The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 07, 1898, Image 2

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lM )!! iftl evcrv KvonltiKt Ktwpt Mnntlity, at
Houtn .Tahihn Htukkt. Nkak ('knthic
Tho Uorult. tleliviied In Shenandoah and th
fmrrmuvlliiK tov a for ? c-iut a week, pay
, Mho carrier. By mall &l.(0 a year, or 2
cfnt n month, paynMn In advance. dvcrtlws
i wilt c' .irui'd accord. to p'Ue mm position.
Tti pultlWlu'M retwrvr the right to ch mjt the
ujCjtlun of advi'itUcment n hrtievrr the pub
'ilUton of tuwii demand It. Tho right U
itTVul to ' any advertisement, whether
ibilii f ir or not, the ptdtlhdier tn.y deem
iprnpcr lrrt1nfiif- rate e known
upon appllt ntlon.
1" itered at the portuUlce at hi'andoaU. Tit., in
meeoud elu4 mall niattwr
'All the Hews Thai's Fil lo Print."
Evening Herald
Tin i:si).v. jii.y
OUR COUNTRY : Hist. Last nnJ Porsvci
Commiii)ihk Watson's llopt In
clinlrs the rruist-rs Yimkou ami Dixie.
This is (i I'oiiihiimtluii that will bo in
vincible 1 lili Doinocratii' oiiiivi'iitinn on
Monday u ill result in several utirpHsen,
in which ISheiianduah will figure quite
n large iliaiaoml in his shirt front. As
chairman of the Claims Committee
he is supposed to dress in the height
of fashion.
Thk naval authorities are now
busily enlaced in studying ilingriiiiis
of the enast of Spain. Commodore
Watson is pretty well acquainted with
the lav if the land.
St in 1 ki 1. 1. county will willingly
exchange its Congressman for any
thing now held by the enemy. We
Ijvouldn't even object were it one of
Hlanco's mules.
Tiik Deiuoerutfc factious in Shenan
doah are working on the 11! to 1 basis.
There are sixteen points on which
they differ, and only one on which
they agree to secure the plums.
iNVKSTuii Holland states that his
submarine boat is reidy, and that ho
is anxious for a practical test at San
tiago or Havana. Tim government
should not turn him away on a mere
supposition that lie is a vi-ionary.
Tun fact that four times as much
money was ottered under the $200,
000.000 loan as the government asked
for is a line evidence of the country's
ilnaui'ial strength, and of its coull
deuce in the political sanity and
honesty ot the party which is in
1 over
TllK Thirtieth district has abundant
material from which to choose an ex
cellent candidate for Sonator, and it
Is to be hoped that the one chosen
-will be an improvement on the mini
who misrepresented this district in
the last session. The interests of the
district are too important to hand
over to an unscrupulous politician
A nkw America, to use the term
given by Henry Norman, the alert
and Intelligent American correspond
cut of the Loudon Chronicle, has
been born within the past few weeks
ami all the world grasps this eircum
stance, ami will lierealter be com
pelled to reckon with it. Through
110 design on our part, the circle of
our responsibilities has vastly broad
eued. The area of our activities will
be enlarged to an extent not dreamed
of when the present war began. This
condition has necessitated anew ex
animation of some of our old political
conceptions, and has resulted in the
rejection of some traditions.
Gkkman and French military ex
perts admire the skill ami celerity
with which iSliafter'sarmy was landed
in Cuba. That was a brilliant ex
ploit, and rivaled anything of the
kind ever attempted by any I'hiropeiin
army. It has done much to establish
American military prestige among
flse great nations of the Old "World.
The manner in which the entire Hurt
tiago campaign is conducted is also
a revelation to lhirnpeuu military
authorities. The United States regit
lar army Is only a very small fraction
numerically of that of any other
llrst or second class nation, but prob
ably no equal number of soldiers any
where else hi the world tiro so intelli
gent and elfentive.
TlIH naval victory off Santiago was
all that was needed to establish our
naval supremacy. Dewey's victory
did much toward that end, but the
doubting ones suggested that the
ships he sank wore out-of-date and
incapable of stout defense. This
cannot bo said of Cervera's vessels,
which were modern in their equip
ment and the cream of the Spanish
navy. While the victory of Admiral
Sampson's ileot was not necessary to
sustain the confidence of the Ameri
can people In Its navy, it will ho a
valuable supplement to the demon
stration of the lighting quality of the
American sailors, given the entire
civilized world by Commodore Dewey
at Manila.
Burklen'i Arnica, Salve.
The Lest salve in tho world for cuts,
uruisca, botuj, uicero, una rucaiu, ievur buius,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and poUtively cures piles,
or Jo pay required. It is gaarantcod to give
perfect satisfaction or niony refunded. ITiro
US touts per bor. For sale by A. Waaloy.
Sample Bottle of Favorite Remedy
Mailed Free to Sufferers.
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy li'is proved such u blessing to
men nntl women suffering from Kidney,
liludiler. Liver and Hlooil Piioases that
all mankind should know about its won-
dciful curative
virtue. A sample
bottle will be sent
free, by mail, to
all si lierers
w li o send
full post of-
lu-e nudress
to the Dr.
David Ken.
uoily Corpo
ration. Kim
dout, N. V.
The name of
this pnper
should be men
tioned when
Remedy cor
rects that fre
quent do- iro
tourinate, especiallv at night, and ruui
those distressing panis in the small ot
the back. If you suiter in that way. or if
your mine stains linen, or if youlitiil a
sediment in the vessel after the ufino
has stood a while, yoi, should send for
Favorite Remedy quicklv, for it will
cure you as it lias thousands of others
It ii never wise to postpone action until
disease Kets a deep foothold. Uejjin now
to cure yourself. Don't put the matter of.
Large, full-sied bottle of Favorite
Remedy can lie had at the drug stoics
for $1, or six bottles for $5.
C. J. Yowinkel, a drtmgist. of Oswego.
N. Y., says: "I have sold Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy for
years, and there's uo better Ktaney
Bladder and Blood Remedy on the
(Continued from l-lr.t P.iko. )
waponn. thr ou,i"is of which worr
experts in I heir tine. Arc online to the
Stories of survlvni-H, nimiii were stab
bed like so many sheep.
A wtiil seciK"- on the Water.
The srciip on the water was even
Worse. Many of the unfortunates who
Were struRKlIni; In the watt'r attempted
to draw themselves Into the boats or
on rafts. Tlii"e pu-hcil back Into
a watery grave, lleie. tun, knives
Were used freely. Not all of the dead
met death by drowning. Christopher
Uiunon saw a sailor belonging to the
Bourgogne strike a passenger over the
head with a bur and kill him. The
body dropped Into the water. The pas
senger grabbed the boat In which the
sailor was, and ntteinntcd to get on
The correspondent Interviewed nearly
all the passeae"'? who could speak
Ihigllxh. One passenger said the o
Hrers and crew of the La liourgogne
neglected the passenixrs entirely. The
second iiIIIcit was the only man of the
crew who did anything to help the ter
rified and helpless passengers. He cut
loose all the boats he could, and In
fact all the boats that were launched
were launched by the brave second
olTlc cr. He was last si en standing on
the di'i'U, with his hand on tho rigging.
going resignedly to certain death.
I'hitstopher lirunlnl, a passenger,
was thiown Into the water and swam
for two hums before he found a boat.
Hi- elioitr tn this lis his last hope. Af
ter -ime lb ir i.i.ullur man rnt hulil
of the wini' I I. and tnuether tln
managed In ip'ht il. I'mlcr the seal
they found ihe il' i.d bodies of four nu n
and three who hid evidenl'i
been drowned by the capsizing of Hi"
boat. Itrunlni said the crew were
cruel In their conduct toward the pas
sengers. He was unable to get lnt" tlei
steuiii' i 's boats when he " came mi
deck, ..ring shoved away by the sail
ors. He saw many of his Mends be
ing in evented from getting Into the
boats by the sailors. He lost every
thii g but '..'hat he stood In.
Jlehllnl Sceorido. an Italian steerage
pns.scngtr, Is among Ihe saved. When
he trot on deck he found a raft with
fh-e mm on It. The ruft, however,
was tied nnd chained fast to the deck,
and 110 sailors were near In let it loose.
None of the live men had knives. The
ship sank rapidly, and they were all
preelpltalt d into the water. He was
in the wuier :!U minutes and alone, tin
other five sinking before his eyes. He
came across a boat, which lie tried to
get into. He eventually succeeded, but
not before n desperate fight with the
crew. He was battered with the ears
and shoved away with boat hooks.
I'ourarl's l'lclil I'or blfe.
August Pourgl was In the water half
an hour and attempted to eet into 1
boat, lie was seized when he man
aged to get half In and thrown back
Into the wuter. Again he tried to enter
tho bont. but the Inhuman savages who
manned It were determined to keep
him out. He mnnnjjed at laBt to get In
and to stay in. Clinging to the life line
of a bunt not far away he saw his
mother, and as if his trials were mil
enough he was toned lo watch a man
Hhovt her deep Into the ocean with an
oar. She 11. ver ri se. He said the man
was i.ived. and Uus almost sure he
can i.'ognlsse him. though he doeB not
know die mnn's name.
Kied Nliller, a Hvvlsa, lost nil his
money and clothes with the exception
of a pair of pants and a shirt. He said
he got Into a lifeboat with some others
and remained there until he reached
the water, when he thought It was Hum
to leave. Noiip of the sailors attempted
to let the boat loose. He swam f;r a
long time before he was picked up.
He saw an Kngllshmnn attempt to get
Into a boat, but the men In the boat,
who weie snlloni of the HOurgogno. lilt
him over the head with the butt of
an oar. He fell back and sank out of
Charles Llebra, a Krenchman, ox
presH'd himself as thoroughly ashamed
of his countrymen's conduct. This man
Is one of the most unfortunate. He hud
two motherless boys, 5 nnd 7 yeiuw old
with him. He put them in a boat, but
was prevented from enteiing It himself.
He could not get In a boat, and went
down with the ship. When he oamo to
the smface he at once looked for the
buat with his boys. They were no
Where to be seen, and he mourns them
as lost. He Heated a long time before
a boat came alontr. He tried to get
In. but was assailed with oars and
boat hooks. Mr. Llebra showed your
correspondent his arms and body. His
arms are blai k and blue and his body
)r terribly biulsed from the blows ho
received. After this boat went off he
wa'i In the water for eight hours,
(.'limits Duttweller, a German, got
Ir. f, l.,.r,l telileli wua tied fnut tn the
shin uiid stayed in It until h saw It
wus certain dsatli to remain uny
lunger. He Jumped, but wus carried
down by the whirlpool made by the
sinking steamer. He was In the wuter
half un hour, when a boat came within
reach und he ut tempted to enter tt,
but tie wi etc hew In It shoved him off
with Uuul hooks Hi- lift 1 ye Is badly
nil ' I o iniia he reoivrd, Jif saw
vomin sho.eri aw ay from boats with
oni nnd I. M hom, when flinging for
deal life to ihe UK lines of the rafts
and lifeboats. He also ns the crew
asaulted many pas ngus wilh any
Implement Ihct rnhie hind'', and If no
Instrument was to he had num lied the
men and viomen. helpless In the water,
with their lists.
An 1 ml I jj.ii n it t Wllmtitgloulnu.
Patrick MeKeovvn Is an Intelligent
jming Irishman from Wilmington, Del.
He If, Je My Indignant at the brutal
crew. He on his wny lo l'arls to
turn out leather for a (Inn there. He
wns more ft "tunale ih'sn most of his
felle,v passengers, and got on a raft
when the Itouigogne was sinking. He
said one of the wont sights he ever
saw was the murder of an American
with whom he had become acquainted
on board the steamer. This man,
whose name he cannot recall, was Trom
I'hllndelphln, "where he has a wife and
family. The riilladclplilan vias try
ing to got on a raft not fur distant from
the one M"Keown was alt. A French
sailor grubbed half an our and struck
him three times over the forehead. TI13
muidend man was on his way to l'arls
to 1 ee his ulster. From Paris he In
tended to go to Ireland to see his fnthei
ami mother.
One or the most important witnesses
will be John Xluif.l who got Into n
boat with his aged mother before the
ship rank. The sailors In the boat held
him and threw his pour old molhei Into
the water to meet a wnt"ry giave. The
ltii lis thiew him out live times, beat
htm with oars and shoved him under
tile boat. He was In the witter nine
hours before he was saved by a boat
from the Cromartyshire.
Professor A. D. I.aeasse, a teacher
nf languages, of Plainfletd. N. .. is the
ntily man of the saloon and cabin pas
sengers who survives, while his wife
Is the only woman of 200 of the whole
ship who escaped.
Mrs. Lena Stephana and her daugh
ter Lena. iC years old. who are among
the lost, were the wife and daughter
of Walter Ptephana, proprietor ot tho
Swiss Knittiny mills, at Dover, N. J.
They were 011 Uir-lr way to BaBle,
Jules Vascher, a silk deslgnpr, ot Pat
erson, N. .1., was also lost, lie was
K2 years old.
.T. M. Chaunt, who was on the La
Uourgugue, was one of the largest
glove manufacturers In New York.
Miss Rlulse Uoussell, another victim,
was millinery buyer for Abraham .vi
Strauss, of lSrnoklyn. She wns en
route to Paris en business for her em
ployers. Another enl in passenger on board
the La liourgogne was E. M. Lenin rle,
a merchant of Little Ferry, N. ,T. He
had a wife and seven children, but he
was unaccompanied on the voyage.
Still another victim was Dr. Louis ing.iod, of Heading, Pa. He Is one
of the professors at Johns Hopkins
university, Ilaltlmoie. Last week he
was 011 a farewell visit to his father,
Jacob S. Llviltfond. n member of the
Heading bar. He then left for a six
months' vi.ilt to Vienna.
The (iltleers saved fiom the Bnurgone
are Kngiiu ers Mdouard Lalsue and
Kmlle Leboui h, Kleclriilau Andre De
pros and Purser Kurnest Tools. Cap
tain Dclcndle made no effort to save
his own life.
LVery expectant mother has
a trying ordeal to face. If sho docs not
get ready for It,
there, is no telling
what may happen.
Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Saturo is not given proper assistance
Mother's Friend
9 tho best help you can uso at this time..
It is a liniment, nnd when regularly ap
plied several months before baby comes,
it makes tho advent easy and nearly pain
less. It relieves and prevents " morning
sickness," relaxes the overstrained mus
clea, reliovos tho distended feeling, short
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer
tain without any dangerous after-effects
Mother's Triend is good for only ono
nurpose, viz.: to reliove motherhood of
danger and pain.
One dollar per bottle nt all drug stores, or
tent ny evprefcs on rureii'i. ui jaiw
VnrL- a.w,l!C .nntninmi. VlllliahlO lllfOrnlA
Hon for women, will bo sent to uny address
'..Lion npe'ltcsuuiu to
Atlanta, a a.
These w ere the two reasons that formerly
kept jieiiplu frsin atlciidini; to their teeth,
both reasons have no eustence in this ad
vanced ajje. I'ainless and inexpensive dent-b-try
with an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method
A (iood Set of Teeth," $.
The Vciy lleft Teeth, S.
You can eet no better, no matter what you
pay. No cfiaige for extracting, where teeth
are ordered. We can lake jour impression in
the morning and give you )oiii- Icelh in the
aftirnoon if deiired.
(lold Pllllnss, $1 ; llest Silver
l-'llliiiKS, 5oc up; CleanlUK, 5oc;
l-xtractinir, 2sc.
Crown and bridge work nt very leasonaMe
rate. Examinations and estimates free.
We us hut one grade, of material
the butt.
' Cor. Whlto & Centre Sts., Robbins' Buildliifl
HM-inn.Tio titl'.v y
"ur ou, li irilf
I .Vim.
I In, 111
1 . id
I V'. I
- I . K
IV Hlnek. UxlH'ltMiil
I' ry to '.hoftf Iuuvidk
ur coiumUion tc lo.
11U 1', rinftiicut tin
, nt Tlei Ijijhi n
il I, urn -,l Ailur, m
tSI!UrtfnEr-ft ei 11 i:.i u isi:i 11
KMitdcnitd Juit& null)., I'Uiu;
Scrofula Leads
to Consumption
Inherited blood diseases aro much moro difficult to euro than
those which aro acquired. Ono of tho most cominou horedilary
diseases is Scrofula, which tho medical profession admit is
most obstiuato and deep-seated; and their efforts to cure it
meet with little success. A child alllictod with Scrofula is
always puny and sickly, and can never grow into healthy man
hood until tho disease is eliminated. Scrofula loads into con
sumption nine times out of ton, so that it is important for this
reason that immediate attention be given to all children who
inherit the slightest taint.
;3 mm un buoii iin
sa ..rn
ya 01 buu jueoiciou, loo ftuiva ouiiu 10 i-i, uuuui,
and in a few weeks had healed completely. Be
fore long lie
Improving every day. In three months he threw nsido his
crutches, for ho had no further uso for them ; tho dreadful dis
ease hud been ('Unlimited entirely from his system, and ho wns
restored to perfect health. The euro was a permanent one, us
no sign of the disease hus returned for ten years.
W. A. Clayton, Addie, N. 0.
When my daughter was nn infant sho hndn
severo case of scrofula, for which sho was
under tho constant care of physicians for
several years. Sho was worse nt the end
of that time, however, and we almost de
spaired of her life. A few bottles of Swift's
Specific cured her completely, as it seemed
1 11 ttt illvoet. to tlo nniliio nf t.lio trouble. T
believo it has no equal for stubborn cases of ,j?2
1.1 1 .If . i. 1 i -wa
union uisetisus wineii uiu wuuuu
ot other so-called blood remedies.
S. I. Biiooks, Monticello, Ua.
Scrofula is frequently an inherited blood taint, but is of ion
acquired by at; impoverished condition of tho blood, caused by
impure air, poor vontilatiou and other deficient sanitary sur
roundings. It matters not from what causo it arises, Scrofula
is a deep-seated blood disease for which S. S. S. is the only cure,
because no other remedy can reach the impurity in the blood
and force it out. S. S. S. eliminates every trace of the taint,
and a perfect and completo euro is tho result. S. S. S. is
purely vogetablo and is tho only blood remedy guaranteed to
contain not a particle of potash, mercury, or any other min
eral. Books on blood and skin diseases mailed free by Swift
Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Swifts Specinc
Cures Scrofula.
A Militaiy Cabinet, Under Marshal Campos,
Will Probably Succeed
Sinor Sagasta.
Madrid, July ".The cabinet is now
slttlnp. and Its resignation may be
regarded (is threatened. The seipiel
will piobebly be a mtlllarv cabinet
under elaishal MnrtlneK Campos.
There will also be, most likely, a sus
pension of the constitutional guaran
tees. The authorities kept the disaster to
Admiral Cervera's squadron a secret as
long as possible, and even suppressed
the extra editions of the newspapers
giving the facts. The olllcial confirma
tion, therefore, caused a tremendous
impression, particularly In naval and
military circles, where the government
Is accuped of unlet Ing Admiral Cer
vcra to make a sortlp, d"plte the
known opposition ot several naval ex
.. . ....
i'lie troops are connncii 10 oarracas,
as disorders ure feared, but up to this
hour there have been no disturbances
In Madrid or In the provinces.
Senor Oama'n, minister of public In
struction and public works, had a long
audience with the queen regent yester
day afternoon, and subsequently con
ferred with Duke AHnodevar de Ulo,
the foreign minister. These Interviews
have caused much excitement.
The government will transmit to the
powers the protest of the Cuban colon
Inl chambers against the Anieiiean in
vasion of Cuba, which the protest de
scribes n-i "a brutal attempt lo seize
$100 Reward S100.
The renilel-H of tldM paper will lie pleased to
lenrn that there Is lit least one dreaded disease
that HUelico has been able to eilre in all its
Ktagi-H, and Unit is catarrh, Hull's Catarrh Cure
h the imly positive euro known In the inedieid
fraternity. Cutarih being a constitutional dis
ease, reqilhen it I'oiistiliitioual treatment. Hnll's
Catarrh ('ure is taken internally, luting directly
upon the blood and mucous hiirfaios of tlio
system, thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving thu patient utrCngtll by
building up the constitution ami assisting
nature la dolnglts work. The propiit-tors have
ho niiieli faith ill its curative powers, that tliey
oll'er One Hundred llnllars for any case that it
f.dU to cure. Send for list nf testimonials.
Address. P. J.CIIKNUY .V: CO., Toledo, O,
Hold by lliugidsts. 73e
ContrreisH May Ad.lourifTonioi'rovv.
Washington, July ".It Is believed
that congress will adjourn tomorrow
or Saturday. The passage yesterday of
the Hawaiian resolutions and the gen
oral deficiency bill, both of which went
to the president today, leaves no legls
latlon of general Impoitance to be con-
slcleied of whlc li theie Is hope of pas
sage nt this seiision. In the house the
International bank bill and In the sen
ate the bill allowing vieunteers to vote
may be passed, but It Is not believed
that a ejuorum can be obtained for
any business that would lead tu pro
longed debate.
IlilseliitllNls 011 strike,
KowarU. N. J.. July 7.--With the ex
ception of Onptnln Cassldy, every rnem
lier of the Newark ball team of the
Atlantic League has struck because
llisy did not receive their pay In full
up to July 1. The playcs were paid on
Tuesday up to June 15. Manager
Hums offered to let the team conduct
the scheduled games until the de
(lclency wus made up, and this offer
was rejected. Malinger Hums was not
ub! to play In Paterson yesterdny for
that reason. The defection of the local
players will In no way affect the stand
ing or the franchise of the Newurk
Hick lieail.iclie, lillioiisuew, coiistliullonuml
alt liver mid ttouuich troubles can he quickly
cured hyiihii:tlioo fainousllttle piles known
as Ik-Witt's Utile T.irly Itlsers Tlicy aro
pleasant tu lake mid never gilpc. (, II,
My threo-yonr-old boy had tho worst caso of
Scrofula I overheard of. Ills neck wns cov
ered with sores, nnd thodiseasoiinally resulted
in curvature, of tho spine. Physicians, after
two yours constant treatment, failed to do him
any good. Some ono recommended S. S. S.,
-...I t.l 1.... 11 !T.,(
111a bj ste-iii w nn iimii-i 1 nu uiujuict
.1... 4 1.
could walk on crutches, turn was
too iuuur
lllipiovcil Sf'rviro lu the lVllietJ lvnlllll
Itiillroiiil, llin Only All-Itall lli.nle.
Willi Hie Inauguration nf Its full hummer
sclii'ihilu to tlio seiislioii! nn July 1, tlio Penn
sylvania Uailroail Coinp.iny established 11
direct ciiiiiii'i'tinii lienratli the uninil audi of
liroail street station, Philadelphia, between
Scl111.vll.ill Valley Kxpresi Train No. 10J,
leaving l'ottsville, wcek-iluys, at ll:S."i 11. 111.,
nnd Atlantic, City fast uxpicss train leaving
liroail street station at 0:10 a. 111., week days,
via tlio Delaware, llivor Ilridgo 1'outo, ar
riving Atlantic City at 11:00 a. in., making
tlie tlnouidi time from l'ottsville to Atlantic.
City four hours and live minutes, from
licuilhig tlncu hours, fiom l'ottstown two
hours anil thirty-six minutes, from Norris
town two liotiri, and avoiding transfer
through Philadelphia.
Additional trains will leave Broad street
station for Atlantic Cilv at ! 00 a. 111., 2.3S,
-i.OD and 7.03 p. 111 , wcek-ilays, und 5 00 O.iiO,
a. 111., i.'.r3 and 7.03 p. 111. Sundays.
Tlio recous.ructioii of this all-rail line dur
I in
ing the past w inter, tlio doulilo tracking of
u tll(J entIro ,llgtaco with one-lnmilred
pound steel mils (the heaviest over used), the
elevation of its railroad crossing, the block
signals, and track tanks mako it 0110 of the
llnest stietclics of railroad lu America, over
which thu superior trains of tlio I'ennsyl
vauia R.iilrnail bkini likoa llcctim; phantom
with all tlio gmco and comfort ami safety
wi,t.j, exhaustive American Ingenuity can
provide. To travelers by this lino transfers,
fen ics, dust, anil danger nro things of the
lcmoto past.
What's tho secret of happy.vlgorous health?
Simply keeping tho bowels, tlio stomach, tho
liver and kidneys strong and active, bur
dock blond Hitters does it.
And I'Towors, the lliind of Ammlca, Cali
Via the t rim pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
lloute," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshine, whcie snow storms, blizzards ur
high altitudes niu unknown. Pullman first
imil second class palaco anil tourist sleeping
cars to points ill Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old mill New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevula, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all the comforts of modern railway
impiovciiiciits guaranteed to all who pur
chase tiekctB via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. I'm' rates right from yoiir homo,
literature, and full information, drop 11 postal
curd, J. P. McOanii, T. P. Agent, r.PJliail
road avenue, Khnim, N. Y., or atll Broad
way, New York.
3.1-tf W. E. Hoyt, 0. P. P. Agt.
"I think DnWitt's Witch HuzeT Salvo is
tlio finest preparation on the market for
piles." So w rites John C. Dunn, of Wheel
nig, W. V11. Try it and you will think tho
thu same. It also cures cczeiiia anil till skin
diseases. C. 11. Ilagcubiich.
Leaving llruad Street tuition, Philadelphia,
at 11:53 p. 111. dally, tho "Southwestern
Limited," carrying a dining car und the
most luxiiilous Pullman drawing room sleep-
lug eats, reaches lllrinhighan tho following
night at 10:10 ami arrives at Memphis tho
next moriiiugiit 7:10. Through sleeping cars
for Ashovillo, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tump 1, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aro
also attached to this train. Pullman resci
vatlous can bo made hi advance and all in
formation obtained by couiiiiimiuttiug with
John M. Ileal, Distiict l'lissenger Agent, 8a
Choxtiiut street, l'liila Iclpliia.
Dlplitlieria relluved lu tweuty inluiitcs.
Almost inlniciilous. Dr. Thomas' Kelcctric
OU. At any druu utoro.
Aekyour urocor for tho "Hoyal Patent
dour, Hii-1 tako no other lnnml. It ta tho host
tfour mode
Preslilei'ti '1 IT icliinntlrii Urges Praise to'
God lor victuUb Wui and Ear
nest Prayers For Peace.
Washington, July ".President Mc
ICItlley at V. . 0 las' lllsht Issued tin' j
following mi .'e'amutlnii to the Allli'll-1
cnli p-onl
At tide lime, when to the yet fresh
feme .bi.. :"e of the unprecedented
success which attended the operations
of tho H.ilU'i! funis lleet In the Hay
of Manl a are added Ihe tidings of the ,
nn le.-s glorious achievements of the
naval air! military arms of our beloved
country .it Santiago de Cuba, II Is lit- I
ling Ui.'t we should pausp, and staying j
the fee'lntf of exultation that too aat- j
nrnlly attends great den Is wi ought by
our In our country's cause,
should icveieiitly bow before the
throne of lilvlne grace nnd give de
vout praise to Odd, who has thus far
vouchsafed to us the light of his face
and led our brave soldiers and seamen
to victory.
1, theiefore, nsk the people of the
United States, upon next assembling
for divine Worship In their respective
places of meeting, to offer thanksgiving
to Almighty Oud, who, In his Inscrut
able ways, now leading our hosts upon
the waters to unscathed triumph,
now guiding them In a stiauge land tin dieud shadows of dentil to
success, even though at a fearful cost,
now benilng them without nccldent or
loss In far dlitant climes, has watched
over our os use nnd brought nearer to
pucr.vs ol the right and the attainim-nt
1 Just und honorable peuce.
With the nation's thanks, let there
be mingled the nation's prayers that
our gallant sons may be shielded from
harm alike on the battlefield and tn
the clash of fleets, and be spard the
scourge of suffering and disease while
they are striving to uphold their
country's honor. And. above all, let
us pray with earnest fervor that he,
the dispenser of all good, may speedily
lemove from us the untold afflictions
of war and bring to our dear land the
ble;slnsi of restored peace.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
The strlt: Wo Illegal.
Chicago, July 7. President Prerc 't
of the International
union, who came from Indianapolis to
m ihe an Investigation, decided that tho
strike ot the stereotypers employed 011
the Chicago newspapers was lllegnl,
and that they should have adhered 'to
their contracts. As the stereotypers'
union Is subordinate to the typograph
ical union, this decision opened the
way to the newspapers lo resume pub
lication, In reduced form, the stereotypo
plates being made by non-union men,
It Is expected that by tomorrow tho
usual number of pages can be gotten
Win vnnr battles uoalnst discaso by iirthig
iirimiplly. One Minute Cough Uuie produces
Immediate results. When taken eaily 11 pre
vents consumption. And in later spes it
fiiriiislies pionipt rellel. U. 11. ungc iimu-ii.
I'lT.soNAI.I.Y-l'oNlUIUTEl) Tollll VIA l'l'.NN
On Saturday, .Inly II!. tlio I'eiinsylv mi 1
Uailroail Company will tun 11 ihiei
day tour to (lettyshurg, the Mecca nf Annul-
can patriotism. Leave Xew York S.r.ll A M.
Trenton, 10 5S A. M., Philadelphia I .
M. Itound-trip into, including two days'
hotol iiccoiiiiiioilntions and carriage, drive
over the battlefield all necessary oxpenses
$13 50 from New York, f IS 50 from Trenton,
10 00 from Philadelphia, mid proportionate
rates from other points. A tourist agent anil
chaperon will accompany tho party, and
Capt. James T. Long, the cclehiated guide,
will describe tho battle at tho High-Water
Mark, "bloody Angle."
Tho editor of tho Kvans City, l'.i., (Hobo
writes, "Ono Minute Cough Cure is rightly
named. It cured my children aitur all other
remedies failed." Itcurcs coughs, colds and
all throat and lung troubles. C. II. Hagen
luicli. Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
''.H'Min s limn Hard Coal No Smoke
IN EFFECT JULY 1st, 188.
Trains leave SlienanUoali us followa:
For New York via Philadelphia, week
7 30 9 51 a. in.. 12 27. 3 10 and U 07 11. ill.
For New York via Maucli ChuiUc, week days,
7 30 a. in., 12 27 and 8 10 p. 111.
For Kvadiug and Philadelphia, week days,
7 30. 9 5J H.I11.. 12 27, 3 10 and 0 07 p. In
For Pottsvllle, week days, 7 30, 9 51 a. m.
12 27, 8 10, 0 07 and T 23 p. m.
For Tauiaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
7 30, 9 51 a. m., 12 27. 8 10 and 6 07 p. m.
For Wllltarasport, tiunbury and Lewlsburg,
week days. 11 80 a. tn.. 12 27. 7 25 n. in
For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 7 30, 9 54, II 80
a. tn., 12 27, 3 10, 6 07. 7 2S, 9 55 pi In.
For Ashland and Shamoklu. week days, 7 30,
11 80 a. ra., 12 27, 3 10, 6 07, 7 23 and s 55 p. Ul.
For llalthnore, Washington und the West vlu
11, & O. U. It., through trains leu" 1 Itcaclng
Terminal, Philadelphia. (I. & K. I) K.) at 3 20,
7 55, 1120 u. m 3 10 and 7.27 p. 1 Sundays,
3 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. in., 3 10 and 7 27 p. ra. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 30 a. m. 12 20.
12 li 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, I 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. in., and 1 45, 4 SO
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York Tla Maucli Chunk, week
dues. 4 80. 9 10 a. ra.. 1 SO 11. m.
J'avp 1 Uliuueiliuitt, JieuuuiK Acromial, wet-K
days, 3 40, 8 BO. 1021 a. m. anu 1 mi, liu p. 111,
Leavo Heading, week, days, 7ft), JOOS, a, tn,
12 15, 1 17, 6 00 p. m.
Iauvo l'ottsville, weekdays, 710, 7 40 a. m,
12 80 1 10, a 10 and 6 50 p. 111.
Leave. Tamaqua, week days, 8 80, 11 23 a. in,
1 49. 5 60. 7 30 v. ra.
LeavB Mahanoy City, week days, 9 01, 1147
a. 111., 2 22, 5 2, 0 zi, 7 4 1 p. 111
Leavo Mahanoy Plane, week days, 630, 9 2.1
10 25. ll.VJ n. 111.. 241. 632. 6 41. 7 57. 11 111.
Leave Willtamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 O) a.
iu., 1231 anu 4uup. ra.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut atrcet warf and
South street whaif for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 8 IX), 0 00, 10 1.1a. in., (1 30
Saturdays only), 2C0, 3 UO, 3 10 to minute lruln,
4 00 105 minute train, 4 30, 5 00 fIVI minute
tridul. 5 10. 7 00 u. 111. Acuoiiimodutlou. 0 15
a. iu., 5 00, 6 80 p. m SI. 00 excursion train 700
11111. Sunday? Kipress, 7 30, 800, suu, vuu,
10 00 a rn, 1 II n 111 Accnimnndntlon, 0 15 a lu,
4 45 ti. iu. Shoo exclusion tialn. 7 a 111
Hemming leave Atlantic City depot,
Afln.,tl. .....I A.lru..... .,.,.,,, a
Wi.Mlrtlnvu Ktrivb. Ot 11 AlnlldaVS only)
TUT!. 74.1 1 1.1 liilnntu (mini. S 20 10.1 llllllllto
train, 9 00, 1015, 11 00 a iu.,J8ti. 130, ft 30 , 7 30,.
vuu p. in Aieorauioaaiion, 4 j-i, t
a AnioinuifMlatlon. 4 29, 7M b. ic,
, Jl.OOi'xcursloii train (from MUilHalppl
4 0.1 o. in. :
live, only)
lw,ouu, li ou, ti :iu, 7 uu, 7 30, 8 w, v uu p. iu.
couiraodatlou, 7 15 a. ra., 501 p. m. $100
excursion train ifiom foot ol BiisaiMuppi uve.
'''1W 'm'";
uuyi, u iu p 111.
For Capo Slay nnd Sea Ulo City, 8 41 a. in.,
2U0, ( Cipm
i. in. Hurulii
n p in. .viliiitlouiil lor uii wiir '
Suuday-(81 00 excursion 7 00 ) 9 15 a m.
(fl OOrxLiirHioii Thursday only) 7 0() a in. Hi
duf , 8 13, 9 15 a m.
Pftrlnr (lam nn nil Avnreaa tralnn.
Vor further Information, apply to net rent
Philadelphia and ltr,adl!iff Hallway ticket agen
or addreaa
iitsri'l Hunt., ilvnn I'ftni'r Ant.,
Krudtuu 'iVriulnal, Vklladelphfa.
Her Health Restored
irjnllEtulseryofsleeplessnesscan only bo
K realized by those vrho liavo c.tporl-
diced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness,
headaches, neuralgia and that nilscrabla
feeling of unrest, can surely bo cured by Dr.
Miles' Itestoratlvo Nervlno. 0 certain is
Dr. Miles of this fact that nil druggists aro
authorized to refund price paid for tho first
bottle tried, providing It does not benefit.
Mrs. Henry llruns, vrlfoof tho vroll known
blacksmith at OrandJuuctloii, Iowa, sayr.:
'I va9 troubled with slceplossnrti, nervous
ness, headache- and lrregulariiitMis'rMa.i is
suffering untold misery for years. I used
various advertised remedies for female com
plaints besides being under tho caro of local
phys-lclans, without help. I uotli'Lil la IT.
Miles' advertisement tho testimonial of a
lady cured of ailments similar to mine, and
sbuil never ccaso to thank that lady. Her
testimonial Induced mo to uso Dr. Miles'
Nervlno and Ncrvo and Liver Pills, which
restored me to health. I cannot say enou, h
fViT. Tlr. MIWItnmrMlInn " UlimWCMI
(iiau, uiiuui t. I"""u Kq.
Siiaranteo, first hottlo p-nieSVfine
bcncllts or money ro- K,,Restoros .
funned hook on ma- y .y?
cases ot the heart and Rov !.I0.a.u?vS8J!
ner7e?free. Address,
DU. MILES MEDIOAI1,CO.. Elkhart, lud.
Jt'l.Y 1, 19!'8.
Tialns will leave Shenandoah alter inn ldo
date tor Wiggins, Ullbcrton, frnckvlllu l!r
Water, St. Cliilr, Pottuvillii. HnintitirK, Itcmlluc,
I'ottstnwn, l'lioenlxvllle. Norrlstoivn n d rb.
4clplil (tlrond street station) nt 6 05 mid 815
n. m., 2 02, 0 10 p. lu. on week dAyn. HiimlnyH,
S 1.1 11. in., I :5 p. 111.
Train lcavo Frnckvlllo for Blienandoali al
7 80, 11 -15 a. in. and 5 40, 7SS p. in, Sunday,
11 01 n, in. and B 10 p. m.
Leave l'ottsville for Sliennudonb (via Frnck
vlllo 710, 1120 n. ra., S20, 710 p.m. Sunday
10 ai 11. 111.. 5 20 p. m.
Invo Phtladelplkln, (Dtottd street statlonl, lnt
SlinMindoah at 8 35 a. ra.. l 10 p. ra. week days.
Sundays leave at G AO mid 0 23 a. m
Leave llroftd Btreet etatlon, l'lillndelphlft, lot
Sen Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Long
Branch, and Intermediate stations, K.20,
11.11, a. hi., 8.80 and 4.00 p. ra. week-days.
Lonvo llrond Street Station. Philadelphia,
Kxpress.week-diiya, 8 20, 4 Oo, 4 50 5 a.5 15,6 SO
783,820, U60, 1021 (Dining Car), 1100. m,
12 00 noon, 12 81 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. r.i.
Dining Cam), 1 40, 2 30 (Dining Car) 3 20, 8.10,
4 02, 5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), 0 00, 7 02,7 50 (Din.
ing Car), 10 Ou p. 111., 12 01, night. Sundays-,
820, 403. 4 50, & 03, ft 15 8 20, 9 50. 1021, (Dining
Car), 1185 11. in., 12 81, 105 1 Dining Car) 2 30
(Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 22) (Dlnlnu Car),
520,550, (Dining Car) (185, 702,750, Dining
Car 10 00 p. 111., 12 01 night.
Express for llostou without cliAilge, 11 o0 m
week-davs, and 7 50 p. m., dally.
Catsklll express, (Parlor Car), S 20 n lit week
daj s.
For llalthnore nnd Washington. 3 50, 7 3), S 32,
10 20. II S3, a. 111., 12 00, 1231 (JMi.tin; Cur), I 12
IDInlni; Curl. 3 12, 4 41, 1525 Cnllgtes-
sloiuil Limited, Dining Cur, 0 17. 055 I Urn-
lug Cnr, 7 31 Dbiltig Car p. m , and 12 03
night week dajH. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20,0 12,1123,
u. 111., 12011, 1 12, Dining carl 111, l.'rju Con
KrcHslounl Lbulted, Dining Our, f55 Dining
Car, 731 IDInlugCiirJ p. in. mid I2 03 ulglil.
cor imiiunore, aecominotiation. u 12 a 111. 2 11:
and 4 01 p m week days, 5 08 and 11 IS p 111 dully.
Iavo llroad street station via Delaware rive 1
brldi-e Eiprem, 5 GO, 9 10 ISO minutes! n in,
:IS S2 minutes . lot) ISO nutes . 7 05 n. 111.
SiindaB, 500, 112O (SO nilliutes, a 111, 2 3S s3
l iive ilarkct Street Wnrf Express, 5 01), 8 iM),
10 00 75 minutes, 111 (100 Saturday ony), 2 CO
75 minutes, 3 00 75 mhintcst.S 30 10 minutes,
4 00 IVi iniliules, 4 80 73 nilliutes, 5 01) T0
minutes . .au 10 immitesi 11 tu, Miniinys. 5cu.
7 30, SOU 75 lillnutesj, 8 30, 9 00 75 minutes,
9 50 70 minutes .1 m, and 1 30 75 minutes p 111.
31.00 cAcursinu train, 7 00 n 111 dally.
Tor Capo may, Anglesea, vvuuwooii ana lion j
Beach Express, 9 00 a 111, 2 30, 4 03, 5 00 p 111
weekdays, Sundas. 8 20 a 111, Cape May only,
1 80 p m Siitiirdajs Excursion, 700 a 111 dully.
I'or Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Express, 9 10 u. tn., 2 30, 4 20,
5 (X) n. in weekdays. Sundays, 8 50 a. m. Iti
curslon 7C0 a m daily,
I'or Soiners Point Express, 5 00, 8 30, 10l0
a, ra., 1 00 Saturdays only, 3 00, 4 00, 6 00, 5:
p. 111. week days Sundays, 8 00, 8 00, 9 00, 9 50
. in and 1 30 p m.
I. II Hutchinson, J. It. Wood,
Oen'l ManuKer. Gen'l Pass'g'r Aid
Agent far
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Should be la Every Home and Library.
me People's lie llisioiy
It written by Itiplit Hon. WllMnm Knnrt Cllmlhtouu,
Ki.PrtTuler uf Orbit Jflitiau iinil lrelnail. I'LuuLur.
Kntc.i Ilev. A, II, haicts. Qu tou h ColUo, Uifurd, Ku.t
Key, tiuraunl Ivex (Sirtihn, 1). 1) Clilcuuo 'l'hfololc!il
Uurl..altr 1',,,.-. 1II.W..U Ir w,1 I VlT Wuiir UU
Hemliiary, Chlcftfjo, lll.tHuv. lrrcloric Furnir, !).!.,
',It.H.( Ouita of (uinurlHiry. (juuterhuryi i''nuj Iter,
ltov. Frank W tluimaului, J, I), Annour Jntitutn,
CtilcuKu, lll.t Hev. (lorn'i F. l'tntuco-t, UlJ-.Marylo.
hone Prb)lbriaa Cliurth, Iondon. t lie. Hev, Jt. H,
MiicArtliur, U.D.. Cuh ary Jlaptut Cliurth, New orlc
Ktreet l-'rwe llui'tUt Churcl
M. UrUtnI. n.I)., Fin M
Oity, N. 1, Uov. AIuit)u Hummerbeii, n.if., Mom
htreut Fro Huittlrt Clmrcli, I-ow Uton, Mo.j Hev. Frank
Mitnutiui j'l'iHcopai (;nurci!r
T. Mooi.i. 1 L 1).. "'Ihe Chris
tian (Jommouwoatth, Iiondon. llof, Fdwnnl
Krerott Hate, . South Cunpif lintlonal Church,
lloBtoa,Maii. Iter. lorioih Ayar lleet, 1.1) W et.lean
Col lone, ICichmond, I'.ms.i Itev. Ciispar Ueno Crt'pury,
laifl'Ziff Unlveredty, iMvh', (lerrnimyi lluv. Win,
Cleaver Wjlkinou, D.ll , Cnlvmlty of Chtcnt'o, VM.
rnco, 111.) Hev, Haniuul IlHrt, I' D.. Trinity Culler.
II art ford. Conn. i lliv..I. lilQiiro Iiilifon. D.I I .Kt..lolmH
Wood liutjuriai) Ctmti h, Imdoii, i.uu iKov. (Jtorct-
x iiorimer, i.i it., xuo iuuiine, notion, Aiami.
run la it B.ititiui.tfij iace, of iuii-irub iiiumra-
I'oi'iLHii LiMiiu.-lMj lutgeH, 61 iull-'RiB H lut ra
tions, vIlt edstttf, cloth, 1X0, half levuut, f&UJ; lull
tlont. titile A silt tlao, full lovunt, one volume,
HSU): Htllu 11 two vn I inn cm. full lavant. tufted. lJUUJI
in Id PAHTS, quarto sire, review nuetlonB to oarh, bl Hi
foper coverii. wvid, trimmed ulUhtly, 1 1,00 each (o t.
For nalo at all tjouk-iotcs nnd li hookteltern. l r
further lu torunalon, wiito 11KNHV U. rillKI'AHD,
I'ohlUhur.'it'ifcudUUuuroQ Utiuct,0hlcaiio,IlliuuUt