The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 01, 1898, Image 1

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To reach the fuhlic through a pro
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use the HERALD columns.
Crea let butinttt bteautt of its known
large circulation J remlers rich
results to its ailverlistis. .
VOL. XHL-NO. 100.
SHENANDOAH. PA.. Fill DAY. JITiY 1. 1898.
J. P. Williams & Son,
gJ2 0'HARA'S
In all the leading shades. Also White and
colored organdies, embroideries and new effects
in cotton goods.
At the old price, regardless of the advance .
Don't fail to visit the Bee Hive to get prices on fireworks
before buying elsewhere, as our prices on these
goods are the same as on all other
goods, the lowest.
the: bee hive,
S tyyiolSt. Third Door FVom Post Office.
For Good
White Bread
Daisy or Moss Rose Flour.
Geo. A
Whole Wheat Graham Flour
Old Time Pure Rye Flour j
lirookside Pasey Pastry Flour
War Declared
On Prices.
A large and beautiful new
stock of
Baby Coaches,
and upwards.
13 S. Main Street,
t Nnrth Mflin St..
Shenandoah, Pa.
Screen Doors,
Window Screens,
Wire Cloth,
Carriage Fly Nets,
Team " "
Dust Robes,
Ice Cream Freezers,
Ice Cream Measures,
Water Coolers.
Best Granulated Corn
The General Telegraphs Saying His Troops
Are in Action and That Eight Ameri
cans and Nine Cubans Were
Sampson Bombards Morro Castle
Hpcclnl to KVKNINU
Washington, July 1, il.OO p. m. A
despatch luisi just beun received here
stating that the (llitlng lit Stuitiugo
is tfoinn; on furiously.
Thus far eight Americans unci nine
Cubans have been injured.
Hear Admiral Sampson is hotly en
gaging the forts at the mouth of
Santiago harbor.
Special toEvEslKCi Hkrami.
Plnyadleste, July 1, 2 p. m. A
general Assault on Santiago by land
and sea forces was begun this morn
ing. The Vesuvius used her dynamite
guns with good effect.
At eleven o'clock hard fighting was
In progress all along the line.
Special to Evening IIkiiald.
Washington, July 1, 11:30 p. 111. Mnjor
(loncral Shafter lias just telegraphed tlio de
partment that ho fsHow"motfifc'in&m).i!EO,
nml that action is goltnr 011, but that tho tir
ing is light and desultory.
It was begun on the right, near F.l Caney,
nortlieasl of Santiago, whero (len. Kent Is In
command. Genl. If. W. Lawtou's division
will move 011 tlio northwest part of Santiago.
Gen. Shaffer's forces will abvanco against
tlio city in four directions, thus cutting off
tho cacapD'ofGon.'Linares, now In command
of Santiago. He will be hemmed In on all
aides, completely at tho mercy of tho Ameri
cans. While (len. Shafter, 111 his brief despatch
to the department, says tho firing is light,
thero is certain to bo fighting of tho most
desperate character before tho city is cap
tured, and probably by considerable loss on
tho American side.
Tho army olliclals anticipate llttlo trouble
with tho barbed wiro fences erected by the
.Spaniards. Every man in tho Invading
army is provided with a pair of wlro cutters,
and they will make short work of tho wiro
It Is estimated that Gen. Lainares has
nearly twelvo thousand regulars and many
volunteers under bis command at Santiago,
wbilo as many more reiufurccmcnts are try
ing to rcasb hi 111.
den. Shafter, 011 tho other baud, is leading
sixteen thousand Americans and five thous
and Cubans in tbo attack, while 3,000 more
are now on tho march bringing up tho rear,
making the total number available hi the at
tack 21,000.
Army officials expect great results from
the single dynamite gun with (ten. Shatter's
army. It will do destructive work in the
city and the trenches surrounding Santiago.
Gen. Shafter mado no montion as to
whether or not the licet made 11 simultaneous
attack with the army. It is not belcivod
however, that the forts will bo attacked un
til Santiago has boon captured, but on this
point tho ollicials are apparently ignorant.
Special to KVENIHO 11k u ALU.
l'ort Said, July 1, Admiral Camara's lleet
will pass through the Suez canal, and pro
ceed to Manila. Although tho Spanish Ad
miral has boon refused coal here, ho will
tarry for a few days under tlio plea that his
ships need repairs.
It was authoritlvely stated that Camara's
ships have plenty of coal, but bo wanted to
replace tho quantity consumed in making
tlio passage from Cadiz to this port.
Thero is no doubt as to Camara's destina
tion. Having paid tho canal tonnage duos,
ho Is making preparations under cover to
proceed to Manila.
BpauUli Soldiers Desert.
Hpeclal to Evknino IIkuai.ii.
Washington, July 1. Qen. Shafter tele
graphs that 0110 hundred Spanish soldier?,
destitute of food, have thrown themselves on
tho mercy of tbo American coiumaudcr.
Shafter asked what disposition should be
made of them, From advlcos received food
Is exceedingly scarco at Santiago,
II. V, 1. V. Movtlng,
Uev. U. I. Kvuus, of town, to-day read a
paper 011 "Formalism" bofore n seiui-auuual
meeting of tlio baptist Young l'eoplo's Union
at I'ottsvllle. and Miss Mattio Trice, of tuwn,
laso read an Interesting paper.
fill EI
Commander's Quarters Are Now
With General Wheeler.
To the Front Is Taxing the Energies of Of
ficers and Men The Spaniards in Santi
ago Are Endeavoring to Protect Large
Buildings by an Indiscriminate Display
of the Red Cross Flag Spanish Forts
Refuse to Fire on Our Warships.
I'iaya Del ISsto, Cuba, July 1. It Is
believed that General Calixto Garcia,
whoso forces were taken to tho east
border to co-operato with tho United
States army in tlio capturo of San
tiago do Cuba, will bo sent back with
8,000 of his men to stop tlio ndvanco
of General I'ando, the Spanish com
mander, who, with 7,400 troops, many
pack horses and a quantity of cattlo
on tho hoof, has arrived at a point 71
miles from Manzanillo, going cast to-
Vr.danntlngo do Cuba. According
to informntteiTTvlTTcrrrfJiueVu?. flag
ship Now York yesterday from Colonel
Itios, In command of tho Cuban camp,
General Pando started from Manzan
illo on Juno 22, and Is traveling at tho
rato of 12 miles a clay. Tho distance
to Santiago do Cuba is 127 miles, and
the roads leading there are rough and
difficult to travel. The Cubans now op
posing Oonernl Panda- number only,,
about 200 men.
General Shatter left his ship on
Wednesday nnd took up his, quarters
with General Wheeler at the front. His
appoarance there gave rise to the ru
mor that an attack on Santiago would
occur at once, but tho staff olllccrs
say It is Impossible to get tho army In
shape to strike a blow for several days.
About 2,000 troops aro camped four
miles east of tho city, and tho remain
dor of tho forces stretch along tho road
from thero to Juragua and Daiquiri.
The advance forces nre In a soml
circlo, tho loft flank resting about two
miles from tlio soa, under tho command
of General CbnlTco, with tho extreme
right, under the command of Colonel
Miles, about a mile to tho northwest.
Beginning with the Twelfth Infantry at
the extreme left, tho Soventh, Seven
teenth, Fourth, Twenty-fifth and Tenth
Infantry extends to tho right In tho
order named. Heyond them picket
lines are established three-quarters of
a mile nearer, Santiago city being In
plain sight of General Chaffee's and
Colonel Miles' troops.
Tho forces of tho American army aro
being mobilized as rapidly as possible
In tho vicinity of Aguadores, four miles
from Santiago do Cuba. The moment
the tedious task Is completed the at
tack on Spain's last ditch In eastern
Cuba will bo begun. When that will
ho. General Shafter cannot say.
The troops can bo moved without
serious delay, and nre pushing forward
rapidly, hut tho movement of tho
pack trains, wagons, ambulances and
artillery Is taxing tho skill and endur
ance of tho officers and men to tho
utmost. From Balquiri, where tho ar
tillery wns lunded, to the present point
of concentration, tho road runs
through n tangle of tropical undor
growth, up and down stoop hillsides
nnd over treacherous swamp bordered
streams for a distauco of over 12 miles.
Through this continuous thicket tho
roar guard of tho army is cutting lta
way. Engineers are at work lovollng
tho track and lining pits, whilo a largo
forco of regulars and volunteers with
axes, aided by Cubans with machotes,
nro hacking down trees and clearing
out tho brush. A few light guns have
already reached this port, hut tho
Eoigo guns aro not yet within flvo miles
of tho vanguard.
Much amusement has been caused
among tho officers by the largo num
ber of lied Cross lings flying from, tho
buildings In Santiago. Soven such
flags wero counted Wednesday. They
are all flying from tho Iargost and most
promlnont buildings, nnd our officers
say tho Spanish soldiers evidently thus
try to protect every placo In tho city
offering a good mark for the Ameri
can nrtlllory.
For tho past day or two tho landing
places hnvo been without Incident.
Tho hospital corps has finished its
camp, and sovoral patients nro nlrcady
undorgolng treatment, Thoro are qulto
a fow cases of measles under tho care
of the physicians, but a majority of
tho cases of sickness result from tho
heat and tho extreme hardships tho
men havo undergone, particularly In
waiting for shelter and food during
tho landing off Santiago.
Tho fleet lies Bllently and grimly
waiting for tho moment to como when
('outliiued 1111 Hijeoiid I'age.l
.Special to Kveki.vh 11khai.ii.
Washington, July 1. Active preparations
continue to be made for the formation of the
Haslcm squadron, under command of Com
modore Watson, and before the end of next
week It will bo 011 Its way to attack Admiral
t'atnara's tleet now at l'ort Said.
The purchase by American agents at l'ort
Said of two colliers loaded with coal and
despatched to that place by Siiln, was a
movo in tho interest of our Kastcrii squadron.
Itosldos the coal on tbeso colliers, tho Ameri
can agents also purchased all the available
coal at l'ort Said, and it will lie dcliveied to
Commodore Watson when ho goes through
the Sue, canal in his chaso after tlio Spanish
Tho navy department Is now equipping a
supply boat which cull carry provisions and
supplies to last Watson's lleet for four months.
The hitter's object is not to bombaid Spanish
cities, but to captuie or destroy Spain's
squadron, und tliis will be accomplished if ho
bus to sail to Manila, twenty thousand miles,
to do it.
Admiral Sampson and Coiniuodoio Watson
aro now forming plaus and details for tho
sqiiadion. Tlieio is. no danger of a scarcity
of coal. litch vowel will take on a supply
to take them to tho Balearic Islands, whore
thomen-ofwar can coal from tho colliers,
and a fiesh supply will bo taken 011 in tlio
lied Sea from tho 20,000 tons purchased at
Port Said.
It is confidently expected Hint Caumra's
fleet will bo either bottled up or captured in
the uoar fuluie,
A Cablegram Direct From General Shatter's
Headquirters, Two Miles
From the City.
Washington. July 1. General W. W.
Grcoly, ihlcf hiiiniil olllior, last night
received u dispatch from Lieutenant
Colonel Allen, fillet wiEiiul corps offl
o.t in Culm, unnounWiiE that a tele
graphic and telephone Million bad been
established at u point within two miles
of the city nf Santiago.
This Infoiinntlon Is of the hlshest
Importance to the olliclals of the war
'(jpartment, as It Insures to them
praetlCJBlV-"Hicct communication with
General ShaffeV.
The Information' 'i significant, too,
as it shows that the AmVilran troops
are within rifle shot of Santiago The
telegraphic station bpliiff. of course,
within the American lines, Its location
.conclusively Indicates that tho forces
of 'General Shafter have established
themselves in advance of the tele
graphic station. The. station Is in ront
of General Shatter's tent.
Notice to Water CnnmuiicrM.
The dry season of tlio year is now at hand
and all persons using water from tho public
water works aro cautioned that after this
date tho washing of buggies with hose, pave
ments and spriuklingof streetsare positively
forbidden. Scarcity of water necessitates
tlio above order and it will bo rigidly en
forced by the superintendent. By order of
water Committee,
7-1-tf Jos. W. Iiuix, Chairman.
An l.'urly Complainant.
At li o'clock this morning Justice Toomey
was aroused from ills slumber by Mrs
Christina Kasmarawicz, who livos on East
Centio street. Tho complainant caused tlio
arrest of Joo Gaultis for entering her houso
and attempting to heat her, hecauso bo was
ejected from the placo. Tho accused was put
under $300 bail.
Still flglitlni; I'lre.
lietween flvo and six hundred men aro en
gaged in fighting tlio fire in tho Win. l'cnn
mines. Tho gob is now being drawn out of
the old breasts whero tho firo has had sway
and Is now burning and after this work is
finished it is behoved tlio trouble will bo at
end. The gob is being run through the
breaker, as thero is considerable coal in it.
K. ;. Attention.
All membors of Anthracite Castle No. 74,
K. G. K aro earnestly requested to be in lino
of parado oil tho 1th of July, hi order to
make tho parade as Interesting aud us large
as possible on that occasion. Tho members
will plcaso moet in their hall on July 4th at
8:30 a. 111. to form in lino.
lly order of tho Castio,
(l-as-5t K. I). Hkduali, M. of W.
llousekuvpers Attention I
Special for Saturday, July 2nd, only.
White cup and saucer, regular price 5c, sale
price 3c; white dinner plates, regular prico
lie, sale price 3c; white ton plates, regular
prico 4c, salo price 2c; a lot of tumblers, reg
ular prico 5c, to go at 3c each; chcoso plates,
logular price 5c, to go at 3c ouch; decorated
vegetable dlshos, regular price 10c, salo prico
Oo each; flour sifters, regular prico 7c, salo
prico 4o each ; majolica pitchers, regular
prico 10c, salo prico 0c; 2 it. sauco pans, reg
ular prico 5c, sale price, 3c; earthen pudding
dishos, regular prico 7e, sale prico, 3c; 2 down
wltio glasses, regular prito 5c, salo prico 3c;
whiskey glassos, regular price 4c, salo price
2o. Couwiy'a Famous 5 and 10 cent store,
No, 102 North Main St., Shenandoah, I'a.
Special prices in flro works, blank cart
ridges, etc., at Olrviu's. Seo pricos in
window. U-30-i.'t
Jlciiibeil a I'lami.
Morgan Iiovaii, of South Wh ito street, this
morning purchased u Malcolm I.ovo piano at
the furniture waierooms of M, O'Neill. It is
a cabinet grand Instrument.
Abiolutely Puro
. nil
Permanent Organization Effected For
the Anthracite Boom.
They Were Well Received by the Meeting
and It Was Decided to Continue
Identified With the Boom Move
ment and Act as a Board
ot Trade.
Another meeting in tho iiitciosl of hard
coal Mid also to cU'oct a permanent organisa
tion of local business men to bo known as a
Hoard of Trade was held in Schmidt's hall
last evening. Although tlio attendance was
not very large, tho interost manifested by
those pioscnt gavo satisfactory assurance
that Shenandoah will rank among tho foie-
most of the towns now iuteieslcd in Hie
anthracite, boom.
The meeting was vailed to order by M. J.
Uiwlor. Tlio liral business transacted was
tho loading of the reports of Messrs. M. V..
Doyle and L. J. Wilkinson, who repioseuled
.Shenandoah at tho convention hold in Scrau
tou this week to boom hard coal.
Mr. Wilkinson said he attended the con
vention at Scrantou to boom hard coal and it
was composed of a very enthusiastic repre
sentation of prominent business men of the
anthracite coal region. It embraced almost
every town within its boundary. The con
vention mot in tlio rooms of tho Hoard of
Trade of Scranton. Mr. llolich, of Mt.
Catuiol, mado tlic opening address and M. E.
Doyle, of this town, was appointed a member
of tho committco 011 resolutions. Tho object
of tho convention was to dovise better moans
for obtaining cheaper railway rales on coal.
Mr. M. Doyle's leport was biniiiar to
that of Mr. Wilkinson's. Ho said two ses
sions were held, morning and ovening, and
the delegates piesent numbered at least one
bundled. Lvery representative was very
enthusiastic over the movement and the
peoplo of Scranton took a deep interost in it
bum in wont anil action. A pormancnt
organization waselloclod aud ollicers electfd.
Mr. Doylo read tlio names of tho towns
that wcio represented and also the resolutions
that wore adopted. Tho discrimination in
fieight rates on anthracite and bituminous
coal was also explained aud tlieio was some
talk of an independent railroad for the trans
portation of coal to tide water, which was
heartily endorsed by the representatives, and
the road has already been surveyed. It will
surely be built. In conversation with ono of
tho projectors tho following remark was
made : "Wo havo the coal hero and tho
market mere. All wo need is honest means
of transporting it."
Tlio reports of both delegates wero accepted
iWLt'io thanks 01 tho business men extended
for lire1r-'rSfUllierformanco of duty.
Tho next ttep talfceii"1 to effect a per
manent organization. niyS"-" """
in order and after considerable discussion It
wns agreed that all members should pay an
initial assessment fee of flftr cents to de
fray the expenses incurred by sondiug two
delegates to the convention at Scranton.
Nineteen members paid tho assessment.
Messrs. D. K. llrennau aud Arthur Sporo were
appointed a committee to solicit the funds.
Tho organization will ho known as the
Shenandoah Business Men's Association.
Tho following ollicers woro elected: M. J.
Lawlor, president ; J. M. Kalbach, vice presi
dent; M. i:. Doyle, secretary ; P. W. Houck,
treasurer. An executive committeo com
posed of Messrs. Arthur Sporo, Frank
Schmidt and I). K. llionnaii was also ap
pointed. They will mako a canvass among
tlio business men with a view to having
them join. It is urgently requosted that
thero will bo no refusals.
Tho next mooting will bo bold on Thursday
evening, 7th iust., at 8 o'clock, and at the
same placo.
Itlckert'rt Cale,
Clam soup, free, to-uight. Sausago aud
baked potatoes to-morrow morning.
CliNt) Wus DUnilsieil.
On a chargo made by Special Otllcer
AnthonylAlex, the poiter of tho Ferguson
House, 1). V. Stall, was taken into custody
yesterday afternoon for violating a borough
ordinance by alleged reckless driving. After
hearing tho evidence Justico Toomey ills-
uusscu 1110 case, saying tuc speed was a
necessity in order to accommodate several
commercial men who iiad baggago to bo
shipped on an out-going train.
Specials at (ilrvlu's I'riday aud Saturday
lobars of soap and good broom, for 25c;
largo tin cuspidor, .01c; all sue chair seats,
.0tc; 1 docn boxes matches, 5c; largo 35, 45
ana ooe Kettles, seo our window, your
choice 2,jc.
Itov C. ItunnKiiiT, Mgr. 8 S. Main St
Medical Men Meet.
The annual meeting of tho Schuylkill
County Homeopathic Modlcal Society was
held at Tombing Hun yesterday afternoon,
when the following ollicers wero elected :
President, Dr. J. V. Klock, Mahanoy City
Vlco President, Dr. William Doyle. Potts
villa; Secretary, Dr. John Prico, Shenandoah,
and Treasurer, Dr. T. W. Swalm, Pottsvillo.
It was decided to hold the next meeting at
Mahanoy City. Those in attendance from
Shenandoah wero Drs. J. S. and M. S. Kistler
ami 1). John Prico. The latter read an in
teresting paper.
Convert and lYhtUal.
Deliglittul music and delicious ice cream
at tho festival ill Robbins' opera house by the
Grant Hand, Friday and Saturday evenings
Vlag liaising,
Superintendent Thomas llalrd, of the
Thomas Coal Company, will unfurl a largo
American ilag to the breeze on his lawn on
Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, with appro
priate ceremonies. Hey. James Mooro will
bo tho orator for tho occasion and tlio cole
b rated P. M. church choir will lender patiiu
tic selections. All invited.
ltlameil In the AVrong,
F.l. Hkrami : Tho timber men at tho Win.
I'enu colliery want it distinctly understood
that they did not cause tbo file in that mine
Furthermore, Supt. Lewis should not accuse
them boforo tho matter is Investigated.
Da vin J. Davis,
Klias IllVKN.
Attention, Camp 11.
All members of Washington Camp No. 112,
P. O. S. of A., are urgently requested to be
present at the camp room 011 Monday mora
Ing at 8:00 o'clock, to participate in the
Fourth of July parade, A full attendance Is
desired. Ily order of
tl-2t) H The Commutkk
Tlmou nra linrl Dnnnln 1
1 nr 1. 1 . . 1
1. : r 1 . . 1 a
high grade and up-to-date.
Summer Shirts,
Summer Underwear,
Crash Suits,
Bicycle suits and coif letreincs
btiiiw hats, from 10c up tb
S2. 25. Fashionable black and
brown stiff hats, from $1.00 to
$3.00, and many other articles
tion of. We guarantee bargains.
Call at once for you are ha ing a
saving opportunity.
15 E. Centre c
Up To-Date 1 lat Store and
Greatest Gent's Furnishii
th i
Mrs. J. J. KEL-' C
Fine Split Straw Trimmed S3
were ft. 25 now 50c. all styles.
Children's, Misses and I.adir
Trimmed White bailors in h
worth 75c. , our price 25o,
White Panama Short liacL
$1.35, our price 63c,
Leghorn Hats
Lilac Flowers, four sprays to t
75c,, now 30c.
Velvet I'ansies were 75c. now 35c
White Liliies of the Valley tt 1
now 33c.
Colored Roses from 5c. up.
These goods were bought tc
the finest of the season.
Satin and Cros Grain Ribbon,
25c. Ftncy Striped Ribbons w
yard, now 35.
Call and get prices or match
l if. Wo
are ollenng bargains.
Tea Co., Shenandoah,
I ...,in-i'V'
id. 106 S01 r 'ti
V I.W.
street. f?e""are daily
furnitAire which must t
into money. We an
not to be undersold h
our competitors, and
a posjtion to uplu
assertion. Call and S
be convinced of the ft
we are beyond approac
For the summer we will
specialty of
For family and busiue
poses. us quote yo
aud styles.
106 S. Main St
Furniture Dealer and Uudt
... Is the Beginning of I
Wostphal'o AuxJHr
Cures Dandruff and all diseases' of ti
Ferguson House Block.
Don't lose your head, and
you will not fail to perceive
the rare opportunities we are
oflering the public to secure
at reduced prices. Seeing is
.believing. We ask you to in
spect our goods and will n-V
their ability to convince you
that they are worth the prices
asked. Try some of our bar
gains ; they will do you g?od
25 South Mala Street.