The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 28, 1898, Image 2

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I'ulillshcit every KvciiliiK, Except Sunday, at
8 South Jabdin Htrt.kt, Nkak Ckntiir.
Tlio lli'inhl Isdcllveird In Shenandoah and the
LMnirrouiidttiir ton'nn for six cents H w celt. pay
Hiihl. X" thu larricrs. Hy mnll 58.00 a year, or 25
H -cuts a month, paynhlo In advance. Adverllso-
t Iiueuis cn.uircii auorimifs tospuee umi position.
'The imlillslicts resen e the rliclit ti climiRii the
!poli1on of advertisement whoueter the puu-
j'tntlo-i ot news ileinnnils It. The Huht In
Hicservcd to i tin tuny udvcttlix-iiiciit, lather
paid for or not, i.nt the publishers may deem
' ipmpe-. Adtcrtlslus; rates made known
uMin uppltcntlon.
Enlenil t the postolrlcc ut Hhciiundoiih, I'm., a
second class limit matter.
'All the News That's Fll to Print."
Evening Herald
TlIMtsHW. .Il'I.Y 1MIS.
OUU COUNrtiY: first. Last and Forever.
Tine iliMimgojut's in politics will no
longer cry "tlio lilonti'il lionil-liohlor.''
The industrious, friifml workmen of
tlio imtion hold tlio bond uiulur tin
lust Issue by tlio f;o-irniiiont. beintf lioiiiiuiitcd on 11 plat
fonu lfiinirniitin tile (Miiciino plat
form, it it Itut iinturul Unit Willluiii
Aih1oi'mii, tlio Democratic lioiiiinee
for tbe Legislature, should endeavor
to seciiiv tilt' endorsement of the
Hociiilistii' party.
The linn. (It'orgi' A. Jellies, the
Democratic fiindidiiti) for (ioyeruor
of l'i sylvnniii, lms (liseovored tlmt
'Demm-riicy is opposed to this Uoy
ernineiit retaining; uny territory
ptined by conquest." and so he has
ileterinined to "inject a new feature
into the campaign by taking np the
light against territorial aeeesslon."
It is gratifying to see that Mr. Jenks
understands that the (list duty of a
Democratic ciiiididate for (lovernor
of I'eiinsylvaiiia is to keep down the
Democratic vote.
That threatened protest of the
Kiiropeuii powers against the ending
of n squadron to 1 milliard Spain's
purls will, if made, provoke the do
lisiun ..I this country. Kngland, of
cm-vo, lms inure than onee sent xvnr
hlnpH i t 'iMitral or South America to
eollcrt indemnity from the nations of
tli'i-e purt. of the hemisphere. Italy
threat imiciI to do this recently in the
ca-e "I Colombia. Kvoryhody re-
meiiilo r- when, in ls',17, ticrmiinv
si nt nr-liiin over to coerce little
iaxn it. to paying something to nil
ileged tieruian subject for an alleged
jnjurx ulnrh Hayti inlllcted on him.
( .Mini, iiiu 1'iiirope may lmvo for
ii iliose incidents, but if sin
sat nut thing against the American
-.ln ion to ciuistise iSpaiu at liome
she Mill be reminded ol them. Un
less Npain sues for peace in the proper
wu in the next two tir three xveeks,
she will see and feel that American
The Christian Commission.
Hex. II. A. Torrey, pastor of one of
the largest chiirches of thicago, has
just returned from i month's prencli
ing to the soldiers at ('hickamaiiga,
in connection with the Army and
Navy Christian (Commission. Ho was
particularly struck with the warmth
of good feeling betxveen the Northern
and Koiithern regiments. Speaking
on this subject to an audience of six
hundred college students and their
friends at Hast Nortlilleld, Muss., he
said : "The civil war is over at last
and all the antagonism are. forgotten.
You go South, anil you see the Stars
and Stripes limiting evoryxvhero.
JOvery man, woman and child seems
to wear t hem, and those Southerners
mo shouting for the American ilag
with an enthusiasm I have not soon
equalled in the North. 1 believe one
of the greatest curses of our national
life lias been sectionalism., lint it is
over. The bloody shirt has been
washed white, mill sectionalism is
buried bevoud all hope of resurrec
tion, and I thank Uod for it."
Mr. Torrey salil he had never seei
such a sweeping revival ns the one
now in progress at ('amp Thomas.
The Army and Navy ( 'hristian Com
mission have t xvent x -one tents there
which are used as reading rooms.
1'xangilist I), li. Moody has sent sex--eral
well known ministers and ovnn-,-i
lists down there to preach, and over
two thousand men have been con
verted. Nearly 800 men are lying sick In the
hospitals, at Chlckauiaiigii, and Chris
tian Commission workers are devot
ing several hours each day to visiting
among them. Incidentally they aro
able to liolp them to lee, milk, eggs
ami other tlollcaeies, but their prin
eipal errand is to help thoni spirit
ually, Men in the heat of fevor or
-who believe themselves to bo dying
from dysentery, pneumonia or some
other disease will open thoir hearts
wonderfully to a Christian man who
loves them. (Jonoral Howard, xvho
opened the Commission xvork at soy
eral dlirerent camps, Is going to Cuba
itt once to begin xvork among the
troops there. Other xvorkers xvlll go
with him. Mr, Woody says that the
public havo supported this xvork liber
ally anil he believes the necessarily
large expense xvlll still bo fully oared
for. f
Tlio pleasant Haver. Kentlo uctluu, ami sooth
hiK eii'ect of 8yrtii of Kiits, xvlirn In need of
u luxation, and If tlio lather or mother tie
costive or bilious, tlio most gratifying rosulU
follow its HBO i bo that it Is tlio best family
remedy known mil every family lioull liavo
a bottle Manufactured by tlio Uillforiilii
The Victorious Conunodote Warmly .xtols
the Officers and Men of His
V. S. Flngpltlp Hrnoklyn, Ounntnnfttno
Itity, Culm, July G, lS'JS.
Sir: t have the liotior to make the fol
lowing it'piirt nf that part of the miuad
ton under your ciimivmiid which cittiiK
umler iny obFervatlim during the en
KUKeiuelit With the lienltih fleet otl
July 3, 180S.
At U:3B. Admiral Cervera, with the
Infunta Maria Tereita, Vlceaya, Cristo
bal Colon, Oiiucndn und two torpedo
bout detttroyeiH, tame out nf the har
bor of SantinK" de Cuba In column at
distance and attempted to eseapu to tlio
xvestxvnrd. SlKtml xvas miide from the
Iowa that the enemy was coiiiIiik out,
but his movement had been discovered
from this ship at the same moment.
Thin vesHel was the farthest west, ex
cept the Vixen, nt the blockading1 line.
Signal, xvas made to the western di
vision as presi ilbed In your general
orders, and thete was Immediate and
rapid movement Inwiird by your squad
ron and a general cugRgemont at
rungi'M beginning at 1,100 yards and
varyliiK to 3,000 until the Vizcaya was
Uestioyed about 10:&0 u. m. The con
centration of the fire of the Bquudrnn
upon the ships lomlng nut xvas must
furious mid ti'trltlc, und cieat damage
xvas dune them.
About t!U or 2.1 minutes after the en
gagement beRUli, two vessels. tlimjRllt
to be the Maria Teresa and ouueudn,
and since wi tiled as such, took thu
from the effeellve slielllng of the squad
ron, and xtere forced to run on the
beach some six or seven miles west of
the harbor entrance, xvhere they burned
and blew up later. The torpedo bout
destroyers were destroyed earl' In the
tietiiin, but the snmku xvas so dense
In their direction that 1 cannot say to
which vessel or vessels the credit be
longs. This doubtless xvas better seen
from your llugshlp.
The Vlzcnya and Colon, pereelvlnu
the disaster to their consorts, continued
ut full speed to the weslxvntd to es
cape, and were followed and engaged
In a running light xx 1th the Hrnoklyn,
Texas, Iowa and Oregon until 10:00,
xvheu the Vlzrnjn took lite from our
sheljs. She put her helm to port, and
xvlth a heavy list to poit stood In
shore and ran nground at Asearrade
ros, about 20 miles west of Santiago, on
fire fore and aft, and where she blew
up during the night. Observing that she
had struck her colors, and that Severn!
vessels xvere nearing her to capture and
siwe her crew, signal xvas made to
cease tiring. The Oregon having prox-ed
X'nstly faster than the other battleships,
she and the lirooklyn, together xvlth
the Texas and another vessel xvhlch
prox'ed to be your llagshlp, continued
xvestxvard In pursuit nf the Colon, xvhlch
had run close In shore, evidently setk
Ing some good spot to beach If she
should fall to elude her pursuers.
Tbo I'lii'siilt of the Colon,
This pursuit continued with Increas
ing speed In the lirooklyn, Oregon and
other ships, nnd soon the Brooklyn and
the Oregon xvere xvlthin long range of
the Coi,in, xvhen the Oregon opened
tire xvlth her 13 inch guns, landing a
shell close to the Colon. A moment
nftcrwards the Brooklyn opened tiro
xvlth her eight Inch guns, landing a
shell Just ahead of her.-- Several other
shells were Ilred at the Colon or In
range of the Brooklyn's and Oregon's
guns. Her commander, seeing nil
chances ot escnpe cut off and destruc
tion awaiting his ship, tired a lee gun
and struck her Hag at 1:15 p. m., and
ran aslwire at a point some GO miles
xvest of Santiago harbor. Our Hngshlp
xvns coming up rapidly nt the time, as
xvas also the Texas and Vixen. A lit
tle later, after you arrival, the Cristobal
Colon, which had struck to the Brook
lyn and the- Oregon, xvas turned over
to you as one of the trophies of this
great victory of the squadron under
your command.
During my olllelal visit, a little Inter,
Commander Katon, of the Itesolute, ap
peared and reported to you the pres
ence of a Spanish battleship near Al
tares. Your orders to me xx-ere to take
the Oregon and go eastward to meet
her, and this xvns done by the Brook
lyn, xvlth the result that the x'essel re
ported as the enemy xvns dlscox-ered to
he the Austrian cruiser Infanta Maria
Teresa, seeking the commander-in-chief.
I xvould mention for your consider
ation that the Brooklyn occupied the
most xvestxvard blockading portion,
xvlth the Vixen, and being mure direct
ly In the route taken by the Spanish
squadron, xvas exposed for some min
utes, possibly ten, to the gun tire of
three of the Spanish ships and the
xvest battel y at a range of 1,500 yards
from the ships nnd about 3,000 yards
from the batteries, but the vessels of
the entire squadron, closing In rapidly,
soon diverted this lire and did mag
nificent xvork at close range. I have
never before witnessed such deadly
and fatally accurate shooting ns xvas
done by the ships of your command as
they closed In on the Spanish squadron,
and 1 deem It a high privilege to com
mend to you for such action as you
may deem proper the gallantry and
dashing courage, the prompt decision
iuhI the skillful handling of their le-spcctlx-o
vessels, of Captain l'hlllp,
Captain Kvans, Captain Clark and es
pecially of my chief of staff. Captain
Cook, who xvas dliectly under my per
sonal observation, and whose coolness,
promptness and courage xvere of the
highest o'der. The dense smoke of the
combat .-hut out trotp my view the
Indiana and Gloucester, but as these
vessel8xverc closer to your flagship, no
doubt their part in the conlllct xvas
tinder jour Immediate observation.
I.lMiti-nant Sharp, commanding tho
Vixen, ucled xvlth conspicuous courage.
Although unable to engage the heavier
ships of the enemy xvlth his light guns,
he nevertheless x'as close Jn to tne
battle line under heavy fire, nnd mnny
of the enemy's shots passed beyond his
Sobloy V.xtols Ills OIIIcorH.
I beg to Invito special attention to the
conduct of my tlag lieutenant, Jnmes
II. Sears, and Hnsltrn lCdward Mc-
Cuuley, Jr., aide, xvho xvere constantly
at my side during the engagement nnd
who exposed themselves fearlessly In
discharging their duties, and also to
the splendid behavior of my secre
Lieutenant 11. w. Wells, Jr., xvho
munded and directed the lighting
the Fourth division xvlth splendid ef
fect. I xvould commend the highly meri
torious conduct and courage In the en
gagement of Lieutenant Commander
N. H. Mason, the executive olllcer,
xvhose preuence everywhere over tho
ship during Its continuance did much
to secure the good result of this ship's
part In the victory.
Tho nuvlgator, Lieutenant A. C.
Hodgson, and the division oillccrs,
Lieutenant T. T). OrltUn, Lieutenant
AS'. 11. Hindi, Lieutenant Kdxvard
Simpson, Lieutenant J. O. Doyle, Kn
slgn Chnrles Webster, and tho Junior
division nlllcers xvero most steady and
conspicuous In every detail of duty,
contilbutlug to the accurate firing of
this ship In her part of tho great vic
tory of your forces,
Tho otllcerBvOf tho medical, .pay and
engineer and murine corps responded
to ex cry demand of the occasion, and
xx-ere featleSH In exposing themselves.
The warrant ohVets, Boatswain Will
iam 1,. Hill, Carpenter O. II. Vv'nrfotd
and Gunner P. T. AppleRnte, xvero
everywhere exposed In xvatchlng for
tlaliiBfre, reports of xvhlch xvere prompt
ly eotix-eyed to me.
I hax-e never In my life served with a
braver, better of xvorthler crew thnn
that of the Brooklyn. Duiing the com
bat, lasting from 9:35 until 1:15 p. in..
much of the lime under lire, they never
llagged for a moment, and xvere ap
parently undisturbed by the stottn of
projectiles passlntr ahead, astein and
ox-er the ship.
The result of the engagement xvas the
destruction ,of the Spanish squadron
and the oapture of the admiral and
some 1,300 to 1.R0O prisoners, with the
loss of several bundled killed, esti
mated by Admit al Curvet a at COO men.
The casualties on board this ship
xvere: G. 11. Kills, chief yeoman, killed,
J. Burns, fireman, first class, severely
xvounded. The marks and scars show
that the ship xx-as struck nboul 2,'
times, and she bears In all 41 scars as
the tesult of her pat tlclpatlon In the
grent victory of your force on July 3,
18SS. The speed cone halliards xvere shot
away, and nearly all the signal hal
liards. The ensign, nt the close of thi
action, fell In pieces.
Sehlo.v Congratulate-, suinp.ou.
I congratulate you most sincerely
upon this grent victory to the squad
ron under your command, and I am
glad that I had un opportunity to con
ttlbute In the least to a victory that
seems big enough for all of us.
I have the honor to transmit here
with the report of the commanding of
ficer and a drawing In profile of (he
ship, showing the location of hits anil
scars; also a memorandum of tlio am
munition expended and the amount to
fill her allowance.
Since reaching this place and hold
ing conx-ersatlon xvlth several of the
captains, viz., Cnptuln Kulate, of the
Vlzcnya, nnd the second In command
.of the Colon, Commander Contieras,
1 have learned that the Spanish ad
miral's scheme xvns to concentrate all
lire for a while on the Biooklvn, and
the Vlzcaya to ram her, In' hopes If
they could destroy her the chance of
escape xvould be increased, ns It xvas
supposed she was the swiftest ship of
your squndron. This explains the heavy
fire mentioned and the VIzcaya's no
tion in the earlier moments of the en
gagement. The execution of this pur
pose xvns promptly defeated by the fact
that all the ships nf the squadron ad-x-anced
Into close range and opened an
lnlslstlbly ftnlnus nnd terrific fire
upon the enemy's squadron ns It xvas
coming nut of the harbor.
I am glad to say that the Injury
supposed to be below tbe xvater line was
duo to a xvater X'alx'e being openou from
some unknown cause and Hooding the
compartment. The Injury to the belt
Is found to be only slight nnd the leak
I beg to enclose a list of ofllcers and
crew xvho participated In the combat of
July 3, 1S9S.
I cannot close this report xvlthottt
mentioning in high terms of praise the
splendid conduct and suppoit of Cap
tain C. II. Clark, of the Oiegon. Her
speed xvas xvonderful and her accurate
lire splendidly destructive. Very re
spectfully, W. S. SCHLEY,
Commodore United States Navy.
The Commander of the Oregon Tells of
His Share in the Great
United States Steamship Oregon, off
Santiago de Cuba, July 4, 18U8.
Sir: 1 have the honor to report that,
nt 9:30 a. m., yesterday, the Spanish
tleet was discovered stundlng out of
the haibor of Santiago de Cuba. They
turned to the xvestxvnid nnd opened
flic, to which our ships replied x'lgor
nusly. For a short time there xvns an
almost continuous night of projectiles
over this ship, but when our lino was
faltly engaged, and the Iowa had, made
a swift ndvnnce ns If to ram or close,
the enemy's the became defective In
train as well as range. The ship xvas
only stiuck three times, and at least
two of them xvere by fragments of
shells. We had no casualties.
As soon ns It was evident that the
enemy's ships xvere trying to break
through nnd escape to the xvestxvard,
xve xvent ahead at full speed, xvlth the
determination of carrying out to the
utmost, your order: "If the enemy
tries to escape the ships must elosa
and engage as suon as possible and en
deavor to sink his vessels or force them
to run oihore." We soon passed all of
our ship except the Btooklyn, beating
the broad pendnnt of Commodore
Schley. At tlrst xve only used our main
battery, but xvhen It xvas discovered
that the enemy s torpedo boats xvere
7 There Is no
word so full
8 of meaning
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " Mother" she who watched
over our hcloleas infancy and cuid-
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every fc-xpectant lvtottt
er ia beset with daneer and all ct
fort should be made to avoid it.
so assists nature
in the change tak
ing place that
the Expectant
Mother is ena
bled to look for-
ward without
dread, suffering or eloomy fore
bodincs, to the hour when she
exoertences the iov of Motherhood
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
C.. ,n Tin alirtrt if "mnVfa
Childbirth natural and easy,1" as
so many have said. Don't be
.-re,i1 in no nnvtliintr but
so many have said. Dont be
persuaded to use anything but
"Hv wlfn suffered mora In ten mln
utes xvlth either of her other txvo chil
dren thnn she did altogether xvlth her
lust, having previously used four hot
tlea nf 'Mother's Friend.' it is a
blessing to nnjr one expecting to he-
cotnu a MUTJlKit, Bays a customer.
Uknduusom Dale, Carmi, Illinois.
01 nrmcliti ot 11.00, or sunt breipreu on receipt
jf price. Write for tioek contalnluir tettlmoutali
and vuluablo Information for all Mothers, free.
lt Undllild Itcnulttor Co., Atlanta, Ga,
) m:ici;i'.tm! i.iijn y
. 1 i.r'1,fr- fur ou, tir,Iy
r. r) JtoL. Kil,Mitf
i il .i!ury to thus let'liu:
li me , iir luiioiiUttoii tt. lo
1 at HruuU nuaiivnt ein
uliifineiit. 'I'tie liusliuiw
fafly Ivanifct. Aililrnui
'111.' O.
IUiBu. J'luub., I'llllu.
When a niuii, xvomnn or child lias
when the desire to make xvntcr Is frequent, especially nt night;
xvhen the untie stains linen, xvhen there arc pains in the small
of the back; xvheu thore is a sediment m tlio bottom
of the x'essel after it husstood over night Kidneyor
Bladder Disease Is present anil life is endangered.
Immediate help nnd cure can he found in Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Kvcry clan
gor sign nnd the dread Kidney Diseases themselves
(even the most distressing cases) are all remox'cJ
by its use. It imparts at once renoxveil strength mid
activity to the urinary organs.
SAAIPLH BOTTLE PilEE. Send your full
postofiice address to tho Dr. Davul Kennedy Corpo
ration, Uondout, N.Y., say that jw saw this liberal
offer in this haper, and a sample bottle of Favorite
Remedy will ho sent free by mail.
The picturo in this advertisement is that of Mr.
T. 12. Palmnteer and his granddaughter, of Athens,
N. Y. He xvas cured of Kidney Disease and slioof
Eczemn by Favorite Remedy. Mr. Palmatecr is
mostenthusiasticin his prnisoof this groatmedicino.
All druggists sell Favorite Remedy at $t a bottle.
following their ships xve used our rapid
lire guns, ns xvell as tho "6," upon them
xvlth telling effect. As xve ranged up
near the sternmost of their ships she
headed for tho beach, evidently on tire.
Wo raked her as xve poised, pushing
on for the next ahead, using our star
board guns ns they xvere brought to
bear, and beforo xve hud her fairly
abeam she too xvas making for the
bench. The two remaining x'essels xvere
now some distance ahead, hut our speed
had Increased to 1G knots and our lire,
added to that of the Brooklyn, soon
sent another, the Vlrcayo, to the shore
In llames. Only the Cristobal Colon xvas
left, and for n time It seemed as If she
might escape, but xvhrn xve opened
xvlth our fnrward turret guns and the
lirooklyn followed she began to edge
In towards the coast, and her capture
or destruction xvas assured. As she
struck the beach her Ilag came doxvn
and the Brooklyn signaled "cease
tiring," folloxvlng it xvlth "Congiatu
latlons for the grand victory; thanks
for your splendid usslslance."
The Brooklyn sent a boat to her, and
xvherj tlio admiral came up. xvlth the
New York, and Texas, and Vixen, she
xvas taken possession of. A prize crew
xvns put on board from this ship under
Lieutenant Commander Cogswell, the
executive olllcer, but before 11 p. m.,
the ship, xvhlch had been filling In
spite of all efforts to stop leaks, was
abandoned, and Just as the crew left
she xvent over on her side.
I cannot speak In too high terms of
the bearing nnd conduct of all on
board this ship. When they found the
Oregon hnd pushed to the front, and
xvns hurrying to a succession of con
flicts xvlth the enemy's vessels If they
could be overtaken, and xvould engage,
their enthusiasm xvas Intense.
As these x'essels xvere so much more
heavily armored than the Brooklyn
they might hax'e concentrated upon and
ox'erpowered her, and consequently I
am persuaded that, but for the xvay thu
ofllcers and men of the Oiegon steamed
and steered the ship nnd fought and
supplied the batteries, the Colon and
perhaps the Vlzcnya xvould have es
caped. Therefore I feel that they ren
dered meiltorlous service to the coun
try, and xvhlle I cannot mention tho
name of each offlcer and man Indi
vidually, I am going to append a list of
the ofllcers, xvlth the stations that they
occupied, hoping that they may be of
service to them should tho claims of
others for advancement nbove them
ex'er be considered.
Captain United States Nnvy.
Tells Hoxv His Sturdy Fighters Became 'as
Gentle as Women After the
The report of Captain ltnbley B.
ISx-niis gives the story of the part his
vessel, tho loxva, took In the battle.
Captain ICx'nns desctlbes the approach
of the Spanish lleet from the harbor,
and the destruction of the torpedo boat
destroyers by his vessel and tho Glou
cester, and the xvork done by the Iowa
against the Maria Teresa, Vlzcnya and
Almlrunte Oquendo. He describes thu
damage done to his ship by Spanish
shells, declailnc It trilling, and pro
ceeds: At 11 o'clock the Ioxwa arrlx-ed In the
vicinity of the Vlzcnya, xvhlch had been
run Uhhoro, and as It xvas evident that
she could not catch the Cristobal Colon
nnd that the Oregon, Brooklyn und
New York would, txvo Bteam cutters
and three cutters xvero Immediately
hoisted out and sent to the Vlzcnya to
lescue her ciow. Our boats succeeded
In bunging off a large number of of
ficers and men of thnt ship's company,
nnd In placing many of them on board
the torpedo boat Ericsson and the
auxiliary dispatch vessel Hist.
There are no casualties amonc the
ship's company to teport. No officer
nor men xvere Injured during tho en
gagement. After having received on board tho
rescued crew of the Vlzcnya this x'essel
proceeded to the castxvard and resumed
the hlockudlui; station, In obedience
to the signal made by the commander-in-chief
about 11:30.
We received on board this x-essel Cap
tain Ihilatn, the commanding officer,
nnd 23 officers, together will) about 218
potty officers and men, of xvhom 32
xvero xvounded. There xvete nlso re
ceived on board five dead bodies, xvhlch
xvoro Immediately burled xvlth the
honors due to'thelr grade.
The battery behax'cd xvell In all re
The folloxvlnff Is an approximate
statement ot the ammunition expended
during the engagement. A mote ex
act statement cannot be given ut this
time: 31 12 inch seml-A. P. shells, xvlth
full charges; 35 eight Inch common
shell, xvlth full charges; 251 four Inch
cartridges, common shell; 1,050 six
pounder cartildges, common shell; 100
one pounder cartridges, common shell.
Upon urilvlng on tho blockndlng
station the fJIoucestor trnnsfeired to
this vessel Hear Admiral Cervera, his
flag lieutenant, und the comiuundinj;
ollleers of the torpedo boat destroyers
Furor and Plutou, nnd nlso nne man of
the Oiiuendo's crew rescued by tho
Glotu ester.
Naval Cadets Frank Taylor Kvans
and John 15. Lewis, nnd five men be
longing to the Massachusetts xvoro on
board tho Iowa when tho enemy's ships
came out. They were stationed ut dif
ferent points, and roudeied elllclent
The ollleers nnd men of this ship
behaved admirably. No lot of men
could have done more aullnnt service.
I take pleasure In slating to you, sir'
that the loulntss and Judgment of tho
executive otlleer, Lieutenant Com
mander Huyniond P. llodgers, deservos,
and xvlll, 1 hope, receive a proper ro
xvard nt the hands of the government.
The test of the executive olllcer's xvork
Is the conduct of ship and crow In bat
tle. In this case It xvas simply superb.
The coolness of the navigator, Lieu
tenant V. H. Sehuotzo, and of Lleuten
nnt F. K. Hill, In charge of the rapid
fire guns on the upper deck, are
worthy of the gi cutest commendation.
Other ofllcers of the ship did not
comu under my personal observation,
pain In passing urlno;
vlti J
but the result or he potion shows now
xvell they did their duty.
I cannot expiess my ndmlrntlnn for
my magnificent crow. So long as the
enemy showed his Ilag they fought
like Americans, but xvhen the ling came
down they xvere as goalie nnd tender
us Amcrlcnn xvomeii. Very respectfully,
Captain United States Nnx-y.
An Enterprising Druggist.
There are few men more xvide awake and
enterprising than A. Wnsley, xvho spares no
pains to secure tile best of ever) thing in their
line for llicir many customers. They noxv
have the xahmble agency of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. This is the xvonderful remedy that is
producing such a furor all over the country by
ily many startling cures. It absolutely cures
Asthma, llronchilis, Hoarseness and all affec
tions of the Throat, Chest and I.ungs. Call
at above drug store and get n trial bottle free
or a regular size for 50 cents and $1.00.
Guaranteed to cure or price refunded.
Threatened Strike Improbable.
Altoonn, I'a., July 2. At the cnal
miners' convention held here recently
It xvns announced that a demand for an
Increase of xvnges xxouhl be made July
20, und thnt a strike xx'nuld bo Im
mediately inaugurated at ex'ery mine
from xvhlch a fuvorable answer had
not been received by July 28. Contrary
to expectation, no formal demand xvas
made upon the operators- In this dis
trict at the time mentioned and con
sequently the operators made no public
declaration on the subject, although It
xvas known all xvere determined to re
fuse un Increase. Tho thicatened strike
Is not likely to go Into effect, as noth
ing has lately been heard about It.
l!o Not Deceived. A Cough, Hoarseness or
Croup, 1110 not to be trilled with, A doso in
time of Sliiloli's Cure will savo you much
trouble. Sold by 1'. D. Kirliu and a guar
antee. Holilcd tho spuiiNIi Ting;.
Wllkusbarre, Pa., July 2S. Some time
during Tuesday night or early yester
day morning the largo American Ilag
over the public school house In Unit
over township xvas temoved from the
pole nnd a Spanish Ilag, 8 feet long and
i feet wide, substituted. When tho resi
dents of the township awoke and saw
the outrage that had been perpetrated
their Indignation knew no bounds. A
large crowd soon collected and four
men climbed to the cupoln and tore
down the Spanish emblem. Thy Ameri
can Hag xvns again raised and the
Spanish ling was torn to pieces und
trampled upon.
Ami I'lowerM, tlui Iluiiil r Aineilca, Call
luriiiu. Via tho truo pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain
Itoute," xvhlch t i-.t verses a legion of perpetual
sunshine, where snow btonus, blizzards or
high altitudes ate unknown. Pullman first
and second class palace anil tourist sleeping
cars tn points in Missouri, Aikunsns, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nox-ada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all tho comfortsof modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all xvho pur
chase tickets via tin) Missouri Pacific railway
system. Per rates right from your homo,
literature, and full information, drop n postal
card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. Mil Hall-
raid avoinio, Klmlr.i, N. Y or ;!!ll Jiruail
way, Now York.
B-l-tr W. K. Hoyt, O. 1'. P. Act.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Ti .
Signature) of
The .South mid Its AitxiintageH.
Tho Southern Itailway has issued for free
distribution, a fixtcim page journal des
criptive of irglnla, North and South Caro
Una, Tennessee., (loorgia, Alabama und
.Mississippi. Persons seeking now locations,
or capitalists desiring to mako ki to u ml profit
ablo Investments will ihul tlio iiifurmatioi
contained tlietein both valuable, and Inter
cstlug, Cuplus xvlll bo mailed frco upon ap
plication to John M. heal 1, District Passeu
ger Aucnt, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia,
$100 Reward $100.
Tlio rcadi'iH of this paper xvlll bo pleaieil to
learn tlmt there U at least one dreaded
that hcIchcu has been able to euro hi all 1U
stages, unit that is catarrh. Hall'ti Catarrh Cure
s the only poidtlvo euro known to tbo iiieilleal
fraternity. Cnturrh being u constitutional dis
ease., required a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Cutarrh Curo Is taken Internally, acting directly
I ,,,, tho blood and mucous surfaces of tlio
I system, thereby destroying tho foundation of
the disease, anil giving thu patient streuih by
building up tho constitution and assisting
nature In doing Its work. Tho proprietors liavo
ho much faith hi Its curative powers, that tliey
oller One Hundred Dollars for any cioh that It
fails to elilo. Henil for list of testimonial.
Ailihcss. 1'. J.t'HHNKY tt t.'O., Toledo, O.
Sold by Drugtci h
1'eloo.ylvillilii Oliiiillilllilia,
For the Pennsylvania Chautaiiipia, to ho
held at Mt. (Irctna, Pa,, July 1 to Auiiust 4,
1MIS, tlio Pennsylvania ICailruad Company
xvlll sell tickets to the general public 011 June
20 to August 1, good to return until August
10, inclusive, from stations on its line hi
Pennsylvania, and from Washington, 1). C,
lUltimoro, Md., and Uaiiuiiiliilyua, N. Y., und
principal lutchnedliito stations, to Mt.
(Irctna and return, nt reduced rates.
Tbe Population of Shenandoah
U about eighteen thousand, and xve would
say at least one-half aro troubled xvlth some
affection of the Throat and Lungs, as those
complaints arc, accouliiig to statistics, mote
numeruus than others. We would advise ull
not to neglect the oHortimity to call on their
druggist and get a bol'lle of Kemp's Halsain
for the throat and Lungs. Price 25 and 50c,
Trial she free, Sold by ull uiueguts.
Ilio Noxvs Joyfully llooolvod In Hono
lulu Soxvoll Urged For Oovornor.
Snn Francisco, July 2S. The steamer
Mariposa has arrived from Australia
nnd Honolulu, bringing the folloxvlng
ndvlces from Honolulu to July 20:
The stenmor Coptic arrived from San j
Francisco on the evening of the 13th
Inst, xvlth the Important nexvs that the 1
United Stntes senate had ratified the
Newlands resolution making Hawaii n j
part of the United States. Long before
the vessel had reached tho hafbor It !
xvas known that the steamer brought
annexation news, the Information be
ing signaled to the Mohican.
Whistles of foundries, mills nnd
stenmers xvere turned i.ose and pan
demonium reigned. Flrexvorks xvero set
oft und 100 guns xvere tired on the
grounds of tho executive, building. At
the same time, the Ilawnllan band
marched tlirotich the streets to the
xvluirf, playing American patrlotiJ airs.
An Immense procession xvns formed
nnd n march xvas made to the execu
tive building.
President Dole xvas at his beach homo
xvhen the steamer xvns sighted. He hur
ried Into toxvn nnd reached the xvharf
as the steamer tied up. Captain Senlby,
of tho Coptic, xvas presented xvlth a
silver cup by the citizens of Honolulu
for hi living tho news. The cup bore tho
Inscription: "Annexation. Presented by
the citizens to Captain Inman Senlby,
R. N. !.. xvho brought the good news
to Honolulu."
The leading men of Honolulu met nnd
recommended Harold M. Sewall, United
States minister to Hawaii, for gover
nor of the lslnnds. It hnd been gener
ally thought that President Dole xvould
be their choice.
The Ohio, Para, Valencia and Indiana,
four X'esels of the third licet of trans
ports, xvhlch returned to Honolulu on
account of an nccldent to the Indiana,
xvere detained heie about 24 hours nnd
sailed again for Manila on the 9th.
There xvas some defect In the. boilers of
the Indiana. Tho Monadnock and Neor
sailed on the 13th.
Eucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tlio best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhetim, fovor sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It to guaranteed to give
porfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
35 coats per bijx. For salo by A. Wasloy.
Tone .lllt'tl ly K.Vp'ITi ton,
rinr.le. fal.. July 28. At 1:30 111 the
morning nn explosion tool; place In the
nltro-Rlyeerlne house of the Hercules
Powder company. No nne was In the
building ut the time. Later a crew
x'as sent to clear axvay the debris and
extinguish the llames, and ut 4:15 n
second teriille explosion took place,
killing four men and fatally Injuring
many others. The dead lire J. Pal-
x-eraz, Herbert Strattou, 1'atrlek Mur
phy and John Ashe. It Is believed that
three of the Injured xvlll die. Some un
known miscreant cnused the llrst ex
plosion. This fact has been definitely
established by the finding ofa piece
of fuse, five feet long, under tlfe mix
ing house. "
Will vnnr Itnttloa n ,r.,lcf dlcnoai, ltr nntlitu
itrnnihlli' n,w XT!, ,,!., I1..,..,!. I Si -,. ,,.1 ...j
lnimeiliato results. When taken early it pie
vents consumption. Ami in la er stages it
furnishes piinnpt relief. C. II. II iupiiIuicIi.
Txvo Drowned WI1II11 HuMilit".
Cape Mny. July 28. Mrs. Kmlly A.
Spanner, of Philadelphia, and a little
girl of 10 years xxere drowned xvhlle
bathing ut Holly Beach yesterday af
ternoon. The xvoman's body xvas re
covered. 1 think- DnXVilt'uXVIt,.!, 1 1 Krilim U ll.
finest preparation on Hie market for piles."
So writes John C. Dunn, uf Wlieelh a. W.
Va. Try It and you will tliiuk tlio sainn.
II. Ilkn lll-li a !', Milt ,l,l nil al-l,, ittkitoi,.a t '
II. liaijoiibiicli.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Hum Hard Coal No SmoKe
Trains leave Hhenaniloah as follows :
Kor New York vlft Philadelphia, week days,
I .1U V ill it. 111., li il. a iu iiiiu n ut p. III.
Kor New York via Maueh Chunk, week days
7 30 a. in.. 12 27 and II 10 11. m.
Kor Heuulliir and Philadelphia, week days.
no, J oi a.m.. u n. a iu aim u 01 11. ih
Kor l'ottsvllle, week days, 7 30, 9 51 a. 111.
12 27, 1) 10, 6 07 and 1 25 p. lu.
Kor Tamamitt und Mahunoy City, week days
7 30.9 51a. 111.. 12 27 8 10 and 007 1. in.
For XVUIIumsport, Hunbuiv and liwlsliurg,
week days, it 30 u. 111.. 12 27. 7 2).t'. m
Kor Mutiaiio Plane, weekdays, 7 30, 9 51, 11 30
a. Ul., 12 27, B 10, 0 07, 7 25, 9 65 p. in.
Kor Ashland and Slininoklu, week days, 730,
1180 a. Ul., 12 27, 8 10,6 07, 7 25 and 9 55 p, 111.
Kor Baltimore. XVastiliiRtoii and tlio XVt via
i. ,vu. u. it., luroiijli trains lea") icoailllig
Terminal. Phliadelnhla. IV. A It. II X.i at 3 20.
7 55, 1120 a. m., 810 and 7.27 p. 1-. Hundays,
a , w, u a) a. ur., a -10 anu i 1 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, woce days, 1080 a. in, 12 20,
12 It 8 40 p Ul. .Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 i. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
u-s, ia ia. jju, a w, 11 uu a. ul., anu 1 4d, 1 30
9 00 n.iu.
Lcavu New York via Maueh Chunk, week
,lavs. 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80 D. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Heading Terminal, week
days, 8 40. 8 80 10 21 u. in. ami 130, 4 CO p.m.
javo neatiing, weeK uays, 7 oj, to us, a, 111.
li !), 1 It. l IAJ p. Ul.
Leave l'ottsvllle, weelc days, 7 10, 7 40 a. m
10 un .1 in mn.n.1 tt rj ...
Leave-Taraaijua, week days, 8 3d, 1123 a. 111.
I 49. 5 68. 7 20 I), m.
lave Mahaitoy City, week days, 9 05, 1147
a. m., i i. o ii. d .1, 1 p. m
Leave Alahanoy Plane, week days, 680, 925,
luua, 11 ftj a. lu., 2 41, J 3J, 0 41 1 J,,)IUI.
Liavo XVIlllainsport, week das, 7 42, II uo a,
iu., n hi aim i uu l. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street watf ami
.South street whaif for Atlantic City.
XVeekdays Hxpress, 800, 900, 10 Hn. in. (t 30
Hutunluvs iinlv). 2 00. 3 00. 3 40 ll'O lilinlltu Iruln I.
4 00 105 minute tiuluj, 4 30, 5 00 fC5 minute
train i. 5 40. 7 00 11.111. Accommodation, li 15
11. iu., 5 00, 6 80 p. iu 81.00 incursion train 7 00
11 in. nuiiuays uxpress, 7 0U, sou, suu, uou,
10 00 a m, 4 45 p 111. Accommodation, 0 15 a 0.
4 45 u. in. 81.00 excursion train. 7 a 111.
ltetumhiK leave Atlantic City depot, cornel
Atlantic anu Arkansas avenues.
XVeekdays Hiuress. (6 4X Mondays only
TOO, 7 45 a minute train, 8 20 IV minute
traiuj, v w, iu m. 11 uua iu., a ou, .su. a au, 7 ;u,
vij p. 111. Accommodation, s., 7 no a. 1
405 D. 111. M.0J excursion train (fruiiiMtsslssli
live, only) 0(0 p. in. Mondays Kipress, 330.
4 00. SOU. ti 00. U3U. 7 UQ. 7 80. 8 00.9 3011. Ul. An
eommndatlon, 715 a, m., 5 05 p. m. tlOi
excursion train (from foot of Mississippi ax u,
only), tl tup m.
For Cane .Mav and Boa Isle City. B 45 a. 111
2 30, 4 45 pm. Additional for Capo May 415
p. 111, nunuays im 00 excursion 7 ui ) v 10 a
Hundays-HI 00 excursion 7 03 )
roruccuu wuy, tiao, n.x a m, :jau, 11
Ut OX) excursion Thursday only) 7 00 u lu,
iluye, 8 1.U!5iuu.
Parlor Cars on all oxoross trains.
Kor further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket ageu
or ouuress
, . U. ....... . .... T
(ien'l Hunt., (ien'l I'uss'r Ant.
KeauuiK Terminal, i-nuaucipuia.
nillionsof Dollars
Clo un n smoko ovory year, Take n
risks hut get your houses, stock, fu
nltuio, eUi., Insured iu first-class r
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST, insurance Agent
uixyiu 1AUOI, , Boulli JardluHt
Also Lllo.andAoeldoolal Ooupaulci
Her HeaStb Restored
TIIK misery of sleeplessness can only be
realized by those who havo experi
enced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness,
headaches, neuralgia and that mUcrablo
feeling of unrest, can surely bo cured by Dr.
Miles' ltosloratlx'o Nervine. So certain U
lu. Jlllfs of all druR'rUts tiro
uitliorl.f (1 to refund prlco paid for tho first
bottle tiled, providing It docs not hem lit.
Mrs. Henry Hruus, wife of tbo well known
blacksmith at drum! Junction, Iowa, says:
I was troubled xf Ith slccplessnm't, nervous
ness, headache and lrrcgulariuetistruallotii
suffering untold misery for years. I 11 ed
various advertised remedies for female com
plaints besides being under the caro of local
physicians, xvltliout help. I noticed In Dr.
Miles' advertisement tho testimonial of n
lady cured of ailments similar to mine, and
I shall novcrccaso to thank that lady. Her
testimonial Induced mo to uso Dr. Miles'
Nervluo and Ncrvo and Liver Pills, which
rcstoicd mo to health. I cannot say oiioukIi
for Dr.MIles'Iiomcdlcs '
Dr. Miles' Hcmcdloj
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive,
guarantee, flrit pottlo
benefits or money re
funded liook on dis
eases of tho heart and
nerves free, Address,
I)H. MIL li3 MEDICAL CO.. Llklmrt. lud,
jp M. BlIKKK,
Olllee TCiraii hulldlnir. 03rl er of Main an
Centru streets, Mlienaniloali.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Irfck Ho 1 65, Mahanoy City, l'a.
Itavlne studied under some, ot the tmt
masters h' I.oiulon ami Paris, xvlll Klvo lessons
on the violin, inaudol In, collar and vocal eul tin ot
Terms rcjiionuble. Address In caro of Htrousa
lite Joweler Mlienanuonli.
Jm.Y 1, 1898.
Trains will leavo Hlienandnuli after tn. n.i.
iiatti ror wi'rffatiM, illinerton, Krnrlcvllle lit.rl
Wilt it, .St. Clair, l'ottsvllle. HaiubnrK, IteailliiK.
rottstown, Phoenlxvlllc. Norrlbtimn ard Pl.i..
aaelphla (hrijod street rtatlonl at 6 05 and Rift
a. in.. 2 02. 0 19 11. 111. on week iIuih. HimduVM.
S 15 a. 111., 4 25 p. 111.
Trains leave Krackvtllo for Shenandoah at
7 SO, 11 45 a. ni, and 5 45, 7 8 p, ni. Holiday,
11 ui u. ui. anu a 411 p. 111.
1,4-ave Pottsvlllu foi Hlienandoah (via Krack
vlllu 710, It 20 u. 111., 5 20, 7 10 p. 111. Mililduv
Leave Plil'tudclii'hta. (llroad street station), foi
HlitMindnah at 8 35 a. 111.. 4 10 p. m, week daysi.
nuniiayH leavo as 0 mi nun u 1 a. in.
Leave llroad street station, l'hllatlelnhla. lor
Mea dirt, Asiiury Park, Ocean drove, l.onx
nraiien, ami inieriiieoiaio stations,
11.14, a. hi. , 8.110 and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
i-cave isroau street citation, I'liuaueipma,
Kxnress.xvcck-days. 8 20. 4 Ori. 4 50 5 05.5 15.BSO
73,8 20, 9 50, 10 21 (l)llllne Cur), II 00 . ill,
M w noon, i- ui ii.inuieii 1 uu anu 1: p. m.
DlniliK Cars), I 40, 2 80 (DIolliK Our) 8 20, 3 SO.
102. 500. 5 50(l)lnlllirCar). 000. 7 02. 7 .VI (Din.
lllir('lir). 10CO li. ill.. 1201. tilidit. Hilndavs.
320, 405. 4 50.5 01,5 158 20,0 50,1021, (DIulllK
war;, 1100 u. 111., 120.1, iva (liming x;ari va
(I)lnhiL- Car), 400 (Limited! 22) (Dinlni; Car).
5 20.550, (DtnlilK Car) Oat, 702,7 50, lDlnlm:
Car 10 00 11. ra., 12 01 night.
rsxprcss tor nosion xv itnout change, 11 00 a .,
week-days, and 7 50 p. ni., dally.
i;uiskiii express, U'urior x;ur), H 20 n m xveeK
Kor Ilaltlmoro and XVashlnirton. 8 50. 7 20.8 32.
10 20, II 23, a. m., 12 Otl, 12 31 (Dh.lllK Cur), 1 12
IDtnlntr Curl. 3 12. 4 41. IB 25 Couures-
sioniil Limited. Dlulne Carl. 0 17. S55 lln-
IliK Car, 7 31 lDlnlm; Carl p. in., and 12 05
IllKllt xveck days. Sundays, 8 60, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23,
a. in.. 1201, 1 12, Dlnlnn Car 4 41, 520 Con-K-renslonol
Limited, DlnbiK Car, 655 llnln(
Cur), 781 IDInlnttCurl p. in. and 12 05 nlirht.
Kor Itulthuoru, accommodation. 9 12 it 111, 2 Oi
mid 4 01 p 111 week days, 5 08 und 11 10 p iu dully.
Leave Hroad street station via Delaware rlvei
lirldire Kinross. 5 00. 9 40 SO minutes! u in.
238 IN2 minutes, 1 00 ISO minutes, 705 p. in.
.Suniluys, 5 00, 020 eo minutes, u 111, 2 3S sti
nuuutesj, t ui p 111.
l jive Market Ktreet Warf Kmress. 5 00. 8 30.
10 00 175 minutes, a m. (100 Saturdays ony), 2 00
75 minutes, 3 00 75 minutes, 3 30 00 infinites!,
4 00 tVS minutes, 4 80 75 minutes. 500 1 70
mlliiitesl.530 IVS lulnutesl 11 ui, Sundays, 51HI,
sj p i
730, HOO 75 inlnutesj, 830, 900 75 minutes,
0 50 170 minutes a 111, und 4 30 75 minutes p 111. excursion train, 7 00 a 111 uaiiy.
v or uape way, AiiKlesca, xvildwoou anu nouy
lteacll Express, 0 00 a III, 2 80, 4 05, 5 00 p in
weekdays. biiudu)u 820itln. CapuMuyonly,
1 au p 111 nuturouys excursion, 7 uu it in uauy.
Kor Sea Isle City. Ocean Cllv. Avalon and
Stone Harbor Express, 0 10 a. in., 2 30, 4 20,
5 00 p. m weekdays. Sundays, 8 00 a. iu. Ex
cursion 7 CO a m daily.
ror noiuers i-oini icxpress, aou, sao, wuj
a. va.. 1 00 Saturday only, 300, 4 00, 5 00, 5 80
p. III. week days Suiuluvs. S 00. 8 00. 9 IU. 9 50
a. m and 4 30 p. 111.
I. Jl lIUlCIUNSOlf, j. it. xvooii,
(leu'l Mauauer,
tien'l iass'Kfr Afc-t
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
p. Nervine I
p Restores
&, Health jnS