',BI''-'r'!d.U(Pj.': Iff?' mi i It's of no Interest to our Renders Be cause It Refers to Shenan doah Renders. It's astonishing liow gooti news will spiemi. From every ward and street we hear of our Jieople talking about the workings of the little conqueror. Merit and honorable methods re ceive their just rew ard. So many cases are cropping up that it Is next to impossible to Investigate them all, but wo have luken a few In hand nnd given them publicity for the benefit of our readers. Our repirscntntive obtained the following fRcts in n personal interiew. They tire true in every particular, anil no stronger evidence can lie obtained ' than home endorsement. Mr. John O. Hughes, of 213 Market street, miner, says ! "I have been in Shenandoah for twenty-eight years. My son nnd I con tract ill taking out coal. For years I have been troubled with my back and kidneys, had both a pain and lameness ncross my loins, and in the small of my back. Well, this bothered me very much, sometimes being worse than others, I wns induced to try Doan's Kidney 1'ills and procured them from Kirlin's drug store. I derived gieat benefit from llicm for 1 they coirccted the kidneys and since taking them 1 have had no trouble with the kidney r secretions nnd I have been free from pain. Doan's Kidney Tills took out the lameness across me, and 1 know that they are a re liable kidney remedy." Doan's Kidney l'ills for sale by all dcalors. l'rico BO cents. Mailed by Fostor-Mllburn Co., llutlalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho U. S. Kemember tho namo Haiti's and take 110 other. WEAR Royal Worcester Corsets. FOR SALE BY LEADING DEALERS. Those who once buy SUELIU'S keen couiiiiuback IOr li. 1IUS UU- uiixturc makes the flavor of cof fee delicious. All Orocers. Lauer'sJi Pilsner Beer. Needs no recommendation Put up in bottles for family use and delivered at your home. Lauer's Pilsner Draught Beer Is drank by the majority of heer drinkers. They are good adding a lit tie of Seelig's III uiuiuuijr CMtMuetvM-MM-iMaM coffee, sc. n. parkjre. I authority on which is best. Christ. S :limidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA FOK HTA.TJC SHNATOIt, 8OU1 District, I D. M. GRAHAM, Ok Maiianoy City. Subject to Tlcpiiullcan rulei. pOH IHKICOTOlt OK THU l'OOK, S. G. MIDDLET0N, Ok (lii.nnnTON. Huhject to lteul1lcau rules. JjlOU COUNTY CONTltOI.I.I'.K, CHARLES A. SISYDlER, Ok 1'OTTHVIl.I.K. Ruliject to ltciuliHeaii rule. 4"fi10!t COUNTY HUltVKYOIt, MARK D. BOWMAN, Ok Maiianoy City. Hu'oject to Itcimlillcun ruins. pott ltUl'ltliSKNTATlVU, DR. H. G. REITZEL, Of Maiianoy City, Biiliji'i't tn lteiulillcaii rules. JjWItCOItONHlt, DR. W. N. STEIN, Ol' HllKNANIKlAlI. Huliloct to Itcpuullcuii rules. AI1SY PILLS! Km at JPovlusVy's Vitus', liote. Centre ircl WRIGHTBIS For Diuoui and Nervous M 1 They purify HeUIl g IWlliooD and give HsAtniY - 1 I ,,! 10 ihe entire system. H WKHH ' .. nVRPEPSIA. HEADACHE. CONSTIPATION and P'MPLES, at CHINESE TIN SMELTING. Frlmltlvo Motlio.t Tliat Ar rollowoil by tlio Slow OoIiil- Orientals. At TulpltiK thu tin mined cover nil nrca of sovornl squaro mllos and nro worked nl- ost entirely br Cnntonnso. Thoy rusoni- bio nothlng'so hittoh'ivi tho Kohl washings of California nutl New Zonlnnd that Is, tin wnshliic Is n serlos of delphs or hol lows, like nn ordinary English quarry, except that thcro Is no stono. Tho sand or rubblo Is oxcnvntotl aim convoyed to tho troughs, which aro placed nt n suincli'iit height to allow of tho water running freely down an Incline. Onu ninn rakes up to the topmost end tho flakes of tin, which resoluble bits of black pencil load, and which, whon disengaged from nil mud or other light clinging mnttcr, sink nt unco to tho bottom of tho Inclined trough. Other laborors pick out tho larger stones from tho rubblo, while a man stationed nt tho bottom of tho trough pushes up tho nccumulnted tnud from which tho lead Is not yet qulto sopnrntcd, so that It may pass through n second or third course of washing. Tho tendon oro Is then carried In buukets to special clomislng houses and thero thoroughly washed oneo moro. Tho furnaco looks like a good sized wlna cask cot on end, but at n slight angle, and each 0110 Is provided with an Iron pun for baso. This Iron pan, together with n number of cooper's hoops twined round tho linked mud, serves as a stiffening and helps to keep tho furnaco from collapsing. Th load oro Is thrown, togethor with tho char coal which molts It, in 0110 muss into this barrolllko furnuco, when tho molten metal soon passes through tho charcoal ami escapes (through a vont In tho side of tha lower portion of tho barrel furnaco) Into a small pit dug Into tho ground below. Tho lire is kept nctlvo by n primitive, but very effectlvo bellows, consisting of n hollowed tree fitted with n wooden piston, and connoctod with tho furnaco by n short bamboo tubo inserted Into Its sldo. Tho wholo apparatus costs only (at prcsont rates of exchange) nbout 12.50. A workman rakes tho slag out of tho pit, and If tho market prico of tin Is suffi ciently high to intiko It pay to do so this slag Is passed n second tlmo through tha furnaco. Tho puro molten tin, freed from tho slag as It simmers In tho pit, looks llko so much titilekbllvcr. Tho "pigs" aro llko so many large bricks with one side rounded nnd tho otherilat, tho llut Blda having a broad rim or border. Tho explanation of this Is that blocks o( wood of precisely this shnpo nro pressed Into tho sand or mud which forms thu natural floor of the iuolting houses. When these wooden molds are roinovod, of coursu corresponding holes remain, and Into these holes tho molten lead Is ladled from tho pit. It takos 11 whole day to cool suf ficiently to get firm. Whon it has well set, it Is lifted or dragged out of tho holos with long rakes nnd dashed witli water. After n little moro cooling It is ready for shipment. At l'erak In 1888 nnd nt Slallwun in 1803 I found that four or five Chinamen could turn out sovon hundredwight of tin pigs n day, worth In 1803 nbout $140 in all. E. H. I'arkor In Chambers' Journal. A stubborn couch or tickling iu the throat yields to One Minute CoiirIi Cure Harmless 11 cllect, touches the rlghl spot, reuauie ami list what Is wanted. It nets at once. C. H. llugcubiicb. Nnuip of Wamblim. Some of tho ninny Greek and Latin names for Uritish warships havo lieon subjected by sailors to a "sea chnngo" which mado them moro modern though less poetic. Uollerophon and Hollsarius Were good enough for olllcers and lunds- Inen, but thu men before tho mast pre ferred "Billy ltuirin" and "Hully Saw yers." Our own sailors have shown con siderable activity in the sumo lino, especi ally as to names of Indian origin. Ad miral Porter, writing on this subject soon after thu civil war, snld Agamontluus had been quickly turned Into "Aggy meant to cuss " The admiral was inclined to think our Indian names more objectionable than thono in tho clussie style, but such titles huvo nt least tho advantage of being alto gether national, for they nro tho only strictly American names that could bo found. Indeed they nro mqro suitable than tho classic imnleu In even' way, for it seems more reasonable to think of a great mass of wood and metal in connection with a mountain llko Katnhdln or'Jaconm than with Imaginary nymphs and swains of whom Ovid told pretty storlos about 2,000 years ago. Llpplncott's'. Bodily painlosesiU terrorif you'veabottlo of Dr. Thomas' Kclcctric Oil in tiro bouso. Instant relief in cases of bums, cuts, spruius, accidents of any sort. In the Meilcan IIollHcholil. Tho nrrnncomunt of furniture Is much moro formal than In thu United Suites. It is n very common sight toseo 11 splendidly furnished parlor with a row of straight backed chairs all alike with their backB against the wall and as close together as they can bo placed clear annum tho room. Heavy slnglo doors, such as aro uscu In thu United Stated, are practically unknown in Mexican houses oltlier at entmncos or between interior rooms. All doors upon In thu middle and aro fastened with bolts top mid bottom. Kxterlor doors nro at ways fitted with glass panels, for thoy also servo as windows. All such doors opening on tho street or open court nro fitted with solid shutters that aro folded at tho sides uut of 6ight whon not in use. Modern Mexico. Scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas and other distressing criiptlvo diseases yield quickly and perrnanoutly to tho cleansing, purifyin power of Ilunlock lllood Hitters. NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT OF O. A. E. KEDUCEll BATHS TO CItJCINNATI, O., VIA PENNSYLVANIA KAILUOAII. For tho thirty-second National Encamp nient of G. A. K to bo held nt Cincinnati, 0 September 5 to 10, 1893. the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company will sell excursion tick at rate of single fro for tho round trip. Those tickets will bo sold 011 September aud 5,-and will lio Rood to loavo Cincinnati returning not earlier thm September 0 nor later than Beotoinlwr 13, except that by do. positing ticket with Juint Agent tit Cincinnati on September 5, U, 7, 8, or 0, and on payment of twenty-live cents, return limit may bo cx tended so that passengers may remain nt Cincinnati until Octobers. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Signature Ask your grocer for the "Itoyal Patent flour, and take 110 other brand. It is tho host Hour made. For Constipation take Karl's Clover itoot lea, tho great lllood l'urlllcv. Cures llcad ucbe, Ncrvousuoss, Kriiptious 011 the face, and makes tho head clear us a bell. Sold by 1 , U. Kirlln and a guarautee. Dr. Miles' Nervine Recommended With Pleasure. "The Best Remedy in Existence.' R ELIEF from the agonizing suf-1 icring caused by nervousness, sleeplessness and that miser able feeling of unrest, Is so gratifying that there is no wonder it Is a pleas ure to recommend tho remedy to the world. Dr. Miles' Restorative Rcme 3ies aro scientific remedies, prepared from Dr. Miles' prescriptions each remedy for its own particular purpose, yet all so assimulatcd that two or more may bo taken with benefit when indicated. Remedies so prepared un- ucr tno supervision or 60 famous a physician as Dr. Miles may be safely recommended to one's friends with the assurance they will be benefited. Mrs. Clinton Randall of Ellicottville N. Y., says of Dr. Miles' Nervine: "I had suffered for two years from extreme nervousness and sleeplessness. With a very poor appetite and miser able general health, it was impossible to got a good night's rest and the days passed in weariness and unrest. My limbs and arms would twitch and jerk and I seemed to be loosing control of both body and mind. I tried a great many prescriptions and remedies with out relief until I began takintr Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. It made me another person entirely; my appe tite is good, 1 sleep as soundly as any one, and I believe it tho best remedy n existence. Its effect on the nervous system is marvelous and lasting. With plcasuro I recommend Dr. Miles' Ite- etorativo Ncrvino for the good it has done me and 1 know it will do others." Til Milac9 Natrium Restores 11 e 1I111WO IMHllWi Heahh. aiu: YOU r.OING SOUTH? T1IK SOUTIIKltN IlAir.WAV HKACIIE3 ALL 1'ItOMINK.NT TOINTS. Don't start South without consulting John M. lleall, District llissenvor Agent, Southern Railway, 02S Chestnut street, I'hiladelplita If you canuot call iu person, write to him. Ono Minuto Couch Curo surmises people by its quick cures and children may uiko it in largo quantities without the least danger. It has won for itself tho best reputation of any preparation used to-day for colds, croup, tickling in tho throat or obstinate coughs. C. 11. Hagcnbuch. DR.THEEL69H4jo.jutjSt. tsr' CURE GUARANTEED."- Neltntii!', Nieclitl J)luuet Van Icocelc, Mti'lutiire. No Cnttlnur. Ninikll Untifvelupfcu tirtraii v J,oi -"Att'ra BLOOD POISON In nil ciuck. Frenh cuiei curctl In. -1 'tfilOiliivN, Seiidiucts. b (amps for Jik ,'IVtitli.,rnnvtrueint(Heiil hnolf Ilinoslncf Quucka &fako lunu uteMUclr tricks & ecticiaca ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND Jain'Jfile THERE IS NO KIND OF PAIN OR 1 ACHE. INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL. 1 THAT PAIN-KILLER WILL NOT RE- I LI EVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE QENUINC BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS &. SON. DO NOT DESPAIR I llo Not NuRer 1. miner! Tho Joy&uud uiulililons el lllu cau to restored to yuu. Tim very norstcasesof Nervous Debllt tv nro absolutely cured liy iMUtn.trro 'i'aiu.i:tn. (live prompt relief to liibouinia, ftilHiiir memory and thonufcte 9 nnd drain of vital Kier.lncur- red py inuiscreiionsuru. -".- or early cars Impart vtBor andpotoncy to caery function. l!racouptho?ystcm. Ulvo llfm wool" w " nueoks and lu.tre to the "IP A eyes of Tomw oro'il. Uiiewm ikix renewsff-w b I'm?' ;.v;,:', leu.l cure or money refniid-WaRed. Ca u Iw carrieo invekipocnev , mailed In plain wrupporon recelptol price "j 'i'lilS "KllrHWO CO. Caxtoii UWg. Ciitcago.ltl. for sale In Hlicnandoali by Shenandoah Drug More una uruuier uros. R BATON'S TANSY PILLS A nun. Tr IKDlArK WOMAN'S RELIEF. AlwivinromMsnil rrlUbls. Arol liMtatumM. On (Ui.iK'i tiii Tills ind sivssiassis. STAIi1.hi. alnrta.nr knl .Uriel ftlll. TrlCt. tl. CaToi 8rso. Co.. UoitoB. fttsift. Our book, . For Bale at Ktrlln't drug store and Bheasado drug etor (Jjlol.inted Fmoai )'iirdein neior fall "li'ill"! luilta .lu.1.1. Wil .ti. .l lir..m..l lhlll Sl.ll iiltifr Ilk sulesninureisner ii 111 "iS.illst sy, lVwtDH,fkU. MAKE PE R. MILES' NERVINE is with out question the best remedy for LaGrlppo and its after cf LaGrippc affects the nerves Dr. Miles' Nervine acts di on tho nerves. LaGrippc ex fects. direct. rectly hausts the vitality and destroys the the nerve tissue, deadening the senses and weakening the entire system. Dr. Miles' Nervine builds up and replen ishes the nerve tissues, restores vital ity, strengthens the system and Im bues the mental faculties with new life, energy and vigor. LaGrippc, like a cold, attacks tho weakest of the or gans, for the reason that the nerves controlling that organ aro weakened. Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens the diseased and weakened organs. Miss Cordelia Smith of Versailcs, Ky., writes: "In 1800 I had several at tacks of LaGrippc which left mo pros trated with nervousness. The pros tration was particularly severe and painful from the fact that I had suf fered from a weak back and nervous attacks all my life. On the recom mendation of our druggists, Messrs. E. D. Scrogin & Co., I used Dr. Miles Nervine and it restored me' to health, not only did I recover from LaGrippc, but from my life long troubles and I am now in better health than over." Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all druggists under a positivo guarantee that the first bottle will benefit or the money will be refunded. Hook on the Heart and Nerves sent free by the Drt Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. THE PHILADELPHIA TiriES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. Durlnc 1808 TIIR TTMUS will not only maintain the UIkIi ntumlaril nt excellence It readied the patt year, lint will uteailfaitly enileavor to excel ItH own lient record, and will not swerve from Uh wet purpose to make THE TIMES THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF TUB COUNTRY AMD THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED rillNTIKU ALL THE NEWS OK ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME No Journal In more extenidvely circulated or has a wider circle of readers In l'eniinylvula than THE PHILADELPHIA TinES WHY ? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one TERMS DAILY. S3.00 per annum ; 23 cents per month: delivered liy carriers for 0 cents jkt week. HUNPA.Y KIHTION, 82 larire. handsome liases columiui, eleKuntly Illustrated, beautifully printed In rolors, tiXO per unuuiii; S cents per copy. Ilally und Hun day, &YO0 per aiiiuim ; fiO cents per month. Address all letters to TH EC TIMES, rillLADELruiA. EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No. 13 North Jardln St. D ELIMINATING A CHARACTErf. liow tho Actunl hhootliif; of Stngo VII lain Cliiiuiied the 1'lny. "I)lo, villiilnl" slioutiKl tlio mo nctiro in tho olliniix of tlio 'Midnight Aliirin'' na ho Rjirmifi nt tlio tlirnat of tlio stngc rnsonl, who m on tho point of inurilorliig ills oinplnycr, mid prusretl n rovolver to ills fnco. Thcro wivs n Hush, nntl thcti n louil rpport riintjoilt in tlio OIIIIbsOiioiuHoIibo. Tlio villain snnk to Ills kiioos with ncry oi jmln, nntl n atronin of blood coultl bo noon trickling down his chin Just lis tho cur tain rntiK down. It was n lniiLrnlilccnt effort, and tho iiudicnco cheered nnd np plmided for nn oncoro, but tho curtain wiis not rung up. J leh lml tlio scenes Huoono Kny, tho heavy villain In tho ploy, wns lioldltiR n bin spoiiRO over tlio loft sldo of his face, while Will II. Kverts, who played the part of tho negro, wns quaklm; with four, nnd nctresses in tights unci extremely abbrevi ated dresses run about through tho itress Ing rooms looking for they did not know whnt, but they returned with brushes nnd bottles of face paint, toothbrushes nnd liowls of wnter. Ono cool bonded nctross hail enough presence of mind to bring n broom. Ono of tlio actors called tho pollco surgeon. Kay hnd been shot In tho left sldo of tho fnco with n blnnk cartridge. Tlio paper on tho cartridge had struck him near tho nosu, while tho wholo side of ills faco wns Idled with powder. Atltrst itwns thought tho sight of both eyes had been totally de stroyed, and tho othor members ot thu company wore much alarmed. Kverts did not intend to pull tho trigger when ho did, but In his strugglo with tho "villain" ho accidentally pressed tho trigger while tho liuizzUi of tho rovolver was directly in Kay's fnco. Ucforo tho ambulance nnd surgeon nrrlved nt tlio theater it was found tliut neither oyo hnd been seriously In jured, although tlicro wero several powder uinrks on tho left eyobnll. Tho audience did not know but that tho agony of tho wounded man as ho fell on tho stago floor was a part of tho programnio which Kay was nblo to render very real istic, and, noting this, there was a bustle among tho actors to finish tho fifth act. It was n question as to what should bo dono to cover up tho nbsenco of Kny In that act "He's committed sulcldo after being captured," announced tho director to tho anxious actors gathered about him. "Here's your lines now," ho continued to one of tlio nctorH us ho recited n dra inntlo lino to the effect that the villain had committed suicide and robbed them of their game. Then ho turned to another and gave out another lino, which wns to convey tho surprise of ono of thu villain's enemies. And while Kny was being load ed Into tho nmbulanco to bo taken to po llco headquarters and liavo tho powder picket! from ills faco tlio other actors wero arranging impromptu Hues telling of Ids death by suicide. Although the liftli act wns not oxnetly in keeping with Its sketch ou tho programmes, tho audlonco was nono tho wiser after seeing it. Kansas City Journal. A clever Trick. It certainly looks llko it, hut there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. Wo mean ho can euro himself right away by taking Electric Hit ters. This iiiedicino tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and nervo tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fuintiui; spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re storer the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and bo convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaran teed. Only 50c. a bottle at A. Wasley'sdiug store. lllcyclcft Abroad. In his book, "Going Abroad Some Advlco, " Ilobort Luco frivos somo valuablo hints for hleyelo tourists. Ho(farding tho transportation of wheels, ho says: ' On tho continent the railway compunies treat bicycles llko any other personal baggngo Whore trunks go free, a bioyclo goes freo; whero there is a charge by weight, tho bi cycle Is weighed ; but the cost outs llttlo flguro In Knglnnd trunks go freo, but bicycles do not, tho system of charges bo lng much llko that with us, and there Is complaint of the expenso on bhort jour ncys. It costs 4 or 5 shillings to get tho wheel across tho channel No covering or crating is necessury after you reach Europe, but In sending tho wheel across tho ocean you should crato it Somo com panies Insist on it. Tho charge for taking it over may bo 10 shillings." State ok Ohio, City ok Toluijo, I I.L'cah County FitASK J. t'HKsr.v makea oath Hint lio U the senior partner ot the firm of K. J. Cm:si:v & l'o., ilolnp; htidlncHs In tlio City of Toledo, County ami statu nforeHald, nml that Haiti firm will iav tho sum of ONH HUNllltUI) DOI.LAltS for eueli and every enso of Cutarrh that cannot bo cured liy tho uso j hKAI. V J lull's Cah IIIO USQ OI HALL'S uatahrii L.'UHK. A. W. C1I.KASON, Noturv Public. Catnrrh Cure la taken Internally nnUl" 'ts directly on the blood and mueou4 nurfuceH )f tho syHtcni. Head for testimonials free. r. J. uiir.jM-.i kuu., loieuo, u. Bold by Drupxists. 75c. Married Dally I'or Three Days. A couplo woro married on tho North Sldo last week for tho third tlmo within threa days, and it liuppcned tills way: Invitations had been Issued for an up to dato wedding, with a reception to follow. Tho young people, to bo sure they muda no mistakes ou tho oil Important night, decided to huvo a detailed rehearsal two days boforehand. Incidentally tho groom to bo secured tho marrlago llconso, so as to havo ull things in good tlmo. A minister who was not ovcrwlso wns sent for, and at tho request of tho couplo went through tho whole oeromony with thorn. Tho young man solemnly promised to tnko "honor, lovo nnd obey." To be doubly sure that no mistakes should occur tho coivuiony was rehearsed again in tho same wuy tho following ovon lng. When tho few friends had doparted, n thought flashod through tha lulud ot tlio bride to be. "Mother," sho exclaimed, "I don't too why I um not as much married now us I evor will bo." Tho mother was ngliust at such a sug gestion, but tho father and tho neighbors wero consulted, and all decided that tho couplo wero ut that stngo married not only onco, but twice. Tho wedding, however, was solomnlzed as intended, and tlio llttlo god ot lovo rests happily over tho homo of tho lovers, who aro moro contented, It anything, because thoy nro, It Is thought, thrlco bound to gethor. Chicago Journal. For broken surfaces, sores. Insect bites. burns, skin diseases and especially lilies there is ono reiiatno remedy, uowitt'g witch lluzot &ilvo. Whon you call for DoWltt's don't accent counterfeits or frauds. You will not be disappointed with DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo. U, II, Hagoubuch. Coining Kveuts. Aug, 23. Phonograph entertainment iu tho Primitive Methodist ehurcli, inidor tho auspices of the ladles' Aid Society and Sunday school. Give the Children a Drink called Qraln-O. It is a delicious, appotliug, nourishing food driuk to take tho place of entree. Sold by all grocers aud liked by all who have usod it becauso when nrouorly prepared it tastes like tho finest colic hut is freo from all Its Injurious properties. Gram. Oaids digestion and strengthens tho nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, ran driuk It with great lieiictlt. Costs almiit 4 as much in cotleo. 15 and 35c, "O0LD DUST." MS C -Jff. tV-v Grimy fnicer marks SL'.-m to L'roio on nbout tlic house they stick, too unless It makes all UwibU Till! rf. IC FMUHAN1C COMPANY, WQ1C1MT'. - Huston. WHtu IN DOUBT, THY STRONG vigor to iht whole being. All drains Malted sealed. Price ft per box: 6 boxes, money.fs.oo. Seud lor free book. For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drufr "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKl SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH Jk (Lara uiiii fiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiitiiiiiimmiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiMUimiiiMimiititiiv rj:A r "f piogswieivo nml Keep .nrornieil ''XX C?iT5- ' a lut wonu'8 rrogress. tho well in- " (f'M l,r f fnrmetl nnd thrifty House-wife wW n Bnraius, WSrly WtfT g t.epired B FOB, SALE BVBRTV7HBBB. 5 Si fro n I ill I Ittlill I Mil 1 1 1 1 iruerii I II 1 1 ll n imimiiMcamusiuuiliiiiiiiiiiimrnitiiis MVEHAVE tut hva hoU dir ct t tha cdd turner for 25 years at whole tule prices, flf injt dealer a pioots wboro for eximimtion US itrles of Vibidet, as itrle of Htmii. Tonlimnri. tSU to 170. ! Phantom. Tfltl. o.a.-a .(! t 11 11 ettel, flpnag-i:oa w&stobi. Bind for A ft GtrriT Biratii. rrte, 111.00, a, n4 Ki ulli far IIS. Otftlcfut f all oar ixjm iKIIART CABBIAOE A WD ULUXLbS MFG. CO. durinj; iSi)8 will present to its readers a faithful pictorial repre ezmatitm of the wurld's 01021 mtt.. uiir and inipariant news i" " " " THE NEWS THAT National and InleroTnt w national Politics " Social and Economic hv Ii . 9Ue.S,,l0,1-S . , i"l Hi nud.1. t i Ii- ,. Industrial Enterprise! Mideiii in di. KI ,ilik r..i Art and Liteiaturo tho story ol the gnat gold d LONG SERIALS AND Two1onKlcrialswillapr.lrdurInKllie VVj-r year, contrilmtcd ! ti..r-. .,t inter- TI. 'mm , , r'm IIHtniTS national lame, and will bt. illustrated. iv WA.k Hl ' i Owen Wister JTlnse anil a score of equally pr-inn ic-it Howard Pile iwriurs will contribute Imrt l',ni tu tne lohn Kendrlck Bangs JWi hki m 1 8jS. male me tin paper c.,c Mary E. WitklnS ciallyrHliinfictioii ( lilnrli-aturesan; the DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES THIS BUSY WORLD FOREIGN NOTES Br E s 3 ifcwv Cs liinirvt y high, ill LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR SPORT j!f.ir.xon iniim BfCAXPASU tinker A SPORTING PILGRIMAGE AROUND THE WORLD Tn the Interest of the WV.nk-i v.Caspar Whitney is on hi w a' arwn the world, lie will visit Stain in seart-h of hit; game, n.ikiLr hi principal hunt from Ilangkok i f e will t tsit India and then pr- ced to turope to prepare articles on the snorts of Gernrany and trance. IOC, a Ci?ty send for free prospeituiu Subscription Vv a year Voltage free tn the United SUiteM,Canaaatant Mexico AiMri'tii UAItl'HIt 4 llltu I lti:itS, I'silsllkLcrir, Xew Yoik('It) CaspVl luuicj W. n. Howolli A lrumuus Jollrnullstlu "Ueut." Ixird Mnyo, viceroy of India, had boon assassinated lu 1872 Tho situation wns critical, und tliero wns oxtremo interest to know who wns to bo Lord Mnyo's suocos sor. Mr. flladstono wns then primo min ister, und tt wns nover ensy to conjecture what Mr. Gladstone might do, especially whero u personal question had to bo taken into account, Judgment of men not being Mr. Gladstone's strong point. Mr. Delano wns n great diner out That was ono way In which ha onino into contact with life, and In London thero nro few bettor ways for tho purposo of goncral politics, and especially of high politic lie mot at dinner Sir William Gull, thon the leuding physician of London. Thero was a discussion ut table upon the effect of ollmuto on constitutions. "My tho woy," said Sir William, "Lord Northbrook was asking mo today whether l thought tho cliiuato of India would suit him." The subjoot dropped no mora was said. Mr. Delano drovo straight to Tlio Timos oQloo, and Tho Times next morning announced that Lord Northhrook hnd been appointed viceroy of India Ills solo authority wus this casual remark ut dinner. George W. Siuullcy iu Harper's Mngazlno. What Dr. A. H. Slater S.y. llui'TAl.0, N. Y. (louts : From my per soual kuuwlcdge, gained iu oboorvlng tho effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases of ad vanced Consumption. I um prepaied to say it is the most remarkable Itouicdy that has over been brought to my attention, It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by I'. I). Kirliu, and a guarantee There nro no fower thuii ill rieuttlsh so olotles iu London, of which la aro dis tinctly highland either in their constitu tion or ns associated with highland coun ties. Before n Chluuuinu can quit Australia iio is compelled to register and leave his photograpli. Moro than twenty million free samples of DoWltt's Witch Haiel Salvo havo been dis tributed by thu manufacturers. What bettor proof of their coufhU'iK'O In its merits do you Yiaut? It cures piles, hums, solids, sores, iu the shortest spuco of tlmo. U, II. lluuenbuch. Buy Keystone flour. Ho sure that tho name LKSfiKi & IUkk, Ashland, l'a., U printed on ovory sack, oold nns r the Tvoodv.ork They come i.i-ily and you get rid of them with Powder, cleaning easy. l.'JUI'l. ivw ruuaucipiuu. 1 1 , i a. . 1 I f jr , u kI h v i. ,i tt iind of c.i I "ii . ,-,t i r such ,1 1Kb itt . , t 'I '?Hi' Sli'ipte5S n - -ti i V.Ti'iocrlc.Atrophy.&C 1 Ik y ckdr the br.nn, st re net hen tlm cin ulatton, make digestion nirrit. nnd Immrt a health and losses arc checked permanently. Unless patients with tron-cU'i lrg.il guarantee to cure or refund th Address, PLAL MEDlClfiE CO., Cleveland, 0.'' Store, Shenandoah, Pa. S7?i fj iKAIINKUW UINlMtilNi 6 Bruises, Cramps, RheumatiCT. i P'le IS et. "d 50 di. Bf bortuB " kf H. J. HACKEH ctj.. fhllantt.la n HO AGENTS oW'M mm tu ouip ioy Pa rrisv. Vt'ftCOD vrav vmw nd Milk Urxfl. fret M sVM Hart c v Frias. with tortkici, timpi, W. B JPRATT, ie-, KUiliAJiT, WI, BECOMES HISTORY ivn-illr me to pan tti and SHORT STORIES CUKES No. 1 Fever, Congestion. No. 2 Worms. No. 3 Infants' Diseases. No. 4 Diarrhea. No. 7 Coufjhs & Colds. No. O Headache. No. lO Dyspepsia, Indigestion. No. 1 1 Delayed Periods. No. 1 2 Leuchorrea. No. 10 Croup. No. 14 Skin Diseases. No. IB Rheumatism. No. 10 Catarrh. No. 27 Kidney DlseoeeK. No. 34 Sora Throat. No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever. Dr, Humphreys' Homeopathic Manual of Diseases at our Druxirists or Mailed lTeo. Sold by drucdsts. or sent on receipt of SBcK, SfV'ta or $1. Humphreys' Mod. c ,i'or. William aud John Sis., ?v'iv York. i'illi GREATEST mi Ot THIS AGE I Should Lo in Eyory Henia and Library. me People's 6le History Kiluor II. II.lHu. I.l)..'lulU tiiinyiii).Honiervllla.'Miua.i V ftii.,turl.,.rv I. . If..- Uy. irsnW tt Ounsaulw, 11. U. Armour Institute, phlonun, 1 11., Hor (li.iiraa F. 1'untnco.t. 11.11., Mnrils. hono rrosb) lerlim (lliurch. London, linii.i Kt. It. H. MacArlliur. II II.. Onlary llautbt llhurcli. New York .u,i,lu.i Jipore, 1.1..11.. rue t iiris- llua (tomiupunUli,n London, Lng.i Itey, J'dwar.1 KTuratt .llule, 11.11.. fiuutU (.onFrepatlnnal Church. 1 iMton, Ma.i ltev Jm.euh Asar ileet, 1) U., Wesleran IVilloca, llUhmou.l, Eim.i ltev. Tanpar Itene Ureuory, llmltl University. Lelrila, Oermanr, Uv. lm. tUeaver Wilkinson, 1)1) , llultf milr of rhtcaKO. tlhl. tobo. lll.i Hev H.onnol Hart, I 1)., 'Irtnitr OoIIobi.. llarlfnrd.On Ui .1 Monroaihon,U.I)..rlt.,loliu,a oo,l l'ro, ? Uliurch. London, Kne.i Ilei. Ueorea ".'!"?"' '-r . the Teun.lt). Iloston, Mass. 1011 UK llillios. -9 oaaee, 61 fultpaea llluslta lions, gilt edcea, clolli. fl.W. halt leisnt. JVUJi lull levant, ti.lt). Ulilllll kl)ITI0.-l,?rt) pajon, 2U0 full-rsgo Uln.tra. tlona. Btrle Asllt udxe-. lull levant, oss volume, IliK). Htile ll-two vnluinlw. f uli hunt, tutted, UlOUi lu 19 PAHTH, quarto slse, review quartlons to each, still aner coveni, Bevred. trln tued sIMittr, each aiL For ea. at all hootlhtoros and Itjr boosse) len. V'nr furlher Information, writ IIKNIIY O. HlIHl'AKII. rublUUiui ya4 y I Hvai C'UVV OWoiiio. llliuoU, .u, AvfiJ C ul -i. Hurz d v 5 V. R. St -ki n Ii, ,r ' ; t V is wrltWn or Illuut lion. Wllllom Kart Olsdstone, Ki-l'r;mlor of (Ireot Hrlllnn iinrt Irulnnil, rhrttur. fist., ltv A, II Baioc (J'li mi's I'olleu. OilorJ. Kuc.i Itey. Huniuxl lm OnrUiw. U. I).. C'hicjiao Thiloilc( Hcinlnurr, ( bicauo. III., Ue. I lJr(oV Furrr. ft. II.. .It.M.. IImiiu nl ilMiitnrl,,,. s V