The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 13, 1898, Image 2

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liSTAlll.lSlli:i 1K70.
I'liMI-hnl every KvciiIiik, Hit cpt Sunday, at
hoctb .Iabiiin Hrmrrrr, Nmn Ciumir.
TIic llrmlil Uilollvti.-il InHheiiaiiiloah mid the
enrr unillng towns fornix cents week, n
al.i. o the carriers. My mull M.00 year, or
pent 11 month, tsiynblu In advance. dertliw
.... ... i. ......i ,.,-,.,r,Uiiirtiti,ni-.iMiil on.
The liilb!'-lier.s rcs'-nc the rllllit lo chuiine the i
nisillon ol Hilvortii'ciiuiitswhoveverttie iml
'"imloi of new ileuiunds It. The rljctit i
lr-t rved In ujn tm whtrtlscirieiit, whether
lil'til fur or tint, .lat the publishers limy deem
frii.irr Ai'.vertlstiiK rate made known j
UIIOII n,i'llcilttnll.
1' utcrcd lit the pintonlcc nt SbeiHiliiloali, 1 a., hi i
necond cla-s tiinl I matter
'All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
EveninE Herald
Wl.ONiaiUY. Jt'lY 13, lWtS.
OUK COUNTRY : First. Last and forever.
.SlIKN N1IHAH llll fltl'l'll well at tile
huiuls ..r tin- Democrats -m-cui-Iiii,'
tin ( .iiitrollor iiml Senatorial lioiul-
Tint mi;i'f.tUm is liimU' that u Ke
publicim Cultures-mint s-houlil liuvo
appointed u Hepubllcuu to tlu private
f-oi'ii'tnrysliip, iiifti'iul of u Heinocntt.
Tun Democrats, of tho Thirtieth
Senatorial district endorsed tho plut
foriu adopted by the county conveii
tioii but, contrary to e.pec,tiitiiiiiH,
failed to endorse thi' county ticket.
A Dknvku scientist averts, that
eating prunes will inaki' a person
cheerful " Those w ho are addicted to
the prune as iiu article of regular diet
jenemlly have to be cheerful.
Wk do not believe in running u
liowspuper that is afraid to say un
pleasant things about individuals,
when it is proper they should be snid,
itiul when tho saying is for the beiiellt
of the public weal.
r TlIK best quality of circulation is
the circulation that goes to the class
desired to bo reached. The II HItAl.l)
is read in tlie homes of Shoiiandoah
mid the Mahnnoy Valley. It is tho
recogiiied family paper.
V. i.n the men who isMied the free
silver proclamation and declared
that "luuie lint silver Democrats must
be placed on guard, were as inuto as
clains at tho county and district con-yeiitimi-i
Their friend Mat'., appar
'lit t , knows a thing or two.
Hiu Mil's private secretary was at
(liranh ille last fall inquiring as to
the Republicanism of the applicants
for (he olllce of post master of that
borough. In view of roeent develop
iiiuiitH that was about as impertinent
us anything possibly could bo.
Tun memory of .Jolier.soii is very
sacred to Deinouratio platform
makers. Jellerson is u safe man to
tie to he's dead. Hut the greatest
living advocate of advance principles
in their party is very carefully
ignored, comments the Mahnnoy
Oity Record.
"Uhkat Hhitain is the richest
nation on the globo," is a saying quite
common. Recently thu most eminent
Kuglish statistician submitted figures
to rn-ove that this is no longer the
caw!. The I'nited Htates have fort
ahead, and tho most reliable facts
rihow that tho Yankee nation leads
tho Kuglish tothe tune of twenty-two
billions of dollars In round number."
Great Hritaiu still has more ready
money tliiin tlie uniieu oiaies, urn
that is because it is so much older
country, and thorn uro vast estates
held by the nobility that bring in
money that is loaned by tho ilnancial
agents to the trado of tho entire
world. Most, if not all, of the
European countries, tho statistician
remarks, have practically developed
their resources, while in tho United
States wo have merely commenced to
produce tho wealth that lies hurled
in the bowels of the eartlu
I he Provisional (iuard.
The tedious formation of the l'ro
visional National (iuard drags slowly
mi, and there is no telling how much
more time will be consumed by tho
Htate military niaiiagors before an or
Kauiznttoit capable of answering an
other call for troops will be estab
lished. Of the forty-ulght companies to
compose the six regiments of tho
now "Pennsylvania (Iuard on tho
eight company b isis, but sixteen com
imiiies have thus far Uum organized
and mustered into tho survicn of the
Htatu and their rolls received at thu
Ail Intaiit (iciieral's department. The
company organized at Mnliuuuy Oity
was to have been mustered in laHt
ldght, but for some reason the time
has I eeli extended.
Certainly thin is slow business. The
old (iuard ceased to exist as a state
organisation on May 4iU, six' days
after the rainy morning that wit
nessed thu dupartiirufrom the state of
the Kirst lirigade. That Is over two
months ago, and the establishment
of a now Guard is hardly more than
under way. Of the three brigade
commanders, Gtui. Oharles Miller,
Franklin, alone ban completed his
ritalT. There are still vacancies on
thoBo of Gen. Morrell ami Slagee,
If the "President Issued a third call
for troops to-day, Pennsylvania could
not respond with her customary
historical despatch.
These Grateful Woraon Who Havo
Boon llolped by Mrs, l'lnkhant.
Women who have sliiToroil severely
anil hoen relieved of their illn by Mrs.
l'iukhnin s advice, iiml medicine uro
constantly urging publication of their
statements for the betiellt of other wo
men. Here, are two such let torn:
Mrs. lilw.tR ISkvkju.y, 2ft(t MerrlinHC
St., Lowell, Mass., writes:
" It uffonls me jfi-eat iilcsiMiro to toll
nllMill'erlinf women of the bene tit 1 have,
received from Inking Lviliu K. l'luk
Itnin's Vofotnblu Compound. 1 cunlitml
y liml wools toexpress my gratitude for
what she linn dime forme. My trouble
wiih ulceration of the womb. 1 was un
der tho doctor's euro. Upon examina
tion ho found llfteen very lurjfo ulcers,
l)iit he fulled todo me (food. I took fcov-
i eral bottlesof Lydiu K. I'lnkhiun's Vege
table C'ompounil, also lined the ShiiuHvb
Wash, ami am cured. Mrs. 1'inkham's
medicine saved my life, and 1 would
recommend It to all suirerlnjf women."
Mrs. Amoh Tkomm.i:ay, Kllenburgh
Ctr., X. Y writes:
" I took cold at the time my haby
was horn, causing mo to have mlllc
legs, and was sick In bed for eight
u eel.s. Doctors did inc no good. I
surely thought 1 would die. I was al
so troubled with falling of the womb.
I could not eat, had faint spells as
often as ten times a dny. One day a
lady came to see me and told me of tho
bencllt she had derived from taking
Lydiu H. rinliham's medicine, and ad
vised mo to try It. I did so, and bad
taken only half a bottle before I was
aide to sit in a chair. After taking
tin co bottles I coAUl do my own work.
I am now in perfect health."
I'oc an lloiionibli' 1'onee.
Vnrls. July ill. The oflh lain of the
Spanish embassy here has communi
cated to the iiress a disoa(in from
Madrid, declaring It came from an au
thorltlve source. It set forth In sab-
stance that although Spain was "only
fighting In order to maintain her right
to repel unjust agression, she will
lontlnue the slrurclf "until slip op
tions an honorable penc . whatever
rairilloes may be m-ccssury to attain
this end."
Tlio editor of tho r.vium City, Ph., fllolie
writes, 'Ono Minute Coiigli I'ure is rightly
iiiiincil. It eared my children alter all cither
remedies fulled." H cures rmntlii, colds and
all and hnii,' troubles. l II. llii','rn-
Am liellcetiMl by Iienllim In I'lillndol-
pbla ami llallloioco.
riilladelphiii. July 12. Khun- linn: win
ter Biipernni', .!'::.-'.': I'itowj ivanla roller,
clear, SK.s.'riM: eltj mills, e.vtr.'i, J3.2..':t.40.
Itye Hour oulet at $.;.lll jier Parrel for
choice I'eimsylvjinl.i. Wheat dull: No. 2
ml. July. SlffiSILjC. Torn lower; No. z
mixed. July. ::.-i1iS5',4c. ; No. 2 yellow, for
local trade, 10c. On Is firm: No. 2 white,
:CViC '. No. 2 white, clipped, SlftSZc. Jluy
weak; choice timothy, 512 for lame bales.
Beet linn; beer Hums, iH.Biniz uam
higher; western ste.iim d. J6.S0. lluttur
llrm. western creamery, i.i'i'uiic. ; oo.
lory, IPiiUie.; KlKlnx. nr.; Imltullon
creamery. I2fn IPjc.: New York dairy. Vl
0;lCc.; do. creamery, He. rneesu nuiet;
lurKe. white, fancy, vic.; sm.iii. wnua,
fancy, 7'v. ; law. colored, fancy. 7i7Mc.!
small, colnictl. ram, T',c: p.nt slilms,
44'iir,i,c; lull skims, aflis'ac. I'.nuf arm;
New Vni li and l'cnns) Iv.inla. I'J'nlSc.;
west. in. fresh, He. l'nl.ilo. s steady; new,
$2 75413. Tallow linn; elty, ::-l(i1i 4c;
country, ii :i-lii3'ti'.
llalllmoie. July 12. Flour dull and im
chaiiKed. Wheat eaiy; spot, M'.iM',r. ;
suutliern, by sample, 7.Vfrie. I'orn Heady;
spot and month, W,1i3fic; mom hern,
while, :tsc; do. yellow, 4Uc. Oats llimer;
No. 2 white. HlXiIlle.; No. 2 mixed. 27'-rrfi
8".c. Itye firm; No. 2 nearby. I:" .--. Hay
steady; No. 1 timothy. t1l.G0'12. llr.iln
frelKhlr show no material vliuiiKe. l.ul
tme, Jl.tU'n 1.2.1.
l.lvo stoul: MarkolK,
New Vurk. July 12.-- Ileeves steudy:
rubles quote lle tattle at Hlill'lc per
lb.; rufrlKorator beef at !i'4e. per lb.
t'alves llrm; veuls, Jl.ufMi&nO: we.stirns,
t3.7n. Sheep and lambs steady; sheep,
IJ.Mii'l.M; luinbs. J1.504j0.75; culls, $3.2o'u4.
Hues weak ut Jl.105fl.lj.
K. C. lllanks, of Leivlsville, Tca . wiltes one box of DoWitt's Witch Hazel S.ihe
was worth $.rll.(itl to Iiim. It cured Ins pile-,
of ten years standing. He advises others to
try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and
obstinate sores. C. II. Ilagciibilch.
Lieutenant llei'iiiidou Advanced.
Washington. July 13. Olllcial orders i
were Issued yesterday announcing that
Lleutenunt J. II. Heruadou. who was ;
In commuvid of tho torppdo boat Wins-
low In the action at Cardenas in wmen
lSnslgli Mauley was killed, has been ail-
vanced ten numbeis In his grade In i
recognition of his meiltoiious woik on
that occasion. '
I.f'wn Hardship-, at (.'amp Alger.
Washington. July 13. The hardships
of the suldier's life at Camp Algei have
been ameliorated somewhat by the cool
weather which now .prevails, making
tlie daily drills less arduous. The men
still chafe under the Inactivity of camp
life unci are anxious one and all to go
to tin front. The Sixth Pennsylvania
Is es"i chilly desirous of going to the
front, and the men are willing that
they should be ordered to the Philip
pines, Hawaii or Cuba. Orders were
Issued for the Third brigade, (ieneral
Gohin commanding, to change the locu
tion of their camp to a spot about two
miles distant from their presi nt loca
tion III order to give them more room
and better water facilities. Inspector
General Puny I". Imont has arrived, and
was assigned '.o the staff of Major
Gem-rut Hutler.
Supiillei l'or Miul'tor'H Army.
Tampa. Via.. July .13. The steamship
Lampasas sailed from here yesterday
for Suntlago. She' carried General
MIIcb" outllt, Captain Sentt and his
liu lean of military Information and a
large cargo of lted Cross and engineer
ing supplies, itesldes this there were
125 horses for artillery use and the en
glneeilng corps from the Viist regiment
uf the District of Columbia, which has
been here since that regiment left. A
large number of pontoons were carried,
as well as shovels, picks, axes and
many other Implements for the use of
the engineers in roud building. The
military attaches fioin Italy, Japan and
Germany also are on board.
Manila Situation Uuiduiiigcil,
Hong IConc, July 13. The Hrltlsh
gunboat Plover, which left Manila, on
Sunday morning, has arrived here. She
reporV that at the time of leaving
there i us no chunge In the sltuatlun.
Adniii .1 Dewey was awaiting the ar
ijvul of General Men-lit. The Insur
gents weie firing nightly on the Span
iards and the blockade bad finally been
rendered effective.
of ;
Thousands of iiersons have been cured
plies by lining DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It heals promptly ami cures eczema and all
skin diseases. It gives iiiiluudlutu lelicf. C
li. llugcubucli.
Klnvuit Moil Killed nf tho I'oniptoil
l.nkrw Work.
Dover, N. J July IS. Two t-xplonloni
Which killed 11 mm. wounded nbout
20 other and wrecked two bu.hllnRB, j
Hand Powder works, at Poinpton, N.
.1., yesterday, The first explosion wan
In the hnupp where gun cotton was be
ing made, and the second, presumably
superinduced by concussion, was In the
tbylriK houVc close by. Three men were
In the mixing room when tho explosion
occurred, and they were blown to
A battalion of the Third New Jersey
volunteers has in- n stationed at the
works to prevent their destruction by
spies. The camp of the soldiers haH
been close to the powder plant. Thu
Ktiaiil nt being mnlntftlnerl as
The most seriously Injured was Will
lam II. Rmmons, a priate of Co. I,
Third New Jersey volunteers, lie was1
horribly torn by flying splinters. On j
one side of hrs head the scalp was torn
away and rr.mi tne omer ins ear was
severed. Splinters were driven Into his
bod and b'ps.nnrl It Is not likely that
he will I vcr. riiprles Lukes, of Hut-
ler. was .ii'o pn i.ibly fatally Injured,
belnK cut and tern In many places.
Tl.e lll of killed Is as follows: John
Oralg, 35 years obi, ch'.ef engineer of
the works, of Wlnoka: Wllllnm Itr-n-nan,
55, of I'.utler: James Phillips. 15.
of Pompton Lake: Daniel Freeman,
Wl'lbim Kbher. William Fisher, Jr.,
John Mnrpi'tn. Ca:',ier OoKesllio, Juldo
Mnrlno. fruitment of body found: Joso
fount K-itochns'.y t.'iidof AfPost.
Paris, July 13. Comte Perdlnalul
Waliln Rsterhazy, the alleged author
of the bordereau In the Dreyfus case,
has been arrested. Madame Pays, Ills
mistress. Is also under arrest.
The arrests nre apparently In connec
tion with the rvnpming of the DreyfttB
case. The government Is determined to
suppress the arltntlon on behalf of
Dreyfus. The papers today publish tl
number of documents bearing on tho
whole case.
$100 Reward $100.
The renders of thin mpw will be plcnued to
learn that there li at let one di called disease
that science Iiim been able to euro In nil Its
rtnR-iH, nuil that In catarrh. Hull's Cntnrrh Cure
the only positive cure known to tho medlcnl
fralernlly. Oitnnh helnji a cniistltulluiial dis
ease, requires n cmeUitiitirinnl treatment, flail's
Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, ncthiK directly
upon the hlood and imieoiiH sto faces of the
.ysteni, thereby destroybiK the fiaiiulalion of
tie' disease, ami i:l ln Ihe patient strenath hy
ImililliiK up Ihe I'onMituthin and avislinK
nature in inii Its unrk. The pntprlettirs have
si. lilllch faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Iloilm'S for any eae that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address. 1'. J.CllKNUV ,lc CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by DriiKnlsts. 7"ie
spnnlsli I'i'1miiioi"s ut I'ortmoutli.
Portsmouth, N. II.. July 13. A large
force of carpenters commenced work
'yesterday afternoon on the large build
ing for the officers, and also a moss
room, and when the S00 additional
prisoners arrive they will Iltul quarters
In readiness for them. There nro a
number of Intelllgi at men amoiiK tho
prisoners, and they do not hesitnte to
say thut they expel led enpture In their
escnpnde at Snnllai'o; Some of the
petty offices In confinement are doing
a rushing business selling Spanish
coins us Rottv nils to visitors who are
fortunate enough to be allowed to
land on tho I -land.
Vomer I'lilloion W'ootH o Cniintitssloii.
Wui'hingtofi, July 1 '. lleorge M. Pull
man wants t" i-'o 1" war. tils mother
says sin .i: iirmnNi d a ( uniuiiHsloa
for Iiim. ' urn I' has been oscll
latlict li 'ii Wa-hlii'.ton and Chl
eago fur I hi '.c-t wei 1;.
I gWpr
ironic Sores
And all othor blood troubles nro always worso in
spring and summer, because tho poms of the ril;in
net more freely than nt tiny other season. It is
just now, particularly, Hint those who are trouhlcd
with Eczema, Tetter, Salt Kin-inn, Ulcers, lloils,
Carbuncles, etc., experience their firoatest sulTering.
All who nro nfllicted with nny form of blood
trouble should know thnt this is a favorable time
to force out all tho impurities, and cure them
selves. Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) is tlio ru,hi rein
ed' for all nmimer of blood disorders. It kocs down
to tho very seat of the trouble, and forces out all
trace of the taint, curing tho most obstinate casus
which other remedies can not roach.
obstinato soro on
dipt. AV. II. Dunlnp, tlio well-known
pnssenger conductor on the A. (r. S.
U. H., with headquarters nt Chatta
nooga, Tenn., writes: "Six years ago
Hoils und Carbuncles appeared upon
mo, to an extremely disagreeable and
alarming extent, and there was every
indication or a riotous conuiiion
blood. The bolls gave mo e
,1,1,1 t-.ii ii
ment did not Been' to avail, and 'A
Dually 1 decided to
trial. Tliolloilt and
blood und ondenvor to hido it from view, bosuleH destroying tlio
digestion und touring down tho general systoin. S. S. S. is
purely vcyctublc, its every ingredient being gathered from nntiiro's
forests, und it is tho only blood remedy guaranteed to contain
not ii particle of potash, mercury, arsenic, or other mineral. It
cures positively and surely, and at tho sumo time builds up and
strengthens the entire system.
IJooks on blood and skin diseases mailed tioo. to any address
by Swift
Co., At-
la n ta
1 vus-mssmsjiASARa
Congressman Peter J. Otey was re
nominated the Democrats of the
Klxth Vliginlu district.
The men who destroyed Cervera s
f1(,et w1 ffel .t,,! ovpr
III "head money."
Major William O. Moore, for 12 years
superintendent of the, Washington po
lice, Is dead, aged 8P.
Much illfttculty is being experienced
In earlne for the refuircps who have
pa'o-ed Into the Arrerlran lines, nil of
whom me nearly stnned.
Admiral Ceivera says the destruction
of his Heel ends his career. "I shall
go back lo Spain," he declared, "to be
hilled or die In disgrace."
Ileports fi"m San Junn, 1'orto Uleo,
I are to the efl(t that th" people of that
,.,. trvlng. necessaries of life
ha ing reached famine prices.
In an unpretentious wooden box
which nrrlved In Chicago yesterday
were the a-bec of Captain Charles V.
arhlley, late commander of Admiral
Dewey's flagship lh- Olympla.
The contract for furnishing all of the
governmi lit buildings In the llnllcJ!
Stntes with :ip. t. was yesteriUy
owartled by the it.isli"v dej aitmelil lo
aimb. l Miot, of l'lillaik'lphlu, the low
est bidders.
a i;iiii.i'i:x.iovs
The iliaaut lliivor, gentle action, and south
bill ed'i ct of Syrup of l'ius, when In need of
,i l.ixntinii, nail If tlie f itlier or mother be
c.iwtie or h.llloiis, tlin most Kiatlfying lesults
follow its use ; o that II Is tlie best family
icinedy known anil every family slnaild Imo
n bottle. MnnllfHctiui'd by tlio California
Pig Syrup Hi,
... .ilnrlmllle I n v.
Vnli I'.i'ren. Aik.. July 13. News of
n re.-.' kuble !' luliiy at S.iis.iw. In
dian T iii'i'tv. i i':t tied h"i'e last night.
Kv-Cit'. "M-h-il Je Mm rls yesterday
iifterno' ; sh.o ,'lllliin Allison, killing
him In. i' r .v, John sellers, a hy
HtnncV.. A il.-. :i fnll threw up
his h. I'ds. f II I'of'.vui'l mi bis face and
ttus ii. .'.' Irom heait disease before
medlcul nld inuld he uiumoncd. Mrs.
Allison. "ie mriSer of the murdcied
man, i '' of the tragedy and lislus
from hei i hair rhe f !1 forward on the
floor and dl d befor the fumlly could
carry her to her bed.
Hub Mooie, of Lurayettc, bid., says that
for constipation ho Iuh found DcWitt's Little
I'arly Klsers to bo perfect. They never giipe.
Try them for stiiinacli anil liver trmililes. t!
II. il.wiilmrli.
Pope l)i".ros. IV lo Annex ( iibu.
Rome, Julv 13.- The pope, In the In
terviews he has had with the Spanish
ambassador to the Vatican, and In
communications with the queen legetit,
has endeavored to dissuade Spain from
Insisting upon the independence of
Cuba. Instead of annexation to tho
United Stales when the peace nego
tiations are begun. It Is recognized, of
course, that Snaln Is certain to lose
Cuba, and Ihe fTopc Is doubtful of Cu
ba's npaolty for a stable form of suit
"1 owe my wbolo llfu to Iturilnck llloml
lintel's. Sciofulous sores covered mv bmly.
I seemed beyoud cum. U. It. H. Iris mule
mo a pel IV'itly well woman." Mis. Charles
llutttin, llorville, Mich.
I'neklni; Iliiu-o sti'lke nt (iniaba.'
Omaha, July 13, what started out
Monday moinlng In a vety small wny
promises to grow Into n strike Involv
ing all the packing houses at South
Omaha. Mondav morning 25 of the
loading gang at the Cudaby plant
struck because their demand for an In
crease from ID to 17'i cents an hour
was refused. Last niKhl 500 men were
out on strike. It ! feared that the
stiike will become general.
and U
My soi) hud a number of bail ul
cers und running sores to eumo on
his head and hotly, which lusted for
four years. I tried all the doctors
and many remedies which wore rec
ommended, but the sores still grew
woi o, until X dill not uxjicct him to
recover. I at length quit all other
treatment and nut him on Swift's
Specific, and less than three bottles
; cured him Bound and well. lie is
,,,.,,,. lmtj ulnei, bull nor-
I'"" F,""i't e .'" e... ...... .....
feet health. S. B. S. also cured an
uuother of my children.
It. J. MoKlNNBY,
Dicoy, Parker (!., Texas
'yry j
on of my TrY, SZP-
K vent iOStK'
s' trcat-.L&tflfe
Pb vsb'fiilis1 tvent.
slvo b. b. a. a
Carbuncles dis
appeared, and after using six bottles 1 was perfectly
well, and ever sincu that tinio my blood has given every
evidence of purfect purity."
Swift's Specific is tho boat blood romody because
it nets on tho correct principlo of forcing out nil
iimmro ninttor, nnd thus getting rid of it forovor,
whilo othor remedies contain potash, mercury and
othor minornls, which bottlo up tlio poison m tho
Leaving Bread Street station, Philadelphia,
it 0:53 p. in. dally, tlin "Southwestern
Limited," currying u dining inr and tlio
must luxurious I'lilliiiun drawing room sleep
ing cms, readies lllruiluglian the following
nlglitnt lt):lo iiml arrives nt Memphis tliu
next luornliigiit 7:10. Tlnoiigli sleeping cars
for Adicvlllc, Savanniili, Jacksonville,
Tamp i, Atlanbi, Mobile and New Orleans uro
also at tar li eil to this train Pullman reser
vations can lie made In advance anil all in
fiiimatlou obtained by roiimumlcntliig with
Julm SI, lioal, District Passenger Ajjcnt, 8S
Chestnut street, l'hilii.lclplil.i.
"I think DeWitt's Witch HnzuT Salve Is
tlio finest preiiaratioii on the market for
piles." So writes John V. Dunn, of Wind
ing, W. Vn. Try it. Mini you will think the
the same, it ul-n clues ecenia and all skin
dlsca'os, ('. II. lliigeliluii'.h.
Hapllsl liiteriialloiint tloli eutloii.
l'or this o casino, the l'hilaili'.lplila & licuil
Ing liaihviiy will sell round tiip liekcts to
Iliill'alo and return I'iiiiii principal points on
line at rate of single fare for round trip.
Tickets I'm sale and tin" I going July l"lh to
Ifith, Inclusive, anil good retuinlug" until
July Kith, Inclusive.
i:enrslonbts desiring to make a longer
stay, can by depositing lettini ticket ith
.Joint Agent, at Ilullalo, July ltith to loth, In
clusive, ii ml paying an additional fen of fifty
cents, have limit of Kline extended lo Sep
tember 1st. 1MH.
l'or Info ti"ii as to route, timu of trains,
i.ite of laic, etc . consult any Philadelphia.
,1 Heading Ticket Agent, or adiliess, lCdson
.1. Weeks, tlcn'l P.iss'r Agent.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
Attn von (soimi south?
Don't start South without consulting John
M. Heidi, District Passen-rcr Agent, Southern
Iiailway, U2S Chestnut street, Philadelphia
If you cannot call in person, write to Iiim.
Win your battles against dlseaso by acting
iromptly. One Minute Cough Cine produces
miueiliate results. When taken early it pre
vents consumption. And in later stages it
furnishes prompt relict, v. n. Jiagciiuoca.
Coming Invents.
July 111. lie cream festival
of Company A. l ife and Drum Corps in l.oli
hlns' opera house.
Julv l. he cream festival in ltobbins'
opera house under the auspices of the Young
Mens Ushers Association.
For forty jcars Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Stiauhuiry has been curing summer
complaint, dysentery, diarrhoea, bloody llux,
i.iia in the stomach, and it has never yet
Hi led to do cvcri'thlng claimed lor it.
The South and lis Ail vantage,
l'he Southern Hallway has isiueil for fieo
listiihutiou, a sixteen page journal des-.-.riptivo
of Virginia, North ami Smith Caro
lina, Tennessee, tleorgu, Alabama anil
Mississippi. Persons seeking new locations,
or capitalists desiring lo luaue Kiieanu lunni,-
iblo investments will linil the iiilorniauou
outained therein both valuable anil Inter
csting. Coiues will he mailed lire upon ap
plication to John M. lle.ill, Distrust I'assen-
or Agent, Chustnut. street, l-niiaucipnia,
Sick headache, biliousness, constipation and
all liver and stomach troubles can bu quickly
iiired bv a- iiL'thosu famouslittlo piles Known
as DeWitt's bittlo liirly Itlsers. They aie
pleasant to take and never gripe, u. n
I'eiinsylviinla Cloiiitiiiiiiin.
For the Pennsylvania Cliiiiitaiiipia, to bo
held at Mt. (irutna, Pa., July 1 to August -1,
lstis, the Pennsylvania Itailroad Company
will sell tickets to the general public on Juno
au to August 1, good to return until August
III inclusive, from stations on Its line. Ill
Pennsylvania, and flout Washington, I). C
Riltiinore, Mil., and Cauandaigiia, N. V and
nrincinal intermediate stations, to Mt.
Gretna and return, at reduced rates.
What Dr. A. II. Slater Says.
llui'T.u.o. N. Y. Gents : From my per
sonal knowledge, gained in observing tho
effect of your Shlloh's Curo in cases of nil
vaneed Consumption. I am prepared to say
it is the most remarkable Itomedy that lias
ever been brought to my attention. It lias
t-eituinly saved ln-iny from Consumption.
Sold by P. D. Kiiliu, and a guarantee.
Ask your grocer for the "Koynl Patent
llour, and take no other brand. It is tlio bust
Hour nimbi.
Oilier Ktfim liulIUIUKi corLrr of
(JtMitrii Htn-rtt, Hliciutuduuli.
J. "
SheuAiidoah, Pa.
Ixick Rox 65, Mahanny Cliy, I'a.
Having studied under somo of the liesi
masters In Irondon and 1'arU, will give lessoui
on thu violin, mandolin, guitar ami vocnl culture
Terms reasonnble. Autirt.Bg In care of Hlrouis
Ihe Jeweler Hlieiiaiidoali
A Sjieri.ilM tin
Kupuire from Williamsport
v ill visit
Slienaiidoah Every Thursday
Holel Franey, from 8 till 10:30 a. m,
Kuplurii. permanently anil ipilckly Cured or
lio p.1)-. Written guarantee to alisolulely
cure all kinds of Kuplurc without
ii-raliiin or dilt-ulion from
Absolutely no l)aiif;r.
nxainlnalion Prec.
loo ix-rsons cureil in Sunbury. Sliamokin,
Mt, Cannel and vicinity who can be referred
to. Charges anil lernis nmtlcrate anil within
truih of all,
Onnorat Hrooko's Stntomniit Itcfjard
lu Snlo or Intoxlciints.
Chlckamauga Park, Ga., July 13
General Hruoko has received countless
letters from ladles of the Woman's
Christian Temperance union In nil
parts of the country urging the closing
of canteens, the letters showing that
most oxuirgi'rnted statements are afloat
In regard to the condition of regimental
stores. The genci id, finding It Impos
sible to reply to these letters and deem
ing it of general Importance und duo
to the friends of the soldiers here, bus
made the following statement:
"No Intoxicants ure sold In the can
teen. Peer Is only on sale In limited
quantities, no one being able to ob
tain nn excess. No soldier Is required
to serve as salesman or In any other
cnpaclty In these stores. The articles
sold mainly are cigars, tobacco and
light forms of food. The store Is a regi
mental affair, managed by the regi
ment, and all profits go to the use of
the company. These canteens nre by
nrmv reirulatlons a part of the army,
and General Hrooko has no authority
in close Ibeni. He has. however, or
dered close supervision of all of them,
Careful observation of the camp since
Its establishment has shown that there
has been no dl utikenness originating
with the canteens, and very little from
any quarter except as the moonshiners
have made seciet sales of wiiisay.
vrrowt ornli'ATreiied Munlorer.
New ' York. July 13. Captain Mc-
Cluskv, of the detective bureau, lias
under nn est at police headqiuirteii,
William Mason, alias "Dig Hill,' whom
be (IfM rlbes as one of the most des
pi rale ciimluuls in the country and who
Is v, unttil by the Philadelphia police
the murder of Major William C.
Wilson, an uj;ed librarian. Who Was
found murdered In his book store on
Walnut stieet, Philadelphia, in AugU3t
of last year. According to TYIeClusky
the police all over the country have
been trying to arrest Mason. A number
of other crimes were said to have been
committed by him. He boasted that ho
never would be taken nllve, and when
arrested by McClusky's men he and
one of his pals tried to shoot the of
flceis. They weio taken Into custody
after a haul light in which Mason's pal
was knocked Insensible by a blow from
an olllcei's pistol.
Buckleu's Arnica Salvo.
Tho Vest salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhctini, fover Rorcs,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or .10 pay icquired. It is guaranteed lo give
perfect satisfaction or tnouy refunded. Price
as cents per box. For salo br A. Wssloy.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Hum Hard Coal-
-No Smoke
IN KI'FKOT Jfl.Y 1st. lS'l.S.
Trains have Hhenaliib'ah in follows:
l'or New York vlrt l'hllailelphlft, wi-oli daa,
7MUSI a. in., 12 27, 8 lU.inutiOi p. in.
For New vorK via f.iniieo ;iiiio. i'cdk imyn
Sin. m 12 -J7 ami a 10 n. i.i. llf-ailing ami 1'lill.Hlelplilii, week day.,
:)J, 9 .11, Vi 27, J 10 unit o U7 e.
Kor Potts-Ille. welt ilttjs, 7i'. US I n
'1 27, .1 10, li 1)7 HliiS T 2j 1. i.i.
fur Tuliluiiili. i.ail .Miihaiioy City, wei '1 iiu -
7:10, 9 51 ii. in., IJ 27 H 1(1 ami 0117 in.
l-or V. Illlailli.e -ri, Diiliuiirv , -.v.ui ,
.,....,1 I 1 .III U. til.. IZ J. i HI
Por , lime, wcekilaH, i0, u u, u !
in.. 12 27, 3 10, 0 1)7, 7 2S, HS p. in.
Per AshlaiiJ i.inl .-liiioewXIii, week days, 7,1),
11.10 l. ni 12 27, 3 10,1107 , 7 2' anil OTi. ui.
Kor Halt nioio, WlislilliKton anil uiu ni.ivio
11. Siii. It. It, tllioucli trains lei)". Item Iiir' atu k.) in a-'J.
7 B5, II 2C a. in., 8 10 anil 7.2. p. I.. Sunilttvs,
a su, i ou, ii m a. in., u in iniu t . ! '"
tlonal trains iroin rweniy-ioiirni mm
nut streets station, week days, 10 iO a. ui. 12 20.
12 ir, s lo p.m. Himuays, iau,u n. m.
Leave New Yort via Philadelphia, week
dfts, 1215, 4 DO, 8 00, 11 30 a. III., ami 11,1,1110
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mnuch Chunk, week
duys, 4 30, 9 10 l. in., 1 80 p. ni.
Leave. Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 3 to, SS0, 10 21 n, m. and 1 311, 4 CO p.m.
l,ejc Iteauillg, wecit unys, mi, ,u u.i, u, in.
12 15,4 17, 6 00 p. m.
Leave I'cttsrllle, ween unys. 7 I' , V in a. in
12 30 I 10, U .0 und 0 50 p. m.
iA-ave Toniaqua, week UayB, 8 30, ll 23 a. la.,
1 I'J, S 50, 7 'JO p. m.
l,cavc juananoy uuy, wee uajn, vv.., i. u
in., 2 22, 5 12, 0 21, 7 41 p. ui
Ia-hvu .Mahaiioy Plane, week Uy, 080, 9 21.
1023, 11 59 Ii. m 241, 532, 641 7B7. pm.
Lejive Wllllumsiiort, week Uays, 7 , n oi i
m., 12 31 ultu 4 QJ p. lu.
I...ivc Phllailelnhta Chestnut strett waif and
sliiil, utrf..iwlintr fur Atlantic City
WeekUavs Klliress, uo, 'J on iu 1 1 a. in.. 1 1 .iu
Saturdays only), i on, 3 no, 3 10 hXl minute lraln,
Iiio un minim- iranij, iou, i"-.
.t... r, 111 710 it. in. Aeuolillliotlatloll. b 15
a. 111., 6 00, U 30 p. m Sf.OO excursion tialll 700
am. rluuuays Kipress, v mi, nw, o,iu, aw,
10 00 a in, 113 pm. Accoiuinouaiiou, o i.i i. iu,
4 45 p. in. 81.00 excursion train, 7 a in
Itclnrnlng lenvu Atlantic Oily depui, cornel
ltln.,t. ntwl X rlrttii.nn uvenilCS.
w..i.-.ivM ii-.nrcMH. fr n Alotiilavs otilv)
TfO, 745 G5 minute train, 820 l5 minute
train, 9 00, 10 15, 11 00 a. ni., B 80, 4 iiu, a w, I ii",
J30 p. in. Accommodation, 4 23, 7 50 n. u.
te.1 p. m. $1,00 excursion train (froiiiMUslsslppi
ave. only) 010 p. m. Hunilays Kipress, 3 30,
mi son ano (San 7 00.7 30. 8 00. 9 30 n. in. Si-
rominodatloii, 7 15 a. m., 0 05. p. m. SI 00
excursion train Ifrom foot of .Mississippi ave
only), i 10 p in.
li-i.r l'i.ii Mnv ami Sea Isle City. 8 45 n. in
2 30, I 15 pm. Additional for Capo .May 4 15
p. in, HunUays (51 00 excursion 7 oo ) v in a in,
Kor Ocean City, 8 30, 8 15 n in, 2 30, I 15 pin,
It! 00 excursion Thursday only) 7 00 a in. Hun
ilayf , 8 15, 9 15 a m.
i'Mr or liars ni an Aiorrai iraiin.
yor further Information, apply to nearest
l'Mladcliihla uud Heading Hallway ticket ageu
or adilresM .
I. A. rlWKiOAiui, linsos J. Wueks.
(Icn'l Supt., (len'l l'uss'r A(t.
Heaillug Tennlnal. Philadelphia,
These were the Iwo reasons that formerly
kept people freni alteiidlii); to their teeth
Hotli reasons have no existence in tins ad
vanced age. I'aialess and inexpensive dent
islry with an absolute guarantee for live years
Is our inethisl
A Cioisl Set or Teeth, fS,
The Very lleit Teelh, $.
You can eel no belter, no matter what you
uav. No charce for exlraitiui!. where teeth
aie ordered, We can take your iniiiession in
the uiorinni; and give you your
afternoon if desired.
teeth 111 the
(lold milhiKs, $i ; Uest Silver
I-illhiKii, sue up; Clcnninic, Soc;
IIxtractliiK, 25c.
Ciown and hildc work ut very reasonable
rates, Kxamiualions ami oHimates ficp.
We use hut one grade of material
the best.
I Cor.Wliilo & Centre Sis., Robbins' Building
From Exiremo Nervousness,
im&miimt mm i
sjm:mitmtw aim
ttHAT no ono remedy can contain the
ll elements necessary tocuro uu oisuas
cs, Is a fact well known to overyono.
Dr. Miles' System of ltc9lorullo Itemeilles
consists of seven distinctively different
prop.i rations, each for Its own purposo,
Mrs. L. C. liramley, 37 Henry St., St. Cath
erines, Ontario, writes: "Fur yoars 1 Buf
fered frotncxtiemo nervousness und unnoy
ing const Ipat Ion, developing Into palpitation
and weakness of tlio heart. I was unable to
sleep, suffered much from headache, pain in
my left sldo, palpitation und a constant
feeling of weakness and prostration. I bcEau
using Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart Cuto and
Kervo and Liver Pills and the Antl-Pnla
Tills to rollovo sudden paroxysms of pain
and headacho. I soon felt much improved
and the pains and aches and weariness left
me. I then took Dr. Miles' Hcstoratlvo
Tonic and am now restored to my for: ler
cowl health
Dr. Miles' Homcdlcs
aro sold by all drug
gists under a posltlvo
guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money re
funded. Hook on dls-
l. linn,, nnrl
Health vNM
nerves free. Address, WmMll'Jim
DP.. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, lud.
July 1, ists.
Trains will leave Shcnaniloab after tun bdiji
latu for Wlireans, (Illhortoii. Kraokvlllo. Darli
Water, St. Clair, I'ottsvlilc. llnmiiurg, ueauieK,
Pottstown, I'hoenlxvllle. Norrlstown a d PI"',
aelphla (Hr'.ad street station) at 6 03 nnd 8 15
i. in.. 2 02. S la ui. on week days. Sundays,
8 15 a. in., I 25 p. m.
trains leave rracKvino inr niieuauuoni m,
311. 11 45 a. m. and 5 40. 7 30 n. a: Sunday,
11 01 a. in. and 5 10 p. in.
Lcnvo Pottsi Ille for Slicnnndoah (via Kiaclf
villa, 710, 1120 a. m 5 20, 7 10 p. in. Sunday
1035 n. m., 5 20 p. m.
Ireavc I'lilladelplFla, tllroail street stallonl, '"
SheiidoBh at 8 35 a. in., t in p. m. week days.
Sundays leave at 0 50 und 9 23 n. m
Leave llroad Btreet station, Philadelphia, Inr
Sea ()lr, Asbury Park, Ocean Orove, lus
llraiieh, anil intermcaiaio siaoons, n.u,
11.14, a. 111., auu 4.uu p. in. wees-uaye.
Iavo liroail Street Station, I'iillailelphia.
l'Olt NKW YOItK.
Hxnress.weck.days, IS 20, 4 0a, 4 50 5 0V5 15,n .10
7 33, 8 20, 9 50, 10 21 (l)inlHB Car), IlliOa in.
IOUIIOOII, ia-1 ll.lllllicu iw linn i. ....
Pining Oars), 1 10, 2 30 (l)liibig Car) ft 80, 3 50.
I PS, .I HO. 15 SB (DIiiIiik C'nr), 0 00, 7 02,7 50 (Kin.
IllgCar), 10OU p. III.. 1201, night. Sllliilas,
.120, 105. 4 50. 5 03, 5 15 8 20, 9 50, 10 21, (Dining
Car), 1135 n. m 12 35, 1 01 l Dining Car) 2 30
(Dlliliig Car), 100 (Limited 122) (I)liilnu Car),
5 20.5 16, (Dining Car) 1133, 7 02,7 50, Dining
Car 10 00 p. in., 12 01 night.
Hxpress for Huston without change. 11 00 a m.,
week-'lav-.. ami 7 50 li. in., dail .
Cat-kill express, (Parlor Car), 8 20 am week
Kor llaltlliiore anil Wui-hlngtoii. 3 SO, 7 21,8 i!,
10 20, II 23, a. m., 12 09, 12 31 (Db.lliu Cur), 1 12
Dining Car, 3 12, 4 11, 15 25 Canim--slonal
Lbniteil, Dining Car, 0 17. 053 Din
ing Cur, 731 mining Carl p. in., mid 13 M
night week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 12. 11 23,
a. m., 12 CI, 1 12, lDlnlllg Car 1 41, 1520 Con
gressional Limited, Dining Car, 6 53 Dining
Carl, 7:11 DlnlngCar p. in. mid 1205 night.
Kor italtlmore, accommodation. 9 12 a m, 2 Oi
nnd 1 01 p in week days, 5 08 and 11 16 p in dally.
I,cave llroad street station via Delaware, rlrei
hrliliM Hxpreas, 5 00, 9 10 ISO iiiiutitesl a in,
238 182 minutes, too 80 minutes, 7C5 p. in.
Sundays, 5 00, 9 20 80 minutes, ll in, 2 38 H2
minutesj, 7 oi p in.
1-reave iuarKci nireci wan express, a ui, n au,
10 00 75 minutes, a in- (100 Saturdays nuy), 210
75 minutes. SOU 75llllnutcs,3:i0 00 lubintesl.
lul 05 minutes, 430 75 minutes, 500 lO
minutes, 530 03 minutes p iu. Holidays, 500,
7an HCO 175 iiiiutitesl. 8 30. 9 00 175 niilllltcsl .
9 50 170 minutes! a in, and 4 30 75 minutes p lu.
il.ini exeillhioil train, . wu in uituy.
Kor Caneiiiny, Anglesea, wiiuwooiiann iiouy
lteueli lixpress, 9 00 a in, 2 30, 4 05, 5 00 p up
weekdays. Sundays 8S0am. CapoMny only,
ISO p in Saturdays Hxcurslon, 7 CO a lu dally.
l-or wen isie iliy, uceeii uiiy. Avnii.n n..
Slono Harbor Express, 910 a. in., 2 30, 4 20,
5 00n. in weekdays. Sundays, 8 50 a. m. Itx
elusion 7 (0 a in dally.
Kor Somers I'oint Bxpress, oou, sau, iuoj
a. in., 1 00 Saturdays only, 3 00. 4 00. 5 00. 5 30
p. m. wrek days Sundays, 5 00, 8 CO, 9 00,9 50
a. in anu I ii p in
I. 11 Hutchinson, J. It. Woou,
(len'l Maunaer. lian'l Pass'g'r Ant
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Should be In Every Homo and Library.
'n niMn Iiir
! written by lllslit lfnn. Wlllinra Kwart Olsrlktonu,
Ki Premier ef lliuut itritluti unil Ireliinil, Clnmter,
Knil.i Her. A. If. Snice, Quemi's Colloue, Uiforil, i:im.l
Uav. Hsuiue) Ives Ourtins, 11.1)., Clitcauo 'I liouloulrnl
Heiainarr.OlilcaKn, 1 1 I.i Ho v. Frederlo W.
'.lt.H.4 Iloan ut Cuiterlmrr, luiterhurir, Kng.i llev.
Klraer iLOuimn, II.U.,Tuft (JnlleBe,Homerlllle,Mus.l
Itev. l-'runk W. Iluiimiulus. 11. ll.. Armour laiititule.
Ulilcsfo, lll.i Ilov. Uoorse , r. l-enloco, u.i.,uania-
MdCArtlmr, Ji.., Oiilvury HitptUt Church. New 1
Uty, N. Y.i ltev, Martyn Kmnmtirbell, l.D.,.?
Htrwt I'reo IliiptiU Church, LtmiHton, Me.i Uev. I ;
miyiuriuii t iiurtti. jjiiuuii, mik- imn
mm. 7 & mm n
Knnstou.HI.'i ll'ov. W. T. Sloore, l,L.I)..'"tlie Clirlr-Xf
tlan Oommonwenlth," IunJou, I'.iibi Iter. Kilwnril
11. i'
l';reruii iiaie, if.if.. nouiu i.;oiiKret
lloritoa, Mais. ltev. Joitepli Auar Itfc I
Boutli CoiiRrfjuuitonu) (ttmrth.
meun AL'ur iiffci. ji.ij.. i itbjeimi
(lull9s, Itjchmond, Knu.j 1Ut. Ch (jar Uen (Irtory,
Oleuvar Wilktn.oii, I.1 , lluTvortiity of 'htcuuo, !hU
rtiao. 111.) Ubv, Hamiiol Kurt, 1.1., 'J rlnlty Ciller".
IlHrtford,(V)iiii.iltov.J. VnnroOibron.DJ) ,Ht..)ohi.'1
ooii l'ruub) teriHti Churrh, Iom.on, Ktm i Huv. Uuoreo
t). Ioriroer, IA 1 1 , Tho 'J'yiuplw, )lutun, Matw.
lloni, gilt edged, cloth, half levmit, lull
linns Nfvlu A trill Ur1(,UB full lu.unl. dnu VOlumtl.
1 15 HI; Htirle U-two volum, full levant, lulteu, m i
In Ifl PA HI H, quarto rovlewquentlonitaeBcIi.stlft
peper Csovem, iwwml, trlrmimU llulitly, oath jail
further Information, wi.U 1IKNHV (). HIlKf Alt)
rLuhliLtar,VU uud'll Wtiuiuublroit,Ctilcagi,llUuoii,