THE HERALD Creates business because it' known large circulation ami renders rich IJC) YCHJ WANT 7i rfM fullic through a fro gressive, digntfiea, influential journal use the ItEKALD columns. results In its advertise) s, VOL. XIIL-NO. J 01. SHENANDOAH. PA.. WEDNESDAY. JULY 27. 188 si I! in X. , 2ii$9wx 'it. GREAT REDUCTION BABY CARRIAGES In order to clean ottl the balance ol our stock as quickly as possible Carrlapes that, were $20 " 18 17 15 12 ' " 10 .. .. 9 " " 6 If you want a choice come at gone in a few clays at these prices. J. P. Williams & I0'HARA'S for S ft. .fi 1111 mRTM OPEN DAY SHENANDOAH and MAHANOY CITY. A New Discovery ! Electric Cleanser ! fl Preparation For Cleaning Carpets. Flprtrir fMpinCPr w'" c'ean 5ur cnrPets nnc' make them look like new L1CCL11L V1 Cell lbt.1 for one cent per yard, without taking carpets from the floor, or dampening them on the under side. FlprtHr" PlpinCPr removes all dust and dirt from carpets and rugs ; re Llt.LlllL V1 Cell loCl moves all grease spots, fruit stains and coal soot; restores color and raises the nap ; destroys moths and disinfects the carpets ; docs not fade colors, but makes the carpet and rugs cle.m and bright n new. TRY IT. FOR SALE ONLY AT , I I CZC3iriZ"'C; Dry Goods and v-J- - I rv I 6- carpet Store, PRICE, 25 CENTS PER BOX. SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS AT SOc, REDUCED FROM $1.00. 2: ainiimRmmnniminirimmnninnmiirinnmnnnnniiTEa I If You Arc in Need of- 19 NOTIONS, SC., TIIH I'LACK TO 1!UY AND SAVE MONEY IS AT THE BEE HIVE, i2S S. Main St. Third If you want to have your food kept sweet and clean use a - - - - BALDWIN-Q REFRIGERATOR F For Good Light : White Bread AND NO TROUBLE TO BAKE USE AQUEDUCT MILL. Daisy or Moss Rose Flour. Sold by Geo. W. Keiter. Whole Wheat Graham Flour Old Time Pure Rye Flour Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour Best Grauulated Corn Meal. At KEITER'S. IN THE PRICE OF 00, now 00, ' 00, 00, 00, 00, oo, 00, " $17 OO 15 OO OO 13 OO 10 OO 3 OO 7 OO SO once ns we think they will be nil Son, aJT AND1 AND NIGHT. Glassware, Chinaware, 1 inware, Agateware, Millinery, Dry Goods, Door Rrom Post Office. Slil'S 1DM STORE Good Garden Hose Is hard to find. We have it in either of these brands. We also have ordinary hose very cheap. SPRAY NOZZLES, MENDERS, &C. COUNT BIS MARK SAID TO BE DYING Special to KVLSINO Hl.KAI.l). Beilln, July 27. Tho attending physicians at tho bcdiddo of Count Illsnmrk report his condition to-day ns being much wtirso. llo la believed to ho dying. IMKM AIlCIC Otto von llismark, thu nmn of blood and iron, whoso life l slowly ebbing nwny, was for yea ik tho master of Europe. Ho has several sides to his nature. In diplomacy artful and audacious, in battle grim and re lentless, gruU' and stern, In bis treatment of political rivals, ho had nevertheless softer moods, in which humor, philosophy and religion blended. His deep and unbounded patriotism, and his absorbing faith in tho glorious future of his country, covered a multitude) of faults and Ids passing away will causo much sorrow m Europe. MADRID BEARS MANILA SURRENDERED. Special to Kvesinq Herald. Madrid, July 2". It is rumored hero that Manila has surrendered to tho Americans. Tho situation at Manila is causing tho deepest anxiety. Tho Government believes that tho town has been bombarded by the, American waiships, and that it was con currently attacked on tho land sido by 12, (M)0 American's and 20,0(10 rebels. ( Angustin has about 10,000 European soldiers, sailors, and marines. Ho is sorely embarrassed by tho non-combatants, but ho is expected to make a prolonged re sistance, unless lack of provisions and water compels him to consider tho sutferings of tho inhabitants. In any case, it is supposed that ho .will only surrender to Admiral Dewey. EX-MINISTER DEL0ME SAYS SPAIN SINNED. Special to EVKNINU llEOALU. London, July 27 Senor DoLome, formerly Spanish Minister to tho United States, when asked whoro ho placed tho blamo for Spanish disastors, said : "Tho government, tho army and navy, tho diplomatists and tho party politicians have all sinned. Tho fatheiland has sinned moitally. Its patriotism and all its actions havo been passive It has not strivou toachiovo anything; consequently it liasachioved nuthing. Tho only thing wo can do now is to repent and reform. If wo havo not known how to defend tho country wo received from our father, lot us seo that our sons do bettor." MUST WAIT UNTIL THE WAR IS OVER. Special to Evening IIkhald Ucrlin, July 27, The German firms in Manila who asked the government to obtain indemnity from the United States for the losses incurred by them through tho war, havo received a somi-otllcial hint to wait un til tho end of hostilities, and to meanwhile trust tho government, which will soo that their interests aro safeguarded. AMERICAN EXPEDITION LANDS IN CUBA. Special to KVKMKO llHUALh. Koy West, July 27. Tho steamer Wanderer succcodod in landing an expedition in Cuba, Tho expedition wasattacked by Spaniards, but tho latter were driven oil'. Two Americans and a number of Cubans weio wounded in the skirmish. THE THREE FLEETS UNDER SAILING ORDERS .- Special to KVKNINQ IlKUALD, Santiago, July 27. Thieo ileots, with Iiear Admiral Sampson, Commodore Schley and Commodoro Watson in chargo, aro now lying at (iuantanoma bay, Cuba, tho Now York, lirooklyn, Nowark, Oregon, Indiana, Iowa and tho smaller American vessels having como from oil' Santiago. The Texas galled last night for New York. Orders have been received to prepare tho vc&solsfora long voyage, but tho commanders do not know In what direction they will bo sont. All tho vessols in tho ilect aro being repainted and aro coaling. Catherine Them In. High Constable Devorsand an assistant started out with a cage wagon to-day to gather in all dogs that have not beou pro vlded with muzzles and stray pigs. lluy your pocket books and purses, from lie to (3.00 at T. J. I'ort.'s. tf SPAINSUES m ma A Direct Appeal Made to President McKinley. PRESENTED BY M. 0AMB0N. Tho French Ambassador Acts for tho Spanish Government. SPAIN MAKES NO DIRECT OFfER. The Only Apparent Desire of the Don Is to Bring About a Cessation of Hostilities, and It Seems Likely That Our Govern ment Will Refuse to Stop Our Succession of Victories Unless the Enemy Offers Material Concessions. Washington, July 27. The Spanish government has sued for peace, not In directly, through the great powers of Europe, but by a direct appeal to Presi dent McKinley. The proposition was formally submitted to tho president at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon by the French nmlmsndor, M. Jules Cambon, who had received instructions from the foreign ofllco at I'aris to deliver to tho United States government the ten der of peace formulated by the Span ish ministry. At tho conclusion of the conference between tho president and the French ambasador the following official statement was issued from the White) House: "Tho T'l'c-ni'h Anilui-.--ailor, on lo hull' of tho Kovoriiiiiciit of Simla, mill by direction of tlio Spanish Minister of Torc-luti AtVnlrH, prr-unti'M to tho proxliloitt tills iiftornooii ut tho White) House, ii nu'HHimo from tlio Spiuilsh (rovoriiiuoiit loouluc to tlio torniliui- Uou of tho win' anil u MJttlomotit of tonus of poui'o." This was tho only official statement made public, but it sufficed to put at rest all conjectures, and to make clear and definite that at last Spain had tnlten tho initiative toward peace. Although peaco rumors havo been cur rent almost dally heretofore sinro tho wnr began, not ono of them had the shadow of foundation, and until tho French ambassador received instruc tions from Paris late Monday night no overtures of any kind hud been re ceived. Shortly before Monday mid night a dispatch to the French em bassy made It known to tho embassy that tho ambassador would bo charged with tho important mission of opening peaco negotiations in behalf of Spain. The complete instructions, including an official letter from Duke Almadovor Ulo, Spanish minister of foroign af fairs, was received yesterday. Tho proposition submitted by the ambassador, acting for tho Spanish AMBASSADOR CAMBON. Government, wns quite general in terms, and was confined to tho ono and essential point of an earnest plea that negotiations bo opened for tho purpose of terminating tho war and arriving at terms of peaco. Tho communication of tho Spanish government did not sug gest any specific terms of peaco, nor was thero any reference made to Cuba, tho Philippines, Porto Hlco or oUicr Spanish possessions. Tho evident pur pose of tho Madrid authorities was to first learn whether tho United States would treat on tho subject of peace, anil after that to take up such terms as tho two parties might suggest. Neither was thore any suggestion from tho Spanish government that an arm istice bo established pending the peaco negotiations. It seemed natural, how over, from tho proposition that formal peaco negotiations bo entered upon, that pending their conclusion nccssa tlon of hostilities would occur. Owing to the importance of tho com munication the ambassador adopted tho usual diplomatic proceeduro of reading tho communication from tho original, in French, tlio translation be ing submitted by M. Thlebaut. In the conversation which followed tho read ing of tho proposition neither the pres ident nor tho ambassador entered upon tho question of tho terms of peace. The instructions of tho ambassador had confined him to the ono ossontlal point of opening peaco negotiations, and It was evident that tho president desired to consider the proposition beforo giv ing any doflnito reply. It was finally de termined that tho president would con sult tho mombers of the cabinet con cerning tho proposition, and after n decision had been arrived at M, Cam lion would then bo invited to tlio Wliito House for further conferonco and for a final answer from Hip United States government, llefore the call closed, a brief official nn'morandum was agreed upon In order to set at rest misleading conjecture and to givo to the public Information on a subject which had ad vanced beyond tho point where diplo matic reserve was essential. Naturally the plea of Spain to open peaco negotiations opens up a wide field of conjecture on what the terms of peaco will be. Thus far thero Is no official warrant for saying what terms Spain will propose, or what terms the United States will offer or accept. So far as this country is concerned It Is tho general Impression that the com plete Spanish evacuation of Cuba and Porto Hlco will bo insisted upon as a sine qunnon. There is not tho same certainty as to tho Philippines, La drones and Carolines, although the bo lief is growing that tho terms of tho United States will Includo coaling stations In those groups. On tho part of Spain it Is believed that she now had reached such n reali zation of her misfortune that she will readily consent to terms for the evacu ation of Cuba, and probably Porto Hlco. The Spanish doslro Is apparently very strong for tho retention of the Philippines, nlthouBh there Is little doubt that coaling stations thore and at other points would bo conceded. Tho matter of war Indemnity is for future consideration, although thero does not appear to bo a disposition among tho officials here to pile up u heavy war Indemnity against Spain In hor present helpless condition. During the lato afternoon and even ing tho president conferred with most of the members of tho cabinet, and the Spanish proposition was thoroughly canvassed. Secretaries Day, Alger and Long were at tho, Whlto IIouso during tho afternoon, and In tlio evening the president was Joined by Secretaries Dliss and Wilson and Postmaster Gen eral Smith. Thero was no cabinet meet ing in tho ordinary sense, but tlicso talks with Individual members served about the same purpose as a formal meeting. It was understood the presl dent would bo prepared to give an answer beforo tho next regular cabi net day, tomorrow. No intimation came from any official source as to the nrob able character of x tho answer. There were strong intimations, however, that there would bo no acceptance which would Imply the stopping of the war when the American arms wore adding victories on victories, and the em barking on a vague diplomatic ne gotiation. It was felt that this govern ment had everything- to lose in a sub tle game of diplomacy, in which tho only certain element would be inaction of our army and navy. For this reason thero was a disposition In official quarters to know what terms were in sight before entering upon general ne gotiations. A prominent administration official said after talking with cabinet officers that in his opinion tho situation was not materially changed by tho Span ish proposition, and that tho war would ho pressed with unabated vigor until something more tangible In the way of peaco terms was at hand. In case tho peace negotiations aro opened, tho means by which thoy will be car ried on nre not determined, nor havo they been officially considered. It Is understood, however, that one means likely to bo proposed Is to authorize direct negotiations between Spain and tills country, Spain being represented by Senor Leon Castillo, the Spanish ambassador at Paris, and tho Unted States by General Horace Porter, our ambassador to France. 'S REPORT. He Refers But Briefly to the Work of Com modore Schley and Extols the Gloucester. U. S. Flagship Nmv York, off Santiago do Cuba, Cuba, July IB, 180S. Sir: I have the honor to malte the following rcpoit upon the battle with and the duati notion of the Suanis'i squadron commanded by Admiral Cer vera, off Santiago do Cuba, on Sunduy, July 3, 1S0S. The enemy's vessels came out of tin harbor between 9:35 and 10 a. m the head of the column nppoarlng around Cay Smith at 9:51, and emerging fiom the channel five or six minutes later. The positions o the vessels of my command off Santiago at that moment were as follows: The flagship Now York was four mtles east of her block ading station, and about seven miles from the hurbnr entrance. She hud started for Silxmey, where I Intended to land, accompanied by several of my staff, and go to tho front to consult with General Shatter. A discussion of the situation and a more definite un derstanding between us of the opera tions proposed had been rendered nec cesary by the unexpectedly stiong re sistance of the Snanlsh garilson of Santiago. I had sent my ohief of stmt on shore the day before to arrange an Intel view with General Shaffer, who had been suffering from heat presta tion. I made arrangements to go to ills headquarters, and my flagship was in the position mentioned above when tho Spanish squadron appeared In the chnniipl. The remaining vessels were In (Continued on Second Pago.) Bill POWDER Absolutely Puro GOIiMEHY The Old Shenandoah City Colliery Still Very Productive. MAKING MORE IMPROVEMENTS I Doubling the Air Compressor Plant to Work Engines That Will Hoist Many Thousand Tons of Coal From a New Underground Blope. Xot uianv Years aiMi tlm Kl, ,.n , ml. .-. t. is.,- colliory, operated by tho Philadelphia A: iicauing i;uai iron company, was looked upon by many as a worked-out and rapidly dying holding. JIoio than a dozen times the prediction was made that in a few years the bleaker would bo simnlv a silent witm, .,r what tlio collierv hail bi-cii tul I, m,,l, ,.,! men and boys would bo obliged to seek em ployment, oisewneio. I here wore some exnorieiii eil mil rm-.u,,.. ing people, however, who saw a future for the colliery and following tho cleaning of the stripping thero came tlio sinking of tho new shaft and later tho reconstruction of the bleaker, wheioby it was increased in sio and equipped wan an me modern machinery for preparing coal. Hut oven these advaiui il .t'i,3 ,tul lnr,. expendituios of money failed to restoio faitli in some people as to tho futuie of the colliery and not a few marveled that so much money should bo spent on a mine which was appaientlv so near its end. To-day tltO CoIliorV is in a l-filltlittnt, tlnf enritriana even some of the people who were enthusias tic in ineir neiiei as to the developments to be expected and Messrs. Fred. Carl and John W. Morgan, tho inside foremen, can pride themselves on having undor their charge one of the most productive mines in the district. Tho future is now so promising that tho facililies for operations aro being increased in many diieetious. A largo gang of men are uuw engaged in making excavations for iounilation walls to double the capacity of tlio air compressor plant now located north west of tho breaker. Tim ilm-,. I, io i... ncath tlio surface have progressed to a stago mamioaircompiessorsaro unable to keep pace witii mo requirement. Tho power generated by tho enlarged plant will bo carried about six hundred feet to the top of me snail wnien is located southeast of the breaker, then down tin, slmft , !, l,.,n,,,,, and then half a mile in to tho top of a now siopo tnat is being sunk from the sixth level and at tho top of which a pair of hoisting engines aro to bo placed. It is said by somo people who nre in a position to know whsir U going on that tho openings this new siopo ""in pnllinrv n will creato win mano tlm i.lii Klondike for rears to coin,. - -- - In the language ) is now down of one irontlcman. 'Tlm sl,,nn 1 .... uut one inousanu leet. anil there i nn tnll. ing where it will stop. I would not be sur prised to seo it reach out to Lanigans." Saving thu Spanish ships. Special to KVIWINIJ lllEHALD. Washington, July 27. Tho oilicials in charge of tho work of raising certain of the Spanifeh warships at Santiago say that tho cruiser Infanta Maria Teresa and tho Koina Mercedes will be lloatcd within a week. Tho Teresa, aftor a few days repairs aro mado. can proceed uuder hor own steam. Doubt is entertained that tho Colnu can bo floated, but tho guns and other valuable propoity on her and the Vizcaya and Oquondo will bo mostly recovored. Kfllidrirk llniiHu Free Lunch. Puree of twasoun will bo served fr,.n f all patrons to-night. Deaths mid I'linerals. Tho hodv of tbn lain Mr I,.l. inn, ., brought to Minersvillo from Plymouth, Luzerne county, yesterday, where it was laid iu rest in mo i ougregational ceraotory. Mrs. Jones was a former resident of Minersvillo. Tho funeral of Mis Stella GUssmire took place to-day at Pottsvillo. Tho remains were brought from Warien, Pa., where death oc cuned while on a visit. Mrs. Joseph Young, of Mt. Carmel, died at her homo Mimriav ntclit h-ivi,,., a l,,,..t,.,,i and fourcliildieu. She was a foimer resident oi Asniami. Tho soven-iuonth-olil l'islihI till i nf Mrc KliJiboth Grilliths, of West Oak stieet, died at thu latter's home last night. Tho child and its mother camo to town from Miners villo on a visit last Satunluv. M llllllu v tl lull t tho child wasattacked by cholera infantum. j.iio remains wcro rauen to Minersvillo this aiiernoon and tlio ruuerai will tike place to morrow. Latest patriotic songs from 10 to 35 cents hi. oriimiii s. Illifiirluimle Curd Player. At about three o'clock this moraine Justice Toomey was aroused from his slumbers by a Lithuanian in company with a couple of police and the Justico accompanied them to his olllce, whore the Lithuanian told his story and swore out an information against Michael Fairer, who keeps a saloon on South Main street, chat-nine- assault. nml liuttn.v ,i the maiutcuauieor a gambling houso Tho complainant saiu nu name was Frank Urosh and that ho camo from Minorsvillo yostorday to visit friends, llo got into tho saloon re ferred to and miL':U',wl in ,,lt.;,,n , ft ft..- he had lost ?2U, he alleges, and had no more money to spend Hie saloonkeepor assaulted and ejectod him. As no arrest lias yet been mado tho saloonkeeper's story has not been heard. lllekort's Cute. Clam soup, froo, tu-night. Baked beans pui K to-morrow morning. Wiinmn AsBiiiilli'd. Mrs. Marv Hermit, li-i.l KH,,nv i:.,u Diidonls arraigned hefiiie Justice Shoemaker iasv iiigui on a cnargc oi assault and liatlery and each of the accused was committed in default of $ 100 bail. Tho woman claims her liusbaud deserted lier and wont to live with the Dudonis family. When she went to their house to get some money sho was thrown out. llarher Shop Iteiiiiivnl, William Hauler's barber shop has lemoved from 12!) North Jardlu street to 128 North Main sticet. 7-22-lw Sunday School IMciiic. Tho members of the Geiman Lutheran Sunday school defied the rain to dav and held a picnic at High Point park. The pavilions auordeil tliem ample shelter. At Payne's nursery, Ulrardville, you will find tho largest Btock overseen in the county. Coiitciiiplntod Improvement. Measurements were mado to-day to ascer tain tho quantity of flagstone that will bo required for the Centre street pavement of the Kgaii property. With this improvement the property would adyanco In value as well as appearance, as tho plunk pavement has long been a drawback. A wheelman's tool big hn't complete with out a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Kcloctrie Oil. Heals cuts, brulsos, stlugs, sprains. Motiarch over pain. I'lrel rlrot rlrel Insure your property from loss in tho dost and stiougost cash companies - Phila Underwriters Insuranco d. of North Amor-leu ami Firo Association, Hartford u!r". C" -A"ll'I'ica" riro Insurance Co., est Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's I,1S- Co T. T. Williams, 123 S. Jardin St.. Shonandoah. GOODS HHEN IK III UNDERWEAR, Shirts, iyc. Drawers to mate at same price. Our best grades. The prices are cut in half to close them out. We positively carry no stock over from one sea son to the other. STRAW HATS. Our big line in black, brown and many other shades, in leading and up-to-date shapes, at ridiculously low prices. CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELF. MAXLEVT, 15 E. Centre St. Up-Tc-Date Hat Store .nd Shenandoah's Greatest Gent' Furnishing Store. Mi i Or 'A CIOZPII TlMtirln... shades. All our better ones have been rprln,! also. Shades nmdn t - fit ntit. ...:...! . ., --- "v niiiuoiv, and CSDePlll V Otnro ,.,:...! ' .. . i --v tviimuu's. can lor bargains in new carpets at .il FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. Furniture AND. Refrigerators Marked down to the lowest selling prices. We are selling our stock as low as any ol our competitors; yes, in fact, they can't touch us on some of our goods. O'NEILL, 10G S. Main St. Iwmture Dealer and Undertaker. DANDRUFF ... Is the Beginning of Baldness, Westphal's fluxlllatop Cures DandruiT and all diseases of the scalp. FOR SALE AT mm briber snor Ferguson House Block. IT'S EASY. It's never hard to spend money. You can induce most anyone to take it away from you, but how about the equivalent ? The return you get for the coin is what counts. If you don't appreciate a good thing we are not particular to get your trade, but if you know a splendid opportunity, we're after you. It brings you bargains, us success. We are offering Groceries cheap. T.J. BROUGHALL 25 South Mala Street. m