The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 16, 1898, Image 3

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Imitated 'y i-i
Is duo not only to the originality nnd
simplicity of tho combination, but also
to tlio caro nnd fUlll wltli which il is
manufactured by fccicntidc proi'osses
knot' n to tlio Cai.ifotinia Fin Svnui
Co. oul; . and wo wish to Impress upon
all the iniii'irlaiu'e of vmivlinsiii,' the
Iruo nn.l in hinl rcinedy. As thu
Ki'iiulnn Syrup of Kips is iiianufacturcd
by the Camfouma Via Hvnur Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist ono hi avoiding tho worthless
imitations manufactmvd by other par
lies. Tho high stnndinjr of tho Oam
rouN'lA Km Svntip Co. witli tlio medi
cal profession, and tlio satisfaction
which tho genuine Syrup of Figs lias
given to millions of families, makes
tho name of tlio Company a guaranty
of tho excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on tlio kidneys, liver and
bowels without Irritating oi weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In ordertoge'iits beneficial
ellects, plcaso remember the namo of
the Company
i.iuiisvii.i.k. Kr. m:v voiik. n. v.
No. 1 Fever, Congestion.
No. 2 Worms.
No. 3 Infants' Diseases.
No. 4 Diarrhea.
No. 7 Coughs Colds.
No. 0 Headache.
No. lO Dyspepsia, Indigestion.
No. 1 1 Delayed Periods.
No. 12 Lcuchorrea.
No. 10 Croup.
No. 14 Skin Diseases.
No. IB Rheumatism.
No. 10 Catarrh.
No. 27 Kidney Diseases.
No. 34 Soro Throat.
No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever.
Dr. Humphreys' ITomeopathlo Manual of
Diseases nt your nrucirlMs or .Mailed Kith.
Sold by ilruireUtt, or sent on receipt of 25f ts.,
Mots or 81. Humphreys' Med. Co., for. William
and Joliu Sts., Now York.
You can blame
yourself if you
uo n't get real
good c o lfe e to
drink. Ordinary
coffee is made de
licious by adding
S13E1.1Q'5. -. .pki.
for Secllg's.
A little of this
kadmixture to
f cheap coffee
ninkes a delicious'
Ldrink nnd saves expense.
A T- T- T71-CX? "N
Gives a satisfied smile
every palate that tastes it.
Now on tap at all
our customers.
WAl. SCIIMICKUii, JR., - Agent.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardiu St.
fgg ASK FORTH EM. jlfi
Annoxation Eesolution Passed by a
Voto of 209 to 91,
Wltllo Only U'lirco llopubllcniiH Voted
AuuliiHt tlio Administration Mcni-liro-Tlio
I'lipulttt mill riilim Voto
Wilt About Kuiuilly Dlvliloil.
Washington, June 10. By a vote ot
209 to 01 tlio house of representatives
yesterday afternoon adopted the New
lands resolution providing; for the an
nexation of Hawaii. Tho debate, which
has continued without Interruption
since Saturday, has been ono of the
most notable of this conKtess, the pro
posed annexation being considered of
crcat commercial and Btrateelc Im
portance by Its advocates and being
looked upon by Its opponents ns In
volving a radical departure from tho
long established policy of this country,
nnd likely to be followed by tho In
auguration of a pronounced policy of
colonization, tho abandonment of tho
Monroe doctrine and participation In
International wrangles. More than
half a hundred members participated In
the debate.
From a party standpoint tho result
was awaited with tho keenest Interest.
The Republicans presented practically
a unanimous support to the resolu
tions, but three Republican members
voting In opposition. In tho Demo
cratic ranks tho division upon tho ques
tion was more marked, IS Democrats
voting for annexation. The vote In
support of the resolutions was made up
of 179 Republicans, 18 Democrats, 8
Populists and 4 fuslonlsts. The voto
against annexation comprised 77 Dem
ocrats? 3 Republicans, 7 Populists and
4 fuslonlsts.
Yesterday's session began at 10
o'clock, and the debate continued seven
hours. Few members were upon the
floor until late In the afternoon, and the
galleries had few occupants. Asthchour
for voting drew near, however, mem
bers began taking their places, and
there were few more than a score of
absentees when the first roll call was
taken. The announcement of the voto
upon the passage of the resolutions
wus eheeieil upon tho floor and ap
plauded generally by tho spectators.
The resolutions adopted, in a pream
ble, relate the offer of the Hawaiian re
public to cede all of Its sovereignty and
absolute title to the government and
crown lands, and then by resolution ac
cept the cession, and deelnre tho Isl
ands unnexed. The resolutions provide
for a commission of five, at least two of
whom shall bo resident Hawallans, to
recommend to congress such legislation
as they may deem advisable. Tho pub
He debt of Hawaii, not to exceed $4,
000,000, Is assumed, Chinese immigra
tion Is prohibited, all treaties with other
powers are declared null, and It is pro
vided that until congress shall provide
, for tho government of tho islands, all
civil, Judicial and military powers now
exorcised by the ofllcers of the existing
government shall be exercised in such
manner as the president shall direct,
and he Is given power to appoint per
sons to put In effect provisional gov
ernment for tho Islands.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. 1'lainficld, 111.,
makes the statement, that she caught cold,
which settled on her lungs; she was heated
for a month by her family physician, but grew
worse. I Ic told her she was a hopeless vic
tim of consumption and that no medicine
could cure her. Her diuggist suggested Dr.
Kind's New Discovery for consumption ; she
bought a bottle and to her delight found her
self benefitted from first dose. She comtinued
its use and after taking six bottles, found her
self sound and well j now does her own
housework, and is as well as she ever was.
Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at A.
Wasley's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents
and Si. 00.
Admiral George Dowoy, T,I,.I).
Princeton, N. J., June 1G. Old Nas
sau celebrated her 151st commencement
yesterday. Some 200 young Prlnce
tonlans received bachelor degrees, and
amid spontaneous and unbounded en
thusiasm the honorary degree of doc
tor of laws was conferred upon Admiral
Geoigo Dewey, of the United States
navy. The whole day was ono of fes
tivity, ,ind It closed ono of tho most
sueeessful commencements in Princeton':-,
history. Three of those receiving
diplomas, James H. Caldwell, A. M.
Stew ait and Harold Smith, are mem
bers of Hattery A, of the Pennsylvania
artillery, and they had boon granted
a fui lough in order to return and re
ceive their degrees. As they ascended
the rostrum the crowd cheered long and
No 0110 would over ho bothered with con
stipation if overyono know how naturally
and quickly llurdoek Blood Hitters regulates
tho stomach and bowels.
Yostorifuy'H llasoball Giiiihw.
At rSoBton Boston. 12: Philadelphia, 0,
At Rrooklvn Brooklyn. 0: Now York, 1.
At Chicago Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 0. At
Louisville Cincinnati, C; Louisville, 1. Al
Cleveland PlttburK. 4: Cleveland, 3. At
Baltimore Baltimore. 8; Washington, 1.
At Wilkosburre Wllkesbarro. 5; Mon
treat. 3. At Providence Rochester, D;
Providence, 2. At Sprlnglleld Springfield,
C; Buffalo, 2. At Syracuse Syracuse, 7;
Toronto, 3.
At Lancaster Lancaster, C; Allcntown,
C. At Richmond Richmond, 4: Patcrson,
0. At liurtford (14 innings) Reading, 0;
Hart ford, 0. At Norfolk Nowark, 0 ; Norfolk,!
A blessing allko to young and old ; Dr.
Fowlor's Extract or Wild Strawberry;
naturo's specific for dysentery, dlarrlnra and
summer complaint.
Allgllntl Airnlll Dl'Mpoudollt.
Madrid, June Hi. A dispatch received
here from Captain General August!,
dated Manila, June 6, says; "The sit
uatlon continues critical. The enemy
surround the town. I have had our lines
drawn closer around the city and
strengthened nt Intervals by trenches,
Communication Is still cut. I expect
lleiwal Monet with reinforcements,
but 1 have had no news from him. The
white population of the suburbs, fear
lng they will lie massacred by the rebels
and preferring the risk of bombard
ment, huve entered tho fortified part
of the town and will ussist In tho de
fense. I do not know when the bom
bardment will commence."
Tlio Cuban question and political issues
cl,,L- !,,,, liisliMilllennen with tlio mail wllO
sailers froin piles. What lio most desiies, is
relief. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Halve cures
piles. 0. H. Hiigenbucli.
To t-'omiiiiiuil tho Philadelphia.
Hoston, Juno 16, Cnptaln George
II. Wndlelgh, IT. S. N., who for tho past
year has been executive nlllcer of the
Charleston navy yard, has received
oiders detaching him from duty at this
station and assigning lilm to the com
mand of the United Htates cruiser
Philadelphia, which Is llttlng out ut thu
Mare Island navy yard for servlco In
tho Philippines.
Cures croup, soro throat, pulmonary
troubles .Monarch over pain of ovory sort.
Dr. Thomas' Kclcctlc Oil.
The Prince of Wales
i AnrRor.uiir. Castle, I ;
Pleae supply threo dozen Hoff's rinft
Extract, on account of II. K. II., I'riiica
j of Wales. J. Ciioaa.
5 Py roods train to Abcrgcldlc, llallater,
J Aberdeenshire.
Tlio gomilno Johnm Moil's Malt Titrnct
5 makes Klosh and lUood. Moro stronirth
In one dozen bottles of Johtiiin lloff' Miilt c
i IMroct than in a cask of Ale, lleer or
5 Porter, without their intoxicating effects. t
illumes t In" Itc'irliiK'iiliil t'onnnl-MirlpM
WasbliiKton. Juno A number of
complaints having been made that the
soldiers at Cainp Alger are not receiv
ing sufficient fresh beef nnd other food,
General Uraliam made an Investigation,
which showed that the chief commis
sary, Lieutenant Colonel James M.
Allison, was not to blame. The chief
commissary then issued a circular stat
ing that if there is a seal city It Is the
fault of the regimental commissaries,
as such supplies are always to lie had
upon requisition. The olllcers responsi
ble for tills duty fehould see at once that
the men are provided proper food. Re
cruits continue to anlve, 03 reporting
from Ohio nnd SO from New York yes
terday. Tile camp is becoming some
what clow (led. us sulllclent tents have
not been provided for tho newcomers
Ono Minuto is not long, yet relief Is oh
tallied In half that timo by tho use of One
Minuto Cough Giro. It prevents consump
tion and quickly cures colds, croup, bioiiehi
tis, pneumonia, la grippe nnd all throat and
unir troubles. C. II. llngciiliucli.
i iiiiadelphia &
ing Railway
ll'irn Hard Coal No Smoke
IN EFFKCT MAY 2ith, 1808.
Trains lenvo Hhcnandoah ns follows i
For New York via Philadelphia, week dnye,
7 30 9 51 n. m., 12 27, 3 10 noil fi 07 p. In.
For New York via Mnueh Chunk, week days
7 30 u. in., 12 27 nnd 3 10 n. m.
For H-cadlng and Philadelphia, week days,
7 30. 0 51 a.m., 12 27, 3 10 nnd 0 07 P. m.
For l'ottsvllle, week days, 7 30, 9 51 n. m.
12 27, 8 10, 0 07 nnd T 25 p. m.
For Tutnariua and Afnhanoy City, week days
7 30,9 51 a. in., 12 27 3 10 nnd C07r. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunburv nnd Lewlflburg,
week dnys. 1130 a. in.. 12 27, 7 25 n. in
For Mnhnno Plane, weekdays, 7 30. 9 51, 11 30
n. in., 12 27, 3 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 55 p. 111.
For ABhlnnd nnd Shnmokln, week dnys, 7 30,
1130 u. in., 13 27, 310,6 07, 725 nnd S 55 p. in.
For Ualtlmore, Wnshlngton nnd the Weil via
II. fcO. it. It., through trains le"t Heading
Tcrmlunl, Philadelphia. (P. & H. If Ji.) nl 3 20,
7 55. 1120 n. m.. 8 10 nnd 7.27 li. l. Huudnvs.
3 20, 7 00, U 20 a. ui., 8 15 nnd 7 27 o. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. in. 12 20.
12 11 8 40 p ni. Simdnys, 1 85, 823 p. ni.
I.envo New York via l'hllndelphtn, week
dnB,12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 1130 n. 111., nnd 145,130
ou p.m.
Leave New Vork via Mnuch Chunk, week
days, 1 80, 9 10 a. in., I 80 p. in.
Lenvo l'hlladrlphln, RcndlllR Terminal, week
days, 3 10, M KG. 10 21 n. in. mid 30, 4 CG p. in.
Leave lte'idtug, week days, 7 03, J00H, a, ni
12 15, 4 17, 0 00 p. in.
Lenvo 1 ottsvllie, wecK days, 7 in, 7 iu a. m
12 30 I 10, G 10 nnd 6 50 p. ui.
Leave iammiua, wcelc days, M tffl, 11 n. in.,
1 19,5 50, 7 20 p. in.
Lenve Mnhauov City, week days, 9 0i, 1147
a.m. ,22-2,512, 021, 741 p. m
Leave Malinnoy l'lnne, wcelc (lays. uou. J 1.
1025, 1159 n. in., 241, 532, Gil 757,pm.
Leave wiiuamsport, wcelc unys, 7 la, it ci a.
i.. 12 31 and 4 00 p. ni.
Leave l'hllndelnhln Chectnut itreet waif and
Hniitli Htreet wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Hxpress, duo n. ni., iiao ut-
tlrdays only), 2 00, 4 OU, 130, 5 00 p.m. Acuom
modntlon, 0 15 a. m., 5 15, G 30 p. in. Buudays
l,x press, o oo, uoo, iu w a. m. Accoiuiiiouniion,
ti 15 a. iu., 4 45 p. m.
Kctilrnlng leave Atlantic laiy ucpoi, cornel
Atlantic nnd Arknnsas avenues.
WoekdnvH Hxnress. 7 00. 7 45. 9 00 a 111.. 3 30.
5 30 p. in. Accommodation, 125, 8 05 a. IE. 405
p. ni,
Sundays Kipress, 4 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. m. Ac
commodatlon, 7 15 a. in., l la p. iu
1' or uapo amy ami ocean c ity, i i a. in , z uu,
15n. Ill, Sundays South street, 9 00, Chebtuut
street, 9 15 n in
For Sen I slo City, 8 15 n iu, 115 p in, Sundays
South street, 9 00, Chestnut street, 9 15 u ui.
I'nrlor i;nrs on nil express trams.
Vnr furfher Information, nnnlv to nearest
Philadelphia and lteudlug Rnllwuy ticket agent
or address
uen'l supi., vieii'i j-ohb r Agi.,
Reading Terminal, Philadelphia.
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
for Weak Men
bocks this offer. (Cut out and send this notice,
tut li,na ' I dirctt t tht coo
eun.Lr for " it'nri at whole
mIh ririLoa. Sit Tin I Mm ttit
vliort fur examination,
Kferj tiling wnrranUJ,
118 Uriel f Vdi u I oi,
65 itylea of Ilsn. i.
'n. I jtti,7ii-
f tt, pWloui, 'Xri'8.
Tlio l.nriiint lollotoilLv Hill.
Washington. Juie 10. The general
deficiency bill. 00. lying ri m;Miet,ato
of $221,fi32 " is rcporlsd to 1 he house
yesterday by no nmmltli e on appro
priations. All but $18,208,026 is for war
expenses and JS.O'i O.S72 of these ordinary
deficiencies are for pensions. The bill
Is the largest dellclency bill ever pre
sented to eongiess and the largest ap
propriation bill put through that body
since the civil war, a special appropria
tion bill of upwaids of 70.0W,00U en
acted Into law In 1883 eclipsing it.
Cei'imin Dtpliiiiiiil bot In London.
London, June 10. While the first sec
retary of the Gorman embassy here,
Count Von Arco-A'alley, was emerging
from the embassy last evening a
Btrnnger fired two shots from his re
volver at him. On of the bullets pene
trated the secretary's back. Ills as
sailant was arrested afler filing at and
missing a polkumRii. Count Arco
Valley's wound Is not dangerous. His
assailant, nn Kngllshinan named John
Todd, lefusi d to furnish any explana
tion for ills eonduct.
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, ii
minuted by liliu as follows : "I was in a most
dreadful condition. My skin was almost
yellow, eyes Minkoii, tongue coated, pain
coiitliniallj in lmck anil sides, no appetite
gradually growing weaker day by day.
Thiec physician hud given me up. Fortun
ately, a friend advised tiying 'lllertric
Hitters, and to my grant joy mid surprise,
tho first bottle made a derided improvement.
I continued their use for thice weeks, and
am now a well man. I know tiny saved niv
life, and lobbed the grave of another victim.
No one should fail to try them. Only 50
cents tier bottle at A. Wasley's ding stoic.
MAY 28, 1898.
Trains will leave Hhennndoah after tne flDOf
date for Wlgtfaiis, Ullberton, Frn.kvlllo Uar
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsville. Hamburg, Rindln
Pottstown, l'hoenlxvllle. XorrNtown n d
a4clph!n (Hn-vl street station) lit COS and 815
a. in., 2 02, 6 10 p in. on week dnys. Sundays,
8 15 n. m., I 25 p. m.
Trains Icavo Fraekvlllo for Bhcnandoali sl
7 HO, ll 40 a.m. nnd 5 40, 7 30 p. u.. Sunday,
11 01 a. in. nnd 5 10 p. ra.
Leave l'ottsville for Shenandoah (vlnFmck
vlllo' 7 10, 11 20 n. m., 5 20, 7 10 p. in. Sunday
10 35 n. in., 5 20 p. m.
I,cnve PhlladclpUa, (Rroad street station), fr
SheMindoah at 8 35 a. m., -I 10 p. m. week days.
Sundays leave nt G 50 and 9 23 a. in
Leave llrond street station, rhllndelphla, tui
Sen OIt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, Long
Ilratich, nnd Intcrmcdlnto stations, 8.29
11.11, a. m.,8.80 nnd 4.00 pm. week-dnys.
Lenve Ilroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50 5 05, 6 50
7 33,8 20, 9 50, 1021 (Dining Car), 1100a. n,
12 00 noon, 12 85 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. r.i.
Dining Cars), 1 10, 2 30 (I)lnlng Car) 3 20, 3 50.
4 00, 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car), 8 00, 7 02, 7 50 ( 1)1 n
lng Car), 10 00 p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays,
3 20, 4 05, 150, 5 05, 8 20, 9 50, 10 21, (Dli.iiu;
Cnr), 1135 n. III., 12B5, 105 iDlnlng Cur) 2 !)0
(Dining Cnr), 4 00 (Limited 1 22) (Dining Cnr),
520,550, (Dining Cnr) 0 35, 7 02,7 50, Dining
Cnr 10 00 p. m., 12 01 night.
Kxpress for Ronton without chnngo, 11 00 a lu.,
week-dnys, and 7 43 p. m., dally.
For llnltlmoro and Waildngton, 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
1020, 11 23, n. m., 12 Oil, 1131 (Dl.dlig Car), 1 12
Dining Car, 312, 4 41, 5 25 Congres
sional Limited, Dining Car, 0 17. 055 IDln
lng Cnr, 7 31 Dining Carl p. in., and 12 05
night week days. Simdnys, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23,
n. in.. 1301, 1 12, Dining Car 4 41, 520 Con
gressional Limited, Dining Cnr, 6 55 Dining
Car, 781 DlulngCar p. in. nnd 12 05 night.
For Rnltllilore, necominodatlon. 9 12 a m, 2 02
nnd 1 01 p in week days, 5 08 and 11 16 p lu dally.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rivei
bridgo V.x press, 9 20 a in, 7 05 p. ni. dally.
Lenve Market Street W'arf Hiprcsi, 5 00, 9 00
a m. (100 Saturdays only), 2 00, 4 00, 1 80, 5 00' p.
in. Sundays, 8 00,8 45.9 00, 9 45 a. in (necom
inodatlon 4 80 and 5 00 p. m.)
For Capo May, Anglcsen, Wildwood and IIoll j
Reach- Kxpress, 900 a in, 100 p in weekdays.
Huiidarg. 9C0n in.
For Cnpo May only, 130 p m Saturdays.
For Sea IbIo City, Ocer.u City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Express, 900 a. ni., 4 20, p. in.
week dnys. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Somera Point Express, 5 03, 9 00, a. m.,
2 00,4 00, 5 00, p.m. week days Sundays, 8 45
a. in and 9 15 p. in.
i. n Hutchinson, j. ic. wood,
(Jeti'l Mnuager. Gen') Pnss'g'r Agt
Side Entrance on Groen St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
1 Young.old.sliipleormarrltd tlmse con
Itemiiiatlngniarri'isp. Ifyou nre alctlni of
Private Diseases !,',' urn which (lc-
rarrnv mind Ami liiiflp. nnd unfit vou for tho
Ulluub "I Ull't call or wruu unu im envcu nuum.
Dally, !:( ov'wh, (!!( Sun., !-1-5. Send lOctB.iti
ptampB for Boole wltli won t umtt mu ti 1 u 1h
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
23 West Centre Street,
ledical Treatment
Who Are Willing to Pay When
Convinced of Cure.
A iclcntlflo combined medical ml mechanical rare hai
tieen discovered for "Weakness of Men," lutucceu h&i
been so startling that the proprietor now announce that
-they will tend It on trial remedies aud appliance
without advance payment to auy hnnet man.
' If not ull that li claimed nil you wUh tend II
back- that enOi It pay nothlnK I
No such Oder was ever made In good faith before
we lielleve noother remedy would stand such a tent.
This combined treatment oures quickly, thoroughly
and forever all effects ol early evil hab,u, later ex
cesses, overwork, worry, eta It creates health,
strength, vitality, sustaining rowers and restores
weak and undeveloped portions to natural dimen
sions and functions. ...
Any man writing in earnest will receive descrip
tion, iiartleulars and references In a plain sealed en
veloiie. Professional confidence. No deception not
Inmisltloii of anv nature. A uaUounl rtiDuUittoa
or mention paper.) Address
CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
CO. . I'lUTl'. few KLUIIAJ1T, LSi.
(Continued from First I'hko.)
tenant Mu;ill was soon coming with
40 mon us relnforcemontfl, nnd Cnp
taln Maliuny was on the way wltn a
hundred mure, hut hefore either roulrl
loach tho Bcenp the trunhlo was over.
As the S'ltiil'h rctrcntctl tho Ameri
cans moved slowly forward, firing as
thry wont, nnd by tho timo tho camp
was reached the enemy had nil got
nway, taking their wounded and prob
ably many of their dead. Fifteen
bodies were found scattered throsgh
the brush, but the Americans were un
able to oxamlne the spot where their
firing had been most deadly. No time
was lost lu burning the buildings and
filling the well with earth and stones.
Tho Dolphin landed wator and am
munition, as an attack was expected
on the return march, but none was
made. Evidently the Spaniards were
too thoroughly beaten to attempt fur
ther fightlpg. The marines did not
reach the American camp until after
nightfall, and as they had been with
out food since tho early morning they
wero thoroughly exhausted.
Colonel Huntington bellevos the de
struction of tho camp will seriously
cripple the bushwhacking operations,
of the enomy.
The United States cruiser New Or
leans, having been ordered by Rear
Admiral Sampson to destroy the new
emplacements halt a mile east of 121
Morro, on which a large numbor of
Spanlnnls had been working, took up
a position at 5 o'clock Tuesday morn
ing ubout 80U yards from shore and
2 000 yardB from the Morro battery.
She opened upon the emplacement: j
with her rapid lire guns, and after 20;
minutes' gun practice Admiral Samp
son signaled the New Orleans to cease
firing, hoisting the signal "firing well
done," the first compliment of the kind
from the admiral. Morro llred one
shot, without effect.
Tho dynamite cruiser Vosuvlus Join
ed the lleet Monday and was put to
work Immediately. Throe clmrges of
gun cotton wore fired Monday mid
night, but with what offoot is not
known. The ships on tho blockado
linos two miles away shook with the
explosions. Tho firing of a 13 Inch
shell Is a more rifle crack compared
to tho deep and mighty roar. Clouds
of ciirth thrown up from the hills
soemcd to stand out against the black
sky. The test was regardod aB highly
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in tho world for cuu,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhcam, fovor sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positiyoly cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to glvo
perfect satisfaction or niony refunded, l'rico
85 cents nor box. For saio by A. Wasloy.
The Reports of That Nation's Intention to
Interfere With Our Plans Are
Pure Fabrications.
Vm0ilngton, June IC A clear, posi
tive and unequivocal denial is made
at the stntc department of the accuracy
of the London Star publication recltlns
that the i'nltod States government had
been notllled, either directly or indi
rectly, of any purpose on the part of
Germnny to Interfere with the opera
tions of the United States naval and
military forces in the Philippines.
The Htories are said to be a repetition
of those printed some time ago in
Hiitish papers to the effect that the
Herman consul at Manila hud threaten
ed Admiral Dewey wltli the German
Asiatic licet In case he refused to admit
provisions Into Manila.
The London publication 1b correct to
the extent of snylng that Secretary Day
has received certain definite notifica
tions. Thece, however, are directly the
reverse of the alleged notification speci
fied In London. In brief, the German
authorities have made It clear that
none of the reports attributing to Ger
many a purpose to make an Issue in
the Philippines were warranted. It lias
been pointed out that Germany, like all
other nations, protects her citizens and
Interests abroad. If these interests at
Manila or elsi where ure Jeopardized by
a critical condition of affairs then it is
quite likely German ships will afford
German subjects and property such
adequate protection as la consistent
with a btato of war. Hut this natural
nnd necessary protection of German
cltlzelis and German property, it Is
pointed out oirlclully, Is quite different
from a purpose of territorial acquisi
tion or of forcible Intervention between
the belligerents. As to the latter move
It is declared with the greatest positive
Hess tlint .Germany has never contem
plated It, cltlui alone or In conjunc
tion with other powers. It is authori
tatively slnicd, .ilsn, that no move Is
making at present in that direction,
and that the it ports of such a move
are puie fabrication.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
l'roiifli ( ulilnet lti'.jjni.
Paris, June IC Premier Meline yes
terday handed to l'lesident Fauci' the
resignation of the whole cabinet, which
tho president accepted, while request
lng the ministers to continue the dlrec
tlun of affairs ifntll their successors are
named. It is expected that M. llibot,
the former piemler, will be called on
to form a new cabinet.
Tho human machine starts but once mid
(daps but once. You can keep it lining loiiKost
and most regularly by using DoWitt's Little
l.arly liiM'rs, the tamoua little I'llls lor con
stipatlon and all htomaeli and liver troubles.
i;. 11. llaKeiibuch.
Jlntilt nipt Illll CoiiI'uitooh Airroo.
WnHliiiiRton. June 16. The confer
Teen ut the two houses o congiesB
rem hod an URreoment yesterday on th
liimitiiiiiiov hill. Tlio meuBure a
agreed upon ts a compromise between
Ilia rpsnpplivo llOSltlollH of tile Benate
mil tlio house. The house bill carried
n multitude of provisions, under which
a man could be thrown Into bankruptcy
contrary to his will. The conference re
duced these to five, and of these five two
provide practlrally for voluntary bank
ruptcy. It Is specllloally provided that
no one can he thrown Into bankruptcy
unless lie is insolvent.
WS. C. V. Jones, llllosburg, l'a., wrltent "I
have utoil lVWitt's Little Harly ltlsers over
sluco thoy were Introduced here and must
say I have never used any pills In my family
iluriiiK forty years of house keeping that
gave such sutisfuctory results as a laxutiyo or
cathartic." C. II. llaseubuch.
Tin- Former OI.i"f to Orlthilmn llt
Hnrdliill Theii MIIMnry Training.
Hampton, Va., June 18. A flirht In
which 100 regulars from Fort Munioe
and as many Maryland troops stationed
at Old Point participated took plat e
between 11 and 111 o'clock Tuesday nlnht
at Phoebus, a suburban town a mile
below this city. Several of the Mary
land men were painfully Injured, but
no one was dangerously hurt. The
regulars assembled near a saloon
shortly before 11 o'clock, and half an
hour later were attacked by tho volun
teers, who threw stones and other mis
siles at the house. The regulars re
plied by hurlinjr empty beer bottles
through the windows. The attacking
parly was finally driven off, but the
lighting was renewed later, and a num
ber of men were hit by stones and
beer bottles. The police Were power
less. A deloihment of volunteers
finally uppeHn-il nnd put the bellig
erents to lllirht. The trouble was the
outcome of uncomplimentary remarks
eoni-crnlnc the military training of
the Minylund men. Sevonty-flvs men
were sent to the guard house.
It's a mistake to imagine that Itching piles
can't bo cured ; a mistake to suffer a day
longer than you can help. Dean's Ointment
brings instaut relief and permanent euro.
At any drug store, 50 cents.
Our Iltiiitlx Not l'or l'urclttners,
Washington, June 16. The attention
of Secretin y Gage was called yester
day to a cablegram from London quot
ing the Pt. James Gazette to the effect
that subscriptions to the new war loan
Were bring sought in London, Berlin,
Paris and other continental centers.
Seeretary Gage made an emphatic de
nial that any Hteps of that character
bad been taki n or were under consider
ation. No proposition will be received
from persons not citizens of the United
States until the fullest opportunity has
been given to the people of the United
States to secure the bonds.
Late to lied and early to rise, tirenarcx a
man far his home in the skies. Early to lied
and a t.ittlo Uarly Riser, the pill that makes
lie longer anu netter and wiser. U. li
"Young: Napnleou"' Calls on I'npn.
Chicago, June 16. L. Z. Letter, father
of the "Young Napoleon," has taken
charge of all of Joseph Lelter's affairs,
and w ill settle all of his obligations and
collect all of his accounts. The final
transfer from the younger to the elder
Leiter was made yesterday. The ar
rangement effected whereby P. D. Ar
mour will distribute the Leiter cash
wheat In the United States, Alexander
Geddes In Great Rrltaln and the Illi
nois Trust and Saving banks In France,
will continue.
Senator Alflrlrli Hi elected.
Newport, It. 1., June 16. The general
assembly met in Joint session at noon
yesterday and ratified the election of
Nelbon V. Aldrleh as senator for four
jears from March 4, 1SU8, to succeed
Kvery woman should know
that time is agrcat home
medical tiook that tells
all about the repro
ductive physiology
of women, and all
about the hurne-
treatment of
diseases pecu-
I liar to the sex.
I This book con
Itams looS pages
and over 700 il-
, 1 HistratiollB. It
is called Dr.
TlJf-rt'o Pntn.
tH 111 o n Sense
Medical Ad
viser. It used
to cost Si. 50 Over seven hundred thou
sand people purchased it at that price and
over i,2uo,ono people now own copies of it
For a limited time conies will be eiven
away free.
This great boot contains the names, ad
dresses, photographs and experiences of
hundreds of women who were once hope
leBS invalids, but who have been restored
to rotiust womanly health by the use of Dr.
Tierce's Favorite Prescription. This mar
velous medictue acts directly on the deli
cate organs distinctly feminine. It makes
them strong, healthy, vigorous, virile and
ciasuc. it ins lor wneuooa ana motner
hood. It banishes the usual suffering of
the expectant months, and makes babv'a
advent easy and almost painless. It robs
lnotiiernoou 01 its perils. It insures the
robust health of the little new-comer and a
bountiful supply of nature's nourishment.
It transforms weak, sickly, nervous inva
lids into healthy, happy wives and mothers.
For a paper-covered copy of Dr. Tierce's
Common Sense Medical Adviser, send ai
one-cent stamps, la cover cost of mailinsr
only, to World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation, iiuuaio, n v. For elegant French
cloth binding, 31 utamps
Miss Hdith Cain, ol Clinton, Allegheny Co.,
I'a., writes: "After two years of suffering, I
began taking Ilr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription
and ara uow entirely cured. I had been troubled
with female weakness for some time and alio
with n troublesome drain on the system, but
now I am happy and well."
In cases of constipation and torpid liver,
no remedy in equal to Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets. They regulate and invigorate the
stomach, liver and bowels. They never fail.
One little " Pellet " is a gentle laxative and
two a mild cathartic. They never gripe.
An honest dealer will not urge a substituta
upon you.
Hilllons of Dollars
Go up in smoko overy year. Tako n
risks but got your houses, stock, fu
11 1 tu ro, etc., insured in first-class r
liable companion as represented by
DAVID FAUST,,1"5"1" A,f g
'120 KoutU Ja dlnB
Also Life ndAoc,dontl Ooratnles
&oifieUiQwneeii a reliable,
m ,ra
thu 1'Urei.tdrugfl should bo uw4.
Ther are prompt, .! and certain in result. Tbe ctnulr
CKiiut, Bout anywhere, tl.W, Address l'KAL Medk ,
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drue Store, ShenanJo:ili, ra.
- f.-- J JBiE.V
.-i ..--y V tho
r 1 UsA1""1"1
M 1.
ma di
tilhlllliailllllllllllll!!!:!!! " llllillllllUl'
' -c it-ip'iM ri 1 a i ut) irnlriff ontrijr
I' 1 Yi Im 1 I r t' It t u.l 0 llUle
v , , , ,1 ill 1 I . . t 1 1 ' i' I'm inoutof
t ill ikI I ili f r (11 't - n'.I cli ' .
i'4l l fi to tllCllonr Ut till fell flsl.M'i.
' p'M'io.i like an onion, tin- II nu'T nails Rot
1'. ;V 'MvitTrHnoiit,on(I tin rc tin buttling fire
. My hiimln puin fi np wnrno than n tntvt, tlio
. rn 'i tMro'ir'i tlic hnndasu on to the floor t
1 .it uloctirforftypar. iRotCrrirrrtA lln
rriruuilCrTionBAboAP. TlionHtlHlinrdcni'tl
r), p'."!lrdofr, and my liandn aro nowcurnd.
(;SPKK DIKTHCIILKU, retnbroke, N. Y
H'-rrnv tirnt Theathkxt fiir Torti rthh, Dispio
1 1 iv Ili'HOHsV nita IrtJis or Hair. Warm bnttn
'-1', C' 1 11 tba of.jn'fitle anolntinirfi with Curie 1 1 a,
mt fi ''1 d" a of Ct Tirffm Rgt KHT.
Wirt throuffhoullh wtitltl. i'nrritit IiHi'n Ann Cum
fis.. ItootoD. "UoirtolUw llautiful lUnda," lie.
Bfflec Kiran building;, corter of Slain nn
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Sheuandoflh, I'n,
Corner Market and Centre street.
Lock Box 66, Mahanoy City, l'a.
IlavtiiK studied under Mime of the best
matera l Ixndon and Pari", will ulvo leoaous
on theTlollii.mnndtilln miliar and vocal culture.
Terms renwmalile. Addrens In tare of Htrouno
the lewelor Hbeuandoah.
to yttt NiifTVr I.otitffr! Ttie
;nnl itmhiiinns if life can
i ii"-ii.rtil to u Tlio very
r- r an fif iNiTvmih lobili-
iti- ih-dltiitly fiirfl by
i itri:r'ro 'r.nti-irr.s.
t iit mi.i ri'lii'tio iiivnitmia
1 1 1 iil' int nn r iiml t in wustu
iml ilr.nn ol mil powers inrur-
I h inMisi-it'tloii. oruxrsses
lini'.iri uxor
t'crs fiiiu'imn
Brace ui
iiioiun to tne
oroiij tui.' u- i i,
C ).ocs ,u 2.r.o
teeil ui- ! mom
earni m iu w-i h
in.illol in pl.t.n i i
tvTiiu risk. ia r
pli'te uiiaruii
t'M Can bo
r M lltTCl
n tt it.l ol iri -u
CiXti'ii BltlK- (-tilcuk'J.Ul-
KorHuIrin Mionandoiih by Shptinmlnah DniK
Store and (Iruhler liroa.
In Bottles or by
the Keg.
Lauer's Lager
Pilsnei Beer.
Porter and Weiss Beer.
Christ. Schmidt;
A sent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street,
4 0"il,lMtM Tot,
? ot. rVrrt D - it
f.ud u ( 'i i
,h lnnsv "iJ Peniyi -yn' ' ai t i
Alva liuv the I t jiiU ti. i tl m
tnwu. ti. fi "tu-d h rcrioV tn ail other "onil've
Uutt In Uitf n.. rk.i A Nn ' U' V
IIck tUu it .
3fe"".' Vtflt,;QX laPtCIFlC COPrULArV
?ot M VovltiBky'g druK store, Kb
Centre etreet.
t, rw). ti awu iaFk WOMAN'S BELIEF,
fA I w ivm vto. -it nod rniDi.
K JJ At Attig m im, ur MnttllrotC
(..! Cat- TAKiT rilinU iivit Bfc"""'
,, notion. Man. uriHso,'c
For sale at Klrlln's druff store and Sbnanlo
aruR store
ui - irlj eiirs
alio p'lteni'v to
III itlV fc.
to itif "fPW
nut luti-' t
monthly, rguUtiDa toedlciue. Only hurmlisaoxid
liyou Jtthe beut-get
.31 C wiand, O,
tire jimn nx -) h Him Ke Ji 'rn-e-.l uf z;
-irlir rioi t. I lio will in s
H iu.-e.wiie win
uritiMia, vJiui..,, iMtiLiuiJiiutu,
I.u ami 11....
rl. tft I . SlU W
- Lu .. . ' Ktl i u .v I,.... . ginia
- .-iUlUlllUIIIIIIIIIIiMllilniillllia