The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 06, 1898, Image 2

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Hubl'aUod every KvchIiik. lCxtejHumlfty,t
The Herald I0 dellvtifd ItiSliunamloat. and tho
utturroundltin toivuB for Mx ctnt n week, pay
.nbU to the carrier. Hy mall 83.00 n year, or 'Z
h!cenl4 h month, p.iynlilu tn advance. Advertlfc
, "incuts charted ..icordliiK to Apace and position.
Tiro pubHtiet tt-rve the to change the
t?Wlt.on of Advertisements whenever the pub
'tMIon of new demands it. Tho rllit Is
WURjtTYod to wjttany advertisement, whether
r 'nfilfl for or not, Mat tlio publi-iiern may deem
'ilproper. Adertlntnff rate inudf known
'uiwh application.
Entered at the poMofllco at .Mhenaiidoah. I'a., as
HeconU clan mall matter
'All the Hews That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
sm unAY. Arm st u. iss.
OUR COUNTRY: First. Last and Porevei'.
A movkmkxt lias been started in
New York for organizing u linlioliul
league, object will be the
furtherance of tlie project for bring
ing about an Anglo-American
Gun. ,Tok Wiikklkk lias written
from Cuba to his constituents in the
Highth Alabama district that he will
be 11 candidate for Oongres this fall.
He should receive an. unanimous
nomination and election.
Republican Success.
The political campaign in Sehuyl
kill county this fail depends materi
ally upon the result of tho Republi
can county convention, so far as tho
sluices of that party is concerned. Jt
is desirable that an exception
ally strong ticket be nominated
this year. The contest promises
to be a close one, and for
that and other reasons apparent to
the political student the nominees of
the Hepublican convention must
necessarily meet witli popular ap
proval. Especially is this true as
regards tho Congressional nominee.
Mr. Biunim has declared recently
that he is not a candidate for re-noiu-inatiou.
Whether or not he discerns
public sentiment and sees the hand
writing on tlie wall is immaterial.
There are those, however, who pro
fess to believe that the present mem
ber is not sincere in this statement.
It is generally recognized by the
party leaders that the head of the
ticket especially should be a man not
identified closely with either faction,
upon whom all can centre, and who,
as a consequence, will have tho united
support of his party. The Democra
tic party has its troubles, as a result
file ilJtor'ii.'-ions caused by the re
'CHiit convention. To say that the
rank and (He of the enemy are dis
gusted with the perfidy of those re
sponsible for t ho elimination of the
lluaiicial (piestion is putting it mildly.
It is openly charged that Sir. .lames
V. It) an, the Congressional nominee,
who was heretofore recogljifoid as an
uncompromising free silverito, was
not only instrumental in haying the
committee on resolutions report a
'inilk and water" platform, but
strongly urged upon those in control
of the convention tlie advisability of
totally Ignoring the one issue upon
which he based ids claims for nomina
tion. Under these circumstances it
is but natural that those loyal
Democratic followers of "William
Jennings llryiin, unwilling to sacri
llco principal for tho sake of oillce,
are ready to lead a revolt against
such bare-faced perfidy. The outlook
for the Democracy, with internal
bickerings, is anything but bright.
Notwithstanding the demoralized
condition of tlie enemy, we cannot
win unless the Republicans profit by
the mistakes made by their adver
saries, and nominate a strong, clean
ticket. There seems to be a well de
veloped demand for a business man
as the Congressional nominee, one
who will not only be faithful and so
licitous of the interests of tho dis
trict, but who will loyally support
President McKinley's administration
and who stands squarely and uncon
ditionally with his party 011 the liiiiin
ciul uud other questions.
It is of tlie utmost importance that
H Republican bo elected to Congress
from this district this year. It can
be done upon the lines indicated
vv o(. There are any number of
r ,ung, aggressive Republicans who
not fuctionists in either national,
te or local politics, around whom
case K"l"dlicaiis would rally with an
' thusiasm that will result in triumph
the polls In November next.
100 Doses in a
Is peculiar to and true
only ot Hood's Barsapn-
rllla, and Is proof ot its superior strength
and economy. There id more curative
power In a bottlo of Hood's Sarsaparllla
than In any other. This fact, with Its
unequalled record ot cures, proves tho
best medicine for nil blood diseases is
pes 1 iiieuituiu iui mi iiiuuu
TI10 One Truo blood 1'urHler, All druggists. $1.
. it n-tt euro Mvcr Ills; easy to
MOOU S FlllS take, easy to operate 2Jo.
nopamtruj you!
It you wear tho
fUUdolobU Trull Co.. 610 Loeuit SL. Phu, P.
Tho Captain of the Battleship Oregon Or
deri'd Home to Recuperate Ills
Wasted Energies.
WnshlnRtmi. Auk. G. Cnptnln Chnrle"!
R Clark, cninmanili-r of the bnttleshlp
Oregon, now In Cuban wuteiH oft Hun
tliiBo, linn been Invnllded home. The
news uf Captain C'lirk's IIIiiosh mine
ns n shook to his Washltiu-ton friends
In and nut of the navy, who have fol
lowed with Intense Interest his notable
trip from Sun Francisco around the
"Horn" to Klorldn find noted with ad
ded Interest hi" conduct or the Oii-smi
111 the buttle with Admiral cVrveru'n
Definite Information concerning his
Illness Is not obtainable at the navy
department. fV-ivirry Tnis snld Inst
night that Captain Clark 1ms been
granted leave of nbencp on nccmint
of slrkiiPFH. but that lie had no knowl
edge of how sick lie n or from what
disease he wns suffering.
H Is believed at the navy department
that Captiiln Clark Is Buffeting from
pome climatic affection. Induced prob
ably by the tremendous strain under
which he hns been fur months.
Oknts: I was dreadfully nervous, and fur
relief took your Karl's Clover Hoot Tea. It
quieted my nerves and strengthened my
whole Nervous System. I was troubled with
Constipation, Kidney and Howel trouble
lour Joa soon cleansed my system so
thoroughly that I rapidly regained health
and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford,
Conn. Sold by S. 1'. Kiilin and n guarantee.
Illinois Colored Troop I'm- Culm.
Spilnglleld, Aug. . Governor Tan
ner received a telegram from the war
department late yesterday afternoon
Btutins that tlie lClghth Illinois In
fantry, coloied. hnd been ordered to
Santiago de Cuba to replace the First
Illinois Infantry, which will be removed
to Long Island. It will be two or three
days before the Eighth will leave
He Would Have lleeu ordinal Wal-li
London. Aug. 6. A high Catholic au
thority Informs the press that the Vat
ican had de bled to make Archbishop
Walsh, of Toronto, a cardinal. His
death leaves the question of succession
to Cardinal Taschereau open, as the
Vatican Is undei stood to have no sec
ond choice. The Catholic weeklies. The
Tablet and The Register, confirm tho
report that Archbishop Walsh was the
Vatican's choice for tho Canadian car
dluulate. (lolloriil liut"ler'si s5,. 1,1s!.
Washington, Ann. !. The war de
partment last night posti'd the follow
ing fi mn Cieneml Shatter, at Santiago:
Sanitary report for Aug. I: Total sick,
3.351: fever cases, 2.G1S; total new
cases of fever. 502; totnl cases of fever
leturned to duty, 519. Heaths from yel
low fever, r; malarial fever, 4; typhoid,
!!; other causes, 3.
Shiloh' s Consumption Cure elites whero
others fail, it is tho lending Cough Cure,
amino homoshould ho without it. Pleasant
to lako and goes right to tho spot. Sold by
1'. I). Kirlln and a guarantee.
l'rodlcts a Wave of I'ro-iiorltv.
London, Aug. C The Statist predicts
a great wave of American prosperity
after the war and active Kuropean
business in American securities. "Cu-'
ba." it says, "will give employment to a
vnst amount of capital, and the stim
ulus to Industry tliere will react upon
the United States. The Investments
In Cuba, Porto ltlco and the Philip
pines will particularly benefit rail
ways." Still Worklntr on I'rotoetl Iph.
Heading. I'.i., Aug. . Notwithstand
ing peace negotiations tho Carpenter
steel woiks are working on shells and
projectiles under the heaviest pres
sure from the government since the
War started. The Inference Is that
the supply of these munitions Is to
be kept up to the fullest measure for
future contingencies. Large shipments
ure made three times a week.
Tho OIUch I.oy Indignant.
'J'ho editor or editress, If there Is a foni
lnlno form permissible, who dally records
"Milady's Moods," tho dressmaking "Do
ings of a Daughter of Eve" and looks at
tho world through tho not always rose col
ored glasses of tho "Feminine Observer,
called the boy who has rli,ii(,e of the pho
tographs She was tired, or, ill tho usual
language uf milady, "lallKueo. "
"John," said the fair jotter of tho on
oniutupootio feminine fads and fancies, "1
want 3011 lo fjrt me t niio bouillon."
"And whero shall 1 got Itr" wild John,
"At tho Continental," replied tho tran
scriber of tho musings of tho uiutlueu
"Can't I got it ut tho nowsstuud cjulok
erf" said John, a light breaking upon
Fifteen minutes Inter John was telling
Ills troubles to tho now reporter. "Why
didn't she sny soup, "ho asked, "If Bho
wanted toupr I thuught sho wuntcd an
afternoon paper." Philadelphia Times.
Avoiding Notoriety.
"Your "ggs," remarked tho course hen
with tho raucous volco, her real animus
but thinly cloaked under an affectation uf
Indifference, "aru not as largo as hall
Tho henly hen smiled sweetly.
"No," she answered in her quiet way,
"I do not court nowspnper notoriety. "
Detroit Tribune.
"What aru you going to bo when you
grow upf" asked an Inquiring citizen of
the 4 -year-old boy next door, una tho boy
answered, after iiiio consideration, "I
am going to bo u man I"
And the Inquiring citizen said ho
thought that was agood idea. Soniorvlllu
(Muss.) Journal.
According to ulllelnl statlstlos, the city
of Jhi'llu has a little over H.O0U noblemen,
of whom 4,7U0 me In the army, (100 In tho
civil service, '.'Oil In trado and Kin tiny in
borers. It is unwarned that tho remain
der, who are nut accounted for, do noth
ing with dignity.
Drluitnldvloklilllloliettau Is tho 11111110 of
a small hanilet In tho Isle of Mull, con
t .lining not muru than u dozen Inhabitants
means pain, danger and
possible, death for somo
wivos. For others It
mentis practicallv no
disexunfortat all. There,
la no reason why child
birth should ho n period
of pnin nnd dread. Sov.
eral months beforo a
woman becomes a
mother sho should
prepare herself for
tho critical ordcaL
There, is a prepara
tion mado which la
intended for tills
purpose, nlono.
The name of
this wonderful
preparntiou in
It is a
to bo ap
plied ox.
It relaxes
tho mus
cles and ro
llovos tho
gives elastici
ty to overy
organ con
cerned in
childbirth, nnd
takes nwny all
dnngor and
nearly nil suffer
ing. Best results
follow If tho
remedy Is used
during tho whole
poriod of picg
nancy. It is tho
only remedy of tho
kind in tho world
that Is endorsed by
SI perbottlont nil
drug stores, or sent
by mail on receipt
of price.
FiiBU Books con
taining invnhmblo in
formation for nil women,
will be sent to any ad
dress upon application to
The Bratlfleld Regulator Co
Atlanta, Ga.
As ltelleeted by Dealings In Philadel
phia and llultlmoi'e.
Philadelphia, Aug. 5. Flour stronger;
winter superllne, tiAtoiHO; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, new. $3.i,1.C0; city mills,
extra, new. J2.761i3. ltye Hour sold In a
small way at VI per barrel for cholco
Pennsylvania. Wheat strong; No. 2 red,
spot, "I'uilVic: do. August, 73Vis"lc. Corn
steady; No. 2 mixed. August, 37'4ST37Hc.;
No. 2 yellow, for local trade, iO'fjllc.
Oats quiet; No. 2 white, old, 31c. Hay
weak: choice timothy, J12(ffl2.,r,0 for largo
bales. H.ef sli-.idy; beet hams, J22.C0J?
23. Poik steady; family, $13. Lard firm
er; western steamed, $5.G3. Hutter steady;
western creamery, HVaWlOe.; factory, 11
14c.: Klglns, 19c.; Imitation creamery, 13
6T15't.c. ; New York dairy, 13til7c.; fancy
prints Jobbing at 22fi2lc; do. wholesnle,
22c. Cheese dull; large, white, C'ifiiC.;
small, white. 7S7!ic. ; large, colored, 7c;
small colored, 79ie.; light skims, CUfiCHc;
part skims. G'4(fi3Hc ; full skims. 2ti2i,4o.
Legs steady; New York and Pennsylva
nia, HV4515V4C. ; western, fresh, 1114c. Po
tatoes steady; Jerseys, $l.C0fIl.S7Vi; Long
Island, $1.00f2; sweets, $2.5004. "Tallow
llrm; city, 3H!i3V.; country, 3?M?354c.
Cottonseed oil steady: prime crude, ISVjC.;
do. yellow, ZVrlc. Turpentine quiet of
Baltimore, Aug. 5. Flour quiet and un
changed. Wheat strong; spot, 73Wc. ;
month, 73?ic. ; September, 73Q73',ie. ; steam
er No. 2 red, 7Jlsij3?iO.; southern, by
sample, 05i7(ic. ; do. on grade, 72V475Hc
Corn llrmer; spot and month, 37',45j 3794c. ;
September, 37V6T( 37-Vic ; steamer mixed,
StfUSSCc; southern, white, 3Dfl40o.; do.
yellow, 39c. Oats easier; No. 2 white,
32'Q33c.; No. 2 mixed, SOfaSlc. Ilyo llrm;
No. 2 nearby, 17u. ; No. 2 western, 49Vc.
Hay llrm; No. 1 timothy, $12ftl2.50. Grain
freights easy; steam to Liverpool, per
bushel, ld., August; Cork, for orders,
per quarter, 2s. Cd., August; 3s.5J3s. 3d.,
September. Lettuce, 50(!i75c, per bushel.
Llvo Stock Market.
Hast Liberty, Pa., Aug. 5. Cattle about
steady; extra. $ri.lUfi5.15; prime, $55)5.10;
common, $3.M)fil. Hogs steady; prime
mediums and best Yorkers. $lfd.03; fair
to good Yorkers, $3.Kft4.50; pigs, $3,705(4;
heavy, $3.fto'ii4; roughs, $2.50fi3.50. Sheep
steady; choice. $1.40's(1.5O; common, $3.2311
S.75; lambs, $4fo5.50; veal calves, $6.5030.75.
Yestprday'si Itaseball Galliot,
At Philadelphia Washington, 2; Clove
land, 1. At PlttFburg Pittsburg, 3; Phil
adelphia, 0. At Cincinnati First game:
New York, 9; Cincinnati. 5. Second gamo:
Cincinnati, 9; New Vork, 1. At Chlcngo
First game: Chicago, 5; llaltlmore, 0.
Second game: llaltlmore, 0; Chicago, 1,
At Louisville Louisville, 4; Iioston, 2. At
St. Louis St. Louis, 5; llrooklyn, 1.
At Toronto Toronto, 7; Syracuse, 4.
At Duffalo-Sprlngfleld, 8; Buffalo, 2. At
Montreal, 0; Montreal, 5. At
Ottawa Ottawa, 13; Providence, 4.
At Lancaster Lancaster, 14; Newark,
7. At Heading (19 Innings) Heading, 4;
Allenlown, 3. At Hartford Hartford, 5;
I'aterson, 1. At Richmond Richmond, 2;
Norfolk, 0.
A boom to travelers. Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry.- Cures dysentery,
diarrhoea, seasickness, nnusca. Pleasant to
tako. Porfectly harmless.
SerloliHly scalded on a Trial Trip.
Philadelphia, Aug. 6. The torpedo
boat Mackenzie, built ut Hillmnn's
shipyard, in this city, was given a trial
yesterday by her builders nnd succeed
ed in making nil average of about 23
knots on hour. Her contract required
at least a 20 knot speed. While pre
paring for la r homeward trip ono of
the tubes In the forward holler blew
out and four firemen were burned by
the escaping steam. Those most seri
ously scalded wero John Kvnns, of
Camden, N. J and Owen MeGuuth, of
this city.
Pennsylvania Chautauqua,
For tho Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to bo
held at Mt. (Irotita, l'a July I to August 4,
IMW, tho Pennsylvania ltallroad Company
will sell ticket to tho general public on Juno
211 to August -I, good to return until August
10, Inclusive, from stations on Its lino 111
Pennsylvania, nnd from Washington, 1). C,
baltimore, Md., and canauualgua, n. 1 ., aim
principal lntormediato stations, to Mt.
(Iretna and return, at reduced rates.
lluidock lllood Hitters gives a man a clear
head, ail activo brain, a stiong, vigorous
body makes film fit for tlio battle of life.
Alt (iretim Cninp .Meeting
For tlio United Ihetliren Camp Meeting at
Mt. (iretna, Pa., August 2 to 11, IMIS. the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets from ill points on itstystcin
east of (hut not including Pittsburg and
I'.rlc, and west of and including Philadelphia,
to Mt. (Iretna and letum at mluccd rates,
Those tickets will be sold July 111 to August
11 inclusive, guod to return until August "H,
1S0S, luclulvo. For specillo rale, conditions,
&c., apply to nearest ticket agent.
"I think DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is tlio
finest picparatloii oil tlio market for piles."
sn writes ,101m u. mum, 01 wiueil g, W.
Va, Try it and you will lliiuk tlio wiiue.
It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. C.
II, Ihueuliucli.
TUB MlUTIimiN ItAII.WAY lli:Clll AM.
Don't start South without consulting John
M. (Seall, District l'aenncr Agent, Southern
lUllw.iy, (1,'S Chestnut street, Philadelphia
If you cannot call in person, write to him.
''Why Should I Outline Wv Policy When
America Will Not tie frank
With Uot"
New York, Aug. C Tho Journal
prints a cablegram from Dong Kong
purporting to give the text of a mes
sage sent by Aguinuldo, the Philippine
Insurgent leader, to Consul General
Wlldinan, The messnue Is dated at
Cavlte, July 30, and In It Agulnnldo
says ns It hns been reported Hint ho
"Is Betting the big head and not be
havlng,"ns he promised Mr. Wlldmnn.
"In reply," says Aguinuldo, "I nsk,
Why should America expect nip to out
line my policy, present and future, nnd
fight blindly for her Interests, when
America will not be frank with me?
Tell me this, am I fighting for annexa
tion, protection or Independence? It
Is for America to say, not me.
"I enn tnke Manila, as I have de
feated the Spanish every whole, but
what would be the use? If America
takes Manila I can save my men and
arms for what the future 1ms In Btore
for me.
"Now, good friend, believe me, I nm
not both fool and rogue. The interests
of my people are as sacred to me as
are the Interests of your people to
Mr. Wlldmnn replied to Vgulnaldo as
follows: "Trust to the honor and Jus
tice of the United States and let
nothing Inteiforo with the first tnsk
of throwing off the Spanish yoke. I
believe In you. Do not disappoint me."
Valuable tilf't to Our riiihters.
Washington, Aug. G. Some time ago
Mr. Nathan Strauss, of New York,
wrote the war department offeilng to
furnish the department with an arti
ficial Ice plant cnpuulo of producing 13
tons of Ice per day und the apparatus
necessary for the fllteilng of 20,000 gal
lons of water a day, for the uso of the
American soldleis at Santiago. The of
fer Included the salaries of the men to
operate it. Tlie offer has been accepted.
Those associated with Mr. Struuss In
making the offer are J. Pierpont Mor
gan, Mr. Perry IJebnoiit nnd President
Steward, of the United States Trust
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael C'uitain. l'lainlleid, 111.,
makes the statement, that she caught cold,
which settled on her lungs; she was treated
for a month by her family physician, but grew
worse, lie told her she was a hopeless vic
tim of consumption and that no medicine
could cure her. Ucr druggist suggested Dr.
King's iew Discoery for consumption ; he
bought a bottle nnd lo her delight found her
self benefitted from first dose. She cointinucd
its use and after taking six bottles, found her
self sound and well ; now docs Iter own
housework, and is as well as she ever was.
rree tual bottles of tins Croat Discovery nt A.
Wasley's Drug Store. Large bottles Co cent'
and Si. 00,
OLTTYsjItUltC. MATTI,i:rii:i,l.
i.ow-itATr. I'EitsoNAi.i.Y-coKiHicrrnii touk
Tho recent triumphs , of our aims by sea
and land levives tho interest hi that gicatcst
of all Amorican hattlefiolds of Gettysburg,
In older that tho residents of New York,
Philadelphia, and neighboring cities may
visit tliis gieat battlefield in tho most satis
factory manner, tlio Pennsylvania ltailroad
Company has arranged for a three-day per
sonally-conducted tour 011 Saturday, August
..313 BO
.. 12 50
.. 10 DO
Leave New York S-M A. M
" Tii'liton 10 5S "
" Philadelphia 12 20 P. M
I'ropoitionate rates from other points.
Kate includes transportation in each direc
tion, two days' hotel accommodations, and
carriage ilrho over tho eutiio battlefield
under tho direction of Capt. James T. Long,
tho celebrated guide, who will describo the
battlo at tho prominent points of tho Held.
tourist agent and chapoiuu will accompany
the party. A Pullman parlor car will bo run
through from Philadelphia to Gettysburg ami
For itineraries, tickets, and full Informa
tion apply to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent,
1100 Broadway, New York, and TSU Ilroad
street, Newark, N. J. ; or address Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
to oi.hansi: Tin: ky,sti:.ii
Kfl'ectually yet gently, when costive or bil
ious, to permanently overcomo habitual
constipation, to awaken tho kidneys and
liver to a healthy activity, without irritating
or weakening them, to dispel headaches,
colds, or fevers, uso Syuip of Figs, made by
tho California Fig Syrup Co.
Tielighlfill Yacation Trip.
Visiting Watklns Glen, Niagara Falls,
Thousand Islands, Quebec, Muutreul, An
Sablo Chasm, Lako Cliamplaln and Lako
George, Saratoga and tlio Highlands of tlio
Hudson. Leave Philadelphia by special
train August 1(1. Tho tour will ho in charge
of ono of the company's tourist agents. An
expeiienced chaperon will also accompany
tho party, having especial charge of unes
corted ladies.
Tho ratoof $100 from Now York, llrooklyn,
Nowark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Hurrishurg,
Haltimoro and Washington, covers railway
and boat faro for tho entire round trip,
parlor-oar scats, meals eurouto, hotel enter
tainment, transfer charges, carriage, hiio in
fact, overy item of necessary expense.
For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any ad
ditlonal information, address Tourist Agont,
Pennsylvania Itailroad Company, HUH broad
way, Now York ; fellO Fulton street,
llrooklyn j 78,1 broad Street, Newaik. N. ,1. ;
or Geo. W. Jloyd, Assistant General P.iss-
onger Agent, Ilroad Sticet Station, Philadel
phia. Win your battles against disease hv acting
promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces
iuuncdiato results. When taken early it pre
vents consumption. And in later stages it
luriiisnoa prompt rcllet. c. 11. Jlageulnich.
Special Nlmt-Piiy l.xcnmloii.
For the benefit, of thoso desiring to visit
tlio great Ocean Grove Camp Meeting, tlio
Pennsylvania Itailroad Company will, on
August 21, sell excursion tickets to Ocean
Grove, Ahbury Park, or Long branch from
stations named Itelow at the very low rates
Those tickets will ho good for passage lo
Philadelphia 011 train indicated, theiiee on
tegular trains leaving llmad sticet station at
11:30 a, m aflO and 1:(H p. in. that day to
I. ae. Itstn.
.Shetland, all !.....eawi tun a m. Si lo
Krackvlllu , 11 111 ' Us.
St. ' lair f (KM " ;i.fir,
PiitUvllln , 0.V1 "
Schuylkill Haven 7.01 "
Tickets will Iki good for return passage 011
regular (lulus until September 1, inclusive,
uud will permit of stup-olf at Philadelphia
within limit.
Croup Instiinjly iclluvcd, Dr. Thomas'
Ilclcitrio Oil, Perfectly safe. Nuvcr fails,
At any drug store,
buy Keystone flour. Ho biiio that tho nanio
I.Khsiu A Haku, Ashlsnd. Pa., la printed on
every sack,
Yoll can tell Jllst as well as a uhvslrhin
whether your kidneys arc diseased or healthy.
The way to do is to tako a bottlo or glais tum
bler, und fill it with mine. If theio Is a
sediment a powder-like suhstalice at tlio
uottoni alter standing a day and night, there
Is something wrong with tlio kidneys. An
other sure sign of disease is adesiro to urinate
often, and still another sign Is pam in the
back. If urlno stains linen, there is no doubt
that tho kidneys are allected.
Any mid nil diseases of the kidneys, liver,
bladder and of the urinary passages and con
stipation of tho bowels ate ciued by Dr.
David Kennci'v's Favorile liemedy. There
is no question about its being tho best and
surest medicine in tho world for such troubles.
It quickly relieves and cues Inability to bold
urine, and people, young or old, who take it
are not compelled to gel up a number of
times during tho night. For putting an end
to that scalding pain expeiienced in passing
urlno, nothing is so good ns Dr. David Ken
ned's Favorite Hcmedy. It corrects tho had
effects of whiskey and beer; is pleasant to
tlio taste, and does not seem to lie tnedlclno
at nil. Disi ises of the kidneys nnd bladder
often require the iioof Instruments to push
back tlio sandy matter so the urlno can bo
voided. In such cases Favorite liemedy
should bo taken without further delay or the
disease may pnno fatal. It Is sold for 0110
dollai a bottlo at all drug stoics. It is well
woith many times its piicc.
Samples Free.
If you wish to test Dr. David Kennedy's
Favoiito ltemedy beforo buying It, send your
full post ollice nddiess to the Dr. David Ken
nedy Corporation, Ibmdout, N. Y., and
mention this paper. Wo will then mail you
a saniplu bottlo ficc, as well ns circulars giv
ing full dhectioiH for its use. 1'vcry readei
uf the IIi:i:.u.! can depend upon tho genuine
ness of this liberal offer, and all sufferers
from kidney troubles should tako advantage
of It at once.
si;m.mi;k outinosi.
i'nnsoNAt.TA'-cnNi)ircTi:i tout, via Penn
Tho Pennsylvania Kaiboad Company an
nounces tho following personally-conducted
touts for tho Milliliter uud early uutunin of
lbliS :
To tho North (including Watklns
Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Mon
treal, Quebec, All Sable Chasm, Likes Cham-
plaiti and George, Saratoga, and u. daylight
tide through tho Highlands of the Hudson),
July 2(1 and August 1U. Kate, $100 for tho
round trip from Now York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, and Washington, covering all ex
penses of a two-weeks' trip. Proportionate
rates from other points.
To Yellowstone Park and the Trans
Mississippi Exposition 011 a special tndu of
Pullman sleeping, compartment, observation,
and dining ears, allowing eight days in
Wonderland" and two days at Omaha, Sep
tember 1. Kate, $23:5 from Now York, Phil
adelphia, lialtimoro, nnd Washington; ?230
front Pittsbuig.
To Niagara Fulls, excursion tickets good to
return within ten days will bo sold on July
21, August 4 and 18, September 1, 15 and 20,
at rato of $10 from Philadelphia, lialtimoro,
and Washington, Tlteso tickets include
transportation only, and will permit of stop
over within limit at lluilalo, Itochostcr, uud
Watklns on tho return trip.
Tho ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Ltiiay
Caverns, Natural bridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, Sep
tember 2S and October 10. Rato, $05 from
New York, $03 from Philadelphia. Pro
pel tionnto rates from other points.
For itineraries and further information ap
ply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W.
Iloyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Statu ok Ohio, Cirv orTonroo, 1
J.H As l OON 1 Y. J
I-'kank . I. 'lli:st:Y makes oath that lie Is the
senior paitner of the llrm of K. .1. Clll.Nl.v & To.,
doing bllshuss intbe City of Toledo, County
uud state ibfoiesaiil, and that said llrm will pav
thcNiimof ON'l':ill'NIlll,ll)OI.I.AltSforeaeb
aiul every case of ('alarrb that cannot bo cured
by the use of IIai.i.'h CATAuntt t'etiK.
r-' .) A. W. tll.HAKON,
st:AI. Y
( , ) Notary Pilpllc.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally uud nets
directly on the blood uud mucous surfaces of
(lie system, ist'iut lor testimonials iree.
l' .1. fllKNHY & CO., Toledo, O.
Suld by Druggists. 7-"c.
vania i:aiu:oai.
For tho convenience of thoso who seek tho
most attractive way of spending a Summer
vacation, tho Pennsylvania Itailroad Company
has arranged two delightful tours to the
North, undcrtho personally-conducted tourist
system, July 20 and August II). Tho points
included in tlio itinerary and tho country
traversed abound in nature's beauties ;
Watklns Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Is
lauds, Quebec, Montreal, Au Sablo Chasm,
Lakes Champlalti and George, Saratoga, and
tho Highlands of tho Hudson nro all iich in
iuturestaml replete with natural attractions.
Karh tour will ho in charge of one of tlio
company's tourist agents, assisted by an ox
pcrienced lady as chaperon, whoso especial
charge will bo uncscoited ladies.
Tho rato of $100 from New York, llrooklyn,
Nowark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Hurrishurg,
lialtimoro and Washington covers railway
and boat f.110 for tho entile round trip,
parlor-car seats, meals en route, hotel cuter
tainmcnt, transfer charges, carriage hlro hi
fact, overy item of necessary expense.
For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any ad
ditional infnrmutiot:, address Tourist Ageut,
Pennsylvania Kail road Company, 11110 broad
way, Now York ; 00 Fulton street, llrook
lyn j 7S0 Ilroad street, Newark, N. J.;
Geo. W. Uoyd, Atslstant General Passenger
Agent, Ulead Street Station, Philadelphia.
K. C. blanks, of Lewlsvlllo, Texas, writes
that 0110 box ef DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
was worth $50 00 to him. It cured his piles
of ten years standing. Ho advises others to
try it. It also cures ceyema, bkln diseases
and obstinate sores. C. II. Hateiibuch.
Leaviug llmad Sticet str.tioii,Phlladclphla,
at tl:55 p. 111. dally, tho "Southwestern
Limited," carrying a dining car and tho
most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep
lug cats, reaches lllritiiiighau tho following
night ut 10:10 and an Ives at Memphis tho
next inornliigat 7:10. Through sleeping cars
for Ashmlllo, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tampi, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aio
als'i altached lo this train Pullman reser
vations can bo made In advance and all in
foimatlon obtained by eonunuiilc.itlng with
John M. Heal, District Passenger Agent, 82
Chestnut sticet, Philadelphia.
Cure thai Cough with Shlloh's Cum. Tlio
best Cough C1110. Relieves Utoiip promptly.
Ono million Miles sold last year. 10 doses
for 2o cts. Scdd by P. 1). KitUti mid a guar,
The South and lu Advaiilngeii.
Tho Soul liern Hallway has Issued for fieo
dlstiihulloii, a sixteen pugu journal dps
crlptlui of Virginia, Noith and South Cam
Una, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and
Mississippi. Persons seeking new locations,
or capitalists desiring to make sale, and prolll
ahlo investments will Hud tho Information
contained llieuin both valuable uml inter
estiiig. Copies will be mailed frco upou ap
plication to John M, Ituall, Distiict Passen.
ger Aveiit. S's r'linsiinii l i PI, ll i,l,.li. 1,1.1
1 1
The Wanderer Supplies tho Insurgents al
Three Points Without Firing a
Single Shot.
Key West, Aug. C The stonmphlp
Wanderer returned here yesterday,
after effecting a successful landing of
urms and ammunition nt three differ
ent points on the Cuban coast. She
left here er.rly In July with about 40
Cubans anxious to Join their fighting
compatriots and 11 men from the Unl
tpd States cavalry to protect the laud
ing of about 2,000 rllles and carbines,
with nearly n million cartridges.
On July 23 she attempted to dis
charge her cnrjro at Hahla Honda,
province of l'Innr del Rio, hut was
fought off by a force of several hun
dred Spaniards, who .peppeted the
ship's hull with Mauser bullets, killed
three Cuban scouts who were waiting
to receive tho expedition, and wound
ed six of tho Wanderer's crew.
The steamer then camp back to Key
West, left her Injured men In the hos
pital here, nnd stnrted on her second
nttempt. This time sho went to a
point about six miles east of Hahla
Honda, where sho met a smnll party
of lnsurnentH from Colonel Carrlllos'
forces, but no Spaniards. About one
third of her cargo wob discharged here
and 23 Cubntis were put nshore.
The Wanderer then headed for the
mouth of tho Manatl river, province
of Puerto Principe, where, on tlie night
Of July 30, she landed without dlfllculty
about the same quantity of arms nnd
ammunition and seven Cubans. From
thert- she went to Porto Padre, In the
same province, where the remainder
of her cargo and mon were disembark
ed. All three landings were made with
out the necessity for firing a shott.
The torpedo boat Talbot returned
here yesterday. On Monday last, under
a flag of truce, she steamed to within
a mile and n half of Morro Castle,
where the Spanish torpedo boat de
stroyer PInzon came out and received
her papers.
Spanish Prisoners Strlclton.
Santiago de Cuba, Aug. G. General
Toral, the commander of the Spanish
troops, sent a letter to General Shatter
advising the latter that the camp of
the surrendered Spanish troops Is In
an unhealthy condition. The Spanish
officer also reported that there were
several bundled sick In the hospitals,
and that theio was an avcrajre of 12
deaths dally. General Shatter will
take notion nt once In order to Improve
the sanltury condition of tho Spanish
Tho May Ho n Wreck.
Ponce, Porto HIco, Aug. 6. The
transport Massachusetts, which Is
aground here. Is In a bad position. She
may possibly turn out to be Immovable,
and 11 wreck. The City Troop, of Phila
delphia, und Troops A and C, of New
York and llrooklyn, and others have
disembarked. The transport Rouman
ian has been successfully floated.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo In tlio world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovor sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains- coins, ami
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or -io pay required. It is fiiaivntee ' to mvo
puieol satlblactiuu or iuou ioiuudcu. l'tiio
35 conts vor box. For salo by A. Wasley.
Coining llvent
August 15.- Picnic under the auspices id'
tho Phoenix Fire Company, ut High Point
Aug. 17. Ico cream festival under tl.u
auspices uf lliu "Y" will be held in Kobhins'
opera housu.
Aug. 23 Phonograph entertainment 111
tho Primitivo Methodist church, under the
allspices of tho Ladies' Aid Society and
Sunday school.
Aug, 15. Picnic at brown's Grove, Lost
Creek, under tho auspices of Lost Click
Cadets of Temperance. S2t3
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke
TrAlnu leave Shenandoah ail follows:
For New York via l'hlladelpnlu, week dnvs
7 30 9 81 n. m., 12 27, 8 10 and 6 07 p. m.
For New York via Mauch Chuiuc, week dn b
7 80 11. 111., 12 27 and 3 10 p. m.
For lt'caillng und Philadelphia, weok dayd,
7 30, 9 51 n.m., 12 27, 3 10 and 0 07 n. n
For l'ottsvlllo, week days, 7 30, 9 51 a. m
12 27, 3 10, 6 07 and t 25 p. m.
Kor Tumnquii ami Mahanoy City, week duys
7 30, 51 a. 1U 12 27 8 10 and 6 07 p. m.
For Willlnmsport, Hunbury and Lowlsburg,
week days. 11 30 a. in.. 12 27. 7 t. in
For Jlnliuno) Piano, weekdays, 7 30, 9 M, 11 80
a, m u: 2Y, a iu, 0 w , y za, v oa p.m.
For Ashland and Sharaokln, week days, 730,
For lialtimore. SVashlngton and tho West via
II. & O. II. H., through trains le" Iteatllng
Terndniil,l'liiliulolpljla, (p. Alt. 11 K.) at 3 20,
7 55, 11 2d a. in:, 8 10 and 7.27 p. t-. Sundays,
u Mt t uu, n n. m., a 4ti ana 7 'Si p. m. jiuot
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. m, 12 20.
12 15 8 -10 p.m. Sundays, 135, 8 23 p. in. ,
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 1215, 4 80, 8 00,1130 n. m., and 143,4 80
0 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days. 4 80. 9 10 a. in.. 1 30 u. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Iteadlne Terminal, week
Jays, 3 40. S 80. 10 21 u ui. ami I 8ii, lo(! p. m.
jrf-ave utMiuiuK, weeic uaye, 7 w. reus, u, lu.
12 15, 4 17, 0 00 p. in.
Lcuve Pottavllle, wi'uK dayt, 7 10, 7 40 a. Ill
12 80 4 10. 0 10 and 6 50 11. ui.
Leave Tamaquu, wecK day, 8 30, 11 23 a. m.,
1 49, 5 55, 7 20 p. UI.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 9 05, 1147
a. m., 2 a. a is, o Zl, v si p, m
Leuro Mahanoy Plane, week days, 080, 921,
ii,ij a. in., -j 11, aai, 4! 7&7, pin.
Leave Wllltamsport, week days, 7 42, lou) a
111., 1231 and 4 00 v. 10.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut itreet warf and
Mouth street h hurf for Atlantic City.
Wcckdayti Kipress, 8 00, 9 (10, 10 43 a. 111.. (1 110
Saturdays only), 2 00, 3 00, 3 40 00 minute train,
4 00 103 minute trulllj, 4 30, 500 fl'.'i lubllltu
tralnj, 5 40, 7 00 j). in. Accommodation, 0 IS
11. in., 5 00, 11 SO p. 111 81.00 excursion train 700
am. Sundays Kipress, 730, S 00, 8 30, 9 00,
10 00 a 111, 4 45 p m Accnluuinduilun, 0 15 a lu,
4 45 p. in. 81.00 excursion train, 7 a 111
HcluruliiK Uuvo Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Kxprcys, (6 45 Mondays only I
T 00, 715 i5 minute train, S20 05 minute
train, 9 00, 10 15, 11 Oil a m J .XI, 4 U0, 11 ile, 730,
V3J p. m Accommodation, 4 23, 7 50 a. 11..
4 05 p. m. 11. o-i excursion train (from MUlslpp
live, only) (U0 p. m. Sundays Kiptcaa, 330,
I 00, 5 00, (1 Oil, 0 80. 7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 9 30 p. III. Ac
cmiilnodatlon, 715 a, 111., 5 03 p. 111. JIM
exclusion train (from toot ot Mississippi ave.
only), C 10 p in.
Pur Capo May and Sea Isle City, 8 43 a. m,
230, 1 45 piu. Additional (or l'ii.o Muv 1 15
piu. Sundays (81 no en ursloti 7 00 ) U 1.1 a 111,
Kor Occun City, s 30, H 15 a 111, 2 30, 4 43 i 111.
18I 0J 1 xeurslou Tliui.iluy only) 7 00 a m. hun
duyr, 8 15, 9 15 u 111.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
Xor further luroruiutlun, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket ugeu
or address
I, A. SWKIOAHII, Kiison J, Wr.KUs.
(Icu'l Hunt., (icn'l l'osi'r Agl,
HcadliiK Terminal, Philadelphia,
riillions of Dollars
Go up In siuoVo overy your. Tnke u
risks but got your houses, stock, fu
ultiiio. etc., Insured lu nut-class r
liable companies as represented by
DAVIH FAUST insurance Ag-eM
Ui V 11) riV-UOl, yM Houth JardlnHI
Also ,Wo.ud Accidents! tkibipauUt
La Gnppe,
followed by Heart Disrate, Cured by
K ft It. C. O. CHUT.T9, of Wlnterset Io a,
h. iv.cntor r.til manufacturer rf
' "'- frhulta'Bufoty Wldlllotrpc Ci.i.,,!i ir,
writ'-a of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "Two yet: i
a ro an nt tack of LnOrlppo left mn with a
feaU hcr.rt. I had run down In fh 1 ti
ni 10 skin ami hone. Icuuld notch ,)!' u
dofn for i-motliorlng spells) freipn m k' in
dartlns paln.i nnd palpllctlor. caused !i t .in
stant four ol Midden death, nothing could
Induce mo to remain away from homo over
Llht. My local physician prescribed Dr.
."tilei' Heart Cure and lo a fow days I was
..bla to sleep well and tho pains gradually
lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced tl.o
tho doses, having gained fifteen pounds, and.
am now feeling hotter In every way thai I
have for yeans." "4
Dr. Nllcs' Itcmcuios Kffcs jjj.
arc soiu uy an uiuy-s. -.
trial 4 .1 nrvilt Ivn trv. '
.. r , i.. mflSivm-s 1,rsa
bonoilts or money ro- gj, Ro""-tcm-3
lunded. Hook on dls- fcv ' ,vS3
oacoa of tho heart and M&v j i.V$im
nerves lice. Auuress, sarrttKiSKTfxlBl
llll. MILKS IICDIOAL 00.. Elkhart, InQ.
onice Kft" lniildlns, comer of Main an
Ceutiu ntret'tH, Hlienunduub.
BhenatidoAh, Pa,
Ixcfe Cox 65, Mahauoy Cliy, la.
Having studied under some of tho tieM
uiaaterti v Iiu1un and Paris, will glvo Itaons
on thu vlotl ii. mandolin, eullarand oailciiUtir.
Turnie reaaonublo. Addrcttd lucaroof htrounti
Uic Jowcler Mhonanuoah.
July 1, 1898.
Trains will leave Kticnandoali after lou uu. u
uate for Wlitau, (llllicrtou,,
water, nt, uiuir, i-ovtavine. jiauiniitir, UbUipt.,
I'ottstowu, PlioenlxvlUb. Aorrlstooru ad xu...
aclphla tlrMid street station) at OOO uuu s 15
a, m.. 2 02. 6 IK p. ui. ou week days. Huuduvd.
8 15 a. lu., 4 25 p. iu.
Trains lcuve fruckvllle for Shenandoah t
7 30, 11 40 a.m. and 5 40, 7 30 p. u.. hominy,
ii ui a, in. aim o w p. in.
Lcuve t'uttsvlllu for Hhellalldoutl (vlu Kruck
villi), 7 10, 11 20 a. in., 5 20, 7 10 p. m. Suuuuy
10 33 a. in., 5 20 p. in.
Leave PlilluUclplila, tllruud street station), ici
,SlifMiiiiloali at 8 Jo u. tu 4 10 p, lu. week tlays.
niiiiuuy h leuvu ut 0 50 uml 9 2J u. ii..
loiuv e UruuU btreet tilulluu, Phlluilolplila,
lixnrcss, week-days, 8 20, 4 0j, 4 50 5 0,5 15,1 bo.
7Ua, S20, 9b0, 10 21 (Dtlllliu Cur), lloou. ui,
12 OU noun, J2 35 tl.llulluj 100 and 122 p. lu.
liming Cars), 1 40, 2 140 (DIiiIiik loir) a jo, J ou.
I 02, 5 00, S 5l ( 1)1 ulliK Ual), UOu, 7 u.', 7 50 tl'lll
hit; Cur), 10 ou p. iu,, 12 01, iiiittii. Muuuays.
iW, llu, 4 60, 0 0j, 5 15 8 20, 9 6u, 10 21, U'imiik
Cur), 1135 u. Iu., 12 83, 103 vlJliillu; Vut) - ou
ttlliiliii; Cur), 4 00 (laiulted 1 22) (Dining Cuij,
0 20-, 5 00, tinning Out) 0J-), 7 02,7 50, lUllliliK
Car 10 uo p. in., 12 01 iilgbt.
express lor llostoa wituous cnange, it uut ut.,
week-days, unit 7 50 p. iu., dally.
Catskill express, (Parlor Car), 8 20 n in week
Kor llulttwurc and Washtugtou, 3 50, 7 20, 8 J2,
10 20, II 23, u. ill., 12 09, 12 31 (Dining Cur, 1 l
LDinliig CurJ, J12, 4 41, p2o Uougrcs
lonul l.luutcu. Dining CarJ, u 17. US., liJJji
lliu Cuij, 7 al (Dlniug CarJ p. iu., ana xj ua
nlglit ween Uiiyo. Sundaya, B 60, 7 20, 9 12, 11 -id,
u. ui., 1209, 1 12, Dining UurJ 4 41, 1520 Con
gressluuul Limited, Dli.lug iyurj, b ju Dining
Cur, 781 iDliitngCurJ p. ui.unu 12 0oiugiit.
Kur lUltlluore, uccoiiiuiodutlou, 9 12 li ill, 2 01
and 4 01 p ui wcck uuy , 3 ut uuU 11 lb p in ilally,
I,eave Ilroad atteet stutlou via Dcluware tlvci
bridge lSxpri-B, Sou, 9 40 so inlniacs u m,
238 p2uihiutcsj, 100 SO uilliutcsj, ) Ui p, u,
nuiuliiys, 5 00, 9 20 so iiiinutcsj, u in, 2 as 1&2
lulnutcsj, 7 03 p iu.
Lcuve Xlluruct Street Warl Uxptcss, 5 UO, ti no,
10 ou 175 miiiutcsj,!, iu. (luuSutuiuuya uuy;, 200
75liiiiuileJ,ou tioinliiutesj,3 30 pO liilnuUsJ,
4 00 105 inliiutesj, 4 80 175 minutes), o ou liu
lillliuicsj, 0 30 03 uilliulesj p in, HuiiUiiyu, boo,
7 3U, buu 75 inliiutesj, bUO, 9 00 iu iniiinUs,
9 50 70 inliiutesj a iu, uud 4 30 7a miniitusj p m.
tl.ouuxcuisiuu l ill ii, 7 ouu in Uully.
l or Cupd.Uuy, Auglesua, WlluwuodunU Hull
IScoUi l-.i press, 9 00 u In, 2 30, 4 03, b OU p HI
week days. Annua; a 8 20 u in, CapeiUuy only,
1 80 p m bututduya, Excursion, 7 00 u lu dull).
Pur neu Isle City, Octuu, Cliy, Avuiuu una
Atone llurbur Kxpress, 9 10 u. ui., 2 30, 4 20,
5 00 p. pi. week days. Sundays, 8 5uu. lu. 1;
curslun 7 CO u m dally.
for bumcia 1'olut ICxpiewl, 5 00, 8 30, 10 OJ
a. u,., 1 00 Suturduys only, U uo, 4 00, boo, 5 30
p. m. week duys Siluduys, 5 00, e 00, 9 00,9 50
u. ui. uud 4 30 li, in-
J. 11, I1U1CUINSOS, J. It. Wooo,
ileu'l Muuuger, den 1 Puss'g'r Agt
tSucccstor of tho "Unabridged."
Tho Otie Grctit Authority,
no wuu- Hun. n. J, Itrcufr,
Justltui v, h. huiircmo Court.
ff Htaiiclarcl
of lite v. 8. (iov't l'rlntlne
unice, me v. n. hiiiireinu i
uoun. ail 1118 riaiu nu
nt eine Courti.anilof near-
tj an uio
by State KuperintttnilnU (
Ol M'llfMjlH. t'OllfUfit yfi'Ml' I
tlt'iiti, uml other Jliioatuiii .
Si liooU, Cull
almost without millibar.
In tho lumaeliolil, nnd to
Ilia J4iulif r, vrliolitr, ln- (
ii'Haioiiiii iiiiiii, ui iu c.
It Is ruiv lo find the word wanted.
It Is easy to aacertaln the proniincla''on
It Iscaay to trace the growth of a word.
It Is easy to learn what u word means.
Tim JV.iii' Vnrr TWjnno S.lVMf
'I !, I ,li..t i..lilli,,, fl roil, I fin iiri-aa . If 1 1 n. ,
. ctimeli b,!ii-4 Hi it liiipni-s lliu liiimt Uiurunirlisni.
ll'IllllllKl lyiHinruiniiiuii sajnTliKiuu. - - -
iildii iiniai... t,Mi. fiu.u thu n umk tn itili-h ill.
p e. mil., .illy iiiifiiltu li fir. -AlirllB.18U0.
$ 9 di!Ti tin ih'.st.
A lySpeclinen mces aeiit on annllcatlon lo
6 (7..C- C. MIUIMAM CO.. VulillnUorn,
n .s,i,rifiiirAi,r. irubw.. f..s,,.l. i