The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 22, 1898, Image 3

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Work Which Can be Inspected Per
sonally Is Always Better Per
formed 'I han That Passed
Upon Prom Reports.
It's the daily work of the "Little Con
queror." The workings right here in Shenandoah.
Lifting burdens from helpless backs,
llringing sunshine to many a home.
It's deeds that count.
That bring the never-ceasing sounds of
The public are learning fast.
Learning to appreciate merit.
Learning to distinguish between claims and
I Ionic proof is the best proof.
Doan's Kidney l'ilis arc endorsed by Shen
atidoah people.
Head what a citizen says :
Mrs. 1'atrick McNealis, of 12 1 North
Main sheet, says : "I was very miserable all
the winter of 1S97, and had- trouble all the
time with my back and kidneys. 1 felt sharp
twinges of pain over my left kidneys and a
dull, aching and lameness in the small of my
back. I felt all dragged out with weariness
and had 110 ambition left. The kidney se
cretions bothered me. 1 was in a bad way
when 1 read about Doan's Kidney Pills and
got them from Kirlin's Pharmacy. Since
using them I do not have the aching in my
back nor any trouble arising from my kidneys
excepting at timts a slight tenderness over the
left kidneys. Doan's Kidney l'ilis are
splendid remedy and I am glad to let others
know it."
Doan's Kidney l'ilis fur sale by all dealers
Prico 50 cents. Mailed hy Foster-Milburn
Co., liuffiilo, N. Y., solo agents for the U. S.
Remember tho namo Doan's and tako 110
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils fc Tuneors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rli ium & Tetters.
Chappst Hands.
Fever B isters.
Sore Lip--; & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stings V: Bites of Insects.
Three Siics, ';",c, 50c. and $1.00.
Cold by druggists, 01 1 pout iKiUlonrceelptof price
Ul'JII'lllK.lh'lll.U. Ill 1 1 i 1 13 nilllaulbL,.1'eUrk
A " Jf M I
Grocers can tell
you why those
whobuy SCOlig'S
for it. Strange
though how long
it takes people to
try a new thing.
In Bottles or by
the Keg.
Lauer's Lager
Pilsnei Beer
Porter and Weiss Beer.
Christ. :hmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street,
Livery and
' Undertaking,
No. 13 North Jardin St.
jtS' when
J aFusedasan
admixture to
ordinary cof-
ice mattes a'. 1 a.
delicious drink.
Orders to Movo to tho Front
Grootcd With Oheors.
Tho l'ourtli l,oiinvlvnnlii, tho Fourth
Ohio nml Third Illinois Itot-litients
Lciivo Vov Newport Xowh, Ku Itotito
For Porto ltlco.
ClilckamtiUfta Park, Ga., July 22.' It
now looks as If at least two-thirds o
tho troops at Camp Thomas are to be
ordered to Porto ltlco under General
Brooke. The movement began this
morning, when the Second brigade of
the First division, First corps, com
manded by Brigadier General Haines,
left for Newport News. The regiments
of the brluade are the Fourth Ohio,
Third Illinois and Fourth Pennsyl
vania. The order to move, received last
evening, was greeted with the wildest
enthusiasm. The regiments of the
brigade Joined In the yells ot frantic
delight and the regimental bands dis
coursed national nlrs.
This brigade Is the only organization
that will leave the Park today, but if
there Is not a sudden change In the
plans as they are now understood here
the entire First corps will follow, the
different brigades going out as rapidly
as transportation can bo arranged. 13ut
for lack of transportation the reserve
hospital corps, the reserve ambulance
company, four batteries of light artll
lery and the signal corps would have
been ordered out today. The batteries
are A, of Illinois; IS, ot Pennsylvania;
; of Missouri, and the Twenty-sev
enth-Indiana. They will, however, fol
low not later than tomorrow, and by
that time the arrangements will have
been completed for a steady movement
day by day until the entire force Is out.
While (ienernl Ilrooke In person had
nothing to give out for publication, one
of the most prominent and best posted
olllccis of the First corps admitted
that It was the purpose to move the en
tire corps, which numbers about 30,000
ofllcers and men. The regiments of the
First corps nre:
Fifth Illinois, Third Wisconsin, First
Kentucky, Third Illinois, Fourth Penn
sylvania, Fourth Ohio, Sixteenth Penn
sylvania, Second Wisconsin, Third
Kentucky, Thirty-flist Michigan. One
hundred and Sixtieth Indiana, First
Georgia. Sixth Ohio, One hundred and
Fifty-eighth Indiana, First West Vir
ginia, Second Ohio, First Pennsylvania,
Fourteenth Minnesota. Twelfth .lliie-
sota, First South Carolina, Fifth Penn
sylvania, Flghth Massachusetts, Nintb
Pennsylvania, Twenty-first Kansas.
Twelfth New York. Second Missouri
und First New Hampshire.
There have very few desertions from
the army here. There ale a number of
men who have remained away without
leave until their money was all gone,
but there have not been 20 genuine d.
sertlons lriini the entire armv. Four
men fioin the Klrrlilh Massachusetts
have been away overtime, but only twu
of thee, It Is btlleved, are deserters.
The Fiist Pennsylvania has four de
serters and the Thlid Tennessee two.
A huui' i Investigation discovered that
there were no deseitlons at all In the
First Maine and not more than nne, if
that, in the First Vermont.
It Is stated at General Rn-nki-'s head
quarters that in so large a bmly nf raw
soldiers. u''us.-d to the hardship? of
camp life, it !s remaikable that s-i fnw
have di-sei-'ed the ranks. There are. of
course, occasional desertions, but the
story that there have been numerous
desci tiling from leglments from any
one S'ctlnn or from the army at larc
Is untrue. It was pointed out to the
soldleis remaining away over time that
they multi be considered deserters, and
on this foundation some special eur
res,)ondi tits have been reporting fhese
men as deserters every day, sometimes
to the number of hundreds.
Win your battles aeainst disease bv uctinz
promptly. One Minute Cough Curo pruuiicei
imineiliato results. When taken early it pre
vents consumption. Ami in later stages it
furnishes prompt relief. C. II. llaseubuch.
l'enn.vlvnnlaiiK at "Sfnnlln.
Washington. July 22. A statement
prepared nt the war department gives
the organizations of the troops forming
the second expedition to the Philip
pines, which Admiral Dewey reports as
having arrived nt Manila, as follows:
Commander, General F. V. Greene,
Tenth Pennsylvania, First Colorado,
First Nebraska, four companies of the
Hlghteenth and eight companies ot tho
Twenty-third United States infantry.
Total number of men, 3.5SG. The ex
pedition sailed from San Francisco on
June 15,
Thousands of persons have been cured of
piles by using DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo.
It heals promptly and cures eczema aud nil
skin diseases. It gives immcdiato relief. C.
II, Hasenbuch,
No Portiino For tho ltnkor Heirs.1
Pittsburg, July 22. In connection
with the report that $10,000,000 Is ready
to be distributed among the Baker
heirs, the report made to the Heaver,
Pa., contingent of tho "Baker's Heirs
association." mnde by W. II. S. Thomp
son and Charles It. Kekert, who spent
considerable time In Philadelphia In
vestigating the matter, show that there
Is no fortune to be distributed. The
Baker heirs are scattered all over tho
United States and Canada, and con
siderable Interest Is everywhere mani
fested In the course of Investigation.
The conclusions of the lawyers engaged
In the Investigation practically estab
lish that a number of persons scattered
over this broad land are harboring a
Tho editor of tho Kvuus City, Pa., Globo,
writes, "Ono Jlinuto Cough Curo is riuhtly
lmuieil. It cured tuy children after all other
remedies lulled." It euros coughs, colds and
all throat and lung troubles. O, II. llagcn
Jinny of the Spanish soldiers at San
tiago uro applying for American natur
alization. The L'.OOO.OOO cartridges found In San
tlauo after the surrender do not fit tho
Mauser lilies.
The reported death of General Ourcla
Is now generally dlscredlte no con
llrnmtlim having been received,
The Hiltisli Eteuiner Newfoundland
wns captured by the converted yacht
llayllower oft Clenfuegos. She carried
a cargo of supplies for Spanish troops.
Lewis Allen wus detected robbing tho
money drawer of John II. Ilelscha, a
Bridgeport, Conn., butcher. Ho shot
Ilelscha In the head, niortully wounding
Tho gunboat Iioquols is about to un
dertake the longest tow on record. She
will take the ship 'laeoma from Sun
I-'rancisco to Manila with muli-s for the
Oao of nature's remedies ; cauuot harm
the weakest constitution ; novor falls to curo
summer complaints of young or old, Dr
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry.
Compared with
hsMi iff
1 ie ueiancnoiv Fast.
It's the old, old story, told over and over again since tho dawn of crea
tion. The story of the heart. It's a tliemo that never wearies. And yet
tho saddest stories of the heart arc those of its disorders. It has been the
most neglected organ in tho body. There arc thousands of cases of heart
disease that never receive the proper treatment. The average doctor knows
little of the heart, and treats tho cases presented to him, as some other dis
order and in this manner, patients, instead of being cured, are made worse.
The testimony of the lady whoso portrait appears above is pertinent.
Dr. Miles' discoveries, relating to the heart and nerves, mark a new era in
the treatment of disorders of these most vital organs. Heart disease,
formerly considered beyond tho pale of medical aid, has at last yielded tho
victory to Pr. Miles' New Heart Cure. The reports received by Dr. Miles'
Medical Co., of cases where special advice is asked, show conclusively that in
a majority of cases complete cures follow tho faithful use of Dr. Miles'
Restorative llemcdics. Tho few failures are generally due to negllence on
the part of tho patient in not taking the remedies as directed.
"A severe attack of typhoid fever left me with heart trouble of the
most serious nature. Nothing the doctors gave mo seemed to have any
effect. They gave the very strongest of heart medicines, but to no avail. -1
had severe pains in tho region of the heart, and was unable to sleep or Ho on
my left side for more than three minutes at a time without great pain. My
heart seemed to miss beats, and I had smothering spells, in which It seemed
every breath would bo tho last I should draw on earth.
Wo accidentally heard of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and Restorative
Nervine, and as a last resort wo purchased a bottle of each. After taking
tho remedies a week, I could be lifted in a chair and sit up an hour. In two
weeks I could walk about, and in a short time I was able to do light house
work and I am now well along on tho road to health.
I shall bo over gratcfnl to you for your wonderful medicines and will
praiso them to everyone I know. Truly they saved my life. Hoping every
Dno who uses Dr. Miles Remedies will derive the same benellt that I have, I
remain," Mrs. Chas. La Point.
3127 Ilumbold St., Denver, Colo.
Sold by all Druggists. Book on Heart and Nerves, Free by Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind,
Tnr jl r-,
DLMMC8 ncanuirc
but havo ioli direct to tht eon
lamer for 25 yean tt wboli
Bile pnoei, itmne
de&lec I Troon,
wmr ior eitmiDiuon.
Ererjlning warranted.
118 itjlea of Vehiclei,
as iiyiei 01 iiaroeai.
Top tiaggiei , 136 to ? 70.
Surrey!, til) to $125. Card a-
I'hafltODi. Traps.
etui, Sprmg-lload
Wagoni. Send for
No. IT. Sarrif nirom. Prtee, fH.W.
Catalog ot au our
And l'lowora, tliu llaiul of Aineilca, Cali
fornia. Via tho truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
lioute," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes aie unknown. Pullman first
and second class palaco and tourist sleeping
cars to points la Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nobraska, Utah aud
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all tho conifortsof modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full informatiou, ilmpa postal
card, J. P. Mt-Cauii, T. P. Agent, M0 Rail
road avenue, Klmlin, N. Y., or 391 Iiroad
way, New York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, Q. E P. Agt.
E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville. Texas, writes
that ono box of DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
was worth $50.00 to him. It cured his piles
of ten years standing. Ho advisos others to
try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases
aud ohstlnato sores, v. 11. Uagenbuch.
L nunc nil unnn nmaic uiitu
A Medicine Chest In Itself.
Simple, Safe and Quick Cure for
25 and BO cont Bottlos.
Side Entrance on Green M., PHILADELPHIA, PA,
f W Vounff, olrt.BlniflQorinarrlttl Ai thoo con-h-
T teiiiiilutlnuinarrUKe, lf'ou ar a victim of
olood poisoh j:i,:,,,i;k-.:,,Sr
VPrlvata Diseas?s JsiSS7M&'.,d,s:
!(S?itroy inlnd and body, and mint you for the
dutlea nt life, enll or write and ha av m1. liouri:
Dally. t-:ipv,H.,(l-Ol Sun.. (1-1 li. B.'iid lOeia.ln
etampa for llooK with akVfl'u 1 at I mu 11 1 a In
Jlxpualuu IluucUi and fake Iuatltutea.
wmm ailU fUf I iniT Ulllfil
usitl. Tiniy fid l'cnnyroytl llllf ud other
temerik'). AIivf buy the beat tnlvoltl tl,tr
(V) In tin wit. OuBjftntel lupcrtor to, all ctkeri.Tl'ooittv.j
Lie bvtt In th ufffrkct, A Nu. L I'trOcuUr, C Dr,r'
Happy Now
mm in
amp my.
Wagon -
anil Milk
Urg, free
Ma. M Hurra. Price, with cnrttioi. I MOT I . tun
haia, apron aad fcden, S0. At goJ at sella for W.
During 1808 THE TI MES will not only ninlntiiln
the IiIrIi stnnilnril of eicellenee It reaeheil tho
past year, hut will steadtivftly endeavor to
excel its own hest record, nnd will not Hwervo
from its vet purpose to niako
No Journal Is more oxtenslvoly clroaTafti 1 o
han a wiilcr circle of readera In rouBayWanla
Specimen Copies Sent Free Senil for one
DAILY. J3.00 per nnniiM j M cents
tier mouth i ilellvureil hv larriera
for 0 centi er week. 8UNDA.Y KDiT ION, Vi
large, haudooine paici's -Jl eoliiiuiui, elegantly
illubtrateil, tieautifully prluli'il In eolora, J2-C0
per aniiunit Scents per eopy. Dally nnd Mini
day, 83.00 per annum SO cents per piontili,
Aildresa all lettera to
May Bo tlio Bombardment and Cap
ture cf Manila.
Xcwi ortlm DcMtrnotloli of Corvcrn'x
VU'i-t tint Itonolii'il Thorn, it nit Thin
May I'rcvciit it Cotilllot Tim Ainoi'
lemi fi HciNUut on Wuko I-liind.
Ilnng Kong, July 22. The following
ndvlrep have been received from Ma
nila under dato ot July 18.:
t'nlef8 the Spaniards surrender in
the meantime. Hear Admiral iJewev
will bombard the formications of Ma
nila by the end ot this week, provided
the troops are ready to take possession
Immediately. The First regiment Is al
ready In the Meld at l'aranaiue, two
miles from Manila.
The Spaniards are reported to have
been buoyed up by the hope that the
Cadiz fleet, due here on the 10th, would
arrive soon, but the news of the de
struction ot Cervera's squadron,
brought by uhe Japanese cruiser Nunl
wa, may lend them to surrender. The
Insurgents are consantly harrasslng:
the Spaniards on both sides of the city,
but they are checked by the big guns
of the Mulate and Santa Mlsa torts.
The second detachment of the Ameri
can expeditionary force arrived In ex
cellent condition, though four died on
th- voyage.
Thv American transports have
hoisted the American llRg on nil Islnnd
supp iped to be Wake Island, which Is
In the Marshall group, In Mlcronoila,
comprising the Hadack and Itallck
rienornl Agulneldo has organized the
Philippine cabinet at Iiacoor, with the1
following personnel: President of the
council, Oenernl Agulnaldo: secn'Rry
of war. Baldimlro Agulnaldo, nephew
ot General Agulnaldo; secretary of
the Interior, Lennrlro Ibalra; secre
tary of state, Mariano Trias.
General Agulnaldo's cabinet took th
oath of cilice at IJacoor on Sunday In
the presence of 5,000 natives. A fire
works display followed. Agulnaldo Is
restless under American restraint and
wants to capture Manila.
United States Consul Williams, who
Is at CavitP, has written to United
States Consul Wlldman here strongly
urging him to come to Cavlte and
rcisuM with General Agulmililo. with
whom he lias great influence. Mr. Wild
man may start at the end of next
General Anderson has quartered the
California battalion at Paranaque, r -v-pvnl
miles from Manlln.
The blockade Is effective, nml mnlN
nre not allowed to enter Manila except
by wersiilps.
A Span!: h steamer, the Vosol, linv-
Ing on board a natty crew from the
Vlsayi's islands, southerners. Is now
In tiie hands of the Insurgents. Tb
new revolted, killed the Spanish nt
lit ii h nod reached Tauvabo, in the
south) m part of the Island ot Luzon
but tin-re they quarreled with Tapalon
insuieents uml returned to Hollo, which
Is looked upon as that th
YNuyes are unwilling to Join the Ta-
g.ilmis. In any case It is considered
lertaln that thf Philippine Islands will
never be amalgamated and that thej
wi'l never return to Spanish rule.
Therefore the alternative, In the opln-'
Ion nf the best Informed people here, is
foieign inlo, American or Iirltlsh.
Thi' insurgents are well armed. They
are piuvtded with Mauser rides and
have two Held pieces. They nre gradu
ally forcing the Spaniards back. The
Spanish prisoners are well treated by
the rebels, but they are all terribly ex
hausted and emaciated. Some of them
are suffering severely from fever. The
position of the Spanish prisoners taken
by the Americans is peculiar. Admiral
Dewey, being unable to keep them,
turned them over to the rebels under a
proviso that America should bear thi
i xnenses of their maintenance, Gen
euil Agulnaldo being responsible for
tbeii feeding. The prisoners at Cavit.'
complain that they receive Insufficient
-.."1 but the rebels are unable to ob-
i i.n b.-ltf r.
Y'v inlMins and hospitals are ex
ueieely filthy. The surgical and medl-
rul treatment Is pr'mltlve. Since the ar
rival of General Anderson's brigade
however, the prisoners have been em
ployed In cleaning and other sanitary
work, and there has been a marked
Improvement all around.
The de-e!opments of the political po
sition confirm the belief that the na
tives ure suffering from 'swelled head'
und ure likely to cause trouble to the
Americans, whose preparations keep
this contingency steadily in view. It Is
reported thai In an attack upon Malato
the rebels lost 50 killed during a charge.
partv wi-ve surrounded by Spaniards
and slaughtered to the last man.
How to Look Good.
Good looks are really more than skin deep,
depending entirely 011 a healthy condition of
all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive,
vou have a bilious look ; if your stomach be
disordered, you have a dyspeptia look ; if
your kidneys be affected, you have a pinched
look. Secure good health, and you will surely
have good looks. "Electric Hitters" is a good
Alterative and ionic. jcis turccuy on me
stomach, liver and kidneys, l'urtties the blood,
cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a
good complexion, r.very ooiuc guaiaim-fu.
Sold at A. Yvaiieys urug siorc. au icih .)
Not Yellow IVvoi'.
Washington, July 22.-Healtli OirHcr
Dot", at Kew lorn, runout) umi i
suspicious rases or sieicness on uu
Saneea, wlitoh arrived at Quarantine
with a large number of men from Shaf-
tcr's army, nre not yellow lever, pui
geon General Sternborn directed thai
the tnen lie taken to Fort Hamilton. N.
y where Surgeon Ilafferty is r ady to
receive them.
I!ol Slooro, of Lal'ayette, Intl.. says thai
for constipation lit) has found DoWitt's Littlt
Early Itisors to bo perfect. They novor gripe
Try them for stomach and liver troubles, t'
II. ilUKClllllll'll.
I.n lloui'Koil'iii' Sulloi'w .'May lie Ti'Ioil.
Havre. July 22. Tho maritime au
thorities here, co-operating with the
police, propose to hold an Inquiry Inti
the accusation that Austrian sailors
forcibly seized one of the boats of tin
ill fated 1 .11 Hrfiurgogne and drove off ull
others. It Is believed the men will be
tried for murder. The sailors nre ex
pected by bteiimer I.a Uretagno on
"I suffered for months from wiro throat
Ilclcctrie Oil cured mo in twenty-four hours."
.M.S. (list, llawcsvllle, Ky.
Itoiiii'VTiiir lliiilini' .MIiH'H.
Uostoti. July 22. Colonel Man li' i!
at the engineer' corim, hcgiiii Hk n
nioyal of nubmnrine mines lilockins th.
iniiJit channel of the harbor yeMci d .
li,- exjiects that it will only rcuune
twit or three days to remove all thai
lie Intends to tuko up.
ItuUds up tho system j puts puro, rich
blood In tho veins j makes mou nad women
BtronB aud healthy, llurdock lllood Hitters,
At auy drug storo.
ltc-eli'ct Tliolr Old onicuri and J'asH
l.ovnl lloxiiliitlonx, I
Atlanta, Ga.. July 22. The fight over '
the place for holding the next gathering
of Confederate veterans grows warmer I
with the progress of the reunion. The
Kentucky delegation Amis that the in- i
iluence of the. South Carolina deli'-
gates Is rapidly spreading. All the old
officers were re-elected yesterday, as
follows: General J. IJ. Gordon, com
manding: General Stephen D. I-ee, of
Mississippi, commanding the depart
ment of the Tennessee; General W. I.
Cabell, of Texas, trans-Mississippi de
partment; Genera! Wade Hampton, the
army of Virginia.
The tumult which greeted the nam
ing of these popular Idol had scarcely
subsided before tleneral Stephen D. the second In command, Intro
duced the following:
"Whereas, the United States of
Ammlca are at present engaged In a
war with Spain In the Interest of hu
man liberty, and our sons are memle is
of that glorious army and navy, tin
achievements of which are now exi It
lng the wonder of mankind:
Hesolved, that we, survivors of tie
United Confederate vetPt'ans. pi. ibi
our loyalty and the hearty co-npeiatbi
of the organization In this crisis of af
fairs, to stand ready at all times with
tnen and iwinev, Irrespective of po
litical affiliations, to support the ft i
dent of the United States, as command-er-lD-chlef
ot our army and navy, until
an honorable peace has been conquered
from the enemy."
When the clerk had finished reading
the resolution General Gordon said h"
heartily favored it. He declared that it
was In hesitv aerord with the senti
ment of (' ii foil .rate veteinns every
where, and be sorely legretted that he
was not 'lmelf the author of the reso
lution. SiV'ial speeches; wcio made
endoir.inu the mi asure. and with u
chorus of ebeev? It wis adopted.
A prairie fire moves faster than any horse
can run. No matter how speedy your
mount maybe unlets you have a good Mart
of the fire it will overtake you. It is the
same way witli many diseases. T'nU-ss you
Cet a fair start, you cannot pos'-ibly slmke
llietn off. The only hope for anyone who
is threatened with serious disease i- to
start in time, and seek safety before the
danger closes in about him.
The best thiug for you, if yon feel that
your full bodily enercy is lackinp, is to
seek the strengtlK'uinn, powei prodiu'inir
help of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery which confers upon the digctivc
organs that keen zest of appetite and a
siinilatlon which transforms the food into
iiourishitij;, health - building blood, mine
muscular force, nervous enerpy and iiik
pft d endurance.
Do not wait until dyspepsia spreads into
"liver complaint" and that turns into
bronchial trouble which finally verges into
consumption. Do not rely upon the delu
sive stimulus of malt extracts and sars.ip.i
riilas aud oily compounds; do not allow a
designing druggist w bo seeks only his own
profit rattier man your iie.iun to itnst any
'Mwnm " medicine ution voll. Insist unon
the remedv which is backed by thirty years
of steadily incnasing soles to attest its
constant usefulness and popularity.
The experience of Mr. Val. Burkard. living at
65 Muhr Ave . Buffalo, N. V., is given iu his own
wonls: i-ive wceics ago l loiiowea your aavice
aud took two lHtU-s of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and also two vials of ' Pel
lets ' I consider myself entirely cured, as there
have been uo erup'i-'us since I finished the last
bottle. 1 think it l the greatest remedy on the
globe for blood and ilii stive disorders, My.ip
pettte increased uoniu rfullv and I have nlso
gaimd Ik-sh 1 would lkke evcnlioily to know
the true value of Dr l'u rce's midicines as I am
confident by peiistt-nt use thev will cure all
ailments for whu.h tluy are recoinmcuded "
iff 1
vlKOrto the uhol- brin; All drains and lostci are rhtckcii-. rmancnl.v. Lil- uatients
arc proprrlv run d, th. ir ciiochtion often v. ornes ihttn into In- inity, Connimptu m ur Death
Mailed sealed. rri.rSi I t r Vix. b boxes, with Iron-clan Ir5.1t Guarantee :n, nr.- ..1 reliindthe
money. J5 00. tend tor iree book. Addie. PEAL MEDICINE CO , Cleveland, 0.
For Sale at KIKUN'S Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
7ft and
6iii(i!iimii!iiHiii!iiiniiiit"i tiiiiiiiii!iiiiir,iaTCrimaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniTiiiiiB
a tu in- hlv ap to-d2te pericdiral fnr women, will enter upon its
thirty fir-i vuium in t lmnn the year it will be as heretofore
Paris and Nevt York
A Colored Fashion
Cut Paper Patterns
A Bi-Weekly Pattern
T W llii'clnson
Two famousauthore will contribute long
aerial stories to the Uazar in 1808. The
first deals with Scotch and Continental
scenes, the second is a story of a young
Ctrl, versatile, and typically American.
Mary E. Wllklna I These and a icoro of other equally
n.tnv. Thanpt I prominent writers will contribute
it n "oTnri 'ort stories to the Haiar In iS,S,
H. I, 5rtTorrJ making the taper especially rich in
M, S. Ilriscoe f,ctlirn7
Thero will be a series of articles on Ktlquette, Music, the
Voice, Art, the Play, Women aud Men, Leaders among Women,
Gardening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Indoor Details, etc.
10c, a Copy (Send lot Free Prospectus) Sub,, $4 a Year
t'tsljgtm ix tht Unite J Slain, CanaJa, and Mtxico.
Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City
' Katharine De l-'oreit
W. D. Hoella
Have Dono for Skin-Tortured Babies.
My little htcr had cow-pox. film suircrcil
terribly. Tried c.ter thing, no piral. 8, ..In
eamo olf with lierelotlics.slii! ai r.nv all ocr.
Cnriei'Hl Sou cured Iter in thru 7.5.
Mr.J:iJ.A ItOVJijJWfthSt., Wusli.,l O.
Our little boy had lfcizema In the most h it
rllile state. Ills faco was full of si abi, ami
parts of the llesli were raw. Wo uai il C I
ciuv ho.ii and Ct'TiontA (ointment), aiiJ
in ini ii'twk he wat tts fjoofi as ei rr.
.Mm. ,t. C. l'lli:r.SK, 3i So.Jst St., Ilrooklyn
1 noticed a very red roughness on inv hoy's
face. Doctors dlil no good. After using ouo
bin anil a halt of CcrionKA (ointment) and
t,'t thi it A Skill', lift in entirety curat.
Mr. W. (1. 1.OVK. 1'iia Wilder St., 1'Iilla., Pa.
fJTtTIJCnQ To kiinwthttawirtn bath with Con
ll'.liMlllllO CI'HA N.Ai-,an,laBlnrl)!nhitini: with
1 1 i k tn. A, , i t ..I emollient ok in cures, will ill nt in
tout t'li'-f. ne'iitll rt.t anil le.-p.and ilnl In a apecd
euri , nut t, ui-e Diem iHtolall Id j our duly
Sold Cirinn'inut the w, rid. 1'ottie 11. ft C C mp Sole
t'ri I . Iliial in. All About Uaby'a Sain, Scalp ft Hair, free
lo nt NiillW' I.onuerJ Tho
itisinni atiiiniiMii cf fetan
l rcsturi (l tc in n Tli' vt"r
ttui't ca1-' - "f V i Ih li
iv nrf n h'-uitm h rtm i t-y
iivc pn'Mif)' t dlcf I i ...j :t a
r.ii-niB niciiM'T aiifi then 'e
and ilium cf vn i' (Vi
rcit M linlisftci ill- ' i.xrV "t'l
ot c t rl xrni. 1m t r v , t
anil potPti' 1 1 1 i f ii in , n
IJrarfMHi tht" Ks'i-m Give t n ro 'ho
checks uml hi- n- tn t In- fZJW rv'' "f yo""?
or I'd f ii' 'iiti tit ri'ncw,-rf v t il cicrjj
; ii it i'niri-PV I f Ji . u r
U'l'il i ure ir m itie refund-- y i Can ho
cuirn t-iiiktM ''td XiJLltT e crywherroi
nun ii 1 1 mi i ' jin v i ji r it t i iii saw r, (.(.,, t , if pr. e
tIIILI'LUHX I'Kt'J Caxnm UWk tbicugj.IlL
Koraleln Hhcnnridonli by Slietmntloah Drug;
Store and (Jrtililer Hros,
listlc. Fashionable. Original. Perfect
Fitting. Prices lO anil 15 cents.
None hlpher. None better at any price.
J Some reliable merchant sells them in 1
7 neatly every city or iowiu iu
ft them, or they can be bad by mail from B
J us In either New York or Chicago.
Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet 7
ft tent upon receipt of one cent to pay
T postage. . I
Brightest hdics' maga:fne published. 7
Invaluable for the home. Fashions of 0
the day. Home Literature, Household i
Hints, Faw-v Work. Current Topics, 7
Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, in- e
eluding a t ree pattern, your own selec- i
lion any lime. Send two 2ent stamps 7
for sample copy. Address . s B
$ THE McCain. companyX r
.12-146 West 4th itreet, New Yotfc. k
J89 Fifth Avenue. Chicago. Ji
twiis wg.t-, ,.,t gun::. t:s s r.n 'vui.issi
TPi'XaS-trillAP' " i -) s-.rt-ir((. - n Pm.ia
Povlniiky's drug store,
ICenlre street.
a Tttrin. tute lfD I4FK WOMAN'S RF.LIEF.
A in.... nrnmntaml rflittfle. Axovi liMtutuw.
At ilrujr tnret, or ent dlrt (fca'.ti , rli $1.
r-. f. fit r .n1 m V KVOIXTS.
iiToK Scku. Co., Itoitoo.Jttaia. uur uoci.c
Kor t-ule at Kirllu'a dnitf atore nnd Hhenn lo
driiK store
l ,- havp st
, ! l!i
I f-r4,
... ik o'
,s sin h
'-I. pless
. (ihv.&c
Jl ,1 11 ,M .
iC i" s el Nurv 'i
. 1'
a, IJ' U lll , 1 n. nir
oi . aiul illu ile.
Tlicj thi 1 i in .
the Lin ul itioli. in il
pi-rfu t, and uni
s . -
nro inogKSBelve find keep Informed of
the World's Progress. Tho well in- 5
formed and thrifty Housa-wife will
always keep c
jln the house, as a standard remedy for
BpraJns, Bruises, Cramps, iineumatlsm,
all aches and pains.
Pflc25di. indbOcti.DBrbaitL?
PrtpaieJ ly li. J HACKET1 vU., rtillat ohla,
l-'acli issue will contain carefullr pre-
pared draiftiri i of the advance fashions
of Pans and Wew York Once a month
the Uazar will issue, free, a colored
fashion supplement t ut paper patterns
of certain gowns ineach number will be
made a feature. TlieJ will be sold in
connection ith each issue at a uniform
price. The Uaiar will also publish bi
weekly, free, an outline pattern sheet.
OcUT Thanet
WUllaia tllack
Mary li WUtloi