Uncle Sam's Navy. Welmvenow en snlc llic 12 numbers of the above portfolio bound In one handsome book. It contains the photographs of all our navy alo Spain' navy prior to their destruction. AKo all the offfcer of the navy and every one taking a prominent part in the war including the 1'rcsidcnt and his cabinet, l.cc. Sigibee, Sampson, cti. The prae is $I-5oor only 30 cem more than the scrus cost originally. Call and cramine, HOOKS & BROWN, a N. Main St. A SUMMER TONIC. Beef, Wine rand Iron. Large ISuttle, so Cents. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, i South Main Street, Shenandoah, l'a. MAHANOY CITY. A Miner Suatiilin 11 IIMociiilmi of Ills Spine. Jlalianoy City. July 2i. Patrick Kilroy, 37 years of aue, met ith an accident at tliu Maliaiioy City colliery tuis inornliiR iy which ho sustained dislocation of the spinal vertebra in the lumbar region. Joseph Stukus had his head ludly lacerated and back naverelv wrenched by 11 fall of coal at the Maplo Hill colliery at two o'clock this morning. The funeral of l'atrick Feclcy took place this morniuK. Ueiinloiu mass was celebrated in St. Canlcus church and interment was I made in St. Uabriel's cemetery at Haleton. A waon that was being hoisted in the blopo of tho St. Nicholas colliery yesterday afternoon became dislodged from the cage and fell down the slope into the sump. The car was wrecked and several sets of timber knocked out. Operations were suspended for the day. A laudslido occurred at Harry's Junction this morning, coveriug the behigh Valley railroad tracks for a short distance, but not seriously delaying trnilio. Tho St. Nicholas Blues and Locust Dalo base ball teams will play a gnmo at Ashland to-morrow. Tho latest arrivals from Camp Alger aro Corporat llrownmiller and l'rivates Wesley llacbuiau, Claude Gnulduor, Carl Kulp and Jacob Kelp. Sirs. Emma Keck, Great Pocahontas of tho Daughters of Pocahontas, arrived hero from Allontown yesterday and instructed the members of Iona Council in tho unwritten work of tho Order. Tho members of Mahanoy City I.odgo No. 017. 1. O. O. V., last night celebrated their tenth auuivcrsary in Horskor's theatre. A very pleasant entertainment was followed by a'-nuquot at which there were over 400 tuest' lll Under a Train. James Ityan, a 15 year old boy of Ashland, jumped on a cgal train while on his way to work this morning and, in making room for other boys, slipped and fell. Several cars passed over one of his legs and the mangled member was amputated at the Miners' hospi tal. 1. telling l.iiimuuy. I jst evening about b:'M o'clock the horse attached to the Hotel I nuiey cab ran away from the dotal. The porter had just ic moved the bridle and was about to water tlie animal when it was frightened. It dashed up Coal street and while loiiuding the comer at Main stieettho rear end of the coach was throwu on the sidewalk at the banner's hotol. The coach was smashed to smithoreens, but tho horse esmped uninjured. A little boy who bail been sitting on tho front beat was thiowii out but escaped injury. Geranumus, fuchsias, pansles, daises, roses, etc., for spring planting at 1'ayno's nni-smies, Oirardville. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs, Ill tlio Vallry. David C. Hughes and family, accompanied by a number of Philadelphia friends, enjoyed a day's outing in tho Catawisha vaney lo oay A number of other town folks were among the pick nickers. A Mluo Iliri at Mtniiiton. Scinntoii. Pn July i'3. Forty men at work In tho Itlcliinoml No. 3 shaft were suved from certain death yesterduy af ternoon by the bravery of Htiirh Me Ciitiheoii. an Inside foreman. Fire broke tint in the entfiie and fan houses lit the lii-ail ut tin- shaft. .Mi Cutt-heun was luw.-ied In the cnrriub'e SO feet to the third Imttnm vein, where the men were working, and irave' them warning. He had only left the carriage at the foot when the fan house col lapsed and fell down tho shaft. Within five minuted nan filled the workings, but the men had reached the surface, 1,800 feet from the main shaft. The gas Is pourlni? from the openings, and extreme enre Is being used to prevent Ignition, which would blow the mine Into a hopeless wreck. Almost ti Collision. The trolloy car on tho Lakeside railway which left hero at 7:20 o'clock last evening came near being struck by a P. & I!, freight train at tho East Centre street crossing. Tho car had already reached the north bound track when tho freight crew shouted to the engineer to shut oil" steam. Tho brakes were ijulckly applied and the train stopped within a few feet of the car. No commotion was occasioned among Its passengers, al though several women woro aboard. Thoso cars aro supposed to como to a full stop nud the conductor to go ahead and see that tho track Is clear at this point. Gasoline, Oil, Wagon Grease, Gasoline, Oil Stoves. We make a specialty of pasoline, 60 cents in five Rallon lots, delivered. Mica and U. S. axle urease. Also headlight oil, 1 50 fire test. ECLIPSE OIL COMPANY, No. 143 Kaat Coal Street, Shenandoah, l'enua- Mall orders promptly attended to. IS BEST LINE OF" i GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, g Plnnr and Table Oil Cloths. E. B. Foley, at West Centre Bt. LINES IN TROUDLE. Tim I.mill Ti.legr.iph (Mint Till Out lit Hen ice. Shortly before nine o'clock last night a great crowd of people was attracted to the local olllie of the P. .t It. and Western Union telegraph system by an electrical display which brilliantly Illuminated tho olllco and vb'lnlty, and which was caused by the grounding of cither h telcgntpli or an ale electric light who. The cause of the trouhlo has not been determined. Yesterday there were several indications of trouble in tha telegraph olhce, but nil cfloits to locate the source failed. Last night the street clccttie light system gave evidences of trouble on the circuit west of Miiin-stieet and shoitly after the switch board In the tele graph olllce caught tiro. It was destroyed with four of the Insliumeuts on tho operat ing table. It was necessary to cut all the wires connected with the switch board before Ihetionhle could be abated. The1 damaite caused amounted to about f 100. This morn ing a new switchboard was put In and the olllco put in service again before eleven o'clock. The damage was not nwtrbted to town. The men who made the upaiis stated that all the telegraph wiles on the Catawissii division weie burned out and Tamaipia sutlo-cd as much as the local ollico. Some people incline to the opinion that the tumble had its source at or near Catawis-m. Otheis believe the tumble was due to a c rossing of the arc and telegraph wiles In town. The em ployes of tho street electric light company spent soveial hours last night and to-day try- lug to locate the source of trouble without success. THK Tllol'lll.H I.OL'ATUl. Late this nftei noon linemen succeeded in locating the source of trouble. Tho aic light and telegraph wiles were found crossed in front of Wyatt's hotel 011 North Main street Stop That Cough ! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A Mc bottle ol'Shiloh's Cure may save your life. Sold by P. 1). Kirliu and a guarantee. PERSONAL MENTION. Itichard, eight-year old son of C.I). Amour one of tho uiotormcn on tho Schuylkill Trac tion line, is seriously ill at the home of his parents in (iirardvillo. lrry Mangaui, who has been ill lor sev eral months, is repotted in a critical condi tion. IMward Kcster this morning left for Camji Alger, where he will obtain a position as driver in the coiiunissaiy department of tho army. L. J. Wilkinson, the North Main street dry goods merchant, left town this morning for Philadelphia on a business mission. (Jill l'urguson, of Lost Creek, has icturneil from a visit to Atlantic City. Miss Annie Kinimel has returned from a visit of a few weeks to friends at Philadel phia and Washington. liev. John Dyson, of Win. Pcun, spent yes turday afternoon in town visiting friends. Miss Costello, of Latrobe, is a guest of town friends. Miss Ntllie Ilalrd is visiting fiiends at Plymouth. John McDevilt, of Lewisbiiig, is a guest of relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. llradlgan and daughters, Mary and Margaret, left town this morning for Ocean drove, N. J., wheio they will spond two wcoks. Miss Tessie Harnett has returned to nor home nt Philadelphia after a pleasant sojourn among friends hero. P. J. Moore, of Mai.cvillo, was a town visitor yesterday afternoon. lioujamiu Iticharils attended tho funeral of a friend at Minersville yesterday. Charles Dornbach, of l-'reelaud, was a guest of friends In town to-day. Miss ltessie Wolle, of Philadelphia, is the guest of Mr. and Mis. W. J. Morgan, on South Jardin street. Mrs. J. S. Mistier, .Misses Annie and Ella t'lauser and .Miss Searlcs spoilt yesterday at Tumbling Ifiui. Miss Lottie Hall, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hall, rendeied a mandolin solo at tho anniversary of tho Odd l'ellows in Hersker's theatre, Mahanoy City, last even ing. Miss Mason, of St. Clair, is visiting friends in town. Mis. Daniel Faust, who has been in Phila delphia and Atlantic City the past two weeks, leturued homo last evening. Louis llabiuuwitz lert town this afternoon for Plymouth. Miss Annie Itachmann, of Mahanoy Piano, is tho guest of town ai-ouaintiiuces. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel lironnan attended tho funeral of Patrick I-'celey at Mahanoy City to-day. Ten thousand domons gnawing away at ono's viUils couldn't he much worsu than the tortures of itching piles. Yet theie's a rtuo. Doau's Ointment never fails. Crush of mass. One of the largo glass window panes to bo used in the now front of Titman & Gregory's building waB broken this morning. It was being hauliid from tho depot to tho now building, when the accident occurred. Annual Sales over 0,000,000 Boies FOR BILIOUS AND HEBVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain In tho Stomach. Giddiness, Fulness after meals, Head ache, Dlzzlnoss, IJrowslnoss. Flushings of Hont. Loss of Appotlto, Costlvoness, Dlotckoa on tho Skin, Odd Chills. Dis turbed Bleep, Frightful Dreams and nil Nervous nnd Trembling Sonsatlons. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. T.vory sufforer will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. lir.lX'Il VM'H Pills, taken as direct ed, will quickly rostoro Fomnlos to com plete health. Thov promptly romovo obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys tem nnd euro Mck Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion 2 Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boocham's Pills aro Without a Rival And have tbe LARCEST SALE ofnr.y l'.ilent .llcillclno In the AVorlil. 25c. at all Drue Stores. Down Comes the Price On Wool Bunting: U. S. Flags. Those who foolishly thought they were securing a bargain in buying the supjiosedly cheap "cotton bunting Hags arc now' regretlng their action, as they view the scarcely visible colors in their flags as they arc susjicudcd over-head. By investing a few dollars more they could now have a Hag that always looks clean and bright in colors, Our wool flags have proved their superiority over "cotton" goods. We have again reduced our puce 011 wool hunting Hags down to a close second in price of the "cotton" Hags, We manufacture our wool flags, end can guarantee them to be A No. 1, Call and get our new price list. Morgan's Flag Factory, 23 North Main St. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout llin tlmintry Chrontcli-d for Hasty 1'rriiniit. Letters of administration wuro grantod to tho Schuylkill Trust Co. on tho estate of John Weavor, late of Pottsvllle, deceased. The Jr. O. U A. M, of (Iirardvillo, has twenty-five members In the volunteer army a very good lecord. Mahanoy City wants its police force in creased. lMwaid l'lynii and Martin llurke, of St. Nlcholns, left Tuesday evening for New l!an, Conn., wliero they will seek em ployment. Mahanoy City s 400 " held a select party at lliuli Point paik last evening. Quite a nuinhor frum this town were present. There aro 103 patients at the Miners' hospi tal. I'ho county treasury Is at a low ebb, con taining hut $5.00. Luzerne county has already a roll of dead soldiers of tho present war. Thev number four and all deaths were due to typhoid fever at Cliickamnuga. The Ili:itAUi Job rooms aro tho host equipped in the county. All work turned out promptly and in neat manner. Tho Mahanoy township schools will open September 5. Tho amusement season at Tumbling Itun closes to-morrow night. Hebiewsof the pronounced orthodox type, yesterday ohsorved the Fast of Ah, which commemorates some of tho saddest episodes in Israel's history. Judge Pershing has fixed August 10th fur a hearing In tho caso of C. W. and KliJiheth llrower vs. the County Commissioners et nl. Abraham Qrconawalt, of Pottsvllle, has been granted a pension. Arbitrators John J. Car J i 11, James Grant and It. J. Yost, in the caso of J. Schneider vs. Ike Orkin, awarded tho plaintiff Jill 11 and $U." 5S, respectively. The Lehigh Yalloy collieries work siv days this week, while those under tho P. & 1!. close down to-night. Tho T. A. II. band of Lost Clock has re organized, and are regularly practicing. John M. Callaway ami Miss Ida M, Ilassler, of Middlcport, were married yes terday. Slow St. Clair is greatly agitated over the picdiction that th ico weddings will occur in that town next month. Sliauiokiu has sent IS more recruits to tho First Infantry liuglmcnt at Forth Mc- l'lierson, Oa. Tho ISIoomsburg Novelty Company will bo kept very busy for six months making all tho machinery for a new copper rod mill at Elizabeth, K. J. Allen It. Iiorke, contractor for tho now Stato Capitol, has gone to Pittsburg to com plain to tho Carnegies for delaying the necessary structural steel work. Schuylkill county girls, among them at least two Shenandoah maidens, lung for the soldier boys return. Oscar Cherringtun will shortly be seen mounted 011 a new Faust bicycle. Infant's laco caps, tho cheapest and largest stock in town, at F. J. l'"rt.'s, 21 North Main street. tf Mcillnil Mi'ii's Olllchils. The Lehigh Valley Medical Association, at its meeting in l'ottsvillo yesterday, elected the following otlicers: President, J. II. I Sill man , Telfoid ; 1st Vice President, C. 1). Si-hacll'er, Allcntown ; L'ud Vice President, l)r. (1. II. Halherstadt, Pottsvllle; 3rd Vice President, A. A. Seem, liaugor; 1th Vice President,!)!-. Joseph A. Horn, Mauch Chunk ; Secietary, Charles Mclntire, Fasten ; Asst. Secretary, V. P. Walker, South liethlehem ; Treasurer, Abraham Stout, Bethlehem. David Taggart, of Frackvillo, is a member of the executive coiiiini tee. The next meeting will ho heM at liethlehem on tho last Thurs day of January, lSlii). Among thoso picsent from town wero : I)is. J. S. Callen and 1). J. Langton. A wheelman's tool bag isn't complete with out a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Kcloctric Oil. Heals cuts, bruises, stings, sprains. Monaich over pain. Allnor Cunom. Thomas A. Dawson last night prosecuted "Hob" Smith, the huckster, beforo Justice Shoemaker 011 a chargo of assault and bat tery. Smith waived a hearing und entered $300 hall for trial. Dawson said Smith hit him on the back with a tin horn and slapped his faco. Smith alleged that Dawson had been tormenting him for about a year. Yes terday afternoon Dawson pushed a camera in front of Smith's face and said, according to the hitter's story, "Open your mouth until I take your picture." Smith replied, "I'll take your pictuiu," and tho assault followed. Jacob Czulia was put under $300 hail by Justico Shoemaker last night on u charge of biting tho thumb of Joseph (ialauski. Sydor Dudicz last night prosecuted Thomas Vuroitis before Justice Shoemaker for mali cious mischief and careless driving. The complainant alleged that 11 shaft and wheel of his wagon and his horse suffered by being forced upon a pavement when tho defendant's horso and wagon collided with them. The case was sottled on payment uf costs and damages. Woinculovea clear, healthy complexion Puro blood makes it. llurdock Wood Hitters makes puro blood. Council Meeting. A special meeting of tho Ilcrough Council was held last evening to consider the hose question. The Wm. Penn Coal Company borrowed In tho neighborhood of 1700 feet of huso from the borough with which to light tho flio in that mine. Last night tho com mittee reported that 150 feet of tho huso had been condemned, that the company was will ing to reimburse the borougli to that extent, and after putting tho remaining huso to a test they are willing to also reimburse the borough to whatuver dainago tho Iiorough Council deems lust and proper. Superintendent W . II, Lewis was present, anil corroborated 1110 statements of the committee, and said tho company appreciated tho kindness of the borough, and they weie willing to do any thing that was just and reasonable. The question was discussed for sometime, when it was Anally decided to test the hose to morrow afternoon, at tho company's oxpenso and the committee is to msku a report ut the next meeting of Council. All kinds of vegetables and flower seeds, and plants at Payne's nurseries,. Oirardville. Llectrie cars pass tho uoor. s-u-tt The !.ot Crek Cadets. Tho Lost Creek Cadets of Tcuipeianco will hold their sixth annual picnic in brown's grove on Monday, August 15th, und judging from tho pieparatlons that aro being made fur tho event It will mark an Important epoch In the history of this most worthy orgauiition. The Cadets need no Introduc tion to the readers of tho Hkkai.d. Their military training and tho able manner in which they acquit themselves on public oc casions not only reflects credit upon those having charge of tho organization, out me Mahanoy vulley as well. Societies from neighboring towns have been Invited and will nart c Hate ill tho parauo. un 1110 oven- lug of August 12th tho Cadets will glvo an exhibition drill at Lost Creek. Tho members deserve and no doubt will receive liberal patrouago. M. II. Carey Is tho general man ager and M. K. McLulu the general tteasuier. What Dr. A. II. Water tuy, llUrTAl.0, N. Y. (ieuta I'roiu my per sonal knowledge, gained in observing the cll'cctof your Shlluh's Cuio.iu cases of ad vanced Coiisuiuutlon. 1 a 111 prepared to bay It is tho most rciuarkuhlo Heuiedy that has over beeu brought to my attention. It has ceiUiluly saved many fioiu Cousijlnptioit Sold by P, 1). Kirliu, and a guarantee. DO IT YOURSELF You can tell just as well as 11 phj-sh-Uii whether, von r kidneysaro il iwjiicil or healthy. Tho nay to do is to take a buttle or glass tum bler, mid fill it with urine. If thcio Is a sediment .1 powder-llko substitute nt tho bottom after standing A day nud night, there Is something wrong with the kidneys. An other suie signofdisea.su is a desire to urinate often, and still another sign is pain In the back. If urine stains linen, there Is no doubt that tho kidneys nre affected. Any and all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and of the urinary passages and con stipation of tho bowels aro cuied by Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Ifcmedy. There is no unction about its being the best and surest medicine in the world forsiich tumbles. It miicklv icllcvcs and cuies 'liability to hold urine, and people, young or old. who uiko it aro not compelled to get up 11 number of times during the tiignt. l or putting an end to that scalding pain experienced in passing mine, nothing is so good as Dr. David Ken ned's Favorite llemcdy. It corrects tho bad effects of whiskey and beer ; is pleasant to tho taste, and does nut seem to ho mcdlclae at all. Diseases of tho kidneys mid bladder often rcipilre the tisoof instruments to push back tho sandy matter so the urino can bo voided. In such cases Favorlto Itemcdy should ho taken without further delay or the disease may prove fatal. It Is sold fur 0110 dollar a bottle at all drugstores. It is well worth many times Its price. Samples Free. If yon wish to test Dr. David Kennedy's Favorlto Kenicdv beforo buying It, send your full post oilico address to tho Dr, D.vvld Ken nedy Corporation, Kondout, N. Y., and mention this paper. Wo will then mail you a samplo hottlo free, as well as circulars giv ing full directions for its use. Kvcry reader of tho IlKnAl.n can depend upon tho genuine ness of this liberal oiler, and all sufferers from kidney troubles should tako advantage of it at once. I'OI.ITICAI. POINTS. Tho l'ottsvillo llepublican says : "The .Shanandoah IIkrai.d's l'ottsvillo corres pondent was evidently not an atteiidnut upon the "Harmony" meeting held in l'ottsvillo tho other day. Ho loft so much untold that might have been told. Clearly, however, he sat very chnely to the elbow of somebody who had boon there." Hx-Senator Watson Is preparing to make an actho canvass in tills Senatorial district as an independent caudidatu. His nomination papers liavu bocn numerously tigncd, and bear the autographs of tho leading business anil professional men of this town. The Hazlotou Telegraph is still pounding away at the Democratic nomineo for Judge, and furnishes this startling Information' "William Astor Mai r, tho Ashland man who was nominated by tho Democrats of Schuyl kill for Judge, is said to bo weakening and may drup from tho race. Marr Is a party bar- nackle, misrepresenting his people, and a com bine creature." Hon. Seth Orme, of St. Clair, has beeu quite ill, hut is improving, llo is a candi date for renomlnatloii. Chairman John P. Llkin's statement, that in his opinion the Pennsylvania soldier may vote wherever he is, will bo heartily endorsed 1 by all patriotic citizens. The Act of 1801 ! provides for tho erection of a polling placo in I each company comprised of Pennsylvania ' soldiers and for ollicers who will conduct the election in tho regulation way. County Chairman Shay denies tho state ment made in this morning's Miners' Journal to the ell'ect that he had called for a meeting of the Uepnhlicaii Kxecutlvo Committee, at l'ottsvillo to-moriow. He says he lias issued no such call. The Miners' Journal says the talk about that "harmony ileal" and tho ell'orts of the political Moses, has "created a mild sensation during the past week." It appears our l'ottsvillo correspondent, as usual, knew what ho was talking about. D. ('. Ileiining is a full-Hedged candidate for Judge, and will oppose the leiioinination of Juclgo Koch Tho latter is now in tho Wist, visiting his brother. Tho political "hangers-on" at l'ottsvillo havo learned that tho construction of tho government building creates tho now ollico of paymaster, and that llrunim has the selection of the mail for this snap. As l'ottsvillo is indebted to ox-Congrcssmau Itoilly for the erection of the building, it would hu a gnue ful act to allow him to miuiu the appointee. Hut a suggestion of that character is ridicu lous on its faco. Ilnimiu's "sisters and his cousins, and his aunts" must bo taken euro of. It has just leaked out that Senator Quay and Davu Martin wero in conference in Phila delphia on Monday, fur tho purpose of "gottlng together." Homer L. Castle, the Prohibition leader In Allegheny county, will bo a candidato for Congress agaiust John D.dzell in theTwonty sccoiid district. The (iulfeyito Democrats, who havo con trolled in Westmoreland county for years, have been completely turned down by tho now County Coinmittco. Democratic Stato Chairman Carman quoted at Wilkcsbarro as saying ho believed Jeuks had a good chance to ho elected Gover nor. Garnian is at his old tricks chasing rainbows, For Constipation tako Kail's Clover Knot Tea, the gieat Mood Purlller. Cures Head acho, Nervousness, Eruptions on tho Face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by P. D. Kirliu and a guarantee The County lloml Ikhiiu. Fergus O. Farquhar aud John I-'. Whalen, counsel for the Taxpayers' Association, have notified County Solicitor Ilechtcl that they desire to be heard personally by the Supreme Court in tho appeal from the new bond issue. They will, therefore, not fllo their argument in papor book form by Augnst 15. Tho hear ing will not tako placo until the first Monday in October. The county treasury is empty and now temporary loans must be negotiated. Fouutain pens, from Portz's. !3c to fa ,50 at F. J. tf No Sympathy AVlth Iliforiuers. "Spies" nnd "informers" wero roundly scored by Judgo Lynch, of Wilkcsbarro, who refused to rovoku the license of P. II. Stcidlo in a test cato, ouo out of many brought by temperance crusuders against suspected local liquor dealers, upon Information furnished by secret agents. Olve the Children a Drink called Uralu-O. It Is a delicious, nppotlzlug, nourishing food drink to tako tho placo of coll'eo. Sold by nil grocers and liked by all who have used it becauso when properly prepared It tastes like tho finest coll'ce hut is freo from all its injurious properties. Drain Quids digestion und strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant hut a health builder, and children, as well us adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about 1 as much as collee. 15 and 25c. Tumor lteinoveil. A tumor on the left side of Harry Wortz's' faco was removed by Dr. V. N. Stein ycslor- day afternoon. For tho past three mouths tho tumiir has been growing very rapidly and had already attalped considerable, size. Dr. Frank Womer, EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Hpt-ctuclcs and cyo glasses fitted accurately .Medical practice renamed. ON. JARDIN ST., SHENANDOAH. Buektiell University, JOHN HOWARD HARRIS, President. Com (trine u College wltli four rourBun; Academy for VuunuAKit mi I lay at Ladles' Institute, uri-llm-il hutmllne ehool; School of Music with urwluutlut course, For catuluuiiu ndd rend WM, C, GRETZINGEF Heglstrar, Lewitburg, Fa FISHED WITH DYNAMITE. Ah ii Hoiiilt rrnnlt Horry In Drnd.ltli! lloily llnrrllily Mutinied, I.ebiinuu, Til., duly 29. Frank llerry, of South A 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 0 township, this coun ty, met with u pei ullitr and horrlblo death yestetdny wlill" flshlnr; for Ger man carp In the Quittnnohilla crcclt, near his home. Althuuuh almost blown to plect-H nnd horribly tnanrjled, Uerry lived for two hours after the accident. Instead of uslne the rcRtilar Ashing tackle, Herry decided to use dynamite, and carried with I1I111 to the stream a Quantity of the explosive In a tin can. Arriving at a spot along the creek some distance from his home he lighted the fuso attached to the dyna mite, and held the can In his hand, restlnR It on his right leg;. He Intend ed to toss the can Into the water before It would explode, but the result showed that he made a miscalculation, as the charge exploded while It was held In his hnnd. Ills right hnnd was torn off, the right leg crushed from hip to knee In a shapeless mass and ho sustained other Injuries. Herry was 21 years old, and leaves a wife and one child. ClIllllll-n'H Fleet A'.'lllll ut Cadiz. Mndtld, July 2D. Captain Aunon, tho minister of marine, has received n dis patch from Admiral Ciimnra announc ing that his licet hu enst nnehnr at Cadiz. Mis Ji-Hslc Schley, who enmo here In the hope of nn interview with the queen regent, on behnlf of peace, started for Fnrls last evening. Krosli Mont l'or Shu Hit's Army. Tampa. Kin.. July 20. The trans port Michigan, sister ship to the Miss issippi and .Miiliawk, uriivetl at Port Tampa yesterday and commenced loading for Santiago. This Is a refilg erator ship, nnd slip will take a large cargo of fiesli meat, ns well as other supplies to the army. over I'rr, of tli-i G loli u for RHEUMATISM, 1IPYTT5 A T rlT t , .. .luu.L.uu... ana similar uonpiaints, and prepared under tho stringent iflMAH MEDICAL LAWS presenbod by eminent physicians! DR. RICHTER'S titHun " PAIN EXPELLEB. Worlil rnnntt-nril t lti-ltini-L.-ftltlvfOierriifflll I Sonlrpr-tnihiQ wlih Triulo Alurk " Anchor.' EF. Ad. Illcliter A Co., J I .' I'rnrl St., Ken York, 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Homes, Own Glassworks. CSAWCJ. lJidord & rtuouuacuded by A. Wasley 106 N. Main St.. . H. Hirenbcch, 103 N. Main St P.F.D. Kirlln, 6 S. Main St Shenandoah. DR. niCHTER'8 ANCHOIt" PTOMACIIAT, best for rjnll', llvwpctiHlnwCMpiiinoli CouipliilntH. MjerawnoMuiyBnMMi MISCELLANEOUS. COH SAI.lt.--lIoiii-hohl furniture liiihiilliig 1 bed room suit, inattresrt hiiiI npilngs, u Mimic bed. one ruiiLre. refrlL'i'ratnr. Will hi- wild cheap. Apply nt Sr. N rth White street. T-liS-'Jt nfill TtKNT. Du-fdllliir hollpt-. hIx rontlli. L1 lately pointed ami popi-rod, water in the hoiwe. Cull at iXi Kmt Hheiian doali, Pa, --2-lw IHOIl ItlCN'T. A dta'ile ultiiatt-d on South V Whltu Htri-et Largo enough fortwo hiirxt-H. Water connections. Apply to (leo-go Fohiii-r I.IOK UI5NT Store room and dw . Ming, ceil 17 trally lueati-il, with nil modirii conven iences. Apply at No. 11.1 Xorth Main Htreet, Shenandoah- C-2Mf I.IOIl HUNT. Property, No. SIS Wi-t Centre l.1 Htreet, rieently vacated by Philip Iloehler, the huteht-r. Huitubio for l-ioutv. meat market. etc. Dwelling and Htablc attached. Apply to tl. tl. rainier aili Went Ui-litre street. U-IS-II IjlOlt SAI.lJ A vnlunblo property on Went 1' Centre- utit-et, dwelling houwe, and all con- vt'iiloneei in denlrable loentloii. Apply to Thulium TomIi, for further partlcillam. Q-'T-tf TOUHAI.K. A Hnlooii. Good stand nud cell' 1 trill location, llai two pool tables, one being ii combination of pool and hllllurdH. Apply nt tho Hl'iiAl.l) olllce. tf VTOTICK OF DISSOLUTION. Thoco-paitiier-1N Hhlp ill the grocery liii-dm-HS heretofore oxixtiug between Whidytdaw t'zeiukiiitis and Chnrh-H OcwIuiki. at 1W.! W est Centre street, Hhenandoah. l'a., ban thin dity been mutually dlHBolvcd. All debts duo salil firm aro to he paid to M.ild t'liarles (Jfwhisi. I. who is to pay nil debtH !ialnt said tlrlii, lie to continue tliw hllklllCSK. Wl.AllVH.AW CV.hl-UKAll I", ('llAltr.I.h CVUMINSKI. Shenandoah, Pa., July 'JS, Ih'JS. 7-M-.1t NEW YORK FURNITURE EXPOSITION. We have one on a small scale at our warcrooms, the goods being selected by, us last week while in attendance at the exposition. The selec tion comprises designs from the leading manufacturing houses in America. Such odd designs have never been in troduced here before. We invite the public to call and see them. Davison's BUSY . FURNITURE . AND . STOVE . STORE, 121-123 North Alain St. A (,-ooJ lnco far a koikI drink Michael Mills' Saloon, ti K. Centre street, Melli't'n building, Wine, Wblalclu, liver mid Cluiim. Krralie! beer lu lawn lwy on tap. tlCfli L.,ij.niii'inw vm nry "OOLD DUST." THEBKT iPECIAL : BARGAINS iARE BEING OFFERED BY THE-ff) Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House, 13 NORTH MAIN STREET. The prices which we are where. AH'onr shoes have leather counters and leather insoles; We don't handle shoes that have any paper soles or counters. We don't handle only from Saturday until Monday, like other houses keep. Half our Children's and Misses' goods are manufactured in Orwigsburg the best goods in the times. Look for the right place bargains we are offering. Call NO FAKE SALES ; ALL COME AT ONCE Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House, (Michael Peters' Building,) 13 North Plain Street, Shenandoah, Pa. El I AS SUPOWITZ, Prop. SCHUYLKILL DENTAL PARLORS Have Removed to Refowich's Bldg., SDCOND FLOOR. DRINK- CUSARY'S IvXTRA I-INF. QUALITY -GINGER ALE, - Superior Sarsaparilla... and Orange Champagne. rniLn.-ctiEnr - stoke, o DKAI.KK IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SO Wost Centre Street, Tho Rosy Froshnoss And ft velvety softueis of tho akin la Inva riably obtained bt tUui'D who uso 1'OZZONI'U Complexion i'owder. "OOLD DUBT," u tots' Bxc h & giving yon cannot be beat else the kind of goods that last the market, and prices to suit and number. Don't forget the early and examine them. GENUINE. AND SECURE BARGAINS. EDUCATED and ARTISTIC TASTES III wnll papers nud decorations 1h one of the nineteenth century ocoomiillnlnmmtn. That U why thntte who no lee t their wall paper nt CAKDIN'H net Mich delightful results. It Isn't necemary to pnrchaHc tliH cxpeiiHlvc urn lea, tho-di-HiKiiM ami color are juat as artistic In tho cheaper raile?, If they aro not no ileh, For tliono who wIhIi, to decorate their rooms with aitiutlc wall pa peril un to J. P. CARDEN, 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN. Examination Made at Your Homo or at Our Store. Has Moved to 118 S. Main Street. THOMAS BUCHANAN, OPTICIAN, We Bottle BEER, WEISS BEER, ALE, PORTER Private family orders will receive prompt attention. Leave them at the oflice, we will do the rest. COLUMBIA BREWING COMPANY. ROIt HTATH HKNA'l'Olt, , , I uotli DUIrlct, D. M. GRAHAM, Ok Mahanoy City Hulijeet to Itc iiib!lcau rnlea. poll niltlCOTOlt OI' THU l'OOK, S. G. MIDDLET0N, Ok Uii.iikuton, HuliJ. it to lti'inilillciiii rules. JjlOlt t.'OUNTV OONTltOI.i.ltlt, CHARLES A. SNYDER, Ok rorivu.iJ:. Bubject to ItcpublivHii rului. jlOK COUNTY HUKVKVOlt, MARK D. BOWMAN, , . Ok Mahanoy City. Hu, J. it to Iti'imLlliuii mlta.