n ' History Of the War! To correctly follow the war vou should rend a dni'y and vnkh paper. We liave them nil, ami si rve tliem promptly without t.it charge. Give your order to t t .irrier or leave it at the store. HOOKS & BROWN, 3. IM. IVlaln St. A SUMMER TONIC. "Beef, Wine c-and Iron. l.ante Itottlc, 50 Cents. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street, SlienanJoali, l'a. ( liiniiicy Suri'). Ill .ti itzerlalld. . it i'i In ml 1 ! iliiiioicy swi Is nn -nn.ii !T. N thr cmployi' of i.iii', ih'i-I nn; 11 llxcd wihiry, hU 1 1' . 1 1 1 1' d I 1 In- KuMTiiniont, and 1 ln.ldui" n hy 111" lim:k Ktrupsi '.f stntc Hi' Is iilsti, us ninny - w ill llllM' noticed, one "f till' fl'W I tin' Ili'lM'tiiin ri'iiil)llr who on u- mill woi'kiln.vK spurn 11 till 1 silk I Int. he weitrs with dignity, hut It Ik i.h lirmdiod thu wnmir wiiy. On bin 1 ' mr he takes It olf lilitmlly and in- ll.ll r 1 1 1 householder that lir in "emiKiw- ; . 1 1 In' sl.ito In inspect his Hues." In 1 u nii'iii of (irlsoiiH nii'iitly tho not 1 a'"i i n' of riiinniH'ur eniiiniuiml wni nn , I to runiiuUliiiii Th' biliary was 1 '.o and I In' cimdidiiti's were uti- - Hut thr si lull).'!' tliinf! was that v in it mostly I1Iiiki' sehoiiliimstoin ' f. . li.ih a piilntiil sign of tho times' lr 1 hut untvsiful I mil "Iletter," says I I 11 1.1 del I'opolo. "bo n cl'tinnoy sweep m -v e.crliitul than a scliooltnabtcr lit Ii.ov Hut IVltnlin del I'opolo has re cently twin suppressed. 1'all Mall Gil lette II.' Couldn't Tell. 'Witness, " nskod tho attorney for tho defense, who was tryinir to pruto tho toin- jKirari' liiMiulty of the prisoner, "was It this man ' habit to talk to himself when alone'-' ' .1. m nt this tinip, " caino tho answer, 1 I din t recoiled; ever liein with him win n he was alone." Detroit Free Press. I Ii son old French saying that "Mlsfor luin - 11c in morals what bitters nro In oi.'i'hiin' F..k'1i is nt first dlsai;rccnblo, 1. 111 ii- the bitters act as corroborant to tho ht. mn h, so ii'lvrslty chastens mid niuo llur.it. - the disposition." In M I'higasuir silk is so cheap that It is I. . 1. 11 t,iiirc uicl in the iiiaiiufiicturo of ; ' liliil. Boom Hard Coal ! (a'tmtmnmimmimrmmmta I, ct im ilriiinnd iiikI lie Kutixfli-d Hit nothing Itf thiin 1 ii:ili a t f i n of fi-'it;llt iat n'H t-ntil I hi-. Itatti :i1iiicl 1- .1 In. on to liiimiin it . I T tut an' ni it 1.1:1' w If iii urt M M. il vViM k. I ,1 M,U V . II U.ltll in tun .r It. 1. -f. ill. met- Will t OH 111(4- tllf iihwI ki ptlcal. Trial Baths Free. 'li.iiiiiiiiiiniuiniiiiuimiiiii k Kn-,iun, Mimr.il, Medicated, I'er ie I u'i-in .i.ir own home. You cannot ' Ii. .-( in a bath tub. ' ill 01 .end fur circulars describing lllcm hmil. Autlioi icit agents arc C. I'al 1, ;io V. Centre street ; Win. J. Webster, I' C ial street ; Harry l'ratt, t S. C ial street ; iici t. We Kepalr All Kinds of Sieves. WM. R. PRATT, 'tii'i. 3X1 South .lardiii St, Shi'iiaiiiluuli. RUPTURE CURED. Sx 1 1 liM on Kiipruic from 'Winiainsport will visit Shenandoah Every Thursday AT THE Hotel Franey, from 8 till 10:30 a, m, Kti tore permanently and quickly Cured or no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely cure all kinds of Kupture without oierntion or detention from business. Absolutely no Danger. l;xaniliiation Prce. nxj s'rsons cured in Sunbury, Shatnokin, Mt. Carmel and vicinity who can bo referred t . t barges and terms moderate and within reiich of all. We Bottle BEER, WEISS BEER, ALE, PORTER 1 rivale family orders will receive prompt attention. Leave them at the office, we will do the rest. COLUMBIA BREWING COMPANY. 'V BEST L.IN GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY and HTIIAW. Floor and Table Oil Cloths. E. B. Foley, arwceesntre 8t. gfrj j I & r i I I" O 3 6 "Tltroo from two you can't," pays tho schoolboy. Iht I Three from two you can't, oilher in dol lars or dividends or wirimiiarilla. It takes the bst aarsapurilln root to make the best Barsapnrilla ex tract. The best Barsapurilla cornea from Honduras, C. A., and the Dr. Aver Co. practically control.? the c"fre pro'lut't. Yet others claim to be making "be? t" fursaparilla. They must be making it out of the remainder left after subtracting three from two. lUit, " three from tv. o you can't." You can't m ike the Iw.-t tvirsupanlla wliliout bo:.t root. You only gut the beat when you i3fSap which is made wholly from the best root imported from Honduras. TEACHING UNDER DIFFICULTIES. An Arctic School Wlmro Tlicto Wiiro Few Textbooks. Miss Aunt Fuleonior writes an nrtlolo for Tho Century on "Tho Throe It's at Clrclo City." Miss Fuleomur says: Tho greatest, di'awh.i' k to iny school vrorls was the lin k of bonks. Naturally most of the children required chart ami primer, nei tin t nt which was Included in tho schoul outfit, nor could they bo ob tained at Circle City. Had there not been n, good lilnciiliiiiird anil a plentiful supply of crayon i scarcely know how I should have mummed. I would irrotin tho little 1 onos about 1110 at the blackboard and make , uj) tho lessons day by day In both printing mid writing. They liked to write it came easy to them anil each ono trlud to mako his writing look plainer mill neater than that of his fellows. Tho littlo ones wero ambitious to read out of books, ''like the big nirls. " As I had nono for them, thoy hunted up "books," as they culled them, seizing upon stray leaves from nov els mid pieces of ncwf.paper. A good many grown girls nnd boys wero Just learning to read. They wero ashamed and awkward at tho blackboard, mid at first did not progress us fast as the littlo ones. Tills uiado such uphill work and was so discouraging that 1 was afraid I would loso nmny of tho older ones alto gether. At tills juncture, however, tho missionary of the church of England, who was stat i. .in il tor the winter at Circle Olty, kindly helped me out by the loan of (I number of bonks, slates and pencils. Among these I ks wi re six primers and first renders. How happy I was to got thorn, oven though they had to bo divided among 21! children! I doubt If such n medley of books as ever bcloro seen in n KchooliiHDin a set of ordinary schoolbooks for intermediate grades, including ft phys ical geography and a world's history; Knglisli reaifers, spellers and littlo paper covered arit timet ios; UUpugcb from "Chris ty's Old Organ," about half of tho Now Testament, 100 pages from " Tho Woman In White," parts of four other novels, newspaper scraps and n couple of tho queerest possible littlo religious primers, publlshul by u, London tract society. Tho leaves of somo of tho books wero yollow with ago, having been taken into that region by somo minors who had studied them !!0 or more years ago. It was nmus ing to watch tho children spelling out thu words nnd trying to read in theso wraps of old books and papers. Xoiispapiirs lit Spain. An educated Hf anbiril Is not tho rulo, but the exception. A newspnor among a population mor(thnn two-thirds of which can neither lead nor write is not likely to have a trouiiiiilous circulation or unlimit ed power. Kven in tho cities tho circula tion is not large. La Kpocha, tho conserv ative organ of Madrid, for example, has n circulation of less than 5,000 copies. Out hlde of Uurcolomi nnd Madrid thero nro perhaps !00 papers published in Spain, nnd not half of these pretend to bo nows pu pcrs. Indeed outof nil tho 1,200 periodicals published In Sifilti the sciuutlflo Journals, religious papers and fashion papers nro largely in the majority, while tho newspa pers aro in the minority. Newspaper en terprise does nut have much encourage ment. Foreign news is oblaincd chlcily from government oWciulB. Tho wholo kingdom of Spain does not recelvo as mnny foreign dispatches in u woek as nro sent to a single city in this country in u single day. Tho average .Spanish editor doos not seo much use in paying for an intcruetlng dispatch from nbronrt when the chances are about ten to ono that when ho g'ts tho dispatch tho press oensor will not allow the pnpur to print it. Chicagu Tiinos-IIeruld. Here We Are Again;! Look at These Prices ! Hunting Hugs, scums (luiililo sowed; stars sewed on with edges turiieil under; war ranted fust colors, can vas lieudili"; with groiu inets. 3x5 foot, $2.10; lxd feet, sjBUKI ; feot, if. I ;. ; 10 feot, l.o0 ; IMIi feot, S.S; Hxli! foot, ifli.uu: H.l5 feet, $7.3.-1 ; 10x15 feot. !r7.75. If you want an all-wool bunting Hag, any sle, we can furiiUli the same immediately at lowest ciuh prices. MORGAN'S-BAZAR, 23 North Main St. A good jiloco for a good drink Michael Mills' Saloon, 23 H. Centre street, Mi llet's building, Wine, Wlilnklvs, Hcr and Cigars. I'rmhuat beer In town nlwHys on pip. A Hantlsomo Complexion I one of the greatest cnarini a woman can I pOSSCU. POiZONI'U UOMI-14.X1UN I'UWOblll ,IVCB 11. I Aprs ansa lUAIIANOY CITY. Nfieet I'.lllllft ConlliK litis liliil Council Ciiniiiillti'C time 11 lll'iucrci liienl. MMlmnny City, .tune S3. A nc!ttl inectln (if tho Ilorontdi Cdtmell will be held this ovuliltig to di'clilnn tlsmito between the street rtimiulttoe nnd Hmlth A Oiltiploii, the street pnvtilft eoiitnii'turi". The cliiilriimn oT thu committer iillescs that ft pint of the tuntmrt providing that no mole thiin two npiates 1 slinll be turn ii nt one time without the com 1 mittee's conscut Ims heeti violated. I At the snme niee'ltig Willard Wooden and Thomne Ilrynnt, tho t.io infutmnuU in the I firebug rases, will put In their claims for the JiMtO reward. It l pn.lniblt) that Council will oiler them one-tli I r I nf tho amount, as their confessions only covered 0110 of the thiee hi I eut.dlary cases. 1 Tho storking factory of Jones and Johnson I is wurklnjr over time to fill orders. I Shanty Hill. 11 pnrt of St. Nicholas, will have n Hag raising dcmonstnithin on July ith. I William Herkimer, of New York, was a I visitor to this pliico yesterday. lie Is making ! a tour of the coal lcolon In tho interest of a ew York company that buys nj land near , towns and crcntcs huilding let booms, similar to the plan recently f-ut in operation at Mt. Carmel. Burglars have been operating at SuU'olk with iiulllleictit success. Tho leshlences of Mrs. Khble Coombe, Mrs. lhihcrt .lonos and Mrs. Deck woie vlsttvd, hut 1111 viiluahle hauls wero made. There are no clues to the burglars. PERSONAL MENTION. Mlses Viola and 1'culc Moyer, of 1'racl: ville, pellt yeisloidiiy in town as the guests of relatives. Misses Maine. Kills anil Augusta I.cplcr, ol Ashland, wore visitors to town hist evening. Tliomjis Dow, Jr., went to I'ottsvillc thi morning to appear as a witness In the cne ol l'lior Diiector Ahrensfield. Mr. and Mid. Henry I.. Jones spent lo-dio visiting friends at I'ottsvillu. Miss May I. Seltzer, of Win. l'cmi, lias Kline to Philadelphia to upend a week visiting Irieuils. Borough Auditors Ocorge Hoppcrr, Johii McDonald and M.J llyrue made a tiip tc the county it this inorniiig. James Smith, tlie truant ofllcer, transacteil legal business at the cuunty seat to-day. ltich.ird Sncddun went to l'ottsville this mornltig to attend couitas a witness. Daniel llou.-er truusui ted business at (li rardville to-day. Jlrs. T. M. Stout has guno to PotUvillo to peud a week visiting her parent . llcv. liohurt O'lloyle uud daughter, Helen, enjoyed a trip to l'ottsville to-day . Chiulcs lllslixp, of Tnmaqua, 1st IaVut of Co. 11, Mb lteg't., I'a. Vol , wag 11 visitor to town ycstciday. He has a furiough of one week lunii ('amp Alitor, Grant Fielders, of l'ottsville, is visiting John Stein, of West O.ik street. Charles Holderiiiau 1ms gone to Philadel phia to accept a position in one of Snift anil t'onipiiiy's branch houses in that city. THE TRENTON EXPLOSION. One. ol (be Victims llleil J'liini shock This Morning. Tliumas JIahcr, one of the men injiued by the holler explosion at Park No. 3 eollleiy, Trenton, yesterday, died at 10 o'clock this morning at the home of Ids parents, Mr.lind Mrs. Jaincs Maker, at Paifc IMaco. Mailer was 27 years of age and unmarried, it was nut considered that bo was danger ously injured. His death was duo inmo to shock than anything else. John Miirmll, another victim, was icmovid to tlie Miners' hospital to-day, but It is lie lioved he will tccovcr. l'OI.ITICAl, I'OINTS.- Tlie free silverltes of the Di niocnilic party held a l onferetu'o in l'ottsville Ihis wi ck, am! let iih il that, caiidiilntes for Congivss iiiusf -ign a ritten pi. dge to suppurt the Chicago platform, otherwise an iiiilfpenili'iitcaudiihite will he placed in the field. In an interview in the Philadelphia papers. "Silver" Willielm says ten of the la dele gates from this county will bolt thu Demo cratic statu convention, unless tlie Chicago platform U endorsed, and this will be followed by the launching of a free silver ticket in the stato. There mo breakers ahu.ul. To-murrinv night John (). lllrii h will tell thu people of Mahanoy (Sty what ho knows about tho silver question, and inciilculiiliy hoom i 1 1 in sol f fur thu Senate. John F. Finney has been assured (?) by Mr. Ilrumin of bis appointment as Sub-Treasuier at l'liiladolphia. Should tho Democratic county convention nominate a "gold man" fur Congress it is likely tlie free sllveiites will run William Willielm as an independent candidate. This will mako a thrco corneieil fight. M. C. Watson, Shenandoah's favorite candi date for the Senate, is making an active and winning fight for tho nomination. Whit many of thu I'cpublicau lenders do not doubt tho Statu Cummittcu's right to name a successur to Judge Wiekhani. they think it would be better policy to recall the convention and givo everybody a clinni e. It is said John J. Coyle will again mako Mahanoy City his homo. Tho ox-Senator has probably become discouraged over the lion approval of that piomised aptioiutiiiciit. The boom for George A. Junks i'ur the Democratic gubernatorial nomination Is said to please Camliilalu Stonu ami his friends. Tho Democratic postmaster's term lit Gil bertou expired in August, 1117, almost a year ago, uud the Itcpuhlicans of that place, have came to tho conclusion that ho is to servo out tho full terai. Window shados from 10 cents and upward, l'stiniatcs given on largo shades. F. J. I'ortz, 23 North Mnlu street. tf Kediiceil Kates to Nashville. On account of the Christian Dudeavor In ternational Convention, to he held at Nash ville, Temi., July 0 to 12, the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company will sell excursion tickets uf the continuous-passage, ironclad signature form, from stations on its line to Nashville, at rate of single faio lor tho round trip. Tlekcts will lie sold, and good going, July S to fl; returning, tickets will be good to loavu Naslivlllo to July IS, inclusive, except that by depositing ticket with agent of terminal line at Nashville on or before July IS, return limit may he extended to leave Nashville to August 1, 1SDS, Inclusive. Headacho Quickly Cured. Dr. D.ivis' Aiill-Hcailacho nevor falls, 25c Klioikell Down by l Home. Michael Tracy, of iniaugowau, whilu on his way homo from thu I iu tl.il. Bill show yudoidiiy afternoon, was knorkod dimn by a runaway horse and sustained a Iracturo ol tho left lug between the knee uud ankle. Dr. Stein dressed the limb tumporuiily ami this morning Tracy neut to tho Miners' lioo pllal. (ierauumns, fuchsias, pausios, daiseg, ruses etc.. for spring planting at P.iyuo's inuverles (liraidviliu. Tuberose and gladiulus bulbs Lodge ricnic. Several members of (Jump No. (1, Patriotii Order of America, hold a piuuio at High Point park this afternoon. The aiheilug was an informal one nnd very enjoyuble. ,iTi; vou rioi.No south? TUB SOUTHERN 11AII.WAV WiAC'lUSf AM. I'ltOMl.S'KNT rOI.NTK. Don't start South without consulting John M. lliiull, District IVsgenuer Agent, Sutitliern Itallway, U28 Clii'ktnnt street, l'hiladelphi., If you cannot call in person, write to him. MOKE JUNE BRIDES. 'the lt)ni!-,i tier Nuptials I'erloi nieil in the Presence ol u bulge (lathering. The Medillng bulls are ntlll ringing. They mug merrily at eight o'clock this moinlng for the friends of Miss Miimu A. Acker, daughter of Mr. and Jlrs Samuel A. Acker, of North West street, anil Stephen S. Ityan, of Brownsville, who witnessed one of the most beautiful ceiemotiles of tho bridal season. It occurred in the Chinch of the Holy Family on Chestnut stieet, and wa pcrfumicd by tho lector, Itev T. A. .Schllel lelhoefer. A large concourse of people hud gathered to witness the event. The bride was attired in a ueihllng gar ment of whlto India silk trimmed in muslin De Soiree, and ribbons. She carried an ivory prayer book. Tho innlil of honor, which was botowcil upon the bride's sister, Miss Ijuirn Acker, wore white orgaudlo over silk trimmed In lace and ribbons. She curried a bouquet of pink roses. The bridegroom was supported by Joseph Ilell, both of whom wore conventional black. After the cere mony the guests repaired to the homo of the bride, 222 North West stiect. where congratulations followed, after which they were usiiercu mm tne oiimig room to par ticipate tn a wedding leception The tables t had been tastily decorater! and laden with all the good things one could desire. The piecnts weie beautiful and numerous. The happy cotiplo left town at 12:27 p. tn. to-day on an extended wedding trip. Upon their return they will go to housekeeping in a newly furnished homo nt 030 West Cheny street. Mr. nnd Mis. l!yan havo tho best wlshos of a largo circle of friends. Tho guests prosenl from out of town wero Mr. and Mrs. Anton Alher, grandparents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Miller, of l'ottsville; Mr. and Mrs. John Wnrnlck. of Wllkesbiirre; Miss Annie llland. of Tamaoiia: Miss Mmy Wagner, l'ottsville; Mrs. Scheafcr, Itciullng: Miss Lizzie Davles. Tinuaiiua: Mr. and Mrs. Charlf s (Jiilnn, Scianton; Mrs. John llodcror, Philadelphia. OCOXXOIl-M'TVjniANY. pretty wedding was solemnized in Si. (aniens chinch, at Mahanoy City, this morn- tug, when Miss Mary O Connor, of Mahauov City, and Daniel McTainmany. of Scianton. two popular yung people, were Joined in wedlock by l!nv. F. C. Mcl'urne, the rector. I'lie bride Is a sister of ex-Postmaster T. C. O'Connor and M.T. O'Connor, agent for the P. A It. Company at that town. Tho church was crowded with friemlsand lelatlvcsof the coiitriieting pai ties, many from other towns being leproented in the gatliciing. iii;xinucKs wvtson. t high noun to-day Miss Jennie, daughter of Air. and Mrs. lleni. F. Hendricks, of Mahanoy City, and Hurry J. Watson, of Mlrtdlepoit, weie married at the residence of the hrido's parents, liev. Otho llr.int por- lorming the cciemony. Kollii Watsun. of Park Place, was best man, and Miss I.izzlo Iiooth, uf Philadelphia, was maid of honor After tlie icccptloii tho cotiplo left on an afternoon train for Atlantic. City. They will reside at Mlddlepnrt. J'.VANS-l.AMIl. t nine o'clock this morning Miss Maggie Dyans was wedded to Martin I.amb. Tho rcieiiiony took place in thu English Jiaptist chiiicb, Centralla. The bride is a sister of Samuel Kvans, of town. Mr. and Jlrs. Ilvims wero in attendance at tho wedding. Ice Cream resllcul, Tho Grant Hand will hold an icoeieain festival Iu ltobbius' opera hotiso on July 1st and 2nd. 0-1 0-til Criminal Courr Notes. The Cominissionei-s have niadu a temporary loan of $2."i.0i)0 to pay couit and other xpeiibcs of the county. Tho jury in tho cuso of Detectives Amour and ISnhb, charged with extortion, rendered a verdict of not guilty. Nino-tonths of the costs wero placed on tlie defendants and onu- lenth on the prosecutors. Plio Hhisiior emlic.zlement case, growing out of Die closing up of thu "buck, t shop" ill l'ottsville, wis called lor trial to day. The l,j ou-Diiiiu contest couit is again in session. Letter of administration wero grunted to Jiiiiio F. Mater, on tho estate of Henry .Maler, lata of Klluu township, deceased. Also to Patiick G. Hart, on tho estate of Dominiek Hart, lato of llutler township, de ceased. Controller Snyder has filed his answer to tho mandamus of Wanlcn Drawer to compel thu former to pay the l.ittor his salary. The Coiitioller contends theio were two persons, Ilrower and Arteis, who made demand for the salary; tint Ilrower failed to fllu his monthly repoit for (ho piisun; that the Com missiuiiers notilied the Controller that lirower had been lemuved; that lirower has other legal remedies to secure his salary. Tho court will pass upon the case. The bust place to buy your wall paper is at F. J. Fortz, 21 North Jliiln stieet. Wo have the largest stock north of the mountain. tf .lo.vce's Case Appealed. The case of Thomas J. Joyc ', editor of the lllark Diamond, w ho was last week sentenced to the Uistern penitentiary for peijury, charged by ex-Senator John J. Coyle, has been appealed to the Snpeiior Court. Joyco piesciitcd to couit the allidavit of William Wllhclm. r,s( which sets foith that Hon. Sub Oriue, of St. Clair, stated to him (Wil lielm) iliat there was a deal between him (Oinie), Wyiittaiul Coyle, as to the division of tho salary of .Scri.ouiil iit-Aiiii3 Wyatt. It uppiiirs from this bworn allidavit-of Wil lielm thai Ormo was to have S1.000 as his sharo of the money. Tho appeal may not ho heard until fall. A Former ICcshtcnt. From Mahanoy City It- cord. Jamos Davenport, of Central City, Ken tucky, who lived In .Mahanoy City twenty. ono years ago, was a visitor to tho Itecord olllco to-day, in company with his friend It. It. l'lutt, whom ho is visiting. Ho notices a very groat change ill .Mahanoy City. Mr. Davenport is living a retired life, on tho revenues of property in Central City. He is a biother of the well-known It. A. Daven port, of Shenandoah. Window shades from 10 cents and upward. F.stimates given on large shades. F. J. Peru, 21 North Main street. tf Democratic Mate Convention. For tho Democratic Stato Convention, to be bold nt Altoonu, Pa., Juno 211, tho Ponusyl vauia Railroad Company will sell special ex cursion tickets fiom stations on its Hue in tho state of Pennsylvania, to Altoona and re turn, at rate of single fare for tho round trip (minimum rate, twcuty-flvo cents). Tickets w ill bo sold Juno 27, 28 and 21), and will ho good to return until July 2, 1MJ3, in clusive. A (Imor Scored. Judgo Lyon, of Juniata county, who Is sitting iu thu Pottsvillo criminal court this week, scored a Gllbciton man who held out for a verdict of not guilty against his eleven colleagues, who wore united on a verdict of guilty. The jury was sent out tvvlie, but thu olutiiiatu juror could nut bo budged from the position he had assumed. Tlie court finally dismissed the jury and the case inu.-t. Inure d lualn! It was a petty uno. The Gllbertnii man declared he had made up his mind before hu heard the last witness. Ills New Parish, liev. Father Anthony Stoycr, recently or dained as priest ill tho Komnu Catholic chinch, and who celebrated tils first mass In St. Cauicus' cliurrh, Miih inoy City, on Soli dity, will shortly awumu charge of (ho Gieoiisboro, N. C, parish. Iluy Koystonefiour, Ilo biiro that the iihiuo Lnssiti & Bake, Ashland, Vs., is printed on every sack, TIIH AVHATItl'.lt. Tho forecast for Thuisday : Clear and cou shlonihly warmer wonlhor, with light, variablo winds. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout the Country Chronicled lor Hasty I'prtisnl. The soldier hoys nt Camp Algor now send homo lettcis in envelopes with led and whllo stripes acioss the face and a star-spangled Held of blue In tho corner, giving tho np pesrance nf a Hag. John I.lglillitiicr, aged IS years, was in sbnitly killed yesterday by a fall of rock in the llrooksldo mines. Ho lived at I.ykens and his widow and several adult children survive-. A brood of locusts Is duo In Pennsylvania this year. Hugh .1. Ooiniau, pot office- inspector, is in the county with reference to proceedings against a newspaper publisher for sending through tho malls p.ipeis containing articles of an obsceno natuie. Tho Ashland Diks will hold their outing nt Scbucy's farm, Deep Creek valley, on Thurs day, July th. .lnonh T. T.vnlio nf Ashland, was elected a tmclor tho public schools of Coatesvllle, Pa., this week. The Young Jtcn's Hebrew Assodatlon, of l'ottsville, nro making nriangcmeiits for n grand picnic to be held at Tumbling Klin during tho latter jiait of July. Thcio aro many bad pavements iu tho First ward, somo of them with holes large enough for a child to fall in. Tills is re ferred to the Chief llurgcss. Frnckvlllo will havo a parade nnd ilag labing on July Ith. lEalph Piatt, of .Mahanoy City, will snper vlso tho laying of the water pipe lino fiom Waist House linn to St. Nicholas. Failing coal killed Paul Kochittm in the llig Mountain initio, near Sliauiokin. Adam W. It.itib, of Chanceford township, Yoik county, hanged himself to a bed post. .Too llice, the famous long-distanco bicyclo rider, was married at Wilkesbarie yesterday to Miss May Flyiin. Captain William Gnble, of Sliainokin, has been appointed a deputy internal lovctiue collector or the Twelfth district. A hill has pasted the House nt Washington designating Titusvillo as a sub-port of entry iu the distiii t or Kric, Pa. Lancaster cuunty has appealed from the decision of tho Supiemo Court fixing the compensation of constables at 50 cents for each witness subpoenaed. Pri.es for debate at the lllooiusburg State Normal School were awarded to Harry C. Wilbur, of lllooiusburg ; Miss Iteliuda Higglns, of Qirboiidale, and Warren Shur- uiaii, of JIaluvlllc. All kinds of vegetables and lluwcr seeds, and plants at Payne's nurseries, Girarilville. r.leetiie cms pass the door. 5-B-tf Whs Cody's Neighbor. Henry Johnson, of South West street, who spent seveial jcars iu tho West, was a noigb borof Hon. W. F. Cody (Ilullalo 11111) of the Wild West show that appeared hero yester day and can tell interesting stories of lifo on the plains. At Payne's nursery, Girardvlllo, you will 11 u 1 tho largest stock overseen in tho county. I'eiiiiKylviinla CliuittiMiitua. For tho Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to be held at Jit. Grutna, Pa., July 1 to August t, ls'.is, the Pennsylvania I'ailroad Company will m'II tickets to thu general public on June 20 to August I, good to return until August 10, Inclusive, from stations on its line in Pennsylvania, and from Washington, D. C, liultiluorc, Mil., and Canandalgua, N. Y.. and principal intermediate stations, to Jit. Gretna and leturn, at reduced rates. MISCELLANEOUS. rANTKI.-A tfiil f'r uenrr.il liousoworL. Apply at l!Himtli White Mrvt It iSTI'A VKl h'loin the premises ot the uu- lersh'iii'il, on the Kith Inst., a small mill voliiiu niileli cow, red In color mill tall sboji. llu. a dai Ii colored head. Howard will he paid for Kturn to Anthony v.omviiy, Lost Creete No. 2. It X TAN' 'i:n. oiri to do general houseworli Apply to ;. Supowit, No. 1.) North Main Inn It btlect. JrtOl: SAT.K. Heater and pipes, bcilsteuds, P springs and beihling, hurcaii, cupboard, ex tension table, kltihen table, wash stand, li eane seutei! chairs, rocking ehah , range and pipes, corner ciiphoald, lace eiirtains ami window shinies, tr yards rag enrpct. kitchen utensils and other goods. Apply on Friday afternoon at lioitht-a-t cor. .Ilirain and Laurel streets. 0-21-lt 1WU nlCXT. Property, No. 3IS Wet Centre I1 slreet, recently vacated by Philip Iloehler, the butcher. Suitable for grocery, meat market, etc. Dwelling and stable ntliiehci!. Apply to C. tl. Palmer, alii West Centre street. fi-lti-tf FOH SAI.H The property on West Oak street known ns the Grant property. Will bo sold In single lots or as a whole. Apply to W. 1. Gregory, agent, N'oitli .Main street, Shenan doah, l'a. 0-htf Jiini! SAM) A v.llu.ble propel ty on West L Ceulie sin ct, (iwelliug hous'e, and all con veniences In desirable locution. Apply to Thomas Tosh, for fuither particulars. .ri-L7-tf Oil SALIC. A hhIooii, (loud t-taml nml con tra) MK'utlon. (iii-j two pool tiilili". one beiittf-u ('(iinliiimtidii of oo1 and bllllnnlH. Apply at tlu liiMiAi.u otticf. tf IOIt IMiNT. A liouw, HiiltaliU' for ii Minnll 1 familv, lunti,on in Trar alley, near CVntn Apply at IIi.uAMi olllco. H-lK-tf Davidson's Furniture VVarerooms, 121-123 N. HaliiSt. 10- Visitors to town nnd all who want to satisfy an empty stomach, free, should call at Davidson's busy furniture and stove warerooms, 121 North Main street, to-day. They will be accommodated with red-hot fresh baked biscuits, free, baked by the "Queen Cinderella" range, which has no rival, and which has been awarded the first prize at tlie World's h'air. We draw the atten tion of housewives to come and examine the unexcelled baking and cooking qualities of this range. An attendant will be there to answer and illustrate any informa tion desired. Fresh Baked Biscuits "Given Away Free. Davidson's Furniture Warerooms, 121-123 North Alnln St. "00I.I DUBT." Hardest tliitms in the contrary things to keep clean. Most unpleasant when not clcattul. Are made clean and kept clean g tf&r " Hy with that enemy of Largest package greatest TIIK N. IC. FAIHHAMt Chicago. St. Louis. Now York, lloston. l'bllauelphln. KEEP -ON Guarantee Clothing and' Shoe House, 13 NORTH IVIAIN STREET. If you need a good solid pair of shoes, with solid counter and leather insole, this is the place to get them. We don't keep Ladies' Shoes for 75c. a pair, which will last from Thursday morning till Sat urday morning, as some dealers do. What you get here you can depend on for good solid goods at very low prices. Our goods will be sold at very small profits. We quote a few prices : Children's Shoes, 4, 5, 6&7, spring heel, patent leather lip, 4C A better one for 5 Sc. Girls' Shoes, black and lace, size u,1 to 2, for 68c, worth $1.00. Men's Shoes, vici kid, patent leather tip, S1.75, worth $2. 25. Men's Knamel Shoes, brown, patent leather, $2.10 ; worth $3.00. Half of our Childien's and Misses' Shoes are made in Orwigsburg by George Folmer & Son. Our line of Ladies' Shoes cannot be beat, as we buy our own leather and j"ttst pay for the labor iu making them. We can, therefore, sell you good stock at bottom prices. Our line of Gent's Furnishing Goods cannot be beat. We also carry a nice line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits. Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House, (Michael Rotors' Building,) 13 North main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. ELIAS SUPOWITZ, Prop. LAUER'S BEEF? !n Bottles ov by the' Keg. Lauer's Lager Pilsnei Beer. Porter and Weiss Beer. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, 'S ME N ANDOAH - P"A GREAT PAIN ! GREAT COST ! These were the two reasons that fonnrrfy !ept people (rem attending to their teeth, liolli reasons hnvu no existence in this ad vanced tigc. Painless and inexpensive dent istry with an ahsohtte guarantee for five years is our method A Clood Set of Teeth, 5. "Hie Very Heft Teeth, S. You can pet no belter, no matter what you Jiay. No charge for extracting, where teeth are ordeied. We can take your impression in the morning nnd give you your teeth in the afternoon if tlesireil. (lolJ Flfllnjrs, $1 ; Hest Silver Plllltitcs, 5uc up; Cleaning, 5oc; Extracting, 2sc. Crown and bridge work nt very reasonable rates. Kxaminations nnd estimates free. We use lmt one grade of material the best, SCHUYLKILL DENTAL PARLORS, Cor. Wfilte & Cenlro Sis., Bobbins' Building Tho nosy Freshness And a velvety softness ot the skin Is Inva riably obtained by thojiwhouso l'oziom's uviiiiiv.iuii . untie "00LD DUBT." house to clean. Most oil nnd yiease and dirt Washing Powder economy. COMPANY, YOUR THE - EDUCATED and ARTISTIC TASTES In wall papcTH and decorations in ono of tlc nineteenth century neconinlUhmcntM. Tliat U wliy tl.oMo who select their wall paper nt CAWniN'H ucteueh delightful rcBiiUs, It isn't neeenry to purchase tho expensive kiwSi tho designs and colors arc ju.t ai artUtio In tho eheajn'r Krado, If they are not no ih h. Kor tlmst'who wish to dceorato their rooms with nitlHlle wall papers jjo to J. P. CARDESM, 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICI AIM. Examination Matlo at Your Home or at Our Store. Has Moved to 118 S. Main Street. THOMAS BUCHANAN, OPTICIAN, GRAND : PIC-NIC ON JULY 4th,1898, In Columbia Park, Shen andoah, Pa , under the auspices of the COLUMBIA GLEE CLUB. S25 SINGING CONTEST for niale parties will take plaee, admission to the contest free. The piece selected is "Rock Away in the Hillows Gay." ADMISSION TpiaB 25 CENTS. rniLn.-enenr - stoke. o DIUU'.U IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and RetaU. SO West Centres Strootu jjlOIt STATU HUNATOli, HON. M. C. WATSON, Of BlIKNANIKUII. Piibjn't to Democratic rulu. wasnina I'Dwcecfl