rr 1 h inn (t t iw W.f fk dlrtftiWiii. BOX PAPER. Call 011 paper. Our new "Sweethearts" and ' go at 10 cents easily, us for box cheap ones 'Governess" worth 15c. A new lot of "Pennsylvania" just received You know the good value this box is. This price is 25 cents. See our new 10c tablets. They are beauties. HOOKS & BROWN, a n. rviain st. A SUMMER TONIC. Beef, Wine nand Iron. Large Mottle, 50 Cents. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, l'n. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE Ami l'lowerft, tin IIiiimI t,f AlntTiru, Cull. rornitt. Via tlio true lmtlinay, "Tlit- Iron Mountain Itoulo." whic h tr.i erses h Tt'Kion of licrpetual sunshine, where biiow Menus, lilUzartls-or IiIkIi altitudes nro unknown, l'ulliiuiii first nud second class palace and tourUt slueniii cars to points in MisMiurl, ArVnus.H, Texas, Old and New .Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without change, Quick time, low rates, and all the comfurtsof modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via the Missouri l'acille railway system. Tor ratos ritflit from your home, literatuic, and full information, dropa postal card, J. I'. .MiCanii, T. V. Ajjent. r.H Itail- road avenue, Klmlra, N. Y., or 3111 Hroud- way. New York. 3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, O. El Ast Ec7cina, scald head, hives, Itehiuuss of the skin of any sort instantly relieved, perman ently cured. Doau's Ointment. At anytime store. Sumliiy Specials. Services ill tlio Trinity Reformed church o-morrow at 10:00 a. m.. and H::S0 n. 111, Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. liev. liohert O HoyJo astor. lieyular services will he held in the United KvaiiKellcal church, North .lardln sticet, to morrow at 10 a. 111. and 11.3d p. m. Sunday w lioolat 1.30 p. 111. Ji'ev. I. .1. Keitz, iiastor. K. L. ('. II. on .Monday ovculiij,'. 1'i.iyer, praise and testimony meetings every Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday ami I'liday even ings. Jr. K. I.. V. V.. every Saturday eveuuui at 7 oclock. l'rimilive Mt thislist church, dames .Moore, pastor. 1'rcathiuK at 10.30 a. m. and 0:30 11. in. Suuday school at p. 111. Class meet ing on Wednesday evening, (ieuer.il prayer meeting' on Thursday evening. lWcryhody welcome. Services in All Saints' Troti'slant Kpiscopal ehuii-h on West Oak street to-morrow. Morning prayer at 1U:30. Sunday school at U p. 111. Kveuing prayer at 7 p. 111. Tho rector will otliciate. First liaptist church, corner of West and QjiVc str-iM, ltev. 1). I. llvans pastor. Services atlDa 111 11110 Op. m. Smiilay school at p. 111. I r.tyci loi'i-lnig .Monday eeniugs. 1 oun 1 eolde s meeting Wednesday evenings. Class meeting Thursday evenings. Methodist Kpisrnpal church, corner Oak and White streets. Jiev. J. T. Swindells pastor, (iener.il class intetiug at 0 a. 111., led by John Senior. Sermon at 10:30 a. in. Suuday si I100I at 11. m., Dr. .1. S. Cnllcn, Superinteiideiit. Sermon at 0:30 p. m. Scats free. Kverylioily welcome. I'ahuiy ILtptist chuieli, South Jartlin btret t. l'rcaching to-iuoriow at 10:30 a. 111, mid 0 30 p. 111. Huv. 1!. li. Albins, pastor. Salibath selioul at 1! p. m.. Deacon .I0I111 II111111, Siiperiutenilcnt. 11. Y. 1'. U. luesday evening, at 7:30. etlnemlay evening, general prayer meeting at 7:30, Kveryhody welcome. Services in tho I'reshyterian church to morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sahhath beuool nt " i. in. Jr. f. 1;. anil r. I,. I. Tutsday evening at 0:30 and 7:30 o'clock. Prayer and song service on Thursday oven- lug at 7:30. strangers always welcome. J I W. Kohler, pastor. St. John's Lutheran chinch. Went Cherry street, ltev. John (Iruhler, pastor 1'icach- Ing, 10 a. 111. ; Sunday school, 1:30 preaching 0:30 p. 111. St. Michael's (iuek Catholic church, West Centre street, ltev. Cornelius Laurisln, pas tor. Mafcitintun service 0 a. 111. High mass 10 a. 111. Church of tho Jloly Family, ((iermaii It. C.) Ninth Chestnut sticet. ltev. A. T. Schut tlehofer, pastor. First mass (j a. in., second mass 10 a. 111. St. Cashnir's Polish It. V. church, North .laidin street. llov. J. A. l.eliarkiewiez. pastor. First mass 8 a. 111., high mass 10 11. 111., vespers and hem-diction -1 p. 111. Church of tho Annunciation, 1218 West Cherry street, liev. II. F. O'liellly. pastor; Iter James Kane, assistant pastor. First mass, 7 a. m., second mass, 8 a. 111., high mass, 1U a. m. hem-diction. 7 p. in. Keheleth Israel Congiegation, corner of Oak and West streets, ltev. Henry Mit nik, pastor. Saturday services, 8 to 10 a. in., nud 3 to 5 p. 111. Suuday services 8 to lo a. in. and every week day morning from 7 to 8 a. 111. All kinds of vcgetiihlos and llowcr seeds, and plant's at Payne's nurseries, (lir.irdvillo. Electric cars iass the door. 5-0-tf Gasoline, Oil, Wagon Grease, Gasoline, Oil Stoves. We make a specialty of gasoline, 60 cents in five gallon lots, delivered. Mica and U. S. axle grease. Also headlight oil, 150 fire test. ECLIPSE OIL COMPANY, No. 13 Hunt Coal Street, Klii-liaudouli, I'f una Mall orders promptly attended to. WRIGHT' For alt Bilious and Kssvous Disiaiis. They purify the IIlood and give Healthy action to the entire system. Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION and P'MPLES. BEST LINE GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY ud HTltAW. Floor and Table 011 Cloths. B. Foley, 37 wcentre at. AT FILLS OF- &t i 5 1 1 Till! WI5ATIII5K. Tho forecast for Sunday : Fair, morn sultry and warmer weather, followed hy local thunder storms. On Monday piobahly cloudy and sultry weather with tliundr.torms. MAHANOY city. Prof. Harry Harris, leader and Instructor of the Lithuanian hand, was last night pre sented with a silver mounted and ivory tipped lwton hy the mcmiiera. Alexander Doming has gono to the Miners' hospital to recelvo treatment for necrosis brought oil hy a large splinter enteilng one of his hands and fracturing several hones which fai'od to heal. John O'Dounell, formerly of Mohauoy Plane, died yesterday in Fhiladelph'ii. John, five-year-old son of 1)11 Kerns, was run down hy a bicycle last night and Injured ahuut the head. Now Iloston, Vulcan and lliick Mountain collieries will work four full days next week. Albert Milton, 10-months-old son of Alhert lliukcs, died this illuming from coimestlmi of the brain. Prof. Jones is nrgaulziUK an orchestra to he composed entirely of lady violinists. Thomas ltcese, son of Capt. IMward lteese, of Park Place, Is home from Camp Alger on a visit. He is a member of Co. F, (lirardville. On his return to camp he will ho given a clerical position under (Ion. Ilutlcr. D. E. Phillips, of town, author ol "Cuba Must ho Free" has put 011 the market a new composition entitled, "The Truant's Song." I'tii.i rlc.M. points. William Wilhclm is always In touch with tho national leaders of tho free silver party. He it was who was instrumental in lit liming llryau to this county last year. .Mr. Wilhclm is in leceipt of :t personal letter from llryau, and it goes without saying that their pet theory was the piintipal subject of com munication. llcnjamiu Ciinunings, the millionaire Democratic candidate for District Attorney, has escaped the waid heelers hy going to Capo May for a week or two. Democratic heailiUaitors will ho opened in Puttsville on the first Hour of the building adjoining the P. & K. C. .4 1. Co. ollices. The suite of rooms will he elaborately furnished in accordance with the tastes and means of the party's millionaiie candidates. Maj. William Holmes, of St. Clair, is a candidate for tho Legislature. There are about n dozen patriots of tho same mind in that district. The Journal is sadly in need of n dose of "Moses" Payne's harmony elixir. John Wanamakcr is not a eandidato for United States Senate or any other ollicc, says the Philadelphia Telegraph, a paper owned by his son-iu-law. The Democratic county convention was consistent in not endorsing the Chicago plat form, after nominating millioualies Marr and Cummlngs. Tho Judicial candidate owned the convention, and did not care to assume a position foreign to his past record. One of the traitorous Democratic (-cliool Directors recently said he would Iom his right arm, before ho would desert his party. It is noticed, however, tnat the said Diiector is minus 110 limbs. Infant's lace caps, the cheapest and laigest stock in town, at F. J. P-'rtz's, L'l Ninth Main sticet. tt' Vlslllng I'rlest. Father Murray, of Iowa, is a visitor to town, mil is being cntortalned hy tho family of J. Conry, of liist Lloyd street. Tho reverend gentleman will olllciate at High mass in tlic Annunciation church to-morrow moiniiig, at 10 o'clock. Mr. .Murray was resident of town some years ago. ARklyour groier for tho "Uoyal Talent flour, and tuko no other brand. It is tho best tlour muiln. log Catelier Hilton. One of the assistants employed by High Constable Hovers in catching dogs was bitten III the leg hy one of tho animals this morning, but tho bite was not a serious 0110. rrcpimitory. "Our now pastor, tlio Hov Mr. Allwcll, preaches 11 Kieut dual about heaven. You remember tho (rood old Dr. Scarus, his predecessor, was always preaching about tho other placo. " " Yes; ho was bluzlnn tho way (or Broth er Allwcll " ChieoHO Tribuno I.Hcs Lost In Coal Mines. It is said that every 110,000 tons of an thracite coul mined In Pennsylvania costs tho llfo of 0110 workman and moro than two perious injuries. Kvcry 800,000 tons of bituminous coal means tho llfo of ono I liner and injuries tout least three others. Annual Sales ovor 0,000,000 Boxes FOE BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Tain In tho Stomach, Giddiness, Fulness alter meals. Head ache, Dlzzluoss. Drowslnoss. Flushiuus ot Heat, Loss of Appotito. Costlveness, Blotches on tho Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Droams and all Nervous and Trombliujr Sensations, THE HRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Kvory sufforer will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. JIIXCII.IM'S l'IM.S, taken asdlroet Cd, willqulcklyrestoro Fomalos to e,m pleto health. They promptly renmvo obstructions or irregularities nf tho sys tem nnd euro Slrk Ileatluelie. Porn Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boccham's Pills aro Without a Rival And hive the LARGEST SALE ofnny Patent .lleillcliio In the World, 25c. at all Drug Stores. Down Conies the Price On Wool Bunting U. S. Flags. Those who foolishly thought they were securiiii! a liartrain in Uiyitie the supH.filly cheaii "cotton bunting Hags nre now rejjretfng their action, as they view the scarcely visible colors in their flags as they are fcusiwnded over-lit-atl. Hy investing a few dollars more they could now have a Hag that always looks clean mid bright in colors. Our wool (lags have proved their superiority over "cotton" gootls. We Have again retlucetl our price on wool bunting Hags down to a close second in price of the "cotton" Hags We maiiufactuie our wool Hags, and can guarantee them to be A No. I. fall and get our new price list. Morgan's Flag Factory, 23 North Main St. PES Dr. Frank Womer, EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. rlit-ctulca ami eye glaueii fUtoil accurately Medical priutlcorcnuiiieil, ON JARDIN ST., SHENANDOAH. mm FREE EACH SViONTH (During 1897) Tor jmrtlculftrs send yonr nnmo and full acMroM to Lccr llrud., Ltd., Hudson & Hfurlson Sts.,Nt-w York. PERSONAL MENTION. W. O. Gregory transacted biisinoFsat Potts villo to-day. O. C. II. Kirlln vNited friends at Pottsvillo yesterday and spent several hours at Tumbl ing Hun. Harry Weidensaul, of Mt. Carmel, Is a guest of friends in town. Miss Maude nvcrctt, of Wllllainsport, Is tho guest of town friends, Miss Sallio Portz entertained a number of her friends hy giving a social at her icsideuce last evening. William D. Williams, of Union county, is the guest of Postmaster l'eilea, and family. Thomas Parker, of tho Mahanoy City ltocord, spcut last evening in town. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Folmor aro in atleudauco at the Mountain Grovo c.uup meeting. John Llewellyn, of Illuefield, W. Va Is visiting his parents on Kast Coal street. Miss Maine Williams, of Ilrownsville, has gone 011 a month's vacation to Philadelphia, New York and Atlantic City. .Misses Llla and lirldgct Purcell, of Phoenix Park, are visiting tho family of Joseph Pnicell. On Monday they will leavo lor Shainokin to visit relatives at that place. (t. li. Krick and I;. J. Wasley left town this afternoon to spend Sunday at the Moun tain drove camp meeting. Messrs. Fred. Wasley, John lCeesa and James Hough journeyed to Catuwlss.t on their "bikes" last evening. To morrow they will he in attendance at the Mountain Grove c.uup meeting. Karl's Clover lioot Tea Is a pleasant laxa- tivo. h'egulatcs tho bowels, purines the blood. Clears tho complexion. L'asy to make and pleasant to take, ;!." cts. Sold by P. D. Kirliu and a guarantee. The Druggists' Outing. The Secretary of the Schuylkill Pharma ceutical Association has issued circular letters to tho seveuty-livo or more members, notify ing them that the Association will hold their annual outing at Tumbling Run on Thurs day, August 11 tli. next. Menibors'nnd their lady friends will attend, mid a pleasant time is anticipated. The Ciimp Meeting u l'allui-e. The Hazlcton papers say that tho Metho dist camp meeting at Mountain Grove this year Is a failure. The attendanco is small. and especially is this so from Ilazletou and vicinity. Considerable monoy has been ex- pcuded on tho grounds and tho management aic in debt. Mt. Onriiiel's Xew Ilrewery. Tho opening of Jit. Carmel's now brewery, near the depot in that town, will take place on .Monday. 1 no machinery will bo run several days, and tho lattor part of next week the first brew will bo made. Around tlio liases. The strong Locust Dalo team will cross bats with tho Shenandoah nino at tlio Trotting paik to-morrow afternoon. Church Notleo. Services will bo held in tho Piimitivo Methodist church to-morrow morning and evening. Mornitiff subject. "Self Praise." Sunday school at " p. 111. Pleaching in tho evening by Mrs. Ilutlcr, of Pittsburg. Every body kindly invited. l.elllgli Valley Tay liny. Paymaster Wilhclm will pay tlio employes of the Lehigh Valley railroad from HaUeton to Mt. Carmel, including Delano, 011 the 13th Inst. RHEUMATISM,! IiEURALGIA nnd similar Complaints' uuu yj-i'jiartu uuiicr mo fciringent DEI1MAII MEDICAL LAWS. prescribed by eminent phyEicia DR. RICHTER'S "ANOHOH " PAIN EXPELLER. "World rptinwlieil I llrmnrlffihlvfiitr-rpiiRfiil I ilOnlr Rraulna villi Trade Mark " Anchor," W. ah. iiii-ntcrA ro ilia roarlM.. aew ion.. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Eranch Houses, Own Glassworks, 3 & 50 cts. Endorsed & rccouiiacnttuil by A. Wasley, 106 N. Main St., wC. R. Hacenbnch. 103 N. Main St., .r.D. Kirlln, 6 S. Main St., .. shpnnnln-th tPAisiiZ on. " rtv ANCIIOU !TiniAIIAr4 Lost TO THE PUBLIC ! The undersigned have opened a 11CW furniture store at No. 131 South Main street. The proprietors, Messrs. D. & J. Siegel, will buy another consignment of furniture in New York and Philadelphia early next week which will arrive in the latter part of the week. The public is invited to call and inspect it. Our Stove Store Is at No. 123 South Main street, a few doors above the new nlace. Our fall and Winter selection will comprise eight car loads of stoves, ranges and heateis, which will begin to arrive shortly. All GOODS SOLD CHEAP. D. & J. SEIGEL, 123 & 131 South Hain St. feW ortbociobuicr SSJ ll Fltsl Prizes, each of $100 Cash. p 20 Second ' $100 Pierco Special BIcjcles. H 40 Third $ 25 Gold Watches. rF" f)U11l3ilX. SOAP g WRAPPERS 2 LAST OF THE REASON. I.iiw-ltiite Ten-Day l'xeiirslou to Aliunde City, Ac, tin reniisylvaiitii Itiillroail. August IS is tho'dato of tlio last low-iato ten-day excursion from Lrle, Troy, Uolle fonte, Willlainsport, Mocanauua, Sunliury, Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal Inter mediate stations (including stitloiis on branch roads), to Atlantic City, Capo May, Ocean City, Sea Ilo City, Avalon, Anglesea, W'ildwood or Holly Hunch, via Pennsylvania Kail road. Excursion tickets, good to leturu hy regu lar trains within ten days, will bo sold at rate of f 10.00 from F.rlo, fo.OO from Willlainsport, and proportionately low-rales frcm other points. Tickets to Atlantic City will ulso be sold via tho Delaware Itlver liiidgc Koute, the only all-rail line, at ten cents more than tho rato via Market street wharf, Philadel phia. For information in regard to nites nnd time of trains consult hand bills, or apply to agents, or V.. S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Willlainsport, Pa. Democratic !2rcutlt Committee. County Chairman Meyer has appointed the following members of the Democratic Incen tive Committee: Frank Pepper, Ashland ; W. 1). Karrcrnian, Upper Mahantongo ; P. P. Mitluire, Fialley j M. W. Febr, L-indiiig-ville ; Henry Scheiirnian, Mahanoy City ; P. J. Ferguson, West Mahanoy; C. W. lloch, l!ai ry ; Ilernard Murphy, Gilhcrton ; Tiinnthv O'llrieii, Shtuandoali ; P. J. Miilhollaud, Shenandoah; M. G. Zimmerman, Union; Patrick Gibbon, JIcAdoo; P. J. Dcvinncy, Kahu ; 1). 1). Mcsscrsmith, llyan ; John Weutzcl, Jr., Tamatpia; T. II. Snyder, West Pcnii ; Jacob llartinan, Kast liiunswick; Dauiel ltciehcrt, N. Manhein. ; William Goas, Schuylkill Haven ; L W. Zieglcr, Wayne ; Charles D. I'oedcr, Washington ; IMward Hummel, Pinegrove ; Charles Kuecht, Tower City j James J. Hughes, North Cass; Cyrus Moore, Mlneisville; Martin Do'an, St. Clair; James Holilinn, Middleport; F. 13. Stutsman, Ilegins; John Mcuia, West Norwegian ; Conrad Stoll'iegan, Pottsville ; M. J. Kott, Palo Alto; J. H. Nichtcr, Pottsville. No such thing as "summer complaint" wheie Dr. Fowler's Kxtract of Wild Straw berry is kept handy. Nature's remedy for every looseness of tho bowels. ' I'. O. S. or A. State Candidates. As the time draws near for holding the annual sessions of tho Stato camp of the P. O. S. of A. tho candidates for the various state camp ollices aro coming to tho front. Tho following havo thus faraiinnunced them selves: ForStato President, it. N. J. Itced, of Camp 315, Philadelphia ; Frederick Ikolor, of Camp (310, llioomslmrg. Strong piessnro is being brought to hear 011 the pieseut in cumbent, A. J. Colborn, Jr., of Seranton, to permit the use of his uamo for a tliild term. For Stato Vice President, the present master of foinis, Dr. Cameron Shultz, of Camp !UH, D.invillo, is thus far tho only candidate. For tho office of stato master of forms there are already three candidatrs: F.x-District President Josiah T. I!crryiiiau, of Camp 37, Lattimcr ; Herman A. Miller, of Camp -107, F.aston, and Warren H. Roberts, of Camp -liO, Freeinansbiirg. For state conduc tor, District President Guy D. Fisher, of Camp 3011, is at present the only candidate. Gerauiimus, fuchsias, pansies, daises, roses, etc., for spring planting at Payne's nursoiics, Giranlviile. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs. 'g FACTORY I mnr oini tt 2 5E Will open on or about 2 Monday, Aug. Sth. The proprietor, Mr. Spoont, is no stranger to the public, he hav ing been in the furniture business on Kast Centre street for several years. As a promoter of low prices he led in the furniture line, and will also lead in the shot line. His stock will equal any in town. The new place is at 27 S. Main St. NEXT D00H TO Till: 2 BEE HIVE. 3 d Everybody is invited to call 2 and examine our stock. 2 FOlt STATU HUNATOH, 80th District, D. M. GRAHAM, OK MAnANOY ClTV. Subject to ltejiubllcan mien. pou diick'toh ok this took, S. G. MIDDLET0N, Ov OlMlKUTON. Kuhjcct to Iteiuihllcnu rulca. JjOU COUNTY CONTUOI.I.KIt, CHARLES A. SNYDER, Of 1ottvju.k. Huhjrct to ltejmbllcnii rultM. Oil COUNTY SUltVKYOIt, MARK D. BOWMAN, Ok MAiUNov-Oirv. Hu Jtct to ItepublUun rulet. Tho Rosy Freshness Ami a velvety softness ot thu skin la I u va riably obtained hy tlm' who uho 1'uiioNi'a Coiuiili'zlon J'owtlt'r, 1TMY POINTS. 'iMppenlngn l litnnglioiit llio Uotiutry Cliriititelt'il lor llnsly l't.rusnl. Preparations for tlio September term of court aro being made. Tlio Pottsvlllo FJkg hold a successful picnic yesterday aftornoon. Contralla has organized a Hoard of Trade, while Shenandoah is in tho same old rut. Thno of the men drowned by tho flooding of Kasknwlllism collier, am still entombed, and the recovery of their bodies Is doubtful. Tho Ministerial Association of M. Carmel has pronounced against Sunday funerals. Tho Mahanoy City Town Council will ne gotiate n $10,000 temporary loan. The school teim at Mlnersvlllo has been reduced to nine months. It is probahlo Shenandoah will do tho same. A now $10 counterfeit note Is In circulation, of tho series 1801, check letter C. The Ccntralia School Hoard has not yet elected teachers. Tho Miners' hospital Is being treated to a new coat of paint. July was tho hottest month oxpeiienccd for many yoars. A stage lino Is now running dally between tho Miners' hospital nnd Ashland, from 0 a. m to :i p. 111. The Dauvlllo iisyluni is overcrowded and the authorities are in a quandary what to do with all tho patients. Locusts havu appeared ill the vicinity of McAdoo. "Jack" Stlvitts, Hostnn'sTauious player, Is at his home in Ashland nursing an injured finger. He will join Ids team at Philadel phia on Thursday. Tho Lehigh Valley repair shops at Ilazle tou have been closed, and it is now said tke Dclanoshops will not he removed. .Miss Alice, daughter of W. L. Cole, editor of the .Miners' Journal, and Paul Sheafcr, both of Pottsville. -will bo mairicd on the 17th lust. Although sllghtl'- belated the employes of Hroolcside colliery will raise two flags this afternoon. J. F. Mllllngtown,' of Tremont, has the colli racl to le model and build an addition to the Williainslown Lutheran chinch. Stato Treasnicr lUacoiu said yesterday ho was going to distribute in tho next two months about $2,000,000 011 account of the school appropriation. Tho Pottsville shops are working full time, unit it is said will continue that schedule tho balance of tho year. Tho Ashland opcta house will open the season next Thursday evening. G. G. Clauscr has attached an automatic whistlo to his bicycle. Tho sound is much like that made by tho whistles of dirt bank engines. Colillllittml Nlllelile. Whilo suH'eiiiig temporarily from a de rangement of the mind, Isaac M. Morgan roth, one of Shanioklu's best known citizens, yesterday sent two bullets into his head whilo in an outbuilding connected with his residence with suicidal intent. When dis covered llfo had hicn extinct. His troubles dated back to 1871, when ho lost a largo amount of money through the failure of tlio Millers' Trust Hank, of Pottsville. Ho was V years old and leaves a wife and four chil dren. Held for Larceny. Mrs. Katie Iiuroll.i was arrested this morn ing by Special Oilicer Joe Anderson and held for trial hy Justice Shoemaker 011 a charge of stealing an iron kettle fioni tho kitchen of Joseph Lutkiewicz. dii:i. Vl'UM.-On the tltli lust., ftt Shcnainloah, Vi.. IK'iiry Utirm, j;cil 09 yt:irH. The fuuornl will t.iku pliu-e on TuuHihiy, Uih Inst., at 2 p. in., frnui the family ri'hldi'iicu at -07 Weht Ot-litre tni:t. Hervlffa In Trinity lEffoviupil churfh. lntcrniont In thu OtM KoIIowh foniftcry. lielntivcH ami TiIcikN ripeftfully iiivitud to aiteml. J-ii MISCELLANEOUS. li1HTItAYJ;i.-To the prcmUnn of I'alriek l"j Cuonuy, at .o-t Creok, Pa., a rod hull calf. Owner an rwive r same uptm falling at thu ii1mi t- htati-d place and paying fot of this adve i tNniieiit and espeiifH. It I.IOIE 1IKNT. Dwelling hoime, nix rooms, ; lately painted and p.ipt icd, nuler in the house, (.all at l'2Tt 2ast Coal htrtet, ShenaiH doah, l'a. -l-3t "A f ANTKI. A koihX reilable hounukif per for IT Hinnll f-Linlly, CJotnl wurs Ajiply at the IIkkau) ollke. e-a-tf TOU KENT.- A saloon with dwelling con 1' tainhiK 1" comfoitahle room4 on South Mntn htifi t Lntatwd in tho tnwtnofl iiottlon. IteaMinahlc term. Call at IIvitAM) olllee. H-2-Im FOK HAM:. -Vnlnahle proporty for sale, eon sisllnj;' four dweliiiiH: lunHe.1, all eonven lenees aiul p;ood seweraKe. I:or fuither information apply at S'-7 Went Lloyd sheet, iSlienaiidoah, l'a. 8-1-2 vv SAL15. A valimhlu roperty on AVest ; Ontro Ntrect, dwelling hotiHe, and all con veuienees in desirahlo location. Apply to ThoimtH Tosh, for further particulars. 5-7-tf ITIOIE HA11C. A saloon Good htnml and een 1 tral location, Hat two pool tallies, one hcInK iv combination of pool and Millard. Apply at the Hi;uAU) ofllec. tf NEW YORK FURNITURE EXPOSITION. We liave one on a small scale at our warerooms, the goods being selected by us last week while in attendance at the exposition. The selec tion comprises designs from the leading manufacturing houses in America. Such odd designs have never been in troduced here before. We invite the public to call and see them. Davison's BUSY. FURNITURE. AND. STOVE. STORE, 121-123 North Mailt St. j-, --"i - rilifiiT- gmwrJM.w mm ii "-i m 1 '!OJWl WUBWWH ., . ..... --r Tired and Despondent. Mrs. Bolser Speaks for Many Care worn, Complaining Women. Women in cliareo of linincs itml cureworn, com pi ii i 1 1 1 jicniilo li ml their strength per manently established by tlio use of 1'aino'a celery compound, tlio greatest nerve restorer mill hlooil purifier the world has ever been blessed with. Try It, nnd when you go to the ilruir store tor X'aine's celery comiimniii see that you get it. Sirs. Mulser speaks lor countless women who liavo Millbred I rum acliins backs, wurn and tired reclines, and have been freed from nain and weakness by I'aino's colcry compound. Sirs, liolser tells tho story ot hor uenvoratico trom iuvaliulsm In tho two lollowim; lotlcrs : Mountain Junction, Tenn.. ov. 3. 'til. Wells, Hichardson & Co., Dear Sirs Two years aeo I camo fiom Nova Scotia, and 1 suppose my debilitated condition was partially owing to climatic in fluences. 1 used various kinds of medicines, but continually grew weaker, uutil it was with difficulty that I could co up and down stairs, and in trying to walk out of doors, could go only a few steps when I would be obliged to lean against a treo or sit down, J h id read frequently nf Talne's to uiy coin pound and resolved to uso it. Jt put me on my lect again, si mar, i pci:aii to tako courage. I used sovcrul battles and I feel that 1 own you a doht of gruliiudu for SCHUYLKILL DENTAL PARLORS Have Removed to Refowicli's Bldg., SDCOND FlOOR. DRINK- CI.KARY'S KXTRA HNJ? QUALITY -GINGER ALB, - Superior Sarsaparilla... and OranRe Champagne. rniLTi.- ctiEnr store, o DHAI.KU IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SO West Contra Strcotu tho samo. I recommend tho compound to my friends fur and near. Yours gratefully, Mrs. 0. 11. Bolser. Aftor two years Mrs, Ilolsor still praises I'aino's colcry compound. St. Elmo, Tenn., Juno S3, 183(1. Dear Sirs I still continue, a friend and well wisher of I'aino's colory compound, and have received replies from my friends of its good results on my recommendation. I wish you continued success. Yours truly, Mrs. C. li. liolser. Ono of tlio largest retail druggists in tho city, whoso business enables him to feel tho public pulso in tho matter of sickness uud its euro, says, "Women aro peculiarly in need of a pleasant tonic. They suffer from exhaus tion, and in Paino's celery compound they find instant relief. Many families now uso it, and many wives give it to their husbands when they return homo at night worn out from business cares. It nover falls to In vigorate boththo mind and the body, and is a preparation that meets a common want for a safo and beneficial tonic." Paino's celery compound is just tlio remedy that suits the condition of women run down in health, with unstrung nerves, wasted bodies, and thin, vitiatod blood. EDUCATED and ARTISTIC TASTES In wallpaper and JeeorntloiiM In ono of the nineteenth century nccoinplUhmcntH, That Ih why those, who select their wall paper at CAltDIN'.H Ki't""1i delightful refmlttt. It Inn't neeesKary to purchase tho expensive leaden, thu detdKimand enlnn nro jimt tn nrthtlc In tlio cheaper grades, If they are not no ileh. Hor thorn! who wIhIi to decorate-their rooms with artlbtle wall paper u to J. P. CARDEN, 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, l'a. Tiios. Buchanan, $J OPTICIAN. Examination Made at Tour Homo nr at Our Store. Has Moved to 118 S. Main Street. THOMAS BUCHANAN, OPTICIAN, We Bottle BEER, WEISS BEER, ALE, PORTER Private family orders will receive prompt attention. IYeave them at the office, we will do the rest. COLUMBIA BREWING COMPANY, Bueknell University, JOHN HOWARD HARRIS, Frenldent. CoiiiprlacH n College with lour courwn; Academy fur Yuiiiik Men nwl Hoys I Ladles Institute, uri'lliinl liuanlliiir nelioolt School of Muslo with unulimtliiB fourmM. For cittulogiitr nldreurt WM. C. GRETZINGER, RelBrelrlsnurB. Pa A (rood ilco for o good drink Michael Mills' Saloon, 23 I!. Centre ntrect, Mellet'n building, Wine, Wlilklc, fleer and Cltsnra. Krelieii Ueor In town nlwuya ou Up.