on TUB EXCH.IENC!! OF SYIiUI' OF IIGS is due not only to tho originality nnd simplicity of tlio t'OinWnntion, but nlso to tho caro and skill with which it is manufactured by bciontillo processes lcnowij to tho California Fin Svitui Co. only, nnd we wish to impress upon nil the Importance of purchasing the true nnd original remedy. As tho ffenulne Syrup of Figs-is manufactured by tlio California Fin Sviiwr Co. only, n knowledge ot tlint fact will assist one in avoiding (ho worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tho high standing o'f tlio Cai.t founia Fin Svnui' Co. with the medi cal profession, nnd tho satisfaction which tho gcnulno Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes tho name of tho Company a guaranty of tho excellence of Its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In older to gek its beneficial effects, please remember tho name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FUANtllMCO, CbI. LOUISVILLE. Ky. NI.VT VllltK, N. V. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECiFi CS 600 FAGE BOOK MAILED FREE. CONTENTS: Part I. Diseases of Horses. Port II. Diseases or Cattle. Part III. Diseases of Sheep. Part IV. Diseases of Hogs. Part V. Diseases of Dogs. Part VI. Diseases or Poultry. Snmo book in hotter binding DO eta. HUM rilim S' BIEIl. III., Cor. Mlllaiu & lain HU., Hw lort NEUVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL. WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Hwmplireys' Homcopnthic Specific No. 28, in uso ovep40 years, tho only successful remedy. $1 per vIl,or 5 vials and lame vial powdcr,for $5 Biil.l y ltnlsKl.ti, or unit .nnti,l.l fit r-cli.t nf prlc lirnrillllAS' Sit V. (O., Cor. Hllllnii, A Ji.lmHI.., T.SW Sorb w -v We.-.r ftOYAL WOUC1Z.STHR cuKsrrrs. Perfect Pitting. FOR Bl.LC BY l.r.ACiKQ DEALERS. You can blanir joursclf if you paclcnge I tio n t cct teal ! noed eolfe e to f'l-bilt. Oi'Kttpry r.jfis-ai made de licious bv addine SriEl.Hl'4. i..pu. for Sccllg's. A little of tins ladraixtu re to rchenp coffee , makes a deliciou:"",Jj""y - tdrink and savea expense. I LAUER'S BOCK BEE In Bottles or by the Keg. Latter' s Lager KD Pilsnei Beer Porter and Weiss Beer. Christ. :lmiidt, Agent nnd Bottler, , 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, Ko. 13 North jardln St. rhat Spain Will Not Rejoot Oui Government's Domandsi IHE DELAY OAUSES NO SDEPEISE Tho Secretary of Wnr Isnnos n Stnto- inont Showing Tlint IIIh Dupiii-tiuotit VllH -M() Villi: tO ItoltoVO SllllllOI'H In Culm llof'oro tlio Unicorn l'rotostcd. Washington, Aug. 6. When the presi dent closed his offlelnl work yesterday lie had not received the reply of Spain, nor any Intimation as to how soon the reply mlnht be expected. Tho French ambassador was not heard from throughout the day, and he, as well as our government ofllclals, was wait ing for Spain to give tho final response. Two days had passed without a word olllclally from Spain, either In the way of Inquiry or response. From this It Is clear that the Spanish cabinet fully renllzes tho time for argument, coun ter proposals or modification has gone by, and that there Is only one simple Issue to be met, namely, whether the American terms will be nccepted ns n Whole Or rejected. Thcie Is, Indeed, eason to believe that the Spanish gov ernment has been directly advised that the stage of the negotiations Is past, and that only the matter of an answer, favorable or unfavorable, remains. That the answer has not come quick ly Is no matter of sururlse to the of ficials here, for they realize the tre mendous responsibility which Premier Sagasta must assume In making these peace terms sufficiently palatable to the Spanish people and the political leaders to permit Its acceptance with out an Internal convulsion. In his con ferences With the president and Sec retary Day the French ambassador has brought out clearly the great task before Sagastn. It seems to be the gen eral view here that If tho premier and his ministry were untrammeled an ac ceptance would come at once, and that the preliminary peace arrangement would be now closed. But In preparing the Spanish public, and In guarding against political agitations hereafter by public men of other parties, tho Mad rid officials are taking time for mis sionary work not only among them selves, but among all political and so cial elements. The best Informed per sons here fix next Monday as the tlmp when the United States government Is likely to receive Spain's final answer, but this Is simply conjectural, for there Is not the slightest means of konwlng tho tendencies at Madrid. There Is the same confident belief among the officials that there has been from the first that Spain's answer will be a reluctant but not the less con clusive acceptance. At the same tlm It was suggested In some quarters that there was a possibility that the dis closures made by the American general at Santiago concerning the serious con dition of our troops might be a straw at which the Spanish cabinet would grnsp. This Is quite doubtful, however. as there Is a question whether the statement of the American general ever got outside the borders of the United States, owing to the strict cen sorship Imposed. Moreover, all the evi dence reaching the ofllclals hero Indi cates that Spain Is weary with the con flict and Is convinced beyond the slight est question of the hopelessness of fur ther oppb'sltldn. Tho day would not have been re markably dull at the war department. considering the existence bf n 'state of war, had It not been for the publica tion In the newspapers of the round robin signed by the military command ers at Santtaco, and the short but sharp coiTcspondence between Colonel Roosevelt nnd Secretary Alger. These nfforded food for much discussion among all classes of officials, and the belief was general that there are to be further Interesting chapters In the cor respondence, provided it Is deemed harmless to the best Interests of the army to allow further publication. In proof of the allegation that the war department had bestirred Itself to succor the unfortunate army In San tiago before the united protest was made, the following statement Is given out by the secretary of war regarding the shipment of troops north from San tiago: "Until quite recently It was supposed that there was a yellow fever epidemic In Santiago, and It was not believed that It would be safe to send north shiploads of men largely Infected with yellow fever. The disease, It was be lieved, would spread rapidly on ship board and result In the death and builal of mnny at sea. 'On the 28th ult. the secretary of war telegraphed to General Shatter that as soon as the fever subsided tho men of his command would be moved north to a euuin that has been selected for them on Montauk Point. On the 30th General Shatter telegraphed: 'Mnd? known secretary of wui's telcsram that troops would be moved north as soon as fever subsides,' nnd It had a very good effect on the men.' "When, however, the true condition wns made known nn order was Is sued to General fOiufter to move his command north ns rapidly ns pos sible, and all ships in the quartermas ter's service possible to get to San tiago were sent there, nnd the great liners, St. Paul and St. Louis, were nlsn ordered there. All this was done before tho communication signed by General Bhafter and his generals was reoelved, and before Colonel ltoose velt's letter was published. "Over 1.G50 surgeons are at Santlngo, und 175 Immune nurses have been sent there, besides the usual hospital corps that always attends such an army. There have been less deaths In San tiago by yellow fever than by typhoid fever In nny camp of the same size In tho United Stales." Tlioiisaiula of persoiis havo been cured of nllos by using DoWitfs Witeli Hazel Salvo, It heals promptly anil euro? eczema and all skin diseases. It ijivos Innuediato rullcf. O, II. Itauciibiuli, Only "Lou'iilly liu i lcil wIvom," Snnttnso do Culm, Aiib.O. The steam er San Junn, whloli wont to Manzanlllo under a lias of trucci to lirlne hero the families of the Simnlbh ofllcers who re- Infoiced Clcnerul I,lnaren In Santiago I beforo tho enpltulatlon, returned yeB- I terdiiy, brlnsliiK 1!S persons, tho wives nnd children of the officers who came with General Hsrarios. Originally It . was said that theio were 7G persons to i ho brought, but General Toral Bent two I ndl'iers tu see that only the "legally married wives" ci.me, which induced the number In iS. A a re at Surprise Is in store for all who uso Kemp's llalsam for the Throat and I.ungs, Would you be ieve tlut it is sold on its met its and any druggist is auihoriml by the proprietor of lliis wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute or chronic roughs. All druggist sell Kemp's llalsatn, Trice 25 and 50c. WHAT I highly commend the Johann Hoffs Malt 1 use it with my daily improves my appe tite and digestion wonderfully. lieu era of Imitations. Tlir genuine Johnnn Ilolf'a Mn.lt Kxtrnct has r 1)11 L'l'K iaUL'1. I V aiEHUKLSUW iu.. OH' for Honolulu. San Frandsco, Aug. C. The volun teers who are to go to Honolulu on the steamers l.ukme and Nelson struck their tents at Camp Miller yesterday and marched out of the presidio to their vessels. There were 301 enlisted men nnd 11 officers, comprising tho Third battalion, Second regiment of United f'tutt'S volunteers, engineers re cruited In Denver, fait Lake, Portland and San Francisco and Companies I, K, Ij and M, nf the Flist battalion, and Compnny C, of the Second battalion of the First New York vnluntiers, under Major Charles. There were 553 officers and men nf the First. Tho vessels sailed today. 'J'lirro Drowned IIoiIIoh' Itccoverod. New York, Aug. C Ot tho five per sons drowned from Frank Ituppert's launch on Thursday night, off Klch- mond Valley, S. I., three bodies have r been recovered. They are those of I Gertrude Frohweln, 1C year3 old; TIlllo ( i'lonwein, s year old, ana one ot the sailors, wlioQ name Is not known. While grappling yesterday tho Irons brought to the surface the body of Annie Slhenelclien. 18 years old, but before 11 could b" cot Into the boat It fell ln'o the v. .iter, where It still lies. The brnly of Kmma Frohweln Is aljo unieeovered. 0 1 I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature .1 Ncu Vi'111-.i i-ony:. ; - Jim Jeffries, the .. .i .-y. eight pugilist was lo have fought and Steve O'Dunnell Vnrk A' much !- . I from Ci.I.i c n'n lirib Arri--' 1 1 i.'iy for tc icun:-i each before the Lenox Athl. tif club lnr.t nlsrht, but he was (lib ob'i 'o eairy out half of his pro posed task. ITe met Armstrong nnd defeated blin, but In doing so' he shat tered his left arm and was unnblo to meet ("! "iiniu 11. This was an unfor tunate thinp., beth for Jeffries and the club, nf the former felt perfectly con fident of defeating both men, and the manngeis of the club were sorry to be compelled to disappoint their patrons. Many shrewd Judps of boxers were satisfied that Jt (Tiles is a promising nnd pomIii; patiiNl, and they hope that the liijiiiy lo his arm will not be serious. k?cv:kkkkk5ss:3:s:k:kxs:3:x:s;s:3!i twnc tuun rHin j ifiin V Pain-Killer. B q h i-ioaicino unest in Itsoll. n M Slmplo, Safo and Quick Curo for K M CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, H COLDS, RHEUMATISM, Q rf NEURALGIA. Q H 23 and 50 cent Bottloa. pi M BEWARE OF IMITATIONS- K Q BUY ONLY THE GENUINE. 2 PERRY DAVIS' kM3sxx:sKSs::scss;s:s:s;s:s;xx:srf:S POOR THROUGH DOCTORING. Joseph Hnlton, of Italtlmore.swpars be fore A (. Valiant, JustlcH of the 1'eacet I t'lidurt'd many yearn ot Rutlt-rlnc and V ml ml torture frumthowrotcheil results of v ni-ir i niinr inninnnn nn.1 hml I threw away a LTejit deal of money on wortblesi rein od 1 oa and (locinrs and did not receive the Ughtust benefit from anything I took. Had to give up work, was extremely weak and completely dl heartened, bar.kiupt both Id health and financed, and In utter Uenpalr. I did not care what became ofme. Having no money, was torced to stop doo torlng ; so for four months I continued In thLi death-like condition, still Krowlnif worse, until one day I chanced to read tin aJtertlRement of DR. THEEL. 604 N. SIXTH ST. (private entiance on (Jreen-t.i riillndelplilatl'a. In a rhllndelphla papr, and picked him out anion t; several other ah the doctor I ouuht to to see. So I concluded to do fco and borrowed enough money to consult him, and a week later was under bis wonderful treatment, which cured me permit- Citly In nlnn mouths." tsend five 2c stamps tor U. "TlllITll. the only book exposing the fraudulent business ot quack doctors. A valuable book for you hit nnd old. Jtrhrht'ft Ulsease, Diabetes, Mollltln, Illood l'olson cured under guarantee. No name published without consent, I'reNli C'rhpn cured In 4 lo 10 riarx. Treatment by mall. Hours 0-3; ergs b-'J; Wed. it Hat. evgs G-lu; Hun, 9-12. rfj WE HAVE NO AGENTS f tat h&v iold direct earner tor yei ikle pricei, saving where lor eitminiiiou, Everjthins wi.rrantd, llBitylcicf Vfchicles, atvlei cf lltrneii. ToDliaririei. 36 Rorrsvi.l5UUI123. ri Phketoni. TrftPB. ttei, 6prinf-ltofc4 . .n..n.r..,. rn.. lili M Wajonl. B,od for Urf ,, fr, K,.(ButMr. Price, wUheil.loi,l.mr."' K..1I, yp.,ViVhVl!. c,uiomHUur,ijl. rt.J.,.noi..iiira.,l). iiiJ.eiurl. 1KHAIIT OAIUIIAOK AND IIAIlIIBaS MFO. CO. W. B. PJiATT. w'j, KLKUABT. 1KB. a thoroughly up-to-date periodical thirty-fir st volume In 1S9S. During A MIRROR Paris and New York Each Fashions pared A Colored Fashion Supplement Cut Paper Patterns A Bi-Weekly Pattern Sheet T. w, iiieeimoa LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES Two famous authors u 111 contribute long serial stories to the lUzAKln 189S. The first deals with Scotch and Continental scenes, the second is a story of a young gin, versatile, ana typically Mary E. Wilklns Octave Thanet II. P. SpoITori M, S. Driscoe These DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES OUIt PARIS LETTER THE LONDON LETTER By KATHARINE DB FOREST By ilrt. FOVLT.SSV KlCELOIf CLUB WOMEN HUMOR By UARCARBT II. WELCH There will be a series ol articles on Etiquette, Music, the Voice, Art, the Play, Women and Men, Leaders among Women, Gardening, Housekeeping, Ule and Health, Indoor Details, etc, 10c, a Copt (Send lor Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year l'tiUi frtt in tht Unite J Statu, Canaia, and Mtxict. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City W. I). IIowclU I SAYS: genuine Extract. diet. It the Bljrnntnro aoio JKPttL. V. Ituto W'nr In the Wit. Chlcngo, Auc. C A passenger rate war that will effect directly every fare In the west, and liu'lrec tly half of the tariffs of eastern and n uthern lines, has been declared. Next Monday the rate between Chicago and St. Paul nnd Minneapolis will be 8. The tariff is now $11.60. On the same day and thereafter until peace Is declared the rate between Chicago and Omnha will be $!i.K. The normal rate Is $12.75. Tickets may now be purchased between Chicago and Kansas City for $10.50. The normal tariff Is $12.50. It Is ox pectcd tlint the rate will go down to $0.25 within a few days. The Chicago, Milwaukee nnd St. Paul took tho initia tive In the fight. Other lines have do claied their Intention of following lta lead. l!ob Mnore. of IiKiiyette, Iml., says tlint for constipation lie lias found Do Witt's I.ittlo Karly Itlscrs to bo perfect. Tlicy never gripo Try tlieni fur stomach mid liver troubles, O. II. Uiieciilnicli. Klin it 1IU Mothi-liT-l.iiw. Huff al. A'ie 6. Ccoipe Hieenless, a blaeksnillh, shot und Instantly killed hla mother-in-law, Mrs. Alice Messner, nnd probably fatally wounded Wulter Flewel, yesterday. Oreenless, who Is separated from his wife, quarieled with his mother-in-law over the sepa latlnn, and shot her dead. Flewel wns visiting Mrs. Messner. Grecnluss was arrested and locked up. Sick huiidacho, billottsncss, constipation and all liver ami stdinm-li troubles win bo quickly cured by lining tboso fatuous little pills known t nt in mi ai iunui jjimu ijiiriy jii-jcii, i nvy aro pleasant to take and novcr cripo. C, II, THE PHILADELPHIA TIJ1ES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. During IMS TDK TIM ICS will not only maintain the high htainhinl of rjccellcme It reut'lit'il the past year, tint will steadfastly endeavor to excel Uh own bi-st record, and v,IU not h erve from Its net purpose to make THE TIMES THE TAV0KITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF THIS COUNTRY AN1 THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED ritlSTlNO ALL THE NEWS ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME So journal In more extensively circulated or iihs u w hut circio 01 readers m retmsymtum tliun THE PHILADELPHIA TinES WHY? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for One TppiYJC UAII.Y, 83.00 per annum; 25 cents A X-IVi'lO per month; Uulivereil by carrleri tor 6 cents per week. BUNDAY KIllTIUN, 3'2 larie, handsome panca 221 column, elegantly Illustrated, buiutlfully printed In colors, 240 per auniiui; 5 cents per copy. Dally and Htiu dny, per annum ; 50 cents per month. Address all letters to THE TIMES, PHILADELPHIA. to thi tt- as unci him th to70. Crrifc WfcfOQ' and Milk for women, will enter upon Its the year it will be as heretofore OF FASHION Issue will contain carefultv nre. drawings of the advance fashions I II II I H77T1 imZTt jr ni ii i ii -v mm 01 runs ana new York, uncc a month the Uaiar Hill Issue) free, a colored fashion supplement. Cut paper patterns of certain gowns in each number will be made a feature, Thev will be sold in connection uith each issue at a uniform price. The IIazar will also publish bi weeUy, free, an outline pattern sheet. William Marie Ml WILD HELEN By MlLlAit BLACK KAGQED LADY American. By If. V. IIOWhlLS and a score of oilier equally short stories to the Uazak In iS-jS, malting the paper especially rich in fictlJu. Mtry E. WUUol By JOIIff KENPRICK BANCS OcUvt TUsnct M JCANJfllE Captain Qonoral Maoiaa Issuca a Warlike Proclamation. WILLDEIVE 0FFAMEEI0ANSHIP3 An llo Dill Sump-oil's Attdiiipt llo foro Doclaros Tlutt Spnlti Hut Not Hncil I'or I'oncu Ciuitalii (Jciioriil'H Dnimhtri' Hcililim to Drill (illllllcis. Off San Juan lc I'orto nico, via St. Thomas, D. V. I., Aup. C Tho Amerl cunB have taken peaceable possession of the eastern portion of the Island. Small uaitles of marines have been landed, who have lighted the lamps In the lighthouse at Cape San Juan and on other lighthouses ulung the coast. They met with no resistance. Indeed, at Cape San Juan deputations of citi zens came out to meet them. The warwhlpa now In this vicinity aro the Montgomery, the Annapolis, the Puritan nnd tho Amphltrlte. The two former are looking for the transports, with troops, which left the United States, and have scattered all about the Island. The Annupolls rounded up the Whitney, the Florida nnd tho rtalelgh on WediiPHday, and they are now at Cape San Juan. There seems to have been some serious mistake as to the rendezvous, for no two ships go to the same place, nnd It will take several days to locate them and get them to Ponce, where General Miles Is waiting. Off San Juan the cruiser New Or leans nlone maintains the blockade. The city Is grim nnd silent, but back of her yellow walls there will be plenty of determination and flcht when the Americans open fire. Captain General Maclas has Issued a proclamation, in the course of which he says: "Spain has not sued for peace, and I can drive off -the American boats now as I did Sampson's attempt before." The dnughter of the captain general Is helping to drill the gunners In the forts. Altogether there are 9.D00 Span ish regulars In the city. The troops of the enemy, who aro retreating from l'once and the other towns on the south coast occupied by the Americans, have not yet arrived. The German steamer Polynesia, with a cargo of rum, canned meats and to bacoo, tried to run the blockade Thurs day morning, but was stopped by the New Orleans. MILES' ARMY MOVING. The Commander In Porto Rico Is Paying No Attention to Peace Ne gotiations. Ponce, Porto Illco (via St. Thomas), Aug. 6. Majon General Miles Is pro ceeding entirely without regard to peace negotiations. Cralg-Jorgensons are being issued. The Second and Third Wisconsin are moving up to the Sixteenth Pennsylvania. Colonel IIul Ings lins captured 5000 pounds of rice. Thus far the enemy has not molested him. Major General Brooke's landing at Arroyo was successful. The troops from the Roumanian, four batteries of the Twenty-seventh Indiana, the First Missouri, the First Pennsylvania and the Ffith Illinois, are disembarking there. The Morgan troop of the Fifth cavalry and the Mississippi oommmls saries have arrived here. Lieutenant Hunter, of tho artillery, was slightly wounded by one of our pickets Thursday night. Captain Ed gar Hugrat, who died of typhoid fever, has been burled with military honors. General Hoy Stone is repairing the road to Areceibo, but a movement there is improbable. Tho Sixteenth Pennsylvania, of Gen eral Ernst's brigade, advanced to Des calabrodo river, six miles beyond Juan Diaz, Thursday, and holds the bridge over tho river. The seizure of the bridge insures control of the road to Coame. Pickets are being pushed out and they may collide with the Spanish outposts. Robbed the Grave. A BUrtling Incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was thu suhject. is narrated by him 113 follows : "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in hack and sides, 110 appetite cradiially Browing weaker day by day. ilirco physicians nail Klven 1110 up. lor tun ately, 11 friend advised tryniB 'Klectric Ii tiers, and to my creat Joy and surprise. tho first bottle liiiulo a decided improvement. I continued tlieir uso lor tlireo weoks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed tho gravo of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Ouly 50 cents per bottle at A. Waslcy's drug store. Stiii'vutl'on tu l.ulirudor. Halifax, N. S., Aur. 0. The schooner CambridKe arrived here yesterday and brings a talo of terrible suffering on the New Foundland and Labrador coasts. The parjy was on a iirospectlng ex pedition and Included Dr. Morris, whom? services were required at Lewis Inlet night and day to clve relief to persons slek and dying from starvation. Largo quantities of provisions were distributed from the vessel. The same condition of affairs exists nil along th coast. There are 1.C0O persons similarly situated nnd Immediate relief Is neces sary. The failure uf the flsheiles will tend to further incieuse the suffering. Give the Children a Drink lulled (iraln-0. It Is a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to take tlio place ol u!l'co. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes liko.tlio finest coffee but is frco from all its injurious proportica. Grain Uaids digojtion and strengthens tho nerves. It is not u stimulant but a hoalth builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with groat benefit. LWa about 1 us much tu collco. 15 und 25c. Tlu- liiiiiiitu Murlu Tui-omi Snto. Nor' ilk. Va., Auti. 6. The Merrltt "Wrecking company have received ad vices from Santiago that makes It cer tain that the Infanta Maria Teresa Is now floated, and Is found to he In fairly good condition as to her machinery and boilers. She will shortly start for Nor folk under her own steam. Tin cillliir of tlio llvans City, l'a., (Unite, wrui ,,' (inu . Minnie CuiiL'h Curo is liiihtly ininuil. It clued my rliildron after all uthur tiiiilies tailed ." It euros coughs, colds mid I is.- iiiruai aim ninx iiuuuiui. i. i. jiueu. otitu Immiiiit' Kfulnifiili I'or Culm. Savannah, tin., Auk. fi. The Third mid Fifth leBlineiitH. United States volunteers, tho su-calb d Immune regi ment h, und possibly one other will leave Savannah Uunoiiuw or Monday on the tiansiiotis MliinuWHuka, Leonu and ltlo Qfanih' fur limit Intro, Tho Chief llurnofw of Miliwlmrif, l'a., says DeWltt's I.lttlu l'.n-'v KisxTj aio the host pills ho over used in liis laiuily during forty years of house keeiiiiiu. They curo constipa tion, sick headache ami stomach and liver tioiiltlcH. Km.ill In si.u but tjieut In icaiillj. (', II llaucnf nicli. t BOLD HANK ROBBERS. Iiodo In mi ii Iliiinli'iii'i I.noted tho linn mid i:('Hp(il. Itlehland, Mb h., Aug. 6. One of the most daring and sMiccessful bank rob beries ever perpptrntcd In Michigan was carried out by six robbers Thurs day night. Some of them came from the east on a handcar, and evidently had confederates with a hoisc and car I luge. They secured about JG.OOO in cash from the Union bank nnd $1,000 In notes. The horse and carriage were taken Into Augusta and left there. There were three explosions, which awakened many people. Alvln Haines, nn old man, who lived near the bank, was ordered Into the house with u threat that they would shoot him. George Hobson and 13d Uarrett saw the robbers, but did not molest them. The safe was a com plete wreck, nitroglycerine being used to open It. The Inside doors wer blown ten feet out Into the olllce, and pieces went through the plate glass front 20 feet distant. The chisels and other tools weie left behind. ;ni'ltold Dcli'i.ti'il. Cleveland, Aug. C Jnnies A. Garfield, son of the late president, was defeated here for the cniigienskuinl nomination from the Twentieth district In a re markable pollth ul rnntcst. Mr. Oar Held wus Senator Uiuina's candidate, and the defeat comes ns the culmina tion of a tanvuss carried on for five months. The successful candidate Is former Judge T. O. Phillips, of Medina county, who wus a llgurehead candi date. The Medina county delegation was pledged for him, but under cover It was pledged to vote for CJarlleld. The McKlsson candidate, II. L. Hosslter, when It became apparent that ho could not be nominated, threw hla support to Phillips. If life were one long summer day and Its journey through a garden of flowers, it might be possible for people to be careless of their health without fearing evil results. Unfortunately, since Adam nnd ICve were driven from the Garden of Eden, life has not been a toilless journey through a garden of flowers. Man must earn bread by the sweat of his brow, and woman must brins forth children in pain and suffering. In both cases the curse is multiplied many times over because both men and women neglect their health. Man's toil is rendered a thousand times harder by the added burden of ill-health. The woman is a still greater sufferer. She suffers in si lence untold agonies from weakness and disease in a womanly way. Motherhood becomes to her a menace of death, and her babes are born with the seeds of disease already implanted in their little bodies. There is but one unfailing remedy for wom en who suffer in this way. It is I)r Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs that bear the brunt of maternity. It makes them strong, healthy, vigorous, virile and elastic. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration, soothes pain and tones and builds up the tortured nerves. It fits for wifehood and motherhood It does away with the trials of the period of apprehension and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless Thousands have testified to its marvelous merits. "I was afflicted for fonr years with local wak nes. but would not confess it for a time," writes Mn Iteulah Woodall, of Ilateman. Patrick Co , Va., "then I took the 'Favorite Prescription' and 'Oolileu Medical Discovery.' anil they cured me. I cannot praUc Dr. 1'ierce's medicines too much." WM. SCHMICKER, JR., Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinitj --For-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer HOOD'S riLLS curo Liver HI Biliousness, IndlgcsUoUj Headache. 4 uleas-nt. laxative. All DruKglstc Bomsttnied nco b arelittbte, monthly, regulating mod'oe. Only liarmltu 0&4 the purcit drugs ihuld b UBed, It joxx waut tho beai, ret Dp- Peal's Pennroai iPills Thor are prompt, saieand certain In result Vht-'cenulnr lr. I'e.i'.'s)cf TerdtsaiK For Sale at KIULIN'S "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLiO siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiMj aro the mm In the rl "If nrt.i 1" r ff mm EC MitniiiWtUiHiiuiiiuiii'tiiiiiuiiiiittjtWiaw.iimiii jjj Terrible M In'iy Ktilfcrci from trrrll lo 1 zcina, Do. :.ir ami i vcrv remedj' tried, t ) no account. Hi riii il all tlio time and Ills faro Mas llko raw iniat. 1 hail to carry him on a pillow, ami was fairly discouraged. I ucd half a hot of Crnci HA (ointment) and C'i th ika. H'ir, anil In one trrrk my Intl't was entirely can . To-ilav his skin U as smooth as silk. Mi.J.t!.FltUi:sU,8iWH.1iitst.1nrookIyn,K.r. M-icriiT (Vbs Trkatmkht ros Hrit-Tortcbid lis, j , - -W itfin biieiA with Ct Tic ni Soap, mil genu sit , i On i Cl 1 I B v. ereitf! of tkin Curet. - M tlt'finjhniitthsw trlil. l'mrss I)Ri o ash Cntw, C ,1 i ,3 Uu.ton. llowtolura Usb'i fc4iint,frM MAKE PERFECT MEN ! DO NOT DESPAIR! Jlo 'ut NuirVr I.ntier! TUo joy 3 nnd ambitions of nfo can Tu lestored to jon Tho very wors.t case of Nervous lteliill tc nre n "s lulely urrrt lr IM'KI'r.iTO 'rAHIJlTN. (.no iirotiipt relief tiii .uinula, fui'im: incmory nntl tht r.asto and dram (ifvn l( (juncr- incur red hv imllicretions orexceiiei f eatty jeats Imparl vlKor arm puienev 10 every iuncuou Itraco up tho evstom (live cbevks iuhI lustre tr the tiloum to the ores of youiiv vital eiieri?yj iileto Kuaran orold. One w h"t ri'ncws (5 boxc at MSJ.0 a coin-1 teed cure or money refinnl carried m rest pocket Sold ed Can be prrwliereor mallei, in plain wruppiT'in rucfliitor price Dy THUl'LHUiLTOCU Caxtou Uldit ChlCUKO.IlL Kor sale In Hlienaniloali bjr Htipnnndoah Drug Store and Uruhler Itros. THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE! Should be la Every Home and Library. People's BiHle Histenj I written by IUclif Hon William Ewnrt (llmMotie, Ki'Prpmler of Great Hrltmn nnd Iruland, Chester Knu . Kpv A II 8nc, Qufln' Collppe, Oxford, Knc Itev Nnraul lve Curt I, I) I) , Chimco TlieuJonirol Neminarr. Chicago, 1H , Itev FrMpric W Farrnr, I) I)., V ICS , tenn of Cnntprhury, Canterbury, Knit.i Uev. Klmerll Capfn, I) I) .luftB GoIIpkh, Humervllle. Mhhh,( Mfv Krnnk U (liinnaulun, I) 1), Armour Institute, CJhlcapo, 111 , lift (iBorun r. PentncoHt, IU., Maryl. linnfi rri'ibjtprlun Church, London, h.na. He? K. H. MiicArthur. 1).U . Onlvnry Htiptlt Church, Npw York City, N Y , H"v Martyn Huiiitnerl)nll, Main Htrft t Frpo HajitiKt Churrh, Lewittton, Me . Hbv. Frank M. Ifrtfltul, l.l,rir-t PieiiiodiM rjtcopni i;nurcn, Kranttton, 111 , Hhv W. T Moore, I.L.I).. rTh Chrln tlan (lominnnwoaUli," London, Vmk . Kov. Kdward I'.vflrfitt Male, l).l,Houtb Conareixattonal Clmrcb. liofton, MftHH , Upv .loupph Amir lJect, I.I . W esleyan (ViIIhpb, Hlclnnond, Vak , ltr Cnnpar Itonn Orenjry. IrfilpzlR tlnivority. lifipiiK, Oprmnny, Hnv Win. deliver Wilkiunon, D,I), University of Chicago, Clii rno. 111., Hrv Snmnol Ilnrt, I I) , Trinity Cotlw, Hnrtfor(l,lV..li"v ,1 Mnnro (iih-on, D 1 St John Woorl 1'rPi VUiurrh, London, Knp . Hev Georgft (J. IjoriTiir, r,t. tr lhi Temple, Jtoiton, Mast roi'lUK INiriUN.- itJ pnuoH, C7 fuM.parn llluptra' fiont, Rilr nlRoa. cloth, lir', half levnnt, f 5 (A, full levant, G0 fl UtTH I IHTION.-1.2fi0 pu(rp, 2(0 tuU-pnaa iMutra ttnnn, Stvle A gilt pfliron. full levant, one volumo, fIBm. htiU II-two volumpc, full levant, tufi 1 JJltt. In ISPAinH.rjgarto hize, reiicwqupftiont toearh,tltf pnppr coverH, upwhiI, triniined Hclitly, I 00 arli part For mi I o fit all hookKtoip nnl hy bookeellpr tor further information, wnfH IIFNIiY V Hill' Altl, I'ubliBher,212Had 211 M-mron Strtt, Chicaco. llllnoia. ISCALl , BAZAR TUB STYLISH PATTERN." Af lUtlc Fashionable. Original. Petfcct- hlttlng. Prices iu aim J.I cciuh. None higher. None bettet at any price. Some tellable merchant sells them Au J nearly every city or town. Ask for T taem, or they can be naa Dy man ircui uj In either New York or Chicago. Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet r tent upon receipt of one cent lo pay I postage. ,ai-u-' - -tp! " '" - iVE- - Brightest ladies' migashv published, t Invaluable for the home. Fashiom of i the day. Home Literature, Household I Hints, Fancy Work. Current Topics, 7 Fiction, all fof only 50 cents a year, In- C eluding a I'reo pattern, your own selec- i tion any time- Send two 2-cent stamps 7 for sample copy. Addres & , -iatg- THE McCALL'COMPANY.Sr .,0146 "West 4U Street, New Yott m FifttA venue. Chlcagoi" drug raSArtITo"BUB'r:. sxa -ic. foh"woman 3 a t CJmlliUAP"'ll WlLSax SPBCIFIO CO,PHOArf Kot at .PoTlnsky'i ;druK. store, K Oentre otreet. ATOM'S TANSY PILLS tr tn. Tri sn 11m WOMAN'S RELIEF. Alwuv- oruinntaml irlttlilc. -lici-f wiMdoiu. n P A TIIHJ H 1' A M IT PlLLBinrt MAVV HKtlKICTS. Al .!ru - utorr or ei.t dlrfCI iwileili, iilc. II- CaTiiit SfKc to , Uoitoo. Siin Our book. 4c For Bale ut Klrlln'a drujc lorand Sbwajnido drug Btor MS n letirita 1 ?,1K l'owiiern net ,Q'1u,lnul!ui Jre! nevor fall L-ulure lUulu tuff sntl luro rnftrr fsilln? irlth Twsy r-id Pennyroyal r.lla ami oilier lis TiftMlljl. Aw,vhu,the h.t Kml avim.I (tlaar- xIntmcnt. tiuartntoeii cuprrlor to all others. -'ViUvi$a-ielx.llntli-litlrkit, ANo.L i'oxtlcuAIS, i ct.' Kr.KV fix. Ilsk Uy, lIMos, itsj. Drue Store, Shenandoah, l'a. Iul!,B,3imn 1 5 9 1 2 fm.m W0WFN WHO READ I piogminelvo nud keojt Infortned of E World's Proirrohs. Tho well In. formed und thrifty lIouu-vl fo will H nlwuys Ueop E RAINBOW LINIMENT 1 house, as n Btandard nmelv for E Bi.rsji'r), Bruiser). Oraiwtw. Rhoimuttlsin. I i,ll nl,- n.,,1 ...il., E CrLi SS di. ind rja cii. r,s, hofii. W " iirrJ kj H. I. HACKtTJ ia) . fhllat ioh'i, E