The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 18, 1898, Image 1

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Crea tes business leeause tf its knrwn
large tiicutalhn and renders rich
7i rfiA M fublic through frt
gressive, dignifiea, influential jtumtl
use the HERALD ee-tunns.
results to its ndvettisirs.
VOL. XIII.-N0 200.
1 1
In order to clean out the balance of our stock
as quickly as possible. .....
Carriages that were $20 00,
" 18 00,
17 00,
" 15 00,
12 00,
" 10 00,
9 00,
" 6 00,
If you want a choice come at once as we think they will be all
gone in a'few days at these prices.
J. P. Williams & Son,
F-OR .2 till 4 .A
For fall trade now open.
W Summer Dress Goods.
Ji CT'Ci Dry Goods and
- O- 1 I Z2, Carpet Stoie,
Ladies' - and - Children's - Hats.
As we have only a few more left and always believe in
opening our season with a clean, fresh, up to date stock, we
will sell these regardless of cost and at prices Shenandoah
never before heard of. So avail yourself of this opportunity
before they are all gone.
229 S. Main St.
If you want to have
your food kept sweet and
clean use a - - - -
in unnnurnnr mnnr
niirni 11
For Good Light
White Bread
Daisy or Moss Rose Flour.
Sold by
Geo. A. Keiter.
Whole Wheat Graham Flour
Old Time Pure Rye Flour
Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour
Best Granulated Corn
$1-7 OO
15 OO
13 OO
10 OO
a bo
Special Values in
UST a few Ladies' Shirt
Waists lelt. Reduced
from j$i.oo to 35 and 50 cents.
They must be sold.
Door F"rom Post Office.
Good Garden Hose
Is hard to find. We have it in
either of these brands. We also
have ordinary hose very cheap.
Hppt'lnl to KvnNINC! ItlSllALI).
Washington, Ang, 18. Onlors havo been
Issued liy tho War Department for tlio Fifth
Ucglmcnt of Infantry to 'slurt nt onco for
Santiago to tuko tlio placo of General Shaf-
tor's troops.
Hppclnl to l'.VHSINO IlKIIALU,
Wi1ilii(!ton, Aug. 18. (lenoral Morrltt,
commander of tlio American laud forces at
Manila, litis Just entiled Ills olllciiil notlfica
tion to tlio Administration of the surrender
of tlio city and says lils loss was about fifty.
Carload of Watermelons.
Cheap at Coslctt's, 30 South Main street.
All ripo and sound sweet melons. 8-17- It
(one to Atlautlo City.
A number of town pcoplo wont to Atlantic
City tins morning, taking in tho I'erin. li. Jt.
excursion. Tlio 0:05 train carried 43 and the
8:15 train 30. Passenger Agent John II.
Martin had his hands full handling the
tickets fur tho excursionists in addition to u
large sale for other points, but got
them all oil' fur both trains 011 schedule
time. Among the passengers wero :
Hon. JI. P. Fowler and wifo, Thomas B.
Hughes, T. F. Bradlgan. .Michael O'llara.
Frank Conry, William J. Stanton. Mts. John
II. Itcese and son, Harry.Mrs Thomas Dove,
Sr., Mrs. Waters and son. William. Mrs.
Edward Itcese, Misses Mary Connolly.Hrldgct
uovcrs ana Annie McNealis. Patr ck Hovers.
Edward Glblou, Patrick McCarthy, llrose
Toolo, Mrs. J. I. Williams and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. James Grant, John Cuninilngs, Mr.
ana Mrs. Michael Mellot, Mr. and Mrs
Charles Itaskins, Daniel Ferguson.
Gcranumns, fuchsias, panslcs, daises, roses,
etc., for spring planting at Payne's nursorios,
Girardvlllo. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs.
New Trial ICpCllavd.
Judge Endlich filed an opinion at Potts-
villein which ho rofuses a new trial in tho
case or J.lmir Walbridgo vs. tho Schuvlkill
uaiiway uo.. in which tho boy, living at
risnuacn, icil unuor tho ears and had both
hands cut oil. Tho jury allowed him S10.
000 damages, and according to the ruling of
judge tumuli that vordict Mauds. Tho cao
will lie taken to tho Supremo Court.
Some More Ceaseless llargHlna fur Satlir-
ilay Only.
SeC tllO0 bio Ealvtlllxr.,1 ii'ifn, ..olla ...1,1.
8 bars of soap for 25 cents ; 2, 3, 1 and 5 quart
graniio leaor colleo pots 25 cents ; six piece
luueisci, 51.111,
At Giuvi.n's,
6 South Main street.
Dragged !y Cur.
George Sneddon, of West Lloyd street, had
his left side severely squeezed yesterday by
being caught and dragged by a car In tho
Indian lildgo mines. He is confined to bed
at liis homo and under tho caro of Dr. J, S.
C.Uleii. It appears that when coiner out with
a trip ho told the door boy to arrango tho
swiu-.n latches lor tlio rcturu trin. Tho bov
understood Sneddon had arranged tho lutein
ana did not alter them. When alielitliiir on
tlio return trip Sneddon dropped between
tlio spreader and tho car. Ho was caught
and knocked down by tho latter, but fortu-
uatoly tho wheels did not pass over him.
A Cliulloiiire.
Ed. IIkrald: Kindly allow mo space in
your valuablo paper to challenge Frank
Ilrecker. of Shenandoah, to
game of pool of 150 or 200 points, for $25 to
iuu, gaio money and championship of the
-"uu'J'. 1.KW Jv. L.UL11EBT80.V,
120 I'fno St., Mahanoy City.
One-Day Kxcttralon to Atlantic City
Via Pennsylvania I!allroad Company's Dela
ware Itivor Ilrideo ltoute. Sunday nnvt
August -'1st. Special train will eave Shon.
auuoan ai 4:2a a. in. iteturnlng leavo Atlan
tie City 7:00 p. in. same day. louud trip
rato J .'.s.
Itllaa Oruliler'a Klndeririirten.
Tho undorslcucd will ooen 11 klmlnrimrlmi
In tho basomeut of tho German Lutheran
church, West Cherry street, on Monday,
August 20th, Children 3 years of ace and
upward admitted. Two sessions dally, 10
a. 111. to lii a. m., and S p. in. to 1 p. in
xcrms fri por mouth.
S-13-14t Miss Kannje D. Qnum.Kit
I-urgest l'ay In Three Tears.
Tho pay distributed among tho Lohigh &
Wilkcsbarro Coal Co., atMcAdoo and vicinity
on Saturday, was the largest within any similar
uoriou tor three yoars. Ovor f 00,000 was dls-
buuuieu, juusi. 01 li. in gold coin.
lllckert'a Oule.
Tomato soup, free, to-night. Fish cako to
morrow morning.
New Alun fur Judge.
Tho complox Judgeship fight In tho Mou
tour-Columbia district rosultod in a meeting
of the Columbia County Bar Association, at
which 11 committee of six was appolntod to
select a sultablo man for thu position, SoV'
uiui uuuius iruui ouisiuo 01 1110 uistricc aro
nieutlouod, Hon. Grant Herring, ono of tho
candidates, was in town last oveniug visiting
rolativos. Ho was recoutly appointed as
successor to tho lato Judgo Ikolor.
(looil Work of Hoard of Trade.
Tho Pottavillo Hoard of Trudo took meas
ures at a meeting just hold to enter Into com
inuuication with tho owners and creditors of
tho I'ottsvlllo Iron and Steel Company, with
n view of starting the machinery again and
giving employment to Its 1000 formor onv
Tu Ocean Orove,
To enablo thoso desiring to attend tho
camp meeting at Ocean Giovo tlio Heading
Hallway will run a special excursion on Aug.
23rd, Tickets good for nino days, 4.00. Train
leaves at 0.54 a. 111.
Thoy Are Indignant.
Tho ladios connected with tho various so
ciotles In towu aro indignant at tho Insliiua
Hons thrown at them by tho Shenandoah cor
respondent of tho Pottsville Chronicle. Uen
rosoutatlvos of the Daughters of Liberty and
tho True Americans and several other socle
ties request tho IIkualu to say that thoro Is
no truth for tho insinuations of tho Chrouiclo
correspondent, and further request us to mak
an emphatic denial. The correspondent in
question should first luvestlgato rumors bo
fore embracing them in serious charges as
those in question.
Accidents como with dlstrcssiug frequeuey
on the farm, Cuts, bruises, stings, sprnlus
Dr. Thomaa' Eclectrlo Oil relievos tho palu
Instantly, Never safo without it.
Only Six or Eight Killed and
Forty Wounded.
But tho Exact Numbors Aro Not
Yot Obtainable.
Insurgents Were Not Allowed to Take Part
In the Attack Upon the City, But Were
Kept in the Reap of the Americans, and
Were Forbidden to Enter the City After
the Surrender Unless They Were Un
armed. Hone Kong, Aug1. 18. The American
collier Zallro, hum Manlln, which ar
rived hero Tuesday, In nnt'hored In JUnk
bay. She left Manila on tlio 14th. A
typhoon Is raliitf, and it In impossible
to land the malls with further detnlla
of the battle at Manila.
It Is learned, however, from an Amer
ican naval olllcer that when Admiral
Dewey, on Auk. G, demanded the sur
render of Manila within 48 hours thu
Spanish commander replied that, the
Insurgents being outside the walls, he
had no safe place for the women and
children who woro in the city, and
asked for 21 hours" delay. This Ad
miral Dewey granted. At the expira
tion of the specified time Admiral
Dewey and General Murrltt consulted
and decided to postpone the uttack.
On Auk. 13 the American squadron
formed In line off Manila. The Olym-
pla fired the (list shot, and some time
was occupied In finding tho range.
Then the Callao, ono of the gunboats
captured by Admiral Dewey from the
Spaniards, got under the fort and Bent
In a hot fire. Great destruction was
done with tho rapid fire Runs. Tho fort
failed to reply, but fired on the Amer
ican troops that were storming the
Spanish trenches. Tho large American
ships were ordered to cease firing after
an hour's work, owing to the failure of
tho fort to respond.
The fighting In the trenches was
most fierce. Fifteen minutes after the
Spaniards were driven to the second
line of defenses they were forced to re
treat to tho walled city, where, seeing
the uselessness of resistance, they Bur-
rendered, and soon nfterward a white
flag was hoisted over Manila,
The Belgian consul at Manila, M.
Andre, boarded the Olympln and re
turned with an Ameilcan lieutenant to
the Spanish military governor, who
agreed to surrender. General Merrltt
proceeded to the palace at 3:30, and
there found the Spanlnrds formed In
line. The troops surrendered their
arms, but the officers were permitted
to retain their swords.
The American loss Is reported to be
six or eight killed and 40 wounded.
The Spanish loss was considerable, but
the exact numbers aro not obtainable,
The trenches were filled with badly
wounoea Spaniards. Manila Is now
under mnrtlal law, with General Mer
rltt as military governor.
The California Hed Cross society ren
dered valuable aid to the sick and
wounded. Perfect order prevailed In
Manila on tho evening of Aug. 13. As
the Americans marched In guards wero
placed around the houses of all foreign
ers, In order to prevent their being
The Insurgents were not allowed to
take part In tho attack upon the cltv.
but were kept In tho rear of the Amer
icans. In order to prevent bloodshed
they wpre forbidden to enter tho c(ty
after the surrender unless they were
It Is supposed thnt Admiral Dewey
was unaware or the departure of
Governor General Augustl. The Za-
flro's offlcers first heard the news of
the governor general's flight on tho(r
arrival hero. Generul Augustl's esoape
is consiuered to nave oeen prearranged,
as he brought with him his family and
The Entire Spanish Colony Was Anxious
and Ready to Accept the
San Francisco, Aug. 18. Advics
from Manila received yesterday by the
returned transport Australia says the
news of the disaster to Admiral Cer
vera's squadron and tho turning bapk
pr uamnra s lleot completely demor
allzed the garrison df Manila, and the
entire Spanish colony, believing that
peace negotiations were already under
ivay, was anxious and ready to ac
cept the Inevitable and surrender the
City whenever Admiral Dewey should
see lit to demand It. This statement
was backed up by the fact that not a
Single shot had been fired upon the
United States troops, although they
were landed within two miles of Fort
Malato In broad daylight, on an open
beach, and despite the fact that they
had camped In the open fields about i$
mile from the trenches occupied by the
Furthermore tho cruiser Boston and
gunboat Callao, which had been cov.
erlng tho landing of the troops, had
been anchored within range of the
hpanlsh guns for five days unmolested,
Una tho Spaniards been merely wait
Ing for a favorable opportunity to fire
at close range, both tho McCulloch and
Concord had been cruising at the
mouth of the I'uslg river, almost uu
der tho guns of Fort St. Mesa, for sev
eral days, yet not a single shot had
been fired In their direction.
The Insurgents also discontinued the
aggressive attitude they had been
maintaining before the United States
troops landed. Their sudden Inactlv
Ity may have been due to the fact that
Aguinaldo was not consulted to the
extent that he considered compatible
with his position as general of the In
surgent forces.
It Is thought that the transports
Tekln and China will bo used as uux-
llrny cruisers for the purpose of pnt-
rollug the Chinese sea. All the sables
and extra ammunition from the I'ckln
have been trunsferied to a hulk which
was used by the Spanish as a powder
hulk nt Cavlte arsenal, and her extra
coal has been taken aboard the steam
ship Honolulu for tho use of the fleet.
IJoth army and naval stores now at
Manila are sufficient to Inst the United
States for use In the Philippines for a
long period.
Soldiers Delieved Dewey Had Been De
feated at Manila and Knew Nothing
of Cervera's Defeat.
Santiago do Cuba, Aug. 18. Major
Mlley has Just returned from Daracoa
and Sagua do Tennmo. At the two
places there were 1.7C0 ofilcors nnd men
surrendered, 2,321 stands of arms and
413,000 rounds of ammunition, five
Krupp guns ranging In caliber from
five Inch down to two Inches. The
troops were very short of food, but IB
days' rations were given them by Ma
jor Mlley and a large amount of lied
Cross supplies landed at the same time
at both places. These troops knew
nothing whatever of the destruction of
Cervera's fleet, the fall of Santiago or
any later events. They accepted thn.
situation, however, nnd appeared to be
glad at the opportunity of getting
Major Mlley states that on the door
of the commanding officer was posted
a bulletin purporting to be a telegram
from the nnvnl commnnder at Manila
Informing Snftnsta of his great victory
over Dewey ot Manila, and Sagasta's
thanks to him for the same.
The country In the vicinity of these
towns is In the same condition as that
here uttcily desttoyed and grown up.
The Inhabitants said that In 18 months
they would be able to harvest their
crop ot bananas, which Is the principal
product of Iiaracoa. A regiment of In
surgents were found In the vicinity of
each place, camped within a few hun
dred yards of the Spanish troops, calm
ly observing each other.
Kciulrlck House Free Lunch.
I'lce soup will bo served, free, to
patrons to-night.
Judge lJiltill la Credited With iinllucreiiaefl
The Lyou-Duuu Orphans Court Judgo cun
test continues to drag along, and it is not
probable that tho end will bo reached before
January 1st, Yesterday wo published the
list of Illegal votes up to and including Mali
anoy City. In tlio&o 50 districts Judgo Dunn
was credited with a majority of nineteen.
1110 list has ncen completed, and liolow wo
givo tlio result in tho principal districts in
this vicinity :
Mahanoy Township Colo's No. 1, Lyon 4,
Dunn 2; Colo's No. 2. Lyon 1. Morea, Lyon
. Lanigau's, Lyon 3. Hill's, Lyon 3, Dunn
1, Jackson's, Lyon 3.
Mahanoy Twp. West Lost Creek, Lyon 11,
Dunn 10. Eaven Kun, Lyon 1. Browns
ville, Dunn 0. Win. Peim, Lyon 5, Dunn 11.
Pottsville, 1st ward. Lyon 50. Dunn 18 ;
ud, Lyon II, Dunn 0 ; 3rd, Lyon 12, Dunn 9 :
4th, Lyon 37, Dunn 18; 5th, Lyon 45, Dunn
10;0th, Lyon 4, Dunn 2; 7th, Lyon 12,
Dunn 10.
Shenandoah 1st ward, Lyon 10, Dunn DO ;
2nd, Lyon 5, Dunn 8 ; 3rd, Lyon 17, Dunn
111; 4th, Lyon 31, Dunn 1 ; 5th, Lyon 35,
Duuu 58.
St. Clair North, Lyon 15, Dunn 4 ; Middle,
Lyun 1, Dunn 3; South, Lyon 10, Dunn 8.
Tamaqua, North Lyon 8, Dunn 2 ; East,
Lyon 11, Dunn 5; South. Lyon 0, Dunn 1.
Union Twp. Lyon 1, Dunu 3.
Union Twp. North Lyon 3, Duuu 1.
Union Twp. Kast, Ilraudonvillo Lyon 5,
Dunn 1 : Sliepptou Lyon 0, Dunn 11.
It will bo remembered that Judgo Dunn's
majority, as mado by tho election returning
board in 1805, was 70 votos. The result of
the count in tho present contest shows his
majority to bo 105.
Tho 30th inst. has been selected to hear
final arguments, hut tho contestant, Judgo
Lyon, has until the 2th inst., in which to
file ccrtaiu points to be submitted to tho
The court adjourned yesterday afternoon
to meet again on August 30, whon a decision
will probably bo filed as to the number of
illegal votes credited to both Lyon and Duuu
S.'i.grt to Atlantic City mid ltutuni
Via Pennsylvania Itailroad. Company's Dela,
ware Ulver Ilridgo Koute, Suuday noxt,
August 21st, Special train will leave Sheu
andoab at 4:25 a. m. Returning leavo Atlantic
Uty 7:00 p. m, saino day. No chango of cars.
.Striking I'uy Diit.
The following clipping from a llutto City.
Montana, uewspapor, has referonco to Charlos
Ihalor, a formor resident of towu and
brothor of Mrs. James Ilutton, of Wost
Lloyd street : "Tho ground around tho old
Clendonin smelter has been leasod by Charles
lhaior, recently of Noihart, and tho results
of his work aro quite satisfactory. Ho has
found considemblo pay in tho old slag dump,
finding a great ileal of puro bullion lead and
silver. Ho will lie through with tho work
in about six weeks, and will ship six or eight
cars of tlio gleanings. Ho employs four
men. Ho is digging up the surface, earth
about tho old roasting furnaces with good re
munerative results."
Kculp li)ured.
Charles Smalovski, of Win. Peun, su5talued
sovero lacerations of tho scalp by a fall of
rock In tho Win. Poun mines yestorday. He
was Bblo to walk homo with assistance.
Thu M. I!. I'lcnle.
In spito of the threatening weather tho
annual picnic of tho Methodist Kplscopal
Sunday School of town, held at Ikosldo to
day, was attouded by many people. Tho
salo of tickets at the ', & 11, station this
morning reached 309. Tho picnic of this
Sunday School is also ono of tho most enjoy
able events of tho season,
Absolutely Puro
No More Infanlrjr Men Will Be Sent
From Town.
Many Applicants Rejected The Recruiting
Olllcer does to Philadelphia to Re
portThe Local Station May
Close To-Nlght. Ilaile
tonNext Place.
The recruiting of men in town for service
in Uncle Sam's Army is on tho wano sinco
tho enlisting of rocruits for tho infantry has
been discontinued and only applications for
tho heavy artillery aro received. Many of
tho men who were willing to go into tho in
fantry hesitate in making application for
admission to the artillery because
thoy do not exactly understand the
difference between the two services.
But tliis is not tho solo cause for tho falling
off. Most of tho men who applied yestorday
for admission as recruits in tlio artillery wore
rcjocted, owing to dolleiency as to educational
qualifications. All applicants must bo able
to speak tlio l.uglish language- fluently, read
and write and have a knowledge of arithme
tic. At the present time there do not appear
to lie a superlltirity of applicants with these
But two recruits left town to-day. They
worn Jacob Willkaitis and Itobert Formus,
both giving their birth places as Itussia.
Theso two mon aro tho last to bo enlisted for
the infantry. They wore sworn in yesterday
morning, but could not arrango thoir anairs
to get oil' with tho squad yesterday, and tills
afternoon started on their journey for Camp
Lithia Springs without tho usual drum corps
None of the artillery recruits will leave bo-
furo to-morrow. They will go direct to Fort-
lcss Monroe, Va. It N not known how many
win go. Light haTO iiooii sworn in and six
aro awaiting final examination. Eight men
wero lejected this morning because thoy did
not ntzo up to tho educational qualifications
Lieut. Siviter, tho recruiting olllcer, loft
for Philadelphia this morning under instruc
tions by telegraph to report in person at
heailquartors. lie will return this evening
and it is quite likely that he will prepare to
move. It is possibo that tlio squad of ar
tillery recruits to leave to-morrow will bo the
last to be bent from tho station. At least
this was tho Lieutenant's impression before
lie left. Whon tho station here is closed one
will bo opened at Hazlcton, but for artillery
recruits only.
Wedding Hells.
Miss Alico Colo, thu accomplished daughter
of Editor Colo, of the Miners' Journal, and
Mr. Paul Shaofer, son of Walter Shaefor,
both prominent young people of Pottsville,
were married at noon yestorday in tho Pres
byterian church. Thoy are now on a wed
ding tour.
Miss Katie Livingood, of Auburn, and
Arthur Moyer, of Crcssona, woro joined in
wodlock at the homo of the bride.
J. Wesloy Behler, of Mahanoy City, and
Miss Sallie Brown, of Ccntralia, wore quietly
married at the Luthorau church, Mahanoy
City, Ian night. Tho bridegroom is employed
by tho Lehigh Valley railroad. They will,
take up their rcsidonco at thu first named
At the homo of Dr. J. N. Coble.iu Tamaqua,
yesteniay afternoon, his young daughter, Dr.
Maud Coble, and Dr. A. K. Specr, of tho
samo placo, were married quiotly in the rres
enco of immediate rolativos. They aro
spending their honeymoon at tho Delaware
Water Gap.
The engagement of John L. McKeoue, of
St. Clair, and Miss Katie L. Quill, of Ash
land, has been announced. The wedding
takes placo on August 23rd.
A brilliant wedding was solemnized at
Tower City on Tuesday night, whon Miss
Minnie, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. W. D.
Jones, and Mr. LouU Siesholtz wore joiuod
in weniocK. intends were present from dif
ferent parts of tho county.
Buy your pocket books and purses, from 5o
to $3.00 at F. J. Portz's. tf
Klevted to 1'reach tlio .Sermon.
Bov. Dr. Eusonu Harvey, of Williams
port, has been solected' to preach tho me
morial sermon at the Month's Mind Ma"s to
lj held iu honor of tho lato Bishop Mc
Govern, August 25. Tho sorvices will bo
hold in St. Patricks Pro-Cathedral, at Har-
nsburg, aud nearly all the priests of the
diocese will bo in attuudancu.
1'riiHt .Matched To Haco.
It will iutorcst tho wheelmen aud othor
admirers of Georgu Frost, of town, to learn
that ho lias been matchod In a bicycle raoo
with William Price, of Mahanoy City. It
wilt bo a three niilo pursuit raco, tho winnor
to recelvo a diamond ring valued at f35, Tho
event will tako placo at tho Mahanoy City
blcyclo patk on Saturday afternoon. Aiinut
Another Volunteer Dead.
Schuylkill county has lost another volun
teer soldier by death, in the person of Alex
ander Smith, of Minorsvillo. Ho had boon
ill with typhoid feror. His son, who was a
private In Co. V, Fourth Bcgiment, died from
tho samo diseasoa few weeks ago at Chiek
auiauga, Mr. Smith leavos a largo family.
He was couuectod with tho Albright Coal Co.
He died at his homo in Miuersville early this
At Payne's nursery, Glrardvillo, you will
find tho Urgost stock ever ien in tlio county.
Head Cut.
Anthouy Frhwokus rccoived a cut three
inches long on tho back of his head from a
fall of coal in Packer No. 4 colliery yester
day, Tho lid of his right eye was also cut.
so that it hung by shreds, and tho man also
rccelvod a cut on the right sido of tho nose.
Dr. Stein dressed tho injuries.
Succesaful IVstlvul.
Tho ico cream festival In bobbins' oimni
houso last night under tho auspices of tho
x proved a very successful ullair In all ro
sfiects, and tho patrons expressed much satis
faction over the events of tho evculug.
"Itching hemorrhoids woro tho plague of
my life, Was almost wild, Doan's Ointment
curod me quickly and iwrmanoutly, after
doctors had failed," O. F. Coruwell, Valloy
Street, Suugortiea, N, Y.
Iliiudaoiiio Ilndgu for Templnra.
Tho official souvenir badge which has been
adopted by tlio executive committee for the
Triennial Conclave of Kuighta Templar, to
bo lrold in Pittsburg October 10-14. will 1m
ready for distribution In aliout teu days. The
badge will bo tho liauiUomust over Issued nt
any conclave,
Deed Itecorded.
From John McNovity and wifo to William
McNovIty. premises iu Kline twp.
From National Hank of Mahanoy City to
Adam Brown, premises iu Schuylkill Haven
From Martin II. llarko and wifo to James
Grant, premises In Shenandoah.
Bicycle supplies aud novelties of every de
scription at llrumm'i.
l'lrrt Klrot Urol
Insure your property from Iom In the
oldest aud strongest cash coinixmUw : l'lilln
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
Anicrleji and Firo Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., Amorican Firo Insurance Co.,
West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. William,
13 S. Jam In St., Shonandoah.
Naval and
Army Heroes.
Dewey s gents' furnish
ings cheap? Well,
if you
Havana experience y o u
will know that to
be the
Maine cause of our sue
cess. Again, the
Merritt f our goods
causes the people
to travel
Miles to patronize us.
We welcome the looker as well as the buyer.
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah
Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store.
For dozen windov
shades. All our better
ones have been reduced
also. Shades made to
fit any window, nnd
especially store windows. Call for
bargains in new carpets at
Marked down to
the lowest selling prices. We
are selling our stock as low as
any ol our competitors; yes,
in fact, they can't touch us on
some of our goods.
106 5. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
... Is the Beginning of Baldness.
Wootphal'D Auxlliator
Cures Dandruff and all disease of the icalp.
Fergusoa House Block.
We have placed at your disposal
At very lowest prices. This ought
to lend interest and inspiration to
you. You don't need to be coached
on these bargains, their excellence
is apparent even to the uninterested
observer. You're the winner as
well as ourselves.
28 South Mala Street.