The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 11, 1898, Image 4

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"N ivy is a sixteen page book
with pit. Hires of the navy of ttiisj
c ountry and Spain. It will also con
tain pKtmvs of the important battles
ot tlu now on. One copy is is-1
suiMcuh week, nine being ready
n.'W k numbers can still be had. i
Th. p'1-"1-' 25 twh, but we
furn.s'n tlk'tu by special arrangement ,
.1 li k each. j
a. ISJ. Main St. I
Beef, Wine
-and Iron.
Large Mottle, S Cent..
3 South Main Street, S'.uuandoah, l'a.
Pi c Inn s Tluit '-o Lour i- 'o Aro
M nil. ml AIIIiilicci It Will llo Itiijios-
Slljll l I'lWorVO till) IlllU'llOIKlflUlO
of (hum Vifiilimt InriiiliN."
I r i mi .1 unt- 11. Sir Charles DUke,
in i. li'iiivi- of commons yesterday,
ii. i i nilurtlun In the forelKn of-
fn i i ml attacked the Marquis of
8 ' u foreign policy ot censes
Eii i' l.' i ithiK to the United States he
inn in iter relations with the United
Ht i oi mainly due to the good In
llu nre of her majesty's ambassador at
'NVaMunirton (Sir Julian I'auncetolel,
for tin government policy has been
ra-h and feeble. Everyone will wel
c jiiil an alliance of hearts with Ametl
ca but no alliance could be a war alll
an. u."
Com timing Sir Charles said he did
not I" ln-xe in the possibility, mooted by
th- t- .i.i.iiy of state for tlia colonies
(Mr I'humberlain), of an alliance with
G.. rmany.
Th. parliamentary secretary for tho
foruyn ntllce, Mr. Ueortre N. Curzon,
B,nc -ii 'lit to the Kood inlluence of the
Briti-h uiiiliassador at Washington.
Hut In- asserted that credit wob not duo
m rely tn the ambassador or to the
xi(t' ni ies (if the moment, but to "Lord
K.Uisl.ui j ' friendly, calm and dlspas attitude during the discussion
of ditli' oil matters with America two
yi.irs i4". An arliltration treaty will
un . 'I i lie ai eelited."
Tln-j .sl.ilement was erected with
chi ruijr
AnsweriiiK a nuestlon Mr. Ctirzon said
the siibjei is to be referred to an arbitra
tion comniislon all relate to questions
bttwen Canada mid the United States,
but. he added, soino ot them are'of im
perial interest.
Air ('liiiinlierlnin declared that the
objet t ni his lllrinliiRlinin speech wan
"in it I" In) down a pulley, but to statu
f o t s tn Ihis country as to what I con
iv in In' the conditions and great
) ! ! ins we are called to face." The
i:pi- b. tie continued, had been made,
and th ie uas not one word of It that
b. mi. M.l'-il to withdraw. Great llrlt
am "iild si.ind alone, but In that casn
t. . .ml. I imt exercise the controlling
iiiilin n. she had hitherto exercised ill
China. ' So long as we are without al
ll.ini . he said, emiihatically, "it will
be Impossible to preserve the Indepen
dence of China uKalnst Inroads."
Hepc.itliiK the leading features ot his
UlrmliM'luun tin-cell, Mr. Chamberlain
d' t lured.
"If ii became known that we were
billing to consider alliances It Is not
unlikely I hat advances would be made
to us A mutual understanding with
one .. the great powers would savo
a v. r large addition to tho navy."
In i iudliig he referred to tho "Im
port l in i of a close understanding with
Aniema." adding:
in uiy opinion, on such a mntter, the
T'nit. il suites would not listen to thu
Irl b viii." Hut whether England or
Ani' 1 ii .i wire menaced, he said, he
liopi .1 it would be found that blood Is
thu l.' i water, and, without deslr
lnfi tu force either nation to enter Into
an nluani e with which a majority of
both peoples did not thoroughly sympa
thize, lie would repeat his conviction
that the i loser, tho more dellned nnd
the clearer the alliance between tho
1'nlted States and England, the butter
It v, i.HHl be for both nations and for ii n.
Two Killed by .'nlllugTJoal.
WUki sbarre, la.. June 11. William
p-'Vls. a n er, was killed by a fall of
r"i ' In th. Uollenback mine last even
inir V. i'Ii m Morris, a miner, was kill
ed In th. Nottingham mine, Plymouth,
by a fall of coal.
0 .'
Sec samples of ouroiigniviiigin the. window of aluminum novelties. ISriimm's.
Hill MUt.-On the loth hut., t HliPiinnilunli.
l'u . Carolina, wife ot Jonathan iloimrr. aizt'il
M Kuril. The funeral will take place on
loiuliiy, J:nh hint , ut 2 p pi., from the fundi)
ii il iict, comer nt Jurdln mill lmrel utreetM.
Hinlcol III the Trinity ltefuriueil eliuu-h.
Interment ill Odd 1'cIiowh' teinetery. It
Should see a prope:
display ol American
flags, iiiteriiiiugl e d
with a Cuban flag here
and there. No where
in Schuylkill county
can you get the as
sortment as at
23 North Main St.
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
27 Wt?H
Cc-iitre Hi,
What does A stand for? When
some friend suggests that your
blood needs A sarsaparilla treat
ment, remember that A stands for
AYKU'S. The first letter in the
alphabet stands for tho first of
sarsaparillas ; first in origin, fir.-t
in record, first in tho favor of the
family. For nearly half a century
has been curing all forms of blood
diseases - scrofula, eczema, tatter,
rheumatism, erysipelas, blood poi
soning, etc. There's u book about
theso euros "Ayer'sCurehook, a
story of cures told by tho cured,"
which is sent freo on request, by
Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass. Tho
book will interest you if you aro
sick or weak, because it tells not
what it is claimed the remedy will
do, but what your neighbors and
follows testify that it has done.
Will it euro you ? It has cured
thousands liku you. Why not you?
WlUiain Willielin l",i , of I'uttsville, has
uiinoillii ed himself lis u cam'.iiliite for Con
gress, upon a free silver platfonn. (Jinte
number (iT Ilenini nils me urging .Mr. Uil
lielin's niiiiiiimliiiii h.v the Democratic con
vention. Tlii- is in line with the program of
the free silverites inaugurated several days
James 1'. Miiiogue, of Ashland, has an
lioimced himself as a caiidldato for Con
troller, subject to Democratic rules.
John (). I'lricli, J.Mi., of Tamniiua, is
itiaking mi activi riniviiss fur the Senatorial
urmiinatiim on the 111 to 1 platform.
llromm is unfortunate in his ncwrpipcr
supporters. 1 hohc lie has come mighty high,
hut he must have them.
The contest fur delegates to tlio Democratic
county con veutiou is waxing warm in this
town between the opposing elements. liirh
siilo appears to he confident of success.
David Urnham, of tho Malianoy City
Aniericaii, is ipoken of as a caniliilato for
Senator on tho llejiublicuil ticket.
Maliclila C. Watson, of Shenaiuloah, who is
an aspirant for the Humiliation of stale sena
tor on the Democratic tii'Ket, can have the
Ashlatul dclcgales without a iluulit, even if
they have allcaily heeii pioniiseil to 1 1 iggins
by a certain contingent, of our ciirh-lnne
politicians, whose avoinhipnis exceed by far
their political influence - Ashland News.
Alvan Marklc, who hut recently resigned
from the Statu Committee, is now a strong
anti-tjuay adherent, anil it is hinted that if
a light is to he mailu for Congress from that
side, ho may cunsent to become their candi
date. To Cure Headache In IS Minutes.
Take Dr. D.ivls' Ati-llcailai he. All druggists
Constable Assaulted.
Whim Constable Tosh weut to execute a
landlord's warrant at a house on South I'ear
alley this morning the Polish woman mi
guard at the place showed liiiu a hot time.
Shu got In a couple of upper cuts on the
ollicer's nick and face, drummed upon his
shins with a stove prikor, and went through
evolutions with a broom. Tosh disarmed
tho woman as she successively picked up and
used thu weapons, hut when tho Amazon
tried to crack his skull witli a stovo raker lie
concluded to bent a rcticat and sworu out a
warrant for her arrest befuie Justice Shoe
maker. Delano School llimid.
Delano, Juno 11. The School Hoard of
this place lo-urguiiizcd lust night. The mem
bers aio Martin Need, August Hocgg, John
Arncr, David Allen, James tioldsworthy and
It. C. r.ngle. The fn'lnwing nlliccrs weie
elected : l'residcnt, Martin Need: Sccielary,
August lioegg; Tieasurer, Clenrge llull'tniin.
The teachers were elected fur the ensuing
year as follows: I'rincipiil, I'rof. J. M.
Scluope; grammar si'hnul.Mi.-s Annie ( Mauser;
secondary school, Mis Annie Puust; primary
school, Miss I'loienco Iiirlmrtls; assistant,
Miss .Millie Smith; Tienton schuol. Miss
Dcdiu Crouscii.
Seilng Time,
l'ollceinaii Foyle Inst night aneslcd a I'nlo
named William Knott for fighting on the
streets. As Willlmii could not pay tlio bor
ough lino In) lulls' servo IS 1 lours in the
Coming llvcut.
July 4. Omnit picnic under tho auspii es
of Columbia (lice Club at Columbia park.
July 10. Jco cream festival miller auspices
of Company A. rife and Drum Corps in Nub
bins' opera liouso.
AVIui la the Mull?
Krnin Uiutctoii f-taiutard.
A man who registered at the Ilazlcton
House last ovenliig as l'.itrick McDowney, of
Slionaudoah, while wrestling with nuutlier
mail, supiHioud to be u doctor from tlio same
place, fell down and sprained ills arm. lie
was removed to ids bed and Dr. John sum
liionod, who drossed the injured member. In
the meantime Olllcer Hrill caught the other
individual and locked him up. Tliu name, of
McDowuey is a fictitious one.
Iluy Keystuuotiour. lie ruio that tho naiuo
Lkssiu & Ha eh, Ashland, l'a., is printed on
every sack
llimy ut Ki'liley Kim.
Tho Kehley ltiin culhury wasopur.itcd 11 vi
and a half full days tliis week. Tlio em
ployes there aie ceitainly enjoying good
f irtlllle.
Boom Hard Coal !
-i and Ik nut U 11 ci 1 itl
notuhiir Umn 1 1111 11
rtiuall . at I o n t
fri'iulit rutiiHon tout
I t 1 1 Ikimi ratlin
h u lioun to luimau-
Ity If you an nit-k
it will iiiakt 1111
win. ji ynii art1
will, ft will kt-ci.
you wt'll. A linth tit
OHO tlftlMIM.'1'Ulllllt-t
will t'onwm-4- tlx
inoHt Hki'ptical.
isuiuiiu uiuuuuuiiiuiuuuiy Free
Turkic., H"h mil, Miu ial, Jlitliiatid, IVrfuitic
liutli- in mmii tvn Ititiiic ton t'uiinut Iia
iln.H. in il ttatli l ib
Call or Ni iitl fur iiiruiilarit lcKerllilnie tlu'iu In
detail. Autlmru-il huvhi uri' (' ii. rainier!
ait. W CVntn- NtreH; Win J W litT, 117 I
t'oal Ktr 'ft , JIarry i'rult, :tH s Jai.iin Mrttt
We Ueralr All Kinds of Stoves.
Wm. R. Pratt,
Ollkt !Ci Hnutli Junllii ilml, KlicimiuUuili, l'a.
a an -a cms i E 8 a
C V. Smith, irpiewiilliig l:. C. DeWill t
Co., insnufai'tiiters of iruplietsr inidlcines,
was in town lsnt cm'IiIiik, anil leliewcd a
rolitmrt with the ItKKVUi.
Mlsi Aniilo'l'. l.lnitlmm lias returned after
a visit of several days to friends In Heading.
Mine Inspector Stein Hlul wife visited
friends t l'ottsville to-day.
Heuheli. sou of Louis Kstz, of West Coal
stieet. MMillously 111.
Misses Annie and Murj Kinimel spent to
day vlitlng friends ut l'ottsville.
William U. Diisto relumed last evening
from a lslt to licailiiig.
Harry Mellon, of l'ottsville. was a guest of
town friends last evening.
S. I,, llrown has ictlirncd hero to spend a
few days with friends before locating in
II. M. WeMciiifliil, of Mt. Caimel, formerly
proprietor of the Ferguson House, spent a
few pleasant hours in town this muring.
Mrs. ClftUer, of Noitli Janlln street, was
a visitor to l'orty Tint yesterday, Sho was
the guest of her son, Dr. Hatry O. Clauscr.
Col. 1'. H. Monaghati, of (lirardvllle, was
a morning visitor to town to-day.
Mis (lerlrtide M. Hough is spending
several days among acquaintances in Tiima
( 1 1 1 n .
Mr. and Mrs T. It. Hutchinson liavo pone
to Sunlmry to spend Sunday with fiicnils.
I'rof. H. A. Daltry, organit and cho'.r
master of tlio Chinch of the Nativity at
South Hetliloliem, is a guest of l!ev. (1. W.
Van I'ossen in town and will preside at the
organ in All Saints' church to morrow morn
ing and evening.
Window shades from 10 cents nnd upward,
intimates given on largo shades. F. J. t'ortz,
'Jt Noith Main street. tf
Hospital Tlllstees Meeting.
The board of trustees of the State Hospital
at Fountain Springs will meet Monday next
fur the purpose of organising. The three new
lueinheis, Messrs. 1'. D. Helms, of l'ott
vllloj (Irani Herring, of lllooiusburg, and
Hohcrt Allison, of l'oit Carbon, will take
part in the orgaiilatlon. I he retiring
ineiiiliers ale Dr. D. J. Lungtou, Siienauilu.ili;
William H. Lewis, Win. l'ciin ; ex
Senator Charles F. King, l'ottsville. No
changes will be made in thu management of
the institution. The house and ground,
committee made an inspection at the hu-pl-tal
to-day and reported everything in
excellent shape.
Is It a bum? Uso Dr. Tlintuas' Hi'lectnc
till. A cut? Uso Dr. Thomas' Kclcclrlc Oil.,
At your diugglsts.
Church Notices,
Thu subject to-nioriow morning in the
Primitive Methodist church will ho "The
Fall of Satan."
Services in the Calvary H.iptist church to
morrow morning and evening. Muiniug
subject, "Tho Characteristics of Coil's
People." Kvcning subject, "The Future
Abode of the licdeeuicd." During tlio even
ing the choir, led by W. Waters, will give a
special anthem. All will be welcome.
Volunteers of America meetings every
night at S o'clock. Sunday ut 11 a. m , holi
ness meeting. At 3 and s p. m. salvation
meetings, Sunday night the meeting will
ho cuudiiited by liriillieis Uliuades and
Hcaiimout. All aro welcome, especially tho
sinners, (.'apt I. II. Jacket ill charge.
Tho following special music will lie rcn
deied at All Saints chinch tii-niorrow morn
ing. At 111:30 a. in. To IKmiiii, Hullivaii ; of-
fcilory, "Lovely Appear," fioni the Uedciiip-
tion, (iounod. Kvcning, at 7:311: Magnificat
and Nunc Dlmittis, Woodwind ; solo, "(limy
to Thee. My (iod, Tills .N'ighl," (Conned)
Miss F.illth Morgan ; oll'ertory anthem, "The
Itadlant Morn," Wuodwaul. Miss IMith
Morgan choir master. Professor P.. A.
D.iltry, organist and choir master of the
Chinch of tho Nativity, South Itethlchein,
will picsiile at the organ and will givo a shoit
organ recital after the evening service.
All kinds of vegetables and (lower seeds,
and plants at Payne's nurseries, f lirardvllle.
Llertric cars pass the door. A-G-tf
Till) Largest l'lug 111 the Country
The citizens of Mauch Chunk will shoitly
lling to tho Incezu the largest Hag in tho
United States. It is to ho nl by 7.1 feet and
will ho attached to a wire ropo between the
two mountains and suspended over the.
Lehigh rivet. The ropo needed will be two
Inches thick. The Hag, when finished, will
weigh 2U."i pounds and cost fluo. The ma
terial lcnuircd for the construction of this
Hag will consist of T73 yards of bunting, 100
arils of niusllu and HI yards of lli-ounce
link. Lack star will bo 5a inches in
Kendrick House Free l.iiucli
Meek turtle soup will bo .served, free, tu
all patrons to-night.
Mom Volunteers to Leave.
Sergeant Pi ice, of Co. F, Kth liog't 1
Vol., lias returned to Ulrardvillu in search ol
more volunteers. Up to last evening lie had
seemed thirty men, who will leave shortly
fur Falls Church, Va., where the 8th Hegniieiit
Is In camp.
Till. IKlllCltN ItllAUTV
Thrives on good food and sunshine, with
plenty of exercise in the open air. Her
foi in glows with health and her face blooms
wilh Its beaut-. If her system needs the
cleansing action of n laxative lemedy, she
uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs,
luado by tlio (iililurnia rig Syrup Co. only.
Furniture Warerooms,
I2I-I23 N. Hal 11 St.
A first-class bread
baker who understands how to
conduct a ran"e to bake bread
which win De given away irec
to everybody. The baking
will be done in full view of
the public to demonstrate the
(nudities of the range.
Watch for later announce
til 1 1 t r
Furniture Warerooms,
1 21-1 23 North Alnln St.
1 " r" ."
Tho foiecnsl for Sunday : I'atlly cloudy lo
fair, sullty and wanner, ami flesh settllictly
winds, preltahly follutvcd by local ruins or
thunder storms in tlio northern districts,
iliippenliig Throughout the Country
Chronicled fur H11M3' I'ertisitl.
Harry Hntise litis been appointed watch
man at the plisoii, succeeding John Shaw,
Malianoy Piano Is in line for hard coal, and
lias elected James Matircr and Jehu F. Key-
nohls as representatives to tho Scratiton con
veutloii. The I'. & 1!. colliery employes at Malianoy
City were paid to-day.
The bodies of tlio six drowned miners at
Kaskavvllllam colliery liavo not been re
covered, but the work of resctto is being
pushed sight and day.
The fouiidrynien at the Puttsvlllo shops
have been put en full tlmo.
Homn hard coal.
The public schools of St. Clair will close on
Harry Dolancy, formorly of Ashland, has
been appointed master mechanic on the New
York division of the P. & 1! railroad.
Hon. C. K. Hiumni and Daniel Dully will
be the speakers at a Hag raising in Ashland
this evening.
A new camp of tho Sons of Veterans lias
been organized at Locust (lap, with a mem
bership of forty.
Tho men who liavo been digging for gold
at Mauch Chunk, havo now a carload ol ore
ready for shipment to tlio smelting works.
Dr. Maraud Hothrock, of Mount Pleasant
Mills, has been appointed a member of the
Hoard of Pension F.xaminlng Surgeons in
Snyder county.
John Tecl, employed at the West Ilangor
slate quarry, Northampton county, was
instantly tilled by a thiee-ton block of slate
falling on his lien 1.
McKeesport is tn have a $35,000 municipal
Dr. I). W. Ilichards has been elceted presb
dent of the Laston Medical Society.
A new court houso will bo erected at
Wilkesharro on tho slto of tho present build
Organized labor m Allegheny county has
commenced a war of extermination on tluce
cent beer.
Hiirglars scented ?i'i0 woith of merchan
dise by breaking open a trunk in the freight
liutiso at Heaver Meaduws, Caibou eaunty.
llllll'n TIllH?
Wooffi-r One lluililu-il Dollars ltpwnnl fur
any 'ni' nf Citni li. Hint enn not lie i-uii'il liy
Hail's Catarrh Cum.
V. .T.CIU'.NISY tc CO.I'iops., Toli'ilo, O.
A'o the uiuli'lsi;uc'il( liavo known P'. .1. Cheney
for the lii't 15 years, and believo him perfectly
liouoialile lu all liu-ines traui.a(tIoiis anil fin
ancially alilc to carry out any obligations niado
liy their linn.
Vir .tTllux, Wholesale DriiKKiits, Toledo, O.
W.M.11IM,, Kinnax c MAUVl.v, Wliole-alo DlllK"
BNts, Toleilo, Ohio.
llall'H Catuirh due is taken Internally, aitlnjr
lirectly upon the hlooil anil uiueoiis surfaees
the system. Price. 75e. per ltottle. Solil Ity all
UruKKl-t-1. Testlnionlals free.
Tlio CilM) Apiieulml.
V. Ci. Kaniuliar, Esq., on helialf nf tliu
THXpayer.-.' Assoi:iation, lias forivarileil to thu
riothonotary of riiilailulplua county thu
nccenmry p.ipemniipenlliiKfioin JihIku Koch's
decision in thu county bond case,, in winch
thu latter uileil that CniuiuisMoncrs had tliu
U'Kal rlftht to Usuo bunds to liiiiiidato tliu
prusi'iit indebtedness of the county.
Thu best placu to buy your wall paper is at
I'. .1. rorl, 21 North Main htreet. Wu liavo
thu largest stuck north of thu mountain. tf
Scrctuiilc s.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Fred. Jay, who havo just
returned fioni their bridal tour, weie tundeied
serenades at their homo 011 Nortli Jardin
street last evening. The (irant II.1111I first
put in an appearance and rendered selections,
The band's depaituie was followed by the
arrival of tho Methodist Episcopal church
choir, of which Mr. Jay is a member. Itu-frc-h
incuts were solved and tho choir re
mained the guests of Mr. nnd Mis. Jay until
midnight, during which pastimes of various
kinds were indulged in and thu visitors left
for their respeitlve hemes delighted with tho
events of tho uvening.
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Anti-lleadaeho never falls, 2!ic.
JULY 4th,1898,
In Columbia Park, Shen
aiuloah, Pa , under the
auspices of the
S25 SINGING CONTEST f"r male parties
will lake place, admission to the
contest free. The piece selected
is "Rock Away in the IHllows
We build you a home just as you want it built.
We will submit plans and cost, or pass on the practicability of
any sketch you may have, without any charge. We will build
the house for you according to specifications and by the time
you state barring strikes. We will keep the cost within the
figure quoted and will guarantee that you will be satisfied
with your home. See us about it.
Glenn & O'Hearn,
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
An Ailiiliiitloii Item Ink mi tlio AllMlug
Ten TImhiniiimI liolliirs.
Tho arhltrntlpu In llio enso of tho Hafu
Deposit vs. tlio Cniinty of Schuylkill,
suit brought to recover $M,000, a loan, win
commenced yesterday. 3. II. Knercher anil
II. 1). Smith represented tho bank and
County Solicitor H. O. lSechtel wis for tho
county. Tho bank claiim to havo loaned tho
county $20,000 mi n nolo dated Juno 30th,
18117, for three months ut 15 per cent. In
teract. Tho full faeo of tho nuto was paid by tho
bunk on a treasurer's check, Jated July 1st,
18117, mndo payable to tho treaiuror of tlio
county. The noto fell duo September 30th,
1S07, when it was relieved to November SOth,
1S07. Tho orlKlnal noto was surrendered to
tho Commissioners. Sir. IIaz7ard, tho wit
ness, who cavo tho .ibovo Information, said
tho bank held no receipt from tho county
treasurer, nnd novel asked for ono, as tho
check boro tho treasurer's signature.
A number of witnesses wcro called, among
them Deputy Treasurer Delbert, Coninil
sloncrs' Clerk H. V, Hcberand Deputy Con
troller Payne. On behalf of tho defeuso It
Is claimed that tho county doos not owe tho
amount claimed; that tho county lias already
overpaid tho bank for money which tho
county never received, nnd that $I0,U0i)
charged against thu county by tho bank had
never been received by tlio county.
Tho arbitrators aio Mahlon It. Nichols,
Harry Hutisc and William M. Kaussett.
Gonuiimins, fuchsias, panslcs, daises, roses,
etc., fur spring planting at l'ayno's nurseries,
Olrardvillo. Tuberoso and gladiolus bulbs.
Tho ltongh Hitlers ol Hie World.
Tlio grand review ol tho rough riders of
the world, with which tho afternoon and
evening performances of lluiliilo Hill's Wild
West mil bo inaugurated hereon Juesilay,
June 21st, deserves much more than n pass
ing notice, and as it always begins at 2 nnd 8
o clock, sharp, all siioiiiu no scnieu ny max
time in order to see, enjoy and appreciate tho
wholu of it. It is opened with n magnetic
lush, and this spirit is splendidly kept up
tluouidiout. Tho band begins to play, ami
away oil' at tho other end of tho arena tlio
Indians uie seen coming mounted, at a dead
run. This is but ouo uf tho many tribes that
arn with iliillalo Hill. They rido as fast ns
their ponies will carry them half waynround
tlio ring, and then draw up buforo tlio spec
tators." Tho chief of this particular tribe
then comes forth with the samo break-neck
speed as did his warriors, and this continues
until tlio representatives of all tribes have
taken their places before their whltobrothors,
The Moxicans, the Cowboys, tho South
American (lauclios, tho cavalry of tho differ
cut nations, and all the liders come in, ono
organization at a time, all riding at a dead
run. After all am drawn up in lino Ilullalo
Hill ' rides forth, and is, of course, greeted
with immense npplame. It is a superb and
indescribable picture.
Aluminum memorandum books witli your
name engraved, 35 cents. At Ilrumm's.
I I nil Tirol 1'lret
Insure your property from loss In the
oldest and strongest cash companies: I'hila.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of Nortli
America and 1'iru Association, Hartford
Kilo Ins. Co., Aine.iie.-in l'iro lusuiiimo Co
West Chester l'iro Ins. Co., United I'lreinen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jin-din St., Shenandoah.
At Paynu's nursery, Oimrdvillo, you will
lind tlio largest stock over seen in tho county.
Ask your groier for tho "Koyal Patent
llour, and tako no othor brand. It is tho best
Hour made.
11KNT. ytore niul ilwxllintf, Nn II Noitli
White (.ttft't. (Mil KHIuwx' IiuiMlnu. Oootl
liimtm-MM locution, all convi'iiU'iui H hath room,
liotai t coM water, only S'JO per immtli. Apply to
any of tlio trustei'H. Janit's l-aiierHoii r r. ui
lnms or linrry iinmiiiKLT. o-v-uico
IjIOU HATJi. The property on West Oak
I' street, known as thu (Jrant prom-ity. Will
be hoM in single loU or us H whole. Apply to
W-u. Uretfory, iikcw, iwi xsorui .Minn siren,
Khenaiitloah, l'a. M-U
I.lOlt SALIC A uooil property nt Nn 425,
I1 Turkey Hun. Lot ISOxISO. Water In the Iiouo
ami other enliven enees. Makes a nice liome
Will he hoUI (heap for cah. Apply nt thu
IlKitAl.nollleo. G-y-lw
()U SALK A vnhmhle property on Weht
Centru tttieet, Uwellnitf lioiise, nun all eon-
venlenees. In ileni rnhle location. Apply t(i
Thomas Tosh, for further particulars. .V7-tf
I noli SALU. -A walooii, (inod staml and
' eentrat locution. Has two pool tables, one
beinir a eoini it nation oi nooi ami niiuariiH,
Apply at thu Jli:itAl.l otUee. tf
Oil IiKNT. A house, Hiiitable for n Hinull
family, location In rear alley, near
Centre. Apply at IIlUtAUi otllee. a-lH-tf
Sealt'il tiroiMiHals will bo rcccivi'il Ity tlio
llluli-rli;ncd, the Controller ot Ptliuylkill
(ountv. lit nW oIlU'C nt tlio oort houso, rotU-
vlllc, l'a . until Thursday, Juno SOtli, lsys, nt
10 n. in., for tlio purclinso of Hclmylklll county
four jiuri'i'iit. ri'ulstert'il coupon bonds, dated
July 1st-. rctlouniablo after ll'o ycarHUiul
payable within thirty yearn from date, lasuu to
be. ono hliudieil nud fifty bond of tliu denonil
lmtioii of 81,000 ejieh, ono liunilletl and twenty
bonds of S-'KJO each, nnd ono hundred and ninety
bonds of 8100 each, a total of S229,tW0, Interest
oaMible t.eiiit-aiinlinllv on the llrst day of July
and January, respectively, and free of htato
tax llids will be received for the entire. Issue
or any portion thereof nt the discretion of the
bidder and lire to be innrkcd "bond nurehuse
The rlht icseneil to l eject nliy or all bids. Ity
order of the County Commissioners,
l'ottsville, l'a , June 1st, ISM. ft-Ml-IH-SS
In wall pupiTH mid fUcorations U ono of tlu
ntnt'toiNitli t'l'iitury tu-rniiijillHlniifiiU, That W
why tho who scire t their wall paper ni
( WIClMN s mt Kiu-h di'llKhUul ri'sulU, It hm'1
neci try to mrclmu thu oxpvnslvu t;m!t'H, the
iIchIm" and t'rH nru Jut as nrtUtlo tu the
cheaper gradi-i, If they aro not m ikh. Km
thoKU who wih to decorate their rooms with
artistic wall paper go to
224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, l'a.
School : District
i J. McLaughlin, ex-Receiver, in account witli 'District.
To balance on iltinli-
catc of l8o.4-'05. , , $ 7? 09
Ti lialnlicc 011 dupli
cate of iSy5-'9&. . . 4'9 20
o balance oil dupli
cate of iSo6-'97 . . . 1,456 21
Si.947 56
M. J. McLaughlin, Receiver, in account with District.
To amount of dupli
cate of l8o7-'9& . ?iu,074 72
$16,074 72
M. A. Noone, Treasurer,
' DK.
To cash from Receiver, M. J.
I.aimhlin b 1,473 10
To cash from State appropiia-
ttou 3.752 7l
i"o cush from unseated lauds . 3i475 92
To cash from cx-Rcccivcr 1' J.
McLauL-hlin 5 86 80
To cash from ex-Treasurer,
amount of order 109 of '97 . 30 00
To cash from balance of ex-
Treasurer 14 95
Total $ 18,333 54
Amount of outstanding orders $ 2,953 5
" " bonds 0,000 00
Total $ S.953 50
To orders issued during year
ami commission on same. , S 209 10
Balance to ctnlil of fund . . . 975 27
Total S 1,184 37
Expenses of
Tuition and County Institute . . . . .
Tuition to l'rackvillc School District ,
Repairs nnd Material
Building fund account
New books
secretary s salary
Counsel. . . .'
l'riuliu g
Commission lo County Treasurer. , .
Interest on temporary loans
Bonds redeemed and bond interest. .
Water rent
We, the undersigned auditors of West Malianoy Township, have examined the
foregoing accounts and find them con cel.
Audi Ion.
A j-ood
drink. .
ptneo for n good
Michael Mills' Saloon,
22 U. Centre street, Mellet'BbulldliiK,
Wine, Whiskies, Ueer nnd Clears. I'resluwt
beer tn town a!wuyn on tap.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And n velvety softness of the skiu Is Inva
riably obtained by tuut'? who use. 1'ozzoni'b
Complexion J'owder.
We celebrate our opening at 15 N. Main street,
to-day (Friday) June 3rd, by selling the largest
and most complete stock of
Glothincj, Gents' par Dishing Goods, Boots, Shoes,
At the lowest prices ever olfercd by any storo In the Shenandoah valley.
Our goods are not the accumulated left-overs of several seasons,
but honest, new stock just received from the manufacturers' hands.
We have made up our minds that in order to secure the permanent
trade of the people we must give them good value for their money, and
tjtis shall be our motto: to render a dollar's' worth for every dollar
spent. Having had several years experience in the clothing and shoe
business we kuow how to buy and what to buy in order to keep abreast
of the times, in quality, style and price. Come and be convinced.
Prices Advertised Will be Adhered to:
Cliildien's shoes, 3j to 8, spring heel,
i.ilent lip, 4SC ; 8J1 lo 11, in Russet, 58c ;
IIJ4 I" Koot' Mock, lace or button, leather
soles, Oyc. Infants' fine khoes, 35c.
Our ipcrial price in ladies' shoes, regular
$2,00 shoes at Si. 00 ami J 1.25.
We have an elegant line of men's shoes,
patent leather, at Jl.So, worth 2.50 ; elegant
shoe at ifl.oo, worth $1.50 j our $1.25 shoe
sells elsewhere at $2.00,
Ixt of baby shoes, good stock, will go
at 19 cents.
fieut's furnishings, We have a fine line of
handkerchiefs which will go at 2 cents ech i
fine sockfi, 4c per pair ( celluloid collars, 5c j
4-pIy linen collars, 9c j big line of neck ware,
from 50 up.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
(Michael Peters' Building.)
IS Nortli Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa
liy cnslt pnld
" comniissioii
llnlnticc due .
IS 20
56 09
'f 72 9
Ily cosh paid M.
Nooiic. . . .
" commission .
Balance due . .
52 25
2 15
3fi4 26
419 26
By cash paid M. A.
Nootie $ 519 41
" commission ... 27 34
" exonerations . . 297 28
Balance due .... 612 18
t.450 2t
1.947 56
I f
By umtmnt paid M.A.
Noone (within 60
days) 810,283 10
" comtnission. . . 209 86
" abatements. . . 552 26
" unseated laud tax
returned to County
Coiumissiouers . . 3,101 20
" cash paid M. A.
Noouc after sixty
days settlement . 190 00
" commission. . . 10 00
Balance due. . . .$ 1,728 30
-$16,074 72
in account -with District.
orders cashed .
5' 7.954 45
359 09
20 00
" commission , .
Balance in treasury.
S'8.333 54
and Assets.
State appropriation due (esti
mated) S 4,000 00
Balance due by Receiver M. J.
Balance due by ex-Rcceivcr 1'.
1,728 30
J. McLaughlin 1,032 53
Balance due on unseated lands 122 18
Cash in Treasury 20 00
Kxccss of liabilities 2,050 49
Total 8,953 50
Fitntl Account.
1 113- balance from last year"
$ 37
Total 1, 1 85 37
School Year.
, 14,686 00
172 71
2S3 49
205 00
624 00
620 28
349 77
460 00
463 75
300 00
125 00
S3 50
43 45
16 80
46 75
1,420 00
, 12 00
. 19.912 5
... Is the Beginning of Baldness.
Westphal's fluxlliator
Cures Dandruff and nil diseases of Ihe scalp.
rou sai.b AT-
Ferguson House Block.
Overalls 40 cents.
Hig line of stockings, 5 cents up.
Dig line of infants' caps.
Nice line table cover, 2 yards, for 38c,
Machine cotton, 2 for 5c.
Ladies' fine shirt waists.
Ladies' skirts.
Tine line ladies' and gents' underwear.
I.ace and embroideiy.
Apron fiinghams, 4c.
All kinds laundered shirts.
Nice linen hats and caps.
Trunks and valises, fcatlieis, bed spreads.
Hoy's overalls, 19c,
Nice stock of umbrellas.
Mining cups, 8c.