The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 21, 1898, Image 4

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    i-ir.r n st fi vf iyvwym i
Uncle Sam's Navy.
We have now on snle the 12
numbers of the above portfolio bound In one
liandsmnc book. It contains the photographs
of all our navy aNo Spain's navy prior to
their destruction. Alo all the officers of the
navy and every one taking a prominent part in
the war including the 1'resident and Ins
cabinet,, .Siashee, Sampson, eu . The
pruc jl.50i.1r only 30 cent more th.m the I
series cost originally. Call and examine.
IM. Main St.
Beef, Wine
and Iron.
Large Uottlo, 50 Cents.
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, l'a.
lri"iiinptiioiix CorrfspondiMit Who
AshiiiiIiihI (ifiioi'iil sliul'tor.
New York. July 1. A dispatch to The
Herald says: Sylvester Scovel, the cor
respondent for the New York World,
who nt the formal capitulation of San
tiago slapped General Shafter In the
face, has pi nimbly got Into deeper
water than he was ever In before. Out
side of the unparalleled effrontery of so
tlasmiit mi net, It would seem that It
apparently stands alone. From the ac
counts of the oerurrenee that have
reached this city, it would seem, how
ever, that the ni tides of war cover the
case completely, and that Scovel may
be even sentenced to death, should a
court martial so decide.
As to the Incident Itself, It Is said
that when the time came to raise the
llae Scovel attempted to make his way
to the roof of the palace, with the In
tention of pnrtli ipatlntf in some way In
the ceremony. lie was ordered down by
the guard. Immediately after the cere
mony Scovel pushed his way to Gen
eral Shafter and slapped the general's
face He was promptly arrested and
confined. The act would seem from this
to have been purely wanton.
I..viic1im1 I'rNonur nTid Destroyed .Tall
Natchez. Miss., July 21, A telCRram
received here announces that an In
furiated mob stormed the Simpson
county Jail at Westville, kllllns W. T.
Patterson who was confined therein
under the charge of murdering Law
rence Hrlnson, and the Jail building
was fired and the building and the
body of the prisoner wns burned. Tho
body of the unfortunate man was lit
erally riddled with bullets. Patterson
killed Urlnsnn In April, 1S!)7. as the re
sult of a uuarrel. He had had four
trials, tint always escaped sentence on
uome technicality.
HOOD'S IMMiS euro Idvcr lilt,
Biliousness, IikIIkckUo.i, Headache,
uleuseut laxative. All DrugnlstE.
Has Been Removed
Robbins' Building:,
Centre and White Streets.
Gasoline, Oil,
Wagon Grease,
Gasoline, Oil Stoves.
We make a specialty of
gasoline, Co cents in five gallon
lots, delivered. Mica and U. S.
axle grease. Also headlight oil,
150 fire test.
No, 143 Kant Coal Street, Hlieuumlonli, IVnna.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
These were tlie two reasons that formerly
kept people frem attenilini; to their teeth,
lioth reasons luive no existence in this ad
vanced age. rainless and inexpensive dent
istry with an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method
A Good Set of Teeth, $$.
Hie Very llest Teeth,
You can get no better, no matter what you
pay. No charfie for extracting, where teeth
are ordered. We can take your iniprosMon in
the morning and Kive you your teeth in the
afternoon if desired.
(lold PlllliiRS, $i; Best Silver
rulings, Soc up; Cleaning, Sac;
extracting, 25c.
rm and bridec work nt very reasonable
rates. Kxaminations and estimates fiec.
We use but one grade of material
the best.
Cor. White & Centre Sts., Robbing' Building.
Floor and Table 011 Cloths
B. Foley,
37 Wet
st. li
Mellaril Council 1ms gone to Atlantic City
to spend n week in rec reation.
Charles Hooks, of l'ottsvllle, Is a guost of
relatives in town.
Hurt. Smith, who whs h lesidcnt of tilts
town about twenty years ago and is now lo
cated at Cleveland, Ohio, spent tlio lt few
days lieic vlsitlnit relatives and left this
morning for I'ottavillu. He is tmvolliiK in
the interest of a horseless carriage manufac
turing company.
I'oiinclliiien IMwnid Murphy and Peter
llarkius transacted business lit tho county
seat to-day.
Mis. .1. II. Martin has none to Stiubtiry to
Isit friends. Shu will liu absent about two
weeks and will probably visit Wllllainsport
and Niagara Kails.
William Kassler, of West Coal street, lias
gone to l'liiladelpliia to locale permanently.
John (Juirk has entered the employ of tho
Columbia IlrowhiK Company, in tliu
J.J. Itohliin and John Itollliian spent yes
terday along the stieams in the C-atnwissa
valley in eaicli of fish. They returned
home with :v nice mess.
William T. Kvans transacted business at
Delano this morning.
Harry liickert visited relatives at Sliamo-
1 kin yesterday,
! Mr. and Mrs. C. 1.. Fowler and son have
I returned from a visit to friends at Freelanil.
Charles Qiilnn, of Scmnton, was a town
visitor to-day.
Constable Thomas Tosh left this afternoon
on a business lnis-ion to Summit Hill.
A Train Crashes Into a Hera nl dm.
Three Killed Oulllgllt.
Muhanoy City, July 21.I,elilgl Valley
passonner train No. 1ST ran into a held of
cows in a cut near Harry's Junction this
tiiortiiiitr, killing tlireo of them outright and
injuring a fourth i bully that it will die
l'or lifty cents Thomas
Kvaiis climbed an 1
0-foot willowy pulo on Centre street last
night to tlx a Hag.
IMward, 11-year-old son of August Kudel,
may Iomi the sight of one of Ids eyes thtmigli
and accident that happened this morning.
Tho buy is subject to epilepsy. While riding
on a wagon lie was ei.ed by a fit and fell to
tho roadway. His eye glas-es wen; biokeu
in the fall and a piece of tliu glass cut the
bull of one of his eyes. Tho wa-uii passed
over him, but only caused bruises.
M. M. McMillan, ho was at tho Worncrs
ville Sanitarium for recuperation, left town
yesterday for White Sulphur Springs Va.
He has lust 10 pounds in weight, but is
believed to bo on the way to recovery.
A stone weighing 100 pounds and to be
used as a window sill slipped from a wheel
barrow on the second lloor of the new school
building and crushed through the iron work
of two lloors to the cellar. The man in
charge of the barrow saved himself from
falling by grasping a beam.
John J. Kyan, son of Patrick llyiin, of
town, and brother of Commander Thomas
W. Hyan, of the Peoria, tolegiaphs Ids father
that he has received a captaincy from Presi
dent McKinley. Mi. l!yan was city electri
cian of San Antonio when lie enlisted in the
war with Spain and received a lieutenancy
on the signal corps.
Harry Martin, a miner, was badly burned
about tliu faro and hands this morning by an
explosion of gas III the Muhanoy City col
A Pertinent Inquirer.
IUi. Heua M) : The article ill last night's
llKit.M.D about tho water supply is apt to
provoke a great deal of comment. Why is it
that there is trouble about tho water supply
so early in the year, and why is it necessary
to borrow money when the tax collectors owe
tliu borough $10,000 or $10,000? Why also is
it that measures are not taken to get this
money and build additional reservoirs or
arrange in wire way for a better supply of
water, so that inconveniences Iiko the present
ones are avoided. It seems to mo this is a
matter outside of politics, and consideration
for a delinquent tax collector must bu laid
aside. Ixiiuihitivi:.
July 21, 1MIS.
United Slates .lurnrs.
Maishal James II. Heilly yestoiday diew
the jurors who aro to servo at tho next tcim
of tho United States District Court, com
mencing August 15. Tho grand jurors from
this county aro Prank Haesslcr.of 1'ottKville ;
David C. Ilrown and Christian Schmidt, of
this town. The only petit juror from this
county is Thomas Higgius, of town.
The Heat of the Sun.
It Is impossible except by illustration
and comparison to K'l'a.sp thoidoaof tho
heat of the sun. According to calcula
tions, based Mpoii the energy of tho sun's
rays on the earth, the temperature at its
Mirfaco is computed as about lb, 000 cio
Kicus K. No arlillclal temperature of this
degree can be created by any known
means. KITorts have been made to collect
and utilize the treinenduus heat power of
tho sun, but cloudiness, mist and darkness
have prevented anything like marked suc
cess. At tho Columbian exposition an ap
paratus was shown, consisting of a reflector
and proper attachments, which utilized
tho heat of tho sun to such nn effect, that
a two horsepower engine was run by it.
It is proposed to try experimenting with
rol.ectors In countries where tho sky is
free of cloudiness and tho sun shines al
most uninterruptedly nearly ovcry day In
tliu year. New York Ledger.
Cast Offs Itnrrly Seen In the Street.
"I'vo seen old shoes in tho street," said
Mr. Gllmby, ' plenty of them, and wrecked
umbrellas and old hats and east off coats
and various other articles of woar, but
never until today, and I'vo lived sonio
years, did I see a pair of suspenders lying
In the street, and this w as only half a pair,
by tlio way. I notice things habitually.
It's a part of my business to sou tilings,
but I never before saw a pair of suspenders
In tho street, and I'll bet you $ 1,000 you
nuvcr did. " Now York Sun.
"I)o you know that an ordinary iilano
contains about 11 mllo of wlroY"
"No. I (thoulil rnthrr bullovo that nn
ordinary plnno contains about a wagon
load o tlnwaru." Chicago Nuws.
Tlii'll She Jllil.
lira. IjiusohUIo Gnminjr, RnrconK, don
don don dun donncz mol oh, why
don't you waltors niu'.i rMnnd English?
Wnltur (politely) Why doiwn't inadaiu
epeak It? Harper's
Is there such another navy
on the face of the earth as the
American Navy ?
Shirt Waists !
Wc arc not uoiiigto carry a single
one over tins season if reduced
prices can assist us in currying out
our intentions.
nnwu 1 nnwu 1 Rnr? tup PRIP.FS !
As the Spanish fleet went yester
day to the bottom of (he sen. Call
early aud secure a bargain.
23 North Main St.
lappoiilng Throughout I lie Country
Cbioulcled for Hasty Perusal.
Tho County Commissioners yostelday issued
a temporally loan for J tB.liOO, at six por cent.
Iiitcreit. Heielofoio they paid but four per
Letters tcts.iiientary wore gmntcd to James
Maguirc and John Maguire 011 the estato of
Hugh Magnlro, late of St. Clair, deceased.
The P. & li. Hallway Co will continuo to
nay their employes by checks.
John L. Kchoe, aged 14 years, a slate
picker at the Alaska colliery, was cut in two
at noon Tuesday, by jumping in Hunt of 11
moving train.
Seven moulders were laid oil." nt the (loyno
shops at Ashlnml, on account of woik being
Three shifts of men are working to get the
Centmlia colliery ready foropciation and the
plate will lie started very soon.
Thcie aro 17,000 Pennsylvania soldiers now
in the Held, and twice that number waiting
to be called.
Lverybody Is hoping for the leallzation of
tlie lcpoiled boom in the Alitlnacitc coal
The Siilibury lllks yesterday wcie at (lieu
Onoko. Tlie exclusion was well patronized,
ami wn for the benefit of Mary Packer hos
pital. "l'lglitlng Hob" Kvans writes from Cuba to
prominent llazleton man that ho is of
Welsh descent. Tlie question was asked and
answered in order to scttlo a wager.
Tho Ashland opera house will open for tho
season 011 tho 11th of August.
The rain yestoiday and last night was very
beneficial, and apiueclated. Oliver Twist
like, "we want more."
Tliu Schuylkill county teachers institute
will bo held lu Mabanoy City, beginning
October 31.
tleorge Kostiie, of St. Clair, was stiiick by
a 1'eiiiisylviiiiia freight liain yesteiday
illuming while walking on the lallrond track.
Ho died in two hours. He leaves a wire and
00 t.iu.
A swimming school will be opened at
Tumbling Hun. .
Tho llorough Council will meet In regular
session to-night.
A largo number of mechanics fiom Delano
and other towns in tlie anthiaclte legion are
now located at ISetlilchcia enjoying le
niiiiiorativo employment.
The Heading In ewers have settled the war
tax dilliculty, by agreeing to sell their beer
at ?7 per bancl and dispense Willi all "treat
ing." Additional hands will bo employed in
every department of the Heading Hallway
shops at Heading.
A new shirt factory to he put in operation
to day at Palmyra, Lebanon county, will
employ 00 hands.
Iliirglars blew open the safe of T. II.
Watts ,t ('11. 's mill, at Scraiitiui, but bcfoie
they could touch tho valuable contests the
police appeared and frightened them oil'.
Leaning heavily on the railing of a second
story balcony, Mrs. Elizabeth Council, of
Scranton. was pitched on the pavement be
low by the breaking of tho woodwork and
almost instantly killed.
Karl's Clover Hoot Tea is a pleasant laxa
tive. Hcgulates the bowels, purifies tho
blood. Clears the complexion. liisy to
make and pleasant to take, 2," cts. Sold by
1 I). Killlii and a guarantee.
Ollhcrlou Items.
Floienco Poley, son of T. J. Foley, of Oil
bertuii, is home from the college al Niagara
Falls, N. Y. Ho will ictiirn this fall, and at
the conclusion of his studies will read law in
a l'ottsvillo ollico.
The School ISoaid of this place has mado no
appointments, and will not mako any until
tho middle of August. This is in order to
givo local aspirants who may fail in Shenan
doah, a chance to secuio positions hole.
Very few new buildings have been erected
hcie tliu summer. Last summer this place
experienced quite a building boom.
Thomas J. Foley, 0110 of our principal
pi operty owners, is negotiating for a change
of business and residence. Ho went to Phila
delphia yesterday to purchase the Woods'
saloon at No. 1 1 North Eleventh street. lie
has bad tlie promiso of this stand for several
years. Mr. Woods, tho owner for is years,
died a week ago.
John Ciinunings, a locomotive engineer,
whoso homo is at Newark, N. J., came to
town yesterday with John Hennessey, uf
Shenandoah, Mr. Ciimiiiings is a former
icsidentof tills locality.
Latest patriotic songs from 10 to 35 cents
nt lli'iimin's.
.Mnnlc aiitl a ltaiiqitel.
Prof. Jones' orchestra guvo a very enjoy
able concert from the poich of the Mansion
House, Muhanoy City, last evening. A large
crowd enjoyed the music after which Land
lord Ilurchill gavo a banquet to the mcmbcis
of tho orchestra and a few friends. The
members of tho orchestra were: Leader J.
Jones, W. J. Poitz, John Schoppee, Lewis
Stack, Harry Harris, 11. O. Oaddow, Harry
Schoppee, Daniel Harris, l'eter Schoppee, O.
C. Thomas, L. Hafner, Prof. Wright and
Walter Schoppee..
If you want tho common sense pocket or
tho patent purse, 25c, !0u and T.'ic, call at I
J. Portz's, Bl North Main street. tf
No Hard Coal.
l or several days an Hem has been going
tho rounds that the Lehigh Valley would
return to tho uso of hard coal. Superintend
cut Mitchell, of tho Wyoming division.deiiies
that such an order lias been issued, or that it
exists. Tlie P. it 1! will change from soft to
hard fuel. Since July 15, the date of tho
onlers, preparations for tho change wore
made and it will be a matter of a few weeks
until every engine 011 tho system will bu
using anthracite.
Not let!.
Thu ComuiltU'o on Text Hooks and Supplies
will meet In tho Library loom on Thimtlay,
July 21st, to receive bids for school supplies
fur the coming school term.
A list of tho stipplius needed aud samples
of the same may bo seen at tho Secretary's
ollleo on and nfter July 18th. All bids must
ho submitted by 7:110 o'clock p. m on day at
meeting. Tlio School Hoard reserves tho
rinht to lejccl any and all bids.
PATRICK Connoiis,
Thomas V. Jiinwi.iN,
(ii:oi:oi; lloi.VKY,
IlAliltV E. KKU'KIt,
7-in-nt Coinmilteo.
.'Men In Iliiiiuer.
Seven uf thu best hi easts In thu Iluek
Aloiiutaiu vein, seven foot level, at Muiua
colliery, were stopped yesterday by tho mine
foreman. The cause of tliu sluppafto was that
if they wero driven any nearer tho tuifaee
they will strike tho bed of tho creek which
will r.'Uiso tho water to How ill aud may bo
the means of a largo number of men losing
their liven. American.
All kinds of vegetables and flower seeds,
and plants at I'ayno's nurseries, (lirardvlllo.
Illcctric cars pass tlio uoor. n-u-u
Cliiu.ees lii 1'
K, A. Dohurty, who fora niiniber of years
Iiiih been a contractor at blionaiuloali city
colliery, has been appointed flro Im at West
Shonaiidoah colliery, Tho company securos
u competent man fur this important position
Thomas Williams, of Sliamoklu, has au
rentiMl thu ixisltiou of flro buss at Moica
lie Not Deceived, A CuukIi, Iloarsunuai or
Croup, aro not to bo trilled with. A doso lu
tlimi of Sblloh's Cure will savo you much
trouble. Sold hy 1'. 1). Klrlln and li guar,
Voting Mini Charged Willi Assaulting null
Itobbbig Ills Mother.
A enso that excited no llttlo Intorost was
hoaid before Justice Shoemaker last night.
Tho principals wcro Mrs. Hrldgot llarrctt, of
Lost Creek No. 2, aud her son, Martin.
Tlie son was the defendant and tho mother
thu accuser and somo parts of the testimony
was quite sensational, embracing recitals of
as house breaking, assault and robbery,
It seems that Martin and his parents have
not been oil good terms and tho former was
denied admittance to the homestead. Mrs.
llarrott testified that late at night Martin
visited the house and forced an entrance by
bunking in tho door. Mrs. llarrctt wa
lying asleep on a lounge nt tlio time. She
charged that the son appioached her, cut
open a pocket in her dress and stole her
watch. Mrs. llarrctt was awakened and 1,11
encounter ensued, duiing which Mr. llarrctt
came from tho upper part of tho houso and
took a hand in tlie light.
The senior Ilarrett was evidently very
much angered when hu mado his appearance,
as lie setoil a liatciici ami dealt .Martin a
blow 011 the forehead. Fortunately for tho
latter the blow was made with tlio blunt cud
of the hatchet and with 110 great force. Had
the weapon been otherwise Hied tlieio might
have been a homicide to record.
After hearing tho evidenco Justico Shoe.
maker concluded to hold Martin llarrctt for
trial at court on a char go of assault and
battery and malicious mischief, tho prusccu
trix not wishing to make tho charge more
set Ions, and tho accused furnished ball,
Infant's lace caps, tho cheapest and largest
stock in tonu, at F. J. Portz s, SI North
Main street. tf
!Ut. Cretan Camp Meeting.
l or tho united Ilrctlircn Camp Meeting at
Ml. (Irctna, Pa., August 2 to 11, IMS, the
Pennsylvania Hallroad Company will sell
excursion tickets from ill points on its system
east of Unit not including Pittsburg and
1'rie, and west uf and including Philadelphia,
to Mt. (iietna and ictiirn at icduced rates
These tickets will be sold July 31 to August
11 Inclusive, good to return until August 20,
lMli, inclusive. For specific rate, loiulltions.
itc, apply to nearest ticket agent.
Miss Amelia Laucr and Jolm P. Hachman
two well known young people- of Ashland
were joined ill wedlock by ltev. Scliacll'er.
They will reside in Heading, wlicro tho
bridegroom holds a lucrative position.
The wedding of Miss llcssio Hay, of St,
Clair, and James Smith, of Poit Carbon, was
solemnized to-day, at the former place.
(leorgo Moyer, clerk in L C. Probst's
grocery, and Miss Maine Humes, of (Jiraid
villo, were married at the residence of the
bride's parents in (iirardvillu last evening.
Isaac Ilrown was the groomsman and Miss
Hannah Humes, sister of the biiiic, tlio
At Payne's nursery, (llrardvillo, you will
find tlio largest stock ever seen in tlie county.
Mrs. Samuel H. Jones died at her homo in
Omaha, Neb., and the lcmains arrived at
Tamaqua, her former home, this afternoon
for interment. Sho was the wife of Major
Jones, who is now witli the United States
troops ill tho Philippines. Mrs. Jones died
on June 21th., and tho body was placed in a
vault, awaiting the return of tho husband
befoio burial, but he being unable to return
the body was brought Fast for iutoi liiont.
All infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James
Lawlor, of Jacksons, died at that place last
of thnClobufor
NEUEALGIA and similar Complaints'
uuu iicjKirm umicr ma einngcnt
prescribed by eminent physicians!
1 1
51? WV.. 1.1. II Y. 1..1.1... .....
ionlv t?. rutitto iv fl li Trade Mark Anchcr.'
Jr. Ail. Klclittr.U'0.,2l51VnrlSU.,j;civ York, j
13 Branch Henses. Own Glassworks.
23&&Ucis. Endorsed A recouuaeadctl by
A. Wasley, 106 N. Main St..
kC. H. nairenbuch, 103 N. Main St.,
, P. P. D, Kirlin, 6 S. Main St.
4... Shenandoah.
Coll". HviNprpsliivtKtoiimrh Cniiiplnli
Dr. Frank Womer,
Spectacles ami eye glasses fitted aeemately
Medical practice lesumed.
Tiios. Buchanan,
Examination Made at Your Homo or at
Our Store.
-Has Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
We Bottle
Private family onlers will receive
prompt attention. I.eave them
at the office, we will do
' the rest.
Tho forecast for Friday '. Fair and slightly
cooler weathor, with fresh and light north,
erly to westerly winds, followed by slowly-
rising temperature.
Chairman William H. (liven says tho
Altoona platform Is 0110 that all Democrats
can stand 011. Yet It Is ten to one, though,
that bcfori tho campaign Is over tho samo
Democrats will be pushing each othor oil.
W. A. Marr, tho Democratic nominee for
Judi-e. has not always been a consistent
Democrat, especially when Ocuige J. Wad
linger was tho party nominee.
Tho Democrats may all bo for Jcnks, yet
If 0110 reads between the Hues of tho resolu
tions endorsing htm, adopted by the Dela
hantyClly Committee, particular pains aro
taken to call attention to Ills frco silver
record and his support of llryan. Theso
events in Mr. Jcnks' career are not calcu.
lated to attract many Hopublicaiis ovor to his
Dr. C. A. lllciler, tho Democratic candldato
for Coronor, was tendered a reception by his
fellowtownsmeli at Frackvlllo. Speeches
weio made aud liquid refreshments served.
Tlio Hepubllcan state committee will mako
an eifort to enable tho Pennsylvania soldiers
to cast their votes this fall. It is not right to
disfranchise the men at tho front.
llarniuny was spelled with a big H at tho
meeting of tlio Itepublican state committee,
wdth Penrose and Magco, aud Finney and
Losch touching elbows at tho banquet table.
Truly, these politicians aro queer fellows.
Tho Jeirorsonlau Democrats havo endorsed
tho stato ticket.
One of tlio finest assortments of glassware
in town is to bo found at F. J. Portz's, 21
North Main street. Low prices. tf
Illsbop McOiivcru Has a Itelaiite.
llisliop McOovern suffered a relapso last
evening aud his condition is critical. Ho
had been much improved tho last fow days,
but serious symptoms manifested themselves
and much concern Is oxpicsscd at his condi
tion. Tlio members of his family aro at his
bedside in Harrisburg.
Geraniimns, fuchsias, pansles, daises, roses,
etc., for spring planting at Payno's nurseries,
(lirardvlllo. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs.
di i:d.
KIIWAltDH. On the 1'Jth Inst., at Philadelphia,
l'a., William K. Kdwanls. The remains will
bo viewed by friends tin Thursday evening,
21st Inst., between S and 10 o'clock, at his late
residence, t!010 Salmon street, Philadelphia,
't he remains will arrive ut Shenandoah, via
'. .t It. rallwnv at 12:ls n. in. on l'rlibiy, 22nd
inst, -Services in the Calvary ltaptlsl church.
Interment in the Odd Fellows' ceme
tery. Ifelatlvrs- and friends- respectfully
Invited to attend. 7-20--'t
noil ItKNT. A Htahle situated n South
I1 WliltpHtuvt. LnrK enough for two horsua,
Water eunneiUoni. Apply to (leurw Knlmer.
fOli ItKNT. A dwelling hout with nil con
V venieiLCfK. for a muull family, with four
rnomnmd a kitchen, on North White street.
Apply at 129 Ninth Slain i-treet. 7-S-tf
IOHT A hunch of keys lost in this town a
i few days ajjo. Kinder will hu rewarded hy
returning name to 1 l:t ICastCoal street. tf
rnOK HUNT Store room aud dwelling, ten-
1' trallv located, wHIi all modern conven
iences. Atntly ut No, lilt North
Main stieet,
Shenandoah. ,
nOlt KKNT. Property, No, 318 West Centre
V street, recently vacated by rldllp lloehler.
the butcher.
.Suitable for irrocery. meat market,
etc. JJwclmur and Blame uttaciieu.
Dwo u
Apply to
CI, Palmer. 31G West Centre street.
IJIOU SALIC A valuable property on AVest
J1 Centre street, dwelling houe, and all con
veniences In desirable location.
Apply to
Thoina Tosh, for further particulars.
(Jood stand and ten-
V tral locution. Mas two pool
tables, one
bcltitf a combination of pool and biiiiaids
Apply at the Ili:uAl,D oilier. tf
1 Know all men by these presents that I, Harris
l-tell, o iNort number lami, J'cnusylvaula,
1 Trustee, for value received, do hereby uKsii;ti.
, transfer and set over to Mrs. II. It. Smith, of
Mahauo Plane. Pennsylvania, all the stock of
Kods, including KL'nts clothing aud entw
furulshlmis, boots anil shoes, hats and cans.
trunks, fc now in that certain store located on
Itridtfe atrcet, Mabanoy Plane. Penii., to aud for
the only use and behoof of the said Mrs. II. It,
sinltb. Iter helrH and asiirns foiever.
In testimony wherof, the said Harris Self,
Trust we, has hereunto set his hand and seal this
2Mb day or .Mine, A. J).
IIauhis Hut. Trustee, Oi;ai..)
The above must be
closed out before the season expires.
Note our ridicuously low prices on
baby catriages. A swell vehicle
with the best of silk and plush
upholstery, rubber tires, steel
wheel, foot brake, and a satin
parasol, now going at 5O,50 ;
formerly $15.00. Then we have a
few other makes, equally as good
For family purposes.
Finished in antique and oak, two
shelves on the inside, with special
tank and spigot for drinking pur
poses, nicely carved and finished at
$G.OO. You could not buy it
anywhere for less than $8.00.
A $10.50 one reduced to $8.50.
Ice Chests
Sold at a mere price.
We must get rid of these goods
before this mouth is out, hence the
cut in prices.
121-123 North Main St.
A ;ood phu o (or a good
Michael Mills' Saloon,
23 1!. Centre street, Mel let's building,
Wine, Whiskies, Iteer and (Unnr. Krehet
beer In town itlways on tap,
so easily
GOUrW Washing Powder. 8
t 4 tin fM-Pficp
11 vi is- ,"-"-7 " o - "
leave the dishes delightfully clean.
Chicago. St. Louis. New York, Iloston.
CN-s Philadelphia.
Ball's Annual
Russet Sale -
have attended any of our former sales are well aware of the.
selection of stock we always carry at our clearance sales and
also the inducements we offer.
II Will Pay You to Consult
Our Men's $4.00 Shoes at
$3.50 " at
$3.00 " at
$2.00 " at
$1.75 " at
Boy's $1.75 " at
" Youth's $1.50 " at
" Little Gent's $1.25 Shoes
Women's $3.00 Shoes at
Misses' $1.75
Children's shoes are all going at half price.
Our shoe offers this year surpass any of our previous years. Owing
to the depression in business and the scarcity of money, we offer these
remarkable inducements. We would also suggest that purchasers call
early and seeute lirst choice as the stock is complete and is not void ot
any sixes.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
The. prices which we are giving you cannot be beat else
where. All our shoes have leather counters and leather
insoles. We don't handle shoes that have any paper soles
or counters. We don't handle the kind of goods that last
only from Saturday until Monday, like other houses keep.
Half our Children's and Misses' goods are manufactured in
Orwigsburg the best goods in the market, and prices to suit
the times.
Look for the right place and number. Don't forget the
bargains we are offering. Call early and examine them.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
(Michael Peters' Building,)
13 North main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
I A Handsomo Complexion
I to one ot the greatest charms a woman can
jKrn'n 11.
... , 11. . .... n....ntln. Mrnrv
formslies tnai can ue unun -
meat, to avoid the tiresome task of dlsh-wasli-
' . . .1 .ir..1.1 l,n 111.
iiiK, cannot be gramcu. vuum ..v. .....
next best thing? Let her wash the disltes-
It's aituosia picaau. .......
ntifl n tmort rinsini! will
Of Men's, Women's and Children's shoes.
All shapes, shades, styles and sizes. The sea
son now Hearing its end we must make room
for our annual fall and winter stocky and fur
thermore, we must turn these shoes into
money whether much or little. People who
the Following List and Prices :
In Willi itiern and decorations Is one o( tlie
nineteenth century accomplishments. That li
why those who select their wall paper at
CAItlllN'H Krt such delightful results. It Isn't
necessary to purchase the expensive untiles, tho
designs and colors are just as arttstlu lu the
cheaper grades, If they ore not so ilch. I'or
those who m'UIi to decorate their rooms with
artistic wall papers go to
22't West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
30th Dlstilct,
Ok Maiianov City.
Huhject to Hepubllcan rules.
Hubjcct to Republican rules.
Ok rorisviujc.
Hubject to Itepubllcuu ruls,
tfttlMlti nil mil' -"7W r. J -La