee comliiR In necond, while the public choices wero nowhere. The day was excessively hot. The delay at the post waB the lonRest on record In this country, even beating Pettln BllPs Chlcatro derby, which wns an hour and thirty minutes. The horses, the stoi ter said yesterday, wore well behaved, a'nd so he proceeded to ad minister lines ad libitum and sut down for a week four of the Jockles, Includ ing Sloan. At the opening of the betting Au tumn was a favorite over the Flolsrh mun stables, Dr. Klchburg and Sir Hubert, and at the end was really the favorite, although his price was a little higher, but then It was one horse against two. The Madden string, Glen helm, nhlnelander and Scannel, were next In favoritism, and down the ring, where It was like a furnace, tho men tumbled over each other In their eagerness to put up their money on their choice. The parnde to the post begun at 4:05, and the 23 youngsters cantered up the track. They reached the post In short order and weie'soon lined up, waiting for the word, with no starting machine to frighten them Into fits. Then the labor of getting them started began. The 20th and last break came at 5:37, exactly one hour and 32 minutes after they reached the post, and for so many youngsters It was really a good start. They were practically In line, the only one really out of It being Duke of Mld dleburg, who was to all Intents and purposes left at the post. High Degree was tho first away, with a little the better of Prestldlgltatrlce, Rusher, Sir Hubert, His Lordship, Scannel and Martlmas, the others being close enough up to have a chance. At the short first furlong High Degree wns half a length in front of Rusher, he a couple of lengths in front of Au tumn, on whom Taral was stumbling hard In the deep, going on the outside of the chute. Prestldlgltatrlce was only a neck behind, with Scannel, Mar tlmas, His Lordship and Sir Hubert following and all the others well up. It was anybody's race then, for many knew that the two leaders wero not sure. The chute was narrowing now, and all were seeking a good place in which to round the bend Into the main track, for crowding was almost sure to come In a big Held, and woe betide the Jockey who got himself Into a pocket. Maher wanted the hard going at the rail, but Rusher clung to High Degree like a leech and would not be shaken off. Stilde for stride they clung together, James apparently not wanting the rail and the shortest course, but he was In the way of Maher, and the clever light weight had to stay out In the deep going. Two furlongs had been covered, and High Degree was still half a length In front of Rusher, who was then only a neck In front of the favorite, Au tumn, who was a noso In front or tu Hubert, he In turn a neck In front of the Canadian Martlmas, whom the as tute Jockey Lewis was working to ward the rail, the spot little Dann Maher wanted and could not get, so persistently did Rusher hang on his, flank. Now came a hustle, for the turn was at hand and it was high time for the winner to be In front. All the boys were working like demons to get to the front, for the judges' stand was In slcht and a straight course was ahead. Rusher stopped as if he hud been shot, and then how Maher did ride. Crouching low on the Ally's neck he drove her with hands and heels, and when there was but a ouarter of a mile to go he was a good length and a half In front, but he did not dare to swing over against the rail now, as he was far out on the track. Lewis, how ever, had gradually worked to" the rail, nnd as they turned Into the home stretch he was in the coveted hard ground, and how Martlmas was fly ing. He was already In second place at the quarter, two lengths In front of Rusher, who was a neck in front ot Mr. Clay, who was In a bunch with Dr. Elchberc, Sir Hubert and His Lordship. Now the last furlong pole was reach ed, and little Maher saw Martlmas rush by on the firm, hard footing against the rail, while the tired filly under him was stepping In the deep dust, and Autumn, Mr. Clay and Dr. Elchberg, with Sloan on the latter, finishing In his best style, were try ing to wiest the second place away from him. For an Instant Autumn had his nose In front of the fllly, then stop ped as If he had been shot and finished away baok. Then Maher worked harder than ever, ana aiinougn ne couiu noi caicn the Canadian In front, who won easily by a couple of lengths, he could and did get the second money by half a length. There was a pretty struggle for third place between Williams, on Mr. Clay, and Sloan, on Dr. Klchberg, and the former got It by a head. The remainder of tho bunch wns so close to- gether at the end that It was Impos sible to separate the horses. Win ner's time, 1.12 2-5. At the conclusion of th" great nice the starter appeared nnd saiu that there was nothing the nialtir with the horses and that the boys caused all the delay at the start, for which he fined most of them $200 a piece and suspended Sloan. Clawson, Penn and Murphy for a week. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gnitifylni; tu tlio iiublli) to know of 0110 concern in tlio liinil who aro not ufniiil to bo Rcnorous to tlio needy and sillier. Ing. Tlio itroiirietors of J)r. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, CoiikIis hihI Colds, liavo given uway over ten million trial hottUnof this great medicine; and liavo the satisfaction of knowing It has absolutely 1 11 red thousands of liopcleM cases. Asthma, llrnnchitis, HiiarbunohH anil nil diseases of tho Throat, Chest and I.unys titosuicly curcil by it. Cull on A Wasley. Di'iiuiiUt, and ct ti trial bottle free. licKiilar size Me. antl ft, llvory bottle liiiiiraiitecil, or irico refimded. Ailmli'Kl tsiuiiP'soii tt lioitirn t ("Hint. , WabliliiKton, Aub. 21.- Admiral .Samp son left WnHliliitfttm y.'Btorday aftor noon for Now York, ami today will ro aboard his II&l'mIiIii, the New Yoik which will bo put In dry dock at once for repairs. Adnilial Sampson prob ably will leavo for Cuba about Sept, 2. Bodily paialiisesits (error If you've a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Kciectric Oil in tlio house.. Instant relief in case of burns, cuts, siimlus, accidents of any bott, U.S. CONSUL CURED OF EGZEIVI A B V TICURA I li.id (in attack of l.i eiim nml ordered a linv. iif initio or 7.inc ointment 'I he drat aj 'l i at ion cli.tii'i il the 1 . in , to h. 11 lire, which leuuicd iiniiieiii lialile The drniTL'Ht had me t tt lanrld cerate and I u.ia ioisoned A lot al ili.vi lan ilnl not help inaittM. anil cwr thing cither failed to help, or made It ore, 1 win lieroinlng desperate, when I thought id ( I'lirtltA IIimi.mii. and ilia tiatehed my scriant lor a rake of Ci m i iia Soap and a box of (tllri itA (ointment). The flrtt tipiillcutiun relitviit me and in three hwk i mitt teei. l'l 'im : ' iiva'cc rr.,i cf..f.. ........, lieu. l;i,ln'J7. Santiago tie CuIki. t'.l llirciiifhoiillli.wip.M PuTrni II. (' Oowr .Sole lVci'i., tlnetiin. "How toUurcthe Vort Kcrvma," tree. Hnguitn iropfx to rio-H tho CurtpM. London, Aug. 21. The Dally Chroni cle's Madrid correspondent says: The government hopes to close the oortes again before the peace ctmrrlHHlon assembles In "Purls. The suspension of the guarantees will be puitlully raised, allowing public meetings to be held lor municipal elections. I'or broken surfaces, sores, insott bites, burns, skin diseases mid especially piles there Uonu rellaMo reinody, DeWltt's Witch Hazel .Salve. When yon call for OoWitt's don't accept counterfeit or frauds. You will not be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch Ilnzol Salve. II. HiiKciiliucli. I ririnir n Niillmnil 'enictei-y . New Yolk, Aug. 21. Tin- illy coun cil bus passed a lesnliitlon l ulling upon the United Slates gn ci rinn-rit to pro vide a national cemetery wheie the bodies of the soldiers who fell In the war may be relnterred. More than twenty million free samples of DuWitt's Witelt Hiir.c.1 Salve have been dis tributed by the iiiauufat tiiiers What better proot oi ineir l onniiciiee in us merits no you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores in tlio shortcut space of time ( II. IlaKcnlnn li. MPHREYS' CURES No. I Fever, Congestion. No. 2 Worms. No. 3 Infants' Diseases. No. A Diarrhea. No. 7 Coughs & Colds. No. 9 Headache. No. lO Dyspepsia, Indigestion. No. 1 1 Delayed Periods. No. 12 Leuehorrea, No. 13 Croup. No. 1 4 Skin Diseases. No. IB Rheumatism. No. 1 9 Catarrh. No. 27 Kidney Diseases. No. 34 Sore Throat. No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever. Br, IlnmpliroyV Homoopathio JLmual of Diseases at our Pruiri:its or .Mailed Free. Sold by drueirlsts, or ent on receipt of SScts., Mots or Jl. Humphreys' JIud. tv , Cor. William and Julin Sits , Hew York. HO WHE iN DOUBT, TRY STRONG AGAIN ! ffc vigor to the whole beln. All drains mm V i FlwHc,y -urcu, iiicirconuuion ouen worries tnem into insanity, woniumption or ueatn. Vjp Mailed sealed. Price $i per box; 6 boxes, with Iron-clad iegal cuarantee to cure orrefundefctt l money, $5.00. Send lor free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0T For Sale at KIRLIN'S DrugiStorc, Shenandoah, Pa. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH 3 J U.I III till Iltlil Ittl It llllll II jllilili laiiini uro 1 wSai A i..iiiit:ti Illll'llVw 3 FOK SAi.t IV1 r uro io:s: the W'orlii'd ft ftirmeil nnd yifhiriiiMiiiihniiiiSiiiiiH"'!1 uiii,iL.r1,Mt:v-)rkttiuiiiiiiiiiiuiniif.p,ihiii. JKWE HAVE NO AGENT tut hit said direct urner far 'lb years (Mo pricei, saviDfc aeaier rronw. whtrs for sxatainauoD, ETtrjthiof wtrrsnted. 118 slTles of Vsbicles, 55 ItIei or llrnsi. Top Buggies. 136 mTi.l&Utof U5. X'hastoas, Trapl, etUi. BcriDf-lkad .,rt. ..!. w.,.,1.1.00. s:wji.:."Av.r". U.KHART CAJUIUOB iHD UAUME8S fiTO. HARPER'S MAGAZINE will enter the comlt.g year prepared to give to the reading public that which has nr I it famous for the n.tst auarttr of a centurv contributions from the nens of the creat literarv men and women of the world, illustrated by leading artists. A brief glance over its prospectus announces such reading as OUR PACIFIC PROSPECT I'llUJU'TH ton i MrilllGl'lS t lML THE 1011111111111. IVI'llltTtM E OK IV IS7IUUM riiL Ut it. I'.t i in TvnriK Jir uvktiiixotox c. iord KlSTlin SllirilU 1M Tilt I'ltlllC THE llElll.ol'lltW III' tlllt I'll I lie U091IX B) STEl-llf.V BOXSJL B, CII.ir.LK1 y.'irMMIS " RODEN'S CORNER THE NOVEL OP THE YEAR by Hpnuy Skton Mkrhiii am, author of "The Soers." Striking novelties In short fiction will be contributed by such authors as V I), llowells, Richard Mardinj Davis, llrander Matthews, Frederic Keinlngton, Kmh McK.ncry Stuart, and others. There will be a series of articles on THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE EUROPE, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ART AND THE DRAMA ARMIES AND NAVIES STUDIES INAMERICAN SOCIETY AMERICAN CHARACTER SKETCHES PosUgtrf ta all tufitrittri in Ut UnittJ SUttt, CtinaJa,anJ Mtxico. Sub. $4 ayear. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Pub's, N.Y.Cit). Send lor tree prospectus WM. SCliMICKER, JR., ' Agent (or Shenandoah and Vicinity Por- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer c BAZAR- nTTERNS 'THE STYLISH PATTERN." Af- lUlic Fashionable. Original. Perfect Kitting Prices 1 0 anil 1G cents. Nonehigner. None better at any price. neatly every city or town. Ask tor t them, or tbey can be bad by mall Ircai 1 oi In either New York or Chicago. I 2iicago. n Sheet 5 tt pav ft . I btamps taken. Latest fashion unt upou receipt or ur.e zeal rr ?r ik r m Brightest ladies' magazine 'published. to. i of fi JIS I invaluable for the home. Fashions the dav. Home Literature. Househ. Hints, fancy wort, current lopics, j Fkilon, all for snly 5f tnts a ear, In- eluding a free pattern, ,iouf own telew I tlon any time Seed two 2ent ttampi t for ample fcOpv.Arldresr ?5&2p. 8 VTHE McCALajMPANYXjS West 4tii $lft, New, Yort k f ttl& Plklt'toc&ue, Chicago,'"' no pain Rum 70TJI RUPTURE If you wear tha CHAMPION TRUSS. MnrlA rttf tUladelohift Trust Co., 610 Locust SU Phlu, ?u Tvtrj have stnorl thctc tofycarl. d n we i-tircd tliuusandf Dl - m Vel WiAAA Dcbihn , laziness, Sffeple! ff6Sr Zf" an J VariLOle,Atrophy,fi gxrj- They Ucar the brain, strength juco ess the cirLulation, make digestion nrfii-t anil imnirf a hailika and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients iitiiiitiii.iiiiiiiii.il. mWW WHO READ I r io:s:dve and kt-ej. !:.torincn f: 111 d 1-ronress, "i no wen m- ...l il.tr.., xi ..... I.-.. ,.11. K ttuii t.iiiiii'V ito.jKii rt 11 l.'ltlt. " RAINBOW LiNIMBNT jj In Hie iiousti. fts a 8tnnda! rsja; J? fc 8prtv;nI Biwlsos, Ciatipi, H.ot a Iks 6'jcl n" ftche and ji ns. J rvpi.ti kf H.l. ii u.n k m ; mi., g - Vf iTW lTiu. to th eeB' at d&i mm um snip u to ( 70. Carm Wtgoa aad Milk W.. WM H.n... PHe.. Vlth .DTtftiD.. 1.IUL btS, ftproa .ai t.niiri, C0. II f oci . far P4, CO. W, D. VIU.TT, , SIJClUJtT. UtU. g g30!3STriT!.iiairiULriin II. S. Williams vHlS r 'Viw t