The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 13, 1898, Image 1

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Crtattt busintii bitwise of its founon
large circulation and retideis tick
results in its advertisers.
To reach the public through a pro
gressive, dtgmfiea, influential journal
use the JIKKALD columns. M
VOL. Xm.-NO. J 09.
In oidcr to clean out the balance of our stock
as quickly as possible.
Ca'HagoB that were $20
" 15
" " 12
' " 10
" " 6
If you want a choice come at
gone in a lew days at these prices.
J. P. Williams &
iShk -feasfc
In all the leading shades. Also White and
colored organdies, embroideries and new effects
in cotton goods.
At the old price, regardless of the advance.
, i , CD ETJ 5 T9 North Main SI.,
U. r i Vl O, sheuandoah, Pa.
S g If You Are in Weed
the: bee hive,
S2Q S. Main St.
If you want to have
your food kept sweet and
clean use a - - - -
For Good
i 1 White Bread
Daisy or Moss Rose Flour.
Sold by
Geo. W
Whole Wheat Graham Flnnr
v Old Time Pure Rye
00, now
00, "
00, '
$17 OO
15 OO
13 OO
10 OO
once as we think they will be all
Glassware, Chinaware,
Tinware, Agateware,
Millinery, Dry Goods,
Door F"rom Post Office.
Good Garden Hose
Is hard to find. We have it in
either of these brands. We also
have ordinary hose very cheap.
Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour
Bet Granulated Corn Meal.
Fourteen Suspicious Cases of Fever Dis
covered in the Quartermaster's De
partment at Santiago.
Special ti I'.vrsiso Ilmt.u.n.
Wiiwhiiinton, July 13. Reports re
ceived from Hencriil Shatter to-day
miyh tlmt fourteen .stmpioioiis cast1 of
fever lmve boon discovered in the
Qimrtorninster'h department at Sim-
The (Jaliinet ih now lioldin un 'im
portant meeting. Tliu rumor of the
surrender of Santiago, is denied at
the Navy department, no newn-to
that effect having been received.
Special to Kvkni.n'o HhitAMi.
Hong Kong, July I3. Advices re
ceived here by despatch boat from the
Philippines tell of another important
capture on the part of Admiral Dewey.
Subic Hay, the most important
Philippine harbor except Alanlla, has
been captured by the American Com
mander. The five hundred Spaniards
at that point surrendered to Admiral
Dewey aftera brief show of resistance.
The American fleet made a feint at
Spaniards Are Scared.
.Special tn Kvi:nini Hkkm.o.
Madrid, July 1!!. It is reported hero
that the United States has purchased
at (libraltar ami Tangier enormous
quantities of coal and that American
colliers are near Capo Ht. Vincent.
An appeal has been made to France
to prevent the bombardment or block-
ado of Malaga, which is not a war
Spain expects Watson's illeet to ap
pear oft the Spanish coast on Friday.
Spain Says She'll Fight.
Special to UviwiKO IIekald.
London, July la. Information ro
ceived from an autlioritivo source en
ables the positive declaration that
although Spain now only makes war
to uphold her right to ropel unjust
aggression, slio will continue tho
struggle until she is in a position to
coneludo an honorable peace, what
ever sacrifices she will have to make
to attain that end.
' ltloclcuilu Ittliinur Wreckeil.
Special to HVENINQ IlKUAI.D.
Key West, July 13. News lias just been
received hero tlmt tliu steamship Santo
Domingo, a blockade runner, was wrecked at
tho Islu of Pine, on tho southoru coast of
western Cuba.
Funmlu Shoplifter.
Anions tho shoppers at Morgan's Ilazaar
this afternoon woro an elderly woman anil
her daughter. While tho former oxaminod
a shirt waist at tho front of tho store tho lat
ter appropriated u ladles' bolt In tho roar
part by rolling it up and concealing It in her
haiidkorchief. A search for tho belt was
made after tho visitors loft tho store and
it was soon found to bo missing. The
proprietor miulo a search for tho shoplifters
and overtook them on Main street. Ho de
manded tho return of tho belt which tho
younger woman was tarrying in her hand,
partly exposed. It was Immediately re
turned to itt owner.
(lone Camping.
Rattllug Run is bosicgod this week by a
number ot boys from town who havo gono
Into vamp at this beautiful spot. Tho camp
ore are : John lluutor, George Watson, Roy
bnyilor, JIarry Golillu, Isidore I.uvlne.
l.dward Williams, Jacob Dallus, Hatvey
Wells aim JIarry Mellet. They havo with
them two largo tents, 0110 of them being a
mess tent while tliu other is devoted to sleep
lug apartments, lho camp Is being con
ducted under military dibcipliuo, two of tliu
liiembeis remaining 011 guard at night.
Tho fuuoral of Waltar. nn lnfunt nn nf
nous nail Katu l'owell, took placo at three
o'clock this nftoriiouu. Tho rcmaius woro
taken to Ashland on a trolloy car for In
terment. J. P. Williams & Son woro tliu
Money for tliu Home.
President John L, Millor, of thu Odd
Fellows' orphati homo, near Sunbury, has
lecoivud $3,000 from tho publishers uf the
Odd Follows' directory, It It thought when
tho collection! havuall been made there will
bu about $500 more fur tho homo. Olio of
tbee directories occupies' a prominent place
III tho olllco of thu Ferguson House.
Stop That Cough I Take warning. It may
lead to Consumption. A 25a bottle of Shiloh's
Curo may tavo your lifu, Suld by I', 1),
Klrliu uiid a guarantee.
Siege Guns Landed and Will Soon
Be Position,
Connecting Havana With Santiago Heavj
Rains Drown tho Soldiers Out of the
Trenches and Make the Roads Impas
sableAmericans In a Position to Strike
the Enemy on the Left Flank and Make
the Entrenchments Untenable.
Playa Del Rstc, July 13. (Irneral
Toral lias sent out a reply to General
Shatter's second demand for tho un
conditional surrender of Santiago,
made by tho latter Monday afternoon.
In his reply General Toral referred to
his refusal to accede to the American
demand made on Sunday, and atraln
reiterated his determination to resist.
Notwithstanding this, the American
batteries did not open lire yesterday,
and the renewal of the bombardment
will probably be postponed until today.
when It is hoped that General Ran
dolph's batteries will be In position
The siege Runs landed Monday will also
be brought up as soon as possible.
Torrents ot rain fell Monday night,
drowning out the boys in the trenches
and making the road almost Impas
sable. Tills may deluy the batteries
and siege guns. The volunteers, who
are being hurried to the front, are be
ing located along the right center in
the positions which they have occupied
by General Law-ton's division, whllo
the latter has moved forward, extend
ing our right until It almost touches
the road to Calmones, over which Gen
eral Toral would have to retreat If he
should now be foolhardy enough to
make the attempt.
Captain Young, of the Hist, com
manding one expedition composed of
the Hist, Hornet nnd Wampatuck,
Monday morning while off Santa Cruz
succeeded In cutting the cable con
necting Havana with Santiago, via
Clenfuegns, Trinidad, Tunas and Man
zanlllo. Fnder cover of the night Cap
tain Young went In, facing superior
forces, and located the landing place of
the cable. He remained In hiding until
daybreak and then cut the cable 15
miles southwest of Santa Cruz, In 10
fathoms of water. Then ho cut off 1G0
feet of the strand and towed the end
In opposite directions, each for a couple
of miles.
The Cubans under General Garcia
took Caimniies without opposition on
Monday nlwht. nnd lmve entrenchments
on either side of the toad. The Ameri
cans are now in position to strike the
enemy on the left flank and roll It up,
making the Spanish entrenchments
north of the city untenable.
General Toral. realizing the weakness
of this flank, has been busy during the
existence of the truce In doubling back
with entrenchments und Hxlng his guns
in the direction from which he Is
threatened, Most of General Ran
dolph's guns will be located upon the
heights In tho center of General Law
ton's new position, whore they com
mand the town. Mnndny afternoon tho
Capron and Hnnes batteries, on the
light, succeeded In tearing up the em
placements for a "palm" battery, as
It Is called, and In plumping shells into blockhouses on salients, but the
shots directed at tho Spaniards In the
trenches did not appear to have much
tffect. Shrapnel was rapidly broken
directly over the trenches, yet In flvo
minutes the trenches at every point of
explosion would be alive with men.
They would watch for the Hash of our
guns and drop before the shells ex
ploded, !
Our mortar flro was directed at the
Spanish bull ilug nnd toro up almost
everything In the vicinity. It Is under
stood that the bull ring Is being used
as a barracks.
Tluee large steamers lie In the har
bor alongside the Phlludulphla Iron
company's wharf and a small Spanish
gunboat Is anchored at the head of the
The first Illinois volunteers and the
.;;strict of ( iiii"iirua volxfntpcrs nre
now located In tlii' tremlieH that were
orcupled lnt week liy (ienernl Chaf
fee's brlirade.
Two Would-be Hlockadc Runners Loaded
With Proviilons Brought
to Key West.
Key West, Flu., July 13. The British
nloop Wary, another would-be blockade
runner, captured by the United States
auxiliary cruiser St. I.ouls, arilved her
yesterday under a pilze qrew consisting
ot Fort nrrieer V. J. Allireelit nnd two
men. The Wary Is a 21 ton vessel, and
was loaded with provisions of a mis
cellaneous character. She, under Cap
tain Jeremiah Moss and three men, all
Jamaica negroes, was bound from
Klnsston for Cupe Cruz. It was first
suspected that her Ilrltlsh flap; was a
subterfuge to enable her to pass the
blockade, but later It developed that
her patent, dated April 10, 1807, was
bonaflde, and that she was boldly at
tempting, In tho fare of all risks, to
land her outgo for the starving Span
lards on the island.
When sighted by the St. Louis the
slonp was becalmed, und Captain Moss,
who was unfamiliar with the water
thereabouts, was expecting; a pilot to
take lilm In. The St. Louis sent four
or live shots from her six pounders,
but as the sloop showed no Indication
ot surrendering, the gig was lowered
and half a dozen men pulled towards
her, peppering her sails with shot from
their small arms. Captain Moss said
he thought all this was done In spoil,
but when lie found himself a prisoner
of war ho became badly f tightened and
spent tho whole time between capture
and arrival hete in pruylng and weep
ing. Another schooner, lho Wickerson,
was captured by one of the converted
yachts at about the same place two
days before tho Wary was taken. She
was owned by two German merchants,
who were aboard and who protested so
vigorously that the prize was taken
over to Santiago for a formal report to
Admiral Sampson. She was bound from
Jamaica to Manzanlllo.
Tho prize crow of the Wary say that
many ships are loading on the coast of
Jamaica and getting cargoes of pro
visions safely into Cuba by southern
OlllcelH I II HI II 1 1 cl . '""r"
Tho following ollicers of General Harrison
Lodge No. 231, Knights of Pythias, were
installed last night by District Deputy Grand
Chancellor P. P. D. Kirlin : Past Chancellor.
W. J. Watkinsj Chancellor, Oacar Golio;
Vico Chancellor, Isaac Wagner j Prelate,
Georgo W. Wagner; Keeper of Records and
Seals, U. 1). itceso; Master of Hxulieipier,
Philip II. Jones; Mastcr-at-Arms, Georgo
W. Kciper; Master of Work, William it.
Johnson : Inner Guard. William Lucas
Outside Guard, Lrnest Harsley; Trustee.
11. It. Sovoru ; lioproseiitutivu to Grund
Lodge, P. 1. I). Kirlin ; Alternate, D. II.
At Payne's nursery, Girardville, you will
nnu mo largest stocK ever seen in the county
Mr. Williams Statement.
WIHIhIII 1). William. Itrlvilte sirrit;i mj it
Congressman Ilrumin, denies that bo voted
1110 iuu Democratic tlcKet, aim claims tliero
must be somo mistake by tho election ollicers.
110 refiiosteu tho contest court to again open
tho Mincrsvillo ballots, but tho reipiest was
reiusod. Mr. Williams acknowledges votm
a portion of the Democratic ticket, but not
the full tickot, but so far ho has not bIiowii
that thu returns are wrong.
American and Cuban Hairs, all sizes and
finalities. P. J. Purtz, 21 N'oith Main St. tf
Knglllo DisiitiH'd.
A tluo uf P. & 11. eucuio No. J88 blow out
at about six o'clock last evening and the
engino was side tracked at thu Turkey Run
colliery until another arrived to pilot it to
Mahanoy Piano for repairs.
Window shades from 10 conts and upward.
1. Simmies civon on larirn similes, p. .1. Vnrtx.
iortii .Main street. tf
Disappointed Volunteers.
About thirtv residents of town went t
Maliauoy City last night to bo mustered in
t'apt. Fogarty's compauy of volunteers and
wero disappointed upon arrival tliero to learn
that the onmnljitlim ..r tin, ,,,,,,.
been postponed Until further orders. An
nouncement or tho postponement had been
mado in tho uowsn.mnrs. Imt f In, llu ,,,, t.,.i
parties had failed to read tho papers.
Arcade Cain,
Vegetable soup, free, to-night.
Uuliiiiilila Outing,
Tho members of CnliiTiibhi If,,,. ,,,1 ui,,.
1'iro Engine Company No. 1 and their r,i,..n;.,a
to-day enjoyed tho twenty-ninth annual out
ing 01 vnu cumpany at uolumhia Park. Tho
Grant Hand was also in nit, i,,l. ,,.,. 'n...
annual outings of this company havo always
ranked witli tho most enjoyable of local
events and that of to-day was 110 exception
to tho rulo.
lllckert's Cain.
Flench pea soup, froe, to-night. Potato
salad and calf's liver to-morrow morning.
.Sodden Illness,
Water Superintendent James Ilcll wak
taken suddenly ill last night and for a whilo
his condition was' considered critical. Ho
was reported much improved to-day.
The Itlne l.iin (,, IUapper.
Cars of tho Schuylkill Traction Comnaiiv
aru being repainted. Tho first car to enter
wiu iiiananoy city division appeared Mou
uayand was paiuted brown. All will bo
given 1110 samo color.
Kemlrlrk House free I.ii.i,!..
Vcgetablo soup will bo served, duo, to all
l.tlUUS lU-lllglll,
Council .Heeling.
A mOCtillL' Of th Iinr.,,,,,1, ...1,1,
hold to-nicht for tliu r,,n:..(i r
business. liu"u'
Absolutely Puro
First, Second and Third Legislative bis
trlct Conventions Held To-day.
The Mahanoy City Convention nutlne-
tlvely Free Silver In Sentiment-County
Convention KepuJlated-Harry Con
stein Nominated at Ashland and
Glnthner at Tamaqua.
Special to Kvkmno IIi.ualii.
.Mahanoy City, July 13. Tho First Legis
lative Democratic convention, to nominate a
cjindidato Tor the Loglslaturu to succeed lion,
i:. A. flrillltliH. met hero this morning, in
Armory hull. Tbcie was much delay in
calling tho ('mention to onlor, oning to tho
noii-ai rival of Noal llreuiian, of Paik Place,
who was designated by the county chairman
for that purpose. Patrick Iiwloi, of Jack
sons, was finally sulected. und i 11...
businoss was proceeded with.
M. L. Doyle, of Shenandoah, and Eugene
McAteo, of this plaic, woro selected us tem
porary secretaries, and were ibseipiently
Hindu permanent ollicers. Theru wore but
two candidates seeking tliu Legislative muni
nation, lion. E. A. GrillUbs, or this town,
and William Anderson, of Moioa. The'
Grilli thu forces bad selected Timothy Lynch,
of Shenandoah, as Hicir candidate for per
manent chairman, but his name was not pre
sented to tho convention, and the selection of
Patrick Lawlor. the Antlersmi e.u,,li,tui- ,....
uleclrd without opposition.
J ho lollowini; was the ,.r,.ll,,,.,..t r
dolegatos :
Delano Joseph Gossnor, John Purcell.
FitACKViLLK Thomas Iinidley, Dominick
Lynch. 11.
GIMllIHION. East wnril WbA I.,ir...
Jlitldlo ward-Frank O'lloyle, Joseph
West ward Owen Cnsle A k
MAHASfov Tow.veuiP, Morca-Michacl
vuiiiuilKuam, u. v . jialoy. rj.
fc,v noston A. Anderson, M.J. Mabarg.
Hills-Michael Scanlaii, Ilemard aivney.
Jacksons-Patrick Lawlor, Michael Jireu
uan. 31.
Lanigatis John Relllv. .T.nnea,
32. -
Coles Patrick Dnnaliuo, James Fogartv
Wist Maiia.vov 'I
... -., 4iiwtwia
vil o DonJan, Haley, is.
Raven Run Thomas E. Flanagan, Owon
I ahey, 22.
J.ost Cicek Tliomas Foley, Michael Coylc.
Win. Penn J.
O'Neill. 27.
W. Conloy, J. Jerome
Maiunov City, First ward-James Kclioe,
Daniel Giiinan, .Michael Ryron. John Kil
roy. lBllj.
Second ward Thomas Donnelly. John
Scully. 05J.
Third ward-T. C. O'Connor, Calvin
uouldner. 255.
Fourth Ward Charles Trior, Goorgo Roso.
Fifth ward John Goodman, John Ander
son. 71.
Siikn-an-doah, First ward-James Cook,
Martin Ward. 178J.
Sccondlward-Patrick Scanlan, John Wells.
Ihird ward-Timothy Lynch, Edward
.iiuoaiis. 1.-5.
lourtli ward-Michael J. llrennan'Edward
liurko. U'JJ.
1'ifth ward John Cummlngs, Edward
mmicn. 122J.
1110 ngures lollowing tho names in tho
auovo list denote tho number of votes each
uoiegato Had In tho convention.
.i,us mo spectators woro notod many
iuuuiiiiuijl itcnuiiiircuii. -m,,. Ab..i. .1-
pendod 1111011 tho seiitln,. .,r 11. l-.-... ,
of Mahanoy City delegates, the only coutost.
ijun warn nonnoci up at tlio county, Senator
ial ami 1110 convention or to-day. Strange as
it may appear, thu seatin.- Mint ...... i.,i"
delegates weiu each given a i vote in the
county convention, at tho Senatorial conven
tion yesterday tho delegates that wero seated
tills morning Daniel Giiinan and John
Kilroy were not alloned ovon to present
their case to tho credentials committee. Had
they been seated Watson would havo been
nominated, and tho southm r ti,, ... .1
seemed tho nomination of Anderson. Evurv-
thlng goes to show that Guinau and Kilroy
wero tliu regularly elected delegates.
1110 following committees m i.,,ti.,.t .
Credentials John Reillv. T.!lllllHt,a tin.
uard Givney. Thomas Dnnimllv n,i'i.',..i.
O'lloyle. Resolutions Daniel Guinau, Maha
noy City ; Thomas llradley, Peter Hronuan
J. Jerome O'Neill and John MnW '
The comuiitteoon resolutions snl,miii.i n.
following report :
We. tho Detnor.nitH ,,f tl.n l.-!rtf T i0i..:....
district of Pcnna., 111 convention assembled
do heioby leallii'm our allcgiaiieo and re now
our dovotion to tliu great fundamental prin-
upm ui jusiice, unuriy and liemoeraev as
understood by .letl'erson, as practiced' by
Jaekbou, asaihocated by Bryan, and as ex
pressed in tho platform adopted by tho Demo
cracy of tho nation at Chicago in 18I1U.
wo invito tlio attention of tho business
men, the farmeis, the mechanics and laborers
of tho county to tho fact that tho industrial
and comuiurelal distress which prevailed two
years ago has not been alleviated by tho re
turn or tho Republican party to power; that
tliu plodgos mailu by the Republicans remain
uiiiiiiiiiieu; mat mo jJingiey tarltl has not tivriKne.ritvi tl,.,f l,ioi.,n.l ..r t
,. 7.. . . r ' i"..". ui upiniing
tho nilUgaiid closing tho mints, as McKlnley
Itllulnnil lilmwnir tn.ln 1... l... a ..1 1 .1 m'
, ..... W V1USLU 4UW ,1UIS
as well as the mints, aud has, by pursulug thu
uuanciai poucy 01 urovcr Ulovelaud, brought
tho country closet than uvcr before to tho
vurco of L'onenil linnL'riiiitnv wl l.....
duccd a condition of idleness and distress
ttiiiong tho wagu earners of tho nation
hitherto unknown and wholly unwarranted
and unjustifiable.
Wo denouni'ii tlio ihi.miii.. ,im .......i i..
Congress and kiiowu as thu Mil to "reform
tllll etll-renev' tia tli.t ,.,... l..r. .
.... - ,ubv iiiiiunuus ami
ill qultous of class legislation over con
cclved by graed or proposed by Innudeuco.
uu puipiisiiiii inuMiiii proposed legislation
M tn 1-etile tliu fnrm of tin, .. .
. iii.iiiiiieui, now
in existcucu und to suirender to tlio lmuks
iuu iigni, wj issuoanu control tlio currency of
tho nation. This privilege, if granted,
would lui cmilvelpiit uii,r,..uj....?i. . '
trol of tho government to tho monoy-londing
...i.v..., ...... ..uim uuiy in me, ensUvo-
incut of tho uiassos of tho pcoplu
Wn llivltn tllll attrntl,,,, ,.f .1
weru dolndod by tho pioinlfcos of the Mr..
Kinley nianaucra ot lbixl to tho fact that if
' I'linflileneii nun i,inti u ...
lias not coinu. tlmt. uli -
... , ,u ivpvui ui mo
hhcruiau purchaslug net in 1603, closing thu
tCwitlnucd on I'ourth Page.
Times arc hard. People have
110 money to buy first class
goods at high prices, but we
will offer such goods at lowest
cash prices. Goods that are
high giade and up-to-date.
Summer Shirts,
Summer Underwear,
Crash Suits,
Uicycle suite and golf leggings
Straw hats, from 10c up to
$2.25. Fashionable black aud
brown stiff hats, from $1.00 to
$3.00, and niany other articles
too numerous to make men
tion of. We etiarantee bargains
Call at once for you are having a
saving opportunity.
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah's
Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store.
Mrs. J. J. KELLY'S.
Fine Split Straw Trimmed Sailon in white,
were $1.25 now 50c. all styles.
Children's, Misses aud Ladies' low crown
Trimmed While Sailors in Dewey colors
worth 75c , our price 25c, '
White Panama Short Rack Sailors were
l-35, our price 63c.
Leghorn Hats J50
Lilac Flowers, four sprays to a bunch, were
7Scn now 30c.
Velvet Pansies were 75c. now 35c.
White Lillies of the Valley that were 85c.
now 33c.
Colored Roses from 5 c. up.
These Poodi worn hnimlil ln..lnn
the finest of the season.
Satin and Gros Grain Ribbon. inches will
2?C. Fincv Slrined l?tMttnc ur. -r
yard, now 35.
Call ami pot orices nr ninirli tlmn, -iir
are ofTerinr; bargains.
26 South Main street, next to Grand tTnmn
Tea Co., Shenandoah.
We are still doing business at
our old stand, 106 South Main
street. We are daily receiving
furniture which must be turned
into money. We are bound
not to be undersold by any of
our competitors, and we are in
a position to uphold this
assertion. Call aud see us and
be convinced of the fact that
we are beyond approach.
For the summer we will make a
specialty of
For family and business pur
poses. Let us quote you prices
and styles.
tOC 13. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
... Is the Beginning of Baldness.
VVcstphal'o AuxlHator
Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp.
Ferguson House Block.
There is more pleasure in taking
advantage of bargains that are
unquestionably money-savers than
in season's pastimes. Our pleasure
is mostly derived from the pleasures
of our customers. What nl
them pleases us. Come to us lot
fine Groceries.
25 South Main Street.