The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 05, 1898, Image 4

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Call on
paper. Our new
"Sweethearts" and '
go at 10 cents easily,
us for box
cheap ones
worth 15c.
A new lot of "Pennsylvania" just
received. You know the good
value this box is. This price is
25 cents. See our new 10c tablets.
They are beauties.
1 SI. Main St.
Beef, Wine
cand Iron.
Large Itottle, 50 Cents.
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Ami Flovmrs, tint lllintl of Alnt'rU'il, Cull
A'ln tlio trtio iiathnay, "TI10 Iron Mountain
Route," which traverses h niniuit of perpetual
Miusliitie, wliero snow storim, lilUzurils or
high nltttutlvs tiro unknown, l'liUuum first
nucl Bcconil class palace ami tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansin, Texas,
Ohl and New Mexico, Aiizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah anil
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, anil all the comforts of modern railway
improvemeuU guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the Missouri l'acilic railway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, anil full information, ilrop a postal
canl, J. 1'. McCann, T. 1'. Agent. mil Kali
roail avenue, Klinira, N. Y., or 3111 llroail
way, New York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, 0. E I. Agt.
Eczema, fculd heail, hives, itchiness of the
skin of any sort instantly relievcil, perman
ently cured. Uoan's Ointmnnt. At any ding
The i:nl(lnio'4 MIluskle.
The. wild ilotr, iinlufliienct'il at nil liy ns-
soclntlon with iniiii, 1b typical of nothing
but tho wolf, mid In tho circumpolar lco
lio Is found In uumbera roviiifr. ovor tho
noma 01 snow onil lco, frequently In com
pony with tho wolves Tho Ksklmos hnvo
taken tholr wild crcnturua mid by n rudo
process of uoloctlon imil tmlnliiRthey havo
uuveiopca 1110 -nusKlo," a colloquial ab
breviation of tho word Eskimo. Thoso
animals represent a typo of dog but llttlo
removed from the wolf hardy, vicious,
swift of foot mid keen of oyo. Tlioy hnvo
been trained to haul tledgo loads of goods
across tho snnw and lco, and this comes as
natural to them now as for a pointer to
jwlnt. They pooschd tho blood of tho wolf,
howovcr, In their eins the taint of tho
jackal. At tho opportunity thoy will
run away and Join tho wild dogs and ilo
terlorato rapidly in their company.
Guorgo K, Wal&h In North Aiuoricau Uo
vluw. Can AfTortl to Hivn a Cow.
"Just after President McKlnley'B In
auguration ho had his relatives who wcro
In tho city at a family dinner at tho White
Jlonso, " Niys The Ladies' llnmo .foiirnnl.
"It was a large company and a very good
dinner. Dear old .Mother McKlnloy was
there, but she was nut Miry talkative. Sho
was too happy fur words Uut sho kept a
sharp eyo on tho dliinor, and no detail of
It escaped her. Sho was impressed by tho
quantity of cream berved with tho fruit
and coffee, for sho looked up at her son In
her sweet way and said:
" William, you must keep a cow now.'
"Soma of tho younger members of tho
family party found It dlllleult to suppro&s
a fiiullo, but tho president, with his usual
tact and graclouancss, replied:
" 'Yes, mother, wo can alTord to havo n
cow now and havo all tho cream wo can
jiosslbly use' "
Isn't It curious that womon novor take
up a fad for pleasure or pleasurnfor a fmlr
JIow ulllercnt men arol Jllnd, wo don't
say superior. A man's fad whether It bo
playing golf, or riding a wheel, or collect
ing rare china, or wearing white beaver
hatx is tho thing which ho likes best to
do. lie adopts It purely for fun, and, al
though lie occasionally falls a victim and
becomes tho slavo of his hobby, ho is a
liorfoctly willing slave. A woman does
not adopt a fad for fun. She takes It up
us a duty to bo poi'forined, whether sho
feels liko It or not. Perhaps sho adopts a
fad bucuuhu her dearest friend has ono or
because it Is tho faxhlon or she happens to
have a llttlo timo on hand. Tho average
woman will rage round with petitions
against vivisections for a week and then
forgot tho subject in favor of bicycling.
Shu will 1111 an album half full of foreign
Htamps and before six months nro over
will dlhcoer that her parties, dances and
dinners leave her no timo to go on with
It, If women would only tako up a par
ticular fad because they want to and pur
sue it gently aud lit a leisurely manner,
what pleasure thoy would havo! Now
Gasoline, Oil,
Wagon Grease,
soline, Oil Stoves.
We make a specialty of
gasoline, 60 cents in five gallon
lots, delivered. Mica and U. S.
axle grease. Also headlight oil,
150 fire test.
No, 143 l!at Coal Street, Shenandoah, l'riina
Mull orders promptly uttcmU-d to.
for all Biuous and Kkhvous
Disiasis. They purify the
IIlood and give Healthy
action to the entire system.
Floor and Tabic 011 Cloths.
E. B. FOky, aT Wcee'ntre .
Remember the name
when you buy W
again ffi
Iliippxnliigs Throughout the Cmiiitl
Chronlrlfil (or llimly IVrusnl.
lien Harris, olio of the ii-itiuit clelks at
ltear Kldge colliery, lesinni-d his posit inn to
aicept a more lui nitie one under tho l.chigh
Valley company, at l.oit Creek.
A letter from Engineer Ed. Constien, to
his father at Ashland, says that ho expects to
go to Manila. Tho Minneapolis is to ho
Dewey's Uag ship.
Simla ought tu put a special delivery stamp
on those pcaco propositions.
A largo sized panther is 1 milling at large in
the vicinity of tho Hnzlctrm reservoirs.
John Howclls, of (llrardville. has pur
chased tho good will and lixtuies of the
Grant House, in that town, and will conduct
tho business.
Tho grand lodge of the (iornian Order of
Hurugari met in Wilkeshane yesteiday.
Aimer HuUseknccht and Mls Carrie Tre
yotiton, both of (lilherton, wcro quietly
married Sunday evening.
William .lames, sou of Dl-trlct Superin
tendent Thomas . I. James, of Uilbeiton, left
on Monday for Tampa, Florida, where ho en
listed in the hospital emps of the United
States regulars.
Tho approaching wedding of .Samuel V.
l'urucll, of Mai.evllle, aud Miss tiertle
Ernst, of Frackvillo, is announced.
Johnstown's wall paper manufacturing
firm has joined the trust.
liorks County's 3000 pensioners receive.
f0,0OU every tlnee months.
Laborers are reported to be scarcer in Pitts
burg than at any timo in recent years.
liorks county farmers are selliug their now
wheat at TO and 76 cents a bushel.
Fifteen thousand members of North
American liavarian Societies will convene at
Pittsburg on August IS.
On tho 23rd inst. tho citizens of Shaniokin
will vote at a special election for or against
an imieased bonded indebtedness of the
borough of fUS.OOO which is to be Used for
paving purposes exclusively.
liny your pocket books and purses, from Re
to $3.00 at F. J. l'ortz's. tf
Deaths anil I'liuerals.
Mrs. Mary Crcasey, a well known resident
of Ahlilaml, died at the homo of her dangli
tor, Mrs. Daniel Qoudgc, in Ashland, ycstci-
ilay morning. Tho deceased was a widow for
soveral years, and leaves live, childien, among
them being Mrs. Daniel Christian, of Potts
viilo. Tho funeral will tako place on Mon
The funeral of James liurns, of Turkey
linn, will tako place to-morrow morning.
1 lie remains will bo taken to Contralia for
Mrs. Patrick Neary, an aged and respected
resident of Lost Creek, died last evening.
Tho deceased was a widow and is survived by
threo sons and two daughters. Tho funeral
will tako pluo at nine o'clock on Monday
morning. The services will be held in St.
Maiy Magdalene church aud the remains will
bo interred in St. Joseph's cemetery, Cilrard
villo. The funeral of tho lato Scth Orme, mem
bqr of the last State Legislature, took place
at St. Clair yesterday afternoon. Out of
respect to tho deceased tho business men of
the town closed their stores. Tho services at
the hoiiso and grave wore conducted by Itov.
Ainthor, pastor of tho .Methodist Episcopal
church. Tho body was laid to rest in Odd
Fellows' cemetery. Tho funeral pioccsslon
Included tho local lodgo of Odd Fellows,
Independent Order of lied Meu and Knights
of Pythias. Tho honorary pall bearers were
Hon. C. N. liriimm, Hon. j. J. Coylo, Hon.
G. G. Schrink, Hon. Earl YVitman, Hon. V
J. Kehler and W. J. Whitehouse, Esq., while
tho acting pall bearers wcro Prof. T. (i
Jones, W. YV. Wood, John Dodds, Sr., James
Hughes, David Morgan, Sr., and Win
llaldwin, Sr.
Fountain pens, from 25c to
.'.50 at F. J.
I'rocrity Is Coming.
Dr. Coles, in bin predictions for this month,
says : "Earth is now in tho 'houso of for
tuno,' opposed by tho 'house of death.'
Therefore the death rate tills month will bo
far above tho average. Hut out of tho gravo
of financial despair and despondency will
spring up a new lifo that will cause business
to boom all along tho line; for America is
God's favorite nation this year, as sho is free
from tho shadow of a sun's eclipso, and at
high flood all tho year. This will give her
tho ruling power over all other nations of
the oarth. Surely America is getting rich
at u rate utterly unmatched in history
Awful plagues, massacres, accidents, crimes.
earthquakes, tidal waves and revolutions
will sweep over tho old country and carry
thousands to death, fur tho great planets,
Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter will contcntnito
their evil influences upon tho eastern coun
tries in general; and upon Amurica only in
pait. Let Sampson and Dewey watch their
vessels h ell, and find a harbor safe from the
coming storms."
InfajiCi-hico caps, the choapost and largest
stuc'K'' in town, at F. J. l'ortz's, 21 North
.Main stiect. tf
Kt'Hillng for Taster 'I'lint,.
At. nwlor lxia ,1 l.x, tl.n 1 . T?
Hallway requiring main lino coal train con
ductors to havo llflceu air Hue cars l.oxt to
tho engine. Tills will require considerable
shifting on tho part of tho shoit road crews.
The supposition is that the trains aro to ho
run at a faster rate of speed, and with tho
air cars next to the engine bo prepared to
come to a quick stop.
Finger Clipped,
Albert Hoover, Jr., cut oil' tlio top of tlio
Index finger of his left hand ycsteiduy while
preparing lire wood at the High Point picnic.
lllcyclo supplies anil npvoltios of every de
scription at llrumui's.
Vacant Judgeship.
Tho vacancy In tho judgeship in tlio Montour-Columbia
district, caused by E, .
Ikelcr's death, will now lie for the Governor
to fill by appointment, to servo until tlio
first Monday in January, 1MJ0, or until his
successor shall ho duly qualified. Who the
appointee will ho is at this writing unknown.
Genth; I was dreadfully nervous, and fur
relief took your Karl's Clover Itoot Tea. It
quieted my nerves ami strengthened my
whole Nervous System. I was troubled with
Constipation, Kidney and llowel trouble.
Your Tea soon cleansed uiy system mi
thoroughly that I rapidly regained health
and strength. Mrs, H. A. Sweet, Hartford,
Cuuu, Sold by 8. P. Kirlin and a guarantee.
Hculp Injured.
Johu Drutalis sustained severe lacerations
of the scalp yesterday by a fall of coal in
tho West Shenandoah colliery. He was at
tended by Dr. M. B. Kiutler.
Ileum of Local Interest Concerning tho
Soldier llos.
Ennort Kvkniso UmiAl.Di A flag raising
took place at tho Captain's quarters of Co. E
on Sunday morning and tho Hag was left nt
half mast in respect to the lato Privato
Swartz. The Hag polo Is 50 feet high and the
Hag Is (1x10 foot. Tho band played "Tho Star
Spangled Itannor" as the Hag was raised. Co.
E seems to ho full of patriotism. It was tho
first to present tho Colonel with two flags,
and tho first In tho Sth llegt. to raiso a flag.
James Miuile', of Shenandoah, has received
a good promotion at tho hands of (Icn. Uoblu,
having been appointed chief hrigado baker
on a salary of $(10 per month. Ho will have
chargo of all tho bakers of tho Third Ilrlgade.
None were bettor pleased to hear of his ad
vancement than tho Shenandoah boys in tho
Sth and 13th Ilegiincnts. Manlcy left camp
yesterday morning to report to Hen. ltutbr
and he may lie stationed at Dunn Eoring.
Wo are going on a practice march on
August 13th to Washington, where wo will
pa?s in review by the Piesidciit. Wo don't
know where wo will go nftor wo get through
there, hut it Is rumored Mt. Gretna, or
Middletown, will bo our destination. Our
present camp has been ilcclaicd unhealthy.
There mu new cases of fever every day,
Tho Sth Itogt. lias had a good record in ro
gard to sickness and deaths, however. We
have only had 0110 death since wo left homo.
Edward Kester left camp on Aug. 1st for
homo. He failed to securo what ho wanted
in tho lino of driving. Ho tried to enlist,
hut could not, as tho War Department issued
orders against tho onllstniont of any more
Corporal Low It A. Hopkins and Privato
Grant Troiituian attended divine services at
Miiylleld last Sunday evening. Grant made
tea for supper last night that was enjoyed by
tho boys in tent No. 1.
Privato John Katz has been presented with
an old boll which was used during tho. slavery
days to call In tho slaves. We are camped
near tho site of tho plantation 011 which tho
bell was used. It is tho desire of tlioSheuau-
doah hoys to send tho relic to G. A. 1!. Post
110 of tholr town.
Foul. Gibson had his new uniform and
shoes on yesterday and cut quite a dash. Ho
says ho thinks ho will scttlo down and get
married when the cruel war is ovor."
William D. Williams is kept busy writing
tu his lady friends.
Stephen Llndcniuuth had a day on" yester
day and visited Dunn Loring and other
villages. Cook James Gibbon was with him.
Thomas Pccso and John Katz wcro 011 tho
water detail this morning. There is no fun
in it too much liko work.
John H. Fogol is getting well posted on
scripture anil will soon ho leading gospel
Gcorgo Scheilly lias returned to camp after
having enjoyed his fuiloiigh.
Privato Harry Gynn, of Co. H, 13th Itegt.,
is a great man for traveling around and
viewing tho country and nearby towns. It
is no trouble fur him to walk twenty miles a
William Pees, also of Co. H, was on guaid
on Thursday.
Clif. liowers, of Co. E, would liko to have
a job caring for horses.
Privato John Mayer is becoming quite
Wo expect to get paid this week. There
will bo a hot timo in tho old town that night.
Jones, Kiclgcr and Sam Miller aro doing
duty on tho water detail. W. J. J,
Karl's Clover Hoot Tea is a pleasant laxa
tive, l'egulatcs tho bowels, puiifics tho
blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to
make and pleasant to take, 2." its. Sold by
P. D. Kirlin and a guarantee.
Deeds Kecortleit.
From Frank D. Uitnorand wifo to Ma
Loibensperger, promises in McKeansbiirg.
From Ellas Davis, treasurer, to Finuz Alt
statt, premises in Miucrsvillo.
Prom Francis Altstiittand wife to IUrbara
Freiler, prcmisus in Miucrsvillo.
From Maria Hamlschotz and husband to
P. & It. U'y Co., premises in itusii township.
From Thomas T. Williams and wife to
Laura A. Morgan, piemises in Shenandoah,
The Hospital Croutleil.
Tho Millers' hospital at Fountain Springs
is crowded with patients. William Mixon,
of Win. Pcuu, who had his right kneo in
jured at Win. Penn colliery, will havo a still'
leg. Tho surgeons found that ho was suH'or
ing from what they call an infected wound.
Adam Kcupclnski, of Shonaudoah, a miner
at tlio Kllcugowan colliory, was admitted
witli a badly lacerated left hand.
County Treasury Kiupty.
Tho county treasury Is still empty, and is
likely to remain so for some timo. County
Solicitor llechtel lias advised tho Comity
Commissioners to borrow no money on this
year's duplicates or cash income Tlio latter
aro still holding under advisement tho issuo
of a temporary loan for $15,000. Tho Su
premo Court 'will not hear tho appeal of tho
Taxpayers' Association on the bond issuo
before October.
Tho llrohst Heirs.
A dozen of tho Hrobst holrs from Heading
were in Pottsvillo yesterday in consultation
witli Charles Woltjen, tho real estate man, in
reference to coal laud in this mid Northum
berland county to which tlio Hrobst heirs
claim titlo.
Remember the name f
when you buy
Down Conies the Price
On Wool Bunting: U. S. Flags.
Those who fooIMily thought
they were securing a haiain in buying the
supiio'-eilly cheap "cotton ' hunting Hags are
now residing their action, as they view the
scarcely visible colors in their flags as they
arc susjiendcd over-head. Ily investing a few
dollars more they could now have a flag that
always looks clean suit bright in colors. Our
wool flags have proved their superiority over
"cotton" goods. We have again reduced
our price on wool binding flags down to a
close second in price of the "cotton" flags.
We manufacttiie our wool Hags, anil can
gunrantee them to he A No, 1, Call and gel
our new price list.
Morgan's Flag Factory,
23 North Main St.
licet Couuh tirrup. Tastes U00U. vo
In tlmft. sihl h flrticcl.tii. 11
Annual Solas oypr 0,000,000 Botes
such as Wind and Pain in tho Stomncli,
Giddlnoas, rulueM eft t meals, Head
ache, Dlzzlnoss, Drowsiness. Flushings
of Heat, Loss of Apnotltp, Costlveucss.
Motchcs on tho Skin, C'dd Chills, Dis
turbed Sleep, Frightful Droams and nil
Nervous and Trembling Sensations.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Evory sufferer
will acknowledge thorn to ho
111:1x11 AM'S Pi M.S. taken ns direct
ed, will quickly restoro Femalos to com
plcto health. They promptly removo
obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys
torn anil curo Mi lt Headache. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Beecham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And tinve the
or tiny Patent .llrillrlno In Hie World.
25c. at all Drue Stores.
Unlit))) Alciiot urn's Will.
Tho will of Thomas McGovcrn, bishop of
tho Harrisburg diocesoof tho Itoman Catho
lic church, is filed for probate at Harrisburg.
It was wltnossed by Itevs. Gorinanus Kohl
and William Martin. Itev. J. J. Koch, of
Shaniokin, vicar general, and liev. F. S.
Seubort, of Harrisburg, weic named as
executors. The will provides that If 1,000 be
setasido for payment for masses for reposo of
hissotil, or If objection is niado to this tho
money is to be expended as the next bishop
sees fit. One-third of his lifo insurance is
loft to ills sister, Annie Mc(locm, and the
balance of ills property, including books,
paintings and records, to go to the next
bishop, the hooks fur tho diocesan library or
any freo library under the new bishop's
At Payne's nursery, Girardville, you will
find tho largest stock ever seen in the county.
Tho American Societies.
Monday, September Sth, will bo Labor Day
and the United American Association will
celebiiito tho same at Turuaqtia. Tho asso
ciation is a union of all patriotic societies in a
district comprising nine counties. It is their
prevailing ciiston to hold a demonstration
every Labor Day. The convention will be
held In tho morning while tho parade will
tako placo in tho afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Gcranuiniis, fuchsias, pansies, daises, roses,
etc., for spring planting at Payne's nurseries,
Giraidvillo. Tubcroso aud gladiolus bulbs.
The Glrard Saline l'lintl.
Tho stockholdings of tho U Irani Saving
Fund, of Girardvillo, met 011 Wednesday
evening and fully discussed tlio a Hairs of
that association. They decided to pay tho
assessment 011 each share of stock. Tho
three men who aro auditing the accounts of
tho association will bo lclained for an in
definite period.
No such thing as "summer complaint"
where Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw
berry is kept handy. Nature's remedy for
every looseness of the bowels.
Public Ihuiccrt Iteguliiteil by l.uw.
Heicafter all public dances held in Ashland
will bo regulated by law, as a result of a cru
sade by tho ministers of that town. The
liorough Council of that place on Wednesday
evening passed an oiiliuaiico with rigid
regulations Dancing .schools iiniat pay a tax
of one dollar aud balls two dollars.
Shiloh' s Consumption Curo cuies where
others fail. It is tlio leading Cough Cure,
aud no homushoiild bo without it. Pleasant
to tako and goes right to tho spot. Sold by
P. I). Kiilin and a guarantee.
Taxing the Poles.
After January 14, 1SIMI, tho Schuylkill
Traction Company, or any other electric rail
way entering Ashland will havo to pay an
annual tax of 2.r conts on pulls, and tho pay
ment of 1111 annual tax of $10 011 every car
running through tlio borough. A fine of
$25,000 is imposed for non-payment of tlio
Slaughter oT Dogs.
Tho High Coustablo yesterday shot ten of
the unclaimed dogs in tho pound. Let the
good work go on.
Koiiilrlrk Ilinlso Free Lunch.
Clam soup will ho sorved freo to all pat 1 mis
"Say, pa," asked the little son of a rail
way conductor, "what's an exchequerr"
"An ox-chockorl" exclaiiued thu ticket
puncher. "Why, that must be a retired
buKgago man." Chicago News
A few persons In Kugland raise largo
numbers of guinea pigs for exportation to
Franco, whom they aro highly osteomcd
for tho tablo, tho flavor of tho meat being
identical with that of tho rabbit.
Tho wonderful part of tho Maxim gun
is that it has only ono barrel, and yet it
inn discharge 000 shots In 0110 mluuto.
1 -8H0E STORE 1
Will open on or about
Saturday, Aug. 6th. jf
The proprietor, Mr. vSpoont, is
no stranger to the public, he hav
ing been in the furniture business
on Kast Centre street for several
years. As a promoter of low
prices he led in the furniture line,
and will also lead in the shoe line.
His stock will equal any in town.
The new place is at
27 S. Main St. K
. MB IIIV1-. 3j
S Kverybody is invited to call 3
and examine our stock. 3
Bueknell University,
Comprises a College with four courses;
Academy fur Vouiii( Men and lluya! LadleB1
Institute, a rellued hoarding school) School of
Music with graduating courses. Kur catalogue
Till! WHAT 1 1 Hit,
Tlio forecast for Saturday: Fair, warmer
neither, with variable winds.
Constable Matt. Glblon has gone to Phila
delphia 011 a professional business mission.
A L. Shny, Esq., of Pottsvillo, was a visitor
to day.
Prank Wi lister, of Ea.'t Coal street, who
was ouieoinc by the heat en Tuesday, Is re
ported impitn lug.
P. P. D. Klilln lias been notified of his ap
pointment on the reception lonimlttce of the
grand lodgo Knights of Pythias tn comcuo at
Lebanon on Aug. 10, 17, 18 and IP.
Mrs. Kehler and daughter, Ida, visited
fi lends at Pottsvillo to day.
Hon. M P. Fowler was among the business
men who spent to-day at the county scat.
Mls.s Ella Iialllet, of Mlncrsvlllc, who was
the guest nf Dr and Mis. M. S. Klstler in
town, left for ber I101110 to-day.
Matt. Ki pebinski Is homo from tho John
Hopkins 1'nlversity hospital, lkiltimoie. Ho
is much inipioved since his visit to tho instl
tlou. Mlssllattlo A. Lewis, of Harpursvlllo, N.
Y is visiting her uncle, Thomas Dove, Sr.,
on South Jardin stiect.
Edward Mover, who spent tho past five
weeks visiting friends and relatives In this
countv, left town yesleiday for his homo in
Chicago. III.
Dr. Clifton Itobhlns, is again attending to
his professional duties after spending a vaca
tion abroad.
'1 his AViim 11 Cluch.
Sherlu" Toole this morning sold tho busi
ness stock and household goods of IkoOrkin,
the South Main Btreet Jowelor, and the lot
wcro bid in for $3.".
Lightning's I'lcaks.
Lightning ycsteiduy stnick an electric
light wire and entered the Ferguson House
otlice, where it shattered a Welsbach lamp
on ono of tho chandeliers. Several guests in
tho otlice were given a scaro.
oi mo t,ioboicr
.... .
ana similar uomjuaints,
mm rreimriu unncr mo Firuigcnc
rirescrlboil tiy cainentphyslclans
Vt'oi id rpiiownrd ! tlpm-trkfiliitf Biiecrnpfnl I
innlvrronnfnoivlrhTrade Alark Anchor.'
P. Ad. KIchtcrA Co., 215 IVarISt.t Aew York.
13 Branch Houses. Own Qlassworks.
25&SiKt8. Ludorbcd & recouuueudud bj
A. Wasley, 106 H. Main St..
. H. nacenbneh. 103 N. Main St.. j
.r.r.u. Kiriin, 6 s. Main St..
r-ASs'tt.- '.yu
tfc. .ft shpnnndnah
dr. ntcHTtrrs '
Joll, lNprpslii(V:.Stiiiiinrli CnimiliilntK
I.IOU HKNT. Dwi'llintr hoimo. six room?.
I; lately ):ilntttl tuul papi retU water In tlio
liuuu, ail nt lii Knit (Join ftroei, hiit'tuni
iloiih. Pa. Hl-3t
7 ANTKI. -A koimI reliable IiouhuI- vvpvr fur
11 smul! family, (JoimI Maes. Apply at tlio
III.ItM.I) on U'O, fc-J-U
THOU HUNT. -A M.ilonn with ihvcllimr. con
I1 tiiinhitf IT) comroitatilf moms on South
Main i-ticft. Loiuilitd in tho hiislur pm-tiuii,
IteaMninhle tcruiM. (.VII nt Hkiiai.u o 1)1 ft-, M-2-lm
FOR HALIC, -Valuahlo pmporty for nu1i con
hinting of four tlwrlHiiK hou ', nit coiiwn
Ii'iit'i'M ami kixhI HcwtTiitfts For fuitlifi
Inftiiiiiathm apply at U'7 W'vnt I.Ioil Htreet
Sht'tiatitlnah, l'a. tM-'Jiv
JTUMt HALK A valuably property on West
(Vntro street, dwelling liuum. and all eon
veiilenecH in OeHlrahlo location. Apply to
Thomas Tosh, for further paitlcnlars. 5-a7-tf
THOUHMjK. A saloon. Uoort Htand and eon
i1 trnl location. Him two tiool table, ono
being a combination nf pool and hltlhirilM
Apply at the HKUAi.n oilier. tf
We have one on a small
scale at our wareroonis, the
goods being selected by us
last week while in attendance
at the exposition. The selec
tion comprises designs from
the leading manufacturing
houses in America. Such odd
designs have never been in
troduced here before. We
invite the public to call and
see them.
12 1. 1 2a North Main St.
Dr. Frank Worrier,
8icitailc ami cyo ,;lases fitte.1 accurately
JUt'illcal iirattlcorcHiimeil.
A kooiI place for a gootl
Michael Mills' Saloon,
23 1!, Centre ttrcet, Mrllct's buHilIng,
Wine, Wlilnlilea, lleer anil ('IcarH. Krcolicn
I'i'cr In lowu ultvuys ou tap, j
fctrXI 'y.srv
(Which do7ik
) you &J(I
wear motjIvH
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
The prices which we are
where. All our shoes have leather counters and leather
insoles. We don't handle shoes that have any paper soles
or counters. We don't handle the kind of goods that last
only from Saturday until Monday, like other houses keep.
Half our Children's and Misses' goods are manufactured in
Onvigsburg the best goods in the market, and prices to suit
the times.
Look for the right place and number. Don't forget the
bargains we are offering. Call early and examine them.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
(Michael Peters' Building,)
13 North main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Have Removed to
Refowich's Bldg.,
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champasne.
rniLn.-enenr stoke,
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale andltetaU.
SO West Contro Street,
Tho Rosy Freshness
Ami a velvtly softuesa of tho akin ia Inva
riably obtained liy Uik-9 wlio una rozzoNi'u
Oouipltixloii j'owuer.
"00LD DOST."
j . iiiuiKiiiir cau or vour v.
working enn? The woman (
who studies to save herself l
labor mid expense who
strives to have her house 1
look best at all times finds
nothing so helpful
Beet for cleaning everything.
LnrRCSt package greatest
The . K. 1'nlrlinnk Compinj,
Chlcaco. Rt Loiila. New York.
IJoflton. rhllwleipbia.
giving you cannot be beat else
In wnlt paper find Jecorntlonq li one of tho
nineteenth century accomplishments, Thut U
why thoso who select their wall paper at
CAKIUN'S Ketmich delightful reunite. It Isn't
necensary tn pnrchno the expeiiHho j;radcH, the
dcfdtfiiM and colors are Just an nrt'ntfu In tho
cheaper grades, If they ore not m itch. lur
thoHu who wish to decorate their rooms with
urtUifc wall paper k to
224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Thos. Buchanan,
Examination Hade at Tour Homo or at
Our Store.
Hoc Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
We Bottle
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. Ieave them
at the office, we will do
the rest.
Huliject tu lt'ill'1)llc" rule.
poit DUlKOTOIt OK Till! l'OOlt,
Ok niLBKiiTotr,
Hiiliji'ct tn Hi-iilillutn rulea.
Or l'
Subject to Itepubllum ruloa.
Ok Maiunoy City.
Hukjcct to lteuubllcuu rulea.