The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 12, 1898, Image 2

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P. V ?WWt HPR A T .1) I a
EsJTAlll.lSIIKt) 1K70.
Q of meaning!
and about which such tender and
V There Is no
I word SO full Question of Public l.nnd. lMcctlvn
i Vl e ovary Km-'iIhk,
( Bv t Jahdin Htkkrt, NukCkktuf.
l'rniioliNc mill l'ft 1 (U-itt lull"?
"Washington, .luly U.The American
ii iii. i t. t., memiiers oi me coii.itiihmiuii uppuiiiicu
, holy recollect ons cluster as that b tllp ,,,., ,inur th(. ttct nn.
. I Ii nlnn....... ' n L. .V. IIMinltltrl .. , ......
ui juuiniiu sue wnu niui.i.u ncxtng llawnll to tne rnneu amies
over our helpless infancy and puiu- I woie in conference et the capital yea
The Herald is dellvei.HllnMiciiaiiilonii and the j cd Our first tottering Step. Yet
?.ft.Jr affi.'JS I the life of every Expectant Moth-
er is beset with danger ana ait ct
fort should be made to avoid it.
so assists nature
Salesladies are necessarily on their fect much of the time.
The same is true of ninny women whose household duties keep
tlcm busy from morning till nignt. 'i lie result is neaunencs,
t n miirith. iiAvnltlii In ndVHtiCP. advertise
m -it- linreediieiordliiirtoHpaeciwi'l position.
Tlit' uiihti'liera rwrvu the rlislit to change tin
tM.'ttlou ol advertbements whenever the pub
e Stlo-i til new. demand It. The rlijlit If
lr-f Mil tnwjc ny iulvortlmen. whether
liio fur r nut. .iut the publishers may dc n.
Ip opcr Advertising rates made known
upon npplUntlon
1. ,te -t,.t the po"torurc nt Hhenmiilnnli. r.,Bi
. . ii elf inill mutter.
rKl.ltl'HONlt OONNKClloN
All the News Thst's Fil lo Print."
Elveniris Herald
OUR COUN'IKY: First. Last and Forevei.
Ol ll e.iiniia'ico with Ilitwnli this
ye.irwill aiiiouiit to ifli.OOO.OOO. The
inhabitants of tlio islands itriMilromly
luif,cl Aincrieaiiizt'il In their trail"
In the change tak
ing place that
the Expectant
Mother is ena
bled to look for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy," as
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
The Democratic Ticket.
The Deniocrittio county con-
"5Iv wlfo Buffered more In ten min
utes with nither of her other two chil
dren than she did altogether with her
last, having- previously liseil lour Dot
tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a
hlegfiiiitf to any one expecting lo he-
eome a M i llicit, says a ousioiuei.
Uis.Nimiido.N Dalk, uarnii, Illinois.
tention at 1'ottsvillo yestoriluv
was a tame airairin comparison with
ust gatherings of tlio Schuylkill
Democracy, livery indication pointed
to a spirited and boisterous conven
tion, but the proceedings wore marked
for good order and decorum on the
part of the delegates. In fact. It was
hard to realize that one was in a
Democratic convention, and. this
feutnre was freely cuiniueiitcil upon
by the spectators and the delegates
While the nominees are not all the
choice of the self-assumed leaders,
who had quietly decided among them
selves who these nominees were to
be, the delegates could have named a
much weaker ticket than they did.
Shenandoah fared well at the hands
of tlio convention, securing the noini
nee for controller, one of the most
important olliees within the gift of
the people. The nominee, II. .1. Mill
doom is no stranger to the voters of
the county, and as the rcpreseiilative
of the young Democracy will mid u
certain amount of strength to the
ticket The Kepublicans, to retain
control of this oillce, must nfces-arily
nominate a popular and competent
In nominating a candidate for
Judge the Democrats, to say the
least, have displayed marked incon
sistencv. One Year ago, from one
end 'f the county to the other, the
Di-ni'i'Tiicy was pleading for a non
partisan judiciary, anil no one was
more earnest in advocacy of that
proposition tluui William A. Marr,
lisq.. who yesterday sought and re
ceived the nomination for .ludgo, and
that too, in view of the fact that
' there are at present two Democrats
on the Hench. So far us this nomin
ation is concerned, the convention
selected the weaker of the two candi
dates in more ways than one, and the
result in November will demonstrate
the correctness of this view.
James W. Hyan's nomination as
the Congressional candidate was fore
shadowed in the success of Mitrr. be
tween the two there was a tacit un
derstanding. Mr. Ryan's nomination,
although made without opposition in
the convention, satisfies neither ele
ment of the Democratic party on the
iinancial question, which will have
considerable bearing upon the elec
tion of a Congressman in this district.
It is true that gold standard Demo
crats dictated the nomination of
Ityan. but these men were in a com
bination for certain otllces, and that
fact subordinated all other considera
tions for the time being. The posi
tion of the free silvorites was point
cdly stated by John O. Ulriuli, lisq.,
when he declared upon the lloor of
the convention, before he was un
ceremoniously ordered to take his
heat, "that the platformadopted does
not represent the true Democracy of
the county."
The nominee for District Attorney,
B. V Cummings, lisq., is reputed to
bo worth a cool $150,1100, and the in
ference is that he seeks the oillco for
the honor attached thereto, anil not
for the emoluments that it will bring
to his exchequer. The contest for
this nomination, on the lloor of the
convention, wuhUio most spirited and
one in which greater interest was
manifested than any other, 1 ho re
hult practic tlly settled thoController
ship as l etweeu Muldoonand Master.
The remaining portion of the ticket
is not well placed as the farming tils
tricts and the southern portion of the
county aro entirely Ignored. Dr. C. A.
Dleiler.of Frackville, is a strong can
dldate for Coroner, while the nominee
for Poor Director, John V. Morgan, of
Muhanoy City, has a strong personal
following In his immediate locality.
'i'ho ticket, as a whole, is not im
pregnable, and can be defeated if the
Republican convention prolltsby the
mistakes of yesterday. Lot the
strength of the individual candidates
be not underestimated by the Repub
licans. The latter can win this fall
only by the nomination of exception
ally strong candidates.
Kirel rlrnl Hret
Insure your property from loss In tlio
oldest and strougoet cash coiiiuanlen : I'lilla.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Fire Association, Hartford
trim Tn fin.. American Fire Insurance Co.,
West Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Hretneu'ii
lot, CO. i. WILLIAM,
123 S. Jardlu St., Sheuuudoali
nt DrujsHt'nt 11.00. orfnl oxprofs on rcccliit
' prlcu. Write lor book continuing te'llmonlnlB
mil vuluivb.e lnformnllim fur nil Mother. Ireo.
llie Urni'.ili'M KcjrulaUir Co., Atlanta, (la.
llnMriilnir tlu Deiini'tui'o of
(iic tlio front.
ClilckninauKu Park, (la., July 12.
The water supply for the great army
here has heen satisfactorily provided
for. (leneral Hoyntim, )f the park
commission, stated today that the live
well digging outllts ut the purl; would
Blnk at once an artesian well In every
ons of the leglmentnl rumps not now
having one, and this, in addition to the
water received from Chlckamausu
river lv the pipe line, will give an
ample supply tor a much larger force
than Is here now.
Orders have leached General Hrooke
from the war department to forward
the rectuits for the Wisconsin and
Sixteenth Pennsylvania regiments
which left here last week supposedly
to go at once to Cuha. These men,
together with the wagon trains for
thriu regiments, were loaded on the
onrs for Charleston and will depart to
day. Jilds have heen received bv Quar
termaster tleneral for 7,000.000
pounds of oats, r.00,000 pounds of bran,
U.OuO.OOO pounds of hay, 1,000,000 pounds
of straw. There were -10 bidders, prin
cipally from western cities. The sig
nificant future of the specifications
was that the matei iul contracted for
is to be delhered at once.
It 1b staled on the authority of a
high olllclal that the Second division of
the thirst corps under (leneral Poland
has been di- htiiiiled as an expedition
for Porto llii'n, and that the division
would hi- dlsialehid at as early a day
as possible. The quartermaster's and
ordnance departini nts have been busy
furnishing the smaller equipments,
such as gun slings, canteens, new
shoes und extra underclothing to the
regiments of this division, all of which
are now almost completely equipped for
the Held.
lieuth of Itenr Admiral Amnion.
""Washington. July 12. Hear Admiral
Aninien, one of the heroes of the civil
war, died at the Naval hospital here
yesterday, ugi d "8 years. Admli.U Am
men had been at the Naval hospital
for ten months, and death was duo to
general onfeeblement of the system.
He leaves three daughters, unmarried,
and two sons, one a paymaster in the
navy. Daniel Amnion was born In
Ohio on May 15, 1W0. He was u play
fellow and lifelong friend of General
Grant, and was appointed a midship
man In the navy at the time young
Grant got his cadetshlp in the army.
When General Grant became president
In lkGS he offered Admiral Ammen the
secretaiyshlp of the navy, a preferment
which ho declined.
terday. Senator Cullnm was chosen
chairman of the commission and other
olncials dplgniited. It was Impossible
to tlx a definite time of departure, but
Aug. 1 was ncreed upon as the ap
proximate day for sailing from Pan
Kranclsi ' . It Is expected that about
two months will be spent In Hawaii,
and the rommh.ion hopes lo have Its
recommendation prepared by the open
ing of the next serslon of congress.
There was some dls"Usslon at yes
terday's meeting of plans for the work
ahead, hut this wuh necessarily infor
mal. So far as opinion was expiessed
It was favorable lo the adoption of the
exist Ing Hawaiian slaluterf Senator
Mm gan pave the other members of the
commission muc h Information concern
ing these laws, speaking of the legal
system urn'or the present Hawaiian
go ei mm nt as one excellently ndupled
lo loeal ei tell loin. Among the ques
tions with .hUh the commission will
have to i aw the public lnnds,
the ib-illve t.Mm lil e and fortifications,
The mrmberr of th commission gener
ally express Ihe opinion that steps will
be taken to protect the islands against
nil piwdl.h foes, both by erecting for
mica item, ami by maintaining a force
of men su.Vn lent for any probable
envn; -iiey. The present land laws of
the iInnrl o.ulte complicated, and
thp chief end In view when they were
fniinulncd ivns that of Inducing white
Immigration. The probabilities aro
that they will be retained under the
new sis' rn. In the mnln.
Tht pn.-'ulciit'fl Intention of eontlnu
Intv Ptesldi.i Dole as the governor of
the new ten t.iry we.s dismissed at the
meeting as a matter d tilled upon, and
was spoktn of most approvingly. The
cotnirbslotieri' favor a full territorial
form of in. v eminent, but they neces
sarily will n.'. tpone the consideration
of nil matters of detail until they reach
Honolulu r:id 'ne an opportunity to
confer v. ! ' . rs. Dole and Frenr.
the Hawaii ,n lembers of the commission.
L T lzy.y spclis, pains in the back and a fccliti;of being utterly
M&r&iin 4i t'retl out- ''lu troublo can often bo traced to the Kidneys,
JJlndder ami t'rinnry Organs. To make sure, those parts
aoSSa!Oi,i' Are nlfected. nut some urine in a bottle and let it stand 24
hours. A sediment at tho bottom is a positive sign of
Kidney trouble. So is I riqucnt desire to urinate, especially
nt night; pain in passing water; stains on the linen j
pain in the small of the back; inability to hold urine.
There is no necessity for a doctor for cither men or
women in such cases. Dr. David Kennedy's Pavorilo
Remedy can bo tnken, and relief anil cure will follow. It
is to bc'fouml In tho druy stores nt the small cost of $t for
a large bottle.
SAAIPLH BOTTLE PREE. Send your name nnd
address to tho Di. David Kennedy Corporation, llondout,
N. Y., mention 'his paper, and a sample bottle nnd
pamphlet of valuable Information will be mailed to you
free of charge. PavorSie Remedy will prove upon trial
to be everything claimed for it. The publishers of this paper will guar.-.ntco
thisoffcr to be strictly genuine iu every souse of the word. Don't delay writing us.
A ;lllb! lINMOVS
Tlio pleasant liavor, ccnllo action and sooth
ing clltrl of Syrup of ITim, when in need of
a luxation, and if the f.ither or mother he
costive or bilious, the most gratifying resulU
follow its use : so that it is tho host family
remedy know n and every family should have
.1 bottle. MiiiiulirtiiHcl by tlio California
Fig Symp Co.
Army Kxpevtn Claim Their Superior
ity Over tho Mauser.
Washington, July 11. The ordnance
ollleers of the army ore indignant at
the statements that have appeared in
the nress. some of them attributable to
high army ofllcers. questioning the
merits of the Springfield rllle, wilh
which a large proportion of the Unl
ted Slates army Is nrnied. These
statements they say are calculated to
do tndelinlte harm among the volunteer
forces, though the regulars know and
like the old Sprlngtlold too well to dls
tiust It now. The pilnclpal argument
made against Its employment by the
critics Is that Its short range enables
the Spanish Mausers to pick off our
men long before they get within range
of the Sprlngllelds. This is said to be
based upon error. The Sprlngllelds have
range of 3.100 yards, which is only a
few hundred yards short of the Mau
sers. and the former's big f00 grain bill
let ts said to have greater killing
power nt the long range.
Such nble soldiers at uoionei nay
and Colonel Schuyler, of New ion:,
who are organizing Independent regl
ments. have specially requested the
war department to supply them with
the Springllelds. A good deal has been
said also as lo the greut superiority
of smokeless powder used In the small
bore over the black powder of the
Springfield, hut one of the best ord
nance experts in the war department
has declared that there are merits In
both powders. In open nghting the
smoke made by the Sprlnglleld often
serves to obscure the marksman from
a return lire, while the man nrmed with
the smokeless weapon Is exposed to
aimed lire.
Ah Hollectod by Dealings In Phllndol
phln nnd linlttmoro.
I'hlladelpl lii. July 11. -Flour firm; win
ter siiperl, nr. V :X P. roller,
clear. S..!.s-,,M: city mills, efli-a. gLZifiiMi.
Itc Hour was dull ut W.10 per barrel for
choice Pennsylvania. Wheat dull; No. 2
red. Julv. .2i!.i.'le. Corn steady; No. 2
mixed. .Inly. :Hi'Fi3'V.: No. 2 yellow, lor
land trnd. .1014c. Oats mm; No. 2 Willie.
We.. No. 2 white, clipped, S0Mi31c. Hay
weak: choice timothy, $12 for largo bales.
lleef Mm: beef hams.5,$22.Wi23; family,
l.Tii'lll.r.n. Lard steady; western steamed,
.7G. l!i;tter linn; western creamery. 13V4
M7c.: do. factory. Ilil29jc.: Klglns, 17c;
Imitation ereemcry, kiftlPio, ; fancy
prints Jnbbln ut ISe. I'heose steady;
large, white. Te. ; small, white. ic; large,
colored, "liT'to.; small, colored. 7'ic; part
skims, IVii'iC.t Plill skims. 22Hc. Kggs
llrm; New Yolk nnd Pennsylvania. i.'v
1I!; wesle-n. fresh, 1:1"' 11c. Potatoes
steady: lu w. SZ't?,.2j. Tallow steady; city,
3 3-Pic; coit itr, SWil ae. Turpulithiu
dull at 2'j't 2ie. Cahiugu firm; Long
island. 51 per bun el.
Itnltin.orc. July 11. I'lour dull; western
surtr'liie, u.iiuii;i.i: i". inniuy, ttiiLiu;
winter wheat, lunit, $1.: ,J' 1.73. Wheat
eusv: sio, and month, S2!'.c ; August,
7.i'7r.r.. stunmcr No. 2 red, lii'Ac; south
era, by sample. "SffifcOc. Corn quiet; spot
nnd mouth. ZIKMSAc; August, 3u?at35ic.
steamer mixed, SIKc.; southern, while,
37c: do. yellow, 10c O.its steady; No,
white. 2!i'.i301ic; No. 2 mixed,
27U.C Kye tinner: No. 2 nearby, 49'Ac.
No. 2 western, KlttC Hay steady; No. 1
tlmothv. $11.r.0(fil2. Gnitn freights quiet
steam to Liverpool, per bushel, 2'id.,
July; Cork, lor orders, per quarter, 3s
July; d., August. Sugar strong;
grunulatcd, n.lHVt. Uutter steady; fancy
ci'i ninerv. ITIiISc.: do. imitation. lCc; do.
laaic, 13tllc; good ladle, 12c. Kkbs firm;
fresh. 12c Cheese steady; fancy New
York, large, SViiSV4e.; do. medium. SMrW
sa4c: do. small, &rVc. i,ottuce. ji.iuyj
1.2fi per basket. Whisky, 51.2, '111. per
gallon for llnlslied goods hi cni loads.
Deslriii'tlvo T'lro In Clnoliiuiitl.
Cliiclnunti. July 12. A lire involving
heavy loss broke out 'yesterday In the
manufacturing dlstih t nt Harriet and
SIno streets. Among the leading losers
are the Albro company, Sf.O.OOO on lum
ber alone: Queen City Mantel and
Grate company, $20,000; F. J. Mackey,
$20,000; Agser & Sannlng Furniture
company, $211,000. A four story tene
ment house was In the lino of the fire
and was destroyed, the Inmates malt
Ing nanow escapes. The total loss will
reach $150,000.
n.v-'-eiialor Conger Dead.
Ocean City, Mil.. July 12. Former
Unit- d States Senator Omnr D. Conger,
of Michigan, died at this place yes
terday uftornoon. Mr. Conger wns
born In New York state In 1818, und
became a resident of Michigan In 1815,
He was Identified with nubile life in
that stale fiom 1850. He was a lie
publican In politics, and was elected to
the senate m lsai, nnu serveu six
veuis. Hi' 1111(1 previously repieHeiucu
the state in tne l.uuse 01 rupiesunia-
tlves fur U yearn.
Wounded Corn "poiidenl Iteeovorlnir
New Ynri-. JlUy 12. Dexler Marshall
brother of the wounded coiiespondent
Kdward Murshall, has information
from Mr. Hearst, who Is at the front
ami tluougli the war department, that
the wounded loan Is Improving, and
will scon be transferred to Key "West
The knitting of the bone nnd the rapid
healing of the wounds seem to almost
assuie iieiiiiuneut lecovery. Dexter
Marshall said today: "The wounded
limn will soon he with us again sound
und well."
braving llroud Street station. Philadelphia,
at l!:"j n. 111. dally, the "boutliwestern
Limited," canyhiK a dining ear and tho
most luxuiious Pullman drawing loom sleep
Ing ens, reaches Jlirmiiighati tlio following
night at 111:10 and arrives at Memphis tlio
icxt iiioruiligat 7:10. Tluougli sleeping cars
for Aslicville, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tallin 1, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aio
ilso attached to thli train Pullman reser
vntions can ho made iu advance and all In
formation obtained by lonnnliiiicatiug with
John II. Ileal, Uistiict Passenger Agent, 82
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
"t ihlnk DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is
tho finest preparation on tho market for
piles. ' So writes Joliu u. iniim, 01 ivnioi
mg, W.Va. Try it and you will tliink tlio
tho same. It alio cures eczema anu an skih
diseases. C. 11. Hagenhuch,
LIvo Stock Markets.
New Yolk. July 11. Beeves active
steel s a shade lilifher; hulls anil cows
llrm: t-lrris. t.MKuG.23; hulls, $2.V.f 3.75;
cows. S2.2,Yii3..5: culiles qilole live came
at ll'ulp'jc; live sheep nominal, lefrlg
erntor licef. !H',c. Per m. aiv. s jciivu;
veals. $I.5iii;.W; culls, $1; buttermilks,
3.501(4; wesleins. $3.75. Sheep and lambs
active: mime sheep anil t'ooil imnhs llrm
sheen, V'M'H 1.75; lambs, $1.50'liO.S7I(... lloga
llrm at Sl.lDHi 1. 13.
East Liberty. Pa., July 11. Cattle high
er: extra. SI.VoH.'.ij; prime, fi.iuin.Mi;
common, $3.VMi4. Hogs fairly activo;
prices a shade lower; best grades, tiff
1.03; common, si.uujJ.iu; pigs. m.,wji.uj
t-imi'iiM 2.r(jfr:i.r,o. Sheen Ktroni;. .hlKher
eliol- . $l.i,ilru l.ii3: common, $3.50ftl; ycar-
Ihms. 1 1 .4r. : spring lambs, Joyj.u; veal
V lives, .",.30'jU.
H. C. lihniks. of Lewisville. Te.a. wiitc
that one hot of DoWitt's Witch ll.ielSiho worth S5II.0I) to ldui. It en red his pil
of ten years standing, lie advises others to
trv It. It also cures ee.euri, skin diseases anu
obstinate sores. U. 11. llageliliiii li.
A eitordny'H llasoball (.'nine-..
At Philadelphia Philadelphia. 0; Cieve.
land. 3. At Hoston Poston. 5; Louisville
1. At llrooklyn I'lttsburg, 3; lirooklyn,
2. At St. Louis New York. 10; St. Louis,
1. At lialtlmorc Maltlmori', 0; Clncln
nntl. 1. At Waulilngtou-Cliicngo,
WllSlllllL'tOll. 2.
At Wilkesbarre Ttoehester, 0; Wilkes
bnrre. 3. At Syracuse Syracuse, C; Huf-
falo. 3. At Sprlngtleld-Montrcal,
Sprlnglleld. 0.
At Nil- rk Heading, C: Newark, 5.
riiehmon l liichmoml, 7; Lancaster, C.
Norfolk Allenlown, 7; Norfolk, C.
Palerson Patei-Fon, 11; Hartford, 2.
Thomas Catchlngs was renominated
Air coiiKresii from Mississippi.
File In Midway, Pu., consumed the
Crecnt llourlng mills and other prop
erty. mu, $76,000. .
Two hundred and thlrly-llvo sick nnd
wounded soldlem 1 cached the general
hospital at Fort Mol'herwn, Gu from
J. H. Gullltmuln, who was found
guilty of the muuler of his uncle at St.
I.ihlerc, Quebec, nd who wan ar
rested in Hlddeford, Me., was sentenced
1o be bunged on Sept. 30.
Mrs. George M. Pullman lias re
nounced benefits under, her late Iiub
bund's whl. This Is in ellmlnary to
mulling claim to her share of the es
tute under her dowag'-r rlghtB.
I!oh M0010. of Liii'avette. bid., says that
for constipation ho has loiinil i;oitt s kiltie
;.iriv u sers 10 no nerieci. 1 nev nuver mnie.
Trv them for stomach and liver troiihlus. C
II. IlMccnliiicli.
ltruvc crew on lliirulnt: stciinier. N. J.. July 11. The Clyd
line steamship Delaware, bound from
x-. vnrt to i-hnrleston. S. C, which
nno.rht nre nt sea lust above here Frl
Hnv irri,i wtiR utter v destroyed. UllH
...r."- - ,t,l.
mnnded by an American saippei,
nn American crew, the lives of her uj
nassengerB were saved nmiu iiirpino.
r,,.ia nf lo.roiuio. Not until every pas
senger wes safe did a memner 01 uie
crew attempt to care ror nimseu, uou
.nnnv of them bear as morns 01 uoino
lingo scars and blisters from the name?
they courageously raced, cor wiiuuh
A. P. Ingraham and his brave men thu
rescued passengers speak In enthusias
tic nralso. Coolness, courage, uiscip-
linn ,md the broudest humanity were
displayed amid the most trying circum
stances and in me lace 01 uun
loir, .lnoih Tfnt one act 01 rawmuim
can be recorded ngalnst a man of the
Tho editor of the Ilvaiis City, Pa., , !be
.. ..n.. (1 f ... Ill, II 1111 1, 1M llkll.ij
Wlltos, duo iiiuiMiu '". i,. .,11 oilier
named. It eiiieil iny cuinoeo
remedies failed." H cures """"' ,""
..ll l,r,it mid bill!! troubles. 0. 11. Hague
hllrll. I
11 ii will Inn rmiiiismilnorH.
"Washington, July 11. President Mc
Klnlcy on Saturday nnnouncod the ap
pointment of the Hawaiian commission
ns follows: Senator Shelby M. Culloni
of Illinois, Senator John T. Morgan ot
Alabama and Representative II. H.
Hltt of Illinois, American commission
ers; President Sanford M. Dole of tho
Hawaiian republic nnd W. It. Frenr.
associate Justice of the Hawaiian su court. Hawaiian commissioners.
"I owe my whole life to llurdock Wood
llltturs. Scrofulous soius covered niv body.
I scumed heyond euro. 11. 11. 11. has made
mua peifuctly wull woman."' Mrs. Charles
llutton, Ilurvllle, Mich.
aim: you noiNn soiitiit
To Li .ivh Sim rrniiclco Tlili AM'nu,
Stiil-iPiic "t Honolulu Hn llontc.
San Fianclsco. July 12. This week
will see another exodus of the Mnnlla
forces. Thursday morning the Peru.
carrying I.'ujor General 13. S. Otis and
staff, six i mops of the Fourth United
States cnvr.h y, under command of
Colonel Kellogg, nnd two light batteries
of the Sixth United States artillery,
under command of Major Grugan. nnd
the CUy ot Pueblo, with the Four
teenth Infantry detachment, will stenm
out of the lint bur. Major General Otis
hns decided not to wait for the New
York volunteers, but will proceed at
once to Honolulu to assist, according
to his orders, In the ceremonies of oc
cupying the city.
The Fourth cavalry, Sixth artillery
nnd Fourteenth Infantry wilt have the
privilege ot taking part In the cere
monies. They will remain in Honolulu
until the other three vessels of tho
lleet of five destined for the fourth
expedition come on, then the whole
force of the lloops, with Major Gen
eral E. S. Otis und Hrlgndler General
II. O. Otis, will proceed to Manila.
The troops for the ltlo Jnnelro and
St. Paul have not yet been selected.
The fifth, and probably the last, ex
pedition to the Philippines will nwnlt
the return transports of the first ex
pedition, the Australia, City of Sydney
nnd Peking. The quartermaster's de
partment Is now looking for n trans
port to take the First New York volun
teers to Honolulu.
At Four Score,
Nervlno Restores Health.
Dr. Miles'
Haptlst International Convention,
For this occasion, the Philadelphia & Head
Ing Hallway will sell round trip tickets to
liullalo and return from principal points on
lino at rato of singlo faro for round trip.
Pickets for salo and good going July 12th to
15th, inclusive, and good returning until
July Kith, inclusive.
Kxciusionists desiring to make a longer
stay, can by depositing return ticket wuu
Joint Agent at Uuflalo. July lutn to nan, in
clusive, and paying an additional fee ol Illty
cents, have limit of same extended to Sep
tember 1st, IS0S.
For information as to routo. time of trains,
ate of fare, etc., consult any Philadelphia
k Keadiug Ticket Agent, or addiess, hdson
Weeks, tica'l Pass'r Agent.
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Courtestet to Captive Onlcors.
Yushlnaton, July 12. Captain Coop
er, superintendent of the Naval acad
emy at Annapolis, spent some time
with Secretary Long yesterday after
noon going over the question ot caring
for the Spanish naval prisoners. In
cluding Admlrnl Cervora, who are to
be quartered ut the academy. A com
nlete understanding was reached by
which the Spanish officers will receive
every consideration consistent with
their rank. While rellevlns tho pris
oners from all undue humiliation there
will be no disposition to bestow such
effusive courtesy Upon Ihem as to
place them In tho light of hero martyrs.
The Harvard sailed yesti rday from
Santiago, bringing the remaining Span
ish ntlFimers. They will be disposed of
the same as those brought on the St.
Louis, the men going to Portsmouth
and the ollleers to Annapolis.
3NOLE EZKKIEL OI1EAU, assessor and
tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who has
uasscd tho 80th llfo mtlo stono, says
"Dr. Miles' Restorativo Nervlno has dono a
groat deal of Good. I suffered foryears from
slooplcjsucs3 and nervous heart trouble.
Would feel weary and used up In tho morn
ing, had no ambition and my work seemed a
burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles'
Nervine, nnd I purchased a bottlo under
protest as I had tried so many remedies un
successfully, I thought it no uco. Hut it
iravoiao restful sloop, a good appctlto and
restored mo to energetic health. It Is a
grand good inodlclno, and I will gladly wrlto
aayouo inquiring, full particularsof unsat
isfactory exnerJeuco." RT.TJBSarVRKiiW
Dr. Miles' ItDmedlotf
aro sold by nil drug-.iffiSV 'sini0-"rJ
gists under a positive gS ,
guarantee, nrsi eotuo tH kt; Villi; -er.r
benefits or monev re- . on.ln.nn
funded. Iiook on dls- Hag M-iit. N
cases of tho heart and fJ'?4i
nerves freo. Address, fffii'auSiM
DU. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind,
Jl'LY 1, 18M.
dato for WlirjBns. Ullberton, I'rackvillo, JKirk
Water, St. Clnlr, PoUnvillo. llnmbiirir, ItoartlBK
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The bijst Balvo In tho world for cats,
bruises, sores, uiccrs, Kinmemu, mvui nu'i
iHr. liMined hands, chilblains, corns, and
Trains will leave Shenaiulonh after In sdo
1 :..t.lllu TfnrrtBlnu,., H.llPhl.
rUIIHWWH. iiucni,iiii ,
nelphlrt (Hrrfcl Ktreei bibhoiijbi hub nnu nu
4. in.. 2 02. 0 13 i). in. on week day. Sundays,
s j.i n. in., -i p. iu.
Bears tho
Signature of
$100 Roward $100,
Tlie readeis of this paper will lie pleased to
lenrn tliat there is lit least one. dreaded ilNcmtu
that hilenco has been nble to cure hi all its
i-tiiges, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
h the onlv positive euro known to tlio
fraternity. Catarrh being n constitutional ills-
cise, leoillrcs u constitutional treatment. Hall
Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blooilnind inui-nus surfaces of the
system, thereby dcstioylng the founil.-itlon ot
tiio disease, nndglving tho patient htrength by
building up tb constitution ami assisting
nature lu doing Its w ork. The proprietors have
mmiiuiIi faith Iu Its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that It
fails lo euro. Send for lbt of testimonials.
Address. 1-'. J.CIII'.NUY A; CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75 e
Condemn LnllourcoLrne's Crow.
Philadelphia, July 12. The Allan lino
steamship Grecian, Captain Nunan,
from Glnsgow, the vessel which fell In
with and towed to Halifax the British
ship Cromartyshire after she had col
lided with and sunk the French liner
La llourgogne, arrived here yesterday,
Like the majority of sailors, the brave
men on board the Grecian take no
credit for the part they played In res
cuing the miseruble survivors ot the
terrible catastrophe. One of the olll
eers, however, remarked that the ca
tastrophe was made all the moie hor
rlble when the fact that so many moro
might have been saved Is taken Into
consideration. " It is hard." he suld,
"for a Iliitisher to understand how 50
per cent of the crew were saved and
only 10 per cent of the passengers. Tho
fact that only one woman out of 200
was rescued will go down In history as
a brand of fire on tlie cowardly crew."
Tim South nnd Its Advantages.
Tlio Southern Hallway has issued for fieo
distribution, a sixteen pace journal ties-
criptivo of Virginia, North and Soiitli Caro
lina, Tennesce, Georgia, Aiaiauia aim
Mississippi. Persons seeking new locutions,
or capitalists desiring to make safeaud profit
able invest incuts will llnd tho information
contained theicin both valuable and inter
csting. Copies will be mailed fico upon ap
plication to John M. Ileal I, District Passen
ger Agent, 82H Chestnut street, rniiaiieipuia
c;,.1- l,, .,!., ,.,,. liiiiniisness. constitution and
all liver and stomach iriiuhlcs call ho quickly
cured hvtishiL'thoso lanious little piles known
as DoWitt's Little Early Risers. They aro
pleasant lo tako and novcr gnpo. l. ii
'. syltanbi Cliaiitillniiiu.
Pur tlio Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to bo
held at Mt. (lictna, Pa., July 1 to August 4,
islej. tlio Pennsylvania liailroad Company
will sell tickets to the general public on Juno
20 to August 1, Koud to return until August
11). inclusive, from stations on its lino in
Pennsylvania, and from Washington, 1). C.
llaltimoie. Md and Canandalgua, N. Y and
urine inal intermediate stations, to Mt.
Gretna and icturu, at reduced rates.
What Dr. A. 11. Slater Says.
lltirrAi.o, N. Y. Gents : From my per
sonal knowledge, gained in observing tlie
effect of vour Shiloh's Curo in cases of ad
vaueed Consumption. I am prepared to say
it is tho most lcniarkablo Remedy that lias
over been brought to ;ny attention. It lias
certainly saied many from Consumption.
Suld by P. 1). Khlin, and a guarantee.
Ask your grocer fur the "Royal Patent
flour, and tako no other brand. It is tlio best
flour mado.
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, iinu Tralls 'leave Frackville for Shenandoah at
all Bkiu eruptions, and positively cures piles, 7, 10, 11 48a.m. and 8 46, 7 30 p. 01. Sunday,
or JO pay requiroa. 11 w guaruuicuu mjiou uuia. m. anu o 10 p. di.
perfect satisfaction or tuony rciunuca. rnce
as cents tier bar. For salo by A. Wasloy.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
F,n; Hum Hard Coal No Smoke
I-..).,, lolivn HlieillWItioutl l.S follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
7 3.1 U 51 .1. iu. , VI a 1J o w p. i".
r New York via Maucll ChuiJC, ivcck days
Tn ,., 10 i'7 (mil a 10 o. 111.
,.'or lleiiiliiiK "d I'lnUdVlpMi , day,
7 31,964 a. o., la 27. 10 nu.l Oei ..
'or Pottevllle. weelc Ojs, V 3 1, 0 51 a.
1" 7. :t 10. A u7 !.., I 7 24 11. in.
irorTjIiiiKiiu .11U Mllllttlioy ('It; , we. 1c tln -
j' ill. 41 fil 1.. in.. 11 .7. 3 10 and (iOi 111 Wllllniusi . rt, Sunliurv ..ud Lewlhi.ur :,
:v. .1,1, N 11 ..fl A. Ml. 1227. JS v. Ill
For Mai'iano) 'lane, wi okiuys, 7 30, 0 51, 11 I.D
n. in., 1- J 10, i u, -J), v 0:1 ,1. 111.
I'or Ashland mul hlmiimUlii. eek days, 731.
11.10 . 11.., I2i7, 3 III. B 07 '.Si il Sfslp. u..
lfor llaltlmore, Wiiiiiii,oii and thu Wectvu
H. it O. It. it., tluuugli trains len-i Uoauili:
l'ennlnal, PhlladelphiM. (P. A lt. H Jt.) u 3 2 1.
70.), 11 .0 n. m., o jo iuu p. 1. C3HIII uji-i
a on. 7 iY). 11 2n n. 111.. 8 18 ui.u 7'J7i. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and til est-
nut strei'Ls station, weeic uavs. iu. 30 11. ut. imj.
12 ,r, 8 10 HllMtlulB, 1 3.1. S 23 11. in.
Leave New Y ork via rhllnilelphla, werU
ill!) 8,1215, 130, 8 00,1130 a. lu., and I I), IB.)
l Ol Tl.IU.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
.lavM. 4 nn. 0 in 11. m.. 1 HO I), m.
Leave Pliiladelphla, Ueodllig Tcriuiusl. week
enys, 3 IU, CO 1021 a. in. an" 1 an, on p. in
Leave lteu-JIni;, weel: da, 7 Oj, -00s, a, 111
12 13,4 17, 0 CO p. uu
Leave I'ottsvlllu, weeic duys, 7 10, 7 40 a. in
12 304 10, 8 10 and 6 60 p. in.
Lcaie Tajuaqua, weutc days, H 30, L 23 a. 111.
1 ei. r ea. 7 "ju n. m.
Leave Malianoy City, week dayB, 9 0S, 1147
n. 111.. 2 22. S 12.0 21.7 41 U. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week day-,, C30, 9 2.1,
102.1. li.Vj a. in.. 241. 532. 1141 7 57. I lu.
Leave Wlliianisport, week days, 1 12, 10 0) a.
ai.. 12 111 anu 4 uu p. m.
Onii-B Pkhii liulldlng, corter of Main an
Centiu streets, Bhenamlouh.
J. " 1
Shenandoah, Pa.
pltOr". .IOI1N JON1CS,
lxck Hox US, Mahanoy Oily, Pa.
Having studied under some ol the besE
masters In London and Paris, will give lersonr
on tile vlolinvnnuiiolln, guitar and vocal cut lure
Tfcrinv ri-Hsonahle. Address hi care of Htrous-j
the Jp-WAler Hhenailfloah
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut atrial watf and
Kontli dtrr-ct wluo f fur Atlalltlu CltV.
Weekilays LjpreBs, 8 00, 9 00, 10 13 u. iu., (1 30
Saturdays only), 1 00,300,3 10 IM minute iralii,
1U1 G5 inlnuto train), 4 30, 8 00 fC5 mlnuto
,rl,,l Sin 700 li. m. Acunmmodatlun. ti 15
a. m.,5 00, 8 3Qp. m 81.00 excursion train 700
U.. ' U-wvaua V 'All Kim K 110. 11 00.
10 00 a in, In pin, Aecommouatioii, u 10 n ut
4 45 p. in. sl.00 excursion train, 7 n in.
ucturning icavo Atlantic vuy uupui, mw
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
UVnlriHva-liinmi. (0 H MondliyS Olllyl
TOO. 7 45 IG3 minute tralnl. 8 20 105 inlnuto
train, 9 00, 10 15, 11 00 a. iu a BO, 4 30, 80, 7 30,
ti!ll n ... Ars..nintnnilatlnri. 4 25. 7 50 a. tl.-.
ton p. in. J1.00 excursion train (from Mississippi
ave. only; uw p. iu. nuim.j.-i.i'i"i
i rai son a nn. r, :ui 700.7.10. sou.0 se-
conimodatlon. 7 15 a. m 3 05 p. in, SI 00
excursion train (from foot of Mississippi ave,
onlvl. It 10 11 111.
Por Cape May and Sea Isle City, H 45 a. in.,
2 30, 1 15 p ill. Additional for Capo Slay 4 15
p. 111, Sundays (SI 00 excursion 7 it)) uiauin,
For Ocean City, 8 30,8 15 11 in, 2 30, 4 15 pin,
iSl 00 excursion Thursday only) 7 00 a iu. Hun-
dayp, 8 15, 9 15 a 111.
pArlnr (laru nn nil HXIiress trains.
Tor further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and lleiwllng llanwuy iicnet scu
orauurcss .
I. A. SWKIOAUl). Kosos J. Webks,
(len'l Sunt.. (Jcn'l Pas'
Itcaillng Te riuhial, Philadelphia
Leavo Poltsvllle for Shenandoah (via Frack
ville 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 5 20, 7 10 p. iu. Sunday
1031 n. 111.. 5 20 p. ni.
Leave Phlladelnliia, (Uroad street station), f
SheAtidoah at 8 35 a. in., 4 10 p. in. week days.
Sundays leave at 6 50 nnu 0 23 a. in
Leave llroad street station. Philadelphia, tor
Sea Girt, Asbury Turk, Ocean drove, Lunu
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8.20,
11.14, a, hi., 8.30 and 4.00 p. in. week-days.
Invo lsroaa strecJ station, i-unaauipni.
Express, week-days. 8 20, 4 Ou, 4 50 5 01.5 15,8 50
83,820, 950, 1021 (Dining Car), 1100a. In,
1200 noon, 128.1 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. lu.
Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 30 (Dining far) 8 20, 8 50.
4 02, 5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), 6 00, 7 02,7 50 (Dill,
lug Car), 10 Ou 11. m., 12 01, night. Sundays.
320, 405. 4 50 5 03, 5 15 8 20.9 56.1021, (Dli.lug
Car), 1185 n. m., 12 33, 1 05 (Dining Car) 2 30
(Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 23) (Dining Car),
5 20,568, (Dining Car) 635, 702,750. IDhdng
Car 10 00 p. ui., 12 01 night.
express lor isoblon v. lllinui cuangr. 1 1 no n m.,
tieek-'lavs, and 7 50 n. 111., dally.
Cutsklll exnrcss. (Parlor Car), 8 20 a lu week
Kor ll.iHIninrv and Washington. 3 CO. 7 2-1. S 34.
10 20. 11 23. B. 111., 1200, 1231 (Db.lliK Car), J 12
IDliilinr Carl. 3 12. 4 41 .T25 emigres-
sioual Limited. Dining Car, 6 17. 655 Din
lug Car, 7 81 IDlnlng Carl p. 111., and 12 M
lilglit wei-K nays, fiunuays, a w, 1 i, n iz, 1 1 -o.
a. in., 1201, 1 12, iiniiing curl 441, ,i.o uou
Kresslonal Limited, Dining Car, 6 55 Dining
Car, 7 31 DlnlngCar p rn. and 12 01 night.
i-ur iiaitimoru, accommodation, ui:a m, - oj
and 4 01 p lu week days, 5 08 and 11 16 p m dally.
Leave Proud street station via Delaware rive I
bridge Kxpres", 5 00, 9 10 IM) minutes n ni,
1 ;1S Is2 iiiinutcsl. 100 ISO 111l1111U.1l. 7C5 11. in.
Sundays, 500, 9 20 so minutes, a 111, 28S H2
luluutesj, 1 u-i p 111.
jrf-ttve Jluraet ntreet an ivxprcss, o 00, n ,io,
10 OU 75 minutes, a m (COO Saturdays ony), 200
75 minutes, 3 On 73 minutes, 3 30 00 minutes,
4 00 165 uiliiutcs, 4 30 75 minutes, 5 00 70
minutes, 5 3iJ 65 lninutesj p ui. Sunilays, 5 00,
730, sou 73 inlnutesj, 830, 900 73 minutes,
9 50 170 minutes .1 111, and 4 80 75 minutes p lu.
31.00 excursion train, 7 00a m dally.
Tor Capo may, Anglcsca, ivuawoouanaiiouj
Ilejich Lxpn-ss. 9 00 am. 230, 4 05, 5 00 p.m
weekdays. Sundays. 8 20 a m, Cape May onfy"?
1 bo p 111 suturuays excursion, v uu a 111 uauy.
Kor Sea Isle City. Occni City. Avalon and
Stone Harbor Kxpress, 9 10 a. m 2 30, 4 20,
5Wi, m weekdays. Sundays, 8 50 a. m. Ui
curslon 7 CO a in dally.
I'or Somers 1'olnt Kxpress, 000, 8ao, luoj
, ni.. 1 00 Saturdays only, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00, 530
p. ni. week days Sundays, 8 00, 8 00, 9 00, 9 50
b. 111 anu -l liu p, m.
J, II IlUTciiiNsoH, J. It. Wood,
(len'l Manaiter. Hen'l l'ass'g r abi
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
iino't start South without consulting John
M. lleull. District Passencor Agent, Southorn
Itallwuy, 1128 Chestnut street, i iiiiaiiuipuis
If you cannot call in iierson, write Id him.
Win your battles against disease bv acting
promptly. Ono Mlnuto Cough Cum produces
liiuncdlate rtults. When takou early It pio
vent consumption. And in Inter stages it
fiiTiiUhoM prompt relief. C. 11. Ilagcubucli.
Coming I'.veuts.
July 10. -Ice cream festival under auspices
of Company A. I'lfo atid Drum Corps in Rub
bins' opera house.
July 20. Ice cream festival In Rabbins'
opera house under the auspices of the Young
Mens' Ushers' Association.
For forly yrars Dr. Fowler's llxlnct of
Wild Strawberry lias been curing summer
complaint, dysentery, diarrhoea, bloody tlux.
pais iu tlio stomach, and it has never yet
(ailed tu do everything claimed for it.
" "i-iii'il In Culm.
New Y'oi-l- l. Stephen F. Tlar-
ton, chairmen d iho central Cuban re
lief commit l ' . leeched 11 cablegram
yesterday fuun Mla Iiarton announe
Ing that sle In d cons -d to be landed
in Cuba Sunday Vi tuns of miscellan
eous relb f mi-.Hlwi from the State of
Texas. In I . r i-ableurain Miss Iiarton
said that of ul! iim conveyances neces
sary she nnu needs mules more than
anything else, und needs them urgent
ly. Arinpgeinents urn being made by
thenuaiierinustcr Kenernl's oillcefor the
trntisportailun of iOO muloa from Char
leston, H. C, on the ships scheduled to
carry the troops of the First brigade
of Mujor General WHson'p division,
which is destined to go to Santiago. .
A Specialist on Rupture fiom Williainsporl
will visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
AT Till-:
Hotel Franey, from 8 till 10:30 a, m.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
These were the two reasons that formerly
l.., ..,1. ft-Mtn ntleuilinir to their teeth.
Uoth reason, have no existence in this ad Tfjg fJHfEST BOOK OP THE AGE F
.. .....1 mm l.,i.lcc n.til innvlmM.IVfi ,1fmI. I
ViiuiCi, nKUi , ,i,, H.,.. ...v., i....., . s. .,v,.
Istry with an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method
A Goixi Set of Teeth, $$
The Very Rest Teeth, 58.
Should be lu Every Home and Library.
TfiB People's Bifile History
Ii written by RUM Hon. Wtlllam Kwart fllailstone.
Kng.i ltev, A. If. 8a ice. Queun'd College, Oiford, Knu-i
You can pet no liclter, no matter what you lSditA
k.. ..1 r... ..i : ..l,.,rM lth K.H.H.. flftan ol Ciiolerburr. (uterburr. Kng.l Ile.
lay. euouiKt A.m...B, o...- ; j; rll.Oa.ou, ll.l)..TuItM Unllese, 8omrvlll,l
,u ,.lu,A.l VV'.. n,n ,ot- vniir ininrcsinn in 1 nVT L-.nni. w ' fl..n.a.,l... ll ll . Armour Iniitl
Thousniiils of persons havo been cured of
piles liy using DoWitt's Witch Hazel Halve.
It heals promptly and cures eczema and all
skin iIIsc.him It gives iminediate lulicf, C.
II. llagciihucli.
Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or
no pay. Wiitten guarantee to absolutely
cine all kinds of Ruplure without
operation or detention from
Absolutely no I)ang;r.
Examination Free.
loo persons cured in Sunhury, Sliamokln,
Mt. Carmel ami vicinity who can he referred
to. Charges and terms moderate and within
reach of all.
are ordered. We can take your impression in ii,,, j,-r,;nii w.'u'un'iaulu. i. 'n,0,1ir,,'A4t.';K:
themorniiigand give you your teeth in the iuW.v
afternoon if desired. MaoAriliur, 1) U., CtalTsr Baptlit Church. W;w York .
. I).U, First MethodUt KpUoopul Cliurcli.
lll'l iTe. W, T. Moore, I.L.U.. fTbs tllirl.
TOOnwe"ltt' lsinaon.'EliB.l.Itliv. Kdward ;
nold Pllllngs, $i; Best Silver
l-illlngs, Soc up; Cleaning, oc;
uxtractiug, l$c.
We use but one grade of material
the best
Htr6t Free llaialut Church, Lew Uton, Me., twr. FranK
Inn llnnimnnwcialitll."
lollo'. JtlclimouJ, Eng.) ltof, Ouipar lteoe Orororr.
llptue oniyersuj, isjieftw. ",VtZaA V'i.i
..''f,,.u'.'',.:'..' "r.rT.vrai.
...and bridge work at very reasonthln w-WUjiiy.o
es, Kxaminalions and . estimates free. "fr:
67 luU-pasa illuitra-
alxirlmsr, I.I, I)., Tlio Temple. IM'ton. JIoh.
eunuii ikio. ai iuu-pase .V'u"irvr
Horn, (lit edgea, cloth, tl Wi bait loTUUt, I5.UJ; (ull ..... 10
t ull lunjini oagsR, ,-uu luo-fssv ", ::
at. 16
,oi nun
Cor.VliIto & Ceutre Sts., Robblus' Building
l blliJir,m auU -ill Mooroo Bttent, Chicago, 1 lUnol