EVENING HERALD KSTAllLINIIrSlI 1X70. Pulillsliod ovcty KvenhiK, KiceptHiindiiy, at HOUTII jAKtllX HrilKKT, N'KAK CKNTKK. The llcntlil ii delli mil liiSheuainloati nml the kLiirrouinttiit! Intvn. tor six ccuta a week. nay- Silil.o the carriers. Ily mull 3.00 a yenr, or 2S iculs ft month, paynhle in advance. Aili crilso I lim-'Ut. cliarircuaecordlni: to space and position. TThe tiblllier. rocrvo the rllit to chnngo the 3mwltlou of advertisements whenever the pill Ollftlm of news demands It. The. rlnlit Is Mirsc-rveil to WJn-lany aiiu-ruseirieni, wnriiier ifa for or not, Jt the publlihors miiy ileeni i.lproper Ailrrrtlslnic rales made known 1 'upon application. Knreroil a the. potolUeo b Shenandoah, I'm., as second clacs mall matter. TKI.Kl'HONK CONNKCriON 'All the News Thai's Fll to Print." Evening Herald Fill DAY, Ai urT r, isiw. OUK COUN TRY : First, Last and Porcvcr. Ill sisiA is sumling a lot of lior wuli of war to Jluuilii In tlie Iioih, no doubt, tlmt tlti'y will In- ublo to tuki' 11 post grailiiatt' eour.-e under I'rof. Dewey. Oi it uriuk'.s ure moving alionil ri' iirilhj.s of the uncertain neate ulti iiiutiuiih. If Spain in In earnest its proper collide is to speak mill nut quickly. Tun eaiiltol building eoniiuissloiier: have decided to lay the corner stone of the now capitol luiilillnn ne.t Wednesday, and have made elaborate arrangements for the ceremony. Dh. Swallow says Dean Triekett, who is on the Democratic state ticket its a candidate for Judge of the Superior Court, is more of a Prohibi tionist than a Democrat, and has been instrumental in having him placed on the Prohibition ticket. The doc tor mlila that "Mr. Trickett's election is assured." Wiiilk the war has brought in its train the many evils that usually fol low, it lias also brought some good along. Not the least of these bene factions is the elinination of William Jennings Mryali us political factor He has retired to the comparative oWcnrity of trying to command his regiment. Word to Parents. The Ukualii is in receipt of u pri vate mid personal letter from lluv. Josiah Strong, of New York, who is general secretary of the Kvangelical Alliance, bearing upon the measure of vice among children and joutli, which, he says, is as surprising as it distressing. He says: "During the past year my duties as Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance have brought me into contact with the pastors of nearly two score cities. In almost every city they have spoken to mo of the deplorable prevalence of vice among children and young people. Facts have been brought to light which are shocking in the last degree. am not speaking of chil dren of tlie slums whose heredity and environment have both been vicious, Jjiit of children who belong to good homes, often Christian homes, whose parents refuse to be lieve evil of them until confession .forces conviction." Kev. Strong, in his communication, cites a Pennsylvania town where the practice of young girls making the acquaintance of traveling men on the streotH and taking them to their homes, and reached such a state that it became necessary to organize a citizens vigilence committee to patrol the streets and put a stop to it. There are many Schuylkill county towns where this apparently harmless ilirta- tion with strangers is carried on, al though happily not to the extent as cited above. Our correspondent shvh the excep tional cause of it would seem to bo the wide circulation of vicious litera ture. A teacher in the public schools at flreencastlo, this state, who has charge of sixtyboys, made an inyesti gatlon and found that flfty-elght of the number acknowledged having read this vicious literature that is being spread broadcast among the youth of America. Salacious French llctlou, thu sale of which has long been a crime in England, and is now outlawed even in Paris, may legally corrupt the youthful minds of this country. Tho vice which our pastors are deploring is nothing more nor less than the natural result of tho circula tion of low and degrading literature, That something ought to be done to cheek the immorality that is broad cast, goes without saying. Our cor respondent suggests the curfew or dinance, which would throw a shield around the youth during the hours of greatest temptation. Pastors who have seen tho working of this ordin ance say that it has wrought great reformation where it has been adopted. If the youth are given less liberty and more light from the parental mind there will bo less vice. Are Kiitnmu fuwr rapidly, lliiiiims men ami travel lers carry tli' in m vet.t iioclfeti. lartirt rarrr litem Pill s 111 iuri4, liouifkeepeni keep them 1n medicine rlrwau. frleiuU rwommtn'l tli"1 ti frr dt, w' A, Ha Is one of Xb?" A Handsome Complexion la one of the greatest cliarms a womau caul fouoMI's uuuruuiuii ruwuKHi QOa S Remember the name $ when you buy again BISMARCK'S COUUT FUNERAL. Ili'intnat ax a ( mii'l Iil-pln. . Hut DIs- iippolut linr in other Itt'U'et. ltpilln. Auk r.- 'I'll' ii uit funeral of Prince ItlsMiinrck took plncp- yesterday. l'he ceremony was In 111! ml una lniprea llve ns regard? court display, but quite disappointing In other tesiK'cts. It bore truces of haste and half he.irted liess. The cluiiih was Inadequately decorated, and the public displayed no enthusiasm In the ceremonial, which so far from huvliiir the exceptional character of great national mourning for a nation's greatest statesman dif fered hardly any from hundreds of Blmllar functions that may he witness ed here at any time. Perhaps the most disappointing feat ure, though It was known beforehand, was the fact that not a slnsle member of the Ulsinarck family attended. The royal pew, set apai t for their accom modation, remained conspicuously and FlRiiltlcnntly empty. It may bo ad mitted that the deceased statesman was not altoBother popular with the masses In Ueilln. hut on such an oc casion this alone could hardly ac count for the sparseness and nonde script character of the public uttratted to tlie scene. The bitterness of the old chancellor toward the young kaiser seems to reach beyond death. Yesterday's Incident was emphlslzed by the fact that 1'rlnco Herbert Illsinurck came to Uerlin dur ing the afternoon on private business. The proceedings were characteilzed by the utmost simplicity, but the em peror's Invitations in the olllclal world were liberally responded to. many of the leading men coming from distant places for the sole purpose of being present. The emperor and empiess drove to the church In an open landau, drawn by four horses with postillions, preceded by outilders and escorted by two squadrons of cuirassiers. Shortly after the service they left for VI1 helmshohe. The kiiiRS and federal princes of the empire were not there In person, but only by icpresentatlvcs. All present wore mourning except those who ap peared In unlfoim. The American ambassador, Sir. Andrew I). White, and the Swinish ambassador, Honor Mendel de Vino, arrived nlmost to gether nnd sat side by side. The ab sence of all well known adherents of the HlsmarckH was most noted. Their majesties took seats In two mill clialrs In front of tlie nltar, nil others In the congregation standing tluoughout the service. The emperor wore the uniform of tho Foot guards and the empress was In simple mourn ing attire. The church was not lllled with those who were Invited, so that some of tho regular congregation Kulued admittance. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Pl.iinlicld, 111., makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs ; she was. tieattd for a month by her family physician, but gicw worse. 1 le told ncr sue was a Hopeless vic tim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's'Ncw Discovery for consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found her self benefitted from fiist dose. She comtinued its use and after taking six bottles, found her self sound and well ; now docs her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Preo dial bottles of this (heat Discovery at A. Wasley's Drug Stole. Large bottles 50 cents and $1.00. Sucmr That INcnpe-, War Tnv. Washington. Aue. 0. The commis sioner of Internal revenue yesterday rendered a decision In which he holds In erfect that persons engaged In man ufacturliiK suuar from c-ane or beets nnd who do not buy and rellne other sugars are not subject to the tax Im posed hi- the new war revenue act. The contention of the commissioner Is thnt the law applies only to persons engaged In refining raw sugars, ns dis tinguished from those who produce tho raw or unrefined sugars from cane or beets. Under this rulinK practically all o! the beet sugar mills of the west and the cane mills of the south are exempt from the tax. Of this latter class there are said to be over 700 In the state of Louisiana alone. I'minsylvaiiliiiis l'or I'oi'to Itlcn. Newport News, Vn., Aug. B. A part of General flrant's brigade Is on the way to Porto Rico. The transport Hud son sailed at daybreak yesterduy morn ing with the third battalion and half of the Second battalion of the First Kentucky leglnient. Tho only troops that embarked yesterday wore Pat terles A and C, Pennsylvania artillery, and the Governor's and Sheridan troops, Pennsylvania cavalry, which went aboard the Manitoba. It Is un derstood that this vessel will not leave port until tomorrow. Trains Collided Head Oil. South Norwnlk, Conn., Aug. 5. A west bound way passenger trnln col lided head on yesteiday afternoon with a switching freight train from the Dan bury division on the Washington Btreet bridge. One man, Isaac Davis, a freight brakeman, was Wiled, the engineers nnd firemen on both trains were mare or less Injured, while the pnssengors suffered a severe Jolting. Tho two lo comotives wero wrecked. Train Itobbers Captured. Wichita, Kns Aug. C Sam Smith andTomWInn, tho two men who robbed tho 'Frisco train nt Andover, near here, have been captured at Nowata, I. T. They will be brought here for trial. Two lloj-H 'Drowned 'While Ilnatluir. Woodbury. N. J., Aug. 5. William and Leon Hunt, aged 12 nnd S years, respectively, were drowned yesterday afternoon by the cupslsdng of a boat which they wero rowing on Alinones son lake. They resided In Philadel phia, and were here on a visit. Mllltui'V Governor of Culm. Washington, Aug. E. The war de partment Is making arrangements for providing a garrliiou in Cuba and tlvn disposition of the troops In the Held. Major atumral M. C. Ilutlur will be ap pointed military govornor of Cuba. Ilurdock Blood Hitters glyoH a man a clear head, an active brain, a strong, vigorous body--makes him fit for the battle, of life, again w fiBt I N",e hit Nine-liny IXMitMmi t'or the lionofll of tlioiro desiring to vNt the uicHt Ocean (Irovo Ounp MectiiiK. the lV'iuiylvniila ltallroml Company will, on August HI, sell oxcurnlon tlcketi to Ocean drove, Aslmry Park, or Long llrnncli front stations named Mow nt the. very low rates quoted. Tlioso tlekctt will ho good for pnsiago lo Philadelphia on train indicated, tlienco on tegular train leaving llroad street station at 11:30 a. in., 3::Wiuid 1:0-1 p. m. that day to destination : Train L-fte. l.iite. Mieimndrnli Leave MB a. in. Sl.00 Fniekvllle Ii 111 -' a.vl St. flair (WW " n.r.l l'oltivtlle CM " !I50 Schuylkill Haven 7:01 " 3.K0 Tickets will ho good for return pavwigo on tegular trains until September 1, Inebidve, and will permit of stop-oil' nt Philadelphia within limit. ;eliglillul Vacation Trip. Visiting Wntklns (lien, Niagara Pulls. Thousand Islands, Quebec, Montreal, An RiMo Chasm, bake Cliniuplain and bake George Saratoga and thu Highlands of the Hudson. beavo Philadelphia by special train August 1(1, The tour will he in elrnigo of one of the company's tourist agents. An experienced chaperon will also accompany the party, having especial charge of unes corted ladies. Tho rate of $1110 from New York, ltrooklyn, Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Iburisiiurg, liaUlmore nnd Washington, covers railway and boat faro for tho entire round trip, parlor-car seats, meals ciirotito, hotel enter tainment, transfer charges, cariiage hire in fact, every Item of necessary expense. l'or detailed Itinerary, tickets, or any ad ditional Information, address Tourist Agent Pennsylvania Kallroad Company, IIIW lhn id- way, New York ; Ni0 Pulton street llrooklyn ; TSH llroad Stieot. Newark, N. ,1. ; or Geo. Y. lloyd, Assistant (icnenil Pass enger Agent, llro.ul Street Station, Phlladel phia, 'rile I'din'V Viu l-i arlV-t I.neycllcal. Itoinc, Ann. Ii. - Vie pope Is preparing an encyclical ndcrlinr the Spanish clergy to avoid all i-i litU al striiesand pralshiK the virtues and religious fer vor of the queen regent, ,111s holiness will also send a letter to the Kpanlsli people, to be lead 111 all the churches, pinlslng the present dynasty nnd counseling the preservation of Internal peace. Ucth documents are Intended to be nnli-Cnrlist In their Iniluence. (,'riisvi'iiui- -iiys "No Alliance." London, Auk. 5. The Dally New, publishes till:' morulas an Interview with OontT.il Chailes Orosvenor, mem ber of llu hi.use of representative from Ohio, who Is now In London, In the course of which General Grosvenoi Is repiesentid as having said: "I d not believe that the United States is prepared to enter upon a permanent alliance with any European power. Neither would Ameilca accept any European dictation. We have grown 'that big' abeady." General Orosvenor will return to the United States by the Travo next Wednesday. Iteport of nil Awl'nl Mnrliio Disaster. St. John's. N. F Aur. 5. Tho tele graph operator at Tilt Cove, the most northern otllce of New Foundland, wires thnt a report has Just reached there of the loss of a large transatlantic line steamer In the vicinity of Helle Isle, with all hands. The operator says It seems likely tlo ie Is truth In this re port, because the Labrador steamer Virginia Lake has been delayed two days, which might be accounted for by her being at the scene of the wreck. SI1eu.nuln.1h is Learning it, Learning it Past Proof not Lacking Everybody lias it. Ever) body has it. That tired feeling. Don't know what it means. Keeps you awake at night. Destroys daily comfort. Wearies the body. Worries Ihc mind. You would shake it off. You would be healthful and stiong. So you can. If J 011 go at it right. First learn what it means. Some say it's bad blood. Others say it's a lazy liver. They're all wrong. Tired feeling means tired kidneys. Just as lame back means lame kidneys. And backache means Kidney Ache. 1 low do we know it ? Because Donn's Kidney Pills cure it. And they are for kidneys ocly. How can we prove it? because the public soy so. Here is a case in point . Mrs. Wm. Gradwcll. of 28 North Cilhert street, says : "I had no trouble with my back until about four years ugo but from that time- on it was nuite severe and seemed to be of the nature of a pain across my loins and when standing much an aching look me across my back. At times there was con siderable pain between my shoulders. The kidney secretions were not normal and caused an uncomfortable feeling. I had a tired sen satioii mornings which made me lose all my energy. 1 became inieresteum uoan 5 jviuocy Pills and procured them from Kirhn's drug store and though I did not take a whole box I found thorough relief from the troubles. I am quite free from them all now and I consc- quently have no hesitance in recommending Doan's Kidney Pills as a valuable preparation for the kidneys." Duau's Kidney Pills for salo by all dealors. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Fogtcr-Mllburn Co., Ilulldlo, N. Y w)lo agonla for thu U. S. Itemembur the namo Doan's and take no substitute, Is IT Wise? You will certainly itgrco witli us that it is no part of wisdom to neglect the condition of your health until I lie seeds 01 disease nave taken such deep root that all the skill of the most experienced physicians is utterly bullied In trying to counteract its ravages and you go to inhabit an untimely grave. Many an attack of disease proves fatal Ik caiiso yoiirsysteiu has been allowed to run down, your blood becomes Impoverished and your digestion impaired. A wUoimd prudent man will fortify himsolf against biich a calaia ity by keeping all the organs of his body in healthy action, Thurois no better and inoroelllcacious rem. edy for tho "tired" feelings from which you so often siiircr than WillibV Vltalior. In many rases of old ago It has quickened tlio vital forces and prolonged life. Its success Is also very marked in giving strength to weak and debilitated children and women. You probably have a languid, tired feeling when you get up In tho morning, It really si-cms that you havo been engaged in the most burdensome tasks nil through thu night. You need an Invlgorator, 11 good wli61u some nervine. Such a ono is found hi "Willlts' Vitulizor." .4' This iireoanttlon Is enmnounded by the Pit. L W. WII.MT8 MKUICINK CO., of llloomsburg. Pa., also proprietors or tho neu ralgia Cure. Por terms to agents address tho home otllce. l or Kilo by all druggists. Remember the name j when you buy DlXKllIH't'1, StniMKlt Tlllllis;. two Tonus to tub south via l'i:sxsvi VANIA llAIM'.OAll. Per the convenience oT thoe who seek tho mint attiaellve way of spending 11 Summer vacation, the Pennsylvania llailroad Company has arranged two delightful tours to the Noith, underlie pcrsonall;. -conducted tourist system, duly 2(1 and August 111. The points included in the itinerary and the country traversed abound In natuie's beaulios; Watkins (lien, Niagara Palls, Thousand Is lands, Quebec, .Montreal, All Sable Chasm, I. ikes Chainplaln and Oeorge. Saratoga, and the Highlands of tlio Hudson 1110 all lich in interest and replete with natural attiactlous. Pach tour ill be in charge of ono of the company's tourist agents, assisted by an ex perienced lady as chaperon, whose especial cliaige will lie uneseoited ladies. The rate or $100 from New York, Iliooklyn, Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, lluriisburg, llalllinore and Washington covers railway slid boat faro for the entire round tiip, parlor-car seats, ine.ds en route, hotel enter tainment, transfer charges, carriage hire in fact, every item of necessary expense. For detailed Itinerary, tickets, or any ad ditional infoiinatioi., addiess Tomist Agent, Pennsylvania llallroad Company, 1HW broad way, New York ; S00 Pulton street, llrook lyn ; 7M) broad stieet, Newark, N. J.; or lleo. V. Iloyd, Assistant (ieneral Passenger Agent, ISioad Stieet Station, Philadelphia. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of fJin'TYSlWKO I!ATTLi:rllXl. 1.0W-HAT1: l'laisoNAi.i.Y-coxnui'Tr.i) touh VIA rnXKSYLVANlA llAH.KOAll. The recent triumphs of our anus by sea and land revives tho interest in that greatest of all American battlefields of Gettysburg. In order that tho residents of New Yolk, Philadelphia, nnd neighboring cities may visit this gieat battlefield in tho most satis factory manlier, tho Pennsylvania Ilailroad Company has arranged for a tluee-day personally-conducted tour 011 Satuiday, August IS. 1IATK. Leave New York S AO A. M SO Trenton -..10 .Is " " Philadelphia 1'i'JU P. M Propoitiouate rates from oilier points. 12 no 10 00 Hate Includes transportation in each direc tion, two days' hotel accommodations, and carriage diivu over tho entile battlefield under tho dbection of dipt. James T. Long, tlio celebrated guide, who will describe the battle at tho prominent points of the Held. A tourist agent and chaperon will accompany tho paity. A Pullman pirlorcnr will ho run thiough from Philadelphia to (lettysbiirgaud return. Por itineraries, tickets, and full informa tion apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, llllil Ilroadwav. New York, and 7M llroad street, Newark, N. J. ; or addiess Geo. V lioyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. to oluansi: Tin: syvtijm Pireetually yet gently, when costive or hit ions, to permanently oven 01110 habitual const iivatioii, to awaken tho kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without iriitating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fuvcrs, use Syrup of pigs, made by thu California Pig Syrup Co. Alt, Gretna Ciunp31eetlng. Por tho United Brethren Camp Meeting at Mt. Gretna, Pn August 2 to 11, lbOS, tho Pennsylvania I kill road Company will sell excursion tickets from ill points on its ystcm cast of (hut not including Pittsburg and Krio, and west of and including Philadelphia, to Mt. Gretna and lotuni at reduced rales. Thcso tickets will bo sold July 31 to August 11 inclusive, good to return until August 20, 18(18, inclusive. Por specific nito, conditions, &c, apply lo nearest ticket agent. Win your battles against dlseaso by acting promptly. Ono Minute Cough Cure produces imnicdiato results. When taken early It pre vents consumption. And in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. C. II. Hagcnbiich. Tho South mid Its Adtautugos. Tho Southern Hallway has issued for frco distribution, a sixteen page journal des criptive of Virginia, North and South Oiro- lina, Tcnncssco, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Persons seeking new locations, or capitalists desiring to make safonnd profit able investments will find tho information contained thoieln both valuable and Inter ostiug. Copies will ho mailed frco upon ap plication to John M. Itcall, District Passen ger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Croup instantly relieved. Dr. Thomas' Helcctrlo Oil. Perfectly safe, Nuvcr fails. At any drug stole. reniiHylviiulu Chautauiinii, Por tho Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to ho held at Mt. Gretna, Pa., July 1 to August 4, Ib'JS, tho Pennsylvania Hallroad Company will sell tickets to tho general public on Juno 20 to August 1, good to return until August 10, inclusive, from stations on Its lino in Pennsylvania, and from Washington, I). C lialtlmorc, Md., mid Caiiaudalgiia, N. Y., and principal Intermediato stations, lo Mt. Gretna and return, at reduced nilcs. "I think DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is tho finest piepanitlou 011 tho market for piles." So writes John (. Dunn, of Wheel! g, W. Vn. Try It and yuu will think tlio bauiu. It also euros ce.ema and all skin diseases, 0. 11. Haguiibueh. Askiyour grixcr for tlio "Hoyal Patent dour, and take 110 othor brand. It Is tlio Ut Hour inadn. Alii: YOU GOING SOUTH? TUB SOUTIII'.ltN ItAIl.WAY ItKAC'lIKH ALL I'KOMINllNT POINTS. Don't start South without consulting John M. Ileal), District Passenucr Agent, Soiitburn Hallway, 028 Chostnut street, Philadelphia If you cannot call In person, write to him. A boom to travelers. Dr. Fowler's Hxtruct of Wild Strawberry. Cuius dysentery, diarrhoea, seasickness, nausea. Pltasant to take. 1'crfectly harmless. 5 again 1 PiUJ & 1 Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. Scrofula 1b tlio most obstinate of blood troubles, and is often tho result of an inherited tnlnt in tho blood. S. S. 8. is the only remedy which goes deep enough to reunh Scrofula; it forces out every true of tho diseuso, and cures the worst cuscs. My son, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy with Scrofula, and he suffered so that It was Impossible to dress him for three years. Ills head and body were a mass of sores, and his eyesight also became affected. No treatment was spare d that wo llinnirhl -A-, tltil relievo 111 111 . but lie grew worso jP liuill bis condition waslUfT. indeed piltitlile. 1 hadtirj almost despaired ofhlsjV rer helUK cured, when j&t by the adviceol a friend "l gave him 8. H. 8. ISwIft's s'neelllcl. A de cided Improvement was the result, and after be had taken n dozen bottles, no one who know of his former dreadful condition would have rwngiileil him. All the sores on his body have healed, his skin Is perfectly clear and L month, and ho haa been restored lo perfect calth, Mns. S. 8. MAlinv, 080 Kim St., Macon, Oa. For real Wood troubles It is a waste) of time to exiieet a cure from tlio doc tors. Hlood diseases nro beyond thoir skill. Swift's Specific, 2 For reiiehiw all deep-seated cases which other remedies have no effect upon. It is the only hlood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no pot ash, mercury, or other mineral. Hooks mailed free to nny address by Swift Speciile Co., Atlanta, Qa. To Make "santlairo ( lean, Santiago de Cuba. Aug. 5. General Wood, the military governor, has ap pointed Major George II. Harbour as health nnd street commissioner. The cltv will be divided Into 1G districts, under the supervision of non-cominls-sloned ollli ers respi nslble for the street cleaning in their respective localities. Four thousand men will belmmedlately put to work cleaning the thoroughfares. An Alli'ireil ipatiNh Victory, Madrid, Aug. B. An olllclal dispatch from 1 11 vn un says: "The Paymoya bat talion has defeated a large hand of In surgents near 7,1 onto Verde, province of Mntansas. The enemy ubandoned their positions and were puisued nt the point of the bayonet. They lost heavily, Including: theli commander, Jovcl. The Spaniards had two killed and 14 wounded." Anolher siiilp roe Our Xnvy. Washington. Aim. 5. The navy de partment has received the report of the board which examined the Delna Mer cedes, the Spanish 'ihlp sunk In the channel of Santiago harbor. The board Is of the onlui'in that the vessel can he easily raised with suitable wreck ing equipage. She lies In such a posi tion as to make work on her easy. Spaniard Court Alnt-tl.iled and Sboi. Madild, Aug. 5. An olllclal dispatch from San Juan do Pmto Hlco says that Colonel San Mnrtln. who was In com mand of the Spanish garrison at Ponce, has been court mnrtlnled and shot for abandoning the place without resist ance. Lieutenant Colonel I'ulz, the oca otnl in cool muitd, oninmlttml tiuloiilu. SUM II III! OlIl'INdsl, l'lIlisoN U.l.Y-CON-nlHTKD TOUU VIA PKNN SYI.VAKIA llvII.UOAll. Tho Pennsylvania Ilalboad Company an nounces tho following personally-conducted tours for tlio summer and early autumn of 1MIS: To tho North (Including Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Mon treal, Quebec, All Sahlo Chasm, Lakes Cham- plain and George, Saratoga, and a daylight lido through tho Highlands of tho Hudson), July 211 and August 111. Hate, $100 for the round tiip from New York, Philadelphia, lialtimore, and Washington, covering all ex penses of a two-weeks' trip. Propoitiouate rates from other points. To Yellowstone Park and tho Trans- Mississippi Imposition 011 u special train of Pullman sleeping, compartment, observation, and dining cars, allowing eight days in "Wonderland" and two days at Omaha, Sep tember 1. Kate, f 235 from Now York, Phil adelphia. H.dtimoro, and Washington; 230 from Pittsburg. To Niagara Pulls, excursion tickets good to return within tea days will bo sold on July 21, August 4 and 18, September 1, 15 and 29, at rate of $10 from Philadelphia, lialtimore, and Washington. These tickets Includo transportation only, and will permit of stop over within limit at Hullalo, Hoclicstor, and Watkins on tho return trip. Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Liuay Caverns, Natural Hridgo, Virginia Hot Springs, Hichniond, and Washington, Sep tember 28 and October 10. Eato, i&l from New York, 03 from Philadelphia. Pro poitlonato rates from other points. For Itineraries and further infuruiatioii ap ply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W. Hoyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. Statu or Ohio, Citv or Toi.rno, 1 l.ciAs Ciii'srv. 1 I'llANK .1. t.'Hi:Ni:v inakeH until that lie is thu senior partner of tlio Ilrni of V. J. C'UI.NIIV v. Co., doing liushichs Intbe City of Toletlo, County and statu aforesaid, ami that said lino will pay the sum of O.Vi:illNl)lllCl) 1K11, 1,A US fur eiuli uuil every ease of Catarrh that cannot bo eurcd hy the use of IIam.'h Catakhii Cuuk. (-, I A. W. (1 1.HASON, HKAI, V , ) Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh Corn Is taken Internally and nets dlreetly on tlm hlooil and mucous surfaces of tho system. Send for testimonials free. 1'. J. I'll KN ICY & CO,, Toledo, O. Sold by Ilrugglsts. 75e. P. 0. lilanks, of LmwIsvIIIo, Texas, writes that ono box of. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo was worth ?5l) 00 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. Ho advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate sores. C. II. llafccubuch. TO BIRMINGHAM AND MEMPHIS. UNStlill'AhSKI) fcKllVIUU (UTlllinil 1IY THU NIUTllKKN ItAIIAVAY. Leaving llioad Sheet str.tlon, Philadelphia, at 0:55 p, in, daily, tho "Southwestern Limited," carrying n dining cur and tho most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep ing cats, reaches Hlriulughaii tho following night at 10:10 nnd arilvcs nt Memphis the next inoriiingut 7:10. Through sleeping cars for Ashovillo, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tainpi, Atlanta, Mohllo and Now Orleans nro also attached to this train. Pullman 1 ener vations can bo made in advauco and all In. formation obtained hy couuuiuilratlug with Job 11 M, He'll, District Passenger Agent, 82 Cliootimt street, Phlla lolpbia. Cure that Cough with Shlloh's Curo. Tho lKt Cough Cure, Hollovos Croup promptly, Ono million bottle sold Inst year, 10 dnsos for 25 els. Sold hy P. 1). Kiibii and 11 guarantee, It) QTtp h IIoIisoii'h Now York Iti-ecptlon. Now York, Aug. 5. The benefit for the New York Soldiers and Sailors Families' Protective nssoclntlon, hold Inst nleht at the Metropolitan Opera House, was more In the nature of a reeojitlon to Lieutenant Ilobson, Min ister to Spain Woodford nnd Captain Philip, of the Texas, than a betiellt. The Opera House was Jammed with people, almost B,000 being present. Gen eral Woodfoid came out upon the plat form, and the audience received him 1 with a great outburst of enthusiasm. The Introduction of Lleuteilunt Holison ns the presiding olllcer was u signal for a continuous round ol cheers. Lleu tennnt Hohson made a speech, la which he recalled the actions around San tiago, and desctlbed in detnll how be nnd bis companions sank the Morrl tunc. lie was followed by Minister Woodford nnd Hon. William McAdoo, former assistant secretary of tho navy, nnd Mis. ,T. Ellen Foster, vice chairman of the Ameilcnn National Ited Cross. A resolution was adopted thanking Admiral Ccrvera for bis "magnani mous conduct toward Lieutenant Hob son and his companions." Tlroli ol i;rri-lii Culm. Springfield, Aug. 6. The following telegram was received yesterday by Governor Tanner from Henry L. Tur ner, commanding the First Illinois In fantry: "If you can do anything to get thin aimy out of Cuba quick, you will, save a great disaster." Governor Tanner nnsweicd: "1 will do every thing In my power to get our boys nut of that death hole." Thu governor then went out to Caraii Tanner mid consulted Colonel Marshall, of the Eighth Infantry, which Is composed of colored men, to ascertain If thev de sired to go to Cuba In place of the First Infantry. He found them not only unanimous, but enthusiastically In favor of the proposition nnd anxious that the governor should offer tbelr (services. Governor Tanner accordingly wired Adjutant General Corbln, at Washington, asking that the First In fantry be withdrawn and offering tlio Eighth In Its stead. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho lest salvo In tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhottni, fovor sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud all skin iiruptions, and positively cures plies, or .10 pay required. It is guaranteed to givo porfect satisfaction or luony refunded. Price, 3." conts pur box. For salo hv A. Wnslor. Coining HvrntM. August 15. Picnic under llio auspices of the Phoenix File Coinpauv, at High Point park. Aug. 17 Ice ciealn festival under the inspires of tho "Y" will be hold in Hobhins' opcr.i house. Aug. 23 Phonograph entertainment In tho Primitive Methodist church, under the auspices of tlie Ladies' Aid Society and Sunday school. Aug. 1.1. Picnic at Hrown's Grove, Lost Creek, under tlio auspices of Lost Creek Cadets of Temperance. ft Remember the name when you buy again C) i) m C5 Philadelphia 8r Reading Railway Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke IN KFFKOT JULY 1st, 1K11S. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: Kor New Vork via Philadelphia, week days, 7 110 u 51 a. 111., 12 27, 810 i,nU 0 07 p. ia. For New York via Mntith CliuuK, wook days 7 30 a. m 12 27 and 8 10 u. 111. For Heading and Philadelphia, week days. 7 30, 9 51 a.m., VI 27, 3 10 and 0 07 p. in Kor l'ottsvllle, week days, 7 30, 9 51 a. 10., 12 27, 3 10, 0 07 and 7 25 p. in. Kor Taiuaqtia and Mahanoy City, week days 7 30, 9 51 a. m 12 27 3 10 aud 0 07 : lu. Kor Wllllanisport, tiunburv and Lowlsburg, week days. 1180 a. m.. 12 27, 7 25 p. " Kor Mahano) Plans, weekdays, 7 30, 9 51, 11 30 a. 111., 12 27, 8 10, 0 07, 7 25, 9 55 p. 111. Kor Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 730, 1130 a. m., 12 27, 3 10,6 07, 725 and S55p. m. For lialtimore, Washington and tho Went via I). ,t O, It, II., through trains lea-) ItcAdlug Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & It. I? X.) at 3 20, 7 55, II 28 a. in., 8 10 and 7.27 p. 1 Sundays, 8 20, 7 00, U 26 a. in., 8 45 and 7 27 p. ra. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest nut streets station, week days, 10 30 a. ra. 12 20. 12 It S 40 p.m. Hundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m. TKAIN8 KOK SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 30 a. m and 1 4 VI SO 9 00 p.m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m.. 1 SO p. m. Leave Philadelphia, ICeadlag Terminal, week days, 8 40, 8 80. 10 21 a. lu. and I :to, 4(6 p.m. Iavo Heading, week days, 7 0J. 10 OH, a, m. 1215,4 17. 6 00 p.m. Leave Pottsvlllo, week days, 7 10, 7 40 a. in. 12 80 4 10, 0 10 aud 6 50 p. In. licavoTAiuaqua, week days, 8 30, 1123 a. m., i 49. 6 56. 7 20 1). III. liave Alahaiioy City, week days, 9 05. 1147 a.m.. 2 22. 5 12. 6 21. 7 44 u. lu Leave Mahauoy Plane, week days, 630, 925. luzo, 11. vj a. lu., 'J 11, o ji, a 11 ,', , in. l.eavo willlainsporl, week uaya, 11, luuo a. oi,, i a nnu 00 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chostnut slreot wart aud South street whaif for Atlantic City. Weekdavs KxuresB. 8 00. 9 00. 10 15 a. 111.. (1 30 Saturdays only), s uo, 3 00, 3 40 no uilnuteliiilnj, 4 00 05 mluutu IrulnJ, 130, 5 00 M minute tralnj, 5 40, 7 00 p. 111. Accommodation, 0 15 u. m., 5 00, 6 30 p. m 81.00 cxcurHlon. train 700 a 111. Duuuays express, 7 au, a ou, suu, uuo, 10 00 a m, 4 45 p 111 Accommodation, 6 15 a t, 4 45 p. m. 81.00 exclusion train, 7 a 111. Keturulng leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlaiitioand Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express, (0 41 Mondays onlyl T CO, 7 45 V minute train, 8 30 65 inlnuto iruui, j w, jo ii w 0 m., a au, 1 iiu, a su, too, 930 p. 111. Accommodation, 4 25, 750 a. u.. 40.1 ii. 111. 81.00 excursion train (from misnlsdlonl ave, only) (U0 p. in. Sundaya Express, 830, 100, 6 00, 0 00,030. 7U0. 7 30. K si. 0 30 11. 111. Ac commodation, 71s a. 111., 5 01 p. 111. ttOO excursion train (irnui loot or Mississippi ave. only), 0 10 11 111, 1'orCupoMay nnd Sea Islo City, 8 41a.m., 2 30,4 15 11111. Additional for Capo May-4 15 p. 111. Sundays (il CO exclusion 7 00 ) 9 15 a 111. Kor Ocean City, 8 30, 8 43 u 111, 2 30, 4 45 p 111. ii vu excursion 1 oiirsuay only 1 yiaiu ui, null' days, 8 15, 9 15 a 111. Parlor Cars on all ox n r ess trains. Kor further tuforiuatluii, apply tq nearest i-f.iiaueipuia Ami jteauiiii; icauwuy iicxei akvii or address Ileu'l Ktipt., Uen'l Pa'r Act., Heading Terminal, I'tallauelplila. millions of Dollars Go up In smoke every year. Take u risks but yet your houses, stock, fa nlturo, etc., insured ill first-class r liable companies as roprosontcd by DAVID PAUST. suncc Agent UIluu UIUJ,I 120 Hoiilh Jardlii St Also I.tle.andAccldciilsl OomesnUt SSer Health Restored (MfetS:- '-'4 THE inbery of sleeplessness can only ha leallzcd by thoso who havo oxpoil enrod It. Nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, neuralgia and that miserable feeling of unrest, can surely hoctireilby Dr. Miles' llcstoratlvo Norvlno. So ccirU .1 Is III. Miles of this fact that all dniggl.la aiu annuitized loicfutsd prlcopald for the first l-jil'.u tiled, providing It doc? not benefit. Mm. Henry llruns, wlfu of tho well known blacksmith r.t Grand Junctloli, Iowa, say .! T was troubled with fdcrplcssiipto, net n no.", hcndaiho and lrrcgularmpiistruail mi sutler-lug untold misery for ycara. I vjtd various advertised remedies for fcmalocoin plalnts besides being under tho euro of h al physicians, without help, I noticed In llr. Miles' advertisement tho testimonial of n lady ciur.d of ailments similar to mine, and I shall never coaso to thank that lady, Her testimonial Induced, mo to uso Dr. Miles' Nervine r.nd Ncrvo and blver Pills, which restored 1,10 to health, I cannot say enough forDr.Mllos'Ilcmcdles "! Dr. Miles' Homedles aio sold hy all drug glstj under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded Hoot: on dis eases of tho heart aud nerves free. Address, s;w " . Nervine; Rontoroa Sf. . ...:k8 DP.. MII.E3 MKDIOAb CO.. Elkhart. I111I. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. BIlHKIt. ATT0RNEY-AT-I.AW. Olllee Kgnn building, corner of Rlnln nit Centre ntleets, Shenandoah. f II. I'OMUKOV, it . A1T0KNEY-AT-1.AW sthetiAiidonh, Pa l!OK. JOHN JON1W, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Iick ftox 63, Mahauoy Oily, Pa. Having studied under some of tlin Itrmi masters le loiilon and 1'arls, will frlvo lessons 011 thu violin, imimlolhi, guitar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In cr ol Hliooso. tho imveler Hhmianiieah. P ennsylvania RAILROAD. BdHUVKIIX D1VIHJON. JUI.V 1, 189H. TraliiH ivtll leave Sheimntluiili ntter tnu Uato lor WIkkuii. llttiiurtun, ifittuKHUi i. I'ultHtuwn. IMiocnlxvlllt;, WorriMiowii iti.d i u. tteljililit (tlrtati cttiect ututiun) at G US uud tt 15 k m , u va, o it n. in. uu yywe dnya. HundayM, 8 1.1 a. 111., 4 23 ). lu. TrulhH leave Krackvtlle for Hbonandouli t 7 ati, il 45 b. in. ami ft 4(1, 7 iitl p. Hiimlay, ii ui a. uia uau iu p. m. l.imvu l'ottsvllle for HlienaiitluaU (via l'ruck vlllo, 7 10, It 'JO a. iu., & 20, 7 JO fi. ui. huudny lUihi a. in., a -ii p. in, 1 auto I'lilluUeliiMa, (llroad Btreet utatlou). ioi riIiMtliiIuali at OJ,') a. in., 4 lu i, iu. week, ttuytl, nunuaH leave at (l (u ami y it. u, Ijciivu llroad Struct Miatiou, I'htladolplila, FOK NKW YOUK. Kxiirt-ss.wcelc-auys, d 20, 4 Oo, 4 &0 1 0 ,r j,d AO, 7 IW, A 'A,t M bo, 10 21 lliuiliiK Vnr), llUOa. II. , lUUIIOUII, X4llUlVVU 1 W ttllll Uiiiiiii: Cum). 1 40. 1 JO ililiniik; iar) i ju. Joo. 4 L, Ouo.b Ju iDuitiui Cuij, 0 Uu, 7 u'J, ? ;iU (l)lu iuirt'url. luuo 11. iu.. 1201. uluhi. huiiatiM. J-O, Ui, 4 60, u Uj, & J5 d20. U AO, 10 21, (ij(luii Uurj, 11 Jo a. iu.t iZMt 1 uo vuiaiiiK uarj 1 00 lUliiii.kf Car). 4U0 (MiuUuU422)Dinini: Cur). a 20, boo, iDluliiK Caij bJA, 7 02, 7 50, LDIiiUik i;arj iu p. 111. , iz ui uiguw r.zureHM lor uoniou wiiuuui ctiango, uuuu u., weuk-Uaya, uial 7 li p. iu., dally, Cutwklll exnri'tia, ( i'arlor Cur). 8 20 a 111 went tUH, WASHINGTON ANU THE SOUTH. Fur Jlultlmoro and WLaliliiLjiou. a 50. 7 20. a UJ. l02O,U2J,u. ui., 120!J, 12JI Ulk'l"K Car;, 1 1 J IDinlnif Curl. J 12. 4 41. iaxa CunurvH- Bluual i.iuiiua, Uiulntc Cur, ti 17. b&a lJlu lUiC nfj. 7 -il iJJUilUK curl p. I"., una uih 1111:111 week Uava. SuiiUuvb. J 50. 7 20. U 12, 11 a. ui., l'Wt 1 Ut Diiiing Cur 4 41, 1&2U C)ii KruBsionul l.liulU-U, lliilHK CarJ, u5j LDittliit; wurj, 4 ui luinuiguarj p. m. uuu iiw uiku. Fur Italtiinoro, ucuummudatioii, 'J 12 u in, 2 Ol and 4 01 p iu week Uayu,auttuuil 11 lu p ui Uully. FOU ATXANT1U CITY, I.vuve liroad htreet aUtlou via Delaware 1 1 v 1 1 bridge KxpreBM, 5 00, y 10 (MJ uiluuU-& u iu, U tJ iiiiitutesl. 1U0 IbO miiiutuul. i Oo P. in. Muiuiiyb.oUJ, uO L&0 luluuiuHj, a iu, 2a8 h2 lUlllUtUitj, 7 0o i 111. immo iuarwctDiruci wun uxprt-Mt, a w, a ou, 10 00 175 inniuLLHj.a 111. lluuhuturUus uuy;, Z ui 175 luiiuituitl. U Ou 175 uiliiutesl.U HO IWJ inliiutiMj, 4U t5 inmutLsiJ, 40 L75 uilnuit-Bj, 6 uu LiO intnuieaJ.dUO L0o minutt-aj p 111. tounuuw, 5vO, 7U0, tfOO 175 iniuuleaj, OJU, 0OJ 't j huuuUbJ, U Wi 170 mluutenj a 111, uud 4 M t75 uiimiU-tij 1 ui. si.uu eicunuoii nam, uoa iu uuiiy. Fur CupuMuy, AuiutiMt, WllU wood unU llollj llcuvh l',xprra, uoo am, 2 ;t0, 4 05, 5 00 p iu week day a, aundajM t( 20 a 111, Capuluy uiily, 1 so p 111 caturdajB. Kxcuialon, 7 wt "a 111 daily- For beu IbIo City, Ouucu Ciiy, Avuluii uud Htuuo ilurbur 12xpruBM, V 10 u. in., 2U0, 4 20, 5 00 p. ui. weekday. unda, a &0 u. iu. Kx vumUm 7 CO u in dully. For bomrs i'uiiit Kxpre, 5 00, aav10lj a. ui., 1 00 Saturday only, uuu, 1 uu, o oi?,- o'M p. in. wtek da)M tiuuuuya, a uo, oW, UUO, 'J 50 u. ui. and 1 'JO p. m. J, 15. HurciiiNftON, J. It. Wuoij, Ueu'l Manager, Uuu 1 i'Ma''r A tit 00HXKKKKKKO0AOKKrKH) We'bster5s Isiternational Successor of tho " Unabridged,' The Ono Great Htntttlartl Authority, 5 Ho wrlU'n mm. j. j. uri'uer, J Jiuiltv It. H. H pre 1 no Court. ; Htaiiclaril ( or Die IT. R. (lov't I'rintlnK ( OMlca, ibft IL H, Hiuireiuo Court, all the htute Su- t fueiiiQ Count, and of near ; y all tlio hchoolUHikB. Wurinly ( CUllllllCllClCMl ( bf SUto HuveriutetHlfiita ( or Hcliooln, ColIfKH 1'ml' ( (lentt,Hiit(Uieri:tlfi"tur4 . lUuiott without number. J liivalnalile In llitf lioiiBi'luiM, nml In ( tho U'Jnltcr, scludar, itm- J JfftRtoiial uinii, uud wlN J educator. 5 THE BIiST FOR PRACTICAL USK. It Is easy to find the word wanted. II Is easy to ascertain the pronunciation ( It Is easy to trace theirrowtli ol o word, It Is eay to Itarn what a word means. ' Thn JViitf 1'orfc Trllnmo Snys; 'I lit, 1 iti.t million romps from tin, urm. llli a . I'nnilili-tiifitii that lilllilli'S tho most tlinrolUflli'ill' ' lorlilnud tyjMiirraptip-ul suist Ulon. I lie J v l,l. iuiMU', u. llwli tills iiwoik tn whirli Ills ) y run.uinii ii.iiiuu rt'ifr. afrn law. -j onTnin iihst. 6 WSpecImen paces sent oa jppllcallon lo ? 6 f?..t- C. MKltKTAM CO., ruhllnlwrn, t 6 .SprntfloM, Muss., V.S.A. t &OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOV