EVENING HERALD USTAUMSIIKti 1ST0. Ptitillhed every Kvrnhig, KirrptMinidnjr.nt it HOVTH jAKtllS HTKKKT, NKAU CbNTKK. Tin' lift itlil Is ilcllreird luMlit-nnmlnan ami the ru, rounding toiv.w for rix cent ft WMk, y i, thocnrrUn. Ily mull 10.00 n year, ir 3 cent u month, pnyalilo In udvpnoe. MlvertNe invnts chanced according ttisiMceniiu: po-dtlon. The imblUliecd teervo the rllit to cIiiuikc tin portion u( iuleltloineiit whenever the pilb i'tHtlo'i el ue demand" It. Tho rlKlit In IiwtviO to i jjt-r timy idrtlwmont, whthi r paid for or tint, .mt tlio publishes may din linn) er. AiUrrtlalng raton made known upon application. F itrrod nt the potoulec nt Slipn.tlidonh, Ph., Hi" ic-coiul cl-cus mall matter. TKI.KI'HONK. rONNIMTION 'All the News That's Fit to Print." E". vening Herald Wr.lNF.Sl)AY. JUST. 20, 1M1S. OUR COUNTRY : First. Last ai J Forever. Tiik indications point iiiiiuistiiknhly to three t'oiigTossioiml ciiiiiliriiitos this full in Schuylkill county. VsniAcK.s tire jjiven that tho now capitol bulltlitif; will be finished by January lot, in time for tho moot ing of tho Legislature. HniiMix is to bo advanced ton points liy tho Navy department, but his promotion in tho affection of tho pooplo can not lie expressed in ilgures. It would surprise many pooplo if Hon. .Initios H. lloilly were to rocoivo the nomination for Congress this your. Such a tiling is liablo to happen. But onp cablo from Cuba is work ing! The literary btiroau of tho aimers' Journal, ltowovor, is working night and day, turning out paper bullets for its "war candidate." The court having approved tho appointment of ('apt. .1. II. Lovnn as warden of the county prison, litiga tions are now in order between the present incumbent and the now ap pointee. NlNKTKNTIIH of tho people nro in favor of tho annexation of Hawaii, and the Semite should come to a speedy vote on tho subject. Many of tho Senators have already discussed it at great length. It will soon bo a year since Pro fessor Attdroe left in his balloon for tho North l'olo, and no word has come from him or from any source relating to his fate. AValtcr AVell lnan's expedition has sailed from Nor ami j in search of information. Tiik tonus of tho janitors of the school buildings have about expired, yet these appointments have not been made. It is said the Democra tic liiembof.s of the School Hoard have so far lieen unable to "get to gether' on these appointments. Onk of the great surprises of the war is tho perfect safuty with which the Americans have handled such a vast (piantity of the most powerful explosives oyer invented. Up to tho present time there has not been a single accident by reason of careless ness or inolllcioncy on tho part of oilioers or men. tioul) advertising otten marks tho diirorence between prolltloss inaction and profitable activity ; it Is tho fuel under the boiler that quickens in dustrial currents, tho blow-pipo upon the flumes of commerce, tho extra steam that "makes the wheels go round." The leading merchants of Shenandoah use the Hkkami columns. Iris no wonder tho literary and political editors of tho Journal are growing round-shouldered. Thoy have an exceedingly heavy load to carry, and the responsibility is much greater than that allotted to the average being. Wo suggest, to re lievo them of further worry, that they apply the civil service law as advocated by their favorite Con gressional candidate- -that is, rotation In ofllce. TlIK Ilopiibliean party will rule Schuylkill county for many yours, if the party votors are true to them selves. There will probably bo re verses, caused by unpopular candi dates, but this will only bo tempor arily. The Kepubl leans, to be suc cessful, must retire tho liiosshuckri whose names huvo become nn eyesore to the voters. If this is done, con tinued success is assured; otherwise, wo cannot hope to win. IP any one has taken tho trouble to read tho testimony given by Kaiser, the husband of tho woman who was murdered by Clouiuior, with tho full knowledge and consent of tho man who should have been her protector, must be astonished at the enormity of depravity that animates some peoplo In what wo hope Is n Christian laud. For tho bake of a few thousand dollars, to be obtained through in surance placed on the life of the poor victim, her death was coolly planned by her husband, the assassin, and the latter' paramour. i. , ... The Chief Hurness of MUcslmrL'. Pa., says l)oVltt' LUllo lirly Kisers aro the best illl lio over used la his family during lorly ycura of house kcephiK Tliey cure constipation, sick hwiduclioand utonucli ami liver trouble Small in eire but great la results, 0. II. lUuenluch, AN OPERATION AVOIDED. Mrs. Rosa Ottum Writes to Mr. Plnklmm About it. She SRys: DBAU Jilts. 1'inkham: I tako pleas ure in writing you a few lines to in form you of the good your Vegetable Compound has done mo. I cannot thunlt j on enough for what your medi cine has done for me; it has. Indeed, helped tno wonderfully rot- years I was bled with nn nvn rlii u tumor, each year group ing worse, un til at last I waft compelled to consult with a physician. Ho said uothingeould ho done for mo but to go under an operation In speaking with a friend of mine about it, she recommended Lydla 12. rinkham's Vegetable Compound, say ing she knew it would euro me. I then sent for your medicine, and after tak ing throe bottles of it, tho tninor dis appeared. Old you do not know how much good your medicine has done me. I shall recommend it to all suffer ing women. Mrs. Hosa Gaum, 720 Wall St., Los Angoles, Cal. Tho great and unvarying success of Lyriltt M. rinkham's Vegetable Com pound in relieving every derangement of tho female organs, demonstrates it to be the modern safeguard of wo man's happiness and bodily strength. .More than a million women have bedn benefited by it. Every woman who needs advice about her health is invited to writu to Mrs. Vinkliam. at Lvnn, Mass. (lUTTVSIIIIltO l!ATTI.i:rii:i.l. Pur.sOXAM.Y-CoN DUCTED TotTl; VIA PENN SYLVANIA H.UI.KoAll. Oa Saturday, July 10, the Pennsylvania Kallroad Company "ill run a special thioo day tour to Gettysburg, the Mecca or Ameri can patriotism, Leavo Now York S.fiO A. JI Trenton, 10 .-s A. Jt Philadelphia 12.20 P. M. l!oiinil-trip rate, Including two days' hotel accommodations and carriage drive over the battlefield all accessary oxpeusos $l!l.ni) from New Yoik, $12 ."ill from Trenton, $10 00 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from other points. A tourist agent and chaperon will accompany the patty, and ('apt. James T. Long, tho celehrated guide, will deseribo tho battle at the High-Water Mark, "bloody Annie." For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Aiti: von r.oiNG soinni? nn: sotnui:i:N jsaii.way kkachhs am, 1'IIOMINKNT POINTS. Don't start South without consulting John M. Heal I, District Passenucr Audit, Southern Hailway, IS2S Chestnut street, Philadelphia If you cannot call In person, wiltolo him. Huuki'itptcvlilll Ucnc-licMtlio President Washington. June 2D. In tho Ionise. yestenlny flip conference report upon me inuiKi npicy nm was niloptcil liy a Vote of IS I to G3. and tho lnensuro tioiv goes to the president. Tnmpn May Iodjro a Protect. Tampn, Fin.. June 29. -The steamship Olivette is momentarily expected, and the di position of the sick and wound ed she will brliiR Is a question of some concern here. The belief that suf- fciiiiK soldiers were to be brought here direct from Cuban shores without any quarantine detention whatever caused approbeiiFlon. The hospital train 1b here fti the ostensible purpose of enn- veylnpr tin' sick to more northern hos pitals, but at the same time a number of hospital tents are helm? prepared In the camp on the Tampa Helffhts. It on tho arrival of the Olivette the uovornment shows a disposition to lo cate the sick here a protest will he made by lion. William 13. Henderson, president of the state board of health. l'oue Alleireil KpnniHli Spies. Atlantn. On., June !'!). Four supposed Spanish spies reached fort Mcl'herson yesterday. One of them Is a private, Frederick J. Glcnhurst, of the Fourth aimy corps. lie Is supposed to have enteieil the army to enable htm to carry on his secret operations without attracting suspicion. The three other suspects are olllclally known as Thorl- blo Nogrin, a deserter from the Span ish navy; Jose Martinez and Juan Itodriguez, alias "Spanish John." Herman Interlt'Cenoo l'mim-wlbln. London. Ju..e 29. The Hong Kong correspondent of The Daily Telegraph says: "I have consulted with the German authorities, who declare unani mously and emphatically that the re ports from Manllu of German inter ference are Impossible. Whatever tho Spanish may have done, the German admiral lias Held out no sucli hopos or promise." Torror-i of the Klondike. Warren, O., June 39. A letter re ceived here from John Muldoon, a citi zen of Jolinsonvlllc, this county, who Is now In the Alaskan gold llelds, says that of tho 101 men who left Seattle With him in March only four survived. Two were drowned and the othars per ished from cold and hunger. llolv'K TllUT WonuYr One Hundred llollars Howard for miy ense of Catarrh thnt can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cine. K.J. CHUNKY & CO, Props., Toledo, O. We thu iimlci bIhuciI, have known V. .1. Cheney or the lat 15 years, uud lellevo film perfectly honomhlo hi nil huslneiM traubftcttong ami fin ancially nblo to carry out any obligations made by their firm. VYiwr .vTiiAUX, holuMiIo IinitfiflxtH.Tolcilo.O Wai.iuno, Kinnak k. Maiivin, Wholesale HriiK kIhU, Toltslo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, a ting directly upon tho blood nod mucous surfaces of tliCHytcni, l'rlooTlc. per bottle, Hold by all !ruitt;UtH Tcwtlmoulalu frcu. Yosti.rdiiy'H IMtMitinll Giiuioh. At lJ)i;I.svllle Philadelphia, 8; Louis ville, 3. At Pittsburg Boston, 0; Pitts burg, 6- At Cleveland First game: New Yolk. 4; Cleveland, 0. Second game; Cleveland, 0; New York, 4. At Ht. I.ouls- Flrst game: Cincinnati, 3. St. Louis, 2. Second game: Cincinnati, fi; St. Louis, 0, At Iluftalo-IlufTnla, 11; Providence, 2. At Toronto Toronto, 17; Wllkenbarre, 4 At Itoclicfcter Springfield. 10; ltochester.l At Ileaiing Hartford, ti, Heading, 3. At I.nniaMter Unneasier, 13: Allentown, i. At Puttrson-Hlcbmond, 2; Paterson.O. At Now Haven -Yale, 1; Harvard, 0, ANOTHEH WAIL FKOM AUGUST!. IIuhTwc! vp Hundred Dtxnhlcd Troops. Amitnnld i' Army Inerenmwi. Mdrid. June 29. The government ha received the following dispatch from Captain General August!, dated Manila. June 23: "The situation Is still nrnve. 1 continue to maintain my po sition Inside the line of blockhouses, but the enemy Is Inci easing In num bers, as the rebels occupy the prov inces, which are surrendering. Tor lentlal rains are Inundating the in trenehments rendrtlng the work of de fense difficult. The numbers of sick among1 the troops ate Increasing, making the rltuatlin very distressing nnd causing Increased desertions of the native soldiers, it Is estimated that the Insurgents number 80.000 nrmed with rifle? and 100,000 armed with swords, etc. "Agulunldo has summoned me to surrender, but I have treated his pro posals with disdain, for I am resolved to mnlntaln the sovereignty of Spain and the honor of the Hag to the last exliemtty. , "I linv over 1.000 sick and 200 wound ed. Th" citadel has been Invaded by the suburban Inhabitants, who have abandoned their homes, owing to the barbntlty if the rebels. These Inhab itants constitute an embnirassment, nggtnvatlng the situation, In view of the bombardment, which, howi'ver. Is not seriously apprehended for the mo ment. "The governor of the Vlsnyas nnd Mindanao tlnnds cables that he has defeated the Insurgents In nn ennnKO ment during which Chief Arco, Aguln aldo's representative; was killed. He adds that tranquillity now prevails throughout the Islands, and he further nsserts that the principal Malay chiefs of the Mindanao group declare they desire to light on the side of the Span- lards." Buckien's Arnica Salve. The lest BRlve in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sorep, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and nil skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or .10 pay requited. It is (fuamutocd to bIvc perfect satislartion or niony lcfundcd. Pric 25 cents per box. For salo by A. Wnsloy. ST. PAUL DEFEATS TERROR. Tito Dreaded Torpedo limit Dextroyor Kcudcrcd lrMlefq. Wnsblnt ton. June 29. The navy de partment posted the following bulletin: Captain Klvsbee tepnrts that on Wed nesday nttctnoon, while oil' Snn Juan. Porto Ulco. ho was attacked by a Span ish unprotected ciulser and the Span ish torpedo b.eil destroyer Terror. Tho Ten in m.'.de a dash, which was await ed by th' St. Paul. The St. Paul lilt the Terror three times, killing one olllrer and two men and wounding several others. Th" Terror dropped back under cover of the rm tlflentions with dllllculty, and was towed Into the harbor In n sinking condition, where she Is now belnu ro pnlred. I-ater a cruiser and gunboat started out. but icmalned under protection of the forts. llob Mooro. of I.al'avctte. lad., suvs that for constipation be lias found DeWltt's Little i;.irly I.lsers to lie licrlecl. Tlie.v never crnio Try them for stomach and liver troubles. C II. llngcubiicli. Xo Snloee on Cnelo Smio'h fJround, Wa?hlnf,t 111, Juno 29. The house committee on alcoholic liquor trnfflp. yestetday reported favorably tho bill to prohibit the rnle of Intoxicating liquors on reservations nnd In buildings con trolled by the United States. The re port la an elaborate and vigorous one. Jt says few bills have had the support of so many petitioners, nnd thnt the committee unnnlmimsly conclude thnt few If any remans exist why the Uni ted Stales government should engnge In the liquor trafllc, even to the ex tent of legalizing or permitting the sain of Intoxicants within Its Immigrant stations, soldiers' homes, military posts or any other buildings under Its con trol. Her Health Restored II E misery of sleeplessness can only be realized by thoso who havo experi enced it. Nervousness, slceplossncss, headaches, neuralgia and that miserable feeling of unrest, can suiely bocurodby Dr. Mlloa' Itostorativo Nervine. So cc-aln 1 l)r. Miles of this fact that all drugKts arc authorized to refund prlco paid for tho first bottle tried, providing It does not benefit. Mrs. Henry llruns, wife of tbo well know; blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, say, 'I was troubled with sleeplessness, ncrvouj noss, headache and Irrcgularrocnstruatlon; suffering untold misery for yoars. I used various advertised remedies for female com plaints besides being under tbo cat o of local physicians, without holp. I noticed in Dr. MIIos' advertisement tho testimonial of a lady cured of nlhnentB similar to mine, nnd I shall nover cease to tbank'tliat lady. Her testimonial luduced mo to uso Dr. Miles' Nervlno and Nervo and I.Ivor Pills, which restoied mo to health. I cannot say enough for Dr.MIlcs'ltemedles." Dr. Miles' Ilomcdto9 aro sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle, bonoflts or money re funded Ilool; on ills oases of tho heart uud nervo free. Address, ur. ll.-l'V 1 Milium '1. .Restoros , Hoalth nS Dn. MII.R3 MEDIOAI. CO., Eliibart. Iud. CARPET CLEANING. Tlie undersigned have assumed cliatRe of the Shenandoah Kenovatuig Lomiiany'siilant, nnd are prejiarcd to clean, sew anil lay oat pets, mattresses, and no general upnotsier ing wcirk. Feathers Cleaned. Work Done Promptly. ...Drop Us a Postal. ALLEBACH & HEFNER. Orders can he left nt No. 7 North West utreet or at tbo plant, Apple alley and Itowers street. JjlOIt STATU BI4NATOK, KON. M. C. WATSON, Of FlIUNANUOAII. Hubjt-c t to I lemocratic rulce. JF I THE l'RODUCB MARKETS. Aft llcilectod by Henllinrs In Phlliidol l.htn nnd ltulllmoro. Pblladolphln, .lone Flour nominal; winter suiicrflue. WWI.ati; Pennsylvania oiler, cleoi, l(i!l'C. city mills, extru, f3.?f3.6j. liye llour sold la a small way at $3.30 per barret for choice I'ennsyf vanlA. Wheat wcik; No. !! red, July, 7G f76',!,c. Corn dull; No. 2 mixed, spot, 31 fi'MVic.; No. !, yellow, for local trudo, 8f.c. Onts dull; No. 2 white, 30c.; No. 2 white, clipped, SOSiWHiC Hny weak; cholco timothy, 12 for Iniue bules. Deef easy; beef h.ib.s, $23.toi-l. Pork cssy; mess, JlC'nin.i-,; :.hort dear, $U.5wn8.C0; fam ily, SlMilH.M. I.nrd weak; western stenm ed. jfi.iR. flutter tteady; western crenm ety. ld-irmr.; do, factory, lH313ic.; Ill gins. 17c; Imitation creamery, lM?14ic; Ni w York dairy, UWltio.; do. creamery, lW(i I6c. r funcy Pennsylvania ptlnts Jobbing tit l'!iic.: do. wholesale, Ifcc. CheeMi steady; large, white, 7Vje.; small do., 7'Ve.; law. colored, "!tic.; small do.. Sc.; light skltns, 5W0c; part skims, IfctoRVic.; full skims, 2SC2V4e. Kggs steady; New York nnd Pennsylvania., 12 frlltde.: wcslein. fresh, 12M.fil3c. Potatoes iiulel; now, 2v-'.!il'. Tallow steady; city, 8M'.; eouulry. y'iijiasjc., as to iiuality, PetiMlenm tinner; lellned. New York, tC.Sb: Phll.KKlphla and ltaltlmore, J6.20; do. In bulk. $3.70. Cabbage quiet; south ern, 90r.'?l.lif'., Cottonseed oil wonk; prime summer yellow, 2l(ti2IU,e.; off sum mer yi lkw. 21o. llnltbiio: e. June !X Flour dull nnd un changed. Wheiit dull and easy; spot nnd moot',. 7' ', ...; July, 7CV6W 70c. ; August, 72Vs'r;72:,4C. ; September, 72c; steamer No. 2 red. 7l"i'"7rie. ; southern, by sample, Wit' SOc. ; do. on nude. 751iS0e. Corn dull and lower; spot end mouth. 33'i5i33o.; July, SS'StSSK-ie.; Au;rmt. 3Hl3i',e.; Pejitembcr, 36(B:TiV4C. ; steinner mixed. DSVsOSIe. ; south el n, white, litiV.-fiCltV-.; do. yellow, 3Ce. Oats dull and lower; No. 2 while, 30'4I31o.; No. 2 ml Md. 2Mti2s'Le. llye llrnier; No. 2 neatby. Ifie.; No. 2 western, 4SHe. Hny stviidy; No 1 timothy, IH.IHKi 12.50. let tuce. Jl.20Hil.2j. I.lvu Stock .Market. New York, Juno 2S. Ueoves stendy; cables unelnngeil. Calves wenk; 170 culviR in.iobl: veals, $lffG.124; tops. $C50; weBtetns, K.nOft 1.12'J. Sheep steady; prime stock rlrm: prime lambs steady; other grades lower; 5Vt cars unsold; sheep. .:'Arn4.50. no prime sheep here; lambs. f35i7. Ileus nominally steady at H'.il.ir.. Hast Liberty, Pa., .lime 2S. Cattle steady; cUra, JI.!iO'n4.!V); prime. SI.7Mt 4.85; common, J4il.:i0. Hogs active nnd a shade stronger; prime mediums nnd best orkers, $4.tiiffll.l!i; heavy, JI.O3ff4.10; light Yorkers, $4'fi 1.03: pigs, as to quality, 13 CBfj 3.9.1. Sheep active; choice, 31.630 4.65; common, 3J.."4)(4; cholco yearlings, 3fi5.2fi; common to good, fltfl.UO; spring limbs, $54tC.C0. Ilundieils of lives saved every year by having Dr. Thomas' IMoctiic Oil In tho house just when it is needed. Cities croup. heals burns, cuts, wounds of every soil. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And Kleiners, the Hand of Aniellca, Oall I'oruhl. Via tho true pathway, "The Iron Mountain lloitte," which traverses a region of potpetual sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes aio unknown. Pullman flrst iud second class palaco and tourist sleeping cars to points la Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and New Mexico, Aiizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Novjtla, without change. Quick time, low rates, and all tho comforts of modem railway unpiovemcnts guaranteed to all- who pur chase tickets via tbo Missouri Pacific railway system. For rates right fiom your home, literature, and full information, dropapostil card, J. P. McCunn, T. P. Agent. Mil Itail- road avenue, llhuira, N. Y or 801 lboail way, New York. i-l-tt W. li. Hoyt, U. K P. Agt. TJIi: .tiODlOI'.N IIK.AIITV Thrives on good food and sunsTiiue, with plenty of e,.eleise in tlie open air. Her form glows with health and her lace blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative lemcdy, she uses the gentlo and pleasant Syrup of l igs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Ask your grocer for tho "Itoyal Patent dour, and tako 110 other brand. It is tho best llour made. JEMS IN THE LEAD. Will Ho the Demoeratlo Nominee Tor ffovernor of Pennsylvania. Altoona, Pa., Jute 29. George A. Jenks, of nrookvlllc, will be the nomi nee for governor of today's state Demo cratic convention unless there Is a de cldedchange of Bontlmont among the delegates before the nomination Is made. Ills managers claim he will havo 312 out of the 138 delegates, and that under no conditions will Judge James Gay Gordon, of Philadelphia, have more than 124. George W. Bacon, of York, hns tho call on the nomination for lieutenant governor, and Calvin M, Hower, of Centre, will be one of the nominees for superior court Judge. The make up of the rest of the ticket is In doubt and depends entirely on what conditions the Jenks people can make with the friends of aspirants for minor places. A half dozen party leaders are work ing on a platform, and It Is doubtful If an agreement will ho reached before the resolutions commutes gets to gether this afternoon. The Bryan sil ver people control the convontion, and If they demand a sweeping Indorse ment of the Chicago platform this will be done, although there Is a disposition on all sides to make the campaign strictly on state Issues, with an em phatic Indorsement of President Mc Kinley's war policy. That Colonel Guffey controls the sit uation Is admitted by tho managers of both candidates. He has only to say the word, nnd he will be nomlnnted for governor on the first ballot. Ho says, however, that he Is satisfied with the honor of serving as a member of tho national committee, and that ho does not want a state office. A short session of the executive com mlttee was held yesterday to arrange tho preliminaries of the convention. P. A. O'Hoyle, of Wllkesbnrre, was se lected as tomporary chairman. Matt Savage, of Clearfield, was chosen sec retary. Paul J. Mahoney, of Beaver, was made sergoant-at- arms, and J. Wood Clark, of Indiana, reading clerk. Colonel Guffey la chairman of the com mlttee on resolutions. Postmaster linker' Allowed Slnyor Kingstree, 8. C, June 29. Tho fol lowing men nt I.ako City wore arrest ed yesterday on a charge of being Im plicated In the killing of Postmaster Baker, and will be taken to Charles ton: Maul-Tree JSppg, II. P. Stokes, II, C. Goodwin, H. R, MelCnlght, M. V, Wnrd and W. A. Webster. Those men iere arrested by deputies from Charleston on a warrant Issued by Postortlce Inspector Buella, Killed by Hiilldluir Collapse. Dallas, Tex., Juno 29. By tho col lapse of a building In I.ancaBtor, 12 miles from hero, Illrdy Nattles, daugh ter of Henry Nattles, was killed and five others Injured, two of them fa tolly. The Injured are John Long, John Nance, Kdgur Sanders, lllchard Whltworth and Mrs. J. C. Johnson. Tho last two will die. Pnulty construction Is supposed to havo caused the col lapse. TWENTY SEVEN REGIMENTS Now Pre arln- :o I.envp Ch!ckomnup;a Park Cb'iiii Grounds, Chlcknmaugu Patk, June 29. Tho older U'lted Hunday to equip and pre- pate Immediately IS regiments of tho First corps to form an expeditionary fence was 1 evoked by Major General Brooke yesterday. This does not change the plan to pieparo for an "expedition, however, tdnce the revoking order af fects more tpclnlly the transfers that were named In the former order. It provides t tit titer that Instead of 15 regiments l in 4 equipped and prepared the entire First corps of 27 regiments Is to be h isttly prepared for active field service, end the natural Inference pre vails among the best posted army of ficers nt the park thnt the entire force will be oft for Tampa or other sea- pi it within ,1 viek or ten days, or as rapidly ns the ttanports enn be pro vided. The regiments Included are the Ninth Pennsylvania. Second Missouri, First New IliimJV'blrp, Twelfth New York, Twenty-fli'Sl Kansas, pilgmh Jlnssa- ehlii-etts. First South Carolina, Twelfth Minnesota. Fifth Pennsylvania, Four teenth Mhmesntp, First Pennsylvania, Second nnd Sixth Ohio. One Hundred nnd Flftv-eb.hl'i lndlnun. First West Vliglnli, One limdr'd nnd Sixtieth Indiana, First Geotgla. Thirty-first Michigan, Slvleetilh Pennsylvania, Second Wlseonlli, Third Kentucky, Fourth Pennsylvania, Thirtieth Illinois, Fourth Ohio. First Kentucky, Third Wlscotislr, nn.l fifth Illinois. Mnjor (Vpe 1! Crooke was appointed by the president to command the corps. Major General Wade will be left In commend. Goow.-e W. Hemnn, Company H, Fifth Pennsylvania, died yesterday at divi sion hcadquuttors, nnd the body was shipped lat nitfht to Ids former home nt Heading for Interment. Stele headache, biliousness, const! nation and all liver and slomacb troubles can ho quickly cured bv using thoo fatuous little plies known as DeWltt's I.ittlo Early liisers. They are pleasant to take and never gtlpo. u. it. Hagenburh. Hon't miii1 :ii(idl"s lo tin. Soldiers. Washington, June 29. In view of the position taken by the surgeon general and his subordinates) on the mntter, tho wat department Inst night gave to the piejs the following statement, which has the approval of the presi dent and Pectetury Alger: "The send ing of delicacies to the army, nlthough most generous and fully appreciated by the war department, will not longer be encouraged, as It has been found that such delicacies for troops In the field aie Injuilnus rntber than helpful. The secietaty of war suggests that do nations of this character In future be sent to the hospitals only." Have (.'iirclii nnd (Jomoz Qtinrrolortr. London, June 29. The Madrid cor respondent of The Times says: Owing to the lnncHvlty of General Maximo Gomez It !s believed here that his re lations with Genetal Callxto Garcia arc strained." 'I think IMVItt's Witch Hazel Salvo is tlie finest preparation on the maiket for piles." So wtites John C. Dunn, of Wheel ing, w. va. Try it aim you win tintiK tno the same. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. C. II. llagenlmeh. Coming Kvcnts. July I. Grand picnic under tlie auspices of Columbia (llco Club at Columbia patk. July 1!). Ico cream festival tinder.aiispices of Company A. l'ifo and Drum Corps in linb bins' opera house. July 1. Japanese Titlln in Hobblus opera house, under the auspices of St. Elizibeth's Guild of tho All Saints church. Afternoon iiml evening. July 2D. ho cream festival in lbibbins' opera lioitso under the auspices of tho Young Mens Ushers' Association. 1 ;The Surgeon's III 1 Mf Cruel Knife, xy ments. A surgical oporation should bo always rogardod as horoio treatment, und as absolutely necossary to savo the patient's life. Whon resorted (o for diseases which can not possibly bo bonofited thoro by, this treatment is simply barbarous. Cancor is a diseaso for which tho doctors know no treatmont but a surgical oporation, and at tho same timo, such treatmont nover did euro or ovon Iionofit Cancor, and novor will. It is so absolutely unnecossary that all who submit to it, placo thou livos in jeopardy. Cancor is a blood disoaso, the 2otson is in the blood, and can not bo cut out. ' S. S. S. Cures Cancer and it is tho only euro, for it is tho only romedy that roaches tho disoaso. Tho surgoou'e blntlo outs tho uloor, but tho poison roinains in tho blood, and novor fails to broak out afresh. Whon my son was six years old, a small sore appeared 011 his lip, which cava him a great deal of min,imd commenced to spread. Tho doctors said he hud Cancer, nnd advised that nn oporation was necossary. After much roluotnnco, wo consented, nnd they cut down to tho Jawhono which thoy scraped. Tho operation was 11 sovero 0110, hut I thought it wus tho only hono for my boy. ltuforo 11 great whilo tho Cancer returned, nnd lienn to grow rapidly. Wo gave him many remo-dlo.-i without relief, nnd flnnlly, upon tho advico of a friend, decided to try S. S. S. (Swift's Speclllo), and with tho second bottlo ho begnn to improvo. After twenty bottles had boon taken, tho Cancor disuppenri'd entirely, and ho wits cured. Tho euro was 11 icrmniient one, for ho is now eighteen yours old and has never had a sign of tho dreadful disease to roturn. J. N. Muitnooii, 270 Snodgrass St,, Dallas, Toxas. lining a virulont, dostruotivo poison in tho blood, it takos but little roasoninpj to boo that the only proper treatmont for Cancer is u blood remedy, ono whioh has unusual mont and can forco out the poison. Swift's Specific, (S. S. S.) is a positivo and pormanont euro for Cancor, as proved by tho abundanco of testimony of thoso whom it has cured aftor all other troatmont had fiiilud'aiid, iiuinuinborof casos, uftor all liopo hnd vanished, Itgoos right down to tho very cause of tho disoaso and forces out ovory traco of tho taint in tho blood, thus ridding tho eystom of it forover. JJoing puroly vogotablo, and tho only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no mer cury, potash, or othor minoral, it builds up and strengthens instead of pulling down the system, Bowaro of tho knifo it is dangorous and offers no hopo. S. S. S. cures positively and pornitinontly, and is tho only euro for deadly Caucor. Our books on Cancor will bo sent freo to any address. Swift Spooiflo Co., Atlanta, Qa. GENEHAL GOMEZ HEARD FROM. Tbo Insurttont Commnndor Orently In Xpert of Siipiilles. Key Wpst, June 23. Genernl Julio Hnhgullty nnd staff, with an escort of 2fi calvarymon, were on June 20 three miles from the Cuban sent of govern ment, li Kspernnza, province of Puerto Pilnclpe. They landed at Bones from the Florida expedition, and were on their wny to see President Mnsso, after which they expected to Join General Gomel! at I.as Dellclas, In the district of Hemedlos, province of Santa Clara. General Gomez Is In urgent need of clothes, titles and ammunition. Colonel Betnabe Hoza, General Gomez's chief of staff, who Is In Key West, brought from his commander a list of supplies needed by his army, lie asks for each of his three brigades !)00 Infnntry rifles, COO cavalry rifles, one dynamite gun and l.fiOO machetes. These arms, Gen eral Gomez says, nre needed for un nrmed men. Ho also nsks for clothes, shoes, medicine and food. For 13 months Genernl Gomez has received prnctlcnlly nothing from the filibuster ing exp,lltlnns, owing to the difficulty of landing on tho Snntn Clara coast, as compared with Santiago de Cuba. Beats tho Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Texas., has found a mote valuable iscoery titan lt.ts j et been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony fiom consumption, ac coiupanied by lietnonliages ; and was abso lutely cuied by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cough and Colds, lie decl.ues that gold is of little value in com tturison with this marvelous cure ; would have it. even if it cost a hunched dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections arc positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. T1i.1l bottles free at A. Wasley's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cts. and S1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. l.loutenMiit Ames Will Get OfT Knsy. Washington, June 29. It has leaked out at Camp Alger thnt Colonel Bar nett, of the One Hundred nnd Fifty ninth Indiana, has reported that he had a "saw horse" erected and caused Pi I vote V.. F. Cooper, of his regiment, to ride It as punishment. Cooper's leptttntion, it Is said, is not very good. Geneial Gtiihain, when questioned, said that he did not think there would be n court nnrtlul In Colonel Harnett's case, at It ch es not appear that ho has violated the regulations. The trial of Lleulenrnt C. C. Ames, Seventh regi ment, lasted only lfi minutes. He went to Columbus, O., to be mnrrled, but without nermisslon. Lieutenant Ames showed letteiM testifying to his good chnrocler front Generals Miles, Corbln, Carr nn.l others. Ills ft lends say they hnve in elve-t litlmntlons that his pun ishment wl'! he simply a reprimand. No need to fear sudden attacks of cholera infantum dysentery, diarihtra, or summer complaint, if you havo Dr. Fowler's Fxtniet of Wild Strawberry in tho medicine chest. t '"rvot a N'"t Hot t led tfp. Havana, June 29. This correspondent Is positively Informed that the sink ing of the collier Merrimac In the chan nel of the harbor of Santiago de Cuba by Asplstaut Naval Constructor Hob son und his companions, on June 3, has not obstructed the channel, although the Impression generally prevails that the steamer was sunk In such a manner that no vessel could leave the hnrbor. More Abtf-o For General Leo. Havana, Juno 29. El Dlaro De La Marina, commenting on tbo report from the United States that Major General Fllzhuglt Lee will attack Ha vana at the bead of 40.000 soldiers, snys: "For what then comes this per verter of supplies sent for reconcen tradot) and this presumable uuthcrlty of the explosion of the Maine." It id positively ortiol for tho doctors to attoinpt to euro Ctuicor by tho use. of tho knifo. This deadly, dostructivo disoaso hooiiib to bo boyoiul tho control of tho physicians, and without coiisidoriiif' what tho logical, soiisiblo treatment should bo, thoy ruthlessly forco their pationt oporatiiit;-tablo, and proceed to wield their TO BIRMINGHAM AND MEMPHIS. UNHur.r.tssm) biiiiviuj ori'r.nun iiy tub SOtrrilRKN 11A1IAVAY. heaving llruad Sttcut station, Pliiladclplilii, at fl:B5 p. in, daily, tho "Southwestern Limited," carrying a dining car ami tho most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep ing cats, lcaclios llirtnitiglinu tlie following night at 10:10 ami arrives nt Memphis tho noxt morning nt 7; to. Through sleeping cars for Aslioville, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tatnpt, Atlanta, Mobile nnd New Orleans arc also attached to this train Pullman reser vations can bo lmido hi ail vance and nil In clination obtained by coiutuuntcatlug with John M. Heal, District Passenger Agent, 82 Chostuut street, 1'bila.lclphia. Give tho Children a Brink called Graln-O. It 13 n delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to tako the plaio of coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who lmvo used It because when propctly prepared it tastes llko the finest coll'eo hut Is free front all lis Injurious prnpeitius. tlruln 0 aids digestion and strengthens tho nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink It with great benefit. Costs about 1 as much :u cullco, 15 and 2,'c, rieiiKiint ltiipld Trips to tlie Seashore. Tlie season Is now with its when every 0110 longs for a longer or slimier sojourn at tho seashore, inhaling tho rool breezes from the depths of "Old Ocean." To all Intending a visit to tho shore, the Philadelphia & Heading 1'ottto oilers special advantages ns to both location and tho getting there. Atlantic. City Is so well known with its many unsurpassed attractions, that it is only necessary to say that the schedule of fast trains vi 1 tho Philadelphia & licadhig Uouto is this year fully equal, If not superior, to that of former years, and that tho sixty minuto trains run hi tho summer season nro tho fastest scheduled trains in thu world. Ily tho lenso of tho South Jersey liall- roail the Philadelphia & Heading has also acquired a direct route to Capo May, ono of tho finest and oldest of sea shore rosorts, Sea IsloCity, a flourishing .to-dato resort, nnd to Ocean City, a magnificent family watering placo. What will attract many persons to tho latter placo aro Its many rc'l'dous con ventions nnd tho strict teinpefiiico regula tions strictly enforced. Tho Philadelphia & Heading Is tho shortest route to all of thesu resorts. Through tickets can bo bought and baggago checked from all principal stations of tho Philadelphia & Heading Hailway nnd its con nections. For illusttated booklet, giving list of principal hotels nnd boarding bouses and rates, addtcss Fd.son J. Weeks, General Passenger Agent, Heading Terminal, Phila delphia, Thousands of persons havo becu cured of piles by using DoWitt's Witch Hazel Sahe. It heals promptly aud cures eczema ami all skin diseases. It gives immediate relief, C. II. Hageuhiieh. llcdtiecd Hates to Nashiille. On account of tho Christian F.ndeavor In ternational Convontion, to bo held nt Nash ville, Tcnn., July 5 to 12, tho Pennsylvania Hallroail Company will sell excursion tltkets of tho contiuuous-passago, ironclad signature form, from stations on its lino to Nashville, at rato of singlo faro for tho round trip. Tickets will ho sold, nnd good going, July " to J; returning, tickets will bo good to lcavo Nashville to July 15, Inclusive, except that by depositing ticket with agont of terminal lino at Nashville on or before July 15, return limit may bo extended to lcavo Nashvillo to August 1, lS'.lS, inclusive. Pennsylvania Clinutiiiuimi. For tho Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to bo held tit Mt. Gretna, Pa July 1 to August 4, lSUS, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company will Bell tickets to the general public on Juno 20 to August I, good to return until August 10, inclusive, from stations oti its line in Pennsylvania, and front Washington, 1). C, Iialtimorc, Mil., and Canandalgita, N. Y., aud principal intermediate stations, to Mt, Gretna and return, at reduced rales. to tho ghastly keen instru I!