The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 18, 1898, Image 4

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    inrrti' yi, imi -hiihii 1
1 iii nri.nrniTTiTt?;n'',i
.me'ii-ii r-r Krrrv
Of the War 1
To correctly follow the
war you should read a dtii'y and
weekly paper. We have them all, i
and serve them promptly without
extiu charge. Give your order to
the eatiier or leave it at the store.
. lJ. Main St.
Beef, Wine
-and Iron.
Large Bottle, 50 Cents.
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, 1M.
I mamic! In It 11 111 1. ,lr., mid sou anil dniiKh
U r m-iii .1 1 1 iuhI- ut INitUville yesterday.
I'll I . IIuiik 111 nit' it tiiji to tlio county
M'.lt I" .! i
W i'h I.,, II Di tiroy, of Nureuiliurg, wan 11
tou 11 i-.i-ti tu day.
J J I 1 1111 j trammeled business at l'otts-
illi 1 In nun nintf.
! a il. l.imliK, of Riugtown, paid a visit to
town thin minniitK.
Mr- A A Ziilick. of PliilutletpliCu, nud mi M Ziilkk, of Schuylkill Haven,
, in -1 u -t - of Mr. anil Mrs. II. II.
Zuuik in ti.n 11 yistcrday and last eveuinx,
1. ft t..i i huylkill Haven this innmlng.
M 111 ii it- ' Harnett, one of ut) r public
w Uu. i ti .11 In 1-, left town this afternoon for j
l' tdi Iplii.t. where sho will spend three
month- the nucht of her brother.
It I T.illcy. Jr.. of llaltimore, Mil., is a
visitor to town. Mr. Tnlley is a iironiineut
member of the liallimoro bur, with head
quarters m tho Homo Friendly Society's
ltev. Harry Crouton, of Mahanoy I'lauo,
was -cen 011 our streets to-day.
Mrs (' ( latitman, of Kingston, X. Y., Is
In entertained at tlio resldcnco of Mr. and
Mrs. Juacpli Neheider, on J'ist Uctitto street.
.She ts wet! known here and has a larue
(lri'Nj of ai-iu.iiiitaures.
Mr and Mrs. William H. Siado and
gnnil-on, .tanley of l'nlmyra, N. J are
FpemliiiK a eoiiple of weeks in town as guests
of Mr anil Mrs. T. T. Williams.
A Vein ltumt.
As Toe liiiduiiki, tho West C'eutro street
filoonkeepei. .jiunpod from a wagon yester
tl iv he l.urst one of tho largo veins of h!s
nht leu lilnoil was spurting from tho vein
in a ilanpToiis manner when Dr. Stein ar
rived The liinh was tightly hound and
o.tli" ie trt.ited hy the doctor and liudnicki
eoni!i'atolated himself upon a narrow ceapo
from hlcediii!; to ileatli.
M oiMi-nV cMitfiifo ( 'ointiiittrMt.
Sjh 1 iiin ntn, Cal.. June IS. Governor
Bi LI ii . is 1 ununified the sentence of
tnin ni k r Salter p. WuruVn to life
in t 1 .mill nt. A meillcitl litiard np
111 ! 11 1 i'l in examine Wmden's mental
fi.i. liii 11 I'.ililed that he was Insane
nl tin- time he wrecked a train hjar
lnp T'niterl states soldiers, thus causing
thi 1I1 ith "f three soldiers and the en
pm. 1 Anions th'ife who ttigned a
in 1 n fin commutation of sentence
vi I'li-ldent Cleveland and C. I.
II iIni.''.iii. juvsldent of the Southern
1' 1. Ill' 'lllll udd.
1 1 1 . 1 ill I HiMVpy's Kppnrt.
V iliinton. June W. The navy le
1 Tiiin. ti luii rei elved the following
ft 10 Admit. il Ucwey, dated Cavlte.
J1.1 I- ' There Is little tlianjre in till
V!uiii..ii s-ini" my telegram of June
ln-1.1 in ins continue hostilities and
Inn ( i.i' in ally surrounded Manila.
Th' j run' taken 2.500 Spanish prison
ers, iiliom tliey treat most humanely.
Tin- il" not Intend to take the city nt
tin t'l'M-rit time. Twelve merchant
vessels are nnchori-il in the bay with
refuser-, on hoard under Kimrd of neu
tral men-of-uar; this with my permis
sion Tin lie.ilth of the squadron con
tinues f Xi client."
Boom Hard Coal !
J,vt UN U inaiul
nml In- .itifltl with
nutlilnu lt-'SH tlinn
fqiiali zutl nil of
frffht ratton coal.
Tins Itath cnbiiR-t
m 11 Ihmui tit liuinan
it IT 011 arc niek,
ii make ynii
If vim nre
w II it will Ufi-p
von wt tl. A Italliln
tint 1 if tlio-!- caliinrtH
will I'unvhico the
must f kt'itiial.
ran. Mineral, Medicated, I'er
funic I. tills m your own home. You cannot
h ivc Ih'isc in a h.ttli tuL.
I all nr -rnd for circulars tlruribing them
m l' lull. Authoriel agents are C. I'al
1111 r, V- Centre -trcet ; Win. J. Webster,
117 1 Coal street; Harry I'rutt, 331
Jaril n trcet.
We Repair All Kinds of Stoves.
Ollice 33:1 South Jardin St., Shenandoah.
We Bottle
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. I.eave them
at the office, we will do
the rest.
HAY and HTltAW.
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
3 E. B. Foley, 37 wc!tre st.
ore the seat or the starting point of
m.tny maladies, all of them serious,
all more or losu painful, and all of
them tending, unless cured, to a
fatal end. No organs of the body
are more delicate or more sensitive
than the kidneys. When symp
toms of disease appear in them not
a moment is to be lost if health is
to be restored. The best way to
treat the kidneys is through the
blood, cleansing it from the poison
ous matter which is usually at the
bottom of kidney complaints. For
this purpose there 19 no remedy
equal to
" For many years I have heon a constant
sufferer from Kidney tr.mble, and have
tried a number of largely advertised kidney
cures without lviu hi. At last n friend ad
vised mo to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tlio
nse of eight bottles of this remedy ontiroly
cored my malady." Mart Miller, 1233
Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
liptiolilm; Throughout
tnirniileleil for llnnly
tlio Count!'
Harry, linos and K'lttc Hall and fivo other
Mahanoy t'ity auttlers returned from Monroe
county with eiglity-thrte pounds of trout.
Uxcavating for the foiinilatiotis for the
now colliery onttinoB at Jackson's has com
menced. Tlio U-year-olil mih of Jiiiuos Ilrcnnaii, of
Jackion's, isi ritiiaily ill with eongestiou of
the brain.
John Itrehnny was committed to prison by
Suirc M. J. Iteytiolds, of Oilborton,
charged by Win. llrchony witli drunkenness
and liousehrciikiiiK.
Thus far but 113 mercantile licenses out of
n tola! of 1S."0 in this county liavo been paid.
Juno 30th is the last day fur payment.
Tho local public schools were closed for the
form yesterday.
John M. Coombe, of Mahanoy City, has
received the ullicial notification of his ap
pointment as District Grand Chief of the
knights of (iulden llttilo.foi- this district.
Cards arc out nuuouticliii: the apprnachiut:
man-iase of Miss UUa Matilda, datichter of
ltev. and Mrs. J. V. Iiuckley, of C'ontralia,
to II. 1'ranl.liii Cary, of Went hoi ly, at
Contmlia, on .Monday, Juno 20th.
The county treasury i3 empty.
Tho l'ottsvillc High school cointnenccmcnt
will be held on tlio 30th itist.
Counterfeit half dollars ate makinc, their
appearance, made of lead mid light ill weight.
Tun. Hurst will likely play his St. Louis
team at Aslilaml for otio gaiuo, if ho meets
with uueou ragcnicnt.
Criminal court begins on Monday, and so
far tltil) cast s have In en returned.
Mt. Carmel is getting lots of advertising
out of her hard coal boom, and Pottsvillo Is
The veterinary surgeons will hold their
next meeting lit Ashland, September 7.
An otter of $1,200,000 has licuu made to the
York Water Company for its plant, which
cost $7.)0,l)00.
Several houses woro shaken from their
foundations by another cave-in at the Ditryca
mine, I.uerne county.
Fond Commissioner Wells is investignting
large sales of impure and adulterated vinegar
in Luzerne county, and a 1 rests are likely to
Tho Columbia Hoso Company gavo tho
borough flro ungino a test this morning. It
had nut been used for sevoral months.
Economical shoppers will he hencfltto I
greatly by consulting Conway's FamoiisSand
10 cent advertisement which appears in an
other column of to-day's isstto. Such a cut in
prices was novor heard of before in town.
At Payne's nursery, (limrilvillo, you will
(Inil tho lamest stock overseen in tho county.
Clillilren's liny,
Tlio Sunday schools of tho .Methodist Epis
copal, United Ilvangolicnl and Calvary Iltptist
churches will observe CHldrcu's D.ty to
morrow and tho respective churches have
been elaborately tiecorated for tho occasion.
A ship eight lect long and six feet high is a
feature of tho decorations nt tho Calvary
Iiaptist church, Ulahontto programs have
been prepared at each of theso churches.
To-morrow evening Children's Day ser
vices will he hold in tho Trinity lioformcd
church. The church will bo decorated with
Hags, plants and (loners.
Tho Children's day exorcises of tho 1'ios
byteilan church will be held to-morrow even
ing. A choico piogratn of selections has
been arranged for tho event. A cordial in
vitation is extended to tho public to attend
thoso services.
Window shades from 10 cents and upwaid.
Estimates given on largo shades. F. J. Portz,
21 North Main street. tf
Special 1'iillei) Organized,
Chiof Hurgess Tabor last night swore in
the now corps of special police in tho Coun
cil chamber, after which thu following or
ganization was ell'ected : Captain, Michael
Heatoti; 1st Lioutuiiant, Thomas Jones; 2nd
Lieutenant, Michael Igo. William Uilulliiu
was chairman ot tho meeting and James
Cook secretary.
Sons of Veterans Otlicers.
Tho state camp of tlio Sons nt Veterans
elected the folluwing olticer : Commaudur,
A.S. Moulthrop, Dubois; senior vice, Chester
M. Liugle, Philipahurg ; junior vice, Paul
Smyser, York ; council, A. S. Fisher, Har
nsburg ; W. F. Ciilbertou, Lewlstown and
John Honor, Jr., Philadelphia.
Here We Are A?ain 1
Look at These Prices 1
limiting Hugs, mmiiiih
dmililo unvi'd ; btuis
HWC(1 (HI Witll LMlj,'l)S
tiii'iii il under ; war
ranted fiiht (tuloi'M, can
vas liciuliiit,' with groin
iui't8. 3.5 fiiot, 10 ;
1x0 ft'ct, i?:i.0() ; fixS foot,
k.1,7! : 11x10 foot, ijtl.r.O ;
0x13 twt, 5.50; Hxia
feet, 11 "iu Hxlj ti't-t, $7.2J5 ; 10x15 foot,
i. N
If yuu want nil all-nuol binitlun lUg, nny
te, wi- cm I'urniali tli mutu liiiiiiedlutily ut
luwust i iirictm.
23 North Main St.
1 Acllie Men lor n I'nlirlli nCluly
A meeting was held in the (1. A. It. hall,
liofowich'a building, lost night, to take
preliminary steps fur a grand (wtrlotlc cole
hrattuti, pnrndn and business men's display.
Twelve organisations weie represented at the
1 meeting, vi.. Washington Camps Nos. 112,
aoo and 183, 1'. O. s. of A., Shenandoah
Lodge, No. Mil. I. (). . 1'., MHjyr Jennings
Council Xo. iiilT and Sliciiniuloah Valley
Council No. 330, Jr. O. U. A. M., Hopo
SettlonXo. 10. J. T. or II. & T Heniy
llorncastle Camp No. IB, Sons of Veterans,
Anthmeito Cnslle Xo. 71, K. or G. II., Lithu
anian Citizens' Society, I. K. L. A., Colum
bia Hose Coniny and Watkiu Waters Post
1 No. 110, G. A. It.
I The meeting organized with the election or
D.iviil Morgan as chairman and P. W. llier
I stein as secretary. It was decided to have a
parade, and the following committee was ap
I pointed to visit citizens and solicit financial
aid : M. II. Master, Joseph Morris, P. W.
Uietstein, William Millard, Charles Gibson,
George Smith, David 1'eist, William Hill,
Edward D.niks, George Feist. Messrs
Master, Morris and John Hitler were ap
pointed a committee on music.
the following comtnitteo was also ap
pointed to visit tlio business men and urgu
tliotn to put floats and othor displays in the
line of parade : Flunk II. Williams, John
Watson, M. H. Master and William Iteevos
A fourth committee, comprising Messrs.
Williams, Hitler and Hill, was appointed to
call upon the School Hoard, Superintendent
Cooper and tho school teachers to see if
arrangements cannot be mado to havo the
schools co-operate In the parade.
The organization will meet at the same
place next Friday evening to hour repot ts
from tho committees.
Auioriean and Cuh.111 Hags, nil sizes nnd
untitles. V. J. Portz, 21 Xoith Main St. tf
Wlltl C'ossiiek Killers.
In addition to tho girl, cowboy, scout,
Indian aud cavalry equestrians in Hntlalo
Hill's Wild West and Congiess or Hough
Kidcrs of tho World, it inttoduces Vaipieros
from Mexico. Gauchos and South America,
Arabs from the African deseit, and Cossacks
from tho steppes of Russia. These latter,
hardv and deMioiis horsemen, may be eon
sideied as on the bolder line between the
wild IrregularMtnd tho trained and drilled
military ; for though they wear the well
known uniform and are regularly enlisted
1 soldlets ninong the Cossacks of the Caucus
ian line, they ride with a wild, ficico dash
ud individuality not eharactci'stic of any
of tho other bodies of cavalrymen. Willi his
horse at full gallop ho swoops down and picks
up a li.iudkeichicf from the giouiid, holds
fast hy tho saddle and seems to iloat in the
air alougside.swings himself back to his scat,
and throwing Ids feet straight up in tlio air
rests on his shoulders, or head, upon tho
saddle, leaps oil. nnd after running a shoit
distance regains his seat by a bound from the
giouud, and Dually crossing bis stirrups uvei
tho saddle stands upright with Ids toes in
them, aud all this without diminishing his
headlong pace. Tho Cossacks with hundreds
of other fculuios will appoar heio with
Hiilllilo Hill's Wild West show, on Tuesday,
June 21st. 1 ho reserved scat salo will bo at
Kirlin's drug stole.
sum: miATii to issuers.
2."i cents per can. At Povinsky's duig
toio, 2S Mast Centre street. 0-1 1 Ut
Applicants for Minn l''oreiiiunslilp.
Tho hoard to examine applicants for mine
foicmcn's certificates met nt the couit house,
Pottsvillo, yesterday and to-day aud com
pleted their labors. There were thirty-live
men in tlio class, with the following from the
Sixtli district : lldward ltatchlor and D.iviil
K. James, Shenandoah ; John ICrcishor,
Thomas Haley and William Hewitt, St.
Nicholas; Win. H. Picice, l'iackille; Win.
Hradley, Mahanoy City ; Win. Hruderick,
Yatesvillo. The oxaniineis will meet
on the '-.'1th aud 2oth iusts. to examine
tlio papers of the applicants. The bourn
of examiners for tho Sixth district is
ns follows: Win. Stein, cx-uilicio ; Win.
II. Lewis, Win. 1'eiin; Michael McCarthy,
Mahanoy City ; James Powell, Shenandoah.
Tho bust place to buy your wall paper is ut
F. J. Portz, 21 North Main street. Wo have
tho largest stock noith of the mountain. tf
To .Vpiirnl lo Oli'l'KJlluin
Tho Itcd Crosi Society of IMiiludelidiia lmB 11 circular letter to tlio cloi uyinoii of
tlm illll'eli'lit ilonoii) i luit inns in this town np
poalliiK for itid towards tlio equipment of an
aiulnilnnco corps and lii ld hosiiital, to lie im
inediatuly sent to nnd maintained ut tlie
front. Tlio circular points out that although
liberal rohiiouoos havo alieudy heon made
they uro not at all coiunioiisurnto with the
iiiidortaklni:. In tlieto circumstances the
society urties that a special oIl'eriiiK ho taken
In tho cliurelies.
Window shades from 10 cents and upward,
IMiinates given on large shades. V. J. 1'orU,
S3 North Main stieot. tf
AiHertUrd f.etterH.
Letters addretacd to tho following named
pcoplo raiuain uncalled for at the local post
olllco: Miss K. I.. Turner, Mrs. I.. Schooner,
II. O'Donuell, Mrs. M. lleiser, 1". Hewitt,
Mrs. 1!. G. l-'ry, M. S. Cline. Mis Kate
Smally, JHsa Julia Ucnuousey, Clrnce
lloniiahuo, O. 1'. Fox & llro.
I). V. IIkiuu, 1. M.
All kinds of vcKctatiloa and llower seeds,
and plants at Payne's nurseries, Cliraidvillo.
Klectric cars mm tlio door. R-0-t f
' KucrH July Mil nml rlli,ut llliioniliiri;.
Ail excellent program of Hotting and pac
ing races will ho given at the Columbia county
fair Kioundf, July Ith and nth for S:50, 2:10,
2:20, 3:3-1 and fieo for all classes. A grand
street pjmdo is on tho program for July -It la
In whiuli all orders, Indies and flro com
I aides aro cordially invited to paiticipate.
10:30 a. in. l'ri.os will ho awarded fur the
largest and host appearing bodies in parailo.
Aluminum memorandum hooks with your
mime engraved, '15 cents. At llruuun s.
lit, Mine In lliifialo.
Mine Inspector Mcdulio llltd n hill in
equity In the I'rotlionotiiry's olllco asking
fur an injunction restraining tho owner
from operating the Chiiuiherlaiii colliery,
located near St. Cl.iir. Tho proper ventila
tion is not furnished, thoslopo not timbered
properly and the truck is not safo for mis to
run on. The proliiiiluiiry injunction Is re
turualilu on Mondiy. This Is tin 'ir.t time
uctiuii of the kind was taken in tins euuuty
'I In. MVM I'roKiuiii,
The following U tlio "V" pioKram for till.
evening: Kinnliik', ; fcwijittilo ruudiuit
1-Uter lUddow ; rmdlux, l.ydm Jeukln
nlo.Mny !)ulo; locltatloii.Kumia I.luwolly
new of Intttitwt, Annie Itrown ; liUUirieul
quutioti box, l'rukidoiit ; critic, to bo ap
l'rvftcntu for urudiiatcsut lliiiimu's.
i"Opi'iilng Not Dei hleil IlponTlie Term
.tin) bo Iteilnt 11I.
Tho public schools of town closed for tho
summer yesterday afternoon and tho gradua
ting exercises will now absorb attention.
Those of thu grammar school will take p'neo
In the High school building at four o'clock
011 Monday evening. The High school ex-
cicises will tako place in the evening of tho
same day, at Ferguson's theatre. Tlio gram
mar school class numbers elghly-llvo
scholars and the High school class twenty.
The former Is one of tho largest, If not tho
largest, that havo graduated in this town.
Tho School Hoatd has not decided when tho
schools will ro-open, but will probably do so
nt a meeting called for next Monday even
ing. Owing to tho state appropriation being
red n coil over ?3,000 this year there is an in
clination to redttco tlio term from ten to nine
months to retrench on expenses.
Alcldolrlft Cute,
Heau soup, free, to-night.
Church Notices.
To-morrow at Calvary Hiptist church, the
pastor, ltev. II. It. A 1 1 1 1 1 . will pleach In tlio
morning on "Thu Impossibilities of man and
the possibilities of God." To-morrow being
Cliildrcn's Day, services will bo held In tho
a'ftcruoon and evening by the Sunday school,
under thu management of J. Huitn, superin
tendent of tlio school, assisted by tho choir,
led by W. Waters. All will bo made welcome.
Services In tho P. M. church to-morrow
morning and evening. Morning subject,
"Christ's Hcd." Sunday school at 2 p. 111.
livening subject, "Spain, Cuba and America,"
A kind invitation oxtended to all.
Volunteers or America, 1111 North White
sticet. Meetings every night at 8 o'clock.
Sunday meetings, 11 a, 111., 3 and 8 p. in. On
Monday, Juno 20lh, we will have with us at
our hall, Capt. W. J. Shipway, the converted
actor. All nro welcome. Capt. T. H. Jacket.
In charge.
Gorantimns, fuchsias, pausies, daises, roses,
etc., for spring planting at Payno's nurscrio,
Giiardville. Tiibcroso and gladiolus bulbs.
It)lt 1;NT. l'roprrty. No. 318 w7ntre
1 strt'ct. recently Yacntcil bv IMilliu Hnolilrr.
tin lmtthrr Suitntilu for grocery, meat market,
etc. Duelling nnd stuhlo attached. Apply to
O. (i. Talmer, lilG West Centre trt'it. G-ltt-tf
AlTANTi:i), (lood, tellable cirl for general
I lmiiMnit orlt rltli tofniriKni ui 111
South White ttreet. tf-17-2t
70l ItHNT.-Ktore nud ihvclliiig.No 14 North
V White uticet. Odd KcIIouh' bnlldlnir. flood
bii?ltie. loeatlon, nil coiivenii-iices, bnth room
hot and told nter, only S'20 per month. Ap
ply to any of the trudet",( .lumen Patterson,
j t. U liimms or llarry lltint.lnj;er. tf
Colt SAI.i;. Tho property on West Oak ntieet
known as the (jliant propeity. Will be sold
in h inU lots or as u whole. Apply to W. U.
(ireifory, nirent, 20S North Main street. Shenan
doah, 1'u. (
liU)U HAM:. A valuable piopeity on West
1." Centie htieet, dwelling houhe, nnd all con
veniences In deshable location. Apply to
Thomas Tosh, for further particulars. 5-27-tf
iOIt SAIJC A Huloon, flood Ktanil and ecii'
I.' trai loeiitlon. lias two pool tables, one
belnp; a combination of pool
aud billiards.
Appiy at inu timtAM) oince.
ITMMt lti:NT. A liouse, Hultable for a small
Apply at iii.itAMt ouicc,
Sealed ftroiiosals will ho ieeeied by the
miilerhiL'iieil. imtroller of Kehm 1L-I11
county, at his otllct nt tho couit house, I'otts
vllte, l'a.. until Thursday, June 110th, iH'.ts, at
10 n. m-, for the purchase of Hehuylkill county
four per cent, registered coupon bonds, dated
Inly Int., 1 s.m. redeemable after live yearn anil
pa able within thirty yenrs from tl ite. Ipsuo to
be, one minuted an t niry bonus ot tin uenomi
nation of fti,oou each, no hundred and twenty
bonds of S-ViO each, nnd one hundred nnd ninety
bonds of SHXleach, a total of ?22J,()00t Interest
paable send-unnually on thu Ihst day of July
and January, respectively, ami free of state
tax llids will be icceiv.'d for the entire Ismuo
or nny portion thcicof nt the diserctiou of the
bidder aud nrc to be ma iked "bond purchau."
The rijiht rcercd t( i eject any or all bids. Uy
order of the County Commissioners,
ClIAUIXM A. Snyiu a,
Pottsvllle, V.i , June 1-t, G-M1-1S-2.1
Tiios. Buchanan,
Examination Made at Your Homo or at
Our Store.
--Has Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
If you need a good solid pair of shoes, with solid counter aud
leather insole, this is the place to get them. We don't keep Ladies'
Shoes for 75c. a pair, which will last from TJiursday morning till Sat
urday morning, as some dealers do. What you get here you can depend
on for good solid goods at very low prices. Our goods will be sold at
very small profits. We quote a few prices :
Children's Shoes, 4,
better one for 50c.
5, 6 & 7,
Girls' Shoes, black and lace, size 11 4 to 2, for 6Sc, worth $1.00.
Men's Shoes, vici kid, patent leather tip, $1.75, worth 2.25.
Men's Knainel Shoes, brown, patent leather, $2.10 ; worth S3. 00.
Half o( our Children's and Misses' Shoes are made in Orwigsburg
by George lfolinei"& Son.
Our line ol I.adies' Shoes cannot be beat, as we buy our own
leather and just pay for the labor in making them. We can, therefore,
sell you good stock at bottom prices.
Our line of Gent's Kurnishiug Goods cannot be beat. We also
j carry a nice line of Men's, Hoys'
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
(Michael Peters" Building.)
13 North main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Til 12,
Tlio forecast for Stindny t Fair, slightly
warmer weather nnd fresh sotithorly winds,
followed by local rain or thtindor storms in
tho tiorthorn districts.
A pension has been granted to tho minors
of llllhanan V. I'rehafcr, of Pottsvllle, $20
per month.
Another Sale
Of 120 Pair
Of Ladies' Shoes
Which have arrived too
late in the season. We had
cancelled the order, but
through a compromise with
the manufacturers we agreed
to accept them and will close
out every pair at
Actually $1.00
Below Selling Price.
HIS sale is not one of odd
sizes, with the choicest
picked out, but one in which
all sizes are represented. An
assortment of every size may
be found on our
is a stock of
counters. It
In black and tan, button and
lace, all widths, nice fancy kid
tops, the kind which we have
always sold at $3.00. Our
price to-day is
extend an invitation to
the ladies to call and
see them as this is a golden
opportunity. We don't ad-
. 11 i
vertise sucn sales unless we
can actually give you the bar
gains in value and costs. Our
last advertisement on a sale ol
this kind was a winner, and
we have not the slightest
doubt that this one will
eel it.
Ball's Shoe Store,
14 S. Main St.,
spring heel, patent leather tip, 40c,"
and Children's Suits.
Famous 5 and 10c. Store,
Sand soap, ic a bar.
Fine tumblers, wcrc4c, now ic.
Glass fruit dishes, were 3c, now ic.
Carpet tacks, were 5c a box, now 2c.
Kgg beaters, wets sc, now ic.
Tea spoons, were 3c, now Ic.
Cake cutters, were 3c, now tc.
White dinner and soup plates, were 5c, now 2C
While cups and saucers, were 5c, now 3c.
Graters, weie 5c, now ic.
Patent thread, wa9 4c, now 2c.
Shelf paper, all colors, 5 yards for 2 cents.
I-arpe scrub brushes, were 5c, now 3c.
Klesh forks, were 5c, now 2c.
Sugar bowls, were 5c, now ic.
Vegetable strainers, were 5c, now 2c.
Ilutter kettles, 2 and 3 ()t., were 10c, now Sc.
Flour sifters, were 7c, now 4c.
N0TICE.-20D Yards of Floor Oil Cloth,
School : District
1 J. Mcl,nugUliu, ex-Itecciver, in account with District.
To balance on dupli
cate ol i&94-'95. . . p 72 09
To balance on dupli
cate of 195-96. . . 41920
To balance on dupli
cate ol IS9U-97 . . . 1,450 21
$,947 5
M. J. Mclaughlin, Ucceivcr, in account with District.
To amount of dupli
cate of IS97-'9S . 510,074 72
$16,074 72
M. A. Noonc, Treasurer,
To cash from Receiver, M. J.
I.aughliii , . $10,473 '
To casli from Stale appropria
tion 3.752 71
To cash from unseated lauds . 3.475 92
To cash from cx-Rcccivcr 1' J.
McLtuighliii 5S6 86
To cash from ex-Treasurer,
amount of order 199 of '97 . 30 00
To cash from balunce of ex
Treasurer JtcLain '4 95
Total J 1 S, 333 54
Amount of outstanding orders $ 2,953 5
' " bonds 6,000 00
Total S 8,953 5o
To orders issued during year
and commission on same. . S 209 10
Halaucc to credit of fund . . . 975 27
Totnl S 1,184 37
Hxpenses of
Tuition aud County Institute
Tuition to I'rackville School District
Repairs and Material
Huildtug fund account
New books . ,
Tanitors ,
Secretary's salary
Counsel ,
Printin g
Commission to County Treasurer, , .
Interest on tciniwirnry loans. ....
Iionds redeemed aud bond interest.
Water rent
We, the uniletsigucd auditors of West Mahanoy Township, have examined the
foregoing accounts anil find them concct.
r " '
Tin lamps, for kitchen use, were loc, now 5c.
Silver beiry spoons, were toe, now 6c.
Agate spoons, were loc, now 6c.
Agate pie pans, were loc, now Cc.
Agate wash basins, were I2c, now 7c;
A good whisk for 7c, regular price loc.
Glass fruit dishes, were 10c, now 7c.
Glass cake stands, were loc, now 7c.
Large glass pitcher, were loc, now 7c.
Spice boxes, were 10c, now 7c,
Window curtain, conipIete,wcre 10c, now 8c,
Fine decorated china desert dishes, were 10c,
now Sc.
Large meat platters, we 10c, now 8c.
Agate frying pans, were 10c, now 7c.
Large dec. vcg. dishes, were loc, now 7c.
Majolica pitchers, were loc, now Cc,
Decorated dinner plates, were Joe, now 8c.
Was I7c per Yard, Now 10c per Yard.
Hy cash paid M. A.
Noonc S
" commission . . .
Unlancc due . . . .
15 20
56 09
-$ 72 9
Hy cash paid M. A.
Noonc $ 52 2$
" commission ... 27?
lialancc due .... 364 26
-$ 419 26
Hy casli paid M. A.
Noonc $ 519 41
" commission ... 27 34
" exonerations . . 297 28
lialancc due . . . . 612 IS
-f '.456 21
$ ,947 56
Hy amount paid M.A.
Noonc (within 60
tlavs) Sio,2S3 10
" commission. . ,
" abatements. . .
" unseated laud tax
returned to County
Commissioners . .
" cash paid M. A.
Noonc after sixty
clays settlement,.
" commission. . .
209 00
552 26-
3,101 20
190 00
10 00
Balance due .
. $ 1.72S 30
-516,074 72
in account with District.
Hy orders cashed $'7,954 45
" commission 359 09
Ralnuccin treasury 20 00
Total $18,333 54
vml Assets.
State appropriation due (esti
mated) g 4,000 00
Halaucc due by Receiver M. J.
McLauRhlin , 1,728 30
Balance due by cx-Rcccivcr 1'.
J. McLaughlin '.032 53
lialancc due ou unseated lauds 122 18
Cash iu Treasury 20 00
Excess of liabilities 2,05049
Totnl 8,953 50
Itnd Account.
Hy balance from last year . , $ 1,184 37
Total $1,185 37
School Year.
14,686 00
172 71
283 49
205 00
624 00
620 28
349 77
460 00
463 75
300 00
125 00
S3 So
43 45
10 So-
46 75
........ 1,420 00
12 00
19,912 50'
And i tors.
In iv ill I iinpem nnd itceoriitlons I one of tlxr
nineteenth century accoiiipllalinicnta. That la
why tlioxo who select their wall paper nt
CUICDIN'.H Ki'tHiiJi delightful reaiilta. It lan't
necessary to purchnxu the expensive, unulea, tho
ilealsm nml colora nru Jut n nrtlallo In the
cheaper gnidca, It they nru not o ilch. l'or
thoxo who wish to tlecoratu their rooiuawitli
urllatlu wull papers go to
224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, l'a.