The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 06, 1898, Image 3

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    HIE ClJlll HAND.
Shenandoah Extends a Hearty Wel
come. -Our Citizens show Ap
prcclatlon In Public Utterances
T.nck of appreciation Is not 11 falling uf our
citizens, ami tlio advent of tlie "I.ltllo Con
ipieTor" was received with the samo jllsplay
of enthusiasm ns lias nprenil nil over tlio
t'lilim. Coining llko n ray of sunslilno to
overy household, raising burdens thnt many
backs havo borne for years, is enough to
awaken tlio pulilie tn praise tlio llko of which
lm never heforo lieen licaid in this locality,
rroniovcry ward, from every street comes tlio
siiine report, rnilurc 9 an unknown quantity
ns fur ns tlio l.lttlo Ctmrpleror Is concerned,
and success follows uvery foointep.
In youth, vigor and ttppitciit licaltli, wo j
are snu'iors ironi inacnvn KMiieys. vwui
110 feelln : a sickness or iudhpotitinu wo limy
huvoattni'ks of lameness in the hick that
niikus every movement painful. I'litiiiently
it comes hefoio you cm say .lack Kobinson,
hut i' take- lis own time in goliigawiiy unless
you uo Duan's Kidney Pills.
Sir. CI. .Mead Petals, of Kant Centre street,
elirk ut the Ferguson House, hays: "My
luck used to hurt mo awfully and 1 could
haidly refrain from lounging tir sitting down
owing to that dull aching iiciwt my kidneys.
I had also a weary feeling hinging ahout mo
nceompanled hy loss of energy. The kidney
secretions wero not u.ituiul and I had a dis
agreeable feeling in the back of my neck nnd
a dull pain in my kidneys nil tlio timo. I
learned about Doan's Kidney Pills and
procured them from Kiilin's Pharmacy nnd
began using thorn. They promptly dispelled
tho whole trouhlo and brightened mo right
up. I felt liko another person when 1 had
finished tho treatment and I can say that
Doan's Kidney Pills are 11 rellablu prepara
tion for tho kidneys and 1 m ver before hud
anything to equal them.''
Doan's Kidney Pills for tale by all dealers.
Piieo fiO cents. Mailed by lWcr-.Milliiiiu
Co., IliiU'.ilo, N. ., soluagcnts for tlio U. S.
Heiuembcr the name Doan's and take un
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures A Fistulfis.
Burns it Scnlds.
I J Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls Sr Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Stilt Rli mm & Tetters.
EChnppec Hnnds.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stings Bites of Insects.
Three- Sizes, 'c, 50c. and $1.00.
EoldliydrueglstH, 01 1 post lulld on receipt of prlco
Huii'inms' jim.n, 11 j. iiaiiiu.iM.,.B..iri.
mi v ,
roccrs can tell
) on wliy tlios.c
Wnenil primmimhoi-lr
used as un
for it. Straime
though how long
it tnkes people to
try a new tiling.
admixture to
ordinary cof
fee makes a
, delicious drink
In Bottles or by
the Keg.
Lauer's Lager
Pilsnei Beer.
Porter and Weiss Beer.
Christ. Sclmiidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street,
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardln St.
Tho Peoplo Jubilant Over Admiral
Clorvora's Roportod Escapoi
Will Iloiilitlcs Aroimo tlio I'liry of
tlio I'oiniliico Wliim tlio Itonl I'nc-ts
of CVrvorii's )vii'wliotiiilii(! Ili'lV-ut ,
mil Captiii'o lloeoino Known. .
Madrid, July 0. Almost Indescrllm-
ble enthusiasm continues to prevail
hero und elsewhere throiicout Stinln 1
over the supposed escape of Admiral
Cervera and his squadron from the hnr- 1
lior of Santiago do Cuba. The admiral's j
name Is on every tongue, and it Is
claimed that It was lie who saved San
tiago de Cuba by "adding to General
I.lnaie's handful of soldiers his hravo
sailors to man the guns ashore and rc
Ij1 the Americans under General Shat
ter." Such Is about the exultant eulogy ot
Admiral Cervera heard on all sides,
this state ot public tooling being duo to
the olllctnl announcements from San
tiago. For Instance, one statement
from Santiago Is us follows:
"When Admiral Cervera found that It
was certain Colonel Kscnrlo's reinforce
ments wero In proximity to Santiago
the admiral hold a council with tho
commanders of his squndron, disclos
ing to them a plan to force the block
ade In broad daylight. Tho command
ers responded unanimously 'Ad lante'
"It was then urranged that the tor
pedo boat destroyers should take tho
lead, feigning an attack, ond disehargo
the torpedoes against the cncmy'sshlpn,
the Cristobal Colon protecting their ad
vance, sheltered by tho batteries o
Mono CaBtle and distracting the ene
my's attention, while the remainder of
the squudion scllied out of the harbor.
"The Ameilcans at first were taken
by surpilse. Then, recovering, they
ore nod n tremendous lire, especially
n 'Inst tie torpedo boat destroyers,
which vessels' Admiral Cervera had In
structed to steer an opposite course to
the squadron. The Americans were de
ceived and maneuvered toward the sup
posed course of the Spaniards while
Admiral Cervera went full steam
ahead, maintaining a continuous flreun
til cleat of the American Hues, und then
steamed away westward, pursued and
breasted for some distance by the
swiftest American vessels, until they
were lost sight of from Morro Castlo.
"In the meantime the torpedo bout
destroyers sank under a rain of shelli)
from the numerous American warships.
It is presumed part ot their crew wero
saved by the enemy or swam ashore.
A number of life buoys were provided
on board the torpedo boat destroyers,
whose crews anticipated that their
vessels would be destroyed."
The foregoing Is the popular Spanish
version ot the sortie of Admiral Cer
vera from the harbor ot Santiago de
Cuba, and the sacrifice of the crews of
the torpedo boat destroyers Is said to
be highly appreciated by the queen re
gent, while the general public Is over
Joyed at their conduct.
It is supposed here that Admiral Cer
vera Is running for Havana, since he
has not been reported as arriving nt
Clenfuegos, and there will bo tremen
dous anxiety here until It Is reported
thut Admiral Cervera and his squadron
are safe In Havana harbor. Hopes are
exprtssed In this city that tho Spanish
admiral may capture or destroy soma
American vessels while on his way to
Foreign news clvlntr contradictory
versions of the sortie have cast a tinge
of perplexity and dampness upon ll
general rejoklng. ,
In military circles It Is considered
that General Shafter has been checked,
that near Admiral Sampson has been
buttled, and that the aspect of the war
lies been changed, but the universal
expression of opinion Is that peace -la
Impossible until something occurswhlch
is satisfactory to the national feeling.
Late last night Premier Sagasta an
nounced officially that Admiral Cor
vera's squadron has been defeated,
that the Almlritnle Oquendo was burn
ed and the Infanta Maria Teresa sunk,
and that Admiral Cervera himself Is a
prisoner of war. The dispatch con
taining the Information has not yet
been given to the public.
Disorder Is spreading among tho
military. The crowds In the city are
getting riotous, and everywhere signs
are apparent that the population Is
nrmlnr. for civil war. Marshal Mar
tinez Campos und the captain general
of Mudi Id have held lone conKiltutkms
as to the ways and means of preserv
ing order.
London, July 6. The press dispatches
telling of the destruction of Admiral
Ccrvera's fleet, Including the official
accounts of the battle, have been tel
egraphed to Madrid, and tho dispatch
Just received from Madrid for trans
mission to the United Stntes, srlvlnp
the Spanish version of the sortie, shows
that the Spanish tdisor h'i- ,-iinpii.'u-n.l
the press dispatches or that they aro
ret aided by the Spaniards as being lit
ci edible.
(Vllttloliro limy bo pacriflced to an hour's
dol.iy. Cholera infantum, dyscntory,
diarrhoo.v conio suddenly. Only safo plan is
to havo Dr. Fowlci's Kxtract of Wild Straw
berry always on hand.
TteHtprdn.v's ltiKoliull Ciiiiioh,
At PlttBburR PlttHburK, 8; St. I.ouK 2.
At llaltlmoro Diiltlmoie, 7; I'hltndelplila,
4. At Now York Huston, S; New York,
2. At WimhliiKtim WusliliiKtnii, 4; Hrook
lyn, 2. At Clilcaeo I'lilciiKo, B; Cleve
land, 4.
At Wilkesbarre Montreal. !); Wllkcs
barro, 8. At I'rovldi'iicu Providence, 17;
SprinBlleld, 9. At Huffalo Toronto, 10;
Buffalo, 4. At Bynicusp Hoehester, 2;
Syracuse, 1.
At HeadliiB Headliifc'. G: Allentown, 0,
At Nfwurk I'uterrfiin, 4; Newark, 2. At
ltlcliniond-Nurfolk. 4; Richmond. 1. At
Hartford Hurtfuid, fj; Luucastcr, 2.
Thousands of persons havo been cured of
pucs ny iimns nowitfs wjtcn Hazel naive.
It heals promptly and cures eczema and all
skin diseases, It given Immediate icllef. O.
II. Ilugcnliueh.
1'ood l'or Stiirvlnir.f;ulmhs.
Vnplilimton, July C Tho plan for
feedlnu: the HtitrvliiK Cubans Is proceed
liiK uystBinatleully. doBpito tho utten
tlou whleh tint authoiitli's are obllsed
tn 'Ive t the wnr. Yostorday largo
cfnislBiiments of food wero loaded
on 'he hiiamer I'oit Victor, ut New
York, liieludliii? 75.000 poundH of corn
meal, M0.000 pounds of flour, 7D0.O00
poundu of bacon, 1)0,000 pounds of not'feo,
1D0.00O poundH "f HURar. 00,000 pounds of
pnup, 00,000 pounds of salt and 3,000
puunds of pepper. Those will bo made
up Into rations nnd distributed over n
wide territory to tho Cuban, This is
but one of several conslh-inneritH. ami
hundreds of UiousuiuIh of government
rations have already been distributed.
Tlio Chief lliirgesg of Mllosburir, l'a says
lloWitt's l.ittlo liarly Hisers aro tho best pills
ho ovor used lu his family duriliB forty years
of hou&o koeplng- Tliey cure constipation,
sick lieailachoniuUtoiiiach and liver trouhlos.
Hinauin si.o nut t'l'"11 111 resuiis. u, ii
JSycgclabicPrcparafionrdr As
similating UicTFooilatulHcgula
lirtg IlicStomarJis nntlDowcls of
ncss and RcstConlalns neither
Opuim.MorpUifu nor Mineral.
Not Naucqtic.
ZSimjJnn Stt
JtochttltSJlt -XnhlScetl
Jlpprmunt -ilfi
ltarm4Stci -Wtmfud
Siarrr .
h'uik y run- ftgtvn
Ancrfcctltcmcdv forConslipn-
lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms ,Convulsions,Fcvcnslv
ucss andLoss OF StEEU
Tae'Sinillc 'Signature of
" " " in - -
tut ttT lold direct
amer for 25 yean
010 prices, i&ritiff mm ids
dealer'! profiti. Ship toy-
where for examination,
ETerythinjc warranted.
USttjleaof Vehicle,
65 etrlea of Ilarnene.
Ton liar rie I. S3dt0
ges. I'haetODl. Traps,
ettei, Hpring-Koad
Bomy Hiram. Priet18.00.
vragoni. oeaa lar
Catalogue ci mi oar
kdlmi;!: ouiiN(;s.
Tho Pennsylvania Itailroad Company au
uouuecs tho following personally-conducted
tours fur the summer and early autumn of
To tho Xoith (including Watkins
Oleu, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Mon
treal, Quebec, An Salilo Chasm, Lakes Chain
plain and tieorge, Saratoga, and a daylight
ride through tlio Highlands of tho Hudson),
July 2(1 and August 111. Kale, $100 for the
round trip from Now York, Philadelphia,
ilaltimore, and Washington, covering all ex
penses of n two-weeks' trip. Proportionalo
rates from other points.
To Yellowstone Park and the Trans-
Mississippi Imposition on a special train of
Pullman sleeping, compartment, observation,
and dining cars, allowing eight days in
Wunderland" and two days at Omaha, Sep
tember 1. Hate, fS3."i from New York, Phil-
adolpliia, Ilaltimore, ami Washington; $230
from Pittsburg.
To Niagara Falls, excursion tickets good to
return within tea days will ho sold on July
21, August 4 and 18, September 1, 15 and 29,
at rate of $10 from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
ind Washington, Thcso tickets include
transportation only, and will permit of stop
over within limit at Ilullalo, Rochester, and
Watkins on the return trip.
Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Luiay
Caverns, Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, Itiehmond, and Washington, Sep
tember 2S and October 10. Rate, 05 from
Now York, ?G3 from Philadelphia. Pro
portionate rates from other points.
For itineraries and further information ap
ply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W.
Iioyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
E. C. Blanks, of Lowisvilio. Toxas. writes
that ono box of DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
was worth J50.00 to him. It cured his n lies
of ten years standing. Ho advises othors to
try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and
obstiuato sores, C. II. Hagcnhuch.
Tlio South mill Its Advantages.
Tho Southorn Hallway has issued for free
distribution, a sixteen pago journal des
criptive of Virginia, North and South Caro
lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and
Mississippi. Persons seoking new locations,
or capitalists dobiring to make safeand profit
able Investments will find tho information
contained therein both valuable and inter
csting. Copies will ho mailed frco upon ap
plication to John M. ISoall, District Passen
ger Agent, 82S Chestnut street, Philadelphia,
A Medicine Chest In Itself.
Slmnln f anH Hi, loir Cn.a fnr
ia "
25 and BO cont Dottlos.
y Uposltlvrlyaml permanently restored hy
tt-.f Ktieiitinc iri'iiimentor IMC. T 11
ns It was In my ca.e, KM II. (Juan, of
Hoiullniz. l'a . nrovldhur you do Sust ut itia
dftetnr ImII vnii w hrtn initio r liin frnntmniit.
I Buffered turnome nix wars Iroin vouthlul ubtmpfi
mid a vry lartre V A 1 1 1 COC III I J and enlarge oient
of prostata (iland. I ttecamo down henrtwl. wealc
unii debilitated and lntt nil my STU IJNKTIl and
VITAblTV, I consulted the btst physicians In
thN and thn neighboring towns, also bo vera! travel
tng cpi'ClalUUclalmliiJf Iouk experience In special
disoaheu, dolnu me no rood; later, hearing that
DR. t"FF' 604 Horth 6th Slreet
(private ohtranco on Oro-n hi) riilludclplilii,
had quite a reputation as a specialist, I made up
my mind to comi to l'hlludi'lphla and see Mm.
Alter tin examination bo assured me ot a positive
euru In 1 l months nnd at the end of that time
lam happy to my ho restored my manly vljtor,
health aud sirenkth, which I am still enj'.yhifr,
linTIHC N'o names or cast's published without
nU I luL ronsent. The uimont aorreor vuur
niiti-d. TreuliiiiMit by imill 1'rt'nh oueo
rurtid lu I t't lOdiiM. Hlood l'olioii cured
fur Ufa. ntr.ctut'us rmuvod. Noouttlng hmillt
shrunken oruuim and Lost Manhood reuturod.
llours-uS: I' vir's. 1 Bun,, 0-U. Hend five V-ct-nt
tamps for ''Trii liM only Truo Medical Boole ad
vertUod, bent 'or jounir or old; only one exnnlns
Quuck luKitura ho adyertUa as great specialists.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Signature W
t j(v The
(AT Kind
y You Have
Always Bought.
to th on
at whole-
a ad Milk
targe, iree
V, MKRnn.. Prl. With enrl.Ifll. I I1HN. IOB.
Ibtli, .proo tad rtndtn, f 80. At gool.i for 139.
Odlce Kgnn building, cortcr o( Main m.
Centre streets, Hlu'tinndonli.
SlionAntlon!), Pa,
w. HiioraiAKKis
Corner Market nml Centre ftirortw,
Iocfc Rox 65, Mnhanoy City, Pft.
IlaviiiR nt lulled under eom of tho ben
in pi tern v London nnd Tarls, will give lecaom
on tho v'olln, mandolin, u nltar nnd vocal culture
Terms reason Able, AudreitM lnraronf Btroui
the Jewelor HhnnandoaU.
.. THE
During 1S9S TIIK TIME.H will not only maintain
the htcli Ktanilard of exeellenco it reached the
past year, but will steadfastly endeavor to
excel Its own best record, and will not swene
from itH hec purpose to make
No journal In ttmro extt'nslvoly clrenlnteil or
Iihh u wider clrelo of renders In lViinaylvnnlii
Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one
TCpmc DAILY, J3.00 per nnnnm i SSwnts
i pt'r liiuutli ; dellveri'tl l,y lurrii'm
for 0 ii-nts per wwk. HtlNIUY EDITION, 32
lariri. liandNiiine natreM iKI i-oluiunN. elcirantlv
Illustrated, lauintifiilly printeit tn colurH, &-(0
pfranniiiii; o cenia per copy, jMiiy una Hun
day, 83.UO per aiininn ; M ccnta jier nuiiitli.
Address all letters to
U'iMll'- A:viI.J. n I: aji'l 'I 'li.
,.. tr Cu,-nliu3 iiiwlwr, K llfi IVi'tlvc
A Hnndsomo Complexion
Is ono of tlio irn'atost charms a woman can
Blvealt. I
v-f i
Chaftor fiud Sampson May TJnito to
Oapturo Santiago,
Destruction or Cfrvprn'M 1'lcot lti-
Mlits III II C'dlllpll'tO 'ri'HtlOllll'IIIHtltlll
lu Mllltni'V nml Nuviil CniKltlliiiiF,
('iiiiiiiiiiikIi'I'h Al'o AdvUfil to ConHir.
WnRlilnpton, July C As a rrautt ot
tin- cabinet meetliiB yenterclay Instruc
tlenn wfvr sent by the president to
Admiral Snmpiion and General Shaftor
to confev toffether concerning a Joint
plan of nttnek upon the city. Upon the
nutroinp of tills conference ilependu the
line of netloti of the Immediate future.
I'or the present t tie land bombardment
by General Shaftel'n forced ham been
deferred, ag the nltuatl(jn ha ho com
pletely clinimed by the annihilation of
the Spanish fleet that It Is manifestly
the part of visdom for this land bom
bardment to await the co-operation
nnd suniwrt of a bombardment from
Admiral Sampson's lleet. General
Rhafter's demand for the surrender of
Bnntlnffo on the pain of bombardment
was made nt 8:30 o'clock Sunday morn
ing. An hour later Admiral Cervera
mnde his suicidal dash from the har
bor, resulting In a complete trans
f iinntlipn of the naval and military
Instead of a menacing Spanish fleet
within the harbor the way has been
i li an d, mivc for the shore batteries,
fm the entianee of the American lleet
up to the very wharves of the city.
With t III-- material change wroujrht It
is iihWuuH to the authorities here I the blow first Intended to be de- l
liven d by General Shatter at once j
would be doubly effective and decisive
if tin- two forces could be brnuKht to
f. tht r and strike simultaneously from and eii. It Is for this reason that
Hi. i i.nfei eiiee is held between the ireneral and the American
D' I'p to the close of olllco houi s
i Mei ilny no word had come either to
tin u.ii or navy departments, so far
n - wa- disclosed, as to what determina
tion hud been reached at the confer
en e.
At the snme time It Is the clear ex
pectation of the authorities here that
the conference will result in a de
ti rmlnntlon by the admiral to take his
fleet through the narrow neck of the
liurhor, make his way past the shore
batteries and fortifications, and take
position before the city for a bom
bardment. There Is reason to believe
that tho Instructions sent to Admiral
Sampson nt least conveyed the desire,
If not the Instructions, yiat he enter
the harbor. Uut It Is said that the
admiral and the general continue to be
the supreme officials In authority, and
that their Judfuncnt will be taken as
final In the course to lie adopted.
There Is said to be no obstacle, so
far as navigation is concerned, to the
entrance of the harbor by the Ameri
can lleet. The Cristobal Colon, which
cleared the Merrlmac and got out of
the harbor Sunday, drew 23 feet 3
Inches, which Is within seven Inches of
the draft of the battleships Iowa, Indi
ana, Massachusetts and Oregon, and is
greater than the draft of the battleship
Toxas. Moreover, the navy depart
ment has known for the last ten days
that the neck of the channel was open,
despite the sinking of the Merrlmac,
nnd that there was a clear sea way of
seven fathoms through which any ship
in our navy could sail. This removes
all difficulty, except for submarine
mines, or from the shoie batteries.
As to the mines, little account Is
taken of them since the Spanish fleet
passed over them. The Spaniards ar
in the habit of using contact mines, so
that there Is little likelihood of there
being mines operated by electrical con
nection with tho shore. The forts and
batteries have been badly wenkeneJ by
the constant fire of the fleet for many
weeks past, and while still a fictor,
they are greatly disabled. Once up to
the city the fleet and army could com
bine in a terrific double fire. No less
than 202 heavy feuns would be tratnej
from the American warshlns on the
city, and nt the same time the bis slse
guns, which It is expected hava been
brought to the front of Shaitr's line,
would rain down a torrent of steel from
that auarter. The sleee guns th'-ow
shells of 133 pounds. Aside from them
there nre four Morton howitzers and a
large number of smaller howitzers.
These are in the heavy artillery, while
the light artillery embraces a great
number of guns of 3.2 caliber. Com
bined, this fire from land and sea would
bo terrific in Its effect.
Tho action of the foreign represent
atives at Santiago has been an addi
tional reason for duferring the bom
bardment. It was made known late
yesterday that one of General Shaffer's
dispatches stated that these representa
tives had joined in a request to him to
put off the shelling of the city for an
other brief period, until their respective
colonies could be removed. This
accounts for the departure of the for
eign warships for Santiago harbor, as
they are bearing away the foreign res
idents in the period before the bom
bardment begins,
Tho definite official report reaching
here that the Spanish fleet had entered
tho Suez canal made no change In the
plans of the navy department as to
sending Commodore Watson's sepjad
ron to Spain. Secretary Iong said It
would start nt the earliest possible
moment, but he did not caro to give
tlu day of departure.
Millions Given Away.
It in certainly urutifyint: to tliu nublic to
know of ono concern in tho land who arc not
afraid to bo gonerous to the needy and sull'rr
Ihk. Tlio proprietors of Dr. King's New
l)icovery for Consumption, CoukIis anil
Colds, havo glvon uway over ten niiliion trial
hottleu of this Kreiit medicine ; and have the
aatisfartion of knuwiiiK it lias almolntel)
cured thousnnils of honclcbs cases. Asthuia.
Ilroucliitis, lIoarbcncsH and all dlwabei of
the throat, (Jliont anil Lungs are suiely euieil
hy it. Cali on A. Wasley, OrugKist, and net
a trial hottle free. Itesular sle 50c. aud f 1.
livery lxittlo guaranteed, or nrico refunded.
Give the Children a Drink
onlled Gniiu-O. It is a delicious, nnnetlilng,
nourishing food drink to take tho place- of
colleo. bolJ by all grocers and liked by all
who havo used It becnubo when properly
prepared It tastes llko tho finest collet but Is
tree iiomull its Injurious properties. Clrain
Oaids digestion and strongtlions tho nerves
It is not a stimulant but a hoalth builder,
and children, as well as ndults, can drink it
with groat benefit, fonts about I as much aj
colleo. 15 and 2.V.
luuiinyt v.i nlu t'liiiiiliiiiiiu.
Tor tho Pennsylvania Cuautrtuiiua, to be
held at Jit. (Irotna, l'a., July 1 to August 4,
lbUS, tho Pennsylvania Itailroad Company
will sell tickets to the xoucml public on June
UO to August I, kouiI In letiini until Angus'
10, Inclusive, from Bullions on 1U lino in
Pennsylvania, nnd from Washington, 1). C ,
llaltlmoro, Mil., und Caiiaudulgna, N. V., anil
principal Inteniuillslo stutluus, to Mt.
(Iretnaand return, t leduced rates.
Hivos aro a terrible torment to tliu Jltlli
folks, aud to seme older ones. ICaslly cured
1) .au's Ointment never failn. Instant relit f.
permanent cure. At any drug store, ."iiiceuU
Nine Regiments, Including the Sixteenth
and Fourth Pennsylvania, Start
For fie Front.
ChlckamaugM Tnrk, Cla., July C
ThPte was aiKithei change of orders
yesterday from Washington renewing
the order made on Monday and re
scinded later In the day. General
James II. Wilson and staff are ordered
to proceed at once to Charleston, tak
ing with him the First and Second
brigades of the first corps as reor
ganised by General Ilrooke. These
brigades consist of the Third Wiscon
sin, Second Wisconsin. Sixteenth Penn
sylvania, Third Illinois, Fourth Ohio
and Fourth Pennsylvania. General
Wilson left yesterday afternoon at G
o'clock, accompanied by his staff. The
First brigade broke camp yesterday
afternoon and marched to Ringgold,
win n- they embarked early this morn
ing for Charleston. The Second bri
gade also left this morning; by the
Southern from Ilossvllte. These brl
gnder will proceed at once on trans
ports to Cuba. Nothing was given nut
as to the movement of any additional
Washington, July 6. The Second
brigade, First division of the Second
army corps, broke camp at Camp Alger
yesterday afternoon and started on
their Journey to Santiago to reinforce
General Shatter's army. The brigade
Is composed of the Eighth Ohio, Sixth
Illinois and Sixth Massachusetts. The
Ohio regiment goes to New York,
where it will embark on the St. l'aul,
while the Illinois troops go to Charles
ton, and with the Massachusetts men
will be transported upon the Ilarvnrd
and Yale. All superfluous baggage
was left behind and everything that
could he sp. ued was discarded, It be
ing the desile to move the regiments
with all possible haste.
"Save the wo
men and children
first! " is the in
slinctire cty of
every brave man
in a moment of
peril, but in the
every day con
cerns of life men
who are ordina-rll.-
1,... ... ...,.i
kind forget the V
perils of trouble
nnd disease that
hang their families. A'
man engrossed with his
own affairs seldom rea
tizeB how hard his wife
is working and that per
hapi she is breaking
down under the strain
and becoming weak and
sickly; incapable of do
ing the family work or
ot looking alter the
children. !
It is just as much a
man's duty to look after
the health of his family
from day to day as it
would be to give them
the first thought in a
moment of shipwreck or
peril. !
Tf ilnna tr -not n n
thing more than a few'SsSS
minutes of time to write
to Dr. U. V. Pierce, chiet - -
1: i :i a
luiinuiiuiK puysiuiun oi
the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N Y., who
will give the best professional advice free
of charge with suggestions for inexpensive
home-treatment whereby any of the family
who are weak and ill may he put on their
feet again well and strong and hearty.
l'or thirty years Dr. Pierce has success
fully treated many of the most obstinate
and apparently hopeless cases of severe
chronic disease. His medicines are known
throughout the wholi world for their as.
tonishiiig efficacy. His " Golden Medical
Discovery " is the most perfect remedy for
all weak and debilitated conditions of the
system. It gives power to the digestive
organism to transmute the food into mus
cular flesh and active energy. His "Fa
vorite Prescription " is tho most successful
medicine ever devised for the delicate ail
tients peculiar to women.
His tl Pleasant Pellets " are the best mild
ejid natural laxative for constipation.
M . 1 X" 3
AuAlnl 1 Q$S ZJlcVT Th.-ycl.-ar the bran, Ftrcngtheo
vlpor tra the whole br;
All drains
rc prof ny . urt i, in ir rotuiuion oiien worn s in-m hi to ins inity, L.onfiumption or Ueatn.
Mailed se Jed Trir J 1 .cr box, 6 boxes, with l-c;al guarantee to cure or refund th
oiouey,5oo. beod tui t reboot. Address, PLAL MEDICINE CO , Cleveland, O.'
For Sale at KIRLIN'S
ryZAs V k r art iiioksiii vo umi Keep .uiurmeu oi
5 'yiiYA ' tllt Wrl.r Pr.ilntes. The well In-
UYA W I V for"le(1 awl tliriftv Hos-wlf will !
I ) (M. V.H "WM -n keep 5
illiiiililllllllllliiiiliiiiiiii nniiiumip
during will pr nt to It3 rcii! r) a faithful picfrial repre
sentation of the v U'a most umn ting and unynrtani nea
s. li" Ii
national ana inter- i lie
national Politics ln l)lt-
Social and Economic
Industrial Enterprise
Art and Literature
Twolnng si rialsu ill appear tin rinit the
yt tr, contributed by authois nl inter
tutliinal f-une, and mil be illustrated.
Often Witter
Howard file
Vl B S t ritt-rtt
John Kendrlck Bangs (Wkkki v in is.,1!, making the papcre-pe.
Mary E. Wilklns (cullyruhinfictioii Oilier liaturcartilie
Ut if. S iU RTI.Y If foul TXKY XIIKI nil
In the Interest of the Wkkiciv, Caspar Whllnev is on his av armiml
the v nrld. He Hill ibit Sum tn teauh tif hitr game, making hi
prnii hunt from llan-tkok. lie will vuit India and then prm i ed
to 1 urope tn prepare artit.les on the sports ol (jcrmant and r ranee.
Joe. a cifounJ frfre froiftitHiX. Suhscrithn t,.ooa'jr,
i n.i, fr,e ih tht Vniitd Statti, Camtia, ami JUtxu a
Address lUUPClt i. llltOTUKItS, I'ublUlierv, -ir Voik lit j
. D. Jttnelli
I !i 1 1 i: .'in i of tin i 'iv kind seven
V I limn hi mv f.e ut ) anus wrru
II I. Mi f.ll e M.i- full Of, iM II !( Si lICS,
a . -i . In ad v .J fill' el son - tn.i i-.luineil
t-i 1 1 tupiiiy. I took tlvclf nti - 'lli u
II I Rl-iiIMM, Wll'lleil With (lltllllA
:. i ut mil i m i UMointnii'iiti, and roiinit
ffn-it rilnf intlaiilhi, and gut a clean faro
drain, I haul s tn i "iiitka.
March ", 18IW IDS Stags St., llrooklyn, N. Y.
Bvrr -r r-Kit Tn rath it. Warm titht with Ci Tl
rui - v.rnrill.nnlritlni:ii Willi Cl Mn K A lomtnipliti
I'll 1 1 M i i ii i"tlii'nt ,lln piiti . mitil iIum of t i i t
i.i mi i- i --riot t I'f ti'miil iiiinflrrtnuil tmmuri ur. s.
u -lil u- li ut thf wo-M PtfrrrRflRi ii i-n( tM.
'' .1 '-'.ii lli.wlo l nre 8iin ilbi-iuM,, !rc
UoTot MutrVr I.oi.Kfi-t Tlio
ii., .un! atniiitintis ii nre cau
hi restart ii tn Tlii very
(li -t I'dM S uf I(T ill I( I
t , .itv ii h nhiti'h run 1 hy
rntrriTo iahlith;
, i i mi'! rrli- ft hi n ma
1 i imii. mt 'in ii v nt il Ok u.iitu
.i ml t' i .i 1 1 i if il 1 1 ii- miT1- incur
n i! h MnlKcn tmii- m i-x-'I'-sl'S
( nU KMr1 Imp irt vigor
m r fiiin t - a
I 1. i.-ti in the
(i- uf vninp
i It ic
fit t an bo
rryw tierpoi
fi'.' ii i if nrk-a
.'"or hhIc In MiemiMiIofih hy Hliennndoah Drug
Htore nnd Oruhler liroa.
tlitlc. FaAlonable. Orisrinal. Perfcct-
i i ining x rices aim ao ueuin,
B None higher. None better at any price. R
J Some reliable merchant sells them In
T71..1 r, in.. i ...... 4 . ,
nearly every city or town. Ask for T
them, or they can be had by mail fro a A
us In either New York or Chicago.
Ci t I T i l T7. . I. ! Cf 4 Z
I sent upon receipt of one cent to pay
l postage. I
Brightest ladies' magasfne published.
Invaluable for the home. Fashions of
lbs dav. Home Literature. Household
Hints, Fancy Work, Current Topics, T
Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, In- B
cludlnga free pattern, your own selec- 1
lion any time. Send two 2ent stamps T
for sample copy. Address , . . . I
.0-146 West 4th Street, New Yort. i
J89 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. I
n, t iZ
osua E3Snr!:j,o June. 3Ha4c.Fun-vcMAii3S'ie
tTC!l:jP5'UAf,", V.Vl..rnX SOECIFIC Co,PHIUt,,.
Povlnslcy's drug store, .
Centre street.
TRmn Tune tti iirf WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Alwuvr tiriiit iitnnd rrlimlni- At ovl Iimtattoni.
Ur- ( a ruN'a Tanut ttd iitk ukokktIi
At liruir alurti. or lent tllrrrt (Mauled I. nrlc. ft.
Catuit M-tcr Co , lioiton. Mn. Our book. 4e.
Kor Bale nt KlrIIni drupeioroand tihenaadon
drue store
Tl l i if 4 the it 1 of year
,a ti ' . " nr I tl 'i-jnds t
. N -r.ii. , JSCS, SUC i
Ucbiiu . , I hzzinp", Slfcples -
p'-rftit, : nd mrart a hcalthT
and losses arc checked rmancMtlv. Unless oatlents
Dru? Store, Shenandoah, Pa,
Hni (' 11 r i 1 ip'tl Ml
clu'Cks ii I ii Hi1 i
urold. ' 'ii' ii! r
O hnt ' !K1..'0 i
ll'l'l UP l ill IK v n
ciin n i ii i i ! kfi
m,t i "ii i.i i n nr
H T1UJ 1-Ull U
B J3
In tho houspj ns n Ptnnclnrd remexly for
SprajtiB, Bruises, Craiiips, Bheurrutlsm, E
aud nil aches ant! ruins. g
"rlcj 2a til. ano iO cti. rf ooni 9 " S
Piejsrud bf H. J. HACKtn c H'ui i-ph!. S
- i, '.iWHJiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiniiiiiK
wtitu - Lvuiii cuniuiue to mm, n ,t,
,ta politlt-al evuit-. uf m cuun
trv. li will treat 01 iik- soi.ul and en
nomic questions, and of the devt lopinent
uf the nuddte weht. Its corrc
siiiinttcnl in the Klondike n-fiionwill tr.n e
the t, iry ol the great gold discovetua. s ii r.- )
V. R. St..t.i )
It. .., ii i.
i lit: inn ii:
Pi s cri'. ktrr
Tin; ii-Mii in in in nun s
Bt tHISh K Sim ii"V
and a score of equally promtnont
uill rmitril.iitp hluirl Ktitriptt tn il,