'"ffr-. -.iftir" rg.v'iiBi'' nrn-iT-r-. ii ivm rrrrtriiTrr A utni WM. SCKMICKER, JR., Dr. Miles' Nervine Recommended With Pleasure. il A1M0 ARcnt for tinprossivo Coromonies at tho For To tho Valor of Amorican Soldiers in Cuba, mal Transfor of tho Islands. Shenandoah nnd Vicinity Tlie Best Remedy in Existence." av HAWAIIAN FLAG HAULED DOWN, VANQUISHED EXTOL VICTORS, BABY'S TY. 'lM!TAi Tllli EXCaiENCB Of SYRUP OF FIGS is ilito not only to tho originality nuil simplicity of tlia combination, but also to tho euro tintl skill with which it is inauufaclnreil by MjlontiHc processes known to the Cai.ifoiinia Kin Hvnur Co. only, anil wo wish to impress upon ull tho importnneo of puichahliifr thu trim and origlnnl remedy. As tho genuine Syrup of Figs is lim'iiu factum! by tho C.vi.n.'oit.NlA Via Svnnp Co. only, 11 knowledge of that fact will nssist ono in avoiding (110 woithless imitations mauuraetiired by other par ties. Thu high standing of the Cam Koit.vtA Fid Kvitttr Co. with the medl- ,...1 ...... t ! 1 . . viii iHipiusMiim, nun mo baiisiaciion liKV genuine byrup of I'igs has lPgive'i to millions of families, makes " niu iLiiiiv: ui tin; vyuiupuny a. guaranty of the excellence of Its remedy. It is fur in odvancc of all other laxative, as it acts on tho kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to pot Us beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN PUANOIUUtl, 01. LlltllHVIM.E, Kr. r.'.f VP UK. N. Y. Wear Royal Worcester Corsets. POtt OALE BY LEADING! DEALEII8. 1 WL-W8V SO'' W ta rn f the best by ... . mining a m- tic of SccHr's to ordiiiavy Li ofiec. ic. a turkiM' Those who once buy SlUiLIU'S Vi'cti coining uacic e .. -n.!. ..,1. lUr 1L. A 1113 nu- mixturc makes the ilsvor of cof fee delicious. A;i (..orers. Latter' sjke Pilsner Beer Needs no recommendation Put up in bottles for family use and delivered at you homo. Lauer's Pilsner of Draught Beer is drank bv the majority of beer drinkers. They are good authority on which is best. And tlio ytnrH nnit .Stripes HoIhIpiI Over tlio (iovoriiiiiciit lliillillnuH, Urcelcil by tlio Kntlitmliintlo l'luu illtH of Our Now Citizens. San Francisco, Aug, 23. The steamer Belglc last cvenlnc brought the fol lowing: Honolulu, Aub. 23. Precisely at 8 minutes to 12 o'clock today the Ha waiian flag descended from the flug- taffs on nil the government buildings, und exactly at live minutes to thu same hour the Stars and Stripes floated on the tropical breezes from every omclal llagstaff. The ceremony was a most Impressive one. To hear the strains of "Hawaii l'onol" for the last time aB a national anthem; to hear the bugle blow ttps as the Hawaiian ensign snnk from Its position, and to notice the emotion of many who had been born under It and had lls'ed their lives under It was sol emn, liut then came the buglo call for the raising of "Old Glory," and the strains of "The Star Spangled Banner" broke forth ns that banner .was untun ed to the breeze. Then the cheers broke forth, and eyes, that had been dim for a few minutes became bright when the Stars and Stripes blew out. The plcturo presented In and around the executive building was most strik ing. In the grounds and around all tho approaches were crowds of onlook ers of varied nationality. Notably re markable was the number of Hawail- uns. within the grounds tho military and naval display was fine. Hawaii an troops, United States marines, the mounted patrol, the police and the citizens' guard presented a splenrtid appearance, while the platform for the exercises and the verandas of the exec utive building were gay with brilliant summer dresses, dancing feathers and ribbons. The uniforms of stuff and naval officers added brilliancy to 'he scene. The ceremonies began with the de parture of the First regiment of the national guard of Hawaii from their drill shed. The parade was headed by a detachment of 26 police. Then came the Hawaiian band and the drum corps. The regiment inarched to the boat landing to escort the troops from tho Philadelphia and Mohican, which were already drawn up on shore. Tho United States forces were commanded by Lieutenant Commander Stevens, and consisted of one company of ma rines and two of blue Jackets from tho Philadelphia, a company of blue lack ets from the Mohican and an artillery detachment of two guns and -12 men. As they marched to the .executive building the United States troops were stretched across the avenue In double flies, the marines being In front. The detail of men In charge of rals Ing the American Hag was In command of J. Ward, coxswain of the admiral's barge. The flag Itself was In charge of O. H. Piatt, gunner's mate of the Philadelphia, and It. Winters, boat swain's mate of the Mohican. These are the men who actually raised the Stars and Stripes over Hawaii. There was a short pause, and then the adiplrul nodded to Lieutenant Wlnterlialter, who gave the order: "Colors, roll off." the flag ship's band struck up "The Star Spangled Banner," and as the Stars and Stiipcs slowly as cended there was a breathless suspense. But as It reached the top cheers broke forth from the crowds below, and sa lutes of 21 guns weie again tired by tho Hawaiian battery and the Philadelphia. A few minutes after the hoisting of the official ling, others were raised from the two side towers and the military headquarters. Minister Sewall then lead a procla mation stating that President McKlnloy directs that the civil, judicial and mili tary powers of the government shall continue to be exercised by the office of the republic of Hawaii. The powerB of the minister of foreign affairs will cease, so far as they relate to diplo matic Intercourse between Hawaii and foreign nations. The municipal legls latlon of Hawaii and the existing cue toms regulation will practically remain In force until the congress of tho United States shall otherwise determine. Fol lowing tho reading of the proclamation Minister Sewall made an address. Christ. S :hiiiidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - FA. pOUSTATKHKNATOK D. M. GRAHAM, Ok Mahxnov Citv. Hiil'lnt li Hepiibllcnn rillea. puit lTritri.Ton ok 'run I'ooit, , S. G. MIDDLETON, Op (Iimikutos. Hulijeet to Itcpiililluin rulea. A stuMiorn much or tickling In tlio throat vlal.l in firm Minute Couch Cure. Harmless a client, toiicncs ino rnini ."" "'" ust what Is wanted. It nets at onco. I.. 11 Haccumich. Torrllilo lti-iit 111 l'Vunu Paris, Aug. 22. The almost tropical heat which has been experienced her for some days was Increased yesterday and many deaths and sunstrokes are i cported. Tho air was absolutely stag nant. The troops pinneuvei Ing In the Nancy district suffered teplhly, an f,00 of them weie overcome by the heat, some of whom have died. Every kind of vehicle was brought Into use carry them Into the villages. Thunder storms are reported In some districts In France and ninny persons were kill oil by lightning. A storm at Itouen lasted 12 houis. During the storm houses were struck. Jfy Hulijeet to Hep JjOU COUNTY C'ONTJIOI.I.HK, CHARLES A. SNYDER, OK 1'OTTitVIM.K. Hnlijwt to Itepubllcutt rulua. R1 ELIEF from the agonizing suf fering caused by nervousness, sleeplessness and that miser able feeling of unrest, is so gratifying that there is no wonder it is a pleas ure to recommend tho remedy to tho world. Dr. Miles' Kcstorativo Reme dies arc scientific remedies, prepared from Dr. Miles' prescrlptipns each remedy for its own particular purpose, yet all so assimulatcd that two or more may be taken with benefit when indicated. Itemed ics so prepared un der the supervision of so famous a physician as Dr. Miles may be safely recommended to one's friends with the assurance they will be benefited. Mrs. Clinton llandall of Kllicottvillc N. Y., says of Dr. Miles' Nervine: "I had sullercd for two years from. extreme nervousness and sleeplessness. With a very poor appetite and miser able general health, it was impossible to get a good night's rest and the days passed in weariness and unrest. My limbs and arms would twitch and jerk and I seemed to w. loosing control of both body and mind. I tried a great many prescriptions and remedies with out relief until I began taking Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. It made me another person entirely; my appe tite is good, I sleep as soundly as any one, and I believe it the best remedy in existence. Its effect on tho nervous system i9 marvelous and lasting. With pleasure I recommend Dr. Miles'' Re storative Nervine for the good it has done me and 1 know it will do others." D R. MILES' NERVINE is with out question tho best remedy for LaGrippc and its after ef fects. LaGrippe affects the nerves direct. Dr. Miles' Nervine acts di rectly on the nerves. LaGrippe ex hausts tho vitality and destroys the the nerve tissue, deadening the senses and weakening tlio entire system. Dr. Miles' Nervine builds up and replen ishes the nerve tissues, restores vital ity, strengthens tho system and im bues the mental faculties with now life, energy and vigor. LaGrippe, like a cold, attacks the weakest of the or gans, for the reason that the nerves controlling that organ arc weakened. Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens the diseased and weakened organs. Miss Cordelia Smith of Vcrsailcs, Ky., writes: "In 1800 I had several at tacks of LaGrippc which left mo pros trated with nervousness. Tlio pros tration was particularly sevcro and painful from tlio fact that I had suf fered from a weak back and nervous attacks all my life. On the recom mendation of our druggists, Messrs. E. D. Serogin & Co., I used Dr. Miles' Nervine and it restored mo to health, not only did I recover from LaGrippc, but from my life long troubles and I am now In better health than ever." Dr. Miles' Remedies arc sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit or the money will be refunded. Hook on tho Heart and Nerves sent free by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. lr IWl W' Maxima Restores 11 1I111WO nWiVlM Health. Ann von ioin! south? THE BOUTJIEUN RAILWAY KKACUES ALL I'ROMINKNT POINTS. Don't start South without consulting John M. lioall, District l'asouner Acent, Southorn Railway, 028 Chestnut street, Philadelphia If you cannot call iu porson, wrlto to him. One Minute Couuh Ctiro surprises Dcoplo by its quick cures and children may tako it in largo quantities without tho least dancor. It lias won lor Itsoit tno uost ropucaiiou ei any preparation used to-day for colds, croup, tickling In the throat or obstinate coughs. C. II. Ilageuliuch. DR.THEEL6e4J,MiSt. t3""CURE C"JARANTEED."-3 A KllVtKINlll.lllI.I I , rvMIIIBHI HuM'-lililtti', Special IlUfluet, Var Irocrle, Ntllcfnrf. Sn Ciitlliur. Small umlevelnikt-a ivrisaiis s j.oii. Manhood jci-ntorrii. oi nnn nnicnu V il ru Ciiiariiiitcfil DLUUU fUlOUIl 111 nil cake, i rem eae purcu m.i 'la 1 oluv. fti-na jocih. mampafur IloiTu "'Villi, ''onlvtruGineiltCHl ImukKxuuntniz Uuucki .t fuko 1ml llutc, their tricks & eclicuica ALWAYS KEEP ON HAN0 'TiOIl countv auitvicvoit, MARK D. BOWMAN, Ok Maiianov Citv. Hiujctt to lUiuibUtnn ruliu. liodlly pain loses its terrnrif you've a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlc Oil in the house. Instant relief iu cases of burns, cuts, sprains, accidents of any sort. Death of l'l'iuoo ICHtorlm.y. Vienna, Auu. 23. The death Is an nounced of Trlnce I'uul Ksterhazy, one of the richest sportBinen In IIuiiKary Prince Paul Htetiiuzy was born March 21, 1813, and was ut the time of his death the head of one of the most il lustrious houseH of Km one. Ho was very weulthy, und It was asserted about a year oko that ho had married Mrs. Lily LiuiBtry, who had a short time before obtained u divorce from her husband In California. uaih'TiiIe pOU HKl'KKMCNTATIVK. DR. H. G, REITZEL, Ok Maiianov Oitv, Sulijei t to ltciulil!cnii rulva. TlOIt COKONHU, DR. W. N. STEIN, Ok Hiiknamhmu, Suliiwt to Kciiiilillcun rule.. riHfrir ML CHUG Fill AfcaSY PILLS! SiFIAhO SUHE.SEN0 4c.ll)ll"WaKAIIS S1!! i ',1'ovlnnky'i drug! elore, Centra street. K" 1 I Tho Rosy Froshnoss I And a velvety softness of tITTTiilii Is Inva I riably obtalurd 1T thofs who usu I'ozzomi'II I Uoiiiplexluu I'uwatr. Scrofula, salt rheum, orysipelas mid other illstrcssinK eruptive diseases yield quickly and permanently to the cleans! ut', purifying powor uf Hurdock Illood Hitters. iitb. AtidiiNoli'H l'l'Ohooutloii United, Charleston, W. Vu Auk. 23. The In dictment iiKalnst Mrs. Myru Atkinson. wife of fiovernor Atkinson, for forgery lias ueen iiuasiieu und the case dis missed by Judge lillzzard, on tho grounds that the Indictment fulled to allege guilty Intent, und further that the dismissal of J, P. Owens, principal. would necessarily acquit Mrs. Atkin son, who was only charged as acces sory. This Is believed to be tho end of the prosecution of Mrs. Atkinson. THERE IS NO KIND OF PAIN OR 0 irUC INTFRNAL OR EXTERNAL. THAT PAIN. KILLER WILL NOT RELIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE DOTTLE ' DEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS &, SON. THE PHILADELPHIA TiriES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER ' PUBLISHED. Klovmi Tlioiixnnd of tlio I'rlsonors m 1'iikon nt Smitlniri) LTnlto tu nil Ail drovH or Tliiiuks und I'ml-o tu Oon vrul Shutter und IIIh Hiuiios. Washington, Aug". 23. A document entliely unique In the annals of war fare was cabled last night to the war department by General Shuftcr. It U In the form of a congratulatory fare well address Issued to the soldiers of the American army by Pedro Lopez Do Castillo, a private Spanish soldier, on behalf of 11,000 Spunish soldiers. No similar document perhaps was over bo fore Issued to a victorious nrmy by u vanquished enemy. The president was most Impressed by the address, and after reading It cnrcfully authorized Its publication. Following Is the text of the address, which Is addressed to Gen eral Shatter: "Sir: The Spanish soldiers who capi tulated In this place on the 10th of July last, recognizing your high nnd Just po sition, pray that through you all tho courageous and noble soldiers under your command may receive our good wishes and farewell which we send them on embarking for our beloved Spain. For this favor, which wo have no doubt you will grant, you will gain the everlasting gratitude and consider ation of 11,000 Spanish soldiers who are your most humble servants." Also the following letter addressed to the soldiers of the American army: "We would not be fulfilling our duty as well born men, In whoso breast'i there live gratitude and courtesy, should we cmburk for our beloved Spain jfithnut sending to you our most cordial und sincere good wishes nnd farewell. We fought you with ardor, with all our strength, endeavoring to gain the victory, but without tho slightest rancor or hate towards the Ameilcan nation. We have been van quished by you (so our generals and chiefs judged In signing the capitula tion), but our surrender nnd the bloody battles iuecodlng It have left In our souls no place for lesontment against the men who fought us nobly and val iantly. You fought and acted In com pliance with the same cnll of duty as we, for we all but represent the power of our respective stntes. "Tou fought us ns men, face to face, and with great cournge, as before stated, a quality which we had not met with dining the three years we have can led on this war against a people without religion, without morals, without conscience and of doubtful origin, who could not confront the enemy, but hidden, shot their noble victims fiom ninbush and then Im mediately lied. This was the kind of waifure we had tn sustain in this un fortunate bind. You have compiled ex actly with all the laws and usuages of war ns lerngnlzeil by tho nrmles nf the most civilized nations of the world, have given honorable burial tn the dead of the vanquished; have cured their wounded with great humanity; have lcspectcd and cared for your prisoners and their comfort, and, lastly, to us, whose condition was terrible, you have given freely of food, of your stock of medicines nnd you have honored us with distinction and cour tesy, for after the fighting the two armies mingled with the utmost har mony. "With this high sentiment of ap preciation from us all. there remains but to express our farewell, and with the greatest slncetlty we wish you all happiness and health In this land which will no longer belong to our dear Spain. but will be yours who have conquered It by force and watered It with your blood, as your conscience called for, under the demand of civilization and humanity. Hut the descendants of the Congo nnd of Guinea, mingled with the blood of unscrupulous Spaniards and of traders and adventurers, are not able to exercise or enjoy their liberty, for they will find It a burden to comply with the laws which govern civilized communities." LOOKED LIKE RAW MEAT. Our baby's face ami neck was all rawtneat, ntiil Riinr'liiiig arii) to look at Tlio way that child Mitfcrcil, mother and clutil ncier hail liny rcit day or nijrlit ai It constantly Iti bi il. and the Mom) use d to flow down her cliccUs. Wo had do' tors and the tllpnn..iry with no result. ll using Ci Tirriti ltKiuiL VI'M, Ci tici iia (ointment), and Cl'Tli'riiA HoAi'.thc chilit iiyii entirely heatut. .Mrs. (lAlt.NMOSS, 21.1 Na.Han Ao., llrooklyn. MfTiims, to know lli.t.w.rm bftthwlth CtiTirnRA Sii, .ml ..Ingle nnnlntlni; with CtnicuKA, will .Hord In.tant rrlii f In the mm illfttre.Mni; of icrhltiif, hurninfl, .lid nr.ly In!. utile humor, of the .kin .nil .r.lri, with Ion. 'ifh.tr. ami not to u.e thrm. 1. to r.il In your dut. HuMtliroiichnntthP world 1'nrritK Pruii amiI'iiim. Luitr.. lrol..Uu.tou. How toCuio ll.by lluinor.,ftee. llelinoiit I.envi' the Army. Washington, Aug. 22. The services of Major Perry Hclmont, one of New York's millionaires, as Inspector gener al of the army, terminated Saturday by acceptance of his resignation, tak ing effect ut iiiice. Secretnry Alger also bus accepti-d the resignation of Major Charles II. Mills, assistant ad jutant general nf United States volun teers, to take effect Sept. 15. 1'or broken surfaces, sores, insect bitus. burns, skill diseases and especially piles there isono rciialiio remedy, DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. When you call for DoWitt's dun't incept counterfeits or frauds. You will not bu disappointed with DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salve. C. 11. Ihwiibiicli. (Joining Invents, Ana. ax Phonograph entertainment in thu l'riiuitivo Methodist church, under tho auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society and Sunday school. For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barney's Bohemian Beer MS CALL BAZAR CUKES No. 1 Fever, Congestion. No. 2 Wnrms. No. 3 Infants' Disensos. No. 4 Dinrrlien. No. 7 Coughs & Colds. No. O Headnche. No. lO Dyspopsin, Indigestion. No. 1 1 Delayed Periods. No. 12 Lcuchorrea. No. 10 Croup. No. 14 Skirl Diseases. No. IB Rheumatism. No. 19 Catarrh. No. 27 Kidney Diseases. No. 34 Sore Throat. No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever. Tit, Humphreys' Homeopatlilo Jljitial of Disease- at your lirui;glts or Mailed ITee. Sold by UrugBM-, or ont on receipt tit SSrti., Wets orl. Humphreys' Mod. I'd , for. William and John bis . K"W York. "THE STYLISH PATTERN." At- I lUtlc Fashionable. OrlglnaL Perfect- f Fitting Prices lO and 15 cents. T Nonehigner. None better at ar.y pike, fi Some tellable merchant tells them In V neatly every city or town. Ask for ? them, or they can be had by mall ftoui 1 oi In either New York or Chicago. Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet r tent upou receipt of nee "ent to pav A postage, jjjf.N I MAGAZINEW t Brightest ladles' magarlne published. 'a. Hi invaluable for the home.' Fashion i .. II t 1, i TI I. irt aay. nome iucraiurcr i iuuu.-. . in i. tt ttt i- r" . T 1. runts rancy wuim uuiieih iwi FIlUoo, all for jnly 50 cntsa car, In- I cludinga free pattern, ourownscleo- i Hon any time.. Seed two 2-cent stimps 7 for sample oopv.A Addres ?r U'tterirv B h the MccaLC cumvanyaJ X ,2W46 West 4tfi Street, New, Voffc.'A ft1 FHtt Avcaur, Chicago;' vc -vi;r!K-'52? ' - h DurliiB 18WTIIHTIMKS will not only maintain thu liiuh staiularil of excellence it reacbeil the patt year, lint will gtcAtllUMtly enueuvor lo exeel its own lii-it record, anil will not swerve from Us set purposo to mako THE TIMES THU THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF THIS COUNTRY ANI IlEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED riUNTINO ALL THE NEWS OK ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME mu perfect m I DO NOT UtSKAHU Ilo Not SiifTer I.iiimert Tlio joys unit ambitions of Id" can liu roitorcil to jou, Tlin very wont eases of Nervous lieblll IV lire nliMiluU'lv eurei l;y lilve prompt rellcrto liiuiiuiilo, f.illlnir memory ami the wusto uiul it ruin of vital powers.tiieui reiltiy liiilUcrelloiisoreieesses of early )ears Impart vluui a ml potency lo every I unction. ' niraim lu ino Brace iip lbs sysicra. u ;; jOKk OVei.ol youim clieeks ijml iu; " rV,',,.";;A-rrAvllH eneruyi oro'.l. tliiojns U1 ? J1 "MJ 9 Jplele unaruii. I'liom- at i,ulll.S4reil. Can tie &?WvM uV!p'm.Vc5 c.uinfi.cuSLUAuu. For sale In Shenandoah by Sl.onandoah Drug No journal is moro extensively elreulated or has it wider elrelu of readers In l'eniniylviinlii tluin THE PHILADELPHIA TiriES WHY ? UECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Tree Send for one CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature of I BATON'S TANSY PILLS Vot ! lKlrlln,idrus;lorend8h.nodo arux Hfoia t!elel MtOll TnlUH). l'mvorrt never fi.li ujwri!Swirini,5:Hr'"tui' ulaBnusuralsui-r iiuuni llh 'ttnn 'iil Ilimrroy"! 11"' ''".'"t "n . . , ... . i.uin.i but ml vi.iJ iliui i" uii Tiii tii HJ-L fui" L'l . lWi WWW " TCOIWC DAILY, J3.00 per annnnii aieentu lEIvl'lO per iniiutli; ilellvereil liycarrlerx for 0 cents per week. HUN DAY HIiniON.SS liirire, naniiwinie naueH ki eoiiiiiinp, lllustrnted, lieautlfully printed In foIoib. JIUO per iiiinunii Seenta per copy. Many a m nine iluy, H-YOO per nuniini ; B0 cents per niouiii. Adilreaa all letters to THE TIMES, rmutUKLruu A Clever Trick It eortaiiily looks like it, but thoro is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who lias lamo back anil weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. Wo mean ho can cure li nwdr rmht awav liv takhnr Jilectrlc lilt- tera. 'I'hU medicine tones tin tho wliolo system, acts as a stimulant to tho liver and KlOneys. IS a inoiKi puriuer aim iiuivu iuiiii.. ir rnrea i'.oiisliiiillioii. iiei.u.iciiu. kiiiii-iiik spoils, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and ro- fiinrett too Kvsieui iu iia luvLiiiav vikui. iij K eetric II tters and he convinced that tney urn n. mirne.le worker. Every bottle cuar.ili- tecd. Only 50c. a bottle at A. Wasley's drug store Yeitoriluy'H Itii"bull (limins. At l'hlladelplila-Phlladolphln. 18: Louis. vllle. 9. At Now Tork New York. 11 Cleveland, 4. At Dnltlmore Baltimore. 6 Bt. L.OU1S, I. At lioatou First eama: uincmnati, 7; Boston. 2. Second eamo: Cincinnati, 6; Doston, B. At Washlncton irai game: l'mnoure, o; Washington 4. Second Bamo: Plttsburir, 3: WashlnC' ton, 2. At Bprinfrneia Sprlnfrfleld, 7: Syracuse. 1. At Providence Wllkesbarro, 4; Prov idence 1. At Montreal (10 innings, called) Montreal, 4; Buffalo, 4. At Ottawa Ot tawa, 12; Montreal, 3. At Lancaster Lancaster, 0: Richmond 1. At Hartford Hartford, 6; Newark, 3. At Vatcrson Paterson, 9; IteadltiB, 3. At Allentown 03 Innings) Allcntown, 4; Norfolk, 1. IT I f.s ono possess. gives U. Handsome Complexion of thocreatest charms a woman can i'OZZO.NI'S COMI'LKIIOK 1'OWOKU nopamrroanyont RUPTURE If you wear tho CHAMPION TRUSS. rflaoo uy hludelDhI Trutt Co.. 610 UcmtSt.. Phiu-.r't. b 8omeMniMiieo"ii a reliable, Monthly, recnlttlin; nicilirloe. On j lianalou ani tho purest drugs should be oaea. If you want the oem, get Op. FeaS's IPenirBroaS Fill They are prompt, safe and certain In result. TheeenalnefDr. real's) peverdlaam nolnt. Boa' any hero, 81.99, Address l'EAl. Maniciiru Co., I'lonlaiiil, O. For Sale al KIRLIN'S Drus: Store, Shenandoah, Pa. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO ttllll IlllUlllill'iillllll'i. mum. I m:m mmu who r. r .-.-O'S, y I - nro i.im iva uml Kn i ' "inoii I'S-Xrl-flTvK. 1 . Hut U..n.rj lr,..rm... I'l.t ....II l " (7"tVT Til ri I A A f',nilCl1 thrlftv H j - u. iv . : r " KSt a 5 IT W i'Oi'i. , 3iiyiniiiiiuaiyir,!ii.iiiiur -hea tat :;t (.a US f : v (V ' I' c)'v ' 'S'Wariv't. Miniimut '"t'attt;is.'jti'iiiiiiiji. WE HAVE NO-AGENTS ayF!m SrATK ok Ohio, City or Toi-kimi, I I.COAH COUNTY I I'iiask J. Chunky makes oath that be in the nenlor partner of tho firm of 1'. J. Ciicnky .t I '.. diilnii business Intho City of Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that mid firm will iay i... ....... ..I llVKHITKllltKll DOLLARS for eueil and every cuie of Catarrh that cannot bo euietl ly tllO USO OI 11AI.L H 1. ATAIlilll I'lllS. A. vt . ui.r..pt.irt, rw bottiTe sold direct to tbt con umer for 25 joari tt boU itla jricei, it in uim lot oeir proms, onip kdj- vuttt lor txtmiaftuoa. llSitflei ot V.hielei. 55 itylcf of Iltrntna. Top UdKgiei. f 36 to f 70. rr.Ti. ISOtoll25. Curni gt, ThMtonf, Trtpt, Wf on .tus. Scrinr-Hosd and Milk U'.u.a H.nrf fnw t.. fra. M. na vim ...1.1. a t.mrt. 1B Calalosut of alitor HjlM. bli, .proa mj uadm, loo. it l 4 ' IM- U.KHART oJtXtniAaK .a uxuMesi. mm. co. w. a. piutt, klkuaj". ITt.tT. 8nnfr n.raifi. rrls.Jlf 00. Al loon a.u. ivt a.. by thu usu i HKAL Hall's Cat. Notary l'ulille. Hall's Catarrh Ciiro Is titken Internally nude ts illreetly on tno lilooii nnil inueoui suriaees ii tlio system. Send for testimonials free. 1'. .1. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druinclsts. 73c. EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No. 13 North Jimtin St. Vnnt to ll M iixtoroil Out. Sun Iranclsco, Aug. 22. The men of almost every ono of tho volunteer reul ments In camp at tho presidio are cir culating petitions to the secretary of wur asltliiR that they he mustered out of the service. There are very few of the olllceis with whom this movement lias any eounteimnce, nnu eltorts ure lielnii mudeto vupprcsH It aive tho Children a Drink ....il,.,l riniln.n. It is a delicious, iiiipotUlnir, nourishing food dilnk to Uko the placo of ....ir. KnM hr all eroeors ami liked by all who havo usod it because when yronurly prcnared it tastes liko tho finest colic but Is frco from all IU Injurious jiroporttcs. Orin O aids dteeitlon ami strengthens the norves It U not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, cau drink It with great benefit. Costs about 1 as much &3 collco. IS and S5u. IIOOIJ'3 riWiS euro Mver lilts aillousucss, IndlKCitioj. Ileiulucho, A ulcav nt luxutlve. Alt DruxKlsteV during i8,1 will rrc-,nt to its rea,lcrj a faithful pictorial ripre acntation of the worlil'j mcii tun. uur and important uets THE NEWS THAT BECOMES HIST0KY National and Inter national Politics Social and Economic Questions Industrial Enterprise Art and Lltcraturo ie lo rartklpats its of our coun- The Wvkkly wilt con ttii ie1 in the neat nolhical events trv. It will treat of the suct.il and cc nomic q up -.1 inns, and of the development of the middle west. Its special corre spondent in the Klondike ircion w ill trace the story of the great gola discoveries Two long sctUls will ,i pi war during the I year, contributed by authors of inter- f -tutioiial fame, and uill be illustrated, , W. I). Ilowclli LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES uii- inn ivf J7. .V K. t KtiCKlCTT 1 if i: sin ii rtn iiHtnirs i RA .VA" A, mot A i 'J.v 0en Wilier ITIicm ami a (core of equally prominent Howard Pile Swnlcri will coutnbuie.liort .tunes to the John Kendrlck Bangs (Wkkki v In i&jB, mating the paper cspc Marjf E. VVIIklni ciallyricbinficiion. Oilier fcatureiarelhc DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES THIS BUSY WORLD FOREIGN NOTES et k s. j.uir.Y Pt rooiT.vsr masioa LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR SPORT ji, Aitxoin whits B,CAsr.iR wmxntr A SPORTING PILGRIMAGE AROUND THE WORLD In tlietntcictt of iIioWfbki.v .Caspar Wliltney is en hi way around the world, lie will visit Stain in Biarcli of big game, making lus prinnpalliuntliom ItatiKkok. llewillvi.it India and then pniceed to 1 mot eta prepare articles on the .potts oi Germany and Vrance. 10c acnjriumtiirrie frosfttui. Suitcrlfttm faOO a ymr. I'tutiigtrw in llit Umttit Statu, CaiuiJa,aiJ iUxic Aililicsn IlllU'llIt A Hit01IIKllS,PulilI.Ucm,w Voiktllj Carl istliun F. SU Stockton llinry )uat