The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 09, 1898, Image 4

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    BOX PAPER. j
Call on
paper. Our new
"Sweethearts" and
go at 10 cents easily,
us for box
cheap ones
worth 15c.
A new lot of "Pennsylvania" jnst
received You know the good
value this box is. This price 1
25 cents. See our new 10c tablets.
They are beauties.
d N. IVleln St.
Beef, Wine
and Iron.
Large ltottlo, so Cents.
J South Main Street, Shenandoah, l'a.
lleallm unit runeriilH.
Tlic funeral of the late William (I. Yuetic
luiK will lie lielil on Thursday aflernuon at
2 30 o'clock at liis Idle ieiileiicc. In Vottiville.
The interiiiciit will 1i at Charles IS.iber
cemetery ami will lie private.
The remain of I rank L. linrdnn, the
young man ilrowneil in TumMlng Kim dam
list week, weie hiteried at l'ottsvillo yester
day afternoon.
The funeral of Mrs John Dunn, who died
at her homu in Kapiiahannock 011 Sunday
niKht, will take place at 0 n. ni. to-moirow.
lliKh mass will lie celebrated at St. Joseph's
clmrcli, Girardvillc.
Anthony l.avelle died at his homo in f'en
tralia last uiirht of a liiiKeriiiu' illness. De
ceased was aged about 03 years and is survived
by his aecd wife and live chililrcn. Tlio
funeral n ill take place on ThuiMlay imirn
i tic Mr. Lavollc had many aciiualutances in
and about Lost Creek.
Tho funeral of llemy Wtirm took place at
two o'clock this afternoon from the family
lesidcncc, SO? Wett Centre street. The at
tendance of relatives anil friends was larpe.
Services were held in the Trinity lteformcd
church, Hev. Uobeit O'lloylo, the pastor,
ulllciatiug and the remains were intcried in
in tho Odd Fellows' cemetery. The pall
bearers wero .Messrs. William Miller, Hiram
Spado, 1'etor Heck, Joseph U.iddow, William
Brown and William Cattel. Aiiioiik tho out-
of town residents who attended the funeral
woie lrenry Koch, of Wilkesbarre: Mr. and
Mrs. Gcorco Hockenbern and family of Den
ver.Col.; J. K. Smith and family and llenja-
mm Hoyernnd family of Mahauoy City.
(leore Trinkle, iijjed 71 years, died at tho
county almshouse at Schuylkill Haven last
night Ho had been an inmate of tho hospi
tal department of tho institution for about
two years. His mother and a brother livo on
West Dak street, in this town, and it is under
stood they will claim the remains.
Fred. Glover, a former resident of this
town, died ntShamukin to-day. Ho left n
wife and five children. Mr. lilover was
formerly leader of l'aik l'lacc, Centralia and
Shamokiu bauds at dill'ercut periods.
No Mure Furlough.
A letter received from Camp Alger to-day
Btat' that Co. 1., Sth liegt., will start on
Thursday for Camp Thniniigliuiie. 311 miles
west, mulching ten mile a day, and no moio
furloughs will bo granted.
A Queer I'hiI.
Tho l'hilndelphlu Record tolls of n rich
man of that city who has n queer fml. Ho
neither (rives nor accepts nny mouoy that
hns ever previously been usod as legnl ten
der. Whuther ho fears contmnlnntlon in
tho exchange or only llkos to hatullo tho
bright new coins nnd bills for tho plensuro
of It Is not divulged. Hut, ivhutovcr tho
reason, tho mlo is absolute. Ho carries
with him n ttock of undlinmed coins of
every denomination up to half dollars,
beyond that crisp bills to the amount ho
consldors necessary. That which ho buys
ho pays for with tho exact chungo, and
should ho by chance bo caught without
moans of such precision tho seller is on
tltlod to tlio full amount given him in ex
cess of his bill. It is a Minitlvo measure
no doubt and very interesting, but to
cletivo to It strictly ono must needs have
obliging bankers or a lion on tho mint.
The Method of Miinuiil Training.
The method by which manual training
arouses and fosters n many Billed interest
and stimulates desiro is by giving children
something to do and by allowing such n
froo play ot choice and individuality both
In tho homcthlng and in tho lining that nt
tho very llrst possible moment tho activity
shall bo bolt directed When thlB point 1b
once gained, the work of education has bo
gun. Where tho will Is weak, as In tho caso
of poor, amende children, tho Interest may
soon llngi may indeed .putter and go qulto
out, and all this is very dlsoourngiug.
llut the interest must simply bo aroused
ud stimulated afresh. Never, howovor
great tho seeming extremity, must tho In
terest mid desire of tho teacher bo made to
do duty for that of the child, for the mo
mui. this occurs the work of education
ceases, and n mennlnglcss, unpsycholog
leal process takes Its place. O, Hanforil
Iionderson In Popular Science.
Gasoline, Oil,
Wagon Grease,
Gasoline, Oil Stoves.
We make a specialty of
gasoline, 60 cents in five gallon
lots, delivered. Mica and U. S.
axle grease. Also headlight oil,
150 fire test.
No. 143 Ifaat Coal Street, Hheiiniulonh, lViinii
Mall orders promptly uttended to.
For all Bilious and Kskvous
Disiasis. They purity Ihe
IIlood and give IUalthy
actloa to the entire system.
Floor and Table 011 Cloths.
E. B. Foley, a7WceesLBt.
A ICfcrulllliK St 11 1 1 1 1 it Opined In T11 Mil l.inl
A station for leeiulting men for the Itegu United Stales Army was opened in the
Ferguson House block on West Centre street
last night and lias been doing n rushing busi
ness ever since the doors weie opened.
Tlio station is in charge of Lieut. Francis
I'. Si viler, who lias with hltn a corps of four
assistants ill the persons of Dr. Fdward S.
Meter, Sorgt. (icorge Keisliner and Corporals
(leurgo Clegg and Siniiicl Wilson. They
have been kept busy lccoiding names of ap
plicants and other information nnd making
physical examinations. The applicants ate
first received in tlio outer olliie and, upon
making sitisfactoiy answers at the recording
desks, are sent to tlie lear room to bo ex
amined by the doctor and Ids assistant.
Lieut. Sivlter nnd his stall' foim a branch
of the l'hiliidelpliia headquarters. They are
enlisting men to till up the 'Jlst U. S.
Infantry, which was locatd at l'lattsburg,
N. Y., and had 100 men killed in the battle at
Santiago. Tho Lieutenant started out with
oldeis to lccrull at least 200 men. He his
been at Heading, l'ottsvillc, Willlamsport and
Shamokin. lie came from the latter plan-
yesterday and thus far has an enlistment of
310 men.
Since the opening of the station licio last
night (50 residents of town liae enlisted.
Nearly all of them are young men and it is
said that the enlistment lias depiived the
West Cherry street bao hall association of
nearly all its members. Lieut. Siviler sajn
lie enlisted 10 men from Shenandoah nt Sha
mokin. Tlio men enlisted will bo sent direct to the
camp at Lithia Springs, near Austell, Georgia,
and about eighteen miles from Atlanta. It
is said to be a beautiful place anil well adapted
lor encampment purposes. Upon arrival at
the Springs tho raw recruits will bo put
through a course of preparation for active
service, three drills a day being the program.
When proficient in the tactics tlio recruits are
next assigned to the 21st regiment, wherever
it may bo in service. At piescnt it is still at
Lieut. Sivlter leaves an agent in each city
and town he visits and last night he received
a telephone messago from Jersey Shore, l'a.,
stating that several men from that place will
reacli town to-day. Five recruits arrived
from Willlamsport last night. Tho Lieuten
ant says as long as lie can get lifteeu recruits
a day he will keep tho station here open. A
batch of recruits will leave town to-inniroiv.
Livema, scald head, hives, itchiniiss of the
skin of any sort instantly relieved, perman
ently cured. Doan's Ointment. At any drug
Sittv llin Miclliipl-Dulllo lCace.
Among tlioso who witnessed the Michael
Dullio bicycle raco at Willow (irovo on Satur
day wero 1'. J. Mulliolland, W. J. (ialvin,
Irank I nolo anil 1). I!. Lewis, of town, and
Timothy Coakley, of Mahanoy City. Michael
won the rate, but his opponent was given tho
rallliful Colliery Muln.
Tho employes of the Kehley l!un colliery
regret tho death of one of tlio mules yestei
day. Its ago was estimated at 30 years, and
for the past 30 years tho animal was lanked
aiming the most faithful about tho colliery.
Annual Sales over C,O00, 000 Boxoa
such as Wind nnd Pain In tho Stovnnoli,
Giddiness, Fulness after meals. Head
ache, Dizziness, Drnwbinoss, Flushings
of Heat. Loss ot Appotito, Costlvem-ss.
Blotches on tho Skin, Cold Chills, Dis
turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams nnd all
Nervous and Trembling SonsatloiiH.
IN TWENTY MINUTES, F.vory sufferer
will acknowledge them to bo
JIIXCIIAM'S PII,I.S, taken as direct
ed, will quickly restoro Femalos to com
plete health. They promptly remoo
obstructions or irregularities of tlio sys
tem nnd cure hick llcadnclic. Forn
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion I
Disordered Liver
Boocham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And have the
ornr.y l'.itent .tleillcliio In the World,
25c. at all Drug Storos,
The undersigned have opened a
lunuture store at Is'o. . 131
South Main street. The proprietors,
Messrs. D. et J. Siegel, will buy
another consignment of furniture
in New York and Philadelphia
early next week which will arrive
in the latter part of the week . The
public is invited to call and inspect
it. m
Our Stove Store
Is at No. 123 South
Main street, a few doors above the
new place. Our fall and winter
selection will comprise eight c:
loads of stoves, ranges and heatets,
which will begin to arrive shortly.
123 & 131 South Hain St.
Miss Lssiu ltocd, of West Oak sticet, has
gone to Parsons, Lnzuino county, iiecom
punlod by her grandmother, Mrs. liichai'd
I'ahner, who whs in town tho past week as
tho guot of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas
Iteod. Miss liced intends to spend a month
with relatives at Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs John Watson left town this
morning for William-town, to attend tlio
funeral of a relative.
Jacob N'oll visited friends at Pottsvllle.
Thomas Grant mado a trip to tho county
seat to-day.
George J. Wadllnger, V,v , of Pottsvllle,
spent this morning In town on professional
Ifev. Charles lioads, of Philadelphia, secre
tary of tliu Methodist Sunday School Hoard,
was in town to-day attending tho funeral of
Henry Wurin.
H. M. Wasloy Is in attendance nt tho Moun
tain Grovo camp meeting.
Charles II. Harris, of Win. Penn, has re
turned homo from his trip to tho old country.
Ho visited Kngland.
Mrs. Hugh O'Jtara has given birth to n
baby boy,
Mrs. John Dclauey, of South Main street,
has presented her husband with a baby boy.
W. llrucn Stoner, of Sunbiiry, and it. C.
Itoone, of St. Clair, wero the guests of It. L.
Mellck last evening.
Health Olllcer Conry and three children
and Mamie and Sallie Ormsby have returned
from Atlantic City.
1 linlit Girls.
At about 11:10 o'clock last night a fire
alarm was sounded from box 25, at the cor
ner of Main and Centre streets. It was re
sponded to by Driver llolvoy witli the
chemical engine and members of tho Phoe
nix Fire Company with their lioso carriage,
hut there was no tire for them to work upon.
Tho alarm was caused by tho timidity of
some girls. A belated young man tried to
gain entrance at the rear of his homo on
ljist Centre street, and next door to the
house occupied by Max lieeso's family. His
cl-iii ts to get in weie heard by the Missis
lteese, who concluded that burglars weie
trylug to get into their house nnd started a
ehoius of scieams. The youngest daughter
ran out upon the street and said something
about fire, wheicupoii Policeman Mullahy
sent in an alarm.
Ilelil fur ii Hearing.
James Gaiighau, of St Nicholas, was to
day arrested at that place by Watchman John
Crcary, of town, on a warrant charging that
Gaughan picked tho pocket of Patrick
Mouaghan, of West Coal street, and stole a
siivor watch and gold chain valued at f'-is.
Mouaghun says he caught Gaughau's hand in
his pocket. Gaughan was placed in tlio
lockup pending a hearing to-night before
Justice Shoemaker.
Deeds Itecoriled.
Deed from Solomon lteed, executor to
Hubert S. ISashore, for a lot of ground in
Pinegrovo twp
Deed Irom Theo. Satti.ohn, administrator,
to Robert S. liashore, for a house and lot in
Pinegrovo twp.
Deed Irom H. S. llashorc et ux. to Harry
M. Kckert, premises in Pinegrovo twp.
Deed from Michael G, Stiotiphnucr and
w'fo to Harry M. Eckort, for two small
pieces of land in P negrovo twp.
Deed from Wm. llarton and wife to Mary
Ann IIouer, premises in Tainaqua.
Deed from Kdwanl Ilatisain ct al. to A.
J. Pilgram, premises in Pottsvillo.
Deed from Arthur J. Pilgram and wife to
Maine F.. li.uistim, premises in Pottsvllle.
Kenilrirk llmisn Free I.nucli
(!mnd Army bean soup will be served, free,
to all patrons to-night.
Iltitlor School Teachers.
Tlio board of directors of tho Ilutler town
shin school district elected teachers for the
ensuing year. All tlio old teachers wore
elected with tho exception of Orea Letller
and Flmcr Maurer. Mr. I.clllcr tauejit at
Ilrcad Mountain, and Maurer taught at tlio
Island. Tho changes in location aro few:
Miss Emma Englo goes to ltroad Mountain,
and is succeeded at Ft. Springs by Miss
MeClain, who formerly taught at Iilg Mine
Iiun, and Miss Costello, goes from I.ayello to
Ilig Mine Itun. Mr. Shoemaker, formerly at
l.avelle, goes to the Island, and G. S. Maurer
goes to l.avelle.
Dleil I'rmil Lead l'olsonlug. ,
William Wiudish, aged 25 years and a
former resident of Yatesvillo, died in tho
l're-Jiytorian hospital at Philadelphia on
Sunday night from the en"ects of lead poison
ing coutnictcd wliilo employed as a fireman
in one of the .ead foundries of tho city. The
remains were brought to town to-day on the
noon 1'. it 1. train and removed by Under
taker O'Neill to tho residence of tho de
ceased's parents at Vatesville. Tlio funeial
will take placo to-morrow. High mass will
be celebrated in the German Catholic church
and interment will bo mado in tho Annuncia
tion cemetery.
Mothers loso their dread for "that terrible
second summer" whon they havo Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry in tlio house.
Naturo's specific for summer complaints of
every sort.
Miss Clrllliil Improved.
Injuries in the caso of Miss Sallio Orillln,
of Harry's, believed to bo fatal, havo been
reduced by the physician s skill and tho
young lady is expected to return home within
a week or so. Sho was employed in fiill's dry
L'oods store, and was on a visit to St. Clair,
July i, when accidentally burned.
Fountain pons, from 23e to f'.'.5(l at F. J.
I'ortz's. tf
The Heading lleur War.
There is something humorous In tho Head
ing beer war. When tho war tax of a dollar
was put on, tho prico per barrel jumped from
$7 to iS, but it has since fallen to $7 with GO
cents oil' for cash, to f U and now to f5.B0 al
though the tax is still on, says tlio Mahanoy
City Kecord.
Welcomed to tlio l'oltl.
Messrs. M. E. Doylo and M. J. lawlor,
two well known journalists, yesterday as
sumed chargo of tho Daily News, and will
conduct that paper under tho tltlo of tho
News Printing Company. They will till
lone felt want" in the sanctum of our
evening contemporary, lloth are Journalists
of much ability and should moot with tho
success, they deserve.
Hiuiil liOuretl.
Alex, I'cnkouskl, a Lithuanian resident of
town, had a largo ciu in the back of his left
hand severed yesterday afternoon by a fall
ing piece of coal in the Maple Hill colliery.
The Injury was dressed by Dr. bteiu.
At Tayno's nursery, Clirardville, you will
11 ml tlio largost stock overseen in tho county.
Has Son ut Manila
Garrett McKernan, a venerable resident of
East Coal street, has received a lotter from
his son, Edward, who is at Manila, Philippine
Islands, as a member ol uo. u, lilli u. ,
Infantry. Tho son says ho was at the taking
of tlio I-idronu Islands and that his coin
pauy arrived at Manila on the day ho wroto
the letter, July ist,
l'aid the Cost uutl Fees.
Ex-County Commissioners Frank ltontz,
John 1. Martin and Charles F. Allen visited
tho court house and paid the rourt coU and
witness fees in tho recent caso ugainst them.
The lino of fii.10 imposed upon eacli ot them
has not yet been paid.
1'. & It. 1'ay Day,
I'aymastor Ouy will pay tho I', A It, rail
road employes at Mahanoy Plane and vicinity
on Tuesday, August 23,
A Minor Has 11 Itmiiitrkiililo Uncapo I'roui
Mahauay City, Aug. n. Thomas MeNealls,
41 years old, met with an accident nt the
North Mahanoy colliery yesterday afternoon
by which ho had a narrow CRcapo from
death. Me wits leaving tlio colliery to work
elsewhere and on his way to the shop to get
his tools was struck by a trip of four loaded
WHK0IH. Mo was knocked down and leeelvid
a big gash on his head beside a number of
bad bruises, ills condition is serious.
The Union t'jtrnhl farmers ato abutit to
begin a warfare against tho Mahanoy town
ship authorities on account of the bad con
ilition ot the roads in the latter township.
The farmers propose to tako the mutter Into
court and are circulating a petition with that
l'ctcr Dennis, a private of Co. 13, Sth licet ,
and who was home on a furlouch from Camp
Alitor, was married by Justico May hist even
liiKtoMln Until Jones, of St. Nicholas.
Dennis left for Camp Alucr to-day.
Jacob lteese and Irank kolhos, with their
families, have (tone to Cleveland, ().. wluve
they have secured employment.
rliomas rnunt and (Icorce Trevaikis aro
just leeoveriiiK from a serious illness occa
sioned by eatliiK watermelon. Tiovankls is a
resident of I Iazlcton and c.inui heio to visit
Truant's family. Six people in all partook
of the melon and bccuuie ill, but all aie now
able to bo about.
Mrs. Mary Valence, an used lady, died this
morning at the homo of her daughter, Mrs.
Divid I,. Thomas, at Uilbcr.oii. Sho had
been an invalid for years.
Halliard O'Dotiuoll, a loader at tlio Xorth
Mahanoy colliery, became ill while on his
nay In the bottom of the slope last- itveniiiL'
and was leliioved to his lioiuu.
Infant's lace caps, the cheapest and hirecst
slock in town, at F. ,1. l'-'itz's, i!l North
Main sticet. tf
I. .V K (!. .V I, Co. Will licstorc Mono)
M, III I'nilel- the Allen I. all'.
Mahanoy City, Auuiwl II --It has been
olliciully aunoiniiTil that when the employes
at the 1'. i: It ('. ,1 1. col ieiies in tlio Maha
noy district receive their wanes on the next
pay d.i) the alien employes will have le
slored them the money withheld by
llm company about a year iiru under the
alien lax law. It is also stated that the
restoration will apply in all tho distiicts ill
which tho company's collieries aro locatid.
The sums retained range Irom threo cents to
two dollars and the nge,rcj;.iio sum is thous
ands of dollars. The work of rcturniiiu tho
money will be moredillicult tlian that attend
ing the collections, as many of the collieries
have since been shut down and truce of many
of tho moil has been lost.
l'or.rricAi. roivrs.
Senator Quay was in Philadelphia. It is
hardly necessary to say that Major Finney
was thcro also pulling at his Senator's coat
David Graham will receive the liepubbcan
nomination for the Senate m this district
with very little if any opposition. His elec
tion is a foregono conclusion.
Joseph Nichter is already building his
fences for tho Democratic nomination for
County Treasurer next year.
Major John F. Finney, in his argument
persuading Harrison Hall to allow the use of
his name as a Congressional candidate, very
truthfully stated that "it would harmonize
both factions of the party" and further
assured Mr. li.ill that the Journal would sup
port Ills candidacy. Evidently liruuim has
tapped his barrel in tlio vicinity of the polit
ical sanctum of our contoniporary.
Why Hind Coal Is Not Used.
Secretary W. K. I.oul, of the Pennsylvania
Anthracite Association is in receipt of a letter
from the Navy Department in answer to ids
communication relative to the uso of anthra
cite coal in tho navy. It says that the buieati
is opposed to tho design of boilers for the use
of anthracite fuel fur many practical and
strategic icasons, which may ho briefly stated
as follows : 1. Tlio low rnto of combustion of
anthracite coal witli natural draft, thus in
volving greater weight and space for boilers.
give the samo power. 2. Practical impossi
bility to procure anthracite coal except on
our own Atlantic coast, so that bituminous
coal would havo to be used elsewhere 3
Greater length of time required to chango
the condition of the fires from slow to rapid
production of steam with anthracite than
with bituminous coal a greater strategic
There are some tilings you must
I-css trouble to buy here than anywhere
A Few Shirt Waists
To Go at Halt Price.
Thirty dozen
Japonel silk handker
chiefs, hemstitched,
Trimmed all
around the edge with
for 5 cents worth
15 cents.
fine lace 50 doen of
them to ro at loc,
worth 25 cents.
few odds and ends
to goat half price.
Fancy Bazar,
23 N Main St.
Is now open at 2
South Main St.
The proprietor, Mr. Spoont, is
no stranger to the public, he hav
ing been in the furniture business
on Kast Centre street for several
years. As a promoter of low
prices he led in the furniture Hue,
and will also lead in the shoe line.
His stock will equal any in town.
The new place is at
27 S. Main St.
inn s
; Everybody is invited to call 3
and examine our stock. 2
Tho Rosy Frcsnoss
And a velvety soltuens o( liTnin Is Inva
riably obtained by tbivi wIiuuho I'ozzomi'u
Uoniplcilnn J'oMilrr.
The forecast for Wednesday t Fair and
rlear woathor, without much Increaso of sul
triness, and light westerly winds, bccoiniui:
variable, with slowly rising temporatuie, fol
lowed by rain In tho southern nnd western
Happenings Throng! .nit
t'llrouieli it Inr linst
tlio Cnlintr
Pottsvillo's company was
last night
mustered lulu the service of tho new Pro.
visional Guard.
The Polish voters of Heading havo organ
ized for political purposes.
The members of the Mahanoy City Ath
letic Association are coiisideilng the advisa
bility of building a olio-hair mile trolling
It is said a ccneial tcdnctlon of wages nt
Delano bar h'cn inaugurated.
An oiiginal pension of fil has been granted
to Jos., of Delano.
Workmen arc at work im'tho new addition
to the (lilherton M. E. church.
Thomas Glenwriglit has accepted tho posi
tion of outside foreman at Phoenix Park
colliery. He formerly held a similar position
at Thoniftstiiwn.
Harry Gcrrlty, of Centralia, Is sud'orlng
from several bruki.ii ribs, caused by a mil of
coal at North Ashland lolllcry.
The Germau Catholic Knights of Ashland
will have an outing on the 17th inst., at the
park near that town.
Mr. Harvey lllew, of Locust Valley, and
Miss Mailer, Tuscorora, will be mar
lied August Sltli at Tusearora.
The P.O. S. of A. will nilso a Hag at Gil
berlon on Saturday.
Tyrone is to hae a faelorj that will tuin
out 10.(100 corncob pipes dally.
Pupils in Ifiiriisbuig public schools will
use tablets instead of slates the coming year
The Pittsburg Vale Cutupany will con
tinue its work on shells tor the government,
regardless of pe'ace prospects.
Stcelton's Young Men's Christian Associa
tion is just getting ready to send ISiblcs to
Pennsylvania soldiers at the front.
The Li-high's new hrcakci nt Sugailoaf,
neat lla.leton. isueail completed, and will
soon turiiish work to nearly l.BJil men.
Driving down hill between .Shamokin and
Ehshurg, a carriage pnty was upset by their
vehicle breaking, and several persons were
Fifteen Lancaster county Prohibitionists
Humiliated William L Jackson for Congress
yesterday. William D. Snyder for State
Senator, and a complete county ticket.
Geranumiis, fuchsias, pausies, daises, roses,
cte., for spring planting at Payne's nurseries,
Girardville. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs.
.Itarrhigo Licenses.
Frederick E. IMoinan to Miss Lizzie llarllet,
both of Tainaijiia.
Nickola Doinarilznnd Anuio Doodzar, both
of Kolayres.
TTSTTTJ TD.T t . , , .. . . . f
u.,...uwi.. ami cinniar uocrpianits,
n. i prcpau-u nail t iuu M.-lcgcnt
WorM renowned I Uemnrkidilv Pllccrspftil I
c Only cnmiinoM-lth Trade Mark Anchor.
JK. Ail.ltUlitcrl'o.,2!.'lYiirlft., 'nv lork. i
13 Branch Hontos. Own Glassworks.
25&U)iiVS. Jiadoriicil & rtcuuiuiuuiiiat by
A. Wasley. 106 N. Main St.,
. IT. Hagenbuch, 101 N. Main St.,
. r. r. D. Kirlln, 6 S. Main St.
on. niCHTcrrs 1
"ANCHOR" STOMACHAT, fcoat fori
Jolt' . JiyNprnein A-Htomiirli CTninpiiiiiiiw. I
A rooI ri1 ilahlc IioiiBokoeiier for
h in nil family,
11i;hai.i ollk-c
(JooU waives. Apply at mi'
TOH KFSNT. A Hnlonn with (hvolllnj;, cni-
tulnlng in coinfnrtiiltlo rooms on Himth
Main Htu'Lt. Loon tot Mn tlio lusinei poitfon
Kentumalile terms- Call at Hfkam Hike. M-2-lm
FOll MAM2, -Valuable property for Halo, con
Htsthiir of four ilw cl iiiir lioust'H. all convt'ii-
For fmtlior
Information apply at B'J7 Wtst
Lloyd Mrut't,
8-1-2 w
IjlOIt 8AM5. A vain titles property on West
I1 Centre street, dwelling lion wo, and all eon
venU'lueH In dewlrablo locution. Apply to
Thomas Tndi, for further partlciilarH. fw7tf
IilOIt HALK. A saloon (lond tand and een-
tntl location. Huh two pool table, ono
beliitf a combination of pool nnd hllllunlH.
Apply at tho Ukuai.D oilier. tf
110 E. Centre St.
The only furniture stor in Shen
andoah and vicinity that gives you
the opportunity of re-furnishing
your home with new furniture in
exchange for your old. A reason
able rebate will be allowed on all
This offer is made for a limited
time only. Come early and
take advantage of it. Do not
wait until it is declared off,
Our stock consists of a beautiful
line of bed room suits, excellent
finish, such as quarter sawed oak,
bird's eye maple, mahogany and
other kinds, elegantly carved
Parlor suits, different designs and
colors. Tables, rockers, chairs
sideboards, bed steads, mattresses
Springs, best grades, and chenper
than ever. Iron bedsteads and
Stoves and Ranges are also
included in our business.
110 E. Centre St.
1 'f'- " '
similallnlg tMTood ntulltcg ula
liiig tlifeStomachs andDowels of
ncssarulEcst.Gonlnins neither
OpiutnlMorphinO nor Mineral.
jtac orouiUrSMa'arjraiii
jinist 3tI'
fli CtuionatSoJo, 4
Cltinfud Sifr?r :
liivfw- tlarvn
ApcrfcctUcmcdy forConstipa
fion.Sour.Siomach.Dinrrhoca, Wortus',Convulsions Jcvcrish
ticss andLoss OF SLEEP.
TfltSitiule 'Signature of
Have Removed to
Refowich's Bldg.,
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
rniLn.-enenr - store.
o nUAT.KU IN o
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
2 West Centre Street,
Baeknell University,
CimiprlncM n College with four wunrai
Academy for Youn Men nml lloynl Ladles
Institute, urcllncil honrdlni; nchoolj School ol
Music with trudimtlnu coumi'a. l'or cntiilouuo
WM. C. GRETZINGER, RegULreawrUburB, pa
Dr. Frank Womer,
Hjh'i tucli-H ami rye gliuwra flttetl accurately prui tlio rcsuineil.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
In wnll jmpiTH nml Jecorutlnna is ono of tho
nineteenth century neeotnpllahment. That U
why thine who select their wnll imper ut
OAUDIN'S Ket mich delightful resnlta. It Isn't
neeesHiiry to purehaKe tlie expensive KrmIffOno
design ami cnlov aro Jint nn nrtUtle In tho
chenper (jnulea, If they nrc not so rich. Pur
thosowho wish to decoriito their rooms with
artistic- wo 11 paper o to
224 West Centre Street, Shenandoali, Pa.
Thos. Buchanan,
Examination Made at Your Home or at
Our Storo.
--Has Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
We Bottle
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. IYeave tliem
at the ofiice, we will do
the rest.
" 80th nialrlct,
Oi' Mahanoy City.
Hultjei't to HrjiublloAu rulon.
poit ninicoTon ok tiik rooit,
Hnlijcct to l!i'plllcnii rulca.
Ok 1'orraviu.ii.
Buhji'ct to Itepuhllcan rulus.
ok Mahanoy City.
Hilojcct to Hciiuhllcun minx.
A unod plnce for a good
Michael Mills' Saloon,
it K. Centre utrect, Mcllet'a bulldlnR,
Wine, Whlsklra, llrcr and Clip'rs. Krethuil
lieer lu town alwttya on t.