The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 12, 1898, Image 1

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    droning ia
II ffflf Vlf utile through frt- II Ik
I l gressive, dtsnifiea, influential journal
use the HUttALD tolumnt. '
Crea tes business itcante ef its hnni'ti
targe circulation anil renders rich
remits to its advertisers.
VOL. XIII.-NO 195.
In order to clean out the balance of our stock
as quickly as possible
Carriages that were $20
" 18
" 12
" .. 9
If you want a choice conic at
gone in a few days at these prices.
J. P. Williams &
For fall trade now open.
ALL r-rm i
Summer Dress Goods.
Ladies' - and -
As we have only a few more left and always
opening our season with a clean, fresh, up to date
will sell these regardless of cost
never before heard ot. ho avail
before they are all gone.
S29 S. Main St.
If you want to have
your food kept sweet and
clean use a - - - -
For Good Light
White Bread
use: aqueduct mill.
Daisy or Moss Rose Flour!
Sold by
Geo. NAA. Keiter.
Whole WheatJIGraliam Flour
Old Time Pure Rye Flour
Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour
Best Granulated Corn
00, now
00, "
0n, ..
once as we
$17 oo
15 OO
1 oo
13 OO
10 oo
. v o oo
7 OO
think. they will be all
13 S. Main Street,
Special Values in
JUST a few Ladies' Shirt
U Waists lelt. Reduced
from gi.oo to 35 and 50 cents.
They must be sold.
Dry Goods and
Carpet Stoie,
Children's - Hats.
1 1
oeiieve in
stock, we
and at prices Shenandoah
yourseli ol this opportunity
Door From Post Office.
Good Garden Hose
Is hard to find. We have it in
either of these brands. We also
have ordinary hose very cheap.
HiiorUI to KvKSind IIkiui.ii,
Washington, Aug, 12. l'caro Is now as
surccl, nnd Iho cost or equipping fleets and
armies anil gentling them against Spain wilt
reach largo proportions, liough estimates
show that the prlco of victory avoraged
f810,70O a day. Tho government has ox
ponded a million dollars every twenty.fou
hours In July and tho samo amount in
August, Many big contracts are loft out In
this cstlmato, and when theso aro sottlod ou
oxponsos will bo greatly increased. Hero is a
rough estinrnto mado hy tho war department
ofllcials : Additional appropriations caused
hy war, 3111,760,00.1.11; total money paid to
dato, $95,000,000.00; tuonoy paid for tho
army, $01,000,000.00 ; money paid for tho
navy. $31,000,000.00 ; general average dally
expenditures, (840,700.00 ; daily avcrago for
July, $1,000,030.00; probable dally average
of total cost, (1,500,000.00; probable number
of pouslonors, 230,000. It is safe to say that
the pensions to ho paid on account of tho
war will exceed tho coat of tho military and
naval operations several times over.
Special to Uvk.niso IIkiialu
uiuramir, Aug. 12. 1 lie olllcors and men
of tho llucna Ventura, Catallna Ouido aud
Miguel Jovar arrived yestorday on hoard tho
Ilesperia, and wcro transshipped direct to
Algccinis. They complain bitterly of the!
ircaunoiimi. lampa. iiiey say they were
ill fed and micarcd for; that tlioir luggago
was lost, and that sentinels wcro brutal
They woie, thoy say, confined in small bar
rack rooms.
I hey wcro. they say, well treated at Now
York, their treatment being quito diireiout,
Tho Spanish authorities, siuco their arrival,
are treating them like dogs.
Limit. Ilobnon I,etlen.
Special to Kvknixo IIkiialu.
iNow iork, Aug. 1Q. Lieut. Hobson loft
lioro to-day for Santiago, to suporviso tho
raising of tho Spanish cruisor Colon. Ho
was given a hearty farowell.
The 1'iesident has appointed Lieut, lloh
son's father postmaster at Greensboro, Ala.
Troops l.cmn Santiago.
Special to Uvksinu Hubald.
bantiago, Aug. 12. TI10 First Brigado of
the Second Division, in command of (Ion.
1.UUIOW, departed to-day cm tho steaineri
.Mobile for Montank Park, New York.
(iurulu Willing to Assist.
Hieclnl IIkiialu.
Santiago, Aug. 13. den, Garcia, who in
anger becauso tho city of Santiago after its
surrender was not turned over to tho Cubans,
severed all relations with the American army,
bus repented, and in a letter to Gen. Shaftor
indicates his willingness to again join with
tho United States forces in fighting tho
llie Mother of tlin Victim Witnessed tlui
Special to Kvksino Herald.
Mahanoy City. Aug. 12. While
coal on tho railroad track near tho foundry
crossing this morning William Moose, aged 13
years, met Willi a serious accident, which
may yet result iu doath. His iniurios nrn of
bucii u nature tnat, In caso of recovery, ho
will ho a cripplo for life.
Iho unfortunate boy is a son of .Tnlm
Itceso, of West Centre streot. and in com.
pauy witu tils mother, went to tho placo of
cue acuiuoui, 10 picic coal. While ougaged in
gathering tho coal from beneath cars ho was
suddenly startled by a crash caused bv tlm
cars coming together. Tho trip had been
struck by a shilling engine to back them Into
town. 1 110 engineer of tho ouiz no not bln
awuro of young Itoeso's danger, continued to
moTo mo engine towards its destination hy
increasing the speed, llefore the bov conlii
extricate himsolf from his perilous nositlon
he was knocked down and fell beneath tho
wheels, which passod over his llttlo legs and
arms, Iho flesh was torrihlv mtitllntmi nnA
tho bones crushed.
rho mother of the victim, with a imriit.
impulse and regardless of danger threatening
herself, pullod tho proatrato and mangled
form of her boy from beneath the cars.
Alter being extricated the llttlo bov hM
up his right hand as if in supplication of
morey. It was without fiuirers. nnlv tlm
bloody stumps remaining and tho crushed
bones protruding from tho mangled flesh. Ho
tried to rlso, but being without sunnorfc of thn
right leg, which was cut oil" at tho kuee, lie
lell back to the ground. His left foot was
masked to a jelly.
I he almost crazed mother ran linnmwHnl
Hinging her suu bonnet about her head and
crying for help. In the meantime tho llttlo
Victim was nut ou a stretcher and in
tuo Home or his parents, where he was given
temporary treatmont prior his removal to tho
Minors' hospital, At Iho latter placo it was
louud Impossible to perform an Immediate
opoiatiou, Tho boy's condition is regarded
usvory critical.
GUbertoli Hag liaising.
Tho patrlotlo feeling that imbues tho peo
ple of Gilberton will bo glvou expression to
morrow afternoon when the r. O. S. of A.
of that town will raise a Hag over the now
school building. Tho ceremonies will begin
at 3 o'clock, when 11 parade will start includ
lug the societies, firemen, mombcrs of tho
School Hoard aud others. Several floats will
bo In lino aud speeches wilt bo made by
prominent orators. The flag, 10x15, was pur
chased from It, II. Morgan by Mm. Nathau
llouoraud Mrs. Thomas J, James, who pre
sented it to tho camp, aud that organization
iu turn dedicated it to tho schools. I
Properties Transferred.
The following deeds Hero filed: From
l'utrlck J, Fcrfciisou and wife to llarbara E,
Humble, premises iu Union Township, From
tho Llttlo Schuylkill Navigation Uailroad
and Coal Company, to Cornelius Kilduy, lot
iu Taniaqua.
31. Gumboil Empowered to Sign
Ponco Preliminaries
American and Spanish Delegates to
Meet in Paris,
Impression Prevails That the Powers Will
Not Regard Their Disposal So Passively
as They Have the Disposition of Cuba
and Porto Rico First Condition of Pro
tocol is an Armistice.
Madrid, Aug-. 12. The Government
has reccWed the protocol and the cab
inet council rose at :40 p. m., having
approved it. Tho government has
wired Jl. Cumbon, empowering him to
sign the preliminaries of pence.
Yesterday was diplomatically one of
the busiest since the outbreak of the
war. There have been no fewer than
three cabinet councils, In addition to
various diplomatic conferences. Though
the text of the protocol was not re
ceived until the evening was well ad
vanced the government had been made
fully acquainted with its contents
through Paris.
The matter was practically settled at
the cabinet meeting yesterday after
noon, and the receipt of the actual doc
ument, therefore, only required a meet
ing of the cabinet for a formal ac
ceptance. Ministers adhere to the
statement that the protocol contains
no modification of the oiiglnal terms,
but only new suggestions.
They expect It will be signed at
Washington today, and that a suspen
sion of hostilities will be announced.
Duke Almedovar de Itlo, minister of
foreign affairs, assures the correspond
ent of the Associated Press that the ne
gotlatlons for the peace treaty will
take place in Pails, but he says the
commissioners have not yet been np-
The press now considers peace a fore
gone conclusion and echoes the general
Impatience to see a termination of hos
tilities and to know the program for
tho peace commission, at which It Is
Believed either Senor Moret or Duke
Almodovar de Itlo will preside. It Is
believed that the negotiations will ex
tend into the second half of September.
London, Aug. 12. The Mndrid cor
respondent of The Dally Mall says:
The cabinet yesterday considered the
protocol, which arrived yesterday
morning. President McKInley accents
the Spanish reply, with slight formal
The first condition of the protocol
Is an armistice. This will be declnred
Immediately. The conditions are the
same as those proposed by President
McKInley. Senor Sagasta has cabled
M. Cambon an authorization to sign
the protocol, to which step the aueen
regent has already given assent.
The cabinet council last night also
discussed the Instructions to bo given
the Spanish commissioners for the ne
gotiation of peace. The question of
the Philippines will be the chief point
for consideration, and 011 this the precise
Intentions of the American government
are not known.
'The Impression prevails here, how
ever, that the powers will not regard
the problem of the Philippines with the
same passivity as they showed towards
Cuba and Porto Hlco. The American
and Spanish delegates will meet Im
mediately In Paris, the cabinet at
Washington urging expedition."
The Madrid correspondent of The
Dally Chronicle, telegraphing last
night, says: "It Is generally believed
that President McKlnley's reply has
been received, but nothing has been
disclosed officially. The minister of
war, Correa, declares that It will
be a difficult problem to dispose
of tho repatriated soldiers, since
there is no room for them In the bar
The pope has authorized the Spanish
government to reduce temporarily the
salaries of the clergy, In view of
Spain's necessities."
The Madrid correspondent of The
Times says: "The preliminary negotia
tions are advancing steadily, though
perhaps not so quickly us could be
wished. The short reply from Wash
ington to the last Spanish note, which
reached Madrid yesterday, must be re
garded as merely a forerunner of a
more detailed communication that may
be expected In the next few days. It
says the president will take Into con
sideration all tho points raised In the
last Spanish note, and will embody
tho conditions ns a whole In a formal
document, the text of which will be tel
egraphed to Madild for aceptunce with
tne least delay possible. Until this
latter communication is received It will
be Impossible to say whether the
cortes will be asembled at once or only
ai mo ciose 01 ine negotiations.
One American Killed and Fourteen Wounded
While Reconnolterlng in
Porto Rico.
Washington, Aug. 12. The following
message has been received from Gen
eral Schwa.11, In cam near Ilorml
Eueros, Porto nico:
"Advance guard. Including cavalrv nf
this command, while reconnolterlng
northwest of Itosnrlo river, near Hor
mlgueros, developed strong Spanish
force which lay concealed In hills north
of Mayaguez. In general engagement
that followed Lieutenant Byron,
Eight cavnlry, my aide camp, was
wounded In foot, and Private Ferm
berger, Company D, Uleventh Infantry,
nnd one other private were killed, and
14 enlisted men were wounded.
It Is reported that the most, If not
the entire, Spanish garrison of Maya
guez nnd surrounding country, consist
ing of 1,000 regulars and 200 volun
teers, took part In tho engagement.
We drove the enemy from Ms position,
nnd It Is believed inflicted heavy Ions.
A wounded Spanish lieutenant was
found In field nnd brought In our lines.
Conduct of officers nnd men was be
yond all praise.
"Immediately after repulse yesterday
Spanish troops Jolnrd by what were
left In Mayaguez moved In direction of
Lares. Have sent scouts In that di
rection. My command entered Maya
guez at 9 o'clock this morning."
Ono or Her .'Men Killed On IMiurto
Key West. Aug. 12. The cunboat
Ilancroft arrived yesterday from the
Isle of Pines, bringing news of a light
with Spanlaids, In which one of her
men was killed. Ten miles from the
south coast of the Isle of Pines, neur
Santo Domingo, the wreck of a schoon
er was sighted. Tho Bancroft's
launch, with a one-pounder on board,
was sent to reconnolter, manned by
14 men under Lieutenant Henry U.
Wilson. The schooner, seeing the
launch, sailed for Puerto Cortea,
beaching herself, and, with the aid of
a rope, ran her still hntder aground.
The soldieiH on shore fired at the
Bancroft's launch, which replied with
her one-pounder, eventually compelling
the Spaniards to llee. Apprentice
James Monroe swam to the schooner
nnd tied a rope to her and Seaman
Valdeman Holmgien also swam to an
other small boat and made fast to the
rope. Stoker Kmanuel Nuulquols was
killed by a bullet through the left arm
and chest. The launch soon after
wards towed awav the schooner,
which pioved to be the Carmlte, load
ed with llieviod.
I'IiobiiIx llimo Co. Notlre.
A special meeting of tho Phoenix Hose
Company No. 2 will bo hold iu their hall on
Monday morning, August 15, at 0:30 o'clock.
All members aro rcqiieotod to bo present.
Those failing to attond will bo subject to a
fine of ?2.00. liy order of the company,
S-10-it James F. O'Heak.v, Sec'y.
I.elilgh VallBy su,
The retrenchments being effected by the
management of the Lehigh Valley Uailroad
bavo apparently not ended yet. It is now
slated that tho division ollices at Dolano will
shortly bo transferred to Ilazlcton and also
that tho coal region branches will soon bo-
comu part ot either tho Eastorn Division
which exienus irom Maucli ClumV 1,, n.i.
Amboyortho Lohigh Division which ox-
lenus irom jllauch Chunk north. It
prooaoio tliatthe Wilkesbarre shops will be
uuuo aBy mm. a director of the company
la rrnrfitml ,;tl. ... . ' '
j ,,,t nmv uiey nave ro-
nioveu many superfluous ollieials aud will
probably add to tho numbor. Ho also an
nounced that officials of tho company will
not bo permitted to interfere in political con-
costs ana cites ono caso where Hon. John
lAisennug produced proofs of the intorfc
J...CU 01 superintendent whoso resignation
"anueu 111. it takes timo to work
out the regeneration of the company, but the
new management does not hesitate to apply
the axe, aud tho lino is not now a closo
family corporation.
Tho DruKKl'U' Outing,
The members of tho Pliarmai -elltiffll Aaa.i-
ciation hold their animal meeting and ban
quet at Tumbling Kun yestorday. An
elaborato spread was prepared, and tho follow
ing toasts were responded to : "Druggists of
Schuylkill County," G. W. Konuedy; "Drug
Clerk," P.l'.D.Kirlin; "Relation of Doctors
vo 1110 uruggists," r, W. Houck; "Tho
i-Huies, m. i;onaghuo.
Iho luxuries of a trip to the sea shore
uuriiig me ncaiea month or August can bo
fully realized at a mimimum cost by taking
tho Pennsylvania railroad
nay, August iBtn. Atlantic City is tho most
nteessioiopoini as it can bo reached without
transfer through Philadelphia by purchasing
uia i iiiu woiawaro uivor Uridge Route,
uu,y " ii nue from points iu Pennsyl
Town tijelUU I.'litered.
oiieiiuuuuim Will ho rpnrmonl.,1 I., ti...
August Raco meet of tho Mahanoy City
.. ..i.u....o., jcuiiuuy, join lust., by J. A
uroiyn in ine ono m o norfen nm!
vnt 1 r. C f. ... - ,hu
ituu 1 . oyeillllZ ill tlm nnn.ltalr ..tln
dash. Syemitz has also
ono ratio lap raco.
lllekert's Culo.
Clam soup, free, to-night. A siwlnl ln,,..i.
served to-morrow morning.
School Warrant Issued.
The state department of public instruction
.osutu u immoer 01 warrants for payment
of the school appropriation. They went to
the larger districts. Shonandoah has not yet
Iluud Injur.. I.
(leorge Joudoskl, a residout of town, had
two fingers of his left hand mashed yoster
day by a falling piece of tirnbor in the
(lilborton colliory. Dr. Stolii dressed the
.Married In Philadelphia,
John Poff, a son of Peter Potr, of North
West street, has joined tho ranks ot the
benedicts. Ho was m trricd to Miss Margaret
Kohlor, of Philadelphia, on Tuesday morn nine o'clock, in the Quaker City. Mrs.
Potr, mother of tho groom, was present at
the ceremony.
Kendrlck House Free Lunch.
Cream of tomato soun will bo
to all patrons to-night. '
Kcllpso Ucllpsea All.
Tho Kclipso Oil Compauy's delivery turn
out is making a stunning display. It is a
uewouoput 011 tho road yesterday. The
horses wear heavily nickeled harness and the
ou cauK is elaborately decorated. Tho run-
lung gear is oi a bright red color, and tho
iuuk mine Willi t 10 LOlnnanv'a nn,n ..
tsci-n siuo 111 gin letters Two largo trays
mo laiiK aro also neatly dec
orated. Speclul Services.
Thoro will be snecial
Trinity Reformed church on West Lloyd
street at 7:30 o'clock this evening.
Absolutely Puro
Another Squad Left To-day For the
Georgia Camp.
LUut, Blvlter Is Doing a Laid Office Busi
ness and Will Continue the Recrult
lnc Until Further Orders-The
Nanus of tho Last Men
Who Went.
About tho only scene of activity iu the
town last night and to-day was tho regular
army recruiting station in tho Fercuson
Illock ou West Contre street. Limit. Klitr
is doing a land ollico business and his in.
creased forco of clerks Mud it difficult tn kpm.
abreast with tho work mado for thom by the
opplicants. Tho ollics was kept open until
after ton o'clock last night and was filled
with applicants until tho doors closed.
lliero was a stirring scene about thostntlnn
last night whon a boy residing on West Lino
stroet ana named l'rauz got into an altcrca
tion with Harry Walters, the door tender.
Tho boys "coupled up" 011 tho sidewalk and
pummoled each other fast and furious until
Corporal Georgo Ciegg forcod his way through
tho crowd and took Walters off of his an
tagonist. Corporal Clegg, by the way, Is
not tho dudo some pcoplo judge him to bo
from his attire. Ho is a cavalryman who has
soon activo sorvico in tho West, and whon it
comes to "scrapping" ho is right at liome.
Somebody kicked Waitors in tho mouth dur
ing tho scrimmage and he now carries in his
underllp two stitches as Dr. Stoin's momonto.
Waitors is not only tho first recruit to bo en
listed aud sworn iu at the station, but also
tbo first to bo wounded.
Liout. Sivitor has concluded to retain
James Bradley on his corps of clerks while
ho is engaged in recruiting, tho recruit to ac
company him to each town ho visits.
r-acn 01 tho recruits that left town tlii
afternoon carried a quarter pound package of
smoKing ana cnowiug tobacco prcsontod by
Harry J. Muldoon.
Tho following is the official list of the re
cruits who were sworn iu to-day and left foi
Camp Lithia Spriugs, Georgia, together with
their birthplaces as given when thoy applied:
Josepif Bortusky, Shenandoah.
Justin-Labanaski, Russia.
John II.Taggart, Win. Penn.
Fraucis A. Housor, Lost Creek.
Walter Cooncy, Philadelphia.
Owen (iaughat). Ireland.
James V. Coyne, ftSi.jlklH county.
Nicholas Whalen, HeckstIn,rTille.
Georgo K. Taggart, Win. Penn. .
Goorgo McC'loskey, Germany.
Samuel W. Nowiiard, Northumberland Co.
Potor Rijik, Austria.
Henry J. Zubris, Russia.
Edward G. McElrath, Mauch Chunk.
Walter H. Phillips, Pottsvillo.
William Yusykiolis, Russia.
Daniel Chudiucca, Shenandoah.
Simon Golis, Russia.
James Wilson, Philadelphia.
There wore nineteen raon in the sauad and
they wore placed in charge of Recruit Coyuo,
wno was instructed as to his responsibility
for delivering all tho men safo at tho camp.
Tho crowd of men and women who assembled
at the depot to seo the recruits depart this
aftornoon was even larger than that which as
sembled on the day tho first sepjad departed
and enthusiasm ran high. A delegation of
the G. A. R. Post formed a part of the escort
to the depot to-day and they shook hands
cordially with tho departing recruits.
Tbo 21st Uuitod States Infantry, for which
the recruits in town aro being oulisted, loft
Santiago yostorday for Moutauk Poiut, Long
Island. Lieut. Siviter stated to-day that this
would not interfere with his recruiting ;
that he would continue until orders aro ro
coived from headquarters to stop. The re
cruits will continue going to Camp Lithia
Springs and remain thoro until the 21st
Regiment is givon orders to go to somo per
manent destination, whon they will be
assigned to it.
lllg Timo In Store.
Thoro is a big timo iu store fur poopio seek
ing enjoyment. Tho annual picnic of tho
Phoenix Firo Company at High Point park
next Monday will be a great event. The
"boys" who compose the membership of the
coinpauy aro tho friends of tho public in tho
time of need aud distress, and aro thomsolvos
iu neod of financial assistance to maintaiu
their quartors aud keep their apparatus in
good condition. Elaborato arrangements
liavo been mado for tho picnic. Dancing
music win oo lurnisneci uy a first class
cuestra. mo company will proceed to tho
picnic in a uoay at 10 a. in.
Special Ilurgnlnst
I'cic. suuues on rol era. 8 int. Ktr..,..
matting 10 conts a yard. Best table oil cloth
12 cents
The Family will I.euve Town.
Miss Hattlc Hess, who resigned
tion us a public school teacher hero, has re
ceived a similar appointment at Newark,
N. J. Miss Hess lias a sister teaching school
at Newark, and the family expects to removo
therein 11 short time. The School ltnnr.l
will fill tho vacancy caused by Miss Hess'
resignation at a special meeting next Mondnv
Seet Jersey Watermelons ami C'ante.
Ono carload of oich for Saturday, all rino
and sweet. We sell as cheap as anybody iu
town. Coalett's 38 South Main St. 8-12-St
Social (Intlierlug.
There was a social gathering last evening
at tho residonco of Mrs. W. J. Morgan, ou
South Jardiu street, in honor of hor sister,
Miss Bcssio Wooley, of Philadelphia. The
numberof guosts was limited, but tho even
ing passed very onjoyably.
The lloriiiigli Lout,
111 tho case of J. C. Brown, Frank Conry
and M. R. Slcln, liquidating trustees of the
Shenandoah Lumber aud Feed Company,
against the Borough of Shenandoah, Justico
Toomoy last night gave Judgment in favor of
the trustees for f WO with interest from Feb.
23rd, 1MI3, and costs,
Murrlage Licenses,
Marriage licenses wore issued to the follow
ing: Benjamin F. M. Paul and Maggio
Borkey, both of Auburn; John Klobassa aud
Mary Kramora, both of Mlucrsvillo.
The Mt. Uiulu Won.
About a.UOO poopio wituessed tho game of
ball at Ashland yesterday aftornoon between
the St. Louis National League team and tho
Locust Dalo-Ashlaud combination, Tho
former won by a score of 12 to a. Mmv
Shenandoah enthusiasts were present, ,
Nollcit to the Public.
I wish to announce to tho people of Sheu
andoah and vicinity that I will move to tho
Dornbach building, on East Centre stroet
now occupied by the Star Clothing House, ou
August 15th. Uutil that date I will sacrifice
my entire iiuo of mon's, boys' and children's
clothing, haU and cups, gent' furnlihlng
Samuel Block.
Bicycle supplies and novelties of overy de
scription at llrumm'i.
Fire! Fire! Urn I
Insure your property from loss In the
oldest and strongest cash companies : Phlla.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Fire Association, Hartford
lire Ins. Co., Amorlean Firo Insurance Co.,
West Choster Firo tus. Co., United Firemen's
Ius' - T. T. Williams,
. 183 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah.
Naval and
Army Heroes.
Dewey sell gents' furnish
ings cheap? Well,
if you
experience you
will know that to
be the
cause of our suc
cess. Again, the
Merritt of our goods
causes the people
to travel
Miles to patronize us.
We welcome the looker as well as the buyer.
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Date Hat Store nd Shenandoah's
Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store.
For dozen window
shades. All our better
ones have been reduced
also. Shades made to
fit any window, nnd
especially store windows. Call for
bargains In new carpets at
Marked down to
the lowest selling prices. We
are selling our stock as low as
any ol our competitors; yes,
in fact, they can't touch us on
some of our goods.
10 S. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
... Is the Beginning of Baldness.
Wootphal'B fluxlHatop
Cures Dandruff and all diseases 0 tlie scalp.
Ferguson Ilotue Block.
We have placed at vour dknrwnl
At very lowest prices. This ought
to lend interest and inspiration to
you. You don't need to be coached
on these bargains, their excellence
is apparent even to the uninterested
observer. You're the
winner ns
well as ourselves.
28 South Mala Strtat.JJ