EVENING HERALD KSTAIILISIII'.I) 1870. Published overy Evening, Kxcept Sunday, at Hnirrn .lAnms Stri-ft, Kpah Oesthe. Tl.-'Ie- ' ' " uulnati and the nitiui i .tt i .li a week, y- ablo the carriers, lly mail W.00 a yenr, or 23 rent a month, payablo In advance. dvertlso merits charged according to space and position. Tift publishers reTT0 tbo right to change the position o( advertisements whenever the pub l!iiHloi of nnwB demands It. Tho right If reserved to ujeetanjr advertisement, whether potd tor or not, last tho publishers may deem 'opropor. Advertising rates made known upon application. , , , Entered at tho postoQlce at Shenandoah, l'a., as second class mall matter. TKLKl'IIONK CONNECTION 'All the News That'Tni to Print." Evening Herald MONDAY. AlUtsT S3. 1SHS. VAP OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. Shenandoah's Water Supply. The question of iuuruiihed ivutor supply, in no far as it relates to tho borough vutir works, liitsbciMi a sul juct of much ilihcusslon for tho past two or three years, both by tho mem bers of tho Horoti);h Cotinuil ami tho people of Sheimmloah nenerully. The latter, booauo of the inadequate supply during tlie season of drouths, have experienced much inconvenience and no little annoyance, resulting in many consumers changing their con nections from the borough to the old water company lino. The Borough Council has wrestled witli the question periodically for the past three years, and during that time several propositions have boon submitted by tho members of that august bodv. At the last regular meeting of Council, however, definite action was taUen when tho water committee submitted a recommenda tion for the erection of a "storage reservoir at the pumping station. with a capacity of ;!0,(l0.(MHi gallons of water." This recommendation was adopted by Council with seven nieui bers voting in the unintuitive and four in the negative. The dam is "estimated" to cost 10,000, and the work isto bo done on "force account. the contractor to receive 10 per cent. of tho total cost of construction. The TlKKALl) has published the committee's recommendation in full, v-jether with a detailed report of the proceedings of uoiunsll, and since then the taxpayers generally have commented freely upon the subject. To say that those members of Coun cil who favored the project are being censured is putting it mildly. Tho feeling among the taxpayers gener ally is such that there is eery prob ability that an indignation meeting will be called to protest against what is generally considered a useless ex penditurc of public money. The advocates of the project esti mate the cost of the dam to lie !j10, 000, but past experience in such mat ters justifies tho prediction that the total cost will reach nearer $(5,000 than tlie figures lixed by Chairman Hell, of tlie water committee. Tlie latter gentleman, if tlie proposed reservoir is ever built, will realie that Ill's knowledge in this respect is limited It is true that Shcuaudoult has one of the most valuable water plants in the state, and it is equally true unit iiiiY-we-fi.iisln its maniigomentand a more adequate waterwupply are ab solutely necessary. There are mem bers of Council, however, xvho do not seem to grasp tho situation. The resolutions presented by Councilman James met with little consideration at the hands of the majority, although tho resolutions were based upon a broader plane than those presented by Chairman Hell. When the erection of the borough plant was lifht under consideration the Hkhai.d strongly advocated the purchase of the old plant, not at the figures asked by the old water com pany, but at a reasonable and just appraisement by a disinterested board. Unfortunately for the borough and the old company, the feeling be tween tho two readied such a state that a compromise was out of the question. Since then, however, many of those who labored zealously and without compensation - and some times with abuse-for the success of tho borough plant, now realize that it would have been to the best inter ests of tlie borough to be in control of both plants, combining the pumping facilities of the borough plant with thev.uor Hhed and reservoir facilities of ' the old company. Muny argu ments can be advanced in favor of this proposition, which is in lino with the James resolution presented to Council and which was so iguomini ously 11 red in the waste basket by the majority members of Council. Tho resolution further recites that a com mittee of citizens, In conjunction xvith a similar committee appointed by Council, ascertain tho amount for which tho old plant can be bought or leased, thus placing its lease or pur chase in tile hands of those who mo directly interested and who would necessarily act for the best interests of tho taxpayers. This, of course, did not meet with the views of the men who have combined to push through the project of building a dam, and Head's fthould he hi every family jnedlclUB client and every Fills traveller'! grip. They aro tiivfcluiLbla nhen tlm utiimarli li out of orcWrg cur litadaclio. MlluuinrM, and II llnr UOUblM. MlM fflcltut. cauU. miom STATION KNTS. Throo Womon nollovod of Fomtil TroubloB by Mrs. Plnkhnm. From Mrs. A. W. Smith, f9 Summct St , ltuliloford. Mo.: " Fur several years I suffered with various diseases peculiar to my sex Was troubled with a burning sensation across the Mtin.ll of my back, that nil gone feeling, was despondent, fretful nud discouraged! the least exertion tired me. I tried suvernl doctors but received little benefit. At last I de cidud to give your Lydlti K. I'lnliliiim's Vegetable Compound a trial. The ef fect of the tlrs't bottle was magical. Those symptoms of wenUness that 1 was nlllictod with, vanished like vupor beforo the sun, I cannot speak too highly of your vnlunble remedy. It is truly a boon to woman." From Mrs. Mkmssa I'iiilmp.i, Lex ington, I ml., to Mrs. I'inklinm: 'Huforo I began takingj-ourincdiclnc I hud suffered for two years with that tired feeling, headache, backnche, no ap petite, and a run-down condition of the BVstem. I could not walk ncross tho room. I have taken four bottles of the Vegetnblo Compound, one box of Liver Pills and used one package of Sanatlvu Wash, and now feel like a new woman, and inn able to do my work." From Mrs. Molmi: E. Iluitnni., Pow ell Station, Teun.: 'Forth rue yours I suffered with such a weakness of the back, I could not perforin my household duties, I nlso I....1 ft,!!.. nt tli. ivm ill, tjii'i'lltli. itnnr. big-down pains nnd headnche. I have taken two bottles of Lydia E. l'ink hutn's Vegetnblo Compound and feel like a new woman. I recommend your medicine to every woman 1 know." xvho are anxious to create snug berths for their friends. And the taxpayers pay the tiddler. The people are certainly indignant over tlie action of Council. Argu ment in favor of the erection of tlie dam is wanting. True it is tlie storage capacity will bo increased, but not one cent of additional rev enue xvill the borough receive for the expenditure of this largo amount of money. There is no guarantee that the reservoir will be sulllcient to tide us over the dry season, and at this particular time the taxpayers are in no humor to sanction so large an expenditure. Tho IIkuald does not propose at this time to enter into an exhaustive discussion of the ques tion, but will do so later on. Our news columns, however, aro open for a discussion along these lines on the part of the taxpayers, who are in- yited to give their views in as short a space as possible. This will serve two purposes. The Councilmeii will thus be enabled togovern themselves in accordance witli the viows of their constituents, and it will, on the other baud, afford those deeply interested in the borough plant an opportunity to give their views as to tlie best and most economical means of improving the plant and increasing the supplj Let there be a full and free discussion. Millions Given Away. T. 1 . ....,.,', w, 1t llm utililtn to know of ono concern in tho land who aio not afraid to ho generous to llio nrcuy aim suuiir inc. Tbo proprietors of Dr. King's New it: I.... n..ei,n,Mtl.,n l?.nl,'1il mid Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles ot tins greai, iucniciiio ; aim navu mo satisfaction of knowing it lias absolutely ciireu luousnuus ui nupuiuo.- ista. Itroncliitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of tho Throat, Chest and Lungs uto surely cured i... : n.,11 ... 1 U'nalnv ItmrmUr find fret a trial bottle free. Regular sic Mc. and fcl. Lvcry bottle guaranteed, or prico refunded. He Couldn't Sen It. Spcitfeliig of money reminds me of a story I rend ajio other day An American In London, tiilfcJinj of an unfortunate per son who had just tiled, quoted Artoiuus Ward's saying, "It woufiMjiivo boon money In his pocket If he'd nover b-n born." The Americans present laughed heart ily, but the Englishmen sat sober as btvls, nml after a moment or two of silence one of them broke out with: "Hut, I say, If bo had nover been born ho wouldn't hno had any pockets, don't you knowf" New Orleans Tlnics-Donio-crat. TO CI.KANSH Till: SYSTOI Effectually yet gently, when costivo or bib lous, to permanently overcome habitual .r.,1eti,.it!r.,v tn fiwnVp.11 tho kldnevs nnd liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening tliem, to dispel neauaencs, colds, or fevers, uso Syrup of Figs, made by tho California Fig Syrup Co. Itees and Trees. Tho value of lieoi to fruit growers can scarcely ho overestimated. Somo years ai?o n place was cncd to a tenant who kept a few colonies of bees. In ouo corner of tho yard was a large and thrifty looking applo tree that always bom an abunilaneo of blossoms, but no fruit. A number of col onlts of bees were placed underneath this tree, and, much to the surprise of tho own er of tho place, tho tree was loaded with extremely fine apples, something that had never occurred beforo within tho memory of tho man who had owned tho placo for 25 years, Tho next season tho boos were distributed under trees that had not been in tho habit of beuring freely. Tho most surprising results followed, the trees liclng full of vory tine specimens of fruit. If the blossoms on nn applo, plum or pear treo aro covered up anil the bees nro kept away from them until tho blossoming season is past, there will ho no fruit. This has been tested again and uuall). Now York led ger. The First Uso of Field Muile. Gustavo Kohbo writes an article, on "The Trumpet in Camp and Uattlo" for Tho Century. Mr. Kobbosays: Tho first use of Held music of which wo have absolutely authentic Information was at thu battle of Ikiuvlues, that vlllago of French Flanders where the French have won no fewer than thrco victories I'liilip Augustus defeating Otto IV of Germany there In 1214, I'liilip or Valois defeating the English there in 13)0, while in 17U1 the French defeated the Austrlans at tlio same place. It was at Homines in ll'll that trumpets sounded the blgnal for tlio victorious" French charge, tho tlrst autlicn tlo Instance of a command given by a trumpet call. Lake Sullen Good Seutuell. It is said that lake sailors make thu best seamen. A sailor may cross thu Atlantlo without dangcrof running into an Isiuntt, and ho may hardly see more than two or throo ships during tlio entire voyage, hut on tho lakes it Is just thu other way Tho lnko sailor therefore becomes more alert, watchful and careful A WILD bTUDfNT'b Lift lllsiniirck's 1 tirliii1. il t ICOMcm-o While lit lottlli(;n. During ills student, days at Ootthigcii Msmnrck was one of tho wildest of the wild. lie dmnk and fought and roistered, nud he smoKwl Incesaantly. Still ho was not nn idle stiuhnt. Thanks to his iron constitution, he was able, with nil his dissi pation, to give homo attention to the lec tures. He rose with the lark, for ho had to beat the lecture room before 7 o'clock ill tlio morning to listen to lteercn on history and ethnography. An hour later he gave ear to Wcudt on logic nnd metaphysics. After that came an hour with a fencing mnsti r, and then Hugo on jurisprudence and Goschcn on some other Intricate topic Dinner followed, mid then mathematics un der Thlbnut. An hour or two of hard rend ing concluded the work of the day, ami then came play and such play! Tho recreations of the Gottlngen stu denUt In those days wero not gentle. Duels wcro frequent, anil the college fraternities wero in fact little elso than drinking and duelling societies. Illsmarck in his second term was the leading member of the Ihui novera, tho lending fraternity of thu time in Gottlngen, though It mny bo sold to Ids ctcdit that hit sagacity and ncuteness had as much to do with his leadership (us his capacity as a drinker and his power as a swordsmnn. It Is stated that he fought at lcn.tIJ0 duels, though theroare detailed records of only four. One of them, singularly enough, was with Windthorst, who, hi tho stormy days of lilsmarck's power as a politician, was one of his strongest opponents. Ap parently the authorities did not learn of any of Bismarck's contests, for, though tho ofllcial records show that he was punished four times, none of these punishments was for fighting. His first punishment was for ofllciatlng in a secondary capacity In a duel between an Englishman named Knight nud a cer tain Ilaron von Gniliow. There had been trouble between these two at a ball, and n fight with pistols was arranged for tlio fol low ing morning, llismnrck seconded Gra bow. Tho two principals arrived on tho ground in tho most bloodthirsty temper, nnd Bismarck with tlie greatest difflculty persuaded them to substitute 12 paces for tho three on which they had already deter mined. When he came totako tho measure, how ever, ho cunningly lengthened, the 12 into 14, and the result was that no one was In jured. For his part In this alfuir tho rector sentenced Blniarck to solitary confinement for 10 days. Tho old council house hi which ho wns Incarcerated Is no longer! u cxisO ence, but the door of his cell, on which ho carved his name with his penknife, has happily been preserved. Tho English stu dents Knight and Wright, his second in this duel, were incorrigible revelers, nnd together with Bismarck nnd John Lothrop Motley, tho noted historian of later days, wcro responsible for half tho mischief per petratcd by tho Gottingen students. You Invito disannointuient when you ex perhnont. DoWitt's Little Early ltisers aro nlcasaut. easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. u. n. liagcnmicit. TO BIRMINGHAM AND MEMPHIS. USStir.l'ASSKl) SERVICE OFrKItT.l) BY THE SOUTHERN IUII.WAY. Leaving llroad Street station, Philadelphia, at (1:53 p. m. daily, tho "Southwestern Limited," carrying a dining car and tho most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep ing cars, reaches hirniinghan tho following night at 10:10 and arrives nt Memphis tho noxt morningat 7:10. Through sleeping cars for Ashcvillo, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aro also attached to tills train. Pullman reser vations cm ho made in advance and all in formation obtained by communicating with John M. heal, District Passenger Agent, 82 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Til i:l(iiiiors "HunUU." The wild dog, uninfluenced atoll by socintlon with mnn, is typical of nothing hut tho wolf, nnd In tho clrcumpolar Ico ho is found in numbers roving ovor tho flolda of snow and ico, frequently In com pany with tho wolves Tho Eskimos have taken tholr wild creatures and by a rudo process of selection and training thoy hava developed tho "husklo," a colloquial ab breviation of the word Eskimo. Thoso animals represent a typo of dog but little removod from tho wolf hardy, vicious, swift of foot nnd keen of eye. Thoy hnvo been trained to haul slodgo loads of goods across tlio snow and Ico, and this comes au natural to them now as for u pointer to point. They possess tho blood of tho wolf, howovor, In their voins tho taint of the Jncknl. At the first opportunity thoy will run away and join tho wild dogs and do tftrlorato rapidly in their company. Qoorgo K. Walsh lu North American lie View Eczema!. The Only Cure. Eczema is more than n skin disease, and no skin remedies can euro it. Tlio doctors nro tinnblo to effect n cure, and their mineral mixtures are dnmnging to tlio most powerful constitution, TJio whole trouble is In tho blood, and Swift's Specific is tho only remedy which can reach.euchdecp-sented blood diseases. Kczoma broke out on my daughter, and aon- tlnued to spread until her head was entirely covered. Sliowns treated by several good doctors, hut grew worse, and tho dreadful disease spread tn liftr ffifft. Hhn w A ft taken to two celebrated Jfc, l.Anltt jn,ln, l.nt r. UV eelved no benefit. Many lSfc2&i0&i patent medlelnea were taken, but without re sult, until wo decided to try 8. 8. S., and by the time the flrst bottle was finished, her head be gan to heal. A dozen bottles curod her com- filetely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She now sixteen years old, and lias a magnificent growth ot hair. Not a sign ot the dreadful disease has over returned. It.T. BlIORE. 701 Lucas Ave,, St. Louis, Mo. Don't expect locnl applications of soaps and salvos to euro hczemn. They reach only tho surfneo, whilo tho dl seaso comes from within. Swift's Specific is tho only euro and will roucli tho most obstinate ease. It is far ahead of all similar remedies, becmiBo it "cures ensos which aro beyond tholr reach. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, and is tho only blood remedy gunrnnteed to contain no pot ash, moriuiry or othor mineral. Hooks mulled free by Swift Sjiecifio Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Kopam irvJjyout RUPTURE If you woar tho CHAMPION TRUSS. tULulelDhU Trusi Co.. 610 Locuit St. Pft MSir4 S.S.S.rTeB!ood niyiifciuli Viiiinilini llf lni-liilK-li-il (Inn ililng. Ill the tuur. or a ledum-, trial, Involv lug the posrti i hIoh of a slock of goods, a man who hud fuimerly been ouiployetlas a traveling salesman was testifying. "Do you moan to sny. sir," akod tho attorney for the plaintiff, "that you can't remember what you carried In your vallso on tho trip In question?" "I didn't say I couldn't remember," re plied the witness. "I said that at this late day It was impossible for mo to recollect everything I carried on that particular trip." "Don't evade tho question, slrl" thuii ilrred tho attorney. "I want to know what was tn that vnlliol" "Samples." "Samples of what? Mention some par ticular thing." "Well," said tho witness after rellcctlng a moment, "I remember 1 had a sample of a rather inferior hair dye, about tho sort, I Judgo, that you liavo on your whis kers, sir." "You mny stand nslde," gruflly said tho lawyeraftertlie noise In tlie courtroom had subsided. Exchnngo When tho lloiin.i Tubes it llitnd. Sometimes tho criticism of tho house takes tho form of nudiblo roinnrks ad dressed by one member of the audience tc another. Cole, In his "Life of Charles Kean," relates that on tlio first night of a now play by Sheridan Knowles nt tho Wn terford theater a heavy explanatory sceno was "dragging its slow length along" be tween two still heavier aclors who had no effects to produce and wero unable to elicit them if they had. The audience wcro evi dently tired, though patient from respect to tholr countryman, the author, and now and then relieved themselves by an ex pressive yawn. There happened to bo a momentary pauso, when a ieo from tho audience called out in correct parliamen tary cadence, "1 move that this debate ho adjourned to this day six months." This Sally woko up the house and prewired them to enjoy tho more telling fcuiios which wcro about to folluw. C-jhlll Magazine. Truth wears well, l'cuplo liavo learned that DoWitt's Little Early KUers are reliable littlo pills for regulating tlio bowels, curing constipation and sick headache. They don't gripe. C. II. llageiibueh. Fixe ncres of land nt Charing Cross, now owned by tho Mnrquls of Salisbury, were bought 2fi0 years ago by his ancestors for gr.izing purposes at a ground rent of ten shillings an aero for COO years. A south sen Islander greets a friend by flinging a jar of water over his head. When you call lor DeWitt's Witch llazol Salvo tho great pile cure, don't accept any thing cKo. Don't bo talked into nrncpting a siibstitule, for piles, for sores, for bums. C. II. Ilagcnliuch. Caiitnlli Kldd'a l'lrntlcal Hoard. In "Tho Buccaneers nnd Pirates of Our Coast," in St. Nlcholns, Mr. Frank U. Stockton brings his serial to n closo with nn account of Captain Kldd After tell ing of his crulso to Madagascar and Ills Inability to land his rich booty in Now York, Mr. Stockton says: About this tlmo occurred an Incident which has given rise to all tho stories re garding tho burled treasure of Captain Kldd. Tho dlsturbod nud anxious plrato concluded that it was a dangerous thing to keep so much valuablo treasure on board his vessel, which might nt any tlmo bo overhauled by tho authorities, and ho therefore landed nt Gardiner's lslnnd on tho Long Island coast and obtained per mission from the proprietor to bury some of his superfluous stores upon his cstato. This was a straightforward transaction. Mr. Gardlnor know all about tho burial ot tho treasure, anil when It as nftorward proved that Kldd was really a plrato all tho hidden booty was given up to tho gov ernment. This nppenrs to bo tho only enso In which It was positively known that Kldd hurled treasure on our coast, and It has given rlso to all tho stories of thu kind which huvo ever been told. Stop That Cough I Tako warning. It may- load to Consumption. A 23c bottle of Sliiloh'f Cure may savo your life. Sold by l. D, KIrlin and a guarantee Special Nlne-Djiy t:riirslon. For tho benefit of thoso desiring to visit tho great Ocean Grovo Gump Meeting, tho Pennsylvania l'ailroad Company will, on August 21, sell excursion tickets to Ocean Grovo, Asbury Park, or Long branch from stations named below at tlio very low rates quoted. These tickets will bo good for passage to Philadelphia on train indicated, thcuco on regular trains leaving llroad street station at 11:39 a. m 3:30 and . 1:03 p. in. that day to destination': Train Lea CB. Shenanilrah Leave 0.05 a. m. Frackvllle 0 111 St 'ialr u.M " I'ottavllle W " Hchuylklll Jlitvcn 7:01 " Hate, S l.dO a.w, a.ivs :i.w 3-10 Tickets will bo good for return passage nn regular trains until September 1, inclusive, and will permit of stop-oil' at Philadelphia within limit. ' "I had a running, itcliiBb soro on my leg. Suffered tortures. Doan's Ointment took away tho burning nud Itching instantly nud quickly effected permanent euro." C. W. Lcnhart, Howling Green, O. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS Is duo not only to tho originality and simplicity of tho combination, but also to tho caro and skill with which it Is manufactured by sciontifia processes known to tho Oamfoiinia Fia Srnui' Co. only, nnd wo wish to impress upon all tho importance of purchasing- tho true nnd original remedy. As tho genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by tlio Camfohnia Fio Svitup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist ono in avoiding tho worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high btuudiug of tho Cam fohnia Via Svitui' Co, with tho medi cal profession, nnd tlio satisfaction which tlio genuine Syrup of Figs hns given to millions of families', makes tho name of tho Compnny it gnuranty of tho excellent of Its remedy. It is fur in lulvnneo of all other luxutlviw, us It acts on tlio kidnoys, liver and IkiwcIs without Irritating or weaken I n If them, and it does not gripu nor nauscato. In order to gofc its beneficial oifocts, plcnso remember- the name of tho Compuny CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. HAN FltANCISIJO, (lut I.UHISVII.I.K, By. fll'.ty VOItlf, ft. y. Ne!mita!li Mke the (lame on thefotgc that looked firelcst and dark Jite the bellows-draft quickened the amouldcrlng unark- fio life H a f park; and life U a fire! And life li n flame rllug higher nnd higher. One free breath of nnture ere hope dies In men, And the rnt-fatllng embers wilt wakeu ngalu, Thountids of people die of wasting weak ening diseases every year who by all rules of nature and reason ought to be restored to health and strength. The medicines they receive from the average doctor ac cording to regulation, stereotyped practice nre mere temporary palliatives; they do not teach down deep into the vital organism where the spark of life lies dormant wait ing to be awakened. In numberless cates where every other remedy absolutely fails Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DNcovery breathes its strong vi talizing power upon the shuuberinjr forces of life and wakens them into active energy. It qulckeivslhe digestive and blood-making glands and empowers them to supply fresh rich nouilshinent to nil the organs and tie. sues; imbues the heart and lungs with vi tality; destroying nnd excreting naturally from the system the bile-poisoned dregs which lurk in the circulation, thus building up new constitutional vigor and activity. ' I took n severe cold which settled on my lungsaud chest, nnd IsuflTcred intensely." writes Mr. Hnrrison Smith, of Gapcreck, Ky. "I tried s.evcrnl of our best physicians, nnd they gave up nil hope of mv recovery; they said X haa consumption nnd could not live more than n few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery nud am sound nnd well to day. I feel better thnn I have In leu vesrs " TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And I'iowcrH, the Hand of America, Citll-fui-iihi. Via tho true pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain Itoulc," which traverses a region of perpetual suindiiuc, where snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes aro unknown, Pullman first and second class palaco nnd tourist sleeping cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and N'ew Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, uilhout change Quick time, low rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chaso tickets via the .Missouri Pacific railway system, l'or rates right from your home, literature, nud full information, dropnpostal card, ,1. P. MiOann, T. P. Agent, Mil Kail load avenue, LMmim, N. Y., or 301 Broad way, Now York. 3-1-tf W. 12. Hovt. G. 12 P. Ast. A Few Pointers. The tecent statistics of tlie number o deaths show that hc large majority die willi consumption. This disease mny commence with an apparently harmless cough which can be cured instantly by Kemp's llalsam for the Throat and I.ungs, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. Price 25 an Soc Sold by all druggists r"ask for a free sample to day. Tim South nml Its Ailvautiiges. Tho Southern Hallway has issued for freo distribution, a sixteen page journal des criptive of Virginia, North and South Caro lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Persons seeking now locations, or capitalists desiring to mako safe, a ml profit able investments will find tho information contained therein both valuablo ami inter csting. Copies will bo mailed freo upon ap plication to John M. Iicall, District Passen ger Agent, 82S Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo has tho largest salo of any salvo in the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest pooplo to nt tcmpt to counterfeit it. Look nut for tho man who attempts to deceive you when you call fur DoWitt's Witch Ha.lo Salvo, thu gi cat pile euro. (!. II. Ilngcnhiich. WM. SCKMICKER, JR., Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer r CALL THE STYLISH PATTERN." Af IWic. Fashionable. Original. Perfect Kitting. Prices 10 nnd 15 contd. None hfgner. None better at any price. Some tellable merchant tells them In nearly evety city of town. Ask foe lhem( or they can be had by mall frtuu ji la cither New York of Chicago. Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet tent upon receipt of are cent (o pav postage, v v , x Brightest ladles' oiagatlae published. J invaluable foe tfas home. Fashion of I the day. Home Literature, Household I Hlnt, Fancy Work. Ctirtent Topics, f Fiction, all for only 5ft ,nts a year, In- C eluding a free pattern, ."out own selew J tlon any time Seed two 2-cent stimpf 7 for sample topy. . Addrest & .-rtij.; THD McCALr,$COMPAN-VvVj7 14 vr- Alt. Xt 1 Al xr-.i. i ,v-;'-io wra im uucci, itcwr 7 oik. rlB Fifth Avenue. Chlcapor' riivftt3is;Mit. i.v i 3 MAGAZINEW A Modernln Ambition. A prosperous HorlHt In New Orlontisused to tell to his friends tho folliwlng inci dent of or.su. nl expei-lon- e, wl Ich limy contain a suu estlon for Oihei Amorlcnii fathers nnd suns! - "My fnthor," ho said, "was a shrewd Swiss, n mechanic. Ho died wheh my brother and 1 were lads. Finding fiat, hit health was such as to give promise only of n few months of life, lie said to us out) evening! 1 have hut littlo money to give you, only enough to ediicato you and start you In business In a httmhlo way. Lot me mlvlw) you to becoinu llorlsts or vegetable or beo urowcrs for this reason: 1 forsco that there will bo groat coiiipotttlon In most kinds of business In this country, nnd beennsuof thlscuinpetltlon men work ing for Wages Will ho forced to accept low returns for their work. In thu occupa tions I liavo mentioned you will not need to employ many men, nml you need not necessarily bo employed by any ono. You can, If you nro wise and not eager to get rich, bo comparatively freo and un shackled. " 'Another reason Is tint If you do your work mainly yourselves there nro few temptations tn these employments. You nro not likely to squabble v.ith peilrs or strawbcrrhM or potato, t, and If your principal companions and friends aro hecs and roses they will not tempt you to drink or to gamble.' "I liavo never regretted," said tho man, "that 1 followed his counsel and cIiomi n quiet, obscure career In wliloli thcro aro small profits and a reasonable degree nt Independence. " Youth's Companion. Til Steel Cure. Customer I wish I had as good a head of hair as you liavo. I have tried every thing to remedy my baldness, but with no good results. Watchmaker Have you over tried rub bing your head with steal? Customer Certainly not. That seems to mo ridiculous. Watchmaker Why ridiculous? Isn't It n fact that steel makes tho hnlr spring? Pearson's Weekly. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cats, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhotim, fovcr sores, tottor, chapped hands, chilblains, cornB, and all skin ernptlous, and positively cures pllos, or ao pay required. It la guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 8S emits tnr box. For salo by A. Waaler. SlIMMlUt OUl'INdS. PKIlSoNALLY-CONnUOTKD TOUIt VIA PENN SYLVANIA ItAII.KOAI). Tho Pennsylvania. Itallroad Company an nounces tlio following personally-conducted tours for the sumnior and early autumn of 1S1IS: , To Yellowstone Park and tho Trans- Misslsslppl Imposition 011 a special train of Pullman sleeping, compartment, observation, and dining cars, allowing light days in 'Wonderland" and two days at Omaha, Sep tember 1. Kale, ?233 from Now York, Phil adelphia, Baltimore, and Washington; $230 from Pittsburg. To Vlagar.i Kalis, excursion tickets good to return within ten days will ho sold on .Inly 21, August 4 and 18, September 1, 15 and 2, at rate of $10 from Philadelphia, Ilaltimore, and Washington. Tluse tickets Include transportation only, and will permit of stop over within limit at lliill'alo, I'eelicstur, and Watklnson tho return trip. Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, I.uiay Caverns, Natural Hridgo, Virginia Hot Springs, Itichinond, and Washington, Sep tember 28 and October 19. liato, $115 from New York, $(13 from Philadelphia. Pro portionate lutes from other points. for Itineraries and further information ap ply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W. Itoyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Knc,iiic.s Hum Hard Coal No Smoke IN KFKKVT JUt.Y 1st. 1HJ8. Tralnit leave Rhenandoalt as follows: For New York via Philadelphia, week day 7 30 9 SI a. 111.. 12 27. 3 10 and 6 07 11. 111. For Now York via MbiicIi ChuuK, week days, 7 80 a. 111. ,-12 27 and S 10 1. m. For K-eadllif: and-Philadelphia, weekdays, ou, V ot M.,toiuniiugui l. 111. For l'ottsvlllc, week days, 7 80, HI a. m 12 27, 8 10, 0 07 and T 23 p. m. For Tauiaqua and Mahanoy City, week days 7 art. 0 M a. 111.. 12 27. 8 10 and 0 07 u. m. For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and IwtsburK, week davs. 11 80 a. in.. 12 27. 7 25 111 For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 7 80, 9 51, 11 80 a. Ul 12 27, 8 10, 6 07. 7 25, tl 63 p. tn. For Ashland and Sliamokln, week days, 730, 1180 a. in., 12 27, 8 10,6 07, 723 and 63p. m. For Ilaltimore, Washington and the West via 11. .to. It. It., through trains Reading Terminal, l'hlladelphla, (P. & it. If X.) at 3 20, 7 S3, 11 20 a. 111., 8 10 and 7.27 p. 1 Uundays, 8 20,7 00,1126 a. in., 8 4 and 7 27 p.m. Addl. tlonal train from Twenty-fourth and Chest nut streets station,' week days, 1080 a. m. 12 20. 12 16 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 183, 8 28 p. m. TJiAINH FOH SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via 1'tilladelphls, week days, 12 19, i 80, 8 00, 11 SO a. Dl , nu I 43, 4 80, 'J 00 p.m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week days, 3 40,8 80. 10 21 a. Ul. aud 130, 4 C6 p. 111. lave Heading, week days; 7(J, JO OH, a, m. 12 16,4 17, 600 p.m. Leave l'ottsvllle, week days, 7 10, 7 40 a. in 12 80 4 10. 0. 10 and 6 60 p. in. l.eavo Tatuaqua, week tlays, 8 80, 1123 a. lu., 1 49, 5 66, 7 20 p. in. lxuive Mahanoy City, week days, 9 01, 11 47 a. in., 2 22, 6 12,6 21, 7 44 p. In Leave Mahanoy l'luiiu, week days, 680, 9 23, 10 26, 1189 a. m., 2 41, 6 82, 6 41,7 67, pin. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a. ni.. 12 31 aud 4 00 p. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Cliestnut street watt aud Booth street wharf for Atlantlo City. Weekdays Hxpress, 8 00, 9 00, 10 45 a. tn., (1 80 Saturdays only), 2 00, 3 00, 3 40 CO minute train, 4 00 (05 mluutu trulnj, 4 30, 600 flVl mluuto tralnj, 5 40, 7 00 p. m. Accommodation. 0 15 n. 111., 5 00, 6 30 p. m 81.00 excursion train 7 00 n m. Sundays Kipress, 780, 8 00, H30, V00, 10 00 a m, 4 45 pm. Accommodation, 6 15 a in, 4 45 p. 111. 91.00 excursion train, 7 a in Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues. Weekilays iCipmw, (0 45 Mondays only) T 00, 7 45 LU5 mluuto tralnj, 8 20 163 mluuto train, 9 00, 1013, 1100 a m a 80, 4 30, 9 80, 7 30, 93J p. in. Accommodation, 4 25, 7 60 u. re, 405 p. in. 11.00 uxcundou train (from Mississippi avo, only) OC0 p. in. Sundays Kxprcas, 3 30. 4 00. 6 00, 0 00, 0 30, 7 00, 7 30. H 00, 0 30 p. m, Ao comuimlatlon, 713 a. 111., 0f.5 p, m, J) 00 excursion train (from foal of Miulsslppl uve. only), U 10 p 111. For Capo May and Bea Isle City, 8 45 a. in.. 2 80,4 43 pm. Additional for Cape May 4 15 p.m. Hundays (Jl 00 excursion 7 00 ) 9 13 a uu For Ocean City, 8110,8 45 a 111, 'J SO, 4 43 nig, l81.00exourlonThursduyuuly)7UOtt ui. Sun. daf,815,9l5am. Parlor Oars on all express trains. For further Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia aud Heading Hallway ticket agen or address I, A, Swkioauu, KnaoN J. Wkkks, (leu'l Sunt., (It-n'l lWr Agt., Heading Terminal. I'hllailclplila. nilllons of Dollars Qo tin In smoko ovory year, Tako 11 risks hut got your hbusca, stock, fu nltuto, etc., insured in tlrst-classr liable companies as rourosoulod by DAVIIi FAUST, insurance Agent uAviu rivuoi, 130.Hou, jutuHi Alun I.lleimlAcclilentsl Ootuptules Dr. Miles' Nervine A REMEDY FOIt THE Effects of Tobacco. .ilk THU oxccsslvo uso of tobacco, especially by young men la nltvaya Injurious nnd undoubtedly Bhortcns Ufo materially. Mr. FA. 0. Kbscn, compositor on tho Contra Costa A'cti's, Martinez, CoL, writes! "IJiavo used I)r. Miles' Kestoratlvo Ncrvino tirid re ceived much benoflt from It. I was troubled with norveusncss, dlizy spells and sleepless ness, caused by tho uso ot tobacco anil stim ulants. I took Dr. Miles' Nervino with mar volously cood results, nllaylngthodlralnosa, quieting tho nerves, and enabling mo to sloop and rest, proving In my caso a vory beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' Kestoratlvo Ncrvino is especially adapted to restoring tho nervous systom to Its normal condition under such clrcumstaucos. It Eoothcs.'hoals and strengthens. Dr. Miles' Itcmedlcs aro sold by all drug gists under n positive guarantee, flrst botllo benefits or money re funded, Hook on dis eases of tho heart and ritrl Dr. r.( nuios- . Nervine: . Roctorco . ribuuu nerves free. Address. DK. M1LE3MKDICALUO., Klkhart, Iml. PROFESSIONAL CARDS jj M. 1U1RKK ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Oflleo Rirati linlldlm:. corner of Main an Centre streets, Shenandoah. J II. POM1CKOY, ATT0KNEY -AT-LAW Shenandoah, l'a. pltOK. JOHN .TONUS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 6.1, Mahauoy City, Pa. Havlue studied under some of tho bust nuMtcnt to liOiidon nnd Parts, will give IcsHoim on tho violin. nutmlollu. trultnrnnd vocAlcultiirn. Terms rcusonnblo. Address lu care of MtroUHO, tho jeweler Hhonanttoali. P ennsylvania RAILROAD. SCIItlYKILL DIVISION, July 1, 1896. Trains will leave Shenaiidoau alter tuu uou u dale (or Wlggan, (tllbcrtoii, Frookvllle, tMt waier, l. laalr, I'ollsvllle. llaiunmg, Kt)MUl,.nl 1'ottKtowii. 1'lioeulxvlllo. ttorrlstuwii ud tutU aselphta (linwul street station) at o 06 and 8 15 a. m., 2 02, 0 14 p. 111. oil week Uays. Sundays, 8 13 a. tu., 4 23 p. 111. Trains leave Fruekvlllo for Shenandoah i.t 7 80, 11 till,. 111. and &4I, 7 36 p, u.. Sunday, j 1 ui a. in. auu o -iti ji. iu. lave 1'oltsvlltu lor Shenandoah (via Frack vlllo, 710, 1120 u. tu 5 20, 7 10 p.m. Sunday tu u-j a. 111., o m p. 111, laiavo l'Jiilaueliilita. (llroad street station), tut Shn.tndoali ul A ,13 u. ui., -i lu p. 111. week tlttys. Sundays leau ut 6 60 and 9 23 u. lu. Ijuave llroad Street Station, l'hlludulphta, FOH NKW YOHK. Kxpress.wcek-days. 3 20. 4 Oo. 4 50 5 a.i.5 15.6 M. 7Ua,n2u, 'J t0, 1021 (Dining Cur), JluOu. 11,, I'juuuoon, 12 iw (l.liullcu 1 iu auu t -i p. La, IJiiilng Cats), 1 40, 2 so (l)iuliig liar) 3 20, a ou, 102, 6 00,&&0 (Dining Cur), tiuu, 7 02,7 60 (Dili tug Cur). 10 Uu 11. 111.. 12 01. night. Suuuuys. sue, Ui, i 60, o ui, 6 15 8 20, 9 60, 10 21, (Dliilllg cur), 1183 u. in., 1285, loo tinning Cur) 2ou (Dining Cur), 100 (Limited 22) (Dining Cur), 520,660, (Dining Uur; 085, 7 02,7 50, (Dining Cur) 10 00 p. 111., 12 01 night. Hxprcss lor ilostoii wHuout change, It uou la., week-days, and 7 60 p. 111., Ually Culskill express, (I'urlor Cur), b 20 it 111 week days. WASIUNUTON AND TUB SOUTH. For Ilaltimore and Washington, 3 50, 720,8 32, 10 20, 11 2J, u, iu., 12 tW, 12 31 (Dlulug Cur), 112 Dining CurJ, 3 12, 4 41, (6 2a Cougle- lug Cur), 7 81 (Dlulug Car) p. ut., audtJi night weekdays. Suuduys, a to, 7 20, 9 12, It 23, a. iu., 1209, 1 12, Dining Carl 4 41, 152U Con gressional Limited, inning CurJ, 6 5o Dlulug CurJ, 7 81 I Dining CurJ p. m. unu 1205uigkt. For Ilaltimore, uccoiumodatlou, U 12 u 111, 2 01 and 4 01 p ui week days, 3 08 and 11 16 p m dally. FOH ATLANTIC CITY. Leave llroad street station via Delaware rivet bridge Uxpress, Sou, V40 lw minutes u in. t82minutesj, 4 00 80 Minutest, 700 p. m Sundays, 5 00, 920 no minutes), n in, 2 38 It iuinutesj,7 0;ipm, Leuve Jlurket street Wurf-lCxpress, 6 00, 8 30, 10 OJ 173 minutes, h ru.(lUOSuturduysony), 2 00 l75mluutlj,3 0U I73llllnutcsj13 30 .Ui mllilltes, 100 IU5 minutes), 180 75 mlnutesl, 6uu ivo inlliutes,S3003iulnutcsj pin. Suliduyif, 5uO, iiS!.wl's '"'""tcsj, 830, 90U lt3 minutes, 9 ufj Id) mlnutesl .1 iu, and I ttl 175 minutes p u" I LOU uicursluii train, T Uuu ui dally. For CapuMuy, Auglesea, Wlluwoodand lloll) HwM.h-1-.xprsss, 9 00 am, 2 80, 4 05, 5 00 p lu weekdays. Sundas. 8 20 a ut. Cupo luy only. 1 30 p 111 baturdujs. Hxcumlou, 7 W o 111 dully. For bea Isle City, Owui City, Avulou and Stone Harbor Uxpress. V10 a. m., 2 30, 4 20. 3 00 p. m. week days. Sundays, 8 60 a, ui. Itfc. curslon 7 00 iu dally. tut Sumers l'olnt UxpreM, 6 00, 8 30, 10 09 a. m., 1 00 Saturduys only, 3 uu, loo, 6 uu, 6 30 p. Ul. week days. Sundoys, 6 Ul, bUO, 9 00,9 50 a. in. aud 1 30 p, m, I, It. llUTvmaaoN, J, 11, Wood Oen'l Manugef, (leu'l j-oos'g'r Agt ?H0H00000 Webster's International dictionary The Ono Great Htanilunl Authority, wo wrues lion. 11. J. llrewrr, ; Juslluu U. ri. rlupreino Court. Htuiitlartl ( of tin It. 8. (lov't Printing Onlcs, tbe II. 8. Nuprsuie 1 Court, all the ritam Hn-, nieiiie Coiirn.anilof near. 5 IrslltheMcUoollKjoki. AVnrmly Cuimitciiilctl ( hI i"t,Ruperlntenik-nU of Rchooli, ColWo 1Ti. ; ilentB.anilouierLtliiraturs , auuuBt wllliout nuiiiber. ( IllVlllllltlllu 1 In tlie household, and to the u-arlier, sctiolur, pnt. fessamul man, and self. : 41 I v '! TI I B UnST FOR PRACTICAL USE. ! Jl It Ircasy to find the word wanted. It Is cusy to ascertain the pronunciation ' It Iseusy to trace theerowth of a word, I Il ls easy to learn what a word means. Tft".f,"?nr Vf.rk T'"'"e ftaym i nie lite'tPi Itl.iii rniiirs fnin the press llli a ...11.11- i, t th it Implies the int t,or"nl " 1" 5 ' 7i'ilyi.','tnU1' lrvllun. . 11, , 1 l.t 11 il.lli'. 1.1.1. tnJs tliu'iiMoik m MM ji u i ut tally u -fid tu left-r.-Aprlis, lssi ( obt Tim ihistT- 5 J47.Sperlmtn page sent on application to 5 (... C. Mi:ilJlTAjr CO., Publishers, . Sitrinillelil, Mush., U.S.A. i nuuOOOOOOOOOOOOXOOOOOOfKK