The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 08, 1898, Image 3

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    Down One Street and up Another,
Prom Every Word In
I lard to hold down the enthusiasm of our
people under such circumstances as those sur
rounding the work of the little conqueror.
There is no place in the world where a good
thing is better appreciated than right here at
home. We are quick to see it and quick to
"push it along" in the manner it merits.
From all parts of the city come the same re
ports j success follows in cveiy footstep nnd
investigation of each new case but odds lo the
endorsement that has gone before and places
their claims beyond the shadow of a doiibl.
This icpoit comes from West J'oplar street,
where our representative found Mr. Uobcit S.
Jones, Miner, at his place of residence. The
following statement will interest our readers :
" lor ve.irs 1 had backache hut of late it
seemed to have changed more to headache.
J also hart difficulty with the kidney secre
tions, accompanied by loo frequent anion. I
was troubled with a listless or tiled feeling
and though 1 used about every kind of medi
cine 1 knew about 1 cannot name one that
1 have not tested I got no permanent relief
from any of them. I finally lead about
Doan's Kidney Tills and got them from
Kirlin's Pharmacy. They were the first
remedy which gave me positive relief. They
stopped the bladder (rouble nnd I have had
none of those headaches since. I recommend
Doan's Kidney Tills as the best kidney medi
cine that ever came out. '"
Doau'k Kidney Tills for sale, by nil doalors.
Trice fill cents. Mailed by Tostcr-Mllburn Co.,
lSullalo, N. Y sole agents for tbo V S.
Kemcmbor the name- Donn's nnd tako no
Pnrt I. Diseases of Horses.
Part II. Diseases of Cattle.
Part III. Diseases or Sheep.
Part IV. Diseases or Hogs.
Part V. Diseases or Dogs.
Part VI. Diseases or Poultry.
Sumo book in bottor binding DO eta.
lii'MruiiMSBii:n. n.,cor,iiiiiUni & JoiiBhu.,Ai? Tori
nnd Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphrey' Homeopnthln Specific
No. 28, in uso ovop-iO yenrs, the only
successful remedy.
$1 pcrvlal.orS viatu andlaree vial powdcr,ior $S
Hnl.1 1-y DrlltfKUII, or wilt wnt'iiM i.n rerilpt ol rlcv.
Ill'lirUHMH' Mr P. ( 0. I or. Vfllltnui It Jblitfeu., ftfw Yor
foii Bali: ny Lfduma dcaleiis.
Grocers enn tell
you why those
irtitt,ir Cnnlli'c
wnen keep coming buck.
Ir used as tin
tor it. strange
though how long
it tukca people to
try a new thing.
admixture to
ordinary cof
fee makes n
i delicious drink.
In Bottles or by
the Keg.
Laner's Lager
Pilsnei Beer.
Porter and Weiss Beer.
Christ. J :liniidt,
Acent and Bottler, 2
203 W. Coal Street,
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardiu St.
- v w
1 .
To Poaco Toms Unconfirmed by
Offioials at Washington.
ItuliilbrcomutitH for (loiiorul Mllovnt
1....,. ,!.... I... I f ....... ...1
a ui ii, . . i ; v. uuiiiif rui hi u, iiviii !
loss or J'oiiuo NouotlutloiiH ltutiirit
ot simttur'H Army Corp.
Washington, Aue. 8. Although with
out olllclal, as yet, continuation ot the
report from Pails that the Spanish
Kovernment has decided to accept the
terms laid down by the United States
ns essential to the negotiations of a
treaty of peace, the olllclals here are
proceeding under the conviction that
the eiwl hus come, nnd are giving at
tention to the steps to be taken next.
In view of the delay In coming to this
conclusion the Idea was beginning to
prevail that the Spanish government
was about to enter a plea In abatement,
nnd that the answer would again be in
conclusive. In this case the president
was disposed to deal ilrinly with the
Issue; to give notice that our proposals
were withdrawn and to let It be un
derstood that when Spain ugaln sued
for peace the conditions would be more
severe than those first laid down. If
the Spanish answer should embody an
effort to secure any material change
In the conditions It will meet with
prompt rejection.
Some reference has been made In the
dispatches of British newspapers to a
desire on the part of the Spanish gov
ernment to Include In the preliminary
agreement a clause exempting It from
liability for the Cuban debt. The for.
mal statement of the points of the
United States' note given out from
the White House made no reference to
this subject, and It cannot be known
as yet whether or not the full text
shows anything more. Hut presuming
that no reference whatever Is made to
the Cuban debt, It Is possible the sub
ject may bo regarded as one that
should be treated by the peace com
missioners who aro to meet later to
frame the treaty, which of course will
embody many details that are left un
touched In the main proposition, though
cabinet ofllcers have authorized the
statement that no part of the Cuban
or Porto Tllcan debts would be as
sumed by the United States.
Should the Spanish answer be nn un
conditional acceptance of our terms
some negotiation may be necessary to
agree upon the steps to be taken to
give effect to the agreement. So far
as can bo learned It has not yet leen
determined how this shall be done.
There are two ways open. The first
Is a military capitulation by v the cap
tain generals .of Cuba and POrto nico,
which will Immediately place the Amer
ican military or naval commanders In
technical occupation of the Islands and
enable them to carry out In their own
way and in their own time the em
barkation of the Spanish armies In
the islands. The question as to whether
they shall be permitted to carry off
their arms Is not now as material as
It was In the case of the surrender of
General Toral's forces at Santiago.
Spain having succumbed, It might bo
urged that the United States might
grant a concession of this point to
Spanish pride without fear of having
the action attributed to fear of the
consequences of a refusal. This would
not apply, however, to the volunteers
who might elect to remain In Cuba, as
It would not be prudent to allow so
large a body of men to carry arms.
The second method by which the pre
liminary peace agreement might be
formally effected would be by a pro
tocol to be signed by a representative
of the president, probably Secretary
Day in this case, and by M. Cambon In
behalf of the Spanish government. It
was by Just such an agreement as this,
known as the Cushlnc protocol, that
war with Spain was averted as a re
sult of the VIrglnlus affair. This course
having the weight of precedent, may
he adopted In this case. It Is probable
that In the Philippines the greatest
difficulty will be met In putting the
agreement Into effect on account of the
attitude of the Insurgents, but General
Merrltt Is now gaining In strength dally
and probably will be In position to
meet any emergency.
General Wade's reinforcements for
General Miles are going forward re
gardless of the progress of peace ne
gotiations. The agreement to negoti
ate a treaty of peace does not neces
sarily carry with it a cessation of hos
tilities. IC It Is desirable these rein
forcements may be Intercepted and re
turned to the United States, after they
sail. The present plans of Secretary
Alger all contemplate that they shall
leave the United States, especially as
It Is felt that with the practical 'field
experience they will acquire In Porto
Rico under favorable climate condi
tions they will make good material to
use both there and In Cuba In carrying
out the government's reconstruction
Secretary Alger Is upprehenslve that
the small wharfage recources of San
tiago will seriously retard the execu
tion of the department's orders for the
speedy return to the United States of
Shatter's army corps. With the Span
ish steamers coming to take away the
surrendered army of General Toral,
which must bo first removed before It
will bV safe to withdraw the whole of
the American force, It Is going to be
difficult to embark the latter without
Incurring the danger of a severe con
gestion In the unhealthy town. General
Shatter has been called upon by cable
to describe the state of affairs, and he
will be given all the help In the power
of Hie war department, but still It Is
believed that the whole of Shatter's
soldiers cannot be embarked before the
flrst of September.
The war department officials are en
tirely satisfied with the progress so far
made toward the shipment to Spain
of General Toral's army surrendered
at Santiago. The vessels which are to
be used for this purpose are now on
the way to Santiago, and barring acci
dents, they nre expected to arrive there
about the 13th Inst., when the troops
will bo embarked as rapidly as pos
sible and proceed at once to Spain. It
is recalled that most of the other com
petitors for the transportation contract
required until Sept. 1 to accomplish' the
embarkation, which, under the present
nrrangement, It Is expected, will be
completed by Aug. 15 or very Boon
Thousands of persons havo been cured of
piles by using DoWltl'S Wltcu uazei eaivo.
it heals promptly and euros cczoina and all
akin diseases. It gives Immediate relief. C.
, llacunbuch.
Cold on tho Maria Tiii-PMi.
Playa Del liste, Aug, 8. The Potomac
has lecovcied 10,000 from the Infanta
Maria Teresa, which wub driven ashore
at tho time Admiral Curvera attempted
to escape from Santiago, and which has
been lloated and will proceed io jxor
til.k. Va.
Iiurdoek Blood Hitters Klyca a man n clear
head, an active hratn, a strong, vigorous
body makes lihu lit for the battle of life
The H
Compared with
The Mel
It's the old, old story, told over and over again since tho dawn of crea
tion. The story of tho heart. It's a theme that never wearies. And yob
the saddest stories of tho heart aro those of its disorders. It has been tho
most neglected organ in tho body. Thcro aro thousands of cases of heart
disease that never receive the proper treatment. The average doctor knows
little of tho heart, and treats the cases presented to him, as some other dis
order and in this manner, patients, instead of being cured, aro mado worse.
Tho testimony of tho lady whoso portrait appears above is pertinent.
Dr. Miles' discoveries, relating to the heart and nerves, mark a new era in
tho treatment ot disorders of these most vital organs. Heart disease,
formerly considered beyond the palo of medical aid, has at last yielded tho
victory to Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. Tho reports received by Dr. Miles'
Medical Co., of cases where special advice is asked, show conclusively that In
a majority of cases complete cures follow the faithful use of Dr. Miles'
Restorative Remedies. Tho few failures are generally duo to negllenco on
tho part of the patient in not taking the remedies as directed.
"A severe attack of typhoid fever left mo with heart trouble of tho
most serious nature. Nothing tho doctors gave mo seemed to havo any
effect. They gave the very strongest of heart medicines, but to no avail. 1
had severe pains in tho region of tho heart, and was unable to sleep or lie on
my left side for more than three minutes at a time without great pain. My
heart seemed to miss beats, and I had smothering spells, in which it seemed
every breath would bo the last I should draw on earth.
Wo accidentally heard of Dr. Miles' Now Heart Curo and Restorative
Nervine, and as a. last resort wo nurchased a bottle of each. takim
tho remedies a week, I could bo lifted in a chair and sit up an hour. In two
weeks I could walk about, and in a short tlmo I was ablo to do light house
work and I am now well along on tho road to hcaltli.
I shall bo over gratcfnl to you for your wonderful medicines and will
praiso them to cveryono I know. Truly they saved my life. Hoping every
sno who uses Dr. Miles Remedies will derivo the samo benefit that I have. I
iVJ.7 llumbolrt St.,
Bold by nil Druggist. Book on Heart and Nerves,
tj 3 an
? Jl
tut hire soli direct
lumtr for 'J5 Teari
ula pncfli, latinir him the
dealer'! profit. Ship any-
wrier lor tiuunuun,
ETerythiog wtrruted,
llflitjleiof Vehicle!,
55 itrlei of Htrnei!.
Tnn Harriet. 136 to 170.
7f, l'hMton,Trp, Viron
.It. Rrvinr.llna.rt tnd Milk
Ai tool Mill for v,ii .
Leaving Uroail Street station.I'hilailelpliia,
at 0:55 p. in. dally, tho 1 Southwestern
Limited," carrymi; a dlninc car and tbo
most luxurious Pullman drawing room slcei
lug cars, reaches Illrmlnghan tho following
night at 10:10 and arrives at Memphis the
next morniujjat 7:10. Through sleeping cars
for Ashovilio, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tampa, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aro
also attached to this train. Pullman reser
vations can bo mado in advance and all in
formation obtained by communicating with
John M. Ileal, District Passenger Agent, 82
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
liob Mooro, of IiFayette, Ind says that
for constipation ho has found DoWitt's Little
Early Itisers to bo Dorfect. They never nrlno
Try them for stomach and liver troubles, C.
it. llagenuucii.
The Nnutli ami Its Advantages.
Tho Southern lEallway has isaiicd for free
distribution, a sixteen pago journal des
criptive of Virginia, North and South Caro
lina, Tennessee, tieornia, Alabama and
Mississippi. Persons seoking new locations,
or capitalists desiring to make safe and profit
able investments will llud tho information
contained therein both valuable and inter
cstlng. Copies will bo mailed free upon ap
plication to John M. ileal 1, District Passeu
gor Agent, 828 Chestnut street. Philadelphia,
A Medicine Chest In Itself.
Simple, Safe and Quick Cure for
2D and 50 cont Bottles.
Nvir-iiliut'. NrvKiul JHMriibov, Viir-
u i iTi.iifVfimu'il Oi-imttu its l.uut
blood poisoh
till nil ril. ,r vvu i'iik rureu ii I
III I II ii.ii m ini jui it. iur nutnt
t ..,,1 h.,ruiilv true invdlealliihilcKxTHiMliiir
appy Now
ancholy Past.
Mrs. Chas. La Toint.
Denver, Colo.
Free by Dr. Mllet Medical Co.,Elkhart,lnd,
to tht wn
t whole-
wtgooa. Bena lor irgt, irtt Kt.wnBorrtr. rno. wimsuriia.,iuiy..
CkUlofUt cf ftll aar ItIll. ib&At, tproa ml hodm, ISO, Ai 1 , icUi ler 119,
Hurlnir 1898 TIIK TIMES will not only nmlntaln
the hlli Btiunlnrd of excellence it renclieil the
past year, but will Btendfatly endeavor to
excel Ha own beist record, nnd will not nverve
from Its wet urposo to make
No Journal Is more extensively circulated or
liui a wider circle of readern In Pi-nuny I vaniu
Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one
TCDMC nAII.Y, Kt.00 per annum i i-enta
1 "Ivi 'IO per inmitli! ilelivercil bycarrlt'nt
fur 6 cents per week. HUNIIAY KIIITION, 32
lnrire, IianiUiiine iuiKei'-2l viiluiniui. eleirmilly
illiiKtniteil, beaiitifiilly printed in rulurii, ti&)
per uiiiiuin; 0 centH per eiipy. Daily und Hun
day, per uuniiiii &0 cent, per inuutU,
AUilremi all letter to
Described by tho Officer Who Fig
ured in tho Exploit.
KiumliirdH Itml So Tlmo to llolnr or
I'l'ppnro Any TroncliuroiiH Tricks,
lS'ntlvo Troops Jtolf-nsotl, Hut Sjiiui
liiriln Ciirrlocl Awny,
Wheeling, Atip. 8. The details of the
bloodless canture of the principal of
the I.ndrone iHlnnds reached Wheeling
yesterday In n letter to Hon. Augustus
Pollnk from the naval olllcer who fig
ured In the leading role of the exploit,
Lieutenant William Hruunersreuther,
executive oITtcor of tho cruiser Charles
ton. The letter Is as follows:
We have Just carried out our orders
to capture the Spanish authorities at
the capital of the Ladrone Islands,
Agnna. I was selected by the captain
to undertake this Job and given 100
men to land with ns a starter. I went
ashore to have a talk with tho governor
about affairs, and the result was that
did not lose even n single man. The
matter was all settled In one day, and
we are cnrrylng with us B4 soldiers
(Spanish) and six offlrers, besides a lot
of Mauser lilies and nearly 10.000
rounds of ammunition. I had the
whole to handle nnd did It up quickly.
The captain's Instructions were to wait
a half hour for his answer to our ulti
matum, then use my troops. I waited,
and In Just 2D minutes the governor
handed me his sealed reply addresed to
the captain of my ship, then In the
harbor about four or five miles off.
I knew this wns sealed with the sole
object of gaining time, and hence I i
broke the weal, read the contents, the
governor protesting, nnd saying that
that wos a letter for my captain. I re
plied: "I represent him hero. You are
now my prisoners, senors, nnd will
have to come on board ship with me."
They protested and pleaded, and finally
the governor said: "You came on shore
to talk over matters and you make us
prisoners Instead." I replied: "I came
on shore to hand you a letter and to
get your reply; In this reply now In
my hands you agiee to surrender all
under your Juilsdlctlon. If this means
anything at all. it means that you will
accede to any demands I may deem
proper to mako.
You will at once write an order to
your military man at Agann, the cap
ital (this place was five miles distant),
diiectlng him to deliver at this place
at 4 p. m. (it was then 10:30 a, m., June
21) all ammunition and Hags nn the
Island, each soldier to bring his own
rllle nnd ammunition and all the sol
diers, native and Spanish, with their
olllcers, must witness this." They pro
tested and demurred, saying this was
not time enough to do It. Hut I said:
"Senors. It must be done."
tub letter was written, read by me
and sent. I took all the ofllcers with
me In a boat nnd at 4 p. m. went ashore
again nnd rounded In tho whole outfit.
I was three miles away from my troops
and had only four men with me. At
4 p. m., when I disarmed 10S men and
two officers, I had 40 men and three
olllcers with me.
The keynote to tho whole business
was my breaking the seal of that let
ter and acting at once. They had no
time to delay or prepare any treach
erous tricks and I got "the drop" on
the whole outfit as they say out west.
Tho native troops I released and al
lowed to return to their homes unre
stricted they had manifested great Joy
In being relieved from Spanish rule.
While It was harsh, It was war, nnd in
connection with the Spanish treachery
It was all that could be done. Twenty
four hours would have yes, I believe
even four hours, with a leader such as
the governor was, a lieutenant colonel
In the Spanish army given them a
chance to hide along the road at Agana
and at Intervals In the dense tropical
foliage they could have almost an
nihilated any force we could land. The
approaches to the landing over shallow
coral reefs would have made a land
ing without n terrible loss of life al
most an Impossibility.
We have Increased by conquest the
population of the United States by
nearly 12,000 people. The capital has a
population of 0,000 people. This harbor
In which we were Is beautiful, easy of
access, plenty of deep water, admitting
of tho presence of a large number of
vessels at the same tlmo, and Is an
Ideal place for a coaling station. If our
government decides to hold the Philip
pines, It would then come In so well;
San Francisco to Honolulu 2,100 miles,
Honolulu to Island of Guam 3,300 and
thence to Manila 1,000 miles. With a
chain of supply stations like this we
could send troops tho whole year round
If necessary and any vessel with a
steaming capacity of 3.C00 miles could
reach a base of supplies.
The details I have scarcely touched
upon, but had the olllclals and soldiers
dreamed for one moment that they
were to be torn from their homes, there
would, I feel sure, been another Btory
to tell, and I am firmly convinced
this letter would never havo been
The captain, In extending to me his
congratulations, remarked: "Brauners
reuther, you'll never as long as you
Mve have another experience such as
this. I congiatulate you on your
All this whole affair was transacted
In Spanish. I hnd nn Interpreter with
me but forgot all about using him. I
did not want them to get a chance to
think even before It was too late.
The Sore La Grippe cure.
Thero Is no use sufforinic frorutlits dreadful
nmlany.if you will only gt tho right remedy.
You arc having pain all through your body,
vour liver is out of order, have no annctite.
no life or ambition, havo bail cold, in fact
aro completely used up. Electric Hitters i
tho only romedy that will civo you prompt
and suro relief. Thoy act directly on your
I.iver, Stomach and Kldnoys, tone up the
whole ystom and make you feci like a new
loins. They aro guaranteed to euro or price
refunded. For sale at A. Wasloy'a Drug
Store, only 50 conta per bottle.
SolcllorH Klllcil by ii Trnln.
FredfrlckaburB, Vn., Aui;.8. Privates
Ij. Forsythe and Charles Dunn, of Com
panies n and A, respectively. Fourth
regiment of Immunes, were struck by
a train on the Richmond, Fredericks
lmiK and Petersburg railroad at Po
tomac Uun, six miles from this town,
Saturday nlKlit, and killed. It Is sup
posed the men went to sleep besld the
track. Hotli were registered as be
longing In WashliiKton. They were
hurled yesterday ulth military honors
In the National cemetery.
Dive the Children a Drink
called Clralii-0, It Is u delicious, Hiniettzlui;,
nourishing food drink to tako tho ilnco of
coU'eo. Sold hy nil ardours mid llkod by all
who have used It heeaiiso whou jiroporly
prepared It tastes llko the flnost coiro hut Is
free from all Its Injurious properties, drain
0 aids dlt'esliou ami btrunuthciis the nervos.
It Is not a stimulant hut a health builder,
mid children, as well as adults, can drink It
with great bctioflt. Costs uliout 1 us much ai
entice. 15 and 25u,
Did Not Rny It Wim Posslblo to Untor
Siiiitlngo'H Mlniil llnrlior.
Washington, Aug. 8. Secretary Long
requests the publication of the follow
ing from Admiral Sampson, under date
nf July 27:
"I nm led to write nt the present tlmo
on account of the publication of an ar
ticle which appealed in the papers of
the lDth Inst, in which Commodore
Schley Is made to say that ho had
stated, apparently to the writer, that
he had over and over ugaln declared
It was possible to enter the harbor of
Santiago, notwithstanding the mines.
"Commodore Schley called upon me
yesterday and voluntnrlly stated thnt
the publication of the article on the
19th was false In every particular; that
he not only never stated anything of
the kind, but that he had never even
thought of It; that he had always en
tliely ngieed with me on this ques
tion, and that he did not know a single
olllcer whose opinion differed from
Kntnlly Shut Ills i'lnynintr..
Wellsboio, Pa., Aug. 8. Mvans Hath
away, the 8-year-old son of George M.
Hntlmway, the Inventor, of this place,
yesterday accidentally shot and killed
Walter S. Dartt. a playmate. Mr. Hert
Dartt, the father, who was cleaning
some guns In the building where the
accident happened, lan to the boy's
assistance, but he lived only a few
minutes. Young Hathaway is almost
crazed with grief.
Arrival nf Sp:fnKli Transports.
Santiago il Cuba. Aug. 8. The Ali
cante, tho first Spanish transport, ar
rived yesterday afternoon, and Gen
eral Shaftcr expects to begin shipping
the Spanish ptlMiners of war by her to
day. Geneial Wheeler sails on the
The man is consid
ered the most reckless of m
who risks his life by putting
his head Into the mouth of
a savage Hon. The men who perform this
foolhardy act are few and far between.
There are tens of thousands of men who
daily do a much more rash and dangerous
deed. They are the men who overwork
and neglect their health. No man can do
this with impunity The inevitable result
is serious illness and premature death.
One of the most common results of care
lessness in regard to health is consumption.
There is one, and only one, unfailing rem
edy for this dread disease. It is Dr. Tierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It has a record
of thirty years, during which time it has
cured q3 per cent of all cases of bronchial,
throat and lung affections. It acts directly
on the digestive and nutritive organism. It
creates a healthy appetite for food, facili
tates the flow of disestive juices nnd pro
motes the assimilation of the life-giving ele
ments of the food. 1 1 is the great blood-maker,
flesh-builder and nerve-tonic. In cases
of nervous prostration it builds up the nerve
fibres and gives sound, refreshing sleep.
I took a severe cold with sore throat," writes
Mrs. A. S. Kverhart. of Oanl Spring. Scott Co.,
Intl. " Soon I began to cough. My right side
became sore so that when I couched it seemed as
thousrh mv si Jc would burst. The nhvsician said
I had pleurisy. I took his meclicine for some
time and got no better. All through the spring
and summer I used mustard plasters and fly blis
ters on my side and over lungs. Finally I began
to ache so badly between rav ihoulders that
could hardly endure it and at times nlmost
smothered My breith was so short that t could
scarcalv talk Several of my near relatives had
died of cotiAnmptlon I thought 1 would try
Ilr Tierce's ttolden Medical Discovery. I took
two bottles of It and two of his ' pleasant rel
tets,' ami am a new person I would not take
any money for the benefit received "
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
HOOD'S VllAJA euro Iilvcr Ills,
Biliousness, IndlgcsUovi, Headache.
A. Dlean-nt laxative. All DrugcIsU.
en n fB
a. (turf.
b vigor to the uhole belnp. All dnliu andlotlet are checltedr . i-nrVv. Unless patfontt
are propetly cured, their condition often worries them into Insat ay, Coiuuini.tlon or Death.
Mailed sealed. 1'rn.ef t per box; 6 boxes, with Ironclad legal :uaranl' c lot-uteorrefuodUa
money, I5.00. Send lor free boot. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.t'
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
I nCCtJ C 1J PX'Kivo mid keep Informed 'of E
9W yrW's Progress. 'Tho well In.
fjfSA flWl ' Vt foriliml llllll tlirlfrtr Tlnn a 11 11. 1 fn ...ill
IWsrainbow liniment!
In the
a i-'OI, BALE B'V33fV 'UrSCBKB. .
Biciiinitiiiit'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLKi. iiiiiiiiiiiii;iirYiiwii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiirirtiiiiia
1 iv.iu siilferln" tortures from a dleaed
si lui scr itclini" inv hr .d fnm inurn.
In ill! in -lit. I 'Hlo pimples broke out II
mi l i i litjil 1 luil no rest 1 m ,n'il y Willi lint water aid Ci Tiet-HA Skat, nnil
np! ! il ( i Tin iia ns a ilrcing. Jow my
lii-nil ImMi't a pimplo on It, anil mv hair la
grow lug eniltilly. AHA C HAliltlll.l,,
ZJS I rami St., Jersey City, N J.
T Minuclit I would go frantic Willi Itching
sr.'i'ji lniiiiors. 1 lost considerable onn hair
nf uiilrh I h;iil an almnilanre, I trlpil several
ri'ineilles, tlii-v failed. I tried Oi ticiika SOAr,
Mm M J i HW.'.'ir, llalliilaySt.,.Iersi City.
nn iiiiiiii'uiui,-, i ii iiuiif vniimieiriy initio.
it tho wnl 1'i.rrii 11 C t'niir, Sol
How tn Produce !,uxiirtnt Hair, Irte
IMi JVhI NuflV r Ijoiiiipr! The
ioynand ambitions of life cau
o restored 1 5 yon Tim vir r
norst cases nf Nervoui Debili
ty nrp nti "tiitHy rim'fl hr
lM'.nrwro rrAiii.i:TN.
. t t-romi't mnef to in'.'jiiinltt,
tat ihjr Hii'inory ami thewasto
ami tlraln of rital tiowpr.tnrur
red hy indiscretions or ci'-ussus
nf early years Impart vlnor
ami untcncr to ovorr function.
Itfftooiintho FYStern (J ire bloom to the
checks and I us re a tht tV eves of youtiir
orold. one ffif h"t n-mn-T"'f I lfital energy!
) boxc ai VJ.fiO a rom-lT? 1 I Jiilcto guarim
tcutl rurenr money rufund-feyjh ved Can bo
carried in vet nnrket hold 5il7 cerywhereor
marled In plain wr tpper on roreliif of price
tyTIIIsruUFLiTUCO Caxton llldK- t'lilcajfO.llL
For wale In Shenandoah hy Bliennndoah Drug
.Store and Oruhler liro$.
Should be In Every Home and Library.
THe People's Hie History
In written by lllclit Hon Wllllom F.wnrt (llinlntone,
lli.l'romler of Oruat llrltmn nnd Irelnmt, (!hpiter.
Knd Ubv A II Haice (Junnn h t'olleKo. Oxford, Kiik .
Iter Hnmuel Ires Cnrtlnn, l. !.. clncnco llieoloiilcnl
Hpmlnarr. (?hicnan 111 .
Hbv Frederic W Fnrrar. !.!..
K.ll.S , flean of (Jtinterliurr, t'nnterliurr. .iiK.i II
Klmer H Capen, 1) 1) .Tufta College, Honiurrllle, Ma
ftwt .
Hpv Frank V Ounsiiulu. I) 1). Armour Inntitutn.
Chlrnco, III , Kev. (iHorttn i'. Pentecost, D.D., Mnrjle.
hon I'rcMij-tPrian 'hurch, London, hna., Ite H. H,
MucArthur. 1) l , CnUnry Unptiwt Church, New York
Citr, N Y, He Mnrtyn HummerhflU, IU) , Main
Htret Free Haptlft Church, Lewlftton, Me , Hot. Frank
M. Hrlito), !.!, Firt Methodist Kpiftcopnl Church,
.Tanton,I11 . Hr W. T. Moore, IX 1) 'Tho Chri
ttan OommonwPoUh," London, Ena , Her. IMvrnrd
Kterett Half, D.I), Smith Conprecational Church,
Itocton, Maw., Hev Joseph Apar I(et?t, D.D , W oRleyan
CVillecn, Itlchmond, lltut , Hcv Cap par Henn Gregory,
Letpzin l!ni"prtlty, liOinzIc, Oermnny. Itev Wm
Olenver illcinwon, , lltmentity of Chicago, Chi
rneo. 111., Hnv Haniunl Hart, D 1) , 1 rinlty Co ties,
Hartford, Of-.. Hpv ,! Monro Ctihon, D D.,Ht John'
Wnodl'rei Vhuirh, London, Knit.. Ito George
V. Lorimer, r,n tt , l'he Ti'mnle, Host on, Mbm
roi'iuit hhiiov m: i.uce. 67 fuii-rae iiiair
(ion, pllt fMlfieft, cloth, $10), half levant, 5U, full
.ovant. fj-flO
lAlhi lITIOV-lffl pnpB, 700 fulJ-pncd Hluntra.
tionn, btrlo A (tilt full levnnt, ono volume.
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For Hale nt nil hooltmorn and hr hookselle r For
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tUUc Fashionable OrleinaL Perfect- ?
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tent upoo receipt of one cent to pay I
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K Tctvn. nn ?m urx WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Al bvh itrorant ami rltbte At oi ( IiintatiQiu.
Gtt i tTOK'tTAir 1'iLLltua save uiueits,
Al ilniir atfiffi.. nr kf nt illri ft (u-nUd. lirloti. II.
'ati.w pkc ro , Itoiton. Mm Our Ctxik. ie
For said at Klrlln'i lru; utore nd Sbeuodoa
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Oclctrnted Tcuixio
J'mrders never fail
eclara thrui
1 tife uid lure f ftr-r ftlin
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KDUxlIca). Alwsvibuthe bit and avoid dimr
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Tlieyluvettood tht tftolyean.
Btiif havf. ctticd lliousands of
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Price 2S cti. and 63 tit. r-er MIU "
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