The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 06, 1898, Image 2

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i:sTAiif-iMiu:i) tH7o.
t'lililUlird every KvctiliiK, Ksccpi BiiiiiIb), hI
Tho UrritUl U ih'iivned In Hheimniloiiti aihI tht:
Mir-onndlnK to .t fotx cent n week, pay
iti Vo the iimier. It nmll JS.00 ft ycir.or 2
i4ntu tiinutlt, pu)r.lU In mhitnco. ilortln
luciitu cliirmMlntx'urdm to apace hiui poMtltm.
Tin. ptiblMhru n'Fr o the rlnM to chnhftv th
li4JtWt, of ftihertl-omoiitH whmrer tho J til -':rftUn
of nrni. lU-niniuU It. The tlsht m
t,iyerifl to i .Jf trtiiy ttUrrHpointiit, wnflthor
ritjtit for or not, .mt tlm mh.lii.r may docm
lpnpri A(hrrt!liiK ratiH mmlo known
po appllt iitlon.
K iteri'il nt tho potofl1r' nt Mlictmmloftli, l'iMM
siLiuul itiuil innttvr.
'Ml Hie Hews That's Fit to Print."
ELveriing Herald
wrii'rsii. .iri.v u. iww.
OUR COUNIKY: first. Last an J l'Jievci.
1'KitiiAi'i (ion. Hlnnro Is now will
ing to (.vclmiih'u prisoners of war.
Admiral (Vrvoru. for Instance.
Tiik 'lil lii'ellioi-M'.s of the county
IK'iiinrnii-N an- having their troubles
during tlu iinto-convention cituivtiss,
uml will .rotially result in compelling
tliL'iu to take a back seat on Monday
AVim.K certain corporations uvp dis
puting anions themselves as to the
ptuiiient of the war tax, tlmre Is a
well dellned principle that the tax til
tiniateh falls upon thy consumer and
is paid by him.
I'KMi'i'tiAXi'K advocates are mak
ing anotlier crusade to put a stop to
the ale of liciuors on government
reservations in camps, at the regular
army posts and particularly In the
Capitol luiililiiig at Washington. A
bill to this effect was reported favora
bly from the House Committee on the
Alcoholic MtiiiorTrnllic. There seems
to be no prospect of legislation on the
subject this session, and judging by
the past the chances are that it will
result in agitation and nothing more.
rl'iiK Mn -tatement of the Hureau
of Statistics convevs intelligence
that w ill irove not only interesting
but highly gratifying to every true
American. It shows that during the
eleven months of the last fiscal year
from July 1, 18!17, to May 81, 18UV
our exports were more than double
the value of our Imports, and con
sequently more gold came into the
I'nited States from foreign countries
in payment of the balance of trade
than in any former year in the entire
history of the count rv.
Democratic Trick Utile.
The recent Democratic convention
knowing liou Hie silver plank of the.
national platform of their party is
repudiated by great numbers of Dem
ocrats, ignored this topic entirely in
the platform they adopted, and
sought by this silence to win the
votes of gold Democrats and the dis
ull'ected among Republicans. Hut
their triumph would be regarded out
side, of this state as a triumph of
llryan and his delusive and ruinous
free silver theories.
.No intelligent Kepul llcan or gold
Democrat who has a comprehension
of the ruin that would ensue Ilium
daily l.y the triumph "I such prill
eiples will be found in any way giv
ing the ticket nominated on such a
plaf'.rm the slightest encourage
ment. Mr. .lenks is a free silver
Democrat. His election would he
hulled over the entire country as a
free silver victory in this state.
The public will put no coiilldenco
in a party that is ashamed or afraid
to openly proclaim its principles. An
open enemy wo can respect. An at
tempt to gain power by silence or
concealment will bo received by thu
contempt which such trickery de
The Deiuocratio trick mule will
meet with little encouragement in
Pennsylvania this year.
Il' the Philippines ultimately be
come a. possession of the United
States, aud Americans thick thither
to establish new homes, they will
have to include snakes aud lizards
among their family pets. Ju an arti
cle ou "Life in Manila" in the Youth's
Companion fortlie veuk,of June :10th,
Charles 11. Howard says : "Our house
hold included three or four Chinese
chow dogs, with thick, orange-
colored fur and coal-black tongues
and Pedro, the house-snake, a small
python, which traveled about inside
the eanyass walls and kept us free
from rats and mice. I'edro never
eaiuo out, aud wo were not disturbed
at all by his proiuiity. AVe slept on
strips of matting spread over cane
heated couches,- the legs of which
rested in bowls of water to prevent
visits from centipedes, tarantulas.
white ants aud other tropical gentry
that eaniiot bo liopt out of the houses
AV'aslistands, sideboards and rofriger
ators are protected in the same way
The big white nut and little red ant
seem particularly fond of tootli
pow'dor, and not a yestige would lie
left in tlio morning if a waslistand
rested directly upon tlio floor, Tln
littlo green und yellow lizards used to
dart about among the books on the
table, after the lumps were lighted
devouring tlio insects which swarmed
uround the lights. Occasionally one
of these lizards would drop from the
felling, alighting with a resounding
'smack.' "
Sent to Tort Antonio With Inefficient Post
age Coat Consul Snyder More
Tlinn Ills Salary.
T'ciit Antcniio. .lumnlcn. July C The
Ain.Tlciin soldlrrn in Culm nrc linvliig
Kic-.t illlt'culty In Kcttlnt? tliolr letter
thr.Mich to the 1'nlted Stnten. Alinnot
daily thntinaiut uf letter are tjinught
In here bv the ipii-i'niTi"iit dmpntch
Imnt", luit only for the senerniilty and
imtrliitlum of t'nltcd Rtnti Cnnnul
Snyder, nt thin port, very few of them
would tret throuith. The Itrlttah pnstnl
laws require Hint all letters Rolng out
fi'oin heio mum lint only pass thrniwh
Hie Port Antonio pn-tiMi o, hut must
have the Jamaica-KtiKllfh stamp,
wlileli coKtu rive cents. Mont of tlio
letter condnp In here have the United
States clump, but thnt rock for notli
Inp. The renult of It nil i that the large
Iiors nnd bundles of Rnldlet'ft' letter
ore taken to tVii'iil Snjder, and from
his own pocliOl he pity the .tnnmUu
KiirIIhIi postnife mid send-" them to
Haltlmore. T'lillndelpliln, New York or
llosloii via one of (he llosion Fruit
conipiiny' sleHtner. Since the troop
landed In Culm postage on wdiller'
letters have cost Mr. Hnyder more (hnn
lit salary. The postal authoillles nt
WnslihiBton have been oppe.ih d to,
and It Is probable thnt some adjust
ment of (he mutter will be made.
It Is IntereBlIng to look through n
large bnc full nt soldiers' letters as
they come from the fleet nnd the Cu
ban camps. At least two-thirds of thu
missives are addressed to "Miss" or
"Air.," perhaps the greater number to
"Mrs.," for under Ihls title come both
the mothers and wives. AInny of the
letters bear no stamps, hut are simply
marked "soldler'a letter" or "shipV
letter." In the United States a letter
so marked comlns from a military
ramp or n warship would be carried to
their destination, the receiver being
required to puy the postage. Hut this
Is not the case In Jamaica. The laws
here will not even permit an American
boat to take (he letters In bulk (o nn
American port unless (he full Jamaican
postugu has been paid.
A Fow Pointers.
The recent statistics of the numbe o
deaths show that the large majority die will)
consumption. This disease may commence
with an apparentl) harmless cough winch can
be cured inslantly by Kemp's balsam for the
Throat aud Lungs, which is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all cases. Trice 25 and 50c.
Sold by all druggists ; ask for a free sample
-hlpphit; '.'"oop- I'roni Tumpa.
Tampa. l''l.i.. July 0. -Several trans
poiU have s.tit. .1 ftol.i Colt Tampa
within (he U'M week, carrying large
quantities of war munitions, horses,
light artillery and about ll.St'O men to
rein force (leneial Shnl'ler at Santiago.
The lust of ihiie I". .it to leave was
the Hudson, last Monday night. She
carried !C0 legubir reeiults. The Chi
ef Macon, cnrrylm; Ttu men of the First
Illinois regiment, commissary stores
nnd ammunition, left on Tuesday af
ternoon. The Onto City, containing
the remainder of that regiment, COO
men, and a provisional company of the
Illinois regiment altaehed to (he cn-
glneei corps, also sailed, on ueunes-
lay thioe more vessel sailed, carry
ing ten companies of artillery and env-
aliy, with their imlpmenlH. tuu Horses,
gintii and fi n!;e.
$100 Howard $100.
The renders of this paper will be pleased to
irn (liat there In tit least one dreaded dUense
that sfU-m-e ha been able to euro 111 all it
(ages, and that Is catarrh. IIuII'h t'atnrrli Care
the only poMitive eiire known lo (tie medical
fraternity. CAlarib belim a eanslltiillnniil iti-
'iiw, icipilreH 11 (tiiixtittitlinial treutnieid. llaTs
alarrli ( Sire Is taken Intel nail)', acting directly
noon the blond and uiucoin. Hlii-filcex of (tic
s.leni, thcicby destroying the of
the disease, and giving the patient ttrcngth by
uililbig 1 the eiinstUiilloii aud assisting
nature In doing Its work. The prupi ledirs have
so ulilcli fallll In Us curadvc powers, that they
Her One Hundred Hollars for any case that it
fails in cure. Wend for list of (esdinunlali.
Address. !'. J.CIIHNI5Y fe CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggisls 73o
iiiili is o r com '-uni Intfo.
rtfngsti 11 Jamaica, July 0. The Brit
ish .warships Aleit and I'allad, the for
mer with It p'f'C" Mil the latter
wiib nn. amPthe Austrian man-of-war
Kalserlu Maria Theresln, with 38 refu
gees, mil'. eel at Port Hoyal yesterday,
They left the entrance of the harbor
at Santiago Ue Cuba at 1 o'clock on
(Hints : I was dreadfully nervous, anil for
lelicl took your Kail's Clover Knot Tea. It
Dieted, my nerves and stionetliencd my
whole Nervous System. I was troubled with
Conslipatiuu, Kidney and bowel trouble,
Your Tea soon cleansed my system so
thoroughly that 1 rapidly regained health
ml strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, llaitlunl
Conn. Sold by S. I'. Kirlin mid :i guarantee.
I'hese were (lie (wo reasons that formerly
kepi people frmi attending lo tlicir leclli.
otn icawns nave no uximciuc in mm r
meed aire. I'ainless and iuoxpcuMve (lent-
Utry willi an alsohile guarnntcu for live years
is our method
A flood Set of Teeth, f$.
The Veiy Hat Teeth, $S.
You can get no heller, no matter what you
pay. Ko Charge lor extracting, wnere iccui
are ordered. We can take your ImpieMion in
the morning and give you your leclli la llie
afternoon if desired.
(iold Plllhigs, $1 ; Rest Silver
Fillings, Sue up; Cleaning, Sue;
Fxtractlng, 25c.
Crown anil bridge work at very rensoiublo
rates. Kxainnutions and cMiuuitcii lu'C.
We use hut one grade of material
the best.
Cor. White & Centre Sis., Robblus' Buildiug
n ni:.u.i:i: in
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retal),
SO West Centre Street,
DtuiBhtors Should bo Carefully
duldod lu. Burly Womanhood.
What Mtfferitif,' frequently results
from n mother's, lnorancei or moru
frequently from a mother's neglect to
properly instruct her daughter I
Tradition snys "woman must suffer,"
nnd youno; women are, so taught.
Thcro Is n little truth nuil a (front dcnl
of exaggeration In this. If u young
woman buffers severely she needs
treatment nnd her mother should see
that she gets It.
Many mothers hesitnto to take their
dnughters to n physician for examina
tion; but tio mother need hesitate to
wrlto freoly about her daughter or
liorfeolf to Mrs. rlnlcham nnd securo
the most elllcient advice, without
charge. Mrs. l'inkluim's address Is
Lynn, Mnss.
The following letter from MIssMauie
F. Johnson, Centralia, Va.,fhovswhat
neglect will do, nnd tolls how Mrs.
l'lnltham helped her:
"My health bcciimo so poor that I
had to leave school. 1 was tired all tlio
time, mid had dreadful pains in my
side nnd back. I was also troubled
with irregularity of menses. 1 was
very weak, and lost so much flesh that
my friends became alarmed. My
mother, who is a firm believer in your
remedies from experience, thought per
haps they might benefit me, nnd wrote
you for advice. I followed the advice
von gave, ami used Lydla K. l'lnkliam's
ege table Compound and Liver l'ills as
ou directed, and nm now as well as I
ver was. I have gained llesh and have
i good color. 1 am completely cured of
Tinln Uo'dop i- Vo-iuoiirM.
nice, Colo. July C. The Klo Ouuidi
Pniilhein train was held up at Sto.iy
Creek. 20 miles west of rtico, at 11:10
o'clock yesteiday forenoon by three
men supposed lo be Mexicans. The
train had stopped for water when the
robbers appeared. The train was
placed under guard, nfter which the
robbers went through the cars, reliev
ing the passengers of about $,"00. They
were evidently amateurs, and got but
a small part of the money 011 the train.
The express and mall cms were not
l'l'anlilnir 1'rlsllege I'm Our Tighter
Washington, July 0. Representative
Olbson, of Tennessee, has Introduced
bills extending the franking privilege
to the oltleers and enlisted men of the
army nnd navy, while In actual war
servh e, and authorizing the raising
of 40,000 colored troops from the nation
at large for two years' service.
.ler-ey's New Volunteer licglmcut.
Trenton, July G. Governor Voorhecs
has not yet odlel illy designated nil the
companies that will make up the regi
ment of infantry under the second call,
though he has practically reached a
decision In the matter. Resides the
three Trenton companies nnd the Mor
ris Ouards, of Atlantic City, already
accepted, there will be six companies
from Jersey City, one company from
Camden nnd a combination company
made up from Woodbury nnd Mlllvllle.
The governor has not yet announced
his selection of olllecrs for the new
regiment. ,
A liefrlgci'iitof for Sun'tlnjro.
Chicago, July C Swift & Co., who
a few days ago secured the contract
from the government to furnish the
entire army Willi fresh and canned
meats for the next six months, will
build a bis refrigerator nt Santiago,
where all meats for the army will be
shipped and kept until they are needed.
Today the first four ears of material
Started for Tamna. where It will be
loaded Into boats nnd transported to
Santiago. The cars contained every
thing necessary to build the refrlgcr
Win your bullies against disease, by acting
promptly. One .Minute Cough Cure produces
immediate results When taken e.irly it pre
vents consumption. And In later singes it
furnishes, piompt relief. C, II. Ilagcnwicli
Ah licllcotocl by Dealing In I'lilludcl
ti 1 1 In nnd linll liiioee.
Philadelphia, July r,. Flour steady
winter superilne. $.:T:t.2..: Pennsylvania
roller, clear. Jl'cM 13; city mills, extra
Ki.tnfl3.Gn. It ye (luur moved slowlv at
$3.10 ncr barrel for choice Pennsylvania.
Wheat weuu; No. 2 ltd, July, 80W;iSlc.
Corn weak: No. 2 mixed, July, 3PA'n
SIVte.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, 37V4
SiAMc. Oats dull; No. 2 white. 20ir20c.
No. 2 white, clipped. .WiSOUc Hay weak
choice timothy, $12 for large bales, licet
steody; beef hams, $22.50i23. Pork steady
family, $13ft PI.S0. Iurd weak; western
s(ciitncd, J5.KI. nutter quiet; western
creumery, laii'SiHili.c.; do. factory, Vft
12Vlc. ; Kleins, Ilil.o. ; Imitation creumery,
1241140.: New York dnlry, 12fi15c.; do.
creamery. VS'iKUc ; f.'ncy Pennsylva
nia prints jobbing at l!Ki22c. ; do. whole,
sale, ISc. Cheise weak; large, white. 7c.
small do.. TM'i'jc.; part skims. iiltViC
full skims, 212';e. I2ggs unlet; New York
nnd Pennsylvania, 12fil2'c; western,
tresh, J2".fii;ic. Potu(oes steady; now.
J212.B0. Tallow linn: city. 3Vte.: country,
"HliWic., ns to quality. Cotlonsecd oil
weak; prime crudo, Ui'yfilOc; do. yellow,
24e. CabbKgo steady; uong ismnn. 7ic,
Haltlmore. July 5. Flour dull; western
suncruno, $2.SOTi3.15; do. extra, f3.2&rt3.75
do. family. S-I(f(1.40: winter wheat, patent,
Jl.noi4."B: spring do.. tl.T.KiS; spring
wheat, straight. JI.50fM.7r. Wheat dull
and lower; No. 2 red. spot nnfl July, SOff
Ho.: August, 7M(7fiWC.; Septembor, 73c.
summer No. 2 red, 7BKc; southern, by
sumple, 70iS!c.; do. on grnue, 70V4BW1V4C,
Corn firmer; spot and month. 3liB34Vte.
August, 3Sc.; September, S6M1C. 1 steamer
mixed, 3333',ic; southern, white. 3Cc.
do. yellow, 8fil4c. Outs quiet; No.
white, aC'uaic; No. 2 mixed, 2714c Ilye
dull; No. 2 neurby, lfl&c.: No. 2 west
ern. 19c. Hay quiet; No. 1 timothy, $11.50
i!2. drain freights quint: very littlo
drtnnnd; steam to I.lveipool, per bushel
Sd., July; Cork, for orders, per quarter
3s., July, riuib'iii' strong; grumiluted, 5.IS'.'j,
llutter steady; funcy creamery, 17qilRc,
do. Imitation, inc.; do. ludle, I3if,llc.
good ladle. 12c; store packed, 10SlIe,
Hggs linn; fresh, I.e. Chceso stoady
fancy New York, large. K'.iiio ,., 1I1
medium, 8', fmc.; do. small, SV,i!ic. let
tuce, ii.itMii.n. wtiisKy, $i.2uii 27 per
gallon for ImlKlicd goods in curlouds
Jt.27ill.SS per gallon fur Jobbing lots,
I.lvu .-look .Mol'l.'otH,
New Yoik, July S. IWhviw steady
cables unchanged. Calves slow; 1111
sold, euls. I,l5.i0; blHtOl UlllKS, XU3 W
western. noiuliiHl, und S ears unsold
Sheen 10il5:. l0Wri good 1. mhs tea(ly
others lonei, S ears utwoi: i-'-Jep, f.25
iiil.70; Ininl)?. f4.40ftie.2B; culls, W.r.'V, 1,1
1 In us Mtnid) ut Mwl.w.
Uust Liberty, Ph., July B. -('iiltle about
steady; extra. $I.75'i I.KS; prime, $
eunimou, Fl.Mi4i4. Mors stun'- prime
mediums and henvl-s, $.!; I, i Vork
ers. tS.mtV. light to fair York. is. JH.S.',
S.DO; pigs, km to quulltv, $:r,'..4. inuglis
i3.UXMM. Uluep aim; 1 bob e. 1.r.:.'. 4.1W)
(amnion, lil.O'rtM; elioice ve.irllngs,'a
t: common to goud, W'H1), spring lambs,
IS.60U5.72i veal ruHea, 15 tufoli.
What's the t cerot of liapiiy,vi;oroiis licaltliV
Simply kceiiing the bowcU, the itnnuuh, the
liver uml khlueys strong ami active llur
dnclc Wood Hitlers iloes It.
A Resolution in Cmgress Wlil?h Acknowl
edges the Commodore as the Real
Hero of Santiago.
Wnshlngtnn. July G. Representative
Hcriy, of Keiiluiliy. a member of the
house committee on foreign nffalrs,
yesterday Introduced the following
joint resolution:
"llesohed. That the thanks of con
Bress ami nt the American people are
hereby tendered to Commodore Schley,
U. S. N.. and the otfliers and men
under his commund, for their heroic
and distinguished conduct In destroy
ing the Spanish fleet In Culinn wnlers
on the 3d of July Inst."
The lesolutlon was referred to the
nnval affairs committee.
Mr. lieiry, In speaking of his resolu
tion, said: "I propose that the of
ficer to whom the glory Is due shall
be i cognized. Schley li the renl hero
of (he Incident. He nnd the brave bnnd
of officers and men under his- Immedi
ate dhectlon are the ones who achieved
the victory, and all honor should be
given them. Sampson commands the
Ileet In those waters, but It was Com
modore Schley In command when Cer
vcra and hi Ileet made the plucky at
tempt at escape, nnd It was under
Schley that every one of that Span
ish Ileet met Its destruction. Schley
and his men have peifoimed a notable
feat that will go down In history hand
In hand with that daring forcing of
Manlln harbor by Dewey."
The tvloUon Win' (dfceupondont.
New York. July C Dexter Marshall,
the well known New York Journalist
nnd brother of Kdwnrd Marshall, the
now famous correspondent of n New
York paper, who so bravely went to
the front before Santiago to report for
his pnper the engagement of the Rough
Riders, hnR relumed here from Wash
ington, lie reports that there me hopes
of Kdwaid Marshall's lecovery. lie has
received assurance by cable from
General Shatter, through Secretary
Alger, that Ills brother vmihl have
personal end extraordinary attention,
and Unit he would be returned to this
country as n on as possible. The won
derful nerve and fortitude of the
wounded man has been commented
upon by all war correspondents at thu
Diplillierla relieved in twenty inhuttes.
Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas' Kclectric
Oil. At any ding btoio.
Augtistl's Kainlly lNenpes.
Madrid, July C The Spanish consul
nt Singapore wires the following mes-
age from Henerul Augustl. captain gen
eral of the Philippines: "The situation
Is unchanged. My family has succeed
ed lu miraculously escaping from Mac-
aborn In a boat, and, having passed
through the American vessels, nil ar-
ived safely at Manila."
Sick headache, biliousness, coiislinatlou and
ill liver anil stomach trundles can do uiiickly
cured dy using tdoso famousllttle pilos known
,is D.iWitt's Mttlo Karly liters. Thry aio
Icas-int to take and novel' gripe. I . II.
The Cross steamer Irotiuols ar
rived at Key West with 320 wounded
from Santiago, .
Haytiens have occupied Navossa Isl
and, nnd the phosphate company holds
our government responsible.
The schooner Henry W. Rtnmburv
sunk In Tampa bay with government
bridge supplies valued nt f.30,000.
VII bicycle 1 cords fvnn: 2 lo 30 miles
were broken by Linton, (he Welsh
l Icier, and Taylore, the Fiench rider,
ut 1'hllndeliihlu last night. Taylore
made a new hour 1 coord 33 miles. 9C3
yards. Llutuit won the 3U mile race
In DC.10.
Scrofula Leads
to Consumption.
Inherited blood diseases aro much moro difficult to euro than
thoso which are acquired. Ono of tho most common horedhary
diseases is Scrofula, which tlio medical profession admit is
most obstinate and deop-seated; and their offorts to euro it
meet with littlo success. A child afllioted with Scrofula is
always puny and sickly, and can never grow into healthy man
hood until tho discaso is eliminated. Scrofula leads into con
sumption nino times out of ton, so that it is important for this
reason that immodiato attention bo givou to all childrou who
iuhorit tho slightest taint.
L Ax 0
und in a few
fore lomr ho
Improving every day. In three months lie threw aside ills
crutches, for ho had no further use for them j the dreadful dis
ease had heen eliminated entirely from his system, und ho was
restored to perfect health. Tho euro was a permanent ono, aa
no sign of tho disease has returned for ten years.
W. A. Clayton, Addle, N. 0.
"Whon my daughter wns an infant slio had a
sovuru case of Scrofula, for which she wns
under tho constnnt enre of physicians for
several years. Sho was worse at tlio end
of that time, howovor, and wo almost do
spaired of her life. Afowhottles of Swift's
Specific cured her completely, as it Boomed
to go direct to tlio cause of tho trouhle. I
fmlinvn it has no o.niinl for stubborn cases of
blood diseases which aro hoyond tlio power rfg&j
of other so-called blood remedies,
S, I, Brooks, Manticello, (la,
Scrofula is frequently an inherited blood faint, but is ofion
acquired by an impoverished condition of tho blood, cauHed by
impure air, poor ventilation and other deficient sanitary sur
roundings. It mattors not from what causo it arises, Scrofula
is a deop-soated blood diseasofor which S. S. S. is tho only euro,
becauso no othor romedy can reach tho impurity in tho blood
and force it out. S. S. S. eliminates every trace of tho taint,
and a porfoot and comploto euro is tho result. S. S. S. is
purely vegotablo and is tho only blood romedy guaranteed to
contain not a particlo of potash, moretiry, or any other min
eral. 15ooks on blood and skill diseases mailed free by Swift
Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Cores Scrofula,
And riouers, (he lliuid of Amcilcii, Call
rornhi. Via the true pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain
Itoutc," w hich tm verses a region of perpetual
stuuliliio, where snow storing, blizzards or
high altitudes mo unknown. I'nllnian first
mid fecund class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points In Missuiltl, Aikiinain, Toxan,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nov.ula, without change. Quick time, low
rutus, and nil tlio cotuforlsof modern railway
Improvements guatiiutccd to all who pur
clme tickets via the MI9ouil l'ucllle i-.illway
system. For nit cm light from your tiuiilc,
literature, mid full Information, dropn )otal
uml, J. P. Met mm, T. P. Agent, r.lll IJall
mail avenue, lainlra, X. Y or 3!ll llroad
way, Now York.
3-1 -tf W. K Hoyl, (1. K P. Agt.
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks llko it, hut there is really
no liicl; about It. Auybody can try It who
lun lame back and weak kidneys, lnalaila or
nervous trouble. We mean lie can cine
IdiiHcIf liglit away by taking Klcctrlc Hit
ters. This tn i-il 1 1-i 1 1 0 tones up Hie whole
syMeiu, ai ts us a stimulant to tlio liver and
kidneys, Is a blood juiriher and nerve ton'c.
It elites constipation, headache, fainting
spoils, sleeplessness and melancholy. It Is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and rc-
soic tlio system to its natural vigor. Try
l.leclne. Hitters and bo convinced that they
aio a niiiiiclo worker. Hvcry bottle guaiau
teed. Only tiUe. a bottlo at A. Waslcy'sdrug
t'Nspiu'vssi.ii stmvici; ofki;i:ki iiy tup.
SOtlTIinitN 11AI1.WAV.
heaving Hioad .Sheet station, Plill.idelpliia,
at 0:55 p. 111. dally, (lie "rfutitlnvcslcni
hiiuileil," cuirying a dining car uml -the
most luxuiious 1 ' 11 1 1 1 11:1 1 1 drawing room sleep
ing cats, loaches Illrniiuglian thu following
ulglil at 10:10 and arrives at Memphis tlio
next morning ut 7:10. Through sleeping cars
for Ashevillc, Savannah. Jacksonville,
Tainpi, Adauta, Mobile and New Orleans aie
also iiKaehcd to litis train. I'nllnian Reser
vations can bu ui.itlc in advance and nil In
foimatlun obtained by coniiiiunicatlug with
John M. Heal, District Passenger Agent, S3
Chestnut stieet, Pldla lelphia.
Hob Muoru, of'ayette, Iud., says that
fur constipation ho has found UoWitt's Little
Marly llisers lo bo perfect. They never gripe.
Try them for .stomach and liver troubles. C.
II. llageiibuch.
ouTTVsiumn ii.vtii.i:i'ii:i.i.
Pi:i:so.SAi.i,Y-CoNi)iicrKi Touit via Pi:nx-
On Saturday, July 10, the Pennsylvania
Uallroad Company will 1 1111 a special Ihieo
lay tour to (!ettyburg, the Mecca of Auieii
can patriotism. Leave S'ow Yolk S.50 A. M
Trenton, lOflSA.M. l'liiladelphla lS.'.'O P.
M. Hound-trip rate, including two days'
hotel accommodations and caniago drive
over the battlefield all necessary expenses
fill 30 from Now York, $12 ,r0 from Trenton,
$10 00 from Philadelphia, and proportionate
rates from other points. A tourist agent and
chaperon will accompany tlio puity, and
dipt. James T. Long, tlio celebiated guide,
will describe the batdo ut the lligli-Walor
Mark, "Woody Anglo."
Tho editor of tlio F.vans City, Pa., Oloho
writes, "Ono Minuto Cough Cure is rightly
named. It cured my children after all other
remedies failed." It cures coughs, colds and
all throat and lung troubles. C. II. llagen
bllch. ltoiimtiig; Publication.
Chicago, July 6. For the first time
since Inst Friday morning The Tribune,
Iteconl, Chronicle, Tlmes-llernld nnd
Inter-Ocean were Issued this morning,
a sulllcient number of outside non
union strtpotypois having been Im
ported Into the city (o make this pos
sible. The panel's, however, ore pub
lished only in four p ige size, but this
will be ill- ii'ispd ., Hiiildly as possible.
Chicago all, 11101 u papers will also
publish I. d ty. in ; educed size.
My throo-yenr-old hoy Iind tho worst case of
Scrofula I over heard of. His neck was cov
ered with sores, and thodiseaso finally resulted
in curvnturo of tho spino. 1'hysicians, after
two years constant treatment, tailed to no mm
any good. Somo one recommended S. S. S.,
and ns soon ns ills system was under thoeffecta
of tho medicine, the sores hegan to cet hotter.
weeks had healed completely, llo-
could walk on crutches, and was
(t oulluiied from First Page.)
by a 1. vy ..rc nil along tliolr lino of
guns ami batteries nnd succeeded In
driving somo of our men from tho
trenches, but tho heavy flro the Ameri
cans In turn poured In staggered the
Spanish line-nml sent it reeling back
ward with heavy I03S.
The Amet leans had advanced from
tho ti ouches for tho first time, anil
while the ypni.lards were In the open
cnxiniAi, khkt.
some of our gntllngs on tho extreme
left did lorrihlo execution. The cusu
nltlos nmrng our men wero not heavy.
( llawMr.s was shot in the foot.
Over 200 additional wounded were
taken to the rear during tho night,
ono hatch consisting of 120.
Under General Shutter's orders tho
battle was reopened at G o'clock Mon
day morning along tho whole line, tho
recruits being ordered to tho front.
Our loss has now reached 1,700 killed
anil wounded. Part of tlio night at
tack was directly opposlto tho station
of the Third and Sixth cavalry.
Captain Ilowden, of the Third cav
alry, went with a working party at 1
a. m. to sticlghton the line of en
licnchnicnts between General Chaflee'a
brigade on tho right and General
Kent's tllviolrm on tho left. Whether
there was an accident la not known,
but ho clashed in the dark with the
Spanish, who were advancing in front
of tho working party, and wns obliged
to lotlru. Hullo, of Troop 10, was kill
ed, und Poole, of Troop E, wounded.
The Spanish did not advance close
enough to draw the flro of tho Ameri
can main line. Tho action lasted about
18 minutes and went 011 simultaneously
at other points on our front. The
Spanish loss could not be ascertained.
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo.
Tho best salvo In tho world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenni, fever sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
nil skill eruptions, aud positively cures piles,
or ao pay required. It le siuamntced to givo
poricct satistaction or mouy rotunucd. Price
85 conts per box. For salo by A . Wasloy.
CollllllK Mclltrt.
Tuly 10. Ice cream festival under auspices
of Company A. Fife and Drum Corps In Hob
bins' opera house.
July HO. Ico cream festival in Hubbiiis'
opera house under tho auspices of the Young
Mens' Ushers' Association.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Alti: YOU (iOl.NC SOUTH?
Tin: soimiiuiN kaii.way PXAt'iihs
Don't start Soutli wilhout consullhig John
M. Until, District Passen "er Axent, Southern
Ilailway, OX'S Chestnut sticet, Philadelphia
If you cannot call in per .mi. wiitutu him
"I think DeWltt's Witch II- zel Salvo is
tlio finest preparation ou the market fur
piles." So write s John C. Dunn, of Wheel
ing, W. Vu. Try it and you will think tho
tho same. It also cures eczema and all skin
diseases. C. II. lIiiKeuhuch.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
! 1 1 la'tl Coal No Smoke
Trains leave Slienaudoali as follows:
Kor New York via Philadelphia, week days,
t uii v at a. m., i 21, a ju anu o ji i. m,
Kor New York via Maueli CliunJk, week days,
7 30 a. m., 12 27 and 3 10 n. m.
For U-eadlng and Philadelphia, week days,
7 30. 9 51 a.m., 12 27, 8 10 and A 07 u. I.)
Por Pottsvllle, week days, 7 30, 9 51 a. u.
12 27, 3 10, ll 07 and 7 25 p. m.
Kor Tamiiqua and Malianoy City, week day
7 30, 9 51 a. in., 12 27. 3 10 and 6 07 p. m.
Kor Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlshuig
week ilayF, 1180 a.m.. 12 27. 7 in
Kor Ma)iauo Plane, weekdays, 7 30, 9 51, 11 30
ll. m 12 27, 3 10, 0 07. 7 25, 9 55 p. m.
Kor Aslilaud and Sliaiuokln, week "days, 780.
UB0 a. m., 12 27, 3 10,6 07, 7 25 and 55 p. m.
Kor Haltlmore, Washington and the West vlu
II. iO. It. It., through trains leu-' Ueaidui.'
Terminal, Philadelphia. V. A It. U Ji.) at 3 20,
7 55,1120 a. ui., 3 10 und 7.27 p. i Sundays,
3 20,7 00, 1120 a. m., 3 40 and 7 27 p. in, Addi
tional traiiu from Twonty-fourth and Cbest-
uiil streets bullion, weeK uaya, 10 30 a. la. 12 20,
12 16 8 40 p m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
.Leave New York via Phlladelnlilu. week
lays, 12 15, 4 30. 8 00, II 30 a. in., and 1 45. 4 80
9 00 P.m.
Leave new voric via flaucli ciiunk, week
lava, 4 80, 9 10 a. ui 1 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, lteadlim Terminal, week
lays, u iu. nou, iusi a. mi unu iwi, 4 tu p. iu.
iiivii iieuuiug, weex uays. l oj. juos. a. iu.
12 15,4 17,0 00 p.m.
Leave 1'oltsvuie, week uays, 7 10, 7 40 a. in,
1230 1 10.010 and OSOu. m.
unvu iamiKiua, wecu uays, sau, 112a u. in.,
1 49, 5 60, 7 20 p. in.
Ihuvb Malianoy City, week davs. 9 01. II 47
a. 111., J, 5 12, 0 21,7 41 p. lu
I'ave Malianoy IMane, week days, 030, 9 23,
10 23, llty a. 111., 2 41, 532, 6 41. 7 57, pill.
I ,tri,it . ! , ' m . I r . ....
j.cuiu , iiiinuiHiiori, weeK uays, 1 1. Ivvi a
i., 12 31 and 4 OOp. iu.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street waif and
South street whaif for Atlantic Cltv.
Weekdays Kxpress, 8 00, 9 00, 10 41 a. in., (1 30
Rtturdavsiinlv). 1 00. 3 00. 3 11) 100 mlinitu liallll.
(ID 03 minute train, 4 30, 5 00 fU3 lllinule
iraiuj, am, i uu p. in. Acaiiimtiouauoii, u iu
a. m.. 6 00. 0 80 u. m 81.00 uxounlon train 7 00
u in. nuuuayfc r.xi'icss, 7 uu, hoc, quo, uw,
iuuu a ui, l o p ui Aceouiiliotialion, u ia a iu
4 43 p. m. 31.00 cxeursluu train. 7 a in
Kcturiung leave Aiuutio iniy aejioi, uon
A tliuilln mill A rkiniini utrnlleH.
Weelfdavn Hinrenii. (II 15 MllllllaVg only)
TOO, 7 43 Ui lnluute train, H20 01 inlnulo
iraiuj, v uu, iu i-i, ii mi a m., a nu, i ou, u , w,
Ono ti. m. Ai-iinmntndnllnn. 4 'il. 7 50 B. IL'.
mi . wi. i.w cxeursluu train iiii,.'.',"i'.
ave. oniyj niu p. in. sunuay--r.i press, jw,
4 no. 5 00. (1 00. U 3(1. 7 00. 7 an. S 00. 9 BO li. ni. Au.
eommodatlon, 715 a, m., 501 p. ni. 81 00
uxeurslou train (from foot of Mississippi uve,
only), 1) 10 p in.
Kor Capo May and Sea Isle City, 8 43 a. in ,
280, 141 p in. Additional for Capo May 4 Iu
p. in, Sundays -iSl no excursion 7 00 ) 9 15 urn.
Kor Ocean City, 8 80,8 45 u in, 2 30, 4 15 nm,
Itl 00 excursion Thursday only) 7 OU n in. Hun
duyi, 8 15, 9 13 a iu.
Parlor Oars ou all express trains.
Kor further Information. ..apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Headline Hallway ticket ugen
or address
I. A. SWKiaAim, Kiikoh J. Wkkks.
(leu'l Sunt., (len'l 1'uh-i r Agt,,
Headlne Teriiilual, PlillaJelphla.
From Extreme Nervousness,
THAT no ono romedy can contain tho
olomcnt9 necessary to euro all discus
es, Is u fact well known to ovcryouo.
Dr. Miles' System of Hcstoratlvo Itotnwllcs
consists of soven distinctively dHTnrent
preparations, each for Its own puiposo.
Mrs. L. C. Hramlcy, 37 Henry St., St. Cath
erines, Ontario, wiltes! "For years 1 suf
fered from cxtrcmo nervousness and annoy
ing constipation, developing Into pnlpl .t Ion
and weakness of tho heart. I was unable to
sleep, sufTored much from hcadacho, p'lln In
my loft side, palpitation nnaia constant
feeling of weakness nnd prostration. I bean
using Dr. Mllc3' Nervine, lloait duo and
Nervo and Liver Pills and tho Anti-Pain
Pills to rcllovo sudden paroxysms of pain
und headache. I soon felt much iruprocd
nnd tho pains and achoa and wcarlncs3 left
mo. I then took Dr. Miles' Kcstovattvo
Tonloand am now restored to my fsi. ior
good health," SSfrVf? 'fZ
nro sold by all drug-KV .
nlsts under a nositlvo
guarantee, first bottlo feJiemedieSa
n. It
funded. Hook on dls-g. "P310
oases of tho heart and!
heart and "Oa'tp OSSa
nerves free.
Dlt. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkbat. Iml.
JULY 1, 1808.
Trains will leave Shenandoah nltor tno ado
date for Vb?i;ftni, Gllberton, Irraekvlllo. l)r
Water, St. Clatr, l'ottsvlllo. HainburK, ltcaitllic,
ruib'tonii, 1 iitKiu.,11111. io.uit ,, ,, uri-ii.
aelphla (ilr.nil street Btnllon) at 6 OS and 8 1,1
a. m.. 2 02, (1 10 p. lu. on week days. 8uitdavn.
S 15 u. in., 4 23 p. 111.
Trnlns leave Frackvlllo for Sbeuaudoal l
7 30, ll 4(1 a. in. and 8 40, 7 30 p. w. Sunday,
u ui a. in. anu o it) p. in.
Leave Pottsvlllu for Sbenandoali (via Frack
vlllo 710, 1120 a. in., 5 20, 7 10 p. in. Sunday
iu;t a. in., o.'u p. in.
lave PlilIadclnMa. (Hroad street fttatlonl. t.r
Slienandoali at 8 3) a. ra.. i 10 p. m. week days.
ounuays leave at u ou anu v a. tu
Lcavu Ilroad street station. l'hllactelhhtA. l..
Sea Cllrt, Asbury lark. Ocean drove, ,or.
Hrancli, and Intermediate stations, 8.20,
11.11, l. ffl., O..TV H11U 1.W J. Ill, WVUK'UIIJ-B.
lA-avo iiroau Direei Dtauou, uiiaaeipnia,
KxnreBs.wcek-days. 8 20, 4 Co. 4 50 5 05.5 15.0 AO.
7 83,8 20, 9 60, 10 21 (DIulllK Car), 11 00 li. ui.
iiAinuuii, noo (i.iuiiieu i lu aim 1 p. ci,
DlnlneCars). 1 40. 2 00 (I)lnlntr Oar) 3 20. 3 no.
4 02,5 00, 5 50 (UlnlnK Car), 0 00, 7 02,7 50 (Dill
Iml-Car). 10 00 p. in.. 12 01, nlclit. Sundava.-
3 20, 4 05. 4 50,5 03,6 15 8 20,9 88,1021, (DlnlllK
uarj, 110.1 a. in., 12 so, 1 ua (Ulnlnu Car) 2 30
(DlnlllK Car), 4 00 (Umltcd4 22) (Dlnlnt; Car),
520,5 50, (Olnlnir Car) 6&17 03,7 50, UIiiIub
Car 10 00 p. m., 12 01 nlRht.
r.xprens ior nosion wkuoui cuangc, ll iwa im.(
week-days, and 7 50 p. in., dally.
CaNklll exnrcss, (Parlor Car). 820 am week
Por Ilaltlinoro and Waslilnirtdii. 3 50. 7 1M.H M.
10 20, 11 23,a. m., 12 m, 12 31 (llluliuj Car), 1 12
l.'uiiiiK ,iij, o i-fi, iij i.uiiKres
slonal I.llilltexl. UlnlllL- Car, C 17. 055 lllin-
liiK Car, 731 Dining Car p. in., and 12 Oil
night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23.
a. in., 120!), 1 12, Dlnlnu Carl 1 41. 520 Con
lioual Limited. Dlnlnir Carl. 055 minim.
Car, 731 DinltiKCar p. in. and 1203 night.
For ltnltlninre. accotniiiodntlnn. 0 1? a 1 Ol
aud 4 01 p m week days, 5 OS and 11 10 p in dully.
Leave Ilroad stieet station via Delawaie rive i
hrld'-e Kxmcsa. 5 CO. 9 10 ll-O mlimlcul ,,,
2:H S2 inlnute, (00 HO minutes, 7 0,1 p. ni.
Minuays, ,-iuo, a ai psu nilnutcsj, a 111, 2 3iTS2
mittutcH, 7 03 p in.
Leave iilarKcl Mtreet wan lixpress, 5 00, 8 110,
10 a) 175 minutes, m (100 SnltirdayH ony), 200
73 mlnutis, 3 oo 73 iuiniites,3 30 U) inlnnlcHl.
100 I t'o uiiindesl. 4 30 173 lulnuteHl. 5 00 I7l
minutes, 530 OS lutnutes p iu. Sundaya, 500.
730, SOU 75 nillilitesj, 8 30, 9 00 (75 nil n Idea ,
9TiO 170 minutes a m, and 130 75 minutes p m.
Sl.ou excursion train, 7 00 n m dally.
c or v-apeoiay, Aueicsea, wiuiwoou ana j
Heacll l'.xnress. 9 00 a m. 2 30. 4 05. 5 oil n m
weekdays. Sundays Ji 20 a m, Capo May only,
1 80 p m Saturdas Incursion, 7 00 a m dally.
cur nca jbiq v;uy, uceau uiiy, Avaion anu
Stone Harbor KxnrBBS. 010 a. m.. 2 3 0. 4 20.
5 00ii. in weekdays. Sundays, 8 50 a. m. Kx-
ciirsion 7 lo a in ilally.
Por Homers Point Kxpress, 6 00, 8 30, 1000
a. m., 1 0) Saturdays onlv, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00, BilO
p.m. ween naya sununys, 3 00, 8 00, 0 00,0 50
a, ni and 1 30 p m.
flen'l Manager. Oen'l l'ass'g'r Agt
Agent '(or
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Should be la Every Homo and Library,
la written bjr Itlwlit lion. WI Ilium I 'wart Otoilfetouu.
Kx-Vrmuier of (Ircut ISriliui inul lrtjland, Chontor,
Kuti.i Hcv, A. H. tiaico. Qucru'i ColK je. Oiford,
liev, Humuel Ivjj (lortli, 1. 1., CliUauo 'ihnolowlful
iSemluury.t'hiciiso, lll.iKuv. 1' re Julio Fitrriir, I
F.U.H., umn of (i.inturbury. Canlurbury Jlntf.t HfV.
Klmerll (lapii, I.l).,'rufuOnltcvH, KiniurvHle,Maba.i
Itev. J-'nink V UuiihhiiIuh, 1A), Armour liii.titutt
OtilcHtfo, Jll.i Ituv, tl(nrift K. renUuuoMt, DJI., ilurjlo
tione rrunbylurlan Chuuti. I-oti'lnn. J.oc.i liT. It. H.
MaoArthur, 1).1., Culvury lititUl Cliurcli. Now York
City, N, Y., lUv. Martjn Hutumvtlll, i).l) Mniu
Street FreeItiiitUt Cliurt It, l.tswUton, Mu.i Hut. t' runic
M. Uriitat. I.f., Fintt MUliuttUt FUcorl Ctmrrb,
Kvanvtou. Ill.i Itev W. T. iloorts. LlJ.l).v'"Ilie Chris-
Itau tlom mo n wealth' (itnalon, Unu t Ilev, J'MwarJ
Worett Hale, 1).1., Bonth (JnnuicKttjtunal Cliuicli.
Ctolleue, Kji'hntond, i'nc.t Jtuv. Ounmr JteiiH Orepory
HOKtun, MftM., iluv. JOh?i.ii Agar leet, n.l)., tttmitiyan
v tint It)', J.elneln
(Itirtnnnvt ltuv. Viii-
Olenver Vilkluwn, l l
u tin
inltemity if tiicjiuo, (-'lit-
Cftuo, ID.) Hut. ISuiuue) Hart, IM)., J rlnlty ('tilley. Alnnradlbnon. D.D.. t..lDliu'
ftuo. III.) Hut. Haiuue) Hart, 1)1)., j rlnlty ('ulleyft,
pad l'rtnbitrfnn Oliurrh. lnndon, J-'i't'-; Itov. Utoru
U. Ijorlrner, I.Ij I)., Tbo l uiuplv, 1 to ton, Mafm,
tOl-lLiU vc uuwi. tit fuli-pagH 1 11 u.t ra
tion", tilt ndtfoe, cloth, lldCii liulf levant, 0.U). lull
lovant. fil.tit.
U Alt ll 1 MTION.-l.:fl0 ,aiTB. 200 full pnea lllu"tr
tinrui. Btyle A it IK eIctt, full levant, out volume,
tlfiaj: Htylri K-tvto vol mn fit. full levant, tutted, JJ.Ul t
In 10 PAHTti, quarto J io, review nuettlons to cat It, ntltl
liDpar coven, Kawud, trimmed ulihtlr, flDO flacli art.
tor etile At ell book, to re and by hook&ellera. For
further lnfonnatiim, write H ilN ltV O. HlIKI'AIlp,
VubHihbr.'iUuuavil Mouruu hlioLt.Oblcoyo.lllluoin,
' 10 1 ''' w