The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 16, 1898, Image 4

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Of the War I
To correctly follow the
war you should read a dai'y and
weekly paper. We have them all,
and serve them promptly without
extra charge. Give your order to
the carrier or leave it at the store.
1X1. VI a In St.
Beef, Wine
rand Iron.
Large Bottle, 50 Cents.
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, l'a.
lh'iitti find I'liiii'i
Tin m nriins (if young Prank lVriwinn, of
A! ill limy it v. wlin w:itiei Mentally drowned
.1 I 1 k . -j. . will l.c interred tn-inurrow
i n 1 - 1 ;( m it-tii high unit-, will lie trio
1 1 1 1 1 M. ( iiuii iis' church. Mtilinnov
n. ii'i In iiVlntk, tiftt-r w liich the i-cirtore
v . .m itll.Oda. m. hy special 1'. & li.
11 mi ini -liluinl, where interment will be
Tin tuneral of ex-Chief Ilurgt-ss .I11I111, of Gitbertan, took place yesterday
wish interment Bt Frackvillo and w..s largely
Mi-. II11M1. wife of ("apt Iiiihard Illlbh, ft
lr in in m lirmiil Aitny man. died at her
liomt in l'nHcr l ity, axed (IB years, inter
iiirni Iml.iy. The h ti iliiiiul and scvcinl
.lillllt 1 lllltllcll BulviVC.
Mi- 1111 Uerrity died ut tho enmity bun
(iiul, ni liuylkill llavun, yesterday after an
illness nf several weeks' duration. Deceased
formerly resided at St. Clair nud subsequent
l at Mahanoy Plane.
Si-ter LotettH, who was Miss Anna Shay
before she entered tho sisterhood, a daugh
ter' Policeman Henry Shay, of I'ottsville,
nted 011 Tuesday at St. Joseph's hospital,
lliadmg. Sister l.orettn was a victim of
'"it-mnitnii. She was 21 years old and a
member of thu Third Order of St. Francis.
Tin1 funeral of Mr?. Julia Vcpplior, who
die 1 at li,i keuiacK, N. J., aired 70 years,
took place at I'ottsville. this afternoon. Her
lati husband, (leorgo S. Jteppllcr, was atone
1 1 tin a inal niemtor of this county.
Window shades from 10 cents and upward.
IVtiinati given on large shades. K. J. Portz,
S3 V.rth Main street. tf
Tin- Trim-ports Will I'rolmlily l.unvo
sun Prum-KiMi 'roiiiorrow,
S.m li'r.inrlHi'ii. Junt 15. Thirty-five
hundit-il snldlcrt, left rump Merrill yes
lerJjn, manlied to the (locks and
bi'jrdiil the transports which arc to
f om tin- second expedition ntrnlnst the
1 'liilipplnes. Today has been set for
Failing day, but It Is doubtful If the
v iap' begins before- tomorrow. Tho
lb t ill be ir.nde up ns follows: Steam
er 1 '1111111 First ('oli)iadn Infantry, two
T 1 1I1 I. itti rles, light artillery and half
nf 1 In- r.i-ihtfentb United Stntes In
fantry. Steamer Colon Twenty-third
I nlt.-d States Infantry and half of the
J-ilitii-nth United States Infantry.
Kr-.-irin-r Zealnndln Tenth I'ennsylva
nio vinnleer lnfuntry. Steamer Spli
nt, ir Fust Nebraska volunteer Infan
n v Kim-idler Uene-rnl On-ene Is In
nun, itnl uf the expedition. Ills ad
jm mi K' ni-ral Is Captain Bates, of the
S, v ntj -liist New York volunteers.
Win n every thing was ready for the
li' mill march to the water front the
rn. n weie lined up In heavy marching
i.l-r Tin- streets presented a won
I itull.N iialKHc military scene as one
iy nil-' the companies were marched to
lhe ..ii.iili- Rround and the last evolu
ti"ns in Camp Merrltt gone through
with The companies all passed In
spei tion. and as they marched through
the 1 .imp the 9,000 soldiers who were to
be left behind gave the departing sol
di' rs 1 In er upon cheer.
It whs nearly noon when tho Inst
compniiv left cump. Most of the com
namllng ulllcers took their men down
'.'idtii Hate avenue, which thorough
t re h ted with people anxious to
x h tin- 1 trade. Business houses were
ip-nrrted for the occasion. Some
1 ,-l lui'-il bands to play patriotic airs,
I'Ui the music furnished was utmost
dr"'iii-d out at times by the noise of
xi'loiJiiiR bombs.
t.ast , . ntng tlie transports left their
a,,, kp f"i anchorage In ie stream, tho
-rk nf t limmlng cargoes having been
mi'li ii-il. It has been given out that
the v. ssi ls will get away for Mnnllu
ri'ira tune today, but from unolllclal
Biurc-, u Ik learned that much le
n una to be done before the fleet can
t. i e Its departure, and that tomorrow
viii probal'iy be the day finally set for
tli' "iiinii'iicement of the voyage.
Manila ( iiiinot llcsl-t Itombardiuout.
I'iul'in. June Hi. The Shanghai cor
I' -pi'ii'li-nt of The Dally Tek graph, for
i aiding advices he has received from
Manila up to June 8, says: "On June
r, the Insurgents forced the passage, of
tlit- Z.ipote river and captured Las
Viiias and I'aranakl. Sine then, up to
th' time my advices left Manila, the
fit hi 111 k hud been continuous and the
Hpnniauls were being gradually driven
In. The full of the elty seems Imminent
b fore the arilval of the American
forces. Manila Is absolutely Incapable
of resisting bombardment. Admiral
Dc wey Is surprised at the rebel prog
r -- but the Spaniards suspect that
the Insurgents are lighting under Amer
K in guidance."
"Will ltofuso to t;o to Wnr,
N. wp irt News, Viu, June 15. The
f'nglneers. stokers and ordinary sea
men who have been In sorvlcu on the
scout ships Yale and Harvard will re
fuse to go to Ma on the vessels when
they leave this port as auxiliary cruiser-
These men were In the employ
if the American line when the steam-
el i w-re b used by the government, and
they signed articles of -agreement for
on-- year, "but claim they did not enlist
In the navy, und therefore cannot be
compelled to go Into service on a wnr
( hip. especially as most of them are
BUbJei ts of foreign powers.
Jlcwcy an 11 I'l'iiiiiutui' of ltobolllou,
Madrid, June ID. In the chamber of
deputies discussion turned yestorday on
the reported treaty mude with the In-Kurt.-,
nts in the Philippines before the
outbreak of the war with the United
Slates. General La Cliambre declare l
that the insurrection would not have
rr vivid but for Admiral Dewey's ap
pearance ut .Mun I la. The disaster at
Cavlte was due, he said, to the neglect
of the authorities ut Manila, "as a few
torpedoes laid at the entrance to tin
channel would have frustrated th
Americans." He urged the government
to deal with the responsible parties,
Their Aid Invaluable to Our Ma
rines on Crest Hill.
The liinui'Keiit (fciicrnl ICnlibt Hum Oc
cupied At'OI'I'iidtroi, About I'.IkIU
.Mllc l'i'iim sunt Iniro, tunl the l.niid
IllK or shnllj-rN Troow Im Amii'i'd.
"Washington. .Tune 1G. Like the re
lief of the hclenguered at Lucknow
lump the wcleottj news to the navy de
partment yesterday afternoon that the
little band of American marines who
bnd planted the (lag on Crest 11111 and
were defending h nhthl and day against
heavy odds, were not only snfe, but
were strongly reinforced by 1,500 Cu
bans from the commands of (tarda
and linhbl, and were now strong
enough to more than hold their own.
It wns disclosed In n dispatch from Ad
miral Sampson, and brought much te
lle! to naval officials.
The early reports had Indicated that
the marines wem surrounded, and It
was fenred thnt they might be com
pelled to teturn to the ships before
General Shafter's Invading army reach
ed there 011 Filday. The coming of the
Cuban forces seems to have been In the
nick of time, and naval officials glva
the fullest credit to the timeliness of
this Cuban cn-op'-nitlnn. The admi
ral's dispatch t:it(d that the condi
tion of the mat iocs was "entirely sat
isfactory," Willi h assurance, although
brief, was enough to relieve the officials
here of the fears they had entertained.
But probably the most significant
feature of the admlrnl's dispatch was
the statement that the Cuban General
tlabhl had occupied Acerrnderos. only
eight miles from Sun lingo, and practi
cally a suburb or that Spanish strong
hold. It was tin- execution of a plan
arranged In Washington some weeks
ago, when two of the staff officers of
Ooneral Uarcln came here to confer
with Ooneral Miles. At that time Unr
ein and liiihbi were at Bayatno, In the
western part of Santiago province and
more than 100 miles northwest of San
tiago de Culm. Admiral Sampson's
dispatch showed that Itabbi and his
force has made a complete circuit of
Santiago de Cuba, and coming up to
the south of It had occupied Aceri adores.
This Is looked upon as a flue military
stroke, fur Aceiiaderos Is the pint
Where Iron wharves will afford facili
ties for unloading the heavy nrtllleiv
carried by General Shafter's Invading
expedition. The news also indicated
to the authorities here that the Span
ish garrison at Santiago has practlcnl
ly retreated Inside the city proper, giv
ing up the outlying towns.
Admiral Sampson also reports that
General Garcia is co-operating with the
American forces. Whether this means
that Garcia himself has arrived from
Bayamo Is not quite clear, but If he has
the joint forces of Garcia and Itabbi
will make 8,000 to G.000 seasoned Cu
buns, recently armed with Spring fields,
as a bushwhacking guerilla force, to aid
the American troops. From sources
other than the dispatch of Admiral
Sampson the navy department has been
Informed that MO Cubans were render
ing efficient aid to the marines at Crest
III1I. Now that Ttabbl and Garcia an
on the scene this 500 will be swelled to
In making his march Ilabbl has cross
ed the line of communication between
the Spanish commander. General I'an
do, at Ilolguln. and the Spanish forcew
nt Santiago. This fact makes It clear
that Santiaiio Is not likely to gpt reln
lorceiiK nts from General I'ando. In
circling around Santiago to rench
Acerrndores Habbl, it Is believed here,
has also established It as. a fact that
the lines of communication and relief
to Santiago are Interrupted and prac
tically cut off in nil directions.
Secretary Alger denied positively that
the government was considering the
advisability of making another call
for volunteer troops. On the contrary,
the wnr department ts now entirely oc
cupied with the task of completing the
equipment of the large number of or
ganizations still without accoutrements,
and has not yet even taken up In oar
nest the procurement of the 75,000 men
called for In the second proclamation
of the presldi ni. All th it hrt. been done
so far under that nil Is to arrange to
1111 up the rimenls sec-iind under the
first call that are short according to
the present "inndiird of tin- service.
Tlui.DIauioiiil .Meet.
The Diamond meet of tho Mahanoy City
Athletic Association will ho hold at the paik
in that town 011 July Ith. at 2:30 p. 111. Ben
is tho lUt of piizes: One. nillo novice First
prize, diamond, f 15; second, hath robe, f 10:
i. ir, dun mild Ian ran First
prize,' diamond ring. $35: t-ciund. diamond
ting, $2n; tlnio, niamonii pin, i"". luium,
shoes, $fi One mile open Fiist prize, din
1 .!,.,, c-'.-, t, cr.nil. diamond ring, $2."i:
,11.,,,!,, ml win. Sl.ri-. fourth, shoes. Sit.
Ono 'nillo handicap First prize, diamond
.l .llnninnd rlllL'. J2S: Ihiid.
diamond cull' buttons. $15; fourth, shoes, j5
Two milo handicap first, prio, iiianionn
... .-. ,1 .liuiiinml 1I11L'. ?2.: third.
diamond cud' buttons, $15; fourth, shoes,
Five milo handicap First, prize, uiaunnu .
$35; second, diamond, $25; third, diamond,
$16; fourth, shoos, $5.
I'rcscnts for graduates at lirumns.
1'lvo Now Auxiliary 'iii,Voho'N.
Mow York. .Tune 1G. Arrangements
have been completed for securing five
vessels for the gov eminent, u ney are
the Louisiana, Knickerbocker and Hud
son, of the Cromwell line; the Catania,
of the Tweedle Trading company, and
the Arcadia, of the New York and
Porto Hlco Stpamshtp company. They
will be chartered for CO days, with the
privilege of n n, -nit!. The government
Is to assume war risks. The vessels
will be coaled and titled out to go to
Tamps at urn e.
l'st il l. NAT. '
ITEUIULGIA oul iimllar Complaints'
unu i'j , ft u uii'i' r inn t-irtngcnt
lirchur-iiui 1 cuiianipnyBician8imrjj
WOl lil r. wiirn HI: in irl. iMyniiTpfcufull
fliilvo, ,ti ", li Trmlrt Alurlt Anrhnr '
t. Xi, ItirlilrrA to.. SJlI'i arlSt.. lorl. 11
nH-jrrhFmi-cii, 0- 'I Gins wmlj.
A. NVadey, 106 N. Main St.,
wji!,.". nuBcuiiiicii, iuj a. main hi., ,
tKjfMs.r-r.u. jiinin, 6 h. Main St.,
"ANCJIOlt" T(3IACIIAT. ti.t tn,
I P"1.1' lvpeplii AHtniiiiirli f'iliiiliilnl. I
risM i
The rentiers of the IIickai.d are
entitled to an explanation by the
publishers for the lateness of the
issue and unusual appearance of
the paper.
As the forms were about to be
placed on press one of thein was
accidently knocked down from the
position in which it had been placed
pending its final deposit 011 the
press, and ns a result the entire
fouith page was wrecked, or as
printers term it, "pied." In order
to avoid missing the issue alto
gether it was necessary to get the
mailer together with all the haste
possible and run it out in its pres
ent shape. The damage will be
fully repaired in time for to-morrow's
issue, when the columns will
be in their usual newsy shape.
A pretty wedding ceremony took place at
noon to-day at tlio lesldence of Mr. and
Mrs. Jool i'trshall, 011 Korth .lanlin street,
their daughter, Mim Mabel, being the bride
and John L, (Ititllths, son of l'eter ( 1 ri Hi I lis
ilie well known merchant of (llr,irdville,
being tho bridegroom. The bridesmaid
uuro Miss Clara (irilllths, sister of the
bridegroom, and .Iis Sadio liaugli, of town
Messrs. Luther linKcnriuf, of Shamokin, and
Arthur Marshall, of town, weie the uniunn
incn. Tho ceiemony tool; place In the
ps.rlor, which was handsomely dc( orated
with Doners. Tho ollii iatiug rlergymin was
Itev. James Mooic, pastor of tho Primitive
Metliodist cliuieh of to'Mi, assisted by l!ev.
S. T. NUholls. of the (llrardville
Primitive Methodist ehiiich. Albr Hie
ceremony there was a dinner. 'it which plates
were laid for nearly a hundred guests from
several towns of the region. This afternoon
tho bridal couple left for their tour, which
will embrace visits to relatives at llarris
burg, Cailisleaud Riltimorc.
Another Sale
Of 120 Pair
Of Ladies' Shoes
Which have arrived loo
late in the season. We had
cancelled the order, but
through a compromise with
the manufacturers we agreed
to accept them and will close
out every pair at
Actually $1.00
Below Selling Price.
npHlS sale is not one of odd
sizes, with the choicest
picked out, but one in which
all sizes are represented. An
assortment of every size may
be found on our counters. It
is a stock of
fL Shoes
In black and tan, button and
hice, all widths, nice fancy kid
tops, the kind which we have
always sold at $3.00. Our
price to-day is
A 711 extend an invitation to
' the ladies to call and
see them as this is"" a golden
opportunity. We don't ad
vertise such sales unless we
can actually give you the bar
gains in value and costs. Our
last advertisement on a sale ot
this kind was a winner, and
we have not the slightest
doubt that this one will ex
cel it.
Ball's Shoe Store, i
14 S. Main St.,
When tho yellow flap- of quarantine
Is hoisted over a dwelling it means disease
and daiiKer. So when tho yellow ling
flies in tho faco wlien the cheek is sallow
and tho clear white of tho eyo is dyed
saffron there is danger. It is liver
trouble. Tho livor is one of tho most im
portant organs of the hody. On the
proper dischargo of Its functions depend
human health and happiness. When tho
liver fnils of ita duty, poisons nt once be
gin to generate, and other organs of the
liody becomo involved. Novcr neglect
the liver if you value health. If you aro
suffering from liver trouble, begin at
onco tho use of Ayku's Pii.i,s and you will
find prompt rcliof and permanent cure.
" was to weakened by lirer trouble that
1 eimld trareely lfl my head. While in
thit condition I began the uie of Ayer'i
1'ilh, and finding almotl immediate benefit,
cmtinued their uie until I was cured of
my complaint!'
Towner, N. D.
No Chancoa
With Your Liver
Mil: WliATIIHll.
The foiecast for Priilay : Fair In pattly
cloudy weather, slightly warmer In the in
terior, with light and fiesh easterly winds,
followed by local ruin in thu western dis
D.ivld Owens has returned from a visit to
William Womer transacted business at
Philadelphia to-day.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ilnrkc left town this
morning for Philadelphia '.o vi-it fiiends.
Diiertor of tho Poor Stephen Middlelnn
of Maizoville, was a visitor to town to-day.
Mrs. Daniel Kecdy and two children, and
her mother, Mrs, Mann, havo gone to
XoscopecU to visit relatives.
Misses Vii die and Lizzie Hasslcr, of Potts
vilie, aro guests at tho llobbins homestead.
Mrs. Amandus Womcr has returned homo
from an extended sojourn among friends at
Miss Kato ITanna has gone to Philadelphia,
which place sha will make her future homo.
Miss niien Kinney is home from New Yoik.
Shu will spend her vacation at thu houiu of
her parents at Connors' patch.
Miss draco Pertuam linglchart, of I'.ist
Orange, N. J., Is a guest of her aunt, .Mrs.
W. M. 11-uHcr, of South Jardln street.:
Miss Sidio Zimmerman returned to l'otts
villo yesterday, after spending several days
with her parents on West Coal stieet.
A little stranger has made its appearance
in thu homo of Conductor Prank Klaliurty,
at Connors'. 'It was welcomed cordially.
The happy countenance of Prank notes it.
Tho best plac o to buy your wall paper is at
V. .1. Porta, !21 North Main street. Wo have
the laigest stock north of thu mountain, tf
A All'.ilr.
A veiy pleasant social all'.iir was tendered
Prof. Ihnest A. Diltry, of South Itethlehem,
last evening. Thu event took place at tho
residence, of Mr. and Mrs. N. .1. lioughey,
and was attended by tho following guests:
l!ev. and Mrs. O. V. Van Fossun, Miss Maggio
Van Fosscn, Mr. mil Mrs. Cliailes Haskins,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph llluks, Mr. and Mrs.
N .1. lioughey, Mrs Prico and Miss Mary
flrilliths, and Messrs. Thomas Timmins,
Charles and Kdwaid lioughey, Hubert Fish
burn and Masters Joseph, William J., Albert
and Georgo Iliuks. Mr. D.iltry was tlio
soloist of thu evening, and his selections
wero both dillkult and excellent.
Second ."Mimtln ICxpedltlon SntlR.
Snn Frunelscj, .Tune C. The second
expedition from Kan Francisco to the
Philippines nailed yenterdny. The total
number of olllcets and men In the ex
pedition is 3.010. This, with the 2.C00
who are en route to Manlln, will Rive
Admit al IJewiy a Kupporllns force of
over C.OOO well armed, well equipped
nnd well KeiiHoucd soldiers. It Is ex
pected that the expedition which sailed
yesterday will arrive ut Manlln nbout
July I. Jf it sh-iuld arrive on time It I.s
not unlikely that theie niny be an In
dependence day celebration of tjreat
significance in the far cast.
More ltt-crultH,
Joseph I'etuis, Harry Hauler, Meade
Pelers and John Jones have icciulted in Co
F, -Ith liegt., Pa. Vol., and will leavo town
on tho a a. ni. P nnsylvania railroad train
to-morrow fur I'ottsville, at which placo they
will join Sergeant l'ylo and other recruit
and proceed to Chattanooga.
2," cents tier can. At l'ovluskv's druc
store, 28 Hast Cuutro street. 0-1 l-Ot
j. VrererencoT
Onco 111 a Kreat whllo Mr. Dlynklns de
velops mi lniprosslon that ho is wiser Hum
lik wife. This stato of mind Is only occa
hlotial, owIhk to tho completeness of dem
onstrations to tho contrary which almost
Invariably fo'hnv it. Tho baby had lioeit
crying. All hercirorts toKiotholt' had been
vain, nnd dually Mr HlynUlns laid down
tlio book wIiomj midbm ho had Interrupt
ed two orthroo times ajiaijo to cast blumo
ful Mlanees and wild:
"You ait) not adopting tho method llko
llObt to quiet tlio child. You hnvo been
huinmlliK to it, but what tlio child needs
is music (livehliii to mound I'll hhow
you what I nicjin."
lie took llio child und proceeded tochant
lullaby. The Uttlo uno Mopped crying and
htnred at him.
"Theinl" wild Mr. lllynklns ns ho
rcaclu'd tho end of a vcmi. "What ho
wanted was iniislo, ivj1 intislo. Of courso
tho fact that I ud to slii In a glco club
and had my voluo cultivated may uiako a
difference! too."
Ho hud not got very far Into tho nost
fetaiia when there camo a riliK at tho boll,
llo gavo the baby to his wife while ho
opened the door. A plrl of 14 or 15 mild:
'Wo'ie iho j ihijiIh who havo just muved
Into tho lint hIhjvo. Theru's n bid; lady
with us and cnjslf It's nil tho saino to
you, would .,. inhid Jutting tho l aby ciy
Instoad uf bii.filiiK to It." Wiiihlngton
'1'ntlioi' mid sou l.yiKilii'il,
Clarendon. Ark., June IB. Hev. Moses
Hick, a 25-year-old negro preacher and
lellgiou exliorter, well known amons
the members nf his rape In this vicinity,
was taken fioin JII And lynched by a
mob of 300 citizens in Uiu southern por
tion of this (Monioe) county Monday
night. Kicks was under arrest for out
laglng a farmer's wife. He confessed,
links' father wns u(ln'd on Sunday
idulit for coinplkliy in the same crime.
A Hlieuaiiiloali Volunteer Willos l inin the
falls Chin eh Oniiip,
'i'lio following letter lias heeu rocolvcd from
our townsman, Corporal Lewis A. Hopkins,
Co. F, Sth Regiment, l'a. Vol., now nt (imp
Alger, Falls Church, Virginia. It will prove
Interesting reading to many :
KniTol! Kvenino Ilr.n.u.n : Wo nro nil
well nnd enjoying camp life. Tho tctnpera
ttitedown here is very warm, but tlio hojs
arc standing It well, ('rant Troutmati at
tends tho Salvation Army meeting every
evening mid William James is aspiring to ho
n preacher, lie is a good one. William
Williams is still a big sniukor. John Foglc,
Stcvo Lindcniuuth and John KaU seem tu
cotalittlo homu sirk when soldiers' wives
pay a visit to the camp. Two members of
Co. K, Mahanoy City, wero taken to tlio
guard house this morning for going away
from .camp and remaining over night. One
of them was Ivtdly soared, Ho thought lio
I would bu shot. Karh got extra duty as a
1 Well, whero Is Shenandoah in this war?
It looks as if they have shut thu doors nud
j aro going to stay al homo. It certainly looks
I had that out of a population of about 18,000
only four have conic to the front. Whoroaro
all tho pcoplo who had so much to say about
this war V Have they left tho town ? When
, tho olllcurs went homu the first time wo
looked for some ot the Shonaiidoah peoplcjto
cotno with them, hut they didn't. Now that
ofllcors are going homo to get mora men wo
will expect to seo somo coinu with them from
Shenandoah; and if thcro aio nono wo will
begin to think that there are no moro soldiers
What tho newspapers sny aboutus having
It so hard here is tiuu. Sumu days wo haven't
enough to eat, and sometimes the meat is
stale. Hut wu all knew before wo caiuo lliat
we would havo to put up with it ns our
fathers did m lbfll.
I havo heard that there is a vulutitccr
company in Shenandoah, Why do they not
try Hiid get into the service. Thcro is room
' fur two mule companies in our regiment, ns
1 wo aru to have twelve companies. I would
advise all who cannot put ifp with hard liv
I ing not to come, ns they would holiko u groat
I many more of the new boys kicking. Hut
I it duos not do any good here. I don't know
how soon e will leavo to go fuithur South.
Tho P. O. of T. A. of Oir.inlvlllo sent us n
very haniKonie and useful present. Wo ex
pect to have a good tiuio to-uight, when
somu new men como in.
Tho now mei from Schuylkill have just
arrived and they aro all looking well, but u
few days will tell on them. It is very warm
down hcru. The now men think it is very
hut, but wo consider it comparatively cool to
what it has been. There aro n great many
of tho men sick in our camp. Thcro are
100 in tlio hospital. Tho Shenandoah
men aru nil well at prevent. Nono of us
havo been sick since wo left homo, which
was two months ngo. William James has
just gone on guard and will remain there
until one o'cluck to-morrow. Fathor O'Con
nor sent us a box of cigars and some eatables.
Only ono of tho Sliunudoah boys camo down
with tho new lot, aud that was Fred. Gibson,
ohn lla ker camo down with tho boys from
Potlavillo. llu now belongs to Compauy
11 btli Hegt. .There must he something,
wrong with the boys at home, that aru
so t'ovv coming to Tight fur a good cause.
( Troutinan is cutting a dash to-day
with llo wars on his coat, I don't know why
ho is wearing them. Thcro aro no girls here,
except negroes, and 1 don't think ho caros
for them. William James will start for homo
someday this month, on a furlough. Harry
ti l i in til is down here, no belongs to Co, 11
13th lieg't. I am now camping on tho same
ground upon which my father camped when
ho was in tho servico for thu Union in 1601
I mention this because 1 nuvor cxpucted to ho
in war camp on tho same fluid upon which
ho served 3i years ago.
Mahanoy City, Juno 10. A party of sixty
live menihersof tho H.iltimoro Coal Exchange
anived hero yesterday afternoon in a special
1. it 11, train of two cars. The party was
guided by Superintendent John Voith, of
I'ottsville, nnd madu an inspection of tho
improvements at Tunnel Pddgo colliery, after
which departuro wns madu for Shamokiu to
visit tho Henry Clay colliery nt that placo,
Last night tho party left Shainokin for liar-
lisburg, homuffard bound.
inks Want u Onlilo.
Tho Ashland Klksaro feeling rather spry
for Hlksaud hnvo challenged thu Hazlcton
lodge to play a gamo of base hall at Ashland
soiuo time this month.
Spuclal Stock Salo.
10. F. Supowit. went to Philadelphia to-day
topnichasua factory stock of footwear and
announces that ho will have a big special bale
on Saturday.
(Soiioruls Who Accoinpnuy simpler
Tampa Fin., June 1C The following;
Bonernl ofiiicrs accompanied Ooneral
Shatter on his expedition to Santlaco
Major General Joseph Wheeler, rtrle;-
adler Generals J. V. Kent, II. S. Hawk
Ins, S. S. Sumner, J. C. Hates. S. U. M.
Young, II. W. I.awton and A. n. Chaf
fee. Major General llrecklnrldse and
Hrlgndler General AVilllam Ludlow
went us inspecting officer and engineer
oflleer, respectively.
Selionnor Sunk, Flvo Drowned.
New York, June 10. Tho schooner
Gypsum Princess, of I'arrsboro, N. S.
was sunk by a collision with the North
German I.U yd steamer 13ms at 9 o'clock
Tuesday mrht. The captain of the
Gypsum Princess. David Merrlam, his
wife nnd their oldest bov, Edgar, tho
mate, a girl of 11 yenrs and a boy of G,
were drowned. Sanford Murray, the
cook or the schooner, had bis leg
broken. Five nf the crew besides Mur
ray were saved by the Kms.
ooo o-oooooooc
. Webster's
: xateraiationali
Tho Ouo (i rent Stnmlnrtl Authority,
rlu Hon. . J. ItrnuT,
'ww . . o. nu in i mo t outl.
Ipfthor.K.nov'tlMntinK i
Ofllce, the V, H. Hupremo i
Conn, All the hum tin-.
pieme i ourn.ftnuor near
ly nil tho bchoolbooki.
t7 RtAto HimcrintpnilfDtji ,
or ht-lioolti, ('(iliWu I'ri'gt. (
(Witii.nml other Kflurutou I
In the hotiBi lioltt, niul In (
ji-mh.h.h until, aim inii.
i ii m cusy io unu me worn wnnteil.
' It is cosy to ascertain the prominclaf on
J It Iseajy to trace the grow th of n word.
j mi,; in ,(.-uin wiiui u vveru means.
? v'.',n FfK v"r,c Trllntno f!nym
in,; 1 ', ,ti, in ni i. .linn from tin, i,r,,M villi n
S ! ' '"''" "'H;i li- imwt tlwniHirhi',11.
' ' i' ;l , i ' i u liiis a ik t.'i whiLli tu'i i
t i , Mun , num.
h " s o i mi n i in,, t stnt t tuullcktum tu
6 .A-r. MVltUTAM CO., VnliUshorH,
Tho Rosy Freshness
Anil a velvety softness of thu skin is inva
riubly nlitaim-d by thoci who use I'ozzoni'b
Complexion "owdcr.
9 I gg HhP Krni
William J. Bryan's First Publio
Utterauco on tho War.
Deelnrex Tlint Our tJiivorniiiont Only
Took tip Arms Wbon (.'iiiiipolled to
CIioom! Itel wuen War nud Servile Ac-(lilc-('ciice
In Ilurlinroiis Criloltles.
Omnhn, Neb., Juno 15. The Nebraska
building at the exposition was dedi
cated yesterady with appropriate cere
mony amid the plaudits of thousands
of the state's citizens. Governor HoN
comb and his staff took part In the ex
orcises, along with many of tho state's
most distinguished residents. The prin
cipal sneaker nt the day was Hon.
"William J. lirynn, nnd the oration was
notable as being his llrst publio dec
laration on the war Issue. lie said In
"War Is harsh; It Unattended by hard
ship and suffering: it menus a vast ex
pendituic of men und timn.'y. Wo may
well pray for the coming of the time,
promised In Holy Writ, when the spenrs
phall be beaten Into pruning hooks and
the swords Into plowshares; but uni
versal peace cannot come until Jus
tice Is enthroned throughout tho world,
Jehovah deals with nations as ho deals
with men, and for both decrees that
tho wages of sin Is death. Until tho
right has triumphed In every land and
love reigns In every heart government:)
must as a last resort appeal to force.
"Our nation exhausted diplomacy In
Its efforts to secure a peaceful solution
of the Cuban question, and only took
up arms when it was compelled to
choose between war and servile acqui
escence in cruelties which would havo
been a disgrace to barbarism.
"History will vindicate tho position
taken by the United States In the war
with Spain. In saying this I assume
that the pi..iclplcs which were Invoked
In the Inanimation of the war will ba
observed In Its prosecution nnd con
clusion, ir a contest undertaken for
the sake of humanity degenerates Into
n war of conquest we shall find it dif
ficult to meet the charge of having
added hypocrisy to greed. Is our na
tional character so weak that we can
not withstand the temptation to ap
propriate the first piece of land that
comes within our reach?
"To Inflict upon tho enemy all pos
sible harm Is legitimate warfare, but
shall we contemplate a scheme for tho
colonization of tho Orient merely be
cause our fleet won a remarkable vic
tory In the harbor of Manila? Our
guns destroyed a Spanish llect, but can
they destroy that self evident truth,
that governments derive their Just
powers not from superior force but
from the consent of the governed?"
Tim ltnli For the llondt.
New York, June 1C Tho demand for
the new Issue of bonds kept up all day
yesterday, and when the sub-treasury
closed nt 3 o'clock a number of appli
cants were still In line. Altogether C47
Individual Fubscrl' tl ins, aggregating
!;243,000 were tecelved during tho day,
making a total for the two days of
$2SC,0SO. Similar reports of the rush
for the bonds pome from Philadelphia,
Uostou and other places.
- xjxtru Hgaii cc.
I heard u Mory lately of a hlghlaiidcr
who had been perbiiaded to buy a ticket
for a rnille. Ho won tlio first prize, n bi
uyclo, but on being told of his good for
tune, instead of hugging himself with de
light, ho said: "Wee, that's jlst nm luck;
buying two tickets wian yin wud V dona
Hs jlst a saspenco wasted. " Dundco
I'ei.plo'K Journal.
A Ha
Ir ono at
gives it.
A Handsome Complexion I
j ot tlio greatest charms n woman can f
to rnvnniOT.
Tk Danger of Neglecting a "Common Cold."
Serious and Often Fatal Maladies may
Result from Carelessness.
From the t?cws, Harrisonburg, La.
Tn rr.nst Instances eolds ore tho result of
Imprudence or u lack of forethought, Kven
in vasiH whvro n tuilden change In tlio
wenllicr or nu iiuavoiJnlilo cxim'iuro U re
hponsible for the first slight ruld, fresh und
moro fci'vero colds may be avoided hy ob
fcrvlnu a little care, llut "a incro void " la
mch a common thing nnd causes to little
inunnvenienco that notwithstanding all pre
vious experiences we neglect to take the
ino't simple precautions, in tho way of
wearing tultablo clothing, tlio nvoiduuee of
(IrauKlits, etc.
One should always bear in mind the
necessity of csercHlnp n constant vigiluino
to nvoid ealehinpf cola. When the U-nipcru-lure
in the houso Is higher than tUt out of
doors, never go out without puttliiK on an
additional wrap. Never sit in a cold room
even though you do not feel chilly. And It
is better to sudor a little discomfort from
wearing heavy underclothing than to run
fie risk of a chill.
The following letter from a lady In Welly
Inland, I,u., graphically illustrates tho (lis.
fretting -consequences tiet aro liable to fol
low a simple cold,
" In FeliniMT! 1890. I had n ssvue eold
which settled en my lungs, faulting in a
n rioiis rougn, iy nppeiue laueu, ami j
liiTiuno to weak that I was scarcely able to
wnlk across th room, I weighed only
ninety-four pounds, and had glren up all
hope of reooycry when I happened to read
tu article in a newspaper arsciiking some
Annual Sales overO, 000,000 nones
such as Wind and Tain In tho Stomach.
Giddiness, Fulness niter meals, Head
ache, Dizziness, Drowslnoss. Flushings
of Heat. Loss of Appetite, Oostlvencss.
Jllotches on tho Skin. Old Chills, Dis
turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and nil
Nervous nnd Trembling Honsatlotii.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Kvory sufforer
will nckuowlodgo thum to bo
lli:i:cil,M'S PiLH, taken ns direct
ed, will quickly rcstoro Fomalos to com
plete health. They promptly romovo
obstructions or irregularities of tho sys
tem nud euro Melt Headache. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boccham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And havo the
Of any l'atcnt Medicine lutlic World.
25c. at all Drug Stores.
il i!vl!c. Fashionable. Original. Perfcct
? Tilling;. Prices lO ami lGccntH.
Q None higher. None better at any price.
J Some reliable merchant sells ilicra in
J nearly every city or town. Ask for
u them, or they can be tad by mail fro
J us in either New York or Chicago.
J Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet
S tent upon receipt of one cent to pay
V posirgc.
Brightest ladles' magazine published.
Invaluable for the home. Fashions of
the day. Home Literature, Household
Hints, Fancy "Vork, Current Topics,
Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, in
cluding a I'rco pattern, your own selec
tion any time. Send two 2-cent stamps
for sample copy, Address
142-146 West l4lh Street, New York.
J89 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. "
SliwM be h Every Homo and Library.
Is written hy lUaht Hon YHItnm Kwnrt (ihuiMPM-,
Ki.rrfrnier ot (irc-ut Jintiim iw IreiiiM.1, Ciir ter,
Kn , Kov. A, II. tiii Vucn'- Co!Ipj.h. (liforJ. : n ,j
Itev H.iMiial lvo OnrMnn, I. I., ChtcuM '1 ! i. ,f
Seminary, Uliicuiiu, IIL.itm. I'leiUrfu V I'iirtnr, I) h,
I.K.S., lfnii o( (Vitr-tvir.", (dtilf ihury, J nir.i Kev,
I.lmcr H.(Jtitnn, l).Ii.,TaflH Coll ,;h, Kmnervllle. Mii.(
Iifv. Irnnt W (litnunulus 1. h Ainiuur Ip-tituto,
Jiu'.ii;t, lit , Kov. (ioor.'ft r. IV ntvon:, D.D., Mnrylo.
tx-iio l're-btTian Ohuroli, Loin ion. j nu , ltov I! H.
MacArtliur. I) U., CiWury Jtai.tiwt tJliurtli, Nt w Vorlc
(My, N. y. Uv. Mnrtvi Humnmrbnll, l.l),. Mn n
Ktrt-nt t reo h ijitt-t ('hurrh, lnifton, Wo ;Itv 1 muk
M. Ur.Atnl, u i) KtM MfthcMtmr J ( t liurth,
ivunHton, II,., I iv W, T. Mo.iip, LL.P.. '"J , hi -(Inn
dcrmiTinfiiltli." Ix)nlon, 1 rtif i Ituv. 1 ilw nt
V.fT"tt Ilnle, !).! , South .' Cliui" !i
ilin-ion, M(.; lie ,' ih Ar;a- lJeel, J).I.( . i, n
(Villace, Iic)imonil, lint:.: Itev, On nor Itono Git -tiry,
Ir'isl(i llnlvrstt, x(ir, (jermnnf; Itev Win,
OlKtVfr Wnklii-nn. J).I . Vt icrttit? at r. Iciib , :hi
rifO, llll. Kuv. hnmupl llti.t, 1I, 'Jiitilyt ijlli n,
Uni iroH,(!oiin.i Monro 'IHmnn, 1) ) Kt..Iotin'i4
Wo hI WcMlittbrtnii Citui "!i. I.nm'nn, I n llev Cnurpo
C lrinn r, M..t ThH 'icuinic, JIii-Ioii, Al.i-a.
I'OI-II.AK HUIIO."lHJ rC''-t M fnll-i'opH Itluxtrii
tlon. Rllt edcw, clolli, JtOJ, ImH luvunt. p'.uu, lull
lorfinr. $0.fti.
cIti. bf lu A -rftlt t itf -i, I'll! 1 v .ii', uni vniuii i
ll'i UI. Stilft Ii -I wo ml i.ine . lull leviint. tuflnd. (1 Hi i
iil'lMU'I'K ij'tarlnhir ri-vlowotn'i-ilonii to mill
pupor ovur-, t
Vor hnlo nt Qll hnolcstoton ntui h boiikftlliri. I' ir
furthrr Inr-trn ni-o i t it II' ti;Y O. Nlii-i' lll,
ruUlhlior 'JIJi.l 'tt M ni'ii M i Tin I ui"n.
l'ir -l til Jit.j, vi.UU Ii j.t t(
cures efTeetcd by Dr. Williams' rink Pills,
and concluded to try them.
"I commenced using them, and before I
had taken half u box I felt like a new crea
turc. Jly appetite, was restored, my cough
grew less, nnd I was utile to sleep soundly ut
night, which I had been uuablo to do for
months before.
" A 11 or taking two boxes of tho pills I was
weighed again and to iny astonishment my
weight was 113 pounds, n gain of 13 pounds.
Previous to taking the pills I had sullVrcd
with cold bands aud feet, hut now have no
trouble whatever from that source.
I t-nn truly say I am now in belter health
iV becl1 'or 5'ears 'J,)l firt'ct uf ho
1 ink Pills is wonderful, and I can rccom.
mend them in all cases of debility and weak
nese. , Mas. A. I.. STAi'Foun."
Hi-. M'llllo,i ri.,i. i:n ..i.. i..
i ii. L-uiiiiuu, iu a con-
(leuseil form, all tha elpmeulo iuir,.iniri;in,,lrf,
new- life and richness to tho blood and restoro
shuttered nerves. They aro an unfailing t pe
cilio for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, par
tial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neu
sla' 'hcumatlsm, nervous headache, tho
(iller cITeet of la grippe, palpitation of tb
lieart, paio and sallow complexions, all forms
t- ,"-,L4i,i in uiaic ur jeiiuuc. i'lllK
Pills aro sold by all dealers, or will he sent
, ,,u inniiiui price, ou cents a nox,
or six boxes for $2.50 (they nro never told In
hlillr II, l.v , I,. 1AA V '.1.1
liSIaB, llodicine Company, tichciuctady, N.YV