ill). "T mil- EVENING HERALD iwtaiii.ishi:i 180. Published ove ry Kvotilnic, Kicept Sunday, M 4 Horn-it .Unius Mtkfkt, Nkau Ckntrk. Tin ltd il ' " ' "'1' iindnuli and the g.i, r,m , I.ti m. u week, pay- nl,t ulhc imrlirs. Hy mm. 13.00 i year, nt 25 ecnts a month, payable In advanc. dvcrtiac mcuts churned accordliiK to space am; poltlon. Tlio publishes reserve the rlRht to chauRo the position of advertisements i w hencver the -"iallo-i o( nci demands II. Tho rhzht In teservrd to tetany advertisement, whether mill for or not, t.iat tho publishers may ilci-ni .lpropcr. AdvertlsliiK rales made known uiHin atiplli'Utlnn ( , Kntered it tho postoMce at Hhcnahdoah, l'.. as ecnuil cIkm mall matter. TKI.Kl'HONK C0NNKC1T0N 'All the News Thai's" Fit lo Print." Evening Herald Tl F.HDAY. M m ST isos. OUR C0UN1UY : rirst. Last ami Poievcr. IlKHK is n uii'i' howtoilo. A it'li U'.ss mitti, who lias only oui' itrni, was arrested in a western statu for liorsi steiilitiK. Tiik aiiiif-Mition of tho Hawaiian Islands is complete. A l'riliee.n, a native of those islands, and a son of ux Muvur Strolls;, of lit'W York, are to be joined in wedlock. TltK pen held by Seeretury Day in denim tin. neiici! nrotocol wa niiirhtier tlian the sword of either Shitftor or Miles, but neither cut any a..,,i... uitli tlii'iMins directed by tho brave Dewi-y. Thkhk i- quite a ill licit! lice be tween Candidate Hrnniiii and Coii I'lessinan Itruiiuii uon the question of lioomiiitf hard coal. Tlio two lioltl diverse opinions upon this nioit ini portant question. llKXUY Ulkws, the New VorU banker, says: "In all my business experience in Wall street, which covers it period of forty years, 1 have never seen a brighter outlook for all business interests in this country than the situation now presents." MILES COMING HOiYlt The Commander of the Atmy Leaves Gen eral Brooke as Military Com mander of Porto Ulco. Ponce, l'nrtii Ulco, A UK. 23. Gen eral Mite ami IiIk "tan" left for home on the steamer ArHiiKM Inst night. (iiMiiMHl At Hep yestenlHy held a Haul ci liferoiiee with (telternl llrooke, who arrived frum Anoyn on the Stillwater In the morning, ami Ocnernl WIIboii, whose hettdqiiHi'teie have been moved here. Senor l.oiiez, editor o the San Juan Correnpondenela. Is here. He repnrtu tliat Oovermii' (teni'tnl MrcIus Is push ing jneiiaratlnti"! fur the evacuation of the Island. The obstacle In the luirboi of San Juan ate hello? cleared away and a ship loaded with dynamite ha been removed. General Mucins, Scnnr Lopez says, will return to Spain In u few days, leaving the details of the evacuation to his subordinates. I General Henry's men Hie badly In ' need of provisions. The ganlson here says It Is Impossible to transport sup plies over the mountain trail, and It has been arranged to send them to Arecelbo, an open port. The Sixth Massachusetts and the Sixth Illinois regiments are without shoes. General Hiooke. who Is to be In com mand of till' Island, may leave General Wilson In dim t uiitnnaud of the troops while he (General IlrookiO Is attending the sessions of the commission for l'oito itlco. John Waxamaukii predicts that this country will enter upon an era of unprecedented prosperity as a result of our war with Spain. Jlr. Wiinit luuKer hits heretofore shown his itbiliU as a prophet In matters relat ing to tlie business alTairs of the country. TtlK Chief Ktirgess lias brought suit against the Lieutenant of our "guurilltius of the night," tor Insub ordination. U is now in order for the latter to retaliate by a counter suit on the same charges. If this thing keeps up there is hope for the taxpayers yet. TlIK war with Spain lasted three months and twenty-two days. The war between the Republican factions lias been on that many years, and is likely to Co utiiuio iiidollnitely unless the voters take a hand in tho fracas and relegate tho "barnacles" to the rear. Without counting recent additions of territory, there are in the United States twenty-three persons to the hipmre mile. The figure in England is 370, in Belgium 571, and in Germany 270. If tlie tiop'uhttion in this county were as dense as that in Helgitun tho uggrogato would exceed the present population of the earth. TlIK prediction may safely lie ven tured that as soon as the Democrats win an election in one of the islands they will immediately begin insisting that they wore tho original expanders, mid that they have been Imperialists, annexationists and spreaders from the time of JelTerson clear down to date. Tlie I'pnet" t'liiiiml'-slouefs, WastdnKtoii, Aur. 23. In view of tho early meeting at I'atls of the Spanlsh Ainerlcnn pence commissioners ar rangements are aheady under way foi the entertainment of this distinguished body. It Is mulct stood that the com mission will be the guests ot the French government, and while no foimal In vitation has yet born extended there Is reason to believe one will come In due time, and that the commissioners will receive every couitesy and uttentlon which the Vrench government can be stow. The president hopes to be able to announce the names of the commis sioners on tlie part of the United States this week. Millions Given Away. It Is certainly cratlfyiiii: to tlio public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to lie ceiirroiis to the needy and suller- Tho proprietors ol nr. Kings iew Discovery for Consumption, toughs anil Colds, have given away over ten million trial ,.,if l-j ,.f ihia uniit medicine: and have tlie satisfaction of knowing it litis absolutely cured thousands or hopeless cases. Asinina, Uionchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of tins Throat. Chest and Lungs tiro study cured hv it. Call on A. Winder. Druggist, and get a trial bottle fico. Kigular sle Me. and sd. Kvery bottlo guaranteed, or pneo reiunueu. THE SOUDAN EXPEDITION Passes Tliroiigli tno uouiiii-.v .imuo Di-snliitc by tlio DorvWhos. Atbara. Aug. 23. The transport rolunin of the Soudan exedlt-ion, which left Camp Atbara on Aug. 10, marching nlnnir the left bank of the Nile to an advanced post at Nasrl Island, arrived at Metommeh on Sunday last. The column traversed the formerly prosperous and thickly populated Jnalln country, which Is now completely ue- serted and covered with the whitening bones and sun dried bodies of tho tribes massacred by the Dervishes Inst year. Everywhere are evidences of the misery and decay. The skillfully built DervlBh huts are deseited and crumb ling. Metemmeh Itself, a town of GOO houses, Is now a city of desolation. Its houses In ruins, Its alleys blocked with skeletons and its court yards putrid with corpses. The few natives seen are disposed to be friendly. The Second brigade passed there In boats on their way to the front. Tho Nile Is high. The Sirdar having al ready reconnoltcred the liver to Shab luka, within CO miles of Khartoum, found the passage easy for the gun boats. A full advance Is expected to begin shortly, and It Is not unlikely that Khartoum wl.l be captured by tho middle of September. The heat Is try ing, but the expedition is In good condition. THE KIDNEYS Some Important Duties They Have to Perform. The Kidneys arc filters of tho blood. Thousands of times daily every drop of blood in your veins passes throuijh your Kidneys to be cleansed of impurities. Both your health aud your life depend upon keeping uisoase nwtiy from those im portant orgfctis. The minute the Kidneys arc out of order, you ;in to have pains in the small of the back vour urine has a sediment in it after s tan ding twenty-four h ours there Is scalding pain in passing water, and you are com pelled to get up often at night to urinate. A doctor knows what those symptoms mean. You them iust ns well as he. Tor all those troubles tnere ts a meut cine that cures them Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Itemedy. It re moves the Kidney poisons and restores perfect health. Ask your druggist for it. It costs onlv $i a bottle. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. We will send a Sample Bottle of Favorite Remedy and pnmphlot of valuable in formation free to those renders of this paper who will give it a trial. Send name and address to the Hr David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y., and mention this paper. The Sample Bottle will then bo forwarded by mail without charge. We mnke this olTcr so that no money need he paid out in ex- perimcntSj ME vwn THE THIEVING CUBANS. Confiscated tlie Tents, Stores, Arms and Personal Effects of Our Soldiers on the Cancy Koad. Santiago de Cuba. Aug. 23.-On the breaking up nf Clencrnl Wheeler's camp on tlie Caney rnnd on Ktlihiy the tents and geneinl equipment of the division hoBdquurtom were left In charge ot the qunrtei master's department. During the night the Cubans stealthily cou llneated all the tents, stores, arms and pcisonul effec of the soldiers. There Is no clew to the' robbeis. On Satuiday Cn nernl Lawlon ordered the nmniunltlon nnd aims to be brought into town, but it wns too late. Kvnry- thlnir was none. (ieiiirnl Kent's hrlKRtle, stationed tlnee miles from Santiago, also lost their tents, and the soldiers marched Into town barefooted, their shoes and everything portable having been stolen, the Cubans equipping themselves with the arms, tents and ptnvMoim of the Americans. They are cnnlintiatly stulk lug about the camps, and constant vigilance Is necessary. There nie Is1 patients In the hospital at Slbonev. nnd tlie authorities urge their Immediate removal. Cllmntle de bility Is n.- as the fever. The doc tois say that delay In moving the patients v 111 menace their lives. Tho death rate Is high. More Troop Tor Honolulu. San Francisco, Aug. 211. A telegram has been leeelved ft om the war depart ment unlet lug nil the Hoops of General Mertltt's department remaining here to he sent to Honolulu, with at least four months' subsistence and medical sup plies, and to be held tlieie until fur ther orders. The tinnsports Australia nnd City of Sidney are being cleaned prepatatory to cat l ying out this order. LAST OF THE SEASON. Ten-Uny llvciii slon to Atlantic City, .V, ia I'i Hjltnnlil llilllnmil. September 1 is the dalo of the last low-rate ten-day excursion from Ihie, Troy, llollc foute, Williainspoit, Mnrunaiiua, Sinibiiry, Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal inter mediate stations (including stations on launch roads), to Atlantic City, Cape May, Orcali City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglcsca, Wildwood, or Holly lleach, via Pennsylvania Ilailroad. Excursion tickets, good to lcturn by reg ular tiains u it) tin ten days, will bo sold at rate of jlD.lHI from Erie, f.".0l from Will iainspoit, and proportionately low rates fiom other points. Tickets to Atlantic City will also bo sold via tho Delawaro Hiver llridgo Kontc, tho only all-rail line, at ten cents more than the rate via Market street wharf, Philadelphia. For information in icgaid to rates and time of trains consult hand hills, or apply to agents, or I',. S. llarrar, Division Ticket Agent, Williainspoit, 1'a. to ui.i:.xm: Tin: svsthm Ktlorlually yet gently, when costive or bil ious, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken tlio kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without inhaling or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, use Syiup of Figs, made by the California Fig Synip Co. Mnro than twenty million frco samples of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo liavo been dis- j trihuted by tlio manufacturers. What hotter j proof of their confidence in its merits do you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, in the shortest spaco of time C. H. Hagcnhucli. The sbncoii llitllronil Wreun. Iioston, Aug. 23. The condition of the passensers In the wreck nt Sharon Sunday night who were placed In hos pitals here Is favorable with tho ex ception of flint of Charles II. Fryo, a selectman of Ilovere and cashier of the Central National bank ot Uoston, who it was said, cannot recover, and Delia W. Vernon, of South Uoston. The total number dend Is four, ns follows: Franklin M. Waters, of Somervlllo; Mrs. Mary Fltsspatrlclc, Uoston; Mrs. Charles H. Frye, Ilevore; Mrs. C. II. Bristol, "Wlnthrop. TO BIRMINGHAM AND MEMPHIS. llNSUIU'ASSKIl SEItVlUK OtTKUKD 11V TIIK S0UTIIKKN RAILWAY. Leaving Broad Street station, Vhlladclplda, at tl:."3 p. in. dally, tho "Southwestern Limited," carrying a dining car and the most hixutioiH Pullman drawing room sleep ing cais, reaches Ilinniiiglian tho following night at 10:10 and arrives at Memphis the next morning at 7:10. Through sleeping cars for Asheville, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampi, Atlanta. Mobile aud New Orleans arc also attached to this train. Pullman reser vations can bo made hi advance and all in formation obtained hy communicating witli John M. Heal, District Passenger Agent, 82 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Captain Kviiun n Typhoid Victim. New York, Aug. 23.- U Is said at itoosevelt hospital that Captain lCvnns, of the battleship Iowa, will be brought to that liislltiitiu:, nt "lire. The enp tnln if suld to be sulTetlnu from ty phoid malaria. Trull, ui'ir.1 woll. l'coiile have learned that DeWitt's Little Early Risers aro reliable little pills for lcRulating the bowels, curing constipation and sick headache. They don't gripe. C. It. llagenbiich. Spiclal Nlm-lbiy i:i-iiroliin. For the hem-lit of thoso desiring to visit the guilt Ocean drove Camp Meeting, the Pennsylvania liailroad Company will, on August M, sell excursion tickets to Ocean tirovc, Asbtiry Park, or Long Branch from stations mimed below nt the very low rates quoted. These tickets will bo good for passao lo Philadelphia on train Indicated, thcuco on u-gtilar trains leaving Broad street station at 11:30 a. m., 3:1 and t:0S p. in. that day to destination : Train L-iivi's. Hate. Lenvo C:0."i a. m. $I.CO o p.) ' G.tfS " 3.W (WS5 " 3.W . 7.01 " 3..V) t.lke the flame on the forge that looked firctcu mid dark Rre the bellows-draft quickened the smouldering Bo life Is a spark; and life Is n firei And life Is n flame rising higher nnd higher. One ficc tircilli of nature ire hope dies in men, And the fast-i'.idliig embers will waken again. Thousands of people die of wnsthig weak ening diseases every year who by all rules of n. Utile and icason ought to be restored lo health and sttcngth. The medicines tlicy receive from the average doctor ac cording to regulation, stereotyped practice are mere temporal y palliatives; they do not reach down deep into the vital oigauism where the spark of life lies dormant wait ing lo be awakened. In numbctless ca-cs where every other remedy absolutely tails Dr. Pierce's fjolden Medical Discovery breathes its stroncr vi. talizintr power upon the slumbering forces of life and wakens them Into active energy. -It quickens the digestive and blood-making glamis and empowers mem to supply trcsh rich nourishment to all the organs and tis sues: imbues the heart nnd lungs with vi tality; destroying and excreting naturally from the system the bile-poisoned dregs which lurk in the circulation, thus building up new constitutional vigor and activity. "I took n severe cold which settled on uiv lungs nnd chest, and 1 suffered Intensely." writes Mr. Harrison Smith, of Clancrcek. Kv. "I tried several of our best physicians, nnd they gave up all hope of mv recover'; tluy said 1 had consumption nnd could not live more than n few weeks. I took five bottlesof Dr. rlcrcc's Golden Medical Discovery and am sound and well to- oav l ici nfiier limn l nave in Tn venr AN OHIO SENSATION. 4oport Thnt .Tnlm it. MoLonit Will Untor McICIitley'M Calilnoti Dayton, O., Aug. 23. A special from Iho Clnclnuutl Times-Star wns repro duced In the papers here that John It. McLean would not he tcprcsented by Chairman Dan McConvllle, Lewis O. Hertiard or any other of his former lleutennnts who are In the Democratic state convention, and tho tonson for hhn not taking part was said to bo duo to the report that John It. McLean is ....n....n.l nn. II A Alrrnt n a ann ul nui-i:it;ii vii.-iii iii i 41. . , . rotary of war In McKinlcy's cabinet. , hlllfMi This cuused more stir among the dele gates than anything that has been sprung for yearn at Ohio Conventions. Although McLean wns prominently before the last Democratic convention for tho presidential nomination, and would have been elected senator in place of Hnnna If the Democrats had carried the legislature last November, nnd although his paper, the Cincinnati Knqulrer, was considered a lending ad vocate ot Ilryan aud free silver, the story about McLean prohab.y becoming the successor of Alger was believed by many ot the delegates. They cited the cose of Hayes appointing Keys, a southern Democrat, as his postmaster general, nnd later of Cleveland making aieshnm his sectctary of state, anil said that McKlnley hnd appointed Lee. Wheeler nnd other Democrats to lend ing places and that greater surprises In politics than this had happened. It was conceded If McLean should no- come McKlnlev's secretary of war, nnd the Cincinnati Knqulrer an miminis- tratlon paper, that It Would cause a po litical revolution, as McLean and nis paper hnve been the most potential factors in this state, ns well as In Kentucky, Indiana and other states for free silver. While some delegntes are busy de nouncing the story as an ante-convention sensation, and ridiculously ab surd, It ts certainly commanding more attention than other matters which are not disputed. "Saved Her Life. THE PRODUCE MARKETS. Ah ICollceteil by Dealing In hudol phlu mill I!iill!iiitii-t, I'hlladelphlA, Aug. 22. Flour slow; win ter superfine. JL'.IMf 2.40; Pennsylvania rouer, cienr, ?;i.2.iy;;.40; city mills, extra, ii-ioy-- ItJ'e Hour steady ut J2.S0 pur bar rel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheal weak; No. 2 red, spot and month, 72'a i2',ic. ; no. September, G9i&iir70c. Corn lower; No. 2 mixed, August and Septem ber, 31Hi34tc.: No. 2 yellow, for local trade. 34fi34!fcc Oats quiet; No. 2 white clipped, new, 29f29M-.; do. old, 323214c, liny steady; cholc timothy, $11. CO for largo bales. Ileef steady; extra mess, $3; pack et, ).mviW; city extra India mess, $14.50 T15.M); beef bums, $22t(22.r,0. Pork easier mess, $!).BUiiiI0; short clear. $115713; family, f I2.r,01 13. Lard weak; western steamed, $3.33. nutter steady; western creamery 14yalDi;.; factory, 111314c.; Elglna, IDe, Imitation creamery, 13flCc.; New York, duiry, 13!?17c.; do. creamery, 14y2B'18l4c, fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 2151) 24c; do. wholesale. 20e. Cheeso dull! large, white, 7lie. ; small do., 73Jc. ; large, col ored, 7',4c.; small do., SliSVic; light skims 6US(6Hc; Part skims, GM5JuV4c.; full skims, 2(?2,(,e. Kggs firms New York nnd Pennsylvania, 1 UfeWlolic. ; western, fresh, lfic. Potatoes steady: Jersevs. $1.73W1.87y,. and will permit of stop-oil' at Philadelphia Long Island, $1.7D5j2; sweets, yellow, $3 within It in it. 3-25- Tallow nominal; city, 3sc; country. srOse. I'etroieum stcaay; reiinuu jnow York, $0.50; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $0.45; do. In bulk, $3.95. Hofln quiet; sti allied, common to good, $1. 30511.35. Tur pentine steady at 29i29'.2e. nice steady; domestic, fair to extra, !';57C?io. ; Japan, WlC.iic. Molasses steady; Now Or leans, open kettlo, good to choice, 2S3 33c. Cabbage steady; Long Island, $2fflt. Cottonseed oil neglcctcu nnd nomlnully easy; prime summer yellow, 'tc; oft summer yellow, 235 1 23lc. ; prime winter, yellow, 2Sc. Ilaltlnioi-e, Aug. 22. Flour dull; western superfine, $2.505?2.75; do. extra, $2.9053.2'! ; do. family. $3.DO5i3.40; winter wheat, pat ent, $4fil.20: spring do., $1.40511.00; sprine do.. $1.405(4. CO; spring wheat, straight, $4.30 Jn.G.i. W heat weak and lower; spot, 73 September, Shenandrnh... Kmckvllle St. 1 loll- Pottsvllle Schuylkill Ilnvcn.... ' I III Mil li I III I i R9. JOnN WALLET, of Jefferson, Wis., than whom nono Is more highly esteemed or widely known, writes, "In 1S0O I had a sovcro attack of LaGrlppo and at tho end ot four months, In splto of all physicians, friends and good nursing could do, my lungs hoart and nervous Bystcm vi oro so completely wrecked, my llfo was de spaired of, my friends giving mo up. 1 could only sleep by tlio uso of opiates. My lungs and heart pained wo terribly and my cough was most aggravating. I could not llo In ono position but a short tlmo and not on my loft sldo at oil. My husband brought mo Dr. Miles' Norvlno and Hoart Curo and I be gan taking them. When I had taken a half bottlo ot each I was much better and contin uing persistently I took about a dozen bot tles and was completely restored to health to thosurprlsoof all." Dr. Miles' Kcmcdlesl are sold by all drug gists under a posltlvo guarantee first bottlo benefits or money ro fundod. Hook on dis eases ot tho heart and norves free. Address, K5V rir 'WM jl- ITIIIUO fe- Rostoros ii WL Health JM Tlio Snunlsdi (mmIssIonors. Washington, Aug. 23. The state de partment received a call yesterday from M. Thlelmut, secretary of the French embassy and in charge during the absence of Au'bassndor Uambon, who horo a notification from the Span ish government of the military commis sioners for Cuba and Porto Ulco. They oro ns follows: For Cuba Major Oen- Gonzales Parrado, ftcar Admiral Pastor y Laudero, Mnrquls Montoro. For Porto Itlco Major General Ortega y Diaz, Commodore of First Hank Val Inrlnn v Currasco, Judge Advocate Sanchez del Agulla y Leon. Dli.MILE.J MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lnd. PROFESSIONAL CARDS jj- M. HtmiCK. ATT0RNKY -AT-LAW. Oftler Hiriin lildldlnu. ion er ul Main hii IViXru stn-i-ts, Sheimndoali. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in tlio world for cuts, onuses, sores, ulcers, salt riiemn, rover sores, to'.tcr, chapped bauds, chilblains, coins, and all skin eruptions, and positively cuics piles. or jo pay required. It is guarauleed to give porfect satisfaction or inouy refunded, l'riie SB cents nor box. For salo hy A. Wxsluy. f II. l'OMKUOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW HhoiiAiuloah, Pa. pn ltOK. JOHN .IONICS, Tickets will bo good for return passage on regular trains until September 1, inclusive, When you call tor DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo the great olio cure, don't accept any thing else. Don't be talked Into ncuepling li substitute, lor piles, lor sores, tor minis. J. 11. Hagcnbuch. The South anil lt A.lniitiii;. Tho Southern Hallway has issued for fieo distribution, a sixteen page journal des criptive of Virginia, Noith aud Smith Caro lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Persons seeking new locations, or capitalists desiring to make safoand profit able investments will find tho information ontaiiicd tbeiein both valuable and inter esting. Copies will bo lualieil ireo upon ap plication to John M. Heall, District lassen- 73ihl!.; mr,ntb. 725j72Vic You Invito disappointment when you ox- ... mnut iiav it's I, tt o i;ariv ltisers arc niuiuint rasv. thnroueh little Hills. They euro constipation and sick headacho just as sure as you take mem. u. n. iiagonuuen. NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT, OF 0. A. R. WK lire Informed by n western ex change that one .Tallies Tuttle, a wealthy resident of Lincoln, III., who recently departed this life, bequeathed $1,000 to Col. Robert J. Ilih'ursoll on condition that the latter preach the funeral sermon over the k'ruvc. As to whether or not Unhurt U. complied with the will is not stated. The Now ( hllenii Minister. Washington, Aug. 23. Senor C. Morla Vicuna, envoy extraordinary and min ister plenipotentiary of Chile to the United States, has arrived here. Ho was accompanied to this country by Mrs Vicuna and their four children. Senor Vicuna Is no stranger to Washington, his diplomatic career, which has In cluded some of the most Important missions under his government, having leen begun here nearly 30 years ago as first seeietary of the Chilean legation. SU.MMIIK OUTlNdS. PK!:soN.M,V.coNlHJl-rKl TIIUH VIA I'K.NN SVI.V.KIA KA1I.KO.W1. Tho Pennsylvania Iiaiiioad Company an nounces the follimiug porsonally-'-otiiluili'd tains for the summer and rally aiilumn of 1SUS: To Yellowslono Patk and the Trans- Mississippi I'xpiisition on a spcciil train of Pullman sleeping, compartment, observation, and dining cars, allowing ciuhl days hi "Wunderlaiid" and two days at Omaha, Sep tember 1. Hate, f23.- from Xeiv York, Phil adelphia, lUltimore, and Washington; 230 from Pittsburg. MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy Oily, Pa, ITftvltii. Htudlcd under bouio o! the best (masters lo Ixmdon nnd Paris, will glvo lesnona on tho violin, mandolin, Kiiltnr and vocal culture. Terum ruuaonauie. Anurous in care ui niroima the Jeweler HlionuudoHli. P ennsylvania RAILROAD. HCHUYK1M. PIVIKION. JUJYV 1, lWrtf. Trull ib will leuvuHlieuuiulouli Hltt-r ino mo u uuiu lor V UlUn rtou, I'ruukvlllti, wuter, Mt. tltutr, I'iiiiavllio. Jjutuuuiic, uctuiurt( i'ottstuwiu I'lioeuisville. Wurrisiuwii n.dl'hi.' Aaeljitila (lipAd Btrt'tl Htutlnuul 6u0 nu old vz, o 19 p iu. uu w Lett unya, nuim To Niagara Falls, excursion tickels good to " i, i" 'Vraekv.lle tor abenanUoaU . ger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. I'a. I had a riiimlng. itching sore on my leg Sufi'oied tortures. Dean's Ointincut took away tho burning and itching inshiutly and quickly efl'ectcd pcrinaneiit curo." C. W. Lenhart, Howling Green, I). Killed III Follow Cotintr.vnmn. Dubois, Pa Aug. 22. A shooting and cutting alfray occurred yesterday nt Kleanora, a mining hamlet near here. In which tho foreign element partici pated and used each other up generally. An Italian drove one of his country men Into n coko oven and shot him In the groin, tho victim dying Boon after. Tho murderer lied, and so far has es caped the em aged miners, who are still searching for him. Further trouble Is feared. Hhuit you are, dear reader! The 'i-tj 4 ill tu ilntlv Mllttlilvitli' tllll tieOlllo ' t"e Slli.....,i..,.l, ,t tl. Mnliniiiiv valley with the iiowb while it is news. Tho frequency yith which our ex changes reproduce Iteins from our columns attest the popularity of the paper. Thu Hkuald leads, never follows; and It Is a klltliiK' pace for its contemporaries. r. Tried Maity Medicines Hellof Cnmo Only From Hood's " I suffered with a pain In 'my stomach nil imad. and had heart trouble. I tried tnanv medicines without much benefit Finally I thought I would give Hood's BarsapariUa a trial, and it has completely cured tho pain in my stomach and bene fttpfl . inn In other wavs." JOHN M. PiuicilAKDs, Avoca, Pennsylvania. Hood's Sarsaparilla the best-In (act the One True lllooil l'urlller Hood's Pills cure indlgesliou. M cents. D.iWIU's Witch llar-ol Salve lias tlio largest Kilo of any salve In tho world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest pooplo to at tempt to couutcrlelt It. IvOok out inr me man wno aneiupis in ueeuiu juu iii.-,tj,u all for DeWitt's witch uazio naive, tno Kicat pilo curo. C. H. Ihigenbuch. HiihMm sii11h Vor Sunt lnp;o. New York. Aug. 23. Lieutenant Hob- son left this city today on the Scgur anca for Santiago, whole he will super intend the raising of the Spnnlsh war ships. Yesterday Hobson made final arrungeinents with tlie makers of tho air bugs, which will be sent to him hy Instalments. There will be nearly 200 of them, which will have a lifting ca pacity of from 1.200 to l.IWO tons, millions of Dollars Oo dd In smoke every year. Take n risks but get your houses, stock, fu nlture, etc., Insured lu flnuVclassr liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, &SKsA!?K UEPUCIUi HATKS TO CINCINNATI, O., VIA l'UNNBYI.VANIA KAII.IillAI). For tho thlrty-Tiecoiul National F.ncamp niont of O. A. It., to bo held at Cincinnati, O.. September !i to 10, 1803, tlio Pennsylvania Ilailroad Company will sell excursion tickets at rato of single faro for tlio round trip. These tickets will bo sold on Scptembor 3, 1, and 5, and will ho good to leavo Cincinnati returning not earllor thin September II nor later than September 13, except that by de positing ticket with Joint Agent at Cincinnati on September .1, 0, 7, S, or I), and on payment of twenty-flvo cents, lcturn limit may bo ex tended so that passengers may remain at Cincinnati until OctoberiJ. Disinvvnrn'H PoIsOnlnu; Mystery. San Francisco, Aug. 23. Chief of Po lice Lees, of this city, Is In communica tion with the Delaware authorities re garding tho poisoning of Mrs. John P. i 1 .,1,.,.,.. TlTo T Tt Beano, by some person supposedly SlftL rcsiuuui ui hub i in. i-iiii " ...o ... -(,, tji ..i if hampered In his efforts to trace the , wlrau tor othera it (,90.; Di-ceinber, CVikc. steamer mixed No. i red. WfilM'iO. ; southern, by Bumplo, C5if7lc. ; do on grade, 705i7H4c. Corn weak and lower; mixed, 34.'!3lto. ; month, 3HI3-H4C. ; September, Wi'ti 3:iTtc. ; steamor mixed, 23V&iif33c; southern, whlto, SGc; do. yellow. 3;f(30c. Outs stendy; No. 2 white, western, 2iTJi: No. 2 mixed do., 25Vtf(2(Ic. Ilye quiet; No. 2 nearby, 46V4c; No, 2 western, 4S".o. Hay dull; No. I timothy, $1Hi12. Grain freights stoadler; steamer to Liverpool, per bushel, 2Vid., August; Coik, fiir orders, per qunrtor, 2s. Cd August; 3s.(i(3s l'.fcd., September. Sugar strong; granulated, 5.13V4. Butter steady; fancy creamery, 19?20c.: do. Imi tation, 10fil"e.; do. ladle, lPilloc; good ladle, 13c; stoic packed, 12S( 14c. Eggs firm at llfiH'.o. Cheeso steady; fancy New York, large, S-iTiSJc; do. medium, SH38c; do. small, SiiTiDVje. Lettuce, 7r,;. per bushel box. Whisky, 1.29ifri.S0 per gullnn for finished goods in carloads; $1.3piJl.!K per gallon for lobbing lots. return within tun daya will be mid on July 21, August 4 and 18, September I. IS and 20, at rato of flu fimu Philadelphia, ll.iltiinoie, and Washington. These tickets Iniludo transportation only, and will permit of stop over within limit at hullalo, Uochester, and Watklns on the return trip Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Luiay Caverns, Natural llridgo, Virginia Hot Springs, llicluuoud, and Washington, Sep tomber 28 and October 10. Tate, $115 from New York, ?03 from Philadelphia. Pro portionate rates from other points. For itineraries and furthor information ap ply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Philadelphia. Fatal CollKltm ut Sua. Ilnmburg, Aug. 23. The pearl fishing steamer Newburg collided with the English schooner Catherine In tho channel during the prevalence of a dense fotr nn finmlnv All nf l, n n.i, arlno's crew except the helmsman and l3'75' ...?!??" C"Y.?, eight men were drowned. One member ,owc'r; Homo Into arrivals unsold; of tho crew of the Newhurg was killed JDQ7.75; tops. M; buttermilks, 3.7i Ailmlriil "nliln.v si'idoii-ly III. Hildgepntt. Conn., Aug. 23. Admiral Schley Is confined to his summer home In Westpurt by Illness, ami no one ex ccpt his attendants ate allowed to see him or have any conversation with him. The Illness Is pronounced a fever. the character of which Is not yet known. Mlll-ileli-d llor Mtof. Now Market. Out.. Aug. 23. Minnlo Sexton yesteulny deliberately Mred four bullets Into the body of nor opier sisiur, Susie Sexton, killing her Instantly, 'ine litrlH were orphans, living together. George Pnttridge, passing Just before tlie murder, heard the two girls laugh ing Joyously. Immediately nfter com mitting the deed the woman gave her self up. At ohe tlmo Bhe was confined In the lunatic asylum, nnd of late has been acting Btrangely. The dead woman was 35 years of age, and was to have been marited shortly. Her sister op posed ths matoh and declared It should never tok place. guilty person because the Delawuro authorities have not sent him any of the evidence In the case. He desires the original box which contained the candy and the paper In which It was enclosed, with tho address written on it. He suggests that a photograph of the nrtlclOB desired might aid him In his search. Ho has made no arrests, and will not admit that he contemplates taking suspectB into custody. No Yellow Fever lit Camp AYIknll'. New York, Aug. 23. Dr. Nunez, the yellow fever expert, has relieved the nnxlety of the soldiers and relatives of Boldlers at Camp Wlkoff, Montauk Point, L. L, by tho statement that at no time has there been a case of yel low fovor in thu camp. discomfort at all. There Is no reason why child birth should ho a period of pain and dread. Scv, end mouths beforo a woman becomes a mother sho should prepnro herself for tlio critical ordeal. Thcro is a prepara tion luatlo which Is intendod for this purposo alono. Tlio nnmo of this wonderful preparation id It is a I liniment to bo ap nlied ex- tornallv. It relaxes tho mus cles and re lieves LIvo Stock MnrkotM. Now Y'ork, Aug. 22, Cattle active; steers steady; rough stuff steady to 10c. lower; all sold; steers. M.G3Q5.70; extras, $5.90; oxen and stags, $3.23ff5; bulls, $2.75'8i 3.C0; choice fat do., fl.0Sfj-t.17K; cows, fl.75 veals steady to grassers a shade veals. '3f?1.50; Krassers. Si.uWti, Prime sheep steady; others a shade lower; lambs, SO"! 7Gc. ; 14 cars unsold; sheep, $:i.2.,ii choice wethers, "; culls. $2.Wf3; lambs, $1,251? 6; choice, Jli.l2ViC25. Hogs easier nt $4.2J GI.S0. Knst Liberty, Pu Aug. 22. Cattle higher; extra, ri.30-u6.50; prime, $5.30fl5.50; I common, t3.MVff4.lG. Hogs steady; pilme mediums, $l.2.fi4.l; bust Yorkers, 1.20tf 4.25; heavy, $M(K4.1t; common to fair Yorkers, fl.OuHt4.15; pigs, $3.70fn.03; roughs, S2.75fr3.00. Sheep lower; choice, Jl.50ftl.C0; common, S3.25fi3.75; choice spring luuibs, t'.75'(0: common to good, IQ5.50; veal calves, $7(u7.W. Stou That Cough ! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A bottlu of Shlloh's Cure may kwo yuur life. Sold by P. 1), Kirlln and a guarantee. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE 7 aii, 11 10 a. in. una 5-10, 7 3H . Munday, 11 Ul u, in. una b 10 p. iu. Ia-ihu I'uUdviIIo tor HlioiiiinUoali (via Fruck vlllu, 7 10, II 'M u. in., 620, 7 lO p. ui. tliiiiday III u.1 U. III., ,1 M II. III. 1.1'uvo i'nlliuli-liilrfii, (Kroud strui-t btutloii), lui aliitunauun ut a. lu., t Ju p. in. we.-lc iltiys. MiuUun Kuo at e .Si and 0 2.1 n. n. Iuvo llruiia htreciniullou.l'liiibutiiiiiiin, I'OH NKW YOltK. KxnreaH.week-duya, 8 20, 1 1, 4 60 5 05,5 15,(1 ."?, 7:t5,o'J-, 'JMJ, 1U21 lllilug Vur), ItlXJu. u., v Uu noun, A'ita (I.IIIUIUU 1 iai miiu t M . Ul, niniiik. ithim). i iu. iiki (Dlulnir i url au. aou. 1U2, 6UU, S&mDlnlllgCiirJ, I) UU, 7 02,7 50 (Hill lug cur;, iuuu p. iu., izui, uikiu. nuiiuu)ii, iu.-, 4i, i w. oui. s 13 s a), vot, mai, (iiii.iuk Curj, llab a. iu., 12M, luo iDlllllig uurj jau lUliiiiig Car), 1U0 (Limited 4 XiHOiulut; Cur), j-M,iM, (l)uitng Cur) Oitt, 7 02, J 5u, (UIiiIiik C'urJ IU UU p. in,, 12 01 ulgllt. i!.xprenH lor liualou wiiuoui vuuiiku, u w n i,, week-auys, und 7 60 p. lu., dully. Uulnklll i!xprea, (I'urlor Cur), 8 20 ll in week duya. WAHHINOTON AND TlIK SOUTH. Fur llaltlmara and Waalllmrtou. 3 SO. 7 20, 8 32, 11) aj, 11 1, u. m., 12 ej, U31 (UiulliK Cur), 1 1' IDInlng CurJ, J 12, 4 11, ISB uoiigre muuui l.liuiicu, lmdng CurJ, 6 17. ! linn lug Cur, 7Ut (l)luiilK Car p. in., und U3 night week duya. Mundays, a 50, 7 'M, 0 12, 11 23, u. iu., 12UU, 1 It, lllulng UarJ 4 41, I5ai Uou- Kreaaioiiui i.iuilleu, I'liuuK vurj, u ii'iuni Curl, 7 31 IDinliiK Cur) p. in. uuu 1205 uigtit. Kur Itultiuiure, uucoitnncMlatloii, U 12 u in, 2 02 und 4 01 p ui week ilaya, SOBunU It 10 p lit dully. FOlt ATLANTIC CITY. Leavo Ilroud street stutlou vis Delawuro rivet brldi-o Kxpreas, Sou, 0 40 to niinutcsl u in, "MS IS-Jlidnilti-al. 4 00 180 inluuteal. 7 UO u. in. Miuiiaya, 5 00, U2U IbU inluutesj, u in, 2 as pi2 luliiiitisj, 7 uj p in. J.euvn Alurkel aireel w an cxpreas, o w, a lbOU 175 uiiniiteal.u ui, (loOSuturduysoiiy), 2UU iva.llSO A.m.. VZ XI. 7 2ft . Ill in ,m...i ;i ih, 17.1 ,li,i!. l ail 11,0 liiliililea . " Kor Mahanoj Plane, weekdays, 7 30. 9 54, 11 80 L, uu ua niiiiutesl. 4 au 175 inluutual. 5 Ul LO . m., 12 27, 3 10, 6 07. 7 25, "J 65 p. 111. inluuica, 8 M iliJ lillnuteaj p In. Muuuuya, 8UU, For Aaliluuu ami BuaiuoKlll, weeK uaya, I ou, t ;K) suu ijs mluuu.,!, sau, 0 00 175 lulnulcaj, 1180 . m., 12 27, 3 10, 6 07, 725 and S M p. I", y au 170 inluuti-aj a ill, uiid 4 SO 175 lulilliteal p in. ,. . .,l . Dl." .,,fi . " . ' ,. I el.w oxuuiwiull iuuu, I uuu ill uuuy. It.&O. It. It., through truln i lf"i ltiaillnK j-or CupuJluy, Aimloaeu, WllUwoodand Hull Terminal. I'hlladeluhlu. (I. k H. li X.) at 3 20, ii,.lu,iil .lin ,,,.,.,., ..Hi, i ,k mh ,,, 7 55, 1126 a. ra 8 10 ami 7.27 P. i . Hiiiidaya, weet Uliya, sm'iduj a. 8 -2U u m. OupuMuy only, 7i ' i .' . . In ... ii p i A i. la"!' niaturilua. ICxeuralon, 7 uu u in dally. o ..w.u . n,, i i-or eu lale laiy. Lleeau diy. avuioii uuu nut Mreels station, week, uuya, lujua. iu, 12 2u. stuliu llurbur liipreaa, U 10 a. iu., 2 30, 1 iu, Philadelphia & Reading Railway Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke IN KPFKOT JUf.Y 1st, 1S98. Tralna leavo HheuauUouh aa followa : For New York Tla Philadelphia, week duya. 7 30 9 51 a. ui., 13 27, 3 10 and 6 07 . 111. I'or New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 7 30 a. in., 12 27 and 310 n. in. For lfeadlng und Philadelphia, week daya, 7 30, 9 51 a.m., 12 a iu ana 0 vi p, in eat I'otiaviue, wceK uaya, 7au, a. iu., 12 27, 3 10, 6 07 and 7 25 p. lu. Fur Tauuimia and Mahanoy City, week iluya 7 30, 0 5 1 a. in., 12 27. 8 10 and 0 07 p. m. ror wunainapon, ounoury anu i.wiauuri;, week ilaya. 11 80 a. m., 12 7 2.1 n. 111 Cnll- (npllllll SlgHjcii Pl-oinotid, Washington, Aug. 23. The presi dent has promoUd Captain Charles D. Slgsbeu, II. S. N now commanding tlio St, Paul, by advunclng him threo mimburs on thu list ot captains lu the navy for "oxtrnurdlnary he.nilsin." IMuhty Kiililliirx Pull to Dentil. London, Aug. 23, -A dispatch from lhnlapest to a London news agency says that while a lejflmcnt was cross ing u pontoon hrldne over the Itlvcr Maros. near Noad. the brldgo collapsed, Three hundred men wore Immersed, nnd it Is t oared that 80 were drowned. Friend. And rinnnrs, tlm Hand of Aiueilrn, loi-iila. Via tho true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain Uouto," which traverses a region of perpetual tho U'lnshlno, wlicro snow storms, blizzards or diHlonsion. hii-li altitudes aro unknown, Pullman first pivesehuitici- nud secoml class palaco and tourist sleeping ty to every mn U) vuuiH n Jlihsouri, Arkansas, Texas, oorrnonilCln 01,1 N,',v 5,,,x,r" A,ii!0"!'. i'l"-rnla, Childbirth, mill 0rl;K"Mi WashiiiKtoii, Nebraska, Utah and taltoa nway nil Nevada, without change. Quirk tlmo, low clangor and rates, and all tlio coinfortsof niodorn railway nearly nil sutler- improvements guaranteed to all who pur lug. Bcstrcsulta eiuf0 tickel via tlio Jilssouri Pacific railway follow " tno system, Kur rates light from your homo, during tho whoio "teral"' ' l'f"aatio.., dropapo.Uil porlocl of ici;- cai-il, J, P. Mitiinu, T. P. Agent. Mil Itall. nancy. H is Iho mad avenue, Klmira, N. Y., ur 301 llroad. Tor Constipation take Karl's Clover Itoot Tea. tlio great lllooil PurlHer. Cures Head ache, Nervousness, Kruptlons on the Face, and timkcis the head clear as a bell. Sold by P. I). Klrliu and a guarantee. nanov, onlv remedy of tho ay. Now Yoik kind in tlm world -l-tf W. that is endorsed by lihysiclnns. $1 per Iwttlo nt nil druK storoo, or Bent hy mail on receipt of prlco. Fiieb Books con. tnlnlng lnvnluahlo in formation fornll womon, will lx) sent to nny nd ilress upon nppllcatiou to Iho Cudneld Regulatsr Co-. Atlanta, Qt. K. Hovt, 0. K 1'. Agt. A Few Pointers, The i ere ul tlatUlio, of the number o deaths show lliat llie laige majority die will consumption. This disease tuny commence with an apparently hninilees cough winch cun he cured instantly hy Kemp's llalsam for the Throat aud Lungs, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. Price 25 and 50c. Sold hy all druggists ; aslv for a free sample to day. 12 15 8 40 p.m. Sunday, 1 35, 8 23 p. ui. TKAINH FOK H1H!SAN1)0AH. I.eavii New York via Phlladeliihlu. week duya, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 30 a. in., und 1 45, 4 30 9 00 n. m. Leuve New York via Mauch Chunk, week davit. 4 80. 9 10 tt. lu.. 1 80 n. in. 1-HV-e rtmaaeipuia, ueaaing leriuiuai, ween daya, 3 40, 8 80. 10 21 a, ni. and 1 30, 4 CO p. m. Leave Heading, week daya, 7 0j, 10 08, a, in. 12 10, 4 17. o uu p. in. l.euvo I'oiiaviue, wees uaya, t iu, i iu a. in 12 30 4 10, o iu auu o do p. in. Iave Tamaqua, week daya, 8 30, 11 23 a, ut., 1 19. 5 60. 7 20 n. Ul. I.eavu Mahanoy City, week daya, 0 05, II 47 a. m.,'2 o iz, 0 21, 7 41 p. in Leave Mahanoy Plane, week daya, 630, 9 25. 10 25, 11 59 a. IU., 241, 532, 6 41, 7 67, p III. Leavo Wllluimaportt week uaya, 7 42, luuo a i 12 31 and 4 00ii, ui. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave ITdladelnbla Chestnut street waif and South strict hull (or Atlantic City. WcekdiiVH KmresH. 8 00. 9 00. 10 45 a. III.. (1 30 Suturihiyaouly), 2 00,3 00,3 40 u0uilnututrulii, I 40U 105 inliiiito train, 430, BO) fOS inluiitu trn n H40 7CO i, iti. AiunMlIUOUUtlOII. u in I a, in., 5 00, 0 30 p. ut D1.00 excursion trulu 7 00 urn. Hundaya-Kipress, 730, 800, 8 30, 0 00, 10 00 a ui, 4 45 p in. Aceouiuioduilon, 0 15 u u, 4 45 p. iu tfi.uu uiciirsion irniu, i Ueturulng leuve Atlautlo City depot, coruei inn Tlf ,i,1,LVii nnlvll 7 CO, 7 45 IKS iniuuti) train, H!) ItA mlmito tllllll, V w, iu to, it iw a "T'nlr ' . . ' 93J p. Ul. Accouiuiodatloli, 4 25, 7 60 u. IB. 4 05 p. in. Jl.OO oxeurelon train (from .Mississippi live, only) 010 p. in. HundayB-F.spieaa, J J0, 4 00,5 00,0 00,0 30,7 00,730. 8O0,930p. Ul. Ac eoiumodatlon, 715 a. in.. SOS P. m. 1 00 usciirsloii train (from foot ot MlsalsBlppI uve. only), u IU p in. lOOUu'. in. week daya. Sunduya, 8 50 u. in. -blon i li,x- . . t.. .. i.ia ritv. m.iii.m.. ror uuiie iuy iiiiu m. --'i 30, 145 pin. Additional for Cupo Miiy-4 15 i. iu. Sundaya-Hl ou cxcumiuii i ; (81.00 itxi'iirM.mi Tliurwlay only) 7 CO a m. Suit duya, 815. 9 15 u ut. . , Parlor Cara on all eprea trains. For further Information, apply to iieurcal Philadelphia aud Heading Hallway ticket aiceu oraddrrsa . ,ir I, A. HwKiaiun, Kiimok J. Wkiiics. tlen'l 8up (len'l IWt Ant., Heading- Terminal, Pklludelplila. vuraion 7 10 u m daily. fur Muiuera Potui Kipro, SOO, 8 30, I0OJ t. ui., 1 00 Saturdays only, 3uu, 4ixi, 5 uu, 6 30 n. ui. week duva. Sundays. 6 00. 0 00. 9 UU. v 60 u. lu. und 4 30 p. in. I. ii. iiUTcuinsoN, J. lb noon, uen't Aitttiaiter, udii'i ruaa u'r Aift Webster's International Didtionary Successor of the UmibrUJgcd" Tho One Great Standard Authority, Kn MrlU'a lion. it. Ureter, Justify U H. Hiimuu Court, Htnuclard of tlie If.H.dov't rrlntlnif Ottlca, the IT. H. Huprfimu ( Court. 111 the HUu Hii- ( pieine ('ourti,antof nettr- , iy uu ine ciiooiux)ki. Warmly Coiiuiicuclcil br HUta Hni-crintena.'nla ( Of HtliOOl. rollfKC I'leBl- J deitt,nntlotticrJMuriitor ; luinost wiuiuut nuiuu r Iiivalualile In IIih liou(-)iolt1. niitl lii inn uiitner, ciiiur, ri , ft-Biftuml mailt tuu twlf. : ; ri ig nnsT for practical usg. It Is easy to llnd the ward wanted. It Is easy to uncertain the pronunclaf'on It Is easy to trace the growth ol a word. It Is easy to learn what a word means. Tho JNtir l'orfc Trihuno (inym 'I 10 1 ,f.fe I..IIII.,,, .imind frr.,,, ll., .. ii)ii-i"iii.m iii ii uiiiuii's me innsi UKiroilKll III! (1 I Tld. mil lyMin'r:iiililiut siiiH-riUlnn. 'llm ! i i iniiiue, I ,,i, i) nut this ii vntk to wlildi Ills 'iiii.iuiijr iwiuuj ren-r. Aprils. law. (HIT TUB WIST. lySpeclmeu pages sent oil application to C, MIUIHIA9T CO., -Publishers, i i;iirfffi.i?Mi,r. srneu . A. vy. L " i l ' , vv, vi 'luvuutnvouoimuvu . J Aleo LI!dAfctldeuUl Oou.paulu , -tsVlt-