THE EXCEILM2 or SYRUP OF HfiS Is ilno not only to this originality :nil simplicity of tbo combination, Imt nlso to tiro caro nnd sltill with which it is manufactured by solentillc processus known to tho Oai.ii'oiima Fin Svuur Co. out; , mid wi wish to impress upon nil tho importanco of imrchaiiif? tho true ami original remedy. As tho genuine Syrup of Fljjs is immiiiitctiirutl by tiio CAi.iruuNiA Fio Sviiui' Co. only, n knowledge of that fact wilt ns- ist one in nvoitlinjr tho worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tho high standing of tho Cali 1.0UNIA Via Svhup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which tho genuine Syrup of Tigs has given to millions of families, maUos tho name of tho Company a guaranty of tho excellence of its remedy. It is far in advanco of nil other laxativiw, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripo nor nauseate. In ordertogeHts beneficial effects, please remember tho name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ran ritANci' v :. ci. Louisville. Kj. m-.v vom:. n. t. WITCH HAZEL, OX3L. C Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulos. Bums & Scalds. ! I Wounds & Bruises. Cuts it Sores. Boils & Tuneors. Eczema & Eruptions. Snlt R Ilium & Tetters. ' E Chnppet Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lipu & Nostrils. O Corns & Bunions. Stings : Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, t$c, 50c. and $1.00. Cold bydrugglsts, 011 t! itost-paldonreceiptof price lu jiriiiiiis', u ii3nimu8u,Ac'Vtk. If we dan sell you one 2c. package ofl tins immixture we'll be satisfied. You'll buy more lor it will touclt the spot. Grocers p ;el G's. nd. 5 LAUER'S In Bottles or by the Keg. Lauer's Lager MD Pilsnei Beer. Porter and Weiss Beer. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Uottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA EVAN J. DAVIES. ivery and Undertaking, No. 13 North Jardin St. Tho Rosy Frcshnoss And a velvet softness of tlio skin la lava ilably obtained bjr thorf) who use 1'ozzoni'i Complexion 1'ouiler. HUMPHREYS glU-A5K FORTHEM-Hfl Ml ran - lg ' to ordinarj'l conce Knows i 1 f grand drink Hint'" wiUleclrhusbi THE NAVAL BUGBEAR COAL AND COALING A CONSTANT SOURCE OF TROUBLE. Ncrvu Wrecking Kiporlonroa Which Drive Ohlcf KiiRlnccra llnlf Iiinnne nnd l'ro mntiircly llrcnk Them Up Physically. Kxplorlnjr tlio Hunkers. Conl Is tho bugbenr of moilorn ships of wnr. It is tho causo of consolcss bother foro nnd lift. Coal Hutu tho norvos of Hoot coiimimulor.4, chip commanders, chief uiul nsslstimt onjrlneors on odgo for long cruises nt n, stretch. Conl, which nlso menus ronlliitf, causes moro desertions from tho linvy than any other fonturoof tho scrvloo. Tho growls over conl nnd conllng nbonrd inon-oC-wnr of todny nro never cinllng. When tho potency of conl for rendering chief eiiBlueera half Insnno Is considered, It Is no wonder tlint so many of them go to pieces physically mid nro forced to rotlro When they ought to bo in their prima of usefulness. Ever slnco nion-of-wnr wero first driven by steam tho world's nnvlos have beon ex perimenting with conl. Tho results of their experiments up to tlio present tlmo, ns most of tho chief engineers confoss, mny bo represented by naught. Tho steam ing radius of a ton of conl, tho weight of a ton of coal's smiike, tho weight of n ton of coal's refuse, tho proportlonnto amount of ollnkor In each and all of tho world's brands of steaming conl, tho number of pounds of steum niudo In a given time by oach and nil of tho world's brands of steaming coal thoso nnd nbout 40 others of similar character aro tho minor problems tlint come In for solution after tho chiof problem of getting aboard enough coal to drlvo tho ship nspoclllcddlstanoois solvod. Thoso nro tho pencil and pad puzzlos that conduco ho to tho conversion of naval engi neers Into neurasthenia wrecks. Tho big problom of courso Is tho con sumption of coal the getting of enough i ceal nbonrd man-of-war to urlvo licr throws'" " certain number of longuos 01 wntor. Coal Is deceiving nnd treacherous. It has nn utterly Inoxpllcablo fashion of working Its way Into tho furnaces, of sneaking out of bunkers nnd of smashing tho calculation slates of skippers and en gineers to binltliereens. Jinny nn Inno cent coal passor on board a mnn-of-wnr gots himself dragged up to tho innst to ex plain to his skipper nnd chlof engineer tho absenco of a certain amount of coal that nught still to remain in tho bunkers tho coal henver has beon working In, but that Isn't thero nil tlio sumo. Coal passers hnvo boon worried Into say ing "I didn't cat tho coal," under thoso cross examinations. Whon coal consump tion calculations nro spoiled in this way, tho recrimination that follows oil along tho lino Is natural. Tho skipper says tho ohlof cnglncor hasn't n proporly dovclopod bump 01 economy. Tlio cine: snys tno men hnvo sneaked tho coal Into tho furnaoes. Tho men say tho coal Is no good nnd burns llko dry hemp. And tho coal goes right on using Itself up ns if bowltohod. Cliiol engineers Know, or course, just how much coal tho bunkers of their ships will hold, to n pound in cublo moasuro inent but figures Ho with refcrenco to coal. When a chlot midway on a crulso wants to know how much coal ho has used and how much ho still hns on hand, ho never simply subtracts tho amount usod, necordlng to tho log, from tho nmount tnkon nbonrd nt tho outset of tho crulso. Ho knows that if ho does this ho'll proba bly get Ills ship In tho trough of tho sea 100 or 500 miles from land without n pound of coal left to niovo her into port. Ho llrst sends his yeoman, iv chief petty ofllccr, Into tho bunkers to do somo figur ing. Ho discounts tho yooman's report through his knowledgo that all yeomen nro optimists and thoreforo likely to tack on a good many moro tons than tho bun kora contain. After tho yeoman has washed up nnd mado his pen and poncll Bketch of tho bunkers, with tho figured nmount of coal romalning in each of them, tho chief sends 0110 of his cadet engineers through tho bunkers for a report on tho nmount of coal remaining on hand. Tho cadot engineer does somo fancy figuring, making his cal culations iw, abstruso ns possible for tho greater effect of thorn, and then tho chief has 0110 of tho assistant engineers under tako tho murky, 6iuutty trip through tho bunkers. Tho assistant engineer's figures occasionally get within 100 tons or so of tho figures presented by the yeoman and tho cadet engineer. Finally tho chief as sumes tho bluo jumpors nnd blouso him self and makes tho bunker crulso. Ho al ways omorges from tho bunkers with n uloomy oyo nnd with his confidence In tho thrco olllcers ho hns sent through tho bunkors qulto shuttered, and ho generally makes for tho captain s enliin nnu an nouncos that If tho speed of tho ship Is not immediately reduced ho won't bo held ro- sponslhlo fortho ship's running outof coal in luUIotran. Tho perturbation of tho chlof englneor under theso circumstances usually works on tho footings of 0110 of tho old machinists nt tho throttlo. Theso old machinists aro practical, experienced men, who don't know much nbout figures nnd hnvo no sort of reverence for cublo measurement. Ono of them goes through tho bunkors, sizes up tho amount of coal remaining In oach of tliom by tho slmplo oyo method, which is tho ovolution of experience, and makes n report on tho amount of coal on hand that in nino cases out of ten Is1 proved nt tho end of tho crulso eorroot almost to tho ton. Thus tho troublo over tho ooal In tho bunkers Is never nt nn end. If tho chlof engineer's troublo over tho question of coal consumed and on hand wcro tho end of tho problem, It would not bo so bad, but tho number of reports ho Is compelled to mnko to tho bureau of steam cnulncerlng on ench enrgo of coal is an- nallliiK. Ho has got to tabuloto for tho bureau of steam engineering tho exact amount of coal, to a half bushel, used dally for driving ship, for working tho ventilating ougines, for working tho Hushing pumps, for working tho dynnmos. for furnishing heat, for running tho lco machines, for operating tho condensers, for doing nil of the things aboard a mod ern man-of-war tlint stenin Is employed for. IIo must seo to it that ovory pound of rofuso from tho coal used on n crulso Is measured and weighed nnd report on It. Ho must hnvo tho clinker ussortcd from tho.rofuso, havo It weighed and report on It, Ho must note tho color of the coal's smoko nnd report on it lu varying degrees of density. Ho must, In general, note tho conduct and morula of all tho coal 0011 sumed on his shin and report on It. No wonder that chief onglneers on shoro duty nlwnys look away when thoy pass 11 coal yard. New York Sun. Scald head Is an eczema of tho scalp very sovcro sometimes, hut It can ho cured Doau's Ointment, ipiick and permanent In Its results. At any drug storo, 50 cents. Intended tu Decelvo. "Hero is n story of aConnoctlont woman Who Is said to ho willing to sell herbulf us slnvo," said tho youuir linoholor. "Hotter light n llttloshyof It," rotnrnetl tho mai'rled man, who had learned soniO' thing hy oxierlence. 'After tho ceremony iwrfovmed yon would prohahly And that she would ho just as independent and arbitrary as any other wife." Chicago l'ntt. I'arls policemen ore provided with pieces of ohalk Willi which to luiiKo a nmrK in I'UMMof omei'Kencyon a suspected pei'bon's cl'jthlng. Tliu btratugein is especially for .on In crowd. To Cure Headache In 15 Minutes. Tako l)r. Davis' Atl-lleadiu'lio. Alldiiit'BUts ,-,4" WT?n? NlMAlTl'I THE SECRET of my strength is perfect diges tion. I use the genuine Joliann Hoff's Malt Extract, and find that it greatly aids me in the proper assimilation of food." Sinned KuuiiNE SaNDOW. Beware of imitations. The genuine has the signature of (IKTTVSItllltO ltATTU'.rilXH. l'Kitfoy.vixv-CoN'nucTKi) Tnun via Pi;n.v- RVI.VANI.V l!.UM!OAI. On Saturday, July 10, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run a special three day tour to Gettysburg, the Mecca of Ameri can patriotism. Lcavo New York S.iiO A. SI., Trenton, lO.iS A. SI., Philadelphia lii.20 P. SI. Itou nil-trip rate, including two days' otol accoiuiuoilatloiis and carriage drivo over the hittlefielil all necessary expenses $1M.50 from New York, f 13 50 from Trenton, 10.00 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from other points. A tourist agent and chaperon will accompany tho party, and Capt. James T. Long, the celebrated guide, will desciiho tho liattlo nt tho HiBli-Wator Slark, "Woody Angle." Ask your grocer for tho "Koynl Patent flour, and take no other brand. It is tho best Hour lunilo ROFESSIONAL CARDS jjjj- M.BU1EKE, ATT0UHEY-AT-LAW. Ofllee Kuan lititlcltnir. corLer of Main nr Centre street, Slieimndoith. J H. POMEItOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW BheiiAiuloAh, Pa. W. HHOEMAKKli ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.. Corner Market and Centre streets. )UOF. JOHN JON1W, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Cox (Vt, Mnlmuoy City, 1'a. Ha vine lulled under somo of tho boal rafts t era li London nnd Purls, will fclvo leflsoiia on tho violin, mandolin, KuitArnnd vocal culture. Terms ruattoiinble. Audrren In uiroul Htroitno the Jeweler SbennndoAli. HLT&gg6Q4H.SixihSt. Side Entrance on Groen St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. CURE GUARANTEED." Voudjt, oltI,BlnpIeormarrtt.'d& thoso con templating jniirrlace, lrynu are a victim of BLOOD POISOH S?.WS Private Diseases human rnco which dc strnv mind nnd bodv. ftnd-iinllt von for tho duties nf life, call or write end be eavetl. Hours: Dally, !)-3i 'Vt?n, 0-0 Sun.. V2. Send JOcts.ln ft amps for Boole with iworn tnHtliunulul xioNiut: tluuck and Pake lustUutes. (0100KKM00KH0) OOOOOOu 'S btrccs3or of tho "Unabridged." The Ono Crcut Stnittlnnl Authority, So writi'H lion. 1). .T. Itrewcr. JllStlPO I . Htuutliiril or the U. S. (lov't I'rlntlnK Offlce, lha I1. S. Supreinj ( nicme CourM.amtof near 17 iui me ncuuoiuuvKH. Wnrmlv Colillilcllflod III vnliiutile In 1)io liousclinld, ami to ( tha tcnclitT, .cluilnr, in-1 ll'HItluillll 1UUU, UI1U M'll- euuoaior. TUG BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE. It Is ensv to find the word wanted It is easy to ascertain the pronunciation It Is easy to trace the growth of a word. it is raiy to learn unat n woru means. x ii" j.cit, a tit i. jjiiiiiiiv 'I lin 1 iti-st r-lllloll coinrs from tl.( mi w lib 11 I rnm.lrl'U'i44 that luiII Die most thorough nil. . I irl'il unit IYpoizrplitriil Riner Ulon, 'I 1k, ; .i l.lo iniiill.', loo. iliuU tills 11 work to wlildi II u c iHi.iuiiy uscmiio v u-r.-.iiii. ww. " OUT TMR DUST. ISySpcciinen pace sent on application to r:..c- r. muukiam co., ruhtisticrt.. ytiirlniHielil. Muss.. TT.S.A. t00Xod00000 pro FREE TRIAL TO ANY RELIABLE MAN Weak Men Restored, or No Expense for Treatment. A Course of Remedies the marvel of medical sciences and Apparatus indorsed by physicians will bo sent ON TRIAL, WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENT. If not all we claim, return them nt our expense. MEN WHO ARE WEAK, BR6KEN DOWN, DISCOURAGED. Men who suf fer from the effects of disease, over-work, worry, from the follies of youth or the ex cesses of manhood, from unnatural drains, weakness or lack of development of any or. pan, failure of vital forces, unfitness for marriage all such men should "come to tho fountain head" forn scientific methodof mar velous powor to vitalize, develop, restore and sustain. On request wo will send description and particulars, with testimonials, In plain sealed envelope. (No C. O. D. imposition or other deception.) Cut out this offer or mention paper. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y. tut bf toll direct inner tor S3 yetre Mt prlcei, iftvinit aeaier ipmdu. pmu where for mlUM. Eterjttunc wirriowu. I ID llTiee 01 i unit., 65 Uriel of lUrueii. Ml VnH TopUuMiee.Jlo70. Surrefe.lSUtatm. CtrrU- ... Phk.lane 'fle. ..... lt.ii.1 f(, tt. Sum; Huuu. ritM, 111.00. cuioi f n ELKHART UAUUIAUK AND llAUMUSS MJTU. Worse Thau Slocclng. "Ilavo you hoard about Tlnuloinun tho hlcyolo miintifncturcrf" "No, what nlKHit hlmt" "An awful thine happened tohlm night beforo last. It seoins that lio wont to Ir Vlngton Hooth, tlio trngedlan, nnd offered to start him on thoroadln'ltlchnrdlll.' " "Wellf" "You know tho trngedlan prizes his art nbovo all worldly returns. " "I never honrd hlnihiiyso, but tho looks of his clothes would Indicate Hint such was tho case." "Yes. Well, Tlngloliam's proposition was tlint ho should boar nil theexpenses of a gorgeous production, while Irvlngton Booth was to havo tho privlltgo of choos ing Ills own company, ordering Ritch cos tumes mid soonery as ho wanted and go ing nhond to suit himself, but tlicro wns one condition." "What was thatf "When Hlchard enmo upon tho stngo, just lieforo tho light with nichmotid, lio was to yell: 'A blko, a hlkol My king dom for a hlkol' Instead of calling for a horso. " "And when ho niudo that proposition I suppoio tho actor slugged him, did hof" "Slugged hlinf No. He Insisted on reciting tlio wholo play to him to f.eo how It would go. It required four strong men to carry poor old Tingleman out, and tho deal Is off." Cleveland lender. K. C. lllanks, of I.ewlsville, Texas, writes that one box uf DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo was worth $50.00 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try It. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate sores. C. II. Ilngeiihiich. A l'rulltahlu Smell. On nn outlying portion of Iord Hoso bery's estate at Dalmeny there nro sholo mines which for many years hnvo paid largo dividends to the company working them. When tho wind is in n certain di rection, tho smoke and smell from tho works nro occasionally carried ns far ns tho mansion. Ono day when they wcro exceptionally perceptible a visitor ventured to express to his lordship his surprise at his permit ting such a nuisance to exist In the local ity. The prompt reply of Lord Uosebery was, ' Ah, my lrlend. Iiowi vcr unpleasant It may bo to yon, to me it is tho smell of i!5 per cent." Llw-rpool Mercury. ALWAYS KEEP (IN HAND r THERE IS NO KIND OF PAIN OR ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL O THAT PAIN-KILLER WILL NOT RE LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- , STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS &- SON. 5 THE PHILADELPHIA TiriES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. nurliiKlSlMTHUTI JlltS will not only maintain tlio hlli staoilalil of exct'lleiK't' it i-vat'lit-d the past year, hot will steadfastly endeavor to excel Its own best record, ami w 111 not swerve from Its net to niako THE TIMES THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF THIS COUNTRY THE BUST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED I'UINTINO ALL THE NEWS OK ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME No journal is more extensively circulated or lias u witler circle of readers lu l'ennaytvanla than THE PHILADELPHIA TlflES WHY ? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one TRT? MC DAII.Y,83.00perannums Mccnts ACtvi'l3 per month : delivered by carriers for 0 cents per weet. BUND.VV KDITION, 32 lame, linmlaome lmces 221 column, elegantly Illustrated, beautifully printed In colors, $20 per annum; 5 cents per copy. Dally nnd Hun dny, $3.00 per nunum ; SO cents iter month. Address all letters to THE TIMES, I A SCIENCE TBIMMINfJ THE LAMP OF UFE, l tfc s ai unoie- otm iuv WftKoa- tnd Milk ,iui t'm ,0 M- 11 tMi " '' I0- CO. W. H. I'UAXX, Mf. KLKUABT. IKU. THE BUMBLEBEE Ife Does Not Fcnr tlm Cold an I It Futind Kveii In tho Arttlo Itrulcn, In St. Nicholas thero In nn artlolo on "The Uumbloboc," written by Uaruoy Hoskln StandWU. Mr. HtnndUh says: This chunky, hatry, noisy fellow is king It tho oold. Ho stays with us summor nnd winter and Is snld to prefer tho orotic region to the tropics. I do not doubt this, for ho will sleep out of doors any cold night of spring or fall without asking for nn extra blanket. Indeed, ho is homeless for nine or ten months of the yenr, lodg ing wherever night overtakes him, on a blossom, a leaf and oven upon tho ground. If ho hns any choice lu tho matter I think he prefers the thistle, wliero tho spines are thickest. Perhaps ho Is awaro that these ttlugers will gu.iVd him from the skunk nnd tho sniiko while his own nro In n body stiffened by oold and drowsy with sleep. There nro threo kinds of bumblebees roared In n nest queens, drones nnd work ers. Tlio queens alone survive the winter. They apparently spend tho first few weeks of spring waiting for ml olover to bloom, tho first blossom of which Is tho signal for nest building. lieforo this thoy visit tho Willows, hum a soft bass about tlio lilacs, thrust their long tongues Into tho honey suckles nnd grow fat at tho oxhaustles'i honey jars of the water-loaf, and then tho play day ends and labor begins. Nost building with them does not menu nest construction. One boo nlono could Hot well do that. Iiosldes she Is In a big, bustling hurry now. Sho lias actually soon a clover blossom. Out nnd In ninong tho dead, matted grosses of Inst year's growth slto goos, hunting porhnps for tho aban donctl nest of a field mouse. It will bo re membered that these llttlo animuls build upon tho surface of the ground soft nests of grasses, In which thoy winter. From theso they hnvo runways leading In differ ent directions. Tho bee goes down Into the dead grass, scrambling on as best sho may, until 6ho finds ono of thoso runways, following It up to tho nest. If It Is ooou plcd, sho goes elsewhere ; If not, tho mouse nest straightway becomes a beo's nest and tho llttlo cronturo begins her preparations for housokoeplng. Sho now collects a mnss of pollon In which to deposit an egg. As tho egg hntches and tho baby bco grows sho keeps this mass moKtcned with honoy, nnd he helps himself, eating out a cavity larger than a whito beau. In this ho spins a com plete coooon. Whon this is dono, ho takes a long nap, In which ho changos from n grub Into a buniblebeo, with wings nnd legs. SIcnntiinc tho parent removes tho thin coating of pollen from tho upper half of the cocoon and apparently spreads a yellow secretion or vurnish upon It, ns If to keep out moisture. Sho is also now busy collecting more pollen and luying eggs In It and constructing a rudo coll or two In which to placo honey, as if for n rainy day. Tho llrst boos that hotcli are worker bcos, and at this tlmo nro downy, pale and babyllko In nppenrnnco and be havior. In later summer queens nnd drouos nro raised. &bo Thought Ho Wuh Crying. "Over In Illinois when I was a hoy," snld a congressman from the stttto to n re porter, "there was a lawyer named Hath away, who lived In my natlvo town, and who hud something tho matter with his eyes. I think tho doctors said his lucliry inal glands wero weak. 'Anywuy, lio was always wiping his eyes. Sometimes It wns amusing in court to seo him bring out his big red bandanna and jvlpo his eyes when ho was talking to tho court upon somo dry legal proposition. You know you rather expect a lawyer to do it beforo a jury In criminal practice. "Well, they iued to tell this story on Hathaway : One day it woman canio into Ills ollleo to consult with him regarding tho beginning of a suit for divorce from her husband. Hlio related how sho hud beon abused and told a story of sullerlng. Just nt this point Ilatliaway roachod for his hutidkercihef and wiped his eyes. "Ills client, who was of a sympathetic naturo, sought to stay his arm and said: " 'Don't cry, Mr. Hathaway; don't cry.' "Hathaway wns sensitive regarding his Infirmity, but ho always laughed heartily when tho story was told In his presence." Washington Star. Free Pills. Send your address to It. E. Iiucklcn & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills ' are easy in their action and arc particularly eflectivc in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. l"or Malaiia nnd Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. I hey are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the s) stem. Regular size 2oc, per box. Sold by A. Wasley, Druggist. Wlftheil Him ItUHlneHS Had Luclc. Threo men wero standing in front of tho po-,tolllco, mid to them canio a fourth. Ono of tho threo did not know tho new comer nnd stepped nsldo slightly, but ho overheard tho conversation. "Well, John. How's things?" "Poor; very poor. I haven't had o thing to do for threo weeks." 'Is that so?" "Sure. If this streak of bad luok keeps up, I'll hnvo to go out of business." Instend of commiserating tho othor two men grinned, nnd ono snitl In an unfcollng tone: "I don't euro If you never have work." John shook his head sadly and passed on. Tho listener was shocked. Ho had never heard anything so bluntly cruel. In a few moments ho oxpressed his feelings soino what warmly. "IIo seems llko an honest follow and de serves oncourngement," ho concluded. Doth men laughed outright. "Well," said one at length, "If you want to glvo him a job you'ro welcomo. IIo la an undertaker." Chicago Thnos-Horald. Interested People. Advertising a patent medicine in the ie- culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's llaUam for Coughs and Colds docs it, is in deed wonderful, lie authorizes nil druggists to give to those who call for it, a sample bottle free, that they may try it before pur chasincr. The large bottles are 25 and 60c. We certainly would advise a trial. It may save vou from consumption. V I'oiatimiuri llitu. One of tho woil recorded llistnncos of poisoning fioui the bite of a noncarnlvo rous animal ucciurod at the zoo. It is well Known that Hamas and gutmaco'', In ad dition to a butl and lclous tomtn, ' nvo a disgusting habit of spitting at persons tiny d! .111:11. This is nasty enough, mvt an unintended experiment shows that there Is every roil''"!! to liellovo that this i-.dlva Is som t linos polsouo' 3. It was In tended to remove a i'- h- (.-i. .naco from Its Inclosuro, mi l sever..! persons wero occu plod in its ti mmiT. The guiiunco bit one of thcr-c In the wi iM and - pat Its saliva on tho ear of auothoi'. The I ito caused sevoro blood poisoning, the person lnjurodboliig 111 foveral month-- lu eoiiM-quenco, whllo a young man, ono i.f the keepers, on whoso car the creatine's siili-a hod lalluu, had a minor form of blood poisoning affecting tho car and ntok. Unidon ripectutor. Tlio editor of the II- ins City, Pa., Olohr vviites, "Olio Mlnuli r mall Cure is rightly named. It oured my uliildicu after all other leiuedles failed." It- ui't-s couch, colds nnd nil and hint! tlulihlik. C. II. IluKt-ll buch. A Trllln Ncnnlchted. ' At I)i l' on - iiurdny night a solort ro torlnof iiilddle ngi d men Wero laughing over nn Incident t liat ocourretl thowotk befom nt lha hinne nf a mutual friend. A young swell nf excellent stock truly, but probably the last of his lino, tho stock hnv- ' lug exhausted Itself In him, culled ono afternoon on tho daughter of tho house, I with whom he was much smitten. j "Is Miss Clara IM" ho asked the butler. ' "Miss (Jlain Is not at home, " was the ro- ply, nnd the door was slammod In tho youth's fneo. Hut Miss Clara hnpiieiietl to be looking out of tho window, and, seeing her swnln turning nwny, she ran down stairs, opened the door and Invited him to outer, apologising for the butlor. A few days afterward the ! met Miss Clara's father, who Is a man of few words, and they generally ore rough. "Deuced Impertinent man you havo at your houso," he said. "Actually had tho niidaelty to slam your door In my faeo and spoke of your daughter ns Mlm Clara." "Young man, " growled tho Crtunus, "I ain't got no butler, and It was me who slammed the door In your face, and tho next time you eoiue fimlln around CInru I'll kick you down the stoop I don't like your sin t You ain't half it man." New York I'ress. Win your Imttlos against disease by sctinc promptly. One Minute Cough Cure prodiu cs immediate result. When taken early it pre vents consumption. Anil in Inter singe it ftirni-thos pioinpt relief. C. II. Iliigeiiliin li. A Mnire SuKi'stion. Karly Iiyscr Why don't you leave tho mntchsnfe In ono place two consecutive times? Every morning I waste live min utes groping for It. Mrs. Hyser (sleepily from under tho bed clothes) How do jou expect to llnd any thing In tho dark)1 Why don't you strlko a light? Philadelphia Coll. .Siltlleleut Iteafton. Mother Children, you must be very good now your father's hurt his hand nnd can't lieut you I Fllegende HlattiT. The young man who starts In business life with a good athletic training back of him will be able to stand more than the man who has not had the same advant age. Nevertheless, if he overworks and neglects his health, he is likely to fall a victim to some fa tal malady like his lets fortunate brother. There is only one safe road for a man to tread in tho matter of health. That U the road of eternal vigilance. No man, no matter how strong he may be natural ly, can with impunity neglect the little ills and indispositions of life. These little dis orders arc what make the big ones. When a man sufftrs from headaches and loss of nppetite, feels drowsy and dull duting wak ing hours, cannot sleep at night and is nervous and shaky at all times, he is in a dangcious condition. If he long neglects his condition he will find himself a very sick man Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best of all medicines for the many diccascs that art- caused by an impaired digestion and insufficient unci im proper nourishment. It creates a hearty, healthy uppctitc; it makes digestion and assimilation perfect ; it invigorates the liver ana purines ana euricnes 111c 0100a. It is the great blood-maker, flesh-builder and nerve tonic. It is the best of nil medi cines for nervous disorders nnd it cuicso,S per cent, si all cases of consumption, if taken in its earlier stages, before the lungs are too far wasted. For chronic, bronchial, throat and uasal affections it is an uti cqualed remedy. An honest dealer will not suggest some Inferior substitute. Kev. C. M. Lcmond, (P. O. Dox 207), Quanah, Hnnlemnn Co, Texas, writeb: "I write 10 say that during the late trouble between the States it became my duty as well as privilege to speak in the open air at night, which produced slieht hemorrhages and loss of voice from which I had sutTered more or less for a number of years, until that God send ' Oolden Medical Discovery,' riven to the world by the inventive and scientific brain of Dr. K V Pierce, was obtained. Alter six bot tles had been us.ea the pains and athitr in my luucrs beK.m to pive way, aud uow I feel that, with a judicious course of life 1 may live many years 1 thank God for giving to the world a man who has done so much for buffering hu manity." WHEN IN STRONG AGAIN! 0 vlcor to the w hole beinz. All drains are properly t.ureti, their condition fT Mailea sealed. Prices i per box; o Doxes, witn iron-ciaa ifgai Ruarantee to cure or reiunnmo moucy, J 5,oj. Send lor free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE C0,t Cleveland, 0 For Sale al KIRLIN'S Drufif Store, Shenandoah, Pa. "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. '.il EiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB Pi A f ItrO lUUKTKlVW UUU HOtlll iUlOllllUll 111 - J5rfV--lC-- tho World's Progress. Tho well In- ((VAt ' vA fornicl anil thrifty Housu-wlfo will l1SRAiNB0W LINIMENT 1 If Kf S FOB S-A.Xj33 EVFKirWHEillb. 5 S 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f i xi i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j r.iiJaiiJiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniriiiiii lU ' rfc3 m .i Br im v m SOME OF THE STRIKING FEATURES FOR 1898 THREE SERIAL STORIES THE ADVI-NTUHRRS Br II. B.SIA RK10TTHA TSOM FOUR FOR IS a thrilling story o( a fight for a treasure concealed in an old castle in the mountains t i t t t t SHORT FICTION In addition to the three lon serial stories, the publication of which will continue during the entire year, there will be short stories of every kind, of which it Is only fustible to mention a few tittes acre. Hunt, the Owler The Ulockadrrs A Harbor Mystery if 8TASLSY J VrgrilAS C, JAS1B3 BARXttl Bf JOUX It SrjURS The Flunking of Wolklns' Ohost A (lreat Haul A Creature of Circumstance Br jou.v jieyutticK B.txca Bt suriim an err b, siukgan iMBXKrso.v ARTICLES ON SPORT. TRAVEL. ETC. r Elephant Hunting In Africa bi aroxxr brooks Flrit Lessons In Tllltsr and Sheet ' t Bt cvvisr p. r. r.ini-tit ' . DEPARTMENTS Editor'! Table, Stamps and Coins, Photography JO lntt a Sumter (Semtor Frri Prospectus). Subscript!, fl.00 a Year, Postage free iti the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address TTAni'KIt UltOTlIIiltS, PiililUhcrs, Trankllii Sutiare, N. V. City. SUntey J. M'cymsa ft. B. M. Watsea CVnis C Adarnl tou1tnty ni'elow Kirk M A 0'vV'V'sVsVV'sVsV'V 'V1V'sVV'sVV'k'sVsV''tV HUMOR My httln daughter's luid nnd faco hroko out in hii 1 iitn ' f-'.t.'s. t ,.t I,, ri irsvv.i:if,' all dwotl htttw .iiMslniu'iifiir Her snnVnng was intense, gelling no rest tin',, -j under opiates. Tliu plivsi- lan tried ricry known remedy, but ins' of pettni' be'er she got worse. Distrai ted with In 1 c. Hon, J was advised to try Ci nn 11 a ItrJir liHA Jlinrr llit jlrit trn ) I noticed the. Utile suirercr was be-rninlng to get rellcr.nud In ' thun tm vtfiitln was etttlrt hi 1 r ' Mrs. JAS.Mi:i,T IV. 5 llayden St ,Atlantu,fa. Sinr rm Sms-TrUTi Bti. Bimrl m. It, -t r ! TlKKif Muni! us fn a warm hath with O ri, - a - Su inul a ijf'p an inlinat with C( nr i ha, art , r rn lirnle n id pitri-Rl of iltln rurcii Tliia trratinrnt ig-k-a ItiKtant All. f (M-rinit rr.t for i-aretil and !imi ' , i i,l( at, I p., 1 t., 4 u.idy, itertnaiifiit, and muih.iiii jliure, !i,'n all el... tailR. So',1 n, itfh, TTaK 1) ftf tuHr Sola How tuC'iire torturlDn lluuioTi, rraa. MKE PBFEOT mi DO NOT DESPAIR! lio Not HnffVr I,oiiKcr! Tlio t uujiiuiun's of me can wi mii Tlif very v r 1 . ,im Mir INt rv.nis, lon.J t ir -i ' ihit ' r'irt 1 by 11 uri t T 'V HI i.i' c ir"it, t rv Hi fl i in- mil a ; 1 1 ' in in- - t in f u u ft1 1 j :i ml t'r i n t v it il jhhut uu UT n'll.v, ii.(h-frei fn1- orcxre .os f rail. i-nrs In j irt vii; cveri run num Ilraooup Hi' v-s'chi i ullOfks lti'1 ht.tri' H oroM. i rt i C ItOTC" ui Ntf.riO a ( teed ciin r tin m-v nf en of y mntr rt! Cut tiO L' crrwlicrooi ft. mi "t nr "O nlciti tiinruu rarrlcl in i k-i t iuiiill in i .iln vr.ij "''f ty THE rhKKlSCl'U Cu axtmi lildg Cbi av Ml Vot mc In ShPiinndimli liy Shrnnntlcmli Drug stcire niitl (trulilcr I.ron "THE STYLISH PATTERN." Af tl.ll-. Ftf-lnn!,W. Pfrfpt T3! -1 ...i.l -1 fln.itu w luunr, trices xv.niti. i-. s--. . --. a 8 None higher. None belter at any price. J Some reliable merchant sells them In J nearly every city or town. Ask for A them, or they can be had by mail from I us In either New York or Chicago. T Stamps laKen. j-aiesi rasoion oneei sent upon receipt 01 one cent to pay postage. ... ... Brightest ladles' magailne published. Invaluable for the home. Fashions of the day, Home Literature, Household Hints, fancy Wotk, t-urrent topics, a Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, In- fl eluding a free pattern, your own selec- I tion any time. Send two 2-cent stamps T for sample copy. Address . r n w THE McCAll COMPANY, V S 142-146 West 4th SUeet, New York i J 89 Fifth Avenue. Chicago. '"'vi A '-o-l-5--3-n-0"-l-ir.-i-lc3 BY PiLLS! C,UG WStFsohc sjhe. s:tio acVfor-womah S S-FE WMSJSinUAJ-''".' Vflueax jJpECIFIC Co,PrUlA,rA. Ko at Povlnaky's drug store, Ha Oontre Htieet. ATOM'S TANSY PILLS a TDivtt T'ritxn urn WOMAN S RELIEF. Alwiivs rrotiipt nnd reluhl. At off hmttitmni. Oft ( AU'V'fc l A na, I'tLLsan-l SA K KltaitKTi. At lrui:tn irti orient tIirtet(K!ald i, trlc. II 'AT'F spue Co , BoitoD, Mat. Our book. 4c. For sale at Ktrltn'a drug store and Bbenandoa drug Btore I i.nicni'v t" i?7 S!ZSb. A DOUBT, TRY Thr y havstno( the t( -t nf vears, and h.t c itcd tli iih.nnli of c. !-; nf Ncrons Dm such .is UtblliLv, bunie-- ilerpless ncss anil ar.cocete, Atrophy 'lhcy .lcar the, strcopthea the rirculaion. nuke dmcstlba nci feet, and imiiart a healthy and losses are checked fertnartrnth. Unless patients often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death. r In tho house, n a stiimliiril remedy for g Sprajns, iiruihOh, C'niiAiu, lihtua-itUui, uud all f.ohos aud jmnu a Prepay J t H. 1. HACKtll a uu . i-nliai itihla. mm A FORTUNE THE COPPER PRINCESS US ttg ALBtXhT LKS II, MI.K Ml M,.g Is a stirring narrative of four Ii Is in thelmwels nt ihr Mrtliwhcre companions who have lo- the luro ha, his atl entnres, and cated a lung lost fortune, fr. mi v, here he rescues the rnucess. An American Explorer In Africa u Bt crura c adaxh 't Laying Out a Ooll Course h By a I'ax TAt-sur srmtsx PRIZE COMPETITIONS Short Stories, Sketching, Photograph)