1 83- 83 THE HERALD DO YOU WANT Creates business because ef itsinrwn large circulation and tenders rich results to its advertisers. 7i rfar fublic through a fro- ( gressive, dipnfiea, influential journal use the HERALD columns. I II --88 88 VOL. xni.-N0. ICC. SHENANDOAH. PA.. SATURDAY. JULY 9. 1898. ONE CENT Coating ,iiilt ttA GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF BABY CARRIAGES In order to clean out the balance of our stock as quickly as possible Carriages that wore $20 00, 18 00, 17 00, 15 00, . 12 00, 10 00, 9 00, " 6 00, If you want a clioicc come at once as we think they will be all gone in a few days at these prices. J. P. Williams & Son, gi2 0'HARA'S FOR OPEN DAY SHENANDOAH and cwtcxi-. jrsmji . mrmrossaja'i'OT niirvrnr n mil n SPRING MESS GOODS AND SILKS In all the leading shades. Also White and colored organdies, embroideries and new effects in cotton goods. . OIL GL0TH8. LINOLEUMS s At the old price, regardless of the advance. . I I PPIPP'Q North Main St., - ' riNfc Shenandoah, Pa. ,,?mmfwmww,??W!tmmm&2 amimnmnnnmi!imminmnnmiiinn;mmnimmnnna i 1 If You Are in Need of 7i MOTION'S, T1IK l'l.ACK TO liUY AND SAVK MONEY IS AT THE BEE HIVE, 123 S (VI a In St. Third WaKgW If you want to have your food kept sweet and clean use a - - - - BALDWINS REFRIGERATOR. mirni inn iinnmirnrtr rTfrr U vtfiv- ewaSZil'ti s rsfst mm I mm. 5 UK sszmsasbssmr For Good Light White Bread AND NO TROUBLE TO BAKE USE AQUEDUCT MILL Daisy or Moss Rose Flour. Sold Geo- A Whole Wheat Graham Flour Old Time Pure Rye At KEITER'S. $17 OO 15 OO t OO 13 OO 10 OO S OO T OO a so 13 S. Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. AND AND NIGHT. MAHANOY CITY. now " " " Glassware, Chinaware, Tinware, Agateware, Millinery, Dry Goods, Door F"rom Post Office. Good Garden Hose Is hard to find. We have it in either of these brands. We also have ordinary hose very cheap. SPRAY NOZZLES, MENDERS, &C. ! ' I LT CUHT lilAJ IT U V l& SET by Keiter. Flour Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour Best Granulated Corn Meal. D IBSVE Washington Officials, Bombardment SHAFTER REPORTS OUR LOSS ! He Says the Americans Had 230 Killed, 1284 Wounded and 79 Hissing Three Span ish Vessels to be Raised. Hj K-clnl to Kvi:nino IlrRAi.n. Washington .Inly U. At this hour, 3:30 p. 111., neither thu navy nor war department had received word from tho ofliccrs In com mand at Santiigo ns to whether or not the bombardment of tliat place had commenced. Accordirg to the agreement between the American and Spanish generals tho flag of truco was to ho withdrawn at noon to-day, at which time Gen. Shafter said ho would hcgln tho bomhardmcut of tho city, provided it had not surrendered heforo that time. Tho army otlicials, although they have re ceived no word to that effect, have overy rea son to belelvo that Shafter lias kept ills word, and that hostilities have resumed. Tho American position nt Santiago lias strengthened and with tho arrival of more troops lieu. Shafter has increased his ability to taku tho city. Delay benefited instead of weakonlng the American forces. Secretary Alger declined to say whether tho attack will bo confined to tho licet alone, but it was learned previously from other sources that such was tho intention. Admiral Sampson will 6holl the city. If tho demoralizing effect of this bombardment does not causo tho enemy to comply with Shaftcr's demand an attack on Mono Castle by laud and uia will be made, and Admiral Sampson will attempt to tako his ships into tho harbor a project which, if successful, will compel tho enemy to surrender. A landing forco of marines and bluejackets will participate in tho attack on the .Mono. Our Iohsph ut Santiago. Hptci.ll to KvKNISCI IlKUAI.U. Washington, July 0. Tho war department to-day received a telegram from Gen. Shafter, in which ho gives dciiuito Information iu re gard to tho number of dead and wounded at Santiago. Gen. Shafter gives our loss as 230 killed, 128 1 wounded and 70 missing. Of the number killed sixteen of them aro ollicers. There havo been treated in the hospitals at Siboney 1,052 anduhero aro still noarly 200 in tho hospitals near Santiago. Tho Surgeon-General has received word that tho hospital ship Relief has arrived off Santiago with a full corps of medical as sistants, nurses, and surgeons on hoard. Tho Itelief carries a largo stock of medical sup plies and, iu addition to those, a plant for manufacturing ico and for preparing car bonated water. CAMARA'S FLEET GOING TO CADIZ. Special to Evkninu IIkiialii. l'ort Said, July 0. Admiral Camara's licet has passed through the Suo-5 canal and ar rived hero on its way hack to Cadiz. Cauiara Informed tho Egyptian government that he had been ordered to returi to Spain. Under tliese circumstances tho ships will bo allowed to coal hero. From this port to Cadiz tho distance is 1,020 miles, at tho rate of teu miles an hour, tho licet will arrive at its destination in eight days. Upon the return of Admiral Camara to Spain It is expected that thu government will attach to his command all the torpedo boats and small gunboats which were left at homo, In order to prepare for an engagement with tho American licet that Is to cross tl Atlantic uudor Commodore Watson, Specimen of Madrid News. Special to HvENlNil IIkiialii. Madrid, July 0. The Correspondoucia do Kspana publishes a tolcgram sayiug that tho Spanish troops have m.ido a successful sortie from Santiago, breaking tho American lines aud killing flfty-olght American officers, In cluding llvo Generals. Ordered to Ludrone Iglumln. .Special to Uvunino IIebalu. San Francisco, July 0, Tho Examiner publishos a statement to tho effect that tho guuboat Bennington has been ordered to sail at once for tho Ladrono Islands, which were captured by tho Charleston on its way to Manila, The llouningtou will remain there aud hold possession of the Islands. Window shades from 10 cents and upward. Intimates given on largo shades. F, J, 1'ortz, 21 North Main street. tf D However, Believe the Began at Noon To-Day. THREE SHIPS SAVED. Admiral Sampson so Informs the Govern ment Afler an Inspection. Special to Evexisii Heuai.ii. Washington, July 0 Admiral Sampson wired tho navy department this morning that three of the Spanish cruisers beached off Santiago may bo saved. This Information was received by the olli cials of tho navy department with much gratification. From tho first reports leccived It was thought tho Cristobal Colon was tho only ono that could bo saved. It is not improbable that much of tho en gines of tho ships may ho found to ho of valuo, and it is thought tho wreck of tho Infanta Maria Teresa can bo floated. The Vizcaya is understood to bo not irreparably damaged. The Cristobal Colon is believed to he in good condition, notwithstanding the treacherous efforts of tho Spauiaids to render her useless after sho had been surrendered. KING'S AUNT TO SUCCEED CHRISTINA. Special toKvE.viNd Heiialu. Madrid, July 0. It is rumored that tho Infanta Isabel, ono of the aunts of tho Kiug, is actively humoring tho army. It is sup posed that sho is proparing to assumo tho regency. Queen Itcgent Christina's asent thereto being given for the reason that tho Infanta, boiug a Spaniard, could better sign a treaty of peace than tho presont Queen Regent, whoto unpopularity becauso she is a foreignor continues. Infanta Isabel is very energetic, and she seems to bo in touch with tho Spaniards. Don Carlos, tho pretender, is oxpected on the scene as soon as peace is assured. i:mltH to Oft Gen. Itlverii. Special to Kvemno IIeieald, Washington, July 0. It is probable that the government will make an offer to ex change one of tho captured Spanish olilcers for Gen. Itius Itlvora, who is now a prisoner at Barcelona, llivera succeeded to tho com mand of Gen. Maceo iu the province of Pinar del Klo and was captured iu 1800. As ho speaks Kuglish perfectly and is u Porto Uicau by birth, it is suggested that lie would bo of gieat assistance to this government in a Porto Rico campaign. Cristobal Colon Worth .Sming. Special to Evening Herai.u. llefore Santiago, July 0. Furtheroxamina- tion of tho hulks of tho wrecked Spanish vossels shows the Cristobal Colon is in good coudition, notwithstanding the efforts of the Spaniards to render her useloss. Consider able mouuy has been found aboard tho ships, and there is known to bo $4,000 In tho saio of tho Cristobal Colon. Tho hulks of these cruisers give abundant proof that tho Maine was not destroyed by au internal explosion. Spain Cut OIV from Culm. Special to Kvknino IIekali). London, Buly 0. Complaint lias been made by tho Spanish government at Madrid that it is unable to communicate with Cuba becauso tho English cable company refusos to traus uilt cipher dispatches. Tho Itritish govern ment is blamed for tlio ruble company' action. Steamship Humeri, Special to NvitMS'U lUltALl). Darno Gap, N. J. April 0. Tho steamship Delawaro was burned tills morning. All the crow and passengers were saved. Hnivo ffllli'i'Wt 1'roijiiitccl. Wnplilngton, July 9. The president yesterday Bent these nominations to the senate, nnd they were promptly confirmed: To be mnjor generals: Hamilton S. Hawkins, Henry W. Law ton, Adna It. Chaffee, John C. Bates; to bo brigadier generals: Colonel Leonard Wood of the Hough Riders, Lieutenant Colonel Cliambors McKlb bln, Twenty-first Infantry; to be colo nel, Lieutenant Colonel Theodore llooeevolt of the Hough Riders. Columbia's Anniversary. At a meeting hold last ovening by the Columbia Fire Company It was decided lo hold their annual outing iu Columbia park Instead ol lakeside, Tlio dito of the outing will bo announced later. WHERE IS PANDO? A Report That the Spanish General Has Left the Commander of Santiago In the Lurch. Playn Del I'.Mp, Cuba., July 9. Gen eral I'ando, It Is undei stood. lmH left General Tornl, commander of SantlBRo. In the lurch. Ptituto Is said to he mak ing his way as fast a he can across country towurd Havana. The reln- GENEUAL I'ANDO. foreements which General Toral was counting upon have not arrived. The situation of the city is more desperate than ever. The Spanish losses have been heavy, and grow greater every clay. The food supply In Suntiago is low, and it Is understood that the am munition Is running short. The Ameri can position is being hourly strengthen ed. GENERAL MILES SAILS. Commander of the Army Off For Cuba With 1,720 Volunteers From Massa chusetts and Illinois. Charleston, July !). The crulpers Tale and Columbia, with the Sixth Massachusetts and one battalion of the Sixth Illinois aboard, sulled before daybreak for Cuba. The embailiatlon of the troops began yesterday at mid day. They were marched to the wharf where the steamers Commodore Perry and Planter were In waiting. The men went on board, and amid tho cheers of the spectators nnd the men of other regiments steamed down the harbor in the face of a heavy lain storm. The work of trans-shipping the soldiers was accomplished . lthout mishap. liy some mistake one company of the Sixth Massachusetts was left on the wharf when the steamers started. Adjutant Dutler Ames promptly chartered a tug and took them out to the transports. General Nelson A. Miles and his staff arrived in the city at G:S0 last evening. At 8 o'clock General Miles boarded the lighthouse tender Wisteria and wont out to the Yale. This was In accord ance with previously arranged plans. The Sixth Massachusetts Is quartered on the Yale, while the Illinois men are nn the Columbia. The expedition num bers In all 1,720 men. There are still in the city 4,000 troops, and others are expected here from Chlckamnuga. HEAVY APPROPRIATIONS. Tho Sc-sloii Just CIommI Has Appro printed tho Sum 11V y.SII'.'.r.-JT, 1)1)1. Washington, July 9. The sum of JS92,G27,991 has been appropriated at the session of congress just closed. This Includes $117,836,228 of permanent ap propriations to meet sinking fund re quirements and Interest on the publle debt, nnd for other objects, and $2G1, 7S8.0S5 to meet expenditures of the war with Spain. Deducting the last two from the sum first mentioned, there remains $412, 903,070 representing the appropriations made at the present session to meet all ordinary expenses of tho government, which sum is only $4,240,810 more than was appropriated at the last session of congress for the same purpose (In cluding the appropriations mnde dur ing the recent extra session), which ap parent excess is almost doubly offset by the increased appropriations of $8, 070,872 for the payment of pensions on account of the fiscal year 1S98, provided for In n deficiency act of this session. No river and harbor bill has been passed nt ls session, hut the sundry civil act carries $14,031,613 to meet con tracts authorized by previous congress es for river nnd harbor works. In addltl&n to tho appropriations made specifically for expenses of the conduct of the war since Up Inception, and for the first six months of the fiscal year beginning July 1, ISM, con tracts have been au'horized by the naval appropriation act for now war vessels and for their armament, for which congress will he called upon In the futuic to appropriate an amount estimated at $19,210,150. Th Demucratlu rrhuullcrt, Tho local Democratic primaries opened at two o'clock this afternuon. Tliero was con siderable pent-up excitement and as the polls were declared open tho voters rushed to them in droves. The primaries aro very spirited and tho battles aro evidently on for blood. Tho Second ward was tho Sautiago of tho town and a split occurred. The primary was called to bo held at P. J. Mulholland's house. Mr. MulkoUaud is tho standing iotn- mitto man of tho ward. On tho organization of tho board ho proceeded on motion by volco, while M. M. llurko, Esii., and Michael Mollot insisted on having the organization of the board mado by scratch. Mr. Mulhollaud listened to tho voice voto and tho llurke- Mellet faction withdrew after protesting aud organized anothor primary board at Uickort's cato. Tins makes a contest at tho conven tlou 011 Monday a certainty, Absolutely Puro POWDER EIGHTS OF PROPERTY The Decision of Judirc Kocli In the Franey Case. THE LAW ON EXTENSIONS DEFINED Upper Story Bay Windows, the Court Says, Interfere With the Ordinary and Proper Enjoyment of Rights Which Are Free to All and Are Nuisances. Tho bay window injunction suit In which James J. Franey is defendant is one of tho most interesting ioeal litigations that have attrac ted the attention of tho public for some tiino. Interest iu tho mattor was not ilono due to the prominence of tho narties connected with it, but aim to the geueial im- poilanco of tho issue, it is tho first case fiom the town iu which there has been a legal adjudication on the rights of property owners to build outside tho lines of their properties, and for that reason the decision of tlio court, which was given briefly in yester day's IIi:bali, is published in full. It is as follows : In the Court of Common Pleas of Schuyl kill County. Sitting In Equity. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ex rela tione Henry C. McCormick, Attorney General Complainant vs. James J. Franey. No. 5 July Term, lSU-i. Itule to show causo why au in I unction should not bo granted. The above rule was granted on Information of tho Attornoy-Geueral of this Common wealth 111 tho natuio of a hill in eciuitv on behalf of the Commonwealth against Jamoh J. l rauey, defendant. Tho defendant is the owner of a lut of ground situate on the northwest comer of Maiu and Lloyd streets in thu liurough of Shenandoah, the said lot being thirty feet wide lacing on the west side of Main street and extending along Lloyd street one hundred and fifty feet, on which is erected a paillynew building occupying the entile wmui on Main sheet and about eightv feet on Lloyd street. Ou the second story of sain luiililing Uelcndant has put thrco jut or nay windows extending into Lloyd street aljout four feet. One window is nine feet eleven inches iu width, another nine feet niuo inches, aud the third thirteen feetthiee and one-half inches in width. Defendant is also about to erect on tbo first story two bulk windows extending out into Lloyd street about four feet. Ono of these windows is twenty feet wide and tho other is twenty four feet wide. He has al-o erected a stair way four feet wide 011 tho Lloyd street side of the house from the ground floor to the second story. Lloyd street is fifty feet wido and is one of tlio principal highways in said bototigh. All of said windows and tho stair way encroach upon tho sidewalk of said Lloyd street. Tlio complainant prays for an ordor to abate and remove said three windows aud tho stairway, and for an order restraining the defendant from crectlug said two bulk or bay windows on tho first floor of said build ing. In tho light of the evidence taken at the hearing thoro can bo no dispute about the correctness of tho facts as abovo stated. It was not shown tint any ordinance oxists iu tlio ISorough of Shenandoah regulating bay or hulk windows or stairways on tlio sidewalks, nor that tho defendant obtained municipal consent for erecting the windows and stairway aforesaid. Thoro was a bay window for some years 011 tho Lloyd street side of tho old building Author back from Main sheet than the present windows. That. tho said windows and stairway interfero to some extent with the air, light aud viow can not bo doubted. Tho defendant InsLsts that this suit was ucgun at the instance of nrivatu nnrsnna notably among them being Mr. George Folmer, and 011 tho autliorifv of Wilson v orrawiiricigo, 1 VV . .N. c. 35, asks us to quash "l i'lucccniiig. 111s motion must be denied becauso tlio Attorney General specially al lowed the uso of the name of tho Common wealth iu this case. "Projecting windows from an upper story interfero to somo extoat with tho ordinary and proper enjoyment of rights which aro free to all, and one who appropriates tho spaco above tho footway creates a purpres turo by makiug several tohitiiaelf that which ought to ho common to many. It cannot bo successfully maintained that owners of prop erty fronting on a hiehwav have nv ni.ii right as this, ami where thoro is a purpres tuieset up, and such purprosturo constitutes a nuisamo as well, by a wrouirful annnmrln. tion of a portion of a highway, court of equity may torlild tho continuance of such uuisauco and abato tho same by injunction." Itoinor's Appeal, 100 Pa. 1S2. In tho Commonwealth vs. Harris ntl 10 W. N. C. 10., tho defendants wnm rn. strained from putting a bay window on tho ironi 01 a nouso, notwithstanding the fact inai iuo city councils or Philadelphia had, by special ordinance, granted privllego to erect thosamo. Hut whore a borough or a city permits, under regulations that aro reasonable in char. ac tor and general iu their application, tho uso of a poition of the highways for approaches to and for monumental work upon buildings staudiugou tho street lino, couits will not lostraln the oxerciso of such permission. Livliigtono rs. Wolf, 27 W. . C. 5. The plaintiff is eutitled to the remedy It invokos aud tho rUo must bo bo mado alwu luto. And now, July 8, IM'S, this causo came to bo hoard 011 rule to show cause why au in juuctiou should not bo granted aud was argued by counsel, and thereupon, upon consideration thereof, it is ordered, adjudged aud decreed as follows : That in accordance with tho prayor of tho petition said rule bo made absolute, and that au injunction now Issuu until final hearing, restraining and en joining James J. Franey, his agents and em ployes, from constructing and nmintaliilug tlvo bay.wlndows aud ono btairwuy abovo and over Lloyd street, in tho borough of Shenandoah, near tho northwest corner of Main street, And it is further ordorod aud decreed that tlio maintenance of said bay windows and stairway area public nuisance, and that tho defendant remove tho same from said. Lloyd street. And it is further orderod anil decreed that the defendant pay the cost of this proceed-l"E- liy tho Court, 1. II. Koou, A. L. J. Kxception for tho defendaut granted and hill sealed, lllckert' CuIm, Au extra fluo Saturday night lunch will bo svCYCit to or patruus to-night. SPECIAL! Times arc hard. People have 110 money to buy first class goods at high prices, but we will offer such goods at lowest cash prices. Goods that are higli grade and up-to-date Summer Shirts, Summer Underwear, Crash Suits, Bicycle suits and golf leggings. Straw hats, lrom 10c up to $2.25. Fashionable black and brown stiff hats, from $1.00 to $3.00, and many other articles too numerous to make men tion of. We guarantee bargains. Call at once for you arc having a saving opportunity. MAX LEVIT, 15 E. Centre St. Up-To-Date Hat Store snd Shenandoah's Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store. MANILA HAS FALLEN ! SO HAVE MILLINERY GOODS ! o AT o Mrs. J. J. KELLY'S. Pine Split Straw Trimmed Sailors in white, were sjl.25 now 50c. all styles. Children's, Misses and Ladies' low crown Trimmed White Sailors in Dewey colors, worth 75c. , our price 25c, White Panama Short Back Sailors were $1.35, our price 63c. Leghorn Hats 5q Lilac Flowers, four sprays to a bunch, were 75 c,, now 30c. Velvet I'ansies were 75c, now 35c. White I.illies of the Valley that were 85c. now 33c. Colored Roses from 5c. up. Tliese goods were bought to-day and are the finest of the season. Safin and Gros Grain Ribbon, 5 inches wide 25c. Fancy Striped Ribbons were 7?c per yard, now 35. Call and net prices or match them. We are offering bargains. MRS. J. J. KELLY, '.6 South Main street, next to Grand Union Tea Co., Shenandoah, STARTLING ASSERTION. We are still doing business at our old stand, 106 South Maiu street. We are daily receiving furniture which must be turned into money. We are bound not to be undersold by any of our competitors, and we are iu a positiou . to uphold this assertion. Call aud see us aud be convinced of the fact that we are beyond approach. For the summer we will make a specialty of REFRIGERATORS For family and business pur poses. Iyet us quote you prices and styles. M. O'NEILL, IOS S. Main St. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. DANDRUFF ... Is the Beginning of Baldness. Wectphal's fluxillator Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scslp. FOR SALE AT DUSTO'S MBER IWT Ferguson House Block. PLEASURE IiW STORE FOR YOU. There is more pleasure in taking advantage of bargains that are unquestionably money-savers than in season's pastimes. Our pleasure is mostly derived from the pleasures of our customers. What pleases them pleases us. Come to us lor fine Groceries. T.J.BROUGHALU 25 South Main Street.