BOX PAPER. Call on us for box paper. Our new chenp ones "Sweethearts" and "Governess" go at 10 cents easily, worth 15c. A new lot of "Pennsylvania" just received You know the good aluethis box is. This price is 25 cents. See our new 10c tablets. They are beauties. HOOKS & BROWN, a INI. Main St. A SUMMER TONIC. Beef, Wine and Iron. Large liottle, 50 Cents. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. SUMMUIt OUI'INCW. I'KU(iVI.LY-COSIlUI-TRU TOUR VIA l'KNN 8V1VANIA ItAII.liOAD. Tlio IVm.ylvaiiiii l'.illrontl Oomiwiiy an tiumuvs tlm following iicrsoiiiill.v-i'.oiiniutcd tun, fur the summer and curly autumn of lO To the Noith (includini: Wntklm tiU-ii. Sinistra Falls, Tliouianil Islands, Mon treal, (.Jucln'c. An Sablo Chasm, Lakes Cham plum anil 1 Icorgo, Saratoga, and a daylight riili- thnumli tlio IMkIiUukIs of tin- lllliKon), .! u l ill mill August 10. lEate, $100 Tor the loimil tup from Now York, Philadelphia, Riltiiiuirc. anil Washington, i-ovorliiK all ux ViMii.1 - ol a two-nooks' trip, l'ro'iioitionato iiili'i I nmi otlitT points. To YiHim-time Park and tlio Train Mississippi Imposition on a special train of l'n 1 li h i 1 1 slorpiiiK, compartnicut, observation, ami liming cars, allowing idnht days in ' Womli i lanil" and two day at Omaha, Sep tcinlii r 1. Uute, fSM from New Yolk, Phil- ailelpliin. Ualtliiioro. and Washington; $23(1 from Pittsburg. To Niagara Tails, excursion tickets rooiI to return within ten days will be nold on ,luly 21. AiiKiist 4 anil IS, September 1, in and 211, at rate of $10 from l'hiladolphia, lialtimoie, and Washington. Those tickets Include transportation only, and will permit of stuf over within limit at Hull'alo, Kochester, and Watklus on the return trip. Two ten-ilay tours to Clettyshiirt!, Luiay Caverns, Natural Urid (?e, Virginia Hut Kpiuics. liichiiiouil, and Washington, Sep tember St anil October II). l!ato, flfi from New York, H3 from Philailelpbia. Pro lioitimialo rates from other points. Pur itineraries anil further information ap ply to tii kot a tenth, or address (ieo. W. Hoyd, Assistant (lencral Pasi-enner A(;ent, Philadelphia. ;'IIkIiIIii1 m illion Tilp, isiline; Watkins (ilen, NhiKiirsi Palis, Tb'iii'-aiiil lslanils, tjnebec, Mnntical, All "-ilile ( li ism, lako Cliauiplaiu anil Lake i,, ii;i , Suratoiiii nnil the IliKhlauils of tho llml-mi. Leave Philailelpbia by special tram August III. Tlio tour will be in charge l "lie ol Hie company's tuurisl aguuts. An eipi 1 1, meil chaperon Mill also aecnmiany flii' paity, having especial charge of lines-,-oi (cil l.ulies. The rate of $100 from Now York, llrooklyn, Nctt.ii l, Trenton, Philadelphia, llarrisburg, lialliinuie and Wajbiugtoii, covers railway .ml boat faro for tlio cut ire round tiip, padm-uu seats, meals onrouto, hotel enter i.iiiimi nt, transfer charges, carriago hire in In, i, ox ry item of necessary expense. 1-cir iletnileil itinerary, tickets, or any ad ditional information, address Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania itailioad Company, lliH! liroad way, Now York ; SOU l'ulton stieet, Itrooklyn ; 70 Ilroad Street, Newark, N. J. ; or (Ieo. W. Hoyd, Assistant tieneral Pass enger Agent, liroad Street Station, Philadel phia. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea is a pleasant laxa tive. Kegulates the bowels, purities tho blooil. Clears tho complexion. Kasy to make anil pleasant to take, Ki cts. Sold by P. 1 1. Kiilin and a guurantce. The South ami Its Ailvilliliiges. The .Southern Hallway has issued for free dialriliutioii, a sixteen page journal des criptive ol Virginia, North and .South Caro lina, Tonnesee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Persons seeking now locations, or capitalists desiring to make safuand profit able investments will find the information contained therein both valuable and inter Citing. Conies will bo mailed freo upon lip plication to John M. Ileall, District Passen ger Agent, 823 Chestnut street, rlillailelphia Pa. Iluy Keystone Hour. Ho suro that tho name JjKHkki & II A Kit, Ashland, Pa., ia printed on ovcry Rack. Gasoline, Oil, Wagon Grease, Gasoline, Oil Stoves. We make a specialty of gasoline, 6o cents in five gallon lots, delivered. Mica and U. S. axle grease. Also headlight oil, 150 fire test. ECLIPSE OIL COMPANY, No. H3 Fast Coal Street, Hhennndoali, I'ciina Mull orders promptly ntleiiilid to. For all Dtuovs and Nkrvols Dissasks. They purify the llujou and give Healthy action to the entire system. Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION and P'MPLES. GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY nd HTltAW. M Floor and Tabic Oil Cloths. 5 t; r rnta,, at West i E. li. ruicy, CeatreSt. FILL! BEST LINE OF" m. Tin: wHATiiint. Tho forecast for Thursday : Fair, to partly cloudy with sultry weather with southerly winds followed by local ruins anil thunder storms. On Friday, prolwbly cloudy anil sultry weather with local rains and lowor temperature. MAHANOY CITY. A .lllner United irmler Tons of Ooiil mid Killed, Mah.mny City, Aug. 3. William, aged ! years and a resident of lint Pine street, was Instantly killed yesterday after noon by a full of coal in the I'rimiiKo colliery About forty ear loads of coal fell upon him and It requited five hours work to recover the body. William White, 1 1 years old, was charged bcfoio Jtistico May last night with system atically robbing II. .1. Helser & Co. of S3 gross of Matches. The stealinit has been going on for months and tho matches were sold wholesale, and retail. A merchant to whom some of them were ottered gave the information upon which the arrest was made and the hoy was put under $:S00 bail. Hobeit M. Simunrs, of Phoenixvllle, special agent for the Dcpaitment of Agilcul lure of this state, was in town yesterday hunting up adulterated spices, alleged to havo been shipped from iv ll.iltiinoro house. While here he discovered that Pennsylvania cheeso is being sold under New York state labels. He also found that considerable adulterated milk is being sold and instructed the Hoard of Health to look the matter up. rictft'd by h I'lelcet. A six-year-old son of Joseph Fulls, of North Plum alley, was pierced in the lower region of thoabdomeii by an iron picket this afternoon. He attempted to crawl over the ironfeiicoat tho rear of the White, stieet school house. The wound is not a dangerous one. Deltrlcll Decision I'lliil. Tho decision of tlio Superior Court in the caso of the Commonwealth against ex-Poor uirecior en uieiricn wits men nc rnusviue i to-day. It provides that tlio judgment of the lower court be atlirmed ; that the record be emitted ; that the sentence bo fully carried into etl'cct ; that the defendant siinendcr himself to the keeper of the Schuylkill county prison and servo so much of the poiiod of imprisonment proscribed by the sentence as had not expired on September 10, 1SH7, when tho appeal took ell'ect. The Coroner's Vorillct. Tho coroner's jury ompauclled to hear testimony and to inquire into the death of little l lorenco l.isenliowcr, run ovtr by a trolley car in Pottsvillo K.ituiday evening, met at tho latter phiie last evening and reached the following veulict : "The jury And that Florence Kstella Eisenhower eauio to her death by being accidentally run over by car No. 00, of the Schuylkill Electric Hall way Co. on Saturday, July 30, 189S," Tho testimony was substantially as that leported in these columns at the time, and the motor- man and eye-witnesses all agieo that the car was running slow, that the motorman had full control of it and there was no current on. Tho motorman signalled tho beieaved father to go to tho other crossing. Dentils nmi 1 11 1 tlis. Hcgistcr Hceso has compiled a statcmont from tlio returns of assessors for tho past six months, showing number of births ami deaths in tho county: Number of births, males, l.atiS; females, 1,18(1; total, 2,-lSl. Number if deaths, males, Jifi7 ; females, -IBS : total, 1,020. Tho returns from tho local assessors shows the following : Fiist ward births, 2(1; deaths, 2S. Second waul -births, 7 ; deaths, Tliiid waul, luiths, 17; deaths 30, I ourth ward births, II; deaths, 111. Fifth ward - hiiths, 31 ; deaths, II. Total births in Shen andoah, till; deaths, 111. In Lost Creek theie wele 31 hiiths and 22 deaths; Win. Pcnn, 3S births, and 17 deaths; I'lownsville, 14 l,i 1 1 lis anil 17 deaths; Haven Hun, il births and I deal lis. Fountain pens, from 23c to $2.!Q at F. .1. Port.'s. tf A Noisy Hun. At about two o'clock this morning Police man Foylo found a Hungarian named Miko I.ukesh in a drunken stupor on East Centre street. After nwakening the man Foyle gave him a chance to go hemic, hut Ltikosh became stubborn. The policeman then started him towards the lockup. Lukosh fought and roared like a hull, alarming the neighborhood, but with l'olicoman Mullahy's assistance the prisoner was locked up. Annual Sales overO, 000,000 Bones TOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in tlio Stomach, Giddiness. Fulnosi after monls. Head ache. Dizziness, Drowslnoss. I'lttshlnKS of Heat, Loss of Appotito. Oostivouess, lllotches on tho Skin, Cold ChlllB, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Droaius and all Nervous and 'rromblinu Sonsntlons. THE riRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Evory sufforcr will acknowledge, thuin to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. lli:i:CIIAM'S IMM.S, taken nsdlroct cd, will quickly restoro Fomalos to com plete health. They promptly removo obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys tem unci cure Mck llcudnclie. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boccham's Pills aro Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE Ofar.y I'alcnt .flcillclnc In the World. 25c. at all Drue Stores. Down Comes the Price On Wool Bunting U. S. Flags. Those who foolishly thought they were securing a bargain in buying; the .11.. 1.- 1, 1... .,!..,. tl.,..C nr 9UJ'JIU7t UIJ Hll.,1, lUUUH I'M), 111, "ll, t.l now residing their action, as they view the scarcely visible colors in their hags as they arc susin'iided over-head. Iiy investing a few dollars more they could now have a llag that always looks clean and bright 111 colors. (Jur wool Hags have proved their superiority over "cotton" goods. We have again reduced our price on wool bunting flags down to a close second in price of the "cotton" Hags. We manufacture our wool flags, and can gunrantee them to lie A No. 1. (.'all and gel our new price list. Morgan's Flag Factory, 23 North Main St. A good pUeo for n good drink Michael Mills' Saloon, il IS, Centre .tree!, Mellet'a building, ( Wine, WhUklra, Itrer mid Clitars. l'rc.licl beer lu town always 011 Up, Sacrificed to Blood Poison. Thoso whohnvo novcr hnd Blood Poi son con not know whnt n despornto con dition It can produce. This terrible disuiiBu which tho doctors nre totnlly untiblu to euro, is communicated from one generation to another, indicting Its taint upon countless innocent onus. Some years ago I was Inoculated with poison by a nurse who Infected my bobe with blood tatnt. The little one was unequal to the struggle, and Its llfn was ylnldcd up to thii fearful poison, l or six long years 1 suf fered untold misery I was eoveicd with sores and ulcers from head to foot, ami no language canoxprc9S my feelings of woe during thoso long years. I had tho best medical treatment. Sev eral physicians suoces slvely treated me, but all 10 no purpose, mc mor- curv nnrt potash scorned to add fuel to the awful tlnme which was devouring mo. 1 was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by It. to try Swift's Specific Wo got two bottles, and I frit hope again revlvo In my breast hope tor henlth and happiness again I Improved from the start, and a com plete and perfect cure was the result. 8. S. 8. is the only blood remedy which reaches des perate cases. Mrs. T. W. Lee, Montgomery, Ala, Of the mnny blood rometlics, 8. S. S. is the only 0110 which cun rcnoh deep scntcd, violent cases. It never falls to euro perfectly and permnnontly tho most desperate cases which tiro beyond the roncli of othor remedies. For is l'CRiil.T vEOETAnLB, mid Is the only blood remedy Rinirnnteed to contain no mercury, potnsh, or other mineral. Valuable books mailed freo by Swift Specific. Company, Atlanta, Georgia. l'OMTICAI. I'OIXTS. Czar lirumin has at last succeeded in se curing a candidate fur County Contioller whom ho can control. Tho Congressman at first tried to induce lion. M. 1. l'owler, of town, to become, a candidate, but ho indig nantly spumed the oiler, and 011 Monday llrumui scut for Chailcs Schiudlc, of Tainaqua, and the twowcro in conference at I'ottsville, but tho latter would not glvo a definite answer. Yesterday Mr. Schindlo was again sent for by tho Congressman anil after a prolonged confeienco in which Mr. Schindle was given certain assurances and made pertinent promises, tho man subsequently madotho public announcement that at "the solicitation of many friends" he was a candidate for Controller. Several years ago lirumin appointed Seliindlo's brother to tho Naval academy, and lirumin insisted that Schindle return tho compliment by being his candidate for Controller. Schindlo is lolated to lirumin by marriage. lirumin now has candidates, for Judgo and Controller, with himself for Congress, and is now trying to securo a man for District At torney. As a party Dictator ho is doing quite well. Tho Democratic stato committee is prepar ing campaign literature, bearing upon the legislation of the last session. Tho battle, so far as thojleniocrats aiu concerned, will bo fought 011 stato issues entirely. Thomas II. ltccd was leiiominated by ac clamation by the liepuhlicaiis of tho first Maine district. (In.VTS : I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover limit Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous System. I was troubled with Constipation, Kidney and llowcl trouble. 011r Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, llaitford, Conn, Sold by S. I'. Kirlin aud guarantee. The IMc.Aleo Funeral. Tho funeral of Matthew McAleo took place this morning from tho family resilience in Turkey I!un. It was a largo 0110 and tho cortege was headed by delegations from Severn Post No. 110, O. A. It,, of Malianoy City, ot which tho deceased was a member, and Watkiu Waters Post No. 11U, Q. A. It., of town, liequiem high mass was celebrated in tho Annunciation church and tho remains wore interred in tho Annunciation cemetery I'ho pall bearers weio Messrs. C. M. (hither, A. Webber, A. Crow, Hon. James Ilrennan and Kdward Humes, all members of Severn Post. Crushed by :i I'm,. Adam l'arbttra, n Polo residing on West Itaspberry alloy, was removed to his board ing house at about oloveu o'clock last night, sutreriilg from a fracture of tho lower jaw, contusion of tho scalp and bruises sustained by n prop falling upon him in tho Knicker bocker colliijry. Ho was attended by Dr. M. S. Klstler and this morniiur bo went to the Miners' hospital. Piirbuiu only arrived in this country about four months ago. Ho has a wifo and thrco children in tho old country. Shlloh' s Consumption Curo cures where others fail. It Is tho leading Cough Cure, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to tho spot. Sold by P. I). Ivirlin nnd a guarantee. .slander Knit. Judgo llechtol allowed a writ, the Sliciill to take bail in tlio sum of $.500, in a slander suit brought by Mary, wifo of William ilevan, of Krackvillo, against Mrs. Frank Mohan, of tho same town. Tho complainant charges tlio defendant with having on July lmli called hor vilo names, and making other utterances regarding her character. A Distressing Accident. Whilo Daniel Stettlor, a P. & It. brukcnian, was coupling cars at Alaska his left arm was cauulit between bumpers and crushed out of nil semblance to sliapo. Tho arm was am putated near tho shoulder. Stettlor is about 30 years old, has a wifo ami family ami re sides at Obituary. James Hums, a youim man 18 years old, died nt his home iu Turkey I til 11 last night from an attack of liiihimmutiou of tho bowels. He was ill at home for a week, but subsequently went to work. A relapio set iu aud ho died two days after. A slx-nionth.old child of James Fuley, of Colorado, died nt the family residence last evening. The funeral will taku placo to morrow afternoon, Interment will bo mado at airardvlllo. Vliiltri hy t'oustaliles. Constable John Howley, of Malianoy town ship, nnd Constables It. I). lUrb aud Harry Walters, of Sit. Carmel, were visitors to town this niornliiK. They were all here on pro fessional business, but declined to stato the nature of it. Destroyed ltecords. Unknown parties on Monday iilnht broke Into tlio otllco of Justice Nell T. Ilrennaii lu Malianoy township and destroyed a number of valuable records nnd vapors. There was nothluK of valuo iu tho olllco which they could carry away. Will Wn boon. A marrhiKO license was granted in Phila ilelnhla yooterday to John Poll', of town, and Miss Slarnaiet Kohler. of Philadelphia. Tho wtiblliii! will occur on Tuesday, tho 0th lust In thoabovo named city. The prospective (jrooiu Is u sou of Peter Polf, of North West street. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Maggie Million, or Ashland, Is a guost of Miss Annie Dllintt, ot town. Mrs. John Kurd, of Philadelphia, Is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Ilenjatnln Moyerln town. Miss Lavlnia Klsonhart nnd Mrs. James O. Sanipicll spent to-day visiting friends at Mlncrsvillo. M. J. Lawlor mado a business trip to tho county seat this morning. Miss May Cutlicr, of Heading, Is the guost of town acquaintances. Miss ltenaJny, of Philadelphia, is a guest at tho residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. It. Jay, 011 North Jardln street. Fiaiik Webster is confined to his homo by illness, the result of being overcotno by heat on Monday. Mrs J. II. l'otnery, of Siinhnry, Is a guest of friends in town. Alexander Scott, of Krackvllle, wasn town visitor to-day. Miss Delia Daddow visited friends at Potts villo to-day. Kdwiird Moyer, of Chicago, III., is the guest of relatives In town. Miss Aunio T. I.inghatn has gone to Potts villa to spend a few weeks visiting friends. William Jetl'erson, of South Jaidln stieet, Is 011 the sick list. Maury llyniim, of Summit Hill, Is a guest of friends in town. Mrs. Thomas Davis, of I'rcelanil, and Mrs. Mary llowclis, of Heaver Meadow, 1110 guests uf Ilobert fol wards' family, on South West stieet. ltlckcrt's Colo, Noodle soup to-night, llakcd beans and pork to-morrow morning. A Model I'liint. Tho new bottling establishment of Christ. Schmidt Is now in full operation. It is located 011 Apple alley near West stieet and in equipment and general arm ngement it is a model one. Ono l'eatuio that stiikes tho visitor is tho strict adhorcmo to the rulo of cleanliness, nnd duo attention in the arrange ment of tho several departments has been given to provisions for light and ventilation. In selecting tho machinery with which tho plant is fitted .Mr. Schmidt lias kept close to the lines of perfection and simplicity, and to do this has spaied no expense. In tho bottl ing department on tim liist Hour ho has an automatic carboualor which is tlio first used outside of the large cities of this stato. Theie aio also in this part a cooling chest used iu connection wits the carboiiator, n steam chest, bottling machines of various styles eapab'o of being operated by hand or steam power, siphon filling and bulUliig machines and bottle washers and riusors. On the floor above and immediately over tho bottling department aro found water nltcreis, a gasometer used in connection with the continuous caihouatiiig system, copper kettles for tho picparation of syrups, and n scries of syrup mixing nnd Altering basins, all of tho most improved manufacture and calculated to come within all the require ments of health measuics. Other apartments on tho same floor aro used for storago pur poses, and likewise tho tliiid floor. On tho whole the establishment commands flatter ing notice. Hicyclo supplios nnd novelties of every de scription at llrumm's. Huso unit. Tho base ball team composed of tho bus!. liessmenof tho town and 0110 mado up of former members of tho team played an ex citing game at tho Trotting park yesterday afternoon and tho business men won by a scoro of 20 to 1. Only eight innings weie played. Up to the fourth inning tho contest was close, but two wild thiows and other bits of hard luck 011 the part of the leleased players caused a general break-up and tho regulars hail n eninparatholy easy tiinu of it lor the balance of the game. Cull' and Kcogh formed thu battery for tho business men and Owens anil (Hover for tho loleased l'red. (Irtlhler was tho umpire. The homo run hits of licnnett, of Uilbeitnu, and Houck were tho fcatuics. No such thing as "summer complaint" where Dr. Fowler's Extinct of Wild Straw berry is kept bandy. Nature's letnedy for every loosoness of tho bowels. Illg l'lro nt Pottstllle. Ilctween noon on Monday and Tuesday night four fires occurred nt I'ottsville and tho most damaging was that of last night, when tho entire lire department was called out nnd resulted in tho Kciscr carpet and furniture stoic being gutted and tho imuicuso stock being lost, valuod at $.1,O00. Tho insur ance amounted to JIB, 000, The whole busi ness block was threatened, and among tho other heavy losers aro Keiter & ICussel, groceries; I.ovy's clothing store, Phila. Dental Co., and others. Tho building is owned by Isaac Krotosky, and is badly damaged. Tho lire started in tho cellar, but its origin is unknown. Infant's laco caps, tho choapest and largest Block iu town, ut F. J. l'nrtz's, !J1 North .Main street. tf Ask-your grocer for the "Royal Patent flour, aud tako no other brand. It U tho best Hour madn. Sz FIGIH I 3 3 3 3 is Will open on or about 3 Saturday, Aug. 6th. The proprietor, Mr. Spoont, is no stranger to the public, he haF ing been in the furniture business on Kast Centre street for several years. As a promoter of low prices he led in the furniture line, and will also lead in the shoe line. His stock will equal any in town. The new place is at 27 S. Main St. NEXT HOOK TO Till: 3 g uui: nivi;. and examine our slock. 3 Dr. Frank Womer, EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Hpcitnclca nnd eyo glansea fitted nceuiatuly Medical practice resumed. ON.JARDIN ST., SHENANDOAH. Bueknell University, JOHN HOWARD KAURIS. President. Comprise a College with four cournes: Academv for Vounir Alen und HovmI Ladltn' Institute, a refined hoarding school. School Of Music with uraduutiug com at. Kor tuitaloguo nuurt'jw WH. C. GRETZINGEB, "a,, P. PITHY POINTS. Happenings 1 hrt,ii(;hout the Country Chronicled lor Utility 1'crusal. Tho Mountain drove camp meeting opened to-day. The Malianoy City Athletic Association an nounces another bicycle raco meet for tho wheelmen of eastern Pennsylvania to ho hold nt Malianoy City park on tho nftcrnooii of August 15th, A marriage lli-emo has been granted to Samuel T. Pttrnell, of flllhciton, and Oertlo Kmest, of 1'rackvllle. It Is said that the Lehigh Valley liallroad Co, will open machine shops In Wcathurly, concentrating the shops at llafcllon and Del ano at that place. Tho school children realize that vacation days aio passing nway. Don't overlook tho fuel that there is not an abundance of water in tho loscivolrs. The civil service examination for positions at the local postolllce will ho held sometime between October 1st and 15th. Chiistlnn Dniteaviirers will hold a lcitiiion at Mnut Alto, near Sliipponsburg, to-morrow. Tho Scott Iron Works, at Heading, will make Ally n-lnch and 8-Inch segmental guns, for Uncle Sam. Tho south mill of the Iickawanna Steel Company, nt Sernnton, lesuines next week. employing 1200 men. Operations will be resumed in n few days at the big bark and licorice plant of John S. Young ,t Co., Hanover. Fivo men, including cx-I.egislator I). J. lieese, weio burned by an explosion of mine gas at the P.irrlsli colliery, Plymouth. Tho steel beams and girders of tho now Stato Capitol aio now in place, and woik on the Arst floor will bo well advanced this week. Itev, James Moore, pastor ot tho Primitive. Methodist church, ollieiated at the l'lseti bower funeral service in tho United Evan gelical church, iu tho absence of tho pastor, ltev. I. J. Keitz, who is in attendance at the Ulcntown camp meeting, ncr.inuiiins. fuchsias, liansips. dulses, mscs. etc., for spring planting at Payne's nurseries, (liraidvllle. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs. The Orino riineltll. Tho funeral of Hon. Scth Oriiic, who died 011 Monday, will take place to-moriow after noon, at one o'clock, from his lato residunco in St. Clair, interment tu bo mado in tho Odd Fellows' cemetery at that placo. Buy your pocket books and purses, from 5c to $3.00 at F. J. Portz's. tf MISCELLANEOUS. "TANT1CI). A good lettable boimoliocpei' for f 1 sniiill iJinlly. (iooil wages. Apply nt die III UAI.Ii nlllie. f-.'l-tt AY 7ANTKI). -Tivt-nU uirlsto learn ttie iiitllln- T crv truilu. Apply nt tho Hon Tun Mllllr y, 29 Nmtli Main strict. K-.VJt IjIOU UKNT. bullion In Kiai' IjulMlnj,', tor 1 nor of Mnin niul Oak f treats and under Fmuout ClnlliiiiK hall. Apply to. 1. J. Hrancy. FOU HRXT. A salnon with dwelling, ccm tatnlnu; t comfortable room on Smith Main htii'H. I.ncntml In the Imslne1 portion. Keasniuihle terini. Call at llriiAl.D olUce. 8-2-lin FOK SALK, Valuable property for salt con sNtititfnf four dwelling honseH, all conven iences and good Hewerago. For further Information npply nt 327 Went I.loyd ntrcct, Shenandoah, Pa. H-l2w IjlOK HAMS A valuable property on AVcst Centre ntreet, dwelling houue, and nil eon veuienee-i In desirable 1 oration. Apply to Thomas Tosh, for further particulars. 5-a7tf FOU HATilC A saloon, flood stnnd nnd cen tral location, lias two pool tables, one being n combination of pool and billiard. Apply at thu ItKUAi.n oilier. tf i DMINMSTltATKIX HAIdCNotlee Is hereby A glxen that on August i:ith( Wis, at 10 a- in., the undesigned, udmlnlHtratrix of (he estate of Kdwnid K. (Jallaghri, lato of the borough of Shenaudo.ih, Schu Ikill couut , Til., deceancd, will expose to Hale on the premises No. 18 West (Vntio utrert, Hheunndnali, l'a., the following described personal propel ty of the deceased One lot of Ktovo casting, grntcH nnd brick, two boilers, live sIiiIch, fine lot of oil nmi paint, tu elvo h!o (, one horse, ono wagon and lot of out-standing book accounts due tho estate of decedent. KATK ( AIXAOHKIt, M. M. Hukkk, Att'v. Administratrix. Shenandoah, July 20, 18'JS. 7-2O-27-:M0 mo at.l ii:ukons to whom thksi; .1. presents Bhall come. I, (ierlach Dornbach, of Slicppton, Knt Union tnwmdilp, county of Schuylkill, state of I'ennsylvantn, neml rt Inr: Wherein, I, tho hahl (Jerlach Dornbach, did hcrctofoic hy u certain Instrument In writ ing or letter of attorney, empower Charier Dornbach, ot Krecland, Luzerne couutv. nmi state of IVnna , to be my attorney In iny namu and for my ihch to recover aud receive nil nuch moneys, debts nnd clTcttn whatsoever, as were mil:, uiviiin wi fmjtimii uilUJ 1 1 in 11 lilt) j'lIPb National Hank of Shenandoah, Adam Tabor for reid, and Joseph Hheldcrfor rent, and to do nil other matter nnd tiling ns fully as I niynelf mlKht or couhl do, for that purpose, etc , or to tnat-ortiic iikc ciiett as ny the same written relation beluir thereunto had at larire ntmearri. Now know ye that I, the nahl (ierlnch Dorn bach, for divers good causct and consideration mo thereunto moving have revoked, recalled, countcrn'anded and made void and hy these presents no rovonu ami recnu tne Ham reel led writing or let'er of nttorney, nnd all power and authority therein, nnd nil nets, matteia and thing whatsoever which shall or may ho made or pt-rforn ed by virtue or means thereof lu nny manner whatsoever, lu witness whereof 1 have hereunto net my hand and veal thl:i(Hh nny 01 .iniy, ifm. ()i:KLArn DoitNllAI'lI. Sinned nnd isenled In tho presence of us : Mia Irene Lewis nnd W. K. Horn- H-l-Iit NEW YORK FURNITURE EXPOSITION. We have one on a small scale at our warerooms, the goods being selected by us last week while in attendance at the exposition. The selec tion comprises designs from the leading manufacturing houses in America. Such odd designs have never been in troduced here before. We invite the public to call and see them. Davison's ' BUSY . FURNITURE . AND . STOVE . STORE, 121-123 North Main St. "BOLD DUST." Which Half is the Better Half The housewife's duties nre harder than men realize. Cleaning nlone in n constant tax on her strength, n ncver-entlcd task. More than half the work of cleaning she can have done for her, if she will, and the expense will be next to nothing. MmM Hvol51 Powder. SPECIAL : BARGAINS (-ARE BEING OFFERED BY THEf Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House, 13 NORTH rviAIN STREET. The prices which we are giving you cannot be beat else where. All our shoes have leather counters and leather insoles. We don't handle shoes that have any paper soles or counters. We don't handle the kind of goods that last only from Saturday until Monday, like other houses keep. Half our Children's and Misses' goods are manufactured in Orwigsburg the best goods in the market, and prices to suit the times. Look for the right place and number. Don't forgetthe bargains we are offering. Call early and examine them. NO FAKE SALES ; ALL COME AT ONCE Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House, (Michael Peters' Building,) 13 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. ELIAS SUPOWITZ, Prop. SCHUYLKILL DENTAL PARLORS Have Ecmovcd to Refowich's Bldg., SDCOND F"UOOR. DRINK- cij;ary's kxtra mnk QUALITY -GINGER ALE, - Superior Sarsaparilla... and Orange Champagne. rnun.-enmr - stoke. o DlCAI.IClt IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. S3 West Contrc 5treotu Tho Rosy Freshness Anil n Tt'lvt t softuess of the skin Is luv rlubly iililalnr.l lijr tliurt) wlio uo I'oixoki'h Uuilllllljluil 1'OWlllT. "OOLD DUST." Does the better half of cleaning ; docs it better than any other way known ; does it easily, quickly and cheaply. Largest package greatest economy. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. St. Louis. Now Yok. Iloston. I'lilladclpliln. GENUINE." AND SECURE BARGAINS. EDUCATED and ARTISTIC TASTES In wrill jiiinerH nnd deeorntlons N ono of tho nineteenth eentury nceonipllidiinenN. Thnt U why thoso who neleet their wall paper ut (JAUIMN'H fcet ueh deHKhtful reHUlta. H Inn't iioeetMnry to purehniHo tho exneiiHlvo rndeHt tho denial" ft'"l colors aro just n artlHtle lu the chenner grades, If they are not ho itch, l'or thonewho wUli to decorate their roomowlth nrtlstTiNviill napers (;o to J. P. CARDEN, 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN. Examination Made at Your Homo or al Our Store. --Has Moved to 118 S. Main Street. THOMAS BUCHANAN, OPTICIAN, We Bottle BEER, WEISS BEER, ALE, PORTER Private family orders will receive prompt attention. Leave tliein at the office, we will do the rest. COLUMBIA BREWING COMPANY. FOK HTATU HKNATOlt, SOtli District, D. M. GRAHAM, Of Maiianov City. Hulijoi't to Hi'iiubllcim rules. poi nimtOTou ok this rooit, S. G. MIDDLETON, Ok (Iii.heiiton. Hiihji'i t ti lli'iulilliMiii rules. JOIt (.'OUNTV CONTllOM.RIl, CHARLES A. SNYDER, Ok lovrvii.iJt. Bulijoct to ltepubllcan ruli. JjlOU COUNTV BUUVKVOlt, MARK D. BOWMAN, Ok Maiianov Citv, Hubjtct to lteimulliuu rules. v-l