The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 17, 1898, Image 4

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Of th War 1
To correctly follow the
war ou siiouut retui a cini'y ami
weekly paper. We have them all,
and serve thei'n promptly without
extra charge. Give your order to
t'u carrier or leave it at the store.
q. N . IVIaln St.
Beef, Wine
rand Iron,
Lare Itottlc, 50 Cents.
3 Smith Main Street, Shenandoah, I'a.
vtViiiiniK ii n..
XIi - M inir Tlmiiris. of Fishlmrli, nnil John
Knxuily "f I'.ilo Alto, ueio joim-d in wed-
1 11 u:,MUj'e of John Ilclim Hiid r.lnnili
I,c ui'l i.ntli of l'otttivillc, was Rulctnniri'd
Wi !m -d i t inini.
In v I ulivr O't'onnor, of St. Clair, joim il
in iiiiitiucc Miss Aiiiiiu lletiiiiic, of Mt
I afcc aii'l Patrick Connors, of Port Carl
Ln.t 1 vt'iiintr tho nwrriace of Mm Claia
k. 1 Hi tinliT, of Schuylkill Haven, and M. 1
II i; -i. 11 house of I'liiliidrlpliiu, unx
t, u Him '1 1 at the Trinity I'.vauiH'linil
1 ' luiylkill Unveil. Tlu-re were
vcm 1 1 i.l.-.m:iid. A leeention followed at
Ihr I,, mi i.l the bride's parents. Mr. mid
Mr- I'. Dongler, and then the: couple
il. 1 .irn il lor a wedding tour.
,Ymi..uniiini'iit is nmdo of tin) coininc
luarnw of l'auniu II. Miller, daughter of
( Il Miller, the well-known liiercliaut of
tcntr.ilia, to Kdward C. Mimiich, chief book
keeper lor the I.ehich Valley Coal Company,
011 Thursday, aid iii.t. It will ho a quiet
home ntr.ur. , '
Wednesday iivviiHm John Cdeman and
Mi- 1 Ilio-Scanlan, both of (lirardville, were
t.iun it'll by Ituv. JUCulloiiKli, of the Iiuiuan
latliollc church. Miss Kato Cuimon was
bridesmaid wliilo I1. J. Ooriuaii took care of
tlie groom. Thoy arc now enjoying a trip to
Philadelphia, and upon auival homo will bo
tendered a reception by their many friends.
At tin- Inline of the bride on Wont Cherry
htreet laht e eiiiiiR. Miss Margaret Ann Fur
uiiBi.n J wedded to John Hopkins, of Win.
Penn The cerewony was performed by Hot.
John Iy-"ii, pastor of the Methodist Kpis
.opal 1 liureh of Will. Penn. IUvid Hopkins,
il Win l'eim, a liroUor of tho liridenroniii,
a- the best man, and Miss Amiio Drown, ol
South White street, supported the bride. A
la rite number of quests were in attendaiu-o.
Mr nnil Mis Hopkins will reside on West
( berry stieit, where they have a liou.M) fur-
Toot ClUHhed. Smith, of South Pear alley, had his
rinht foot euuslit and crushed between the
In. upers of ours at tho Suffolk colliery yea
rn l.i. Dr. ntoin attended liim.
Morn .Money Winded.
A hie rani disnlaycd in both hanks to-day
i,i -.awar loan or tho United States
fii.veniniem of $200,000,0011, payaulo ill 3 por
at bniiiK. Subseriptions aro now liolng
tak- ii by both institutions.
(,.,:, In on For Mllltnry Duty,
Mi Hi. 111a, Pa.. June 17. The lilgh
t 11 1 li 1 i-i: ini'iit, Pennsylvania vulun
t l. fi nt s n'l bu k this mornlns for
1 1. 1 n an. 1 'it y. Ui'i i'iiltlng ndleers have
I.. M iintlliHd to Bend new recruits there.
i l l-, half Imiii received from Uen
i il 'li.iliam (lircctlnK the three cnvnl
,v in..' In iiinceed to Camp Alger,
V . n- sunn uh supplied with horses.
The Sheili'iiii and (lovernor's troops
will' all tin ir hnrces by the end of
tin- u ili. hut the City troop needs 75.
The 1 1 "nps are to he clothed nt Cnmp
Aii, r Itrlfadler Oenernl Oohln left
his I In Lebanon for Wnslilnfrton
lust mi lit.
Buy Kcystoncflour. llosuto that tho name
IiKkhki & IUkb, Ashland, Pa., ia printed 01.
every sack.
Boom Hard Coal !
nothing Icsm timn
i tjiiali - a 1 1 it n f
frfiKlit rut" on ami.
Th 1m liatfi tutitiut
in u Ixmmi ta litmin 11
it I f tin arr hU'k,
it" w ill inahe you
wi 11 It von r
w M, it will Uvvyt
mmi wt-U. A Itatliin
tilli' of tlnt' calillK'tH
u ill t oitvf nee tlit'
nuiHt nki'iitlrJil.
nJUiUJJIlliillUiuUUlUiailUlliE) r rcc.
Turkish. Hu-ian, Mineral, Medicated, Per
fumo Lnths in voui uwu home. You cannot
h iv 1 h1 jsc Hi a bath tub.
C all or .end lor circulars describint; them
111 detail. Authorized agents are C. Pal
mer, jiGYV. Centre street ; Win. J. YVclistcr,
I17 K. Coal street; Harry Pratt, 33I S.
Jaidm street.
We Repair All Kinds of stoves.
Ollice 333 South Jardin St., Shenandoah.
We Bottle
Private fanulv orders will receive
prompt attention. I.eave them
at the olTice, we will ilo
the rest.
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
fjr I
When dandruff appears it is usiu
ally regarded as an annoyance. It
should be regarded as a disease. lis
presence indicates an unhealthy con
dition of the scalp, which, if neg
lected, leads to baldness. Dandruff
should be cured at once. The most
effective means for the cure is found
promotes the growth of the hair, re
stores it when gray or faded to its
original color, and keeps (he scalp
clean and healthy.
r ni t 1 mi e'
it vecir twns crcMly
ed v tth It
mv hair wu mt nirjiT t:mv ft"'l falU
in ' nut. imiiiH'stMomea
ln v liable uutill buttU to
Tho dandruiT has been
fiirt'l removed and my
li.m N now soft, Biuootli
it-id mid fust re-
ira.nn y I'siinvr nnlcolor."
L. T V ALLU, Allcnton,
iHppenliiK" ThinilKhout the Colllitly
tnirouleleil lor llai.1) Perusal
Tlio front Jof the buildings or tho Grand
Union Tea Company and P. J. MuuoKlian aie
being treated to a of paint.
June 30th is the last day for paying mer
cantile tax.
The county tieasury is about empty.
The Hirei Ioih ol the Poor linked lor an
omuial appropriation of $111 TOl 00, and the
Commissioners xranted $113,710 Oil.
The court says Ilaleton is untitled to 11
School Hoard of only six membcts.
Tho Pennsylvania bankers will meet at
llanisburf; in Uctober.
The Kirst National Haul; of Shamnkin
subscribes for f iW),on0 ol tho uew govern
ment bunds.
"Pepper" tiritlin, coloted, who fought
Jack" Holier to a draw at Tunibllni! Hull
two years into, arrived at Mahanoy City yes
terday, and is anxious for a mutch with
Darby McDonald, of Mt. Carmel.
I'rank I Iyer, of tst. Clair, was admitted to
tho state hospital, haviiiK been hurt at lit s I
Hill colliery by a fall of coal, one 1 his
less beiiiK badly brokun in two places,
and ho Has bruised about thu body.
Theie aro ninety-livo patients in the
Miners hospital, besides the largo number of
transient patients.
Tho Cass Township School Hoard, wb'ch
was deadlocked, organized as follows: Presi
dent, Patiick Hughes ; Secretary, John
Polaiiu) ; Tieasnier, Charles O'Neill : Solici
tor, James J. Muiunu
The eighth international convention of the
liiptitt Young Peoplu's Union r Ameilca
will bo held at lluilalo from July 14th to the
17th. This county will bo icpresented.
Burglars blow open a safe in ToiviimmhPs
storo at Suubury and seen led f 13.
Register Keevo has issued 037 marriage
licenses siuco January 1st last.
Alters Withdraws.
It was announced nt the court house that j
Charles 1). Arters, recently appointed by tho
Couuty Commissioners warden of thu prison,
has withdraw from tho light. It will bo re
membered that thu old board of Commission
ers appointed tho present warden, Calvin
Drawer, who was continued by the court nd
who has refused to vacate his position for Mr.
Arters, the new Commissioners' appointee.
The Commissioners have now appointed
J.imos II. I.evan, of Miuersvillo, formerly a
Coal and Iron policeman located at this town
Should the court confirm tho hitter's appoint
mcnt, and Mr. llrowor refuse to vacate, the
former will he compelled to institute quo
warranto proceedings, and then the court
will decide which of tho two is legally
cutithd to the ollke.
A Prize (Nmtcitt
Is now mollis 011 at John Hall's confectionery
and truck stand, corner Whito and Untie
streets, adjoining Galvln'a pool loom. A
ticket will accompany every 0110 cent pur
chase. Contest closes August SJlat. It
Obll y.
Information was received to day of the
death of Mrs. Thomas Moruau, at Shamnkin.
last night. Tho deceased had been a long
hiill'erer from consumption. She was a slslci-in-law
of Mrs. M. A. Paiiutt, of town The
funeral will take placo on Miiul.iy afternoon,
We have just returned from the city, where we purchased a mammoth stock of suits
Come and
Don't fail to see the new line of knee pants, children's suits and reefers.
goods are marked at hard
as such bargains will not
Uev. I.J. licit, and Thoiims II. Hnyder
hitvu it'tiirned Irmn hohlghtcn, whuie they
angled for speckled beauties and caught a
large number.
Mrs. Anthony Schmleker (pent to-day
vhiltiiiK friends at Pottsville.
Councilman I). It. James transacted busi
ness at the county seat to-tiny.
itiin. i
lieiitiessy, neo Miss llrlslo, of Turkey
is seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thomas and son.
former residents of town, hut now of Phil
a lelphia, arc the guests of Mr. Thomas'
Uev. II I'. O'llellly, psstor of the Annun
ciation church, will loave on Monday for
Philadelphia for his annual retreat of one
week .
P. P. 1). Klrlili tuado a trip to Po'.tsvlllc
and icturu this morning.
Mrs. J. J. l'raiioy spent to-day with friends
at Pnttsvllle.
Miss IMith Morgan has gone to Philadel
phia, wheto she will spend soveml days with
ninier Wasley went to tho county seat this
morning on a business mission,
James Howling, who spent the past week
in town with his patents, left for Philadel
phia to-day.
Mrs. A. A. Zulick, of Philadelphia, and
Miss Jennie M. .illicit, of Schuylkill Haven,
are being pleasantly entctlaliicd by Mr. and
Mrs II. II. Zulick.
Mrs. Oeorgo Heddall and son, of Williams
port, aio visiting tho furmor's mother, Mrs.
1 1 it (toll, on West I.loyd street.
Irn. Clifton Hohbltis and 1). John Price, of
town, and Mlst-es Ylitllo and I.lz.lo Iiaesler,
of Pottsville, were entertained at tho resi
dence of Miss Nora llrehsch, In lllngtown,
last evening.
American and Cuban (lags, all slzis and
qualities. 1'. J. Poitz, !M Xoith Main St. tr
I'llteltiilneil by Mis. Van I'oam'II.
The adult mcmbeis of All Saints' church
choir were entertained last evening by Mrs.
1 Yan l'osscn at tho rectory. Slipper was
served, consisting of the following menu :
1 Lamb chops and peas, chicken cioiiuettes,
tomato and cucumber salad with Mayonaise
dressing, croquette ice cream and white
mountain chocolate mid ice ilea 111 cakes,
olives, pickles, elaiet punch, candy, fruit,
lemonade, coffee and cigars. The table
decorations wcie beautiful ami urigiual, and
each guest supplied with red, white alul blue
Hag-napkins. The chops wero tastefully tied
with tri-coloied ribbon and tiny Hags weie
stuck in thesandwiehis. Speeches weie made
by the itev. Yan l'ossen, Piof. D.iltry, Mr.
Tiliimnns and Miss Morgans. Piof. D.iltry
rendeied sevoral selections on the organ, Miss
Morgan and Mr. Tiniinons a number of vocal
selections, and the choir followed witli
patriotic anthems. It was an enjoyable
occasion, paiiii ipated in by tho following.
Prof, l; A. D.iltry, Thomas Thuliums, lltl
ward and Charles lloughey, l'icil. 1 1.1 vis
Thomas Ilerriiigton, Mr. l'ule, John Knott,
Mrs Herringtun, Mrs. Knott, Mrs. Katie.
Mis. Davis, Misses IMith Morgan, Yan
1'ns.sen, V. llarsley, V. Harslcy, Lillian
Smith, Kdlth llrown, Mary tirillilhs, Ann
hawstin, Sarali Price Katbtriiio Dodsworth,
ISeattlco Haskins.
.ilchliilN care.
Cicam of tomato soup fiee to-night.
Joyce's Seicio Punishment.
Tho lIint.M.U last night ctuilaiiied a tele
gtaui from llarrishurg announcing that
Judge MePhelsoli had sentenced Thomas .1.
Joyce, editor of tho Mahanoy City ISIuck
Diamond, to undergo a term of sixteen
months in the Lasteru Penitentiary. Dx
Judgo llyon, his counsel, presented u petition
requesting the privilege to withdraw tin
plea of guilty enteicil by the defendant some
mouths ago, hut this was rt-luscd and sin
tenco passed. Joyce was immediately taken
to Philadelphia. The case grew out of the
libel suit bioiigbt by lion. Joseph Wyatt,
then Scigoaut-at-Arms, and which is familial
to our leaders. Subsequently es-Senator
Cnylo brought suit in Dauphin county,
charging Joyce with perjury, to which hi
plnailed guilty, by advice of-counsel, and fm
which tenlenco was passed yesteiday. Much
sympathy is exptessed for Joyco, the general
opinion being the sentenco was tuo severe.
stitti: di:atii to insiiuts.
2.") cents per can. At Povlnsky's drug
stoic, 2S Last Centre street. 0-11 (It
ltlshop 3Ie(io ern's,
lllshop McGovern of the llarrishurg Dio
eose, will visit St. Ignatius parish, Centralia,
Saturday afternoon. The event will bo cele
brated by a parade of let eptlon In which all
tho Catholic societies will participate. At
3 o'clock .Sunday afternoon thero will be
continuation services in the church at which
ouo hundred or tuoro young pceplo will be
Tho best place to buy your wall paper isal
F. J. Portz, 21 North Main street. Wo have
tho largest stock north of the mountain tf
11, -trulls li"i;iit.
Moado and Joe Peters left town on tho (i a, !
m. Pennsylvania icanroati train io-uay to
join Sergeant Pylo's lccruitR at Pottsville.
John Jonca was to have guiio also, hut missed
tho tiaiu and followed them on the N:I." a. in,
train. The fouith member of the patty,
Harry Hafner, went to Pottsville yesterday
The lecrnits start this afternoon for Chicka
mauga. Thu Patriotic Drum Corps seretrulcd
the town recruits last night.
Window similes from 10 cents and upwaid.
Kstiniales given on large similes. F. J. Port.,
23 North Main street. tf
low figures and we will give the public of Shenandoah the benefit of them. The line embraces
Crash suits. Light suits of all patterns and suits in all sizes, styles and colors. This is no
bankrupt or fire sale stock, but goods that come from first hands and made of the finest quality
of material and with the very best workmanship. Call and see us. You will not go away with
out being convinced that we are selling the best goods at the cheapest prices. We won't quote
prices. You will find them marked on every article in the store.
Inspect This
times prices. They are within the reach ot everynociy wno neecis doming ann
last long. A dollar is hard to make now and people must look close to their own
Valiantly City, June 17 - largo concourse
of people astelnbled at the lesidence of. An
thony Ferguson, foreman at the Mahanoy
City colliery, this morning toattend the fun
eaal of his son, I'rank, the High school
graduate, who lost his life whilo bathing at
Lakeside on Monday afternoon. The funeral
was 0110 of the largest seen in the town for
some time. The services were hold in tho
St. Canicus church. Ilcquicm high mass
was celebrated by ltev. Father Dodaghy, as
sisted by Iteys. llogan, of Mahanoy Plane;
Mi Ciilloiigh, of (lininl villi . anil Carroll, of
St. Charles Seminary, nvorbrook. Tho
requiem win played by Prof. Swain. Misses
Nora Gorman and llrldgot Kiurdeu and Mr.
John O'Contiell weto tho soloists. The pall
bearers wero six of the deceased's classmates
The cortege then proceeded by special P. it I!,
liain to Ashland, where Interment was made.
Thero wero 02 aspirants for positions as
school teachers who presented themselvos fur
examination at the Jacksnns school house
yesterday and Wednesday. Most of them
aro residents of tho township, M ihanoy City
anil Slienaiuloali. Hosiiles these thero were
SS more applicants who hold certificates,
making the total number 120. The positions
to ho filled number 32.
The employes at the Primrose colliery will
raise at 10xl3-foot silk (lag to-morrow after
noon. A 10-foot polo has been placed on the
highest point of tho breaker, 72-feet above
the mountain top.
l'.xcavations are being made for tho founda
tion walls of the cnglnos to he placed at tho
Imre holes recently sunk at Jacksons patch.
Aluminum memoranduui hooks with your
uamo cngravod, 23 cents. At llruinm's.
I'liltsville .Selects Delegates.
Just seventeen merchants of Potttvlllc,
several from adjacent places, and 0110 news
paper man met in Pottsvillo last night and
organized to boom haul coal. M. P. Qiilnn,
A 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 I'lince ami li. C. liucii, Jr., wcru
elected delegates to tho convention that
meets ill Scrautnu on June 2S and 2U. An
informal discussion of tho matter of oigaui
zation of a Hoard of Trade took place, but
nothing deflnito was done.
Ire (.'ream l'eHltinl.
The (Irani liiini will bold an lie, ci cam
festival in Ilohhins' opera 011 July 1st
and 2nd. li-KMd
Delegates Iteiurn,
Mcssis. George Willnuin, P. J. Maley,
Joseph Zimmerman and D.ivid D.uldow have
returned from Pliillipsburg, li., where they
attended the Division Dncainpniciit of tho
Sons of Yetorans. Mrs. David llrown and
Mis. D.ivid Morgan have leturned fioni the
same place after attemlaiice at the Ladles'
Aid Society's convention. The next conven
tions of tho respective organizations will bu
held at Ilazletou.
Annual Salos overC,000,000 Boxes
Bitch as Wind and Va n In tho Stovnaeh,
Giddiness. Fulness nlt-r meals, Head
ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings
of Hont, loss of Appetite, Costlvetiess.
lllotches on tho Skin. Cold Chills, Dis
turbed Sleep, Frightful Droams and all
Nervous and Trombllni; Sensations.
will neknowlodgo them to ho
ItCIXHAM'K 1'IM-S taken redirect
ed, will quickly rcstoro Fomalos to com
Iiloto health. They promptly roinovo
obstructions or Irregularities of tho sysv
torn mill euro sick lle.-uliiehc. For n
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Beccham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And hnre the
tfnt:y Patent .tloillclno In the World.
23c. at all Drug Stores,
Here We Are Again !
Look at These Prices !
limiting llnK. m'umh
doublet sew'eil ; still's
sowed on with t'dprt's
turned under ; w a f
ntnted fust nolnrs, I'lin
vus liendhifr with yroui
luiitn. 3xiS foot, if',.-IO;
1MI feet, i?:l 00 ; rt.8 fcut,
i?:! 7" ; li10 foot, l.nil ;
T fi12 feet, !?5-5; 8!2
sfti.W : SMft feet, ; 10x15 f.'i't,
If . vim want an all-wool hunting IIuk, any
size, ni'fiiii furnish tliiiKauio imiiiidialely at
lolM-st easb jtliees.
23 North Main St.
New Stock.
. .
I Hi 11 Works In llesilinc.
Announcement Is made that th Allison
Iron works at Port Carbon will rosumo op
erations noxt Monday after an idleness of
over two years. Sixty men will bo given
employment at the start, A contract re
ceived ft nin California has caused tho re
opeuiiiB of tho works.
Window shades from 10 cents and upward.
Itl mates given on largo shades. F. J. Portz,
21 No.'th Main street. tf
Another Sale
Of 120 Pair
Of Ladies' Shoes
Which have arrived too
late in the season. We had
cancelled the order, but
through a compromise with
the manufacturers we agreed
to accent them and will close
out every pair at
Actually $1.00
Below Selling Price.
HIS sale is not one of odd
with the choicest
picked out. but one in which
all sizes are represented. An
assortment ol every size may
be found on our
is a stock of
counters. It
In black ami tan, button aiu
lace, all widths, nice fancy kid
tons, the kind which we nave
alwavs sold at S.oo. Our
price to-day is
E extend an invitation to
the ladies to call and
see them as this is a golden
opportunity. We don't ad
vertisc such sales unless we
can actually give you the bar-
p-.iins in value and costs. Our
last advertisement on a sale oi
this kind was a winner,
we have not the slightest
doubt that this one: will
eel it.
Ball's Shoe Store,
14 S. Main St.,
Our tables are groaning under the great weight of the
i 11 tt
t --riisnrwis
I'tillivlllt,' I'nblle llnlltlliiL-. I
Kver since, the retirement of ox-CoiiRrois
man lleilly, who succeeded lit having Coll
Ijtess Kraut thu appropriation and tho I
menl tu prepare tho plans fur tho public
building, tho peoplo of 1'otLsvlllo havo
patiently awaited furthordovclupmcnbt, Ad
vertisements asking for proposals for Its
erection havo at last appeared. Tho contract
will ho Riven nutaboutthomldtlloof July.the
building to. bo Hulshed in ton months. It
will he of two utorios, tho material bolus
stone, brick and iron, Tho post ofllco will
bo on the first lloor, and tho second llnnr to
bo divided Into nlllccs for U. S. Commissioner,
revcniio rollectors and other federal officers.
rail of Coat,
Stiney Koshaher, employed at tho Turkey
Uun colliery, had onn of his legs badly cut
and bruised by a falling picco of coal this
afternoon. Ilo was removed to the homo of
his brother, on l'ust I.loyd street.
Hornier Iteleaneit.
Michael Dormer, of Centralia, who thiuw
a stone at Michael Grant and fractured his
skull, was released ft out jail yestcidty.
Grant being out of danger. Tho latter is
still at thelhospltaal.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
If you need a good solid pair
leather insole, this is the place to get
Shoes for 75c. a pair, which will last
urday morning, as some dealers do.
on for good solid goods at very low
very small profits. We tpiiote a few
Children's Shoes, 4, 5, 6 & 7, springheel, patent leather tip, 40ci
A better one for SOCi
Girls' Shoes, black and lace, size n'i to 2, for 6Sc, worth $1.00.
Men's Shoes, vici kid, patent leather tip, $1.75, worth 52.25.
Men's Knaiuel Shoes, brown, patent leather, 32.10 ; worth $3.00.
Half of our Children's and Misses' Shoes are made in Orwigsburg
by George Fo.lmer & Son.
Our line ol Ladies' Shoes cannot be beat, as we buy our own
leather and just pay for the labor in making them. We can, therefore,
sell you good stock at bottom prices.
Our line of Gent's Furnishing Goods cannot bp beat. We also
carry a nice line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
(Michael Peters' Building,)
13 North Main Street, Shenandoah,
We build you a home just as you want it built.
We will submit plans and cost, or pass on the practicability of
any sketch you may have, without any charge. We will build
the house for you according to specifications and by the time
you state barring strikes. We will keep the cost within the
figure quoted and will guarantee that you will be satisfied
with your home. See us about it.
Glenn &
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
Main St., Shenandoah.
It Just Arrived To-day.
. 4 ..Il Ti
nab uny muu ...
interests. This they can do
Ta for over a ,
t'- . . LI
n sa u u wi
1IEURALGIA and elmllar Ooraplaintu'
nun en i m run uiiucr mo eiringcnt
prescribed 6y eminent physicians
a Btinmnn w
World renowned ! Tipm-irkatilr fcticccMful !
Inn whhTrmla Mnrk Anchnr.'
jr. A1. Itlrhtcr A Co., 215 1'oarlSt.,, Acir lurk.
13 Brunch Iterates, Own Qlassworks.
S3,bt0u. Koilorscil is rccouitovntlcd hs
A. Wasley, 106 N. Main St..
. n. Hacenbuch, 103 N. Main St.,
. r. P.D.Klrlln, 6 S. Main St..
snenandoah. t
I Cnl. lvwpe plnHtniiinrh ronuilnliilw
of shoes, with solid counter and
them. We don't keep Ladies'
from Thursday morning till Sat
What you get here you can depend
prices. Our goods will be sold at
prices :
In wall papers ami decorations Is ono of tho
nint'lci'iitli century nceompNlmientn, .Tlint in
why thnsu who select their wnll paper nt
CAItDIN'rf yvt Mich delightful romilK It Isn't
iiecens.iry to purchase the expensive e;raiIoH, tho
(leHint and col- r urn Jimt nt artinHo In tho
cheaper uradcrf, if they aro not so i(ch. Km
thoHU who wish to ileeorato their iiomwith
in lis le wall puper.s o to
224 West Centre Slreel, Shenandoah, I'a.
at extraordinary
bargains we offer. The
m a ii rt finn 'i tif I en 1 1 nn 1M V.
um. uy.w.
by purchasing at our store.
E. B. Foley, 31 st.
U. GOLDIN, Proprietor.