The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 09, 1898, Image 2

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    - - r-TT - -
KSTAIU.ISlll:i 1870.
I'll' fl.lieil every levelling, l'trc. Hnnilnr il
Tu. Herald In ilcllvrled IliHIiminliilimli liml Hi"
w iiiiiiIIiik to.nn for lx i out n week, y
nl. I tjt'.'trrlc. H mull IS.OOn yt,
ecu ninitti. iianl.lH In wlvnn-e. Mtrrrtlpe
in. nt. I iri." la.'.'ir.llniitoii(Keainl iMmlllmi.
The I'n'.h -'" " ii fliilit ti tin'
l 'linn of rtilvcrlUcinenti. wlicnclcr the nl
Wtnl u . of mi" driiMiida it. The rliclit I"
ir-. mil to 'liny n.liertl-.einent, nliclhcr
I ii I (. r or ii. il, ml tin' ..illli.hor may oVcm
H ,iur AiliittlKliiK tntm made known
u, , A) Ik.ltlou
K ,t. a 1 nl tiic ii.wtoflW. nl " I'm , i"
, nl l'.i. umil iinltr.
"All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
I III U-I)Y. .11 M. I'. IMit.
... : ''sEJ1
. y 1 r."r ! back, of
l ( --'Hcn. (lent,'e"
' .iL ,V 3vtirlnite,o
V -"iinias ni
Ol'H COl'NIKY : Plrst, Last ana Porever.
Bill V M ll'-ll
nils- riln .1 tul lie
lnl ii
J lie I
I -k r
di n t
l i !
ci.nieri'd in 11)0,
15 c i ul 1 iciiii uulil
.niiinu. Itriiiniii in 1H08
- tin- iniii of rcetilmr-kd.
..inlili. ('burle in ii little
,. Mm hco it, now you
1MINI IlIlN lllU'll Htnrti'il in
ii nd'tlie nnrt";iige "
II Iioliu-, before- June
ii i In- IiihtIomiiiv tnUeH (iliiei.
v 1 1 . w 1 1 in tliut Htnle popular
iiim. riiitnii Imvf lii'on sturtod. in
order I.. b..w Hil' people's ri'gurd for
tlie minim. b-r of tlioMorriiiuu!.
lJl'i.ll J I lit
1 I 11 I.
I II I v
Are Received From People
Cured by Favorite Remedy.
It is nn cverydnv occurrence for men
ai. l women to write and sav that l)v.
Dnviil Krtitwtty's I'Vivorife Yfoill
ctly ban cured them after the bent phy
sicians iui o made utter fniluies. The
most remarkable
ei have been it)
Kidncv, Liver,
Hlmlderand Uri
nary I)isoaOB,
and Constipa
tion. Many
)enple say they
ia o been cur
ed of pain in
tlicstnallof the
lesire to
of pain
in nasiine wat-
ct. others say tnai
tlieir urine no l.mgei
stains linen, and tlmt
i there is no sediment or cloudy conditio;
at the bottom of the vessel alter tner
urine has stood 24 hours. Still otlit-7
stiffen rn will be ; lad to know that thir
great medicine can lie had at druggist'
for $1 a bottle. One buttle will cure
ordinary cases, while in severe cases il
is sometimes neccsMirv to take more.
sample while punn. if you
wish to test Ftivnritv Jlcituily before
buying it, send your full pnvtoilice ad
dress to the 1 r. Ilavid Kennedy Cortm
ration, Kondout, N. Y., and wit nt ion
tins irit r. We will then mail you a
sample bottle free, as well as circul.11:
giving full directions for its use. Every
reader can depend on the genuineness
of this liberal odor, and all who sutler
from any of the diseases mentioned
above, especially those whose troubles
are considered chronic, should tnltu ad
vantage of it at once.
runft-riMH-o llppnrl llxpcpleil In tlio
Somite nl Any Hour.
AVashliiRton. Jinw l'nlfss most
i'i refully iirraimi" nlnri fall of leallsa
tinn the conferni" t the two Iiiiusoh
nf rnngiPSR oil tli nnr n venilP bill will
irmkp their Ulimt t" the senate today
nr tomoi row. I'nu tlciilly all the differ
inees between the two houses have
been adjusted except those nn the lo
bai co nehedule anil the coinage of the
silver selsnloinRe.
The settlement so fnr obtained is n
sulistaiittal vlctoiy for the senate,
l'raetlcally all of the senate amend
ments have been icinlncil, as have
nlso a large majority of the senate's
mure material changes. Among tit
most Impurtant of ihese whlrh the ie
port will show have been agreed to by
the conrenees are those provlilliiK for
a tax 011 Inheritances, for a dulv on
tea and for taxes on sleeping and pal
nee cars, petroleum and sugar relln
lnn. on mixed Hour nnd on bankers,
biukerx, theaters, circuses, etc.
The senate bond provision 1ms been
mutinied so as to constitute a com
promise with the limine. The most ma
terial alteration made In this amend
ment Is one ilxltiK the amount of bonds
at $1l)0,(ioo,n(io. Instead of $300,000,000, as
steed upon by the senate, and $500,-
000,0110,000, as promised by the house.
The provision In leKiird to the time
certificates will also be amended, but
the amount, which was $100,000,000 In
both the selinte and house bills, will
remain at that figure.
Promotion u tot'0 for l.lcutoiuml
llobaon unit 111m (Julliint ( row.
Wnshlnglnn, June D. The president
has dlle ted Admiral 8ampvn to pre
pnre and l'nrwaid at om e a detailed
leport of the Knllant action of Lieuten
ant Hlcliniond Pearson Hudson, at San
tiago, mid us soon as Is iccelved
will send a special lnessni;e t" congresa
'I'll ii Hit is n rumor in political
circles 1 1 mt ilnti. Clnirli'S AV. Stenie.
recently defeated for tile Republican
lii iiiliiut ion for (lovenior. will soon
iinnoiiiice linn-elf us 11 ciiiididnfo for
I uit.'d States Hcimtor to succeed
.Senator gimy. If any man in flic
slate eiin ib-leiil tilt' present illUIIIII
betit Mr Stone is tile mini.
Till' It' i'lililn uiis of the Sena
torial .list net linve been showing
tin ii- iliMippruvnl of tins Coyle
llrooiiii t,roii-' f"i' four years past, but
Hioiiiui eoiil. I not forgive tlicin for
their .liMippnivnl of liis friend, the
Keiiiitor iiml lie-loui'il his favors ue
iiriliiij'U II11 own case ciuui's up
for jielgiueiit before the people this
fall nnd there is little room to doubt
what it ill be.
Till, throwing down of William K.
Iliirrit at the suggestion of Mr.
Itryiin u'iw's the followers of the
latter in this state iv great deal of
Mitisfiieti .11. There, Is little doiilit
but that the wilier wing of the Demo
ernfie p.u-ty Mill control the state con
vention ami insist upon the Chicago
platform Harmony in (he Demo
crutic put t j , therefore, in ""I of tile
tplesl n 'II
nvk en 11 imagine the feelings of the
delegate limn this county to the
.Democratic state eonvoiitiuli, who
recenil) incil an address declaring
that iioi.e but silverites be placed on
guard, vl they road tho roturiiH
from Oregon. The Republicans
liiade their light on tin- gold standard,
and gained a handsome victory over
11 coiiilnimtioli of JJemocralH, free
silver Republicans, I'opulists mill all
other ism in tliat state.
TllK stricturesof Ciunoriil Milesand
tliose of I'oultney lligelow show that
soiiiet lung is wrong at Taiiipu. I he
Cornier blames It all on the railroad
ollleials, Idle t lie latter says it is duo
to Incompetent stair ollleurs. (funurul
Miles slates that supplies have gone
astray, and intimities that the rail
way people havo mil sied up to the
changed conditions imposed upon
them when an army of :;u,0()u or 10,
000 muii is to ho prepared for an in
vasion. Ah the army bus been gathor-
'iig at that point for nearly six weeks
. seems incredible that the supplies
needed linve not beun bundled more
promptly, as thero linn been ample
time to have obtained tho additional
facilities necessary to bundle the in
creased trallle. This condition of
alfnirs emphasizes tlm need of a man
oxperh ed in transportation all'airs
at tlie head of a bureau in tho army
who is competent, if neeessiir, to
give parsimonious or incumpetunt
railway oillcials to understand what
the government needs in eiues llko
this. It is barely possible, too, that
the stalT ollicersfco severely linndled
by Mr. lligelow are endeavoring to
throw blame on the railroads to the
(ieiicrul to shift tlm odium from their
own shoulders, art It is inoro thanl
probable (Itiiiurnl Miles' information
; wag ilurlyed froiutbuSo oHlc'eis, llow
uver, ills apparent tliut tiaiisporta
lion iiintterH at Tampa are not in Unit
condition of forwardness which, con
Hidoring the time that has elapsed
since) volunteers were culled for and
the knowledge of what would bt
needed for snob a force, anil a remedy
should be applied at oil ne.
; . '- - :
Terrlblo Etfeots of Typhoid Fover
Sorotula Trouble,
"Altera severe attack of typhoid fevor
I was taken with n torriblo soroluln
trouble. 1 had large sorea 011 my limbs,
from which I suffurwl torribly. All
treatment sieiuod to make me womo. I
read what JIood' HmMpflrllla hod done
for others and boijaii taking It. Thepre
began to heal and I continued with Hood's
until cured." Minh Am.ib SuiKFKllT, 730
West 1'hlUdelphiii St., York, IVnn.
Hood's Pills are eay tu buy. y t take.
'Iniiii.'iiliii;i TliroiiKlioiit Hi" IJoiinlry
Ulir.inlclcil lor llli.lj
I '..null mere of gnu in Hnleton now pay
?l.Si. n reilm tion of S.1 cents.
riio I'jsbba. h InillB Ht I'ottsvlllo will
nuiiic nil .Monday, lifter it Innu lilluniw.
Judge SjimiIhu and Cuuerassinan Kulp mo
now owners of tliu Winniokiu eleelric. rail
'J'lio CoiiiinisHiotierH of I.nzerno comity
liavo fixed the value of coal laml nt JBO per
Nearly one thousand dollars has been col
lected in lla.letoii seluiuls from uoii-rosiucat
Martin Dully, sun of Daniel Dully, 01 ht.
('lair, yesterday graduated from tho Uirlislo
Law Collcmi.
A wile of iniirket stand nrivilcROS around
tlio "Circle," in iiiston's public wpuiuo, netted
thu city $17.0.15.
A hrick stack falling on James (feerKO, at
the Laurel Hill colliery, Luzerne county,
killed Mm instantly.
.Mentally unbalanced, D.ivld Wenricli, of
lleiidiiitt, committed sulelile by sliuuttng hhn
M-ir in tilt iilidoincn.
Ily u nreinatiiro blast in the. llazlo rnlliery
at Ihulftnn, 1'red Werlz and Charles 11 rim kc
were serioiiHly injured.
.Maud Smith, a Il-ycur-nlil PnttsvUto girl
was sent to jail lor iiii'iirrinihility. Sho will
lie hcut to a lleronnatoiy.
(liHirge I'lil, a loader lions in a uihio nt
Ashland, wits crushed to douth HKaint Riilu
tiuitiers by a car which jumped tho track.
No decision has yet been leached ill the
ease f Hin'tihoivur vs. the Ceiitrulia scliool
district. 111 d many urn wondcrinu what has
hccoiue of it.
I. W. Doyle, of t'liniholii. mis linlil imilor
:ilJI) hail hy Sqiiini Nickel on the nharieo ol
M'llini! liuuoi' 011 Ktiuday, iiroferred hy An
drew Michael.
Prof. J. W. Cooper, of town, who is u
member of the State Examining Hoard for
West Chester Normal school, left fur West
Chester Tuesday.
According to tho opinion hy Deputy At-
toriiey-deneral Keednr llshiiiK with fyko nets
is un awful 111 tho Btioauis 111 tho I'ounnon
tveultli of Pennsylvania.
A button on Joseph Conk's coat caiiKht ii
tho iiiar.hluury at tho Henry Clay miiiu
Hlianiokiii, and he was whirled about in thu
air until the engine stoppuil, hut encuped
without 11 semtch.
One Miiii'te is not long, yet relief Is nl
taiiied in half that t.iuu hy the 111c ol Uue
Miuuto Cough C1110. It prevuiits .wmunip
linn and mi cklv euros colds, croup, bronchi
tis, piioiiiuiiiiM, l.i griiipe and all throat anil
111m troiihles. C. JI. Ilasenbucli.
linpoi'tiilit Coiilerelico or l.'elicews.
New York, June a. An lmportunt
conference of members or tlie .lewisn
faith of this country and Canada was
begun yesterday In the Spanish and
'ortuguese synaKogues here. Tlie con
ference Is the outcome nf a great deal
of discussion among the Orthodox Jews,
who have felt for some time that loo
many of the younger element of the
faith were nlltmlng away from It, and
they begun to talk nf methods fur pre
venting the defections. Among mn
leaders In the movement are Hev. J)r.
II. peielni .Mended, of the Spanish
nnd Portuguese synagogue, ami uev.
Dr. M. de Hobt, of Montreal. The con
ference may lesult In rudlcal depart
ures from some of the observances of
the Jewish faith tliut have obtained for
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
IMin 1k,i. Kilve In tho world for cuts,
bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rliemn, fovur sores,
letter, cliHiiiied hands, chilblains, corns, ami
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or .10 pay requited. It is guaranteed to love
porrect SHtlsuciion or nionj in...........
J5 ( cuts per box. For sale hv A . W iisloy.
No lllir 11 u 1 1 1 In 1 lie l.iisr.
WasbliiKton. June 9. The Intention of
the war il. nul l uiciit ollh tills for the
present at least Is nut to establish a
general camp In the east fur the as
sembling of a larree body of troops, us
was suggested would be dune In an of
ficial statement made public some time
ago. (Jeneral Frank, commanding the
department of the east, has assigned
the troops under his command to sea
const fortifications, which disposes of
most of them under bis command.
leaving but few to rendezvous at any
ceil trill point. It may be that under the
second call for 711,0110 men sueli a camp
may be established.
recognizing the heiolm displayed not
only by llobsmi himself, but by tin
men who accompanied him on the Mer
ilmac. What will be recommended for
Hobson and his erew Is not certain
now, bill there probably will be a
lecomnieiidallon for a vote of thanks
specifically naming Hobsnn, though
probably not naming the men. Medals
of honor, It Is expected, wll be struck
off for the little band of men. and pro
motion of some sort Is In stole for all
of them.
The Mm lYuiiulseo nt Huston.
HoHton, June !). The cruiser San
Francisco, llngshtii of the 1101 tb At
lantic squtidroii patrul, with Commo
dore Howell on board, arrived yester
day. Three sailors who were Injured In
the uccldeiit of Sunday, when one mem
ber or the crew was drowned, were sent
to the Naval hospital. The stay of the
Han Francisco In this Imibor will bo
I'he Cub ill iiliesllon ami tioliticiil issues
sink iulo iiniguificiiiice with the man who
siilleis from piles. What lie mint desires, Is
roller. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures
piles. C. II. Hngenhiirli.
Poison Ii. .no iiivei.
Illntnn, W. Vu June n. Grout ex
cltemint pievalls on Ullie Stone river,
In this county, on account of the mys
terious poisoning of the fish in that
Etreum. As a tesull Lewis Petry, Colon
Lily and a man whose name could be
learned are dead and Mr. 10. IS. Agell,
u piomlneiit moielinnt, Is lying nt his
home dangerously 111 from eating some
fish caught fiom the river. A late re
port says that a number of persons and
cattle have died from the effects of
drinking tl.e water. The fish huve been
dying in lurge numbers, and ure being
washed nshore.
nyspepda bane! of human oxUtcme
Ihnilock Wood Hitlers ernes il, pioinptly,
periiKinelilly. KcHiilslea and tones the
stomach. .
Tlio LiirVi'M American steel Vuclit.
New York, June a. The American,
(be liii'n. st yiu'lil ever built In Ainerleu,
was sui c- .fully launched In the Hunt
river yesterday. A year ago Mr. Watt
conceived the Idea 01 building 11 steel
.vuclit entlii ly of American mateihil.
lie bought out Hie Johnson Iron works.
In this city, and for a year lins bent
bis eiu'igh-H nnd ultt-ntlnn to the con
struction ol this pleasure craft. The
LAmerli an Is 251 feet and 4 Inches long
33 fed beam, and has a draught of 1
feet fl Inches. Kile will have a twin
screw and will be capable of rnuklnK 1
knots. The yacht will be fitted out
To Cure Headache In IS Minutes.
Take Dr. Davis' Ati-Heiiil.iehu. All druggists
1 I 1 1-1. 1 1 ; 11111I Intel esllug.
IhiHUh Hill's Wild West is something mine
than an entertainment : its educational ami
patriotic 11I11e Is iciy gicat. It is snim-tliiug
which the chililicu should see, iu well
their elders. The programme is long and
cninprolienalvu. The beholder Is transported
as if by magic, from tlio plains of America t
tho defccrts of A labia, ft om thu Herman
capital to tlio kteuiies of Iiu-jua, I10111 11
toiiid clime of .Mexico ami tlie iiouiu n tut
liiill.fliiliter. to the tence of the Indian and
the round-tip of the cowboy. And all is lile
and movement, and stampim: of horses uu.l
1 lankiug of satires, and wild sliniitHiiiiil yi-Hs.
Tlie human iniichilio starts but once and
stops but once. You can keep il uoing lungci
and most regularly by using DuWitt's l.ittl.
liirlv liisers. tho famous liltlo pills for run-
tltlon and all stomach and liver troubles.
(.'. II. ilageuhiiuh.
Kvpelloil l i-.i'm Hiiviiiiii.
Havana. June U. Tuesday afternoon
the Urltlsb cruiser Talbot sailed rrom
Ilavuna. On board were Messis. Phil
Hoblnson and II. .1. Wlgham, the Kn
Kllsll newnpaper correspondents who
were arrested smio time ago at M
tansas. The Talbot also carried Messi s.
Kdward and Plnknev, who were ex
pelled from the Islund on suspicion of
being spies, Mr. Charles Todd and a
number of other pasnensers. These
Included "Ulster" Mary AV'llberforce, of
the IJrltlsh He! Cross society In Cub-i
a year ago, and against whom an order
of expulsion was issued lust Juiiunry.
Charges having lecently been brought
against her. the edict of expulsion was
carried out.
Three spectres that threaten baby's lift .
Cholera infantum, dysentery, diarrhoea. I i
Fowler's Rxtroct or Wild Struwl.oiry ncv. 1
falls to conquer thorn,
PoilllHVlvniihi VoluiitcoCH Moveiui'iil-Nt-w
York, June . Drdei's in-re Is
sued yesleriluy by Ceueiul Frunli,
commander of Hie department of the
cast, that three troops of the Pennsyl
vania volunteer cavalry, now at .Mount
Qretnu, proceed under their senior of
ficer to Dunn Luring. Six companies
of the Fourteenth Pennsylvania regi
ment lire ordeied to Fort Mott, N. J.,
and two companies to Fort Delaware.
Tie- I'lghli eiilh ii-niinent goes to Del
aware' l'ly. will, (lie exception of pip
coinpeiiy. hi. h ;is recently sent to
Alli.Ulie, (1. SiV I nuipaillCH of the Fif
teenth i.'Kioienl g" I.. Sb.-ridun's Point.
Vo , oii'l ilie Cm 11 m. lining c'lUipuuicH
to Fori WiHlimp' MU
llvoiybody's lishle to ilehhig piles. Ith li
nnd pisir, old anil you ng terrible tho torture
they sillier. Only 01111 sure ouro Doan's
Oliitinent. Absolutely sre j mu'tfull.
Piilally Hurt by Pull of lllevulor.
Harrisburg, June a, Will C. Cora
mliigs, aged ti years, u compbsltor,
uud Jesse Worley, aged SC years, a
steiKit j'lier, weie fatally injured last
evening by the fall of an elevator In
The Stur-Iiidcpendent printing house.
Cominllig called Ujioli Worley to assist
liloi to rejia'r the elelovutor. Com
inliit, wus standing on It when It sud
denly fell to the Mllar. carrying him
with It. Ills neck and both legs were
broken and he won Injured Internally.
WoiUy tried to stop the fall of Ids com
panion and pitched headlong down the
shaft lo the basement. Hoth legs were
broken and be was Injun-d about ths
hi ad. Coiiiinlngs Is dead and Worley
will die
f There Is no
word so full
H of meaning
unci about which such tender and
holy rccollectiona cluster us that
of " Mother " she who watched
over our helpless Infancy and guid
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth
er ia beset with danger and all ef
fort should bo made to avoid il,
ntl . . a .30 assists nature
iotlier s
ing piai
the Expectant
Mother is ena
bled to look for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood,
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy," as FniM, Confectionery,
so many nave saia. uoni uu
persuaded to use anything but
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Effects of Tobacco.
Tl I K excessive use of t olmcro, especial ly
by youiiRmcn Is always Injuiloiunnd
undoubtedly shortens llfu materially
Mr. Ld. 0. Kbscn, compositor on the Contra
Costa A'cii'd, Mnttlncz, Cab, writes; "I
used Dr. Miles' Kestoiativo Nervitio and re
ceived much bcnoflt from It. I ti-oul li u
with nervwtisness, dly epi lis nndsteeples-
noss, caused by tho uso of tobacco and stim
ulants. I took Dr. Miles' ricrvlnowltli mar
vclously cood results, allaying tho dizziness
uuletlns tho nerves, and enabling mo to
sleep and rest, proving In my caso a very
beneficial lcmedy." Dr. Miles' Itcstoratlvo
Nervine is especially adapted to restoring
tho nervous system to Its normal condition
undcrsueh clrcumstanct'i. U soothes, hoals
Dr. Miles' llemcdlcs
arobold by all dru?
Klsts under a pos-ltlvo
guarauleo, first bottlo
beriofitu or money 10
funded. Hook on dis
eases of tho heart and
nerves fiee. Address,
lis. " ' a
& Nervine 5
,Re5torc3 M
, Hcaitn
TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1898.
s Living Heroes of Romantic History
The Only Exhibition nf ils Kind on Earth
Pol- the Cell-"ll ol' 1000.
Washington, June !). A bill providing
for the tuklne of the 12th census was
passed by the senate yesleiday after
a debate which occupied the greater
part of three days. Under It, If It
should become u law, a director of the
census, un assistant director and five
expert statisticians will be appointed
Immediately to make the preliminary
arrangements for the hiking of the
CPUFUS of 11)00. Not more than two
thltds of the supervisors and enumer
uu;s shall belong to one political party.
Under the Personal Direction of its World-Pninous Originator,
Who Positively Appears and Participates In Unch and livery Afternoon and
Evening Performance.
Than nny Other Exhibition Ever Had. A Veritable Army of Instructors and
Entertainers in the Most Stupendous of Open-air Arenas, with absolutely safe
and perfect piotcclion front both Sun and Knin in
The night exhibitions being ltrilliantly and Perfectly llliuninalcd by the Mo.t Knor-
mous Portable Double KIcctric Plant of 250,000 Caiiillc-powcr.
tin: sioiimtN iiijauty
Thrives 011 ?ood food and sunshine, with
plenty of exenise in the open air. Her
form glows with health and her face blooms
with its beauty. If her system needs tlie
cleansing action of a laxativo remedy, she
uses the gentle mid iileafcaut Syuip of Pigs,
made hy tho California Pig Syrup Co. only.
is A Pleasure at Last.
WASHES 8t pYE5 ;
I V A H' J
'ii k r 'r t
z in muss. iu iruuuiu,.
l Tany.color. fl
: . i. - s-
!s The Cleanest, Fastest Dye fori:
: Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists,
;S Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under- ;j
: linen, etc., whether Silk, Satin, ;j
i Cotton or Wool. tutK ;
is ji
sSoo" in Alt Colors by Oncers nno;i
5 Druijgisfs, or mailed frco 3:
:s for 15 cents;
S,tirfre, Tn.lblVPO.BSOlPflC'Or, jj:
127 Duanc Street, New York. ;j
May 28, W..
TrAtns will leave Hliennmlonh after Ine noon
nte or Wlggium, (illliertou, rrsekviuo ui
Water, St. Clair, i'oltavlllo. llaniliilrg, Itcailln
.,. fit I...lll K,...lul.,...., ,1 P 1.1'
I M.r-.,,v ... .I...-IH a . ii. 1 "
aelphln (llrosit utrcel station) lit SUt and SIS
a. in.,2(U, 0 10 p 111. on w.rk .Inyi. Himilays,
s 1.1 11. m.. -I 2.1 p. m.
TralliH leave l'rackvllln for Kheiinndodli M
7 TO, ll fan, 111. mill IS 40, 7110 p. ic, Hiuulay,
11 01 11. m. liml .1 10 p. 111.
Leave I'nttavlllo for Hlicnnii'loah (via Kriik.
vlllal 7 10, 11 20 11. in., 5 20, 7 10 p. 111. Killlilie
I" !H 11. 10.. a 20 p. m.
I'nve Pliltu.lcliMn, (Hrontl strcrt hIhIIoii), fo
Shennniloah at 8 01 n. 111.. I 10 p. 111. week flays.
Hnnilnyn lenient 0 60 unit 'I 2.1 11. in.
l.cnvu llroiid Htrcft ftatioo, Plillii.lelplttA, te
Hen Ult, AMl.nry Park, tleeall drove, lnn
llrmicli, un.l IntcrMieillato Hlatloiis, h.2l
11.11, 11. hi., 8,110 anil 4.00 p. in. week-days.
Ix jivn llroail Htrctt Htstlon, rtilladclplila,
)'OU NBtf YOllK.
Kxtiress, wrek-dsys, 3 20, i On, i 50 6 t 6 60
7 33, H20, 0 60, 10 21 (Dining Car), II (Oil. 11.,
12 00 noon, .20.1 (I.liultcd I 00 anil 122 . r.i
Dliiliigfiira), 140, 2 30 (Dining ( nr) 3 20, 3 60,
100,6 00, 060 (Dining Oar), 0 00, 7 02,7 60 (Dill
log Cur), 1000 p. 11.., 1201, night. HunUayn,
J 20, I 00, 1 ou o oi n -tj, y lie, luai, 11.11.1n1.'
, Car), 1136 a. in., 12 M, I 01 iDlntng Carl 230
(Dining Car), 4 00 (l.lniitcit I 22) (Dunne Car),
16 20,5 60, (Dining Call 03, 7 li, 7 60, Dllllllg
Cnrl loou p. in., ijui niKiu.
KzprcsH lor llontoii without change, 11 00a im.
wcek-ouyH, nnu 1 w p. in., uuny.
For 11,-tltlinoro and Wnslilnntun, 3 60, 7 20, 8 32,
10 20, II 23, u. in., 12 00, 1281 (Dining Cur), 1 12
Dining Cur, 3 12, 4 11, 5 23 Congres
sional l.ftnltc.l. Dining Car, 0 17. 656 IDln
tng Carl, 731 iDlnlng Car p. in., anil 12 06
night w eek days. Holidays, 3 Ml, 7 20, 0 12, 11 23,
a. 111., 12 m, I 12, Uiliilug Carl 4 41, 320 Con
Krcwilonal Limited, Dining Curl, u56 Dining
Cur, 731 IDInlngCur p. in. nnd 12 05 night.
I.'.ir Daltlinore. accomiiiodatlmi, 0 12 a m,2 02
and 4 01 p m week days, 5 08 and 11 10 p in dally,
f'jive llroail (trect station ln Delawnru rive
lirlilge lCprcn, U20 a 111, 7 M p. in. dnlly.
Leave Markithlreet Wnrf Hjpn bl Sim, 000
a in. (IOUH.itiml.-iys only), 2 00, 4 00, a-1. 5 00 p.
111. Hiindais, soi Hii '1 ix), usi u. ni (aocoin
mndhtlon I Is) iui.1 5 00 p. rn.)
Kor CupuMay, Anglcsea, Wild wood and Hollj
lleiich I'.xprcHs, 00O11 111, 100 p 111 week days.
Minilu- h 0 1O11 111,
l-'or Capu May only, 1 30 p 111 HutiirdaiH
I' Hen Isle City, OceMi City, Avalon and
Htono Harbor Kxprcsii, 0 00 a. in., 4?Q, p, in
weekdays. Hunilnys, 0 00 11. in.
Kor Homers 1'olnt-HiDross. 1 03. 0 00. a. in..
2 00 4 00, fido, p. in. week days tiunilays, 8 45
n. m una 'j -13 p in.
I, Il Hutchinson, .1. It. Woon,
Ucn'l MunuKflr. (len 1 I'uh'k r Aict
1 I
mop m
we: bottle
Weiss Beer,
Ale, Porter.
Private f:uiiily orders will receive
prompt (ittentioii. Leave them
at the ofllcu, we will do
the rest.
Bos. Buchanan,
" Jlyvrifo suffered moro In ten min
utes with oltlier of licr other two chil
dren than sho did nltoirether with her
lust, Imvincr previously used four bnt
tlns of 'Mother's Friend.' It Is a
blessine; to any one expecting to be
coinii a W0T11EK," says a customer.
Jlis.SDKiiso.s Uale, Carml, Illinois.
Cigars and Tobacco,
Wliolosalo and netail,
West Oentro Otrcotj
A good ptai'o for 11 good
Michael Mills' Saloon,
U It. Centre street, Mellct's hiill.llng,
Wine, Whiskies, Peer and Clgnrs. I'reh(t
heer In town uUi-ayH 011 tap.
Of nrufgUUnt 11X0, or sent brorpreii on receipt
"f (irl' U. Write (or lock containing lettlmouUlf
sua itiuiiiile Inrormslion rur su aioiuom, irue.
Tut UadtkM (lenulilor Co., ItUnU, (Is.
1 "
A Handsomo Comploxlon
onu of the greatest cliarins a woman cuiu
ivesii 1
jj()ll HTATU HI'.NATOIt,
Or Hiunhiiihu.
Huhjut to 1 ii iii.ic rutle rules.
Examination Made at Your Home or at
Our Storo.
--Mao Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
The undersigned have niMinied thaie of
the ShcuaiKhhih licnovalnio, ( oinpany s plant,
nnd are prepared to tlean, sew nnd lay
iiiiR-(s,, nnd do general upliolstt-r
iii(; work,
Feathers Cleaned.
Work Done Promptly.
...Drop Us a Postal.
Orders ran lie left at No, 7 North West ttreel,
or at the plant, lyAe alley nnd
lloweig slreet,
Haster jTIartial Rivalries.
Aided by the Sovereigns of Europe.
Cordially Countenanced by Its Own Government
Endorsed by all the Great Generals of the Age
Now Introducing 1,100 Men and Horses.
Magnificent Equestrian Review of Nations
1 'resenting Eight Hundred Sioux Urnvcs
Scouts, Soldiers nnd Horses, in n Stupendous
nnd Tieineiuloiisly KrnlMic Ilalllc Spectacle,
the like of which was never seen in .care,
and which only Col, Cody could produce.
Kadi one of whom bears honorable Mounds in
pioof of devoted service, mounted and equip
ped as for tiuerrilla warfare.
Wildest, rincsi Horsemen
WAHKI0HS of the
Fearless Cossacks from the Caucasus,
Skange South American Gauchos.
Picturesque Vaqueros and Ruralles.
DAun-nnviL cowboys and viu
United States Artillery Just as In Action.
Fanatic Arabs and their Priceless Steeds.
The Virginia Reel on Horseback,
Electrifying llarebnck Keats by U. S. Cavalry.
Wild border scenes Magnificently Keal. Great
llcdoiiin Athletes in l'rodigious I'cals. Peer
less Crack Sliols of both .Senes. llulfalo Hill's,
Marv'elmis Mnrksmaiiiiliip on Horseback.
The Last of the Buffaloes on
l'Ssy) ,,u,'awt:l Hucking llroncos and their Hidcrs.
.yAvv The celebrated Mounted Cowboy Hand. 'I'he
lliie, i.anai unu i.oiaa t.oo.icis. ..ui.oi.
Incidents of Snvaye Vorfarc. Tlie Custer
Massacre on the Little Dig Horn j the mos.t
Stupendous and Magnificent of llaltle Speiia
cles. At 10 o'clock on ench opening day
of exhibition,
I'rcsenting lo public view Col. Cody's IClh
nologicnl Congiess of the Savage llaibarmi
and Ciili7ed Ueircsciilativc Rough Riders nf
the Universe, siijicrbly mounted und splen
didly equipped nnd armed.
Afternoon at 3 o'clock. Night ate o'clock.
Doors open one hour earlier. Night as light as day and as complete In detail.
Niunliercd coupon, actually ictcrved seat will be sold on the day of exhibition, at Kitlin'j
drug stoic, No, 6 Soulli Main Street,