The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 11, 1898, Image 1

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Creates btisintss because of itsknntm
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To reach the fublic through a fro
grtssive, digmfiea, influential journal
use the HERALD columns.
VOL. XIIT.-NO. 143.
J. P. Williams & Son,
COR RENT. An eight-room dwelling house, good loca
" tion. On North White street. Call at O'Hara's Livery
Stable, Corner White and Lloyd streets.
In all the leading shades. Also White and
colored organdies, embroideries and new effects
in cotton goods.
At the old price, regardless of the advance.
v.-, I . ! F3p?irP"'C North Main St.,
' w ? Shenandoah, Pa.
We i
Window Shades,
Lace Curtains,
Scrims, &c,
So If you are In need of that
kind of goods wo can save you money toy buy.
Ing here.
Z3 S. Ivlaln St. Third Door FVom Post Office.
H eadquarlers for Screen Doors, Window Screens, Green Wire Cloth, Etc.
For Good Light
White Bread
Daisy or Moss Rose Flour.
Sold by
Geo. A. Keiter.
Whole! Wheat Graham Flour
Old Time Pure Rye Flour
Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour
Best Granulated Corn Meal.
'War Declared
On Prices.
A large and beautiful new
slock of
Baby Coaches,
and upwards.
Ac a re now offering great bar
ga Ins In
Special to UvKXISd HKItAM).
Washington, June ti.
A coiiiinuiiication was made public to-day from." Rear Admiral
Sampson dated June 3rd. The Admiral, after giving the details ol the
sinking of the Merrimac at Santiago, says :
"I cannot too highly express my appreciation of the conduct of
Ilobson and his crew.
"I venture to say that a more brave and daring thing has not been
done since Cushing blew up the Albennarle."
Admiral Sampson then recommends a suitable reward to Ilobson
and his companions.
A letter was brought to Sampson under a flag of truce from the
Spanish Admiral, Cervera, extolling the bravery of Ilobson and his
Special tii Evening Hkrvm).
Madrid, June 11. The Deputies of the Porto liico legislative bodies
have called for an immediate assembling of the Chamber and have declared
that if this Is opposed by Captain-General Maclas, of Porto Rico, they will
appeal to the Spanish Chambers.
If their demands is refused by the latter they will resign.
WftSfllfiGTOJJ pws.
Latest Advices From tlin atloiml Capital
on tliu War Situation.
Special tn Kvknino IlicitALii.
Washington, Juno 11.
Tho stato department lias no otlicial
knowledge that Spain it making overtures
for an ending of tlio war. Tho administra
tion hopes to bring Spain to tonus by causing
Santiago to surrender, and after that occupy-
ng Porto liico, but a number of prominent
men connected with the executive branch
are inclined to tho belief that it will bo
necessary to capturo Havana before tho
enemy realizes that ho is beaten.
At tho Stato Department this morning olll-
cials stated, unofllcialiy of course, that if over
tures for peace nro being discussed abroad
knowledge of it has not been given the Wash
ington government. Talk of peace in in tho
air, but whatever negotiations aio in progress
are confined tj Kuropcan capitals. Moveovcr
tho United States will not talk peaco until
Spain yields Cuba.
Many reasons are given for tho recall of tho
transports carrying troops to Santiago, but
tho correct account has not previously been
given. The navy department on Wednesday
recoived information fiom Commodore Hemey
stationed nfTCey West, that soveral myster
ious vessels had been Been on tho northern
coast of Cuba, heading for Havana. Subse
quently news of an intercepted despatch ad
dressed to Gen. Blanco, saying that four
Spanish vessels wero on their way to Havana,
was received. Tbcro was nothing definite in
this despatch, and tho decision to delay tho
transports to await additional convoys was
reached. Several of our licet aro now hunt
ing for llieso mysterious ships, and the expe
dition will not get away bofuio noxt Monday
at tbo earliest.
Two artillery batteries left hero this morn
ing, llattory C, Oth Regiment, will proceed
at once to join tho Philippine expedition,
llattory M, 4th Itoglmcut, will join tho
garrison fortifications at Delawaro City.
Tho sixty-soven 2d Lieutonants for tho
regular army, made ncce.sary by tho Act of
Congress providing for three battalion
organizations, liavo been agreed upon and
their names will bo sent to the Senate on
Monday. There wore 1,200 applications.
Naval authorities hero holiovo that the
monitor Monterey, now on its way to tho
Philippines, Las seized tho Carolino islands,
and has loft a laud forco thero. TIioso islands
aro about 1500 miios from Manila. Tho com
mander of tho Charleston lias instructions to
stop at tho Ladrouo islands, a Spanish pos
session, and to raiso tho American flag thero.
Neither of these possessions are woll fortified,
and tbo troops now 011 tho way to tho Philip
pines can easily tako possession of them.
Special to Kvenino Herald.
Wilkes-Iiarro, Juno 11, 2 p. m. An explo
sion of gas has just taken place in tho South
Wilkea-llarro shaft, operated by tho Lehigh
& Wilkos-ltarro Coal Company.
It Is statod that twenty or more men aro
Tho news of tho oxplosiou caused much
excitement in tho vicinity.
3:00 p, in. Heports just received from tho
shaft show that tho first reports woro greatly
None of tho men woro killed. Nino wero
taken out badly burned and removed to tho
Dynamite Plant Destroyed.
Hpeclnl to Kvknino IIkuam.
Hay City, Mich., Juno 11. Tho dynamite
factory of II, II, Thomas, near this city, was
blown up last night. Fifteen hundred pounds
of nitro-glyceriuo oxploded,
lliirge Sunk mid Many Droit ned.
Special to Kvknino IIehald,
Victoria, B. C Juno 11, It Is reported
from Lako licnuott that on May SStli a hargo
with sixteen persons anda largo quantity of
supplios, capsized and tho occupants wero
New School House,
The new school house at Jackson's patch is
being furnished with new desks to-day by
M, O'Neill, who was busily engaged in plac
ing them in position, Tho dusks are seventy,
two In number.
Special to Kvenino Herald.
Madrid, Juno 11. It is scmi-ollicially an
nounced that representatives of Spain aio
making inquiries of the Powers to learn
what foreign sympathy and aid Spain may
rely upon in negotiations for a settlement of
hostilities. Diplomats in Paris aro already
making preliminary efforts towards stopping
the war. It is roported that Spain has inado
overtures to Austria and Franco to negotiate
in her behalf for an ending of the war with
tho United States.
Tho rumors that Captain-General August!
had surrendered to Admiral Dewey to savo
tho inhabitants from massacro by tho insur
gents aro not believed here.
Tho National predicts tho fall of tho gov
crnmont and tho formation of a Cabinet by
cither Gou. Martinez Campos or SenorSilvela,
tho Dissident Conservative leador.
Don Carlos, tho pretender to tho Spanish
throne, lias summoned his leaders to a con
foicnco in Brussels. Action by tho Carlists
in Spain is imminent.
Berlin, Juno 11. Tho Kruz Zcitting
reiterates in most positivo terms its statement
that soveral powers have inter-changed
opinions in regard to mediation in tho war.
If Cervera Destroys Ills Ships Spain Will
Fay Heavily,
Special to Kvenino Herald.
Washington, Juuo 11. The Navy depart
ment lias sont orders to Admiral Sampson to
notify Admiial Cervera tsat, if tho latter
destroys his four armored cruisers and two
torpedo-boat destroyers to prevent their fall
ing into our hands, Spain at tho cud of tho
war will bo made to pay an additional in
deminlty at least cquivolent to tho valuo of
those vessels.
It has been realized all along that tbo
Spanish Admiral, rather than permit his fino
squadron to bo added to tho United States
navy, might at tho last moment, when he
saw that further resistance was usoloss, pro
fer to blow them up, perhaps going so far as
to carry himself and his men along with
them. It was somewhat hastily assumed at
first that if Corvora cared to do this nothing
could bo done to prevent it. Even now ho
may prefer to solid his ships to tho bottom
and let this country oxact such reparation as
it may sco fit.
Tho Navy department hopes, liowover, to
convince him by tho above argument of tho
folly of doing anything so rash.
Special to Kvenino Herald.
Heading, Juuo 11. A cablegram receivod
to-day states that James W. VA wards, Secio
tary of tho Y. M. C. A. of this plaoo, who
was reported arrcstod in Havana as a spy,
has been roloased and lias started for homo.
Kdwards was unnaturalized and a nativo of
England. Ho was released through tho
efforts of tho British Consul at Havana,
Chattanooga, Juno 11. It is understood
that thero is 0110 caso of spotted fever in tho
camp hospital iiero.
Governor Hastings and party aio sponding
tho day horo with tho Pennsylvania troops.
Itisrumorod that Gouoral Fred. Grant
will be transferred from tho 3rd to tho 1st
Army Corps.
Key West, Juno 11. A Cuban scout Just
frv,m Havauubrings information that Captain-
General Blanco has announced that uliuu-l
drcd French artillery, field guns and a largo
supply of ammunition will reach Cuba within
n wvok on a vossol flying n French flag,
Spanish Merchantman Captured.
Special to Kvciilog Ilcruld.
Kiugston, Juno 11. It Is lepottcd hero
that tho American auxllary cruisor St. Louis
lias captured a Spanish merchantman in theo
Four of the Enemy's iWarships Sighted
Off Cape Henry Activity at
Fortress Monroe.
Newport News. Vn., June 11. A dis
patch received from Kort Monies
Buys: lntenee excitement was caused
at Kurt Monroe last night shortly ntfer
9 o'clock by u dispatch received from
tho slKtial station at Cnpe Henry stat
ing that Spanish warships were lurking
in that vicinity, a short while later a
inessaKe wns received from Washing
ton Instructing the commandant or thp
fort to bp on the alert.
llppnrts as to the number of ships
sepn conflict. A lloutennnt who wus
seen at midnight snld Up bad been In
formed that a Spanish battleship, two
cruisers and a torpedo boat bad been
caught under the aenre bllg-lit at Cape
Henry steaming from a northerly di
rection. As soon as It was reported that the
enemy's wnrslilpB liad been slglited
there was great activity at the fort.
The big senrclillKbt began to sweep tbe
bay and signals were Hashed to the
cruiser Minneapolis, auxiliary cruiser
Dixie and the dynamite cruiser Huffalo,
wlilcli aie anchored off Old Point.
Quarters were sounded and the crew
hastily prepared the ships for action.
The gunners took liosltlons at their
posts, where they were ordered to re
main during tbe night. The search
lights were kept pie Ing on the waters.
In the foit ammunition was hurried
to tbe IiIk guns and the troops ordered
to their postM. Rome of the ottlcers
were with their families at the Uotels,
and the buglers were dispatched for
lliem. TUb men grim led out of the
hotels half dressed und hastened to the
fort. In the camp of the Maryland
troops oiders were clven for tlie men
to sheii In their clothes, with their
funs close by.
Count Almadavor de Rio Has Taken No
Action, So Far as Known
at Washington.
Washington. June 11. Reports from
Madrid that Spain, through the min
ister of foreign affairs, Count Almado
var de Rio, had taken formal steps to
ward securing peaco, have not been
made apparent by any action in Wash
ington up to this time. Thero has been
no proposition for peace or for an
armistice, nor has there even been an
entering wedge of inquiry as to how
such a proposition would be accepted.
The Madrid report stated that the
Spanish ambassador to Austria had
been instructed to seek tho good offices
of Austria In bringing forward th?
peace proposition. But, If this be true,
the Austrian premier, Mr. Von Hengen
muller, has not coveyed to the state
department any Indications that Aus
tria Is ready to act. On tho contrary,
Mr. Von Hegenmuller does not ap
pear to think that his services will be
required here in the near future, as he
leaves next Tuesday for New London,
Conn., taking his ofllclal staff, for a
summer's vacation.
At the sama time tho prospects of
peace continue to bo discussed In dip
lomatic circles, and It Is known that
at least one of the great powers of Eu
rope stands ready to act as peace medi
ator In- case the United States will
make a suggestion that such a move
ment would not meet with disfavor.
One of the most Influential members of
the diplomatic corps, the ambassador
of a continental power, said concerning
peace possibilities:
"There will be no offer of mediation
from outside. Such a movement, If It
comes at all, should come at the sug
gestion of tho United States that it
would be acceptable. Let your govern
ment Intimate that It would be willing
to discuss tho terms on which peace
could be restored, and I feel sure that
at least one government of Europe will
be ready to meet this suggestion, and
do Its utmost in a spirit friendly to
both opposing nations, toward putting
an end to tho present conflict and
bringing them together on a basis hon
orable to both."
I.lllll at ltcst.
The funeral of llessio I'.ditli, the twelve-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
P. Williams, look placo fiom tho family
rosldenco on North White sticet this after
noon. The remains reposed in a beautiful
whito casket and woro viewed by many
people. Following aro tho lloral tributes
which rested about tho casket : Cross of
natural llowers from tho parents; boqiiet of
carnations, schoolmates; boquetof rnsos, Mrs.
George Fox, of Win. I'enn; slioaf of wheat,
.Miss Susannah Williams; boquetof rosos.Miss
Gertrude Goodlioad ; boquet of Jack roses,
Mrs. W. H. Shoemaker. Services over tho
remains woro conducted in All Saints' l. K.
church by tho pastor, Itov. G. W. VanFosseu.
Tlio pall bearers woro : Messrs. Albert Has
kins, Elmer Tempest, Irwin Vest, Georgo
Uritlltlis, William Voalo and Harry Moyer.
Interment was made in tho Odd Fellows'
cemetery by J. 1'. Williams & Son, tho
undertakers, who had charge of tho ob
sequies. At tho church a lloral cross was
presented by tho All Saints' Sunday school.
Mrs. Louisa lloiicr, sister of ox-ShcrlU"
lloyer, died at her home in Tamaqua, after u
lingering illness.
Mrs. Carolina Houser, wife of Jonathan
Houbor, died at 11 o.clock last night at her
homo corner Jardin and Laiuel streets, after a
lingering illness. Tho deceased was &l years
of ago and leaves her husband and two sons,
tho lattor being Joseph Houser, of town, and
Philip Houser, of Mlnorsvillo. Tho funeral
will tako placo at 2 p. in., 011 Monday. Ser
vices in tho Trinity Itcformod church and
interment in tho Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Straw berry, Vanilla anil Chocolate
Ico cream to-day and to-morrow, at
Scheidei's bakery, 27 Kast Centre street. It
Absolutely Puro
G. A. It. Committee Appointed For fourth
of July Demonstration.
A Joint Meeting of Committees to be Held
Noxt rrlday Went to Arrange Plans
l'or a Grand Parade of All
Local Organizations.
At a icgular meeting of Watkin Waters
Post No. 110, G. A. It., last night it was
decided to Inaugurato a movement for a
grand patriotic celebration of tho Fourth of
July in this town. Mc9srs. John Watson,
Charles Gibson and David Morgan woro
appointed a coiumitteo to represent tho Post
in tho matter and a request is made that
representatives of the several societies of tho
town meet the committee in the Post room
noxt Friday ovoning, at eight o'clock, to
lormulato plans.
Thero is a strong sentiment in favor of
making tho demonstration 0110 of tho
grandost tho town has ovor hail, not only to
colebrato tho anniversary of tho Declaration
of Independence but to combine with it a
formal colobration of tho victorios the
Amorican HectB havo thus far scored in the
war with Spain. Thero has been no time
for ovor a quarter of a ceutuiy when a more
appropriate occasion foi a gouoral outburst
of enthusiasm has presented itself and 110
bettor day could bo solected for it than tho
I ourth of July.
Tbore is really only 0110 tiling upon which
a fear or failuro can secure a basis, and that
is the condition of tho times. But, whilo
this region for sovoral months has been
passing through tho hardest times it has
experienced for twenty years or inoro, tlioro
is still sufficient vigor and patriotism loft in
the peoplo to mako themsolves hoard whon
the nation is in a spirit of jubilation.
If all tho local organizations will got to-
ther and dctermiue to havo a joint demon
stration Shenandoah will have a parade on
tlio l' ourth ot July and will convince tho
hundreds of visitors who will bo attractod to
the town that tho old timo patriotic spirit is
as strong as ovor.
Although the Grand Army men aro tho
tirbt to mako public announcement of the
matter, thero aro others that have been
giving it attention, and now that tho ball
is started lolling a grand co-operative move
ment may bo expected.
Nearly all tho local societies will hold
meetings botween now and tho timo fixed for
the joint committee meeting and they will
no doubt promptly and oll'ectivoly display
their patriotism by appointing activo men to
take part in tho deliberations of tlio joint
committeo and mako the coining Fourtli of
July a day long to bo remombored.
ltlckert's Cutu.
Ptifiitn Siltnil ntnl tninn.'c Vln,,n .nii...
as free lunch to-night. Hvorybody como.
faithful (lUarilluiiN.
In another column of to-day's issue of tho
Herald will ho found tho auditors' annual
statement of tho School District of West
Mahanoy township, in which tho receipts
and expenditures aro set forth and sum
marized in a mannor that reflects much
credit upon those having in chargo tho pub
lic schools 01 that township. Uach item of
oxpondituio and tho monies received can be
traced at a glance, so that tbo taxpayers of
tho township may know that the Directors
havo faithfully performed their duties and
give a good account of their stewardship. In
order that tlio report may roach as many as
rosiblo in that valloy, the largo circulation
of the llmiALi) is taken advantago of. Tho
statement is worthy a earoful perusal.
Tho i:iks' MlustrtlH.
Tho minstrel performance at Ashland last
ovening for the benefit of tlio lodgo of
lienovolcnt Order of Llks at that placo was a
grand success in all respects and a handsome
sum was netted. Among tho peoplo of this
town who attended were Mr. and Mrs. II. L.
Whitclock, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Houok, Mr.
and Mrs. F. U. Mugarglo, II. J. Muldoon,
John F. Higgius, P. 1'. 1). Kirlln and Frank
C'olilinllll. llreiikui' llustrojeil.
Special to KVEMNO IlEllALU.
Mt. Carmel, Juno 11. Tlio largo breaker
at tbo Columbus colliery No. S, near Mt.
Carmel, caught ilro about midnight and was
totally destroyed. Tlio colliory was operated
by Whito & Whito, and employed sovoral
hundred men and boys. Tho luss to the
operators will bo vory honvy.
Ico Cream I'ostlviil,
Tlio Grant Baud will hold an ico cieam
festival in Bobbins' oponi house on July 1st
ami ami. 0-10-td
Tho "V" l'loginin.
Tlio following program will bo rendored at
the meeting of tho "Y" this ovening: Sing
ing, "Y ;" prayer, Johu H. Danks j scripture
reading, Clara Yost j solo, Harriot Tarnsh ;
declamation, May Dusto; duett, Mamo
Morgan and Maltha Griffiths ; recitation,
Mattlo l'rico ; address, Bov. Jamos .Moore;
duett.Misscs Minnlo and Kva Powell ; critic's
icpurt ; closing song.
Fifty 150) oxperioncod hands 011 caps, to
work fur tho Schuylkill Manufacturing Co.,
at Northumberland, Pa. Good wages paid
and steady employment assured. For further
information writu to tho Schuylkill Manu
facturing Co., Nortliumhoiland, Pa. It
Treuslliel's Hale,
Tho Troasuier's sale of boated and unseated
lands will lie held nn Aliimlov .1. n
' - " J muiMiiihitmi
o'clock in No. S cuurt room. Many valuable
properties aro to no ulsposed ot.
Presents for graduates at lirumm's.
Advertised Letter.
List of unclaimed letters at Shenandoah
post olllco Juno 11 : W. J. Unroll, .Mrs.
Annie Mlxnu, P. L. Siullhiirs.
1). W. IH:iii:a, P. M.
ringer Out Oil',
William Ycdkols, a young man residing in
tlio First ward, had tho top of the index
finger of ills left hand cut oil' by a falling
piece of coal In tlio West Shenandoah mines
yotoruay. Dr. J, Pierce Koborts drossed tlio
iuiurcd member.
.loliu Hall's New Truck Stand,
Corner Whito and Cuntro streets, adjoining
Oalviu s pool room. All truck in season.
I mils, ouiidii, cigars ami tobacco. It
Oil' lor Texas,
J. II, Martin, tlio Pennsylvania railroad
agent, to-day bold tickets to Tlmrlby Junc
tion, Texas, to four Poles who intend to go
to farming.
lis Oliaertmiio In Several Olmrrlios lit
'I own To-morrow.
In several local churches to-morrow C'hil-
dicn's Day will bo observed. The Sunday
school of tho Primitive Methodist church, at
tbo corner of Jardin and Oak strcetB, will
render tlie beautiful service entitled "riun
shine and Song," one of tho most patriotic
services given in the town, consisting of
solos, duets, quartettes, and choruses. Tho
church is olaborately docorated with
llowers Bnd the national emblem
One of tlie features is n tnuia
tore reproduction of Admiral Dewey - flat'
ship, the Olympin, about four feet long, and
the despatch boat alci ill lough. I iiese ,tr
vices will bo hold in tho ovening, at n V
lock, anil tlio pastor, Kov. Mnorc, cvtr mi
tt cordial invitation to all to attend. Tlio
services will also ho held in tho afternoon.
Children' Day services will bo held in the
First Iluptist church, coruorof Wost and oak
streets, to-morrow evening. Tho interior
of tho church has been splondidly decorated
for the ocsion. In tho morning a prayer
meeting will be held. Kov. D. I. Lvans. the
pastor, will preach at Hyde Park, Scrantou,
DicJdulzis ciife.
Bean soup, freo, to-night.
Saw Irish Coal 1'lelit.
A largo bod of coal, said to be 4i feet thii k.
covering an area of about 500 acios, lias been
discovered near Ballycastle, county Antrim.
According to the report of G. J. Kell. a
mining engineer, tho field contain over
2,500,000 tons of coal of averago quality
At Kepeliluskl'n Arcade, Csifa.
Hot lunch on Monday moroiug.
Amorican and Cuban flags, all Ries and
qualities. F. J. Portz, 21 N. Main street, tf
Up-to-date straw hats with up-to
datebands at tho up-to-dato
hat store.
Change of Season
Creates a change in underwear .
We have a large assortment of
up-to-date summer underwear.
Up-To-Date Patriotic
Neckwear in all styles made
the finest of silks at 25 cent
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah
oreatcst Ucnt s furnishing Store.
We are still doing- business at
our old stand, 106 .South Main
street. We are daily receiving
furniture which must be turned
into money. We are bound
not to be undersold by any 01
our competitors, and we are ir
a position to uphold this
assertion. Call and see us and
be convinced of the fact that
we are beyond approach.
For the summer we will make a
specialty of
lfor family and business pur
poses. us quote you prices
and styles.
lOG S. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
Measured Values.
When you come to think of the
things you have to buy you will be
astonished at the sum required to
provide all you must get. Put
down the items. They all seem
small, perhaps, but putting a price
to them you find they count up.
Now we are oilerlng you special
savings on everything you need.
Put our prices on the list you have
made and you will see the greatness
of the saving. -
25 South Alain Street.
essessrs,- i-zicr.
.1 a .J