The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 23, 1898, Image 1

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Ci ea tes businttt because of its known
large circulation and rentiers tit A
To teach the fublic through a pro
gressive, digntfiea, influential journal
results to its advertisers.
use the HERALD columns. iJQ!
VOL. XJLL-NO. 17tt.
In order to clean out tlic balance of our stock
as quickly as possible.
Carriages that wore $20 00, now - gi1 7 OO
" 18 00, 15 OO
" " I? 00, , - 11. OO
15 00, " 13 OO
" 12 00, ' - 10 OO
' " 10 00, " .3 OO
9 00, " - 7 OO
6 (lO, . - fl- SO
" If you want a choice come at
gone in a few days at these prices.
J. P. Williams &
' " FOR Jl i $P .ft ." .
A New Discovery ! Electric Cleanser !
A Preparation For Cleaning Carpets.
pa-fr! (""MpnnCAt w'" c'e!m 'OHr carpets and make them look like new
LilCLlllL vlCcllloCl for one cent pel ynrd, without taking carpets from the
tloor, or dampening them on the under side.
ppr Planncpr removes all dust and dirt from carpets nnd rugs j re
LlcLlllL VlCcllloCl moves all crease snots, fruit stains and coal soot;
restores color and raises the nap ; destroys moths and disinfects the carpets ; does not fade
colors, tnit makes the catpct anil tugs clean mm might n new.
I I PDCDjrpr'Cl Dry Goods and
v- vj- I ris- Carpet Stoie,
S iniiiininiiiinmimnniiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniirmnninnmisi
If You Are in Need
S 1
7k ,i
the: bee hive.
US S. Main St.
If you want to have
your food kept sweet and
clean use a - - - -
For Good Light
White Bread
Daisy or Moss Rose Flour.
Sold by
Geo. W Keiten
Whole Wheat Graham Flour
Old Time Pure Rye Flour
Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour
Best Granulated Corn Meal.
once as we think they will be all
Glassware, Chinaware,
Tinware, Agateware,
Millinery, Dry Goods,
Door F"rom Rost Office.
Good Garden Hose
Is hard to find. We have it in
either of these brands. We also
have ordinary hose very cheap.
of fill
Tho forecast for Sunday : Fair weather,
slowly rising temperature, light southerly
winds, tho weather growing more sultry. On
Monday prohahly fair, sultry and wanner.
Special to Uveninci IIl iiAi.n.
Santiago, July 2:1. It is reported horo that
four thousand Cuhau Insurgents, undor (Jen.
Garcia, were hadly routed hy a detachment
of Spanish troops hound for Santiago to sur
render to Gen. Shafter, under tho terms
agreed to hy Hon. Toral.
Tho report, brought hy Cuhaus to the city.
glve3 tho result as forty-ono Cuhaua killed
and as many moro wounded. Tho Spanish
loss was much smaller. Tho hattlo occurred
on tho road between Santiago and llolguln,
and there wero at least 5,000 Spaniards in
the body. They wero not looking for fight
and wero caught otf their guard when tho
Cubans attacked them from ambush.
Gen. Garuia'a plans wero, when ho left
Santiago greatly put out because his troops
were allowed to take no part In tho sur
render of this city, to move ou to
llolguln. about sixty miles northwest, storm
that placo, take possession, and to sot up an
insurgent government, making that place
tho Cuhau headiiuarteis.
Washington, July 23. No otliclal conflrma.
tion has been recelvod hero of tho report that
Gen. Garcia attacked Spanish soldiers -on
their way to Santiago to surrender. Such
action is foreign, to tho usages of eiylluod
warfare, and would placo tho Insurgents be
yond tho pale of recognition.
If General Garcia has taken any such
action ho has greatly damaged his causo and
that of all tho Cubans in tho eyes of tho ad
ministration, and has justified General
Shaftor in neglecting to consult hlui as to the
surrender of Santiago.
In tho absence of ollicial information re-
Balding this attack on tho Spanish troops' tho
administration has been disposed to believe
that General Shafter had ma "'i a mistake in
his dealings with tho Cuban general.
Special to IIve.vino llKKALD.
Loudon, July 23. A despatch to tho Daily
News from Berlin says that the powers, with
tho exception of Great Britain, have arrived
at an agreement, though only In negative
terms, regarding tho future of the Philip
pines. They concur that they will not allow
tho islands to bo annexed by tho United
States, and will not consent to an Anglo
American protectorate, which is bcliovod to
bo cherished in inlluential quarters in Wash
ington. Tho Birmingham Post asserts that desplto
denials there is no good reason for saying
that Germany vory recently mado overtures
to Spain for a naval depot and coaling Btatiou
in tho Philippines. Gorman ollicers of tho
London Embassy believed that such an ar
rangement is qulto feasible.
Special to Evening Huualu.
Santiago, July 23. Tho famous letter pur
porting to have heou written by Gen. Garcia
to Gen. Shafter, In which tho former statod
his intentions of withdrawing his troops and
to horeafter act independent of the Amori
cans, was not written by Oou. Garcia. This
important information reached tho American
commanders to-day.
It was also learned that Gon. Garcia not
only did not write tho now famous lettor,
but ho never saw it nor know nothing of its
Tho letter was written by Gon. Costillo,
tho Cuban whom tho Insurgents had selected
as tho military governor of Santiago.
Washington, July 23, Orders haro been
issued that tho Governor's Troops, of Penn
sylvania to leave Camp Alger to-night, and
not later than to-morrow, for Nowport News,
where thoy will embark for Porto Itico.
David Thomas, sou of D. J. Thomas, tho
Mahanoy City hotel man, Is n member of tho
Governor's Troops, Eo.
OliurU for Wutsoii
Special to KvmiiNd Herald.
Gibraltar, July 23, Consul Spraguo, rep.
resenting tho United States at this port, has
recolvcd moro charts for Commodore Watson,
Coal U coming hero from England, believed
to ho for the American squadron.
Italy tu Go to Wur.
Special to Kvkninq Hebalu.
Homo, July 23. Two Italian warships have
sailed from Lisbon, hut their destination Is
unknown. It is holelvod they are to bom.
bard Colombia, to compel tho settlement of
tho Corrutl claim.
lr. Monro (o Slurry.
Aminlllif-eiiiniit In (nniln nf thn UDDroachiuC
marriago of Miss Annie E., daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Sharadln, of Schuylkill
Haven, and Dr. Georgo II. Moore, physician
at tho county almshouse, It will take place
lu tho lioforined church at Schuylkill Haven
at 0 p, in., on August 3rd, 1S1H.
ish Ports Intended.
Thoro Will Bo No Hurry to Attack
tho Cuban Capital,
Our Soldiers Will Not Be Exposed to the
Disease, But Will Wait Until the Au
tumn, When Its Dangers Have Passed.
The Departments Will Be Busy Evolving
Plans For the Government of Captured
Territories Our Government Will Prob
ably Hold Possession of Cuba For Years.
Washington, July 23. A plsiilfleant
smienieni waa made to tho press
yesteidny by n ireiitlemun in
position to apeak with knowledge nnd
authoilty as to the plana of tho admin
Istratlon with reference to future war
operations. In substunce the statement
was as follows:
"Cominodoio Watson, in proceeding
to the Spanish peninsula as soon as tho
Porto Mean expedition Is gotten under
way, Is not to bombard the cities on the
Spanish coast. No such Idea of bom
bardment of tho const Is entertained.
While there may be other Incidental
purpose, the main mission of Watson
Is to take rare of Admiral Camara's
fleet. The movement of this fleet and
the feais and apprehensions caused by
reports concerning It are to be stopped
for all time. The ships under Camara
will be located by Watson and .finally
met and engaged. The tnlk occasion
ally Indulged In as to the Canary
Islands Is utterly without foundation.
This government has no plan to take
thoso Islands, and dues not want them
"Despite popular expectation that
Porto Hlco operations will be followed
Immediately by action against Havana
It can be said that Havana will not bi
attacked while yellow fever conditions
exist. This Is certain. It would bo the
height of national folly to engage our
troops In and about that fever pest
hole. Consequently It will be left until
the climate leads Its aid in the autumn.
Shatter will hold his own In the eastern
strip now surrendered, may gradually
push his way over some other district,
and if there should be any particular
need of Immediate- uegresslve action
at any point will move against It, but
Havana will be left until yellow fever
dangers are pnsit.
"Meantime, In the next two months
there will be enough to keep this gov
eminent busy. We will ljave to copo
wun me most serious problem yet,
that of providing for tho government
and tho future of the lands Involved
In this war. The hauling down of the
Spalsh flag and the hoisting of the Unit
ed States flag means more than on Its
face Indicates to the popular mind. No
more Important mutter Is to enguge
the attention of the government than
the details to be arranged for the dis
position, control or temporary posses
sion pending final transfer of these ad
ditions to our domain. There are ques
tions of the most Intricate and far
reaching character to bo decided. Porto
Illco, whose fall is likely to be recorded
within a week or ten days, will have
to have a military government.
"Porto ltico, of course, Is to bo kept
permanently by this government, but
there must be a military government
first, and many preliminary details will
have to be worked out. There must be
a rehabilitation of existing systems of
government where we have carried our
arms, and while local schemes and con
ditions will form the basis of the gen
eral system for the control of the land
there must be numerous changes, abol
ishing Buch laws as may be Inoperative.
Laws will have to be very thoroughly
gone over nnd the tariff system re
vised In some way, but In general, and
as far as possible, the system of gov
ernment which now exists Is to bo fol
lowed: "All this means work of the most ser
ious character, and lu the absence of ex
isting laws to govern such matters the
president has to go ahead on his own
responsibility. Next winter, however,
when congress convenes the necessity
for laws covering such matters will bo
recognized by recommendations to con
gress to that end, to bo submitted by
the president, and It Is very probable
the shaping of the destinies of Porto
Hlco and similarly circumstanced ac
cessions will bo left to a commission or
commissions to be appointed to draft
the laws for adoption by congress.
"It Is a certainty, ns far bb now can
bo foreseen, that Quynm, the island in
the Ladrone group that was captured
by this government, will be perma
nently retained as a coaling and supply
station. For these purposes It is valu
able from Its location betwoen tho
Sandwich and the Philippine Islands,
but on the point whether the rest of
them will be kept I am not sure. They
may be und they may not be. The dis
position of the Philippines is unset
tled, and depends on circumstances.
"As to the attitude of Garcia and the
insurgents In Cuba there Is no change
In our Intention. This government has
not been misled In Its estimation of
these forces. With the oppressive hand
Spain has put on them so long, con
tending against tho conditions Imposed
by Injustice and oppression, there
Bliould have been little expectation of
greater abilities than are now shown
by them. This government will have to
treat them kindly, but firmly. It haB
made a pledge to establish a firm and
stable government, and that must be
carried out. It therefore may be, in the
light of present circumstances and con
ditions, muny years before affairs there
have so shaped themselves as tu en
trust the island to the Cubans and we
finally yield our possession of them."
Tho Mahanoy City Tribune, In speaking
of Mark Itowman, whoso card appears lu an
other column, says : "Mark Bowman, a hie
lung resident of tho town, is seeking the
nomination for County Surveyor. As to be
ing capable we can safely say it will be a
dllllnult task to find ono who could perform
tho duties with tnnrn eTiiettieaa no l......
oxperlcuco has taught him tho full meaning
oi mo pnrase, 'whatever you do.iloit right."
lio will bo a strong candidato if nominated."
Puller llcndershot, of Plymouth, was pre
vented from making a speech in bohalf of
his candidacy for tho Legislature. His op
ponents filled thn mmm lmii.n tvlfli tu.tnij.i.
and tho audience began to sneczu.
b. (I. Sllililleton, who is a candidato for io
lioininathm fur I
- " - 's.i.tiii, ,n IliilLl'll
among local politicians this afternoon.
1 heio are three candidates for tho Legisla
tive nomination in this district, and eaeli Is
making an active canvass. They are : B. J.
Yost, of town; W. II. Brown, of Lanlgans
and Dr. 11. G. KciU)!, Mahanoy City.
It is rumored at tho county scat that
J Iriiiu in will m u cuniliilnti. i'.... t. i..
order to get oven" with Jmln, u',.,i, u-..
place no cieilcnco in the rumor, although the
Czar Is likely to be a candidate for almost
anything this year.
I'he Iteiiillilieiin inl iltr-in nu
when tho countv ciinviiitlmi win 1.,.
and Chairman Shay Is being besieged by the
anxious ones. '1 bore is no good reason why
it should bo culled earlier than tho last week
111 August, ami especially so since most of
the candidates favor a short and spirited cam
paign. 9VANIMU, l'i:.(JII AND CIIOUOI.AT1:
Ice Cream, to-day and to-morrow, at
Scheidcr'B bakery, 27 I'-ast Centre street. It
Numb I'roni Clilckiiiiiiiugit.
Ill a letter received by Mrs. George Kuecht,
from her husband, who is a member of Co. I!
4th Keg't., Pa. Vol.. tho latter states that the
troops aro now ou their way to Porto Iiico.
In tho samo company aro the following
townsmen : Joseph and Moado Peter.", Harry
Ilafneraiid Juhn Jouoh. Mr. Kuecht further
states that tho boys aro all well and have
organized a musical team wln'i h 1........
favorlto among the other members of thn
legiment. In consequence of tho long and
tedious camp at Chickamauga park tho
boys aro groatly elated over tho new orders
calling them into active service.
Buy your pocket books and purses, from 5c
to ?3.0u at P. J. l'ortz's. tf
New Trial (iranli-d.
An opinion was filed yesterday by Judye
Lyons, of Juniatn numi-i-
, - - -j, hiuiibuij;; u Hciv
trial in tho suit for damages brought by
tJ ! "LAI 1I1U11U
Samuel Oster vs. tho Schnvlkill 'iv,.nti
". "miaul w.sipr nv iita rr 1
Company. The nlaliitltl' was awarded f2.0U0
lainages for injuries received by being struck
liy a car. The court,,. t ., 1.1 -
on tho part of tho plaintiff that tho car was
uii lib tv iiiun nun 01 kiiiiiui .nf- fi...
and conductor say it was moving at from six
io cigm muos an hour. Tho testimony shows
"'W "WJ U alLMl IllHTliTlPn (lirill. Iim
,!i ,i. . . . . "
c,i nun up 10 mm, when lio at
tempted to Cross. Ifn unu ),,.,...l!...l..
- " .... ..i-rt .lUJIll-WIULUiJ-
after reaching tho track. The plaintiff must
establish that tho defendant was negligent
which ho failud to iln Tim ,.,.-( ..'
therefore, that it nrr.l r.. .1.
defendant's third poiut directing a verdict
for tho defendant. Therefore the verdict is
set aside and a now trial granted.
John Zimmerman, mm nf ti... ni.i...,- 1
, - w.u wiuua,, iiuu
most resDected citinna nf Ul.,.ll.ill tr
died yesterday afternoon at his homo aftor a
.V...S ...uusi num uroncniai trouble, aged 72
years. Ho is survive! W t,.,
Catbariue. wifn nf lino!.! t t..i..- u. ,
-. - uuii&iiis, uieu
at tho homo of thn f,it,,;w l in. n., .1.1.1.:
tho 21st inst. aged 51 years. Tho funeral will
j u a uimuuuiiiiiL mi
tako place to-morrow afternoon, interment at
I - a uu I1U-
ceased was a fnrmnr rnk,l,t,nr t..-i ti....
h. iuorian cemeierv. i'hnn,inii.,n ti... .i
uim uuuiiiu year ago tlio family removed to
. mey nave since resided.
Kiinilrlrk Ilnumi Kree Lunch.
Mock turtle soim will I... c,,..,-.i r..
patrons to-night.
Itiioiuliig Hard Cuiil.
A COinmittnn nnnninriir, l.i. ,1... A...I t.
Association to moot the Interstate Commerce
Commission relative to tho discrimination of
tonnage on anthracito coal, meet in Hazleton
this week, but nothing was given out for
publication because publicity would likely
destroy the objects for which tho committee
was appointed. Thnv will r.... , n...
next convention in Hazleton. The committee
appoiuieu to conlor with the coal carrying
Companies, will mnnt In W!
ihursday. Editor John W. Parker 'nf
' ' - i.i.wuilllu IIU1L
.u.iu.iuoy iuy, is a member of that com
mittee. 1 f I " ' -
Church Notice.
Kuv. James Mrmrn Will I1H..1. 1.. l... I. ST
, " j'.J(.ii iu uiu i .
church to-morrow. Sulmwt r..r i,. .
at 10:30, "Longing for Homo." Siibinet ni
0:30 p. in., "The Way Home." Sunday school
at 2 p. m. Everybody invited.
Services will bo held In tin. 'rvi.,;,., t
formed church to-morrow. Mr. It. M. Kern,
studcut at thn T.niii'nstni- o,,,!,,., n!
proach in tho evening and tho pastor will
luijiiutt mo services.
Illckert'H Cate,
Ulmer's sausairo and mifntn f...r. i..
all patrons to-night.
SucIuIIkU Convention,
Tho pavements of tnwn t-ov ,.t,..u....i ...
day with an announcement of a county cou-
vcuuuu oi ino SOCIil isticl-alinr imrtv In
Holibins' opera house this nftnnwwm ti...
convention was in session when tho Heuai.u
weut to press.
Arivei lined L.l.rn.
Tho followinc letter
at tho local post olllce : Mary Lawson, Miss
Ivsalo Gouiso. Mrs. K. Sl,lnl,l mi..i,..i
Bushcll, Georgo Ervin.
j D. W. Bkpka. P. M.
Tho Working Time.
Tho collieries of thn ! 1? n .t. i i..
this district will work four j" days next
wook ou Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
Absolutely Puro
Death of
a fugitive
Anthony Guber, Escaped Prisoner, Found
Dead In the West.
The Chief of Police of Elkhart. Indiana,
Says the Victim and Three Strangers
Were Evidently Polsoned-The
Body Will bo Brought
Here For Burial.
Accoidiug to tho pollco advices Anthony
Guber, who oscaped from tho lockup In town
with Joe Pickaloskl about five weeks ago,
has been found dead at Elkhart, Indiana.
On the night of Juno 17th, last, fluber,
Pickaloskl and a man named Andrew Agonus
wero caught in the act of breaking into
tho tallorshop of Adam Bluewskey, on
West Apple alley. The men wero taken
before Justico Toamev tbu unit mum.
ing and committed in default nf
bail. Pending tho efforts of friends
to SCCllro bail the tnnti worn 1r....f in
lockup until Sunday, Juno 10th, and at about
KiwunocK in mo aitemooii or that day
Pickaloskl and Guber mado their escape.
Agonus could have gone with them, but re
mained and told tho story of the oscape
when tho police arrived. Ho is under ?500
bail lauding the trial of tho case. Picka
loskl was recaptured about a week ago In a
saloon on West Coal street und U iw.u. 1,.
All traco of Guber was lmt. A full llnuo
ago the polico received information which
led them to believe that tho man was not
many miles fiom tho town. Yesterday,
however, Chief of Police Murphy received a
telegram from Jainos D. Braden, Chiof of
Pol iro of Elkhart, Ind., stating that a man
had been found dead at that placo and in
ono of his pockets was found n si in r i,ii..r
with theaddross, "Anthony Guber. 5211 West
Jtaspuerry alley, Shenandoah, Pa." Instruc
tions as to tho disiinsilinn nf thn l,.l' ,.
asked for.
Chief Murphy went to thn mhl
and there found tho father
Guber. They disclaimed all knnwld,. nc
uie w'lereaoouis oi tlieir Rim nnr it .......
decided to telegraph for addition particulars.
This was done and the following message was
received in reply :
"Elkhart. Ind., July as.
"P. J. Murphy, Chief of Polico.
"No doubt it's Anthony Outer. Scar on
left leg, above knee. Pock markod. With
threo strangers. All dead. Evidently
poisoned. Send instructions.
Jami-s D. Bu'aues."
Upon recoiot of this Chief Mi,i.
consulted Guber's parents and frnm tin.
description given they were Aitislled that the
victim was tiieir sou. They wero making
irrangemeuts to-day to havo the remains
sent to town. Tho deceased u l,nn.
twenty years of ago. Tho only particulars
learned of thn cium nf .latn ,, ti
..w...u ...u
embraced m tho tolegram above publislud.
Latest patriotic snn' fmm in tn 11
at Bruuuu's.
I'ottxvlllo Man on tli Texas.
Michael Barnes, who was on the battleship
I'exas in tho fight before Santiago, Is iu
'otLvillo, his term of enlistment having ex
tired. Ho has been in thn nai- ninn
having previously worked at tho FUhbacli
mills. Ho Intends ro-enlistinc after memi.
ing somo time on laud.
Things are DlrTereiit Here.
Tho Chief Burgess of Shamokin, becoming
tired of warnin" tho nennln urrntn.i ft,.,-,
citizens of that placo for throwing garbage ou
tho public thoroughfares. They weio tlued
and given a lecture by the Burgess. If
similar action were taken hem tin,
condition of tlio town would profit thereby.
But this is too nilieh tn ,.vt,a,.t V .1...
average Shonandoah ollicial.
At (ilrvln'H I'rlday und Suturauy. '
10 bars soap and good wooden water pail,
c; 25c 4-seamed broom. Kii" i-mnlte
basin, 10c: envelopes. 3 rentu imA ,ro(.
larg21qt. granito dish p.m. Ilic. A "Maine"'
or "Dewey" souvenir with every 25 cent sale.
South Main St.
I!ov C. KumiKiiiT, Mgr. 7-22-2t
Pucker No. fi In blurt.
Osmand Iiicketts.
Lehigh Valley ( J0.ll ColllIl.'IltC nllOI-ltiniia i
this valley, visited Packer colliery No. 5,
oast of Girardville, aud gave orders that the
place should bo gotten ready fur n.ieimn ,
onco. This is cond nnwt tn tin. 1or.. r
ciuiuuycs. many oi wiinm 1i-it- mi.
since tho colliery was shut down last Decem
ber. It is thought that tho placo will bo
'""if worn uy August 1st.
Watermelon), und Clmteloiie
Hight off tho ico. Ono ejirhS.,! r.., i,....i ,
day. They are guaranteed to be all ripe aud
sweet. Sold wholesale and retail. All our
fruit is always kept on ico. Fresh clams
received daily. At Cos left's. Smith ri.,
Cliurged by u Coustublo.
Peter Sawakls and Jon Mn
arraigned before Justice Shoemaker last
night on a chargo mado hy Constable Tallosin
Phillips aud put undor J300 bail, each, for
trial at court. Phillips levied on somo
furniture belonging to Sawakis on a land
lord's warrant issued at tho instanco of Mrs.
Bridget Durkin. After tlio lovy, it is alleged,
tho men accused removed a sideboard aud
somo chairs.
Hug In Ilia i:ur,
Abraham Mummy, n. elnrb in r n u-..i..f.
storo. had a larfo but? rnmnved frnm l.ia
yesterday by Dr. M. S. Kistlor. Tlio insect
was a largo ono anil was takon out in three
pieces. Mummy soueht rnnl rnst ..
duorway on n floor at Ills homo Thursday
night and it was then tho insect crawled Into
his car. Ho was In duties until in. ummi.t
the doctor's attondauco yesterday.
Ilurbur Shop Keiniivul.
Wllliuill Ullilli'i lurl.i.1. .. Ml
.. H..,v, puuj. IVIIIUVl-
from 120 Nuith Jardin street to 128 North
juain sticci, on Jlouday, JUly 23th. 7-38.1 w
The "V" Program.
The followlnc nroiznim will lu.,ui ...
ft meeting of the "Y" to ho hold this oven
lug : Slnglug j scripture reading. Edna
Loucks; duett, Eva Powell aud Emma
Llewellyn ; recitation, Doia Iticliards : read.
Ing, Esther IUddow; news of interest.
lilward D.mks ; critic, (1. Daveuport James.
Infant's lace
stuck 111 town, at V. J. l'ortz's, 21 North
Main sticct. if
A Cotly IouloNt.
County Controller Snyder has Just com
pleted a computation of the cost of the
Lyon-Dunn contest from Its Inception to
July 1st. last. Up to that timo the county
had paid out on accouut of tho contest
J41.002.21. And tho contest is not yet at an
Cure that Cough with Shlloh's Cure. The
best Cough Cure. Believes Croup promptly
One millluu bottles sold last year. -10 doses
for 35 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln and n.r.
I'lrel rirnf Mrol
Insuro your property from loss lu the
oldest and strongest cash companies : Phila.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America, and Fire Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American Fire Insurance Co.,
Wont Chester Fire !ns. Co., United Firemen's
,11S- c- T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardin St., Shonandoah.
IK Pit
Shirts, igc. Drawers to
mate at same price. Our
best grades. The prices are
cut iu half to close them
out. We positively carry
no stock over from one sea
son to the other.
Our big line in black, brown
and many other shades, iu
leading and up-to-date
shapes, at ridiculously low
15 E. Centre St.
Up Tc-Dale Hat Store nd Shenandoah's
Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store.
I'or )4 dozen window
shades. All our better
ones have been reduced
also. Shades made to
. J "....wT, .lull.
especiallv store wiiwlnwa Ooit
bargains in new caqiets at
Marked down to
the lowest selling prices. We
are selling our stock as low as
any of our competitors; yes,
in fact, they can't touch us on
some of our goods.
10 S, Main St.
irniture Dealer and Undertaker.
... Is the Beginning of Baldness,
Wostphal's fluxlHator
Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp.
Ferguson House Block.
It's never hard to spend money.
You can induce most anyone to
take it away from you, but how
about the equivalent ? The return
you get for the coin is what counts.
If you don't appreciate a good
thing we are not particular to get
your trade, but if you know a
splendid opportunity, we're after
you. It brings you bargains, us
success. We are offering Groceries
25 South Alain Street.