i FIREWORKS. We have the largest stock in town. Our prices tire the lowest. Special prices given on large orders. No dead stock from lost year. All new goods. HOOKS & BROWN, 4- ISl. Main St. A SUMMER TONIC. Beef, Wine errand IfDn. Lare Hottle, 50 Cents. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. THE l'KODUCE MARKETS. Ah Iti-ilrctiMl liv Ii-nlliit;s In I'lillnilrt plilu mill lltiltlmoru. Phllacli Iphlii. J 11110 27. - Flour les Rtemty. winter uiiHTInir. .'l'i3.:!5, I "i'iiM I unlit itilltr. rhnir, $l'.i I. lt mills, ixtiu, H K-ilI.C Ityr Hour niowil ulnwly at $:j :M -r liarrcl lor rholi-e lVtins Ivn nla. Wheat nominal, No. 2 li'U. Jul. 77'ii77'r. Corn dull. No. 2 mlxctl, i-poi S.V.,r,i,... . No. 2 j.llinv. for lot 11I li-.uli, 86c OlitH slow; No 2 Willi.-. XV , No 2 white, flipped, 32ir.:2,i.e. lla in.iiltit fuvored buyers; chulce timothy. 112 tor law lmlea. Ileef dull: beef hum... J2XVI f(2). Pork steady; fitinlly, tX'nV'..M. l.itril easy, western steamed. SUHiii nut ter Ktendy; western creamery, l.l'tj 17c. ; do. fittlory. 1lii V&n:; lilirliiti. 17c; linttn tlon tri.inier, 12-iH'vc.; New York ilitlry, 12'ili;(.: do. creiimery, 13V Kic. ; fancy I'eniiHylviinlu prints johljlug at llMilKu.i do. wholeBule, Ike. 1'heene very Urm; laiKe, white. small do., 7ic. ; law, colored, UV!i 7'c. ; small do., 7c; light skims. f.V'illc. ; part skims. IfjfK.c ; full eklms. 2'.i2Sjc. Kkk linn; New York and Pciini l aula. 12V12Vi;C. , western, fresh, 12Vni:!c. Potatoes quiet: new, $2112.50. Tallow easy; city, 3V liMCc; country, SHffiSV. Cabbage quiet; southern, Mo. $1.25. llaltlmore, June 27. Flour dull; west ern miiieilliiH. 2.fff3.15: do. extra, JXHtfi '3.75; do. rurally, JHil.JU; winter wheat, Patent . rJ.6; spring do.. $l.75iiiii; pprniK: wueat. sirttigni, i. uoin.it. u neat dull, spot and month, JOc; July, 77c; AtiKiiHt. 7:iV'i7l,i,c. ; September, 724'.: steamer No. 2 red, SUc. ; southern, by sample. 77iSCc.; do. on grade, MMiS&'fec. Corn dull; spot and month, 3lfi3ifee.; July, Sl'aliolUc; AuBUst, IllVic; Septem ber. itTr't'iiSCc.; stiumer mixed. 33T 33 V'sC. ; southern, white, KValiSCc. ; do. sonthorn whtli, :V '"'.: do. yellow, KWfOc. Oats dull and easier; No. 2 white, 3H4W 32c. No. 2 mixed, 291ac. ; Hye dull and lower. No. 2 nearby, 45V&0. ; No. 2 western, -He. Hay steadier; choice-timothy tl2..".u. drain ftelghts without change, no demand; steam lo Liverpool per bushel, iiS.il July; Cork for orders, per uuarter. ;is. asked July. Sujrur strong;; Enmulaled, ."..l.-.i. Dutter steady; fancy creamery. 17iilsc, tlo. Imitation, lCc. ; do. ladle. i:illc: Bond ladle, 12c; store pack ed, lii'iillc. Kbks tirm, scarce; fresh, 12V4 &13c. I'heese steady; fancy New York large. !i'i!i'4i; do. medium, SViift 10c. ; small. Hi','.ihMe. ; Lettuce i 1 .1 0'it 1 .2j per basket. Whisky, 1.27'nl.2S per Ballon for finished Knolls In car loads; ?1.23U1.30 for jobbing lots. YfMoi'iIn.v'x IIiim'IiiiII (iiiiixw. At St. Louis First Bumo: ltalllmore, Id. St. Louis, -I. Keeoiid Bame: Ualthmiro, 12. St l-oubj. 1. At PitHhurg-PlltsburR, 2, n..-t.iii, 11 At I'hiiiiBo ChiciiBO, 0; iroikin 4 At :iai liuiatl -Washington. t, 'ne Inuali, 2. REMOVAL OP ...TO... Centre and White Streets, Uobbins' lhiiltling, on JULY 1st, 1898. WM. SCIIMICKER, JR., Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity --For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer nillions of Dollars Oo up in smoko ovory year. Taken risks but get jpur houses, stock, fu nituie, etc., insured In llrsV-clasa r liablo companies as represented by TiAVIn FATIST. Insurance Apert Also r.WendAcctdeiiU! Companies A good drink. place for u good Michael Mills' Saloon, 23 K. Centre street, S(elk t' building, Wine, Wbl.klos, Beer and CiHr. I'ri'ulu beer in town ulwaya on tup. BEST LINE OF" GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY and BTKAW. Floor and Tabic Oil Cluths, E. B. Foley, 37WceeBntr. st. Jrfiair It Is much easier to keep the hair ti'bcn you have it than it ts to re store it hen it's lost. If your hair is "coming out" it needs Instant attention: The use of AYER'S HA TP Vrtini? mull urnmolfo stoo i , . t1f IUs..UU the hair from falling, and stimulate I it to new gronvth. " Some years ago my hair bcg.m to fall out and I became quite bald. I tuas ad vised to try Ci and had used it but a short time Ivlscn my hair ceased to full out and a ftnu ana vigor, ous grojvth made its ap pea ranee. My hair is nolv abundant and glossy." THOS. DUNN. RochvilU, Wis. Wedding Hells. Miss Anna I.. Slayer, of Ashland, and I). 1., Snyder ol l'axluos, were married at the former place yesterday. Joseph 1. Sean Ian , of HnzU'lnn, and Slfss .Mary llcneviovo 1'eiBiison, of Slahanoy City, weio married at the latter place, In St. Cunicus church, at the o'clock this morning, ltev. 1'. C. SIclhiroe oHiciiitiiijt. Sliss Itae llcilly, of ISrowiisvllle. was the bridesmaid and Dr. William ,1. Sniiilan, of Philadelphia, the groomni'in. The bridegroom was form erly a icsideiit of Shenandoah find is now employed as chief clerk by the Van Wickle Coal Company at Coleruiue. The couple have started-011 a bridal tour that will cover a period of tluee weeks. D.inicl lirctz and Sliss Annie lllaekwel', both of Slaiauoy City, were married Satur day evening at the home of tlio bride'B par ents by 15ev. (i. SI. Jioek, pastor of the Gorman Lutheran chinch. Stop That Cough I Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A Sac bottle ofSUiloh's Curo may save your lifo. Sold by P. 1). Kirlin and a guarantee. timid PI, ico ror a Start. Klght curs, large and small, tormented passing teams at tlio southern end of Slain street this morning. This will bo a good place for tlio Chiof llurgess to mako a stait in when enforcing the inuz.liiig ordinance. At Payne's nursery, (lirardville, yon will find the largest stock overseen in tlio county. Not III II. Tho druggists and doctors of Ashland camo to town yesterday afternoon and in a gunic of bao ball at the trotting park gave tlio doctors and druggists of town a drubbing to the tune of 2t to 12. Tho best place to buy your wall papor is at V. .1. Portz, 21 North Slain street. Wo have tho largest stock ninth of the mountain. tf The Indian Stands Ready To Defend the Flag- I mm Spanish trcach ety. So we stand ready to cater to our liadc in the sale of ll.igs of every descrip tion at cut prices. We allow no one to under sell us. (Jet other would bc-compctiti'rs purrs and then call on us, and dial will show you that we under sell all. We can sell jou an all wool bunting llag or we can -.ell ou nn all cotton HftK but cast your cv around the town and note the condition of these "last color Inmtini" Hags that othcis have been selling as "war ranted." Morgan's Flag Factory, 23 North Main St. WTEflESTlNG. The anniversary of independ ence, as well as our weekly announcements of bargains in stoves and furniture. This week we offer a fine lot of Baby Carriages To close out the season. They will and must go at sacrifice prices to make room for fall goods. Cele brate the glorious Fourth by buying one for the baby. They are new, handsome and durable and the price is the most attractive, At our figure you can buy wisely and have enough money to burn in fire works. Davidson's BUSY , FURNITURE . AND . STOVE . STORE, 121-123 North Main St. SCHOOL BOAUD MEETS. An Important I'oiiiiiiinilcutlim Siibinllli il by Sitpcilnteiiilciit Coopir. All Riljournoil incotlng of the School Hoard win held lust night with the following inciii hen lit iittenilntice : Muaars. Cmixlillii, Sullivan, llitntm, Kclper, lluuiili, Mallei;, Hnlvoy, Dove, Martin, Ilreslln, Connors, Dovltt, llrltt ami W'lillakcr. Also Stipcriii temlcnt Cooper, Truant Olllcer Smith ami Solicitor liurke. The HKicetnenl, contract anil IkiiiiI under which tlio Ccnttc and Wost streets school buildings are to ho connected with tlio lino of the Shenandoah Sewer Company woro presented nnd aceeiled. Siiperlntchdent Cooper snlitnlttcd the fol lowing report on the cloic of tlio school year: Monthly enrollment Hoys, 12U"; glil, 13M); total, SOW. Avorimo dally nttcmliitico Hoys, 111'': Rlrl'. 1-13; total, 2357. Percentauo of atl,,,Kllt.e - ioyV i; girl.. i, t..ti. i. Hill pupils attended ovory session. Thoro Hete (II visits mado to the schools by cltlous and 21 visits made by directors. "Tho work for the year was quite satis factory. Harmony prevailed among the tciu lieis and pupils and between the tcachors and the otllce. I'uity In action and to get the best tesults obtnitmhlu sccmod to be the niiittn of your teachers. All the schools wore carefully examined and the lesults obtained lViiched our most favorable expectation. The office feels that special mention should be made in this report of the very creditable way in which the High school gradiiatts ac qiiitti d themselves both in their examinations and at tlio commencement. Tlley certainly showed that they had been thoroughly taught In their studies and well trained for commencement exercises. Tho grammar graduates also acquitted themselves satis factory, Tho promotion sheets of tho other grades have not been completed ; hut tlio promotions will be faiily large and the pupils will bo promoted on good uvciiiges. If teachers aro to lie judged by their elicits and letaincd on their meiits, then your teachers arc worthy of a re-election. The office heartily recommends that all who may apply for lo-electlon be re-elected. The office recognizes the fact that the most serious qiTestion which has presented itself for your consideration is tho length of term to fix for the piesent school year. You us educators want to consider that question seriously and earnestly bcfoie you take steps towaid hav ing the term d minished from ten to nine months. Our courses of study have gradually but positively worked themselves into a ten month term and any change fionithat tcim would licccitoltato a change in the entile system. You have been expecting and re quiting first-class work and (lrs-tclass lesults. i on cannot hope to get the same results in a niuo-niouth term that you have gotten since you lengthened your school term to ten months. From an educational standpoint, to lessen tho term will bean error. For that tcason Hie olllco urges, if you can, in any way, see your way clear finan cially that you leave tho term the same us It has been since 1S-!I3. If you cannot, then tho office submits this proposi tion : That you leave the High school at least continue for a full term of ten mouths. lie member that the work of the High school is somewhat different from that of the other gradis. From that grado your pupils uie thrown in contact with pupils from o'.hcr towns. If you dosire our high staudaid to ho maintained you can ill-afford to shorten tho term or lessen tho courso of study. In fact, if tlio course is changed at all it should bo lengthened, not shottencd. It may be argued that tho work was done before the term was iucicased in 18IK1. Permit tho ollico to say that tho work novcr was done, and never will be done, in a nino-iiiouth term, lioniember the fact that, when you iucicased tho term you at tlio same time increased tho curriculum in tho High school. Your High school faculty did and will do as good as any otlicr High school faculty. Hut they cannot, nor can any other fai ully.do the work of ten months in iiiuo months of tinio. Therefore, the otllco recommends that the term bo continued at ten months. "The truant officer, janitors and janitrcsses have been regular, earnest and conscientious in tho discharge of their duties and the office coidially recommend them for le-clcction, "In conclusion the ollico desires to extend to you, members of the School Boaid, to the pross of town, to the teachers, truant officer and all others connected with our schools its thanks lor your kind, cordial and earnest suppoit during the past year, You, by your kindness, energy and fidelity to duty, have greatly lessened tlio business and trials of your humble servant, , "J. W.CoopEit." After tho reading oO the report the recom mendations were referred to tho finance and teachers and salaries committees. Truant Officer Smith and Solicitor llurko reported that tho case of John liorg, prose cuted under the compulsory education act, was before tho (1 rami Jury and a truo bill returned. The defondantSiIll light tho case on tho constitutionality of the law. All hills except those for talaiics, interest and gas wero laid over, as thero weio 110 funds with which to meet them. The torms of tho janitors and janitrossos will expire before the next meeting and tho building committee was instructed to con tinue tho janitors in service until tho per manent election. Director Coiighliu was elected treasurer of the schools savings hank foranothoryoarand his bond was fixed at f 1,001), the School Hoard to have the puwer to increase the amount when necessary. Window shades from 10 cents and upward. Estimates given on largo shados. F. J. Pmtz, i North Main sticct. tf .Mliingito I'reiiuiliig Again. Cuclo Jimmy Minoguo Is real hot and spicy 111 Ids last wick's Ashland News. Among itlier things he says: "Tlio News favors a tree silver ticket in tho county and state. It would somicr suppoit a gold-bug liepublican : b.in a gold-hug Democrat." "It is the prevailing opinion at tho county scitt.tliat the following frco silver ticket will ho nominated at tho coming Democratic convention : For Judge, (ieorgo J. Wadlingcij Congress, Win. Wilhclm; Controller, Daniel Dully; District Attorney, James J. Muran; Coioner, Dr. J. V. Alberts; Poor Director, John F. llorgan. This slato seems to have tho endorsement of tho voters from dlllerout sections of the county." Judgment Against the County. Tho hearing in tho case of J. O. Ulrli li, ux-Couuty boiicltor, against tiio county, wur fixed for 10 o'clock yostorday morning be foro 'Suulio 11. C, Nickols. Tho county'i representative failed to put in an appearance and tho 'Kquiro decido I against It on tho ground of default, rendering judgment in favor of Ulilch fur tho full amount of his claim, J100 and costs. Shiloli' s Consumption Cure cures where others fall. It is tho loading Cough Cuie and no homoshould bo without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to tho spot. Bold by P. D. Kirlin and a guarantee. Soon The) 'II Marry. Marrlago licenses wero issued tu tho follow ing: Uov. W. W. Yost, l'lymoittlmieeting, Pa., and Cora Alice Klinhol, ltush township; John Matz Wicdol, Allentown, and 11. Christian I.lndor, Orwlgsburg; Joseph l'inkowii'i and I.iwio MIskewic, both of Hlienaudoah, A 1'rtiiilly ,lnr, Mrs. l.Uzio Paulukona last night prosecuted her daughter-in-law, Mr. Mary Paulukona, before Jiullce Toomoy for assault and battery and jliOO boll wits furiiUhed. Tho lurtics live in nuo house and a dispute uroso over the um of the cooking ruugo. Mary hit hei iniilliei'-ln-law on the forehead with a dinner can, Indicting a gash three Inches loug. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout tlio Country Chronicled for llusly I'erusiil. Tho closing down of the Chaiiiborlaln cot llory, near St. Clair, by order of court, has thrown 250 men out of work. Ten-year-old Cliatle Wlttonborg, o( Colum bia, was killed under a freight train which he tried to board. Whilo liHthlng In the Delaware Itlver at llaton, Itussell Soager mid Harry llereaw, each ten years old, were drowned. The parochial school connected with St. Patrick's church, at Pottvllle, has closed for the term. Walter Leonard, aged V) years, died at his homo In HeekschervHlo on Sunday, Negotiations Bro peudiiig for tho ptirchae of .Michael's cafo at Pottsvllle, by Frank Ficllcr. The ll-yoar-old son of John Sloody, of 1'ort uirnoti, mysteriously uitappcaru on Saturday, and his whereabouts aro unknown. SlissSIattle liadcllll', of Tamaqua, who has bleu blind for 18 years, is now able to sec after undergoing treatment by Prof. Fox, of the Sletllco-CliiturRical hospital. Dr. W. SI. Homer has been appointed a member of the Hoard of Pension Lxamlnlng Surgeons at Scotldalc, Westmoreland county. Police quelled 11 1 lot hetwecn linemen of the Citizens' and Lycoming LMectric Com panies, of Wllliauispoi't, at war over tlio right to suing witcs. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Hoot Tea, tho great Itlood Purifier. Cures Head ache, Nervousness, Lruptious on the Face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by P. D. Kirlin and a guarantee PERSON A-t MENTION. Christ Schmidt and Sol. Hank made a busi ness trip to Heading to-day. Sirs. Slattin Ptucell went to Pottsvllle this morning to visit friends. F.dmuud Harris was among tlio morning passengers to Pottsvllle to-day. John 1!. Eiseiihart returned home last ovenlng after spending a few days visiting his daughter in Allentown. L. ,1. Wilkinson, and SI. L. Doyle have gone to Scrautoii as representatives of the local business men to tlio Anthracite boom convention. W. SI. Ilrewcr transacted business at Potts vllle this morning. James SI. Mulhihy spent to-day visiting relatives at Pottsville. Dr. J. G. Church spent a part of to-day lis a guest of friends at Pottsville. Charles 1'adziewlcz and John Slielda.is were among the townsmen who spent to-day at the county seat. Sirs. H. N. Klopfensteln, of Elkluut, Indiana, is visiting her sister, SIis. .1. II. .Martin, on Ninth .Turd in street. John Katz, a member of Company F., slh Itegt., N. O. P., with headquarters at West Falls Church, Yiigiuia, is homo on a fur lough, Sliss Annie Stein was a passenger to Slillersvillo to-day. She will attend tho annual reunion of hcrgradiiatiug class at the State Normal school. Sliss Agues Jcnaski, of Shamokin, is tho guest of her sister, Sire, John Dobbin, on North Slain street. Justice Shoemaker spent to-day at Illooms- bitrg on legal matters. He will lctuin this evening. What Dr. A. 1!. Slater S.iys. llurr.M.o, N. Y. dents : From my per sonal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Slilloh's Cuio In cascs'of ad vanced Consumption, lam prepared to say it is tho most remarkable Itcmcdy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has ccilainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by P, 1). Kirlin, and a guarantee. Ileal Kslati! Ileitis. Deeds for the transfer of tho following properties were filed for record : Levi Folder ct nl to Kobert Blackmail, premises in Towor City; James ISyon to Geo. W. Ityon, premises in Mlnersvlllo; Ceo. W. Kyon ct ux to Ldw. M. lleilner, premises in Minersvillc; Clerk of Orphans' Court to Kdw. M. lleilner, ct ill., premises in Mlnersvlllo; John F. Hecscrot ux to Josiah Lincawcaver, premises in New Itinggold; Josiah Lincawcaver to Klizabcth W. Iteeser, premises in New Itinggold. Kcmlrlck House Treo T.unclt, Clam soup will bo served, free, to all pa trons to-night. Two Cusps Heard, Mary Urban was held in $200 ball before Justice Shoemaker for keeping a quantity of clothes belonging to Michael Urban without causo for payment of a board bill. Urban had been an inmate of tho Miners' hospital and was released yesterday. He says ho is not indebted to tho woman. P.mil Smith was held In $300 bail before tho sattio Justico on a charge of assault and battery by JJarry Sakura. American and Cuban flags, all sizos and qualities. F. J. Portz, 21 Noith Main St. tf Changes tif lEesiilences. Mr. and Mrs. William Myers bavo changed their rcsldenco from 31 East Coal street to the resldenco on North White btreet, recently vacated by Mrs. Metcalf and family. The latter have removed to Lost Creek, where they have purchased a homo. I'lro lleputtiueltt Appointment. Tho following appointments have been mado in tho lire dcpaitment for tho ensuing year, wlilch begins 011 July ' Itli : P. J. l!oy- nobis, of tho Phoenix, will bo chief firo marshal ; Ii. (I. Hess, of tho ltcscuo, first as sistant, and David Holvoy, of tho Columbia, second assistant. All kinds of vegetables and llowcr seeds, and plants at Payne's uursorics, (lirardville. r.lectriu curs pass tho door. S-li-tf A Spring Caused tho Trouble. In a few days the work of pushing tho now reservoirs at Mt. Carmel to completion will begin. Tlio leak, which lias been a source of annoyance and prevented further opera tion, bus I .cell discovered. It is In tho nature of a spring, and pints are now being laid to prevent any further trouble. Window shades from 10 cents and upward. Estimates given on large shades. F. J. Portz, 23 North Main street. tf Boom Hard Coal ! aminninnmimimmnnimig i.ct n, demand SlKt llll DailllllVl iV sill iiotlilnt: Jt'h than cqimll z n 1 1 o 11 of frrlKlit ratt-Hon coal, ThU bath cnlilnct is a boon to human Hy. If yon nre nick, It will matt) you wt'H. If ynu nro well, it ki-i-p you well. A Imtii in OIlL'Of tllOHH onMiictH will convince tlio tijost flkt'ptkat. Trial Baths Free. 'HiUiiumuiiJiUuiiiiuiuiiuuiy Turkish, Russian, Mineral, Medicated, Per fume baths in your own home. You cannot have those in a bath tub. Call nt send for circulars describinj; llicm in detail. Authorized agents are C. (i Pal mer, ilfiW- Centre street 1 vm. J, Webster, ii7 K. Coal sheet i Harry Pratt, 331 S, J.udin licet. Wc terair All Kinds of Stoves. WM. R. PRATT, OlDcc : UXi Hoiitli Jurillit Ht., Kheiiuuiluah. CRIMINAL COURT. The l.ust Week of Comt I'nlll Sicptctnlicl Next. Tho Juno term of criminal court camo to a sudden close yostorduy afternoon, becauso pooplo Interested failed to put in an appear ance. All tlio Jurors weio discharged. Tlio Judges will hoar arguments, etc., the halanco of tlio week. On Thursday tho Injunction against J. J. Fnmcy, brought to lost rain him from erecting bay windows, will ho heaid before Judge Koch. Thcio aro about 10 witnesses suhpoenned. Thomas Mcllalo and Michael Wills plead guilty to tho charge of having entoro I and burglarized tho residence of lie v. Abroinaltls at Shenandoah. A lot of jewelry wasslolcn, hut was suhsequcntly recovered. They were sentenced to pay the costs, ?S3 lino and un dergo an imprisonment of one year each. On motion of John F. Y Iialcu, court yes terday respited tho recognizance and stiuck oil' tho forfeiture of tho bond given hy Anthony Sclnnlcker, surety for llowaid Kfiscr. It will be remembered Koiscr lobbed a man at Pottsvllle, andoscaped whilo In custody of Detective Amour at Philadel phia, and hlslpresent whereabouts are uu known. The court fixed Scptcinhor 111 for tho trial of short causes, and the following week fot tho trial of long causes in civil eases. llx-Comiulssliiner C. F. Allen yestorday received the sumo sentence as Messrs. licntz and Martin, convicted of misdemeanor In ollico, $230 fine and tho cots of prosecution Frank Conrad, J. C. Drown and M. S. Stein wero appointed liquidating trustees of tho Shenandoah Lumber Company to takochargo on July 1st. Judgo Koch will filo an opinion during tlio week in tho Conti oiler- Will den mandamus case. The court refused to fiinut tho chatter of tho St. Joseph Polish Ileuellcial Society of Shenandoah, diving to defects in tlicnpplicu tiou. Couit approved the report of viewcis for the opening of a 30-foot road In Union town ship. In the case of John liurg, of Shenandoah, against whom a hill ot indictment was found last Saturday, charging hlni with violating tho Compulsory IMucatiou law, Geo. J. Wad linger stated he represented tho defendant, and wished to filo a motion to quash tho in dirtmciit. Much interest is manifested in the outcome, as this is tlio first prosecution in tills county under this law. The Lyon-Dunn contest couit resumed its sessions this morning. Tho Judges are now at work opening tho various ballot boxes with a view of determining for whom cer tain voters cast their ballots. The end of tho contest is now in sight. Cur Oil'. Passengers on tho Schuylkill 1 ruction car that left town at 7:15 o'clock last night wore delayed about half an hour on (Hovers hill on account of tho car leaving tlio track twico The spreading of a rail caused the trouble. Silverware is tho choicest and most suitablo wedding gift. Sco tho stock at IJrumni's Democratic State Coiiveullou. For tho Democratic State Convention, to ho held at Altoona, Pa., Jtmo 20, the Pcnnsyl vania Ituilroud Company will sell special ex. elusion tickets fiom stations on its line in the state of Pennsylvania, to Altoona anil ro turn, at rate of single fare for the round trip (minimum rate, twenty-five cents) Tickets will bo sold Juno 27, 2S and 20, and will bo good to return until July 2, 1M)3, in elusive. MISCELLANEOUS. I OST. KTKA Yi:i) OK STOTJCX.-On Tucmtav 11 .Intu''JUt, finm the uslilenco of Ariolph ICnmtak.No.lS.TuikevHiin.il eow. dark retl in i-olor and elht year old, I loth hnrim am turned In, mm a little higher than tlio other. A ievanl of $5.00 will lio ottered for Its rtturnto tho above atltlrea1. iVJ7-3t I OST. On .Sunday evening, rlther on West I Oak or West Cherry streetM, a small Hcarf pin with white Mono. Suitable reward for return of hamu to tho IIi:uAr,l ofike. C-27-3t I HO It UICNT Ktoro room and dwelling, cen 1 t rally loeated, with all modern couveu ieiice.s. Apnly at No. 113 North Main street, MienaiHloun. u-j-u TnOItltKNT. Property, No. 31S WW Centre i; streei, reecmiy vaeaien uy I'linip iiocuier, tho buteher. Suitable for irroeery. meat market, etc. Dwelling nnd stable attached. Apply tu u. u rainier, uih west ueniru Hireti. b-ia-u FOIt HAJ-K Tho property on West Oak htroet known as tbCtJrant property. Will be sold in Hingle lots or as a whole. Apply to . O, flregory, agent, 238 North Main street, Shenan 4loab, l'a. oi.u 111 OK SAMS. A valuable property on West ? Centre street, dwelling house, and nil eon veuienees In deslrablo loeatlon. Amdv to Thomas Tosh, for further particulars. 5-a7tf inOIt SAIdC A saloon. Ciood Mam! nnd ten U tral loeatlon, lias two pool tables, one being n combination of pool and billiards. Apply at thu JIkhamj ofllce. tf OKAT,HI lKOI'03AI.H will bo received by rO tho undersigned, tho Controller of PehuyJ' kill county, at lit ofllce at tho couit house, Pottsville. Pa., until 2 o'clock n. m.. Thursday, June TO, 1V.H. for the furnishing of supplies for the Schuylkill county almshoii&o and tho Schuylkill county prison, for tlio quarter end' Inir Sentember 110. IhM. Schedules of the articles and tho probable amount of each reoulred mav bo obtained from the authorities of the almshouses or prison, or i rum tne unuotsigucu, Tlio right rcsened to reject any or all bids, (JlIAICU A. WNVIIEII, County Controller. Controller's ofllce, Pottsvllle, Pa., Juno IB, GREAT PAIN ! GREAT COST These were the two reasons that formerly kept people Irum attending to their teeth lloth reasons luivc no existence in this ad vnnccd aire. Painless and inexpensive dent i.stry witlt an absolute guarantee for live years is our method A (Jotxl Set of Teeth, f$. The Very llest Teeth, $S. You can pet no belter, no matter what you pay. No charge for extracting, where Iccth aie ordered. We can take your impression in the morning and give you your teeth in the afternoon if desired. Cold Pillings, $ ; licst Silver Pilllngs, 5oc up; Cleaning, 5oc; Extracting, 25c. Crown ami bridge work nt very reasonable rates. Examinations nnd estimates ficc. We use but one grade of material the best, SCHUYLKILL DENTAL PARLORS, Cor. White & Centre Sts., Robbing' Building DRINK CLKARY'S EXTRA I' INK QUALITY -GINGER ALE, - Superior Sarsaparilla... and Oran&e Champagne. j - Uelebrafxl FeiirV.c 1'mvtlorfl novcr fall cafn ami nirA after tilling with Tft.ni l'cnoyroytl Till ami other hk ruiiodkt). AUivg buv the htt and volJ dlr folntmrnt. OuwiiitccU uptrkr to All otters. l'oiilivA Dr. HI fnir weather to1 southerly mid light to fresh wostorly winds, higher temperature. I.evltt 11 Winner. During a bantering last night Monroo It, Kehlor bet five dollais oven that Max I.evltt, the Kast Ccntio street merchant, could not rldo twenty miles on a hicyclo within two hours. Tho wager was ptoinptly taken up and it was arranged that tho test ho mado between II and 8 o'clock this morning at the trotting paik. Levitt appealed on schcdtllo time with Joseph May.I.eon Wasley and Win, Schmidt, pacemakers; V. O. Dusto, trair.er ; Christ Clruhlcr and 11.11. Zullck, tlmcKccp- j crs. Levitt said after tho spin that the wager was tho easiest five dollars ho ever made. Ho rodo tho twenty miles In 1 hour, 5 minutes and SI seconds and was fresh and strong cnoug'j to go another test of ten or fifteen miles. Tho last tnilo ho rodo in 3 minutes and 10 seconds. There was quite a largo number of spectators at tho test. Itlnrileit To-morrow. T. W. Harris, formerly proprietor of tho Mlnersvlllo Messenger, and now a resident of llrooklyn. will bo married to-morrow to SIis Clara Ocrthers, an accomplished young l idy of Mlnersvlllo. Tho wedding will bo private. The tropcctlvo brido Is a sister of Mrs. M. 11. Master, of town. Geranumns, fuchsias, pausles, daises, roses etc., for spring planting at Payne's nurseries, Olrardvillo. Tuberoso and gladiolus bulbs. Arrested for Violating .Mull t.hwh. Francis Toth, tho editor and propilotor of tho Slovcnskl Noviny," at Hazlcton, was arrested hy Marshal liacharach on tho charge of printing libelous and indecent matter and sending it thioliglt the mails. At a hearing before United States Commissioner llahn ho was held in tho sum of $1000 hail for his ap pcatanco at tho ncxt6cssion of United State3 court. Annual Soles over 0,000,000 Boxes POR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such ns Wind and Tain In tho Stomach. Giddlnc3t, Fulnoh after mealu. Head ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costlvones. Hlotches on tho Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Droams and nil Kervous and Trombllni? Sonsatlons. THE FIRST D03E WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Evory suftorer will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Iti:i:ciIAMs Pll.1,6. taken ns direct ed, will quickly rostoro Females to com pleto health. They promptly romovo obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys tem nnd curo hick Ilcndnclie. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boccham's Pills aro Without a Rival And hare the LARGEST SALE ofnr.y ratenl.Mcillcino Inllie World. 25c. at all Drug Stores. We Bottle BEER, WEISS BEER, ALE, PORTER Private family orders will receive prompt attention. L,eavc them at the office, we will do the rest. COLUMBIA BREWING COMPANY. KEEP -ON 'I'lic foieonsl for Wcdnosday t Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House, 13 NORTH MAIN STREET. If you need a good solid pair of shoes, with solid counter and' leather insole, this is the place to get them, We don't keep Iadiesr Shoes for 75c. a pair, which will last from Thursday morning till Sat urday morning, as some dealers do. What you get here you can depend on for good solid goods at very low prices. Our goods will be sold at very small profits. We quote a 'few prices : Children's Shoes, 4, 5, 6&7, spring heel, patent leather tip, 40c A better one for 50c. Girls' Shoes, black and lace, size 1 1 to 2, for 68e., worth r.oo. Men's Shoes, vici kid, patent leather tip, $1.75, worth 2.25. Men's Kuamel Shoes, brown, patent leather, $2.10 ; worth $3.00. Half of our Children's and Misses' Shoes are made in Orwigsburg by George Folmer & Son. Our line ol Iadies' Shoes cannot be beat, as wc buy our own leather nnd just pay for the labor in making them. We can, therefore, sell you good stock at bottom prices. . Our line of Gent's Furnishing Goods cannot be beat. We also' carry anicejine of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits. Guarantee 'Clothing and Shoe House, (Michael Peters' Building,) 13 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. ELIAS SUPOWITZ, Prop. - 'i imnn n" ' 1 1 ' tmlAhi " iii - Zifnr over uTTr Tmc1 v...- "uia oftlie.Glol.olcr RHEUMATISM il&UitALUlA and tbjillsr Complaints, DERHAH MEDICAL LAWS, jivDiii.uuu vj eminent pnytioiansi UR. RICHTER'S PAIN EXPELLED n crltl renowned I III mnrVnl.lif nlOfo.sfnH lOnlvccnnliunvliliTrnilo Mark " Anchor. ' 11'. Ail. Itltlilcr A Co.. 215 PcarlSt.. .New lork. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Homes. Own Glassworks. A. Wasley, 106 N. Main St., . n. Hagentmch, 103 N. Main St., .r.D.Klrlln, 6 S. Main St., Shenandoah. t,. DR. rtlCHTER'S 1 "ANCIIOlt" HTO.IIAClIAr. lioat fnr I Coii. mpprpiu,v:Mtoitinfli CoiitiMnliitn. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN. Examination Made at Your Homo or at Our Store. --Has Moved to 118 S. Main Street. THOMAS BUCHANAN, OPTICIAN, GRAND : PIC-NIC ON JULY 4th,1898, In Columbia Park, Shen andoah, Pa , under the auspices of the COLUMBIA GLEE CLUB. S25 SINGING CONTEST for male parties will take place, admission to the contest free. The piece selected is "Rock Away in the Billows Gay." y ADMISSION tp.b 25 CENTS. rniui.-cnfflr-STOE" -riHAT.HIt IN- Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SO West Centre Street, A Handsomo Complexion I onoof tbo greatest clinrms a woman can I pOSSCSa. 1'OZZOMl'S UOMPLBZIOH I'OWDUItl Rives it. YOUR THE- EDUCATED and ARTISTIC TASTES In wull imperii nnd decorations Is tnto of thif nineteenth century accomplishments. That l why t!.no who select their wnll impcr at t'AltDIN'H Ret such ilellRhtful results. It Isn't neeessury to piirclniso tho exiieualvo entiles, tht' tleslBin ami colors are Just as urtlstlo lit the cheaper untiles, If they nro not no lch. For tliosowho wish to tlceoruto their Toonis with artistic wull papeis to to J. P. CARDEN, 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, l'a, "'f - Tii '"'iiinr'"f inifan 1 "j.iv..;.;...