The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 08, 1898, Image 1

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11 ft 1 tiff r $JiiM&$
Cttii tes luuness because of its Ittrum
large circulation and renders rieh
To teath the futlic through a fri
gressive, dtgnifiea, influential journal
use the HKKALD columns.
results to its advertisers.
In order to clean out the balance of onr stock
as quickly as possible h
Carriages that were $20 00, now - 1 7 OO
18 00, ' 15 OO
" 17 00, " - 1.O. OO
15 00, " - 13 OO
" 12 00, " '- 10 OO
' I0 00, - " - - Q OO
.. .. ' 9 oo, " V OO
" 6 no, - - 4- so
If you want a choice come at
gone in a few days at these prices.
J. P. Williams & Son,
For fall trade now open.
v mi min cr nress .nnns.
I x. .
I .1 CD C3 J
Ladies' - and - Children's - Hats.
As we have only a few more left and always believe in
opening our season with a clean, fresh, up to date stock, we
will sell these regardless of cost and at prices Shenandoah
never before heard of. So avail yourself of this opportunity
befoiv they are all gone.
i23 S. Main St.
If you want to have
your food kept sweet and
clean use a - - - -
For Good Light
White Bread
Daisy or Moss Rose Flour.
Sold by
Geo. W. Keiter.
Whole Wheat Graham Flour
Old Time Pure Rye Flour
Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour
Best Granulated Corn Meal.
once as we think they will be all
13 S. Main Street,
Special Values in
UST a few Ladies' Shirt
Waists lelt.
c. from gi.oo to 35 and 50 cents.
Ihey must be sold.
ET' Ol Dry Goods and
Carpet Stoie,
Door From Post Office.
Good Garden Hose
Is hardjtto find. We have it in
either ot these brands. We also
have ordinary hose very cheap.
S 0. .ft
j piirovcd by Queen Itcgciit ntul
Cabinet Council.
Spanish Go vornmont Boliovos Torms
Will Bo Acceptable.
The Spanish Note Expresses a Willingness
to Appoint Delegates to Meet American
Commissioners to Discuss a Regime For
the Philippines Duke Almodavar de Rio,
Spanish Foreign Minister, and Mgr.
Merry Del Val, Ambassador to the Vati
can, Will Represent Spain in the Nego
tiations. Mudrld, Aupr. 8. Rcnor Satrasta, the
premier, has Just concluded Ills con
ference with the queen repent. Her
majesty approved the general lines of
the reply ot Spain to America's peace
terms, which Senor SriKustu explained
to her.
Tho cabinet council terinlnuted after
having completely approved the reply
to the United States, which, It Is said,
accepts the American conditions. The
reply was telegraphed to Senor Leon y
Castillo, the Spanish ambassador to
France, last nli-lit, so that M. Cam
bon, the French ambassador at Wash
lngton, will receive It today.
The Government believes that the
United States will accept Spain's an
Bwer, which will certainly reach tho
White House by tomorrow. As a con
sequence of the United States accept
lug the reply hostilities will lmmcdt
ately afterwards be suspended.
As the reply to tho American terms
was only submitted to the queen regent
yesterday, all tho reports of her ap
proval Saturday of the American de
mands are necessarily without founda
tion. It Is repoited that Dulte Almodavar
de Ulo, the minister of foreign affairs
and Monselgnor Merry del Val, Span
ish ambassador to the Vatican, will
be selected to represent Spain In the
According to the most rellnbl
sources of Information tho ti anlsh
note Is couched in dignified language.
It asserts thnt Spain bows to the force
of circumstances, having done noth
lng to provoke the war, Into which she
has been unwillingly led In the defense
01 ner rignts ana territories. It ex
presses a willingness to appoint dele
gates to meet the American commls
sinners to discuss a regime for the
Philippines. It Is understood that
both Senor Pagasta and Duke Almo-
davnr de Itln, the foreign minister,
told the queen regent that they felt
deeply the painful circumstances lm
posed upon them.
Necessary For the Cession of Any Span
ish Territory Its Convoca
tion Necessary.
London, Aug. 8. The Madrid corre
spondent of The Times says: "All the
best authorities agree that the govern
ment has decided to accept the Ameri
can conditions. The answer of the
Spanish government declares that
Spain cannot discuss the American
proposals, but only nccepts them, be
cause they aro Imposed on her by force.
Only a few unessential changes In the
American demands were asked for and
It Is not expected that President Mc
Klnley will refuse them.
"Though the king, according to the
constitution, has the right to declaro
war and make peace, any cession of
national territory requires tho sanction
of the cortes, and any minister con
senting to such cession without this
sanction Is liable, according to tho
penal codo, to Imprisonment for life. If
will be necessary, therefore, to convoke
tho cortes some time before the treaty
of peace is ratified, but the government
has not yet decided at what stage of
the proceedings this necessary formal
ity will be observed."
Colonel Roosevelt's Men Get Away From
Santiago En Route for Mon
tauk Point, L. I.
Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 8. The First
regular cavalry and the First volun
teer cavalry, Rough Riders, sailed to
day on tho transports Miami and
Matteawnn. Of the Rough Riders the
following remain hero sick: Second
Lieutenant William Tiffany, Troop K;
Corporal Kdgar A. Schwaez, Troop G;
Privates William Hoyle, Troop E; F.
O. Whalen, Troop A, and T. D. Stead
man, Troop D. They will probably
leave In ten days In care of Dr. Gon
zalez. Tho Rough Riders came to town by
roll from their camp at 1 o'clock yes
terday afternoon. At the station they
fell Into line, each company being pre
ceded by a red and whlto banner bear
ing the number of the regiment and the
company letter. Colonel Roosevelt rode
at tho head of the regiment as It
marched down the Alameda skirting
the water front to tho dock, where the
Miami was moored. All the men
looked fit, but worn out. They present
ed a picturesque appearance. Some
wore new lihakl uniforms, while others
were attired in heavy blue flannel
shirts, with their old equipment. All
expressed regret at leaving their five
companions behind, but were wild with j
Joy at the prospect of so soon return
ing home. They take no tents or bag
gage with them. The work of em
barkation was very easy and was
quickly performed. The men are ready
and eager to return for the Havauu
campaign In the fall.
Steamer Guto City, with D50 men,
Third and Sixth cavalry, nailed for
Montauk Point yesterday, and two
transports nre scheduled to leave to
morrow. Cumtnlngs' battery also sailed today
on the Vigllahcla. ,
A meeting Of oftlcers of the Military
society at Santiago was held at the
palace, and ah election of olllcurs took
place. General Shnfter was elected
president, General Wheeler first vice
president and Major Sbarpe secretary.
Five Deaths Is the Present Dally Average
in Each of the Division .
Chlckamauga Park, Aug. 8. The Im
provement of the sanitary condition of
the regimental camps 1b the one ab
sorbing matter at tho camp now. Def
inite plans will have to be formulated
wlhtin a day or two, after which time
the management of the camp will be
under now and very rigid regulations
as regards the disposition of garbage
and refuse matter nnd the preparation
ond serving of food. All drinking
water will bo boiled and the regulation
Is one that will not be deviated from In
the future. Another condition, It Is
hoped to bring about as early as possi
ble, Is that Of having the tents of all
the men provided with board floors.
With the still further purpose of
nddlng to the health conditions, prac
tice marches are being arranged. On
Thursday of this week the engineer of
ficers of all the divisions will go out to
locate the most practical routes for
these marches, nnd the regiments will
be sent later by brigades In heavy
marching order for a four davs' ab
sence from the park. The march will
cover about CO miles going and com
ing and the men will occupy shelter
tents at night. Numerous furloughs
are being granted convalescents In ac
cordance with the rerent order to al
low patients recovering from seilous Ill
ness 30 days' furlough and transporta
tion home.
Trained nurses nre badly needed here
In the camp hospitals. Five ('oaths Is
the present dally avernge In each nf the
division hospitals. In the Second di
vision there are 200 patients lying very
111 and not enough attendants to caic
for them properly. Men are dying ev
ery day who might have been restored
to health with proper care and treat
ment. Private Charles R Dolan, of Com
pany R, First Pennsylvania regiment,
died from the effects of a second sur
gical operation, performed tn relieve his
bowels of nn obstruction. Ills le
mains will be shipped to Philadelphia.
Special to Ilvr-NINO Heualu.
Washington, Aug. 8. Gen. Illanco has
issued mi immosty in which he says Spain
has been forced to suo for peace through tho
intervention of foreign powors. Ho ollercd
a pardon to all Cuban prisoners und many
were released. Havana, lie says, will be
given over to Americans aud Cubans, and
tlio Spaniards will bo forced to ovacuato. All
Spanish soldiers und residents who wish to
return to Spain will bo given free transporta
tiou. Ho suggests that tho Cubans be for
given und no longer regarded as enemies.
Secretary Day to Iteglgii.
Special to Evening IIebalu.
Washington, Aug. 8. It is said that Secre
tary of State Day, who is mentioned as u
member of the peace commission, will reslgu
from the Cabinet after concluding his labors
as a member of that commission, and resume
tho practice of law.
ISodies Drought Here.
Special to ISvenino 1 1 1:1; A LI).
Washington, Aug. 8. Secretary Algor has
decided to have tho bodies of all the men
who died or were killed at Santiago brought
to this country. Ho has cabled to Santiago
giving orders to that effect. This will be
done as soou as the heated term is past.
Dentin and FunerulM.
William G. YuenGlitnr. Tirnml
business man of Pottavillc, died at liis homo
tuero nr. iu:au wciaok in at niout tt
been seriously ill for several weeks. Tho de
ceased, William O. Yucngling, wus born in
vniiru mm mi1 I.
u (mil no bilk?
youngost son of David G. and Elizabeth
wcn lueugung. lie was euueatod In the
1'otUvillu schools aud also took a collegiato
courso. Ho spent several years In New York,
whoro ho studiod the brewory business iu all
its branches in tho brewery of his brother,
uavm u. menguug, jr. Tlieu I10 returned
to 1'ottsvillo and took his place as a member
of tho firm of D. a. Yuongllug & Sou. Last
Juuo ho married Clara It., daughter nf l.'r,,,,!-
Mrs. Aim StciLdnmn. of Tf fWtnni .,...4 ..
formor resident of tliia town illn.l 1. ii,n.,
delphla on Friday night, aged 07 years.
Aliout six wooks ago Mrs. Steadmau left her
homo ill Mt. CurinM nml wmf in lM.lla,l1..l.f..
to havo a tumor removed from ono of her
nanus, sue continued iu good health until
lastThuisday. Tho remains were brought
to town last evening and tho funeral took
place at !J:30 o'clock this afternoon from tho
residence of Mr. und .Mrs. Thomas K, Jouos,
on South Wust street. Tho bervices were
held at tho residence and tho remains wero
iuterred in tho Odd Fellows' cometcry. Tho
nail bearers worn Mnsain. (1 fl i.....
W. Davis, Benjamin Marshall, lieos Thomas,
Griillth Thomas aud John Phillips. K, J.
wuvien was 1110 luueral director.
At Mountain (Jiovu.
Tho camn ineetliif nf Miiniitui.. n ...
attijndod by tho following people of town
voiu.uuj : air. mm aire. w. J. Zimmerman,
Mr. and Mrs. Cloorgo Williams. Mr im.i Un
A. H. Swulm. Miss Maenin
Messrs, Klwood Jacohy, E. Jl. Ilruinm, Dr.
1). John I'rico. K. IV Klwu.,,b... i.v..
Clareuco C'robaiigli und Dr. Clifton Robbing
Among the KocIiiIIbU.
Tho socialists of l!nir,K-III ,1 !,.l..l,
turned out In largo numbers yosttmlay after
noon at a mootim; In n'N,.lii' i,n o'i.
doctrines were thoroughly discussed by both
I.lthuaniau und Knglish speakers. A meet
ing of tho socialists of towu will bu held on
mini's field on Woduosday evening,
Anthony SchmlcVer li moving from the
O'Neill building on South Main street to tho
1'rihuU building on the opposite sldo of tho
The Mahanoy city Itcrubllcan Will Lead
the Tarty to victory.
Mr, Ball Was Adverse to Being a Candidate,
But Consented Upon the Urgent Re
quest of Prominent Men From
Various Parts of the
Special to Kve.iisci Herald.
1'ottsvilie, Aug. 8. Tho announcement was
made this morning that Harrison Hill, the
prominent political lcailerand huil
Mahanoy City, wus a candidate for Congress,
and that his namo would bo presented to tlio
i.epuDiicau county convent on. Tim nn.
nouncoment was received with tho greatest
satisfaction on tho part of tho lieimblican
voters, especially so in view of the fact that
Mr. llrumm, tho present membor from this
Congressional district, had rupeatodly de
clared within tho past week that ho wa.i not.
a candidate for ronominatiou.
Tho rank aud file of tho party receive tlio
announcement of Mr. Hall's candidacy with
a great deal of satisfaction for several reasons.
In tho first placo he is a successful business
man, has always shown ills loyal! ty to tho
party aud its nominees, and has contributed
liberally of his means to attain Republican
success in tho county, state and nation. Mr.
Hall seems to bo the "man of tho hour" iu
moro ways than ono. Tho party loaders,
without regard to faction or other considora-
tlou. woro enthusiastic tlfmit lnnrnlm,
a candidato had been secured around whom
all could rally and whoso caudidacv Wlllllll
obliterate factional lines aud would be the
means of bringing about that harmonious
loeling wlilch all so fervontly desire.
Said a prominent Republican leader to day,
wbeu questioned upon tho subject ; "Hy all
means nominato Harrison Hall. Ho is the
logical candidate, aud his location is favor
able I'ottsvillo will get tho Judgeship and
I'jsvuti .vuoruey ueyonu uount, with a
jiiouauimy inai 1110 uontrollor will come
trom the same town, and it would be good
politics to give north of tho mountain Con
gress, roor Director and one of tho two
other minor ofhecs. You will agreo with me
that It Is important that a Republican rci
reseuums uistnct in Congress for the next
two years, and to do so wo must
present a united, harmonious front
to the enemy, and present it candidate
around whom all factions can rally.
With Mr. Hall tho nominee, this can bo done.
Siuco Mr. Brumm's announcement that he
was not a candidato, like many othor party
workers I havo been lookimr around for tnt
such a candidato as Mr. Ball, aud now that
his name is mentioned I can he considered
his loyal supportor, becauso I believo his
nomination will moan a united party and
succeB3 for tho cntiro ticket in November."
Mr. Hall, I am told, is not a candidate in
tho general acceptance of the term. His
namo has been prominently montionod iu
connection with the Congressional nomina
tion for tho past mouth or so, hut ho has re
peatedly declined to allow tho uso of his
name in that connection. No later than last
week ho positively stated that ho was not a
candidato, hut tho demand from ovcry sec
tion of thocounty, with letters piling in upon
him by the hundreds, and many party men
making a personal anneal, rcnuestlin. him tn
allow tho use of his name, was ho persuaded
to forego his well known wishes and ioin in
an ell'ort to obliterate factional
secure Republican success in Novembor.
Mr. Hall is a young man, aggressive, not
identified with either faction.
busiucss man, and with all is nonular amnio.
all classes of people. Ho is identified with
all tho interests that have advanced tfin
commercial standing of Mahanoy City, and
forTbaajer of years has been a director of
the Union National IUnk of that town, and
is ono of tho leading spirits in tha
tion of tho Board of Trade that has already
duiio active work in Imnlli.c ln,lt.;.u
Not one word can be said against nlir.
acter or us to his ability to represent tho dis
Those Democrats who adhoro tn tin. r-i.i
cago platform, aud who aro in anything hut
an amicauie minil becauso of the "perfidy"
of the Democrats in control of tho county
convention, aro more determined than ever
to havo an opportunity of voting their
principles in November, aud they realize
that the only way thoy can do tlmt is tn
nominato a ticket upon a platform similar to
that adopted at the district convention iu
Mahauoy City, and which endorses
William Jounings Bryan. A number of
these Democrats woro in confer.
once this morning, but none of thorn would
talk for publication. It was learned, how
over, that the movement to nominato a third
ticket meets with much favor at tho hands of
tlio party voters.
It will bo remembered that at
tho last conference held by tho sllverites
a resolution was adopted designating
a number of prominent nartv worknm
to issuo a call for a convention. It Is ex
pected that theso gentlemen will moot iu
I'ottsvillo this week, nroliablv on Fridav.
when tho call will likely ho issued. I.ittln
can 1)0 learned as to the probable nominees,
Absolutely Puro
but a number of prominent Democrats
aro mentioned in this connection.
Whether a full ticket will be placed In
the field has not boon decided, but it can bo
stilted that a candidato for Congress who is in
line with tho sentiment of the party voters
on tho financial question will lead the fight.
ror.iTJOAi. I'oi.NTs.
Governor Hastings will likely Bppolnt
James It. Scarlet, tho Republican nominee, as
tlio successor to Judge Ikoler. de.nuiil. Tim
appointco will servo until January next.
milium n. iuorn.ot St. Clair, iia candi
date for tho Legislature In tho Fourth ilia-
trlct, subject to Republican rules.
I'x-Scnator Watson's friends aro doing
some effective work for their favorite, which
will show Itself when tho vote Is counted In
Tho Republicans of I.u.erno county will
hold tholr county convention 011 August 23.
David Martin and Governor Hastings woro
at Bedford Springs in consultation about tho
appointment of commissioners to poll the
soldiers' vote.
Chairman Shay, of tho Republican Execu
tive Committee, says the county convention
will probably he held on August
There il still t.'llk of liarrnnnv nn ,..,,. II...
Republican factions iu Philadelphia.
Keoilrlck IIoiihii Kroo I.oncli.
Vcgctahlo SOUP will bn served fro,, tr. nil
patrons to-night.
Tim Aik 011 Dili Valley.
Tbu Vigorous nnlicvnr rntr,tn,.Tit,,..ttf lB Dtlll
hoiug felt ut ull points on tho Lehigh Valley
railroad system. At Dolano this week tho
following changos went into effect: Henry
i-erry was reuuceil trom day dispatcher to
yard master, taking the placo of J. I. Hlakes
lee, resigned, C. E. Glen takes Mr. Perry's
former position. The following changes aro
clean cuts : Josiali Swank was reduced from
foreman of tho Delano sh ons ifn tnlrn,rrn
of a machine at day's wages, C. W. Whlte-
neacl, assistant foreman nf tlu l,n,.o t.,i,
Swank, s position at a reduction of $25 a
mouth in salary. The removal of John Mc-
Mullen from tho nosltlnn nf troi
engineer to tako chargo of an ongiue Is ox-
pcciea in a uay or two.
lllckerfa Cale.
Chun SOUP. free, tn-niolit v.,,..,.,.
uhkuu potatoes to-morrow morning.
Patriotic Window IHmiluva.
The rugs and chenillo curtains bearing por
traits of Dowcy, Sampson aud tho ill-fated
.Maine displayed in Davidson's show window
aro attracting wide spread attoution. Almost
evory pedostrion on Main street Saturday
night stopped and gazed at them.
Tlio display in the show window of I". J.
1'iirtz is a very appropriate ono at this period.
. nu minion- is neatly arranged with large
inclines 01 ucwey, hchley, Hob,on and other
horoes of the Spanish-American war.
Watermelon anil Oiintiilniippii
Right oil' the ice. One carload received to
day. They aio guaranteed to bo all ripo and
SHeet. Sold wholosalo and retail. All our
fruit is always kept on ico. lnh Ma.,.-
ccived dally. Also snerinl rr ci.
Jersey sweet potatoes, Jersey sweet canta
loupes, caniornia pears, Jersey sweet sugar
corn, vory largo oars. At Coslott's 311 South
Main street.
Ilase Hall.
Tho St. Nielioliw Ttliw.u o.
...-.v., uaiuiuuy
defeated the Ashland Ims,. I. -.11 ..1..1. .. .1,..
latter's grounds by a score of 7 to 4.
1 ho hlimmit Hills defeated tl,n I..r..l.
by a scoro of 5 to 4 on Saturday.
I he Shenandoah and I .ni-tlHf Knot.
ball clubs nlaved a pamn t tlmTrntti., .....1.
yesterday aud tho visitors won by a scoro of
IO d.
Tho Doctors' and tlm ht-i,.,iciu ...111
, ...v niiiu mil
cross bats with tho Ashland business men's
nine at tho Trotting park to-morrow after
noon. Hinkel. tho clovor loft fielder nf tlm Kl,-
audoah team, will fill tho position of centre
ueiu wun 1110 Locust Dale team in tho game
with Tim. Hurst's St. T .olli4 nlnn t Aslil-nnl
on Wednesday.
Infant's lace cans, tiin rliemmet und lav.m.1
stock in town, at F. J. Pnrt.'s. 21 Vnrti,
Main street. tf
lllcycllxt Injured.
Thomas Evans. 21 vnara nf are.. o.,.l
ing in Mahanoy City, had a narrow escape
irom very soiious injury whllo bicycling near
Barry's Juuction vestenlnv ti,
gear slipped and Evans was thrown over an
is-ieeieinuaiilcmont. Ho was carried to the
High I'oint trullcv station nnd II,,.,-.. 1
attendance from Dr. W. N. Stein, who found
mat 1110 victim nail sustained a bruiso of the
pelvis bone and povcral other bruises.
Stop That Cough ! Take warning. It may
lead to Consumption. A 2Sc bnttln nf'n
Curo may save yuur life. Sold bv P. n
Kirlin und a guarantee.
Illrtliduy Tarty.
A hirthdav nartv was ,i,,-.i
ing at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ander
son, on Catherine street, in honor of their
nine-year-old son. Among tho llttlo folks
who IiartlcinAtnil In tha nn....t . ti
L. , , , ... . num iiosena
Snyder, Maud, Violet and Jessie Wost.
Notice to the 1'llblln.
I wish to announce tn tlm t,,.r.i.. ci
undoali and vicinity that I will move to tho
woniuacii uuililing, on East Coutro street,
now occupied by tho Star Clntliliii Un,,o ..
August 15th. Until that data T mill c..Jn.
- - ..... o.j,utU
my eutiro lino of men's, hoys' aud children's
clothing, hats and enns onni.1 f....i.i.t....
7-20--'v Samuel Block.
To Atlantic City.
August is tho most tilensant mnntl. f
.......... u , mu
year at Atlantic Citv. Tlm Tfnndtnr, ,11, ......
will run its second cheap excursion thero ou
Thursday next, August Hth. Tickets good
for 10 days. laro, 3.150. Train leaves 0:5-1 a. m.
Discharged From 1'rlaon,
Joseph Guigus. nf tnwn ,llsi,.,...,.i
from tho countv prison nn Satimlav 1, ..
sorvod his term of th'eo mouths for assault
aud battery.
Bicytio sunnlios and nnvelltoa nf .1..
scriptiou at Brumm's.
l'arlnli lieiiln.
The annual nlcnle nf tlm A,,,,., ..:...!....
parish will bo held at High Point park on
Thursday next, weather permitting. Tho
departuru will bo made at U a. 111.
Druggist to Meet,
Tho Sehtivlklll Cnuntv ll,a.-, ,..,,
J u-iiH.vuM
Association will meet at Tnmbllm. Dm. ....
August Hth.
Pension Granted.
James Hughes, of town, has been granted
a pension of 8 nor month datln,. fm.
February, lbutl,
l'ald Hid Pine.
Andrew Walukouls was urrivitn.l 1... 11. .11....
mon Butler and MaU Saturday night for
drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Ho
paid lino and costs after spending tlio night
A llrakeioiiii Injured.
Samuel A. Logan, of Newberry, aud middle
lirakeman on extra P. A R. freight train No
115. met with a serious nrrldmit r-,.oln,,l.
afternoon when his train was passing through
uck. mountain, no was tightening a brake
ou top of a car when tho ratchet broke aud
ho fell to the crniiml. Vn.tnt.uinl 1...
dropped clear of the track and cars, but both
uis uiiKies were (iisiocateu.
riret 1'lret Fire I
Insure your property from loss in the
oldest and strotigost cash companies : Phlla
Underwriters Insuranco Co. of North
Amorlcu and Fire Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., Amorlcun Flro Insurance Co.,
West Chester Flro Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardln St., 8heuaudoh.
Naval and
Army Heroes.
Dewey S(-'H gents' furnish
ings cheap? Well,
if you
H a Va n a experience ' o u
will know that to
be the
Maine cause of our sue
cess. Again, the
IVIerritt f our goods
causes the people
to travel
Miles to patronize us.
We welcome the looker as well as the buyer.
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah's
Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store.
For dozen window
shades. All our better
ones have been reduced
also. Shades made to
fit flltv wintlmv ntifl
especiallv Store windruvs Cnll Fnr
bargains in new carpets at
Marked down to
the lowest selling prices. We
are selling our stock as lowab
any of our competitors; yes,
in fact, they can't touch us on
some of our goods.
10S S. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
... Is the Beginning of Baldness.
Wostphal'3 AuxIHator
Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp.
terguson House Block.
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