EVENING HERALD KSTAW.ISIIKl 18T0, Hubttnliod every Kventn , Ktcepl Humltty, M 1 Mopth .Tarmk rni.i-T. i h Pfntui. Tin- lfi 1 .' . , , ,innti ami tlio 0 ir , I - t fur i t week (my niil Xutht, urrii'it. Hy tun.. ..1 00 n year or 35 cent a month, pnynMu In ailvnnrt. dvert1ec tnetita clmrceunoconlliiK to upacc itml potltlon, Thn (tuMlnhet rerve the right to e banco the position of ndvrrtixetnciit-4 rhenetr the puh UUWi of new deummls It. Tho rljilit i ttervel to wrtAti' Htlverttnemeiit, whether pfttd for or not, innt Hie putillnhern rimy tleein iproper. AtlverttnlnK ruttH nil Jo known upon Mppllenthm KntcreU At the potoltUe lit Slienamlonh, I'm., a Mecoml cIahh tnall mutter. TKMCIMIONK CONNKCTION i 'All the News That's" Fit to Print." 1 r - - - j Evening Herald Wr-DSpSDAV. Al'iHST SI. itf so IipI jrnw" tt OUR COUNTRY: first. Last and Porevcr. So.MK people net on H Hliilif,' 111 ill tlii'u keep harping on it. Tlmt is tin uiieliviiililu ponitiou of ninny Slion iitidouli reHiduntx. Tint question now is, are you in favor of or against the erection of tlie reservoir? Tlmt tptestion is pro pounded quite often of late. Thk Stars and Stripes went up nt Manila after two short, decisive vic tories. They should not lie hauled down while the American Republic endures. .1 11. MoI.KAX, the Ohio Demo cratic leader, denies the report, that he is to succeed Secretary Aluer iu the WAr department. The denial was unnouessarv. Axi now little Jamaica wants to he annexed to the United States. H this tiling keeps up Uncle Sam will have- to take Johnny Hull under his protecting wing. A Hkaoiko despatch says that the ooom in the iron trade since tho close of the war has been unparalleled in years in that section of the ntnte. Many of tho plants lire running day and nJfjht. If they consumed anthra" cito coal, and thus assisted in boom inn this section of the state, every thing would be forgiven. "Tint Shenandoah people are milk ing a nrcat bin fs over a little water. Heretofore it has been 'bolinki' that cieated most of the disturbances in that town." The above is taken from n PottsvUle exchange. Wo ven ture the prediction that more bohuki" can be consumed in the olllce of our contemporary than in any other given space, barring the lire weries. TliKltK are certain individuals iu Shenandoah who should learn the lesson to never try to bluir a news paper writer. Whenever an editor makes a statement it can invariably be sustained by facts. .Besides, an edi tor usually has good memory, and if there is one tiling above another that tome individuals do not like it is past liifito -y. See ! Thk indications are that the ptihliu meeting to do next in llobbins' opera house to-morrow evening, called by the taxpayers to protest against the expenditure of probably $:J0,000 for the erection of a storage reservoir at the lirandouville pumping station will be largely attended. The people mo becoming greatly interested. Skchktauy Plhmino, of the An thracite Ooul Operators' Association, eomu time ago communicated with and subsequently called upon tlie Assistant Secretary of the Navy in reference to testing the merits of an tliracite, the experiments to bo made on one of the cruiM-rs. The result of that meeting was the assurance given Secretary l-'lemiiig, by the naval olllcials, that hard coal would receive every consideration at their hands. Congressman Williams was immedi ately communicated with and has since been active in pushing tlie hard coal boom. In the light of these well Known facts, it is somewhat aiiitlsiug to watch the efforts of tho literary and political departments of our eBteemed contemporary, tho Miners' Journal, In trying to hoodwink the people of Schuylkill county Into be lieving that thelr'"fnvorito candidate for Congress," by his "usually Judi cious una eloquent diction" per suaded tho . naval olllcials to give anthracite epal a fair trial on Auieri cuu ships. The fact that this great feat was performed after Secretary Fleming had niude the sug gestion und secured the consent of the naval olllcials to make the test, cuts no llguro with our contemporary A campaign is iu progress, and two federal positions--one from the Treasury und tho other from the Postolllce "department are hanging 5n the balance. And those who know our friends of the Journal know that they never grind their mill with the water that has passed Oh, yes; Mr, Hruuiiu Is an active hard coal boomer junt at this purtlc uhir time. There Is no mistake about tills, because he made special s Ato (alnlnu faiur npiitly illiislliess' men and travel lers enrry them la vest pocketi, Udlen carry tliem Pills lu furvei, houiekeejK-r kt-ep Ihcin Iu nuilti-ltm ciuteu, irmuat rwoiiuncua u.tm u uruui. Hood '00LIS 1)C8T ' Largest package-Krcatcst Tin: ic. l'AiitiiA vie Chicago, at. Louis, Now York, trips to Now York and to AVnsliii)): ton. It Is unkind to say that these trips were primarily for the purpose of securing his brother in-law a siiuk berth, bee iue the facts do not sustain tlie allegation. Vt'lmt 1)1'. A. II. Muli-r .Sn3 a, . (li'iits : I-'roni my hufkai.o, i . iii-iiis : l-roni my per- sonal knowledge, isilni-d in nlwrvlii: t lie f-llrrtol your Miilolrs Cure in ci-s of ml. vain-oil Cinisuiiiiitioii. I mil pn-pated to say it is tlio most lcniiirkalili- Itciiicily Hint lias ever been liroiiclit to my atti-nlloii. It lias 11-rtninly saved many fiom Coiibtimptioti. Sold liy 1'. 1). Kirlin, anil a Kiinruiitcu. THE RAILROADS TOO SLOW. Cannot I'rovlilt-'I'i-iiIiih I-'.n IIciiiovIiil: the Ti'oujw Trout 'lileUaiiiaiiKii. ChlckainniiBn Park, Ga., Aub. 21. It was not till early yesteiday monilm; that the Kil'th Pennsylvania, which broke camp .Monday mornliiB, finished loading and jfot started for Lexington. Thus far the railroads have not been able to provide trains fast enough to suit the conveniences of the regiments leaving, and for this reason It would not bp surprising If General Urecken rldge ordered some regiments of the Second division. First corps, to march to ICimxvllle, a distance of 115 miles. The Klghth Massachusetts marched to Itossvllle yesterday, but did not finish loading befoie this morning. Tho Twenty-first Kansas and Twelfth New Yoik, brigaded with the Twelfth Mas sachusetts, hauled most of their bag gage to Rossvllle yesterday afternoon, but were Instructed not to break camp until the trains were ready. General AValtes, commanding the Second bri gade, Third division, Klrst corps, con sisting of the three regiments Just named, left with his headquarters for Lexington yesterday noon. The Twelfth New York and Twenty-first Kansas left Itossvllle last night. Mean while the Second brigade, Second di vision. Is under orders to leave at once for Knoxvllle. General Frank, commanding the First division, Third corps, will go to liuntsville, Aln., today to locate a camp for the Third corps, which will leave Camp Thomas next week, to gether with the signal corps. Only one regiment will be loft at Camp Thom as, and that for the purpose of guard ing the government property. A Clever Trick It certainly looks like it, but tliero is really no trick about It. Anybody can try it who lias lame hack and weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. Wo mean ho can euro himself right away by taking Electric hit ters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to tlio liver and kidneys, is a blood punller and norvo tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re stores tlio system to its natural vigor. Try Klectric Hitters ami be convinced tlmt tbev are a miracle worker. Hvory bottlo guaran teed. Only 50c. a bottle at A. Wasley's drug storo. -UViilit Wrecked, T-i, Fatally Injured. Knoxvllle, Tenn., Aug. 21. The Bouth bound passenger on tho Atlanta, Knox vllle nnd Northern was wrecked yester day three miles south of Knoxvllle. The train started an hour late, and run Into several freight cars left on the main line at the Junction. Two of the crew were fatally Injuied. Knglneer Jlert Garwood, of nine nidge. On., nnd his fireman will die. Severn! passengers were slightly Injured. .Iriwlth ( olony For l'oi-to Itlco. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 21, Harnett Pruzan, a well known local commission merchant, Is at the head of a movement to form a Jewish rolony In Porto Itlco, "I already have the promise of nearly 50 families to Join me," said he, "Those families can raise from S500 to J5.000 each to put Into tho venture, and If all agree we will form a communistic colony. We hope to leave by the flrst of January." Vesloi-un.v'c lla-oball liimes. At Plttkburg-Clei eland, li. Pittsburg 3 At Kpilngricli! Syracuse, 4; Springfield 3 At Lancaster Hlchmund. fi; Lancaster At Patersoii Jleiidlnir. : P.m,renn r. ' 6. At Allenti.un -Allenli.un Vr,'rrv,'ii, 0. At H.irliurd Hni (foul 4- Vnu-nrk r.' Clve the Children a Drink called Ouln-0. It Is a delicious, nppotUlnR, nourishing food drink to tako the placu of ollco. bold by all grocers and likod by all who have ubed it because when properly prepared it tastes liko tho finest colic but is free iroin all Its injurious properties. Draiu- Oalds digoition and strengthens tho norvus. It is not a stimulant but a health builder. and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about I as much aj coffee. IS and 25c. HiiiiiUiacged by .Masked ItobbeiH. ficranton, Pn Aug. 24. I-'lve masked men sandbagged, hound nnd gagged Night Watchman ttronnan at the Dlok son City brewery nt an early hour In the morning and then blew open the safe, They secured J800 In cash, somo dlumnuds belonging to George Hof nugle, manager of the company, and other valuables to tho total value of about S1.500, Watchman Ilrcn. nan was not badly hurt. There Is no duo to the men. That they were u desperate lot Is evident. After looting the sufu they found Hremiau had regained consciousness and one of the gang lilt hhu a blow on the head with the butt of a revolver, ugnln rendering blin unconscious. Ilrennnu was found by Manager Iluf. nngle, whose Is next to the browory, und who was awakened by the harklnu of his dog. tjn TlioYciiiglfiT of Vytiilns. Indianapolis, Aug. 21. The biennial encumpment of the Knights of Pythias, lu point rif attendance, Is successful bo yond exportation. Cureful estimates secured fiom I all road olllcials show that since Huluiday 75,000 people have been brought to the city. There are not as many members of the uniform lank as expected, but the members of the subordinate lodges are here in great numbers. In yntenlay's bit' pa rude the numbur of men In line was es timated at 18,000, gf whloh lO.fXH) weie members of the uniform rank. ... . Hill.... - k" GmgrJ&EF Hardest tilings in the house to clc QaMSSy contr,ir thuigi to keep ck.in Most fflfflgy when not cknned. Arc made clean am I Mr easily iuth that enemy of oil and grc "C0r,D DOST " an. Most uiit'kasaiit 1 kept clian use and dirt' Washing Powder economy. cniiiuw. lloitonr l'lilladclpbta. uswfrruismd THE PRODUCE MARKETS. Ah llelloeleil by 1 )n1 1 iitr-t in Philadel phia ami liiiltlmoi-c. 1'IiI1:1p1IiI:i. Auk. -Flour weak; winter Miperllne. $2.1fr,i2.ln, Pennsylvania roller, clear. fcUWi n.riu. city mills, extra. f2.T.fr3. Itye Hour quiet and unchanged at 2.NI per barrel for choice Pennsylva nia. Wheat slow; No. 2 led. spot and month, 71 '.-7 71 lie.; do. September, C-V KMirC. Corn quiet, but linn; No. 2 mixed, Aiiffiist and September, 3lir:il'ic.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, 37"4c O.its slow; No. 2 white, clipped, new, 2tiT(29V4c.; do. old, 3'J'i."2Uo. Hay steady; choice tim othy, Jll.GO for large bales, licef steady; beef hams. J221i22.."0. Poik dull; family, 12.r.'K13. I.ard steady; western steamed, .37!l. Hutter steady; western creamery, llU'19e.; do. factory, lieTllc.; KIbIiis. ISc.; Imitation creamery. 13'ilCu. ; New Yorlt dairy, 13'il7c; do. creamery, H'4fil8Vjc.: fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 20Q "Sc.; do. wholesale. 19c. Cheese dull; laigu white, 7c: small do.. Sc.; light skims, GU'lCVic; jiart do., nV4i"-4c; full do., 2tf 2'iiC. l"ggs stonily; New Yoik and Penn sylvania, lr.'ilu'jc. ; western, fresh. 15c, Potatoes steady; Jerseys. Jl.'rdl.SiVi; Long Island, $1.7W2; sweets, yellow, $3f" 3.2". Tallow dull; city. 3"i,c.; country, 3',j 03'lic. Cabbage steady. Long Island, $2"i3. Ilaltlinoie, Aug. 23. Flour dull und un changed. Wheat llrm: spot. "2'Mi 72'ic. ; month. 7P,ifi71"tc. ; September, G!)j "9',ic. , December. I'.7U,C.; steamer No. 2 red, 080 CSUc; soUthciu wheat, by sample, Cliff T3'e.; do. on grade, "Ti73c. Corn dull; spot. aiUJiSllic: month. MM,fi3i; Septem ber, .'llfiSHie. ; stenmcr mixed. 3.l"4ifi33V.c.; southciu, white, sr.'fiSOc. ; do. yellow, oU'T' SCVic Oats r aslei ; No. 2 white, west ern. 2Wi2V.c. . No. 2 mixed, 25Hc. P.y.3 steady; No. 2 nearby. W'tc.: No. 2 west ern, ts'.c. May quiet; No. 1 timothy, "11 '(12. Lettuce, 7c. per bushel box. Livestock Mlil-ketH. New York. Aug. 23. Hooves steady; live cnttle, 9?4fi 1034c; refrigerator beef. 7,ic pur lb. C. Ives steady: veals, $5Tj.7.73; but termilks, lfi4.2.". Sheep steady; lambs llrm; good stock 15c. higher; 12 cui. un sold: sheep, $!.2."i1i I.W; lambs, common to choice, $1.507(i.35. Hogs nominally steady at tl.20Sil.50. Knst Liberty, Pa.. Aug. 23. Cattle steady; extra. J.".30'(i3.50; prime, $5,301(5.50; common, S3.Ml4r4.la. Hogs a shade lower; prime mediums. Sl.u34r4.10; best Yorkers, Sl.lSfil.SO; common to fair Yorkers. 4ff 4.10; grassnrs, $2.S0fi2.!l3; heavy. $1.05fT4.15, pigs, $3.50T(4; roughs. $2.50f3.73. Sheep lower: choice, SI.50ir4.UC; common, J3.2.7il 3.75; choice spring lambs, S5.T5-n'C; com mon to good, $15.50; veal calves, S7Q7.50. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Itoot Tea, tho great Wood Purifier. Cures Head ache, Nervousness, Eruptions on tho Face, and makes tho head clear as a bell. Sold by 1. D. Kirlin and a guarantee. 'I'o l-r-eil .sini-vimr t-ilrmiiH. Washington, Aug. 24. The war de partment Is considering plnns for feed ing the people In Cuba who may bo found In n starving condition when the Spnulsh evacuate. It Is believed that thousands must be destitute. The poor people known nt tho beginning of the war as reeonrentradoes may have per ished, but the pnclllcos and others who were not a part of the Spanish army are believed by olllcials here to be In a precaiious condition. The distribution will be under the direction of army nillcers. When you call lor HaWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the gieat pile cmo, don't accept any thing else. Don't bo talked into adopting a htibstituto, for piles, for .sores, fur minis, C. II. Ilugeubucli. ienm-nl .liiiMloMo-' spaiiisiisi7M(i,n-, Madiid. Aug. 24. Honor Kugustu says that (icnentl Jaudenes being a piison er, Ceneral Itlos becomes governor gen eral of tho Philippines. At the llslng of the council, Lieutenant General Cor rea, the war minister, declared that the government was still without of ficial news of the surrender of Ma nila, although several telegrams had been sent to General Jaudenes for de tails. A stubborn cough or tickling in tlio throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It ni ls at once. C. 11. Hagonbiicli. yiiiegeri mi I'lilsoiii-r- AiTO-ted. Harrfsburg. Aug. 23. Albert Smith, foioreu. ngeu 4U yen is, who Is alleged to have murdered ills wife In this city last December and shipped the body to Staunton, Vu., was ariestud yester day by the Ilnrrlsburg police. Smith was Informed upon by a woman with whom ho had been keeping company since his wife's death. Sho ullages that she saw Smith give his wife medicine jn which he bad Introduced poison. The alleged murderer denies hor story, and decluu-s lie gave ils wife nothing but what her physician prescribed. .Wore TrrmpM Por Hawaii, San Francisco, Aug. 21. It Is now understood thnt unless orders to the pontrnry .are received, from Washing ton the transports City of Sydney, Scandla and Australia will sail somo time Saturday for Honolulu. The Cty of Sydney and the Australia wll parry the Seventh California regiment ti Honolulu, and on Monday, If nothing unforeseen happens, tio City of Pokln will depnrt with ),200 moie men, as yet unnamed, although t s supposed that tho Tueiitlelh Kansas will lo given the nppoitunlty. The J, 200 mer to go on the r-eandln are composed of the Third battalion of ie Twenty third New Yoik Infantry, tho Second Oregon vohinteeis nnd 100 of t()o Fist New York. General Aiiuur-tl'H Arm Ilrnlion, Ix.ndoi), Aug. 21; The Singapore cor. respondent of the Dally Mall telegraphs that Gennral Augustl lind his aim brok. en whllo on his way from Ilug Kong to Singapore dining the pi ogress of a typhoon. General Augustl will pro. ceed to Spain in a German mall boat, To lli-lug llomn ( aptincl minim, Washington. Aug. 24. The secretary of war has stnt u toiKrum to Geimral Shatter, at Santiago, approving his re quest to be allowed to hrlng home the (million captured fiom the Spanish "riny nt and nesr Santiago by the forces under hs cominund. MOOD'S PILLS cure Liver nu, illltoiisncss, Indlgestlo.ij Headache, 4 Dh-aH-ut. laxutlve. All DruuL'Ist- mi w-1 un.i..-j n j . t THE ACXIUARY NAVY. VessolH to llrt Appralwed mid Theti OllV-reil Pop Halo. Washlngloli, Aug. 21. The disposal of the large licet of auxiliary naval craft, about 100 In nil, Including a numb-i i i large ocean going mercluintiiu n i i have been Improvised Into cruNers w Ihrs, etc.. will be taken up at the i.iv department today by a -pedal boaid oi naval ollu .-is, consisting of Captain Clark, of the battleship oreRon; Cap laln lllgglns, or the battleship Mas a chusdts. Captain Chadwlck, of the cruiser New Yoik; Chief Knglheer An tirade, who Inspected the ships at San tiago, and Naval Constructor Taw resey, who was a member of tho aux iliary board at Now York which origi nally recommended the purchase of these vessels. Cnptaln Clark, being on leave, may be repiesented by another officer. Tho fleet Includes 33 cruisers and large yachts, four of tho cruisers be ing the transformed Mnrcnn liners. I each of 7.C00 tons, now known as the Prairie, Dixie, Yosemlte nnd Yankee; 10 colliers of from 1,000 to 0,000 tons each; 7 supply ships, ambulance ships, distilling ships and repnlr ships, the largest being the Celtic, 8,750 tons; 11 steamers for vailous uses, nnd 7 tugs, the largest being the Iioquols, 700 tons, and the smallest the Sioux, 153 tons. This licet cost many million dollars. The yachts average In cost about J"0i 000, and the tugs $75,000, whllo big liners transformed into cruisers and colliers cost several hundred thousand dollars each. Those to be sold will be appraised, and the navy department will then nd vertlso for bids for the ships not wanted. There will be no auction. Dlds will "lie received at the navy depart ment, the sales being made to the highest responsible blddeis nt not less than the appialsed pi Ice. Theie Is some cuiloslty as to tho amounts which will be offered for those vessels. When they weie bought, the urgent needs of the government com pelled the payment of juices which. In some cases, were regarded as "fancy." Doubts are expiessed in naval circles whether these same "fancy" prices will prevail when the offers to the govern ment are made, tho Impression being that some of the contractors will make good profits at both ends, selling high nnd buying low. Tho naval bonid will see, however, that the government Is protected against serious loss. You Invite disappointment when yon ex periment. DuW'ltt'a Little Karly Klsors aio pleasant, easy, thorough littlo pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take thcin. P. II. llagenbuch. Another Tripartite Alliance. London, Aug. 21. The Madrid cor respondent of The Times 'says: One paper here declares boldly, on tho au thority of an anonymous French dip lomatist, that, owing to M. Hanotaux's exertions, a treaty of alliance has been signed between Spain, France and Rus sia, with the object of counteracting the Anglo-German Influence In Mo loeco. Other papers mention the mat ter, but without affirming that the treaty has been actually signed. Truth wears well. People have learned that DeWiU's Little K-irly Illsers are reliable littlo pills for regulating tho bowels, curing constipation and sick headache. They don't gripo. C. II. Ilag-'ubiich. Moi-o Mildlet-.s Iloiiiewai'd Hound. Washington, Aug. 24. The following dispatch fioin General Rhnfter was re ceived by the war department last night from Santiago de Cuba: Trans port Mlnnewnskn, with .Second cav alry mounted squadron and 230 men of the First District of Columbia, two companies. 9(i men; Thirty-third Mich igan, bntlnllon of engineers balloon de tachment, and 35 horses belonging to light battel les sailed today. The Specialist, with four officers, 110 men and hot ses belonging to light batter les will sail soori," Statu or Ohio, City of Toi.rno, i i ..... rr-f Fuaxk .1. (MmxKV makes oatli that he Is tho senior partner or ino nrin oi i-, j. cursr.v v i;o.( doing hlislness In tlie City of Toledo, County anil Btulu iimrcftalil, nnu that said llrm will pav tlie sum of ON-l:HU.N'1l(KI)lH)I.L.UtH for each iiiki every case oi u.uarrn max cnnnoi uo cureu I... .1 ..f IT .. .... f.in,. ..... .1 A. W.OI.ISASON, ;at. I X- t . ... Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and -ts directly on the blood and mncoim surfaces )f li... njuicin. r-eii-t jt.r . et,u ..!ii? F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo. 0. hout oy jrruggisis. 7-c, Have ilur Llto For Hep llaho. Pittsburg, Aug. 24. Mrs. John Stev enson, of Glenn Station, nenr rv,,. negie, Pn was burned to a crisp last ...m.i. ... nir iinewpi in savo per imby from her burning home, Mrs. Steven son poured oil on the kindling wood, while pioparlng supper, nnd was in stantly in flames. Her husband drag ged hor from the building, but she rushed back for the lmhv n,i burned to death. Mr. Stevenson was also badly burned. Tho ljaby ha been saved by tho si'anrlfnthtir before Mrs. Stevenson made her rush into the building. , Crippled by Rheumatism. Those who havo HhcumntiRm find themselves growing steadily worse ull tho while. One reason of this is that tho remedies, prescribed by t)io doctors contain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify tjho disease hy pans. Jng tho Joints to swell and stiffen, producing a severe, aching of tho bones. B. S. S. has boon curing Rheumatism for twenty yeurs even tho worst cases which seemed almost incurable Cnnt. O. K. Hughes. he popular railroad iw.,.......w, , u-'ih .wa, "..' '"in uii experi ence with Itliciunattxui ffldob convinced htm cure for that painful dU: rase. He suys : "1 was a great snfterer from iuus culur KhcutnathM lor two yrurs. 1 could got no permanent relief from any medicine, pre sari laid by my physician, lino r ,.,- Q Cl U .i.Jr How 1 am as well' as I ever was lnmyllfo. larniS; nun. lltui vimr int'tucinu fined me, and I won)1 ,v. w.i.i..vii., lb iu liny iin - cnnVrlmr (mm nnuV illanflB. .! Kveryhody knows lliut Iihoumntlsin Is a diseased sttlto of the hlood, and only a hlood remedy is tho only proper treatment, hut a j-emedy containing potash anil mercury only uggruvuteu tho trouble, bolng Purely Vegetable, goes direct to tho very emiso of the dlseat.0 und a per inuiieiit cure always results. It In Iho only hlood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, morcury or other dan gerous minerals. Hooks mailed freo hy Swift Specific Company, Atluntu, Georgia. NJiUVOIW DEl'JtESslON. A TALK WITH MRS. rtUKIIAM. A woman with the blues Is n very tin loniforlahlo pur&oti. She Is Illogical, unhappy and frequently hysterical. The condition of tho mind known as "tho blues," nearly always, w Ith wo men, results from diseased orguns of generation. It is a source of wonder that In this age of advanced medlcul science, tiny person should still helievo that mere force of will and determination will overcome depressed spirits and nerv ousness In women. These troubles uro Indications of disease. livery woman who doesn't under stand her condition should write to Lynn, Mass., to Mrs, Plnkhum for her ndvice. Her advice is thorough com mon sense, and Is the counsel of a learned woman of great experience. Head the story of Mrs. F. S. HiiNNin r, Westphalia, Kansas, as told In the fol lowing letter: "Dkah Mils. I'l.wcitAM! I have suf fered for over two years with falling, enlargement nnd ulceration of tlie womb, nnd this spring, being In such a weakened condition, caused mo to How for nearly six months. Nome tlmo ngo, urged hy friends, I wrote to you for advice. After using the treatment which you advised for a short time, that terrible How stopped. "I am now gaining strength nnd flesh, nnd have better health than I have hud for tho past ten years. I Ish to say to all distressed, suffer ing women, do not suffer longer, when there is ono to kind and willing to uid you." Lydia K, Tlnkham's Vegetable Com pound is a woman's remedy for wo man's ills. More than a million wo men have, been bcnuilted by it. LAST OF THE SEASON. I.ou-ICiile Ten-Day Hxcursloii to Atlantic City, Ac., lYtii.Hyhanla Railroad. September 1 Is the date of the last low-rato ten-day excursion from Krle, Troy, Hello- fotitc, WHIimnsport, Mocanaipia, Sinibiiry, -Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal inter meiiiatu stations (Including stations on branch roads), fo Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Islo Cily, Avalon, Anglesea, Wlldwoocl, or Holly lleach, via Pennsylvania Railroad. Kxcnrslon ticket'", good to return by reg ular trains williln ten days, will be fold at rate of fin.no from Krie, fr.00 from Will iamoport, and proportionately low rates from other points. Tickets to Atlantic City will alfo bo sold via tho Delaware I'ivcr Bridge lioute, the ou'y all-rail line, at ten cents more than the rate via Market street wharf, Philadelphia. For information in regard to rates and tlmo uf trains consult baud hills, or apply to agents, or 12. S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Wllliamspnit, Pa, Interested People. Advertising a patent medicine in the pe culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's llalsam for Coughs and Colds docs it, is in deed wonderful. lie authorizes all druggists lo give lo those who call for it, a sample bottle free, that they may try it before pur chasing. The laigc bottles aie 25 and Coc. We certainly would advise a trial. It may have you from consumption. TO BIRMINGHAM AND MEMPHIS. ITNSUIII'ASSKK SKHVICK OITKllKIl I1Y TIIK BOUTIIKnN RAILWAY. Leaving llroad Street str.tioii.I'hlladelphla, at 11:55 p. m. dally, tlio "Southwestern Limited," carrying a dining car and the Must luxurious Pullman drawing room Bleep ing cars, roaches Ilirmlnglian tho following night at 1(1:10 and ariives at Memphis tlio next mnrningat 7:10. Through sleeping cars for Ashovillo, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tamp 1, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aro also attached to this train Pullman reser vations can bo mado in advance and all in formation obtained by communicating with John M. heal, District Passenger Agent, 82 Clicnliint street, Philadelphia. to ci.im.nsi; Till-; SVSTIIJI nnertually yet gently, when costive or bil ious, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without initating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, uso Syrup of Figs, made hy tlio California Fig Syrup Co, NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT OF 0. A. R. KM!Ci:n KATES TO CINCINNATI, 0 VIA PENNSYLVANIA IIAII.I10AI1. For tho thirty-second National Encamp- moiitof (1. A- If-, to bo held at Cincinnati. 0 September S to 10, Igptj, the Pciiusylv.mla Itallroad Company will soil excursion tirkots at rato of single faro for tho round tilp. 1 hose tickets will lio sold on September 3, I, ami fi, and will lie &ood to leave Cincinnati returning not earlier thin September fl nor later than September 13, except that by de positing tcke( with Joint Aijcnt nt Cincinnati on September S, U, 7. 8, or 0, nnd on payment of twenty-five cents, return limit may bo ex tended so that passengers may remain at Cincinnati until Oclol.crU1. "I had a miming, Itching soro on my leg SilU'cied tnrtliios. Do.in'a (lliiluunit look away tbp burning nnd itching Instantly and quickly eH'cctod permanent cine." C. W, Leuliarl, Howling (ircon, (), a nr. von (ioimi hoiitii? TIIK BOIITIIHllN RAILWAY liUAClleS ALL I'KOMINKNT 1'OINTS. Don't start South without consulting John M, lleall, District pipujeu-.-cr Agoiit, Uoiitliern null way, 3S Clpistniit street, Philadelphia If you cannot call in person, write lo him. DoWltt's Witch Hand Salve lias tho largest salo of any salvo iu tho world. This bu t and its hum it has led dishonest people to nt. tempt locriiinlerfi lt It. hook out for tlie limn whoatli-iiipls bidi'colvii you wlii-n yon rail lor )cVilts Wil-t iWn Salvo Ihe Eiiutpllociirii. 0, II. Ifageuhni-li. . liny Keystone flour, lie snip that tlio name Lkshio & IIabh. Ashlauil, Pa., la printed on nvory sank. Hillions of Dollars flo up In smoke ovrrv voar 1 ft. . nuu lisks but get your houses, Block, fu nltllrA nL. i.uiir.t.1 I.. iirai...lufa-- jiabln companion as represented by DAVID FAUST, suHracc, A.fe'J A Inn Uf n(IArt(iinlAl (Wr"' A Hundsomo Comnloxlnn Ann r9 tin) irrondtLt finrma ta urnmnti nan possess, I'ozzoN.'a CourtuxiOH I'owuuu THE INDUSTRIAL CONVENTION, L'Iih Ontliei-lntt nt .Johnstown Will Ho 11 Most Notable O110. Johnstown, Va Aug. 21. The Indus trial convention to be held In this city In October next Is already assuming large proportions, though the details nf tho same tiro not yet sent out to all the various Interests that aro em braced In the call. N. P, Thompson, sccretury of the Johnstown board of trade, under whose auspices the con vention Is to bo held, bus received u letter from Senator Penrose, who Is n member of the national Industrial commission, to the effect i us soon ns the commission Is comi d, which Is expected to be during tlie eaily part of September, he will do what he can to obtain their attendance on this con vention. Colonel A. K. McCluie, of the Philadelphia Times, has agieed to be ptesent und deliver the principal nd dioss. All employers of labor and all labor unions will be nsked to present their views, respectively, legardlng the right relation between labor and capital, whllo the piess and representatives of commercial bodies will be asked to consider these relations, together with business conditions and other Industrial problems, All this data will be ten dcicd the national Industrial commis sion for their uso In the Investigation of the matters thnt called for their ap pointment. It is further contemplated to Invite all tho candidates now In the field for governor to attend this convention, with the view that the leaders of all political pintles may be brought to the fullest possible understanding of the Industrial and commercial Interests of the state. Everything Indicates that the con vention will be a most notable one, and of groat practical value at this time to the entire country. Admiral Schley's Illness 2sot Sci-loilK. Washington, Aug. 24. The navy de partment received a dispatch yester day from Hear Admiral Schley's wife, saying that In her opinion his Illness was not serious, nnd that he probably would be around In a few days. With this reassurance there Is felt to be no occasslon for substituting another name for that of the Hear Admiral on the Porto Hlcnn mllltnry commission unless his Illness should become more grave. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in the world for cuts, 111 II tiM riImib lilenra nnll rlmnm In... ... totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, ami all skin eruptions, and posltlToly cures piles, or do pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or nionv refunded. Prim 85 conts por box. For salo by A. Waslor. SUMMHK OUl'IMis. I'KllWNALLY-CONDUCTED TOUI! VIA PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD. Tho Pennsylvania Italhoad Company an nounces the following personally-conducted tours for the summer and early autumn of 1893 : To Vellowstono Park and the Trans Mississippi F.xposition on a special train of Pullman sleeping, lompailiiicnt, observation, and dining cars, allowing eight days in "Wonderland" and two days at Omaha. Sep tember 1. Kale, from New Yolk. Phil adelphia, Baltimore, and Washington; (Jijao irom Pittsburg. To Klagam Falls, excursion tickets good to return within, ten days will bo mid on July SI, August 1 and 18, September I, 1.1 nnd au. at rato of $10 from Philadelphia, Italliinore, and Washington. Thcso tickets Include transportation only, and will permit of stop over within limit at llulf.do, liochester, and watkins on tho return trip. Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, I.tuay Caverns, Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot Springs, Iticlinioud, and Washington, Sep. tombcr 28 and October 10, Kate, 05 from Now York, ?03 from Philadelphia. Pro portionate rates from other points. For itineraries and further Information ap ply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W. Uoyd, Assistant Geueral Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. r Tho Rosy FrosHnoss la velvety soilness of tfifflidn la It . riably obtained by tbofo who uso 1ozzonTh llAmnlnTinn InnrrlBa 1 ' Philadelphia & Reading Railway Engines Hum Hard Coal No Smoke IN KKFEOT JUIA- 1st. PW3 Trains leave Shenandoah us follows ; For U-efldlriL' and I'liilndelndlR. w.lr .tau 9 m OKI .. ... It, It a in I am. .' . I uu vui ntiu,, Unl(UIV ItflU UU 1 1, lit for rotuvuie, weeic days, 7U0, yai a. lu. 12 27,8 I0,GO7HidT25p. m. For T.mn.fun and Mahauoy City, week dayn 7 30. 0 51 a. m.. 12 27. 10 nnd ft 07 ... m For Wlltlameport, Hunl.ury and Luwlsbiir, ij f tt D. II) ou a. Ul., HOT, 8 10,0 07, 7 23 mu J 65 p. , Kor llAltlmnrn. Wn-hlnvlnt. a,l tl,a ur.u.. t. 1' """"pb trains le"i Ucat'lni; -.i .. .l .I.."uc.l''un. ir. u. u K.1 al h-aj, 7 55. II 2a a. m.. a 10 1.1.11 7-7 ,. . 3 20.7 00,1120 a. in. 3 l l,.j fSm." AUU: tlonal trains from Twfci,ty-onrlli and Ul vat rut streets station, week days, lu 80 a. iu. i'i -JO. - ...,, m, dHimii yn, j , a a p, m, THMflS VOW HUiCNANDOAH. Ive New York via Philadelphia, week days, 1J 111, 4 30, 8 00, 11 80 a. ui and i 15, 1 uo 9 00 p.m. Iave New Vorlt via Maucb Clmiilc, week days, i 80, 9 10 A. hi., 1 UO p. iu. Leave l'hiladelnlila. IladliiD- Ta.rt..i..ut .--..I, daya,S.rf8a, 10 21 a. in. and I J. 4 (-a p. U). i2Tirri7,oo';..m: UB ,VJ-,UUB' " " U-avel'ottsvlllo, weflfdays, 7 10, 7 in . ,,, iT6fi.,9Tu;.w,J,!Vuayu'l'8(1' USi lve Mahanoy City, week days. 9 0,1 11 a. m.. X id, 11 13,8 21, 7 41 p.ui ' ,Jnvf. 'l'"iioy Plane, weuk daya, 680. 1 ia,i '"" -u' l-M.piu. l.-avi-1 Wllllain.porl, week ilaya, 7 42. lul) a Dl 12 Ul and 4 00 ii. in, ATLANTIC CITY H1V1H10N. lvel'illrtiljilnhlB(:liiitiiiitrcel warf and Hoiitli atri-i-t wlnirf lor Atlantic- t'lly. n-kday-'.ijre. H UJ, 9 00, 10 11 a. m ( I SO V?!.',ri'tev"".",'1i J.W,4U lUUinlliiitolralul, .4 ) (,",',l"!."u ttalu 4 at), SOU fill milium train, 5 )(). 71)0 p. m.' Awoutinutlatlon, 015 a. in., & 00, fl HQ p. m 11.00 exeiiralnu lialii 700 fun- Hmiunya Kiprvss, 7 so, boo, too, voo, 1000 u 111,4411)111. AccomuiiHliitloii, aiSatu, 4 45 p. m. 11.00 oieurxlon train, 7 n in. Heturiilng leave AtUutlo Oily ilepol, cornt-r Atlantic and Arkansas avenui-rf. WeekJaya Hipri'us. t41 Moiidaya only) T CO, 7 15 H1 uilnuto train, H-jo IM niluuto trallil, 9 00, IQ15, HOOa in,, a Ho, 4 U0. A no, 700, U!U p. in. Accommodation, 4 21, 7o0 n, w. 401 p. in, tl.00 excursion lralu((roiii.1IUdwli.l live, only) 0(0 p. in. Hundy Ksprcsa, aau, 4 00, 0 00, 0 00, 000. 7 00,7 M. H 00, 0 U0 p. 111! A. coiiimnilatlon, 719 a. iu., 1101 p, m. tl Ul eneursloii truin (fiom foot ul Muwlwlpid nve, (inly), U 10 p in, 1'or Capo May and ,Hoa I)o t'lly, 8 41 a, in, 2 30, 4 4.1 pin. Additional for Capo May 4 In p. in. Humluys-(tl.o0js'Mraliiii7O0) ulaiiiii, Kor Ocean City. H 80, 8 4.1 u 111, 2W, 4 11 inn. (il.00 i-xcurshiii Tliurwlay only) 7 Oil u III, hu day, H 13, 9 15 u 111. Parlor (lara 011 all eipruM tiahm. Kor further luloriuatluii, apply t luiniml Philadelphia and Heading fUllway Hob it aann oraddreas I, A, HwitlUAim, Khmik J, Wnsss. (Ii-u'l Hunt., lli-n'l Vm'i Aul , Iteadbilt ('armlnal, Pkllaildplda, At Four Score, Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno Restores Health. I NCLE EZHICIEL ODEAR, assessor and tax collector, Ilovorly, Mass., who has passed tho 80th llfo alio stono, says: "Dr. Miles' rtestorattvo Ncrvlno lias dono a groat deal of good. I sufferod f oryears from sleoplossncss and norvous heart trouble Would feci vfcary and used up In tho morn ing, had no ambition and lay work scemod a burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine, nnd I purchased a bottlo under protest as I had tried so many remedies un successfully, I thought it no uso. Hut It gave mo restful sloop, a good appotito and restored mo to energetic lioallh. It Is a grand good lnodlctno. and Inlllgladly wrlto anyone- Inquiring, full particulars of my sat isfactory experience I Dr. Miles' Ilemodics t aro sold by all drug K-jtw ur. :h.V nmr 1 gists under a positive j guarantee, first bottlo j iiriiioa -tvei vine benefits or money ro- Bestoros . funded. Hook on dfs- , maun sg nerves free. Ad.ltcs tilAS DU. IUI.V.6 MHUIOALCO., Elkhart, lud. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. UUItKK, AnOKNCY-AT-LAW. Onion Kgaii Imlldlng, corner ol Main au CcntiH Htri-t-Ih, Hht-immtonli. J H. I'OMKUOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Btienaudoah, Pa, pitOP. JOHN JONIW, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Ick Box 66, Mahauoy City, Va, ir ..... .... biuuivu unuer some or ibe best ruaotera In Loudon aud Paris, will (rive lessons 011 tho violin, iniindolln, guitar and vocal cnlliire. Terms reasonable. AUUress lu care ol Slrouso. .u4una,o, nutj.inuui.nu. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. HOHUYKII.r. DIVIWON. JUI.V I, 1898. Train will leave Mlirnandouii nfler in n uaiBior WigKan, lillburluu, Ifraoaniio, !... Waler, Ht. Olalr, I'ollavlllu. llainbuiK. lleautT . I otuiuwn, HUuiilx-vllle. nurnaiuwu .a VtlZ aelpbla lilr.l street station) at eus auu a 15 a. ui., 2 02, II l p. ui. ou week uay. Muudaya, El 15 a. iu., 4 25 p. m. Trains lejive Krackvlllo for Sbenaudoali t 7 3U, 1140 a. lu. aud fi 40, 7 30 p. u,. Muiulay, 1-uvo Voltavlllo Xor Hbeiiaudoali (via Krack vlllo, 7 10, 11 -M a. ru & 20, 7 10 p. ui. iinday 10 3.1 a. iu., 3 20 p. in. J,eave I'lillaOeli.Mu. fllrou.1 Htrft ulutln..! 1,,. rtbawauUoaii al & a. ui.. 1 iu u. m. .iuvm. HuuUaya leave at e ao and 9 23 a, iu. Ixsave llroad hlrtcl Uiallou, 1'lilladelpllla, FOlt NKW YOltlC. Exprens.week-daya, 8 20, 4 Oo, 4 50 6 0j,3 1S.6 30. 7BS,0 2u, 9 30, 10 21 (DllilUK Car), llUUu. lu. -1,. ..V. . .... I ..ww.i, j .liui.cu 1 wu auu t i U. Lm. Uiiiliig Curh 140, WJ (Utulug lar) 820,1100. lOV.Oou.aootniiunitCurJ, 0 Ou, 7 02,7 30 (I1I11 lug Cur), luu, p. ui., 12 01. uurbt. Munui. J2C, 400, 4 60, bOj, 3 13 b 20, Voo, 10 21, (UlulUK w it u., ivj iiuiiik mut) i au (Ullilug Car), i 00 ll,lul!ted 1 !llLriiilm- Our In 0 20,6 00, lUllllng Jr) 080, 7 02, DO, llllnluAli J'.i-rua lor Jluatou wtlUout cUuiiku, 11 00 a m,r wrek-Uaya, auU 7 50 p. m., dully. tataklll exprt-as, U'arlor Car), 8 20 11 111 week duya. WASHINGTON AND THK SOUTH. Kor Haltlinoro aud Waahlnglou, 3 SO, 7 20, 8 32, JU2U, II 2J, a. ui., hid, 1ZJ1 ililulliK Oar;, 112 LUIlllUK Oar), II 12, 4 41. loaa Cui.are alonul l.luilled, luulug OarJ, 6 1, 63.'. lIJlu lug OurJ, 7 31 (lliulug Car) p. 111., and uui light week day. Sunduya, j ou, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a. 111., 12 uv, 112, llilillig Car) 4 41, 142U Oou greaaiuual Miutted, lllinng OurJ, boa (DlnluK o'arj, 7ai lUuiliiKOurJ p. iu.uuu 12 03 malil. Vor llaltliuure, ui-eoiuinoxlatluu, 9 12 u ui, 2 Oi and 4 01 p ui week days, Sua and If 10 p 111 daily, KOU ATLANTIC CITY. Leave IJroad street statlou via Delutrure rlvei bridge lixprea., 3 00, 9 40 loo minutes) a 111. 1 38 lS2iiiluiiteJ, 4 00 Iho minutes), 7 00 u. m. hiinnus,.'iO0, V l0 uilmiti-aj, u 111, 2 38 In2 iniiiiiu-sj,7U-ipiii. I.i-uve Alarkei Street WurlKxpress, ,100, sail, ; 00 1(3 minutes), n ui. (luu atunliiy ony 2 ou i..mi,uW iiiuiiiuieai.uao luu liiiiiuteal. -100 t03 lllllllltes), 4 3U 173 lllillllteaj, j uu ui niliiuusj,5 30 )fo llilnutea) p In. BUliuuys, 3ii, ,'.'.-ti.uu ,1'5 '"'uuu-sj, B30, 9 00 I7aiillliuua, J M l0 iiduiitem a in, ni,a aj 175 minuted) m. 81.00 excursion irulu. luni'm hkIIv. l-'or OupoiUuy, Aiiglm,a, Wliuwood and Hull Ueaeh-bmireas, VOO am, 2 30, 4 05, 5 00 p m weekdays. ui..l.. !.,... ', .'. 1. launiaatufa,,, iixcurnloii, 7 oi u iu dally! Hi... 1? . "!,,l-"Jri uwu.u ouy, Avalou and J 00 P. lu. week dayi. Uunuays, 8 50 a. iu. Kii vuraUm 7 co 111 dally, , nuuiera 1'oiui uxpreaa, a 00, 8 30, loojl a. m. and 1:10 u. in. 'if. - wut.uavs, a UU. OUU. U II ' l..HUTuu;aoir, j. u. Wouu. V Uon'l alaiiajrer. lli.i M.....,'. . . .. ''-KrAlrl OOOOrt Webster's - " w w wwwwwv International ; dictionary SftHvfsnttr nf iIia 11 r.iniirr,r.i .. Tlio Orro (."rear Stnniliirtt Authority, Jiialli l, N, N,i no LVuit, Htitllililril of the II. 8. llnv't PrlnUnir I Olllc.. lb;. U. B. HuJS.ii" Court, all t,( KUI hi. ir.iiiii.Nciriorar"- AVrtrtnly br Huts RurerintiiilBU ( 1 r flrliooli, Oollrire pn-al. , ...... outer rliu-ai.ira , w,uiut-t "wuwr. lll l,K iMwaeanlil, aii.t lo I 'd--.i'.. i Till! Ill 1ST VOW "kACTICAL usg. It It eaay to l""i i" wnru iunicd. II la ruiy - "tcrrlaln Hie pronunciation It Itra'Y i trace llio tirowtli oln word. It my In Irani what 11 word incani, rii'i jViiu- I'm fr Trfrimo SnyHt iii" 1 ii, .1 i-.iiii,.M 1 in,. . mi, 1 ii r,r, i miii ' ni;l' I- ,. lli a '.i.l,i I l,u ,, lliorinniliiHl III ... I -ai 11.1, 1, h iiiiriilili.i,. 'It K1".','" ' ' ,(' itilai U.W fta -u ttla'l :J .........J ,, ... FW, n'Zl iiiii mil mini. IVSlwbnHi KCM rhl on application to riik' MhltltfjH ffO 7,rrriirrer.1 m- -w 4l lOUOUubOt$UUOOOQQQQOQOO