IF EVENING HERALD KttTAllt.lSIIKI) 1870. Ptibltslicil every KvenliiR, Kxcoit Sunday, at Hotrrn Jahiiin Stiikkt, Nkaii Centiik. The llrralil Is tleltrtled In Shenandoah niul Ilia (aiirrrmiidlnn tmrn! (or sit eents a week, pay Main otno carriers. ji-iimuw.wiiin1ui j Mreiit n month, payable In lulvnnco. Aihertlse 4 finents chanted according to space awl position. " JTIte publishers reserve the rlht to chiuiKe tho Aposltioii of advertisement v, lieni-vcr the pub- "tiftlo-i ol ticv ilcninnil It. The flight ' pleoerveil to wjf-timv advertisement, whither nnlil for oi not, .nit the publishers my ileem .-liiriipir AiltritlMiiK rates made, known upon npplliiilloli , , ,. K.ltered nt the iotolllie at Shenandoah, l'n.,as Meenud class mall mutter. TKI.r.ritONI? C0NNIUT10N 'All the News That's Fit to Print.' Evening Herald vr.ir.sim .hi.y ut. imh. OUK COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. iJl.ANi o must In- imtiout. His turn w ill come whim the frost begins to full. Ju.-t now Unclu Sum is L'iii,'itge(l In roiiinliiif,- up Spaniards oust of 1 1 u vuim. Jt is Miid the Republican Mo.p.s lias left his people and tluparted for the wilderness, sorely perplim-d because bis "himnony" plan does not htiriuouirt1. That uroposed harmony deal is raid to have been declared oil'. It would not stand the light of day. The Czar has declared war against Quny and the whole shooting mutch. Thk Supreme Court has declared unconstitutional the recent law of our Legislature taxing the employ ment of foreign-born tiiinaturalied persons. Thk went her man has been making some bad mistakes lately, 1 ut ho is freely forgiven for past sins. Tho copious rains of yesterday Idled a lone; felt want. CojlGltKSS.MKN who favored tho issue of greenbacks will be kept busy explaining their position to their Kc putilicaii constituency. Several of this kind are asking for re-election. Thk salt's of postal stamps for the fiscal jear just ended amounted to ,88,01)0,000, a gain of nearly 1 per cent, over the preceding year. There is no better gauge of business im provement. Thk new government war loan Is quoted in New York at from 10.!j to Hit, wni'-li means (hat a. popular loan could lie negotiated at less than pereent interest. It pays to stick to u dollar equivalent to gold. It is hard to lielieve that the troops of Garcia are interfering in any way with the proposed surrender of Span ish soldiers, (iarcia has been light ing Spaniards long enough to know that any disposition on their part to no back homo ought to be en couraged. TllKUK has'been some criticism of Justice Qunnuere, of the New Jersey Supremo Court, for nfllrniing that one dollar was tho full value of damages that a railroad must pay to the be relived parents for tho killing of a child. Tho value is llxed by tho law of the state -on the pecuniary earn ing capacity of the person killed Justice (iummere did not make this law. He only interpreted it and it should be repealed. Should the war with Spain end soon, the President will undoubtedly call Congress together in extra fees sion, or certainly tho Sonatu, as it would bo necessary to speedily adopt a treaty of peace with tho Dons. However, the most s'tngulno at this writing hardly look for a complete cessation of hostilities before the middle of August, unless Spain should suddenly grow tired of pro longing a struggle that sho must know is hopeless. An exchange draws the following beautiful pen picture, which wo recommend to the careful perusal of our readers . "Kvonts aro dally oo fiirring which make no Impression on tho iniuil, because they occur so often; yet are themselves full of wonder. Take up a newspaper and turn to tho column which gives its statod chron icle of births and deaths tho brief epitome of human history tho talo which records the daily iiillux and discharge in that vast tide of gener ations which rolls on and on with ceaseless roar throughout tho hollow vault of tlmo, unchecked by tho Hoienco and energy of man, sweeping all before it into tho deep abyss of uteniity. With calm indifference we glance over that record of mortality; and vot what a story is unfolded in itr In those few linos tho uncertain tics-and accidents of human life will be all found. "Within their short com pass tho dread liiystoryof providence is contained. There aro recorded side by sldo tho peaceful exit of ox Jiausted ago and tho sudden fall of 4 r-zz Cure nick licadai lie. oait taste la the month i-o.iU-il tongue, gas ill Hie stum ell, tlUtrelt anil llullxcituni. Ho pin s net weaken, hut lm tonic effect, ii i-ciiti, TL culy lllli to tak with ilood'i SirMuanlU. Hoods TWO GltATEFUL WOMEN Roatorod to Health by Lydla H. Plnkhnm's VoRotablo Compound. "Can Wo Mr Own Work." Mrs. PATIUCK Daneiit, West Winstcd, Conn., writes I " Dr.An Mus. Vinkiiam: It Is with pleasure tlmt I write to you of the liotioflt I have dorlved from using your wonderful Vegetable Compound. I wns vory 111, suffered with foninlo wunlc uuss and displacement of tho womb. "1 couldnot slccpnt night, had to wnllc tho floor, I sufTorod bo with pain In my sldo and Bmnll of my back. Was trou bled with blunting, and ut times would faint nwaji had a terrlblo pain In my heart, ii bad tasto In my mouth all the time and would vomit; butnow, thanlts to Mrs. Pinkham and hor Vegetable Compound, I feel well and sleep well, can do my work without feoling tired; do not bloat or horo any trouble, whatovor. "I sinceroly thank yon for the good ailvicoyou gave mo and for what your medicine has done for ma." "Cannot Trail It Enough." Miss Gertie Dumhik, Franklin, Nob., vrltcs: " I suffered for lomo tlmo with pain ful and irregular menstruation, falling of the womb and pain in tho back. I tried physicians, but found no relief. " 1 was at last porsuaded to try Lydla 13. Plukham's Veffotablo Compound, and cannot praise it enough for what It has done for mo. I feel like a new person, and would not part with your medlcluo. I havo recommended it to several of my frlonds." youth; the slow consumption of life by disease and its sudden extinction by accident or visitation of find. There, too, are crowded the thronged and honored funeral of the bene factor of his kind, and tho silent in terment of tho poor suicide. All these things are before us. They make up tho history of our race. Thov seal the fate that comes to all." COMMANDER'S REPORT. (Contliiiieil from First Page.) or near tin-it- uxul lilmkiidins positions, distributed la a M-iiii-i-lic-li' about this harbor entiuiict, (-uiillnic from tho eastwniil to westward. In tin- fullowlai; order: The Indiana about a mile and a half fiuin shore; the Oivuon, the Now Yolk's plni-o between these two; the Iowa, Texas anil Brooklyn, the latter two miles from shore, west of Santl- iipo. The distance ot I no vessels irom the harbor eulrauce was ft inn two and one-half to four miles, the latter being the limit of day lilui-kailliiK distance. The lenuth of the arc formed by the Milps was about eifiht miles. The Massachusetts had left at J a. m. for Guantanamo for coal. Her station was between the Iowa and Texas. The aux iliaries Gloucester and Vixen lay close to the land, and nearer tho harbor entrance than the laise vessels, the Gloucester to the eastward, and the Vixen to the westward. The torpedo boat KrlrKson was In company with the UaKshlp. and rciniMni d with her dur Int? her chase until ordered to discon tinue, when she rendered very efficient service In resculntf prisoners from tho burning Vlzcayn. I enclose a dlaRiam showlnt; appioxlmately the positions of the vessels ns described above. Tim Spaiil-.il Vo--o1h Appear. The Spanish vessels came rapidly out of the harbor, at a speed estimated at from eight to ten knots, and in the fol lowing order: Infanta Maria Teresa (llagshlp), Vizcaya, Cristobal Colon and the Almirante Oquendo. The dis tance between these ships was about 600 yards, which means that, from the time the first one became visible In the upper reach of the channel until the last one was out of the harbor an In terval of only about 12 minutes elapsed. Following the Oquendo, at a distance of about 1,200 yards, came the toi ppdo boat destroyer l'luton, and after her the Furor. The armored cruisers, as rapidly as they could bring their nuns to bear, opened a vigorous tire upon the blockading vessels, and omoigid fiom the channel shrouded in the smoke of their gun3. The men of our ships In front of the port were at Sunday "quartern lor In spection." The signal was made simut tineously from severnl hoats, "Enemy's ships escaping," and general quaiters was sounded. The men cheered as they sprang to their guns, and Ore was was opened probably within eight min utes by the vessels whose guns com manded the entrance. The New Yoilt turned about and steamed for the es caping lleet, Hying the signal "Close In towards harbor entiaaee and attaik vessels," and gradually in reusing speed until townrd the end of the chase she was making 16& knots, and u.is rapidly closing on the Cristobal Colon She wns not nt anv time within the range of the heavy Hpnnlsh ships, and her only pnit in the firing was to re ceive l he undivided flic from the forts In passing the harbor entrance and to tire a few shots at one of the ilistroy ers, thousht at tho moment to lie at tempting to escape fiom the Glouces ter. The Rpanlnh vessels, upon clearing Ihe hntbor. turned to the westward in lolumn, Increasing their speed to the full power of their engines. The heavy blockading vessels, which had closed In towards the Morro at tho Instant of the enemy's appearance, and at their best speed, delivered a rapid hie, well sus tained and destructive, which speedily overwhelmed und silenced the Spanish Ire. The Initial speed of tho Spaniards carried them rapidly past tho block ading vessels, and the battle developed into a chnse. In which the Hrooklyn and Texas had at the start tho advantago of position. The Hrooklyn maintained this lead. Tho Oregon, steaming with amazing speed from tho commence ment of the action, took first place. The Iowa Had the Indiana having done good work, and not having the speed of tho other ships, we're directed by me, In succession, at about the time the A'lzenyn was beached, to drop out of the chase and resume blockading stations. These vessels rescued many prisoners. The Vixen, llnding that the rush of the Spanish ships would put her between two hres, ran outside of our own column und remained there dm Ing the buttle and chase. I'ralso lor tho (iloucoxU)i'. The skillful handling and gullunt fighting of tho Gloucester excited the admiration of everyone who witnessed It, and merits the commendation of the navy department. She is a fast anil entirely unprotected auxiliary vessel the yucht Corsair und has a good bat tery of light rupld lire guns. She was lying about two miles from the harbor enUancft. to the. southward and cast waid. ami immediately steamed in, opening lite upon tho large ships. An ticipating the uppenrance of the l'lu ton and Furor, tho Gloucester was glowed, thereby gaining more rapidly a high pressure of steam, and when the destroyers came out she steamed for them nt full speed, and was able to close at shott range, where her fire was accurate, deadly and of great vol ume. DuriiiK this fight the Gloucester was under the fire of the Socapa lat tery. Within 20 minutes from tin- time they emerged from rfantiago hat nor the careers of the Furor and the l'luton were ended, nnd two-thirds of their people killed. The Furor was beached and sunk In the surf; the l'luton sank In deep water a few minutes Inter. The destroyers probably suffered much In Jury from the tires of the secondary batteries of the battleships lown. In diana and the Texas, vet I think a very considerable factor In thell speedy destruction was the Hie, at close range, of the Gloucester's battery. After res cuing the survivors of the destroyers the Gloucester did excellent service In landing and securing the crew- of the IufRtita Maria Teresa. The method of escape by the Span iards all steering In the same direc tion, and In formation, removed all tactical doubts or dllllcultles, nnd made plain the duty of every flitted States vessel to close In, immediately engage and pursue. This was piomptly and effectively done. Ab already stated, the lltst rush of the Spanish squadron carried It past a number of the block ading ships, which could not Immedi ately work up to their best speed, but they sulTered heavily In passing, and the Infanta Maria Teresa and the Oquendo were probably set on lire by shells II red during the first in minutes of the engagement. It was afterwards learned that the Infanta Marin Teresa's fire main had been cut by one of our llrst shots, and that she was unable to extinguish the fire. With large vol umes of smoke rising from their lower decks aft. these vessels gave up both fight and lllsht and ran -In on the beach the Infanta Maria Teresa at about 10:15 a. m., at Nimn Nlma, six and one-half miles from Santiago har bor entrance, and the Almirante Oquen do at nbout 10:50 a. m., at Juan Gon zales, seven miles from the port. Incrca-liig tho Itloekado'-. Vlirllnnoo. The Vizcaya was still under tho lire of the leading vessels. The Cristobal Colon had drawn ahead, leading the chase, and soon passed beyond the range of some of the guns of the lead ing American ships. The Vlzcayn was soon set on tire, nnd nt 11:1(1 she turned In shore and was rfenched at Ascerrn deros, lfi miles from Santiago, burning fiercely, and with her leserves of am munition on deck already beginning to explode. When about ten miles west of Santiago the Indiana had been sig naled to go back to the harbor en trance, and at Ascerraderos the Iowa was signaled to "resume blockading station." The Iowa, assisted by the Ericsson and tho Hist, took oft the crow of the Vlzcnva, while tho Har vard and the Gloucester rescued those of the Infanta Marin Teresa nnd the Almirante Oquendo. This rescue of prisoners, Including the wounded from the burning Spanish vessels, was the occasion of some of tho most dating and gallant conduct of the day. The ships were burning fore and nft, their guns and reserve ammunition wore ex ploding, nnd It was not known nt what moment the tire would reach the main magazines. In addition to this, a heavy surf was running Just Inside of the Spanish ships. Hut nothing deterred our ofllcers and men until their work of humanity was complete. Thero remained now of the Spanish ships only the Cristobal Colon, but sho was their best and fastest vessel. Forced by the situation to hug the Cu ban coast, her only chance ot escape was by superior and sustained speed. When the Vizcaya went nshote the M.uStcm'Siidie HlU erttjWJtMCrt SISN:-ttjlnJ"5rv i Berkley' caso, thoy nttompt to dry up tho poison in tho blood; tho digestion is so riously impaired, nnd morcurial rhoumatism always rosults. Tho many so-cullod blood remedies fail to do any good, bocanso thoy, too, contain minoral ingro- dionts. S. S. S. is n rail blood remedy, containing no minoral or drug of any kind, nud cures by going down to Iho bottom of tin- troublo, olonusiug tho blood thoroughly, nnd removing ovory trnco of taint. Tt is tho only euro, beenuo it forces out tho poison instead of shutting it in. S.S. S. is purely vegetable, nnd is tho only blood remedy guaranteed to conttiin not a par-, tiolo of potusli, mercury, or other minoral. Jlemember this, and Uko tho host The host is &. 8. S. Books on blood and skin diseases muilod frpo to nny address by Swift Specific Co., Atlttuta, Qa, Colon was about six units utu-.id of the Hrooklyn and Oit-L'on, but her spurt was finished nnd the Ameilean shlpt were now gaining upon her. Behind the Brooklyn and the Oiegon came the Texas, Vixen and New York. It was ovIoVnt from the bildge of the Now Yotk that all the Anieilcun ships were gradually overhauling the chaso, and that she had no chance of escape. At 12:B0 the Hrooklyn and the Oregon opened lire and got her range the Oregon's henvy shell striking beyond her and at 1:20 she gave up without tiring another shot, hauled down her colors, and ran ashore at ltlo Torqulno, 46 miles from Santiago. Captain Cook, of the Hrooklyn went on boaid to re ceive the surrender. While Ills -boat was alongside I came up In the New York, received hi" rep n't and placed the Oregon In charge of the wreck to save her. If possible, and directed, the pilsoneis to be transferred to the Hcso lutc, which had followed the chase. Commodore Schley, whose chief of staff had gone on board to receive the surrender, had directed that nil their personal effects should bo retained by tho olllccrs. This order I did not mod ify. Blight Injury to tho Cclstnlinl Colon. The Cilstobnl Colon was not Injured by our filing, and pn bably Is not much Injured by beaching, though she ran ashore at high speed. The beach was 50 steep that she camo oft by the work ing of the sea. Hut her sea valves were opened and broken, treacherously, I am sure, after her surrender, and de spite all efforts she sank. When It be came evident that she could not be kept alloat she was pushed by the New Yotk bodily upon the be.-ch, the New York's steam being placed ugnlnst her for this purpose, the ship being handled by Captain- Chadwlck with admirable Judgment, and sank In shoal water, and may be saved. Hud this not been done she would havo gone down In deep water and would have been to a cer tainty n total loss. I regard this complete nnd Important victory over the Spanish forces as the successful finish ot several weeks of arduous and close blockade, so strin gent and elfectlve dm Ing the night that the enemy was deterred from making the attempt to escape at night, and de liberately selected to make the at tempt In daylight. That this was tho case I was Informed by the command ing ofilcer of the Cristobal Colon. It sems proper to brielly describe here the manner In which this was accom plished. The harbor of Santiago Is nat urally easy to blockade, there being but one entrance, nnd that a narrow one, and the deep water extending close up to the shoie line presenting no dllll cultles of-navlgatlon outside of the en trance. At the time of my arrival be fore the port June 1 the moon was at Its full, and there was sulllclent light during the night to enable any move ment outside of the entrance to be de tected, but wltli the waning ot the moon and the coming of dark nights there was opportunity for the enemy to escape or for his torpedo boats to make an attack upon the blockading vessels. It was ascertained with fair conclu siveness that the Moriiuiac, so gallantly taken Into thu channel on J vim- 3, did not obstruct It. 1 theieforc maintained the blockade as follows: To the bat tleships was assigned the duty, In turn, of lightning the channel. Moving up to the port, at a distance of from one to two miles from the Morro de pendent upon tho condition of the at mospherethey thiew a searchlight beam directly up the channel anil held It steadily there. This lightened up tho entire bredth of the channel for half a mile Insli'- 1' the entianci so bril liantly that the movement of small boats could be detected. Why the bat teries never opened fire upon the searchlight ships was always a matter ot surprise to ine, but they never did. aUit!o'ie! close to tlje entrance of the They Found a Cure 1st Swift's Specific. Tho propor romody for every disease having its origin in tho blood is a remedy which can go down to tho causo of tho troublo and forco it from tho system. Blood diseases aro difficult to euro, and few remedies havo any effect upon them. Swift's Specific nover fails to euro tho worst caso, it matters not how obstinato, or in what manner tho diseaso originates. It is a real blood romody, and promptly goes down to tho vory causo of tho troublo, forcing every impurity from tho blood. "When my daughter wns three months old, broke out on her head, nnd continued to spread until her head was ontiroly covered. She wns treated by several good doctors, but grew worse, and tho dreadful disease spread to her face. She was taken to two celebrated health springs, but received no benefit. Jinny patent medicines wero taken, but without result, until wo decided to try S. S. S., and by tho timo tho first bottle, was finished, hor head began to heal. A dozen bottles cured her completely and left her skin perfectly smooth. Sho is now sixteen years old, nnd has a magnificent growth of hair. Not a sign of tho dreadful disease has ever returned. II. T. Siiohe, 270-1 Lucas Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mr. II. ICuhn, of Marion, Kansas, writes: "About threo years ago my grand daughter, llortha Whitwood, was thrown from a horse, receiving a wound of tho scnlp. Under tho treatment of physicianB tho wound seemed obstinate, and for several months remained about the same, until it finally became very angry-looking, and broko out into a RUNNING SOIUJ. This soon spread to other parts of tho scnlp nnd ran down tho sido of tho neck, increasing In sovority, and fearfully disfiguring her. Sho was then ploced under the caro of tho faculty of a well-known liospitul, but oven tho treatment sho received thero failed to arrest tho terriblo gore. Heading of tho ninny cures of blood troubles effected by S. S. S. wo decided to try it, nnd it relieved her promptly. In a few months she was entirely cured, and scarcely a mark now remains where tho diseaso held full sway." I suffered sovornl years from IMPUIUJ BLOOD, which settled in my eyes nnd caused me much suffering. I wns treated by our best physicians but getting no better, I consulted an oculist, who advised ine to take a blood remedy, stating tlint if my blood was purified I would soon got well. I thou took threo dlirerent blood remedies, but thoy did 1110 no good whatever. I decided to take S. S. 8., and when I had finished tho third bottle I was completely cured, and my eye sight fully restored. Miss Noea Fullinoton, Gadsden, Aln. SCROFULA appeared on the head of my little grandchild when only 18 months old. Shortly nftor breaking out it spread rapidly all over her body. The scabs on tho sores would peel off on tho slightest touch, and tho odor that would ariso matlo tho atmosphere of tho room sickening and unbearable. The disenso next nttacked tho oyes, and wo feared sho would Jose her sight. Eminent physicians from tho surrounding country wero consulted, but could do nothing io relievo tho little innocent, and gavo it as their opinion that tho enso was hopeless and impossible to snvo tho child's eyesight. It wns then that wo decided to try Swift's Specific. That medicino at once mndo a speedy nnd completo cure. Shu is now a young lady, and has nover had a sign of tho disenso to return. Mks. Ituni BntKELUY, Salina, Kan. It is usoloss to oxporimont with tho doctors in any caso whoro tho blood is involvod; thoy aro absolutely uuablo to euro diseases of this nature. Thoy know but ono treatmont that of potash nnd mercury, and the harmful offecta of thoso driiKS aro woll known. Instend of curbm th ii;u. port wcie three picket launches, and nt a little instance further out three small llcket vom "'s usually converted yachts and when they were available, one or two of our torpedo boats. With this arrangement there wns nt lenst a certainly Hint nothing could get out of tho harbor undetected. Deitruetlon til' tho Vlzenyn. After the unlvnl of the army, when the situation forced upon tho Spanish admiral a decision, our vlcllnnee In creased. The night blo'kndlng distance wus reduced to two miles for all ves sels, and a battleship was placed along side the seaichllglit ship, with her broadside trained upon the channel in readiness to lire the Instant a Spanish ship should nppenr. Tho commanding otllcjars merit the greatest praise for the perfect nianer In which they entered into this plan and put It Into ex ecitlnn. The Massachusetts, which, ac cording to routine, was sent that morn ing to coal nt Guantanamo, like the ethers, had spent wenry nights upon this work, and deserved a better fato than to be absent that morning. I enclose, for the Information of thu department, copies of orders and mem orandums Issued from time to time, re lating to the manner of maintaining the blockndc. When all tho work was dono so well it Is difficult to discrimi nate In praise. The object of the block ade of Cervera's squadron wns fully accomplished, and each Individual bore well his pnrt In It, the commodore In command of the second division, the cnptalns of ships, their otllcers and men. The fire of the battleships was powerful and destructive, and the re sistance of the Spanish squadron wns, In gicat part, broken almost befoie they had got beyond the range of their own forts. The fine speed of the Ore gon enabled her to take a front posi tion in the chase, and the Cristobal Colon did not give up until the Oregon had tluown a IS Inch shell beyond her. The performance adds to the already brilliant record of this fine battleship, and speaks highly of the skill and care with which her adinliable clllciency has been maintained during a service un precedented in tho history of vessels of her class. The Hronklyn's westerly blockading position pave her an advantage In the chase, which she maintained to the end, and slu employed her Hue battery with telling efrcct. Tho Texas and tile New Yoik were gaining on the chase during the last hour, and had any ac cident befallen the Hiooklyn or the Oregon would have speedily overhauled the Ciistobal Colon. From the moment the Spanish vesnel exhausted her llrst burst of speed the result was never In doubt. She fell, In fact, far below what might reasonably have been expected of her. Cm of ill measurements of time and distance give her an average speed from the time she cleared tho harbor mouth until the time she was run on shore at Ulo Tarqulno, of 13.7 knots. Neither the New York nor the Hrook lyn stopped to couple up their forward tnglnt-s, but inn out the chnse with one pair, getting steam, of course, as rap Idly ns possible on all boilers. To stop to couple up the forward engines would have meant a delay of 15 minutes, or four miles in the chase. Our ships lint slightly Injured. Several of the ships wcie struck, the Brooklet more often than the others, but vi fy slight innterial liijuty wns done, the greatest helng aboard the Iowa. Our loss was one man killed and one wounded, both on the Hiook lyn. It Is dllllcult to explain this Im munity from loss of life or Injury to ships In a combat with modern vessels of tho best type, but Spanish gunnery Is poor at tho best, and the superior weight nnd accuracy of our fire speedily drove the men from their liiias and silenced their fire. This Is botne out by the statements of prisoners, and by observation. The Spanish vessels, ns they dashed out of the haibor, were covered with the smoke from their own guilt, but this speedily diminished In volume, nnd soon almost disappeared. Tho fire from the rapid llro batteries of the battleships appears to Tiavo been lemarknbty destructive. An examina tion of the strunded vessels shows Hint the Almirante Oquendo especially had sulTered terribly from this Hie. Her sides aye everywhere pierced nnd her decks were strewn with the charied remains of those who had fallen. Tho reports of Commodore W. S. Schley and the commanding ofllcers are enclosed, A boaid, appointed by me several days ago, has made a critical examina tion of the stranded vessels, both with a view of leportlng upon the result of our lire nnd the military features In volvcnl, and of reporting upon the chance of saving any of them and ot wrecking the remainder. The report of the boaid will bo speedily forwurd cd. Very respectfully, W. T. SAMI'SON, Hear Admiral United Slntes Navy. A SPAN1SHLVICT0RY. In the Battle of Bahla Honda, ns Reported by Spaniards, Four Americans Were Killed. Havana, July 27. The following Is the olllclal report of the engagement between the Spanish forces and the American mm lues on Saturday last near Halila Honda, C5 miles west of Havana, on the north const of the province of PInnr del ltlo; "On, July !!3 Senor Manzannl, mayor of Hahla Honda, left the town about sunrise, with forces of all arms, pro ceeding In a northerly direction townrd Manluiuni creek and Oobernadora beach, to the west of the entrance ot the bay on which tho town of Hahla Honda Is situated. It had been report ed that American ships had been sent there the day before. "On arriving tho Spanish forces open ed with artillery and musketry fire, compelling the American ship In the offing to withdraw, with several losses on board. Of the landing party four were killed, among them a lieutenant, ns was ascertained from documents on his person. "Our tioops also sank tho boat used In the landing, with eight men, and captuied one new Itcmlngton, a Iior dan and a .hundred cartridges. The Spanish losses were three slightly wounded." The censor would not allow the trans mission of news as to this engagement yesterday. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than A. Wasley, who spares no ains to secure me ocsi 01 evcryunng 111 iiieir ine for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This U the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by ity many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, bronchitis, Hoarseness ana an ancc tions of the Throat, Chest and bungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular size for So cents and fi.oo. Uuarantecu to cure or price rciunucu. Chlnco Diplomat Culled Homo, Herlln, July 27. Tho sudden and un explained departure from Iloilin of the Chinese ambassador here, Hsuo, has caused a sensation. He embarked yesterday aboard the Notth German Lloyd steamer Lalin, at Hitmen, bound for China, by way of the United Stntes. The members of the diplomatic corps believe Hsuo has Incurred the displeas ure of the authoiltles at 1'ekin by al leged Incapacity displayed during the recent nei.uiiationti between Oermany and China on the subject of Kino Chou Hay and other matters. a ciiii.ti i:n.iovs TI10 pleasant flavor, Rontle action, nail snotli Ing cll'ii t of Syrup of l'lgs, when la need of a luxation, and if tho father or mother lie i-oslivo or hillous, the most gratifj lag results follow its nso ; so that it is the butt family remedy known and eveiy family shmilil have a bottle. Manufactured by thu California I ig Syrup Co. GENERALISES' REPORT. "Circumstances Were Such That I Deemed It Advisable to Take the Harbor of Guanica First." Washington, July 27. The war de partment nt 11:30 Inst night posted the following from General Miles, dated St Thomas, July 20: "Clrcumstnnces were such thnt I deemed It advisable to take the harbor of Guanica first, in miles west of Ponce, which wus suceessfulyy accomplished between dayllirht and 11 o'clock. Span lards surprls.-d. Tho Gloucester, Com mnnder Walnwright, first entered the harbor: met with slight roslstnnee; tired a few shots. All the transports are now In the harbor and infantry and artillery rapidly going ashore. This Is a well protected harbor. Water suf ficiently deep for ull transports and heavy vessels to anchor within 200 yards of shore. The Spanish flag wns lowered and the American Hag raised nt H o'clock today. Captnln Hlgglu. son, with his fleet, has tendered able and earnest assistance. Troops In good health and best of spirits. No causal ties." CASTOR I A For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature l'eliiinyHuiilu Cliitlltiilliptii. Fur tho Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to lm liclil at Alt (irctiia, Pa., July 1 la August 4, ib'M, the Peuusylvnuia Knilroad Conn anv will sell tickets to tho general imlilli; 011 June ao to Augubt 1, Kood to icturn until AiiKin.t 10, Inclusive, from stations ou Its line In Pcnn&ylvunin, and from Washington, 1). C, Baltimore, Mil,, and CanamlalKua, N. Y,, anil piim-ipul lutcruicdiatu stations, to Mt. (Irtlnaand return, nt reduced rate. "I think DoWltfs Witch Hazel Salvo is the linen pieaintiiii on llio market fur mien." So wiitos J11I111 U. Dunn, of Wlicelh g, W. Va. Try it und you will llilnk tlio Mine. It also cures eczema ami all skin diseases. C, ji. jiageiiuncn. Tim South niul IU Ailviintiices. Tlio Southern hallway has Issued for frco ilistrlliiitlou, a sixteen pugo journal tics crilitivo of Virginia, Nurtli and South Caro limt, Tciiiiuh-.ee, Georgia, Alalmma ami Mississippi, Persons suokltig now locations, or capitalists desiring to make safenud lirullt- alilu investments will mid tlio information contained therein both valnalile und Inter csting. Copies will be mailed frco upon up plication to Julm JI. lluill, District Pusscu gur Agent, H2H Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. A boom to truvelora. Dr, Fowler's lUtntot of Wild Strawberry. Cures dysentery, diarrhoea, scuslckuess. nausea. Pleasant to take. Perfectly harmless. Ask your grocer for tlio "Itoyal Patent flour, and take no other brand, It la the host flour made. From Extreme Nervousness. '-mm THAT no 0110 lemcdy can contain tho elements necessary to euro all diseas es, la a fact veil known to owiyiino. Dr. Miles' Syslcm of Uestora'lvo Hemi .llei ronshts ot sovcu distinctively dllTereut preparation", each for Its own purpose. I.Irs. I.. (!. Viratnlc y, Henry St., Ht. Cath erines, Oiuarlo, writes! "For years 1 Baf fin cd fioiae ticmo norvousneis atid nimny lng constipation, doveloplnglnto palpitation and weakness of the heart. I was uuablo to Bleep, MifTored much from hcailacho, pal a In my left side, palpitation and a constant feeling of weakness nnd prostration. I began using Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart Curo and Nerve ami Liver Pills and tho Antl-l'aln fills- to relievo sudden paroxysms of pain and headacho. I soon felt much improved and tho p.-.lna and achc3 and weariness loft mo. 1 then took Dr. Miles' Uestora'lvo Tonic and am now restored to my foinicr good health. Dr. Miles' PomcdlcsF Dr. aro sold by all drug Miles' gists under a posltlvof guarantee, i)rst bottle h benefits or inonoy lo-i emediesl Rectoro funded, hook on dis eases of tho heart and Health vs nerves frco. Addrc.s, ii..l..VAt1 DU. MILKS MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. lad. P ennsylvania RAILROAD. HCHUYKH.I, DIVISION. July 1, 1898. Trains will leave Blienandonh nflur Ine nDot date for Wlggana, Ollberton, Prackvllle Dr.rb Water, St. Ctnlr, Pottuvllle. JlnmbtirK, Hi Aflinir, PottMtown, l'hoenlxvillo. Iforrlstown at d Pl,i'. aJelplila (itrxvl street station) nt 6 00 nnd K 1.1 n. in.. 2 02. G ID n. In. on week ilnvH. SunilnVB. 8 15 n. in., 1 25 p. in. Trnlna lenvo Frnckvllle for Rhonnniliial- nt 7 36, ll -IS a. m. and 510, 7 3(1 p. a. Hiimlny, ii ui n. ina mm o -io p. in. benvo l'otlHvlllo fur Shenandoah (via Kriwlc vllle, 710, 1120 n. in,, 8 20, 710 p.m. Hnintsy 10 Sj n. In., 5 20 p. m. Lcnvo l'llllatlrlnMa. fltrond trei.t ntnttmil. fot SlitMQmlonh nt 8J.I a. in., 4 10 p. in. week days. BununyB leavo at tl &u anil 'J 1 p. in cnveIlrond street station, rhllndeltililn. lnr Son Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, I-onx llrancli, nnd Intermediate, stations, S.20, ii.ii, a. m., b.bu anu f.ou p. m. wcek-anys. Lenve ltrond Street Station, Plillntlolpliln, POK NEW YOltK. Kinress.weck-dnvs. 8 20. 4 0a. i BO S O'l.r, in.fi 50. 7 83,8 20, 1)60, 10 21 (l)lnlnc Car), llOOn in, izuunoon, i?i ii.iinnea iw ana 4 'Zi p. uj. DIlllliK Cr), 1 10, 2 80 (I)lnlllK Tar) 3 20, S TO, 4 02,000, SMS (I)hllllK Car), 8 00, 7 02,7 50 (Din. Inut.'nr). 10 OU n. 111., 1201. lilirlit. Stllidavs. 8 20, 4 a"). 1 50. S 03, 5 15 S 20, 9 50, 10 21, (Dlullitf Car), 1185 o. m 12 85, 105 (Dining Car) 230 (Ulnluc curl, 4 0U (Minlteu 4 22) (lllnlnK Car), ,m tu ml..!.... nn.i eia. n ki Car 1000 p.m., 12 01 night. Itxprcss or uoston wltnout change, 11 00 n !., week-days, nmj 7 50 p. Di., dally. CaNkill eMiresa. (Parlor Car). S 20 n m i-elr ilaj-s. WASIIINdTON AND THK SOUTH. 1'or Ilaltlmore and WnalilngtOii, 3 u0, 7 20, 8 3i, 1020, 11 23, n. m 1200, 1331 (Di..'T; Car), 1 VJ IDIlllllL' Carl. 3 12. 4 11. luU! Cune'ies- sional Limited, 1)1 nine Car, 6 17. 655 IDln- Imr Car, 7 31 Dining Curl p. in., and 1205 nlglit week days. Sundays. 3 50. 7 20. 'J 12. 11 23. c Ulty. miliuaytf, J nu, 7 U, V 11 !, IDInlng Oar -i 41, 5t Coii l.linitc.l, Dining Carl, CM Dining IHnltiK l-iirl . in. nnd 12 m night. il. III., 141T.I, 1 I grcMHionni i. Carl. 731 II For llaltitnoru. lu-eoiiimoiLitlon. 0 1 n m 2 0! niul 4 01 p in week days, 5 OS and U Id p m dully. POH ATLANTIC CITY. I-nve llroad street station vln Delnwnre rlvei bridge Kipress, 5 CO, 0 10 IV) lnlnliti-s n in, 231 Is'.' minutes, 100 SO liiliiutis, 7 05 n. in. Sundays, 5 00, V 20 SO minutes, n In, 2 38 s2 minutes, 7 05 p in, U-nvo .Market Street Wnrf Kipress, 5 00, S iw, 10 00 75 niluutesj.n m. (100 Saturdays ony), 200 l"5 minutes, 3 00 75 minutes, 3 30 00 iniimti-s, 100 ll'.l minutes, 4 80 75 minutes, SCO 170 inllllltesl.rO 165 minutes! li Ul. Sumliivs. .trio. ' 7 30, 8 00 175 minutes, 8 80, 000 73 minutes, '.ISO 170 minutes .1 m, and 130 75 minutes p m. St 00 excursion train, 7 00 a in daily. cor iapoiiuy, Aiigiesea, wuuwoouami Holly ISc-jicli Kxprcss, 900 am, 2 30, 4 05, 5 00 p in weekdays. Sinidas 8 20 a in. CupoMny only, 1 80 p m Saturdays Kxcurglon, 7 00 u m dully. l'or Sen Islo City, Ocern City, Avaluu and Slouo Harbor Kipress, 010 a. in., 2 30, 4 20, 5 00ii.ni week dnys. Sundays, 8 50 u. in. Ex cursion 7 CO n m daily. Kor Seiners Point Express, 5 00, 8 30, 1000 a. in., 1 00 Saturdays only, 3 00. 4 00. 5 00, 5 1!0 i. IU. weok days Sundays, S 00, 8 00, 0 00, V 50 a. m and 1 30 p. in. I. 11 Hutchinson, J. 11 Wood, (len'l Manager. Gen'! Pass'g'r Agl WM. SCIIMICKER, JR., Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity -Por BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE! Should bo In Every Homo and Library. He People's fiiOle Hisioiy It written by ItUM lion. William Kwart Olu.l.toue, IIi'l'tTtiinier of (lmnt Uritlan utttl Ireland, lliH.trr, KniM Kv. A, If, Haul), Quidii'i Cllfi;u, Oifoni, HiiL'.t Iter. HamuHt Iven OurlibM, . !)., Chicago '1 holouli-a( (Seminary, (Hiicago Jll.illov, FrbJerio V t'arrar, J .U.. F.U.H., IVun ot (Mtutertiury. fUuiivrhury. llnuM Iter, I'.lmer ll.Onpeii, lM).,TufU Collide, Komurvlllu, Mut.t Hev, i'runk V (IuiihkuIux, 1, D., Armour InMltutt. Chicago, 111. i Hev. (Imtiita F. IVnUcuft, i.I., Mw.ryh. htine rruabylnriui. Chuit'ti, London, knu.t Unv. U. H. Mac Arthur, It 1)., Oulvury IliiptUt Cliurcb, Mow oik City. N. V.i Hev. Mnrtyn Hummerbl). IU.. Main Ktruet Frfm lltuitibt Church. Iwikton, ilo.i He v. Frunk M, lirUtol, it.U l'lrnt Mi'lho.llnt Kpiiroi'fil Omrcl., Vvaniiloii. 111.1 Uev. V. T Muorw, l.UD., "Th Chrl tlau I Jo in mo u wealth,' London, I'iiim Itov. 1-tlMnrtl IWerett Halo, U.D., South ftonprvuiitlonal ('Intrrh, 1 tout on, Mmw.i ltev. .Tora))h Aimr lit-nt, P. P., Wlomn Oolletcu, lllchtiioml, Kntt.i Hev, Cuvpnr Ittmo Urt't'orr, Iolliltf University, Loihiitf, OcruiHuyi Hxy, Win, (Ueitver W.lkin.ori, U , Vnivontlty cf i.'hlcucn, CM, tviijo, lll.t Hev. Samuel Unit, P.P., Trinity C. 1 1 Hartford, CmUbv. J, Monro (llbson,Ptpbt.,Tohu'a Wood I'ftt. Vlhurch, London, Kutf . Hev. luort: O.Torlmer, rTi if.. Thu Temple, Hotou. Muii, FUI'IUH thlilO.-;.- 'jV tauei. 67 fulf-pat-e illuotra ilons, til It edtfbj, cloth, halt lovatit, full lovaut. tjUlUi I UITI0N.-J.ro paneH, 200 full-paae llluttra. ttont. Ktrlu A u It t fldgu. lull levant, one oluinu. f 15 00, Mild U-two volume, full levant, tufted, JUKI . in 16 lA Jt 1 B, iiuarto fclro, review quo. Hon to oat h, tll( imper covers, ewed, trimmed olluhtly, l.UUcuch part For nale at all bwikatoiea mid by hooltHfcllern. For furl hor information, wille HKNllY O. HlU'TAItP. I'ublUbar.'iU uud 211 Uuiuou titruct,Chlt:ago,ilHuuls BSC K5 31 .is li-rN