The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 27, 1898, Image 2

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    KSlAltMHIlKII 1870.
P(iiM.itcl every Kvculng, Kxcept Humluy, At
i oirrn Jahihn HrKFerr, Kkak Ckxtuk.
The llr.ild Id aelivftrtl luHluMiniKloitli unit tlio
-tirrnuiulliiK tenvna for nx tout week, my
nM Xuttio vnrrlent. Hy mull 88.00 year, or 3ft
lentt it tnaiith. iyl)lo lit imIvmucp. ilvertU
uit'iit1 ehurKetl nccordiiiKtopj'""' 1'tnlttnit.
Tim tiiiMinliecM rtMM.'r e thu rllit to chnhftc the
l-(tion of (itlvertUetitentd wliemner t'tu pul
'fttlo'i of newn ilcniaml It. The r lift tit Is
tcM'rved t t J f tuny Atlvertltcitti'itt, nether
fuihl for ur not, the imbllMiert nmy at tin
Hitoir. AihertUIiiK rnten maria known
K UiTdO nt the potoHlcp nt Hhenntidnuh, Vn.t ha
nccoiuI elm mull mtvtr
All the News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Hcsrslcl
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last ar.J Forever.
lti -ixns MKN linvo found by prac
tical ovporloiice Unit the llKltALDisit
pi'olltalilu iitlvertCiiiy medium.
SlIKXAXDoAH llllh plenty of openings-
tor llrst-eliiss imlti-triux. anil too
main of them cannot conic this wn.
(iov. llAhrixtis will at once till the
ai'iiucy on the Superior Court bench,
ami il i Mife to Miy tile noiulnee will
not lieu friend of the Heaver sttates
mini. NiiTWlTHsTANHIMI it is II dilllcult
matter to secure details of the battles
at Santiago, the metropolitan papers
m e iimii illustrations on an elaborate
Tint Fourth of .Tilly will be appro
priately celebrated by Americans in
l.'ului, cspeoinlly in tlie vicinity of
Santiago. The display of llreuorks
will be on un elaborate -cale.
Only two newspaper men, out of a
corps of two hundred or more in
Washington, have enlisted in the
army. A a rule, they prefer dolny
their lighting at home with paper
Tun celebration of independence
Day in town will be a grand success
if all signs fail not. The committees
are working hard in that direction,
and should receive the assistance of
the people generally.
Tiik Black Diamond of yesterduv
coi.taiued an article over the signa
ture of its editor, Thomas J. .Joyce,
in which it was stated that the paper
would suspend publication imlelin
itely. There is much sympathy e
pif-scd for our editorial brother.
TiiKltK is no room to doubt that
tin- liryaniles will control the Demo
criilic state convention, and the same
can be said of tlio county convention.
Tin silverites are in tlio saddle this
car and will give the "gold bugs" no
liiarter. The future is anything hut
bright for the Democracy this year,
in both state ami countv.
Tun Mincrsville Free Press, a
p-eml Democratic paper, says the
following ticket will be nominated by
the Democratic convention, selected
by the llryauites : Judge, W. A.
Mnrr; Congress,, lames Jtyan; District
Attorney, M. V. McLaughlin; Con
troller, JI. 11. Master; Coroner, Dr.
C A. Hleiler: Poor Director, Will. F.
'I'll K new libel law of New Jersey
provides that the person giving a
new spuper libelous Information that
is untrue is guilty of a misdemeanor,
punishable by a line of tJOOO or im
prisonment not exceeding two years,
or both. The publisher shall also
have the opportunity to retract, and
in ii prosecution the plalutilV must
show malice to establish u case.
The Altoonn (lathering.
Our Democratic friends are warm
ing up to their work. The Altoonn
convention tills week will be engaged
in performing its allotted task, and
theie Is every indication that there
will he the hottest kind of a time.
Most of the trouble has risun in con
sequence of the expectation that
there will be a chance for that party
at the polls in November next.
If there was no dissatisfaction, real
or imaginary, with the ticket nomin
ated at llarrisliurg a few weeks ago,
Democratic leaders and would-be
leaders would not be anxious to lead
a forlorn hope. Hut thinking that
fume and honor will bo secured
through a nomination for (lovernor,
a score or more of auibitioUH men are
getting themselves talked about,
pitch one earnestly hoping that his
rod will reach the lightning.
As a matter of fact this expectation
litis a very slight foundation, l'e'nn
sylvania is to-day so overwhelmingly
Republican that nothing hut an in
ternal revolution could bring about
the election of a Democratic Gover
nor, even If the candidate of that
party should hu unanimously sup
ported by its rank ami hie. Hut the
Democratic, factious never worn so
many and bitter as they ure to-day,
In both btate ami county, nud the
latest developments only add to the
Intensity of thu situation.
It Is now quite, certain that who
ever is sclouted at Altoonn will llnd
himself in sore trouble, no matter
whut kind of a platform ho may bo
Mood upon. Tho defeated elements
will be determined upon revenge and
mi effort will I it inwle to Mpctiro tlie
N.viiimtlietiu s"Uiioit of (ltantTentctl
ItapubllouiH. Hut no such move
ment ciin hope to Hiii'copil, nettititotl
liy any Miti'li motives uf pnlitlciil or
fiK'tloiml i-evcntfc
lioiij; before thu slinwllli's tlie ireut
party of Iteptililietililfdit. pio(rei
niul nntlniiitl unity niul power will
titt together anil prepnru to litiireli to
tlio pullx In triumph.
Scald head Nun eczema uf tin' scalp Tory
Severn sometime", lint it run be cured.
Dunn' (.Hutment, quick anil permanent In lt
result. At imy drug itnre, 30 cents.
Aliened l,.viiciiei'C Imi'Ki iHVltli Manlci'
Klllcott City. Mil.. Jane 27. JamcB V.
Melvln, i'lil..r of tlie Willi mi ftty
Dpinorrat. mid n jiiMicc of the penci.
lias been inic--.lcd chnrged with llip
murder of Ilcnson, Jr., colored.
lleiiKoti, who Inn! been convicted nf the
murder nf Daniel Mien, In February of
1SB5, wan tnkfti frwn the Howard emiti
ty Jail In May of that year by a jmrty
of unknown men and hninred. At the
time f the murder of Shea about $400
ill cash disappeared, and although llcn
aon ronfeSM-d that lie committed the
murder and stole the money, lie rrfiied
to disclose Its whereabout. After his
conviction (lovernor Urown nppotnted
a i iiiiii!'!."s..ii .e Iiuiue Into the sanity
of the ciiiidemm-d nuin, but before a re
port wns rendered the lynching oc
curred. Mr. Mi Ivln asserts Hint his
arrest Is the niitconie of a bitter polit
ical feud.
Hour' Till."
We offer One Hundred Iiollnm Ilewnul fur
-my en.e of Cnlnri-li Hint ciiii nut lie i-nn-tl tiy
IIiiU'b Cntarlli dire.
I'. .1.1 'II UN 15 Y & CO . Pnili... Toledo, O.
A'e the tltHlei-fdKlifd. lmve kliinvn 1?. .T. Cheney
or the 15 yenrn. nnd believe htm pi-rfectly
lioiiornltte hi till liuine. trnndtoiis nml tln
niK''y iible to enrry out any oliliKUlloiw made
by their li-ni.
Wrjir - TiiAfx, AVlinlesate IimikkI!'. Toledo, O
Wai.iiimi, liisNAN A: Iauvin, NVliolt'sule PriiH:
V.r.., Toledo, Ohio.
Ilntl's Cnlarrli Cure 1 tnkc-n Internally, acthiK
dliectly upon the litnod and niueou.. lOirf.u-eM nf
tins nyslein. Pike".!;, per Imltte. Sold by all
tlrUM;!?!- Testimonial, free.
Well. II'- II.. Iter In Arizona.
VnshbiKlon. June 27. WnshlnRton
has been sizzlliiu In Ihe heat of the past
two days. The maximum temperature
recorded by the government observers
Saturday was DO, und the snme de
gree was reached yesterday. Heports
from all purls of the i imntry tu the
weather bureau Indicate that the hot
wave Is general. The hlRhest tempera
ture In the t'nlted States wns recorded
yesterday at I'hoenlx, Ariz., the ther
mometer registering 110.
llnersy all gone? llondachoV Stomaili
out of order '! Simply a ease of torpid liver.
Ilurdoi'U Mood Hitters will inako a new man
or woman of you.
Allot Iter Wooli or lliiwatt Debute.
AVaxlilnKbiii .lane 2".--Tlieiv are no
positive Indications of the close of the
Hawaiian discussion In the senate, and
unless the unevieeted happens, de
bate on this question will continue for
at least another week. There are ru
mors llontlnp about the cnpltal that a
vote would be reui bed or an arrange
ment for 11 1 1 ; 1 1 inljout ninenl had towards
the end of the weik. but no continua
tion of them can be secured from the
lenilers un iiihi-i- side of the contro
versy. For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Anollicr i:peilillini roe Mmflor.
Ni w port News. V.i , .June 27. The
nuxillniy ciuim'i linn hi d sailed at
2 o'clock yesl'idny afternoon for San
tiago, Willi the Ninth Massaclitisettn
reginuiit and two battalions of tho
Thlriy-fouith Michigan. Thousands of
people gathered along the river shore
gave vent to their iintrlotlc ardur b
continued cheeiins ns the stately
cruiser moved slowly down the stream.
The eheeis were unsrt'eied with en
thusiasm by the troops who crowded
the side of the vessel and caused Jior to
list sharply on account of the unequal
dlstilbution of weight.
No need to fair sudden attacks of cholera
Infantum dysentery, dlarrliiea, or sumracr
complaint, if you liavo Dr. Fowler's Kxtraet
of Wild Strawberry In the medicine chest.
Canipo-, ami a Dictatorship.
Loudon. June 27. The Vienna corre
rpondent of The Pally Telegraph says:
'The latest advices from Madild indi
cate that there Is ground for the ap
prehension that Marshal Martinez de
Campos will soon issu' a pronuclu
nuiiito and attempt a dictatorship.
Minute directions have been sent to
the Austro-IIungnrlnu ambassador nt
Madrid, "Count Dubsky, regarding the
personal snlety of the queen regent.
The latest news from Madrid is that
tlie situation Is so serious that several
cabinet meetings have been held In a
desperate attempt to avert a crisis."
I'oar.vV Auxiliary steamer Sails,
fit. John's, N. K, June 27. Lieutenant
Peary's auxiliary steamer Hape, Cap
tain Samuel Daitlett, sailed yesterday
for Sydney, C II., where she will coal
and take on board a scientific party,
proceeding thence to North lialllns hay,
where she will Join Lieutenant I'enry
to transfljr stores and coal to tho
steamer Windward. The Hope la ex
pected to rtiurn here In the latter part
of September.
I'roposoil Hospital Ship Kor Manila,
San FrunolHeo, June 27. At tho sug
gestion of Mrs. (Jieenleaf, wlfo of the
surgeon In chief of the hospitals In tho
Held, the Iteil Cross leaf-no has under
taken to stuit the collection of $300,
000 for the purchase or a hospital ship
for the troops to Manila. The Jilan Is
to raise this sum by populnr subscrip
tion In all the states west of the Hocky
mountains, und to present the ship to
the United Stutos government.
rennnjlvaiila Cliaiilaiiqua,
Tor the Pennsylvania Cliautauijua, to ho
held at .Nt. (irotlu, l'a., July 1 to Auaust 4,
IbliS, the Pennsylvania lialhoad Comiiauy
wlll sell tlckeU to tlio public on June
10 to August -I, kooiI to return until Augiut
10, inchuive, from stations on its line hi
Pennsylvania, mid froiu Wasliluiton, 1). C! .
Ualtlniuru, Mil., and CuiandalKua, N. Y and
priurlpal inturmediato stations, to Mt.
(Jret.i.i and return, at rulucwl rates.
l'irel I'lrol I'lrnl
Insure your property from loss In the
oldest and stiongest cash companies; J'ldla.
Umlei writers Insurance CVi, of North
America and Fire Association, lUrtlonl
Kite Ins. Co., Atiiorlcan Flro Iusumure Co.,
Wcit Clioster Firolns. Co., United Flruineu's
Ins. Co. T. T, Williams,
123 H. Janlin St., Shenandoah.
(I'nntlmieil tram First l'nite, )
inortn y hit. He hi an that ho ,aa
flghthtg ufiulust terrible odds, hut he
hover fllut'ied, "Give mo your gun a
minute." he snltl to the neigpnut, and
Uneelli.i: down he (UilKiorute'y aimed
nnil fired two shots In quick succession.
At oiuIj v. i"!ntd was seen to full.
Hell in tlio me.:! Hr,e luul seized a dead
comrade's tu . and knelt beside ltlu
cniitftln mid fired steadily. Wlton
Cniitrdn Cnproti f611 he raivo tlio sor
peatit a pnrlinR niessuge to his wlfo
f.nd fnllier nud Imdo the gorgoant gootl
hy In a cheerful voice.
Sergeant Hamilton risli, Jr., was the
first lnntt killed by the Spanish (lie.
Ho wob near the heiul of tlio column
as It tttrnoil from tho woodsldo Into
range of the Spanish nmhuscnilo. Ho
shot ono Spaniard who was flrhm from
the cover of a dense patch of under
brush. When the bullot struck his
bronst be snnk nt the foot of a tree,
with his bn-k ngnlnsl It.
Colonel HooseM'U. In front of bis
men, snatched a rifle and ammuni
tion bolt from n wounded soldier niul,
cheering and yeilli.s with bis men,
led the advance. For n moment tho
bullets wore singing Ulto a swarm of
bees nil around thorn, and every In
Hlnnt some poor follow went down.
Colonel Wood, with tlio right wing,
charged straight at a blockbouso about
S00 yards away, niul Colonol noose
volt, on the loft, charged at the sumo
time. Up the men wont, yelling liko
llend8 and never stopping to leturn
the lire of tho Spaniards, but keeping
on with u grim determination to cap
ture that blockhouse. That chnrgo was
tho end. When within GOO yards of
tlio coveted point the Spaniards broke
and ran.
With tho exception of Captain Cap
ron all tho rough rldera killed In Fri
day's fight were buried Saturday on
tho Hold of action. Their bodies worn
laid In ono long trench, each wrapped
In a blanket. Palm leaves lined tho
U cliches anil were heaped In profusion
over the dead heroes. Captain Cap
ion's body was brought into Juragua.
hut It was deemed Inadvisable to send
the icmnlns north at this season, and
the interment look plnco on a hill
side near the sea. bore.
lie Can Only Escape Surrender by Destroy
ing His Ships A Boastful Span
ish Commandant.
Off Santiago, via Kingston, .Tnmnlca,
June 27. While the army advances the
main portion of the ileet lies patiently
in front of Mono Castle, awaiting its
oppoitunlty. Hefore the endof thli
week the fate of Santiago and Admiral
Cervera should be decided, llv that
time It Is b,lieved the Spanish troops
will have been forced back upon the
city and defeated In a decisive en
gagement, simultaneously the forts
at the mouth of the harbor should be
captured, under cover of n naval bom
bardment. Tin eo thlnj.s will then he loft to
Cetvera to surrender with his ships,
to surrendi r after destroying his ships,
or to make a dash out to sure de
struction. He may forestall fate by
making an attempt to get out of the
harbor before the army accomplishes
Its end. The llrst Spanish ship to ap
pear off Morro Castle would be sunk
within 1," minutes. Nothing In Admiral
IVixeia's Hoot could survive the con
lentniti d lire of all the battleships In
the navy ond three of the best cruisers.
The (,'eneinl opinion among naval ex
perts Is that Santiago town will bo
burned by tlie Spanish troops before
they surrender, thnt Admiral C-rvern
will destroy 1i!b ships and that he will
then submit to the enemy. If this sup
position is correct, the whole work
si mill be neompllshed itji a week. It
Is hardly likely that the army can
effect Its purpose without considerable
loss, although Its sui.ei iorlly In num
bers, calibre and generalship Insures an
ultimate sweeping victory.
There Is eveiy poslbillty that the
Spanish troops may surrender Inde
pendently of Admiral Cervera. If the
Spanish admiral should Insist upon
thus prolonging tho agony, ho should
be subjected to a fire from his own
forts and the army siege guns. If these
proved Ineffective, the harbor mouth
would be dragged, tlie mines removed,
Admiral Sampson's ships would enter
and Admiral Cervera would be finished
When the Americans took Daiquiri
they found a letter partly written In
the house of the Spanish commandant.
It wns nddresed to the Spanish com
mander at Santiago de Cuba and had
tho tone of bruguudoclo. It read In
part as follows:
"I nm well fortified and prepared to
resist all tho forces the American pigs
can bring against us." Evidently at
this point the American transports ap
peared and the boasting Spanish olllcer
ran off, leaving the letter half written.
Thrives on good fond and sunshine, witli
plenty of esercio in tho open air. Ifcr
form glow with health and her face blooms
with its beauty. If her sy0lein needs the
cleansing action of a laxativo remedy, she
uses the geutlo and ploa.-aut .Syrup of Fig.-",
made by the California Fiji Syrup Co. only.
Ilnvaucwo AUVot lo Ho liny,
Havana, Juno 27. The people of Ha
vana are getting accustomed to tho
blockade and the Incidents of wnr
times. Their courage Is returning, and
they are once more lesumlng attend
ance upon leligious services and par
ticipating In their ciiHtomary amuse
ments. The churches, theatres, parks
ond the bay nrr literally crowded. The
ladles have chosen San Lnzaru avenue
the chief promenade and drive. From
that thoroughfare they can watch the
movements of the blockading ships
with glasses, and many a light Jest
falls from beautiful lips. The military
element, high In the favor of Cuban
women. Is conspicuously in evidence.
Slik headache, billousuohs, imstliutionaiid
all livirainl stomach troubles can he quickly
cured by ii-hiu tho,u famousllttlo pllos know n
as HeWltt's I.lttln liirly ItUcis. They aio
p'easant to take and never gripe. C, II,
Tho Koutli unit Its AdvaiiliiEus.
Tlio Southern hallway has Issued for freo
distribution, a slxtcm pane journal des
erlptlvo of Virginia, North and South Caro
lina, Tumiuskce, Georgia, Alalmina and
.Mississippi. Persons seeking new 1 -tlona,
or rapitulists desiring to make safoaud profit
able Investments will find tho Information
contained tbeieln both valuable and Inter
ostlng. Copies w ho mailed freo upon ap
plication to John M. Itoall, District Passen
ger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia,
HOOD'S FILLS euro Liver Ills,
Biliousness, Indlgestlo.ij Headache,
. ideas' ut laxative. All l)rugglst&
An Attempt to siTtiro Suppllot Under
the I'lii-f of IlnuilMriiH.
Key Weit, Kin.. June 27. Federal offi
cials here nie convinced that by tho
capture of Die little brig Amapala by
the blockading squadron off Havana
Inst week n daring Spanish scheme has
been frustrated. When the Amnpala
was taken she was flying the Honduras
Hag, and so fai from attempting to
elude the Alheiicau ships, she deliber
ately inn out to the blocknde lines with
the evldenf Intention of being made a
prisoner. The Vli ksbuig was assigned
the tack of cnpluie, and Knslgn Senn,
with a prize crew, brought In the brig.
It Ib now aserted that tho Ilonitrns
leglstry nf the vessel was a blind, that
she Is owned by Spaniards nnd that she
was being used In an attempt to set
food and provisions Into the blockaded
lly a diligent Investigation the prize
nltlclDls have discovered aboard the
Amnpala documents and letters which
to their minds makes clear the entire
scheme of deception, The brig's Hon
duras patent was dated May IS, and
was for six months, and her papers
showed th.t sin was bound for Jalapa,
Mexico, f'he cairled no carso, but a
polyg'ot Knot of passengers, refugees
so cnileil, liul'.idll'E Spaniards, llon-diii-ins,
Mexicans nud South Ameri
cans. Her ostensible owner, accord
ing to the documents, Is Manuel Monte
slna y Jlonteros, who Is set down as a
Hondurun, but this person. It Is sold,
Is a mere figiuohcnil In the transac
tions, her real ow ner being well known
Spanli h nlpplns firms.
The lni i .initiating evidence thus far
ilK" overtd. all of which cannot now be
in.ule 1 nm. n Is said to be of a r"H
tio ch.i'iK'ti '. It shows tho Intention
of the In. i
line at- i !:
(turns tlr g
slble del.r,
was to
us t pass the hi ul.'
, (..'lllio. nl that the Ibo.
.oulil free her after a n.s
of a few days, when sb
eed to Jalapa, lake on ;t
cargo l return to Hatabana, whole,
it is cab!, many shiploads of suppllii
for UiiMiua are being safely dis
charged. BeatB tho Klondike.
Mr. A. C, Thomas, of Marysville, Texas.,
lias found a mote valuable discovery has
yet been mule in the Klondike, l or years he
suffered untold agony horn consumption, ac
companied by hemorrhages ; and was abso
lutely ccie I by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, lie
di cl ires gold is of little value in com
parison with this m.melous cure ; would
liavc it. even if it cost a handled dollars a
bottle. Asthma, bronchitis and all throat and
lung alleclions aie positively cmcd 1 Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption.
1 lial bottles free at A. Wnslcy's Drug Store.
Regular si?e 50 cts. and JSi.oo. Guaranteed
to cure or price lefundcd.
Stnndlnt; of the flulis in the ItacoFoe
( liimiplon-lilp ivn mints..
Nntlomil l.ciuruo.
W. L. PC W L. PC.
rineinnatl...:!7 21 ,d!8 New York... 2S 23 jmo
boston 0121 .(SCJ Plilladelp-a..2.'i 2i .172
Cleveland.. .til 22 .1107 Iiruolilyn. .. ,2;i 112 .US
Ililtlniorii...:t2 22 .Ml! Washington 22 :l -"7'J
Chicago : 2(1 .Mil St. bonis.... 20 117 .!I51
Pittsburg.... Ill 2i) .fill Louisville... .1!) 11 .U17
At Louisville Philadelphia, 7; Louis
ville. 3. At Pittsburg Uoston, 2; Pitts
burg. 0. At Cleveland-Cleveland.!); New
Yorli, 1. At Cincinnati-Cincinnati, S;
Washington, C. At St. Louis linltlmore,
9: St. Louis, 2. At Chicago Ilrooklyn, !;
ChieiiRo. 3.
At Chicago Chicago, 13; Ilrooklyn, 10.
At ClncIiiiiuH Washington, 13; Cincin
nati, 1.
K.Tilcrii League,
W. L. PC. W. L. PO.
Vllke0nrni2i) 17 .COT Torinit 21 22 212J
t.,Kiu ...ja:i .612 Itoelii-ster . ..2:1 2ll .l.
PimviIi-mi-.-..2.I 20 .ii.!", Itull'lilo 2131 ,l;M
Huntnal 2,5 22 .532 Spiinglieia. .15 20 .302-
SATl'lillAY's lUSTiaiN T.HAllUi: aAMllS.
At Toioiilu- Wllkecbarro, 'J; Toronto, 7.
At Itoi h- - li r Springfield. 3; Itoehebter,
3. A. i;iifliV--Hnmilo. 10; Providence, 3.
At MoTitreiil--Monlicul, -1; Syracuse, 2.
SUMUV'. . A-'TiIItN I.UAdOi; (1AMC3.
At Uochoster Itoehester, !); Sprlng
fleld. C.
Atlantic I.eaKiio.
W. i,. 1M. ' W. L. PO.
i:ielniHm:'....2r IT .1114 Norfolk 2.'i 2.5 ,5U0
Uiuew-t 21 Hmtrurd. .. .21 27 .471
llcullng ''2t .r.'O Pater .011.... 22 23 .410
Howe -It 25 21 .Bit) Alleiitown ..lit 31 .330
Ai Lancaster Lancaster, 14; Illchmond,
. At Allentown Norfolk, S; Allentown,
1. At Hartford I'.Uerson, S; Hartford, 4.
At Norfolk Norfolk, 5; Newaik, L At
Patursou I'atersoii, 4: lieiuling, 2.
l'i:i!S0N.U.LY-C0NUUCTi:ll TOUll VIA l'l'.NN
Tho Pennsylvania I'.iihoad Comirany an
nounces the following personal'y-'-.onducted
tours for tho summer and euily autumn of
IbOS :
To tho Ninth (hu'luillng Watklus
lilrn, Niagara Pulls, Thousand Islands, Mon
treal, Quebec, An S.ible Chasm, Lakes Cham
pliiiu and (icorge, Kamtota, and a daylight
ride through tlio Highlands of the Hudson),
July 20 and August 10. Hate, $100 for the
round tiip from New York, Philadelphia,
llaltimore, and Washington, covering all ex
penses of a two-weeks' trip. Propoitionate
rates from other points.
To Yellowstnno Park and tho Trans
Mississippi exposition on a special train of
Pullman sleeping, compartment, observation,
and dining cars, allowing eight days in
"Wonderland" and two days at Omaha, Sep
tember 1. Itato, f235 from Now York, Phil
adelphia, llaltiuiuie, and Washington; 230
from Pittsburg.
To Niagara Palls, excursion tickets good to
return within ten days will bo sold on July
21, August 1 and 18, September 1, in and 20,
at rate of 10 from Philadelphia, llaltimore,
and Washington. Thesu tickets Include
transportation only, nud will permit of stop
incr within limit nt lhill'alo, Rochester, nud
Watklus 011 the return trip.
Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Liuay
Caverns, Natural Ilridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, liichinoud, ami Washington, Sep
tember 2H and October 10, ltate, jiiJ from
New York, Jtt3 fiom Philadelphia. Pro
portionate rates from other points.
I'nr itinera Ich and further information ap
ply to ticket agents, or address tleo, W.
Boyd, Assistant Ueneral Passenger Agent,
Aiti: vim (loiMi Miu 111 ;
rm: souTiiintN kaiiavay ituAi'iiia am.
Do'i't start South without consulting John
M. Ueall, District Passcimer Agent, Southern
hallway, 028 Chestnut sticet, Philadelphia
If you laiiuot call in person, write to him.
Ok Hiiknakiioau.
I Hulijrit to liciiioerutlc rub.
Mrs. W. K. I'axtos, Youngtown,
Xortli Dakota, writes about her strtifr
Ifle to rejfuln health after tho birth of
her llttlo (jlrl:
"Df.aii Mits. 1'inkiiam: It is with
pleti.suro that I add my testimony to
your list, hoping that it may induce
others to avail themselves of your val
uable medicine.
" After the birth of my llttlo pirl,
threo years ago, my health wns very
poor. 1 had leucorrhcea badly, and a
terrible bcarluff-downj pain which
Brndunlly grow worse, until I could do
no worlt. Also had headnchc nearly
all the time, and dizzy feeling's. Men
struations wore very profuse, appear
ing every two weolts.
" I took medicine from a rood doctor,
but it seemed to do no good. I was
becoming alarmed over my condition,
when I rend your udvortlsemcnt in a
paper. 1 sent nt once for a bottle of
Lydla E. Piulcham's Vegetable Cora
ponud, and aftor taking two-thirds of
tho bottlo I folt so much better that 1
send for two more. After using threo
bottlus 1 felt as istroug and well as any
" I think It Is tho best mcdicino for
female weakness ever advertised, and
recommend it to ovory lady I meot Mif
foring from this trouble."
JIuternlty is a wonderful experience
nnd many women approach it wholly
unprepared. Childbirth under right
conditions need not terrify women.
Tlio advice of Mrs. I'inkham is freely
offered to all expectant mothers, nnd
her advice is boyond question the most
valuable to be obtained. If Mrs. i'nx
lon had written to Jlrs. 1'Iukhiim bo
fore confinement she would have been
saved much suffering. Mrs. 1'iukhuin's
address is Lynn, Mass.
ux-CKPAbsiui snnvicn orrmmn nv Tin:
Leaving llroad Street station, Philadelphia,
at 11:03 p. in. daily, the "Southwestern
Limited," carrying a dining ear and the
most luxmious Pullman drawing room sleep
ing cais, leaches Iliriuinghau the following
night at 10:10 and arrives at Memphis the
next moruiugat 7:10. Through sleeping cars
for Ashevllle, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tampi, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aio
also attached to this train. Pullman reser
vations can be made in advanie and all in
founation obtained by communicating with
John M. Ileal, District Passenger Agent, S2
Chestnut street, Phila lelpliia.
Give the Children a Drink
called Or.iiu-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nouiishing food diink to take tho place of
cotl'oe. Sold by nil grocers and liked by all
who have ucd it because when properly
prepared it tastes like tlio finest coll'ce but is
fiee from all its injurious properties. Grain
Oaids digestion and strengthens tho nerves.
It is not a stimulant but a health builder,
and chitdien, as well as adults, call drink It
witli great benefit. Costs about i as much as
cotlec. 15 and 25c.
1'leilMUit Itaplit Trips lo tho Seashore.
The season is now witli us when eveiy
0110 longs for a longer or shorter sojouin at
the seashore, Inhaling thu roul hi cozes fiom
the depths of "Old Ocean."
To all intending a visit to the shore, tho
Philadelphia & Heading lioiito oilers special
advantages as to both location and the getting
theie. Atlantic City is so well known with
its many attractions, that it is
only necessary to Kiy that thu schedule of
fast trains vi 1 tho Philadelphia & Heading
lloute is this year fully cuual, if not superior,
to that of loruier years, and that Hie sixty
minute tiains inn in the summer season are
tlio I'a.stest scliidiiled trains in tho win hi.
lly the lease ol the South Jersey Hall
road the Philadelphia & Heading has also
aeipiiifd a dhect route to Capo May, ono of
the finest and oldest of sea shore rcMirts, Sea
IsloCity, a tlouiislilug up-to-date resort, and
to Ocean City, a magnilicent family watciiug
place. What will attract many persons to
tlio latter place 1110 its many, religious con
ventions and the strict temperance regula
tions strictly enforced. Tlio Philadelphia &
Ueadiug is tlie shot test route lo all of these
Through tickets can bo bought and baggage
checked from all principal stations of tho
Philadelphia & Heading Hailway and its con
nections. For illustrated booklet, giving list
of principal hotels and boarding houses and
rates, address Hdsou J. Weeks,
Passenger Agent, Heading Terminal, Phila
delphia, The Chief Ilurgcss of Mllcsburg, Pa., says
DoWitt's Little L'arly Hiscrsaro tlio best pills
lie ever Used in his family during foity years
of house keeping They cure constipation,
sick heiidaclieand stomach and liver troubles.
Small In size hut great In results. C. II.
National IMiicationul Association.
Tor the National Kducntiunal Association
Convention to he held at Washington, 1). C,
July 7 to 12, tho Pennsylvania Hallroad
Company will sell excursion tickets from
points on its line to Washington und return
at rale of single faro for tho round tiip plus
J2.00 membership feo. These tickets will be
sold on, nud good going, July 4 to 7, nud good
to ictiirn leaving Washington July 8 to 15,
when staiuped by Joint Agent at Washington.
By depositing ticket with Joint Agent on or
hefore July 12 and on payment of 00 cents tho
leturn limit may bo uxtended to August 31.
Tickets fur sido trips fiom Washington to
Gettysburg, Klcluuond, Old Point Comfort,
and Southern battlefields will bo on sale at
tho ticket olliccs of thu Pennsylvania Hall
load Company in Washington during the
coutluiiaiae uf tlio Convention.
Thousands of persons bavo been cmcd of
piles by using DeWIU'a Wllch Hazel Salvo.
It heals promptly and cuios eczema and all
sktu diseases. It gives immediate relief. C.
11. Hageiibuch.
lEeilueeil ltnles to Niih1i1I1c.
On aicount of tho Chilstlau Kndeavor In
ternational Convention, to ho held at Nash
ville, Tumi., July 5 to 12, thu Pennsylvania
Hailroad Company will sell exclusion tickets
of the ciiiitluuous.pass.ige, honclad signature,
form, from stations on its lino to Nashville,
at into of single fare for thu round trip'.
Tickets will he sold, and good going, July 2
to 5; returning, tickets will ho good to leave
Nashville lo July 15, inclusive, except that
by depositing ticket with agent of terminal
line at Nashville 011 or befoiu July 15, leturn
limit may he exlenrled to leave Nashville to
August 1, 1S0S, inclusive.
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Antblleaibicho uoer falls, 25c.
Coining IJwiit k,
July Orand picnic under tho nuspi. es
of Columbia (Heo Club at Columbia park.
July 10. Ice cream festival under auspices
of Company A. Pifo and Drum Corps In Hob
blus' opera house
July I. Japanoso Tillln in Holililus' opom
IiiuiFo, under (be nu.picos of St. HlUibcth's
Guild of tlio All Saints church. Afternoon
and evening.
July 20, Ico cream festival In ltoliblns
opera house under tho auspices of the Young
Mens' Ushers' Association.
"I llibik DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is
tho finest preparation un the for
piles." So writes John 0. Dunn, of Wheel
lug, W. a. Try Itund you will think tlio
the same. It also cuios eczema anil all skin
dlsiases. C II llagciiluicli.
OtTleers Arrive ntKoy 'West With DIs
imtebex I'oe Scnor Pnlnin.
Kty West, June 27. The sloop Isabel
came Into port yesterday Hying the Cu
ban flag. On board w6rc Captain lla
fael Morn. LleutPiinnt Felix de los Illos
nnd four others of the Cuban army car
rying dispatches from the Cuban rov
ernnieiit to Senor T. Kstrnda Palrna, of
the New York Juntn. These dispatches
will b forward. (1 by the local Junta.
The Isabel left Cayo ltomnno. nil Plnnd
oft the north coast uf Cuba, on the 19th
Instant, and had a smooth passage.
The capital Is at La Speranza. In the
CnmaKuey district, 21 miles from Cubl
tas, 28 miles from the coast and 20
length's from Neuvltns. All the niein
beis of the government are there ex
cept Vice Prerident Capote, who Is in
the United Stnles.
The government' mail service has
been perfected so Unit full Information
from nil :mrts of the Island ure re
ceived dally.
Captain Mora reports that on June B
a heavy battle was fought in the C.i
miiiruey province by General Lope Ite
clos, of the Cubnn army, with a force
of 1,500 men, nnd 5,000 Spaniards. The
Spanlnld., were defeated and retreated.
They bulled their dead In 17 graves,
which the Cubans opened. Some of
the graves ci ntnlned 11 bodies, utbers
10, 0, G, 2 111I t 1 on. In all th- Cubans
counted 150 okI'iS nnd tin Ir scouts re
ported that 107 Spaniards were carried
awny on litters. V.w Cubans bad 0
men killed and j2 wounded. .Manila expedition.
Son Fr.-ntlFco, June 27. Four thou
sand mc.i, eomprlsIiiR the third expedi
tion to the Philippines, embarked early
c:toiday afternoon, and soldiers now
swarm the holds and upon the decks of
the steamers Ohio, Indiana, City of
l'ura and Morgran City. Today the
steumer Vulencln will receive her com
plement of the military, and these five
tinnsports bearing the bulk of the ex
peditionary force, probably will sail
this afternoon to be followed on Wed
nesday by the steamer Newport, upon
which General Alcrrltt Is expected to
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho l"st salvo in the world for cats,
'noises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fever sop's,
tetter, elu.ppcd hands, chilblains, corns, 111..I
ill skin eruptions, and positbruli c lies pin -,
01 .10 pay 1 ciuhc(l. It is guao'i.toa.1 toghe
pirfcot satislait'ou or mony s laded. Priio
85 emits per box . For salo br A . Watler .
onU-f I'ttnu bulMhitf, corter ot Main hi.
Centre Mrvi-t,
M! vnnuilimli, I'm,
f'nmer M.niu t Cciiiiu
hock r.ux f, Maliuuoy (!Uy, !.
TIuvIiik tiitlU'd uinldt toiui o( tho litrf
iiiHlcrri It1 LuihIoii ami l'arl, r'll jj'vo !"vmYf
on thu viollii,nuiii(IoIIii. iiltHrainl voai ciUturt
Torm roHHotmblc, AildruHB tn euro of SintiH-
May 2S, pen.
TmttiH will lunve .Sheliiiniloiili iiUcr In" con
tint,, for Wlirg.nip, (lili.- . in
Water, S. Clutr, l'otts lllo. lliimliiug. Kfa.tti,
Potthtoun, Plioenlxvlllu. NorilHln-ru n d P
welphln tlio lit ntreet stlltlon) ill 1. W .,ud 8 15
i. 111., 2 02, 6 10 p ni. on week ouyf. iiiulnN,
H IS a. id., 4 a'i p. 111.
Trains Iclvo Krackvllle lor fUieuanrioal ..I
7 HO, 11 III a, 111. unit S 4(1, 7 'M - ai. Sunday,
11 01 a. in. it , J 5 13 p. .
beavo Pottsvillu for HlieiiauiToiili (via Pracl;.
villo, 7 10, 11 20 a. ra 5 20, 7 10 p. lu. Suiuln.
10 3.) a. m.. n 20 p. in.
Leave PlilliutelpMu, (Broad street hUai'oiiI, (
Shwmdoali at 8 VS n. ni,. 4 10 p. m. week days.
BuuduyH leave at 0 i0 and 0 23 a. id
Leave llroad titreet statton. Plilladclphla, li.
He.i Ulr, Asbur Park, Ocean drove, I.or.j
Hranch, and lutcrmcdtato stations, .2
11.11, 11. 10. ,8. SO and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
I.eavo llroad Street Hiatlou, Philadelphia,
Hiprees, week-days, 8 20, i 00, 4 00 SOS, 6 60
7BJ.S20, 3 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), II 00 a. 11.,
1200 noon, 12 83 (Limited 100 and 4 22 j. r.i!
Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 SO (Ulnlng fter) 8 20, 3 00.
100, .',00,5 M(l)llllllg Car), 0 00, 7 02,7 00 (1)1 11
liiL-(.'.ir). 10 00 u. ui 12 01. nltht. HunUuvs.
!12e, 4 03, 4 00, 0 01, S20, 0 50. 1021, (Dialog.
Car), 11 US a. in., 12 S3, 1 03 1 Dining Car) 2 M
(Dining Car), 4 00 (Uluitrd4 22) (Dbilng Cur),
;i.ti, oou. i inning war) uao, 1 vs. 7 00 mining
Car 10 00 p. 111., 12 01 night.
Kzpress for llostou without chango, 11 OJa im.,
week-days, and 7 43 p. nr., daily,
For IUltluiore and Wa litugWu, 2 ). 7 2j, A Ji,
10 20. 11 23. a. in., 12(1', 1!31 (Dining Car), 1 12
(Dining Car, 3 12, 4 41, 0 25 Congrts.
sloual Limited, Dining Cur, ( 17. 603 Din
ing Cur, 7.11 Dining Carl p. 111 , und 12 01
lilglit weckdais. Sundays, 8 00, 7 20,0 12,11 23,
a. 111.. 1300, 1 12, IDinliig Car 4 41, 320 Con
grcsslonid Limited, Dining Cur, 6 53 Dining
Carl, 731 IDInlngCur i 111. and 12 03 nljtlit.
Kor Italtliuore. aeeoioiiinttslfon o 12 h ni,"01
und 4 01 p ui ivuuL U11) , 1 on mid 11 10 p m dully.
Ixave llroad eiitict station vln Delawnro rlvt 1
bridge KxproBq. U 20 u 111, 7 CO ; . ui. dally.
Liuvo MurkelMreet Warf ICi.ircHH, DUO, !0)
a m, (lOOKiiliiriluya only), 2 00, 4 00, 4 110, 0 U) p.
III. Hliudu), 8 00, H 43, 0 00, 0 45 a. ui (ucvoin
llioilatiuu 4 SO mid 8 00 p. ui.)
l'or CupaMay, Auglesea, Wlldwoodainl Hull)
lleach l'.press, 0 00 a 111, 1 00 p in weekdays,
unda s OLOu in
Por f'.ipe Muy only, I 80 p 111 SatiinU) s
l'or Hia Isle City, Ocei Clly, Avulon and
Stone Iblilior Hxprens, 900 u. m., 420, p. 111
week days. Sundays, I) 00 u. m.
For Souicra Point Kipress, 0 0.1, 9 O), a. m.,
2 00,4 00, 0 00, p.m. week daya Uuiiduyn, S 13
a. in nud 9 45 p 111,
I. II Hutchinson, J, 11 Woon,
(len'l Alaiiuuer. Odi'l Pass'g'r Agl
The undersigned have assumed charge of
the Shenandoah Uenovalinp; Company'spLint,
and nitf' ircparcd to clean, sew and lay
raiprlK, mattresses, and do general uiiholstei
inj; work.
Feathers Cleaned.
Work Done Promptly.
... DiHip Us a Postal.
Oidcis ran be left at No, 7 Noitb West street,
or at tlie plant, Apple alley and
lloweis street.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvet sottm-ss of the skin is Inva
riably obtained by tliors who use Pozzoni'ii
Uoniplexlon J'owder,
At four Score
Dr. Miles' Nervlria Restorer Health.
tax collector, Hovorly, Mass., who lias
passed tho $0th llfo mllo st. nc, u ,y ;
"Dr. Jllles Restorative Nervlno has done it
great deal of nood. I suffered for year , fi ...1
slooplessness and nervous heart troub
Would foci weary and usod up In tho n,urn
Ing, bad no arubltloo and my work seetm. d a.
burden, A friend recommended Dr. Mile
Nervine, and I purchased a bottlo under
protest as I bad tried so many remedies un
cucccafully, I thought it no uso. Hut It
gave mo restful sleep, a good appctlto and
rcatotcd mo to energetic lealth. H la u
grand good tncdlclno, and I will ,;ladly ,rlt 1
anyono Inquiring, full partlculaiaof my at-
Isfactory cxparlcnco." rpVTliA"-.'. !!
Dr. Miles' lieniedlcs
uru suiu oy uu urug- r-v
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottlo W-tSHinG :.K
benedts or money ro- E5
funded. Hookondls
casi ,t.I tho heart and
xicrv, 4 fr.'o. Address,
Llk t, InU.
Piiladelphia 8c
Reading Railway
'.ti0,i,. i Ibirn Hard Coal No Smoke
'1 rains lruvu Shenandoah as follows:
Kor New York via Philadelphia, wetk das,
7 an ;i 01 a. in., 12 27. .1 10 and 0 07 p. in.
Kiir New York via Mauch Cliunk. week days.
7 30 a. in., 12 27 find 3 10 p. in.
Kor Kvadlng anil Philadelphia, week days,
7 SO, 9 01 a.m.. 12 27, 3 10 ind II 07 n, in
l'or Pottsvllle, week days, 7 30, 9 01 n. in.,
y 27, 3 10, 0 07 and T 23 p, in.
Kor Tainaitua and Maliatioy City, week days
7 30, 9 01 a. ni., 12 27 8 10 and fi 07 V. m.
Kor Wllllftmsport, Minhurv and Lowlsburg,
week days. 11 30 a. ni.. 12 27, 7 2' . in
Por Maluuni) Plane, weekdays, 7 30, 9 51,11 30
a. in., 12 27, 3 10, 0 07. 7 25, 9 5.r p. m.
Kor AshlanJ and .Sliamoklu, week dny, 7 30,
1130 u. m., 12 27, 3 10,0 07. 723 nnd lli. in.
Kor llaltimore, Wiwtilngtoii nnd tin. Went via
li. ,t O. K. H., through irabm Ip.i-i Heading
Terminal, I'liliadclplila. (P. A It. I) 14.) ut 3 20,
7 03, 11 20 a. ni., 8 10 and 7.27 p. l. Sumlavs,
a 20, 7 00, 11 2(1 a. in., 40 and 7 27 p. m. Ail'm
tloual train, from Twenty-fonrtli and CI est
nut streets station, week days, 10 30 a. in 12 20.
12 If S 10 p in. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. ni.
Leave New York via I'liliadclplila. wik
days, 12 13, 4 30, 8 00, 11 30 u. m., and I 15. I 30,
9 00 p.m
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
iluys, t 30. 9 10 a. in., 1 30 p. in.
Lenvc Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
.lays, 3 10. 8 30 10 21 a. ni. unit 130, 4 CO p. in.
Leave Heading, week days, 7 00, 10 OS, a, in.
12 IS, 1 17. GOO p. m.
Leave Pottsvlllu, weekdays, 710, 7 40 a. in..
12 uni 10,rt 10 and COO p.m.
LeaveTaniaqua, week days, 830, 1123 a. in.,
I 40, 0 SO, 7 20 p. ni. '
f. avn Malianoy City, week days, 0O3, 11 17
a. in. ,222,012,021, 741 p.m
Let-,. Matiano Plane, week days, 030, U23.
.023. I10!l a. in., 2 11, 032, 0 41, 7 57, p In.
Leave Wllllamnpoit, week days, 7 12, 1UO) a,
ii.. 12 31 and I 00 . i.i.
I.cac Philadelphia ('hctniit street waif and
South street whaif for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Kipieps, 9 00 a. in,, (130 Hat
lird.lVH only), 2(0,4 00, 130, 5 00 p.m. Aeuolie
mixlullon, 0 15 a. m 0 15, 6 30 p. ni. Slllldaya
KT.-m, sun, 'ion, 1.100 a. in. Accommodation,
0 15 . .,, , 1 15 p. in.
itcliirnbig l,au Atlantic City depot, (or tr
Mlantic and Aikannas avenues.
Weekiiays Hxpress, 7 CO, 7 43, 9 00 u ni., 3 30,
3. p. in. Accommodation, 4 23, 8 03 a. le. 105
p. m.
Sundays Kxpress, 4 00, 5 30, 8 00 i, m. Ac
cotninndatton, 7 15 a. in., 4 10 p. in,
Kor Capo May nnd Ocean Clly, 8 45 a. in., 2 30,
1 15 p. in Sundays-South btreet, 9 00, Cliotnut
htlect, 9 15 u in
For Sea Isle City, 8 43 nm, 4 15 p in. .Hundll)S
South street, 0 00, Chestnut street, 9 15 u m.
Parlor Cur- ,in all Hxnreea traliiM
vor further Information, apply to nearest
Pl.ilaitelphla und Heading Hallway ticket ligen t
or address
I. A. SWIilQAlll), Kuson J. WlEKS,
tJcn'l Supt., (Irn'l Pass'r Agt.,
Heading Terminal, Plilladelplila.
During 1891 THU TIMICH will not only maintain
the high standard of excellence it reached the
Iiast year, hut will steadfastly endeavor to
excel Its mvn hestn cord, und will not swerve
from Its set iui pose to niako
No Journal Is mole exteimliely eheulateil or
has a wider virile of readeis in I'ennsyliuiila
Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one
TCfilVie DAILY, 3.00 per annum; 23eenta
1 l-lvl'lO iier nioutlii dellvereil liytariiers
for 0 cents per week. HUNDAY HDl l ION, 32
large, handsome pages 221 column, elegantly
Illustrated, beautifully printed lu colors, S-'-to
per uiiuuuii 0 cents per copy. Daily unit Sun
day, 85.00 pur uiiniiiu J 00 tents per month.
Address all letters to
1, ' -4