The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 29, 1898, Image 1

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7J mifl M fiulNt through a frt
grtttivt, dtgntfita, influential journal
use Me MiRALD columns.
Cmi business became of its known
large circulation ana" renders rich
results to its advertisers.
VOL X1U.-N0. J 51!.
J. P. Williams & Son,
In all the leading shades. Also White and
colored organdies, embroideries and new effects
in cotton goods.
At the old price, regardless of the advance
Don't fail to visit the Bee Hive
before buying elsewhere, as our prices on these
goods are the same as on all other
goods, the lowest.
2S S. Main St. Third Door FVom Post Office,
For Good
Daisy or Moss Rose Flour.
Geo- NAA.
Whole Wheat Graham Flour
Old Time Pure Rye Flour
Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour
Best Granulated Corn Meal
War Declared
On Prices.
A large ami beautiful new
Baby Coaches,
and upwards.
13 S. Main Street,
North Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
to eet prices on fireworks
Screen Doors,
Window Screens,
Wire Cloth,
Carriage Fly Nets,
Team "
Dust Robes,
Ice Cream Freezers,
Ice Cream Measures,
Water Coolers.
White Bread
He States By Telegraph To the Authorities
at Washington That He Can Accom
plish the Work in Forty-
Eight Thousand Spanish
Fifty Hiles of
Special to F.VEN'IN'fl IlrcilAt.D.
Washington, June 29, Tlic depart
ment has received but little informa
tion from the land and naval forces in
the vicinity of Santiago to-day.
General Shatter wires that the
roops arc now in a position to take
Santiago within forty-eight hours.
It Is believed, from the tone of the
message and the fact that Pondo is
lurrying to the relief of Santiago,
that General Shatter will at once
move on the city.
Important news, therefore, can be
expected from Shatter and Sampson
in the near future.
Special to Evening IIkiiai.)
Washington, Juno 2U. This morning (!cn.
Shatter notified the. army department that
eight thousand Spanish troops, under com
niand of General Pondo, aro advancing from
Manzanllla. They aro now within fifty-four
miles of Santiago,
As soon as it was known tho Americans
would land at Santiago, Goucral lllauco or
dored l'ondo to proceed with all hasto toward
that city, llo commands thu most important
body of Spanish troops in Eastern Cuba, out
side of Gen. Linares' forces, and tho only
hopo of tho Spaniards in resisting tho invasion
of tho Americans Is based upon tho arrival of
Pondo's forcos.
(inn. Garcia, commanding tho Insurgents,
has had his most trusted scouts out with in
structlons to report tho movements of Pondo's
forces. Thoy havo located him fifty-four
miles from Santiago, making rapid headway
hy forced marches for tho doomed city.
General Garcia's forces of Cubans will ho
reinforced hy sulllclent American troops to
prevent Pondo from joining Gen. Linares at
Santiago. Gen. Shaftcr, however, has not
much foar from tho reinforcement of Pondo.
Our army is now iu closo proximity to tho
city, and should Pondo join tho Spanish
troops now at Santiago, it will only mean tho
surrendor of that many moro troops of tho
enemy when tho city Is captured.
llitlulrl Industries.
Special to livESiso Ilr.llAl.l).
liaiquiri, Juno 20. Whon tho Spaniards
wcro being drivon from this placo thoy sot
flro to many buildings, among them tho
roundhouse and shops of tho Spanish-Ameri
can Iron Company. Thoso will now bo re
built. Tho mines of tho Carncglo and Beth
lehem steel companies, which aro six miles
distant from this placo, will soon bo worked
again. Tho oro from these mines is used
In making Ifarveylzcd steel plates, many of
which are on tho American warships now olF
this coast.
Tho Caliln Culling.
Hprclal to Evkninci llKiiAl.n.
Oil Santiago, Juno 2D. Tho cahlo botwoon
Guantanamo and Santiago was cut to-day at
Slbonoy, and tho end was taken ashoro.
Communication from that placo with Now
York via Guantanamo and Ifayti will soon
bo established. It socms imposslhlo for
either of tho cahlo ileamors to cut tho last
cablo connecting ("apt. Gen. Illanco with
Mad rid. This is tho cablo between Santiago
mid Jamaica.
Tho O'lllgglns Not Sold.
Special to Hvkninu UtatALl).
Valparaiso, Chill, Juno 20, Tho London
report that tho Chilian warship O'lliggins
has been sold to Spain Is absurd, Tho war
ship Is now on her way between St. Vincent
and Itlo do Janeiro. Chill will not sell any
of her war ishlps.
Wire Trochu No Obstacle.
Washington, Juno 20. A Naval olliclal to
day said tho barbed wire troehas around San
tiago aro not likoly to cause any serious obs
tucle to tho advance of Clou. Shaffer's army
Wire cutters aro with tho troops and wilt
wako shoit work of these Spuulsh defences.
Relief Troops Withing
the City.
The Veteran Cavalryman Went Up
to Get a Better Viow.
Spanish Paclflcos Who Went to the Amerl
ican Soldiers to Obtain Food Declare
That Since tho Advance Began Twenty
Thousand Spanish Troops Have Joined
General Linares' Forces It Is Believed
That General Pando's Army Has Arrived.
No Aggressive "Move Anticipated by Our
Forces For Several Days.
Kingston, Jamaica, June 29. A
newspaper boat has arrived here with
tho following dispatches from tho
front, on the Itlo Guama:
The American front has been ad
vanced beyond tho first crossing of tho
Rio Guama about a mile and a tug
llos three and a half ruilos from tho
Bpanlsh entrenchments. General Law
ton's brigado rests on the road to San
tiago do Cuba. Tho. Third brigade,
under General Chaffee tho Seven
teenth, Twelfth and Seventh regi
ments 'holds tho trench, with his
command lying across tho road and
river. Tho First brigade tho Eighth,
Twonty-sccond and Second "Massa
chusettsunder General Evan Clarko,
lies on tho left flank, slightly in tho
rear, and tho Second brigado tho
First, Fourth and Twenty-fifth oc
cupies tho opposite position, on tho
right flank. Generul Wheolor, with his
cavalry, is in tho roar, between tho
Sevilla hills and the Itlo Guama. A
strong lino of outposts is maintained
Goneral Chaffee's brigado, with 8,000
Cubans under General Aguirra and
sovoral hundred under Colonel Gon
zales, was skirmishing towards the
city Monday morning, whon tho dls
patch boat left.
Tho Cubans had slight skirmishes
with tho Spaniards stationed on tho
hills ou tho American right flank, and
our auxiliaries occupied tho block.
nouses in mat vicinity wlilcn wero
evacuated hoforo daybreak by tho
Spaniards. Tho latter rotreated to
wards Santiago do Cuba. No fatalities
aro reported.
General Lawton, General Chaffoo
nnd General Wheeler havo thoroughly
recomioitorod tho Spanish position,
nnd with the aid furnished by tho Cu
bans havo very good maps of tho roads
and defenses.
Much information has also been ob
tained from Spanish paclflcos, who
havo slipped out of tho city and given
themselves up In tho hopo of getting
food. Thoy report great starvation
and distress In Santiago. Thoy say
tho Spanish troops are on short ra
tions, and that nil the supplies nro
being hold for thoir uso. Tho sick
In tho hospitals, tho paclflcos say, aro
suffering for lack of food, and they say
77 Spaniards wero killed and 89 wound
od as the result of tho nngagomont on
Friday last with Colonel Wood's and
Young's commands.
Tho most startling information ob
tained from the paclflcos Is that slnco
tho ndvanco began almost 20,000 Span.
ish soldiers have arrived at Santiago.
This statement Is mado on tha nu
thorlty of Geuornl Lawton, and ho Is
also of tho opinion that Gonoral Pando
has been enabled to effect n junction
with Gonoral Ltunres at Santiago.
There aro two forts of considerable
Importance within tho Spanish linos,
Puuta Illanco, at tho southern end of
tho bay, and Santa Ursula, at tho
southeast cornor. Ou tho road to
Caney, on tho north, is another fort,
Thero aro about 450 men fn each of
these fortifications, and stretching
around them aro nino barbed wiro
fences, 60 yards apart, while just in-
Bldo these nre lines of rlflo pits.
Outsldo this, to tho eastward, about
two miles beyond tho American out
posts, is a lino of entrenchments ex
tending from tho northern extremity
of tho city to Mono Castlo. A little
west of south, at a dlstanco of about
seven miles from Goneral Lawton'e
headquarters, llos Morro Castlo. Tho
road to within a fow hundred yards
of tho batteries at tho rear of Morro,
was reconuolterod Sunday afternoon
by Goneral Chaffeo nnd sovoral mem
bers of his stuff.
Goneral Whooler, who made a re
connaisnnce for half a mllo beyond tho
slilrmisli lines Monday morning, Hurt
ing that lie w'ftB unable to secure the
desired view through tho luxuriant
tropical foliage, dismounted and climb
ed a tree. A major gonoral of the
United States army In tho forks of n
tree, surveying Spanish outposts
through his field glnssos, was n spoc
toclo that gave somo Idea of tho won
derful energy of the daubing ex-Con-fpilprnte
cavalry lender. This font of
agility In a man of 02 years of ago
putH to blush many a young officer
of his own staff.
No aggressive move by the Ameri
cans Is anticipated for several days.
Tho road to the base of supplies must
bo greatly Improved before tho on
ward movement enn bo safely made.
At present It taxes tho quartermaster's
department to tho utmost to get pro
visions and ammunition.
Many of our officers aro amazed, as
they have looked for rcslstanco to our
advance. Tho ground over which they
havo traveled could have easily been
defended, but tho Spanish have stead
ily retired", not ovon attempting to
harrass our flanks, as tho columns
moved on through a natural ambus
cading country. Apparently Genoral
LInnres prefers to pluco faith in the
defenses of tho city nnd Intends to
make a "last ditch fight" ot it. A
fow, though only a fow, hold to tho
theory that he does not propose fight
ing at nil.
bpcclnl to Hve.vino Heiumj.
Washington, Juno 20. It is not likely that
Commodore Watson's Lastcrn squadron will
dl for Spain under ten days. Watson is
expected to rcrort to Admiral Sampson at
Santiago to-day, when final arrangements
will bo mado. Ho may ho compelled to re
turn for necessary supplies. Thoro is, how
ever, a probability that tho licet may not
is tho ocean. That depends upon tho
movements of Camara's fleet, supposed to bo
found for tho Philippines.
Should it proceed through tho Suez canal
nnd continuo on its way to tho Philippines
tho department will hasten tho despatch of
tho American lleet, hut should it return to
Spain, as now seems probable, tho officials
idtnit that thoro will bo no present necessity
of sending tho licet to Spain.
If Watson is ordeicd to Spain his instruc
tions will he to destroy Spanish ships and to
harass Spanish commerce, but it is not
intended that ho shall risk his own ships In
bombarding, fortifications.
Clurn Iturtou tit Woik.
Special to Uvu.NiNa IIkkalii.
Sihoncy, Juno SB. Tho I!ed Cross steamer
ha3 arrived, and Miss Clara Barton and tho
nurses havo established a hospital 011 shoro
nnd aro at work relioving tho wounded
soldiers. A Mauser bullet entered Hamilton
Fish's right side and passed straight through
his body. Sergeant Khvell died yesterday
from prostration caused by heat.
Morro to bo Captured.
Kpeciftl to KVENINU lIlSBAI.D.
Washington, June at). It is said a division
of Gen. Shaffer's army now occupies a posi
tion near Morro Castlo, at Santiago, and will
tako possession of that fort within a short
time. Tho capturo of Morro will euablo
Admiral Sampson to frco tho harbor of mines,
when ho can enter tho harbor and either de
stroy or capturo Cervora's squadron. This is
why Morro Castlo has been saved from bom
Tho business men's convention In tho
interest of tho anthracito coal traffic, opened
a two-day s session at Scranton yesterday
and ollectcd a permanent organization. All
tho piiucipal towns of tho region, uicluditi,
Shenandoah, wero represented.
A permanent organization was ctl'ccted to
he known as Thu Anthracite Association
Tho following officers wero elected: Presi
dent, Thomas II. Dale, of Scranton ; Secre
tary, W. K. Lord, Mt. Carmel ; Ticasurer,
A. G. Seller, Shainokin.
Permanent committees wcro appointed,
and tho object irs sot forth is : "To make an
attempt to bring about a better condition of
tho anthracite coal trudo and thereby give
tho miner moro work and better wages and
restoro all tho husiuoss interests of tho coal
region towns to 61d timo prosperity."
Tho convention will meet tho next timo at
Ilazlctuu, subject to tho call of tho president.
Stop That Cough ! Take warning. It may
lead to Consumption. A 2!c bottle of Shiluh's
Cure may eavo your life. Sold by P. D.
Kirliuanda guarantee
Tho Shoe Question,
"So you think It absolutely necossnry
to lmvo blcyclo shoos on when you rldo
your wheel, do your" risked tho cheerful
"Of courso," eald tho youngest boarder,
"Then would you wear lioroshoos when
yon rodo nhorsef" Indlonnpolla Journal
Mistook Ills Man.
Wnllaco And did you innko him oat
his words?
IlnrKrcnvcs No. Ho turned out to ho
ono of thoso follows who would rather light
than cat. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Absolutely Pure,
Bl Local Celebration Promised Tor tlie
Fourth of July.
Representatives of the Secret and Civic
Organizations Will Meet Next Friday
Evening to Hear Reports and
Make Final Arrangements
For the Event.
Tho work of tho Joint coinmitteo 011 local
Fourth of July demonstration is progressing
so favorably that thero is no room for doubt
as to tin- success of tho undertaking. The
committee is doing its work well and receiv
ing encouragement In nearly every quartor
where co-operation and financial aid is
Tho cominitleo will hold another ineuthif
next Friday night ami it is bolloved that the
icports that will bo furthcoming will justify
tho expectation of one of tho most enthusi
astic patiiutiu displays tho town has had for
many a day.
Tho local secict and civic soclctios have
entered into the spirit ot tho movement iu
conjunction with tho business pooplo with
cuiunioiiaamo zeal, anil nothing that will holi
project is bolllL' left, mill mm
'llO.luillt COinintttrn net t n.,ii o,1u i
composed of roiiri'W'iifnt i vn
organizations : Watkin Waters Post No. HI)
A. It. ; Honry Horncustle Camp No. 19, S.
V, ; Lithuanian Citizens' Society, 1). K.
A. ; IIopo Section N'o.10, J. T. of II. & T.;
ithracltn Ciistln n 71 (l n . a
elation Temperance Society ; Shenandoah
Lodge No. Ii!)l. f. O. r. V 1An T.. .,..!.,
Council No. 3(17, Jr. O. U. A. M. ; Shcnau-
in uotincn Ho. 531), Jr. O. U. A. M. ;
shingtou Camps Nos. lis, Is;) and SOU, P.'
S. of A. : Daughters of I.ilmrtv anil
iiimhia IIoso Comimiiv.
At tho meeting to bo held
'eUilltr this f-otlllnltff.n ivlll 1..
creased In number of representatives, as
number ui organizations that wero inactivo
ave been spurred to action during tlm i,gn
:ck hy the following uililrniw lunxl
io signatures of David Morgan and P. W
lerstcin, chairman and secretary lespec
vcly of tho joint coinmitteo : "To devise
ays i'cr the tirotier oIim i viiiu i. ,.f tl,.. mm
undred and twenty-second anniversary of
no iiuiepenuance ol tlio United States of
mmii'ii. wntilil ri.Etir.tfiill.. i..rn...
' ' " ...,'i.iiniij .lll.i.Jll j u ii i yi-
ganization that we havo decided on holding
a inonsier paruuo on July Itli, 1MN. Invita
tions aio being issued to ovciy secict and
ivic society in mis city, asking their hearty
-operation in making the celebration one
great magnitude nnd a. lu fittl Mi' triltntn
this "Day (if Days" in America's history,
tliis year of triimmli nf itm miun ,r
iitnianitv urn! stridi nf ,.,.fni,i
v " lb 11 Will UIU
feature of which has been Admiral Dewey's
ccent glorious victory at Manila. Your
irganization is thereloio most cordially in
cited to mrtlcinatn In thta i.milim.nlnl.i..i;n
and parade. Wo would bo pleased to havo
your reply as oarly as possible, stating if you
in oo accompanied with music, and of
hat description. A meeting of represeuta
ves of all orL'anizHtimii will l. l,,.l.l :..
Xcfowlcll'a llflll. &mitll Main etmnf a.. I.-. I
day, July 1st, lh'JS, to mako final preparations
ior mo coieurauon, wiion anil whero you aro
asked to send dolerates to cn.nnnmtn ivltti i,n
joint committee."
Ulcliert'H Cale,
Special freo lunch to-nlnht llatml l,,,-
and pork to-morrow morning.
.Must Answer Uhnrgn of Murder.
Yosterdav nfteriwmii nt !..itt r. n'in,.i-
Joseph Yastaowski died at the Miners' hos
pital from the loss of blood caused by wounds
alleged to havo been inflicted by John
ijuners, who is now ill jail, lioth men re
side in JIahanoy City, and tho encounter be
tweou them on Saturday night has been re
lated in these columns. Yastrowski was S."
years old, unmarried and boro good charac
ter. years ot ugo. Tho latter
will liavo to arswer the charge of murder.
His brother, who was with him when the
assault was mado, is in jail in default of bail.
Attention, Camp 112.
All members nf Wnslilnirtn,, Vrt 1,0
P. O. S. of A., aro urgently lequested to be
picsemai. 1110 camp room on Monday morn
ing at 8:00 o'clnek. tn ivii-llni.,..f.. I l.
, j-.. w-.... 41, HIV
Fourth of July parado. A full attendance is
uesireu. uyorucrot
0-80-lt TllcCoMMlTTliU
l'leulc 011 tho I'ourtli.
Shenandoah will hu nllv
- .... jr.l..lUIIOII
on the I-ourth. Tho narniln will l,
success and many visitors will bo attracted in
1110 town. As a means of further enjoyment
tho Columbia Gleo Club has arranged to hold
a grand picnic und singing contost on that
dato at Columbia park. Tho contest will bo-
glll at -1 O'clock, and nmln rvirtlnc Ti-....i tl.lj
and adjoining countios will participate for a
prize 01 tho prlzo pleco Is "Kock Away
iu tho llillows Gay." Tho Schoppo orchestra
will furnish daucliu.' mush- -ui,l .1 a,i ,',.,
is in store for both old and young.
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Autt-lloadacho novor fails, S5c.
Tt-niUrt-il 11 Serenade.
Last ovening tho Lithuanian baud, led l.v
Prof. Zoitz, rendered a number of scloctlmis
at tho rosidence of W. M. Ilrowor, iu honor
of his neico, Miss Graco P. Euglohart, of Last
Orange. Tho music was rendered in tho
professor's own Iuimltablo style, and was vory
much appreciated not only by Mr. lirewer
and family, but by tho largo concourse of
peopio gatliorod to listen, tho patriotic airs
being especially, applauded.
K. (1. i:. Attention.
All inembera nf Aiit1it-ni-lt,i rvetl vn rrt
K. G. L.. are earnestly rpminntnil in l l lit...
of parado on tho 1th of July, in onlcr to
mako tho narado an liilnifu.ilni. nml i,mi
as possible on that occasion. The member
will ploaso meet In their hall on July 1th at
b;30a. in. to form iu lino.
Ill' order of thu Clistlii.
U S8-St i:. 1). HkiidaliM. of W.
Increased Worliiut; Time,
In tho Hazletou region this weok tho
Lehigh alley collieries will work four days.
the Cross Creek colllorics live days ond those
controlled by Pardoo six days. This schedule
may continuo Indefinitely.
Ice Cream festival.
Tho Grant Itaml will buhl an Ira primm
festival iu Itobbius' opera house ou July 1st
ami una. u-io-td
Humbly School l'li nlo.
Tlio United Kvungolical Sunday school will
hold a picnic; at lakeside ou July iUud,
Times arc hard. People ha
110 money to buy first class
goods at high prices, but we
will offer such goods at lowc t
cash prices. Goods that ai
high grade and up-to-date.
Summer Shirts,
Summer Underwear,
Crash Suits,
Bicycle suits and golf leggings
Straw hats, from 10c up to
$2.25. Fashionable black ant!
brown stiff hats, from $1 .01 1
$3.00, and many other arti.
too numerous to make n
tion of. We guarantee barga
Call at once for you are liavir
saving opportunity.
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Dale Hat Store and Shenandc
Oreatest Gent s Furnishing Store.
Sweeping Reduction
in Millinery Goocb
All the latest gauzcy and chiflon afTent
summer millinery. Nobby and itylish I
togues, leghorn, round and hand made h
Trimmed short back sailors, from $i.oo
Illack lace bonnets, all silk, handsom
trimmed, $1.75 and up j Children's triim
hats, from 25c to 52.50, in straw or lcf;ri
Trimmed sailors, all colors and combmar
20c, 25c, and up to $1. 25 ; Untrimmed sail
10 ; Flowers for hats, from 5c to $1
Ostrich tips, all colors, 25c and up ; S.itm
gro-grain ribbon, all silk, 0 inche-. wule,
shades. We carry the largest, best
cheapest line of ribbons in the city. Infa
lace and silk caps, 25c and up ; 1 luldr
lace hats, 25c ; Silk hats, 35c each , Inf-t
long cashmere cloak, 90c ; Embroidered
and skirt, $1.00; Long robes, from 25-
S3.0O; Mourning bonnets and veik.e.inipl
fur 2 and up.
;6 South Main street, next to ( Iraml l'i
'l ea Co., Shenandoah.
We are still doing business at
our old stand, 106 South Main
street. We are daily receiving
furniture which must be turned
into money. We are bound
not to be undersold by any of
our competitors, and we are in
a position to uphold this
assertion. Call and see us and
be convinced of the fact that
we are beyond approach.
For the summer we will make a
specialty of
For family and business pur
poses. Let us quote you prices
and styles.
10 S. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
... Is tha Beginning of Baldness.
Wcstphal's fluxIHator
Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp,
Ferguson House Iilock,
Don't lose your head, and
you will not fail to perceive
the rare opportunities we are
offering the public to secure
at reduced prices. Seeing is
believing. We ask you to in
spect our goods and will risk
their ability to convince you
that they are worth the prices
asked. Try some of our bar
guins ; they will do you good.
25 South Main Street.